Why I'm not Pentecostal - KingdomCraft

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ก.พ. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 750

  • @sat3rnarchive712
    @sat3rnarchive712 ปีที่แล้ว +376

    Your spiritual gift definitely is teaching. Been watching your videos and i’m coming back to christ because of it. Thank you.

    • @annalara1303
      @annalara1303 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      Absolutely, my Christian school never talked about actual theology or different denominations, these videos have me hooked, thank you Redeemed Zoomer!

    • @DeJountaeLavelle
      @DeJountaeLavelle ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You said it perfectly. I couldn’t put my finger on why he’s so good. It’s a gift-teaching. Amen.

    • @guiltyblade
      @guiltyblade ปีที่แล้ว

      I Agree, just remember Redeemed Zoomer, Love Jesus with all your heart and mind and you will continue to encourage your brothers and sisters.
      I will say you have helped me see the church as a very glorious thing.
      And hey, emotions can definitely lead you astray but you do have them for a reason. You must learn to control them and how to give them their due, because the love of many will grow cold and you must learn to stoke that fire! Our love can grow cold, our flesh is weak, and our pride is the root of our sin. Stay humble, fear god and draw close to him on the journey because there are days for each of us when the Evil one assaults us. And all of our faculties and reasonings can crack/shake but our love for God will deliver us. Your still young, but if you keep going like you are, you are definitely going to encounter the enemy like those before you.
      Remember what Jesus said in revelation 3:19 regarding a particular emotion.
      And don't forget Hebrews 5:7-8 Jesus often cried and prayed in the wilderness away from people. This is life and death man. If your serious about fighting for the church, being clothed in Christ's righteousness and destroying the works of the devil in the minds of others, then things are going to get emotional.
      Sorry for this tangent lol I pray you burn white hot for God when you stand up, and your mind be sharp like an angel's quill when you speak.
      Love God, Hate sin, and have compassion for people.

    • @CooperTheGoosebumpsGuy
      @CooperTheGoosebumpsGuy ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @turturkeykey3403
      @turturkeykey3403 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      literally same, i’ve come back to christ because of his videos

  • @sanqplays3474
    @sanqplays3474 ปีที่แล้ว +302

    As a fellow PCUSA zoomer I have to say that your videos have definitely been an inspiration for me to keep with my beliefs through high school. God bless you dude!

    • @redeemedzoomer6053
      @redeemedzoomer6053  ปีที่แล้ว +73

      God bless! Stay strong and don’t leave 🙌

    • @brnmachoman6480
      @brnmachoman6480 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@redeemedzoomer6053I have a Question are you mad at Pentacostal? I'm just asking

    • @brnmachoman6480
      @brnmachoman6480 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@redeemedzoomer6053also what you're Opinion on dancing

    • @soulosxpiotov7280
      @soulosxpiotov7280 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@redeemedzoomer6053 So if I believe that in order to stay justified before God I have to maintain it by faith but also good works, and thus my justification is faith + cooperation with God to do good works a little here and a little there, will I go to heaven?

    • @TheSignofJonah777
      @TheSignofJonah777 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@redeemedzoomer6053just so you know none of us claim to be prophets some of us claim to prophecy yes but not be prophets

  • @nimnone
    @nimnone ปีที่แล้ว +164

    I’m a Pentecostal. It’s a little ironic that my pastors sermon last Sunday was “Faith is not feelings”. He preached about the fruits of the spirit and to not have a faith based on feelings.
    But I respect the generalisation!

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      yeah, that's a balanced Pentecostal view
      people in my church teach that there is a special second baptism of the Spirit where u receive power in another "baptism" of the Spirit after being saved
      and you don't have as much "power of the Holy Spirit" if you haven't had your "second baptism and praying in tongues"
      basically, you're a stunted believer if you don't speak in tongues
      and you need that baptism to receive your gift of the Holy Spirit

    • @nimnone
      @nimnone ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@tomtemple69 in the book of acts it seems like there is two baptism. One in water and one in the Holy Spirit. But I think speaking in tongues is a charismatic gift (Like healing and prophesy). Not Everyone who is baptised in the spirit get that gift. It’s the most common gift though

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@nimnone there is one baptism that saves: the baptism of the Holy Spirit at salvation
      water baptism is a good work that comes AFTER salvation
      water baptism does not save you
      in the book of Acts, there is only ONE baptism of the Spirit, not a first one where you're saved and then a second baptism where the Holy Spirit is "activated"

    • @Duckjonescool
      @Duckjonescool 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I’m a Kid who is growing up in a Pentecostal church and I was wondering are we wrong for making songs that aren’t hymns?

    • @LeslieFlemons
      @LeslieFlemons 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @Jackoooloop9456
    @Jackoooloop9456 ปีที่แล้ว +312

    Hi brother!
    I have a few notes of my own to add to this discussion (I am a pentecostal, but also GREATLY value strong theology and intellectualism):
    1. I agree, the pentecostal and charismatic movement is VERY dependent on emotions and feelings - "The heart is deceitful above all things" (Jeremiah 17:9). This needs the change, and stronger doctrine needs to be taught .
    2. Contemporary worship music can be DANGEROUS - its a strategy that Hillsong, Bethel and Elevation use to lure people into their churches, but I believe that they teach heresy in many different forms (including hyper-grace, and not preaching true repentance and dying to the old self, becoming a new creation).
    3. Worship music in its contemporary form is not ALWAYS bad - find theologically sound songs, and focus on the LYRICS, what you are saying whilst worshiping our beautiful perfect God.
    4. The pentecostal church really struggles to "make disciples", because our congregations are filled with theologically weak children, still feeding on the "milk", as Paul would put it. There is not enough strong teaching to correctly grow believers.
    5. The gospel preached is about "yourself" - it's a self centred gospel, which is about what God can do for YOU. This is not the point - Jesus has already paid the price, let's strengthen the CHURCH and EACH OTHER, and preach the GOSPEL to all creation. Stop worrying about "your dreams" and "your prosperity".
    6. I agree with what you said about universities - let's take back ground in our intellectual spaces to defend the faith and raise apologetical disciples who are ready to "give an account" as Paul writes - not just run away).
    7. I believe that the sacraments are NOT Jesus's flesh - they are symbolic and remembrance. Many times, David wrote in the Psalms, and the gospels recall it, that God will not allow his Holy One to rot and decay (Psalm 16:10) - if you leave 'blessed' bread and wine, which undergoes transubstantiation on a window sill, eventually IT WILL STILL ROT.
    8. Apostleship has not ceased - they do not have the same authority to write scripture like NT apostles, but they have the authority given by God and the anointing of their church, to lead the church, plant new churches and develop a God-given vision for the future (DIFFERENT TO A PASTOR - who tends to his congregation like sheep with a rod and a staff). It is an apostles main job to ensure Biblical doctrine throughout their church, and that the church is not led astray. This job comes with the five fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13) - why would this have been given to churches that had never seen Jesus before, if the apostles were ONLY the people who saw and walked with Jesus?
    As an intellectual Pentecostal, I define Pentecostalism as the belief of the spirit working today, meaning many other denominations have pentecostal traits. Here are my doctrinal statements around Pentecostalism:
    - To become a believer, a person must repent and believe the Gospel, in their heart, and declare Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
    - They should follow Christ's commandments and be baptised, it's not necessary for salvation, but it is still a commandment given to us.
    - The Spirit will come on a believer in the "baptist of fire" or "baptism of the Holy Spirit", to equip us for the great commission (in line with Acts 1:8, Matt 3:11, Acts 10:44, Acts 19:6)
    - Who do you think you are as a believer to "define" your limitations of gifts? 1 Corinthians 12:6 (6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.) - be open to the spirit working in any way that He shall in your life, whether healing someone, receiving knowledge and wisdom, or speaking in other languages (on a missions trip, etc).
    - When you require someone to receive healing, it is a commandment from Jesus that we shall pray and they will be healed in His name, in fact Jesus said that we shall do ALL that He has done and GREATER (in John 14:12) and that is for all those who believe because we have received His Holy Spirit.
    - We do not get to decide that God has ceased working His gifts here on earth, that is not our calling to shut off our job as being "salt" and "light".
    - For that reason, I believe in the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control - from Galatians), and the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit (other tongues [lingual and unintelligible], interpretation of tongues, prophecy, knowledge, faith, wisdom, miracles, healing and discernment of spirits - from 1 Corinthians), and that no believer should allow intellectualism to block these things from taking place in one's life, but should use intellectualism and doctrine as a tool to build and inform beliefs with scripture and debate, and understand in your mind why you act these things out.
    Feel free to debate below

    • @fluffaduck6206
      @fluffaduck6206 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      Amen. I still dont understand speaking in tongues, the time of Pentecost clearly shows speaking in tongues refers to actually speaking a different language and God allowed that miracle so he could spread the gospel. Any scripture to help me understand speaking in tongues in the sense of an angelical language that no one can understand?
      Also Im talking to a “cult” who heavily criticised Pentecostals and their arguments are pretty fair . Also I find it hilarious where you describe “intellectuality” as something that isn’t normal. Yes u r right it isnt normal but dam thats just a sad reality people revolve their emotions around scripture for selfishness and comfort.
      Also as a young christian… Im just going to ask is there any tips for overcoming lust? Thanks.

    • @jonathanhamilton2504
      @jonathanhamilton2504 ปีที่แล้ว +32

      This is a great summary of beliefs. I think Pentecostal churches would do good to grow in this direction.

