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Yeah is is just a bunch of atheists making fun of Christianity and wanting for a response just to find out no one cares. Now make a Islamic joke and you will get some fire.
Victoria Lanzillotti In some of the different variations on Buddhism, specifically those with deities, he's still actually a mortal, and is a mentor to gods. It's all really cool. Plus, we have the best fucking temples you've ever seen. For real. upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Shwezigon.jpg/1920px-Shwezigon.jpg photocory.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/entrance-white-temple-thailand.jpg?w=960 You don't get shit like that anywhere else.
The white temple is absolutely powerful. Wow. I have always wanted to research more into Buddhism and visit the places that housed it like India and Japan (really Japan though XD). I am a graduating history student and hope to see places like that and meet and learn from the people there. I do not participate in religions (I know that might not be the right term for it) but I love to learn from others who practice them. Well maybe except from Christianity because I grew up with it and have no interest anymore in it. From what I have learned about it in college (which really is not too extensive since it is not a popular subject sadly. They only care about Greeks and Byzantium in ancient history -.-) my opinion is that Buddhism is closer than other belief systems in teaching how humans should regard themselves in relation to the universe. I would love to experience inner peace but I also believe that my particular desires are positive and won't damage my soul (I do realise any desire can be traced to suffering). But like I said I do not know too much about it all. Though learning about the four truths has helped me accept my powerlessness in my own mortality. It has also made me realize the power I have over my own life while I still live which gives me my own measure of peace. Haha I could go on forever about spirituality.
I love the "we can just talk about Breaking Bad now" one. Every time I've tried explaining what it's like being an atheist, that's pretty much how it goes down. "Don't you go to church?" "No." "But how do you live a moral life without God to guide you?" "I marathon House of Cards and My Little Pony."
kookooman777 Lmfao, one time we went to an amusement park where you get to sit on santas lap, one time "santa" wasn't there, and my dad sat in the chair instead and we (My sister and I.)took a photo with him. XD
+Goldfish I have always believed in God and I make sense of everything he's created the universe and everything you call science. Most people believe in god every single religion
+Hammad Ali I am sorry your life has been infected with religion. My fellow human, without proper insight, it is easy to believe any religion, such as the one you may follow currently, but in the grand scheme of things, the main basis of religion from the ancient times of humans was to enforce and control both order and peace through devotion to an all powerful and omnipotent entity. There is no entity, but reason to suggest many cultures of religious folk chose their own "god story" to reflect their beliefs on how the people worshipping their way should act as people, such as specific good behaviors, respect, kindness, or generosity. I have had nothing against religions or religious folk yet in my life, but there is no use in being brainwashed of timeless lies. The truth is that no simple entity created all which we know to exist, believe what you must, but I and many others speculate that there is very much more to the story of everything's surreal existence in the universal plane.
I'm thinking if you're religious you think the internet is dominated by atheists, and if your an atheist you think the internet is dominated by religious people. Also, not all religious people are old. Or unable to use technology.
Ugh, are you serious? The prose is insufferable. There's virtually no real character development. And the character motivations are barely fleshed out. I mean... this Moses guy had to invade a city and kill all their inhabitants and take the virgin girls as slaves because his imaginary friend told him to? I don't really get it. And who are we even rooting for?
Here is a proof that God doesn't exist: In quantum mechanics (the science that in part brought us all the electronic devices we have) things behave weird. One of the weird things in quamtum mechanics, is that the properties of a particle are dependent on wether or not that particle is being observed. Because of that, if a particle is being observed, it behaves differently than if it wasn't, and it is posible to measuer this difference. Now if there were a God, he would be observing everything, and making the particles change their behavior. But this doesn't happen, and it hasn't happened since we discovered quamtum mechanics in 1913. Therefore, it is really unlykely that there is a God.
I do not wanna get in a huge argument but the term (God is everywhere) Does not necessarily mean he is physically everywhere. It is a level far higher than what we can fathom. Not to mention because God created the entire universe and present day, He knew you were going to post this comment trying to disprove his existence. Truly he laughs at your lack of faith. Turn to God truly make an effort to know him. You will not regret it he speaks to you in ways you would never believe possible. Things that only an almighty creator could conjure.
***** dude please leave the religious part outside, religion stole my childhood, and all that bullshit of "talking with God" is just psycological falacies. Now to the actual debate, there are some limits for what is knowable and what is not. This limits are in quamtum mechanics, and quamtum mechanics rests in the fact that it is imposible to know anything about a system, without interacting with that system. And again, if God was making this interaction, we would have measured it. So either God doesn't exist, or God doesn't know anything of what hapens here on earth You could say "But God is all powerful, so it doesn't applies for him/her", then we have proves that say, that a system only exist in a certain state BECAUSE we interact with it. That means, that as long God doesn't interact with quamtum systems, he just can't have any idea of their outcome.
carlos faurby You are the one who declared (it is really unlykely that there is a God.) I am simply standing up for my beliefs. The fact that you believe you know more then God with your quamtum systems is very ignorant. Do you truly think that will restrain an almighty God from observing us? That is very weak minded and proves that all you are trying to do is become your own God.
***** yes, I am certain that quamtum mechanics can restrain an almighty god from observing us. The thing is, that people usually say that God is beyond human logic, well, quamtum mechanics is too, so that argument does not work here. And you know, you have not provided me with an explanation of how this almighty god can manage to omit quamtum mechanics. I would not recomend to continue this debate if you haven't read anything about quantum mechanics. Don't worry, I don't expect everybody to be nerds as me.
carlos faurby Well that is why you are very foolish. If you consider yourself a (nerd) i advise retaking the 3rd grade your grammar is awful lol. The fact that you think science is more powerful than a God who created everything including your little theory shows how ignorant you are.
Friends, have you heard of the one true savior? His name, is Spider-Man. And he saved like, a shitton of people from electroman, venom, and so many other villains. Seriously. There are countless books about his heroism.
Professor Gingey I meant that you shouldn't even have to say that you don't know. If someone made up a creature and then asked you if you believe it exists, would you simply say that you don't know?
Oh there's another version of that Religion is like a penis it's ok to have one But u shouldn't show it off in public And u should certainly not try to cram it down kids throats
Sure, religion hurts people but evolution is just as disproven, despite the many facts supporting evolution. Evolution may seem more likely but...I just don't see it. Literally. Evolution, much like religion, will also soon start hurting people so that's why I think this is unfair.
Jessica Klaus Religion hurts people? Evolution is going to hurt people? You realize these are concepts right? If you mean violence amongst people because of differences in belief in these concepts, still really not seeing the evolution comment.
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” - Richard Dawkins
No, cause that dumbass took everything out of contexts, and when you believe in god and learn about you know everything is done for a reason, and no religious man who ever learnt about god came to that conclusion! Except that dumbass atheist, who doesn't believe in god therefore sees everything so black and white, so his opinion is worthless.
Ok so based on that logic I'm guessing the police department are horrible people as well! They take people away from their families, humiliate you in public, tell you how you have to live your life, like force you to ware a seatbelt?! An so on... So shall we conclude the police are horrible now?! I think you get my point, there has to be law and order! When you believe in god and actually study him, you'll begin to understand why he set such a law and order, that's why no religious man ever goes around saying god is unjust! So when you actually believe in god, all the above mentioned makes no sense. Religious people understand that they can't understand all of gods ways, but in essence their all for the good. Just like a child who can't understand why his mom won't give him candy...
I wasn't trying too compare act for act how the police act as opposed to god! I was trying to bring out just like we know the police are here too make law and order, same with god. Only god had his own way of doing it, which if you believed in him you'd have no problem with it, thats why again, no religious person has a problem with god, although they should technically have it the most since they actually believe him! And btw that statement actually makes no sense! Cause if you believe in god than you would have no problem with it (god obviously knows what he's doing) and if you don't, than it must have been written by humans who decided to put such such corrupt laws on people! So why cast any blame on god?
When it comes to Christianity, I believe that there WAS a man named Jesus. He solved many problems and helped many people, but he was crucified and left to die. But I don't believe that he was ACTUALLY the son of God,or that he had any supernatural healing powers. He was considered Holy as he earned it by being such a good person. He did not truly reincarnate, mainly symbolically. When the Bible was written, everyone added there own twist to it. They exaggerated his work to the point where it was impossible, and honestly less believable. I'm sure a lot more people would be Christian if they just stuck to the facts. But seriously, I bet that one bit in the Bible about homosexuality being wrong was only there because one homophobic guy decided to add his own twist. Although it is only my opinion, I'm not sure if I'd want 2000 years of praise if I died for others sins, especially if I were to have ETERNAL life in Heaven with my real Dad. Jesus got his point across, but times have changed. We can't keep living in the past indulging ourselves with stories of magic Priests and Gods. We have been given what we have been given. USE IT! Don't just waste it all chucking it away just to prove your worth. Only my opinion, but you will only know that if you have read this far.
I have a question for you. There are hundreds of prophecies in the Old Testament in reference to the Messiah. Psalm 22 basically paints the picture of Christ's crucifixion hundreds of years before it ever occurred. My question is if Jesus was just a man then how do you explain all the prophecies He fulfilled?
Jesus,God, the holy spirt. They are 3 in 1 king of kings God is the creator Jesus is his son the holy spirt is the spirt living in those whom have accepted. They are connected
Thet4co You're right in that there is no undeniable proof that we were created by God. I wouldn't have to live by faith if there wasn't room for doubt. There are however historical accounts outside of the Bible from non Christians in reference to Jesus. Even though Matthew Ellison doubts His divinity there are several like him who still believe he existed based on available evidence. As for what you were saying about being created by aliens or an anomaly in nature, I just don't see a logical way any life could have been formed without intelligent design. A single cell is super complex. The likelihood of one being formed by chance is about the same as rolling double-sixes 50,000 times in a row with unloaded dice. You wouldn't believe me if I told you the virtual world of a video game created itself by chance. What's so different about the real world?
