Yeah, and saying that Northern Ireland, original home of the Gaels and Scoti, is part of the UK; not Southern Ireland which is actually the part that failed to keep it's independence.
Sounds like Scottish ceilidh music to me. Not as if ireland and scotland aren't culturally similar anyway? Scotland isnt always about bagpipes and drums you know.
**2014** 🏴: please don’t leave, Scotland. We promise we’ll stay in the EU, and you can benefit from our EU membership. 🏴: or else? 🏴: or else it will be very difficult for you to re-enter the EU. 🏴: alright, I’ll vote no. **2016** 🏴: pack your bags everyone, we’re leaving the EU! 🏴: WTF?!! You promised- 🏴: Shut up. This was a democratic vote. We’re leaving. **2020** 🏴: We want to leave. 🏴: No! 🏴: Why? 🏴: That’s un-democratic!
Any union of any country is ambiguous and when it comes to elections like the referendum, you either accept it or you don't, that's democracy! As if I couldn't care less what goes on in the world, certain things affects our lives!
Scottish independence is just a glamourized illusion. SNP has not been able to come up with an answer to the most basic issue of all, "What currency will the independent Scotland be supposed to use?"
I'm sure Scotland can start it's own currency we dont need english help up here we haven't had any for 300 years you took plenty though 50 years worth of scottish oil we will never get back!!
Well if I were you, and I know my history and geography, you cannot believe a word of that video The United Kingdom - read the words U-N-I-T-E-D K-I-N-G-D-O-m DOES NOT SPELL United Country and The Treaty of Union has only two kingdoms as signatories. It is not a union of countries it is a union of kingdoms and, as they signed an international treaty together they are equally sovereign. Not to mention that England has not had a legally elected parliament since 1707 and Westminster legally represents two, equally sovereign kingdoms. --- but they don't want you to know that - go figure?
itsinmynamechap I will do no such thing. Being anti-English would require me to sink to a whole new level of self-loathing. I was tempted to delete the comment just for the giggles but it's not in my nature.
itsinmynamechap No, it wouldn't. Clearly. I have never and will never delete TH-cam comments and resented the suggestion that I would. If you have one disappear it'll be in spam, which I don't have time to review.
IM FROM PANAMA and its a shame that the scottish colony failed in Darien.. i remember that I felt so bad in school when i learned about those scottish people who died here:(
I realize that as a German my opinion on this doesn't count but I was pretty disappointed Scotland didn't want their freedom :/ The country seems ill represented by a city that is AT THE VERY OTHER END OF THE ISLAND
Right... so I'm guessing you also support Bavarian independence because it's at the other end of the country from Berlin? Or are you just another person looking in with an incredible double standard?
Harry M i don’t know (or care) enough about Bavaria to say anything about that, but Berlin is not as north in Germany as London is south in Great Britain
I'm not going to measure but I think you'd find the bottom of Scotland is not that many miles different from London as say Munich is to Berlin. But even if it were the other side of the world it wouldn't matter, what I was trying to demonstrate was the argument isn't really a good one, by your most of America's states should be independent as most are much further from Washington than Scotland is from London. Or should Siberia become independent since it is a distance from Moscow? What about Corsica from France? For most of these the answer is no of course not as the population would be much worse off . Yes voters, in the Scottish referendum were primarily working class, most that owned businesses were fervently against independence as they understand a union with England is better for them and as a result better for everyone in Scotland. All I'm saying is distance is a weak argument and so is 'freedom', Scots have as much freedom as anyone else in the UK and at the minute more as Scottish MP's can vote on English issues in Parliament and Scottish issues where as English MP's can only vote on English issues.
In an independent Scotland the Scottish people would be governed by the government that they vote for and not be governed by the government that another country voted for.
@TheAngryMidget Scotland, England, Wales are countries , north/ northern/ north east Ireland is part of the province of Ulster which is part of Ireland .
Hi there, I've just added captions. They should be published now. We'll try our best to include them in the videos, but they do take a long, long time to sort out. Thanks for reminding me with this one though.
Scottish independence could see thousands of wealthy people start to claim ‘non-domicile’ tax status, experts predict. Mark Davies, a tax expert at website Nondom, said: ‘To claim non-domicile you would only have to have a father born in Scotland. ‘There are millions of people living in the rest of the UK who have Scottish parents.’
As a Chinese studying in UK, to my limited understanding, this video does not show the respect Scotland people deserves. I see mocking from time to time. And the music, I believe bag pipes are Irish. Tell me if I'm wrong.
The sovereign people of scotland voted to remain in the sovereign state of the United kingdom in 2014 ...........just for the record England is the only country in the civilised world without its own government or parliament , the english are under direct rule from the UK gov that has MPs scotland wales and northern ireland . The fallacy of the SNPs scottish independence is that it all hinged on membership of a bigger union with only 6 scottish seats ....thats right fakeaway indy within the EU .
