because let's be real here Camille is a good blend between skill expression and the champion not carrying the player. she also has CLEAR bad matchups, compared to others where matchups stop mattering "if you're good enough with the champion"
i just started playing the game so im seriously asking, what is wrong with camille (or any of them, but i'm a camille player). she has terrible wave clear and will be slow to get sunderer which leaves good time to get a lead against her, and then she can quickly become super ass when behind. Or am i just bad. let me know lolz
@@bobbob-iv4wethe true damage and the screen length dash are the biggest offenders. I played her too and I don't think she's that bad, but that's not the consensus apparently.
Kinda weird to me how 1k true damage every 2 seconds in late game is dumb but it's fine when late game adc does 1200 dmg every aa or a mage dealing 5k magic damage in one rotation.@@mistared4021
gwen is kept from being on the same level as the other four due to her reliance on late game scaling, since you're not guaranteed even getting to the late game. whereas she has to work towards being able to 1v1 others by building at least two full items given how low her ap scaling starts, the other four only need 1-2 components of a full item to win duels consistently. not saying she's weak by any means of course, but riven, fiora, irelia, and camille can all do "gwen stuff" far earlier in the game.
I feel like fiora also needs a good bit of scaling tho too right? Her vitals dont do much damage until she at least has an item, more like an item and a half
Can you shut up Gwen literally has aoe,true damage that also heals her and scales off her building ap and that’s just on 1 ability. She’s strong early your probably a low elo shitter that doesn’t understand the game
The thing with Gwen is I feel like she only feels like a Horsewoman if she lanes against a tank, or once she hits late game. Playing Gwen against most things in lane is such a humbling experience Lol
Hell even against a tank you can get bodied if you play confidently early. Tahm in particular can trash her early levels to the point where scaling doesn't even matter
funnily enough, those 4 are countered by olaf which possess a good matchup in all 4 of them, as well as malphite who can outlane them and "solo" teamfights with proper engage and pealing (but it does require one fed member in your team so not absolutely solo)
One thing i think that also contributes to having ONE of the horsewomen viable at any given time is how different each one plays to one another, hence odds are the meta will support ONE of their playstyles. Lethality and flat AD strong? Riven can make use of that hard thanks to her raw AD ratios on abilities. Attackspeed and on hit strong? Irelia can abuse it with her Q and passive. Oneshot dive meta? Camille is the definetion of nuked from the other side of your screen. Splitpushing bruisers are busted? Fiora smashes most champs in a 1 v 1 and abuses those items really well like hullbreaker or goredrinker. Unless we end up in a meta thats EXCLUSIVELY mages and enchanters i can't think of any AD/tank meta that one of them can't abuse with their collective kits. (Maybe crit items? But fiora abused essence reaver and I.E and i could see irelia with Navori Shieldbow.)
On the subject of the navori irelia, I think you would only want her q on the level as fiora q but that will never happen. As fiora q is just too short of a cooldown in comparison. Maybe her e you would want to cast it twice in a fight. By the time you cast your 2nd e, you would either be dead or you killed your opponent just by the nature(dmg) of the build. I think navori would only work if you are against tanks(with bork) or maybe squishy[cuz of crit(?)] But you can still go her regular build and accomplish the thing you want from her
HOT TAKE as someone who plays Wukong top a lot. I get super excited when I lane against a irelia riven camille and fiora (well except grasp fiora), and it's mostly because of how fun it is. You see, in the top lane, there are a lot of matches that feel too oneside with champs that have ver simple kits that can lead to boring gameplay. Like when I lane against a Garen or illaoi that are overtly aggressive with their damage, tankiness, healing, and resistances meaning a lot of time, I have to play passive and pray for some jg ganks. When it's champs like kayle and nasus that are very weak in the early game but since they know this, they play EXTREMELY passive using their abilities like nasus and kalye's w and prevent any engagement until late game, where they become units of destruction. Or just tanks like malphite and sion where they really don't care if they die in the early game they can just keep pushing and scale with their tank items becoming unkillable in team fights. They're very boring and unfun to play against. But with champs like irelia, riven camille, and fiora, when I play wukong against them its soo fun because I know I can kill them but they also know they can kill me so it's not like it's one-sided but rather unpredictable on who can outplay who given how skill express these champs are compare to wukong passive and abilities. Even when i die, I don't go oh "oh no I died this sucks" I go "damn that was soo close but this time I'll kill them for sure" and it's just soo fun. There's something so fun where you're in a match and you both know you can kill each other and just brawl out till one is fed.
I swear every time I play I always go "Ah shit, * insert champion * again, why does everyone even play this shit, how can they find this fun" unless it's fiora irelia camille yone (jax used to be between these, before the rework that made him busted), heck even if they steal my riven I'm happy I get to play the fiora riven matchup, just from the fiora side
Vars, you make great league analysis and observation videos that I look forward to watching everyday while I eat my breakfast. I always walk away from your videos nodding my head and going “hm yeah that’s a good point” or “ooh I hadn’t thought of or realized that!”. Just wanted to show my support
What I also noticed is that, aside from Riven, all of them have an arena-esque ability on their ult where they have total control of the area and have a significant buff when in it. Camille with her ult which is the forces the enemy in a single area and she also has % current hp magic damage per auto. Fiora with her ult where she gets extra movement speed when in it and gets immense amount of healing in an area for her and her allies when she procs all of the vitals. Then Irelia's ult makes it so that if they pass through the walls, they'll get damaged and she can get extra procs for her Q.
Gwen is more like the four horsewomen's child prodigy rather than an actual member. Also would be kinda cool if they could have a skinline band of their own with Gwen as their manager 😆
I'd say she only has the 1v1 potential after like her first 2 items, that's why she is a harder fit. She also loses almost every matchup known to mankind so. Immensely held back by being an AP skirmisher.
