it's very good it just really badly lacks the same magic and atmosphere of the first two. Mostly due to the mediocre soundtrack that is MILES below what David Wise wrote for the first two (he redid a ton of the music for the GBA version) and the drab colour palate
The original trilogy was exceptional, Super Mario World & Yoshi’s Island were serious challengers. But DKC Returns & Tropical Freeze destroy New Super Mario Bros Wii & U. Super Mario Bros Wonder is a stronger challenger of course…
The only problem is DK64 has numerous glitches including save erasure which is why I never beat it + some later bosses like Cardboard K. Rool and that castle area's mini games can be hard. Love you can shoot yourself out of that boss fight and out of the level using a barrel... But the game's still got some fun stuff like punching a giant dragon fly and racing a toy car in your toy car.
Oh I know, talk about the Pikmin, Splatoon and animal crossing series then you can talk about forgotten franchises like chibi robo and kid Icarus uprising. Great video btw
The problem with DKC3 is not that it’s a bad game but by that point it was kinda been there done that. Of course Kiddy Kong and the lack of David Wise didn’t help either.
I don’t think the lack of Wise was as bad as people make it out to be. Novakovic did a great job and I very much enjoy the more atmospheric music from DKC3
Take a shot every time you hear the word “Kong”, or don’t if you want to survive to the end of the video…. I hope Nintendo remasters the original SNES DKC titles, and releases the next Switch in grey & purple colours, calling it the Super Switch. Nostalgia is a powerful bear hug.
@@paulgilbert5278 SNES -version was somewhat inferior than first two. But, GBA -version is apparently better version of DKC3. I have not completed it yet, but at least music is better and extra content is awesome.
@@M1XART 2 sure, but 3 is inherently better than the first game. More creative level design, less cryptic bonus rooms, and Dixie Kong. It could almost give 2 a run for it's money in the level design aspect.
@@paulgilbert5278 I disagree. First DKC is the best. It justifys everything it does on the most natural way. It has best themed map & levels as well as enemies. There is nothing in the game that does not fit perfectly into it. -No mediocre/bad ideas what so ever included. It's the only one in series i replay all the time. First DKC also has the best graphics and music is as good as DKC 2. However, i admid that DKC 3 has most impressive bosses and map is neat as well. Entire trilogy is best money can buy. There is nothing wrong with DKC 2 or DKC 3. Second game just tries too much stuff all over the place and DKC 3 animal buddies are worse than previously. But, i feel that Rare's will to make each of those games unique ultimately made some things weaker, just coz they "had to be" different. For example, DKC has brilliant mine cart -rides, DKC 2 manages to impress with roller coaster alternatives, but DKC 3 had no proper replacement.
I think you’re sleeping on the GBA version of 3. It’s more one to one with the SNES game than you think. The visuals still look good and the music is more funky.
@@paulgilbert5278 I wouldn't say upbeat is the right word either lol. There's just a lot more moving parts and sounds going on. The gba music is just as moody/serious than the original in almost every way except for the tree level where theres a murderous buzzsaw chasing you while sunny music plays lmao.
I keep wanting to revisit the SNES games, but I recall how startlingly difficult and unforgiving they could be, especially with distant save points. Big distinction between the zen of their music, and the aggression of actually playing them.
Donkey Kong Country and Wario Land are two 2D Platformer video game series I like to pair up, due to them both being the first Nintendo series not staring Mario at all. And both being unique from the 2D Mario's. (Expect for Wonder.) Can you do a video like this for Wario Land also as well?
I love Donkey Kong Country series my favorite is Dixie Kong I've been playing through the DKC 2 BUT I hate the wasp honeycombs levels with a passion and I don't want to do next wasp honeycomb level
Lovely games. I have DK64 and DKC Returns 3D, fantastic games. I had Tropical Freeze but i sold my Wiiu with all the games, top notch game. DKC on the snes we used to rent back in the day, what a game it is. I have of course played it later on the Wii and Switch, it's a true classic. DKC2 and 3 i never played back in the day, so the nostalgia factor isn't really there but still masterful games. The overall level here is very very high.
