Desk Exercises

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ม.ค. 2025
  • ➖Thoracic Rotation in Split Stance➖
    ➡️This drill is to help improve thoracic mobility, specifically thoracic rotation.
    ➡️Begin in a half kneeling position with a ball🏀 /cushion/yoga block between your outer leg and the wall. This will help keep your pelvis and lumbar spine fixed and reduce your ability to compensate.
    ➡️While keeping the knee up against the ball rotate your head and shoulders. The goal here is to eventually allow both arms to lay against the wall. Exhale as you rotate further into this stretch. Go to the point of stretch but not pain
    2-3 sets 8-10 reps both sides
    ➖Serratus Anterior Wall Push up➖
    ➡️Stand facing a wall, arm distance length, with palms shoulder height on the wall.
    ➡️Lean forward with your torso toward the wall, without bending your arms, feeling the shoulder blades come closer together at the spine.
    ➡️Then push the wall away whilst keeping the arms straight to bring the shoulder blades apart and round the upper back.
    ➡️When it is easy for you, move your feet further away from the wall.
    2-3 sets 8-10 reps
    ➖Shoulder Rotation Exercises➖
    ➡️Sit next to a table/desk with your elbow supported just below shoulder height on a rolled-up towel.
    ➡️Now make a gentle fist 🤜 keep your elbow bent 💪 and then rotate your forearm to point upwards. Return to start position then relax. Sit up tall when you do this.
    ➡️When this is easy for you, you can add a light weight. You can start with half a kilo or a 500ml bottle of water. As the exercise gets easier you can increase the weight.
    2-3 sets 12-15 reps both sides

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