    • @Jackoooloop9456
      @Jackoooloop9456 ปีที่แล้ว +44

      @@fluffaduck6206 Hi friend,
      Yes, it is an unfortunate reality that followers of Christ are not being "strong of mind" as they are commanded to be! However, let's be careful that we don't fall into a "pride" that we know more than they do - for there is no grace for the proud. We should be teaching these people gently, but firmly. It is very sad that they revolve around scripture only for their own gain, again, it's a fallen compromised denomination, but I am keen to claim new ground with whoever would like to stand with me.
      Good question on the "non-intelligible" tongues, or tongues which weren't actual languages. 1Corinthians 13:1 mentions: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels", so that is confirming there are both types of tongues, of men and of angels, or heavenly.
      You also have 1Corinthians 14:2 "For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries." This is talking about tongues as a personal prayer language to God.
      Tongues is a mystery to us - for all we know, the tongues spoken on the day of Pentecost could've been heavenly languages, which God made sound different as individual languages to each man's ear. Hope this helps though. I would encourage you to read Acts/1 Corinthians 13 and 14.
      Lastly, it is hard brother. I am also a young Christian, and it is absolutely a tool of the enemy to get you through lust. He wants to snatch you up and take you away from God's purpose. It is okay to see a woman and think she is pretty, it is not okay to let that go any further. He who looks upon a woman with lust has committed adultery with her in his heart - it's that serious. We must train our minds to not do these things - but as we are unmarried, it can be really hard.
      First, pray to God to have self-control, it is one of the 9 fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians. Secondly, when those thoughts or feelings come over you, stand up, leave the room and your device, and go exercise, talk to family, or if you have the strength, read the Bible. If it's women on the street, practice looking away and not even letting your mind have the chance to do those things. The Bible says to FLEE from sexual immorality, we are not even told to fight it, but to completely retreat and leave. God's grace is good, and he will have grace for a humble repentant heart, but if we take advantage of that and walk all over God's grace again and again, would it not grieve the Spirit inside of him? The Bible says there is no grace left for a sinner who keeps sinning wilfully after they have been saved - wilfully meaning without repentance, and without trying to stop. You can never be perfect in this life, but you can absolutely try. Until your wedding day, practice these things of self-control. Find tips and strategies to help. Surround yourself with good, strong people who can help you. Block access to your device at night if you need. ITS THAT SERIOUS - this is eternity we are fighting for. Sex is a very good thing, inside of marriage. Train your brain to see women as beautiful daughters and sisters, that should be respected and protected. You will find so much more love and value in your one day to-be wife if you can respect her first, and leave sex until marriage.
      God bless.

    • @fluffaduck6206
      @fluffaduck6206 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@Jackoooloop9456 Thank you so much. Its very reassuring there are like minded individuals who value the same thing. Sadly I have not met any in person, I extremely appreciate your help and education. Pray that I will overcome temptation because I do want the heart for God and nothing else. Thank you brother. Hopefully my journey with this 'cult' becomes clear, and hopefully I don't get indoctrinated with anything that is none of God and his word. Amen

    • @fluffaduck6206
      @fluffaduck6206 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@samueltomjoseph4775 Thanks man. That interview was crazy... Very uh intense? Quite depressing also. I was never that exposed as a child but I did have one instance that broke me - sexually abused at 6. But seeing someone so confident of overcoming that really gave me that confidence. Thanks again

  • @tedcruz212
    @tedcruz212 ปีที่แล้ว +123

    Dude, I’m so glad to see your frame rate has greatly improved. I much love from a baptist friend and know I’ll be praying for your channel and the reach that is has for our Lords kingdom!

  • @Iffmeister
    @Iffmeister ปีที่แล้ว +204

    I grew up hyper-pentecostal and yeah you had the tongue bullying in my old church. I definitely would be a cessationist if it hadn't been for experiencing the real thing and seeing people with healthy theology (even reformed people) who practiced it.

    • @ThumbKnuckle
      @ThumbKnuckle ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I'm not a charismatic as a Lutheran, but I do know they exist as well, I personally love that within Lutheran thought some things can be left to mystery, yet what we need to know is clear, that we have objective signs to know we're saved even when we doubt our faith which is unlike many reformed pockets of thought

    • @vwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw9
      @vwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@ThumbKnuckle Hello, I'm not Lutheran but I'm very interested in it so If I can ask, can you define Lutheranism and how it differs from other branches of Protestantism?

    • @ThumbKnuckle
      @ThumbKnuckle ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@vwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvwvw9 I'd definitely watch Jordan B Cooper to get a greater picture of the distinctives or ask a local wels, aalc or lcms pastor, but basically we're a very high church group that maintain a lot of the distinctives abandoned by other protestants which is why the Lutheran reformation is seen as the conservative reformation. We are not iconoclast like many reformed folks and though we have a predestination in our theology we do not go so far as to say that God does not regenerate or indwell those who eventually become apostate and abandon their salvation. When it comes to the lord's supper we follow the words of institution literally because of 1st Corinthians 11 that those who don't discern the substance in communion drink judgement upon themselves so "this is my body" means that the benefits of Christ's death and resurrection come to us whenever we gather for the meal and that the pastor doesn't transform the bread and wine, but that Christ is mysteriously in with and under the elements. If God wills for the finite to contain the infinite, then it is so. The common reformed grounds for denying our position is "the finite cannot contain the infinite" but that of course bleeds into the primary issue of the incarnation, so I am right to divide with those who go farther than Calvin sacramentally. We follow a church lectionary, that is a calendar of church holidays common to most believers that begins with advent. We don't administer communion to those who don't share our position. We baptize infants because it is the right thing to do and then catechesis and confirmation are used to renew the baptism received as a child to keep them on the narrow path. Worship style is varied among other Lutheran denominations, but in the lcms we use a hymnal and organ/piano for worship. We have an exegetical preaching style that aims to get the clearest picture of scripture taught to every congregant that uses passages from each portion of scripture (Writings, prophets, poetry, Gospel accounts, epistles etc.) each service to teach the fullness of scripture. Our picture of the bible emphasizes God's work above our own and does not focus on topical subjects like "10 tips for a good marriage" which would be found in a low church Arminian setting and is a poor example of how to rightly divide the word of truth. We keep children and adults in the same service, with Sunday school used as reinforcement of faith, and not the main source of where the child learns because it is important to set an example in front of our children and not to forbid them from learning the more intellectual points of the faith along with the parents. Our sermons are quite short, but make sure to use law and gospel in the correct context so that all congregants are built up and learned, and leave assured of the salvation that comes apart from their deeds.
      If you have any more specific questions feel free to reach out.

    • @Megorium
      @Megorium ปีที่แล้ว

      Tongue bullying?

    • @ThumbKnuckle
      @ThumbKnuckle ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@Megorium yeah, in pentecostal circles people who "speak in tongues" bully those who don't or can't into speaking gibberish. To my knowledge the sign of tongues was known languages.
      I'm an lcms Lutheran now, so I don't interact with that kind of behavior anymore.

  • @David-bh7hs
    @David-bh7hs ปีที่แล้ว +45

    I can't believe how big this channel has grown since I started watching last year. KEEP IT UP.

  • @umrapazai7484
    @umrapazai7484 ปีที่แล้ว +83

    not one but in my country, pentecostals have the most banger songs. Bless them.

  • @guibuni6926
    @guibuni6926 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    I'm a Pentecostal born and raised within a AoG church here in Brazil. I agree with pretty much everything you said but one thing: I do believe tongues to be real and to be a gift, i see it as a means for self-edification and should be manifested in low voice so as to not cause scandal to those who doesn't have the gift. I do not have it and nor i care about having it, my mother and both sisters have it as well as a bunch of peeps in church, but we do not pester who doesn't nor even mention it at all, it's a personal thing that should remain that, personal.
    There's a Presbyterian pastor here called Hernandes Dias Lopes that is very much loved and cared for by nearly all forms of protestant christians, he teaches with love while also being a bit charismatic himself, he also thinks Pentecostals go overboard but understand that the stereotype is not to be taken as is, things are changing and we are trying to be more intellectual, i for one am trying to change this starting with myself, learning the scriptures as a whole and tying in with historical context.
    The church i go to has fully confessed to have manipulated people in the past by use of strong hierarchical authority and punishments, we call these times the "Ignorance period", where people were disciplined by fear and ignorance, we have since changed that and we strongly recommend people to study the Bible as a whole and go further beyond with historical context. We're on our infancy on the intellectual aspect, but don't think we're not trying to change this, we are and all help is welcomed on this journey. God bless you and your family brother.

    • @morganpauls1873
      @morganpauls1873 ปีที่แล้ว

      does ability to read patterns as though a language fall under what you would call tongue?
      i have patterns and they look like the kins book but i do not know the kins book so i am confused regarding what to think about this matter

  • @jbones2177
    @jbones2177 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I just wanted to say that for the longest time I had fallen out of faith. I had a bunch of doubts but you were able to help me find my way back to God. Thank you so much!

    • @jacksonhall2334
      @jacksonhall2334 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Praise the lord! Welcome home brother.

