I would listen to this man all day, if I had the opportunity! You see, this man saved my life in December '93 by removing a blood clot from my brain (that would have been an aneurysm w/in 24-48hrs, had it not been removed). I have never been as scared as I was then to learn I needed to have surgery, let alone brain surgery. Dr. Doty was the most compassionate, calming & understanding of all the other Dr's I had to see prior to the surgery combined.
He is truly an amazing man. I was on my death bed. Broken back. Crushing my spinal cord. He fixed my back. And I'm not the average person I'm huge. 6'7 and like 480 pounds. But wear a size 18 shoe. I was a extremely hard case. Dr James Doty is true professional. He was the best doctor I had. The best bed side manner. Told me like it was. His book is great in depth look into life of a surgeon. If it wasn't for this man I wouldn't be talking walking or alive today. Thank you doc. I owe you big time
What a wonderful gift he gave you Randy, this is the second comment speaking of his compassion and life saving practice. What an amazing man, his family must be so proud of him. He speaks such wisdom, thank goodness the World has men like them in it.
His book, Into the magic shop, has changed the way i look at the world, my habits, the way i look at self-help books his open up a new desire to learn more.
I hope this comment helps someone out there. What this man says about the sympathetic nervous system suppressing/dysregulation the immune system is so true. I was always one of those people that thought meditation was a joke. I didn't believe the mind could effect you physically. I had a rough upbringing so I grew up very VERY angry, hostile, and full of resentment. When I was 19 I came down with a horrible illness called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. It normally takes you out in about 12 years but mine was particularly aggressive. These patients usually last a few years. Somehow I was able to start controlling my emotions and thoughts. I became a very compassionate and caring person. Four days from now is my 12 year mark. I'm still working full time, raising 3 children, and my illness has become much better controlled. There is no treatment for PSC and people don't get better from it but I have greatly extended my life simply by being compassionate and letting go of resentments. I just know many other immune illnesses can be managed like this I really hope this helps someone.
Bless you for sharing. I hope you are still with us and if you are, please look for RJ Spina who healed from permanent paralysis and many serious illnesses and having only 48 hours to live. He teaches others to do what he did. He did the impossible to show us all what we truly are and what we are capable of. 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️
These comments are quite fascinating... I see people complaining that the speaker takes 16 minutes to spread a message that could have been said in one. I assume this must be the result of nowadays dynamic environment causing shorter attention spans. In order to understand something it is not enough to just read the message. do you really think watching 15 one minute videos after another would teach you anything? A learning process goes so much deeper than that. Making an introduction, giving examples which one can relate to, telling a joke are all methods to improve the embedding of the message in you brain. it is crucial!
thats coz one is programmed like that. U need instant success, instant happiness... instantly to the point otherwise ill lose interest and my fight or flight modus will kick in;) The solution lays inside, not outside (ie big pharma).
Timo Frentzel - I agree. May I make a suggestion. When people get up to give a talk, give us the one line answer "15 minutes of meditation heals better then a pill." Then if I choose you can take me down the path of explanation. With so much content to sift through these days it helps to know exactly what I'm investing in upfront. If the one line was "I'm a doctor and I can tell you meditation is the best medicine," then I'd probably listen with the right expectation.
I am surprised this video has not reached a million views. I am so grateful for medicine. The power of science, metaphysics, and the human ability to transcend.
Thank you. Wonderful simple talk to help anyone and everyone. It’s a gift to the world. Those who post negative comments might do well to practice compassion.
TL;DR; Sit for 15 minutes and focus on your breathing and visualize being compassionate towards others. Genuinely considered more effective than medicine. With the time I just saved you, you can actually do this right now!
I already did it... I found my happiness and it was totally inside me my whole life. It wasn't drugs. It is amazing how even the most ordinary experiences have become extraordinary. And I feel it taking me forward in my life. The feedback I am getting from other people is that I am inspiration to them. Our brains are our worst enemy and our greatest tool.
