Dan Savage and Amy Richards on Abstinence-Only Sex Education

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 69

  • @moonishlips
    @moonishlips 14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I definitely think teenagers should be educated about how to take care of themselvs in a sexual situation. Teenagers are going to experiment, and it's better they know what they're doing and how to do it safetly than to walk out hurt with an STD or pregnant. But on that note, I don't think it should be assumed that every teenager or young adult is sexually active. The sexual health course I took in highschool didn't even mention abstinence as an option, and the teacher ridiculed people who did.

  • @GayGuy812
    @GayGuy812 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    your comment is the only one needed here. everyone else should just "like" your comment. no discussions necessary, you said it all in a few short sentences. thank you.

  • @Sthemingway
    @Sthemingway 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's possibility vs. probability. Avoiding the activity all together (meaning all the bases or just the first through third) means that there is zero possibility of any egg being fertilized or STDs finding another home. Contraceptives, when used properly and consistently, decrease the likelihood of conception and spreading of other microscopic life, but the possibility is still there. It might be exponentially smaller but it's still there.

  • @Cattack8
    @Cattack8 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you ever encounter anyone who responds to the statement, "there is no method of contraception that has a 100% success rate", with the line, "abstinence does", remind them that abstinence does not protect against rape and pregnancies that occur as direct result of it.

  • @vidhead85
    @vidhead85 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm more open to abstinence as a part of sex ed and push abstinence because it's the best way to avoid all STD's.

  • @lisaamira1314
    @lisaamira1314 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Currently I am working on my masters and was asked to watch this video. It is obliviously an older video but it has some great comments on here. What are your thoughts now on this topic?

  • @lilymer
    @lilymer 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    The problem with abstinence-only education is that it doesn't provide for anything less than a 100% success rate. And since the success rate is actually much lower than 100%, many sexually active teenagers are left without even the most basic idea of how to engage in safe sex (which doesn't stop them from engaging in unsafe, stupid sex).

  • @ComradeSephiroth
    @ComradeSephiroth 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    My problem with abstinence education is that it teaches the idea that sex between a married man and woman is the only socially acceptable standard. It gives a blanket condemnation of all non-heterosexual marital sexual intimacy.
    Promoting the orthodox sexual ideology ("straight married couples only!") belongs in conservative churches, NOT in government-run schools.

  • @HarryNRubin
    @HarryNRubin 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with these ppl, parents should not be scared to tlk to their kids, its their job, not the schools. If the parents want it to be taught, they need to teach the kids that the most successful way to protect yourself is to practice abstinence, but also ways to have sex safely, because they still have the freedom to make that decision.

  • @KarlBonner1982
    @KarlBonner1982 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    You couldn't have said it better. "Ready for sex but not kids? Wear a 'cloak'!"

  • @kmcl11
    @kmcl11 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very true but I think when they come from a background that tells them sex is wrong outside marriage instinct takes a back seat and guilt follows.

  • @danzigjr
    @danzigjr 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dan Savage has pipes.

  • @OnlineElime
    @OnlineElime 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dan does NOT say that all heterosexual men cheat; he's certainly not that discriminating. He is honest about the fact that the vast majority of people do cheat, and that majority is even bigger among men, since they-re hard-wired to try to spread their seed, etc... I mean, congrats on the monogamy thing, not many people are good at that and it's admirable, but Dan Savage is a fairly credible guy if you listen to more than just his sound-bites. He exaggerates but his message is usually solid

  • @wiebeunit4
    @wiebeunit4 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    The parents definately need to step up. My high school sex ed was literally the biology teacher showing a couple diagrams on the projector of male and female anatomy and stretching a condom over his arm up to his elbow. He made some joke about penis size and that was it. I learned all I know about sex from my father in one of those horribly awkward father son talks when I was 12 or 13 and I am thankful for it now. I totally plan on doing the same with my children one day.

  • @fileboy2002
    @fileboy2002 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    You have to understands failures rates are calcultaed by tracking test subjects and seeing whether or not they contract STDs. That 15% includes people who fail to use condoms consistently or use them improperly--e.g. petroleum-based lubricants like vaseline break down latex. Use condoms consistently and correctly, and the failure rate is almost 0%.

  • @SketchyBack
    @SketchyBack 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    scarletteen was how i learned about sex! and i skipped sex ed in middle school. and then I knew more than everyone else did in high school

  • @theboombody
    @theboombody 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm more than a psychology major. I'm a psychology master. Kids will be begging to be abstinent after they see my abstinence promotion video. They won't want to be left out of the cool crowd.

