r/EntitledPeople - Insane Karens DEMAND I Give Them MY SON! They NEED Him MORE.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 903

  • @Luna-iq2op
    @Luna-iq2op ปีที่แล้ว +511

    Story 3 has an update: OP made called to the school and aftercare about the situation and told them that Paige and Nate are not to pick up her son Charlie. Unfortunately, OP's fear was right, and Paige tried to get Charlie released into her care, but the receptionist at the school refused. Cops were called and OP has filed a police report. They were also banned from the aftercare rec center, so if they do show they *will* get arrested. Police & Local Law Enforcement office are working on ways to protect OP and Charlie, so should they make a claim, they're aware of the situation.

    • @klauswachsmuth7834
      @klauswachsmuth7834 ปีที่แล้ว +89

      You mean Owen. Charlie is their son.

    • @sarahrigdon7311
      @sarahrigdon7311 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Can you link the update

    • @Victoriap1cu
      @Victoriap1cu ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Damn, I was listening to the story thinking that is was suspect to not being as bad as OP was acting like it was, but assuming that was true, idk. Although idk, it still seems like it could be some miscommunication.

    • @EarnestEgregore
      @EarnestEgregore ปีที่แล้ว +42

      Lol I don’t think there was any miscommunication… they communicated exactly what they wanted

    • @Persholm1
      @Persholm1 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Owen*, Charlie is Nate and Paige’s kid.

  • @saraglenn7678
    @saraglenn7678 ปีที่แล้ว +296

    I hope that Freya’s owner also changed the locks on her house in case her entitled sister decides there is something else she needs.

    • @raphmaster23
      @raphmaster23 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Was thinking the same, my next stop after getting my cat back would be to go to the local hardware store to get new locks.

    • @Hinatachan360
      @Hinatachan360 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      New locks and security cameras.

    • @tinydancer7426
      @tinydancer7426 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@raphmaster23 There is a problem with the new lock sets being sold in hardward stores (aka lowes and home depot). Next to the key slot is a small hole and the lock set comes with a thin metal "reset key". You can slide the "reset key" into the hole, then put a new door key (ground differently from the original key for the lock) into the key slot, then removed the "reset key" from the little slot, and bingo bango, you have rekeyed the lock set. I was told by a lock smith that the little "reset" keys are generic, they are not specific to that one lock set. So, if OP were to use one of that brand of lock sets on each of her exterior doors, her cat thieving sister could easily buy a new lock set of the same brand, use the reset key so that she could use the new door key to reset all of OP's new locks, steal the cat again and then successfully have locked OP out of her house. That is assuming that OP's sister is smart enuf to pull such a caper as a cat burglar.

    • @natehill8069
      @natehill8069 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@tinydancer7426 You have to have the existing key to do that. I have those locks and its kinda handy, if I need someone to work on my house such that I cant be there the whole time, I rekey (only) the front door, give the tradesman the key. Once its over I key it back to my normal key.

    • @natehill8069
      @natehill8069 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I have a hard time picturing anyone I would leave a housekey with but a sister like that would NEVER have been on the list!

  • @thebeardedbrony9586
    @thebeardedbrony9586 ปีที่แล้ว +206

    Story 2. My Dad, a pastor, would've sided with OP. He would've LOVED this story SO MUCH! One of his favorite quotes he often used from the pulpit, "Church would be great, if it weren't for the people."

    • @nova14414
      @nova14414 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Agreed, hell alot of these people are the reason I'm fucking terrified of them and hate religion.. the fact that I'm pan questioning dosnt help. luckily my girlfriend who is a Christian said "Hey I know you don't believe in religion, but if it's ok could you give it a chance on your own terms?", I doubt I will (mostly beacuse i have sat throughout this once after a friend invited me to a lock in, and even though my parents are not religious, they had me baptized for some reason. And both times I was extremely close to falling asleep. That and going every damn Sunday would drive anyone insane, then again she did say on my own terms), but I'll atleast consider. And in exchange if something is wrong involving her religion, I'll let her rant to me about it. I might not get a word she's saying, but she still appreciates it and will some times use dumb dumb terms to help me understand. This is a much more effective way of atleast getting people to listen to them and not hate them over threatening eternal suffering and hating people for being lgbtq+ in anyway.
      Sorry about the long comment, just wanted to talk about her beacuse she's an amazing person and I wanted to remind people not everyone is like that old lady. Sometimes I need that reminder as well.

    • @thebeardedbrony9586
      @thebeardedbrony9586 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@nova14414 that is perfectly fine. As I said, dad was a preacher, and at one church, he was friends with a church member, who was the sound technician, and a closeted gay, which dad knew about and did not condemn him at all for it. In fact, we often went to his house, and it was this friend who built us our first computer. Even after we moved away, they kept in contact quite often. It was Dad who introduced me to bands like Queen, Metallica, AC/DC and the like. He got me into reading, and dad had read, and watched, every Harry Potter book, and thoroughly enjoyed them. He even enjoyed the old slasher flicks like Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween.

    • @nova14414
      @nova14414 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      ​@@thebeardedbrony9586 ok your dad sounds like an awesome person, just the fact he didn't try to condemn the sound technician is enough to prove that. Atleast not all religious people are toxic, still going to be fucking terrified of the psychotic extremists, but im glad to know there's still some that are sane.

    • @phylliskress2296
      @phylliskress2296 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Story #2 reminded me of what happened to a MegaChurch in te South that tried to get a woman to put them in her will, but ended up getting just a dollar from her after her death. The Black Church got what the MegaChurch's pastor *thought* he deserved.
      I don't recall where I heard this particular story (about the MegaChurch) but it was PERFECT imho.for what happened to the youths in this podcast.

    • @diogomachado1969
      @diogomachado1969 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      i don't realy care, but OP argument is wrong.
      by the standarts of the Church, the seventh day is Sunday.
      in portuguese and many latin languagues monday is called "segunda-something", segunda meaning second.🙂

  • @zrspangle
    @zrspangle ปีที่แล้ว +123

    Gee, I can't imagine why OPs sister was getting a divorce

    • @greenbeacon394
      @greenbeacon394 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      It’s a real mystery isn’t it?😳

  • @jeremynedrow7003
    @jeremynedrow7003 ปีที่แล้ว +286

    I would have pressed charges on my sister, she needs to be taught a lesson. I don't understand why anyone would think it's normal to try and adopt someone else's child because they have money.

    • @BCFBreakfastClubFan
      @BCFBreakfastClubFan ปีที่แล้ว +23

      Charges are the least a person who steals my cat would get. I have two that I love beyond all reason, and if someone so much as thinks about stealing them, they will come back missing some vital body organs.

    • @jrytacct
      @jrytacct ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Tell me she at least changed the locks and otherwise revoked all her access to her house.

    • @nonchip
      @nonchip ปีที่แล้ว +1

      yeah srsly wtf! she literally broke into her sister's home, yknow the thing you're supposed to feel safe in (to the point that some states go so far as to allow you to shoot strangers in it!), to steal the one living sentient being coming closest to literally their own kid, because she were too lazy to figure out how to deal with divorce stress? yeah no thanks, that's B&E, theft, animal abuse, aggravated assault (massive psych damages, yes that counts! a LOT of people literally cannot leave for work or continue living in their old home after something that without having PTSD-ish side effects), at LEAST i'd press ALL the charges and get a lifetime no-contact order!

    • @nonchip
      @nonchip ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@BCFBreakfastClubFan well see that's called vigilantism and you aren't supposed to admit to that online ;)
      but yeah all the charges i could get my pressy paws on, is like the MINIMUM!

    • @BCFBreakfastClubFan
      @BCFBreakfastClubFan ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yeah, but in my experience police don't do much in situations like that-at least not where I live. ...and when my baby's lives are in danger, well....I won't be held responsible for my actions in defending them. :-) I think I could claim self-defense as opposed to vigilantism.

  • @randomneuralfirings
    @randomneuralfirings ปีที่แล้ว +241

    Story 3: OP should not feel guilty for ignoring the warning signs that the couple wanted to take her son away from her because WHO DOES THAT!?