After Britain's secession from the EU, Scotland had to agree on a special status. Although Scotland is part of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, it would also be a member of the EU. All contracts would remain valid. Citizens of Scotland would be EU citizens. Other Britons who wanted to be part of the EU could acquire Scottish, EU citizenship.
I think it is politically and geographically incorrect to refer to rUK as Great Britain. The Great Britain include Scotland, England, and Wales except Isle of Mann and other islands, such as the crown dependencies, around the Great Britain.
And that is where you are wrong, sadly. In the year 55 B.C. (before christ) Rome invaded England. Indeed their crusades took them further north. Scotland has never been conquered through war, ever. You don't mess with a people who throw trees for fun. In the year 122 A.D. The Romans constructed Hadrian's wall. Hadrian's wall was built, because they failed to conquer Scotland. South of the wall, was named Britannia (do you see the resemblance there to the name Britain? ) North of the wall was called Caledonia. Rome, as well as many other countries, Denmark, England failed to conquer Scotland through acts of war. England did conquer Scotland, but they did so through bribery, and not through war. The failed panama expedition by the Scots, left them extremely poor, resulting in joining with their cousins and selling on land in Scotland, for so much as £1. And this is why out favorite poet, Robert Burns wrote " They sold their souls for English gold, such a parcel of rogues in a nation" Maybe you should study the history and geography to learn more. Every day is a school day.
You said "I think" therefore your comment was an opinion, a thought. My reply to you was to give you a bit of an education. I like history, and it teaches us many things. Generally not to make the same mistakes our ancestors have made before us. You are not even from Scotland, you are from Mexico. So I doubt stating an opinion as fact is going to help matters. Come back when you have educated yourself more on the subject.
_Queen Elizabeth died without leaving an heir_ It depends which Elizabeth are you talking about. For Elizabeth I, Yes But for Elizabeth II, partialy, the died part, yes, but the heir part, not at all.
Im voteing yes us yes voters didnt vote for a coalation goverment and as for no voters so nieve half them be tory voters and for that union lot crap shuv that were sun doesnt shine
This needs updating in the light of the unholy mess associated with the rights or otherwise of violent raypeests to be accommodated in women's prisons.
I'm an American, with Scottish, English, German heritage. I have two questions: 1- Why do Scottish-British people want to leave the UK, but remain part of the EU. 2- IF Scotland left UK, wouldn't Scotland only be independent till they rejoined the EU?
HistorianJustin Historian 1. It’s mainly to do with culture I think but the EU is not a country 2. They would be independent even if they did rejoin the EU because the EU is not a country
No its a country within a union of countries. i'm both of English and of Scottish i should get a vote for both if we are going to get all fucking picky now i want my vote and my rights to both
Id like to point out that as a yes voter im not voting for the snp im labour oriented as are all my family however as we have seen time and again here and in Wales labour can guarantee nothing as they cant guarantee a government at all this vote is not just about currency and all the other so called big issues such as oil which of course will one day run out but even if we only count the oil that we know already is there it'll last for many decades to come with more deposits an almost certainty to be found- my personal experience here in Glasgow is people see that for the sake of our childrens children and theirs too we must stand up and show Washington Westminster Brussels nato that they're illegal wars will not be tolerated by a civilized society and someone must say STOP enough- 1 million people march on london only to be ignored by the so called people who represent us all and now they want to go into syria Ukraine and anywhere else the US wants support to steal territories and oil. In the last 1000 years only 1 nation has ever attempted a land invasion of scotland the same nation that doesnt even recognise wales as a nation but a principality. Scotland nor wales needs trident a mass murdering piece of technology that has never fired a missile in anger we need ships and an air force which Westminster has reduced to near extinction to defend our territories and oil rigs which nobody has ever tried to attack anyway-add this to the closure of raf leuchars by the uk government leaving one single air base in the whole of Scotland whilst also reducing the size of the British army by a quarter cutting 20.000 jobs in order to maintain a trident system projected cost 100 billion pounds sterling which tony blair in his 2012 autobiography said " the expense is huge and the utility (is) non-existent in terms of military use." Michael portillo in 2013 "its completely past its sell by date, isnt independent either because we cant use it without the Americans-a tremendous waste of money as its not a deterrent at all given the threats of modern warfare such as al Qaeda who cannot be dettered by nuclear weapons, its done entirely for reasons of national prestige" I'm absolutely certain my welsh cousins would agree that money would be better spent on schools infrastructure jobs and more which is what will happen in Scotland ordinary people are starving humiliated into going to food banks to feed theyre families after a hard weeks work. No longer are scots of all ethnicities and Welsh also fooled by David Cameron who suggests we must have this deterrent as north korea pose a nuclear threat and yet south korea sees no need for such an independent deterrent it serves the US and NATO s purse nothing else it didnt deter Argentina in the Falklands stop 7/7 or 9/11 nor Iraq's invasion of kuwait I call on humanity to stand up against these monsters and say no by voting yes and the rest will follow and Cameron will be remembered as the man who lost the uk to good honest hard working people who decided enough is enough etonian rule no more illegal wars no more and cow towing to Americas every whim no more and our welsh brothers and sistets will not suffer as a result of Scottish re-independence but instead have one of the strongest richest allies in the world not for bombs and bullets but food and shelter jobs and education.
