It sucks to realize that we are just software programs who keep running the same instructions that were installed within us. It is empowering to realize that we can actually erase these old programs, rewrite the programs for ourselves, reboot and get awesome.
You look about 37! It took me a long time to realise just how emotionally abused I was.. It was only after the Narc left me, that I begun to see all the things that weren't okay. Even when he left (by text) he told me " to fix everything that was wrong with me" or I would never find anyone who would love me.. Nights spent in hotels because he "needed his space", throwing things around the house, shouting at me.. while to everyone else he is this quite, understanding, unconditional loving person.. Once I started thriving he came back into my life to try pull me back, but I stood up to him and walked away.. :)
U sound like u dated man i married.he said same to me when he went.saying sane no onw could live with u I hated every minute with u.he diminished everything I thought we had together and he tried saying I have no one else who like tobewith me
Crippled on my couch, getting through minute to minute is me, I can absolutely relate...may be having to leave my home, getting work is an issue glad someone is talking about this it's so frightening to be in my 40's and have nothing to show because of what this abuse takes from a person....for me it's a relatives doing this. Grateful for this channel 🙏🏽 💖
Thank's for this channel and the videos! I escaped from a covert narcissist but she is using our daughter as an instrument against me. It's so hard to fathom that there are people like this, without empathy and driven by anger, hatred and wish to manipulate. It's good to hear other experiences and that one is not alone.., and the advice for how to handle this.
you are right! this is what is missing from most narcissism channels! they talk about narcissism constantly but never talk about anything happy and positive! I like the encouragement and I am also striving to overcome and become a better, stronger, happier, smarter and more understanding person!
Melanie your videos are spot on! You have an incredible talent for explaining complex situations we play out from our own unresolved childhood wounding. I have learned a great deal from listening to you. I am about the same age as you and have also been through two marriages with personality disorders. I have had a lot of counseling and have read many great books on the subject. I feel like a lot of the gained knowledge is really starting to sink in. It really has become like taking the "red pill" in the last years and so many things make since from your past when you understand. Thank you for your courage and fortitude to do what you do and make a difference in people's lives!
I completely understand your description of what it was once like for you. The hell is so indescribable. Im so happy for you to have graduated and broken free. Thank you for your guidance.
You have no idea how much I needed this. I took a lot before breaking down. Before realizing what was happening to me. I was George in this video last 6 months. I was in scarcity before meeting her. Then systematically the victim of a grand con job that offered the 'fake futures'. I am in cognitive dissonance right now. But I am going to get free, I am going to survive this somehow. Even my 66 year old father hugged me today after I completely broke down in his arms. Thankyou so much for your videos.
I know what you mean! I thought everything you mention. I was forced to let go through total exhaustion. as soon as I let go I felt took a few months maybe six weeks before my life turned around I just feel compassion for the old me and for those who are stiĺl trapped, I implore you to listen to what Melanie 's saying The world treats you the way you treat yourself...
Thank you for explaining the world we live in and the importance of letting go of anger and hurt as self love, my life has changed just by watching your videos -- wishing you the best
7 ปีที่แล้ว +2
I was George a few years ago. Thank you Melanie you're doing great stuff and letting people become aware of this highly important stuff thank you so much.
Thank you Melanie! Great video. I am working on my inner parts. It's taken me two years to let go. Only recently have I recognized where these wounds originated, and was able to stop focusing on the other person and turn the energy to myself. I have shed many, many tears, deep heavy layers of pain. There is a lot that I am learning to accept. Upleveling, hasn't necessarily occured, but I am in process I suppose. I really don't, won't and can't endure anymore of these toxic relationships. This most recent one has caused a plethora of health problems for me, to the extent that I have nearly lost everything. Scary stuff! I love the cat, that is a very cool cat you have. Thanks for all of the support you provide and the lessons you share in your videos!
Olivia it is so wonderful that you are on this path. Please know there is a much more powerful direct way to up-level than how we used to "let go and reprogram" cognitively. I'd love to show you it - because it will make your recovery so much easier and more fast-tracked that it has been ... Here is where we do all the understanding and workshopping on it xoxox
I am so grateful for your message and sharing. so helpfuk as now I have the keys to freedom and to understanding and supporting myself. I will become stronger in myself and not put up with people abusing or crossing my boundaries. I was treated badly, no more. I know how 'not' to treat people, as they sometimes deserve, I can walk away, ignore it, care for myself, feel safe inside. I am a women and beautifully created. my life is an incredible gift.
thank u for answer.I know how the person that was in my life affected my looks and health. thank u for helping me and others out of misery .hopefully we all can come to look younger also with your help x bless u x
Melanie, I have been watching some of your previous videos & they are so profound. Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself; as it helps with my (& other's) recovery.