N64 and the Wii are impossible to play with shit controls, this ruined the games i like, just because Nintendo wanted to be stupid by trying to be different.
2:05 actually the GBC is the best version of Donkey Kong Country as with its auto save mechanic you don’t have to reply 3 to 4 levels just to get back to where you were with the whole save barrel in the Original version. Also GBC has the right amount of speed as the original version is obviously wayyyyy to fucking slow. The original wish it could hold a candle to the GBC version.
If DKC 3 played exactly the same, but had Donkey Kong instead of Kiddy Kong it would be regarded as the best in the trilogy, because it is the best in the trilogy.
Wait... So the GBC Donkey Kong Land games never counted as anything in the Country series? I know I own DK Land 3 but have never beaten it because it's got similar difficulty to the Country series.
No Jungle Beats??? I know you play it with the Bongos, and yeah, it's not a Country game, but neither is DK64! Justice for Jungle Beats! The weirdest but coolest DK game!
Donkey Kong Country on The 3ds being ported is Kool but can't be replaced. No 3d y'all . 3ds and Wii U games that went deluxe on the switch is not necessarily better always. The Gamepad implementation on games like Xenoblade X, Windwaker and others is pretty Kool too. Think about it. I already have and own the games so having it switch also is twice as good. I'm a true Nintendo player. Still have and play DSI XL, 2 3ds XL, Wii , Wii U...
I liked the rare donkey kong family much more. Unfortunatelly nintendo changed their personality. Donkey Kong was a cool monkey riding other animals, diddy had a ghetto bluster, Dixie was so cool with her bubble gum. When you changed character in dk3 she blowed her bubble gum up till it exploded to push kiddy behind her. They had a cool character and attitude. Now they are brainless monkeys, diddy is childish, Dixie is a girlie monkey...they are to similiar to Mario and his friends...I miss the old donkey family.
dony remeber n64 ones but thought good. fun fact almost gamecube platform and racing before rare and nintendo spoil there friendship. but I say Wii ones and Wii ones plus remaster on switch form there ere is so good. so with this game ad Sid puzzle things dk on a rule.
Couple of things, Donkey and Diddy have the same speed in Country 1. And Country 2 is NOT called Diddy Kongs Quest. Youd think you would fact check before doing a video like this first?!
Diddy is faster than DK slightly in the first DKC and can jump higher but is weaker and can’t kill certain enemies, and it is Diddys Kong quest but I misspoke so that I apologize for :D
DKC3 ost was nowhere near as good as the first two. I was kind of let down by Tropical Freeze people had told me the OST was awesome but it just wasn't the same
I didn't like DK Country returns and tropical freeze the enemies and bosses were extremely bland compared to DK Country 1 to DK 64 and the story of both DK Country returns and tropical freeze both are just terrible compared to DK Country 1 to DK 64.
What is wrong with the guy who made this video. Complaining like the majority about DK64 having too many collectables. It was an absolutely amazing game. You need to have dedication to conquer this game and any true gamers don't mind this. Yes the amount of collectibles was a lot but that just makes it that much more satisfying. I completed this game relatively easy with every collectable
Well, DKCR HD is not a remake, but a remaster, and it's being developed by a company that literally only creates ports. Remakes of the SNES trilogy was never in the cards.
@@BigAlvideos101 I can understand the flaws, but "one of the worst games ever made" is just lazy hyperbole. I mean, give me your top 10 worat games ever made. Even just the original Donkey Kong arcade game, which is included in DK64, I expect would be better than any of them. DK64 is a functioning game though not to everyone's liking. Whereas something like Bubsy 3D looks awful and barely functions. Ballan Wonderworld is like the modern Bubsy 3D. Does DK64 really rank alongside Superman 64, ET, Hotel Mario, Lesiure Suit Larry, Custer's Revenge, and Wand of Gamelon?