  • @Logan912
    @Logan912 ปีที่แล้ว +108

    An important thing to note about Pentecostals is that traditions and interpretations depend *heavily* on the particular church and pastor.
    I grew up non-denominational (more so just read The Bible and focused on prayer than actually attending church mostly because the numerous Baptists in my hometown were some of the biggest hypocrites I’ve ever seen), and I later met my wife who is Pentecostal. She had a falling out with her old church (it’s a long story), and so we joined COGIC together. Our particular COGIC church doesn’t do the whole “prosperity” thing that some Pentecostal churches are prone to do, and nearly every member is involved in science and engineering in their careers. But, on the other hand, there are some other COGIC churches that absolutely live up to the criticisms and jokes.
    Now sure, there are some people who take the Holy Gifts way too far, and I view that similar to the hypocrite who prays loudly in public in order to get attention from their peers. However, if it was in God’s will to give someone a spiritual gift for one purpose or another, then who am I to say “no?”

    • @LoftOfTheUniverse
      @LoftOfTheUniverse ปีที่แล้ว

      It isn't us saying no, but the Word and the leaders that God set up to have authority in the Church.

    • @Logan912
      @Logan912 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@LoftOfTheUniverse And God has authority over them. Nothing in the Word says it can't happen.

    • @LoftOfTheUniverse
      @LoftOfTheUniverse ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Logan912 what can't happen?

    • @Procopius464
      @Procopius464 ปีที่แล้ว

      Prosperity teaching is heresy, put forth by charlatans who want to get donations from you. I think it comes more out of televangelists, and is a big huge scam similar to the medieval Catholic churches collecting indulgences.

    • @ara8420
      @ara8420 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LoftOfTheUniverseGod giving spiritual gifts

  • @TestifyApologetics
    @TestifyApologetics ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I'm Pentecostal. I have a channel focusing on defending basic Christianity, mostly focusing the reliability of the gospels. If you ever wanted to have a conversation to learn more about Pentecostalism I'd be more than happy to have it. I agree with some of your criticism but disagreed with some, particularly when you said we are heterodox. Maybe I can help since you said you don't know much about it. I don't know if you'll see this but I appreciate what you do.

    • @MossW268
      @MossW268 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hey it's Testify

    • @milkshaki8628
      @milkshaki8628 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      are you still pentecostal?

    • @Yeshua-Melech
      @Yeshua-Melech 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@milkshaki8628he is.

  • @rkruski1264
    @rkruski1264 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    As a evangelical baptist, I can definitely say what you say has merit. I definitely see that my church and friends are very intellectually dead. Listening to these videos really has exposed me to a lot of theology that I didn't even know existed. God bless you man, truly I say this, may God bless you more than he already has. You have definitely helped lots of people to open their minds to the intricacies of God.

  • @joshuajairusporras0316
    @joshuajairusporras0316 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Love the way God teaches people through you! Glory to God 😊 I grew up Pentecostal and I’m glad that I did cause I’m very extroverted person ever since I was a kid so knowing the gospel through Pentecostal vibe helps a lot! And studying the bible in my alone time with God is needed, being surrounded with passionate people is a blessing so adding theology in being passionate makes my Christian journey solid! Combining these traits is a solid duo in my opinion cause right now I’m able to share the gospel with enthusiasm, with energy and not being shy but being adaptable still and with a theology! Glory to God 😊
    We might have differences, denomination wise. But I love you all and I believe that we were born in a specific denomination because it would compliment or suit our characters. And God knows everyone since the beginning so as someone who has an energetic personality, I’m glad God put me in a pentacostal church ❤️ God bless everyone! Romans 8:1-2

  • @tjcookmusic
    @tjcookmusic ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I grew up Pentecostal (Church of God - Cleveland, Tennessee) and much of what you’re saying rings true-the hyper-emotionalism, the manipulation of music to create a certain emotional response, etc. That said, I was blessed with a very strong Scriptural foundation, though not as deep as my Baptist friends, and was constantly learning theology through church and my family.
    You are absolutely right about the music. The best was when we focused on hymns and other more classic works. We also did some good Southern gospel, haha.
    Thanks for the detailed and interesting video! To God Be the Glory!

  • @krizthecookingbeaner2567
    @krizthecookingbeaner2567 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    That possible prophet was right you have the gift of teaching this channel shows that you've taught and saved many .

  • @thomasperez9255
    @thomasperez9255 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    As an AG Pentecostal, I share many of the same sentiments you have. I’m trying to be more intellectual with my faith, but my home church doesn’t put enough emphasis on it in my opinion. I really would like to see a deeper dive on biblical scholarship, theology and church history. The only point of contention that I have is the music because I’m their drummer😂😂😂

    • @Cassian360
      @Cassian360 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      you now have a pfp of saint moses the black, howd that work out for you?
      honest question

    • @thomasperez9255
      @thomasperez9255 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I’m still going to the same church, but I think God has answered my prayers. I’ve noticed a bigger push in my own church towards more discipleship outside of church and a lot more expository preaching. I do think that more Pentecostal music is good, but traditional church music is absolutely beautiful.

    • @user-in1yw9ty5t
      @user-in1yw9ty5t 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Meanwhile i love contemporary christian music. Most of it is cringe because it seems forced but some truly do capture the spirit and divine message that is truly ethereal.
      Most of my family 70% is Pentecostal. 10%Roman catholic 5%animists 5%ambiguos 9%liberal atheists 1%Reformed

  • @gabsumaria
    @gabsumaria ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm a Pentecostal but in our Church, in many gatherings, we still sing solemn worships in acapella and I love it everytime we do:)

  • @lisatrantham3766
    @lisatrantham3766 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love that you say you don’t know. Intellectual honesty-so refreshing!

  • @maxpower2587
    @maxpower2587 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Gaivin Ortlund does some great videos, especially the triage once! I'm glad to hear you speak highly of him. I really hope you get to speak with him.

  • @thecourierNCR
    @thecourierNCR ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Completely agree with you on worship music. When this topic comes up I always think back to Bach, who wrote almost all of his music to glorify God, and is one of the most relevant composers of all time. Kinda set the standard.

  • @David-bh7hs
    @David-bh7hs ปีที่แล้ว +31

    My extended family was catholic by tradition until the 90s, but for some reason their faith was really weak and loose. I think they were what you'd call check the box Christians. Sometime in the early 90s, my Grandma, who used to be the biggest atheist who hated religious traditions of any kind and thought mass was terrible had a religious conversion experience in a Pentecostal church. After that, she helped the rest of my family join a calvary chapel church, which seems to have strong connections to the baptist/pentecostal churches. A lot of the people I remember from that church claimed to have strong spiritual gifts, including the speaking in tongues. I definitely think the Spirit was there, even if the theology was based more on feelings than teaching the Truth of who God is.
    We moved away from the state we used to live in and stopped going to church for about 10 years. Sometime a few years ago I found my faith again and decided to proclaim Jesus as my savior for the first time. I got baptized as well for the first time. I would say that my early experiences in that church helped protect me in those intervening years, and although I made mistakes and strayed from the path, it kept that spark alive in my spirit. However, even when I did proclaim Jesus as my sole salvation, I had so many misconceptions and just flat out bad information about Christianity, the faith, and who God is that it bordered on straight up heresy. Most of what I know about God I learned in the last two years, and its definitely helped define and strengthen my faith.
    Some people don't like putting in intellectual effort or being bookish, and that's okay, because there are so many ways of gleaning theology that don't involve rigorous academic study (like this channel). I would definitely recommend that a Christian learn more though, because it will challenge their misconceptions and help them grow closer to God. Iron sharpens iron.

  • @poggus6414
    @poggus6414 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I am a new subscriber, and I just wanted to say thanks for all the cool things you cover to reach a younger generation!

  • @Joao-hm5dp
    @Joao-hm5dp ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I have a deep respect and love for the charismatic brothers! Here in my country we have a big issue with Neo-pentecostals churches and the theology of prosperity. Thanks again for the content!

  • @Trulyreforming
    @Trulyreforming ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I’m a skeptical continuationist lol
    Please keep up what you’re doing, man. You’re a blessing to the church

  • @RollingTidePod
    @RollingTidePod ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I was baptized as a Pentecostal 11 or so years ago and I am far more emotional and I go by personal experience, for good and for bad. In fact I sought out a Presbyterian church because not just you convinced me, but I also dated a girl who was raised as in OPC and was abused to be short and sweet. She never lost her faith, which really stuck out to me when I was looking at churches near me and I saw a Presbyterian (not Orthodox mind you) church. I genuinely thank God for leading me to you.

  • @manx5950
    @manx5950 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I joined a evangelic church in the Netherlands. I just became a christian. I was raised by atheist parents and the Netherlands is quite a progressive country. The contemporary music drove me away but the good hearted people made me stay. I studie music and technology and listened to alot of different type of music. The music lacks so much beauty, it sometimes just sounds like a commercial… But I try to sing along to make it more amusing. I’m still looking for some good Christian music. I listen to some gospel soul type Christian music but if anyone has some good recommendations I would appreciate it!
    I just started viewing your videos, there super interesting! Thanks for sharing knowledge

    • @johnstow5613
      @johnstow5613 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why is Netherlands atheist?

  • @annabelle7448
    @annabelle7448 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I’ve been going to a charismatic oneness Pentecostal church that claims to be apostolic and they are very heavy on the tounge bullying. I went up to the front once and everyone was praying for me wanting me to speak in tounges but I didn’t and everyone just started making fun of me people scoff at me when I walk in these days I’m glad to have found this channel. My eyes are starting to open to all the different ways to worship cherish and follow Jesus Christ. Thank you redeemed zoomer. I feel called to help the homeless so I may try Methodist out thanks to hearing what you have to say about them. God bless you brother.

