Somewhere, a couple of years ago, I read that WordPress contribute to some 40% of all the web traffic not counting video or something. That is a great achievement for a Open Source project. OK, it seems that the devil hit it today - doesn't change what it had been in the past.
Thank you for articulating my inner feelings regarding WordPress. I've tried a few times to learn it using a local server, and the learning curve seems way to onerous, particularly for someone who feels comfortable with Markdown.
Great video Matt. I loved your rant! I agree; if you have used other tools to develop a website or blog, Wordpress is not super intuitive. Once I figured out the things I needed, however, I guess it works okay.
"looks like [you] picked the wrong [year] to quit [negativity]", lol. But seriously, good luck, it's a nobel pursuit, I have made a lot of progress in that area myself, but it has taken well over a decade...but wow what a decade to try, ugh. Things are just so crappy now. Granted that is how I know how to fix stuff and make my own. Hang in there, know it will take a long time, so don't give up or be too hard on yourself when you find yourself fretting about how much things suck because they do! It's very reasonable to be highly annoyed and disappointed, but reason can be the enemy of health and happiness, so keep it at bay!🖖🏽
I think the advantage wordpress has is the amount of plugins it has. If you just want a static blog wordpress is one of the worst options. Imagine that you are non techy person and you want to add newsletter, custom form, theme ...etc. even more if you have you own merch or want to add a course.
I dislike WordPress but for somewhat different reasons. Some of it may be that I really don't know WordPress and I can see it useful for some applications. Problem is that I want a simple static website where I can show off my pictures and videos and do a bit of philosophizing. WP is too complicated for that. I find it simpler so much prefer just doing it using the old school HTML/CSS type stuff which I ready know.
It just sounds like an unjustified rant and you (in my eyes) failed to demonstrate how exactly WP is "bad", other than your personal dislike for Gutenberg. This is not serious.
But it doesn't take a genius to learn enough Markdown to get you up and running. You can even hide the markup under some editor thingie like Reddit does and it would still suck less than WP's editor.
Spent money, lost cost, welcome to being trapped in the ecosystem, Matt. 😄Don't feel bad, I was in your exact position not 2 years ago. Pretty sure the company I worked for still uses WP to this day for lack of anything better and because migrating is a pain no one really wants to endure.
Maybe Wordpress in its category is the worst, but in my opinion, the worst FOSS project is unfortunately GIMP. Wordpress is at least usable for professional usecase
@Linuxdirk considering the fact that it takes them almost 20 years to have only part of the functionalities you need from the basic, professional image editor, then I consider GIMP to be the worst. Not to mention, that they are really stubborn in terms of redesigning their UI, so that it doesn't look like something made for developers only. Sad, but true. EDIT: I write this as a FOSS enthusiast, and a professional designer at the same time. I want to see GIMP succeed, but I can't see any real progress there.
Be glad you don't know about FreeCAD, that easily takes the spot as the worst FOSS program. There's no way you're doing CAD without proprietary apps when this is the FOSS offering. GIMP for all intents and purposes is still somewhat functional, it gets the job done for editing, it has a dysfunctional release cadence that only God knows.
LoL, I love how you went the opposite direction I did.... Personal projects, handmade playground of a website... Project / business site all the frameworks and CMS...
Nobody uses WP like this... hire a developer to set up a theme for you which you can later create new pages and edit your blocks to your liking. There are plenty of md to html tools, but WP does not have such thing by default (however there is a plugin of course). Gutenberg (Block theming) is the way WP should have been from the start. From what I remember you can still switch to the old editor somewhere in the menus. Still, the idea of the blocks is that they are stylable by the user and reusable across pages, they can be used like a lightweight site builder (if done properly).
Who tf wants to hire some idiot to make a silly little WordPress theme? These so-called "developers" should find something else to do with their lives.
Okay-Okay, Wordpress BAD. Now how about Mint making the USB flash drive to where "normal person" can find them and paste files to them. I'm a little over two years into Linux Mint and I got to be able to use the flash drive to move files. I find tracking down what directory that it is in terribly tiresome and a big waste of time. Please do some kind of tutorial on making the usb flashdirve workable would be greatly appreciated.
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I clicked on the video expecting to hear more about open source drama with Wordpress vs WPEngine and honestly this was refreshing.
Same here. A refreshing video.
Wordpress used to be great. I'm talking twenty years ago.
WordPress? More like.....WorstPress! Am I right? Am I right??
Disable Gutenberg is the name of the plugin you want.
Somewhere, a couple of years ago, I read that WordPress contribute to some 40% of all the web traffic not counting video or something. That is a great achievement for a Open Source project. OK, it seems that the devil hit it today - doesn't change what it had been in the past.
As a full time Drupal (PHP CMS) developer I agree. :)
Tutorial on how to setup Hugo
one of these "FOSS in name only" projects.
"i already purchased the domain name, well multiple variations of it" man I felt that lol
You could just write the title, no need to explain - instant upvote
Wordpress is basically the Microsoft Windows of websites. Nobody likes it, it's hard to use, it's slow, and bloated. But, everybody uses it.
WordPress for years. I did become accustomed to the editor, but it is not pleasant. Unfortunately, I have not found anything better.
React and Wordpress and JavaScript and Windows. It’s like the worst thing always become the standard.
Thank you for articulating my inner feelings regarding WordPress. I've tried a few times to learn it using a local server, and the learning curve seems way to onerous, particularly for someone who feels comfortable with Markdown.
For me, learning to use Gutemberg was harder than learning vim
New year's resolution: Try to be more positive
Launches into curse-filled negative rant about Gutenberg
I did some positive things at the beginning. It could have been all negative.
