My thoughts on Elite Dangerous, thanks troll!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
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ความคิดเห็น • 120

  • @davewright8206
    @davewright8206 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    i play this because i played spectrum version om a tape ! loved it , i love this too, beta backer i spend 99 % just me and my imagination .thats the point for me escapism

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Agreed, there is nothing else with the same feel. I am also a long time veteran, Right On Commander!

  • @ScarredCitizen
    @ScarredCitizen 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I just recently started playing. I still have so much more to learn. ED is a pretty interesting game so far.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Welcome to many... many hours of fun! Add me in game if you like, happy to help out.
      Thanks for commenting too!

  • @Admiral8Q
    @Admiral8Q หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am very new to Elite Dangerous. About 3 months of on and off playing when I'm able.
    What got me hooked right away is that it is an actual 3 dimensional environment. I have not seen that for ages. Also of course not a stupid "pay to win" B.S.
    Yes there are a few "Trolls". However so far from what I see there are mostly great (respectable) people in the game. I would roughly estimate 99% of players are cool.
    Thank you for making this video. Your calmness is totally un-trollish, heh heh! 😄
    In-game I am CMDR Joxilb 8Q

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Welcome to an awesome game, there is nothing with the flight model of Elite Dangerous. Thank you for the kind feedback. If you need advice there are a few people on my Discord. I would also advise maybe having a look at Mobius - a private PVE only group. Feel free to add me too.

  • @Lupinicus1664
    @Lupinicus1664 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Well said. ED is the most complete space game around and has been for years. For most long term players it is more like a 'second life' than a simple game. I think it is players that view it only as a game and wish to exploit mechanics or 'reach the end' that end up being disappointed. The rest of us will continue to enjoy Elite for as long as we can.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah, people want open world but cannot cope with open galaxy!

  • @nopizzanoglory
    @nopizzanoglory 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Returned to Elite last week after months. Did not even have the game installed anymore. Jumped in my Corvette for some old school combat, then did some space trucking in my Cutter. Found a good trade route that made me hundreds of millions. Today that route has dried up because, drumroll please, other commanders found the same route. If this game was dead I would not have to find a new trade route every other day. Did not get the new Python; I can wait a few months. Too many other ships to have fun with anyway; I even have a crazy fast engineered Sidewinder. So much fun to blast that through the mailslot and see if I can make it out in one piece. Elite is not holding your hand. Make your own fun! And when you're bored with it just go do something else. Nobody stopping you from that. And when you return everything will stil be there waiting for you. I'm currently saving up to get that fleet carrier. The upkeep is not going to be an issue with all the stuff you can do to make money. Fun times ahead. o7

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @nopizzanoglory exactly. Elite has so much to offer. I think some people think it's dead due to some inbuilt, arbitrary, set of goals - which they "grind" to complete as fast as possible and declare it "done". It's not that kinda game!
      People don't say the same about other sims, like Microsoft Flight.

  • @napalaprentice
    @napalaprentice 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Love Elite Dangerous. Still my favorite game, even with its faults. Every game has faults. I do wish FDev would do ship interiors, and spacelegs had a little bit more to it, but I still love that I CAN get out and look at my ship. Which i enjoy doing from time to time because I sprung for a kit for my Krait Mk2. It really is a LOT bigger than I thought it was. Engineering can be a grind, but for me since I only have one ship i only have to grind once to fill up my mats, then I can engineer several different loadouts.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @napalaprentice agreed on all points. I think for me the biggest thing that was meant to come with spacelegs, which didn't, the ability to pinch another person's ship. It was mentioned at FX17. Other than that, yeah, have not found another space game that quite fits the Elite place. I have tried most of them!

    • @napalaprentice
      @napalaprentice 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK Honestly, im glad that isnt a thing. I would be very sad if my Alendiel got pinched :(

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@napalaprentice a fair point also.