@@BohemianRaichu I don't even have a Top 10 Worst Games of all-time, because I've played countless games considered the worst and I thoroughly enjoyed them! The same cannot be said about DK64 though- which is the first AND ONLY game that I've ever wasted money on! It's also not "lazy hyperbole"- it's FACT- as a FACT-CHECKER, I know the FACTS when I see/hear them!
Instead of Returns and Tropical Freeze getting a Switch port, what the franchise should have gotten is an actual new game.
i agree, insane that it’s been ten years since a new entry
Hopefully with the Switch 2(whatever name it is actually given later) there is a new one made.
I thought there was a new game coming next January...but it's just an HD remaster of DK returns
Or, and hear me out here. Crazy thought. Real out of the box thinking, might be super controversial.
We should’ve had both a new game and the ports.
With 7 years between those ports
It's actually Diddy's Kong Quest, being a pun on conquest and quest for Donkey Kong
DKC3 is so underrated... The first 3 DKC on SNES are just legendary!!! Miss those days.
It’s become my favourite especially around Christmas with the Xmas code. It’s so cozy! Plus going for 103%, 104% and 105% is amazing.
Got to be a contender for best trilogy in gaming.
DKC 3 is the weakest link.
@@timetravelingoldman6839 maybe "weakest" (in comparison to the other 2), but not weak
it's very good it just really badly lacks the same magic and atmosphere of the first two. Mostly due to the mediocre soundtrack that is MILES below what David Wise wrote for the first two (he redid a ton of the music for the GBA version) and the drab colour palate
We need a new DK 64 Game, Not only HD Remakes 😐
Dkc 3 shows people how to go out with a bang (being that the n64 was already out in 96)
Love the colors and the atmosphere
The original trilogy was exceptional, Super Mario World & Yoshi’s Island were serious challengers. But DKC Returns & Tropical Freeze destroy New Super Mario Bros Wii & U. Super Mario Bros Wonder is a stronger challenger of course…
I love DK64 so much. I was born a couple years after it but I watched a longplay of it when i was like 8😅
The only problem is DK64 has numerous glitches including save erasure which is why I never beat it + some later bosses like Cardboard K. Rool and that castle area's mini games can be hard. Love you can shoot yourself out of that boss fight and out of the level using a barrel... But the game's still got some fun stuff like punching a giant dragon fly and racing a toy car in your toy car.
@@richardklein1167it's easier on emulator with an Xbox controller dude
Ooooh this is gonna be a good one. The 2D games are one of, if not my favorite series of video games ever made.
DK64 is easily one of my favourite games, along with the first DK Country games. I got them all as they came out, and had a blast with each one.
Great video, great series. It is Diddy's Kong-Quest though lmao
I always said it as Diddy Kongs Quest as a kid and its so hard to say it properly lol
Oh I know, talk about the Pikmin, Splatoon and animal crossing series then you can talk about forgotten franchises like chibi robo and kid Icarus uprising. Great video btw
wow probably the best video that says nice and on point things about Donkey Kong Country 3
This is an absolute banger of a video, can’t wait for the next DK game
The problem with DKC3 is not that it’s a bad game but by that point it was kinda been there done that. Of course Kiddy Kong and the lack of David Wise didn’t help either.
That's to be expected if playing a 3 in a row. But 3 has the advantage being the most refined of the three games.
I don’t think the lack of Wise was as bad as people make it out to be. Novakovic did a great job and I very much enjoy the more atmospheric music from DKC3
Take a shot every time you hear the word “Kong”,
or don’t if you want to survive to the end of the video….
I hope Nintendo remasters the original SNES DKC titles,
and releases the next Switch in grey & purple colours,
calling it the Super Switch. Nostalgia is a powerful bear hug.