Unfortunately I had to fall really hard. My rock bottom was within death's doorstep. I then took total responsibility for my life including cutting out all the toxic people from it. I have done hundreds of hours of research as to why I kept finding myself in abusive relationships and why they were abusive. That means I had to accept my faulty thinking and behavior. In this process I had an epiphany and moved into a higher consciousness level. I see life completely differently. Most people around me are still consumed with unreal problems and small things. I live now to experience life which includes all the mundane moments that used to pass me by. And yes, I have used most of the suggestions here prior to watching this video. I do recommend it.
That sounds alot like pages of a "aa" handbook, from your above response..and glad your in recovery, an were able to find an epiphany! That's doublely rare..most don't get a 2nd chance, and are dead, in jail, or institutionalized..I've watched so many family & friends die this year! I hope you always remember and value that you are one of the few that did make it out of the wreckage.
Well said that last line. Ppl dont have a clue they can train their monkey mind, let alone even the form of ur brain... like a muscle. With awareness, living in the present moment, suddenly ur monkey mind gets more and more absent and u suddenly experience the joy of ie having an encounter with a cat on the street or whatever. Namaste
@@kimsnyder92 tell me more pls... i have just retired 3 yrs before i wanted to i am trying to find myself in this chapter of my life Help..... tks a ton
I agree with his remarks on the healthcare system. It is refreshing hearing someone else talk about the vagus nerve. Especially in this country, not to mention, this state. -Maysin Pure
I'm about to finish his very inspired auto-biography, the magic shop. His beliefs are not just based on his medical expertise, but on his childhood experience learning about meditation, mindfulness and opening the heart.
I think the point is missed that instead of visualizing compassion, find a place to actually experience it for 15 minutes every day! What a wonderful world this would be!!!
Who says it can only be one or the other? Visualizing it may very well help it become a habit for some people. It's not a 'missed point', it's a step in the right direction.
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Get as many of you associates and legitimize the effects of Toxic situations. Emotional and mental abuse is minimized by society and compounds the suffering of the already victimized person. I can talk boys on this. I survived 45 years. Now an active 47 and using what it taught me to embrace myself and embrace life. I found the reason I went thru this. I now find the good in everything and know that what is fed will grow.
I have been overly compassionate most of my life..I am 72 and my compassion, empathy and caring has actually hurt me in some way. When I see illness, or pain, I can actually feel it myself and I hurt inside and I cry and the vision does not leave me. I need to find the balance and that is so very difficult for me. I will try his suggestion of 15 minutes of quiet breathing to see if I can find some peace in my heart and soul and take my mind off of the suffering of others and the suffering of my own well being.
Empathy and caring for others can genuinely help reduce stress and anxiety at a physical level. When we connect deeply with others, our brains release feel-good hormones like oxytocin, which can calm the nervous system and lower stress levels. Acts of kindness and empathy not only improve our mental well-being but also foster resilience, helping us to manage physical stress responses better over time. In a way, caring for others creates a positive feedback loop-supporting them can uplift us, offering a sense of purpose and strengthening our own emotional and physical health.