  • @NoahChinnBooks
    @NoahChinnBooks 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    "Hope you didn't mind this too much of a rant..."
    The mellowest rant I've heard in a while!

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hahhah, yeah. Troll didn't deserve actual anger! Thanks for watching. Have a sub from me, love the avatar you have!

  • @KingArthurFleck
    @KingArthurFleck 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    "Pay to win"..... People who complain about this answer one question... Pay to win, what?? Really, what?? Ridiculous

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @KingArthurFleck aye, madness! Thanks for watching.

  • @kevlinfoot97
    @kevlinfoot97 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You've tried different control methods, but have you tried vr? It's amazing!

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @kevlinfoot97 yes... however, I cannot use it. I have issues with my eyes, rendering VR a no go for me. And yes, multiple different headsets have been tried - then the optician told me I was wasting my time and to stop it before I caused more damage. So yeah, I have heard all the good things and I recommend Elite Dangerous to any VR user.

  • @thomasthurman5229
    @thomasthurman5229 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Buddy play how you want, ignore the trolls (they are just crybabies anyways). I still play the game myself in solo mode just to pass time and get my mind off of other issues.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Cheers for that. Totally agree, what's better for putting the World on hold than leave it in a great space sim?

  • @richvandervecken3954
    @richvandervecken3954 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I play solo mode as my primary play style! One of the things I love about elite! I had enough of the devs in Eve online harassing me for pointing out their active participation in ganking players they do not like.

  • @bigbangerz5856
    @bigbangerz5856 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I agree with much of what you said, where I don’t agree is that you can play your way. My way is high risk high reward and that has been taken out of the gameplay imho because you are forced to do things Frontier’s way to get those rewards which (depending on ur PoV) can be very slow and needlessly padded or drawn out

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I may be being dim here... example please! I mean, you can do what you want. Yes, to do it optimally you have to use game mechanics like engineering... but, that's the same with anything... Am I missing something? Genuine question, am lacking sleep!

  • @johnterpack3940
    @johnterpack3940 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The P2W crowd is the most absurd bunch I've seen. You can't even "win" the game. A special version of one of the most rubbish ships is no advantage over anybody. And in two months, everybody will be able to get it. How is this even a thing?
    Not sure why the PvP crowd thinks they are the end-all and be-all of the gaming world. Only about 40% of E:D players play in Open. Not all of those are combat fanatics. The majority of players don't want anything to do with PvP. At the very least, they want it controlled rather than just gankers/pirates attacking everything that moves and isn't combat-rated. Yes, I see no distinction between gankers and "pirates". The fact one does it for role-play doesn't somehow make them a decent person. They still attack unwilling players in ill-equipped ships. Punching down is about the weakest thing a person can do.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well said. I have no issue with PvPers that enjoy the game that way, however, I have issues with people telling others that they are "playing wrong". So yeah, totally agree. You speak true, and thanks for watching!

  • @mikedawe692
    @mikedawe692 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Game icons come and go on my PC but ED is the one constant and has been more years than I can easily remember.
    I’d rather “donate” real coin every now and then to keep this game in the developers radar than have it dwindle and be starved of creative talent and content updates because a zoo management game is making more money.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Spot on, no matter how full my drives have gotten - always a space saved for Elite Dangerous!

  • @antoniocarroll3600
    @antoniocarroll3600 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Your awesome cmdr

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@antoniocarroll3600 thank you!

  • @JRo250
    @JRo250 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Let's silence the critics. I'll send you a "Hi!" in chat and you send me one back. PvP right there! 😀
    Pay no attention to trolls. I do PvE most of the time and it's great. In fact, jumping to that next. o7
    PS: hey, I was the #100 sub!!