In case anyone is wondering I love the English-as I have many English in my family and most honest hard working intelligent civilized people in England and worldwide will tell you they don't want to spend £100 billion sterling on trident just to massage Etonian graduate prime minister wannabes egos, just think what could good people do with that kind of money? Feed thier families without humiliation of visiting food banks after a full weeks work? Educate their children to the same standards of the privileged have gots? Find good jobs that actually pays for a comfortable life? What a ridiculous notion that is eh? Why not just spend it all on something that no one wants needs or has any use for-anothet wmd. Eton your time is up long ago British empire also didnt anyone tell you? Peace-shelter-food-jobs NOT more wars-more austerity cuts-more foodbanks-more impossibly high priced housing Scotland says no and the watching world is praying we do and we will its our duty to stand up to these people in any way possible and they wont be able to beat club and water cannon us in plain sight of tv cameras like the police have done to the stand agsinst wall street movement this great nation has given a lot to the world the least the world can do is support us and recognize us as not the same as those criminals in Westminster and tbat goes for almost all people who live in the isles formerly known as the U.K. I say formerly because there's nothing united about it one of the most unequal society's on this good earth
The majority of the scottish people (54%) said NOT the independence in 2014. However, in a far off future ,Scotland Ulster ,England and Wales will be a great independent Kingdoms members of United Nations ,NATO and the Commonwealth
*Northern Ireland Ulster is a 9 county-province that contains the 6 counties of Northern Ireland, 3 counties are both in Ireland (the country) and Ulster these are Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan
+MrDarragh123456789 Thanks you MrDarragh123456789 The Republic of Eire could restore the British Monarchy, in referendum, for a new country member of the Commonwealth. I support the independence of Scotland, Ulster (the six counties) , England, Wales and Cournalles as independents countries in the British Commonwealth adn United Nations
+MrDarragh123456789 Blessings for you The future great KIng His Majesty Charles (George VII) would be a great King of all Eire and Ulster in the Commonwealth
Indeed the Scottish independence question is a complex matter but would be a great deal less so if all the lies and ignorance spouted by such programmes as this one were written by real journalists who checked their facts. Scotland is not a country within a country. Scotland is both a country and a kingdom. England is both a country and a kingdom but the Kingdom of England is comprised of two and a bit countries. The English kingdom annexed, (not united with) The Principality of Wales in 1284 by , "The Statute of Rhuddlan. Then, in 1542, The English Kingdom annexed The Kingdom of Ireland by the Crown of Ireland Act. England attempted to annex the Kingdom of Scotland but failed to win the Scottish Wars of Independence losing heavily in several battles. For example The Battle of Old Byland (also known as the Battle of Byland Moor and Battle of Byland Abbey). This was a significant encounter between Scots and English troops in Yorkshire in October 1322, The most significant since Bannockburn, though on a far smaller scale. Then came the so called, "Union of The Crowns, that wasn't. It was only a personal union for the Monarch himself. Skipping much we get to the 1706/7 "Treaty of Union", (1706/7) , and this is where the lies are most obvious. The two kingdoms, were still independent but England had "The Glorious Revolution", of 1688, deposed their rightful monarch and changed English law from Divine Right of Kings and installed William & Mary. Then kicked off the Jacobite Rebellion that wasn't. As Scotland was still independent how could the Jacobites be rebelling when England had changed their monachy but Scotland hadn't You cannot rebel against a foreign monarch. Again missing out a chuck we get to the Treaty Of Union . This was an international treaty between two kingdoms - not countries. There are only two signatories on the document and they are Kingdoms. That makes the United Kingdom, "Just what it says on the tin", a bipartite union of equally sovereign Kingdoms and you do not spell, "Country", as, "K-I-N-G-D-O-M". There you have it - The united Kingdom is exactly that a union of two kingdoms and the UK is a bipartite Kingdom and not a country. - much less a quadratic union of countries with England the overlord devolving some useless English sovereign powers down to what Westminster treats as subservient dominions of the country of England. BTW: Westminster is legally the UK parliament for England has had no legal parliament since 30 April 1707. Feel free to check the facts you didn't learn in school - but should have.