Многие израильтяне уже стали понимать, что противоречия в нашем обществе не сводятся только к различиям между правыми и левыми, сефардами и ашкеназами, светскими-и религиозными, евреями-и палестинцами. Нет, речь идет о конфликте более глубоком. Наблюдаемое в последнее время противостояние вокруг судебной системы является лишь проявлением этого фундаментального раскола: в Израиле идет борьба западноевропейской и восточноазиатской цивилизаций, противостояние двух больших культурных общностей, с разными идеалами, системой ценностей, мировоззрением, понятиями. Конечно, к какой из этих систем относится человек, зависит не только от его происхождения. Какая-то часть израильтян из восточных общин является носителями европейских представлений, а определенная часть ашкеназов руководствуется восточными понятиями. Доказательством наличия в Израиле двух больших лагерей является, например, следующее: одна сторона не может перенести, чтобы главой правительства был обманщик, человек, против которого выдвинуты уголовные обвинения, а второй это не мешает, главное, что он свой, из нашего лагеря, племени, сектора и т.п. Одной не важен этнический состав той или иной государственной комиссии или победителей конкурса, главное, чтобы это были специалисты, а их решения - эффективные и справедливые. А для другой интерес прежде всего в этническом составе (и это после 75 лет существования еврейского государства). Одна не может принять распространенную коррупцию, а для другой это нормальные отношения в обществе. Одна не согласна, чтобы суд был зависим от политиков, а другую это устраивает. Одна требует разделения властей, чтобы судьбы страны не решал один человек или одна группа. А для другой такое устройство наиболее приемлемое. Для одной возмутительно, что семья премьера участвует в решении важнейших государственных дел, а другая относится к этому как к допустимому при царском дворе. Хорошим примером отличия западноевропейского и восточноазиатского мировоззрений является разное отношение людей вообще к закону и делам, связанным с коррупцией, в частности - на примере судов над Арье Дери и Эхудом Ольмертом. Когда Дери был осужден за получение взяток и приговорен к тюремному заключению, это не помешало ему быть очень популярным общественным деятелем среди многотысячных носителей восточноазиатской системы взглядов и потом еще сделать блестящую политическую карьеру. То же самое случилось и когда он обманул суд и всю страну, взяв обязательство прекратить политическую деятельность, чтобы не понести наказания, но затем отказался выполнять свое обещание. Это совершенно не сказалось на его авторитете среди его сторонников, он остается лидером партии ШАС и одним из самых влиятельных политиков в стране. Абсолютно противоположная реакция была на судебное дело Ольмерта. Ему пришлось уйти с должности главы правительства, резко упала его популярность среди носителей западной системы ценностей, он лишился поддержки даже среди политических сторонников. А сейчас мы видим разное отношение представителями двух культур к судебным делам Нетаниягу. Проявлением указанного разлада является и то, что самые важные жизненные факторы слабо влияют на политические предпочтения большой части населения, особенно право-религиозного электората. Так, темы безопасности, дороговизны жизни, в том числе жилья, все наболевшие острые социальные вопросы оказываются не главными при выборе кандидата, за которого они решили отдать свой голос. Существующее слишком большое различие между двумя частями населения является причиной мощного внутреннего конфликта. Обычно такой конфликт разрешается жестким противостоянием и даже насилием. Кажется это самый серьезный вызов для Израиля со времени его создания. Когда перед нашим государством стояла задача выжить, была угроза самому существованию страны, это противостояние сглаживалось, гасилось. Сейчас оно всплыло, оголилось, обострилось. Без излишней политкорректности, можно заявить, что сейчас в Израиле идет противоборство не между правыми и левыми, а между прогрессивной и развитой частью населения и отсталой и реакционной. Бывший премьер-министр Англии Лиз Трасс сказала, что сейчас в мире идет борьба между разными общественными моделями: демократиями и автократиями. Внутри Израиля развернулась аналогичная борьба. Европейское устройство, которое реализовали создатели нашего государства, теперь подвергается атаке и изменению в соответствии с состоянием общества и уровнем развития большинства населения, во многом соответствующего странам третьего мира. В муках и противоречиях формируется свое собственное общественное устройство. Именно борьба двух цивилизаций ялась основным смыслом избирательных кампаний последних лет. Победил право-религиозный лагерь во главе с Нетаниягу. Если эта победа окончательная и либеральный протест потерпит поражение, то страна пойдет ускоренным темпом к одной из форм автократии. Будут внешние атрибуты современного европейского устройства, а по сути - возврат к примитивной форме демократии, когда в обществе нет противовесов, все решает большинство. Так стоит вопрос о том, какой будет наша страна: отсталой и реакционной, передовой и прогрессивной.
I’m one of those people who think mindfulness practices can heal the world and I don’t care how nuts that sounds. Thank you for your inspirational talk and making the world a better place, kind sir
I have compassion towards this man who shared his heart and who is clearly a part of the broken health care system which he speaks of. For some people it takes more than just breathing and saying compassion. This is a wonderful long term strategy once you have compassion and to gain some compassion however this method works much better once you take care of your diet. This guy clearly has some health issues because he is a part of the system which doesn't address the root cause of a lack of compassion - There is a non-pharmaceutical pill that creates compassion. It's called MDMA. The side effects when used properly are less than the side effects of drinking a can of soda. The positive effects are healing ptsd, compassion, love, and gratitude for everything and everyone.