Matthew Ellison I think the bit about homosexuality being wrong is simply because there weren't that many people living back then and they needed the human race to flourish. But that's just another thought.
"Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then hence cometh evil. Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" -Epicurus Ancient Greek Philosopher
All my fellow atheists .. If we turn out be wrong and get punished by this almighty lord for using common sense, and rot in hell .. Well, let us form a group. Meet me next to the fountain and the death chambers in hell. I could've given you my number, but I am afraid that the signal would be pretty bad underground : /
***** I am saddened by the stereotyping going on here. We are all the same species, you do not have to be a condescending wad you know. As an agnostic, I have seen a lot of bitchery from both sides and I am disappointed. I thought a "kind and intelligent" atheist would be above insults, but I suppose I was wrong to hope...
***** So the main thing that God asks is to believe and love him, and you will be rewarded with eternal life in Heaven, will like the people that didn't do that?
If there is a being that is powerful enough to stop pain and does so, they are a God, and should be worshipped. If there is a being that is powerful enough to stop pain but does not do so then they are a malevolent God and should not be worshipped (Unless you are a psychopath). If there is a being that is not powerful enough to stop all pain, then they are not a God and should not be worshipped. Where does the Christian God fit in to all of this?
Imagine a child getting their finger pinched. And they come screaming at you telling you it hurts so bad. What would you do? The average person would get irritated and send the child away or just ignore them. All of the world's pain is that tiny pinch to a God. That God would not be worried about something as minuscule as pain.
Open minded people FTW! (Not people from any religion including atheism, agnostics who will admit they don't know, take in ideas and evaluate the evidence.) But never think that you ever have enough evidence for one religion. You might think you do. But you don't. I personally am more inclined to believe in some sort of spiritual presence in the universe because the evidence is outstandingly in that direction. Atheists despise me for this, so I see atheism as just as bad as any other religion!
***** That's a very broad statement you just made there. "but just attack at first sight of anyone not on their side. I prefer people who don't attack me for my beliefs, those are kind people who I honestly don't want to see die and rot..." Uh, you do realize no one is the same, correct? Just because some people are freaks about what you believe doesn't mean others are. For one, a lot of atheists act the same as religious people. They'll attack anyone who doesn't agree with them.
***** You realize that if this was about the Islamic faith, there would be a bunch of backlash about it. I realize its about gods in general, but if they so much as mentioned "Allah" they would have papers all over the place screaming bloody murder. The Catholic Faith has it a lot worse than the Islamic faith, maybe we should start bombing you? You know, so youre afraid of us. Note: Im kidding about the bombing, just adding a bit of humour and perspective.
Religion is so fucked up that its actually managed to manipulate people into killing thousands or even millions for just being themselves! So in my opinion, I think he has the right to to criticize religion while holding the bible! Stop getting offended about something that was responsible for doing bad things its like saying I hate that he talked bad about Hitler while he was holding the Nazi symbol in his hand.
Doesnt government do the same thing? What about water, water kills people. Its not religon that is the problem, its what you do with it. If religon was the problem, you'd be dead right now because everyone with a religon on here would have tracked you down. But youre alive because its not religon that is evil.
TheEllimist lol by "God" I meant believers & yes i meant "we have evidence disproving God" I just thought you knew what i meant which of course you did!!
yup. i didn't even watch the video. i just instantly scrolled down for the comments and laughed harder than any collegehumor video has ever made me laugh
Spine_Ripper it's because all people have their opinions and beliefs, but a small segment of the population can't live a normal life without making sure everyone around them knows theirs (and that everyone who opposes that opinion/belief is clearly wrong) it has a scientific condition... i think it is a latin name. i might have the spelling wrong but it is something like "BEING A FUCKING DICK"
Ty Guy I'm writing a paper for a political science class. I'm in that "learning is fun!" mood. You had me all excited, making me believe you were about to drop some knowledge on my ass. You sarcastic son of a bitch.
Spine_Ripper Haha I like this thread more than the others. Actually it does have a psychological study related to it. I can't cite the source because it eludes me. But when someone is very opinionated, it usually means they've lived their entire life following those values, morals, and opinions. Those opinions shape their lifestyle. And so when someone has an opposing opinion, they actually literally feel physically threatened, almost like being attacked, since their lifestyle is under threat. That's why you get crazy people waging religious wars in the past, because they're fighting for their way of life, and they view other sects as dangerous and threatening. Nowadays you have people engaged in heated arguments who will actually fight to preserve their way of life. This is the direct result of being close-minded, when you refuse to take in others' opinions and instead view them as dangerous, you get fundamentalists. Stay open-minded, you'll be more sane.
Why is it that people blow their heads off when religion is mentioned? You can believe in what you believe, and I can believe in what I can believe in, I'm not saying I can't handle the truth, but the simple fact that everyone is raging about a belief? Just pathetic.
+d4m4s74 Your both right and wrong if there were no religions then by definition everyone would be an atheist. And at that point it would be considered normal in society to be an atheist and there would be no annoying conversations about religion. Also we'd would of had the technology we have today about 100-200 years ago.
Im a christian. To be honest there are 3 reasons why I choose to believe. 1 my family 2 it teaches great moral values that you need in everyday life and 3 The proof, many cities in the bible said nonexistant are being discovered everyday. Also jesus was a real man, there is too many witnesses and historically accurate setting to Jerusalem. Another is that much of the bible was but in because of witness account, it also gave people hope that their life isnt meaningless. Also the old interpretation of the bible is actually being reinterpreted with scientific evidence. Let there be light- the big bang. Adam and eve were the first humans just not the first human like people, evolution was god experimenting. Noahs ark has obvious accompony by other religion and cultures building an ark to survive the flood explaining why we still have other races. And my grandma was hit and killed for 2 hours when she was a kid in the 50s. She came back and actually saw god, a man with long white beard and hair upon a golden throne. She was risen again for some reason but she woke up with burns in her back and a blanket over her. If you want to know more of my belief just watch god is not dead. Pretty much gets the point cross
The Rural Legacy I just want to make a comment on your last reason. Not to belittle you but to just offer some other information. You can compare your point to the city of Troy. There is an extensive myth that talks about their fight with the Greeks and the intervention of many Gods and Goddesses, which is the Illiad. It is a huge complicated story. Up until the 19th century no one could find Troy and believed it to be a myth but Heinrich Schliemann or Frank Calvert (whichever you prefer) discovered it. This does not mean that the Pagan Gods were real though obviously. Just that there was probably a major event in the city that inspired oral stories that eventually were written down under the alias Homer (there is a whole debate about his existence and the reality of who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey). Not that it means you cannot believe in God. You honestly do not need to give people explanations of your beliefs unless you are trying to convince someone else (not saying you are doing that here). Other than that your beliefs are always legitimate to your chosen identity. I am just saying that that particular reason you might want to reconsider.
who said jesus wasn't real? lmfao, of course jesus was a living human, but his miracles are total bullshit, you thinking it's about jesus existing or not just proves how dumb you are.
Do you think that maybe, in 2000 to 3000 years, people will look back at Christianity and Judaism and see it in the way we see the religion of the Greeks and Romans today? They would just see it as a way that people of our time tried to explain things they did did not understand.
Exima Try this experiment. Grab a sheet of paper and some crayons and place it on your desk. See if you can draw the forest without picking up the crayon. Respond after the experiment is done.
Oh and The Buddha existed, he was a really guy just like Jesus was a real guy, his name was Siddhartha Guatama. I say none of this for the sake of argument, but simply to clarify
The holy bible says God is real, but the holy bible is made by humans who believe God is real. So if humans made the bible and humans made Harry Potter, saying God is real means Harry Potter and magic is real -_-
can people stop fighting about religion it kind of makes me sad and i dont want to judge people for what they believe in... i am a proud Christian and i dont care if you are an atheist but just stop with the fighting
+Joe Catton Fair enough. But really you're just born in the right century. Religions mature like people. The only reason you're not being killed for that joke is because Christianity is a college student now: still full of stupid but mostly tolerable. Islam is just still going through it's emo phase right now.
+Joe Catton the bible is the most printed book ever. and wether god exist or not (which he does cause jesus is in history and jesus is god in human form) christianly is something that bounds people together, and helps us be more loving
Now this is why I love my religion. If I'm a good human being and become a good Christian, I get to go to heaven but if I die and there is no heaven or God, then I don't loss anything either. So basically I win either way
It would seem more logical for Christianity, which promotes loving each other, to actually helping the poor and sick, instead of wasting your time in church.
"So god has unconditional love, if you dont put a small amount of water on a child's forehead it burns for eternity. THATS THE CONDITION OF A FUCKING PSYCHOPATH" Jim Jeffries
There's no proof that flying spaghetti monsters and leprechauns don't exist either though. existing and not existing do not have equal weight. Just because something can't be disproven doesn't mean it's likely to be true or has any equal likelihood of being true as not being true.
Kevin Toine ok i dont give a crap if u dont believe in religion, but what gets on my nerves is that atheists think that this is the only life, so why waste it hating on Christians?
Gregory Pnemono because christians hate on us for not believing in fairy tales about god and Jesus and shit. Atleast thats my only reason of "hating" christians.
Itch It And Dia i do know that there are some who do that, but most Christians don't. i'm a christian and i have plenty of atheist friends and i respect them just like i do with my Christian friends. the only atheists i don't respect are those who aren't willing to be friends with religious people. if i thought this was the only life i had, i wouldn't limit myself to being friends with only non-religious people. why anyone does at all is beyond me.
the problem with the human psyche that we cant even conceive something being there for all eternity. for people finding it hard to believe in god then you have to accept that he is not bound by the laws of physics, time and space. he just was and is.