Wow .. Melanie I have been living my life from this point of view .. I have zero to lose .. I am leveling up amd making ice-cream from the finest French vanilla cream .. thank you another amazing video
Melanie, I've been watching your videos for a while now and feel so blessed to experience some one who understands on so many levels what I am still going through, you have really saved my life and I deeply thank you for being your authentic self. Im on the upside of "up levelling" from my current situation, thank god!! 😊💚
Thank you Melanie! You hit us all right between the eyes (lovingly) with what we NEED to hear. I appreciate you more and more each day. Gotta get to the modules and uplevel my scarcity consciousness! I'm healing.
Thank you Melanie, you've just described my whole life - from my last Ex, to the trauma and abuse I tolerated from my siblings around my mother's Will with her recent passing. I had not made the connection of scarcity with the narcissist abuse, it all makes sense now.
Melanie, thank you for all you do. your work and this community have been my saving grace. I had been going to traditional counseling for nearly 2 years (weekly) and it wasnt until I stumbled across your work that when change started. I was slow to get started. but I am in the midst of starting the modules (had to fight a massive ego within me that I think enjoyed my fear and pain). your blog has been a godsent...I sneak away daily at work to read at least one of your blog articles and listen to your empowered love radio show daily! Thank you Melanie...prior to the N abuse I was not living however during and after the N abuse I was a shell and currently I am so much more aware and willing to love and accept what I see in the mirror in order for me to make all the necessary changes within my life to thrive.
Shenequika you are so welcome, and I am so pleased my work is helping you and that you are starting the NARP Modules. That is so beautiful that you are coming alive and back to your True Self - I am so happy for you! xoxox
Yes i was a parentified child at 4 so i never got to be a child and had to leave home at i am chosing this relationship based on scarcity of feeling like i was never taken care of and he knows that. I thought we had the same goals, hopes, dreams, interests and passions so i just need to do shadow work to heal our relationship...they may up level or i will attract better..and im no longer attached to the outcome.
Koi hun, if you go to that child and meet those wounds you will never run to an unhealthy person as if they were water in the desert ever again. I'd love to show you how. Love and blessings xoxox
Boundaries , what a huge stuff . I have so many ugly sickening memories as a child with my narcissistic self-absorbed mother who so brutally violated any attempt of me to have some minimal privacy or self determination , or self-choices . She couldn't let it happen, letting me get that as long as it is up to her , she will NEVER let me have the independence , the respect the consideration, the understanding I liked to have. This was of course the perfect match for for my supply hungry ex narcissist.
Hi Mel, Another brilliant informative and extremely helpful video, thank you. Also just have to mention that animals always gravitate towards and like to be in the company of kind calm loving gentle people....... your cat knows!!! X
Thank you for your reply. I have been to your site for some quizzes, and listened to your webinar. Unfortunately, at this time I'm not able to join the program, but possibly in the future. Thank you for all that you do!
I'm so free four years later.... to know that I was the luckiest person to escape. .. not only physically but emotionally. ... I'm feeling sad but definitely more at peace and free... FREE....
Thanks again, Melanie, Keep helping those suffering abuse, without good knowledge of why or what's going on. Its surprising the Govt. doesn't have some community help with this problem. The latest video is timely as Im going through a new phase and this covered it.......Scarcity Consciousness. I see already how a smile will make those around smile back. Imagine when Im smiling from inside! Peter May.
Sadly Peter our present systems try to medicate amor deal with the symptoms, but not look deeply into resolving the true cause. This has been a system that keeps us sick and alive and trapped and dependent - instead of empowered. Soo true "smiling inside" is the generator of all GREAT things! xoxox
Hi Shelly, Don't know if you'll see this or not... BUT I am in my mid-late 50's. After healing (Thank you Mel!) I look about 15 years younger now today, than I did 15 years ago! Go figure... Just agreeing with what Mel wrote to you. The pict at left is current. :) Joyful journey to you -
I am fed up as I broke my leg and now I am on vacation waiting for recovery but the truth, I inserted myself in the dragon mouth! My mother is a narcissist and I am Asian, so family home is where we live and though I am independent successful woman, my mother is my hell! I reached to a level where I can't love her. She is painful ... Like a lot . I wish I get done with it
oh my goodness I want that exact cat! Is that Tiggy!!??! Sorry I love the video so much. You really know how to make me understand your messages and it comes through in my mind perfectly. Excellent Melanie!
