We plan on replacing our cable internet with T-Mobile. The download speed has been hanging around 150. Upload around 60. We get around 400 download with around 40 upload (That's right. Slower upload with cable). In practical use. Hardly any noticeable difference at all. T-Mobile internet speeds in my area tend to be slghtly faster at night compared to daytime. Just yesterday, we had a power outage. We had internet as soon as I plugged the modem into our generator. Not so with cable.
We just switched to T-Mobile internet. If I put the gateway out in my garage and then connect it to the routers that run throughout my house which I have one in my garage already I just need to switch the wiring up but I'm getting $350 megabits down and 45 up which just about matches our Comcast which was 400 down. Going from 135.00 to $30 since we're part of T-Mobile magenta Max plan already this is a great deal for us.
I’m a Tmobile customer so hopefully I get a good price, all I use is my phone and cheap tablet. Thanks for the tips. Subscribed.
ThankYou All For The Intuitive. Love Co Heart.
We plan on replacing our cable internet with T-Mobile. The download speed has been hanging around 150. Upload around 60. We get around 400 download with around 40 upload (That's right. Slower upload with cable). In practical use. Hardly any noticeable difference at all. T-Mobile internet speeds in my area tend to be slghtly faster at night compared to daytime. Just yesterday, we had a power outage. We had internet as soon as I plugged the modem into our generator. Not so with cable.
it dont works for me in my 3000sq two level house even with accessory
We just switched to T-Mobile internet. If I put the gateway out in my garage and then connect it to the routers that run throughout my house which I have one in my garage already I just need to switch the wiring up but I'm getting $350 megabits down and 45 up which just about matches our Comcast which was 400 down. Going from 135.00 to $30 since we're part of T-Mobile magenta Max plan already this is a great deal for us.
Can’t you just plug the output of the modem into a router? Then you can use the router to address different parts of the home.
I think that would work! I didn't test that but could be a nice solution
4 👍 Ups Today With All Here, 4 Now. 😊
I got this internet through Metro, and my speed were terrible
good to know!
test in apex