    • @paulman34340
      @paulman34340 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Yeah you can't blame her for thinking that I mean who does that they're well off why the f*** would they destroy all that to do something that stupid And damaging especially since their son will be negatively affected. Like I'm sure the 2 meet each other in the future and remain friends this will probably be an the same story about oh yeah we were such good friends that my parents went insane because I wanted a baby brother and decided that Hey let me kidnap your poor friend from his mother. And no one would assume someone would do something like that especially when they had a stable life this is the type of stuff that could cause someone that entire nice stable life. And it's right up there with how you see someone who's rich DEBT Free and has a nice nest egg but then they go down and lose it all because they deserve to embezzle money because they felt they deserved more And now they lost everything. Or how about the idiot who had all the money they needed to pay off their loans But they decided to risk at all on a f****** bad hoping they would get the money and extra But instead lost it all h*** worse they even owe more Money all because they let their greed and self sincereness get the better of them. The sin of gluttony Where you try to get more than you should Just because

    • @paulman34340
      @paulman34340 ปีที่แล้ว

      It also gets worse because of all the presents and stuff they were getting making me assume the very moment they said oh no you don't owe us anything there's a reason why you pay back what you owe. This is something I installed into my younger brother's head as well because people can be funny about how quickly they changed their mind About you not owing them something and suddenly you owe them And always at the worst time for yourself. H*** I've seen a******* weaponize this where they would get people to lower their guard and then pick the worst moment to screw them over like that. Only work like 2 times before everyone finally labeled them And no one wanted anything to do with them while they still looked flabbergasted that there were consequences. I prefer everything to be squared meaning even if You gave me $10 And words expecting it back I'm likely to give you 10 if not $15 back The extra if you really did me a major favor at the time Because I know how to be grateful it's not about making certain there are no debts between us. At that point it's about me doing to others that I want done to myself I treat people like treasures because I expect to be treated as a treasure myself and because it's warm that's what you do with people who do you good you treat them good that's simple science just as if they do you dirty you do them dirtier
      It was the typical oh we got you all of this so you owe us even though I never asked for it. It's why in a previous story when a woman was getting away from her cheating husband he wanted to pay for an apartment for the day while they were divorced. And she was wise enough not to let him take so much liberties because she knows he is the type to quickly change on a dime. And suddenly his gifts turn out to be shackles

    • @swingstylez
      @swingstylez ปีที่แล้ว


    • @moniquebell8191
      @moniquebell8191 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Bruh, I was just thinking that. Like I want to be the kind of parent when i'm older who helps out single moms like her and HELPS take care of their kids so they don't have to worry about paying daycare fees and such, I grew up really, really poor, it was really hard on my mom. So I would want to pay that forward and help other struggling parents, take their kids on vacation (but also them if they're not working), etc. So to me, those warning signs were like, yeah, those are things I would do, too, to help her out. AND THEN it took a HARD left. Like, bruh, what the hell were those parents thinking? It's a CHILD not a stray cat!

    • @SilverScaleMA
      @SilverScaleMA ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I mean, I had a friend when I was younger that was kind of like that with me. Her parents originally wanted more kids but due to her mom getting sick she ended up infertile a year or two after she had my friend. She and my mom ended up really close and she was about the closest thing I had to a sister, definitely was my best friend. My family still kept in contact with them after we moved away and about a year after they got approved to foster/potentially adopt and ended up adopting 3 other kids around my friend's age and a bit younger. So yeah, that situation/relationship isn't necessarily unusual but there are still boundaries the people in that story definitely crossed...

  • @RunnyBabbitMom
    @RunnyBabbitMom ปีที่แล้ว +182

    Owen's mom is lucky. I had a babysitter legally kidnap my child and file defacto custodianship. I got her back but it took a 10 month long legal battle. Never trust anyone with your kids.
    (Edit: This happened to my oldest who is now 18 when she was 4)

    • @jeremydale4548
      @jeremydale4548 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope that bitch was arrested.

    • @veroxid
      @veroxid ปีที่แล้ว +14

      How can someone be "legally kidnapped"?

    • @RunnyBabbitMom
      @RunnyBabbitMom ปีที่แล้ว +30

      @@veroxid use the court system and file defacto custodianship. Also look up medical kidnapping, legal kidnapping happens all the time.

    • @lishrich
      @lishrich ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I didn't even know that was a thing. As a mom of 4, this is all worst-nightmare-material. Shivers.

    • @RunnyBabbitMom
      @RunnyBabbitMom ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@lishrich I don't even trust other family members with my kids after that babysitter and her husband, my bigs watch my youngest.

  • @Kuroi_Ryu05
    @Kuroi_Ryu05 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    For story 3, it's actually a way worse then it seems. Charlie's parents said to OP that they liked having Owen around for THEIR son. So technically the only reason they wanted him in the first place was so he'd be a "consistent playmate" or basically a pet for their son. If you stop and look at it like that, those crazy entitled parents need to have the CPS called on em and have Charlie removed from their care, because what's to stop them from doing this again to another parent and actually getting away with it?

    • @paulman34340
      @paulman34340 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      And I scary enough as you bring this up to focus. Remember a story where a woman lost her daughter in a custy battle with her rich ex Because his new wife's daughter wanted her daughter to have a sister and consistent playmate. And the b****** raised the girl to believe her mother abandoned her when he had done everything in his power to make certain she could not be around and once of course she outlived her useful miss the stepdaughter didn't care much for her stepsister anymore and they were having new kids the stepfather pretty much washed his hands of his daughter at 18. And then pretty much because of what he did to her damaging her so badly and now raising her to be an entitled brat she started harassing her mother's stepdaughter even believing that it's all dareful the mother and heard stepdaughter rather than her stepmother father and family's fault this is because the mother was going to pay for college for a stepdaughter Her Bio daughter who pretty much disowned her years prior heard about it and got mad and even that piece of s*** got in contact with her to call her evil and a bad parent for knots wanting to give money to their daughter to go to college despite the fact he has the money hes just a massive hypocrite who washed his hands of his own daughter after using her to satisfy his new family And doesn't want to give her a single dime and of course wants her to continue to hate her bile mother so that she never realizes the true culprit for everything bad that happened in her life and how she was raised was her father
      So suffice to say it's quite easy to guess that his comfort and the family will come down to how much Charlie likes him and looking at the fact they gave him more presents than Charlie I'm already seeing resentment form. And they're setting the poor boy up if the post aren't even entertained any of this insanity I can already imagine him coming after her in the future blaming her for every bad thing that happened didn't neglect and of course the moment he hits 18 I would not be shocked if they wiped their hands of him because now their son doesn't need to Play mate anymore. It's like the nobility of old who would usually make the stable boy or whoever was near the same age as their child be their personal Playmate but of course constantly remind them of their place and put this into the mind of their kid because they were only meant to be a mild entertainment you know like you bought the latest toy and it's entertaining for now but eventually you'll lose interest. So they remember they are servant and will go back to the stable And dirt once There is no need for them anymore because you know once they get older they'll have to make real friends aka Other noble kids to make connections and they're not going to want to be around someone who views a commoner's/servant As their friend And did not common help. Disgusting behavior

    • @paulman34340
      @paulman34340 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Also the ad they would never be able to give him a better life once you outlived their usefulness suddenly hes gonna have to make his own way in life and they're not gonna care if he ends up homeless they're just going to say well he was the child of a poor person so of course that was bound to happen. This is why I never connect with people who believe they can buy your affection. Because I'm not a f****** prostitute Yo!😂

    • @heathermiller5765
      @heathermiller5765 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@paulman34340 That story made me mad and sad at the same time. Difference here though is neither one of the couple is a bio parent of OP's child, so that to me at least works out in their favor (unless I'm wrong of course, in which case please let me know)

    • @brothersgt.grauwolff6716
      @brothersgt.grauwolff6716 ปีที่แล้ว

      you'd be surprised how often that does happen even in 1st World countries like the US children are ripped away from their rightful parents through incompetence, bureaucracy or corruption at some level leaving them in the hands of people who would use them and eventually discard them

  • @SoManyRandomRamblings
    @SoManyRandomRamblings ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Story 2 in multiple places in the Bible it states that you do not need to go to a building to worship. And it also says ANYWHERE where 2 or more are gathered He is there.

  • @VENNOM711
    @VENNOM711 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    Granny Karen in the church story definitely needed the calling out that she got.