I feel like im nitpicking haha, but it's diddy'S Kong Quest, as in Conquest :p
Tropical freeze is arguably the best 2d platformer ever made.
My friend Frankie and I would play this a lot when I was a kid
One I didn’t have two or three and now I could play all of those on my switch
First two DKCs are better than any other 2D -platformes.
Crossing 3 of the list?
@@paulgilbert5278 SNES -version was somewhat inferior than first two. But, GBA -version is apparently better version of DKC3. I have not completed it yet, but at least music is better and extra content is awesome.
@@M1XART 2 sure, but 3 is inherently better than the first game. More creative level design, less cryptic bonus rooms, and Dixie Kong. It could almost give 2 a run for it's money in the level design aspect.
@@paulgilbert5278 I disagree. First DKC is the best. It justifys everything it does on the most natural way. It has best themed map & levels as well as enemies. There is nothing in the game that does not fit perfectly into it. -No mediocre/bad ideas what so ever included. It's the only one in series i replay all the time. First DKC also has the best graphics and music is as good as DKC 2.
However, i admid that DKC 3 has most impressive bosses and map is neat as well.
Entire trilogy is best money can buy. There is nothing wrong with DKC 2 or DKC 3. Second game just tries too much stuff all over the place and DKC 3 animal buddies are worse than previously.
But, i feel that Rare's will to make each of those games unique ultimately made some things weaker, just coz they "had to be" different. For example, DKC has brilliant mine cart -rides, DKC 2 manages to impress with roller coaster alternatives, but DKC 3 had no proper replacement.
the betrayal i felt when tropical freeze was the only game not released in november/december
I think you’re sleeping on the GBA version of 3. It’s more one to one with the SNES game than you think. The visuals still look good and the music is more funky.
I wouldn’t say more funky. It’s actually a lot more serious and reflects the environments more.
@@egoleo6693 It's take it or leave it in some areas. The lakeside levels have a more serious theme but then the snow levels sound more lighthearted.
@@paulgilbert5278 That's more of the exception than the rule. Only songs I'd say are really funky are the mountains and the shops.
@@egoleo6693 There's more. Waterfalls, Lakesides, Factory, Mills. etc. The GBA one goes for a more upbeat style while the SNES version was more moody
@@paulgilbert5278 I wouldn't say upbeat is the right word either lol. There's just a lot more moving parts and sounds going on. The gba music is just as moody/serious than the original in almost every way except for the tree level where theres a murderous buzzsaw chasing you while sunny music plays lmao.
I keep wanting to revisit the SNES games, but I recall how startlingly difficult and unforgiving they could be, especially with distant save points.
Big distinction between the zen of their music, and the aggression of actually playing them.
Donkey Kong Country and Wario Land are two 2D Platformer video game series I like to pair up, due to them both being the first Nintendo series not staring Mario at all. And both being unique from the 2D Mario's. (Expect for Wonder.)
Can you do a video like this for Wario Land also as well?
May Game is a Fusion of both of them with sonic as the Major insperation!
@@Enan63. Oh yes and Wario games too
I love Donkey Kong Country series my favorite is Dixie Kong I've been playing through the DKC 2 BUT I hate the wasp honeycombs levels with a passion and I don't want to do next wasp honeycomb level
Lovely games. I have DK64 and DKC Returns 3D, fantastic games. I had Tropical Freeze but i sold my Wiiu with all the games, top notch game. DKC on the snes we used to rent back in the day, what a game it is. I have of course played it later on the Wii and Switch, it's a true classic. DKC2 and 3 i never played back in the day, so the nostalgia factor isn't really there but still masterful games. The overall level here is very very high.
Donky Kong is the original American psycho movie. A villain biopic
All great games! Perfection
Really hoping we get another one in the future. Not just ports
Sleeping on the great GBA soundtrack for DKC3. 😭
N64 and the Wii are impossible to play with shit controls, this ruined the games i like, just because Nintendo wanted to be stupid by trying to be different.