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks! Fly safe and enjoy the bounty hunting. o7

  • @spindash2023
    @spindash2023 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Right on Commander! I feel very much the same way; I love Elite for what it is and how it allows me to play however I'd like. Some folks are super into PvP, which is totally fine, others (like myself) prefer PvE playing with friends or just solo. That's totally fine too. What's not ok is to judge people for how they play, and I'll never understand it. I know people who their idea of a fun time is, "I have to be the absolute best in PvP, and anyone else who isn't is weak!" and then they get super upset for others having fun doing literally anything else. Like, who hurt you?

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Spot on. Thanks for that.

  • @edgar_friendly
    @edgar_friendly 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Sweet jesus, the console player salt is literally never ending. They accounted for 75% of all the bad press and negativity towards Odyssey when it first landed. Most of it totally unfounded. They had (and still have) an extremely toxic attitude. If they can't enjoy it, they can't let anyone else either.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It's when opinions become deadly purpose, the console wars - even religious fanatics pause before entering.

    • @edgar_friendly
      @edgar_friendly 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK The kicker is that the quoted individual who said they'd play SC instead, if they had a decent PC, would probably have nothing but great things to say about that complete ponzi scheme. They just bear a massive grudge against ED:O because Fdev couldn't get it to run on ancient hardware.

  • @stevenboughner7255
    @stevenboughner7255 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I would be willing to bet a dollar most of the content creators are playing in solo because a ganker can ruin your video. I think there are people who just complain because that's what they like doing. I would wager they haven't played the game. We don't need a Subscription Eve online is $20 a month if you buy a month at a time. Elite Dangerous is a great game IMOP.

    • @markthompson1520
      @markthompson1520 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Tbh, ever since the release of the SCO, I haven't had ANY issues. Trust me. I went to JM and not a single interdiction.
      Keep in mind, I ALWAYS play in open, and I did NOT use the SCO. I think the gankers have possibly scared off enough people from playing in open to make it seem so empty. But at the same time, the game has been on quite the decline since Odyssey. I hope it picks back up soon.

  • @CosminNecula
    @CosminNecula 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Wait, PvP is dead? Cool, so I can play in open without worrying about gankers...
    Ahem... Yeah, PvP is dead, that means Elite is dead too. If you like PvP go to Star Citizen, Elite is dead, Elite sucks... :D

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hahhah, I read that as sarcasm.... yes?

    • @CosminNecula
      @CosminNecula 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @CMDR_CWolfxUK You read that right!
      To answer to one of those comments you've shown in your video: I have a PC that can run anything you throw at it, but I play Elite, not SC, because:
      - I don't like when my ship start convulsing on the landing pad
      - I don't like falling through the floor and dying
      - I don't like when the elevator tells me I am on ground floor when I just got in it, didn't press any button and I was on 5th floor.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @CosminNecula phew! Agreed on all points. I also don't have to get up, take a lift, run to a station, take a train, run to another lift (elevator) then summon my ship every, single, time!

    • @CosminNecula
      @CosminNecula 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK Absolutely! I love space flight sims, not space station walking sims!

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @CosminNecula The Space part of ED is what keeps me playing. Yes, I Can get out my ship... I very rarely do. The one wise thing about EDO was keeping on foot and space separate - as in I do not need to not space. SC forces the on foot stuff.

  • @saifer21
    @saifer21 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This game is skip, at this point No Man Sky is better game.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Interesting take considering they are completely different, only including space as a theme. It's like looking at Burnout Paradise and declaring it a better car game than Forza Horizon 5, they are different takes on a theme. I like both NMS and Elite Dangerous, Elite Dangerous is the one I prefer playing and get more out of.
      If you prefer NMS, good for you, have fun!

    • @saifer21
      @saifer21 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK i respect you opinion, but thats just your subjective point on game, objectively NMS is in every aspect superior game except for graphic. Numbers dont lie NMS is more popular. For new player its better choice.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Also respecting opinion, if ED not for you, it's not for you. I care not for numbers. A lot of the games I enjoy may well have come out before you were born (that's a guess, not an insult). I just love the flight model and how ED plays. I could be the only player, I'd still enjoy it.