  • @DoomChibi99
    @DoomChibi99 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    Story 1: my cat chose me by putting his paw on my forehead when my family and I first met him. He was my boy. We lost him back in 2019 (unfortunately to old age), but if anyone tried to cat-nap my boy, I'd go full scorched earth. You don't mess with people's pets. Glad OP got her cat back

    • @superstarman420
      @superstarman420 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      My condolences but at least he lived a long and loved filled life with his humans right? I know it probably still hurts but we should remember the good times we had with our furbabies.

    • @melissaharris3890
      @melissaharris3890 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      My cat chose me by walking out of his cage and coming up to me and yelled why I stopped scratching his chin
      Only had him for 9years 😢.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 ปีที่แล้ว +189

    Story 3: OP might not have a lot to care for Owen with, but OP is trying her best. To be honest, OP made the right choice to block those two, because I think if Owen were to live with them, they would spoil him to death, and that's no good

    • @brendanboomhour7606
      @brendanboomhour7606 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      OP is doing her best to raise a decent human being, those two would raise an entitled monster

    • @ashleystevens2194
      @ashleystevens2194 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      Op in the 3rd story followed her instincts when it came to protecting her son.

    • @LunaP1
      @LunaP1 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      That would be an instant call to CPS and report them for attempted child/human trafficking and show them this post.

    • @Nevertoleave
      @Nevertoleave ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@LunaP1 100%. Call the cops.

    • @pattyputman4409
      @pattyputman4409 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Similar thing happened in my sisters family. Wasn't a pretty outcome...the child, now grown, wants nothing to do with the family that raised the child for 10 years. The new family had money and gave them EVERYTHING! So of course they don't want anything to do with the birth family.
      So sad.

  • @MuttonTheDragon
    @MuttonTheDragon ปีที่แล้ว +54

    Story 2, that granny and the other church goers there are why people think Christians are bad people.

    • @Shadowstar_Art
      @Shadowstar_Art 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      How very love thy neighbor of them

  • @PHSDM104
    @PHSDM104 ปีที่แล้ว +163

    I'm feel horrible that 2nd OP had to go through that. This is the main reason I always say there's a difference between "Christians" and believers. People like the Granny Karen and her posse give the Church a bad name and absolutely misrepresent us. Unfortunately, they infiltrate a lot of congregations. Real believers wouldn't be up in your business like that. Your relationship with God is between you and God. We encourage but we don't condemn. Moreover, if the pastor is allowing them to chase you out of the church like that, that's not a congregation in which you should be. I pray that OP finds somewhere they feel welcome, supported and can actually grow.

    • @randysmith9715
      @randysmith9715 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      I TRY to never judge people, as I take seriously the "Judge not lest you be judged and with the measure you judge it will be measured out to you". God judges, I do not.

    • @muneyotsuki8164
      @muneyotsuki8164 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      The granny represents the overwhelming majority in my experience.

    • @Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996
      @Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Also, did Granny Karen know that you actually don't have to constantly go to church to be a devoted follower of God? My family doesn't and that hasn't done anything to change our faith: we still believe in God and Jesus, we still celebrate Christmas and I've made it a mental note to look up when each Ash Wednesday is so I can attend the mass.
      Plus, my sister and I were baptized as young children and I went to Catholic school for seven years, so I'd say we're fine. As long as we stay on the straight and narrow, I'm pretty sure God won't mind it if we don't go to church.
      Edit: Also also, wanna know how I know God still has my back? One night, I had a really bad nightmare that woke up but every time I went back to sleep I kept having it despite having a dreamcatcher on my wall.
      So you know what I did? I took a rosary I owned, wrapped it around the neck of one of the stuffed animals I sleep with and cuddled with it. I slept like a baby the whole night, the nightmare didn't come back and I haven't had another one since.
      So yeah...I don't need to go to church to know God loves me, I think that's proof enough. And by the way, this is a true story, none of what I said was made up or exaggerated.

    • @saraross8396
      @saraross8396 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That is true, but are they really any better for putting football and video games above God? Despite his protestations to the contrary, that is exactly what he is doing. He needs to work football around God, not the other way around. Yes, she was wrong for how she handled it. The other members were also wrong for what they did. Neither is an example or way to win people to Christ. Yes, he was right to correct her about the Sabbath, but he wasn't "speaking the truth in love". She however is right about "not forsaking the assembly" as it says in Scripture, and we are to meet upon the first day of the week. Sure, they should come if the church has appointed to meet on other days in addition to Sunday if they can, however Tuesday is not Sunday and is not an adequate substitute. He and his friend are wrong for doing that. He has the attitude of making time for God when it "suits him". He'll listen to the sermon, but only after football is over (football runs for a long time mind you). Truth be told, nobody has clean hands in that story, and both sides need to repent.

    • @Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996
      @Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@saraross8396 Honestly, they should've just ignored her from the get go. Karens are all the same, they start trouble for no reason so the worst thing you could do is give them your attention.
      Their answer to her first question of "where were they?" should've been followed up with "it's none of your business, please leave us alone", and then they could've walked away and ignored her

  • @JadenYukifan28
    @JadenYukifan28 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    Story 3: Unless OP gives up his son willingly, they can't adopt him. Plain and simple, OP is Owen's biological parent and has the authority to give up parental rights, but if they don't want to give him up, they cannot force them to do it.

    • @anndownsouth5070
      @anndownsouth5070 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      OP is a mom, not a dad.

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@anndownsouth5070 Yeah, I realized that after the fact.

    • @brothersgt.grauwolff6716
      @brothersgt.grauwolff6716 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      this story is a best case scenario there's a plethora of similar stories that end much worse thankfully both police & state are on OPs side

    • @BridgetKF
      @BridgetKF ปีที่แล้ว +1

      According to some earlier posters, apparently they tried to come and take him forcefully from the daycare and kidnap him, and cops had to be called.

  • @kristinebryant9038
    @kristinebryant9038 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    Story 2..this is why people don't want to be religious 😒

    • @LoveOnTheInsidex3
      @LoveOnTheInsidex3 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @NN48commander
      @NN48commander 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yea as someone who was forced into that.. stuff when older I refused to go

  • @CaptainAdam5399
    @CaptainAdam5399 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    Story 3 there was an update a few days ago. The other mom tried to kidnap Owen from school but police were called

    • @alantran4901
      @alantran4901 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Man Charlie is not going to okay after this because now there a chance he going to CPS because of his insane parents and let’s not forget the financial future as the parent will likely lose their jobs along legal fees.

    • @merlinathrawes746
      @merlinathrawes746 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      How incredibly sad! With all the children in an overloaded foster care system and they try to buy/steal a child from a poor but loving parent. I feel sorry for Charlie as well as Owen.

    • @heathermiller5765
      @heathermiller5765 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      * _GASP_ * 😮

    • @tranz2deep
      @tranz2deep ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@alantran4901 I say it fairly frequently (second time today, in fact); I have absolute regret and sympathy for the children of the entitled set. Talk about being born with a bad hand...

    • @howardsmith9342
      @howardsmith9342 ปีที่แล้ว

      What would be the ultimate nuclear revenge is if Nate and Paige lose custody of Charlie through CPS and the courts, and OP fosters him!

  • @rogersheddy6414
    @rogersheddy6414 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    The moment that the girl's sister started saying how much she liked that cat, she should have taken her around to some animal shelters to meet some cats.

    • @otrjustin
      @otrjustin ปีที่แล้ว +2

      But that’s not the cat she wants. The sister might take it as OP giving her the ok and just looking for another car for herself

    • @rogersheddy6414
      @rogersheddy6414 ปีที่แล้ว

      The idea is that Opie would say to her, I'm keeping my cat, but I thought you might find one that matches you better and needs a loving person like you to provide it a good home.

    • @otrjustin
      @otrjustin ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@rogersheddy6414 you really thinking have a rational calm conversation with someone so wrapped up in themselves that believes they are are entitled to someone else’s cat will listen. I’m sorry, is this not the channel of people think obviously customers shoppings are really employees lying about not working there to get out of work?

    • @rogersheddy6414
      @rogersheddy6414 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Perhaps not. But if she took her to go see 300 different cats, I imagine it would improve the chances of getting her to focus on some other cat which she would then adopt for her own.
      It's the old Sandpiper practice. The sandpiper bird see someone approaching where does nesting, then it pretends to have broken wing and goes running in One Direction or another making a loud Whistling noise to distract the potential predator. Then when it sees that the individual is far enough away from the nest to not be a threat anymore, it takes off flying.
      The potentially new adopted cat is the Sandpiper in this case, except it doesn't fly away.
      The sad part in this is that the individual who takes over the animal in question usually is not someone who's going to be as good at caring for the animal as the original owner.