  • @Timsterfield
    @Timsterfield 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Logically if one is abstinent, then std's, pregnancy and those other goodies can't affect you. It could work but teenagers, and their empty little heads are being driven mad by those pesky hormones. It's one of many options for kids.

  • @ElDoombot
    @ElDoombot 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Condoms may not protect against HPV because in males the symptoms may appear on the scrotum and not just on the penis. Herpes has a similar issue.

  • @woahzombies
    @woahzombies 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    what would ya do ooh ooh fora tv?

  • @medievalman86
    @medievalman86 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    yet guilt can be a good thing.

  • @AlecW1234
    @AlecW1234 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    You're right, but your conclusion is wrong. Abstinence is better, yes you are correct but the problem in ONLY teaching abstinence is that so many kids will still have sex regardless of what they are told so the point in teaching safer methods is to protect the kids who aren't willing to participate in abstinence. Sarah Palin's daughter being pregnant is a perfect example. That woman believes in abstinence only, and so obviously that's what she told her kid. And what happened? Kid got pregnant.

  • @whotrickedyou
    @whotrickedyou 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Read my comments, in the view all comments. Also, hear Jason's talk to teens "Romance without regrets" from my link. There Jason makes an excellent presentation proving what we already know in our hearts (but won't admit) that abstinence does work. I'm in my 15th year and NO Hiv, Aids, Costly Child support that cuts your check to 99.80 a week. Abstinence works and the girls are signing up, so guys are fighting it, lol.

  • @QueenAnime99
    @QueenAnime99 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @frenchfriedfrenchmen Please see the site that I posted because it's specifically about asexuality. Asexuality and celibacy are not the same thing. Some asexuals, for example, aren't celibate, while some celibates, for example, aren't asexual. That's why I mentioned that I am both asexual & celibate b/c the two things aren't mutually exclusive. I know about the other asexuality & I see what you are saying, but people shouldn't assume & should ask questions first. Good day.

  • @moonishlips
    @moonishlips 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @NightHawkBomber001 I think it'd work better to cover all bases just in case, than to refuse to acknoweldge one sphere (abstinence,) or another (sexual activity,) and teach only one thing. Unbiased it the way to go with teens. If you sound like you're condoning or mocking them, most won't listen. Teachers should be trained sexual health professionals who know what they're doing and are willing to consider all fronts.

  • @gronx7
    @gronx7 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    i don't understand why that's ironic. In fact it actually isn't ironic at all, you're probably using the wrong word. And if you meant funny, I don't understand why it's funny. Maybe you could enlighten me.

  • @QueenAnime99
    @QueenAnime99 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @trygreatmusic2 Are you serious? This shit truly floors me because even I can understand the importance of comprehensive sex ed and I'm ASEXUAL, which means I just naturally don't desire sex. These abstinence only folks are doing a disservice to all children. They are putting their safety/health at risk because they are in denial about human sexuality.

  • @ManVsSelf
    @ManVsSelf 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anyone else think thier postures are weird? Why are they all crossing their legs like this?

  • @AlecW1234
    @AlecW1234 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    So many people aren't willing to have be abstinent so why hide information about safe(er) sex from them? I don't understand why all aspects of it can't be taught. Tell them that abstinence is the most effective, but also tell the other less effective but still quite helpful methods for those who aren't willing to listen to abstinence.

  • @thatdutchguy420
    @thatdutchguy420 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    be realistic just teach kids that sex can lead to kids and if they are ready to have sex wear a rubber until your ready to have a kid

  • @criticalgal
    @criticalgal 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    you are right that society makes fun of those who choose to have self respect. I never bragged about my virginity I kept it under wraps, but if it came out, I was hated by other girls...not because I was saving myself (why should they care) but because of the way it made them feel. Mob mentality rules. As long as all your friends are screwing every new boyfriend every 3 months, then it feels ok on the surface. Sex is more than just sex, it affects your entire being...mind, body, soul.

  • @theboombody
    @theboombody 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    What are you talking about? I was abstinent through all my teen years. Still am, and I'm 27. Be strong. Make Nietzsche proud.

  • @malleyalmostkilledme
    @malleyalmostkilledme 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Er. Marx and Nietzsche pretty much were the basis for the philosophies for Lenin and Mao. That's like naming "The Monkees" as part of the same musical movement as "The Beatles."