Eastern Philosophy and Medicine has had a thorough and complex understanding of these dynamics for 1,000's of years. We're finally catching up But always cracks me up when I read in the NYTimes a sudden "discovery" that "scientific research" has "revealed"! "Hey .... there might be something to this Hippy Trippy Stuff ..." (at least this guy referenced the Dalia Lama) We can be SO arrogant in the western world always needing scientific "proof".
On the note about not having a single person to go to when someone's in pain: If I didn't have my wonderful boyfriend, I would be one of those people. The only other people I interact with are my coworkers, and they can't listen to a person for more than half a sentence without interrupting or checking out mentally. It's really shown me how most people are terrible listeners and don't care about anything but their OWN problems.
I live in Maui, Hawaii and we live in a 3rd world country when it comes to healthcare! My prayer would be answered if this man would see me. It is impossible to find a cohesive network of doctors who work together to help people like me find a healthy life.
He hit it on the head. I suffer from these thoughts that are dangerous to me and everyone else around me. Drugs not more do i need. 18 a day is enough.
Wise talk !! I know this guy sitting on the side of the road, always happy ! He doesn't need anything ! ...maybe a bottle of wine, sometimes, that's all !!!
I actually thought it was suprise ending of ayahuasca, nope, meditating with compassion..i will try that to, but i will end up partaking of the aya dmt also
"You cant help those who wont help themselves" my schoolbus driver told me that. "You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink" my gramma told me that. I remember getting my "Sensei" status at my martial arts school. Then came everybodys secret problems. I quit for a month because i couldnt handle getting that heavy stuff dumped on me. Watching them fail after I taught them the way out killed me. (No its not physically fighting out) is this something you can relate too?
In other words. You can pour your heart into feeling for them. Tou can pur your heart into helping them. But if they come up with the same results or dont get better, you think you failed them.
By YouSum Live 00:01:39 Embracing life's meaning, purpose, and connection. 00:02:30 Epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression in affluent societies. 00:04:32 Evolutionary baggage hindering modern happiness. 00:05:22 Healthcare system focused on illness, not wellness. 00:10:50 Chronic stress response impeding creativity and productivity. 00:12:50 Compassion's profound impact on health and well-being. 00:13:48 Cultivating compassion for physiological and mental benefits. 00:14:08 Harnessing compassion to unlock full human potential. 00:15:14 Silence and compassion as keys to brain "hacking" happiness. By YouSum Live
This man gives a good message. I’m concerned though, that he is breathing heavily. Maybe has a heart condition & could benefit from dropping a few pounds… Best to you! 🙏❤️
Me gustaría pedirle me diga en donde puedo escuchar sus conferencias en español. Empecé a leer su libro la tienda de Magia y me gustaría saber más en sus conferencias. Gracias
Television adverts in the usa are: cars adverts & pharma adverts. get your new car to drive to the chemist to get the latest drugs to keep you going to pay for your new car...! Go figure...
THIS WAS B4 COVID!!! Wonder what he thinks abt ALL the unnecessary FEAR/ ANXIETY being generated on this VIRUS!? ..........smh....🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️Pray for our a World , so many suffering depression, Anxiety & Loneliness........🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️🌿
Happiness is not normal. Anxiousness, depression, and many other unpleasant mood states evolved as survival mechanisms. In nature it is much more important to be aware of danger and bad things that have happened than good things. 10.000 years ago remembering story time around the campfire would not have been as important for survival as remembering the time hyenas ate your brother. If you are too relaxed one of those hyenas just might sneak up on you. Often people who have everything are not happy, but this is because the brain is simply not wired for too much happiness. Modern psychology should teach people that anxiety and depression are normal human states. Medication should only be used as a last resort.