In a universe where everything is bound by the laws of physics, time and space. You can't expect people to believe in something that somehow defies those laws, and it's existance is completely lacking in proof. (A book isn't proof, if it was I'd be in Hogwarts killing Voldemort and shit..)
and that is a prime example of this problem, of course you cant prove something that isn't bound by the laws of physics because thats all we have. the reason religions and beliefs remain is faith, not facts. when facts are introduced we start looking at the science, and not the faith. when you have faith in something you except that others may not believe you and that that you cant prove it with cold hard facts, but you believe it. and a lot of this is down to a combination of personal experience, knowledge and seeing examples for your self.
Laws of physics are all we have because that is all that exists in this universe. It's what keeps it together, and what keeps us alive. Belief in a god is illogical, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I've heard the personal experience, examples and what-not all too many times. Yet no one has told me their experience, their example. That is because everything that they may have experienced can be explained but they believe that what they felt/seen was so amazing, that it's out of this universe, that it can't be explained. They're wrong, as much as people would like everything to be mystical and magical, it isn't. That doesn't make it less beatiful though. It's just so difficult for some people to accept that their parents taught them the beliefs of a more.....uneducated society.
***** I respect your beliefs, but can I just say, "faith" makes no logical sense whatsoever. So we are just supposed to believe in something that can't be touched, seen, heard, smelled, tasted, proved, or even conceived, for its very existence would be in conflict with everything we know about everything, just because one guy told us to? In my opinion, anyone who believes in a god of any kind is either a fool or in great need of a purpose larger than to prolong the existence of a pointless species of beings on an even more pointless hunk of rock.
Chris Browne and Lyushcho i think it is irreverent to bring intelligence into this argument. if one person disagrees with another they both tend to call the other a fool. but some one wise can look at the other argument learn to understand it and come back with a reasonable argument. Lyushcho: yes every thing is explainable, this is the basic rule of cause and effect. however that is still not a reason for me to dispute god because i believe god made those explainable events happen. after all i believe god made everything. the laws of physics are his tools. and if you like i will tell you my personal experience of a miracle if you can not find any other example any where else. Chris Browne: faith does not conflict with every thing. one man long ago did not tell us to throw every rational thought out of the window. but taught us to look at everything from a different light. and consider this, why is it so preposterous to look for a purpose larger than life?
A country signing a contract dooms a nation is fair? or just? Next time your country signs smth that will make your life harder or god forbid go to war I will just assume that the entirety of the said country's civilians agreed, what you said is just stupid no country leaders ever ask what you a citizen want but you suggest That all of the Hatti wanted satan cause their country signed a contract. Childish views
I know religion is a touchy subject... but why does everyone have to be so rude? If you're talking about religion you're probably trying to convert someone to your belief (or lack thereof), isn't kindness and respectfulness the best way to get someone to think of something your way? And don't you feel bad for representing someone of your certain beliefs so badly? I'm pretty sure it's much harder to convert when your verbally (or physically) beating down on someone.
+LankshearMedia Religion is a brainwashing system based on fear to control people. It's an insult to the human intellect. A lot of people are sick of it. Reading passionate comments against religion on a video that is clearly anti-religion is to be expected. If you don't like drunk people, don't hangout in bars...
CarcPazu That wasn't my point. I get why people can be passionate on subjects. My point was that it doesn't help your case in changing others minds if you're insulting them to a stump.
TH-cam's userbase consists of many types of different people; normal and decent, very young, teenagers, middle age, elderly, stupid, retarded, sociopath, people from all over the world with various cultures and upbringings, uneducated, educated, depressed, naive, happy, sarcastic, jaded, cynical... you get the picture. Why people say what they say is just a bunch of factors and variables that come together in a spur of words...
My family is traditionally Catholic and I do think it's a good thing to know about religion but I see myself as an atheist and find Christmas and Easter more sociable than religious now.
An Evolutionary advantage would be understanding your surroundings. In modern times its getting to understand the religions and cultures near you. Plus how can you be a proclaimed non believer if you haven't looked into the belief?
Owen McGrath Ever heard the phrase 'knowledge is power' if you know something ,no matter insignificant it may seem, there is a possibility that the bit of knowledge you've received will be beneficial. The more informed you are, in the 21st century, the higher chance you will have for success.. With money or mates.
considering the vastness of the entire universe, it was incredibly likely that we exist and it's highly likely that more complex organisms like us also exist
Perfect? What about diseases, genetic mutations, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, sunburns that increase the risk of skin cancer, chaos in the universe, useless organs like the appendix, evil, etc.? ''The existence of this world is too complex to come from a mere explosion.'' Whoever said everything came from a random explosion? Stop making baseless assumptions.
+Dead by April According to science, there was a "big bang" where everything in the universe came to be. As for everyone saying that it is not perfect because of this and that, there is a lot you are ignoring. 1. First The creation of the universe. According to science, Before the big bang, there was just 1 point with everything in the universe all in one spot. Then for an unexplained reason, it just exploded. Nobody knows why and the few theories why that could be true have quite a bit of holes in them. 2. After the Big bang. When the big bang did happen, for a small amount of time the universe expanded faster than the speed of light, but that is ok, as there was no matter yet. The big problem is the fact that once space cooled down and mass actually formed, there should have been equal parts of matter and anti matter, but there is very little antimatter in the universe. Why was there more matter than anti matter, no one knows. 3. The Fermi paradox. We are in a old universe, and other intelligent species could have evolved millions of years before us. Using a little math and speculation over 100 million planets can support life. However back when the universe was just a little over 15 million years old(It is currently 13.7 billion) almost every planet with any water could support life. This would put the number of inhabitable planets much higher. So why do we not see any other life? Even with a 0.01% chance that life forms, and lets say only a thousandth of those become intelligent, that would still leave 10 intelligent species in the universe, 13 BILLION years ago. So where is everybody? 4. Our perfect orbit. We are one of the few solar systems that are actually flat. Most are actually circular. Not to mention the 30 other factors we need for life. 5. Our species. We have no protection, so how did we survive? We can't really defend ourselves against lions, or bears, or any of the other predators on the planet, so how exactly did we survive to get such large brains? 6. Sex. For this one I have not seen anyone else mention so I do not know if this is something simple or not. In order for a male to survive, it has to have a female. In order for a female to survive, it needs a male. The first cells were asexuals, so they did not have to worry about that. However, evolution is not where things suddenly appear, but is rather the slow change. A cell can become bigger and bigger and faster and faster, but it can't suddenly require another cell in order to reproduce. So how did that come along?
caleb kirschbaum I have answers to all those questions, I'd recommend you research before typing all that in. 1. The point in space was a black hole, which has a tiny surface area orb of infinite mass and infinite density inside it. It exploded because the black hole grew too large and unstable over time. 2. There is equal antimatter and matter, antimatter is just not visible to us. 3. Do you know how absolutely humongous the universe is? We haven't even reached the end of our own solar system, how can we expect other species to traverse that amount of distance, and even then, actually reach our planet? 4. All those factors occurred on probably millions of other planets, but since there's an almost infinite number of planets out there, it would be impossible to find a planet that easily. 5. We evolved from monkeys, we had basic knowledge of survival, we kept predators away with fire and killed animals with sharpened stone spears. 6. That came along by evolution, a single cell splits into two smaller cells, but an animal is made of several of these cells who bonded together, we can't just split into two. This method was the way evolution went. Also, when the cells split, they died, would you want to die and leave unprotected children out there to fend for themselves?
TO ALL THE PEOPLE SAYING ATHEISM IS NOT A RELIGION Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. Atheism is a religion because it concerns the cause, nature and purpose of the universe, and yes, it is a belief. Agnosticism is not a religion though because they believe they don't know and are open to new ideas. Atheism is the theory of there not being a god. OF ANY KIND, Atheism isn't just the disbelief of all religions revolving around theism, it's the BELIEF that there is no god in existence! BTW I am an agnostic, I don't know if there is a god and in my opinion, no-one knows.
atheism has nothing to do with science. nothing to do with science. NOTHING TO DO WITH SCIENCE.religion= concerning the cause.... science= concerning the cause..... atheism= rejection of god claims. thats all there is to it!
The legitimate meaning of the word "Atheism" is, the disbelief that there is a god. Not just a rejection of current religions. Yes I will admit religions are bullshit. Atheism isn't saying that, it is saying that there is no god. Matthew Power, the difference between the tooth fairy and santa claus as compared with god is that the legitimate scientific theory of the "God possibility" Is much more likely. It is quite possible that what we would call a transcendent entity is the cause for the universe's existence. This theory is discredited by atheists because this idea is mainly brought upon by religions, and religions are full of shit. I personally think that people should investigate the area of spirituality but not blindly follow a religion.
I take back what I said about all religions being full of shit, I think that it is quite possible that many religions have some truth behind them but am inclined to believe a lot of religious texts are being misinterpreted, due to these texts being written in understandable language for ancient civilizations and cultures, not for our civilization and culture.
i've been reading these comments, and there's one thing i'd like to say: for all you Christians, you can't be 100% sure that god exists, that's why your hole religion is based on "Faith" and "believing". and for all the atheists that say that there is not proof of god, let me tell you that there isn't proof of his non-existance either. you can't tell whether "he" exists or not. that's why i am an agnostic, but i used to be Christian.
Do not try to flip the burden of proof. Logic states it is up to the positive claim to provide evidence. For example, I tell you polar bears live on mars, deep underground. Can you prove me wrong? no, you can't. that's doesn't mean my claim is any less crazy
RunningWithRoses you might be right. it`s true that some things don't need to be proven wrong to let us declare it wrong. but you can't use that methodology in all cases. so, in what cases can we use it? only in the obvious ones. now, is God (or any other superior being) existence an obvious question? we see people one both sides of the coin (it exists, or it does´t) and humans have been debating that question for years. is not an obvious question. you can't say that it's crazy..... no one has ever believed in the existence of polar bears deep underground in mars, no one has ever debated it because it's obvious
Joaquin Fernandez you completely missed the point. Its not up to the person advocating disbelief to provide evidence for his position; its up to the person making the claim to provide evidence. Simply saying "you don't have evidence that (blank) DOESN'T exist" does not mean anything, nor does it replace the need for your to supply evidence for your claim. Great claims necessitate great evidence. saying that there is an ethereal god who created everything at once and that the bible is his book is a GREAT claim and requires great evidence, yet there is NONE to be had.