Sara Tiggy is a Blue Burmese. Burmese cats have the most incredible nature. He is really smart, affectionate and more like a dog in some ways than a cat! He understands things perfectly! I am so pleased my message in this video has helped you xoxox
Great video! Living in potential is a good way to describe the way the narcs left me as well. That said, what about being the caretaker of someone who was raised by narcs living in a world wherein I am constantly feeling suppressed?
Russell there are many people in this Community who have reprogrammed and healed from N-abuse - even when it is all they have known since childhood. I'd love you to join me in my next Webinar Group xox
Melanie, this video is really helpful! I have seen how my sense of scarcity creates more of the same. I always perceived the situations in my life to be happening to me, instead of something I was continually attracting. I am working your NARP program and I was wondering if you can recommend what modules would be helpful for this or anything I could focus on particularly within the goal setting program. Thanks for all the work you do in helping empower people to find their sanity again.
Hi Mel. You want to have a bit of a giggle? I am looking at you, with a sweater on, and I am boiling hot whilst thinking, why the sweater. UNTIL, you said that you are in Melbourne. Well, that explains everything. My daughter's mother-in-law is from Perth, and she once told me that when it is summer in Israel, which is where I live, it is winter in Australia. OK, got it. haha! It's amazing how scarcity consciousness is so far away from truth yet our wounds make us so blind to that reality. But, before up-leveling, I do understand this place. Instead of being a place of great expansion, it is a very narrow constricted place feeling probably very much how a prison would be. Love you, Helen xx
Hi Helen, Melbourne is much colder than other places in Australia ... but our winters are nothing compared to many of our friends in our Community! Much love to you too Helen! xoxox
You're so welcome Frankie, and I am happy to have you in my Community after that comment! Sorry I haven't had time to write Energy Reports for a while! LOL xoxox
Thank you Shelly, I am very into health, fitness and well-being ... even though I DO love letting my hair down! The real truth, and real "secret" is when we let go of trauma out of our body which has been starving our cells of oxygen and nutrients, and make the space in our cells to be and live "joy , inspiration, love and wellbeing" then we get healthier and look younger. I look younger now than I probably did 15 years ago with all the trauma and fear I had running inside me! xoxox
Turning poop into ice cream. :) It's tough to do that is for sure. At least for me it has been. But, I'm working on it. I also find that absorption plays a role for me. I tend to absorb things I shouldn't. Example: If someone is having a bad day (or they are just a jerk) I tend to thinks its my responsibility to fix it. So I absorb their emotions in hopes of fixing things... Wrong town (as someone I know typically says)..
It sucks to realize that we are just software programs who keep running the same instructions that were installed within us.
It is empowering to realize that we can actually erase these old programs, rewrite the programs for ourselves, reboot and get awesome.
You look about 37! It took me a long time to realise just how emotionally abused I was.. It was only after the Narc left me, that I begun to see all the things that weren't okay. Even when he left (by text) he told me " to fix everything that was wrong with me" or I would never find anyone who would love me.. Nights spent in hotels because he "needed his space", throwing things around the house, shouting at me.. while to everyone else he is this quite, understanding, unconditional loving person.. Once I started thriving he came back into my life to try pull me back, but I stood up to him and walked away.. :)
U sound like u dated man i married.he said same to me when he went.saying sane no onw could live with u I hated every minute with u.he diminished everything I thought we had together and he tried saying I have no one else who like tobewith me
Good for you Funw/Fruity! Way to stand strong. He will likely be back. Hoovering is common! No Contact is best.
Crippled on my couch, getting through minute to minute is me, I can absolutely relate...may be having to leave my home, getting work is an issue glad someone is talking about this it's so frightening to be in my 40's and have nothing to show because of what this abuse takes from a person....for me it's a relatives doing this. Grateful for this channel 🙏🏽 💖
Thank's for this channel and the videos! I escaped from a covert narcissist but she is using our daughter as an instrument against me. It's so hard to fathom that there are people like this, without empathy and driven by anger, hatred and wish to manipulate. It's good to hear other experiences and that one is not alone.., and the advice for how to handle this.
you are right! this is what is missing from most narcissism channels! they talk about narcissism constantly but never talk about anything happy and positive! I like the encouragement and I am also striving to overcome and become a better, stronger, happier, smarter and more understanding person!