    • @LeslieFlemons
      @LeslieFlemons 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you find a new church soon.

  • @ambrose9968
    @ambrose9968 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’ve been binging all ur vids then a new one drops, nice.

  • @Adrastus_
    @Adrastus_ ปีที่แล้ว +7

    please continue making videos bro. I grew up seventh day adventist but feel myself lost from it. im personally looking into the Catholic and Oorthodox church a lot more nowadays, but this is just to say im also a gen z that is trying to keep the faith. God bless.

  • @daniebronkhorst2290
    @daniebronkhorst2290 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I think you are charismatic, not in the sense of what it is made out to be today, but you have a charisma about you that draws people closer to the truth of God. You are a light and I thank you for your obedience! May God bless you.
    I myself am in a Pentecostal church in South Africa, but it's different to the other Pentecostal churches I have visited. Here we believe in Scripture above all else. Prophecies are to be tested to see if they align with God's word, it is worth noting that there have been some prophecies more specific to someone's situation or near-future that cannot be tested against scripture, for example: There was a prophecy that one of the Pastors' children would succumb to death in the near future if they did not pray fervently and a few weeks later a daughter of the one Pastor and her son was in a grave accident. Nothing happened to either of them. Others too that have brought tremendous testimonies. We have had healings happen in the church itself, blind people regaining sight. We have not in my recollection had anyone fall over or fall down or any of that bizarre things. But we do have choir dancing and I have seen 80 year old people choir dancing in manners that I cannot even and I'm in my 20s! We have fastings that we do, prayer meetings, our normal services, also services for sharing testimonies, songs, words of wisdom. Our songs mainly consist of choruses and hymns, most of it Biblical in foundation, none of the bethel, elevation type of songs. We have songs of praise, songs of adoration and songs in which we worship (profess our submission to God, His holiness).
    We do primarily however believe that worship is an attitude. It is your spirit bowing down before God and this is sometimes manifested in physical acts because we believe that the body as well as the spirit ought to worship God. (i.e. if someone asks you to bring them the water in the glass on the table, you have to bring the glass with the water, vessel and contents) such as bending the knees in prayer, lifting your hands up to the air, putting your hand to your bosom. We also have other types of manifestations that we do, e.g. Samson's last act, he brought down the pillars which resulted in his biggest victory but also the death of himself; in our case if there is something hindering us from fully obeying / worshipping God with all of our might even if it be a selfish ambition we have, pride or anything that we recognize as against God's will, we "break" those strongholds. It's a way to press on in faith, to conform our way of thinking.
    But the main thing of our church that I like the most, is that the people including the Pastor have a deep respect and reverence towards the Lord. A genuine fear of the Lord.
    Prophecies spoken over me have realized and I have been freed from certain addictions that I had. e.g. I was basically a chain smoker (cigarettes) and as I grew closer and closer to the Lord through scripture and prayer, I read a verse regarding our bodies being the temple. Now I have read this verse a lot previously, but that day, there was something different. I prayed while reading and I don't even know what I prayed, but the desire to smoke fell off of me and it was as if I have never smoked before in my life. This happened around last year July.
    The same God of Abraham, of Jacob and Isaac and all the prophets. He is the same God we serve today. May all we do glorify Him and may we live in Him, for Him and renounce our own selfish ways.
    Thank you for those who took the time to read a part of my story in patience. God bless you.

  • @lakinmarie
    @lakinmarie ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Agreed on the music thing. My church sings the more contemporary songs and every time i listen to our church band i just feel like theyre faking *everything*. Our pastor is wonderful though

  • @Vokaynroks
    @Vokaynroks ปีที่แล้ว +42

    I dated a girl who was pentecostal, she’s a relative of my sister’s in-laws. She broke things off and was generally preoccupied in the relationship because she was terrified of what her mother would think of her marrying a Baptist. Not a critique of any one denomination/movement, just a funny story that sounds like it could’ve been just as true in the early 1900’s.

    • @Finlandmapper124
      @Finlandmapper124 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Idk I am pentecostal my mom would do the same thing idk why tho

  • @amongthethorns8788
    @amongthethorns8788 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Good video, I greatly appreciate your honesty and respect. I am part of a pentecostal denomination, coming from an Assembly of God background. The only thing I would personally dispute with this video is that I don't consider pentecostalism to lean heavily on emotion, but rather to lean heavily on faith. (okay I have seen plenty of people that were just leaning heavily on emotion, sure) But, it is by faith that we please God. And things like the gift of tongues can only be accepted by faith, emotion really isn't part of that process. Or at least shouldn't be.
    All of the most powerful spiritual experiences I have ever had with God were entered into with a very calm demeanor and a normal baseline of emotion. Though as a younger Christian I can also recall a few occasions where I allowed myself to be run by emotion because I WANTED these experiences, and nothing spiritual particularly occurred in those cases.
    More than happy to chat about it, if thou art curious of a different perspective.

  • @SamuelChac0n
    @SamuelChac0n ปีที่แล้ว +4

    ex-christian from latin america here, what you said about people deconstructing when growing up pentecostal holds very true for me

    • @Canadiana_Invicta
      @Canadiana_Invicta ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Hey, just because the Christian’s you grew up around were crazy doesn’t mean Christianity isn’t true. You should look into it for yourself. I’ve found that researching the history of Jesus and the Apostles leads to the inescapable conclusion that something supernatural happened in Judea around 30 AD.

  • @Father_Golden
    @Father_Golden ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Hi brother,
    I am a Charismatic Pentecostal myself and I agree on some of the points that you brought up.
    Both sides of my family stemmed from traditional brands of Petecostalism in Nigeria (Christ Apostiolic Church and Cherubim and Seraphim) both of which have worship music that is centered on Hymns and ever since recent years there has been recent attemps to revamp theses hymns with contemporary music. My view on worship isn't just about what makes you feel comfortable persay, it is more about is one adhering to the guidlines and the theology of Scripture and does one have a heart to worship the Lord in reverential fear and awe of Him.
    On experiences, I agree on the fact that most worshipers in the Pentecostal scene worship from a place of the soul and not fully with all that is within them, most of the times itis because of exhortations from worship leaders and ministers to engage more in worship. Personally, my relationship with the Holy Spririt has been a reality that I was exposed to since I was a little child, and weather I find myself in the context of a church service or not I belive that worship is a way of life for me. As I belive that the Holy Spirit through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross in present in my life.
    I also believe that any experiences that I have will not be added into "my personal cannon of experiences that I have with The Lord". I do believe that the ministry of the apostolic and the prophetic is still active in today's world until the second coming of Jesus as I am not a Cessasionalist. I belive in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that Jesus through the Holy Spirit will use the beliver for the Glory of God alone, I belive that the bread and wine shared in communion represents the body and the blood of Jesus. I do not belive in Transubstanciation. (I can't be bothered to spell it lol)
    I belive that all we do should be done to the Glory of God alone.
    I also belive that The Lord uses both intelectualism and our experiences to point us to Himself by the Holy Spirit like He did with Daniel and his tree friends. As well as he used Apostle Paul.
    I do not belive that our experiences and our intelectual thinking should hinder us from experienceing more of The Holy Spirit.

  • @martinrivera3060
    @martinrivera3060 ปีที่แล้ว

    The thing that guy told you, your spiritual gift is definately teaching, I really enjoy your videos. You've allowed me to grow in my faith, I can't put to words how you've moved me

  • @teddyistired4057
    @teddyistired4057 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    completely agree with you on the speaking in tongues subject. i'm a worship leader at my church (pentacostal) and i have never been able to speak in tongues and i would get so down about it because i thought that was required for worship. but then i realised how many prophetic dreams God has given me through the years and how i've been able to write worship songs instead of tongues. it's totally a skillset type deal and some people are just better at different things !

  • @davyevans3846
    @davyevans3846 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    You mentioned something that feels really off about contemporary worship. I think what you might be feeling is something that I have felt as well. This off-ness has to do(at least for me) with the loudness of the worship. Because contemporary worship is so loud, I oftentimes can't even hear my own self singing when in that context. I believe that one of the extremely important things of worship is that it is corporate, and when we cannot hear the congregation of God singing to him with us, we are missing a vital part of worship that God has given for our own edification.

    • @redeemedzoomer6053
      @redeemedzoomer6053  ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I do hate the loudness too, but I think it's more than that

    • @FoundWanting970
      @FoundWanting970 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@redeemedzoomer6053How about emptiness?

    • @chelseathunder7272
      @chelseathunder7272 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I gave my life back to Christ thanks to contemporary music softening my heart to hear the gospel almost 10 years ago! Praise God! Idk about these arguments, but I do know God can use anything!

    • @redirectthepath
      @redirectthepath 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i completely agree with you, i cannot stand the loud music. it is so annoying and i wish they would go straight into preaching. its not that i hate the music, i like the music but its too loud and always blasts out my ears and makes me not want to go to church :(.