@@adamd2772 I wouldn't say. I can't really say any of the new items synergize with her, as they are mage items, so they are burst oriented instead of Gwen's sustained DPS, and even Riftmaker was nerfed. I can see her struggling next season.
The Problem in m elo even If your Team hast a massive goldlead you Go Stop the splittpusher. They Just dont force a fight 4vs4 they Just dance around for 40secs giving the splittpusher time To rotate.
@@Dark_Tesla just had a game with ap cho mid vs ahri. i hardstomped her. min 20 she was 1/8 and i was forced to deal with a 14kill lucian. got 2inhibits. nah i and the kayle who dealt serious dmg both were dead at min 35. they choosed to "defend" baron by fighting mid to contest baron 3vs5- totally ignoring over half of our teams gold is chilling in the gravejard.
Also. I wound also tell my jungler to leave me alone if I’m not hard stomping lane. Come get free kills to help gank other lanes/invade/contest etc. but I specifically tell them to ignore me. My entire existence to to force more of the enemy resources towards me. Communication is important with this play style. Also in the late game I would ALWAYS group with my team when teleport was up. If we lost team fight I just walk out and trade objective
@@Dark_Tesla thats then Point of Teleport. Bit If your einem know your Team isnt coodinated He pushes top you dwfend the He tp bot and gets aninhib while Our Team throwa a danceparty mir. There are splittpusher Like trynda WHO suck at teamfighting but a trundle? He will BE threat in tf.
I thought I remembered seeing this in my sub list weeks ago but it must have been an announcement post with the thumbnail. I searched it and skimmed his video list like 3 times, gave up, refreshed the home menu and there it was "uploaded 1 minute ago" 🤣🤣🤣
Riven’s strength is heavily dependent on the lack of clarity her champ has. Even if you know her moves and all her basic combos she has so many unique interactions that playing against her can become a guessing game as to how much damage you’re about to take. Even if you know how all of her moves, combos, and interactions work you have to be on your toes at all times because she can do everything. Basically Riven has more options as of what to do in non-neutral than any other champ in the game, and that makes her incredibly hard to play against.
Cant agree, if you play alot of Riven and you know her patterns and (more important) cooldowns its pretty obvious what is going to happen most of the time. If you cant Play good vs her: Keep a distance, when she uses all her Qs to get to you she has no DMG left. If she uses E to get to you she wastes her get away spell. If she does a burst trade into you , dont get scared. If you let her simply walk away with all her spells on CD its Auto lose. She is very weak without spells up, and in early game i often notice that people wont punish you for it (i was only Plat with her tho, if you are higher elo this might work non the less)
@@clubstep8244 no damage left after using Qs? are you hearing yourself? most of the time the Qs are just there to auto reset and cc you. the sheen-like passive she gets after using an ability stacking up to three times gives her more than enough damage to hit you hard good Riven players never waste anything on minions unless they don't know you're there to punish them, and I say this as someone who has NEVER player her but is so fking sick of the bullshit she does. you would think her Qs operate the same way as Aatrox Qs do (full cooldown after using third Q) but NOOOOOO they have their own independent cooldowns meaning she can Q 3 times, do something else and a short while later she can Q three times again, even shorter than Aatrox Qs.
@@Geheimnis-c2e okay so you never played her. I play her since nearly 10 seasons. And you try to tell me about what she can do and what she can't? Her Q is her Main damage, or better said her Q fast combo that is about canceling Your Autos with Qs and canceling your Qs with Autos. That is what oneshots people. And if she has no Qs up, she can not pull off that high DPS combo that Deals alot of dmg and allows her to retreat before she can be punished . Ofc she still has her 3 empowered Auto attacks, but you hardly win a trade vs Illaoi for example by Auto attacking her 3 times.
Here's my suggestion if you really want to balance Fiora in particular: Make it so her vitals only deal true damage when she has her ult on someone; THOSE vitals deal true damage, all others deal physical damage. This would still give her the tankbusting capabilities she has now without her being an effective counter against a FREAKING MOUNTAIN or an ARMADILLO COVERED IN DEADLY SPIKES THAT RETALIATE AGAINST ANYTHING
Irelia is only stronger if you allow her to stack passive which 90% of the roster can force her off wave on lvl1, ofc you have to know you are stronger lvl1@@no7k7k
@@no7k7k It just depends on what you play, If you play ranged (gay) you hate irelia which is also unironic since she is probably the straightest looking girl of the 4. If you play tank (geek) you probably hate fiora cause she shits on tanks. If you play Fighter (chad) you probably only struggle with riven but thats only ofc if shes good. I dont think camille excells over any of them at what they do best, but she has a bit of all 3, she has mobility/range (irelia), true damage (fiora) and a bunch of cc (riven) plus shes much better at teamfights. Its also why camille is oftenly picked at pro play (even tho its usually jungle), you will never see a fiora/irelia/riven at worlds and if you do they lose their games 3/3 times
one thing i love about these four is the fact that they come from some of the strongest regions in runeterra, Camille- Piltover (The best tech) Fiora- Demacia (The best anti magic people) and Irelia Ionia- (the best synergy with magic) Its quite cool to see imo
Just here to add a few unmentioned points for each horsewoman: - Fiora = She's usually squishy enough early-mid game and can be taken down in one rotation if immobilized... Exceeeept, she also can actively punish anything telegraphed w/ her W (and not a lot of crowd control abilities in the game are exempt to that). - Camille = When Vars said she has the lowest consistent damage because her Q is the bulk of her damage, don't forget that her R's duration also gives her bonus 20/40/80+4/6/8% of target's current HP as magic damage on hit. And oh, did I mention she gets bonus attack speed if she lands her E on an enemy champion? - Riven = Her passive used to only work vs. organic enemy units (champs/minions/monsters), but after they allowed 50% of it to work against structures, she's become more than capable of taking turrets in 2-3 minion waves at two items. - Irelia = Skilled users have the option of hiding her initial cast and animation of E (fog of war/walls/brushes) and then recasting once she's already within striking range (through Q/Flash), effectively removing any telegraphed counter-play. Also, she has the option to build AP (fringe cases like Baus, but it can more than work if you're good enough). - All of them love the Conqueror rune keystone, which gives them more damage and sustain the longer a fight goes- and oh boy, do these four have the means to be in a fight for more than 20 seconds.