RunningWithRoses hahahaha got it wrong, sorry..... well, i agree with you. i can believe whatever i want and i don't need to proof my own beliefs. my first comment was directed to de ones that "attack" other beliefs.. i think you can't set up a debate based on those proofless beliefs, otherwise it would be like debating the best color of the rainbow, or the greatest pizza ever
Jesse B nope jesus was part of the trinity (The father, son and holy spirit) which are the three forms of the christian god. So technically he is god to christians. I'm atheist and I know that...
***** Honestly, I've never really read the Bible in-depth. The only thing I can firmly say is that I believe in God and Heaven. I'm a bit religiously unsure of myself. Perhaps having a Jewish father and a Christian mother adds to that.
I'm a Christian. Can't we all just accept that everyone has their own opinions? I have never seen any videos of Christians bashing atheists. Unsub for CollegeHumor.
Maezie But Jesus said to get followers my friend. There is going to be a point in time where all these passive Christians are going to have to grow some balls and stand up for their faith or conform to the enemy.
Joke: A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline -New Oxford American Dictionary Seems like 8000 people need to read this
Everybody is it just me that tends to think that God isn't that real only because of all his "features/powers/characteristics" can be easily made up and cannot be proven wrong......... (I really don't mean to offend anyone that is Religious I just wanted to know if anyone felt the way I do.....)
If you make it to where it can't be unproven and very vauge then all the idiots of a few centries ago will follow and then there desendents stick around.
grabs popcorn
reads comments
nobodys really fighting
well that was a waste of time
+Sayem Fazal my thoughts exactly
Yeah is is just a bunch of atheists making fun of Christianity and wanting for a response just to find out no one cares. Now make a Islamic joke and you will get some fire.
+K2 Commando shut up alright
+Sayem Fazal It's hidden in the replies. Just find a really short comment with a really long reply
+Sayem Fazal same
I will not scroll down... I will not scroll down...
Well, at least we know Satan exists. We just found hell.
Gigabic that comment, Is a once in a lifetime comment. +1
I will not comment, I will not comment
I loved Emilys comment: "It's so refreshing to have a father figure where I don't believe in him"
Hey, uh. Buddha isn't a god.
Just wanted to run that buy you.
Caleb Swinson Thank you! That irked me. I was like... ugh he didn't want to be worshipped like that at all but people fucking did it anyway.
Victoria Lanzillotti In some of the different variations on Buddhism, specifically those with deities, he's still actually a mortal, and is a mentor to gods. It's all really cool.
Plus, we have the best fucking temples you've ever seen.
For real.
You don't get shit like that anywhere else.
The white temple is absolutely powerful. Wow. I have always wanted to research more into Buddhism and visit the places that housed it like India and Japan (really Japan though XD). I am a graduating history student and hope to see places like that and meet and learn from the people there. I do not participate in religions (I know that might not be the right term for it) but I love to learn from others who practice them. Well maybe except from Christianity because I grew up with it and have no interest anymore in it. From what I have learned about it in college (which really is not too extensive since it is not a popular subject sadly. They only care about Greeks and Byzantium in ancient history -.-) my opinion is that Buddhism is closer than other belief systems in teaching how humans should regard themselves in relation to the universe. I would love to experience inner peace but I also believe that my particular desires are positive and won't damage my soul (I do realise any desire can be traced to suffering). But like I said I do not know too much about it all. Though learning about the four truths has helped me accept my powerlessness in my own mortality. It has also made me realize the power I have over my own life while I still live which gives me my own measure of peace. Haha I could go on forever about spirituality.
Caleb Swinson who in the world said Buddha was a god? He was documented to be a prince.
He is a deity. By a technicality he isn't a God.
I love the "we can just talk about Breaking Bad now" one. Every time I've tried explaining what it's like being an atheist, that's pretty much how it goes down. "Don't you go to church?"
"But how do you live a moral life without God to guide you?"
"I marathon House of Cards and My Little Pony."
Very mature
Santa exists! I have sat on his lap.
Have you now?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No He Literally Went Savage & Attacked Him
Lmfao, one time we went to an amusement park where you get to sit on santas lap, one time "santa" wasn't there, and my dad sat in the chair instead and we (My sister and I.)took a photo with him. XD
God exists, we're all currently in his hands
kookooman777 have you now
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the napkin god is the one true god you see it says it right here on this napkin
+Skel “Skeletor” etor good enough for me
praise the mighty napkin jesus!
+Goldfish I have always believed in God and I make sense of everything he's created the universe and everything you call science. Most people believe in god every single religion
+Hammad Ali Have You Ever Realised That If God Is So "Great". Then Why Did He Let My Mum Get Brain Cancer? And Why Does He Believe Science Is So Bad?
+Hammad Ali I am sorry your life has been infected with religion. My fellow human, without proper insight, it is easy to believe any religion, such as the one you may follow currently, but in the grand scheme of things, the main basis of religion from the ancient times of humans was to enforce and control both order and peace through devotion to an all powerful and omnipotent entity. There is no entity, but reason to suggest many cultures of religious folk chose their own "god story" to reflect their beliefs on how the people worshipping their way should act as people, such as specific good behaviors, respect, kindness, or generosity. I have had nothing against religions or religious folk yet in my life, but there is no use in being brainwashed of timeless lies. The truth is that no simple entity created all which we know to exist, believe what you must, but I and many others speculate that there is very much more to the story of everything's surreal existence in the universal plane.
Has anyone ever felt that the comments section of religious videos are dominated by atheists?
Yousef Atta Atheist rule over the internet. Religious folk rule real-life America.
United socialist internet republic of atheista
+Yousef Atta most religious people are old luddites
I'm thinking if you're religious you think the internet is dominated by atheists, and if your an atheist you think the internet is dominated by religious people. Also, not all religious people are old. Or unable to use technology.
The Holy Bible was the best fictional book i have ever read.
Is it good? I've been tempted to read it, but I'm not a fan of fiction.
Fantastic picture my good man.
Ugh, are you serious? The prose is insufferable. There's virtually no real character development. And the character motivations are barely fleshed out. I mean... this Moses guy had to invade a city and kill all their inhabitants and take the virgin girls as slaves because his imaginary friend told him to? I don't really get it. And who are we even rooting for?
The Moses guy is a serial killer he just made that up so they wouldn't go after him. What a freak.
Religious people preaching their religion=religious freedom
Atheists responding to that preaching=offensive
Saeki I know right, the double-standard is pretty ignorant
WeiYinChan Yeah,where do you live btw?Not exact just continent
Saeki err Australia
WeiYinChan Probably why,you should visit america,too many retarded religious people
What the hell is wrong with the dislike bar? This is funny as... hell (there, I did it, sue me)
+Roger França What do you mean? The Like and Dislike ratio is practically the same on every video ever.
Stupid The Hedgehog Compare it to other yay or nay videos.
+Roger França Religious people goin' crazy.
People God is made up
Oh and how do u know he exists
*grabs popcorn * * waits for thousands of comment wars to ensue*
*roasts marshmellows on a flame war*
But we shall win it
Here is a proof that God doesn't exist:
In quantum mechanics (the science that in part brought us all the electronic devices we have) things behave weird. One of the weird things in quamtum mechanics, is that the properties of a particle are dependent on wether or not that particle is being observed. Because of that, if a particle is being observed, it behaves differently than if it wasn't, and it is posible to measuer this difference. Now if there were a God, he would be observing everything, and making the particles change their behavior. But this doesn't happen, and it hasn't happened since we discovered quamtum mechanics in 1913. Therefore, it is really unlykely that there is a God.
I do not wanna get in a huge argument but the term (God is everywhere) Does not necessarily mean he is physically everywhere. It is a level far higher than what we can fathom. Not to mention because God created the entire universe and present day, He knew you were going to post this comment trying to disprove his existence. Truly he laughs at your lack of faith. Turn to God truly make an effort to know him. You will not regret it he speaks to you in ways you would never believe possible. Things that only an almighty creator could conjure.
dude please leave the religious part outside, religion stole my childhood, and all that bullshit of "talking with God" is just psycological falacies.
Now to the actual debate, there are some limits for what is knowable and what is not. This limits are in quamtum mechanics, and quamtum mechanics rests in the fact that it is imposible to know anything about a system, without interacting with that system. And again, if God was making this interaction, we would have measured it. So either God doesn't exist, or God doesn't know anything of what hapens here on earth
You could say "But God is all powerful, so it doesn't applies for him/her", then we have proves that say, that a system only exist in a certain state BECAUSE we interact with it. That means, that as long God doesn't interact with quamtum systems, he just can't have any idea of their outcome.
carlos faurby You are the one who declared (it is really unlykely that there is a God.) I am simply standing up for my beliefs. The fact that you believe you know more then God with your quamtum systems is very ignorant. Do you truly think that will restrain an almighty God from observing us? That is very weak minded and proves that all you are trying to do is become your own God.
yes, I am certain that quamtum mechanics can restrain an almighty god from observing us. The thing is, that people usually say that God is beyond human logic, well, quamtum mechanics is too, so that argument does not work here. And you know, you have not provided me with an explanation of how this almighty god can manage to omit quamtum mechanics.