You mean Southern Ireland is part of the UK. Northern Ireland is where the Scoti came from and Northern Ireland is Independent, just like Scotland will be.
@@charlotteheald794 i hope london goes independent from england so it doesn't have to keep carrying england. Let the english try on their own if that is what they want.
Playing Irish music during a video about Scotland...
That's definitely something...
Yeah, and saying that Northern Ireland, original home of the Gaels and Scoti, is part of the UK; not Southern Ireland which is actually the part that failed to keep it's independence.
Sounds like Scottish ceilidh music to me.
Not as if ireland and scotland aren't culturally similar anyway? Scotland isnt always about bagpipes and drums you know.
stupid press
Celtic nations don't mind........we are cousins.....
Brendan Wood you have said everything backwards
Not our fault that the Scottish king decided to make his parliament in London because he preferred it to Edinburgh
@@frankmcnally5993 England lost, the Scots are still with us.
Who wouldn't that's where all the wealth was.
🏴: please don’t leave, Scotland. We promise we’ll stay in the EU, and you can benefit from our EU membership.
🏴: or else?
🏴: or else it will be very difficult for you to re-enter the EU.
🏴: alright, I’ll vote no.
🏴: pack your bags everyone, we’re leaving the EU!
🏴: WTF?!! You promised-
🏴: Shut up. This was a democratic vote. We’re leaving.
🏴: We want to leave.
🏴: No!
🏴: Why?
🏴: That’s un-democratic!
Scotland will be broke qith England anyway
Any union of any country is ambiguous and when it comes to elections like the referendum, you either accept it or you don't, that's democracy! As if I couldn't care less what goes on in the world, certain things affects our lives!
Is scotland a country
Edit: a country in a country
Its an english colony ;)
@@BillyGoatScruff1000 we were never taken over by England it was an agreeable partnership,you obviously didn't learn anything at the school.
@@davelocktalk I was taking the piss, nice to see I got a bite, and no I didn't learn anything useful at school.
No one learned anything at school
@@BillyGoatScruff1000 James the VI of Scotland created the United KINGDOM in 1603 The Scottish King took over the English crown.
A really interesting and informative explanation of the Scottish referendum. Good job.
Scottish independence is just a glamourized illusion. SNP has not been able to come up with an answer to the most basic issue of all, "What currency will the independent Scotland be supposed to use?"
they've come up with several
The groot.
I'm sure Scotland can start it's own currency we dont need english help up here we haven't had any for 300 years you took plenty though 50 years worth of scottish oil we will never get back!!
@@davelocktalkur much poorer than us. Your country gdp is smaller than Yorkshire. Let alone London, Manchester or Birmingham 😂
@@sekeriyasharif6593 were small because we're in the uk! That's why we're small !
Did he say... Soccer?
4:06 "And one of the Doctor Whos"
Peter Capaldi is officially undecided...
Yeah! But a majority of the other 5 or so million are decided and have decided to become independent.
@@TheAuldBob Not anymore lol!
If Scotland voting on independence today confuses you... Watch this animated explanation of the Scottish independence debate & pass it on! #IndyRef
Andy Murray just voted YES!
Thanks Myles
@@theGuardian Time to extend this video me thinks!
No Scotland will leave because they want to stay in the EU - England was doing a big big mistake.
Brilliantly made and very informative for us non-Brits.
Thank you!
Well if I were you, and I know my history and geography, you cannot believe a word of that video The United Kingdom - read the words U-N-I-T-E-D K-I-N-G-D-O-m DOES NOT SPELL United Country and The Treaty of Union has only two kingdoms as signatories. It is not a union of countries it is a union of kingdoms and, as they signed an international treaty together they are equally sovereign. Not to mention that England has not had a legally elected parliament since 1707 and Westminster legally represents two, equally sovereign kingdoms. --- but they don't want you to know that - go figure?
@@TheAuldBob ok crazy man
William Wallace : Freedom
Robert Bruce : Independence
2000's : Naaah it's fine Fish n Chips
Hope this helps clear a few things up. So let's hear your predictions, which way is the vote going to go?
***** We will do our best! Try me, I don't bore easily. That's why I'm carrying out the least scientific poll ever.
A no vote for me, better together
***** Sorry, I got bored. Only kidding. Very interesting points. Nice to see a proper discussion in the comments between you and *****.
itsinmynamechap I will do no such thing. Being anti-English would require me to sink to a whole new level of self-loathing. I was tempted to delete the comment just for the giggles but it's not in my nature.
itsinmynamechap No, it wouldn't. Clearly. I have never and will never delete TH-cam comments and resented the suggestion that I would. If you have one disappear it'll be in spam, which I don't have time to review.
IM FROM PANAMA and its a shame that the scottish colony failed in Darien.. i remember that I felt so bad in school when i learned about those scottish people who died here:(
hahaha you have a very nice sense of humor xD it was very useful and enjoyable :D
Thank you kindly.