Camille doesnt buy on hit items except for trinity, so her damage is composed by a far more burst approach. Remember that she only has 125 range and her ultimate is not always up to deal that magic damage. If you miss your E you fucked hard. She struggles in the 1v1 against other duelists and skirmishers with high mobility
@@no7k7k No on-hit? Isn't Triforce->Ravenous Hydra/BotRK->Hexplate->Wit's End->2 tank items good on her nowadays? I agree she's always been more burst than sustained damage, but she still deals decent basic attack damage outside of her EQR in comparison to some of the other burst-trade champs in Top. However, if we compare her against the other three horsewomen (and maybe even Gwen currently in 14.1-.2), she's definitely the most abusable.
I feel like Lillia does well or at least okay against all four of them, due to her consistent high movementspeed, which kind of counters most of their abilities - and starting midgame, it‘s not even *that* bad, if she gets caught, because she just ramps up her speed like no one else and probably also has Rylais by then
I remember b4 mythic items the meta were camilles and fiora were the most dominamt champions of toplane, trinity force, ravenous hydra and sterak, if theu got to those 3 items, not matter how far behind they were it was a instant lose for the enemy team
As a top laner I far prefer to fight these champions and other skill expressive fighters than some drooling tank or adc. These champs are what top lane is all about, high pressure skill matchups between primarily melee fighters, thats what makes it my favourite role.
Yep. Love that you can go 0/2 as riven vs fiora and still win the next fight, and same vice versa. I hate it in botlane when a 2v2 breaks out where 1 team has a Lead its only one team trying to survive and one trying to kill. In those Top match ups its always a good fight
It's really amaizing how Riven is a far older champion than the others yet manages to be so dominant and her players always say she is not great. I genuinely think that even with her overloaded kit she would be bearable if she didn't had all those animation cancel while dealing AOE sustained burst, riot has balanced her in such a boring way imo. Still hate fiora more lol.
Wrong. Riot keeps Riven relevant only thru AD scaling buffs and it shows right now poorly Riven is aging as a champion design. Those scaling buffs obsly give her more power at the same time those dont fix a problem that Riven has - 2.1K gold (wardens + steelcaps) and the game becomes unplayable for her and those gigantic AD scalings are not helping. At some point they will not be able to give her more AD scaling buffs, because she will start just one-tapping enemies with her abilities instead of her autos, so they will need to give her some armour pen / shred or % health damage in exchange of AD scaling nerfs. Btw Irelia has a similar problem, but its not as severe as in Rivens case, because Irelia has mixed damage and can itemize Blade of Ruined King. And that leaves us with Camille and Fiora that are the most consistent out of those 4 and that thanks to their ability to deal True Damage which makes them always relevant no matter the meta while Riven and Irelia are borderline unplayable in a Tank meta.
@@bohomazdesign725 This could be said about most auto attack damage champions though??? Armor being a problem isn't specific to riven nor is it any worse especially since black cleaver and seryldas are so amazing on her.
@@MichaelJohnson-wd1le "This could be said about most auto attack damage champions though??? " - not really, ADCs have access 3 damage multiplier items and 2 of them (Kraken + LDR) can be literally build as first and second item which is btw why Tanks are so shit right now. Yes, Seryldas and BC are a thing, but the problem is that she needs 3100 Gold to counter 2100 Gold and then she has to opt into her mythic which means her enemy gets to build another 2 items before she can itemize into Seryldas. Its like an endless chase except you are on the backfoot all the time and you cant really get the resources you need, because 2100 Gold just shuts her down. In other words unless someone is stupid enough to feed Riven in the early game she cant do anything for like 25 minutes (3 items).
riven: infinitive dmg and dashes fiora:infinitive dashes and literally counters cc irelia:gets full build after blade of the ruined king and nifinitive dashes camille: counters attack damage and ability damage and true damage you cant run away infinitive range dash and 1k dmg 2 sec cooldown Q
11:50 As a Yorick main, I find it offensive that you could possibly put down his spike as Trinity force, an item he usually doesn't even build in high elo! He spikes at 4th item, which costs around a total of 12,000 gold, which is why he is so shit. That is, unless he has a good teamcomp matchup, where he spikes 3rd item (hullbreaker), but he needs grudge to catch and duskblade to kill. That, or you could just build Iceborn like a true memer and spike 1st item
Fiora feels the toughest to beat for me, but Camille is the one I hate the most she’s just rarer than the others. Riven tbh isn’t even a problem at all, and Irelia players are too busy trying to 1v5 on repeat to ever be useful
Irelia is a bad splitpusher LOL, the most important thing when applying presure on sidelane is escape which she doesnt have(u get picked its gg), only aggressive mobility kindla like yasuo, and 1v1 she is actually quite strong especially with bork
We call this the toplane "waifu meta". And gwen is the latest member. The only reason i think she is so much weaker than the rest is because of the ap damage. She just has worse items to work with by default and depends on her scaling more like other mages. Whereas all the others are ad, spike much earlier and have more crowd control.
2:23 "exerts highest pressure" LMAO! as if the roaming second jungler that can be anywhere on the map with very little punishment has less pressure than a summoner spell on a 6-4 minute cooldown.
Looking back at this video after Ambessa got released and she might just be the fifth (or sixth if we're including Gwen) Horsewoman of Top Lane. Good wave clear, insane mobility, absolute menace in both teamfights and the sidelanes, she's got everything
id like to see a video on why malphite is so good but isn't mained by a lot of players or a general video of champions who have high winrates but low main population
Malphite has a high win rate because he is usually a counter pick champion. If the enemy is heavy ad Malphite can just win and even worst if the enemy is full of squishy assassin ad damage dealers ( ap Malphite will just one shot someone and still is tanky enough to be annoying.
