Q&A: Ishmael or Isaac - Who Was To Be Sacrificed? | Dr. Shabir Ally
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ม.ค. 2025
- A viewer asks, "Would you be able to explain why Christians and Muslims differ as to what son of Abraham was ordered to sacrifice? Why do Christians believe it was Isaac and what proof do they have and vice versa for Muslims and Ismael." Dr. Shabir Ally answers!
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Since the Qur’an does not mention who when it would have, it’s not important. The most important thing is that Abraham was tested.
I think it is still important because we can understand our genealogy.
D I N A T U R L A O How is it important to you once you understand your geneology? Heck, why don’t you trace it all the way back to Adam?
The most ambigue verse in the Qur'an
It is important because the Koran refers to "the people of the book". The promised child is 100% essential to the understanding of the originality and authenticity of "The Book" and the subsequent faith in Christ Jesus as the redemptive sacrifice for ALL CREATION:
1. It is through the promise that we know that it was YHWH who initiated the Hebrew faith, not Abraham by his own righteousness.
2. It is through the promise to Abraham that we understand why all the prophets from Abraham to John the Baptist were sent to the Hebrews until Christ was revealed.
3. The promise to Abraham is 100% critical to the Hebrew faith (which those who follow Christ Jesus observe).
4. Through that promise YHWH intended to bless all peoples regardless of ethnicity: Genesis 22 - "In Isaac all the families of the earth will be blessed." That is how we understand a Hebrew nation was all important to YHWHs plans.
5. That is how a second promise was made to Yehudah : "The sceptre will not depart from Yehudah nor a law giver from between his feet until Shiloh come".
6. That is why we understand that at the right time YHWH made David and not Saul's descendants king.
7. And that is how we understand the final promise to King David : I will establish your throne forever!
8. And that is how we understand the singular attention YHWH Israel in blessings and judgments to this day.
9. Without the promised Son all that enfolded eventually would not have a root.
The Koran refers to the Hebrew and Christian faith but does not understand this fundamental beginning of YHWHs covenant with Abraham :
1. and the rest of the world
2. and his physical descendants
In Genesis 22:2 NKJV the Bible says, "Then He said,
"Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."
Isaac was the only son because he was the son of promise and not Ishmael, God told Abraham your son will not be Ishmael Abraham's first born but Isaac.
'Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart,
“Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child? ” And Abraham said to God, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!” Then God said:
“No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his descendants after him. '
Genesis 17:17-19 NKJV
You cannot believe that there was a switch or change of the words in the bible to suit your beliefs but understand that if one word has been changed or is false then the Bible is no longer valid, it's either you believe all or none at all!
'And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken. For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him-whom Sarah bore to him- Isaac. ' Genesis 21:1-3 NKJV
Turn to JESUS Today, He is the ONLY WAY before it's too late! Repent and Trust in Jesus CHRIST!!
Talking with Christ historically speaking there’s is noooo way it could’ve been Isaac, because isaac is the son of Sarah, and Sarah couldn’t have any children. That’s why she offered her maid Hagar to Abraham to have children in which she had a son Ishmael. Sarah didn’t have Isaac until 14 years later. So technically ONLY SON, would have been Ismail since he was born first. Think about it. If you married two women, and had children, would neglect one because of where his mother is from? Foolishness and racism at its finest. Clearly both children of Abraham are blessed, Ishmael and Isaac.
@@shafiqhassan3176 your only son refers to the legitimacy of Isaac being Abraham's Heir because Ishmael mother was a concubine and not a wife
@@shafiqhassan3176 Well said. I just wanna add, Ishmael should be more beloved to Abraham 'cause he was the first born. Moreover why God be partial or racist. Genesis also indicates Abraham wasn't impartial towards his sons by saying "Your only son Issac whom you love", as if he doesn't love Ishmael at all. Another thing I believe God tested Abraham how much he was willing to sacrifice for God, his own son. And God as a blessing give him another son for his loyalty towards God. But if you remove the 2nd son Issac as a blessing for the sacrifice of the 1st son, then what left is an cruel God; who demand sacrifice of a son and in return gives nothing.
Stop it! GOD promised Abraham that Sarah would conceive but they had no Faith. Sarah basically said, GOD since you're not able to give me a son because I'm too old; I will help you and have Abraham birth a seed with Hagar & this is where they lacked Faith & screwed up. But if GOD promised them a son, doesn't matter how long it took, GOD still promised so Isaac is the "Promised Seed," Ishmael was born from their "unbelief & works of the their own doing. *Faith vs Works*
U think that is convincing enough? Not at all. Abraham loved Ishmael as much as he did to Isaac and Ishmael was his legitimate son as well.
but where is the proof that they believed the names were changed since the Bible was written first before the Quran
Just because Bible is older, that does NOT prove it is more correct than the Qur'an.......
Look at the Bible as a whole, and how the book came to be what it is today. You will find from Christian scholars themselves will admit that the Bible has been corrupted. This is backed up with historical fact by the most ancient Bible manuscripts.
Mal mal , dear brother , according to bible Ismail is the first son of Ibrahim from HAjer, and as dr Ali said and later on in genesis 22 , it says that god test Ibrahim and asked him to scarify is only son , so ONLY son was Ismail , not Isaac , because he is the 2nd son according to bible , to understand this we do not need Quran , so I believe what dr Ali is saying , otherwise author of the Bible forgot that the Isaac is the only son just few pages back he told us that Ismail was first ,and he was 13 when Isaac came in the world ,
insert name here Please .... Same thing..just becoz Quran comes later, it means it is correct... right?
insert name here Please If it was.corrupted, do you have a copy.of the "uncorrupted bible" to show evidence of its original that you use as reference verifying that the bible we have today is indeed so corrupted?
Absolutely Definitely Ishmael was the Sacrifice not Isaac Abraham's second son . View from a Catholic
There are no Contradictions in the OLD NEW BIBLE There are no Contradictions in the OLD NEW QURAN nor any between the Bible and the Quran only dim learned scholars from the West and the East
Ash cain
How come Qur'an says Trinity is God, Mary and Jesus? Who believes such?
When it says Trinity, where is this word in the bible?
Brother Sun Sister Moon is the secret
Prophet David, And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
It's almost sad to see the lack of reason and common sense. I've lost respect for you, you're not interested in the truth.
Muhammed was NOT interested in the truth or else he would have studied the Bible to understand it's true message. Mhmd referred to Ishmael as a prophet of God, though the Bible (Genesis 16:12) says no such thing but that "He shall be a wild donkey of a man always fighting with his brethren."
Jonathan DeLeon you’re quoting from the Masoretic Text. You need to refer to the older more authentic Samaritan text which states in the same verse that Ismael would be a fruitful and blessed man.
Adam & Eve the subject is about who was sacrificed. The verses you’ve quoted is about something else. Also, Muslim scholars don’t always agree dude to the various sects they are associated with. They’re mainly akin to priests.
Adam & Eve Sir or Ma’am... whatever you are. The 1st verses you’ve quoted had nothing to do with the subject. Then you’ve later quoted about the sacrifice which answers the question. Your whole argument with me has nothing to do with what I’ve replied to the previous person about the masoretic text. You chimed in with another argument out in left field. Who told you I’m a Muslim who is blindfolded? What makes you assume that?
By the time Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac, Ishmael had already left with his mother, Hagar, as described in Genesis 21. This means Isaac was the only son still with Abraham, which provides context for why he’s called Abraham’s ‘only son’ in Genesis 22, highlighting his unique role in God’s covenant.
surah as saffat verse 112-113
"We ˹later˺ gave him good news of Isaac-a prophet, and one of the righteous.""
"We blessed him and Isaac as well. Some of their descendants did good, while others clearly wronged themselves."
No this is the detail from Torah in Genesis as history timeline match Ishak is the truth to be sacrifice
1. Gen. 15: 1-21 (God's Covenant with Abram) Become a great Nation and occupy the Canaanite region from the descendants of Sarah's wife
2. Gen. 16: 1-16 (Hagar and Ishmael) Sarah gave her servant from Egypt Hagar, Sarah was jealous to be expelled, angels came to make a covenant and name for Ishmael, ordered her to return to her master Sarah and was born Ishmael.
interesting verses verses 11,12 prophesy that the descendants of Ishmael will oppose all his brothers
3. Gen. 17: 1-27 (Circumcision as a sign of the covenant) Renewal of the promise to become a great nation through Sarah's descendants and will be given the name Ishak not from Ishmael even though it will become a great nation as well, but the covenant is only strengthened with circumcision as a sign.
4.Gen 18: 1-15 Affirmation of God's promise to Sarah's son Abraham, news of the angels Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed
5. Gen. 19: 1-38 Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed, Lot and family is survived unless the wife became a pillar of salt
6. Gen. 20: 1-18 Abraham moved to live in Syria
7. Gen. 21: 1-21 Isaac Born, Hagar and Ishmael were again banished and lived in the wilderness of paran
8. Gen 22: 1-19 Abraham's belief was tested by the sacrifice of Isaac (Here it is said to be singular because it is clearly only Ishak, Ishmael in the desert of Paran) as you see paran is not and far from Macca
In Islam source, a founder scholar and closest friend of Muhammad have argue about it
On the other hand, the friends who argued that the one who was slaughtered was Ishaq, among others, 'Umar bin Khatthab, Jabir, Al-'Abbas, and Ka'ab al-Akhbar. Among the tabiin are Qatadah, Masruq, 'Ikrimah,' Atha ', Muqatil, Az-Zuhri, As-Saddi, and Malik bin Anas. (Wahbah az-Zuhaili, At-Tafsir al-Munir, Juz XXIII, p. 126).
@Tufan ibn Metin can you give me source where is the truth Torah you mention, and what is the difference, which part is true and false in Torah?
@ David Porter
Jesus was no ordinary man! He is the only begotten Son of God! He is the Eternal Word who took on a body of flesh in order to die in your place David! For your sins He was crucified, so that you could be put in right-standing with God!
He took your sins and was condemned on that cross, so that you could have His righteousness imputed to you!
He who knew no sin, was condemned in your place, so that you wouldn't be condemned..
The judgement of God aimed at your sins was unleashed upon Jesus on the cross, so that your sins would no longer seperate you from God!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahweh, and the Word was Yahweh!
(John 1:1)
May the blindness that satan has blinded you with be removed from your mind, so that you may see the truth that will finally set you free!
Let's agree to no less than that David!!
Anything less.. will not save you or your loved one's eternal souls from the fire's of hell!
God is not a man that He would lie! Those who call upon the name of Jesus will be saved!
Jesus said from His own lips.. Yahweh did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth on Him (Jesus) is not condemned: but he that does not believe, is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only 'begotten' Son of God!
(John 3:1-18)
**These are Jesus own words, and by the grace and mercy of God, I believe Him!!
Jesus said, I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life!
(John 8:12)
If you only understood who Jesus really is..
To believe in Jesus, is to trust that His death on the cross (on your behalf) has satisfied the judgement of God that rightfully would have condemned you to hell forever!!
May God have mercy on you and your family, and may the eyes of your understanding be opened that you may know the truth, and be saved from your sins, and the eternal fires of hell!
That is my prayer for you and your family David..
Nothing less!!
Mohhamad was not from Ismavel
is not fro If u read Quran 3:84, 2:136 which says Ismavel and his decendants are given scriptures. So people who came from ismavael was given scripture.