Glad you are loving the empowerment and solution focus Drew!! xoxo
Melanie your videos are spot on! You have an incredible talent for explaining complex situations we play out from our own unresolved childhood wounding. I have learned a great deal from listening to you. I am about the same age as you and have also been through two marriages with personality disorders. I have had a lot of counseling and have read many great books on the subject. I feel like a lot of the gained knowledge is really starting to sink in. It really has become like taking the "red pill" in the last years and so many things make since from your past when you understand. Thank you for your courage and fortitude to do what you do and make a difference in people's lives!
I completely understand your description of what it was once like for you. The hell is so indescribable. Im so happy for you to have graduated and broken free. Thank you for your guidance.
You have no idea how much I needed this. I took a lot before breaking down. Before realizing what was happening to me. I was George in this video last 6 months. I was in scarcity before meeting her. Then systematically the victim of a grand con job that offered the 'fake futures'. I am in cognitive dissonance right now. But I am going to get free, I am going to survive this somehow. Even my 66 year old father hugged me today after I completely broke down in his arms. Thankyou so much for your videos.
I know what you mean! I thought everything you mention. I was forced to let go through total exhaustion. as soon as I let go I felt took a few months maybe six weeks before my life turned around I just feel compassion for the old me and for those who are stiĺl trapped, I implore you to listen to what Melanie 's saying The world treats you the way you treat yourself...
Thank you for explaining the world we live in and the importance of letting go of anger and hurt as self love, my life has changed just by watching your videos -- wishing you the best
I was George a few years ago. Thank you Melanie you're doing great stuff and letting people become aware of this highly important stuff thank you so much.
My pleasure Mamiya, I am so pleased I can help xoxo
Thank you Melanie! Great video. I am working on my inner parts. It's taken me two years to let go. Only recently have I recognized where these wounds originated, and was able to stop focusing on the other person and turn the energy to myself. I have shed many, many tears, deep heavy layers of pain. There is a lot that I am learning to accept. Upleveling, hasn't necessarily occured, but I am in process I suppose. I really don't, won't and can't endure anymore of these toxic relationships. This most recent one has caused a plethora of health problems for me, to the extent that I have nearly lost everything. Scary stuff! I love the cat, that is a very cool cat you have. Thanks for all of the support you provide and the lessons you share in your videos!
Olivia it is so wonderful that you are on this path. Please know there is a much more powerful direct way to up-level than how we used to "let go and reprogram" cognitively. I'd love to show you it - because it will make your recovery so much easier and more fast-tracked that it has been ... Here is where we do all the understanding and workshopping on it xoxox
I am so grateful for your message and sharing. so helpfuk as now I have the keys to freedom and to understanding and supporting myself. I will become stronger in myself and not put up with people abusing or crossing my boundaries. I was treated badly, no more. I know how 'not' to treat people, as they sometimes deserve, I can walk away, ignore it, care for myself, feel safe inside. I am a women and beautifully created. my life is an incredible gift.
My pleasure Jacqui and wishing you wonderful healing and blessings xoxox
thank u for answer.I know how the person that was in my life affected my looks and health. thank u for helping me and others out of misery .hopefully we all can come to look younger also with your help x bless u x
I have been watching some of your previous videos & they are so profound. Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself; as it helps with my (& other's) recovery.
Wow .. Melanie I have been living my life from this point of view .. I have zero to lose .. I am leveling up amd making ice-cream from the finest French vanilla cream .. thank you another amazing video
Melanie, I've been watching your videos for a while now and feel so blessed to experience some one who understands on so many levels what I am still going through, you have really saved my life and I deeply thank you for being your authentic self. Im on the upside of "up levelling" from my current situation, thank god!! 😊💚
Thank you Melanie! You hit us all right between the eyes (lovingly) with what we NEED to hear. I appreciate you more and more each day. Gotta get to the modules and uplevel my scarcity consciousness! I'm healing.