  • @SoicAngellis
    @SoicAngellis ปีที่แล้ว +96

    Man, OP and Freya meeting was double love at first sight! I love stories where a cat chooses someone

    • @reyandrade9657
      @reyandrade9657 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      That entitlement dont deserve the cat it angers me so much

    • @sakurakittynoir1400
      @sakurakittynoir1400 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Like the old saying goes: "When you have a dog, you own the dog. When you have a cat, the cat owns you."

    • @peterhobson3262
      @peterhobson3262 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@sakurakittynoir1400 Freya wasn't OP's cat, OP was Freya's human.

    • @tmntfangirl4700
      @tmntfangirl4700 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@reyandrade9657 Same here

    • @tmntfangirl4700
      @tmntfangirl4700 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@peterhobson3262 Too bad Freya didn’t scratch or bite ES.

  • @sakurakittynoir1400
    @sakurakittynoir1400 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    The 1st story: if she had been MY sister, she would've ended up needing surgery to fix her face. I have two adorable cats. If ANYONE even DARES to try to kidnap them, the gloves are coming off, punches will be thrown, furniture will be broken & cops will be called. NEVER P*SS OFF A FURMAMA!!!!!!

    • @phylliskress2296
      @phylliskress2296 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      In my household, there are three cats, and two of them would rearrange the catnapper's anatomy to the point their phisiology would be confused (the third one's timid, but the other two would efend her, *especially* the tomcat [he's got Maine Coon in his family tree].) The "matriarch" won't bite, but she'll scratch catnapper so badly that ER staff will stop counting WAY before they're 1/8 finished!!
      And if I get home while they're still there, I have a cast iron skillet and a marble rolling pin with their name/s on them!

    • @sakurakittynoir1400
      @sakurakittynoir1400 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@phylliskress2296you mean physiology???

    • @sakurakittynoir1400
      @sakurakittynoir1400 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@phylliskress2296not exactly related, but if you're out & about, it would be a really good idea to carry a pocket knife & a screecher with you for self defense. Just in case. It's a habit I picked up from the two most wonderful & influential women in my life. My Mama always carried a large pocket knife & my Grandma always carried a screecher. Gigi even bought one for me. I never leave the house without at least one of them.

    • @phylliskress2296
      @phylliskress2296 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sakurakittynoir1400 Yes. Mea culpa.

    • @phylliskress2296
      @phylliskress2296 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sakurakittynoir1400 Yes, mea culpa.

  • @mrfoxly6833
    @mrfoxly6833 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    At first I thought Story 2 was building up towards a difficult AITA post.
    Then they agree and Granny Karen comes in later.
    I’d say that’s worse, since now it’s clear the church has some abominable attendees.
    The fact that they intimidated OP and Nic out of attending church directly (ironic I know) is disgusting since Churches are supposed to feel safe and welcoming.

  • @karmagal78
    @karmagal78 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    The church story: OP and their roommate are welcome at my church. We have ours on TH-cam as well as in person, so, if, for any reason, you can’t make it to church, it’s still available. No excuse needed or required.

    • @joehung1552
      @joehung1552 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      My favorite is when these types of church people ask why people are turning away from religion without looking at how they do the opposite of everything the Bible says.

    • @heathermiller5765
      @heathermiller5765 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Karma Gal
      Same with mine! Unless yours is mine 😁
      Still do Zoom meetings for our first hour even now 😊

    • @Rosegirl398
      @Rosegirl398 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My church is pretty casual. We also have the sermons posted. The pastor’s wife comes over every Tuesday (or whatever day she needs to switch if needed) to clean our house

  • @patriciahansen6032
    @patriciahansen6032 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    I'm a serious cat lover. I've had them all my life. If anyone even thinks about mistreating any of my cats, they're out of my life. Don't doubt me, I've done it. OP should have reported the theft of her cat, but I'm mostly glad she got her back. I hope she changed the locks on her home.

  • @lancerevell5979
    @lancerevell5979 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    Pet thieves are the worst! They deserve special punishment. 🤨
    Second story.... Granny: "You're going to Hell!"
    Me: "I'll see you there then!" 😄

  • @rubyblue444
    @rubyblue444 ปีที่แล้ว +100

    Story 3: Aside from the obvious red flags, why did that couple NOT mention anything about adopting a child from the foster care system? There are soooooo many kids Owen's age that are in desperate need of a home and family! Since they were so gung-ho to take Owen from OP, that begs the question as to WHY they aren't pursuing a legal adoption. MAJOR red flags for me!!

    • @brendanboomhour7606
      @brendanboomhour7606 ปีที่แล้ว

      Some people are too braindead to realize that's an option

    • @ancapftw9113
      @ancapftw9113 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Older kids are rarely adopted because most people only want little kids.

    • @Eric1SanDiego1
      @Eric1SanDiego1 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      They hadn't been considering adoption, but then they fell in love with Owen and tried to justify legal kidnapping. This is such a sad story for everyone involved because both parties want what's best for Owen, but the entitled parents have gone way too far. They didn't have the right to even CONSIDER this was an option, but obviously, they're hurt because they love Owen and it's their own fault that it got to this point. They think they're in the right but they are soooo wrong. It's a mess.

    • @hellefur7861
      @hellefur7861 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Because Owen is a sweet and polite child.
      With him, they don't need to "buy the cat in the sack", and start over with a baby, or correct misbehaving from an older, possibly abused, child.

    • @merlinathrawes746
      @merlinathrawes746 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      There may be reasons why they're not allowed to adopt and this is their way to get around it. I hope that isn't the case.

  • @chinavaughan6383
    @chinavaughan6383 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Story 1: Knowing how the sister is when it comes to getting her own way, OP should have changed the locks of her home and guarded her cat when her sister expressed a desire to have her cat. I hope OP has her cat chipped 😢

  • @Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996
    @Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Story 3. I agree with Fluff, even if OP denied that couple from taking her son, whose to say they'll stop at just her? Who knows how many other parents they'll try to persuade into giving up their kids to them?
    Seriously, if they wanted to give Charlie a little brother or sister, why didn't they just try adoption? If they were having difficulty having a baby, why not adoption or a surrogate?
    Just because you have money, doesn't mean you can just take other people's kids! Even if OP can't afford all the luxuries to give her son like a new bike or video games or whatever, that doesn't mean she's unfit to be a mother! The fact that she's even able to give her son a decent place to sleep, food to eat, sends him to a good school and shows him lots of love and care proves to me that she's a great mom, she's not perfect but she's still doing a damn good job!
    Buying your kids expensive toys and whatever doesn't make you a good parent because that's not the most important part of parenting, I am freaking single and don't plan on having kids, and even I know this!

    • @paulman34340
      @paulman34340 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The amount of gifts they gave her son and all that weird behavior it was gas lighting I remember how this s*** works because my aunt did something like this my mother's older sister to me. Except she was worse at it she would go as far as to claim my mother's gifts to me As from her. It was because when I was 4 my mother was convinced by my grandmother and my aunt who I must add is my grandmother's golden child guess who's the scape goat. But basically she would look after me for 4 years while my mother was getting her life together and it seemed like a good deal and I had a good time but as I got older when I went back to my mother at 8 years old because that's when they sprung the trap Which failed because despite the gas lighting and catching my mother off guard she still had a major effect on me dad I basically didn't fall for the tricks. And once I got older and learned how manipulation and gas lighting worked. Good f****** God my aunt went from a second mother figure to basically disowned by me. Believe me my mother never told me what was truly going on and my grandmother was a bit spiteful at my choice despite the fact she left it up to me when my aunt pulled her little game in hindsight she was manipulated too By my aunt because guess who screwed who over when she caught Alzheimer's and left her in charge of everything. That in the misery my grandmother went through up to her death and how even after death my aunt still needed to vote you signal she was an a terrible person that is what completely broke the pedestal for me 15 years ago I was 25 at the time. And during that time when my aunt was supposed to be taken care of my grmy mother who is a nurse ended up taking care of her out of pocket from both of us because my aunt was struggling not to give any type of money basically the moment she came to my aunt's nice suburban home where she expected to be taken care of my aunt didn't hesitate the moment she caught dimension at the toss errand to an old folk's home and my mother pulled her out because she worked in one of those homes she knows what happens to Those in there who don't have consistent family or contacts coming around often. And the state my grandmother was in, Was an indication that she was on the neglectful list. Meaning my aunt neglected her By not visiting. Where did my Grandmother's money go to a f****** new shed for s*** my Aunt didn't wanna throw away. Oh the gift that my mother gave me that started me being a video gamer my original NES. Yes she kept that when I went to my mother my mother pretty much gave it up and I adored it was my aunt but in hind sight if it was a gift to me it should have came with me. Yeah the moment that became a rare item worth a lot of money she sold that s***. My aunt is one of those fake it to you naked type rich folk the ones who put themselves heavy and debt To give The appearance that they're rich

    • @jedimasters1462
      @jedimasters1462 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I think op giving them guardianship without a formal adoption is cheaper and doesn't have the same screening process as adoption. From an update someone posted, they actually did try to take Owen from school, but thankfully op had the foresight to put them on the list of those not allowed to take the boy. Cops were called and now they will have a much harder time getting a kid. Hopefully op gets a restraining order issued against them.

