Bonus: Philip II and the Rise of Macedon

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 35

  • @jghifiversveiws8729
    @jghifiversveiws8729 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Philip the second is one of my favorite historical figures. And one of the most accomplished monarchs in all of history.

    • @J5460-r8z
      @J5460-r8z 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Agree completely

  • @VAcreeper
    @VAcreeper 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    How amazing is it that we actually found his tomb??!
    Thousands of years, and most looted… but we found it!

  • @bethwilliams4903
    @bethwilliams4903 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What a masterful lecture, I would be hard pressed not to find parallels all thru the modern era with Philip, on any number of issues, not least of which how Philip’s encroachment on his Athenian neighbors was perceived by Demosthenes!
    Wonderful details, anecdotes, I loved every second, I wish you had spent another 5 hours on Philip, I suspect that there is more than enough material!

  • @youngzzaz5407
    @youngzzaz5407 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Without Philip there would be no Alexander the great 🤺

  • @lebowskitriple8
    @lebowskitriple8 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent !!

  • @geordiejones5618
    @geordiejones5618 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Phillip for me is the one of the only true solider statesmen who mastered all aspects of war and rule, with the others being Caesar and Taizong. Alexander, Napoleon and Ghengis were the better warrior kings, who innovated conquest in their times, but they each struggled with bad tempers and sometimes paranoia.

  • @adamaxe1
    @adamaxe1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Prior to this I only knew this and that.

    @MAKDÁVID-KRIŽ 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    TheBanis Aka SParthian where a CaucaSIAN group that defended the Gate of Heaven (or Gate of HeLL to people south from CaucaSIAN ) against AchæMENid invasion who has sent a army of 1.000.000 against Sian(Scythian) tribal coalition and the defenders main group ALán meaning The Lion 🦁 led the defence in Fortresses like the White Fortress which explains why in Greek version of stories LeoniDas is called as such or why do they mix up basic things like how did AchæMENid become PerSIAN since even do AchæMENid claimed to have won they shortly retreated through what they called Gate of Hell and they empire collapsed and all of sudden was renamed PerSIAN since Sian(Scythian) inserted they rule

  • @gotenaragon8108
    @gotenaragon8108 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The ancient Macedonians regarded the Greeks as potentially dangerous neighbors, never as kinsmen. The Greeks stereotyped the Macedonians as "barbarians" and treated them in the same bigoted manner in which they treated all non-Greeks. Herodotus, the Father of History, relates how the Macedonian king Alexander I(498-454 BC), a Philhellene (that is "a friend of the Greeks" and logically a non-Greek), wanted to take a part in the Olympic games. The Greek athletes protested, saying they would not run with a barbarian. Historian Thucydidis also calls the Macedonians barbarians, and so did Thracymachus who called Archelaus a barbarian who enslaved Greeks. Demosthenes, the great Athenian statesman and orator, spoke of Philip II as:
    "... not only no Greek, nor related to the Greeks, but not even a barbarian from any place that can be named with honors, but a pestilent knave from Macedonia, whence it was never yet possible to buy a decent slave." [Third Philippic, 31]
    The Macedonian "barbarian" defeated Greece at the battle of Chaeronea in August 338 BC and appointed himself "Commander of the Greeks". This battle had established Macedonian hegemony over Greece and this date is commonly taken as the end of Greek history and the beginning of the Macedonian era. Greece did not regain its independence until 1827 AD.