But if u read Quran 6:157 here arabs are saying we are not given scriptures. If Ismavael descendants are arabs, y r they saying tat they have no scriptures as like people of books? Because already Quran 3:84 says Ismavael descandants are given scripture. This confirms arabs are not from the descendants of Ismavel. Also if u read Quran 34:44, 32:3, 28:46 which clearly says mohhamad was sent as warner to peoples who not yet received prophets and scripture. This confirms Mohhamad was not from Ismavael according to Quran.
Do you have any evidence to back up your interpretation or...?
He is cow worshiper ignore him these typical ppl have average btw 70 to 80. So don’t pay him attention
May God of Abraham bless both the children of Abraham
This is the truth Ishmael was offered to sacrifice not Isaac
Abdool. Sjow me the exact Quran verse that says Ishmael is Abrahams son😂😂😂
There is nothing like that in Quran.
You are such dumb sons of Muta😂😂😂
While you set out to prove your argument regarding the identity of the son to be sacrificed.. you clearly forget, that this wasn't just about Abraham's son, it was about the son that Abraham would share with Sarah.. his wife..
Sarah was barren, and that's why this child was called the child of the promise.. God promised Sarah a child, and through that child Sarah would be the mother of many nations, as Abraham would be father of many nations..
So your argument makes no sense at all..
Ishmael was not the son of Sarah.. and Ishmael was really only the result of Sarah's doubt, because she failed to believe God's promise to her.. and went ahead and directed Abraham to have a child with Sarah's bond-woman Hagar the Egyptian..
The Lord God expressly promised to make Ishmael a mighty nation.. and that Yahweh would multiply Ishmael exceedingly, and even prophesied that Ishmael would have 12 princes come from him.. but.. Yahweh stipulated that the child of the promise, through whom the promises Yahweh gave to Abraham was to come was most definitely Isaac.. there is no doubt!
The scripture is clear.. there are multiple scriptures that confirm this, and the New Testament confirms this too..
I know the argument that Muslims always offer.. that both the Christian and Jewish Holy Books are corrupted.. but with all the authoritative copies available.. that accusation is clearly unfounded and is a common argument to bring doubt upon the Holy Scriptures of the Jews and Christians..
I could just as easily say the Qur'an has changed.. goats having eaten parts of what was supposed to be there.. and the years it took to bring all the pieces together.. verses that some modern clerics say are not valid and yet clerics of times past stated they were true teachings and authoritative.. and there are online material from Muslim sources that can be easily located online to prove this point..
The fact that Isaac was the son named as the child of promise is clear, and is irrefutable..
Yahweh states clearly and emphatically.. That He Yahweh is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob..
Yahweh did not at any point say this about Ishmael..
That's the facts..
Its more than OK for us (Muslims) even if it was Isaac (pbuh). Both the sons of Abram (pbuh) was Prophets of Allah. We believe in both them (and each of the Prophets of Israel), we respect them, love them and we send blessings to them till date and will continue to do so till the End of times.
@@nazimulhaquebiplob4180 The first Muslim was Mohammed.. so your assertion that both sons were prophets of Islam is a false assumption.. even Ishmael was not a prophet of Islam..
I know this is what your teachers have taught you.. so it's understandable that you would believe that..
This is only a myth of Islam..
Abraham was the servant of Yahweh.. not Allah..
Allah hates Jews and Christians.. we know that..
According to you're own Qur'an.. we are pigs, and dogs.. and have lost the way..
The promised Messiah was to come from the line of Abraham through Issac and Jacob.. and He the Messiah has come..
He came the first time, firstly, to show us the nature of Yahweh, and secondly, to die, to pay the death penalty for the sins of all mankind..
He Jesus.. will come again, but not set foot on the earth, but to take Christians out of the world, before a great shaking of all the kingdoms of the earth takes place..
In our Holy Scripture that shaking of the nation's.. it is called.. the Great Tribulation!
After that.. Jesus will return with the angels and 10,000 of His people to execute judgement in the earth!
After that time.. He will set up His Kingdom.. and will rule from the New Jerusalem..
Only those who have been forgiven of their sins, will firstly, be saved from the penalty of their sins, and secondly, if they remain alive til that time, escape the coming catastrophic time of the great tribulation, which will take place as foretold in our Holy Scripture..
Only those whose sins are forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, are in right standing with Yahweh..
Jesus said Himself.. I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the Father except through Me!
Our scriptures also states clearly..
That God loved this world so much, that He sent His only true Son to die, so that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life..
In our scriptures there are prophecies that were foretold some 1200, some 800, some 500 yrs before Jesus birth.. not only about where He would be born, but the manner of His death, and many other details which have come true..
I have 100 of those prophecies in front of me right now as I type this..
..the prophecies leading up to His death have all been fulfilled..
Jesus then prophesied the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem 40 years before it took place, proving He was a true Prophet!
His miracles also prove that He was the Son of God.. (even though Islam teaches that He wasn't God's Son, and that He didn't actually die on the cross)..
No ordinary man could do what Jesus did.. including forgiving sins, and raising the dead back to life again..
One of the dead who Jesus raised from the dead.. was His friend Lazarus.. Lazarus had been dead for four days..
Another person Jesus raised from the dead.. was the only son of a widow..
There are other prophecies from our Holy Scriptures that are about to take place.. and the time for them to be fulfilled is coming nearer..
In Jesus, you and your family can know that your sins are truly forgiven, and that you have peace with God, as soon as you call upon God, acknowledging and accepting that Jesus death on the cross paid for your sins, and by simply saying.. Thank You! for sending Jesus to die for me..
Then get yourself a New Testament Bible.. and start to learn about the God who truly loves you and your family so much, that He would send His Son to die for you all..
That is His mercy.. and that mercy is for you, and your family..
May the eyes of your understanding be opened to the hearing of the truth!
Brett. Crealy Let us agree that Jesus was no ordinary man. From this agreement, I hope and pray we will be guided to righteousness.
In my own understanding, Isaac Was there for sacrificial,
Because before it happens, Ishmael and Haggai was Departed and sent By Allah to the East And, Promised them to Blessed Their decendants as Many as The sand in the Sea
Nope that’s false Ishmael was the first son and the verse says take your only son the only time he had one son was Ishmael
At age of 86 .... Ibrahim (pbuh) got ismael his firstt son ...he got a son as a result of much anticipation and hope...that's why Allah test him through Ismail (pbuh)......
According to the Bible when a man and a woman marry they become one so when he married Sarah they became one with Sarah, haggai was just a servents but they were not one with Abraham so when they say your only child they mean the child with which they are one which is isaac
Prophet Abraham was 85 years old, it had been a long time he had been praying to God for someone who could continue his legacy. Sarah at that time was 80, she felt bad for her husband after all the sacrifices he made and gave her the servant which she got after the king (who was interested in beautiful women at that time) let her go, at that time she got divine help but that's like going deeper into the picture. Main point, she gave that servant to Abraham named Hagar who bore his son "Ishmaeil". He was the first one to be born and he was told by his father to be sacrificed and with this son god tested him. Quran gives evidence for it all and bears witness that they passed with patience. Then later onwards, God gave glad tidings to Sarah and Abraham of a son that she would bore by the 3 angels that were sent to Abrahams house. Extra point, One of the news that angels gave to Abraham was that the people of Prophet Lut (AS) who also opposed Abaraham (Prophet Lut(as) was the first believer from Abrahams teachings and he was also his blood relative) would be punished soon. And Quran states that Sarah told Abraham to marry her, Prophets don't commit adultery common sense, they are free from all acts which causes shame on one's soul.
@@burhan3366 My friend, they will say Ishmael was not the ONLY SON , and will deny Hagar was a WIFE , they will deny Abraham was visiting Hagar and Ismael every now and then ( may be they knew the border policeman at that time who told them ) even if you proof it from the Bible .
What ever proof you bring it wont be enough for the one who defends a believe without looking at the subject with open mind.
@Visto che i don't know why you are just attacking and assaulting instead of discussing !
so many things you are saying can be proved to be wrong easy like:
1. (Ishmael was NOT born before Sodom occurred) how do you know that ?
2. (Lot was NOT a follower of Abraham as if he started a new religion) how do know?
3. .[unlike Allah who doesn't speak] in Quran it says Allah spoke to Moses.
4. (Ishmael being expelled from the tribe with his Mother when he was 17 years old) is this your story ?
5. (and SARAH did not tell Abraham to marry him) who is (him)?
6. If I prove to you Hagar was a WIFE of Abraham (from the Bible) , would you change your mind?
@@nashbahmk9574 sure... prove that hagar was wife of abram from the bible. Please..
As I read she was a egyptian maid servant of sarah given by the pharaoh...
@@shinathomas5789 Geneses 16:
16 Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar; 2 so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.”
Abram agreed to what Sarai said. 3 So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. 4 He slept with Hagar, and she conceived.
....Why I'm struggling with this interview....
1. So in the Jewish Bible (Torah), the same book that both Christians and Muslims recognize as the authority on this issue, God says to Abraham in Genesis 22, "Go take your only son Isaac whom you love and offer him as a burnt offering as a sacrifice..." Okay, what's the debate about again????? Despite your reasoning, what does the text say! Is it from which your religion/ beliefs is based or not? 1:20: He [a Muslim commentator] BELIEVE that the names have been switched from Ishmael to Isaac in the Torah? Why? Is Isaac not the son he conceived with his wife to whom the promise was given by God/ Allah? Who is the authority here? Islamic tradition or the Torah? He also referred to more commentators at 2:35.
2. 1:30: "Moreover when we look at Islamic tradition, it is commonly BELIEVED that the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is a descendant of Ishmael; a descendant of Abraham but through his son Ishmael. The thing is, According the book, the promise was not given to Abraham and Hagar, it was to Abraham and Sarah. Is that up for debate also?
3. 1:50: "Among Arabs, there is the annual sacrifice commemorating the sacrifice that is THOUGHT to be the sacrifice of Ishmael..." Unfortunately, this sacrifice is not supported by Hebrew text. Again, 2:09: this educated man claims that because the "Ishmaelites" celebrate this sacrifice and "Israelites," don't have a celebration like this, this lead Muslims to believe that Ishmael was the one sacrificed????? You've gotta be kidding me! Who said that it needed to be commemorated anyway? Was that a commandment of God/Allah?
4. 3:18: "From the Quranic text itself it SHOULD be clear that the son to be offered in sacrifice was actually Ishmael; though the Quran DOES NOT actually specifically state... but if we put two and two together in the Quran, this SEEMS TO BE A REASONABLE CONCLUSION that it was actually Ishmael and not Isaac."
In the end, clearly Islam is based on the reasoning and tradition of Arabic men claiming of be children of a son that they believe was the one God told Abraham to sacrifice. Was Ishmael blessed? Yes, but he was not the promise, not the one sacrificed according to the book. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, at the same time, facts and beliefs are two different things.
"We revealed to you the Book as a confirmation of previous Scriptures and a *supreme authority on them.* So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and *do not follow their desires over the truth* that has come to you"
Today while reciting Qur'an I realized another important clue mentioned. When angels gave glad tidings Abraham AS of a son Ishaq (Issac) AS they also gave tidings of the grand son Yaqub AS (Jacob).
So when Abraham (AS) is aware that Ishaq AS is going to live and have a grandson.
This(Ishaq AS being taken for sacrifice) wouldn't make sense.
This thought cleared the iota of confusion in my head today.
I firmly believe that Allah means Ismael AS as the one taken by Abraham AS for sacrifice.
It does not matter what you believe. The facts are. The bible was written before your religion was made up.
you really need to read more books.........