  • @lilmelody93
    @lilmelody93 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    That sabbath comeback had my laughing cus my in laws are 7 day adventist. My mil is also my landlord and told me "um, well actually, the bible says sabbath is on saturday so I dont have to respect ur sunday."
    Like damn, I told her sunday is my mental health day and even God takes one of those. And that was her reply 😂

    • @phylliskress2296
      @phylliskress2296 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I was raised Jewish, and I'd like to hear what Granny Karen would say to the ultra/Orthodox Jewish people about Shabbos/Sabbath!

    • @lilmelody93
      @lilmelody93 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@phylliskress2296 I feel like sabbath is a hornets nest of controversy throughout all the abrahamic factions. My mil wont make any business transactions during sabbath Saturday hours. Wont collect rent or pay bills or buy food on saturday. Since I'm a tenant she wont even speak to me on saturday. (She says I'm difficult so maybe a convo with me is too much work for sabbath lmao). But its jus health advice, similar to the dietary restrictions of religions. Pigs are gross, dont eat them. Mental health, take a day off. But ppl will wage wars and die on these hills based on health advice in religious textbooks. (All while ignoring the rules about not judging and not using Gods name in vain, with their sarcastic I'll pray for u or bless ur heart).

  • @DoctorRobertNeville
    @DoctorRobertNeville ปีที่แล้ว +20

    As for the Church story goes, "Judge not lest ye be judged." As Jesus said, "If you are not accepted just kick the dust of your feet, and keep on moving to somewhere else."
    Now for the cute kitty story. I saw this little kitty outside of my Clinic. I left her alone, and would check on her some times. After some time I brought her into the clinic, and scanned her for a chip. No Chip. I even asked around the neighborhood if this was their cat. Everyone told me its not their cat. I took her home, and spoiled her rotten. We named her "Baby D. Cat". She lived with us till the day she passed away in my arms. Her ashes are in our Crypt with the other pets I've had.

    • @Yumi_Jay
      @Yumi_Jay ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Exactly what I was thinking. Also Jesus has say that "he who has not sinned may cast the first stone." Humans have sinned at some point and not everyone is perfect.
      People like grandma Karen are why others are leaving the church or don't follow religion.

  • @Rekuzan
    @Rekuzan ปีที่แล้ว +128

    Okay, I've seen plenty of Karen demanding prosthetic arms and supposedly fake legs (while stealing wheelchairs in the process)! What's next, Karen starts demanding your first born too?
    DarkFluff thinking to himself 'Wait for it...'

    • @mikejump2546
      @mikejump2546 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      That was the other day woman Karen wanted a baby ....fluff already did that one lol

    • @Rekuzan
      @Rekuzan ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@mikejump2546 Gottah be honest, I've never actually heard of a Karen demanding someone's soul, but there's still plenty of hours in the day, soooo..

    • @Rekuzan
      @Rekuzan ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Although I still can't help but think of the time Karen fake kidnapped her own son to play a prank on the police. Needless to say, the Highway patrol did NOT find it amusing....

    • @mikejump2546
      @mikejump2546 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I am sure if we looked hard enough we could find a Karen demanding it or telling someone they will own it soon lol

    • @heathermiller5765
      @heathermiller5765 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @Arthur Samson
      Sadly heard a few of those on this very channel. Like the one with the 24-year-old woman (who apparently looked 16), and the Karen who literally held her arms out and told her to hand over her infant son, claiming she'd give him a better life, etc. etc. 😒

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 ปีที่แล้ว +96

    Story 1: She can boast that she is more capable of taking care of a cat, but we can't verify that for sure. She could be really bad at it and only wants a cat without the responsibility at the worst.

    • @YourXavier
      @YourXavier ปีที่แล้ว +15

      That rabid animal needs to be put down. And I don't mean the cat.

    • @onepieceisking5493
      @onepieceisking5493 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm betting the second one and betting that it's HER fault that she's getting divorced too. That's usually how how it goes with entitled brats like her.

    • @jamescaron6465
      @jamescaron6465 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Yeah, something tells me she would’ve treated that cat very badly. At the worst of the very least neglected it or treated it like an object.

    • @randysmith9715
      @randysmith9715 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Story 1 should make sure to change the locks.

    @SLOTHSRIDEUNICORNS ปีที่แล้ว +22


    • @howardsmith9342
      @howardsmith9342 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's unlikely CPS would do anything, but it would go on record that they were grooming Owen. Not in a sexual way, but it's still grooming, trying to lure him away from his mother and into their family. Creeps.

  • @sesshomaruslover1
    @sesshomaruslover1 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Story 2 should tell granny karen "judge not lest ye be judged" it's not her job to tell ppl where to go/where they will be going therefore she's going too

  • @skinnysk8erboy
    @skinnysk8erboy ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Story 2 is a big reason I despise religion. I had a youth pastor tell all the young kids that they would go to hell if they wore the clothes I wore or listen to the music I listen to or hang out with the friends I have and he kept going for 5 minutes singling me out to everyone

  • @Mostly_Kpop
    @Mostly_Kpop ปีที่แล้ว +42

    My cat adoption story was so similar to Freya. My kitty kept grabbing my sleeve as I passed his cage so I picked him up and he immediately started cuddling

    • @Yumi_Jay
      @Yumi_Jay ปีที่แล้ว +7

      My first cat was a stray and pretty much chose me as she came up to me on the street. At first I thought she belong to someone else, but it turns out it wasn't hers. My babysitter/family friend held on to her until it determined she had no owner. Then my cat officially became mine. I had her for 15 years and she help me out of the rough years when I was in school.

    • @annienunyabiz6627
      @annienunyabiz6627 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I was at the shelter to give a witness statement about a woman who had stolen her neighbor's three dogs and dropped them off around town. She had literally thrown an elderly corgi at my husband in a store parking lot. (She went to jail for theft and animal abuse.) Anyways, while he was writing his statement, there was a window looking into their meet and greet room where they had a cage with three six month old kittens in it. Two ignored us, the third climbed the cage to try to get eye level with us. So in the end we left with a new cat who 9 years later is still my velcro kitty, the neighbor got at least her corgi back, and the other woman went to jail.

    • @YourXavier
      @YourXavier ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Same. We picked our cat because he literally jumped into my brother's arms.

    • @mrroboshadow
      @mrroboshadow ปีที่แล้ว +6

      my neighbor had a family member who's cat had kittens in january
      she asked us if we wanted one and honestly havind had my oldest (of 2) cat pass away a few months prior i was feeling a hole and said id take one
      in february we went over to my neighbor who had the kittens there and they asked us which one we wanted
      im like, they're kittens, they'll all be adorable, im ok with which ever one they decided
      it was fate,as soon as they handed her to me, she just curled herself in my arms and fell asleep purring

  • @jdpfeifer93
    @jdpfeifer93 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    story 2 "you know we cannot go back to that church now right?"
    me: why WOULD you want to go back to that church when they treat you that way?

  • @anime-mun
    @anime-mun ปีที่แล้ว +13

    As a father myself I had trouble getting through story 3. Sure, I let him spend a night on the weekend with his grandparents next door. But the one time I let him go up to his other grandparents (my father and stepmother) for a week it kinda tore me up. The thought of someone taking my sweet, kind boy away from me is unbearable.