    • @Huckleberry00
      @Huckleberry00 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Subtle 'invective' harking back millenia, + entailing willful 'pot-shots' at Macedon 's ethnic integrity should NEVER serve as anyone 's (contemporary) 'ruse' so as to conflate abject calumnies w/ 'rhetorical' integrity (of 'yore)! Ancient Macedonians (i.e. my own parents' forebears) never 'aspired' to (somehow) 'become' Hellenic /Greek --- however 'in-vogue' a cultural 'veneer' it 'd proven (for non-Hellenes) in 'subsequent' eras --- inasmuch as they simply, already KNEW themselves to be as such; wit, ever since bronze-age Dorian times (as 'any & all' linguistic research has EVER evinced; …i.e: w/ even pre-5th cent. inscriptions on record withal)! To wit, Aristotle 's father Nicomachos was not only the personal physician to, but more-so a PERSONAL FRIEND of King Amyntas III (a quasi-1/2 cent. PRE-King Phillip; 393-369 BC) --- WHEREIN THE ONLY LANGUAGE SPOKEN THRUOUT WAS A COMMON 'HELLENIC' (i.e.: GREEK); ...BE IT DORIAN, AEOLIAN, IONIAN ELSE ACHAEAN IN VERNACULAR --- hence it 's no surprise King Phillip opted for Aristotle, himself from the vicinity of Macedon (Olynthus), to tutor his 1st-born; + it 's not unusual how famous playwright Euripides (also writing SOLELY in 'Hellenic') would unreservedly relocate there (to the then-king 's court IN Macedon) a quasi-cent. pre-Phillip --- seeing as their 's was an overall patently-reciprocal, if not outright complimentary, heritage (i.e.: thruout ancient Hellas)! Indeed, Demosthenes himself 'd been 'accommodated' (in King Phillip 's court) alongside other Athenian emissaries 'afore LASHING OUT (at the King) once back in Athens; ...exactly the way ANY sharp lawyer denigrates (to put it mildly) his subject in the eyes of a judge (or 'assembly'); i.e.: by casting ambitious aspersions on Macedon 's Hellenicity vis-a-vis that of the Athenian 'overlords' present; ...a 'ploy' he 'd 've likely effected on ANY fellow-Hellenic 'regional' competitor at issue! Indeed, his own Athenian peer, Aeschines, had showed Demosthenes up for having misled then 'lone-wolf' Athens into 'civil' war (from a modern perspective) over (ostensibly) regional business interests; alongside Thebes! Aeschines had even called Demosthenes himself out as a 'barbarian', to wit, such being the then-means of sullying someone in public! Howbeit --- and more importantly --- no 'true' Hellene /Greek of (then)-Athens would 've SINCERELY entertained ANY 'elitist' orator 's anti-Phillip, ad-hoc + politically-'posited' notion of a 'non'-Hellenic populace in Macedon!

    • @Huckleberry00
      @Huckleberry00 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      "Your ancestors came to Macedonia and THE REST OF HELLAS (Greece) and did US great harm, though WE had done them no prior injury. I have been appointed LEADER OF THE GREEKS, and wanting to punish the Persians I have come to Asia, which I took from you..." - Alexander's letter to Persian king Darius in response to a truce plea, as quoted in Anabasis Alexandri by Arrian; translated as Anabasis of Alexander by P. A. Brunt, for the "Loeb Edition" Book II 14, 4

    • @tatjanavelkova5814
      @tatjanavelkova5814 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      before 25 centuries FILIP KING, ALEXANDER TSAR ON MAKEDONIJA ! ! !

  • @Huckleberry00
    @Huckleberry00 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    **Quintius Curtius Rufus (History of Alexander; J.C. Rolfe /'Loeb') / Bk IV; chapt i(1), verse 11 (--Alexander 's letter to Darius III; continued): "...Again, Xerxes, of the same (i.e.: Persian) race, came to attack us ... ...; although defeated in a sea-fight, he left Mardonius IN GREECE (i.e.: 'Hellas'), in order that even in his (i.e.: King of Asia, Xerxes') absence he might lay waste OUR cities and burn OUR fields." ***(Plutarch): "Just after (King) Philip had taken Potidaea, he received these three messages at one time, that Parmenio had overthrown the Illyrians in a great battle, that his race-horse had won the course AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES (...i.e.: a quatrennial competition ONLY open to 'Hellenes'; i.e.: 'Greeks'), and that his wife had given birth to Alexander". “In all there were about three thousand Hellenic heavy infantry, accompanied by all the Macedonian cavalry with the Chalcidians, near one thousand strong, BESIDES an immense crowd of barbarians (i.e.: besides NON-Greeks)." (Thucydides 4.124). **Signed: A 'true' Macedonian whose forebears are from Hellas 's (Greece 's) north (...i.e.: ancient-Macedon-proper) since (likely) ancient times (...i.e.: pre-Bulgar + Slav incursions)! Today 's (west-Bulgar-speaking) 'North Macedonia' has nothing to do w/ ancient-Macedon (i.e.: 'Dorian' Greeks)!