Reading the Quaran from an unbiased view my opinion is that it was isaac and not Ishmail sacracficed. Lets go through it.
Sura 37: 100 (Yusuf Ali translation)
'Oh Lord Grant me a righteous Son'
(So we know that Abraham has asked God for a righteous son.)
Sura 37:101
So we gave him good news of a boy ready to suffer and forbear
(So now we know that God has given news of an unnamed boy ready to suffer and forebear, but not necessarily righetous)
Sura 37:102-111
Then, when (the son) Reached (the age of) (Serious) work with him, He said : “ O my son ! I see in vision That I offer thee in sacrifice : Now see what is Thy view !” (The son) said : “ O my father ! Do As thou art commanded : Thou will find me, If God so wills one Practicing Patience and Constancy
So when they had both Submitted their wills (to God), And he had laid him Prostrate on his forehead (For sacrifice),
We called out to him, “ O Abraham !
“ Thou hast already fulfilled The vision !”-thus indeed Do We reward Those who do right.
For this was obviously A trial-
And We ransomed him With a momentous sacrifice :
And We left (this blessing) For him among generations (To come) in later times
“ Peace and salutation To Abraham
Thus indeed do We reward Those who do right
For he was one Of Our believing Servants.
(There is nothing here to indicate the name of this child or whether the child is a righteous child)
Surah 37:112
And We gave him The good news Of Isaac-a prophet,- One of the Righteous.
(So know we know that Abraham was given news of a child who was a prophet and was righteous, which is what Abraham had originally asked God to grant)
The Prayer of Abraham for a righteous child was answered after the sacrafice. It is not logical to me for the Quaran to mention Abraham asking for a righteous child, and then immediately give good news of another child. I do not believe these verses are describing the good news of two different children. There is nothing to indicate two separate Children born in this passage. If this was the case then why is it necessary to name one child and not the other. Also i am not aware of any other prophet being born a prophet. It seems unlikely to me that Isaac would be the only one. It seems more likely that these verses are describing one event and one child. Thus Isaac was the child sacraficed
Yasir Qadhi just admitted Al Tabari said the majority of the sahaba said it was ISAAC.
Are you more knowledgeable in Islam than Sahaba, and Al Tabari????
@@ebojfmdboojoh4023 11:71 speaks also about the good news : And his wife was standing by, so she laughed, then We gave her good news of ˹the birth of˺ Isaac, and, after him, Jacob.
Isaak was a Miracle Baby, because they were thinking that they are to old to get a child. The Mother of Ismael is Hagar a Slave/Servant and she is not the Wife of Abraham. Isaak also is mentioned as the the blessed One.
Then why Allah would choose Ismael as Sacrifies? He is not a Miracle, he is not the blessed One, and he is not the Child of the Mother of Abraham.
6:84 the blessed one is Isaac and Jacob not Ismael : And We blessed him with Isaac and Jacob. We guided them all as We previously guided Noah and those among his descendants: David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron. This is how We reward the good-doers.
Even the horn of the sacrifices animal was preserved in Kabba, Mekkha for thousand years.
Its was Ismaeel not Issac.
So a horn is preserved there it was Ishmael, not Isaac? That's your proof?
Lol it's written in Genesis 22 that Isaac is the only son because in Genesis 21 God already casted out Haggar and Ishmael. Even the Jewish bibles and the Greek Septuagint, the earliest Greek translation of the old lost Hebrew Scriptures confirms it's Isaac who is being sacrificed.
There's no link. Stop spinning the Word of God to support Islam.
@@BeastofBrooklyn You mean Issac is only son of Abraham, and Ishmael is illegitimate????
@@zubaer6298 yes. That's why God sent Ishmael and his mother away. However, because God loves Abraham and his sons, God still graced Ishmael and his mother and said Ishmael will still multiply. But it doesn't mean anything as if I have children and multiply
@@BeastofBrooklyn why your bible then contradicts every time.
It says, only son Issac, again God promises to Ibrahim to multiply and create a great nation through Ishmael.
The attributes "Only son" goes to the first born.
When there is 2 sons, only son concept is null and void.
Ishmael was 13 years older,
However You christians talks about Jewish prophets while Jew don't even consider you faithful to God, rather think all christians Idolaters.
@@BeastofBrooklyn Preservation of Horn only reminds the event. For thousands years the Arab people know the sacrifices was done to Ishmael. Your priest add the name Issac after "Only Son" in the bible.
Some respectful commentary on a subject sensitive to many
people get angry about which son it was??? 😂😂😂
surely what should make people angry is that anyone should listen to the '''philosophy''' or voices in the head of anyone who was about to murder his son on a whim??? 😅
This guy is answering question base on other Muslim Opinion, never he quote from the Quran or the Bible verses to substantiate his argument. It is stated clearly in Genesis 17:15-18 he should read it And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before you. And God said Sarah thy wife shall bear you a son indeed and you call his name Isaac. This is the part he need to explain to his audience on TH-cam. " and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with his seed after. That is referring to Isaac not Ishmael. He need to show me in the Quran where it give him any idea that the covenant was made with Ishmael.
God did blessed Ishmael and make him a great nation but HE IS NOT AND I REPEAT THE ONE THROUGH WHICH THE COVENANT WAS GIVEN.
Covenant is not an absolute value. Especially if they break the covenant.
“But they were disobedient and rebelled against You. They flung Your law behind their backs and killed Your prophets who warned them in order to turn them back to You. They committed terrible blasphemies.”
Nehemiah 9:26
If God gives a you a covenant then you must take care of the terms And not turn agaisnt Him! Otherwise why would he continue with you? Instead he punishes you with a foolish nation.
“They have provoked me with that which was not God, and they have angered me with their emptiness. And so, I will provoke them with that which is not a people, and I will anger them with a foolish nation.”
Deuteronomy 32:21
Are you a Christian or a Jew?
Exactly! I get they want it to be Ishmael but that would make the Word of Alahym false! Issac is the covenant and Ishmael was blessed because as a son of Abraham he was not forgotten!
Visto che
Genesis 17:18-20 “Then he asked God, “Why not let Ishmael inherit what you have promised me?” But God answered: No! You and Sarah will have a son. His name will be Isaac, and I will make an everlasting promise to him and his descendants. However, I have heard what you asked me to do for Ishmael, and so I will also bless him with many descendants. He will be the father of twelve princes, and *I will make his family a great nation* .”
Genesis 18:18-19 “since his family will become a great and powerful nation that will be a blessing to *all the other nations on earth* . I have chosen him to teach *his family* to obey me forever and to do what is right and fair. If they do, I will give Abraham many descendants, just as I promised.””
God said your family. Ishmael is considered from the Family. God said to Abraham: "Ishmael is your son". If he wanted Only Isaac then he can say Abraham Isaac and finish it. Why mentioning Abraham's family as a whole.
Genesis 21:13 “but the son of the slave woman is also your son, and I will make his descendants into *a great nation* .””
Isaiah 42:11 “Let the desert and its cities lift up their voice, the villages that *Kedar* inhabits; let the habitants of Sela sing for joy , let them shout from the top of the mountains .”
Kedar is considered the son of Ishmael according to Biblical sources. The prophecy about the Arabs not related to the Israelites.
In Matthew 21:35-44 you will find that the Cornerstone will be given to a different people. Prophet Muhamamd is the cornerstone final messenger.
Visto che
Matthew 21:42-43, 45-46 ““So haven't you read the Scriptures?” Jesus asked them. “‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. The Lord has done this, and it is wonderful in our eyes.’ That's why I'm telling you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you. It will be given to a people who produce the right kind of fruit.
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his illustrations, they realized he was speaking about them. They wanted him arrested, but they were afraid of what the people would do because the people believed he was a prophet.”
The context solves your lack of understanding. Jesus said "Will" means the future. And the Pharisees realized he was talking about "the kingdom will be taken away from them". They should be Happy if he meant they are the people.
Any other source you provide from diffetent human being that contradict with Jesus. I will pick Jesus. I follow Jesus and you follow Paul.
In Islam from Prophet Muhammad:
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the parable of myself and the Prophets before me is that of a man who built a house, perfected it, and beautified it, except for the place of one brick at its cornerstone. The people walk around it and are amazed by it, and they say: Why is this brick not placed? Thus, I am the brick and I am the seal of the Prophets.” Authentic Hadith.
Be honest with yourself. Before preaching false information.
Visto che First I use multiple versions. But it's good that you focus on the older languages.
Jesus said: "it will be given to a different people." Not "it will be given to my people" or "my followers".
In Matthew 23:37-39 and Luke 13:34-35 He said The Temple and the City of Jerusalem will be deserted and abandoned. That's why the one who came in the name of the Lord (prophet Muhammad) changed the direction of the prayer from Jerusalem to Kaaba.
And when you are caring about older language check this:
Check this also:
The Helper is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and he is not an Israelites. He is not from Zion or Jerusalem.
When Abraham was told to Sacrifice his son, Hagar and Ishmael had already left, since Sarah Abraham's wife didn't like that Hagar mocked Isaac. Isaac was the only son at the moment, fruit of his wife Sarah.
Oh makes sense. That's what I thought.
"Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband *to be his wife.* "
Genesis 16:3
abraham use to visit hajar and ishmael regularly as mentioned in quran
@@gamalsaad1545 Where is that mentioned?
Through the ages, Jewish interpretations of Ishmael have largely depended on the social context of the authors. In early centuries, rabbis portrayed Ishmael in a variety of ways - negative, positive, and neutral. After the rise of Islam, the authors’ anxieties and fears were reflected in their consistently negative portrayals of Ishmael
" Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love-Isaac-and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” - Genesis 22:2
A open and shut case !
@MMO Omar , I am surprised you didn't write that the Bible is corrupted...the standard line of defense!
@MMO Omar how did you decide that the Mosaic Laws in the old testament is still the same and the rest are not? Are you a Bible scholar?
Now, with your assessment that the Mosaic Laws in old testament is the only portion of the entire Bible that you consider as true, do you follow all the Mosaic Laws?
@MMO Omar Good to know that Muslims follow the "Law of Moses" and "Ten Commandments".
By Mosaic Law, i assume that you are referring to the Torah OR the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.
So, you are stating that the "Law of Moses" and the "Ten Commandments" are absolutely trustworthy and you believe every word of it as true, right?
Isaac(as) was never at any point, the only son of Abraham(as). So, it's more likely that the name Isaac(as) was inserted into it.
One day Ishmael and Issac will come together as one. Abraham loved his sons both very much.
its Isaac and not Ismael
@@starquiz7053 you do know that Arlene justify her answer from Bible.. but You Star Quiz.. you do understand you are getting it from a book was written after 200 years of prophet.. you see the way I see it is this way.. I see jews who has Torah , Christians who has Injeel and Muslims has Quran..
the thing is we need to stop seeing Sunni and Shia to be part of Islam.. because they don't use Quran.. even though they claim they do but when it comes to Issac and Ismail they run so fast towards Sahih book and as far away from Quran.. and as Shia they have their books called Imams Rowayat.if they do then they can read my comments i made earlier here publicly.. so good luck..
last time i check last prophet was MOhammad and last book was Quran.. honestly people how do you judge.. ???
star quiz can you read Arabic? Do you have knowledge in Quranic Arabic ? Well you see I have a background in deciphering Languages my speciality is Quran.. so why don’t you surprise me and point out where in Quran does it say it was Ismail? Be very careful assuming will lead you to Hell. So I will give you a chance to prove yourself if you are truthful!! I challenge you! And Allah is my witness
Side note... I know you can’t prove it but I will try to understand your reason and logic..