  • @HaelRefoc
    @HaelRefoc 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love Dan Savage, *swoon*

  • @QueenAnime99
    @QueenAnime99 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @ViviannaluvsJesus What about GLBT people, some of whom can't get married? What happens to them? Monitoring your children is good, but you can't monitor them all the time. Teach them about the advantages/disadvantages of abstinence. Teach them what STDs are. Teach them how to protect themselves. Teach them how not to give in to peer pressure. By the way, most people (even in the early 1900's) end up having sex before marriage. Consider reality and don't browbeat your kids. Education is the key.

  • @QueenAnime99
    @QueenAnime99 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @frenchfriedfrenchmen I am both human & asexual, so I am living proof that humans can be asexual. Asexuals are a rare bunch, of course, but we do exist. I would highly recommend going to asexuality . org to learn more about asexuality. Some advice: It sounds better to say "I don't believe that humans can be asexual" than to say "Humans can't be asexual." The latter phrase sounds rather rude and dismissive, especially if you say it after someone has disclosed their asexuality. Good day.

  • @lareneg72
    @lareneg72 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    abstinence is the only 100% way to not get pregnant or std's

  • @QueenAnime99
    @QueenAnime99 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @frenchfriedfrenchmen I'm using the definition of asexuality that has to do with human sexuality. Perhaps I should have explained myself better (I usually do but I ran out of space).

  • @deadvirgo
    @deadvirgo 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    well, by your own logic, there are plenty of religions that have existed and are now gone. Think of the druids, of gnostics (not agnostics), ancient egyptians worshiping Ra and Horus, the Sumerian and Babylonian religions worshiping Marduk and Ninhursag; they're all gone. And so it stands to reason that religion might persist, but Christianity specifically will most likely vanish, and I think we are witnessing that right now.
    And, might I add, thank God.

  • @goddamnitist
    @goddamnitist 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    @cantbefooled That's an awful analogy... If we do it like that then Abstinence only education is deliberately not telling students what the difference between the break pedal and ignition is. It's not telling kids how to turn left on a green light. Then being surprised that they crash the car when they start driving.

  • @medievalman86
    @medievalman86 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    its funny, i made a neutral remark- and some one didnt like it!(whoever gave me the thumbs down)

  • @QueenAnime99
    @QueenAnime99 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @whotrickedyou Most everyone agrees that abstinence works. The problem is that abstinence doesn't work FOR the majority of people. The majority of people will NOT be abstinent, end of story. Hate to break it to you, but a lot of girls are not "signing up" and so that's not the reason people, INCLUDING WOMEN, are fighting abstinence-only education. Abstinence only education does NOT work and it puts children's health and safety at risk. Keep in mind that I say all this as an asexual celibate.

  • @sukkha911
    @sukkha911 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Search web for gopi krishna and kundalini who writes article about sex and love.

  • @1oflight
    @1oflight 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    The information on here was more opinion than facts. I found it to be useless.

  • @cavejourney
    @cavejourney 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    i know this is off topic but Dan Savage is so HOT !!!!

  • @scottishgirl16
    @scottishgirl16 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    i would like to point out how very nice and sculpted dan's arms are. what a hottie!

  • @QueenAnime99
    @QueenAnime99 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @psp420bam Your bias is showing. Please put it away, try to make sense, and don't make generalizations. Thanks.

  • @BrokeProphet
    @BrokeProphet 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Teachers feel being threaten from the Christofacists...better known as the religious right.

  • @prolifepinay
    @prolifepinay 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stop promoting promiscuity!!! Stop promoting sexual immorality!!!!

  • @agnieszkaniemira
    @agnieszkaniemira 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Here is an easy way not to fall pregnant and still have sex: don't have penetrative sex.

  • @whotrickedyou
    @whotrickedyou 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Think i'll allow the movies, culture or crowd to trick or deceive me? How about you? Who is deceiving or tricking you? Is it the movies, music, friends, sleaze sites (the leaders of lewdness websites) a boy fiend? Ladies, the truth is, if you ever become the "victim" of a life long, no cure - STD was the frog worth it? Or should you wait to marry that special dream prince charming? (Here's a hint, skip the frog, lol).

  • @kmcl11
    @kmcl11 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well we know why the gay guy is doing it.

  • @mattb521
    @mattb521 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Stop promoting promiscuity!!! Stop promoting sexual immorality!!!! "
    Ignorance begets ignorance. Stop promoting it.