    • @voskreglavincevska3651
      @voskreglavincevska3651 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You are so late !Read new sorces of final conclusion of UN consideration about your claim to whipe the word Makedonia from our name !
      The fortrees in Ohrid , built in IV BC was built by Filip II of Makedon !
      So we granted you an honour !
      We are not going to use Vergina Sun any more because is in Hellas teritory , but there is reciptocity in that verified Prespa negotiation !
      You are forbiden to call us Bulgarian any more !

  • @MarcoPolo-mp
    @MarcoPolo-mp 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Philip ll and his son Aleksandar the macedonian has nothing to do with Hellenic, he build Macedonian empire not Hellenic or greek, don't spread lies, the truth is known,

  • @Huckleberry00
    @Huckleberry00 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    "Your ancestors came to Macedonia and THE REST OF HELLAS (Greece) and did US great harm, though WE had done them no prior injury. I have been appointed LEADER OF THE GREEKS, and wanting to punish the Persians I have come to Asia, which I took from you..." - Alexander's letter to Persian king Darius in response to a truce plea, as quoted in Anabasis Alexandri by Arrian; translated as Anabasis of Alexander by P. A. Brunt, for the "Loeb Edition" Book II 14, 4

  • @alecbundy527
    @alecbundy527 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What a great episode. An excellent summary of pre-Alexander years. It's amazing how vulnerable Philip's position was in 359 and yet how quickly he managed to extricate himself from it and much more. Interestingly, while not as grave, the situation that Alexander found himself in in 336 was not all that different.
    If I may suggest that instead of Worthington's By The Spear, which spents just over 100 pages on Philip, one should consult Philip II, also by the same author. At nearly 300 pages, it's much more detailed, especially regarding contemporary political climate in Athens.
    One comment/question, both books referenced in the episode state that Philip took control through deception not of Thermopylae but of Gravia pass during the Chaeronea campaign.

  • @ShaShirin
    @ShaShirin 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for this podcast! Philip II was the master of strategy !

    • @geordiejones5618
      @geordiejones5618 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      To me he boasts the perfect balance of strategic foresight and tactical adaptability. Ghengis and Caesar are close but Phillip knew exactly when and when not to fight and never seemed to waste his troops.

  • @Huckleberry00
    @Huckleberry00 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    "Yugoslav Communists recognized the existence of a Macedonian nationality during WWII to quiet fears of the Macedonian population that a communist Yugoslavia would continue to follow the former Yugoslav policy of forced Serbianization. Hence, for them to recognize the inhabitants of Macedonia as Bulgarians would be tantamount to admitting that they should be part of the Bulgarian state. For that the Yugoslav Communists were most anxious TO MOLD Macedonian history to fit their conception of Macedonian consciousness. The treatment of Macedonian history in Communist Yugoslavia had the same primary goal as the creation of the Macedonian language: to de-Bulgarize the Macedonian Slavs, and to create a national consciousness that would inspire identification with Yugoslavia."
    For more: Stephen E. Palmer, Robert R. King, Yugoslav communism and the Macedonian question, Archon Books, 1971