+RagweedFarmer Also, I don't think you've listened to the whole speech. Nowhere does he mention relaxation. It's the compassion that is the subject here.
+thedobosh I did watch the entire video, though I'm not about to watch it over again now. In fact I have watched a great many similar videos and researched this to more extent than most people. I am not an expert by any means, but I thought what I had to offer was valuable as an addition to the video. I was just trying to contribute to the discussion on the subject matter and not contradict the video. Anxiety is the opposite of relaxation, and also not exactly a happy state of mind, but our Paleolithic ancestors faced danger every day so being anxious kept them alert and alive. Modern society has sold people on the notion that they are supposed to be happy, when physiologically that just isn't true. No, someone should not be chronically or clinically depressed, but it can help people that deal with depression to know that depression and anxiety are normal states of mind, and that dwelling on negative thoughts is a survival mechanism. If a woman is raped she will never forget it and it can lead to serious PTSD. PTSD serves a purpose, it is a survival mechanism that keeps people away from danger.The best advice I can offer those who dwell on negative thoughts would be to deliberately get a song stuck in their head. It's hard to focus on negative thoughts when your favorite band is playing in your head. Anxiety, depression, all that garbage, every time those negative thoughts come in start playing a song. It really does work folks.
When it comes to Jim Doty I think a good consideration to keep in mind is:"How you are speaks so loudly I can hardly hear what you say." Having said that, it is still a good thing that someone of his disposition could be attempting a course correction by considering personal development. His authority on the topic, however, is academic at best, as he does not truly embody the ideals or growth of the individuals/examples he is apt to cite. When you see a disconnect of this kind between embodiement and advertisement, you may be observing a form of virtue signaling or "development by proclaimed association." It is hard to gauge whether this is his attempt at redeeming sociopathic tendencies or leveraging them in old game of false "propheteering."
yeh right?! Waay to long and boring a talker.... 16 minutes to say. 'Practicing breathing exercises for 15 mins and practicing compassion improves health and happiness'.
I agree. That's why I hit the settings button below the screen and set the speed to 1.5X. Much better. This helps with many of the presentations. Enjoy!!
+Augustus Lu I think because you have no real data to base such a statement on. As far as I know, we have no idea what the DNA of a human looked like 200.000 years ago.
What im trying to say is that gene pool is too big, and subgroups of the human species are in different environments - so smaller general mutations did occour definitely, but that the ones we can say are general genes in humans probably really didn't change. And i agree with bluebird. But we do have ~some~ samples, dont we?
I truly hope the PILL is a metaphor and not another marketing like David Lynch TM ploy when these teaching should be available to all to change the world instead of
I would listen to this man all day, if I had the opportunity! You see, this man saved my life in December '93 by removing a blood clot from my brain (that would have been an aneurysm w/in 24-48hrs, had it not been removed). I have never been as scared as I was then to learn I needed to have surgery, let alone brain surgery. Dr. Doty was the most compassionate, calming & understanding of all the other Dr's I had to see prior to the surgery combined.
Stacee Jordan
Whoa I was born in 97'
Thx for your testimony!
What a wonderful gift he gave you Stacee Jordan.
Brilliant. Love this man and could listen all day. Wasn’t long enough.
He is truly an amazing man. I was on my death bed. Broken back. Crushing my spinal cord.
He fixed my back. And I'm not the average person I'm huge. 6'7 and like 480 pounds. But wear a size 18 shoe.
I was a extremely hard case.
Dr James Doty is true professional. He was the best doctor I had. The best bed side manner. Told me like it was.
His book is great in depth look into life of a surgeon.
If it wasn't for this man I wouldn't be talking walking or alive today.
Thank you doc. I owe you big time
What a wonderful gift he gave you Randy, this is the second comment speaking of his compassion and life saving practice. What an amazing man, his family must be so proud of him. He speaks such wisdom, thank goodness the World has men like them in it.
What's your prognosis? How are you now? Thank you for sharing.