Bless Monica and I am so pleased you are getting so much out of these teachings and working with NARP. Much love to you too xoxox
Thank you Melanie, you've just described my whole life - from my last Ex, to the trauma and abuse I tolerated from my siblings around my mother's Will with her recent passing. I had not made the connection of scarcity with the narcissist abuse, it all makes sense now.
Marjo you are so welcome, and I am so pleased it is making sense now. xoxo
Haha, of course you’re a property flipper, your work renovates hearts and minds! Thx
Omg you look absolutely amazing, I thought you were in your thirties!💕thanks for all your amazing advice, it's absolutely wonderful🌸
Georgina you are so welcome, and thank you for your lovely comment! xoxox
Melanie, thank you for all you do. your work and this community have been my saving grace. I had been going to traditional counseling for nearly 2 years (weekly) and it wasnt until I stumbled across your work that when change started. I was slow to get started. but I am in the midst of starting the modules (had to fight a massive ego within me that I think enjoyed my fear and pain). your blog has been a godsent...I sneak away daily at work to read at least one of your blog articles and listen to your empowered love radio show daily! Thank you Melanie...prior to the N abuse I was not living however during and after the N abuse I was a shell and currently I am so much more aware and willing to love and accept what I see in the mirror in order for me to make all the necessary changes within my life to thrive.
Shenequika you are so welcome, and I am so pleased my work is helping you and that you are starting the NARP Modules. That is so beautiful that you are coming alive and back to your True Self - I am so happy for you! xoxox
Melanie, i know you are busy but have you considered doing live group workshoppinh?
That is one of the plans of MTE expansion S! xox
Yes i was a parentified child at 4 so i never got to be a child and had to leave home at i am chosing this relationship based on scarcity of feeling like i was never taken care of and he knows that.
I thought we had the same goals, hopes, dreams, interests and passions so i just need to do shadow work to heal our relationship...they may up level or i will attract better..and im no longer attached to the outcome.
Koi hun, if you go to that child and meet those wounds you will never run to an unhealthy person as if they were water in the desert ever again. I'd love to show you how. Love and blessings xoxox
You are right on time with me. Thank you.
Hi Tiggy.
Arline I am so pleased it was! Tiggy says "hi" back! xoxox
Love your jumper(sweater)! Melanie, thanks ,as ever for more innnovative thoughts and ideas.So comforting I look forward to more
Boundaries , what a huge stuff . I have so many ugly sickening memories as a child with my narcissistic self-absorbed mother who so brutally violated any attempt of me to have some minimal privacy or self determination , or self-choices . She couldn't let it happen, letting me get that as long as it is up to her , she will NEVER let me have the independence , the respect the consideration, the understanding I liked to have. This was of course the perfect match for for my supply hungry ex narcissist.
Melanie you are precise and beautiful in every way! Your valuable information is spot on and has helped me so much! Thank you
You are welcome Dolce and thank you for your lovely comment! xoxo
Hi Mel,
Another brilliant informative and extremely helpful video, thank you.
Also just have to mention that animals always gravitate towards and like to be in the company of kind calm loving gentle people....... your cat knows!!! X
Thank you Jane and you are so welcome ... Tiggy does know .. he is so cute!!! xoxo
Thank you for your reply. I have been to your site for some quizzes, and listened to your webinar. Unfortunately, at this time I'm not able to join the program, but possibly in the future.
Thank you for all that you do!
I'm so free four years later.... to know that I was the luckiest person to escape. .. not only physically but emotionally. ... I'm feeling sad but definitely more at peace and free... FREE....
Thank you dear mel 🙏
Thank you for this eyeopening life lesson!
My pleasure Betti! xoxo
Thanks again, Melanie,
Keep helping those suffering abuse, without good knowledge of why or what's going on.
Its surprising the Govt. doesn't have some community help with this problem.
The latest video is timely as Im going through a new phase and this covered it.......Scarcity Consciousness.
I see already how a smile will make those around smile back. Imagine when Im smiling from inside!
Peter May.