  • @Huckleberry00
    @Huckleberry00 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Subtle 'invective' harking back millenia, + entailing willful 'pot-shots' at Macedon 's ethnic integrity should NEVER serve as anyone 's (contemporary) 'ruse' so as to conflate abject calumnies w/ 'rhetorical' integrity (of 'yore)! Ancient Macedonians (i.e. my own parents' forebears) never 'aspired' to (somehow) 'become' Hellenic /Greek --- however 'in-vogue' a cultural 'veneer' it 'd proven (for non-Hellenes) in 'subsequent' eras --- inasmuch as they simply, already KNEW themselves to be as such; wit, ever since bronze-age Dorian times (as 'any & all' linguistic research has EVER evinced; …i.e: w/ even pre-5th cent. inscriptions on record withal)! To wit, Aristotle 's father Nicomachos was not only the personal physician to, but more-so a PERSONAL FRIEND of King Amyntas III (a quasi-1/2 cent. PRE-King Phillip; 393-369 BC) --- WHEREIN THE ONLY LANGUAGE SPOKEN THRUOUT WAS A COMMON 'HELLENIC' (i.e.: GREEK); ...BE IT DORIAN, AEOLIAN, IONIAN ELSE ACHAEAN IN VERNACULAR --- hence it 's no surprise King Phillip opted for Aristotle, himself from the vicinity of Macedon (Olynthus), to tutor his 1st-born; + it 's not unusual how famous playwright Euripides (also writing SOLELY in 'Hellenic') would unreservedly relocate there (to the then-king 's court IN Macedon) a quasi-cent. pre-Phillip --- seeing as their 's was an overall patently-reciprocal, if not outright complimentary, heritage (i.e.: thruout ancient Hellas)! Indeed, Demosthenes himself 'd been 'accommodated' (in King Phillip 's court) alongside other Athenian emissaries 'afore LASHING OUT (at the King) once back in Athens; ...exactly the way ANY sharp lawyer denigrates (to put it mildly) his subject in the eyes of a judge (or 'assembly'); i.e.: by casting ambitious aspersions on Macedon 's Hellenicity vis-a-vis that of the Athenian 'overlords' present; ...a 'ploy' he 'd 've likely effected on ANY fellow-Hellenic 'regional' competitor at issue! Indeed, his own Athenian peer, Aeschines, had showed Demosthenes up for having misled then 'lone-wolf' Athens into 'civil' war (from a modern perspective) over (ostensibly) regional business interests; alongside Thebes! Howbeit --- and more importantly --- no 'true' Hellene /Greek of (then)-Athens would 've SINCERELY entertained ANY 'elitist' orator 's anti-Phillip, ad-hoc + politically-'posited' notion of a 'non'-Hellenic populace in Macedon!

    • @ProviderofInformation
      @ProviderofInformation 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Macedonians were never greek. After Philip had conquered and gained control of greece, he created the Hellenic League. However, Macedon was not a member of that league because Macedonians were not hellenes( ie greek). In addition, though Philip had complete control of greece and no greek would dare raise his hand against him, he could call a meeting of the Hellenic League council, he couldn't attended but needed a greek to be his representative. Why, because Philip was not a greek. Lets not forget Demosthenes he described Philip as not a greek nor related to the greeks. In addition, he called Macedonians as foreigners and who were men that were never Amphictyons and finally, he tried to incite the greek cities to attack THE MACEDONIANS AND DRIVE THEM OUT OF GREECE. If Macedonians were greek, why drive them out of greece, the answer is obvious, because MACEDONIANS ARE NOT GREEK. Arrian describes a racial rivalery between the Macedonians and the greeks. This is proven when Diodorus Siculus describes that in Bactria when the greeks revolted, Perdicas, a general of Alexander sent 3800 Macedonians to quell the revolt. He gave the order to kill all the greeks. Upon the Macedonians reaching Bactria, the greeks agreed to end their revolt and laid down their weapons. The Macedonians carried out Perdicas' orders and they butchered, slaughtered and killed the unarmed greeks, all 17000 of them. There is no doubt this a prime example of a racial rivalry. Lets not forget Arrian description of the celebrations at Opis where Alexander prayed for the harmonious rule of his empire between the Macedonians and the Persians, he never mentions the greeks. Why because MACEDONIANS WERE NEVER GREEK AND NEVER WILL BE GREEK.