Randy Eldridge it sounds like you were very lucky I wish you the best of health 💕🌈🇦🇺🦋x
@Randy Eldridge That’s Wonderful!!!💖 Thank You for sharing with us. A broken back is a serious thing. I’m so happy that you are good now!
You are VERY BLESSED!!!!🙏🙏🙏❤️🌿
His book, Into the magic shop, has changed the way i look at the world, my habits, the way i look at self-help books his open up a new desire to learn more.
Into the magic shop
Thank you
I hope this comment helps someone out there. What this man says about the sympathetic nervous system suppressing/dysregulation the immune system is so true. I was always one of those people that thought meditation was a joke. I didn't believe the mind could effect you physically. I had a rough upbringing so I grew up very VERY angry, hostile, and full of resentment. When I was 19 I came down with a horrible illness called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. It normally takes you out in about 12 years but mine was particularly aggressive. These patients usually last a few years. Somehow I was able to start controlling my emotions and thoughts. I became a very compassionate and caring person. Four days from now is my 12 year mark. I'm still working full time, raising 3 children, and my illness has become much better controlled. There is no treatment for PSC and people don't get better from it but I have greatly extended my life simply by being compassionate and letting go of resentments. I just know many other immune illnesses can be managed like this I really hope this helps someone.
I hope you are still well and doing your mindfulness practices. You are an inspirational person. Thank you for sharing your story
Bless you for sharing. I hope you are still with us and if you are, please look for RJ Spina who healed from permanent paralysis and many serious illnesses and having only 48 hours to live. He teaches others to do what he did. He did the impossible to show us all what we truly are and what we are capable of. 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️
I'm truly speechless right now. Whoever you are, you are an angel sent from about. I couldn't thank you enough.
Dr James, you are awesome. You sow seeds of Love & Acceptance. Helen for
Johannesburg in South Africa.
These comments are quite fascinating... I see people complaining that the speaker takes 16 minutes to spread a message that could have been said in one. I assume this must be the result of nowadays dynamic environment causing shorter attention spans.
In order to understand something it is not enough to just read the message. do you really think watching 15 one minute videos after another would teach you anything? A learning process goes so much deeper than that. Making an introduction, giving examples which one can relate to, telling a joke are all methods to improve the embedding of the message in you brain. it is crucial!
Also indicates lack of patience!
thats coz one is programmed like that. U need instant success, instant happiness... instantly to the point otherwise ill lose interest and my fight or flight modus will kick in;) The solution lays inside, not outside (ie big pharma).
Timo Frentzel - I agree. May I make a suggestion. When people get up to give a talk, give us the one line answer "15 minutes of meditation heals better then a pill." Then if I choose you can take me down the path of explanation. With so much content to sift through these days it helps to know exactly what I'm investing in upfront. If the one line was "I'm a doctor and I can tell you meditation is the best medicine," then I'd probably listen with the right expectation.
@Timo Frentzel Exactly Right!!!💖
@@slasaus1 r4drcc3c4čc3c3 3ďđ
I am surprised this video has not reached a million views. I am so grateful for medicine. The power of science, metaphysics, and the human ability to transcend.
Life of meaning, purpose,connection and happiness is important.
Thank you. Wonderful simple talk to help anyone and everyone. It’s a gift to the world.
Those who post negative comments might do well to practice compassion.
One of the best and most inspiring books I have read... Thank you Dr. Doty
The heart!! Such a powerhouse in working with the brain!! The word courage is French, from the heart!!
The key to happiness is self love and nothing external, you are good enough, change how you think and you will change how you feel.
you will truly love yourself when you are compassionate
TL;DR; Sit for 15 minutes and focus on your breathing and visualize being compassionate towards others. Genuinely considered more effective than medicine. With the time I just saved you, you can actually do this right now!
thanks dude.
Haha you're awesome! Thanks!
This guy sound like he's talking in slow motion at 1.75x speed
Thanks for the TLDR.
@@popkan21 in the time it took you to make that unhelpful comment, you could have just adjusted the speed setting to your liking.