Yeah, I would also love this kinda of video Especially because a lot of people use Win rate to defend how weak or strong a champion is, even thou there's way more than just that Champions like Singed have a incredible Win rate, because the 5 guys around the world that play him, KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THE CHARACTER Which is far different from characters like Yone who are only balanced because of the IMMENSE popularity and playerbase of the character (being one of the most popular male champions)
@@kainakrit9311 Just to clarify, are you talking about that time old asol was broken and then they started to nerf him (the Asol pre "Nerf Asol meme" like...10 years ago), or the pos-rework one? (Probably this one) Well, if you're talking about rework Asol, you need to remember that it was almost a completely new character that had 55% Win rate on his first month of existence, while being one of the hottest picks (for obvious reasons) of the same month. And...I didn't get what are you trying to say with this...Yuumi and Briar both had and Win rate on the 35% when they launched.....While being both extremely broken on launch (ESPECIALLY Yuumi that broke competitive for some time) Win rate it's not always the most important factor as the Asol/Yuumi/Briar example shows....(sorry, if I misunderstood your comment...or if I was too serious.....xD)
Maybe it's just below Diamond, but I find it funny Warwick lanes well enough into all of them. Volibear too but Cam can be problematic if they know what they're doing.
You managed to label every horseman wrong in the picture at 0:11
(It would be from left to right: Famine, War, Conquest and Death)
That wasn't me that was my editor (but I should've caught that myself so that's actually my fault too)
*Your editor managed to label every horseman wrong.
lmao that's hilarious 🤣🤣
@@VarsVerumthats wut u call a skill issue
Conquest isn't a horseman, Pestilence is
There is an unspoken rule that if you are a toplaner, you absolutely despise at least one of them
Fiora 🤢🤢
i hate 3 of them
I fucking permban fiora, fuck %maxhp true damage
Riven makes me angry😡
fiora is just infuriating. more so than any other one
Ah yes the four horsewomen and gwen
The name was already decided when they made Gwen >
Nah. Gwen's lack of good ítems is too much a burden for her to be part of this group
@@ignacioperez5479 Just wait. AP items are getting better pretty generally in S14. (Though MR items are also being boosted.)
Gwen is atleast beatable in lane though 💀
@@DarthRadical yeah, but from all the new ítems, most of them have no good sinergy with her. Plus, riftmaker is nerfed a Lot
there's something genetic in camille players that convince them they're not part of this group and their champion is completely normal
yeah but what's wrong with any of them? i lack to see any problem
because let's be real here Camille is a good blend between skill expression and the champion not carrying the player.
she also has CLEAR bad matchups, compared to others where matchups stop mattering "if you're good enough with the champion"
i just started playing the game so im seriously asking, what is wrong with camille (or any of them, but i'm a camille player). she has terrible wave clear and will be slow to get sunderer which leaves good time to get a lead against her, and then she can quickly become super ass when behind. Or am i just bad. let me know lolz
@@bobbob-iv4wethe true damage and the screen length dash are the biggest offenders.
I played her too and I don't think she's that bad, but that's not the consensus apparently.
Kinda weird to me how 1k true damage every 2 seconds in late game is dumb but it's fine when late game adc does 1200 dmg every aa or a mage dealing 5k magic damage in one rotation.@@mistared4021
gwen is kept from being on the same level as the other four due to her reliance on late game scaling, since you're not guaranteed even getting to the late game. whereas she has to work towards being able to 1v1 others by building at least two full items given how low her ap scaling starts, the other four only need 1-2 components of a full item to win duels consistently. not saying she's weak by any means of course, but riven, fiora, irelia, and camille can all do "gwen stuff" far earlier in the game.
Very well said, Gwen is more like their little sister the horse girl of toplane if you will
I feel like fiora also needs a good bit of scaling tho too right? Her vitals dont do much damage until she at least has an item, more like an item and a half
@@The__Thunder__honestly she gets to be really threatening by getting sheen, she doesnt really need a full item
fiora beats the shit out of people lvl 1 because of her vitals
Can you shut up Gwen literally has aoe,true damage that also heals her and scales off her building ap and that’s just on 1 ability. She’s strong early your probably a low elo shitter that doesn’t understand the game
The thing with Gwen is I feel like she only feels like a Horsewoman if she lanes against a tank, or once she hits late game. Playing Gwen against most things in lane is such a humbling experience Lol
Hell even against a tank you can get bodied if you play confidently early. Tahm in particular can trash her early levels to the point where scaling doesn't even matter
funnily enough, those 4 are countered by olaf which possess a good matchup in all 4 of them, as well as malphite who can outlane them and "solo" teamfights with proper engage and pealing (but it does require one fed member in your team so not absolutely solo)
Olaf drunk husband strat
(Plays Lissandra)
Also Renekton, he just slaps all four of them, especially riven (or used to, idk)
Poppy can just shut down all of them
Fiora is maybe Olaf’s hardest matchup wdym
One thing i think that also contributes to having ONE of the horsewomen viable at any given time is how different each one plays to one another, hence odds are the meta will support ONE of their playstyles.
Lethality and flat AD strong? Riven can make use of that hard thanks to her raw AD ratios on abilities.
Attackspeed and on hit strong? Irelia can abuse it with her Q and passive.
Oneshot dive meta? Camille is the definetion of nuked from the other side of your screen.
Splitpushing bruisers are busted? Fiora smashes most champs in a 1 v 1 and abuses those items really well like hullbreaker or goredrinker.
Unless we end up in a meta thats EXCLUSIVELY mages and enchanters i can't think of any AD/tank meta that one of them can't abuse with their collective kits. (Maybe crit items? But fiora abused essence reaver and I.E and i could see irelia with Navori Shieldbow.)