  • @roscoewhite3793
    @roscoewhite3793 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Story 1: Cats are great. I like how OP gathered all the accessories together before bringing Freya into her home. By the way, it's "Fray-ah" not "Free-ah".
    Story 2: I think there's a Bible verse to the effect that worship should be private, not public (as in church). Granny and her claque practice Churchianity, not Christianity.

  • @thecarcollector8954
    @thecarcollector8954 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Story 2. That wasn't a church, that was a cult. You can go to church all day everyday, give all you own to the poor, and be as kind as possible but that won't get you to heaven. Only believing in Jesus will do that

    • @utej.k.bemsel4777
      @utej.k.bemsel4777 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I disagree!
      Doing good deeds gets you into heaven!
      There are lots od people who doesn't know about God or Jesus and still will be in heaven because they are good and innocent.
      Lots of bad people that read the bible every day but not living after it will go to hell!

    • @lilithcampbell2112
      @lilithcampbell2112 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm an atheist and do good for others. Was that not Jesus teachings? I prefer kindness over worship. God can kiss my ass, I give and volunteer because it makes me feel good to help others 🥰 I won't get on my knees for ANY man.
      Edit: God and Jesus are not the same entity to me. I respect my half sibling Jesus, but to me our Father is a dick. Picture Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, that's about right...

    • @thecarcollector8954
      @thecarcollector8954 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      John 3:16. If good deeds gets you to heaven then the thief on the cross went to hell Luke 23:43. If good deeds get you to heaven then there is no reason for the cross

    • @ericdugdale8585
      @ericdugdale8585 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Church and cult are practically synonyms.

  • @black-wizard-zeref
    @black-wizard-zeref ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Third story has a update.
    Most afternoon, my son takes the bus to a local rec center for aftercare. I had already told the school everything and that Nate and Paige were not to pick Owen up. I managed to call and even make sure he got on the bus. Aftercare was also made aware of the change in pick up list.
    Well, a half hour later, I get a call that Paige had tried to pick up my son. The front desk refused to release him. Didn’t say why, just that she was no longer on the list. She wouldn’t leave and the police were called. She was escorted out of the building.
    While she wasn’t brought to jail, there is a police report and I am using this to go to court and get an order of protection. Paige and Nate are also banned from the rec center so if they \*do\* show up, they will get arrested for trespassing.
    The police are working on ways to protect us and the local social services office has been made aware of the situation, so should they try to make a claim, they’re aware of the situation.
    Here’s the update. Well I copy n paste the important parts

  • @zero00044
    @zero00044 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I would have told the sister that she deserves nothing and that the divorce was 100% her own fault for being the way she is.

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Cat story: OP, I hope you had your locks changed, not just demanded your key back!
    Church story: Truthfully, I would have spoken to the pastor about granny Karen. If he backed her, I would have left that church and quite possibly gone to the pastor's higher ups! But OP's response should have been: "Why do you think you need to know? God knows where I've been."
    Coffee shop story: Not really TA, but it's not really a smart play either. Eventually someone is going to come in who's "seen you fired", see that you're still there and complain to actual management or create a truly bad situation in the shop where police may need to get involved. Better to just explain the situation and if that doesn't help, refuse service and call the police to have them trespassed.

  • @jorawa
    @jorawa ปีที่แล้ว +9

    according to OP's post 'granny Karen' wasnt so christian either if what he said about her and the others cursing at them like that. They were being more like 'hollier than thou hypocrites'

    • @joehung1552
      @joehung1552 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That's 95% of Christian Churches.

    • @JusuchinPanjirinanu
      @JusuchinPanjirinanu ปีที่แล้ว

      Having gone to a few other Catholic churches in my area, I'll choose only like two.
      The others just don't feel right and usually done by the congregation and Priest.

  • @RepellentJeff
    @RepellentJeff ปีที่แล้ว +4

    “My college roommate and I were very active members at our local Christian church.”
    That was your *first* error.

  • @TJDious
    @TJDious ปีที่แล้ว +4

    OP1: Very glad she was adamant about going to the police and pressing charges. Hope she changed the locks.

  • @alantran4901
    @alantran4901 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Story 1: the sister is lucky OP didn’t go John Wick on her.
    You do not cause harm to someone pet or you will get a beating on a lucky day.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Steal my pet, the police would be the very least of the thief's worries! 😡

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 ปีที่แล้ว

      Judging by the fact that OP threatened to call the Police on ES, I am assuming she gave Freya back.

    • @Godzilladino
      @Godzilladino ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@JadenYukifan28and she was able to pick Freya up at ES's home, wich confirms it

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Godzilladino Exactly, ugh...If someone tried to do that with our cat, I would have gone scorched earth on them..

  • @ichaukan
    @ichaukan ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My favorite reply to people telling me I'm going to hell is "I'm actually there right now because this conversation is burning my brain."

  • @timothyweers8054
    @timothyweers8054 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I can say for a fact you do not need to attend church on Sunday. Church is actually the body of people not the building you are in. For years, my grandmother listened to services on the local radio station on Sunday. You can also have a full service any day of the week, it is what is more convenient for everyone. If you are Catholic they hold multiple services per week to allow for those who cannot make Sunday mornings. Some people attend all services to make them feel more closer to their maker.

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Okay so for story #1 - I’m surprised that OP didn’t slap her ES for stealing her cat just because ES felt that she deserved the cat. I’ll tell you this no one messes with my cats. As a cat owner myself I would’ve pressed charges against that Bratty sister.
    Story #2 - That old lady Karen needs to mind her own damn business and worry about her own soul. So no OP is not the A-hole.
    Story #3 - If I were OP I would file a restraining order against that couple. She may not be able to give her son fancy gifts like they can but she’s doing her best and is a good mom.
    Story #4 - I think the joke is a little much but effective in getting EP to change their behavior.

  • @dudeorduuude5211
    @dudeorduuude5211 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The last story - I think that offer came from a genuine place. I know most of the time the answer is no. But for some single mothers, some alternative arrangement may be worth considering... but in writing. It takes a village to raise a child, kind of thing.

  • @marciaspiegel5280
    @marciaspiegel5280 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    If any Karen is stupid enough to make this request, call CPS and have them arrested.

    • @jeremydale4548
      @jeremydale4548 ปีที่แล้ว

      On the fucking spot and also ensure that they are NEVER allowed to adopt. EVER.

  • @SquirrelGamez
    @SquirrelGamez ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wanting someone else's child isn't entitlement, it's insanity!

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I hope that OP decides to chip the cat and get new locks or very least cameras. With her sister now on the prowl.

  • @sandybruce9092
    @sandybruce9092 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I hope that Freda Mom changed the locks where she lived since she did mention her ES had a key!!!

  • @honeybelle1203
    @honeybelle1203 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I'm so happy Freya is okay. I wish OP paid the cat tax lol but their story is so similar to my Meadow Moon. The difference is my mom and I actually babysat for her ex friend whose kitty (a tiny skinny ginger gal called Littles) had babies because the ex friend is super neglectful of her pets and just leaves them outdoors, unaltered to be constantly pregnant and parenting. Those babes were Meadow Moon, her brother Rose Garden whom we also adopted and their two other siblings. We had from from about 4 wks old to I think 8 or so wks? Meadow was my favourite of the litter, she is a diluted tortie with fun white spots on her chin and paws. She really is a pretty girl. But the thing is she picked me to be her person as well! She was always the first to (loudly) greet me when I went to visit the happy family, and demanded cuddles and pets like she still does to this day lol. We vax'd them all plus mom and dewormed them all as well because again, neglectful owner. I'm still so relieved to rescue both her and her brother from that butthat.

    • @heathermiller5765
      @heathermiller5765 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did mama kitty ever get spayed? Did the other cats? Just curious...

    • @honeybelle1203
      @honeybelle1203 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@heathermiller5765 Not to my knowledge :) In fact I remember when we went to pick our babies up there was a second litter of semi feral kittens from another cat of hers, or it just happened to give birth in her truck's bed, three to five little hissy babies at least 3 or so weeks younger than ours.

  • @harpinbull5575
    @harpinbull5575 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "....and you two are going to hell!"
    Cue malicious compliance.