I would not recomend to continue this debate if you haven't read anything about quantum mechanics. Don't worry, I don't expect everybody to be nerds as me.
carlos faurby Well that is why you are very foolish. If you consider yourself a (nerd) i advise retaking the 3rd grade your grammar is awful lol. The fact that you think science is more powerful than a God who created everything including your little theory shows how ignorant you are.
Bible = Proof of God
Spider-Man Comic = Proof of Spider-Man
Dude, Spider-Man exists I saw him at comic-con this year. And I saw God standing outside asking for spare change.
Friends, have you heard of the one true savior? His name, is Spider-Man. And he saved like, a shitton of people from electroman, venom, and so many other villains. Seriously. There are countless books about his heroism.
I don't even remember the last time God saved anyone. Spiderman saves people almost every fucking week.
Pootis Spencer Such blasphemy!!! Our savior is Superman!
But what if the love we have for each other IS god?
*looks at other comments* well, guess he aint real here
+Gigabic looks at ww1 and ww2 and all the wars
where the hell is god when ya need him
or watch the 3rd star wars movie
+Gigabic Shut up, Meg !
+Gigabic Saying that god is some existing arbitrary thing is useless. Doesn't fit the properties of a god.
Some idiots opinions doesn't mean shit there's one higher power I believe it's god but some people have different opinions
I love how the comments on parody videos about religion always turn into one massive athiest circlejerk.
Khaine's Lair take a look at the god mythbusters episode then
And now, exclusive to the comments section;
Edgy 13 year olds explaining how they are hardcore atheists.
Somehow I'm more comfortable with that than a grown ass man believing in god.
I was gonna make a comment about atheism, but now I wont.
I.Love.This comment
Shannon Shea I'm not religious m8.
My answer:
"I don't fuckin' know."
You also don't know if there are magical, invisible unicorns in your closet but do you also consider that possibility..
mouwersor You never know where those pesky unicorns decide to call their home...
+Professor Gingey You shouldn't even say that you don't know.
tomlxyz What do you mean by that? Are you saying I shouldn't admit that I don't know something?
Professor Gingey I meant that you shouldn't even have to say that you don't know.
If someone made up a creature and then asked you if you believe it exists, would you simply say that you don't know?
Just wondering, do we have any solid proof that there are absolutely no jelly donuts on Mars?
NASA's Mars Rover is on the lookout for any Jelly Donuts that may be hidden under the Mars surface.
Dying of laughter reading this comment strand.
?? After witnessing this strand of comments i am expecting my brain to form a thick sludge all over the floor.
Why do you think we're investing billions into landing on mars? For research? No, cheap fuckers at N.A.S.A. Trying to score some free donuts.
You just gotta have faith man. Praise be to the Jelly. Ramen.
There was no point making this video except to bait both overkill Atheists and Christians...
I thought it was hilarious.
Web Cypher It was. But there was no point.
SpazSpy So? It doesn't need to have a point to be funny.
Web Cypher Never said it needed a point. Just said that it didn't do much except get a bunch of Christians and overkill Atheists triggered. xD
SpazSpy Em... so? Just stop giving a fuck about this video, it was funny, period. Get on to the next thing.
There is one true god: the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
***** *gasp* What if Slender is Jesus!? And Jeff is Muhammad....
Isn't it Satan? Or do you have an updated version?
***** Satan has hell. The Flying Spaghetti Monster has beer volcanoes and stripper factories. FSM wins.
Taylor Pease Thanks, I will apply the update to my prayers. FSM be with you.
***** May His noodly appendage touch you.
I think religion should be something private. It would be amazing if everybody kept their religious thoughts to themselves.
Oh there's another version of that
Religion is like a penis it's ok to have one
But u shouldn't show it off in public
And u should certainly not try to cram it down kids throats
Both of them get the point across pretty well... xD
Sure, religion hurts people but evolution is just as disproven, despite the many facts supporting evolution. Evolution may seem more likely but...I just don't see it. Literally. Evolution, much like religion, will also soon start hurting people so that's why I think this is unfair.
Jessica Klaus How is Evolution disproven? Can you please use some reputable sources?
Jessica Klaus Religion hurts people? Evolution is going to hurt people? You realize these are concepts right? If you mean violence amongst people because of differences in belief in these concepts, still really not seeing the evolution comment.
Buda is not a god. He's a teacher
Buddha was not a god. He was a teacher *
I agree
kou shik • 9K Views no we are not
*To myself* "Don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments"
*Reads the comments* "Shit"
+RandomStuff Stuff i'm an earthling and that was kinda offensive
We'll you guys aren't biased, ignorant, or self-assured at all like the some of the people below.
i believe in god.
so who's ready for that doctor who Christmas special.
No i believe in jerry christ
Of course god is real you just have to be gullible...I mean have faith.
The only funny comment so far
nice and thank you
i actually laughed out loud
the only funny atheist joke so far
wouldn't being gullible make you an atheists instead? by believing too much in yourself
fools! it is obvious that the only true god is the great sun god of Ra!
Well, we can see the sun and feel its effects...kinda helps with the credibility don't you think?
Don't burn rory!
No he is NOT.
convert to pastafariaism NOW!!
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” - Richard Dawkins
That all makes no sence if you believe in god!
No, cause that dumbass took everything out of contexts, and when you believe in god and learn about you know everything is done for a reason, and no religious man who ever learnt about god came to that conclusion! Except that dumbass atheist, who doesn't believe in god therefore sees everything so black and white, so his opinion is worthless.
Ok so based on that logic I'm guessing the police department are horrible people as well! They take people away from their families, humiliate you in public, tell you how you have to live your life, like force you to ware a seatbelt?! An so on... So shall we conclude the police are horrible now?!
I think you get my point, there has to be law and order! When you believe in god and actually study him, you'll begin to understand why he set such a law and order, that's why no religious man ever goes around saying god is unjust! So when you actually believe in god, all the above mentioned makes no sense. Religious people understand that they can't understand all of gods ways, but in essence their all for the good.
Just like a child who can't understand why his mom won't give him candy...
I wasn't trying too compare act for act how the police act as opposed to god!
I was trying to bring out just like we know the police are here too make law and order, same with god.
Only god had his own way of doing it, which if you believed in him you'd have no problem with it, thats why again, no religious person has a problem with god, although they should technically have it the most since they actually believe him!
And btw that statement actually makes no sense! Cause if you believe in god than you would have no problem with it (god obviously knows what he's doing) and if you don't, than it must have been written by humans who decided to put such such corrupt laws on people! So why cast any blame on god?
And btw nature isn't too fare either! Why should a kid suffer because of his parents genes! You don't seem to have a problem with that!
LoL, he got it wrong, Buddha wasn't the Buddhist's God, he was their teacher and did not consider him as a God
That's because there are uninformed idiots writing these scripts.
Crazy4Music So true
Or maybe...maybe...this is just me but...SATIRE.
Well, in the majority of Buddhist sects (I don't really know the right word for it sorry!) Buddha is not a god. But, in one or two, he is.
Crazy4Music Im pretty sure that it isn't scripted, if it is they would of looked it up or something.
When it comes to Christianity, I believe that there WAS a man named Jesus. He solved many problems and helped many people, but he was crucified and left to die. But I don't believe that he was ACTUALLY the son of God,or that he had any supernatural healing powers. He was considered Holy as he earned it by being such a good person. He did not truly reincarnate, mainly symbolically. When the Bible was written, everyone added there own twist to it. They exaggerated his work to the point where it was impossible, and honestly less believable. I'm sure a lot more people would be Christian if they just stuck to the facts. But seriously, I bet that one bit in the Bible about homosexuality being wrong was only there because one homophobic guy decided to add his own twist. Although it is only my opinion, I'm not sure if I'd want 2000 years of praise if I died for others sins, especially if I were to have ETERNAL life in Heaven with my real Dad. Jesus got his point across, but times have changed. We can't keep living in the past indulging ourselves with stories of magic Priests and Gods. We have been given what we have been given. USE IT! Don't just waste it all chucking it away just to prove your worth. Only my opinion, but you will only know that if you have read this far.
I have a question for you. There are hundreds of prophecies in the Old Testament in reference to the Messiah. Psalm 22 basically paints the picture of Christ's crucifixion hundreds of years before it ever occurred. My question is if Jesus was just a man then how do you explain all the prophecies He fulfilled?
Jesus,God, the holy spirt. They are 3 in 1 king of kings God is the creator Jesus is his son the holy spirt is the spirt living in those whom have accepted. They are connected
Thet4co You're right in that there is no undeniable proof that we were created by God. I wouldn't have to live by faith if there wasn't room for doubt. There are however historical accounts outside of the Bible from non Christians in reference to Jesus. Even though Matthew Ellison doubts His divinity there are several like him who still believe he existed based on available evidence. As for what you were saying about being created by aliens or an anomaly in nature, I just don't see a logical way any life could have been formed without intelligent design. A single cell is super complex. The likelihood of one being formed by chance is about the same as rolling double-sixes 50,000 times in a row with unloaded dice. You wouldn't believe me if I told you the virtual world of a video game created itself by chance. What's so different about the real world?
Matthew Ellison I think the bit about homosexuality being wrong is simply because there weren't that many people living back then and they needed the human race to flourish. But that's just another thought.
Miyanoai14 Good point
"Is God willing to prevent evil
but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then hence cometh evil.
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?"
Ancient Greek Philosopher
One of the Bible's rules is not to test God. That's because he would fail
other way kinda.
if u try to test God YOU would fail
All my fellow atheists ..
If we turn out be wrong and get punished by this almighty lord for using common sense, and rot in hell ..
Well, let us form a group.
Meet me next to the fountain and the death chambers in hell.
I could've given you my number, but I am afraid that the signal would be pretty bad underground : /
***** ''I dont believe in heaven, but I do wish it exists''
Fine quote by my religion teacher, believe it or not.