Crit fiora is actually pretty strong and hurts a lot
On the subject of the navori irelia, I think you would only want her q on the level as fiora q but that will never happen. As fiora q is just too short of a cooldown in comparison. Maybe her e you would want to cast it twice in a fight. By the time you cast your 2nd e, you would either be dead or you killed your opponent just by the nature(dmg) of the build. I think navori would only work if you are against tanks(with bork) or maybe squishy[cuz of crit(?)] But you can still go her regular build and accomplish the thing you want from her
Don't forget pre nerf shieldbow fiora motherfucker can out damge and out sustain everything plus death's dance
I'll return to League when they'll finally do a viable crit build with navori for Riven.
and that's why we need the 5th horsewomen for the AP/Mages meta lmao
I just realized this but the 4 horsewomen have a really nice pair of walking apparatuses.
Urgot: I must admit, I got a thing for… legs
HOT TAKE as someone who plays Wukong top a lot. I get super excited when I lane against a irelia riven camille and fiora (well except grasp fiora), and it's mostly because of how fun it is.
You see, in the top lane, there are a lot of matches that feel too oneside with champs that have ver simple kits that can lead to boring gameplay. Like when I lane against a Garen or illaoi that are overtly aggressive with their damage, tankiness, healing, and resistances meaning a lot of time, I have to play passive and pray for some jg ganks. When it's champs like kayle and nasus that are very weak in the early game but since they know this, they play EXTREMELY passive using their abilities like nasus and kalye's w and prevent any engagement until late game, where they become units of destruction. Or just tanks like malphite and sion where they really don't care if they die in the early game they can just keep pushing and scale with their tank items becoming unkillable in team fights. They're very boring and unfun to play against.
But with champs like irelia, riven camille, and fiora, when I play wukong against them its soo fun because I know I can kill them but they also know they can kill me so it's not like it's one-sided but rather unpredictable on who can outplay who given how skill express these champs are compare to wukong passive and abilities. Even when i die, I don't go oh "oh no I died this sucks" I go "damn that was soo close but this time I'll kill them for sure" and it's just soo fun. There's something so fun where you're in a match and you both know you can kill each other and just brawl out till one is fed.
Tank players can't relate .
@@harrysliyoko8809True, tanks are fun, especially when you snowball late game.
@@larryperlas7616No shit. No other role gets a over 50% wr just from champ select like tanks do.
I swear every time I play I always go "Ah shit, * insert champion * again, why does everyone even play this shit, how can they find this fun" unless it's fiora irelia camille yone (jax used to be between these, before the rework that made him busted), heck even if they steal my riven I'm happy I get to play the fiora riven matchup, just from the fiora side
Vars, you make great league analysis and observation videos that I look forward to watching everyday while I eat my breakfast. I always walk away from your videos nodding my head and going “hm yeah that’s a good point” or “ooh I hadn’t thought of or realized that!”. Just wanted to show my support
What I also noticed is that, aside from Riven, all of them have an arena-esque ability on their ult where they have total control of the area and have a significant buff when in it.
Camille with her ult which is the forces the enemy in a single area and she also has % current hp magic damage per auto.
Fiora with her ult where she gets extra movement speed when in it and gets immense amount of healing in an area for her and her allies when she procs all of the vitals.
Then Irelia's ult makes it so that if they pass through the walls, they'll get damaged and she can get extra procs for her Q.
wrong u dont get an stack on the champs if they walk through the wall only if they get hit on impact
My guy played the bo2 Multiplayer menu music and made me have so much nostalgia of the good old days.
I just noticed. What a vibe
the name sake of their character is amazing! The four horsewomen of toplane sounds so cool! Riot should make a skin set for this!
Gwen is more like the four horsewomen's child prodigy rather than an actual member. Also would be kinda cool if they could have a skinline band of their own with Gwen as their manager 😆
2:24 As a certain fundamentals enthusiast would say, top-lane is usually won and lost in the first four minion waves.
I love how we all know who is he talking about, he made his channel this year LOL
Best riven player imo
As a Poppy main, I’m so happy my W exists.
Also, last lunch break video with Vars for 2023! 🎉
Happy new year!
Cancer champ
@@lamblykindred L take
Gwen kind of feels like an honorary 5th Horsewoman. She does lack the mobility of the rest but she has the true damage and 1v1 potential of one
I'd say she only has the 1v1 potential after like her first 2 items, that's why she is a harder fit. She also loses almost every matchup known to mankind so. Immensely held back by being an AP skirmisher.
@@The_White not next season
@@adamd2772 I wouldn't say. I can't really say any of the new items synergize with her, as they are mage items, so they are burst oriented instead of Gwen's sustained DPS, and even Riftmaker was nerfed.
I can see her struggling next season.
Not quite
@@The_White She definitely wins most matchups against tanks, no tank can force her out of lane, only the Bruisers/Juggernauts/Toplane ADCs beat her
What you described w/ Trynd vs K’Sante is exactly how I played Nasus in top lane. I make sure it’s never a 5v5 but 1v2 and 4v3
The Problem in m elo even If your Team hast a massive goldlead you Go Stop the splittpusher. They Just dont force a fight 4vs4 they Just dance around for 40secs giving the splittpusher time To rotate.
@@kowikowi8718 exactly. And this is where wards pay for themselves.
@@Dark_Tesla just had a game with ap cho mid vs ahri. i hardstomped her. min 20 she was 1/8 and i was forced to deal with a 14kill lucian. got 2inhibits. nah i and the kayle who dealt serious dmg both were dead at min 35. they choosed to "defend" baron by fighting mid to contest baron 3vs5- totally ignoring over half of our teams gold is chilling in the gravejard.
Also. I wound also tell my jungler to leave me alone if I’m not hard stomping lane. Come get free kills to help gank other lanes/invade/contest etc. but I specifically tell them to ignore me. My entire existence to to force more of the enemy resources towards me. Communication is important with this play style. Also in the late game I would ALWAYS group with my team when teleport was up. If we lost team fight I just walk out and trade objective
@@Dark_Tesla thats then Point of Teleport. Bit If your einem know your Team isnt coodinated He pushes top you dwfend the He tp bot and gets aninhib while Our Team throwa a danceparty mir.