As a Chilean, I was so confused with all this Scottish independence matter... But now I understand it! Thanks for such an amusing video :)
I realize that as a German my opinion on this doesn't count but I was pretty disappointed Scotland didn't want their freedom :/
The country seems ill represented by a city that is AT THE VERY OTHER END OF THE ISLAND
Right... so I'm guessing you also support Bavarian independence because it's at the other end of the country from Berlin? Or are you just another person looking in with an incredible double standard?
Harry M i don’t know (or care) enough about Bavaria to say anything about that, but Berlin is not as north in Germany as London is south in Great Britain
I'm not going to measure but I think you'd find the bottom of Scotland is not that many miles different from London as say Munich is to Berlin. But even if it were the other side of the world it wouldn't matter, what I was trying to demonstrate was the argument isn't really a good one, by your most of America's states should be independent as most are much further from Washington than Scotland is from London. Or should Siberia become independent since it is a distance from Moscow? What about Corsica from France?
For most of these the answer is no of course not as the population would be much worse off . Yes voters, in the Scottish referendum were primarily working class, most that owned businesses were fervently against independence as they understand a union with England is better for them and as a result better for everyone in Scotland.
All I'm saying is distance is a weak argument and so is 'freedom', Scots have as much freedom as anyone else in the UK and at the minute more as Scottish MP's can vote on English issues in Parliament and Scottish issues where as English MP's can only vote on English issues.
Exactly mate 👍
@Anglo-Celtic Mega Nationalist alba doesn't want to be independant the last couple of elections prove other wise
I guess Your a rangers supporter?
Irish music, Irish narrator, English intro.
He doesn't sound irish
this was really informative :D
No its not.
Using another country’s currency (informally) isn’t ‘independence’.
It’s the complete opposite.
In an independent Scotland the Scottish people would be governed by the government that they vote for and not be governed by the government that another country voted for.
The map at 0:20 is wrong... Newcastle is not in Scotland!
3:30-3:32-the same view he had on the Brexit Referendum!
Well done! And very interesting in light of what's happening now.
Hi sweet 😊😊☺☺🤩🤩😘💓😚
Scotland must now Request Associate Membership of the EU as the Tory's are taken back control of England, I like my Freedom of movement.
I had never "seen" the bearded troll before but now I can't help but see him every time I look at a map of the UK.
Scottish Independence is getting closer🏴 Freedom
the answer really surprised me
Thanks for making videos like this, Guardian! ILU!
What a missed opportunity
North / Northern Ireland isn’t a country , it’s a part of Ireland but was annexed by England .
It's a Country within the United Kingsom
Scotland, England, Wales are countries ,
north/ northern/ north east Ireland is part of the province of Ulster which is part of Ireland .
@@Dannydantimpat No, its official status is a Country within the United Kingdom, whether you like it or not
Whether you like it or not , it’s a part of Ireland , always was, is and will be .
@@Dannydantimpat It's part of the island, not the Republic
2014 - Scottish independence referendum 2014 explained
So really UK should be Scottish as you where under SCOTTISH KING.😁 at the beginning.
Well the current king and queen are more closely descendent of the German and Greek Royal families. Enjoy that brexiteers 😂
@@LeeCaithness 😂 no 😂one 😅cares😊
Where can I find transcript of your videos? Thank you so much.
Hi there, I've just added captions. They should be published now. We'll try our best to include them in the videos, but they do take a long, long time to sort out. Thanks for reminding me with this one though.
The Guardian Thank you so much. Finally I can understand this video thoroughly.
No problem, glad to help!
love it - i work with a lot of Germans and Americans and they don't really understand this at all so this was a very cool way to explain it to them
So is England, Wales and Northern Ireland also “sort of countries”?
Kcufsadas yeah I just don’t know how I feel about my country, Scotland being described as a “sort of country”
Scotland has right have to be free democratic independent country.
says who?
What you gonna do? fight us? go for it
70% of Scotland's population didn't vote for independence in 2014. Nice try!
Andy Murray came out for Yes and so did Sean, along with (Outlander) Sam Heughan plus the Scottish DR Who David Tenant.
Scottish independence could see thousands of wealthy people start to claim ‘non-domicile’ tax status, experts predict.
Mark Davies, a tax expert at website Nondom, said: ‘To claim non-domicile you would only have to have a father born in Scotland.
‘There are millions of people living in the rest of the UK who have Scottish parents.’
spoiler Scotland voted to stay but now they want to vote to have the chance to leave again
before the vote UK promise that Scotland will remain in EU.. .. so UK lie ..
@@adrianceasar5620 Rubbish. The EU was not even mentioned this was 2 years before the EU referendum and Scotland voted to stay in the UK.
