Rogerian Argumentation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • Rogerian argumentation
    This rhetorical strategy was developed by Carl Rogers, an American psychologist.
    This strategy focuses on communication between arguing parties.
    The goal of this approach is to negotiate differences to solve a conflict.
    Individuals discuss their views to reach a common ground of understanding in a nonthreatening manner.
    A possible format to follow for engaging in a Rogerian argument is as follows…
    Introduce the problem while acknowledging the opposing side.
    Explain the contexts in which your opposition’s perspectives are valid.
    Clearly state your position and discuss your context and how it is valid.
    Bring the two sides together by adhering to your values and position while acknowledging the opposing side’s values.
    Reach a conclusion through persuasion and negotiation.
    Wife - We need to decide which high school Johnny should attend in August.
    Wife - I know that the public high school you want him to go to is ranked high and that they some award-winning teachers there. Also because you went there.
    Husband - Well, I also wanted him to have some sports options. I think that it would be a good idea for Johnny to interact with other children in more of a public setting.
    Wife - Yes, well, those are good points. Johnny would benefit from having that kind of exposure to other children and athletics.
    Husband - I also think they have some of the best teachers at that school.
    Wife - Well, he can get those same things at a private school. There is one private school not too far away that offers different sports and has some great teachers, too.
    Wife - They also have an outstanding educational program.
    Wife - It might cost to send him there, but it’ll be worth it. They offer tax deductions on tuition, too. He’ll have the opportunity to meet just as many children there and have a better chance to bond with his peers.
    Wife - I think that there would be a better chance for him to work one-on-one with his teachers because of a smaller student population. I also like their college preparatory program there. Just in case he wants to go to college.
    Husband - What kinds of athletics do they offer?
    Wife - Basketball, football, and baseball. I believe that they offer tennis and golf as well. Jenny Gregson’s daughter goes there and she has only good things to say about it.
    Husband - Well, that sounds promising. Have you looked at their website?
    Wife - Yes, and they are accepting applications for fall. Should I call them on Monday and set up an appointment?
    Husband - I think that is a good idea. I’ll read over the school’s website tonight. Have you talked to Johnny about it?
    Wife - I did. He is open to the idea of going there. I think he likes the idea of attending a smaller school.
    Husband - What about the private school your sister, Jennifer, sent Natalie to? Is it as good as this one?
    Wife - Yes, that is a good one, too. Except that is a charter school. I can ask her who to contact there to find out more about their program.
    Wife - Natalie has talked to Johnny about her school so he has an idea of what to expect as far the social atmosphere of it goes. They have quite a few sports to offer, too.
    Husband - I think we should keep that school as an option, too.
    Wife - I agree. I’ll call Jennifer later tonight and ask her about Natalie’s school.
    Interpretation of the argument: From an educational perspective, the public, private, and charter schools in this scenario seem equal in terms of quality of teachers and education. The athletic choices also seem comparable, or at least the wife convincingly addressed her husband’s concerns. In this argument, social climate is an important element. In this sense, the wife argued that their son would benefit more from a smaller campus than a larger one. The wife persuaded her husband in this part of the argument. Through the research she has done on the private school, as well as talking to their son about the school, the wife persuaded her husband to move forward with contacting them. The husband suggested the charter school that their niece attends as an option and the wife agreed to consider it was well.

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  • @vequi2206
    @vequi2206 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    stupid essays, bet there're other ways of teaching students to organize their ideas and support their arguments