There are splittpusher Like trynda WHO suck at teamfighting but a trundle? He will BE threat in tf.
I thought I remembered seeing this in my sub list weeks ago but it must have been an announcement post with the thumbnail.
I searched it and skimmed his video list like 3 times, gave up, refreshed the home menu and there it was "uploaded 1 minute ago" 🤣🤣🤣
4 women of top lane
4 carries of top lane
4 champions choosable in top lane
Riven’s strength is heavily dependent on the lack of clarity her champ has. Even if you know her moves and all her basic combos she has so many unique interactions that playing against her can become a guessing game as to how much damage you’re about to take.
Even if you know how all of her moves, combos, and interactions work you have to be on your toes at all times because she can do everything. Basically Riven has more options as of what to do in non-neutral than any other champ in the game, and that makes her incredibly hard to play against.
Cant agree, if you play alot of Riven and you know her patterns and (more important) cooldowns its pretty obvious what is going to happen most of the time.
If you cant Play good vs her:
Keep a distance, when she uses all her Qs to get to you she has no DMG left. If she uses E to get to you she wastes her get away spell. If she does a burst trade into you , dont get scared. If you let her simply walk away with all her spells on CD its Auto lose. She is very weak without spells up, and in early game i often notice that people wont punish you for it (i was only Plat with her tho, if you are higher elo this might work non the less)
@@clubstep8244 no damage left after using Qs? are you hearing yourself? most of the time the Qs are just there to auto reset and cc you. the sheen-like passive she gets after using an ability stacking up to three times gives her more than enough damage to hit you hard
good Riven players never waste anything on minions unless they don't know you're there to punish them, and I say this as someone who has NEVER player her but is so fking sick of the bullshit she does.
you would think her Qs operate the same way as Aatrox Qs do (full cooldown after using third Q) but NOOOOOO they have their own independent cooldowns meaning she can Q 3 times, do something else and a short while later she can Q three times again, even shorter than Aatrox Qs.
@@Geheimnis-c2e okay so you never played her. I play her since nearly 10 seasons. And you try to tell me about what she can do and what she can't?
Her Q is her Main damage, or better said her Q fast combo that is about canceling Your Autos with Qs and canceling your Qs with Autos. That is what oneshots people. And if she has no Qs up, she can not pull off that high DPS combo that Deals alot of dmg and allows her to retreat before she can be punished . Ofc she still has her 3 empowered Auto attacks, but you hardly win a trade vs Illaoi for example by Auto attacking her 3 times.
@@NANOBETON Thats not how it works
@@clubstep8244 that _is_ how it works.she can space out her Qs to keep them on extremly low CD
I find Gwen to be impressive at 2 items. Nashor’s + Riftmaker is full build and can 1v1 anyone. Add a Cosmic Drive and can 1v2 even 1v.
A Gwen that's 100 CS up on her lane opponent, with a Riftmaker+Nashors+Cosmic Drive can 1v5 you a Worlds Finals game
the black ops 2 lobby music in the background was the real mvp
Now ambessa and aurora are here to terrorize the rift
Here's my suggestion if you really want to balance Fiora in particular: Make it so her vitals only deal true damage when she has her ult on someone; THOSE vitals deal true damage, all others deal physical damage.
This would still give her the tankbusting capabilities she has now without her being an effective counter against a FREAKING MOUNTAIN or an ARMADILLO COVERED IN DEADLY SPIKES THAT RETALIATE AGAINST ANYTHING
Riven and irelia are tolerable compared to the true damage twins.
Irelia is worse than camille tbh
@@no7k7k if you have trouble with irelia use urgot he's her big counter
Irelia is only stronger if you allow her to stack passive which 90% of the roster can force her off wave on lvl1, ofc you have to know you are stronger lvl1@@no7k7k
@@no7k7k It just depends on what you play,
If you play ranged (gay) you hate irelia which is also unironic since she is probably the straightest looking girl of the 4.
If you play tank (geek) you probably hate fiora cause she shits on tanks.
If you play Fighter (chad) you probably only struggle with riven but thats only ofc if shes good.
I dont think camille excells over any of them at what they do best, but she has a bit of all 3, she has mobility/range (irelia), true damage (fiora) and a bunch of cc (riven) plus shes much better at teamfights.
Its also why camille is oftenly picked at pro play (even tho its usually jungle), you will never see a fiora/irelia/riven at worlds and if you do they lose their games 3/3 times
@@cyrisz4300 100% agree with u
one thing i love about these four is the fact that they come from some of the strongest regions in runeterra, Camille- Piltover (The best tech) Fiora- Demacia (The best anti magic people) and Irelia Ionia- (the best synergy with magic) Its quite cool to see imo
They all have some form of:
CC/Counterplay/Dash/Sustain or damage prevention
Bladewomen is officially a champion subclass in League of legends and you cannot convince me otherwise
You're right, I had a feeling they would really get along with horses.
I mean look at them
Just here to add a few unmentioned points for each horsewoman:
- Fiora = She's usually squishy enough early-mid game and can be taken down in one rotation if immobilized... Exceeeept, she also can actively punish anything telegraphed w/ her W (and not a lot of crowd control abilities in the game are exempt to that).
- Camille = When Vars said she has the lowest consistent damage because her Q is the bulk of her damage, don't forget that her R's duration also gives her bonus 20/40/80+4/6/8% of target's current HP as magic damage on hit. And oh, did I mention she gets bonus attack speed if she lands her E on an enemy champion?
- Riven = Her passive used to only work vs. organic enemy units (champs/minions/monsters), but after they allowed 50% of it to work against structures, she's become more than capable of taking turrets in 2-3 minion waves at two items.