As a Chinese studying in UK, to my limited understanding, this video does not show the respect Scotland people deserves. I see mocking from time to time. And the music, I believe bag pipes are Irish. Tell me if I'm wrong.
UK might have to change its flag if yes wins say goodbye to the blue in the Jake
I've pals in Scotland but I'm not sure they all want independence
If Westminster says no what does Scotland do ?????
The sovereign people of scotland voted to remain in the sovereign state of the United kingdom in 2014 ...........just for the record England is the only country in the civilised world without its own government or parliament , the english are under direct rule from the UK gov that has MPs scotland wales and northern ireland . The fallacy of the SNPs scottish independence is that it all hinged on membership of a bigger union with only 6 scottish seats ....thats right fakeaway indy within the EU .
Scotland will No longer know as England's back Door....
Why, are they physically breaking away?
Will Scotland be better off as an independent country?
Luke Wheeler no, it'll crumble under that debt
Glory to Great Britainia
Luke Wheeler until it’s oil reserves decline and it has to beg to join the union again.
@@nonautemrexchristus5637 English?
@@nonautemrexchristus5637 rubbish.
It´s a pretty good explanation!
After Britain's secession from the EU, Scotland had to agree on a special status. Although Scotland is part of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, it would also be a member of the EU. All contracts would remain valid. Citizens of Scotland would be EU citizens. Other Britons who wanted to be part of the EU could acquire Scottish, EU citizenship.
I think it is politically and geographically incorrect to refer to rUK as Great Britain. The Great Britain include Scotland, England, and Wales except Isle of Mann and other islands, such as the crown dependencies, around the Great Britain.
And that is where you are wrong, sadly. In the year 55 B.C. (before christ) Rome invaded England. Indeed their crusades took them further north. Scotland has never been conquered through war, ever. You don't mess with a people who throw trees for fun. In the year 122 A.D. The Romans constructed Hadrian's wall. Hadrian's wall was built, because they failed to conquer Scotland. South of the wall, was named Britannia (do you see the resemblance there to the name Britain? ) North of the wall was called Caledonia. Rome, as well as many other countries, Denmark, England failed to conquer Scotland through acts of war. England did conquer Scotland, but they did so through bribery, and not through war. The failed panama expedition by the Scots, left them extremely poor, resulting in joining with their cousins and selling on land in Scotland, for so much as £1. And this is why out favorite poet, Robert Burns wrote " They sold their souls for English gold, such a parcel of rogues in a nation"
Maybe you should study the history and geography to learn more. Every day is a school day.
haha! History is subjective. Maybe you should study historiography NOT JUST HISTORY.
You said "I think" therefore your comment was an opinion, a thought. My reply to you was to give you a bit of an education. I like history, and it teaches us many things. Generally not to make the same mistakes our ancestors have made before us. You are not even from Scotland, you are from Mexico. So I doubt stating an opinion as fact is going to help matters. Come back when you have educated yourself more on the subject.
good luck scotland! pave the way for devolution and help bring autonomy and independence to the rest of us :)
Whatever, will be. May peace, wealth & health come to Scotland, UK & all over the world.
_Queen Elizabeth died without leaving an heir_
It depends which Elizabeth are you talking about.
For Elizabeth I, Yes
But for Elizabeth II, partialy, the died part, yes, but the heir part, not at all.
Good video guys, I'm starting to really like the guardian, can't get enough of football weekly podcast with James Richardson either ... Good job
Im voteing yes us yes voters didnt vote for a coalation goverment and as for no voters so nieve half them be tory voters and for that union lot crap shuv that were sun doesnt shine
Fight for freedom
Go Scotland 🏴
Now with brexit some shottish who voted against indipendente regret their decision.
That border at 0.59 looks a bit odd. Guardian showing their usual ignorance of Scottish things? And their own country to be fair.
For us "non Brits" Irish people know about it too obviously😂
"Will Scotland be able to enter the EU?".
Funny how time makes fools of people.
We need to get rid of devolution in Scotland.
Better together when we drink beer
This needs updating in the light of the unholy mess associated with the rights or otherwise of violent raypeests to be accommodated in women's prisons.
Yes leave the single market of the UK, which is worth £48.6 billion, to join the single market of the EU which is worth £15 billion
Scotland obviously independent Country.
I'm an American, with Scottish, English, German heritage.
I have two questions:
1- Why do Scottish-British people want to leave the UK, but remain part of the EU.
2- IF Scotland left UK, wouldn't Scotland only be independent till they rejoined the EU?
Diana Adamczyk
Don't talk rubbish
The EU is not a nation so Scotland will still be an independent nation.
Exactly, it’s not true independence
HistorianJustin Historian
1. It’s mainly to do with culture I think but the EU is not a country
2. They would be independent even if they did rejoin the EU because the EU is not a country
HistorianJustin Historian answered by an Englishman (not a Scot, sorry)
wales is a principality not a country
Wales is a country.