Biggest hot take DK64 is the goat of 3D platformers. And 101% is only for the gigga chads
Great content. I'll have to revisit dk2 soon. The KB toy store later put DK2 in an extra large bag cuz they ran out of small bags😅
I'm JUST finding out that DKC was released in the US on my 5th birthday 😂
I actually find that DKC 3 is the most atmospheric out of the original trilogy.
2:05 actually the GBC is the best version of Donkey Kong Country as with its auto save mechanic you don’t have to reply 3 to 4 levels just to get back to where you were with the whole save barrel in the Original version. Also GBC has the right amount of speed as the original version is obviously wayyyyy to fucking slow. The original wish it could hold a candle to the GBC version.
Tropical Freeze is the only Donkey Kong game I don't own.
Yo you underrated keep it up man
I like that you plan your script.
DKC 2 might just be one of the best games ever made.
Only ❤❤❤❤❤❤for these epic game series ❤❤❤❤❤
If DKC 3 played exactly the same, but had Donkey Kong instead of Kiddy Kong it would be regarded as the best in the trilogy, because it is the best in the trilogy.
Yes, yes they are!
The atmosphere and world of the original trilogy was so much better back when Rare was making the games.
I fricking love DK64
I want a Snes, Dkc collection like the square mana Snes collection.
man I hope there's a new one in the pipeline for the first or second year of Switch 2
DKC2 has the best OST on the entire SNES, no contest
This could have been a 10 second video, yes they are that good. End. 😂
Tropical Freeze is 2D platformer perfection
DKC2 is still "Top Banana"...but DKC3 is incredibly underrated and a masterpiece in its own right.
DK2 came out on the OG GB before it came out on the GBA 👍
Still "not" bitter they didn't put DkC2 and 3 on the Snes Mini. Why?!
Wait... So the GBC Donkey Kong Land games never counted as anything in the Country series? I know I own DK Land 3 but have never beaten it because it's got similar difficulty to the Country series.
5:10 lmaoooo!
I don’t remember dk1 and dk2 so much difficult..
No Jungle Beats???
I know you play it with the Bongos, and yeah, it's not a Country game, but neither is DK64!
Justice for Jungle Beats! The weirdest but coolest DK game!
Donkey Kong Country on The 3ds being ported is Kool but can't be replaced. No 3d y'all . 3ds and Wii U games that went deluxe on the switch is not necessarily better always. The Gamepad implementation on games like Xenoblade X, Windwaker and others is pretty Kool too. Think about it. I already have and own the games so having it switch also is twice as good. I'm a true Nintendo player. Still have and play DSI XL, 2 3ds XL, Wii , Wii U...
Que si son buenos? Respuesta corta:
I liked the rare donkey kong family much more. Unfortunatelly nintendo changed their personality. Donkey Kong was a cool monkey riding other animals, diddy had a ghetto bluster, Dixie was so cool with her bubble gum. When you changed character in dk3 she blowed her bubble gum up till it exploded to push kiddy behind her. They had a cool character and attitude. Now they are brainless monkeys, diddy is childish, Dixie is a girlie monkey...they are to similiar to Mario and his friends...I miss the old donkey family.
No mention of Donkey Kong Land games?
The second game is not called Diddy Kong's Quest.
I think these games are better than the new super Mario bros games and we got so many of them but so few of these
dony remeber n64 ones but thought good. fun fact almost gamecube platform and racing before rare and nintendo spoil there friendship. but I say Wii ones and Wii ones plus remaster on switch form there ere is so good. so with this game ad Sid puzzle things dk on a rule.
Before watching the video, let me just answer the title. Yes.
diddy kong, they need to change that name
i wish we got a new game that played like the first 3 wasnt a fan of the wii ones
Couple of things, Donkey and Diddy have the same speed in Country 1. And Country 2 is NOT called Diddy Kongs Quest.