- Irelia = Skilled users have the option of hiding her initial cast and animation of E (fog of war/walls/brushes) and then recasting once she's already within striking range (through Q/Flash), effectively removing any telegraphed counter-play. Also, she has the option to build AP (fringe cases like Baus, but it can more than work if you're good enough).
- All of them love the Conqueror rune keystone, which gives them more damage and sustain the longer a fight goes- and oh boy, do these four have the means to be in a fight for more than 20 seconds.
Camille doesnt buy on hit items except for trinity, so her damage is composed by a far more burst approach. Remember that she only has 125 range and her ultimate is not always up to deal that magic damage. If you miss your E you fucked hard.
She struggles in the 1v1 against other duelists and skirmishers with high mobility
@@no7k7k No on-hit? Isn't Triforce->Ravenous Hydra/BotRK->Hexplate->Wit's End->2 tank items good on her nowadays? I agree she's always been more burst than sustained damage, but she still deals decent basic attack damage outside of her EQR in comparison to some of the other burst-trade champs in Top.
However, if we compare her against the other three horsewomen (and maybe even Gwen currently in 14.1-.2), she's definitely the most abusable.
The thumbnail confused me since I don't play any of these, thought there was 3 irelias and 1 camille
I feel like Lillia does well or at least okay against all four of them, due to her consistent high movementspeed, which kind of counters most of their abilities - and starting midgame, it‘s not even *that* bad, if she gets caught, because she just ramps up her speed like no one else and probably also has Rylais by then
Funny how this exact four champs is my entire champion pool and I dont play any other champs.
You should try jayce and gnar
You should do 4 horsemen of mid, yas yone akali zed? Or whoever else you think would fit better
Gwen's the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse: "No Signal".
I remember b4 mythic items the meta were camilles and fiora were the most dominamt champions of toplane, trinity force, ravenous hydra and sterak, if theu got to those 3 items, not matter how far behind they were it was a instant lose for the enemy team
Vars: " The 4 Horsewoman"
My Brain: "Horse? Hecarim."
Rell clearly
When BO2 Adreanaline kicken in i knew how serious this vid will be
Also max health true damage has two counters - sustain as well as shields
As a top laner I far prefer to fight these champions and other skill expressive fighters than some drooling tank or adc. These champs are what top lane is all about, high pressure skill matchups between primarily melee fighters, thats what makes it my favourite role.
Yep. Love that you can go 0/2 as riven vs fiora and still win the next fight, and same vice versa. I hate it in botlane when a 2v2 breaks out where 1 team has a Lead its only one team trying to survive and one trying to kill.
In those Top match ups its always a good fight
It's really amaizing how Riven is a far older champion than the others yet manages to be so dominant and her players always say she is not great. I genuinely think that even with her overloaded kit she would be bearable if she didn't had all those animation cancel while dealing AOE sustained burst, riot has balanced her in such a boring way imo. Still hate fiora more lol.
Wrong. Riot keeps Riven relevant only thru AD scaling buffs and it shows right now poorly Riven is aging as a champion design. Those scaling buffs obsly give her more power at the same time those dont fix a problem that Riven has - 2.1K gold (wardens + steelcaps) and the game becomes unplayable for her and those gigantic AD scalings are not helping.
At some point they will not be able to give her more AD scaling buffs, because she will start just one-tapping enemies with her abilities instead of her autos, so they will need to give her some armour pen / shred or % health damage in exchange of AD scaling nerfs.
Btw Irelia has a similar problem, but its not as severe as in Rivens case, because Irelia has mixed damage and can itemize Blade of Ruined King.
And that leaves us with Camille and Fiora that are the most consistent out of those 4 and that thanks to their ability to deal True Damage which makes them always relevant no matter the meta while Riven and Irelia are borderline unplayable in a Tank meta.
@@bohomazdesign725 This could be said about most auto attack damage champions though??? Armor being a problem isn't specific to riven nor is it any worse especially since black cleaver and seryldas are so amazing on her.
@@MichaelJohnson-wd1le "This could be said about most auto attack damage champions though??? " - not really, ADCs have access 3 damage multiplier items and 2 of them (Kraken + LDR) can be literally build as first and second item which is btw why Tanks are so shit right now.
Yes, Seryldas and BC are a thing, but the problem is that she needs 3100 Gold to counter 2100 Gold and then she has to opt into her mythic which means her enemy gets to build another 2 items before she can itemize into Seryldas. Its like an endless chase except you are on the backfoot all the time and you cant really get the resources you need, because 2100 Gold just shuts her down. In other words unless someone is stupid enough to feed Riven in the early game she cant do anything for like 25 minutes (3 items).
Nope she just gets buffs
@@bohomazdesign725 Ok but the same thing could be said about adcs then. They also need a bunch of gold to counter that 2100 gold.
riven: infinitive dmg and dashes
fiora:infinitive dashes and literally counters cc
irelia:gets full build after blade of the ruined king and nifinitive dashes
camille: counters attack damage and ability damage and true damage you cant run away infinitive range dash and 1k dmg 2 sec cooldown Q
11:50 As a Yorick main, I find it offensive that you could possibly put down his spike as Trinity force, an item he usually doesn't even build in high elo! He spikes at 4th item, which costs around a total of 12,000 gold, which is why he is so shit. That is, unless he has a good teamcomp matchup, where he spikes 3rd item (hullbreaker), but he needs grudge to catch and duskblade to kill. That, or you could just build Iceborn like a true memer and spike 1st item
Damn that Black Ops theme really just made me pause the video and relive old memories...
Every time I looked away from this video for a moment I temporarily forgot that I'm not watching a FalseSwipeGaming video
well these days i would say six, because i would include gwen, and now id include ambessa
you know its the main event when the black ops 2 music kicks in
I'm sure you had lots of fun making this video, Vars, especially the section about Riven...