  • @TriXJester
    @TriXJester ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Story 2: Is truly debatable because different places in the world have differing viewpoints on what day the end of the week actually is, like in most places in America it is Sunday but in other places like Mexico it's Saturday. There is no actual distinction in the bible on what day that would really be so one could truly argue either. Though for a religious viewpoint I'd lean towards the Jewish interpretation of Saturday being the sabbath due to that religion being the direct precursor to Christianity.

    • @huntjl88
      @huntjl88 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sunday is the first day of the week in America too. Just look at any calendar DUH!! I've never seen a calendar that had Monday as the first and Sunday as the seventh. Now it isn't consider the first day of a work week. That can vary from business to business. I seen places that use Saturday as the first day of the work week.

  • @BastetMusic
    @BastetMusic ปีที่แล้ว +2

    OP was out of pocket in the best damn way on that second one

  • @MizuMing
    @MizuMing ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Story 2: You do not have to be in a church to pray to God, you can do that ANYWHERE! 🙄
    Story 3: Do you think perhaps the parents never tried looking at adoption as an option they could choose? Or do you think perhaps they were denied the ability to adopt because they were clearly crazy? 🤷

  • @gurglequeen433
    @gurglequeen433 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I hope OP had her locks changed. I wouldn't out it past the ES to make a copy of the key before giving hers back if she even gave it back.

  • @Kruhee
    @Kruhee ปีที่แล้ว +3

    We all can guess why sister is getting a divorce if shes that entitled in any other aspects of her life.

  • @BlackTomorrowMusic
    @BlackTomorrowMusic ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So the following scenario played out in my head in the aftermath of the church mob:
    After chasing the two "heathens" away, a third person, dressed like the devil himself, emerges from around the corner clapping slowly. The crowd pauses. "Satan" laughs lightheartedly and says, "I must admit. I'm a big fan. You folks have been sending more people my way than anyone else. And I don't even need to lift a finger. This is so much better than any grand scheme I could've thought up. Well, I can't stick around, but keep it up. You're doing great work." Grins evilly. "See you in the next life..."

  • @dizzysdoings
    @dizzysdoings ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Granny Karen is one reason so many people won't attend church.

    • @bfaproductions7121
      @bfaproductions7121 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It kinda reminded me of my grandma who will berate me if I watch my church's service online. Sometimes I am scheduled to work Sunday and my hours are the same as the services, and so I have to watch the pre-recorded livestream. But I still feel like the OP is somewhat in the wrong. But still the church group shouldn't have ganged up like that

    • @dizzysdoings
      @dizzysdoings ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bfaproductions7121 I'm with you on not being happy about the reason that they missed church. It's very unusual for me to miss. My friends know I'm not going to skip church just to do something else, so they don't (normally) ask. But, she shouldn't have gone off on them like that. She should have just welcomed them back.
      I've seen people moved to tears after being berated by some older lady in the church. And, they don't come back. It's definitely NOT what Jesus would do.

  • @bradsmckay
    @bradsmckay ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sorry 4 OP's manager is absolute genius, how many Karen's demand OP gets fired for something this petty.

  • @kate6585
    @kate6585 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Fluff you make my day! I listen to you on my way to work to prep myself for the day and remind myself that there are crazier people than what I have to deal with.

  • @randibolen579
    @randibolen579 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Story 2. If anything I’m more disappointed in the other churchgoers. They refused to acknowledge that she was harassing them and instead reacted to what they saw as disrespect of an elder, chasing those to away from Church in the process. I’m sure god will be just as disappointed when their time comes.

  • @iononcantomascrivo
    @iononcantomascrivo ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I would have put it on blast that her sister stole the cat and made sure the whole family knew what a petty spiteful which she is

  • @phylliskress2296
    @phylliskress2296 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Concerning Freya, I can understand how someone can fall in love with a particular cat, but cats aren't toys! Also, there are so many other cats waiting to have a forever home that unwanted/"unwanted" cats/kittens are euthanized! ES oughtta look into adopting a different cat if she *really* wanted one. She also needed to research everything that a cat requires (I live with three myself, and I wouldn't give any of them up!)
    Concerning Owen, I would've asked Charlie's parents if they'd rather pay her to take Charlie and to pay OP to raise Charlie properly/teach him what's most important in life so he doesn't turn into his mother.

  • @destinymcintire2188
    @destinymcintire2188 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Story 1: Oh yeah def press charges on ES. She needs to be taught a valuable lesson in "you can't have everything you want, much less steal everything you want like a common crook" If that were me and it had been my pet that was taken I'd be leaving with my pet and a giving the abductor a bloody nose and a lawsuit.
    Story 2: I think that Granny def needed that taste of her own medicine. And, let's be real here, if OP didn't do it someone else would have. Her toxic behavior and vitriol can only go unchecked for so long.
    Story 3: *This* is why I hate rich people. Owen is not a commodity, he's a human being with thoughts and feelings.
    Story 4: That joke might be a tad mean spirited to some but I personally think it's the perfect teaching method to rude entitled customers. Let them see first hand the consequences of their actions and how they affect others.

  • @liescerrillo8867
    @liescerrillo8867 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story 1: I’d go scorched earth if someone stole my cat. Absolutely not, that is my baby😤especially the fact how she broke in!

  • @bfaproductions7121
    @bfaproductions7121 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Story 2: As a Christian you're not supposed to work God into your schedule. The Karen also vaguely reminds me of grandma who believes watching it online if you can't make it to a service I'm person doesn't count

    • @jpbaley2016
      @jpbaley2016 ปีที่แล้ว

      There’s nothing in the bible regarding having to attend services. You only need to keep the sabbath but the christian church corrupted the biblical requirements for its own wealth and power. The church decided to change the sabbath to Sunday to differentiate it from Judaism. The church demanded tithing. The church makes demands that has nothing to with the bible. All you need to not go to hell is believe Jesus is your lord and savior or have a spouse or parent that believes Jesus is your lord and savior. It says so right in the bible.

    • @heathermiller5765
      @heathermiller5765 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Wow, during COVID that's all we had was church meetings through Zoom. Even now they're still taping them for those who don't or can't come in person 😕

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    People need a reality check that their emotions are going to hurt people in some way. Those people that say it is a cruel prank need to go to hell.

  • @maggpiprime954
    @maggpiprime954 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Story 3
    OP: "We're not poor"
    Also OP: (describes poverty)
    Just because you're not destitute, doesn't mean you're not poor.

    • @anndownsouth5070
      @anndownsouth5070 ปีที่แล้ว

      They are not poor. They are broke. I would call Charlie's parents poor even though they have a lot of money.

    • @maggpiprime954
      @maggpiprime954 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@anndownsouth5070??? 😂

    • @maggpiprime954
      @maggpiprime954 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@anndownsouth5070 and tbc:
      Poor is living paycheque to paycheque for basic necessities.
      Broke is living paycheque to paycheque by spending your budget on everything BUT the necessities.
      Ex; Elon Musk almost went broke buying Twitter, but he's not poor.
      OP had to budget for yearly birthday or Christmas gifts because she's poor, but she's not broke.

  • @niceebony
    @niceebony ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As a person who goes to church every Sunday and I work in the church, I laughed so hard at Story 2. I only control me, and me alone. She got what was coming to her. All she had to do was mind her business. She only needed to make sure she was in church. LOL Hilarious. Leave folks alone.

  • @bradleysquires9584
    @bradleysquires9584 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I would report them to the police if they were doing that. If they wanted a kid they could adopt a kid that’s doesn’t have a family

  • @lynchkid003
    @lynchkid003 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story 1 Reply:
    As someone who's been in that situation of someone try to take your animal from you, I'm going to give this advice:
    If someone tries to take your beloved pet, Hold NOTHING Back! If they are asking politely, give them a polite, but firm "No", and threaten law enforcement if they push.
    If they take your animal, you call and report them for it (it's a crime in most countries). Make sure you have copies of veterinary bills, as those make proving ownership easier in areas that don't keep good track of licenses/ pet registration. Get visual confirmation that they have your animal and stay there while waiting for police. Make sure they can't hide the pet, or send it out of the area while police are looking.
    If you catch them in the act of trying to take your pet like I did, get the animal away from them if possible, and leave the area. If it's not feasible to get out of the area, call law enforcement and report the situation. But above all, in that situation, DO NOT LET THEM GET HOLD OF THE ANIMAL!!! If they get their hands on your beloved pet, they can injure or kill them either intentionally or on accident. And it's much harder to stop someone from making off with your beloved pet when they've got the animal under their control. Follow them if possible if they attempt to flee with the animal, but remember that you have to be alive at the and of the day to help your pet.
    The caveat to this advice is; DO NOT RISK HARM TO YOURSELF OR THE ANIMAL!!! Their life depends on you getting them home safely in this situation, and you have to be alive to do that.
    A good policy is to have your animal licensed with local government, and if possible, microchipped. Microchips make it MUCH harder to hide the fact that an animal isn't yours. Know where the chip is implanted. Keep photo's of your pet to give to police in the case that you need to have an officer help, so they know what to look for.