Let’s say I don’t trust you. But I need to work with you, so I decided to test your brother to see if I can trust you or not.
Why in the world would I test your brother when the fact is o don’t trust YOU!
Judge wisely my friend.
star quiz don’t laugh. That’s what Satan does.
Be serious
I ask you how did you come to conclusion with assumption of “only son”
Again Allah is our Witness.
From this word? وحيدك
See if you are expert in Quranic Arabic and Arabic in general you will come to the truth this word mean by himself , alone no one else with him...
Brother go and get your self an Arabic Lexicon clearly you are very poor in knowledge. You are saying what you were thought by Men.
So Ibrahim take your son by himself Issac with no one else and take him the place I tell you.
Go on I will be patiently to see your answer.
Very simple answer ,,,paano magiging si Ismael ang handog na hain,, si Ismael ay anak ng isang alipin kay hagar ,sarah and abraham are legaly mearried while hagar jus a servant of Sarah ,and not married ,paano i oofer and isang handog kung ito ay anak sa hindi kasal,,,
star quiz one more thing
Are you one of those people who think the word ibn and walad is the same word?
If you think that then I rest my case regarding you really have no idea how to understand Arabic.
Best advice I give you If you believe Allah is cable of everything then Ask Him to guide you and go to Arabic school to learn classic Arabic.
People these days they have mixed street Arabic with Quranic Arabic.. man do you know how wrong that it..
Another problem is your shepherd keeps telling you how to think and understand.
The Bible teaches very clearly that it was Isaac who was bound & offered up for sacrifice. The Quran does not say who it was only that Abraham offered up his son which was clearly "Isaac" It is Muslim teaching that Ishmael was offered up, a clear contradiction of the original which is the "old testement ".
So I would ask those who a Muslims "show us from the Quran where it say that Abraham offered up Ishmael " ? As they will not be able to show you, then it is simple, show them from the OT which is the authority which was written by the profit Moses around 2,000 years before the Quran was even thought of !
Yes, some will say that the OT was corrupted , so then I ask them "show us, prove to us that this is the case, show that when Moses wrote has been corrupted ?
That is true in Quran it is not written the name of who it was. We as a Muslims accept who it was and the will of Allah. In Quran Allah prohibited to make distinction between prophets we are to accept them all same. What we have in Quran the basic message there is no difference between original Torah and Bible it is same because in Quran Allah says again and again swearing that Allah does not change His promise and word. So whatever message Adam and Noah and Inrahim Mosses David and Jesus all prophets were given all same. If there was difference between them than it would not be true because than who is right. So Quran verifying some of the things in Torah and Bible is good that proves same God is giving the message.
There are countless versions of the bible, they contradict each other and themselves
"We revealed to you the Book as a confirmation of previous Scriptures and a *supreme authority on them* . So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and *do not follow their desires over the truth* that has come to you"
Al-Qur'an 5:48
Thanks for the message Dr Shabir Ally, but what I can say if we read previous chapter in genesis we will understand how Ishmael wasn't the one being sacrificed even tho he was the heir , Genesis 17:15-21
Until we reach on why God accepted that Haggar can be sent away Genesis 21:12-13 so we can understand more of genesis 22:2, sometimes is good to start from where things started until its end. thanks
I 2nd the motion... Probably Ishmael and Haggai was sent to East and promised them to have decendants as many as the sand in the seasore...before the sacrificial Happens
The bible is corrupt, so that's irrelevant
It's Hagar, not haggai
im not sure sure if the quran has the same text as the torah in the bible but in genesis 21 vereses 1-8 show sarah mother to issac finally giving birth to him. After Issac was weaned, Hagars son ishmael was said to be found mocking Sarah in verse 9 . Following after Gensis 21:10 states that Sarah told Abraham to cast out the bondwoman and her son so that the son would not be raised as a heir with Issac. Once she was casted out Hagar is visited by Yahsuah in the wilderness of Beer-sheba verses 13-21 and Yahsuah while speaking to Abraham who sorrowed over their departure encourage Abraham to not greive that the son of the bondwoman would make a nation. It is only after Hagar and Ishmeal are expelled that Yahsuah brings a test onto Abraham in Genesis 22:2 And the only son is also names Issac in this verse, and throughout the story.... How to Muslims get a different interpretation from this?
İn the torah it is isaac. And in the quran if you read a few verses it clearly talks about isaac.
@@sorais8130 Read Quran 37:102-113.
God give isaac to abraham as a reward for successing the test of following god order even if he has to sacrifice his only long waited son
@@bilosan97 it clearly states that after the test, God gave him another son, Isaac. So it was Ishmael who was to be sacrificed.
Quran 37"113: We 'later' gave him good news of Isaac-a prophet, and one of the righteous.
@@asadlenjo First, even the earliest islamic scholars agree on isaac and not ishmael. Secondly, it cannot be ishmael because the prophets came from isaacs bloodline, the covenant was made after this test took place. And third, the second point is proven by the whole section of the verses, since it talks about 'a child' being almost sacrificed and finishes it with the words that Abraham got glad tidings, isaac will be one of the prophets. That isaac was chosen as a pophet happens after the sacrifice also in the Torah. Fourth, nowhere ishmaels name is mentioned. Fifth, besides the earliest manuscripts of the Torah, which existed 3 centuries before christ, the sacrifice of isaac is also mentioned in the Gospels. And don't forget that God even says in the Quran for proof to bring the Torah and to read it, to ask the people of the dhikr and even people of the torah to follow the torah and criticizing jews for coming to Muhammad for judgement, while "they have the Torah in which is the judgement of God".
Read Quran: 5:43-47; 3:93; 21:7; 5:66
Torah: Genesis 22:1-19
I do not know how far I can trust "that" God who in his own words says "Ishmael is your SEED!" Genesis 12;120 meaning your son. Yet he himself says "your ONLY son Isaac". How do we call that in a court of justice? Forgetfulness? Willfully inducing into error or what?
Some say, like the Catholic Church, that God ordered Abraham to repudiate Ishmael and to send him away. understand he did not recognize him as his son anymore. Really? Is it what the Bible says? It says: "6 But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country." ( 25:6) Would you include Ismael among the sons of concubines who are sent not repudiated?. If you yes the Bible will disagree with you because it says: "8 Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people.
9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre;" (Genesis 25:8,9). Do you read like me "gathered with HIS people" and his SONS Isaac and Ishmael"? Was Ishmael sent away?
Why do we refuse see that Jews have to say it's Isaac otherwise they'll have to share the Promised land with the children of Ishmael and Christians have to say it's Isaac who is sacrificed because Jesus descends from him not Ishmael. How come that neither commemorates such an important event that determines their whole future history and the childreh of Ishmael do?
The God I trust is neither forgetful nor malicious, But the one who writes can be both.
You are twisting truth! Obviously, Ishmael was sent away and the sons came back together to send their father off! Even though Ishmael was sent away the Most High was still with him and stayed with him and reared him into manhood! Yes, Ishmael was sent away, yes Issac was seen as the legitimate son and covenant, yes Issac was the sacrifice as Ishmael was not seen as a legitimate son and was sent away! However, this does not mean that the Most High turned away from Ishmael as scripture says he was with him! This is very clear! Even though he did not inherit the covenant he still received a blessing as a son of Abraham!
“And of the son of the female servant I also make a nation, because he is your seed.
And Elohim was with the boy, and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer.”
Berĕshith (Genesis) 21:13, 20 TS2009
There's no controversy, what happened only depicted what was going to happen in the future though Jesus Christ and it came to pass in the lineage of Isaac not Ishmael.
In this story the son is not sacrificed, if anything wouldn't this prophesizs that Jesus [PBUH] would NOT die
@@محمودالراوي-ط4ق That will only make sense if no sacrifice was done at all but the sacrifice was still done which was fulfilled in the death of Jesus Christ. God gave Jesus Christ as he provided what was used for the sacrifice.
@@jiddec not really, that makes no sense
@@محمودالراوي-ط4ق it makes no sense to you because there's no room for this truth in what you believe. Jesus Christ came from the lineage of Isaac not Ishmael that alone speaks volumes.
@@jiddec what volumes would this speak exactly?
الذبيح هو النبي إسماعيل عليه السلام أو النبي إسحاق عليه السلام هما نبيان كريمان وأخوانه من شجرة إبراهيم خليل الرحمن عليه السلام . هكذا علمنا الله تعالى في القرآن الكريم معاني الحب الذي تربط المؤمنين بعضهم البعض وذلك عندما حضرت الوفاة نبي الله يعقوب عليه السلام : ( أم كنتم شهداء إذ حضر يعقوب الموت إذ قال لبنيه ما تعبدون من بعدي قالوا نعبد إلهك وإله آباءك إبراهيم وإسماعيل وإسحاق إلها واحداً ونحن له مسلمون ) أمة واحدة وعقيدة واحدة وقد سمى الأسباط أبناء النبي يعقوب إسماعيل لهم أبا رغم أنه عم لهم . هكذا التقدير والحب وتقديم الأخ الذي أكبر سنا وأسبق بالنبوة وهكذا قدمه الله تعالى قبلهم . وبالمثل فإن إسحاق هو أب لنا كما إسماعيل هو أب لنا . وكلاهما أبناء إبراهيم عليهم السلام جميعاً .والرجال تعرف الرجال وأولوا الفضل تعرف الفضل لأهل الفضل .
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
Amen...nuff said
If a man begets a son out of wedlock. It is his son. If he begets another son but in wedlock he now has 2 sons. Only The first son can be his only son. The question is which one was-his first born?
Which was written first Bible Or Quran. To my Understanding Bible was written by 40 Authors and taken 1500 years to complete( Starting from BC 1445 Moses to John AD 96). In this oldest scripture Isaac was to be sacrificed . But Quran was written somewhere around 600-610 years during Md. Nabi's period after Christ Birth. Which has got more authenticity . All the characters written in Bible are appearing in Quran. Is it a copied version of Bible? Plz clarify
All the texts of Torah are also in the Bible. So why didn't this question arise whether Bible was copied?
Qur'an did not copy anything from Bible BUT corrects it. May be this answer your question
The bible is corrupt
@@محمودالراوي-ط4ق Then why corrupted Bibles Character are appearing in Quran after 1000 of years. Are the original writers writings are wrong? The History written by 40 authors are wrong/
@@abdulagungwijaya6807 Can History can be corrected?
Ishamael pbuh was the sacrifice not Issac Pbuh.
The Qur'an doesn't mention the names but distinguishes between "sacrifice son" (Ishmael pbuh) and "promised son" (issac pbuh).
When God promised Abraham of giving a son in his old age , he actually meant Sarah! " The son from Sarah is what promised to Abraham when the three prophets visited Abraham" So it's actually Issac....
God also promised to Hagar that He would multiply and make a large group of descendents out from her son Ismael, and it doesn't mean that the Messiah is going to be from the descendants of Ismael...it's from Issac actually... Because Issac is the one promised by God through the three prophets!!!!
Yes, but it really doesn't mean the chosen son. Promised doesn't mean chosen. Last Messiah you mean the last prophet? Jesus and Muhammad are last prophets from the two linage. what Messiah you mean Jesus or Muhammad?
If Jesus, his teaching only for Jewish people. not universal religion.
But Muhammad, his teaching is finale, for all human, universal religion.
How could God be racist for last prophet? Impossible.
And btw, Jesus will come not to just save human from false Messiah but to clear his name form trinity .