Sadly Peter our present systems try to medicate amor deal with the symptoms, but not look deeply into resolving the true cause. This has been a system that keeps us sick and alive and trapped and dependent - instead of empowered. Soo true "smiling inside" is the generator of all GREAT things! xoxox
Love this series - evolutionary ❤programs 😊
Hi Shelly, Don't know if you'll see this or not... BUT I am in my mid-late 50's. After healing (Thank you Mel!) I look about 15 years younger now today, than I did 15 years ago! Go figure... Just agreeing with what Mel wrote to you. The pict at left is current. :) Joyful journey to you -
I am fed up as I broke my leg and now I am on vacation waiting for recovery but the truth, I inserted myself in the dragon mouth! My mother is a narcissist and I am Asian, so family home is where we live and though I am independent successful woman, my mother is my hell! I reached to a level where I can't love her. She is painful ... Like a lot . I wish I get done with it
oh my goodness I want that exact cat! Is that Tiggy!!??! Sorry I love the video so much. You really know how to make me understand your messages and it comes through in my mind perfectly. Excellent Melanie!
Sara Tiggy is a Blue Burmese. Burmese cats have the most incredible nature. He is really smart, affectionate and more like a dog in some ways than a cat! He understands things perfectly! I am so pleased my message in this video has helped you xoxox
Great video! Living in potential is a good way to describe the way the narcs left me as well. That said, what about being the caretaker of someone who was raised by narcs living in a world wherein I am constantly feeling suppressed?
Russell there are many people in this Community who have reprogrammed and healed from N-abuse - even when it is all they have known since childhood. I'd love you to join me in my next Webinar Group xox
Melanie Tonia Evans
Melanie, this video is really helpful! I have seen how my sense of scarcity creates more of the same. I always perceived the situations in my life to be happening to me, instead of something I was continually attracting. I am working your NARP program and I was wondering if you can recommend what modules would be helpful for this or anything I could focus on particularly within the goal setting program. Thanks for all the work you do in helping empower people to find their sanity again.
Hi, Melanie, you're right. I always suspected s arcity consciousness was root of the problem locking us into Narc abusive people.👏
Melanie this is amazing and big congrats on the Hay House interview! When is it? Would love to listen in!!
Thank you Jean ... I can't state yet - but I will be letting you know. It went wonderfully!!! xoxox
This first i heard of scarcity consciousness need to look it up
Hi Mel. You want to have a bit of a giggle? I am looking at you, with a sweater on, and I am boiling hot whilst thinking, why the sweater. UNTIL, you said that you are in Melbourne. Well, that explains everything. My daughter's mother-in-law is from Perth, and she once told me that when it is summer in Israel, which is where I live, it is winter in Australia. OK, got it. haha! It's amazing how scarcity consciousness is so far away from truth yet our wounds make us so blind to that reality. But, before up-leveling, I do understand this place. Instead of being a place of great expansion, it is a very narrow constricted place feeling probably very much how a prison would be. Love you, Helen xx
Hi Helen, Melbourne is much colder than other places in Australia ... but our winters are nothing compared to many of our friends in our Community! Much love to you too Helen! xoxox
🍃💖🍃 Excellent video. Much confirmation. Thank & God Bless you. 🍃🌹🍃 Amen.
I am so pleased it resonated with you Maxine, you are so welcome! xoxox
Mega Woman! Such a fan!
Love this video
Your cat is so beautiful
Thank you Aisling xoxox
It's been a long time, but I was triggered yesterday, currently trying to hem the ragged edges.
Aww Tiggy! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Excellent video.. thank you again, Melanie! ps- you look late 30's-early 40's max!! xxx
You're so welcome Frankie, and I am happy to have you in my Community after that comment! Sorry I haven't had time to write Energy Reports for a while! LOL xoxox
Not a problem, i need to learn to read the energy myself. You're video's are helpful enough xxx
did u say nearly fifty.please do video on how u look after skin and how u look so young.
Thank you Shelly, I am very into health, fitness and well-being ... even though I DO love letting my hair down! The real truth, and real "secret" is when we let go of trauma out of our body which has been starving our cells of oxygen and nutrients, and make the space in our cells to be and live "joy , inspiration, love and wellbeing" then we get healthier and look younger. I look younger now than I probably did 15 years ago with all the trauma and fear I had running inside me! xoxox
Turning poop into ice cream. :) It's tough to do that is for sure. At least for me it has been. But, I'm working on it. I also find that absorption plays a role for me. I tend to absorb things I shouldn't. Example: If someone is having a bad day (or they are just a jerk) I tend to thinks its my responsibility to fix it. So I absorb their emotions in hopes of fixing things... Wrong town (as someone I know typically says)..
Wait! Did you say 50?!? OMG, you look much younger!
grab some bundaburgers for the ride!.....that's good root beer.
Mmm... poop ice cream