***** that hurt my feelings.....
***** I am saddened by the stereotyping going on here. We are all the same species, you do not have to be a condescending wad you know. As an agnostic, I have seen a lot of bitchery from both sides and I am disappointed. I thought a "kind and intelligent" atheist would be above insults, but I suppose I was wrong to hope...
***** So the main thing that God asks is to believe and love him, and you will be rewarded with eternal life in Heaven, will like the people that didn't do that?
Hahaha Great!
Should I bring something with? Like drinks and snacks? Maybe a group t-shirt?
If there is a being that is powerful enough to stop pain and does so, they are a God, and should be worshipped.
If there is a being that is powerful enough to stop pain but does not do so then they are a malevolent God and should not be worshipped (Unless you are a psychopath).
If there is a being that is not powerful enough to stop all pain, then they are not a God and should not be worshipped.
Where does the Christian God fit in to all of this?
soo all religions are just a bunch of psychopaths
Imagine a child getting their finger pinched. And they come screaming at you telling you it hurts so bad. What would you do? The average person would get irritated and send the child away or just ignore them. All of the world's pain is that tiny pinch to a God. That God would not be worried about something as minuscule as pain.
caleb kirschbaum
You don't know that for sure. Same people who enforced the belief that the earth was the center of the solar system. (And universe)
Richard Alley who believed that the earth was flat? Christians are not the only to believe things that were not true.
caleb kirschbaum
Not believe, but to enforce that belief and punish those who tried to say otherwise.
I wonder how many death threats they got after this video
Atheists FTW!
***** Nope :)
Open minded people FTW! (Not people from any religion including atheism, agnostics who will admit they don't know, take in ideas and evaluate the evidence.) But never think that you ever have enough evidence for one religion. You might think you do. But you don't. I personally am more inclined to believe in some sort of spiritual presence in the universe because the evidence is outstandingly in that direction. Atheists despise me for this, so I see atheism as just as bad as any other religion!
well all my life i was catholic wit a really religious family i got sick of it so i became an atheist
***** That's a very broad statement you just made there. "but just attack at first sight of anyone not on their side. I prefer people who don't attack me for my beliefs, those are kind people who I honestly don't want to see die and rot..." Uh, you do realize no one is the same, correct? Just because some people are freaks about what you believe doesn't mean others are. For one, a lot of atheists act the same as religious people. They'll attack anyone who doesn't agree with them.
You know the Christian thing to do would to respect him no matter what he believes / dis-believes.
I'm not really religious but I find it offending that this one guy is criticizing religion while holding a bible. I mean respect man, respect.
***** I believe his just being a douche.
***** You realize that if this was about the Islamic faith, there would be a bunch of backlash about it. I realize its about gods in general, but if they so much as mentioned "Allah" they would have papers all over the place screaming bloody murder. The Catholic Faith has it a lot worse than the Islamic faith, maybe we should start bombing you? You know, so youre afraid of us.
Note: Im kidding about the bombing, just adding a bit of humour and perspective.
Religion is so fucked up that its actually managed to manipulate people into killing thousands or even millions for just being themselves! So in my opinion, I think he has the right to to criticize religion while holding the bible! Stop getting offended about something that was responsible for doing bad things its like saying I hate that he talked bad about Hitler while he was holding the Nazi symbol in his hand.
Doesnt government do the same thing? What about water, water kills people. Its not religon that is the problem, its what you do with it. If religon was the problem, you'd be dead right now because everyone with a religon on here would have tracked you down. But youre alive because its not religon that is evil.
So you are saying that religion is not responsible for any deaths??
Atheist: There is no God.
God: That's what I want you to think >:D
Atheist: We have evidence >:D
God: We have an old book
Andre Perez ^Ignorance correction
Atheist: We have evidence disproving God!
Theist: We have evidence proving God!
God: You guys are hilarious LOLOL.
TheEllimist lol by "God" I meant believers & yes i meant "we have evidence disproving God" I just thought you knew what i meant which of course you did!!
Are you a deist because i see you put "God: You guys are hilarious LOLOL."?
Andre Perez No, theist
my eyes hurt from this comment section
The comment section is exactly as expected. A few sane people, some psychos arguing on both sides and a few amateur wannabe trolls.
yup. i didn't even watch the video. i just instantly scrolled down for the comments and laughed harder than any collegehumor video has ever made me laugh
The funny part is...the video isn't offense at all, for anyone. Everyone gets a jab, but it's tame and very accurate. I don't get people.
it's because all people have their opinions and beliefs, but a small segment of the population can't live a normal life without making sure everyone around them knows theirs (and that everyone who opposes that opinion/belief is clearly wrong)
it has a scientific condition... i think it is a latin name.
i might have the spelling wrong but it is something like "BEING A FUCKING DICK"
Ty Guy I'm writing a paper for a political science class. I'm in that "learning is fun!" mood. You had me all excited, making me believe you were about to drop some knowledge on my ass. You sarcastic son of a bitch.
Spine_Ripper Haha I like this thread more than the others. Actually it does have a psychological study related to it. I can't cite the source because it eludes me. But when someone is very opinionated, it usually means they've lived their entire life following those values, morals, and opinions. Those opinions shape their lifestyle. And so when someone has an opposing opinion, they actually literally feel physically threatened, almost like being attacked, since their lifestyle is under threat. That's why you get crazy people waging religious wars in the past, because they're fighting for their way of life, and they view other sects as dangerous and threatening. Nowadays you have people engaged in heated arguments who will actually fight to preserve their way of life. This is the direct result of being close-minded, when you refuse to take in others' opinions and instead view them as dangerous, you get fundamentalists. Stay open-minded, you'll be more sane.
Why is it that people blow their heads off when religion is mentioned? You can believe in what you believe, and I can believe in what I can believe in, I'm not saying I can't handle the truth, but the simple fact that everyone is raging about a belief? Just pathetic.
***** As I said, pathetic.
which it was that simple, but it's that people will protect their religion, that's why some countries like Israel have wars with other countries.
Egg Head That's why i brutally hate religion and atheism, they both play offense.
+DERPAKUS if there were no religion there would be no annoying atheists.
+d4m4s74 Your both right and wrong if there were no religions then by definition everyone would be an atheist. And at that point it would be considered normal in society to be an atheist and there would be no annoying conversations about religion. Also we'd would of had the technology we have today about 100-200 years ago.
Im a christian. To be honest there are 3 reasons why I choose to believe. 1 my family 2 it teaches great moral values that you need in everyday life and 3 The proof, many cities in the bible said nonexistant are being discovered everyday. Also jesus was a real man, there is too many witnesses and historically accurate setting to Jerusalem. Another is that much of the bible was but in because of witness account, it also gave people hope that their life isnt meaningless. Also the old interpretation of the bible is actually being reinterpreted with scientific evidence. Let there be light- the big bang. Adam and eve were the first humans just not the first human like people, evolution was god experimenting. Noahs ark has obvious accompony by other religion and cultures building an ark to survive the flood explaining why we still have other races. And my grandma was hit and killed for 2 hours when she was a kid in the 50s. She came back and actually saw god, a man with long white beard and hair upon a golden throne. She was risen again for some reason but she woke up with burns in her back and a blanket over her. If you want to know more of my belief just watch god is not dead. Pretty much gets the point cross
The Rural Legacy I just want to make a comment on your last reason. Not to belittle you but to just offer some other information. You can compare your point to the city of Troy. There is an extensive myth that talks about their fight with the Greeks and the intervention of many Gods and Goddesses, which is the Illiad. It is a huge complicated story. Up until the 19th century no one could find Troy and believed it to be a myth but Heinrich Schliemann or Frank Calvert (whichever you prefer) discovered it. This does not mean that the Pagan Gods were real though obviously. Just that there was probably a major event in the city that inspired oral stories that eventually were written down under the alias Homer (there is a whole debate about his existence and the reality of who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey). Not that it means you cannot believe in God. You honestly do not need to give people explanations of your beliefs unless you are trying to convince someone else (not saying you are doing that here). Other than that your beliefs are always legitimate to your chosen identity. I am just saying that that particular reason you might want to reconsider.
The Rural Legacy ummmmm, you dont chose to belive... you can CHOSE to worship, but you cant chose to belive something.
who said jesus wasn't real? lmfao, of course jesus was a living human, but his miracles are total bullshit, you thinking it's about jesus existing or not just proves how dumb you are.
how do religious people get offended by this? its just other peoples opinions, i'm christian and i'm not offended.
Do you think that maybe, in 2000 to 3000 years, people will look back at Christianity and Judaism and see it in the way we see the religion of the Greeks and Romans today? They would just see it as a way that people of our time tried to explain things they did did not understand.
Blazing Arrows That’s exactly what I say! 😆
Thats exactly wtf is gonna happen too smh
“God is great, ok? It is so refreshing to have a father figure were I’m the one who doesn’t believe in him”
who created the earth if God was made up?
the easterbunny.
wikipedia. ever heard of it?
lemme help you: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth
Exima Try this experiment. Grab a sheet of paper and some crayons and place it on your desk. See if you can draw the forest without picking up the crayon. Respond after the experiment is done.
Exima God did. There would be no world if he wasn't here. He put the earth where he wanted, made us as His most special creation ever.
7BillionAgainst1 we are made in his image..... was god black, white, brown, red, or yellow?
God isn't any. He's bigger than anything in life.
Oh and The Buddha existed, he was a really guy just like Jesus was a real guy, his name was Siddhartha Guatama. I say none of this for the sake of argument, but simply to clarify
The amount of dislikes shows 2 things: 1- There are way too many religious people on TH-cam. 2- Religious people can't take a joke.
pffft everyone knows the one true god is The Almighty Ceiling Cat (bless her whiskers).
The holy bible says God is real, but the holy bible is made by humans who believe God is real. So if humans made the bible and humans made Harry Potter, saying God is real means Harry Potter and magic is real -_-
Harry potter is real... Isn't it?