    • @Huckleberry00
      @Huckleberry00 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      "Yugoslav Communists recognized the existence of a Macedonian nationality during WWII to quiet fears of the Macedonian population that a communist Yugoslavia would continue to follow the former Yugoslav policy of forced Serbianization. Hence, for them to recognize the inhabitants of Macedonia as Bulgarians would be tantamount to admitting that they should be part of the Bulgarian state. For that the Yugoslav Communists were most anxious TO MOLD Macedonian history to fit their conception of Macedonian consciousness. The treatment of Macedonian history in Communist Yugoslavia had the same primary goal as the creation of the Macedonian language: to de-Bulgarize the Macedonian Slavs, and to create a national consciousness that would inspire identification with Yugoslavia."
      For more: Stephen E. Palmer, Robert R. King, Yugoslav communism and the Macedonian question, Archon Books, 1971

    • @Huckleberry00
      @Huckleberry00 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@ProviderofInformation Macedonian nationalism Is a new phenomenon. In the early twentieth century, there was no separate Slavic Macedonian identity." Sperling, James; Kay, Sean; Papacosma, S. Victor (2003). Limiting institutions?: the challenge of Eurasian security governance. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. p. 57
      "The ANCIENT MACEDONIANS WERE GREEKS, THEIR LANGUAGE WAS GREEK to judge by their personal names, and by the names of the months of their calendar" - George Cawkwell, Emeritus Fellow, University College Oxford
      "As members of the Greek race and speakers of the Greek language, the Macedonians shared the ability to initiate ideas and create political forms" - N G L Hammond (1992), 'The Miracle that was Macedonia', p 206
      "The latest archaeological findings HAVE CONFIRMED that Macedonia took its name from a tribe of tall, GREEK-speaking people, the MAKEDNOI" - Nigel Guy Wilson, Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece, Routledge, 2009, p.439:

    • @Huckleberry00
      @Huckleberry00 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "On the other hand, the 'Macedonians' are a newly emergent people in search of a past to help legitimize their precarious present as they attempt to establish their singular identity in a Slavic world dominated historically by Serbs and Bulgarians... The 20th-cent. development of a Macedonian ethnicity, and its recent evolution into independent statehood following the collapse of the Yugoslav state in 1991, has followed a rocky road. In order to survive the vicissitudes of Balkan history and politics, the 'Macedonians', WHO HAVE HAD NO HISTORY, need one." - Titchener, Frances B.; Moorton, Richard F. (1999). The eye expanded: life + the arts in Greco-Roman antiquity. Berkeley: U. of California Press. p. 259
      **Isocrates called Philip the greatest of the Hellenes: "AMONG ALL THE HELLENES you shall stand forth as a statesman who has worked for the good of Hellas." [ - Isocrates, Speeches and Letters, “To Philip”, 5.139, 5.140]
      **“Such was the end of Philip. He had ruled 24 years. He is known to fame as one who w/ but the slenderest resources to support his claim to a throne won for himself the greatest empire AMONG THE HELLENES while the growth of his position was not due so much to his prowess in arms as to his adroitness + cordiality in diplomacy.” (Diodoros of Sicily 16.95.1-2)
      **".. do not forget Greece, Alexander ..It was for her sake that you launched your whole expedition, to add Asia to Greece .." Arrian [Anabasis of Alexander 4.11.7] «.. τῆς Ἑλλάδος μεμνῆσθαί σε ἀξιῶ, ὦ Αλέξανδρε ἧς ἕνεκα ὁ πᾶς στόλος σοι ἐγένετο, προσθεῖναι τὴν Ἀσίαν τῇ Ἑλλάδι ..» Ἀρριανός [Ἀλεξάνδρου Ἀνάβασις 4.11.7]
      **ALEXANDER’s speech before the battle of Issus: "...We Macedonians are to fight Medes and Persians, nations long steeped in luxury, while we have long been hardened by warlike toils and dangers; and above it will be a fight among free men and slaves. And so far as GREEK will meet GREEK (i.e.: 'mercenaries'), WE shall not be fighting for like causes; those mercenaries with Dareius will risk their lives for pay, + poor pay too; WE on the contrary shall fight for GREECE + our hearts will be in it." - Arrian, "Anabasis of Alexander" Book II, Ch.7, par.4,5 Cambridge, Massachussets, Harvard University Press