I stand corrected
Wales is a country. What makes you say it isn't?
@@thomasellis445 y
Wales is england lol
scotland: voted to remain in the uk
Brexit: i'll ruin your whole career
till better in the UK out of the EU and in neither.
Shawn Connery was going for a no campaign
very good
No its a country within a union of countries. i'm both of English and of Scottish i should get a vote for both if we are going to get all fucking picky now i want my vote and my rights to both
naw ye shouldnae, anglo.
Wer kommt von der englisch Aufgabe 👁💧👄💧👁
Id like to point out that as a yes voter im not voting for the snp im labour oriented as are all my family however as we have seen time and again here and in Wales labour can guarantee nothing as they cant guarantee a government at all this vote is not just about currency and all the other so called big issues such as oil which of course will one day run out but even if we only count the oil that we know already is there it'll last for many decades to come with more deposits an almost certainty to be found- my personal experience here in Glasgow is people see that for the sake of our childrens children and theirs too we must stand up and show Washington Westminster Brussels nato that they're illegal wars will not be tolerated by a civilized society and someone must say STOP enough- 1 million people march on london only to be ignored by the so called people who represent us all and now they want to go into syria Ukraine and anywhere else the US wants support to steal territories and oil. In the last 1000 years only 1 nation has ever attempted a land invasion of scotland the same nation that doesnt even recognise wales as a nation but a principality. Scotland nor wales needs trident a mass murdering piece of technology that has never fired a missile in anger we need ships and an air force which Westminster has reduced to near extinction to defend our territories and oil rigs which nobody has ever tried to attack anyway-add this to the closure of raf leuchars by the uk government leaving one single air base in the whole of Scotland whilst also reducing the size of the British army by a quarter cutting 20.000 jobs in order to maintain a trident system projected cost 100 billion pounds sterling which tony blair in his 2012 autobiography said " the expense is huge and the utility (is) non-existent in terms of military use." Michael portillo in 2013 "its completely past its sell by date, isnt independent either because we cant use it without the Americans-a tremendous waste of money as its not a deterrent at all given the threats of modern warfare such as al Qaeda who cannot be dettered by nuclear weapons, its done entirely for reasons of national prestige"
I'm absolutely certain my welsh cousins would agree that money would be better spent on schools infrastructure jobs and more which is what will happen in Scotland ordinary people are starving humiliated into going to food banks to feed theyre families after a hard weeks work. No longer are scots of all ethnicities and Welsh also fooled by David Cameron who suggests we must have this deterrent as north korea pose a nuclear threat and yet south korea sees no need for such an independent deterrent it serves the US and NATO s purse nothing else it didnt deter Argentina in the Falklands stop 7/7 or 9/11 nor Iraq's invasion of kuwait I call on humanity to stand up against these monsters and say no by voting yes and the rest will follow and Cameron will be remembered as the man who lost the uk to good honest hard working people who decided enough is enough etonian rule no more illegal wars no more and cow towing to Americas every whim no more and our welsh brothers and sistets will not suffer as a result of Scottish re-independence but instead have one of the strongest richest allies in the world not for bombs and bullets but food and shelter jobs and education.
In case anyone is wondering I love the English-as I have many English in my family and most honest hard working intelligent civilized people in England and worldwide will tell you they don't want to spend £100 billion sterling on trident just to massage Etonian graduate prime minister wannabes egos, just think what could good people do with that kind of money? Feed thier families without humiliation of visiting food banks after a full weeks work? Educate their children to the same standards of the privileged have gots? Find good jobs that actually pays for a comfortable life? What a ridiculous notion that is eh? Why not just spend it all on something that no one wants needs or has any use for-anothet wmd. Eton your time is up long ago British empire also didnt anyone tell you?
more wars-more austerity cuts-more foodbanks-more impossibly high priced housing
Scotland says no and the watching world is praying we do and we will its our duty to stand up to these people in any way possible and they wont be able to beat club and water cannon us in plain sight of tv cameras like the police have done to the stand agsinst wall street movement this great nation has given a lot to the world the least the world can do is support us and recognize us as not the same as those criminals in Westminster and tbat goes for almost all people who live in the isles formerly known as the U.K. I say formerly because there's nothing united about it one of the most unequal society's on this good earth
Yes Scotland would be way better off
And can i use the video for my power point at school and i promse i will write you name cause you did it okay
that scottish border you drew is very wrong
As latvian , i can say- free Scotland!! Aaahhhh!
An Irish commentator and Irish music??