  • @knightworld3019
    @knightworld3019 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This is one HILARIOUS vid. I get to see more of the braindead comments about elite being a supposedly dead game.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yep, heck of a lot of people invested, making vids, etc for a "dead" game!

    • @BekoPharm
      @BekoPharm 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK especially these weekly "Elite is ded" videos xD

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The irony is strong there. If dead, why spend so much time trying to persuade people to stop playing it!

    • @BekoPharm
      @BekoPharm 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK idk. I play en all. Just the fun parts though :D

  • @bix9757
    @bix9757 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Trolls... they only like one game, and if your not playing that game, your game is dead. I've just returned to Elite after a year+ break and I'm having a total blast. The thing that Elite does better than SC is the amount of progression it offers (the grind), with ship builds to try out, engineering to work on for components, weapons and suits, and all the power play extras. Elite is also super stable, SC is not, and won't be for some time. I find SC nice to dip into now and again (as I'm able to enjoy more than one game) but for a space sim game, Elite wins for me. Nice upload WolfxUK!

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Cheers, thanks for that. I will have more vids out soon - just recovering from an awesome Elite related weekend.

  • @neohelios77
    @neohelios77 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Sometimes I wonder just how many "trolls" are actually just young, anxious kids from unfortunate backgrounds or frankly just AI chat bots. I try not to acknowledge them in either case, since there's no lasting impression to be made there. Sorry it got your attention, though. You don't deserve that. Thanks for making quality content!

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@neohelios77 Thank you for that.

    • @Admiral8Q
      @Admiral8Q หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I would say "Trolls" are just people expecting a "pay to win" game, which unfortunate is the norm now.

  • @metazare
    @metazare 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I stopped playing ED a while ago. I used to play it for hours on end any time I had the chance. The thing that snapped me out of playing it was looking at the news section for the game in steam and realizing almost every single update about new content was them announcing new cosmetics. As soon as I realized what was going on I stopped investing time in the game. When I heard a while back about them adding paid early access to a ship, I thought to myself "That's how it starts.." I see games like No Man's Sky and their game is absolutely massive now with tons of free updates. Not the same kind of game but how are they releasing all these massive free expansions with just the purchase of the base game?
    It might not be pay to win, but it certainly doesn't look good, and it's a step in the wrong direction. I think they know they've cornered a very specific part of the market, seeing as SC is the only other thing that might scratch the itch. I think they're testing the waters to see what their player base will allow them to get away with, and they got their answer.
    Just watch yourself. Make sure you're still able to take a step back and see the big picture.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Cheers for that. I do get what you mean, it would be easy to get carried away with "one more paint job". For me, it's how the servers get paid, I am fine with that. If I can't afford it , I don't get it. However, this is after learning the hard way - six years of Eve Online previously!

    • @XHiddenXSniperX
      @XHiddenXSniperX 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm sure you advocate for scam citizen selling 600 million in ships that don't exist as flyable options, at least fdev can sell ships that are flyable and are a few months from full release. If anything the ships you can buy are meant to boost new players forward a smidge bit so they aren't 100% lost and confused about everything.

    • @metazare
      @metazare 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@XHiddenXSniperX I see you got as far as "I stopped playing elite" and then rushed to the comments to defend its honor.
      My entire comment is about not being ok with them focusing on cosmetics instead of new gameplay. But your immediate reaction is to assume I'm fine with spending thousands of dollars for something that doesn't exist in a glorified tech demo.
      You're exactly the thing I was warning the video creator about becoming. You cannot even conceive the notion that someone could be against the practice both games engage in. If I'm not advocating for your game, that must mean I'm advocating for the other.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      OK, OK - this looks as if we are all on the same "side" here. The Internet is a wonderful thing but also can be a curse, we have gotten so used to having to defend ourselves.
      @metazare and @XHiddenXSniperX - love the enthusiasm. If you did want to talk more there is my Discord channel - details in the Community tab.