    • @ProviderofInformation
      @ProviderofInformation 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Huckleberry00 Funny how you don't address the points I raised in my original comment, is that because you don't deny it. If you don't deny why pull out those authors you listed
      More importantly why don't you bring up Eugene Borza who is the recognized authority on Ancient Macedonians and has ripped N L Hammonds conclusions to shreds. Borza writes in his paper "Who Were and Are the Macedonians" presented at the American Philological Association Meeting “NEITHER GREEKS NOR MACEDONIANS CONSIDERED THE MACEDONIANS TO BE GREEKS”, and ”It is clear that over a five-century span of writing in two languages representing a variety of historiographical and philosophical positions the ancient writers regarded THE GREEKS AND THE MACEDONIANS AS TWO SEPERATE AND DISTINCT PEOPLES whose relationship was marked by considerable antipathy, if not outright hostility.” He also writes "Of course Macedonians never regarded their territory as forming part of greece and certainly the greek poleis did not regard Macedonia as being another greek polis. In his book "In the Shadow of Olympus The Emergence of Macedon" he states "...preceived in their own time by greeks and themselves not to be greek. For making statements that MACEDONIANS WERE NOT GREEK, the greek government refused Borza a visa to visit greece, (these fake greeks are so lame).
      Margalit Finkelberg, a very highly regarded linguist in her book "Greeks and Pre-greeks Aegean Prehistory and greek Heroic Tradition" states that the Macedonian language could not be greek. Philip Freeman book "Alexander The Great" he states "the opinions of the greeks that the Macedonians were a seperate people" . John Boardman's book "The Greeks in Asia" states "...and the Macedonians were not greeks". Dr Frank Westenfelder, a military historian writes "...the Macedonians were not greeks at all and that is exactly how the greeks and Macedonians saw it". Dr. Stephanie Lynn Buden a historian writes in her book "The Ancient Greeks" "the greeks had always thought of the Macedonians as northern barbarians". In the book "Ancient greece A Political, Social and Cultural History" authored by Sarah Pomeroy et al states "Nevertheless, one fact is undisputed: in antiquity neither Macedonians nor greeks considered the Macedonians to be greek. The last reference I will list here is Heckel and Yardley book "Historical Sources in Translation Alexander the Great" where they state "... a clear distinction between greeks and Macedonians - ethnically, culturally and linguistically. I can quote many more authors.
      In addition, your quote from Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece is quite mistaken, Dr Brian Joseph writes "The slender evidence is open to different interpretations, so that no definitive answer is really possible. In addition, the Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece also stated "Yet vulgar Macedonians were not unanimously accepted....they were classified as barbarians" You have to stop using greek propaganda websites for your sources. Because if you had of read that passage you would know that Macedonians were considered barbarians and that Nigel Guy Wilson didn't write that quote it was Basil Gounaris who is a greek academician (not biased at all)
      In your response, you are convoluting ancient history with modern history about Macedonians. So typical of a racist towards Macedonians. You are presiding from a false position. Macedonians, though they speak a Slavic based language are not themselves Slavic. Have we seen this before, but of course. The Egyptians, when they were conquered by the Arab crusade, lost their original language and adopted the Arab language after sometime under Arab occupation. Yet I don't see greeks and hellenist, such as yourself, say that Egyptians are not Egyptians. How about the Spaniards. Under Roman occupation, they lost their original languages and developed a latin based modern Spanish language. Again, I don't see greeks and hellenists say those Spaniards are not Spaniards they are Italians. Seems only the Macedonians get to be treated differently. Now, could there be an answer for this, but of course. You see in the 19th century, the greeks didn't claim Macedonians to be greek. In the book "Political Uses of the Past - The Recent Mediterranean Experience" by Jacques Revel and Giovanni Levi they stated the following "Its significance was that Greece had been revived after being successfully subjugated by the Macedonians, the Romans, the Byzantines and the Turks . The first rector of the University of Athens, Constantine Schinas, referred to the metaphor of an enslaved Greece that the Macedonians handed over to the Romans and then the Byzantines to the Turks. This was the first official view of Greek history after the War of Liberation of 1821". This fact was also stated in the book "Nationalism, Globalization and Orthodoxy by Victor Roudometof where it states "During the period 1794-1841, at least 14 intellectuals (including prominent figures such as Panagiotis Kordikas, Adamntios Korais, Alexandros Soutsos, Georgios Kozakis-Tipaldos and Iakovos Rizos-Nerulos) expressed the view that the ancient MACEDONIANS WERE NOT PART OF THE ANCIENT GREEK WORLD (Politis 1993 , 40-2; Dimitrakopoulos 1996). The Macedonians were considered the conquerors of ancient Greece, the first of a series of invaders who held the region under their rule for more than two millennia. So when did the greeks view of Macedonians change, oh that is right in the around the beginning of the 20th century when the greeks wanted to occupy Aegean Macedonia and created this false narrative that ancient Macedonians were greek as justification. Lets not forget the attempted genocide of the Macecdonians in the Lerin region. But that is a different discussion.
      What is funny, greeks are not greeks they are descendants from Albanians. So says Helene Ahrweiler, recognized as one of the top 100 greeks. She stated "In the year 1831, Athens was made up of 8000 houses, where most of the inhabitants were ALBANIANS. Greece had no greeks within its borders, it was entirely made up of Turks, Vlachs, Albanians, Armenians and Macedonians. Prof Maria Efthimious, history professor at the University of Athens stated "in 1866, now the greek state is around 40 years old....When on travels through the surroundings of the capital of greece, ONE ONLY HEARS ALBANIANS SPOKEN". Even outside of greece, there are scholars such as Dr Hans Aintenaier, Professor of Byzantinology and Modern Greek Philology at the University of Hamburg Germany states "...and that today's greeks have no connection whatsoever with the Ancient greeks". You see the world knows about the fake greeks and the insipid lies and propaganda they spew .