It's a country but not a sovereign state and
Scottish independence referendum 2014 explained
2014 The Scottish Referendum the Scots Voted to STAY IN THE UNION One Bite at The Cherry You Wally HUMBUG
Put the last nail in the coffin of English colonialism. FREEEDOOOOOOM
(I’m not even Scottish lol)
2014 The Guardian Explainer Scots Referendum
They certainly regret that Vote now!
The majority of the scottish people (54%) said NOT the independence in 2014.
However, in a far off future ,Scotland Ulster ,England and Wales will be a great independent Kingdoms members of United Nations ,NATO and the Commonwealth
*Northern Ireland
Ulster is a 9 county-province that contains the 6 counties of Northern Ireland, 3 counties are both in Ireland (the country) and Ulster these are Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan
+MrDarragh123456789 Thanks you MrDarragh123456789
The Republic of Eire could restore the British Monarchy, in referendum, for a new country member of the Commonwealth.
I support the independence of Scotland, Ulster (the six counties) , England, Wales and Cournalles as independents countries in the British Commonwealth adn United Nations
marco antonio godoy Ahh I'd hate Ireland to be in the commonwealth
+MrDarragh123456789 Blessings for you
The future great KIng His Majesty Charles (George VII) would be a great King of all Eire and Ulster in the Commonwealth
marco antonio godoy Id rather have no king
I think Scotland should be independent and true independence means a republic.
😂 Thank you!! ❤🙏❤
When Kosova did it, you can Scotland and even you, Catalonia. The so-called double standard now is harmful to European countries. =))
That doesn't make any sense.
put the referendum on hold, figure out all toughs pesky questions and redo the referendum in 10 years...and what happens happens.
Indeed the Scottish independence question is a complex matter but would be a great deal less so if all the lies and ignorance spouted by such programmes as this one were written by real journalists who checked their facts. Scotland is not a country within a country. Scotland is both a country and a kingdom. England is both a country and a kingdom but the Kingdom of England is comprised of two and a bit countries. The English kingdom annexed, (not united with) The Principality of Wales in 1284 by , "The Statute of Rhuddlan. Then, in 1542, The English Kingdom annexed The Kingdom of Ireland by the Crown of Ireland Act.
England attempted to annex the Kingdom of Scotland but failed to win the Scottish Wars of Independence losing heavily in several battles. For example The Battle of Old Byland (also known as the Battle of Byland Moor and Battle of Byland Abbey). This was a significant encounter between Scots and English troops in Yorkshire in October 1322, The most significant since Bannockburn, though on a far smaller scale.
Then came the so called, "Union of The Crowns, that wasn't. It was only a personal union for the Monarch himself. Skipping much we get to the 1706/7 "Treaty of Union", (1706/7) , and this is where the lies are most obvious. The two kingdoms, were still independent but England had "The Glorious Revolution", of 1688, deposed their rightful monarch and changed English law from Divine Right of Kings and installed William & Mary. Then kicked off the Jacobite Rebellion that wasn't. As Scotland was still independent how could the Jacobites be rebelling when England had changed their monachy but Scotland hadn't You cannot rebel against a foreign monarch.
Again missing out a chuck we get to the Treaty Of Union . This was an international treaty between two kingdoms - not countries. There are only two signatories on the document and they are Kingdoms.
That makes the United Kingdom, "Just what it says on the tin", a bipartite union of equally sovereign Kingdoms and you do not spell, "Country", as, "K-I-N-G-D-O-M".
There you have it - The united Kingdom is exactly that a union of two kingdoms and the UK is a bipartite Kingdom and not a country. - much less a quadratic union of countries with England the overlord devolving some useless English sovereign powers down to what Westminster treats as subservient dominions of the country of England. BTW: Westminster is legally the UK parliament for England has had no legal parliament since 30 April 1707.
Feel free to check the facts you didn't learn in school - but should have.
Well I don't remember this video being called the history of Scotland.
Fuckin hall man, ya generous with the map of Scotland there. Us English from the very north arnt Scottish! Rule Britannia and all that
You explanin pace of scotland for americans? Because only they do not know there is it, and may be ask send their army for "american democracy".
I would love to ken the name of the composer and song from the beautiful musical interlude. I cannea seem to vind it
Learning Hongkong and China mainland, two areas two systems
You mean Southern Ireland is part of the UK. Northern Ireland is where the Scoti came from and Northern Ireland is Independent, just like Scotland will be.
Isn’t jk Rowling welsh???
No, she is Scottish.
Will Scotland be better off as an independent country? Answer is : no country has ever backed off. Everyone in this world can now answer this.
Oof we failed
Anyone who voted no is a fool
70% of Scotland's population didn't vote for independence in 2014. Nice try!
I hope one day scotland to became independance from great britain..
@@charlotteheald794 i hope london goes independent from england so it doesn't have to keep carrying england. Let the english try on their own if that is what they want.
70% of Scotland's population didn't vote for independence in 2014. Nice try!
those damn sheeps