I've done a few 46re transmissions and some crossmembers are really tight and some are really easy. Just depends on the truck. The best way to get those out is jack up the trans tail housing. And tap the crossmember up. And to get it back in, is reversal. You bring the crossmember in over top of the frame and tap it in with a hammer
Yet, another great video. Thanks
I really appreciate that, thank you.
I've done a few 46re transmissions and some crossmembers are really tight and some are really easy. Just depends on the truck. The best way to get those out is jack up the trans tail housing. And tap the crossmember up. And to get it back in, is reversal. You bring the crossmember in over top of the frame and tap it in with a hammer
Thanks for the great advice, that’s a really good tip for getting the crossmember out. Thank you for watching.
I'm changing out my 46re on my 99 Dodge ram Van and I'm glad it doesn't have that same cross member
1:13:10 start of install
the taping it up them back then pushing it back in up high them tapping it down is the only way to get it back in
Looks good i have the same truck and im jerking pretty bad i believe its the tourqe converter
Best of luck on fixing yours and thank you for watching.
NIce job!
Thank you very much.
@@s33therfan1:09:57 e washer is that because mine didn't have one and I was wondering why it was loose
Anybody know the bellhousing bolt size on a 5.2L