God is the Most Merciful. He will give last chance for human to repent in that Last Day that is not to make any other beings equal superior then Him. He is The One, not trinity , no any other one like him. He is the Fare & Justice. Remember that.
@@ibnuqayyim Chosen... I mean promised... Messiah means the chosen one God promised. Jesus is Jew because, u know, even Abraham's descendents are Jew and it is said in the scriptures that the Messiah would come from the descendants of Abraham ,Moses,David and Salomon..., but his teachings is only centred on love and it's for all religion and all people of the world. That's why he wanted the people to spread his Gospels to all. Holy Trinity is One not the literal meaning three. People's mind is humane and one cannot understand the thing behind the Holy Trinity because it's a Godly thing... Only those with true enlightenment can understand that.
@@nancymariaanto8944 what's your evidence to any of these things?
And when did the Muslims say that the Messiah, peace be upon him, was from the offspring of Ishmael, peace be upon him?
@@فهدالسليم-ت9ج No , What are you even talking about?
Quran is the Word of Allah and Allah is the One who taught us speech cause He has the perfect speech. There is a reason why Allah didnt mention who was it. its okay to try to know the wisdom in details. but we shouldnt arguing deeply over something that doesnt benefit us. the message of the whole story wasnt to find out who was it, right? im not saying we cant try to find out who. im just saying we shouldnt overlook whats supposed to be learnt from the message. may Allah forgives us, guides us all and give us good understanding
Thank you for sharing these insights!
Actually, in Christian, our God is also Allah, so we do believe and love the same God. Peace 💖
@@weizhenwong1706 That is incorrect!
2 And He said: 'Take now thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.' Exacly
Ishmael was the older son; so by the time Isaac was born Abraham had two sons which can only mean that God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his only son which at time was Ishmael
@@abdiLMFAO4 the equivalent of Moriah is Marwah in Mecca where the Prophet Abraham (Peace be upon him) would have sacrificed his Son Ishmael (Peace be upon him) even though it is more likely that the sacrificial son may have been Isaac (Peace be upon him) but it doesn’t matter. The Prophet Abraham (Peace be upon him) loved both of them and God made a covenant with both of them. From the line of Isaac came many prophets all the way to Jesus Christ (peace be upon them) and from the line of Ishmael came the seal of the prophets Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
@@IbnAlHimyari Moriah is in Jerusalem... it's known even to secular history if you read Jewish antiquities by historian Josephus who lived 2000years .. the mountains of moriah are in Jerusalem.... Qur'an got it all wrong and is trying to force things..
Furthermore there's no trace of genealogy that Mohammed or the Arabs came from the lineage of Ishmael
@@patrickngunjiri5340 the bible says Kedar is a son of Ishmael
The Arabian Kedarite dynasty comes from Kedar son of Ishmael [PBUH]
from it came Adnan, from which Quraysh came, from which Muhammad [PBUH] came
@@patrickngunjiri5340 are you blind?
Let's be fair. Given that the Old Testament is corrupted.
Hypothesis One - The the writer misplaced Issac instead of Ishmael. If the writer intent was to voluntarily switch these two characters for whatever reason, they wouldn't say 'only' since they will already know what they were talking about and they know that Abraham had Ishmael prior to Issac. In this case, the whole text itself is untrust worthy and cannot use 'only' as an explanation because the sentence itself is already flawed.
Hypothesis Two - Given that the writer wanted to pursue the historical fact but somehow mistyped the name. In this case the fair assessment is how detail did the writer mentioned about Issac as a sacrifice and Ishmael as the rejected offspring. If they had to somehow mistyped or confused two characters, you cannot be consistent with the story of each characters throughout the chapters in detailed narration.
Hypothesis Three - The word 'Only' was miswritten. Given how much detail account of Issac was written it is rather likely that the word 'ONLY' is misused in the scripture by mistake.
Given that the Old Testament wasn't corrupted.
Hypothesis One- God recognized Issac as the only son as he was the one He promised and the whole generation will be blessed only though Issac not Ishmael. In God's plan and His will Issac counted as the only son in the spiritual sense.
If you state a source as untrustworthy document you need to have a strick and reasonable standard in which verse can be flawed and other is not. Without having this standard it is very easy to cherry pick the ones on my favor. You learn this even in the college when you are writing a technical report. Without having strick standard why certain things will work and certain things will not, the technical writing can be flawed and it will not gain any credit.
If you think Dr. Shabir Ally did really give a logical explanation, please think critically without having any religious bias.
Only son- when Abraham cast out Hagar and Ishmael from his house as per God's command and Sarai's wish there could possibly be only one son in his house, even in Quran it's not stated obviously that Ishmael was taken for sacrifice. In the Quran it was clearly mentioned that only the son who was promised by the Angels when they visited Abraham's house before destroying the Sodom was taken for sacrifice by Abraham, but they don't accept the fact also in another verse of Quran it was mentioned that Angels promised Abraham and Sarai as God will bless them both with a son naming Isaac
@@ImranKhan-kf4wl it was Ishmael, not Isaac.
Al-Quran appeared around 600 years after Isa Almasih, and approximatedly 2000 years from Abraham. The Bible said that Father Abraham sacrificed Isaac (Genesis chapter 22), after Hagar and Ismael were sent away (Genesis chapter 21) it's a pity the scholar Dr. Shabir Ally did not tell the truth. Why don't LET THE BIBLE SPEAKS THE TRUTH?
Because the bible is corrupt
The Bible has so many errors by man. The Quran was later revealed because of God's Mercy to us. HE cares so much we get it right. Man was known to mislead.
@@izzh3107 It's always the same answer. "Uhh, the Bible is corrupted bro. That's what I was taught and believe. Nooo, for real dude. EVERY single committee that translates the Bible makes changes to it to suit their beliefs. Oh, there's thousands of manuscripts from multiple countries? Well, they all collaborated to change Ishmael to Isaac." This argument is ridiculous. It would be (almost) impossible for every translator of the Bible (many of whom were not Christian) to corrupt it in the same way. Muslims rely on one source - Uthman's Quran. We have thousands of people saying the same thing. Who's more likely to be right?
@@lemonsquidsec sorry you feel that way. It's just the truth. It was corrupted wayyy back in Constantine's reign. Let it go.
@@izzh3107 Please give any proof of ancient texts or writings teaching it was Ishmael before the Quran introduced it.
Holy Quran 37 surah As-Saffat
They plan to make a furnace and burn Ibrahim PBUH
Asking a righteous off spring
Good news of a son
Dream of sacrifice
Sacrifice accepted and rewards
Good news of son(another)
Again restatement about Isaac
So why confusing? It is clearly a sequence of evidence.
(Genesis 16:-11-12) 11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.
12 And he will be *a wild man; his hand will be against every man*, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
Indeed, this is what Christian Bibles and Masoteric Torah say. BUT the Samaritan Bible says: "He will be a fertile of man/ His hand will be with everyone.
And everyone's hand will be with him.
And he will live among his brothers." (page 30)
Give me one reason why I should believe your bible and not the Samaritan one. Will it the same old song: all the others are wrong and we, only we, are right?
@@dauharryrahman3398 Yes, Jesus is God.
@@methuselah1582 No.
@Ashik M nice move buddy. 100% Agree with your statement. As a Rasul, it would be Impossible be doing Adultery 😁 Allah has greatest plan amongst all of His creations
"Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband *to be his wife.*
Genesis 16:3
its clearly written in the Bible name Isaac
We know that the bible contains forgeries and added verses. So why take it as a viable source of information?
Genesis 17:15-23
@Matthew Genesis 17:15-23
@Matthew Genesis 21:1-19
@Matthew its isaac common sense,,,long time Ago even in Philippine there is called legitimate and eligitimate,,, so how come ismael become the only sacrifice, he is like iligitimate like in our time now,,, long time Ago very strict ,
Strictly from the Quran and no other sources, it was Ishaaq. And Abraham is mentioned with Ishaaq and Yaquub, and it doesn't say that Yaquub was Abraham's grandson, it is highly likely that both Ishaaq and Yaquub were Abraham's sons.
The verses linking Abraham to Ismael don't prove that they were together at the same time.
There is no mention of the character "Hagar" in the Qur'an. And why would a prophet of Allaah (Abraham) leave his son and "Hagar" in the desert with no food or water to suffer and die. Doesn't make sense at all.
The narrative of the sacrifice of Isaac in the Torah existed before Islam.
The Torah is corrupt
Yasir Qadhi Just admitted that Al Tabari mentions that the MAJORITY OF THE SAHABA and their disciples said it WAS ISAAC not Ishmael!!!!!
Some of them include
Abdullah Ibn Abbas
Abdullah Ibn Masud
Ali Ibn Abu Talib
Umar Ibn Al Kitab
and many many more.
Muslims are you listening?!!!!!!
The people who WALKED, TALKED, and LIVED with MUHAMMAD, said it was ISAAC, not ISHMAEL.
Why are your scholars HIDING THIS FROM YOU!!??
The hadith doesn’t say it was Ishmael, the quran doesn’t say it was Ishmael.
In fact, the quran says that Isaac was the child of GLAD TIDINGS
It was Ishmael!
Based on my understanding, Ishmael and Hagai was sent to east and promised them to have decendants as many as the sand in the seashore... Before the sacrificial happens... So also I think ishmael would have been in the east when the test of sacrificial happens... No hate, Just Love❤️
Same idea, guess and my belief as you are thinking brother. It is 100 % truth brother. It was Issac
Easy. Go to the original source, the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). What does it say? Or did the Jews manipulate their own heritage?
Genesis 22:2 and 18
2"And He said, "Please take your son, your only one, whom you love, yea, Isaac, and go away to the land of Moriah and bring him up there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains, of which I will tell you." בוַיֹּ֡אמֶר קַח־נָ֠א אֶת־בִּנְךָ֨ אֶת־יְחִֽידְךָ֤ אֲשֶׁר־אָהַ֨בְתָּ֙ אֶת־יִצְחָ֔ק וְלֶ֨ךְ־לְךָ֔ אֶל־אֶ֖רֶץ הַמֹּֽרִיָּ֑ה וְהַֽעֲלֵ֤הוּ שָׁם֙ לְעֹלָ֔ה עַ֚ל אַחַ֣ד הֶֽהָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֖ר אֹמַ֥ר אֵלֶֽיךָ:
18And through your children shall be blessed all the nations of the world, because you hearkened to My voice." יחוְהִתְבָּֽרֲכ֣וּ בְזַרְעֲךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל גּוֹיֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ עֵ֕קֶב אֲשֶׁ֥ר שָׁמַ֖עְתָּ בְּקֹלִֽי:
The promise was therefore through Isaac and not Ishmael. Where is it written in the Torah that the prophets would come from the prophetic line of Ishmael? This shatters the BIG lie of Islam that Muhammad came from a prophetic line. So is the lie that Jesus prophesied about Muhammad!
Even by the Bible you'll see that despite Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac he was stopped, hence Isaac wasn't sacrificed in the sense of word. Ishmael was sacrificed much before, in fact the act of sending away Hagar and Ishmael was itself the sacrifice. Sacrifice means to depart from something that you love for a greater cause.
There's no way Ishmael was the sacrificed one since God would only accept a perfect offering. Ishmael was the son from Hagar, a slave, not a legitimate son. He was not a perfect offering in the eyes of God. The child of covenant, the perfect offering was clearly Isaac, the legitimate son that came ftom Sara.