Cincha Geometry Dash lol
can people stop fighting about religion it kind of makes me sad and i dont want to judge people for what they believe in... i am a proud Christian and i dont care if you are an atheist but just stop with the fighting
i picked up a book about "religion for dummies"... also called the bible.
Couldnt get away with that for any other religion
+Joe Catton Fair enough. But really you're just born in the right century. Religions mature like people. The only reason you're not being killed for that joke is because Christianity is a college student now: still full of stupid but mostly tolerable. Islam is just still going through it's emo phase right now.
+Joe Catton ah snap
+Joe Catton the bible is the most printed book ever. and wether god exist or not (which he does cause jesus is in history and jesus is god in human form) christianly is something that bounds people together, and helps us be more loving
+Rubi Becirevic
Most 'Christians' in the 21st century aren't very loving. I guess that positive message of Christianity seems to have fallen short.
Rubi Becirevic guess who else existed in history, Hitler /\-/\
Now this is why I love my religion. If I'm a good human being and become a good Christian, I get to go to heaven but if I die and there is no heaven or God, then I don't loss anything either. So basically I win either way
But what if the muslims are right ?
+Danger Floof then existence doesn't make sense
FreakOfFear What ?
It would seem more logical for Christianity, which promotes loving each other, to actually helping the poor and sick, instead of wasting your time in church.
"So god has unconditional love, if you dont put a small amount of water on a child's forehead it burns for eternity. THATS THE CONDITION OF A FUCKING PSYCHOPATH" Jim Jeffries
Simon Martin I love jim jefferies lol
I came here exclusively for the comment section.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Buda is not a god he is an enlightened human
Oscar Selby nice comment!
Oscar Selby I think that might have been a joke.
+Oscar Selby Buddha is a God in Hinduism :)
Everyone's a god in Hinduism
jagjit bhatia Very true
Murph had 0 credibility when he said Buddha was a god.
i immediately clicked on this video just so i could see the comment war between religious nuts and raging athiests.
I'm so relieved to see that Yay beat Nay :)
All Usernames Taken no it is sad to see lost souls
Why even bother debating? Theres no proof for either side
Ever heard of 'burden of proof'?
not about proof is about how humans can be so idiots
There's no proof that flying spaghetti monsters and leprechauns don't exist either though. existing and not existing do not have equal weight. Just because something can't be disproven doesn't mean it's likely to be true or has any equal likelihood of being true as not being true.
Oh no. Here comes the controversies. (Reloading shotgun)
Get ready to hold our ground
Rewatching all these Yay or Nays has led me to the realization that 2013 was a very bad year for facial hair
I don't give a shit if God is real or not. I'm too busy praising the sun. \[+]/
You guys are awesome c:
Fuck the sun! PRAISE THOR AND ODIN!!! They are the best! And NUTELLA ! PRAISE NUTELLA!
Beware of Death
We all know the only TRUE GOD is Nicolas Cage !!!
+Michael Tenner No, It's Shrek.
+Michael Tenner *Morgan Freeman.
+Michael Tenner Its the flying spaghetti monster.
pah, i believe in the great flying spaghetti monster!
i thought i'd be mad but i'm just sorta sad
um ok
yeah, when I realized religion was bullshit, it took me a few seconds before I was up and at em again.
+ethan pond you need jesus
Jonny Test lol, just as much as I need Harry Potter
I honestly feel kinda sad for people that spend their whole life worshipping a fictional being. What a waste.
Kevin Toine and i feel bad for the people that spend their whole life fighting the truth. you do believe in god, you just dont want to.
Gregory Pnemono
LOL that actually makes no sense. The truth = 0 proof? Not believing in god= believing in god, but not wanting to? haha
Kevin Toine ok i dont give a crap if u dont believe in religion, but what gets on my nerves is that atheists think that this is the only life, so why waste it hating on Christians?
Gregory Pnemono because christians hate on us for not believing in fairy tales about god and Jesus and shit. Atleast thats my only reason of "hating" christians.
Itch It And Dia i do know that there are some who do that, but most Christians don't. i'm a christian and i have plenty of atheist friends and i respect them just like i do with my Christian friends. the only atheists i don't respect are those who aren't willing to be friends with religious people. if i thought this was the only life i had, i wouldn't limit myself to being friends with only non-religious people. why anyone does at all is beyond me.
the problem with the human psyche that we cant even conceive something being there for all eternity. for people finding it hard to believe in god then you have to accept that he is not bound by the laws of physics, time and space. he just was and is.
In a universe where everything is bound by the laws of physics, time and space. You can't expect people to believe in something that somehow defies those laws, and it's existance is completely lacking in proof. (A book isn't proof, if it was I'd be in Hogwarts killing Voldemort and shit..)
and that is a prime example of this problem, of course you cant prove something that isn't bound by the laws of physics because thats all we have. the reason religions and beliefs remain is faith, not facts. when facts are introduced we start looking at the science, and not the faith. when you have faith in something you except that others may not believe you and that that you cant prove it with cold hard facts, but you believe it. and a lot of this is down to a combination of personal experience, knowledge and seeing examples for your self.
Laws of physics are all we have because that is all that exists in this universe. It's what keeps it together, and what keeps us alive. Belief in a god is illogical, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I've heard the personal experience, examples and what-not all too many times. Yet no one has told me their experience, their example. That is because everything that they may have experienced can be explained but they believe that what they felt/seen was so amazing, that it's out of this universe, that it can't be explained. They're wrong, as much as people would like everything to be mystical and magical, it isn't. That doesn't make it less beatiful though. It's just so difficult for some people to accept that their parents taught them the beliefs of a more.....uneducated society.
***** I respect your beliefs, but can I just say, "faith" makes no logical sense whatsoever. So we are just supposed to believe in something that can't be touched, seen, heard, smelled, tasted, proved, or even conceived, for its very existence would be in conflict with everything we know about everything, just because one guy told us to? In my opinion, anyone who believes in a god of any kind is either a fool or in great need of a purpose larger than to prolong the existence of a pointless species of beings on an even more pointless hunk of rock.
Chris Browne and Lyushcho i think it is irreverent to bring intelligence into this argument. if one person disagrees with another they both tend to call the other a fool. but some one wise can look at the other argument learn to understand it and come back with a reasonable argument.
Lyushcho: yes every thing is explainable, this is the basic rule of cause and effect. however that is still not a reason for me to dispute god because i believe god made those explainable events happen. after all i believe god made everything. the laws of physics are his tools. and if you like i will tell you my personal experience of a miracle if you can not find any other example any where else.
Chris Browne: faith does not conflict with every thing. one man long ago did not tell us to throw every rational thought out of the window. but taught us to look at everything from a different light. and consider this, why is it so preposterous to look for a purpose larger than life?
Miracles by God are still present today, they're just often overlooked.
A country signing a contract dooms a nation is fair? or just? Next time your country signs smth that will make your life harder or god forbid go to war I will just assume that the entirety of the said country's civilians agreed, what you said is just stupid no country leaders ever ask what you a citizen want but you suggest That all of the Hatti wanted satan cause their country signed a contract. Childish views
Maybe God is the friends we, made along the way
(it's so great to have a father figure where I'm the one who dosn't believe in him) her lines are always fucking hilarious
I know religion is a touchy subject... but why does everyone have to be so rude? If you're talking about religion you're probably trying to convert someone to your belief (or lack thereof), isn't kindness and respectfulness the best way to get someone to think of something your way? And don't you feel bad for representing someone of your certain beliefs so badly? I'm pretty sure it's much harder to convert when your verbally (or physically) beating down on someone.
+LankshearMedia Religion is a brainwashing system based on fear to control people. It's an insult to the human intellect. A lot of people are sick of it. Reading passionate comments against religion on a video that is clearly anti-religion is to be expected. If you don't like drunk people, don't hangout in bars...
CarcPazu That wasn't my point. I get why people can be passionate on subjects. My point was that it doesn't help your case in changing others minds if you're insulting them to a stump.
TH-cam's userbase consists of many types of different people; normal and decent, very young, teenagers, middle age, elderly, stupid, retarded, sociopath, people from all over the world with various cultures and upbringings, uneducated, educated, depressed, naive, happy, sarcastic, jaded, cynical... you get the picture. Why people say what they say is just a bunch of factors and variables that come together in a spur of words...
CarcPazu I know, I'm just saying being mean doesn't help persuade people.
@@CarcPazu criiiiinge
These Yay or nay videos are the worst thing CH comes up with.
not surprising since they have like 2500 videos, and upload regularly. At least they try to make you laugh.
I love these.
I love how most of the Nays were just saying Nay to properly set up their joke
I'm Christian and I personally love partying it starts getting good when you see drunks allover and your the only one smart enough to film it
My family is traditionally Catholic and I do think it's a good thing to know about religion but I see myself as an atheist and find Christmas and Easter more sociable than religious now.
An Evolutionary advantage would be understanding your surroundings. In modern times its getting to understand the religions and cultures near you.
Plus how can you be a proclaimed non believer if you haven't looked into the belief?
Gary Sanders ahh shut up.
Gary Sanders how is that an evolutionary advantage
Muzi Tshabalala no
Owen McGrath Ever heard the phrase 'knowledge is power' if you know something ,no matter insignificant it may seem, there is a possibility that the bit of knowledge you've received will be beneficial. The more informed you are, in the 21st century, the higher chance you will have for success.. With money or mates.
I think the world's too perfect to be a coincidence.
but everything always seems to recover and restore itself .
The existence of this world is too complex to come from a mere explosion.
considering the vastness of the entire universe, it was incredibly likely that we exist and it's highly likely that more complex organisms like us also exist
Perfect? What about diseases, genetic mutations, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, sunburns that increase the risk of skin cancer, chaos in the universe, useless organs like the appendix, evil, etc.?