  • @Aussie-1979
    @Aussie-1979 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    nice rant, i love elite

  • @IntangirVoluntaryist
    @IntangirVoluntaryist 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    the shitty amount of arx you can get from in game is so pathetic, and just when you thought you were gonna buy something? they raised the costs by DOUBLE... so that does suck big time

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I do actually agree, moving the goalposts on arx sucks. However... it's for cosmetics. I can cope without if need be, would rather the voluntary store - used by people who can spare the cash - than having to pay a subscription.

  • @ronhall9394
    @ronhall9394 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Totally agree with you in most of what you said.
    I run exploration mostly so I can play open without worrying about some dingbat zapping me, however when I get near back to populace loon infested space I drop into solo again - just can't be arsed with the high jinks some people want to dabble with.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      And I love that we have this option. The ultimate PVP off switch!

  • @ratstar4102
    @ratstar4102 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I dont understand why its Pay to win when this game is base on skills. I thought the Python MK2 is loaded with full engineering but its not!

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yup, correct indeed! You can pay to get it early and get some engineered modules, but the engineering isn't high level and you still need skill to use it. Unlike, say, Star Citizen - where you can literally pay for a kick arse ship that is unavailable to buy in game.

  • @RedCatHabitat
    @RedCatHabitat 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    is there in game server chat?

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      With every player? No. To be honest, every game with it - like Eve - is chaotic. Don't get me wrong, I can see some of the advantages but Elite at it's peak often has/had thousands on at once and I know I certainly would have turned Global chat off!
      You can talk to people in the same solar system without knowing them.
      You can talk to anyone in your Squadron (clan/corp) anytime and you can talk to friends anytime.

    • @RedCatHabitat
      @RedCatHabitat 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK reinstalled ! looking forward to flying my viper again.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ooh! Welcome back! I do like the Viper.

  • @CanadianSmoke
    @CanadianSmoke 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've just started this game after years of Rise of Flight and IL-2 Sturmovik... and I love it. I ultimately want to get into exploration and I'm about to purchase my next ship after the Sidewinder... the engineering requirements are daunting... but, I've got the time.
    The only other "space" game I've tried is Foundations X4.... and I do prefer Elite!

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Welcome! Feel free to join my Discord if you want any advice, etc.

    • @CanadianSmoke
      @CanadianSmoke 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK Thank you!

    • @napalaprentice
      @napalaprentice 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      If you want a good explorer with no engineering required, go get yourself the Krait Phantom. Can reach an easy 50-60ly with nothing but stripping down of components.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @napalaprentice good call. I have one but I actually prefer my DBX. That has been engineered way back when.

    • @CanadianSmoke
      @CanadianSmoke 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@napalaprentice Thanks for the advice... but for now the Krait is somewhat ambitious for my current skills and knowledge.
      I've recently purchased a Cobra III and I'm currently at Baker's Prospect (Asellus Primus), where I'm going to swap out some components for "A" grades.
      Once I leave the starter system and find a home base... I'll decide which way to go, either the centre of the galaxy or the outlands.

  • @jasperlit1345
    @jasperlit1345 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When trying different settings with control pad, did you find anything that seemed to make an improvement with F/A off?
    I don't use "Alternate Flight Controls" and was able to cover all the axis with controller, I used sticks for pitch, yaw, roll, and vertical thrusters, and I put lateral thrusters on the shoulder buttons, I use presets for throttle -100, 0, +50, +75, +100.
    Now I am trying to do F/A off more than just to turn faster, so was wondering if you found any good binds/settings lol

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I am going to draw up the two different versions I tried, will post in my community bit.

    • @jasperlit1345
      @jasperlit1345 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK Awesome thanks!

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Right! Have a look at my Community section, - there they are!