  • @JosiahTheSiah
    @JosiahTheSiah ปีที่แล้ว +4

    0:08 "Why are you still watching?" Because there's like 28 minutes left and I wanna hear some theological geekery while watching Minecraft 🤨

  • @hampusboman7143
    @hampusboman7143 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I am a Christian who goes to Swedish Pentecostal churches, I don't know if I would call myself a Pentecostal, but that's where I feel most at home. I do agree with some of the critique, especially about emotionalism, sometimes, some people can get carried away and sometimes it could be a problem to distinguish which feelings come from God and what comes from music and such. Here there aren't that much speakinhg in tongues, but I remember I had prayed for some Holy Spirit gifts and then a while later strange words and sounds just flowed through my mouth, I absolutely believe that can be real. As for prophecy, I had a man in a church I regularly attend prophecy things happening today a year ago, it was really mighty when we understood what actually had happened. Then as for the music, this is probably my biggest disagreement with you, sometimes contemporary music can loose it's ground, but if the purpose of music is to glorify God and/or pray with guided lyrics and music, that isn't wrong at all, and it actually draws in unbelievers, who later gets saved. And then, I don't agree what you said about Pentecostals in Latin America, it is really suited for local culture, it is far from colonialist, the Catholic Church is probably more colonialist. Pentecostalism in for example Latin America and Africa includes lots of elements from local culture, such as in song and music, and then they bring it here to Sweden, and thus our churches become a lot more colourfull too.

  • @Certi_f14
    @Certi_f14 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am a Pentecostal and it’s Sunday today I went to church and I belive tongue speaking it’s true I belive our songs r beautiful. There’s people in the church that can sense the Holy Spirit and also my mum can sense that so yh dw

  • @McNugget1234
    @McNugget1234 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So funny the timing of this video, since I have been recently wondering about Pentecostalism! The Minecraft combined with theology really speaks to my soul 😆 Love your videos, keep it up!

  • @DanielGonzalez-lp9mt
    @DanielGonzalez-lp9mt 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    God Bless your Channel! It’s a great source of information. I was brought up a Catholic, born again Pentecostal. I never understood anything about the bible even that I studied at a Catholic school. I guess it depends on your Church and pastor at the beginning, but ultimately is your relationship with God. Every time I study more and read more times the bible makes more sense. Why worshiping saints and Multiple “virgins” if he clearly said worship no one but me. The Catholic Church focus too much on the saints and multiple imaginary virgins. They all were humans and Jesus is God made Human only. In the times of Jesus the church was just one with not divisions, not gentiles and Jews and much less internal divisions. See Peter and Paul. Anyway, it’s a extremely interesting topic and I thank you for the content. God bless you and your Family! I would encourage you in a deeper research of real Pentecostalism!

  • @Iffmeister
    @Iffmeister ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I would definitely engage with the work of Sam Storms, Craig Keener, and Michael Brown on the subject as they are respected scholars who are all charismatic. Oh also Jack Deere.
    The stuff is real, the problem is the insane people in the movement and the crazy false teachers who do and say absolutely mind boggling things from the pulpit.

    • @airanderal
      @airanderal ปีที่แล้ว +2

      yes^^ they are good.

  • @winec00ler
    @winec00ler ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm a Oneness Pentecostal. I converted from Trinitarian Baptist. I visited a UPCI church and felt the spirit and never left. Experiencing the Holy Spirit changed my life. Many blessings

    • @LilKevv
      @LilKevv ปีที่แล้ว +14

      You can be a Pentecostal and be a trinitarian. Scripture is so clear God is a triune being. Oneness pentecostalism teaches the heresy of modalism.

    • @davidmenches5135
      @davidmenches5135 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s blatantly not true. But I won’t argue in a TH-cam comment section

    • @LilKevv
      @LilKevv 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@davidmenches5135 are you replying to me or the original commenter?

    • @yep9620
      @yep9620 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      trinity is like the core part of christianity

    • @EarthNotAGlobe
      @EarthNotAGlobe 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If the trinity is false, then you are saying God can not enter creation and place a restriction and limitation on Gods abilities like Allah in Islam who claims he can will every and anything, but then can't have a son or can't assume control or enter his own creation. Meaning you never truly experience or get to know God in Islam or Oneness Christianity the way you would in Trinitarian Christianity or Hinduism where God enters his own creation.

  • @mrxmtroom
    @mrxmtroom ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i dont know what you mean by not understanding that your gift is teaching! ive been watching a lot of your videos and it’s helped me learn and reflect a lot more about christianity and theology.
    your videos are also helping me a lot with some questions that my atheist friends often have and it’s been strengthening my faith a lot!
    i love the idea of a minecraft channel that talks about real christianity and theology in an intelectual way, this is truly a great channel
    well i dont really have a conclusion i just wanted to say that this is a really great channel and the videos you make are teaching lots of important things that most people nowadays dont talk about.
    thank you!
    edit: also, im brazilian
    salve ai pros crente br 🤙

  • @TandemSix
    @TandemSix ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I agree with you on almost everything. Modern music, if I could even call it music, is utterly devoid of any feeling of sacredness. In my 22 years of existence, I maybe heard 4 songs in my church that I though "oh my days, this was sob beautiful, can we sing it again?". I am part of a conservative Baptist church, but oh boy, those songs have some forced lyrics most of the time. This is even more exacerbated since I am a philologist. I am obsessed with beautiful words and expressions, words that have soul in them, not just assemblies of letters that form a coherent message. I had to resume to Marco Frisina's hymns (in Latin) for some real sacred feeling of music. The only time I could point a song that I liked was when we sung the Nicean Creed, and that happens every once in a while. That song gave me a sense of spiritual and intellectual buildup. It didn't try to manipulate my feelings, it didn't try to force me to like it, it was simply glorious.
    When talking about feelings and sentiments, I am the worst person to ask. I am profoundly anti-feelings (part of my life experince, that's why I am such an awful guide). I focus more on orderly and fixed things, thing you can pinpoint. Feelings fluctuate more than the waves, therefore I cannot know whether I love, like or simply feel pity for someone.

  • @HolyThunderKing
    @HolyThunderKing ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I'm quite happy you made a video about Pentecostalism, because I learned quite recently from my friend that her Swedish friend (I haven't met him but would like to) is actually a Pentecostal, and she also told me how the Pentecostal churches in Sweden are feminist and pro-gay, and because of that I wanted to know if they're really just a bunch of heretics. But now that I think about it, it's probably just that Sweden itself is far too theologically liberal for my liking

    • @bigboineptune9567
      @bigboineptune9567 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      Most Pentecostals in America and Africa are very politically conservative, so that’s weird.

    • @adrianagilar
      @adrianagilar ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I can’t speak for the Pentecostal church in Sweden as I’m not part of it. But as a Christian living in Sweden, The Church of Sweden (Lutheran) is the most liberal. The Pentecostal church do probably have some liberal congregations, and I’m pretty sure there are female priests, but what I’ve seen from people who like Swedish pro-life posts, it’s mostly Pentecostal Christians. And catholics.

    • @umrapazai7484
      @umrapazai7484 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      love your neighbor, man :(

    • @BluBoi70
      @BluBoi70 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Pentecostals are conservative. As a Penecostal myself, we don’t support the LBGTQ+ but we love them as Heavenly brothers and sisters. Supporting is agreeing with them, and we don’t agree with LBGTQ+. Since being gay is a sin then, it’s still a sin today, and it will still be a sin tomorrow. There are female pastors in the Assemblies of God. The current children’s pastor in my church is female. The pastor’s wife in my church was the youth pastor at my church before God called her to leave the Youth Pastor position. At my uncle’s church (which is also an Assemblies of God Church), the head pastor there is a Female.

    • @umrapazai7484
      @umrapazai7484 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@BluBoi70 Idk man I have some pentecostal friends that are quite progressive. I don't think all of them agree with your assessment. Good on you brothers to allow sisters to pastor, though. Bless you

  • @BattleHippie2020
    @BattleHippie2020 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The subtle "sorry" for saying evolded had me cracking up

  • @offroad5798
    @offroad5798 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As someone who considers himself Non-denominational, I couldn't agree more with literally everything you said in this video. Even the parts where you said "I dont know exactly where I stand on this" or "something just feels off"

  • @TheSignofJonah777
    @TheSignofJonah777 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Knowing God with your heart and knowledge will flow from studying and praying

  • @loganteetaert5640
    @loganteetaert5640 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love your videos! I am a pastor in a Pentecostal Church and i have a degree in theology and leadership from a Pentecostal college. I will say I agree with most of the stuff you stay. I would not worry to much about your views on continuationism. You believe in miracles that is good enough. The gift of tongues is different from being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues is an outpouring of the holy Spirit in your life, they are two different things. The gift of tongues as seen with Paul's letters is to be seen as true need to be followed with interpretation so you are right if the "Prophecy" is not Godly or scriptural then its not right. Also I agree that lots of Pentecostals are emotional I would say that most are logical and fou8ndational in theology. I know lots of churches who study the creeds. And yes it could be considered a movement but here in Canada the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) is a mainline Church with very formal thinking and leadership. I can understand your view on worship music I grew up Anglican and I love the liturgy and hymns but I would love to hear your heart more on this. And if I can be so bold to question your view on the emotional responses from worship, is it bad to make music arouse emotions? In my view the music we Pentecostals listen to is made to arouse emotions to allow God to move, now God moves no matter what but when we are emotional we become more vulernalbe and open allowing God to move just some food for thought. Again love the videos!!!