@@TheLinuxCast so you tried
Great video Matt. I loved your rant! I agree; if you have used other tools to develop a website or blog, Wordpress is not super intuitive. Once I figured out the things I needed, however, I guess it works okay.
DIVI plug in for WordPress is amazing though.
do you have any experiences and thoughts to share regarding Guix? curious
No, never used it.
@@TheLinuxCast thanks anyways
I feel this frustration so hard lol. WP needs to improve in so many areas.
There are oither Markdown plugins that dont require Jetpack or making a stupid account somewhere.
"looks like [you] picked the wrong [year] to quit [negativity]", lol. But seriously, good luck, it's a nobel pursuit, I have made a lot of progress in that area myself, but it has taken well over a decade...but wow what a decade to try, ugh. Things are just so crappy now. Granted that is how I know how to fix stuff and make my own. Hang in there, know it will take a long time, so don't give up or be too hard on yourself when you find yourself fretting about how much things suck because they do! It's very reasonable to be highly annoyed and disappointed, but reason can be the enemy of health and happiness, so keep it at bay!🖖🏽
Bros balding 💀
I know you said you're not moving to something else but I've been satisfied with Ghost.
I tried it, but didn't want to pay for it. I know you can self host it, so maybe I will try that some day
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your Video
I wasn't aware about WordPress
I think the advantage wordpress has is the amount of plugins it has. If you just want a static blog wordpress is one of the worst options. Imagine that you are non techy person and you want to add newsletter, custom form, theme ...etc. even more if you have you own merch or want to add a course.
I hated the gutenberg turning point in WordPress.
I dislike WordPress but for somewhat different reasons. Some of it may be that I really don't know WordPress and I can see it useful for some applications. Problem is that I want a simple static website where I can show off my pictures and videos and do a bit of philosophizing. WP is too complicated for that. I find it simpler so much prefer just doing it using the old school HTML/CSS type stuff which I ready know.
It was just few years ago. Where were you? Didn't like at the beginning but now I know about.
It just sounds like an unjustified rant and you (in my eyes) failed to demonstrate how exactly WP is "bad", other than your personal dislike for Gutenberg. This is not serious.
I’ve been saying it sucks for many years.
Matt ISS pissed! Best rant ever!!
not everyone knows markdown, employees don't, you could install the classic editor, faster than recording the video i guess
But it doesn't take a genius to learn enough Markdown to get you up and running. You can even hide the markup under some editor thingie like Reddit does and it would still suck less than WP's editor.
Spent money, lost cost, welcome to being trapped in the ecosystem, Matt. 😄Don't feel bad, I was in your exact position not 2 years ago. Pretty sure the company I worked for still uses WP to this day for lack of anything better and because migrating is a pain no one really wants to endure.
Wagtail is awesome for blog😊
What the hell. This editor is a joke (and not even a good one!).
Enshitification thy name is WordPress.
I get the feeling you don't like the editor... 😁
Maybe Wordpress in its category is the worst, but in my opinion, the worst FOSS project is unfortunately GIMP. Wordpress is at least usable for professional usecase
Gimp may not be the worst but it is surely on the slowest release cycle (measuring in decades).
@Linuxdirk considering the fact that it takes them almost 20 years to have only part of the functionalities you need from the basic, professional image editor, then I consider GIMP to be the worst. Not to mention, that they are really stubborn in terms of redesigning their UI, so that it doesn't look like something made for developers only. Sad, but true.
EDIT: I write this as a FOSS enthusiast, and a professional designer at the same time. I want to see GIMP succeed, but I can't see any real progress there.
Be glad you don't know about FreeCAD, that easily takes the spot as the worst FOSS program. There's no way you're doing CAD without proprietary apps when this is the FOSS offering. GIMP for all intents and purposes is still somewhat functional, it gets the job done for editing, it has a dysfunctional release cadence that only God knows.
Come on you are not their target market. Devs got Laravel to play with.
Or Symfony for a more lightweight and modular framework.
100% agree, Matt!
LoL, I love how you went the opposite direction I did.... Personal projects, handmade playground of a website... Project / business site all the frameworks and CMS...
I run my entire website on an Apache custom action and a markdown parser.
Nobody uses WP like this... hire a developer to set up a theme for you which you can later create new pages and edit your blocks to your liking. There are plenty of md to html tools, but WP does not have such thing by default (however there is a plugin of course). Gutenberg (Block theming) is the way WP should have been from the start. From what I remember you can still switch to the old editor somewhere in the menus. Still, the idea of the blocks is that they are stylable by the user and reusable across pages, they can be used like a lightweight site builder (if done properly).
I'll get right on hiring a developer. lmao
Who tf wants to hire some idiot to make a silly little WordPress theme? These so-called "developers" should find something else to do with their lives.
@@TheLinuxCast that's the price you pay for not having to bother setting everything up
Okay-Okay, Wordpress BAD. Now how about Mint making the USB flash drive to where "normal person" can find them and paste files to them. I'm a little over two years into Linux Mint and I got to be able to use the flash drive to move files. I find tracking down what directory that it is in terribly tiresome and a big waste of time. Please do some kind of tutorial on making the usb flashdirve workable would be greatly appreciated.
my brother in christ mounted drives appear as icons on the desktop by default
@@ImDelphox And, in case they might have desktop icons disabled, mounted drives also appear in the sidebar of the default file explorer.
Hi Matt, first! 🎉
Hi Matt, second! 🎉 Edit: You're awesome!!!