  • @Huckleberry00
    @Huckleberry00 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Macedonian nationalism Is a new phenomenon. In the early twentieth century, there was no separate Slavic Macedonian identity." Sperling, James; Kay, Sean; Papacosma, S. Victor (2003). Limiting institutions?: the challenge of Eurasian security governance. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. p. 57
    "The ANCIENT MACEDONIANS WERE GREEKS, THEIR LANGUAGE WAS GREEK to judge by their personal names, and by the names of the months of their calendar" - George Cawkwell, Emeritus Fellow, University College Oxford
    "As members of the Greek race and speakers of the Greek language, the Macedonians shared the ability to initiate ideas and create political forms" - N G L Hammond (1992), 'The Miracle that was Macedonia', p 206
    "The latest archaeological findings HAVE CONFIRMED that Macedonia took its name from a tribe of tall, GREEK-speaking people, the MAKEDNOI" - Nigel Guy Wilson, Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece, Routledge, 2009, p.439:

  • @J5460-r8z
    @J5460-r8z 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well done.

  • @MakedonskaAkropolaMKD
    @MakedonskaAkropolaMKD ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Philip II DOESN'T BELONG to the Hellenistic period! - "With the term "hellenism" it's indicated the period AFTER the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE --- until the battle of Azio (Actium) 31 BCE and Roman empire conquest of the Egypt.
    Alexander was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia which in 338 B.C. conqured the greek polises. But the end of the polises didn't stop the cultural continuity in the greek world. Macedonian empire had absorbed many elements from the hellenic culture; Philip himself brought on the Macedonian court a philosophers like Aristotel in order to educate his son, and it was common for the greek artists to work in Macedonia of that time." - Lezioni di Arte Vol.1, 'Dall'arte arcaica al gotico'; Electa/Bruno Mondadori Edition 2002, p.45: 'Il grande impero di Alessandro e i regni hellenistici'.