  • @MrHoola
    @MrHoola ปีที่แล้ว +16

    As a person who is involved in the pentacostal, I sometimes do question the authenticity of the tongues spoken by some church members. I agree that it could be a "placebo", becuase they all say the same syllables. From my personal experience, my tongues-speaking is much more different than thiers, and obviously I shouldnt use my experience to invalidate theirs, however, when I start to notice that one person's syllables sounds replicable and oftenly used, I wonder if it is really tongues that they are speaking. Usually people will get baptized in the Holy Spirit, there will be a person leading them in the baptism and in the first moments they speak tongues by saying "speak after me or repeat what I say". This further causes me to question the authenticity. However, in my case again, I did it alone in my room, and I was able to obtain it by reading scripture of God's love for me and immersing myself completely in His promises, then suddenly my mouth was moving without control and it was like I couldnt keep up with the words themselves. My opinion about the Pentacostal group that I feel like it is lacking is honor. When a gift is given to you from someone you love and who loves you, that gift should be cherished and perserved. The pentacostal group just uses the gift very indiscriminantly. I wish there was more honor in what was given to them. I know I treat the gift that was given to me with great honor and respect, becuase I love God and want Him to know that everything that he does or gives is to be honoring and glorifying Him.

    • @RyanBoggs
      @RyanBoggs ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have had some similar experiences seeing people speak in tongues during services. One I remember from years ago, I heard someone doing it, but it sound more like repeatedly saying the same syllable over and over again rather than anything resembling any sort of language. If it was genuine, then I don't know what that means. I suppose a concern that raises with me, is that it's possible that pentecostals emphasize tongues a bit too much, to the point where some may feel like they need it to be spiritual, but in reality, Paul wrote that prophecy was a better gift for public display than tongues, since it edifies the group as a whole (1 Corinthians 14:1-5). As well, it may be possible that some people, at least subconsciously, feel like they need to speak in tongues to come off as more spiritual/righteous than they really are, leading into a potential Matthew 6:5 issue.

    • @orangecampfire
      @orangecampfire ปีที่แล้ว +5

      As someone who's grown up with the Assemblies of God, they usually teach that tongues are more for your personal time with God than anything. Typically I don't hear tongues from the pulpit because of that very scripture, but there are some pastors that tend to sometimes dabble a little.
      Also, you bring a good point with the same syllable being repeated. It was a big thing with me, like how do I know I'm speaking tongues and not just making things up? It took a lot of prayer for me to distinguish from me making things up to God actually speaking through me.
      Another thing is, when I pray with someone to get the baptism of the holy spirit, I don't speak in tongues because of that very reason. It has to be God and not me influencing people.
      Idk, those are just my experiences. But I do see how it's seen as way out there. Sometimes I wonder myself lol

    • @A-A-RonDavis2470
      @A-A-RonDavis2470 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah, baby babble isn't for me. Also, you can't "practice" speaking in tongues (languages). That is a spiritual utterance that supercedes intellectual capabilities, like speaking a foreign language to a group of foreigners without knowledge of that language, or speaking in your native tongue, and the group hears your speech in their language, etc. I never felt comfortable even trying to "speak in tongues". Not everybody has it, believe it or not. It's the same thing as a pastor or apostle. Those things are GIFTED and can only be utilized under a proper relationship and maturity of oneself in their walk with Christ. I can't train to be an evangelist, because that isn't my gift.

    • @jacksonhall2334
      @jacksonhall2334 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@orangecampfirealso recently involved with Assemblies of God and got baptized in the Holy Spirit in January. It was completely voluntary, a very supportive environment and at a retreat, and my campus pastor prayed over me and essentially asked god to fill me with the Holy Spirit, and it happened. I definitely agree that, now that I have the gift, it’s not something to be shown off at the pulpit or used publicly. It’s immensely powerful and a direct representation of the Holy Spirit, and it should be reserved for either personal prayer (to communicate the “groanings of your heart” that only the spirit understands) or in moments of prayer for healing.

    • @jacksonhall2334
      @jacksonhall2334 ปีที่แล้ว

      ⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@A-A-RonDavis2470 is evangelism not the entire call of Christianity? The great commission was Jesus’s last instruction to us, that we need to go and make disciples. Evangelism is not something you need a gift to perform, it’s a duty of all Christians to save our lost brothers and sisters. And speaking as someone who has spoken in tongues and can do it, if that isn’t what god has for you, then praise be! God has different ways of interacting with all of his children that edify them in the way they need. (Quick side note- you say “baby babble”, this seems to be a pretty disrespectful way to describe an angelic language. Just sayin)

  • @ayrtonrochester
    @ayrtonrochester ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bro you DEFINITELY got the spiritual gift of TEACHER

  • @geochonker9052
    @geochonker9052 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The speaking in tongues thing is what converted my mother as a child into an atheist. She was young and all of the other kids up there probably faked it to blend in. It destroyed her faith and she grew up atheist because of this. She married my father, an atheist Jew, and me and my brothers were raised atheist (with mostly Christian values) until a few years ago where my Dad wanted me and my brothers to go to a church because he had been arguing with Christians and realized that they had an "armor" when he tried to undermine their faith. I was the first in my family to become Christian, and my little brother did as well. Since then, our church (a methodist because my friends went there and I didn't know better) voted to remain part of the liberal woke methodist church. My parents, being conservatives, pulled us out of the church (which was sad because we only went to youth group and the youth group pastor preached against abortion and homosexuality), but ultimately it was a good thing because while my parents were looking for a church for me to go to, (they weren't Christian yet, but I didn't know) my Dad's friend invited him to his baptism at an extremely small Church in the middle of nowhere but very close to our house. During the baptism my Dad was saved and I don't know how long my Mom had been Christian before that. My Dad, my brothers, and I got baptized last month, and have not missed church since.
    Anyways, if you didn't read all of that I was just trying to say that speaking in tongues caused my mom to grow up atheist for several decades and for me and my brothers to be raised atheist as well. It is very dangerous for people's (especially honest and logical people) faith.

  • @gabrielj.ramirez3843
    @gabrielj.ramirez3843 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Bro I didn't know you were trying to reach out to Gavin Ortlund that's amazing, I pray it happens man. I'd love it. Also what you said about Catholocism here in Latin America is straight facts. I'm from Puerto Rico my whole family is born and raised here and my dad's side of the family are either the most calcified Catholics, like every stereotype but worse, the other side would be like the most anti-catholic and anything liturgical or historical side. Naturally it's hard to explain like why the sacraments are important and how Christ really being present isn't transubstantiation, or how liturgy is actually good, but oh well. Luckily my family never went Pentecostal a lot of missionaries from the states came over when my grandma had my mom so I grew up in a really nice PCUSA church but me being little I never knew all the stuff that was happening at the time like the lesbians and complete ignorance of any creeds so my parents had left eventually which led even more to being hard to bring out the good in traditional churches but oh well.

  • @lanetaglio
    @lanetaglio ปีที่แล้ว

    You are a gifted teacher,......glad you're sharing your hard earned knowledge.

  • @Kingoair
    @Kingoair ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In my experience there are different degrees of sanctification. 1st being born again through faith in Christ. Which secures your salvation. But afterward there are deeper blessings paid for by Christ which He would love for every believer to experience. Namely baptism in the Holy Spirit. I would never say that it is required for salvation or that you are more saved for having received it. But the experience empowers you to live out your salvation like no mere intillectuallism can. Its so drastic the life i lived before being baptized in the Holy Spirit feels like I was unsaved by comparison. I knew and experienced the Holy Spirit before that moment, I heard God and He spoke through the scriptures, but there id a deeper blessing of God as we surrender more of ourselves to Him. God bless.

  • @morromenos1016
    @morromenos1016 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As a pentecostal (Assemblies of God): you hit the nail on the head!
    TL;DR, Pentecostal churches are either AMAZING or like a granola bar (flaky, fruity, and nutty).
    If you want to understand Pentecostals, I'd recommend looking into recordings of Brownsville Revival church services or Bible on the Go with Dr Dan
    I do believe there is too much emphasis on speaking in tongues, but there are real Spiritual experiences.
    It is very emotionally based, and they prefer a more unstructured approach to avoid human corruption.
    The downside is that the music is frequently manipulative to cause feelings, the emphasis on tongues and Spiritual Gifts leads people to fake it, and they have a real anti-intellectual streak. Some preachers will even defy time constraints in order to make it look like the Holy Spirit is moving. The stereotypes are painfully real
    The Oneness movement was an offshoot of the Azuza St. Revival, but that's where the relation ends. The biggest problem is the Faith Movement (aka Prosperity Gospel)

  • @aubreyw659
    @aubreyw659 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I grew up in a few Pentecostal churches and the tongues pressure is REAL. I was and am still very uncomfortable around major tongue usage, especially because ive NEVER seen them pull out an interpreter. My mom has testimony of speaking Russian to a girl on a missions trip, where she spoke in fluency beyond what she had been taught. So I think based off personal testimony and the testimony in the book of Acts tongues is real but the pressure is crazy. Also from my Pentecostal experience, church structure is very very loose, people head up to the front and have dance parties to the contemporary rock worship in one of the churches while in the other theres still contemporary worship but with a choir still. Also communion is rarely done, its done at some easter services and when theres special speakers. Its just way too emotional and hardly ever makes you actually think. They can often feed generic sermons that make you feel good so that you say "oh he spoke to my exact situation, God moved through me!" so theres just conformation bias

  • @CamGaylor
    @CamGaylor 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    LCMS here, im glad I found your channel.