  • @The-Man-On-The-Mountain
    @The-Man-On-The-Mountain 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think people are angry with the wrong person. I am angry but with Frontier for many reasons but I haven't got any issues with the people who play ED and enjoy it, and in fact I still enjoy ED videos like yours even though for me, the game is actually dead because I am stuck on console and can't afford a PC, and keep playing ED after 3K+ hours and after having done every mechanic possible is pointless, so the motivation went away forever. But as I've just said, I still enjoy the content, the news, etc.
    Regarding the pay to win, I think that pre-built/engineered ships is pay to win to be honest, and that's another thing that I don't like from Frontier. And if you or any other person likes it that way, it's ok, we all are different and we all have different opinions about ED. Many people enjoy the FPS aspect of the game and I despise it, but that's on me, it's my taste, and there's nothing wrong with the people who really enjoy the FPS in ED
    But again, it's Frontier. I will never get why the hostility from other people towards people who just enjoy a game that they no longer enjoy, for whatever reasons. I don't know if it's tribalism or what. And I get the frustration and the anger, because I feel it, but ED enjoyers are not to blame, at all.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      All fair points, and it is opinions. Not a huge fan of the FPS side either, I got ED to fly spaceships. I am also irritated by lost promises- like Eva to steal ships.
      What really made me laugh is he hated P2W but wants to play Star Citizen, literal P2W

    • @The-Man-On-The-Mountain
      @The-Man-On-The-Mountain 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK Me too buddy. I fell in love with ED EXACTLY because it wasn't another FPS, but something entirely different. What I wanted in the case of legs, is bonding with NPCs with actual campaigns. Imagine a true campaign full of NPCs with personalities for every super power instead of the ballots sht or the soulless combat merits (which is fine, the combat I mean, but it's really empty at the end of the day). Or more exploration mechanics, with more ruins like labyrinths or pyramids from unknown species, or something like that. Even with ship interiors you could implement survival mechanics, like the need for a water recycler or a food synthesizer module, or modules for analysis, etc. Maybe these are not ideas that the majority would like, and that's my point: it's fine. If at the end of the day people enjoy the FPS, well it is how it is. Being mad at those players would be idiotic isn't it?
      And yeah, hating on ED for pre-built ships but having no problems with Star Citizen is a bit weird. I love what CIG tries to achieve and I really love their ship designs, but you can't say that's not the same thing as pre-built ships behind a paywall in ED, because it's the same thing. The thing, I guess, is that SC never denied its nature, while ED was always extremely based on grind.

    • @the_rat_run
      @the_rat_run 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK I pledged the price of an AA game to CIG years ago (not long after I bought ED) but haven't spent another penny on that game since, maybe when it actually releases?
      EDO added quite a lot on top of Horizons, IMO all of it is great (my group enjoy the on-foot aspects, often cleaning out lawful settlements for the fun of it) in its own right, but I wasn't part of the kickstarter / early game adopters, so have no concern what isn't in the game from what was discussed 10+ years ago.
      I will say that, currently, FD have done little to flesh out the EDO content, apart from the Thargoid content, some of which has been amazingly atmospheric, and has provided some integration between ship / SRV / on-foot activities, I wonder what will remain once the Thargoid Titans have been nullified?

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah, I am glad new ships are happening and it gives me hope for the future.

  • @the_rat_run
    @the_rat_run 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Call that a rant? 🤣
    Thanks to that troll for inspiring it, though!
    I enjoyed the P2W 'debate' on the forum, although even the loudest of the protestors failed to explain what I'd 'won' by buying the P2 Stellar... It is a nice ship to fly (the bought-for-credits version - I'm keeping the Stellar stock for zero rebuy fun) and I anticipate buying the Type 8 on release, if offered on the same terms. It seems to me that folk make a lot of noise because they don't wish to pay for something...
    BTW, I've been called a troll so many times it is laughable (not on ED related streams - although the forum... maybe!) when pointing out 'interesting' viewer comment inconsistencies on some photography channels .
    Keep up the good work, nice video, thanks.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Epic, thanks for the feedback, all helps keep me going!