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Oh, I would've pressed charges even after getting the cat back, even if just for breaking and entering.
    Mess with my pet, I'll go full scorched earth on you.

  • @TigerSpirit67KItty42
    @TigerSpirit67KItty42 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Story 3 - There are so many stories about kids growing up together from different families, being like siblings. I, myself had that experience also, and it's always sad when parents have falling out so those kids never see each other again, that also happened to me. I feel so sorry for that single mum. She really is doing her best. If those rich parents hadn't felt so greedy, and just kept doing what they were doing, but perhaps also inviting the single mum over for some social time when she can participate, those two boys could still grow up together in an awesome brother/friendship.
    That saying, you don't know what you have till it's gone also comes into play here. People need to stop being so greedy/selfish that they ruin the thing that they have.

  • @kennycai8695
    @kennycai8695 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Story 2: Absolutely not, OP did the right thing. Cause that entitled old hag would still press them again the next time the meet, had they walked away. This is the thing that really angers me: people using scripture and religion to behave better-than-thou or to justify their douchebag behavior. It's kind of ironic, cause the abridged version of every religion boils down to the same teaching "do not hurt people", but people always find a way to quote scripture or use religion as a basis to ostracize people.

  • @spartanalaska7183
    @spartanalaska7183 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story 2. Honestly that was a good compromise staying home, and I'd be down for that. I don't go to church myself, but I do enjoy listening to Sermins online.

  • @AlejandroxCarlino
    @AlejandroxCarlino ปีที่แล้ว +6

    A someone who just got a cat a few days ago the first story pissed me off

  • @luvnotvideos
    @luvnotvideos ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In story 3, part of me wants to believe the parents of Charlie had the best intentions in mind - they probably thought they were doing a good deed for a struggling mother and a boy their son loved. Unfortunately, it seemed to turn sinister. No means No. No is a complete sentence. No should never be disregarded once told. The fact they persisted after being told no is disturbing to me, and terrifying for that poor mother. My heart goes out to her and I hope her son will one day understand the danger he was in at that time.

  • @jameswade2613
    @jameswade2613 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Story 2 Why do people think they have the right to tell people they are going to hell, just because they don't measure up to "their standards". Jesus told us not to judge. I've gone full ballistic on people who have threaten me. I ask them are you God? Who put you as judge in my life. People need to learn if it doesn't concern you, mind your own damm business.

  • @HavikXIII
    @HavikXIII ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I witnessed something similar to the last story, only it was 100% serious. My buddy and I went to a Carl's Jr and ordered some burgers and fries, but when they came out the order was messed up. Something super small, I can't even remember what it was. Missing onion rings or fries or something, probably. We tell the cashier so she can get our missing item, and the manager was there and he just went OFF on this poor girl. Not shouting, but urgent whispers. We had already sat down at this point, so we couldn't hear what was being said, but she started to cry about whatever he said to her. We felt so bad, since it wasn't even that big of a deal. It wasn't like we complained to the manager, or were even gonna leave any sort of bad review. We just wanted our fries, man :(

  • @chronobretz9511
    @chronobretz9511 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Story 1 I just got a new puppy a couple months ago and if anyone took my dog I'd be on a war path seeing as I have him chipped and a way to track where he is they won't escape
    Story 2 it's church it's worthless to go to nta

  • @stephensmith7098
    @stephensmith7098 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Last story is 50/50. Yest thats a messed up joke to pull on someone who may just be having a bad day and had a bad moment, but on the flip that is pretty genius and i wish i was in a job i could do that at

  • @Maninawig
    @Maninawig ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The Bible teaches that only God has the right to judge souls, so 2nd OP was in the right.

  • @kwhammer6727
    @kwhammer6727 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    No smack down. Sister files assault charges and then contacts animal care, using the assault as an excuse that sister is abusive. Sister "rescues " cat.

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar ปีที่แล้ว +3

    2nd story: I'd consider a BLESSING to be kicked out of such a church... that church seems as devoid of God as the Gresit church in the Castlevania Netflix series.

  • @ryancox6059
    @ryancox6059 ปีที่แล้ว

    As for the last story, I love that idea as you get told working to leave your personal problems at home, so imo a customer should do the same in a business transaction and not get angry like that over something so trivial. It let's people see that anger doesn't help anyone in the long run

  • @og_3rd_st_saint_gat
    @og_3rd_st_saint_gat ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Story 2 everyone in that church is stupid the Karen for sharing that false info and the others for trying to act like a wannabe angry mob

    • @huntjl88
      @huntjl88 ปีที่แล้ว

      Some of the worst snobs I've ever meet were in churches or were big church people. They never follow their own commandments. Always judging, looking down on people, and gossiping about others. But I do have to thank those types. They were the ones that made me take a real good look at religion.

    • @og_3rd_st_saint_gat
      @og_3rd_st_saint_gat ปีที่แล้ว

      Whoever replied try again your comment ain't showing

  • @myMelody4life
    @myMelody4life หลายเดือนก่อน

    The fact that the sister explicitly wanted her sister's cat and not just any cat shows that it wasn't about having a cat after a divorce, it was about seeing how happy the cat made her sister and wanting to take that happiness for herself. She showed no regard for her sister's feelings at all. Entitled just doesn't feel like a strong enough word. Poor OP, that must have been such an awful experience for her

  • @cj_comments
    @cj_comments ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Concerning the church story, as a Christian, that’s pretty hilarious xD. Those people forgot the whole point of christianity and you did good to give them a fact check. I’m honestly disappointed in them, they should know better that works do not justify salvation😂
    Good on Op for still staying civil and finding a workaround of not being able to attend sumday services anymore. Though I do kinda agree with friend that God comes before Football so his priorities aren’t quite right, but he still listens to the sermons so at least he’s still feeding his soul in that and bible studies.

  • @christigmc
    @christigmc ปีที่แล้ว +1

    First story. I’m a dog person. But like a dog, a cat is a living thing, with feelings and it binds to its humans. It’s not some inanimate object. I’ve been temporarily separated from my dogs and they’ve stopped eating or constantly waited at the door for me to come home. My husband is currently quarantining due to Covid. He’s living in our camping trailer in our backyard. One of our dogs has barely eaten since.
    The couple in story 3 piss me off. Especially since you were willing to adopt Owen, why didn’t you adopt someone when you found out you couldn’t have more kids? You clearly also have the money to do so. You could have even fostered a child, then adopted it.

  • @grizbear4115
    @grizbear4115 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Story 2: Any REAL Christian knows that you don't need to be in the church to praise God. People man, I swear...

    • @DLR1997
      @DLR1997 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Indeed; we can still worship God wherever we go; our own way

  • @Heirrogance
    @Heirrogance ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Story 4 NTA. As someone who worked at macdons for 5 years and had fresh coffee thrown at me…

  • @sandybruce9092
    @sandybruce9092 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Second story is why I’m not a religious person!!!!!

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have certain spiritual views, but absolutely avoid organized religion. The people are the problem, rather than the core beliefs.

  • @davidscoggin6523
    @davidscoggin6523 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story 2: I laughed so hard when OP told off Granny Karen. EPIC.😅

  • @davidhuez7027
    @davidhuez7027 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You just educated granny Karen. Karen's ruin it for everyone.

  • @skyrimassassin5626
    @skyrimassassin5626 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Second Story: I'm a Christian and if I was at that church and saw the event that happened to OP and their friend, both the old lady yelling and the little riot, I would have stepped in to tell off the mob or old lady, inform the pastor or whatever they have at that church and left that church. If a congregation is willing to act so horrid to other members, then they're the true heathens who probably think it's okay to do terrible things to none Christian's, my mom actually got chased out of my old church so this hit close, I now stay home on Sundays too or go to work