  • @VinnyZoomer
    @VinnyZoomer ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I love your way of thinking, it’s exactly why I love Catholicism. It’s an incredible melding of Logic with Mysticism, God shows himself in different ways to different people. The Holy Spirit imbues different charisms to people based on their strengths. It’s like a giant puzzle piece filled in for you by God The Father and The Holy Spirit. So diverse yet unified :)

  • @billylindsey3678
    @billylindsey3678 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love your channel! Im raised Pentecostal and still loosely consider myself one. And yes, I'll admit I love and prefer contemporary worship and I'll probably get killed in these comments for that lol. But I appreciate and understand your disdain for it. You make very good points. Also I love that you're very gracious towards those of us in that camp and I'm noticing more and more Pentecostals and Charismatics are looking more into church history from the Apostles on. Typically with Pentecostals, the only church history they know is the Azusa Street Revival, and perhaps a tad bit of the Reformation but i am noticing more of a change, specifically in my home church we've been getting more into many of the things you speak of. Keep up the great work! God bless!

  • @JeedthejetDoe
    @JeedthejetDoe ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Hey pentecostal here
    Yeah hundred percent about us being unintellectual, and so feeling and emotions based
    100 percent agree on contemporary worship it really starts throwing away all the beauty poetry and reverence that modern worship music held.
    Also agree about stereotypes
    And I am not bothered about lumping baptists non denoms and pentecostal since most pentecostals were Baptist before the azusa Street revival, and some were Methodist
    I joke that we are just charismatic Baptists, especially since we are so similar.
    My biggest issue with pentecostals is as you mention the culture can become an expectation that you speak in tongues. I have never spoken in tongues, but I have heard people speak in tongues I have had people tell me something prophetic and it happened to me exactly as they told me.
    When I was younger there was a Huge emapsis on speaking in tongues and you have to be baptized with the holy spirit to speak in tongues. Now that I am older and at a different church there is not such pull, but more so a obsession with 3rd waver music like hillsong and Jesus culture ect. It makes me feel like they are just following the motions and being vapid and worshiping not because of a genuine love, but because everyone else is. That is my biggest worry with pentacostals
    Also for doctrine I would recommend Mike winger and his TH-cam channel

    • @Kingoair
      @Kingoair ปีที่แล้ว

      Bro Mike Winger is based

  • @KatieVanEss-pf8df
    @KatieVanEss-pf8df 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was raised in the AoG and married a man from the OPC. We have attended an OPC church for the last 5 years. Your videos have certainly helped me understand the theological differences between different denominations. I really appreciate your content!
    That being said, doctrinally speaking, I am still sorting out my beliefs. I cannot fully endorse Calvinism, infant baptisms, and cessationism. However, I am seeing more and more pitfalls of the pentocostal movement. In some ways, it takes on an alternative gospel. Instead of believing even deeper and reflecting on the work of the atoning sacrifice of Christ, there is an unspoken pressure to have atonement by “giving it to God at the altar and crying it out.” Your merit of “how you’re doing” in your relationship with God is reflected in your latest experience of (and response to) God. When in reality, the “working out of our salvation” should continue to come back to the cross. In Pentecostalism, it is as though the work of the cross is just to get you saved to open you up to this whole other Holy Spirit relationship of taking you “higher”. It becomes ALLLL about the Holy Spirit. There is such a heavy emphasis on worship and music that I have noted a lot of my peers from the AOG, reflecting more on the lyrics of these songs AS doctrine, than knowing the word of God. Sure, there are biblical truths in these songs, but they also HEAVILY reflect on self. These songs are the anthem to walk you through “the experience” of worship I talked about above.
    I don’t know if this all makes sense^ but hopefully it helps somebody! 🤷‍♀️

  • @Charlie-X-Ray12
    @Charlie-X-Ray12 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I quite like your point of "Contemporary Christian Music isn't bad because it's contemporary, it's bad because it's bad". I can agree with this heavily. For example, some good songs exist such as "In Christ Alone" by Kieth and Christine Getty. "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" by Steward Townend is quite nice. So is "There is a redeemer" by Keith Green

  • @lianlearns
    @lianlearns ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Your church is looking amazing!

  • @patrickfitzgerald6601
    @patrickfitzgerald6601 ปีที่แล้ว

    LCMS here. Your opinion on baptism makes a lot of sense to me. Effectual for those who have faith. My brother is studying to be an AoG minister. Can confirm that he is far more emotionally driven than I am.

  • @sweatshirty
    @sweatshirty ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was the bass player in my pentacostal church, the person who was being trained to print and design the merchandise, and i was being raised up personally by the pastor. I left my church a month ago because my pastor was yelling at me for not going to a tent revival that i didn’t felt i need to go to. I also left because in my heart of hearts i couldnt keep lying to myself about tongues and forcing myself to fall backwards. For a while i believed i was actually being full of spirit, but after reading my bible i knew i was placebo effecting myself. My pastor also told the women in prison ministry (these were women who had bad sickness and cancer due to the fact it was a medical prison) that they needed to speak in tongues to have the holy spirit and I KNEW this was false, and even then, the video he played for them literally disagreed with him 5 minutes in. The entire prison slowly looked at him and i died in cringe. I knew that day that i didnt wanna represent this church anymore. Im a biblical nerd and i wanna stay on the right side of theology

  • @MultiMobCast
    @MultiMobCast 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    God bless you! Your a good brother and worker!

  • @Dave_OGG
    @Dave_OGG ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As someone who comes from a Pentecostal background, I entirely agree with you

  • @Thinepheonix
    @Thinepheonix 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    12:53 Another example would be “You know better than I” by David Campbell, which is deliberately meant to be listened to when you’re feeling down with the purpose of lifting you up

  • @emmanuelflores1557
    @emmanuelflores1557 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I grew up in this environment (Pentecostal) and speaking in tongues *angelic tongues* happened and I saw people who had amazing theology and spoke in tongues. My mom prayed in tongues many times while my father hasn't spoken he believes and reads and studies different areas. So yea that is what I saw but there is diversity among this group. Oh and that gift of teaching they told you you have can explain why you explain things well and you want to learn more God wants to prepare you to use you I mean look how fast you have grown this is God-given. Pray to God and believe he will answer and he will answer your question just believe and pray until he answers like the women and the judge. *Luke 18:1-8

  • @Krabin_
    @Krabin_ 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm so glad you decided to go without music in your more recent videos. Music can be nice when it's subtle and much lower in volume below the dialogue, but it can also be distracting in this context.

  • @PromiseJohnson.
    @PromiseJohnson. หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yeah bro your teaching has given me so much light to things I didn’t know. God bless you
    I was raised in a Pentecostal church and I agree with him for the most part. It does feel like speaking in tounge at times Is forced on you so yeah. But likewise there are people who do speak truly in tounges so yeah. The worship segment however is really subjective so I won’t say much abt it as I am not too informed

  • @wyattharris7
    @wyattharris7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You should start a podcast, seriously. I’ll put your stuff on when I go to bed and it’s Really interesting. Have a great day!

  • @sartoriusrock
    @sartoriusrock ปีที่แล้ว +7

    “I heard a word from God that…”
    “I received a prophetic word…”
    Call me cold-hearted or a cessationist, but whenever I hear statements like this, I immediately get John Edward/cold reading vibes

  • @OlGeekington
    @OlGeekington 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    “Even if I did think that, that’s not what I’m saying here” actually made me laugh out loud because it seems like such a subtle way of showing you think that, even though I’m pretty confident that’s just Zoomer’s anxiety popping through because he doesn’t want anyone to think that’s his point. Regardless, thanks for the laugh Zoomer!

  • @user-fe2lr5jw4i
    @user-fe2lr5jw4i ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My church is a Four Square, subset of Pentecostals. No one in my church has ever spoken in tongues. It’s possible sure but it’s not ever focused on. Anyway, God bless brother. Keep up the good work.

  • @austenpoole4868
    @austenpoole4868 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello, I am a Oneness Pentecostal. I found this video very interesting, it is very well done, and well spoken. And no, we did not send that creeper at the end lolololol
    I had a very large essay written out going through some of the key points that this video made both for and against Pentecostalism. However, I refrained from sending it, understanding that it probably wouldn't be taken seriously and due to the fact that I am a oneness believer and not a trinitarian.
    That being said, I agree wholeheartedly with the idea that we should be educated on what the word of God says and deeper understandings that are in it.
    2 Timothy 2:15
    "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
    Even if we don't agree on this rather large fundamental belief, I still plan on following this channel to see what knowledge can be obtained to understand how other forms of Christianity see and understand the word.
    Greeting and blessings to you

  • @coatedinacid
    @coatedinacid ปีที่แล้ว

    Never would have thought I would ever hear the sentence: “I think the creeper was sent by the Pentacostal Church.”

  • @BoScotty
    @BoScotty ปีที่แล้ว

    You have quickly become one of my favorite Christian channels.

  • @chunkysaurus785
    @chunkysaurus785 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I am a Pentecostal but I do agree that we should be more intellectually minded and I have been studying theology and science to learn and become a better Christian

  • @codykrueger796
    @codykrueger796 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    People here need to listen to the video before leaving comments... oy lol. He mostly said he doesnt know about alot of this and I applaud him for that. He made some really good points tho - the way a church carries our its actions is rooted in its theology. I know there are charismatics who do not listen to emotion almost at all, and are very strict with the Word. Like he said, as a movement it varies and we cant just dismiss all miracles as fake. Otherwise how are we different from the athiests. Anyways, great vid Redeemed Zoomer, I have a degree from a charismatic school so would love to chat more if you want but didnt think the comments was the best place for that. God Bless You Redeemed Zoomer!