Thank you, Dr. James Doty. I love all of your videos ❤
So grateful I was raised Eastern Orthodox. What people learn as adults, we practiced as children.
I already did it... I found my happiness and it was totally inside me my whole life. It wasn't drugs. It is amazing how even the most ordinary experiences have become extraordinary. And I feel it taking me forward in my life. The feedback I am getting from other people is that I am inspiration to them. Our brains are our worst enemy and our greatest tool.
Unfortunately I had to fall really hard. My rock bottom was within death's doorstep. I then took total responsibility for my life including cutting out all the toxic people from it. I have done hundreds of hours of research as to why I kept finding myself in abusive relationships and why they were abusive. That means I had to accept my faulty thinking and behavior. In this process I had an epiphany and moved into a higher consciousness level. I see life completely differently. Most people around me are still consumed with unreal problems and small things. I live now to experience life which includes all the mundane moments that used to pass me by. And yes, I have used most of the suggestions here prior to watching this video. I do recommend it.
Kim Snyder it takes rock bottom sometimes to knock us of our habitual path
That sounds alot like pages of a "aa" handbook, from your above response..and glad your in recovery, an were able to find an epiphany! That's doublely rare..most don't get a 2nd chance, and are dead, in jail, or institutionalized..I've watched so many family & friends die this year! I hope you always remember and value that you are one of the few that did make it out of the wreckage.
Well said that last line. Ppl dont have a clue they can train their monkey mind, let alone even the form of ur brain... like a muscle. With awareness, living in the present moment, suddenly ur monkey mind gets more and more absent and u suddenly experience the joy of ie having an encounter with a cat on the street or whatever. Namaste
@@kimsnyder92 tell me more pls... i have just retired 3 yrs before i wanted to i am trying to find myself in this chapter of my life Help..... tks a ton
I agree with his remarks on the healthcare system. It is refreshing hearing someone else talk about the vagus nerve. Especially in this country, not to mention, this state. -Maysin Pure
I'm about to finish his very inspired auto-biography, the magic shop. His beliefs are not just based on his medical expertise, but on his childhood experience learning about meditation, mindfulness and opening the heart.
His ideas should be practiced in public schools. Medical issues will drop. But that will hurt the pharmaceutical industry.
Só uma coisinha,o ser humano tem 6049 anos base de cálculo contando de Adão até nossos dias.A terra sim tem milhares de anos Esse médico é incrível
I think the point is missed that instead of visualizing compassion, find a place to actually experience it for 15 minutes every day! What a wonderful world this would be!!!
Who says it can only be one or the other? Visualizing it may very well help it become a habit for some people. It's not a 'missed point', it's a step in the right direction.
Being compassionate is the solution! 😍
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Get as many of you associates and legitimize the effects of Toxic situations. Emotional and mental abuse is minimized by society and compounds the suffering of the already victimized person. I can talk boys on this. I survived 45 years. Now an active 47 and using what it taught me to embrace myself and embrace life. I found the reason I went thru this. I now find the good in everything and know that what is fed will grow.
This is like an advert in-between TH-cam videos! The answer could work if you have the right life structure.
Compassion is the key to hapiness
Happiness is the most important aspect of life
Thank you so much. I have a very long way to go but you have given me some direction. Bless you.
I have been overly compassionate most of my life..I am 72 and my compassion, empathy and caring has actually hurt me in some way. When I see illness, or pain, I can actually feel it myself and I hurt inside and I cry and the vision does not leave me. I need to find the balance and that is so very difficult for me. I will try his suggestion of 15 minutes of quiet breathing to see if I can find some peace in my heart and soul and take my mind off of the suffering of others and the suffering of my own well being.
Empathy and caring for others can genuinely help reduce stress and anxiety at a physical level. When we connect deeply with others, our brains release feel-good hormones like oxytocin, which can calm the nervous system and lower stress levels. Acts of kindness and empathy not only improve our mental well-being but also foster resilience, helping us to manage physical stress responses better over time. In a way, caring for others creates a positive feedback loop-supporting them can uplift us, offering a sense of purpose and strengthening our own emotional and physical health.