Youd think you would fact check before doing a video like this first?!
Diddy is faster than DK slightly in the first DKC and can jump higher but is weaker and can’t kill certain enemies, and it is Diddys Kong quest but I misspoke so that I apologize for :D
it's diddys Kong quest (conquest) not diddy kongs quest
Just so you know it isn't "Diddy kongs quest" it is "diddy's Kong quest" get the joke?
DKC3 ost was nowhere near as good as the first two. I was kind of let down by Tropical Freeze people had told me the OST was awesome but it just wasn't the same
Can you make a pokemon sword and shield video?
Crazy world only 6 but actually 5 give us more Nintendo instead of remakes of return
Anyone who found DKC brutally difficult should be embarassed to be a gamer. Now Tropical Freeze? Now that got annoying
Diddy's kong quest, learn to read
13:30 "a new format similar to DK 64" ... HELL NO !!!
why does nintendo charge $60 for a re mastered game?
With all due respect why is hard ALWAYS Dark Souls.. Never Ghosts n Goblins
Why wasn't it called Donkey Kong Country 64? Would have made more sense.
I guess it's not country cause it is not a sidescroller like the other ones
Pokémon isn’t and never was meant to be difficult and all main line games have been good if not great.
It's diddy's conquest, bud.
Yes. They are that good make a fucking new game nintendo
I didn't like DK Country returns and tropical freeze the enemies and bosses were extremely bland compared to DK Country 1 to DK 64 and the story of both DK Country returns and tropical freeze both are just terrible compared to DK Country 1 to DK 64.
I say this in the same annoying voice as that guy that pops up in your video. Get to back to your boat gilligans island boy. Lol
What is wrong with the guy who made this video. Complaining like the majority about DK64 having too many collectables. It was an absolutely amazing game. You need to have dedication to conquer this game and any true gamers don't mind this. Yes the amount of collectibles was a lot but that just makes it that much more satisfying. I completed this game relatively easy with every collectable
Just not 64.
Am I the only one who would've preferred Nintendo to remake DKC1 and DKC2 instead of DKC Returns? I have no desire to ever play that game again.
You are indeed the only one. For certain.
@@roberthunter7247 Perhaps
Well, DKCR HD is not a remake, but a remaster, and it's being developed by a company that literally only creates ports. Remakes of the SNES trilogy was never in the cards.
Pointless video. The answer is yes. 😂
Outside of DK64, which is one of the worst games ever made, yes- the DKC games are indeed that great!
Dk64 isnt the one of the worst games of all time you mong
Oh come on, one of the worst games ever made?!
@@BohemianRaichu Yep. If you take of your nostalgia goggles, you'll see why!
@@BigAlvideos101 I can understand the flaws, but "one of the worst games ever made" is just lazy hyperbole.
I mean, give me your top 10 worat games ever made.
Even just the original Donkey Kong arcade game, which is included in DK64, I expect would be better than any of them.
DK64 is a functioning game though not to everyone's liking.
Whereas something like Bubsy 3D looks awful and barely functions.
Ballan Wonderworld is like the modern Bubsy 3D.
Does DK64 really rank alongside Superman 64, ET, Hotel Mario, Lesiure Suit Larry, Custer's Revenge, and Wand of Gamelon?
@@BohemianRaichu I don't even have a Top 10 Worst Games of all-time, because I've played countless games considered the worst and I thoroughly enjoyed them! The same cannot be said about DK64 though- which is the first AND ONLY game that I've ever wasted money on! It's also not "lazy hyperbole"- it's FACT- as a FACT-CHECKER, I know the FACTS when I see/hear them!
Donkey kong 64, Dk country 2, and Tropical freeze are trash.
The rest are good games.
I have never seen that combination of dislikes before.
Well done I guess.
@@BohemianRaichu never played the games btw
@@kvj1989 Huh, ok.
@@BohemianRaichu thats not true, kinda, maybe.