It was definitely Isaac, Abraham & Sarah's impatience produced Ishmael by Hagar but God's promise to Abraham was always Isaac through Sarah (but as is always the problem with man, they always choose their own ways even when God makes them promises).
"Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband *to be his wife.* "
Genesis 16:3
@@markscheepers9908 that’s a very good point. I’m definitely going with what the Bible says
@@nickkkk495 Read Genesis 17:20 KJV
@@gustavmahler1466 yes God indeed blessed Ismael and made a great nation from him. But if you read verse 21 God says He will establish His covenant with Isaac! A greater nation was born out of Isaac and that’s who was chosen to be Gods people
Why do Shabir Ally and others attack the Bible for its' English translation while simultaneously praising that the Quran is written and read in Arabic. We KNOW translation isn't perfect, but if we are to consider the Quran as it is written in Arabic, so should anyone considering the Bible look to the original language.
That said, "your only" in this case could be in reference to Abraham's only remaining son, given that Ishmael had departed with Hagar, or it could mean Abraham's only legitimate son with his wife Sarah, or it could mean his beloved son.
There is zero evidence that Ishmael was to be offered rather than Isaac, or that the names of Isaac and Ishmael were ever changed for each other. For thousands of years before Islam, it was taught that Isaac was to be sacrificed and only the descendants of Ishmael, whom God DID promise to be a great nation, have decided to change it to their benefit later.
At the end of the day, does it really matter?
Just respect other religions. We're all the same humans, living in the same planet.
Thing Positive++, Truth Matters!
The earth is flat
@@SilentValley2023 *There's no such thing as "universal truth". My truth isn't necessarily your truth.*
*If you grew up with different parents, culture, religion or environment, I bet your beliefs will be different from what you have right now.*
*The only truth is natural philosophy (science) or anything proven by science. Everything else is just opinion.*
we're not.... our beliefs and unique circumstances make us value completely different things, and our cultures are built upon these conceptions. also we don't live on a planet, we live on a plane
The Bible is full of contradictions: Paul wrote "the child of the slave will not share the inheritance with the child of the free woman”, (Gal. 4:30) trying to explain why Ismael did not inherit with Isaac. But the 12 sons of Jacob inherited the land, even when 4 of them were born from 2 slaves.
The promised land is obviously Arabia, and the inheritance of Ismaelites is the oil. Israel has nothing but the worst position in the map, for all the ancient great powers conquered that land and dominated over israelites... that was their inheritance.
For those who don't have the true knowledge .. I am suggesting you please Read Quran properly God him self told you to ask or Read Bible to clarify your droughts if any.. And respect, Believe Bible (Thora and Engil).. I have asked Many my Muslim friends regarding Reading of Quran.. They said yes we Read every day ,I immediately asked him what you Read today pls tell me what you remembered .. My friend said its in Arabic just we do read it but we cannot understand... So I request all my Muslim's Brother's pls read Quran in which Language you can able to understand...
Where does it say this in the Qur'an?
Also they're called tawraat and injeel
That literally proves nothing... Ishmael was disowned by Abraham, that is why the Tanakh and Bible, which predate the Quran by 700+ years, say Isaac was Abraham’s only son at the time of the sacrifice.
1-When did he ever disown him?
2-the bible is corrupt, so that's irrelevant
You should have tell him to quote those verses so non muslims can reflect.
@@samzwell He is the promised Son. Later, Is a A.S is his descendants. But after all, Ishmael is the person who was going to be sacrificed
@@abdulagungwijaya6807 Can I know the timeline, because Hagar and Ishmael left Abraham before God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, so afterwards Abraham went to another place to call back his son Ishmael? btw, Im just curios about the knowlege & information, nothing to do with the religion.
@@weizhenwong1706 Before Issac A.S born, God told Abraham A.S to sacrifice his only son.
Furthermore, when Issac A.S was in the womb, his mom was so mad and told Abraham A.S to kick Ishmael and his mom (Hagar) out of house.
There is the timeline
@@samzwell basically you can read Bible and Qur'an.
I forgot what book and what chapter, but there is New Song (this context can be represented by Law and/or song) that Islanders will sing it freely. And in Bible too, God promised to give Ishmael a glorious (word glorious is depends on what Bible do you read, either different author or translation) Decendents.
In Qur'an it is so obvious and you can read hadits too.
@@samzwell basically you can read that (what you said) in Qur'an. Gabriel was the Angel based on Qur'an.
Btw, you stated like that, which means?
Is Genesis 17:20 about the 12 tribes of Ishmail, or is it about the 12 Imams?
Everyone mentioning Ismael and Issac, but not the all important Jacob, which represents Israel
Prophet Jacob(peace be upon him) and his 12 sons are also important prophets in Islam
I am from Vedic culture and in Vedic culture... sacrifice means give up dear thing. It is sign of love. It must be Isaac in this case.
The age difference between Issac and Ishmael is 14 years according to Bible
Read the Quran.
There is no mention of Ishmael being son of Abraham😊
Read surah 37 very carefully. It says Abraham was asked to sacrifice. But the name Ishmael doesnt appear😂😂😂 Only ISSAC is in that Chapter😂😂 but that too not as son of Abraham...this Quran is totally messed up.
It was Isaq not Ismail!
@mr. M brother according to the Bible firstborn was promised son. And it was written Name Ishaq. Not Ishmael.
The Bible shows quite plainly, however, that Hagar (Hajira in Islam), the mother of Ishmael, never was the wife of Abraham but only his slave-woman. It was only because Sarah herself could not bear children that she "took Hagar the Egyptian, her maid, and gave her to Abram her husband as a wife" (Genesis 16.3). The expression clearly means that she gave Hagar to her husband to cohabit with him and not as a second wife as Muslims often claim the verse implies. Rather, in all that is said before and after this text, Hagar is regarded as nothing more than the mistress of Sarah. "Go into my maid", Sarah urged (Genesis 16.2). When Hagar conceived and looked in contempt upon Sarah, Abraham responded, "Behold, your maid is in your power; do to her as you please" (Genesis 16.6). When Hagar was in the wilderness and an angel appeared to her, he called her "Hager, maid of Sarai" (Genesis 16.7) and told her "Return to your mistress and submit to her" (Genesis 16.9).
@mr. M *its is clear **from.Bible** and Hadith it was Isac.*
Dont follow blindly Your traditional Mullahs.
If Isaac and his offspring, the 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel), were the covenant nation, then why the blessing to Ishmael specifically mentions 12 tribes of Ishmael? It seems the original blessings indeed go to Ishmael. I rest my case.
As a Muslim I have always had trouble defending my belief due to this one scripture. But after the great Doctor described it, it makes perfect sense. Thank you, multiple thumbs up
Eddie Ayed Please do some research
1. mary as a sister of aaron in quran?
2. joseph's co prisoner was crucified? crucifixion was a form of punishment historically centuries after joseph's time in the old testament... sad truth
Eddie Ayed
Genesis 16 tells story when Ishmael was born thru Hagar (slave woman)
Genesis 21 tells story when Isaac was born. (son of promise from God) and same chapter when Ishamel and Hagar were sent away due to Sarahs anger.
Genesis 22 tells story when Abraham sacrificed Isaac.
The Qur'an did not say that Mary was the sister of Aaron but the verse says that her people called her by this name and that means that they are descended from him
The Qur'an clearly stated that a long time and prophets were separated between the time of Jesus and Moses peace be upon them.
The third sura Al 'mran is the story of Mary and her family, in which Zechariah and John the Baptist mentioned neither Aaron nor Moses even though he was the most mentioned prophet in the Qur'an.
2.87] To Moses We gave the Book and after him We sent other Messengers. We gave (Prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary, veritable signs, and supported him with the Spirit of Purity (Gabriel). Will you then become proud whenever any Messenger comes to you with that which does not suit your fancies, and you belied some (Prophet Jesus) and killed others!
5.46] And We sent, following in their footsteps (Prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which was before him in the Torah, and gave him the Gospel, in which there is guidance and light, confirming that which was before him in the Torah, a guide and an admonition to the cautious.
To crucify someone means in the Qur'an to hang on the trees or anything else. I do not know why you think this was discovered at a certain time.
@@myrapaez964 sister of Aaron mean de endant of Aaron
like brother of Aad when mention prophet ,
It was not explicitly clear in the Quran and the Bible on purpose, because God wants to you to understand that there is no difference between the brothers, it does not matter Isaac or Ishmael, that is not even the question, the question is why this event happened?
@ea s irrelevant, the bible is corrupt
Let em dual it out. Then we'll find out who is the authority
Isaac was the only son of Abraham, being born from his only wife Sarah. Hagar was just a bondswoman that was initially intended to be a surrogate mother but since Sarah gave birth to Isaac, she got to keep Ismael. Tabari mentions that it was a vast majority of the Sahaba that believed it to be Isaac and explicitly named 6 of them and their numerous students, who agreed that it was Isaac and not Ismael. This video is a misleading answer at best.
So in your interpretation Ishmael is not the son of Abraham? Then if not what is he?
Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband *to be his wife.*
Genesis 16:3
@@محمودالراوي-ط4ق the sacrifice was Isaac pbuh and left in desert was Ismail pbuh
@@funnyclips4550 evidence?
Aisha and Shabir, thanks for the video
Sarjo Manneh
They are wrong
@@everlastthomas3549 According to whom?
He blessed both. Isaacs descendants became israel. Ishmaels descendants became all the other nations. It’s written clearly in both books. God made no mistakes. The bloodline of Isaac then wrote the Torah and the bloodline of ishmael wrote the Koran. The promise is to Abraham’s descendants. It doesn’t start at Isaacs or Ishmaels. There is only 1 god. Not different ones based on language a books wrote or location. It is just wrote from different perspectives one in Hebrew and of Israel’s path and another in Arabic of the other nations path. The only path is is to god. It doesn’t matter what u argue or say, or a human scientist, a person tricked to argue against god or hate other humans. U can’t understand gods path if u have jealousy, racism, or things like thinking ur country is better than another. Go back to the beginning there was god. He then created Adam. Everyone is a descendant of Adam and Eve. Everyone is with god for eternity. Don’t let nations, language money material make u not know that. In a way it is like Adam arguing against Adam in who knows god. Don’t let them lead u away from god.They will realise that and peace will come.
For those that call ishmael a wild donkey of a man and nothing else. U have read that god heard the cries of his mother and blessed ishmael and was with them in the desert after he was sent away. And then u want to insult ishmael or try and tell god what sort of blessing it is. Remember that god is all knowing and all wise there is no time or limit to god. So if U try and interpret it as some sort of blessing that doesn’t matter u now can’t change ur mind. What’s said is said. It’s why people need to think before they feel or say things. God knows what u said calling someone he blessed as nothing but a castaway and u can never take it back. Night or day won’t cover up what’s been said as time doesn’t exist to him it’s a mortal man creation Based on the moon moving in front of the sun. Ur unknowing words don’t know more than god.
GOD promised a Son to Abraham n his name was issac. Ishmael was from Hagar the slave Girl there .
"Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife."