''The existence of this world is too complex to come from a mere explosion.''
Whoever said everything came from a random explosion? Stop making baseless assumptions.
+Dead by April According to science, there was a "big bang" where everything in the universe came to be. As for everyone saying that it is not perfect because of this and that, there is a lot you are ignoring.
1. First The creation of the universe. According to science, Before the big bang, there was just 1 point with everything in the universe all in one spot. Then for an unexplained reason, it just exploded. Nobody knows why and the few theories why that could be true have quite a bit of holes in them.
2. After the Big bang. When the big bang did happen, for a small amount of time the universe expanded faster than the speed of light, but that is ok, as there was no matter yet. The big problem is the fact that once space cooled down and mass actually formed, there should have been equal parts of matter and anti matter, but there is very little antimatter in the universe. Why was there more matter than anti matter, no one knows.
3. The Fermi paradox. We are in a old universe, and other intelligent species could have evolved millions of years before us. Using a little math and speculation over 100 million planets can support life. However back when the universe was just a little over 15 million years old(It is currently 13.7 billion) almost every planet with any water could support life. This would put the number of inhabitable planets much higher. So why do we not see any other life? Even with a 0.01% chance that life forms, and lets say only a thousandth of those become intelligent, that would still leave 10 intelligent species in the universe, 13 BILLION years ago. So where is everybody?
4. Our perfect orbit. We are one of the few solar systems that are actually flat. Most are actually circular. Not to mention the 30 other factors we need for life.
5. Our species. We have no protection, so how did we survive? We can't really defend ourselves against lions, or bears, or any of the other predators on the planet, so how exactly did we survive to get such large brains?
6. Sex. For this one I have not seen anyone else mention so I do not know if this is something simple or not. In order for a male to survive, it has to have a female. In order for a female to survive, it needs a male. The first cells were asexuals, so they did not have to worry about that. However, evolution is not where things suddenly appear, but is rather the slow change. A cell can become bigger and bigger and faster and faster, but it can't suddenly require another cell in order to reproduce. So how did that come along?
caleb kirschbaum I have answers to all those questions, I'd recommend you research before typing all that in.
1. The point in space was a black hole, which has a tiny surface area orb of infinite mass and infinite density inside it. It exploded because the black hole grew too large and unstable over time.
2. There is equal antimatter and matter, antimatter is just not visible to us.
3. Do you know how absolutely humongous the universe is? We haven't even reached the end of our own solar system, how can we expect other species to traverse that amount of distance, and even then, actually reach our planet?
4. All those factors occurred on probably millions of other planets, but since there's an almost infinite number of planets out there, it would be impossible to find a planet that easily.
5. We evolved from monkeys, we had basic knowledge of survival, we kept predators away with fire and killed animals with sharpened stone spears.
6. That came along by evolution, a single cell splits into two smaller cells, but an animal is made of several of these cells who bonded together, we can't just split into two. This method was the way evolution went. Also, when the cells split, they died, would you want to die and leave unprotected children out there to fend for themselves?
I think there was someone who was like a God but not anymore. The only God I think would be nature.
Adam?,well damn I didn’t expect that XD
Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe.
Atheism is a religion because it concerns the cause, nature and purpose of the universe, and yes, it is a belief. Agnosticism is not a religion though because they believe they don't know and are open to new ideas. Atheism is the theory of there not being a god. OF ANY KIND, Atheism isn't just the disbelief of all religions revolving around theism, it's the BELIEF that there is no god in existence!
BTW I am an agnostic, I don't know if there is a god and in my opinion, no-one knows.
no atheism is saying that all religions are bullshit. because they are.
Are you also a tooth fairy and santa claus agnostic?What about the easter bunny?
atheism has nothing to do with science. nothing to do with science. NOTHING TO DO WITH SCIENCE.religion= concerning the cause.... science= concerning the cause..... atheism= rejection of god claims. thats all there is to it!
The legitimate meaning of the word "Atheism" is, the disbelief that there is a god. Not just a rejection of current religions. Yes I will admit religions are bullshit. Atheism isn't saying that, it is saying that there is no god.
Matthew Power, the difference between the tooth fairy and santa claus as compared with god is that the legitimate scientific theory of the "God possibility" Is much more likely. It is quite possible that what we would call a transcendent entity is the cause for the universe's existence. This theory is discredited by atheists because this idea is mainly brought upon by religions, and religions are full of shit. I personally think that people should investigate the area of spirituality but not blindly follow a religion.
I take back what I said about all religions being full of shit, I think that it is quite possible that many religions have some truth behind them but am inclined to believe a lot of religious texts are being misinterpreted, due to these texts being written in understandable language for ancient civilizations and cultures, not for our civilization and culture.
I knew a dude in the 70s who claimed he talked to God who lived in a pack of Marlboro when he took LSD
"The greatest thing about not believing in God is that you don't have to talk about it" Neither do we.
i've been reading these comments, and there's one thing i'd like to say: for all you Christians, you can't be 100% sure that god exists, that's why your hole religion is based on "Faith" and "believing". and for all the atheists that say that there is not proof of god, let me tell you that there isn't proof of his non-existance either. you can't tell whether "he" exists or not. that's why i am an agnostic, but i used to be Christian.
Do not try to flip the burden of proof. Logic states it is up to the positive claim to provide evidence. For example, I tell you polar bears live on mars, deep underground. Can you prove me wrong? no, you can't. that's doesn't mean my claim is any less crazy
RunningWithRoses you might be right. it`s true that some things don't need to be proven wrong to let us declare it wrong. but you can't use that methodology in all cases. so, in what cases can we use it? only in the obvious ones. now, is God (or any other superior being) existence an obvious question? we see people one both sides of the coin (it exists, or it does´t) and humans have been debating that question for years. is not an obvious question. you can't say that it's crazy..... no one has ever believed in the existence of polar bears deep underground in mars, no one has ever debated it because it's obvious
Joaquin Fernandez you completely missed the point. Its not up to the person advocating disbelief to provide evidence for his position; its up to the person making the claim to provide evidence.
Simply saying "you don't have evidence that (blank) DOESN'T exist" does not mean anything, nor does it replace the need for your to supply evidence for your claim.
Great claims necessitate great evidence. saying that there is an ethereal god who created everything at once and that the bible is his book is a GREAT claim and requires great evidence, yet there is NONE to be had.
RunningWithRoses hahahaha got it wrong, sorry..... well, i agree with you. i can believe whatever i want and i don't need to proof my own beliefs. my first comment was directed to de ones that "attack" other beliefs.. i think you can't set up a debate based on those proofless beliefs, otherwise it would be like debating the best color of the rainbow, or the greatest pizza ever
i mean, believe whatever you want, but the moment you start attacking someone else`s beliefs, you better have arguments to proof you're right
Why does everyone have to poo-poo on everone else's religions? Why can't we all eat pizza and doughnuts together?
+Lemonade Cut because its the internet
+Lemonade Cut not as long as religion allows garbage people to hurt and kill others
+Gingergeek101 Holy shit shut the fuck up and have a doughnut
michaeldog123ful Somebodies a little Eggy calm down have a doughnut
Gingergeek101 Im only half egg
They don't have to be so cocky about it...damn
*OF COURSE* it's gonna be *Yay.*
Budha isn't a god.
and neither is Buddha!
Yomega360 Okay Mr. SpellingPants *insert good insult here*
Jesse B nope jesus was part of the trinity (The father, son and holy spirit) which are the three forms of the christian god. So technically he is god to christians. I'm atheist and I know that...
Cattin Dahling I'm Christian and I no that's wrong
***** Honestly, I've never really read the Bible in-depth. The only thing I can firmly say is that I believe in God and Heaven. I'm a bit religiously unsure of myself. Perhaps having a Jewish father and a Christian mother adds to that.
I'm a Christian. Can't we all just accept that everyone has their own opinions? I have never seen any videos of Christians bashing atheists. Unsub for CollegeHumor.
You must of not looked like... At all.
It certainly doesn't show up on the "suggested" panel. This stuff is thrown at me. I didn't have to look for it..
Maezie But Jesus said to get followers my friend. There is going to be a point in time where all these passive Christians are going to have to grow some balls and stand up for their faith or conform to the enemy.
Finally! Someone understands
+Rocki Rose bruh I thought that everyone knew that lol
+Rocki Rose everyone knew that, it was a joke
I just clicked on the video to see everyone argue amongst themselves on a humour video.
Nice job starting a shitstorm CollegeHumor.
Joke: A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline
-New Oxford American Dictionary
Seems like 8000 people need to read this
Haven't watched this video in awhile. It still cracks me up. #AtheistRollCall
There is only one God, and his name is Gabben.
Smerp Derp I believe in blizzard
These are the worst arguments I've ever heard of if God is real or not
That's because it's a comedy channel
+Leo Hunter tell me this, when was college humor actually smart
Eden Lawless Very often, I think their sketches are very clever and witty commentary on current society.
Dylan Murphy ok, your right. But what about in yay or nay
Eden Lawless It's not supposed to be smart, they're fake answers most of the time.
Thumbs up if you DON'T think god is made up and you believe!
only u and one other :P
Too bad what you "think" changes fuckall of reality.
thelol77 Wait, doesn't that also apply to you?
Jessica Klaus
Yes, yes it does
Jessica Klaus It might, if I was the one fishing for upvotes by opining on a factual matter as if it meant anything. Good try, though.
Everybody is it just me that tends to think that God isn't that real only because of all his "features/powers/characteristics" can be easily made up and cannot be proven wrong.........
(I really don't mean to offend anyone that is Religious I just wanted to know if anyone felt the way I do.....)
If you make it to where it can't be unproven and very vauge then all the idiots of a few centries ago will follow and then there desendents stick around.
*sees Amir in thumbnail*
*Clicks frantically*