  • @Zonie-xv9ep
    @Zonie-xv9ep 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I agree with you about the worship style, it does often feel forced artificial, not to say that that's their intention, but it can put pressure on people to fake it. I was in the charismatic world for may years, in some ways I still am, I believe in the gifts of the Spirit are for today and that we can move in them, I believe we can lay hands on the sick and heal them and cast out demons. Pentecostals/Charismatics bring many good things to the table. But they miss many important things too- an often lower view of communion and baptism, and not much regard for the historical church and worship. In my experience, it is often a big fire without a fireplace. Definitely a lack of accountability and order sometimes too. I now attend a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church and it has many things I was looking for that I felt was missing in the charismatic churches. They seem to be more neutral to the gifts- allowing for disagreement in the same body, but now that I've switched over, I have the word, sacraments, rich historical theology, and the gifts of the Spirit.

  • @retrictumrectus1010
    @retrictumrectus1010 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are GREAT at teaching. That's what I can say from my observation.

  • @VortexxFX
    @VortexxFX ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I grew up Pentecostal and even experienced the "speaking in tongues." I agree completely when you said something just feels off about the worship style. Christian music should be inspired by God, that means it should not sound like secular music. The worship of Pentecostal churches is almost exactly like a rock concert. I couldn't even hear myself think while the band seemed to be performing for us (not God). Now I'm Orthodox and one of my favorite things is just how beautiful and deep the hymns are.

    • @VortexxFX
      @VortexxFX ปีที่แล้ว

      God created sex but we don’t have to use it for good and beauty. It’s the same thing with music. Just because we can create music that isn’t as good doesn’t mean we should. We should use the best and most beautiful music to honor God

    • @d4v1do
      @d4v1do ปีที่แล้ว

      Interesting, Nigerian Pentecostal churches aren’t like this

  • @krazykaiser01
    @krazykaiser01 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You should make a questionnaire of answering a certain question to know where you land on the person’s theology. 🤔

  • @BluBoi70
    @BluBoi70 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As an AG Zoomer, I do agree with some things. I understand tongues with the interpretation, but I never had that spirit baptism. Assemblies of God is apart of the Pentecostal denomination, but all of the churches in the Assemblies of God are self-governing bodies (churches) in districts. Which those districts are in the Assemblies of God. I am more for the Contemporary worship than traditional. Honestly, I feel like you can still be praising him and be happy without faking it. Your videos are great, keep up the great work. I hope Reconqista goes well. I rooted in my church (Heritage Assembly of God), but I am trying my best to be a messenger for Reconquista

    • @123WonderReads
      @123WonderReads ปีที่แล้ว

      As a fellow AG Zoomer I think his strongest point is that we Pentecostals need more intellectual rigor

  • @caleb977
    @caleb977 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m charismatic and I like this video. It was a balanced take. A good way to learn more would be remnant radio if you are curious what charismatics believe? I also like your channel and would love to see the mainline become theologically conservative again.

  • @fortune_egwuatu
    @fortune_egwuatu 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    To me, I feel that Pentecostals are all just generally taking about the Holy Spirit who I know is necessary and essential in our walk in and with Christ.

  • @awesomejedi917
    @awesomejedi917 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I have heard the Speaking of Tounges and experienced it, even though I have never received the gift. I think there are a couple of issues, such as people abusing the gift by using it publically to show off without someone to translate, rather than privately, or those who fake the gifts altogether. It's a gift that is given according to the will of the Lord, and not all believers are given this gift. In terms of speaking in heavenly languages, and not Earthly, the Scripture says, "For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries" (I Cor 14:2, NASB1995).

    • @WeAreRoyalty7
      @WeAreRoyalty7 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @VU57
      @VU57 ปีที่แล้ว

      My church believes in many godly gifts. Not everyone has the gift of tounges and if they do it’s usually referring to people who are bilingual or can understand people better than most

  • @xxNoma
    @xxNoma 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When I was 15, I was doing some stuff that nobody knew about and I mean… NOBODY. But I had went to the altar, a woman came up to me after a few minutes of my praying and she told me-specifically-what I was doing wasn’t right.
    It caught me off guard, way off guard, and I stood up to get prayed for. I raised my hands with the evangelist who happened to be speaking there that night and repeated everything he told me to say.
    I’m shy, I don’t get loud, I don’t like being up in front of people, but I repeated after him clearly, loudly, as if proclaiming it. I can’t remember exactly what I said, but I gave my life to God. I gave him EVERYTHING.
    I wasn’t seeking for the Holy Spirit, but I was overcome with His presence. My knees gave out and everything around me disappeared. I couldn’t hear anything, but I could have sworn I was screaming.
    I didn’t speak in tongues that night. Fast forward half a year, I was at a youth camp. At the altar and the main hope for the night was for God to pour the gift of speaking in tongues out on the youth. They said that God would give us an utterance, but I’m a very literal person. I didn’t know what to say and I didn’t want to lean on myself in what I thought I should be saying. So I waited and a woman came behind me and told me to say, “Thank you, Lord.” Over and over and over, I repeated it until the roof of my mouth went numb and my tongue… it was like the words in my mouth were fighting, and it became a distorted version of what I was saying until it completely transformed into the heavenly language God gifted me.
    I speak in tongues whenever I want to pray, but don’t know what to say. I can do it any time, doesn’t matter.
    After that year of receiving the Holy Spirit and then speaking in tongues, I wasn’t overcome by the Spirit for 7 years. I tried and I mean I tried to open myself up to God because that feeling… it felt like that was a piece of heaven, like I was made whole if only for a moment in time. The residual effects, you just can’t help but be at peace…
    Last year in late February, I sought the Spirit and He met me. I fell again, crying, but for the first time in laughter. I was so happy. All the anger I had felt toward my family melted away and I couldn’t help but see things differently.
    I got to spend the next 3 weeks with my father, not in anger, but just being there for him the best I could. Then he died.
    I read the Bible to him for a while at the hospital. Hebrews all the way through Revelation. My voice was tapped out, but I wanted to read to him what heaven was like and what the end will be. I told him I loved him about every 30 minutes and I got hold my father’s hand as he took his last breath.
    Seven years, I sought the Holy Spirit and He met me when I needed it most. I don’t where I would be if God was not there. If I didn’t have that renewing. I think I would have been crushed. I think I would have hated myself for being angry with my dad. But God took care of it. Like I said, the final 3 weeks I got to spend with my dad in peace with no regrets.
    This is part of my testimony. This is what God has done for me.
    I won’t claim to know a lot about different religions, partly why I’m here, but I just know that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Cling to Him. Cling to God and everything will work out. Trust Him.

  • @keithwysocki9003
    @keithwysocki9003 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Would love to hear you do a ranking of favorite worship songs - maybe even broken down by different eras (Renaissance, 1700s/1800s)

  • @nelhuiliztli2926
    @nelhuiliztli2926 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When it comes to music, the Hispanic Pentecostal does a lot of Messianic Music. We were greatly influenced by Paul Wilbur in the 80s/90s. They’re short, repetitive songs with many instrumental moments and are mostly done in medley.
    -En el Principio (In the Beginning)
    -Quién Como Jehová (Who’s like Jehovah)
    -Los Carros de Faraón (Pharaoh’s Charriots)
    -Así Como María (Like Miriam)
    -David Danzaba (David Dancing)
    -Ante el Rey (Before the King)

  • @Weavileiscool
    @Weavileiscool 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have grown up Pentecostal and I fully agree that heart and head are connected. I would say speaking in tongues is a real event that happens to some, not all, and only on certain occasions when the Spirit “overflows“ in a person. So I’m not charismatic but definitely continuationist. But I’m still quite young so my beliefs could always change a lot

  • @ThumbKnuckle
    @ThumbKnuckle ปีที่แล้ว +5

    As a Lutheran, when it comes to discerning direct revelation from God in modern times, my test is First: does this align with scripture? Second: does this word come to pass? Third, do I need to know it and believe it to be faithful as a Christian? (If not then I am inclined to indifference) Fourth: does this person have a record of lying? If it passes that test then I am inclined to believe it, but so far nothing has and I am content with the revelation of the scriptures and the conviction given to souls when it is read to them.

    • @Yeshua-Melech
      @Yeshua-Melech 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      As a Pentecostal, I completely agree.

  • @Connerscuriosities
    @Connerscuriosities หลายเดือนก่อน

    22:39 What about that guy from the Council of Trent?

  • @jvader
    @jvader ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I made a joke about Pentacostal theology (all in good fun) during my Bible study last week. Now I have your video to back me up, thanks!

    • @djosh1
      @djosh1 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What is the joke?

    • @jvader
      @jvader 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@djosh1 I wish I remember exactly what I said and/or why it was funny.
      I think I was poking fun at their idea of "Baptism in the Holy Spirit."

    • @djosh1
      @djosh1 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jvader what is baptism in the holy spirit for you?

    • @jvader
      @jvader 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@djosh1 For context I am a Lutheran, and do not hold these beliefs. I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, which is a gift of God's grace.
      If you want to know what "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" is, I suggest looking elsewhere. Per the Assemblies of God website, "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" is "distinct from and subsequent to the experience of the new birth" with the "initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues."
      Hope this helps!