Genesis 16:3
The slave you mean the egyptian princess
Shalom what does the only means According to my understand Abraham had only child Christian and the Jews corrupted chapters in the bible Jewish Rabbis knew very well Christiandom preachers stop saying wrong thing about Ishmael and Hager
In the Tanakh it says who was to be sacrificed is Isaac from his wife , not his wife Maiden
Hagar (Hajrah) was the princess of Egypt not a Maiden. I'd recommend you to watch Dr. Ahmed Deedad on this topic (short clip to the point). Also go back home and open book of Genesis 17:23 and 21:13 you'll find truth from your own scriptures about Ishmaeel. We Muslims Alhamdulillah don't do filth about prophets like you do. for us Isaac (Ishaaq) was prophet as well as Ishmael (Ismail) both from Ibrahim (A.S), there are around 12 references of Ismael being Seed of Ibrahim in your Bible. I'll share references after your response. thanks
The command from almighty was to sacrifice the only son , so logically it is clear and evident that the ONLY son refered is Prophet Ismael ( Peace be upon him ) who was the first son of Prophet Ibrahim ( Peace be upon Him ) . You will not be called as ONLY when there are 2 sons .
Visto che Gensis 16:6 - Abraham was 86yr old when Hajar bore Ismael.
Gensis 21:5- Abraham was 100 yr when Isac was born to him .
Ismael is 14 yr older to Isaac.
Visto che , i didnt understand your question “where were ismael “ , ismael and isaac are the sons of Ibrahim . All three is highly respected by islam and quran . Prophet mohammed is under family tree of Ismael and Prophet Eesah( Jesus) comes under family tree of Isaac. We are brothers and sisters , coming from one . quran nor bible is not specific on any names who was sacrificed The only point we can note is the word “ The Only Son “ which in this case should be Ismael as if Isaac was already born , then the word “ Only Son “ is not relevant in the Bible .
Visto che iam afraid You are blindly following bible which has 02 editions ( old and new ) , which itself states it is corrupted . For Your Info , "Take your son, your only son, whom you love and go to the region of Moriah." (Genesis 22:2-8) , This proves clearly that you are Wrong to say Isaac was the Only Son . The command of god came well before isaac was even BORN .
God said the only son, and Mr Shabir said the only son of Abraham is Ishmaeel.. what a pity.. as we know God admit only Isaac called as Abraham decendent (Gen 21:12). Btw, we know Abraham lived between Kanaan and Egypt. He never come down to Arab desert. So.. please... why dont you admit this truth ????
I really wonder how people accept the books (Bible and Torah) as uncorrupted even though the book is not able to make it clear, unable to specify clearly whether that son was Ismael or Ishaaq. Look at the Quran, the verses are very clear, not leaving any blind spot. And I am still amazed that they are not accepting the truth
@connie feijen pls can you leave your comment above on my video testimony: Jesus led me to Islam during Christchurch mosque attack. What you said was exactly my experience growing up in megachurches!
Even yasir quadi states that the majority of scholars even after Mohammad's death beleived it was Issac not Ishmael
Yes, we have scholars who say that he is Isaac, peace be upon him, and we have scholars who say that he is Ismail, peace be upon him, and this is evidence that Muslims are objective, unlike others, but the correct view is that he is Ismail, peace be upon him, and there are evidences from the Qur’an that show that he is Ismail
There is no problem for the religious scholar to make a mistake because he worked hard to gather evidence, but did not see the full picture in other evidence, but in general, Ismail and Isaac, both of them we love and appreciate them because they are great prophets and from their offspring came many righteous prophets like Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon them.
Yasir quadi is a noboddy.. we dont fall for his tricks..
@@htxhallitronix1569 he was saying it as a historical fact not up for dispute you can look it up yourselves
@@demanitorres5925 I'll give you a historical fact. The bible has been changed and the Quran stayed original. So go find out who lied to the jews and Christians instaid of blaming muslims and the Quran of missinformation.
Ishmael was not blessed,
No covenant was made with him.
The prophecies of Mohamed can be talking about anyone
Read Isaiah 42.
@@PathwaytoSurga *What's with Isaiah 42?*
Are you deaf????
Pathway to Surga Servant, Chosen 1 and who I delight is ur evidence?
I need scripture that tells me Mohamed maternal line, as well as where he was born.
A prophecy they he gave that another profit hasn’t.
The stone in Mecca is an idol, which represents Ishtar. She was an old Egyptian queen who claimed she had virgins births and was born in an egg which landed from the sky.
And the old ancients believed that this very stone was Ishtar coming back to the earth.
Go and check it out. This stone was among many other graven images in that area. But Ishmael destroyed the others and kept the stone for idol worship
Do some research
@@kingdomjudah900 PSALM 84:4 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah.
6 Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.
Where is Sela & Baca (sela = Madinah, Baca = Mecca.
Do some research, may Allah give you Hidayah.
It's Isaac not Ismael. Don't bypass the truth. May God Jesus reveal the truth to u people one day.
@connie feijen But simson will not save u from sin buddy. Dont worry u will come to know the truth one day. God bless you.
It's Ishmael not Isaac
The Quran clearly talks about Isaac , Even that chapter Ismael is not mentioned once come on sheikhs .
wow what a mess you know now I know why all this craziness and this fighting about Isaac and Ishmael between Christianity and Islam. Now the Torah was written first we will probably have to go back into the Torah and see how it says it not in English not in Spanish how does it say it in the Hebrew Aramaic. It is a very complicated. Even though people should not make a big thing out of this but they have it's hard when I sit down with a Christian or if I sit down with a Muslim brother it's hard to relate these topics because that's not really like an answer yes the Bible does say more clearly the statement than the Koran. But , I don't know how people will steal even bring these two characters and begin to fight with one another even in today's world something that happened centuries centuries and centuries and centuries and centuries ago
What he will explain who surrendered before Christian Prince and avoided facing him.
Don’t forget Muhammed’s daughter, ruqaya to the son of abu Lahab. That’s was a major sacrifice
Nabeel Fareed Moosa,
" Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love-Isaac-and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” - Genesis 22:2
Muhammed's daughter sacrificed? For what?
Sister my mother and father both are chritians they put my name is karimulla shaik and I have a brother his name is Ahmed he fallow christianity - plz tell me who am I Muslim or chritian, I want to be a human, the person who want humanity (I don't want any religion)
according to the book of knoledge koran have more contradict while christian bible has no contradict , so which of the two you want to choose
Hahaha... have you read the Quran yourself Sheikh and studied and penetrated its verses? It clearly claims Isaac the only son of Ibrahim and the one of sacrifice. Please do your homework, unless you follow some clan.
All bible stories are taken from Paganism which is naturalistic. Adam/Ishmael/Esau represents the earth in winter and Eve/Isaac/Jacob is the same earth in summer. They are not two people. We also have the sun depicted as female during summer (nourishing) and male during winter (non food production). Isaiah 47.3. But I (Isaiah = the spring Sun), will take vengeance - I will not meet thee as a man (the barren Earth), but as a woman (the Earth in summer).
Isaac wasn't even concieved at the time, this event happened after Abraham begats his first born son [PBUT]
In fact, it's implied Isaac was given to Abraham as a reward for offering his son [PBUT] so...
Do you believe in those fraudulent Bible stories? And which one of 100s of different Bible? 🤣
🤣🤣🤣 so funny, you don't need to embarrasse yourself further
@@al-kaser what are you talking about?
God bless Ismael outside the covenant of the Lord. But Isaac bless both prosperity and covenant of the Lord.
wrong!!! dr. Shabbir its Isaac, he is not married to his servant and legally it called legal son Is Isaac
"Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband *to be his wife.* "
Genesis 16:3
Assalam u alaikum does sacrifing animal is compulsory for a wealthy Muslim on idd uz zuha, in Quran Allah swt saying that you sanctify u r animal at ancient house that is at mecca
Yes it is compulsory on every Muslims who is welthy
God give isaac to abraham as a reward for successing the test of following god order even if he has to sacrifice his only long waited son
The promise to Abraham is ALL IMPORTANT because the Koran refers to "the people of the book". The promised child is 100% essential to the understanding of the originality and authenticity of "The Book" and the subsequent faith in Christ Jesus as the redemptive sacrifice for ALL CREATION:
1. It is through the promise that we know that it was YHWH who initiated the Hebrew faith, not Abraham by his own righteousness.
2. It is through the promise to Abraham that we understand why all the prophets from Abraham to John the Baptist were sent to the Hebrews until Christ was revealed.
3. The promise to Abraham is 100% critical to the Hebrew faith (which those who follow Christ Jesus observe).
4. Through that promise YHWH intended to bless all peoples regardless of ethnicity: Genesis 22 - "In Isaac all the families of the earth will be blessed." That is how we understand a Hebrew nation was all important to YHWHs plans.
5. That is how a second promise was made to Yehudah : "The sceptre will not depart from Yehudah nor a law giver from between his feet until Shiloh come".
6. That is why we understand that at the right time YHWH made David and not Saul's descendants king.
7. And that is how we understand the final promise to King David : I will establish your throne forever!
8. And that is how we understand the singular attention YHWH gave Israel in blessings and judgments to this day.
So, without the promised son nothing that we know today would have happened. No prophets, no Israel,...nothing. "The BOOK" that the Koran refers to is rooted in the promised son.
The Koran refers to and affirms the validity of "The Book". The Book's validity is established only when we begin to understand it through the promise of the son that YHWH made to Abraham. Therefore if you say who the child is is unimportant then the whole "Book" is without foundation; all the prophets are disconnected from any divine plan and become irrelevant; and you must also then question the claimed inspiration of the Koran since it attests the validity of The Book.
"We have revealed to you this Book with the truth, as a confirmation of previous Scriptures and a *criteriation on them* . So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and *do not follow their desires over the truth* that has come to you"
Al-Qur'an 5:48
@@محمودالراوي-ط4ق Easy. Go to the original source, the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). What does it say?
Genesis 22:2 and 18
2"And He said, "Please take your son, your only one, whom you love, yea, Isaac, and go away to the land of Moriah and bring him up there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains, of which I will tell you." בוַיֹּ֡אמֶר קַח־נָ֠א אֶת־בִּנְךָ֨ אֶת־יְחִֽידְךָ֤ אֲשֶׁר־אָהַ֨בְתָּ֙ אֶת־יִצְחָ֔ק וְלֶ֨ךְ־לְךָ֔ אֶל־אֶ֖רֶץ הַמֹּֽרִיָּ֑ה וְהַֽעֲלֵ֤הוּ שָׁם֙ לְעֹלָ֔ה עַ֚ל אַחַ֣ד הֶֽהָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֖ר אֹמַ֥ר אֵלֶֽיךָ:
18And through your children shall be blessed all the nations of the world, because you hearkened to My voice." יחוְהִתְבָּֽרֲכ֣וּ בְזַרְעֲךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל גּוֹיֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ עֵ֕קֶב אֲשֶׁ֥ר שָׁמַ֖עְתָּ בְּקֹלִֽי:
The promise was therefore through Isaac and not Ishmael. Which is why this fact establishes the prophets as coming from the line of Isaac and completely shatters the lie that the prophets came from the line of Ishmael. This shatters the BIG lie of Islam that Muhammad came from a prophetic line. So is the lie that Jesus prophesied about Muhammad!
Jews do not consider Isma’il as full son of Ibrahim alaih al Salam they say Hajara alaih al Salam was slave of Ibrahim alaih al slam while we believe Ibrahim alaih al Salam freed her and married her thus Isma’il alaih al Salam was full son. So sheikh explanation is wrong he only had one son at that time. Even today Jews don’t take Isma’il as full son. Allah did not mention in Quran name Rasool Allah pbuh did not mention the name in the hadees. There is hikma in it and we are to follow Allah and the messenger and not to mention name and just say son of ibrahim. Muslims are not allowed to follow traditions of human other than Anbya about prophets because if one says Isma’il or Ishaq and is wrong that person could lie on three anbya at once and earned a place in hell fire. We are prohibited in Quran to make distinction between prophets like Jews and Christians it is not about bragging right it is about the truth and will of Allah. So instead say we accept whoever it was it is perfectly fine if it was Isma’il alaih al Salam and we accept and it is perfectly fine if it was Ishaq alaih al Salam and we accept. Saying Ibrahim alaih al Salam put his son for sacrifice is enoug....may Allah saves us from being misguided Amin
"Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband *to be his wife.* "
Easy. Go to the original source, the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). What does it say? Or did the Jews manipulate their own heritage?