    • @shadowmystery5613
      @shadowmystery5613 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I'm still playing a Gacha Game with Cluster Fuck RNG where people can pump in Hundred Thousands of Bucks. So I exactly know what Pay to Win means and especially looks like and gave a fuck and bought the Python Mk II because at least FDev currently offers the fairest game play I know about. You can't buy extra stats to make your weapon shoot three times as fast or do 200% more damage. I gotta support that.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nicely put. Which game is it, if you don't mind me asking?

    • @shadowmystery5613
      @shadowmystery5613 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK AFK Arena 😂
      To be Top 100 there you have to pay Lamborghinis and a Hero costs like 1'000$
      Which makes it all the more fun if my Partial F2P count shits on spenders and kicks them off the ladder because I had to think about what I am doing instead of using a credit card and just get what I want.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@shadowmystery5613 Tactics vs blind spending, like it. I do similar with Warframe.

  • @zacharypump5910
    @zacharypump5910 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    How long did you try star citizen for? And when? Just curious

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good question. So about every few months I give it a good few hours at a time - have been since 3.0. Have had some fun with it but the issues always outweighed the time cost. As a working guy with a family my gaming time on the PC is quite tight. ED allows me to hop in and out as I want. SC has too much running around every time I start. At least now I don't get killed for running down stairways and elevators have a lower kill rate! But disconnects are a pain. Wipes too, why earn the money for a ship only to lose it in a few months. This is one of the prime ways CIG makes money - magically the paid for ships are always safe...

    • @zacharypump5910
      @zacharypump5910 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK I really enjoy star citizen, but yeah you pay a huge cost in the other problems it has. I play it for a month then take a long break, rinse repeat

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @zacharypump5910 all good. At some point, once the servers are more stable it will be getting there. What frustrates is that SQ42 is single player, so all the server related issues shouldn't exist... so where is it?

  • @diceman199
    @diceman199 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The problem with PvP in many games is casual players end up getting killed off again and again by people who play for hours every day and know the maps like the back of their hand. No fun to be had their. Similar with Elite, most of us are not in ships engineered to the max for PvP, so when we play in open we get shot to pieces.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Very true. That's why I am glad they thought ahead and gave the options of Solo or Private Group.

    • @diceman199
      @diceman199 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK worst case I had was dropping into a combat zone in a conda and getting attacked by 4 corvettes before i'd even chosen which faction I was with.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Heh, yup. Most recent was a passenger run and got killed in my Dolphin by a Krait Phantom for the heinous crime of "o7" in chat.

  • @christopherdaffron8115
    @christopherdaffron8115 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I also got the ARX Python MK2. The modules that come with it are nice, but if you try to swap them out for something else, they are GONE for good. As you said, you need to engineer them to be really effective like most ships.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I did wonder on that. I know they cannot be fitted to other ships but they actually go for good? Wow! What do you think of the P2 anyway?

    • @christopherdaffron8115
      @christopherdaffron8115 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@CMDR_CWolfxUK Yes if you try to remove an included module you get a warning that the module will be destroyed which is bad if you have already engineered it. Oh, it's a great combat ship. I use it extensively in High RES sites with stacked Massacre missions.

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah, as per my videos I do like it. Also as per my videos there is no way I would have stuck with what it came with! That's why I went base. Have just tied up the last mats needed to fully engineer it, including engineered Pacifiers.
      Then at some point in the future I'll grab ship kit and paint job.

    • @christopherdaffron8115
      @christopherdaffron8115 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CMDR_CWolfxUK I am pledged to Hudson, but still need a couple of weeks to unlock those wonderful Pacifiers :) I'll fit four of those bad boys onto my Python MK II (Stellar).

    • @CMDR_CWolfxUK
      @CMDR_CWolfxUK  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@christopherdaffron8115 they are awesome