4:20 it's not an unspoken rule it's the fact that usually nobody can match a top lane champion other than the top laner.
i think Gwen's issue is that she is in pro jail while the others arent
btw for some reason i play all of them for me at least they are ranked irelia>riven>fiora>camille but honestly i play irelia mostly in mid
I got really excited when he said mythics would be gone by the time I saw this video
The black ops 2 menu music’s got me feeling some kinda way.
1. Fiora
2. Irelia
3. Riven
4. Camille
that black ops 2 music in the background is so fire
You're a man of culture, this Black Ops 2 Background music makes me nostalgic while viewing this video.
I like that these 4 Exist. Having a matchup with 2 of them is always a fun lane
Fiora feels the toughest to beat for me, but Camille is the one I hate the most she’s just rarer than the others.
Riven tbh isn’t even a problem at all, and Irelia players are too busy trying to 1v5 on repeat to ever be useful
I hate playing against Fiora and Riven. LOVE YOUR VIDEOS VARS!❤
i'm a riven otp, luckily for you i am in iron lol
go play garen dickcheese, leave champions like that for real players@@FireStorm14
What makes them so persistent:
Riven -- War
Irelia -- Famine
Camille -- Death
Fiora -- Conquest
You guys agree?
I fw this
Funny thing is, in KR servers, riven is considered dead and weakest horseman and it is just considered relevant. Probably replaced by Gwen or Vayne
Irelia is a bad splitpusher LOL, the most important thing when applying presure on sidelane is escape which she doesnt have(u get picked its gg), only aggressive mobility kindla like yasuo, and 1v1 she is actually quite strong especially with bork
The Black Ops II main menu music goes HARD
We call this the toplane "waifu meta". And gwen is the latest member. The only reason i think she is so much weaker than the rest is because of the ap damage. She just has worse items to work with by default and depends on her scaling more like other mages. Whereas all the others are ad, spike much earlier and have more crowd control.
2:23 "exerts highest pressure" LMAO! as if the roaming second jungler that can be anywhere on the map with very little punishment has less pressure than a summoner spell on a 6-4 minute cooldown.
Hurt me bad when he said Platinum was a lower division
Looking back at this video after Ambessa got released and she might just be the fifth (or sixth if we're including Gwen) Horsewoman of Top Lane. Good wave clear, insane mobility, absolute menace in both teamfights and the sidelanes, she's got everything
Man that bo2 music brings back so many memories
The black ops ost in the background made me smile.
I feel like this topic was talked about like 10 times already
The BO2 multiplayer menu music goes insane
7:03 Warwick and Rammus ults would like a word with you😅
Thank you for your videos vars, trust me when i say that they do save my nights❤
8:50 Camille also deals % max hp true dmg on hit to her ult target iirc.
It's current %hp magic damage.
Love the BO 2 music at the beginning
The use of the Black Ops 2 Multiplayer music is nostalgic.
why is the first thing I notice in this video the black ops 2 multiplayer menu music, man my brain is beyond saving
I like the BO2 music on the video, Adrenaline is such a good soundtrack.
I see what all these horsewoman have in particular is that they- HAVE MY HATRED
We just appreciate that my man used call of duty: Black ops 2 multiplayer music as his background track.
Brings back some good memories. 👍
Absolutely vibing to the Black ops 2 multiplayer music, brings me back to when I no lifed that game back in middle school 😅
Love the black ops 2 menu music playing in the video 😂
id like to see a video on why malphite is so good but isn't mained by a lot of players or a general video of champions who have high winrates but low main population
Malphite has a high win rate because he is usually a counter pick champion. If the enemy is heavy ad Malphite can just win and even worst if the enemy is full of squishy assassin ad damage dealers ( ap Malphite will just one shot someone and still is tanky enough to be annoying.
Yeah, I would also love this kinda of video
Especially because a lot of people use Win rate to defend how weak or strong a champion is, even thou there's way more than just that
Champions like Singed have a incredible Win rate, because the 5 guys around the world that play him, KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THE CHARACTER
Which is far different from characters like Yone who are only balanced because of the IMMENSE popularity and playerbase of the character (being one of the most popular male champions)
@@usarhabilidade2697 Remember when old Asol had like 55% win rate every patch and got nerfed? xDDDDDDDD
@@kainakrit9311 Just to clarify, are you talking about that time old asol was broken and then they started to nerf him (the Asol pre "Nerf Asol meme" like...10 years ago), or the pos-rework one? (Probably this one)
Well, if you're talking about rework Asol, you need to remember that it was almost a completely new character that had 55% Win rate on his first month of existence, while being one of the hottest picks (for obvious reasons) of the same month.
And...I didn't get what are you trying to say with this...Yuumi and Briar both had and Win rate on the 35% when they launched.....While being both extremely broken on launch (ESPECIALLY Yuumi that broke competitive for some time)
Win rate it's not always the most important factor as the Asol/Yuumi/Briar example shows....(sorry, if I misunderstood your comment...or if I was too serious.....xD)
@@usarhabilidade2697 pre-rework Asol, the one with revolving stars around him.
Love the music at the start. Ah, I miss those days playing black ops 2
All of my 4 Mains getting featured? Let's go!
Damn upload on both Vars and Vars II at the same time?
Black Ops 2 multiplayer music pog. Now there's a memory.
Four horsemen of toplane? Unfortunately for you, *Gwen is immune*
The black ops 2 music in the background is gas btw
Ah, the Black Ops 2 MP background music. Memories! And now I am a toplaner!
Maybe it's just below Diamond, but I find it funny Warwick lanes well enough into all of them. Volibear too but Cam can be problematic if they know what they're doing.
This bo2 soundtrack is really throwing me off. My mind keeps going back to the good ol days playing the game
Did he think he was going to get away with the call of duty background music haha
Did anyone else hear the BO2 Multiplayer theme playing in the background?
love that black ops 2 multiplayer theme man
They all get countererd by Poppy. And also the very wholesome Renekton and Olaf.
I wonder if Gwen will ever enter tier