Genesis 22:2 and 18
2"And He said, "Please take your son, your only one, whom you love, yea, Isaac, and go away to the land of Moriah and bring him up there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains, of which I will tell you." בוַיֹּ֡אמֶר קַח־נָ֠א אֶת־בִּנְךָ֨ אֶת־יְחִֽידְךָ֤ אֲשֶׁר־אָהַ֨בְתָּ֙ אֶת־יִצְחָ֔ק וְלֶ֨ךְ־לְךָ֔ אֶל־אֶ֖רֶץ הַמֹּֽרִיָּ֑ה וְהַֽעֲלֵ֤הוּ שָׁם֙ לְעֹלָ֔ה עַ֚ל אַחַ֣ד הֶֽהָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֖ר אֹמַ֥ר אֵלֶֽיךָ:
18And through your children shall be blessed all the nations of the world, because you hearkened to My voice." יחוְהִתְבָּֽרֲכ֣וּ בְזַרְעֲךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל גּוֹיֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ עֵ֕קֶב אֲשֶׁ֥ר שָׁמַ֖עְתָּ בְּקֹלִֽי:
The promise was therefore through Isaac and not Ishmael. Where is it written in the Torah that the prophets would come from the prophetic line of Ishmael? This shatters the BIG lie of Islam that Muhammad came from a prophetic line. So is the lie that Jesus prophesied about Muhammad!
The reason Islam Golden age dead because of new scholar fabrication
Quran does not say clearly its Ismael, and Torah old version it says Isaac, so simply its Isaac
Last 700 years Islam has no profound development because of nowadays Muslim scholar are not much into study and research.
If it is Isamel, name would clearly come in Quran but its not.
Irrelevant, the bible is corrupt
The Qur'an makes it clear it was Ishmael [PBUH]
Isaac wasn't even concieved at the time, this event happened after Abraham begats his first son after escaping from his people 37:99-101
Where is the prove that Muhammad is the descendents of ishmael
Google and you'll see the prophethood tree
He descended from the Adnanites, who descended from the Kedarite dynasty, which came from Kedar son of Ishmael [Genesis 25:13]
@@salmanjaved3694 Google is just stating a claim made by the Quran
Lol.....the quran doesn't agree with Shabbir Alli....it says that Issac was the glade tidings....
And what did Shaber say to contradict the Qur’an? Yes, the birth of Isaac was a miracle. Abraham and Sarah, peace be upon them both, were informed of this good news by the angels, but what does this have to do with the story of the sacrifice?
Since the quran was from Alah words according to islam why the quran did not specified cleary who was to sacrificed either Ismaiel or Isaac ?? Second question why all prophets came from Issac roots not ismaiel ?? 3rd question why GOD said from the only Abraham's wife Sara I will make my convenient, why he did not describe ager which was Sara servant and mother of ismaiel as the wife of Abraham ?? In my view since Abraham's only wife was Sara the only son of Abraham according GOD was Isaac not ismaiel because Sara's servant ager was not the truth wife of Abraham. Again GOD speaks about the the truth son of Abraham from Sara not the servant child. Moreover Isac was the son gifts from GOD in which GOD can make his convenient through him which is ended in Lord JESUS CHRIST. Look the blessing of GOD from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Yosief, Moses, Devid, Solomon, Isayas, final our lord JESUS CHRIST our saviour. So where was the blessed sons of ismaiel her ?? Why all prophets came from Isaac only ?? So Isack was the promised son of Abraham.
1-God in the Bible makes the promise "i will multiply your seed" to Abraham and Hagar, never to Sarah [PBUH]
2-not all the Prophet came from Isaac [PBUH] , from where did you even get that?
Also Genesis 17:20 says that God blessed Ishmael to be fruitful, to beget 12 princes & a great nation. Such a specified blessing to Ishmael to beget 12 princes is not even mentioned in Isaac's case. The number 12 here certainly, & definitely indicates something that requires more scholarship. Other places that 12 is repeated, is the 12 tribes, the 12 disciples, etc.
No Other Gospel
Mohamad came 500 years later ( a new gospel) That Paul, an apostle. a warning that Islam will come to preach a new message by an angel.
Galatians 1:1 Paul, an apostle-sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead- 2 and all the brothers and sisters[a] with me,
To the churches in Galatia:
3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
No Other Gospel
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently, some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!
10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Paul Called by God
11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.
13 For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. 14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers. 15 But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased 16 to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. 17 I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia. Later I returned to Damascus.
18 Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas[b] and stayed with him fifteen days. 19 I saw none of the other apostles-only James, the Lord’s brother. 20 I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie.
21 Then I went to Syria and Cilicia. 22 I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. 23 They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” 24 And they praised God because of me.
Paul is a false Prophet, what he believes is a irrelevant
Islamic prophecy does not even come close to the level of the prophecies in the Bible, many of which were written hundreds of years in advance, such as the prediction that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).
Surah 20:85-88, 95
“He [Allah] said, ‘We have tempted thy people since thou didist leave them. The Samaratin has led them into error.’ Then Moses returned…and we cast them [(gold) ornaments], as the Samaritan also threw them, into the fire.’ (Then he brought out for them a Calf, a mere body that lowed; and they said, ‘This is your god, and the god of Moses, whom he has forgotten.’)…Moses said, ‘And thou, Samaritan, what was thy business?’”
Now, let us consider this for just a moment. How can a Samaritan have led the Israelites astray at the time of Moses (approx 1400 B.C.) when the city of Samaria was founded by King Omri about 870 B.C.? The Samaritans did not exist until after the exile of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the resettlement of the area under King Sargon II in 722 B.C. with non-Israelites who then adopted a syncretism (mixture) between the religion of the Jews and their own polytheistic background. The Samaritans did not exist until 530 years after Moses. By this mistake alone, the Qur’an can be rendered unreliable and certainly not an inerrant work of God.
Allah created the mankind; they should worship Him. Contradiction: 3:97, 35:15 say Allah does not need mankind and the jinns; He is free of all want.
Allah created the earth (first) then He perfected the seven firmaments (heavens); He has the perfect knowledge of all things. (This verse indicates that Allah started creation by creating earth, and then He made heaven into seven heavens. This is how a building usually starts, with the lower floors first and then the top floors-ibn Kathir). Contradiction: 79:27‑30 says Allah created the heavens first.
All the angels bowed to Adam except Iblis. He was haughty and a disbeliever. Contradiction: 16:49 says every creature in the heavens and in earth prostrates to Allah.
Allah forbade Adam and his wife to approach the tree of knowledge. (Allah spoke directly to Adam-ibn Kathir.) Contradiction: 42:51 says Allah never speaks directly to a human; He speaks either from behind a veil or through a messenger.
Adam learned the words of inspiration from Allah. Adam was the first Muslim.
Contradiction: 2:131 says Abraham was the first Muslim.
Contradiction: 6:14 says Muhammad was the first Muslim.
Contradiction: 7:143 says Moses was the first Muslim.
But you will ignore this informant and fall blindly into hell.
1-most of jewish scripture wasn't written down until the persian era according to historiabs,
Also,where does it say in the old testament that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
2-who says al-sámiry means Samaritan? It's closer to the Arabic word for Samaurian, Which were famous for worshing an ox idol,just like al-sámiry offered Israeites a golden calf
Also the tribes of Ephraim and Menassa existed at the time,and today we would call them Samaritan s
3-how are any of these even remotely contradictory?
For example it says God SWT created us to worship him,it doesn't mean needs us,in fact he already had worshipers in the form of angels
This verse clearly shows heaven already created before they earth, but it's than he made them into seven heavens
Where does it say God talked to Adam? God can give commandments through angels
Also we believe no ISRAELITE other than Moses PBUH was spoken too directly AT THE TIME,hance the title Kaleem-u-llah (the converser with God)
These verses are talking about being the first to believe what God is commanding, Muslim means "one who submits/obeys/surrendes"
And then Arabic word for believer (mu'min) also means ”one who trusts"
Genesis 3:
8Then the man and his wife heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the breeze of the day, and they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9But the LORD God called out to the man, “Where are you?” 10“I heard Your voice in the garden,” he replied, “and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.”…
@@محمودالراوي-ط4ق Please if you are going to quote the bible. at lest read it first.
Without the New Testament, you are lost. Issac was Abrahams only BEGOTTEN SON, being a type of Jesus the only BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD.
This is called Advanced Revelation.
Hebrews 11:17-19
King James Version
17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.
That's factually incorrect as Isaac isn't Abraham's first born, nor is Jesus God's first born, or his child at all
1. Define begotten?
2. Who is God’s first born Child?
Begotten, to have begat children
God doesn't have a first born child
1. Now why would God call Issac his Only Begotten when Ishmael had already been born?
@@ISAIAHTheBook because the Torah is corrupt, this was a later addition
You sir, Dr. Shabir, can never speak the truth in your life.
not ismail. isaac
@@محمودالراوي-ط4ق Easy. Go to the original source, the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). What does it say? Or did the Jews manipulate their own heritage?
Genesis 22:2 and 18
2"And He said, "Please take your son, your only one, whom you love, yea, Isaac, and go away to the land of Moriah and bring him up there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains, of which I will tell you." בוַיֹּ֡אמֶר קַח־נָ֠א אֶת־בִּנְךָ֨ אֶת־יְחִֽידְךָ֤ אֲשֶׁר־אָהַ֨בְתָּ֙ אֶת־יִצְחָ֔ק וְלֶ֨ךְ־לְךָ֔ אֶל־אֶ֖רֶץ הַמֹּֽרִיָּ֑ה וְהַֽעֲלֵ֤הוּ שָׁם֙ לְעֹלָ֔ה עַ֚ל אַחַ֣ד הֶֽהָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֖ר אֹמַ֥ר אֵלֶֽיךָ:
18And through your children shall be blessed all the nations of the world, because you hearkened to My voice." יחוְהִתְבָּֽרֲכ֣וּ בְזַרְעֲךָ֔ כֹּ֖ל גּוֹיֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ עֵ֕קֶב אֲשֶׁ֥ר שָׁמַ֖עְתָּ בְּקֹלִֽי:
The promise was therefore through Isaac and not Ishmael. Where is it written in the Torah that the prophets would come from the prophetic line of Ishmael? This shatters the BIG lie of Islam that Muhammad came from a prophetic line. So is the lie that Jesus prophesied about Muhammad!
@@TheWatchmanWebsite the tanakh is corrupt
Ishmael is not the promised son of Abraham but Issac is promised son.
Ishmael was born to slave woman Agar so he is not the proper son of Avraham and God is talking about Issac.
And muslim friends if you have any doubts ask us that what your Quran says.
So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters."
(QS. Yunus 10: Verse 94)
So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters."
(QS. Yunus 10: Verse 94)
2:11 The interviewer looks puzzled 🤔
Funny how you people still take The Bible's literally when you understand the meanings then we will be living in the heavens on earth