Simply amazing 🙏 That's right it's simple to do and that's why it's overlooked by the majority of people ✨
Thank you, sir!
Многие израильтяне уже стали понимать, что противоречия в нашем обществе не сводятся только к различиям между правыми и левыми, сефардами и ашкеназами, светскими-и религиозными, евреями-и палестинцами. Нет, речь идет о конфликте более глубоком.
Наблюдаемое в последнее время противостояние вокруг судебной системы является лишь проявлением этого фундаментального раскола: в Израиле идет борьба западноевропейской и восточноазиатской цивилизаций, противостояние двух больших культурных общностей, с разными идеалами, системой ценностей, мировоззрением, понятиями. Конечно, к какой из этих систем относится человек, зависит не только от его происхождения. Какая-то часть израильтян из восточных общин является носителями европейских представлений, а определенная часть ашкеназов руководствуется восточными понятиями.
Доказательством наличия в Израиле двух больших лагерей является, например, следующее: одна сторона не может перенести, чтобы главой правительства был обманщик, человек, против которого выдвинуты уголовные обвинения, а второй это не мешает, главное, что он свой, из нашего лагеря, племени, сектора и т.п.
Одной не важен этнический состав той или иной государственной комиссии или победителей конкурса, главное, чтобы это были специалисты, а их решения - эффективные и справедливые. А для другой интерес прежде всего в этническом составе (и это после 75 лет существования еврейского государства). Одна не может принять распространенную коррупцию, а для другой это нормальные отношения в обществе.
Одна не согласна, чтобы суд был зависим от политиков, а другую это устраивает. Одна требует разделения властей, чтобы судьбы страны не решал один человек или одна группа. А для другой такое устройство наиболее приемлемое. Для одной возмутительно, что семья премьера участвует в решении важнейших государственных дел, а другая относится к этому как к допустимому при царском дворе.
Хорошим примером отличия западноевропейского и восточноазиатского мировоззрений является разное отношение людей вообще к закону и делам, связанным с коррупцией, в частности - на примере судов над Арье Дери и Эхудом Ольмертом. Когда Дери был осужден за получение взяток и приговорен к тюремному заключению, это не помешало ему быть очень популярным общественным деятелем среди многотысячных носителей восточноазиатской системы взглядов и потом еще сделать блестящую политическую карьеру.
То же самое случилось и когда он обманул суд и всю страну, взяв обязательство прекратить политическую деятельность, чтобы не понести наказания, но затем отказался выполнять свое обещание. Это совершенно не сказалось на его авторитете среди его сторонников, он остается лидером партии ШАС и одним из самых влиятельных политиков в стране.
Абсолютно противоположная реакция была на судебное дело Ольмерта. Ему пришлось уйти с должности главы правительства, резко упала его популярность среди носителей западной системы ценностей, он лишился поддержки даже среди политических сторонников. А сейчас мы видим разное отношение представителями двух культур к судебным делам Нетаниягу.
Проявлением указанного разлада является и то, что самые важные жизненные факторы слабо влияют на политические предпочтения большой части населения, особенно право-религиозного электората. Так, темы безопасности, дороговизны жизни, в том числе жилья, все наболевшие острые социальные вопросы оказываются не главными при выборе кандидата, за которого они решили отдать свой голос.
Существующее слишком большое различие между двумя частями населения является причиной мощного внутреннего конфликта. Обычно такой конфликт разрешается жестким противостоянием и даже насилием. Кажется это самый серьезный вызов для Израиля со времени его создания. Когда перед нашим государством стояла задача выжить, была угроза самому существованию страны, это противостояние сглаживалось, гасилось. Сейчас оно всплыло, оголилось, обострилось. Без излишней политкорректности, можно заявить, что сейчас в Израиле идет противоборство не между правыми и левыми, а между прогрессивной и развитой частью населения и отсталой и реакционной.
Бывший премьер-министр Англии Лиз Трасс сказала, что сейчас в мире идет борьба между разными общественными моделями: демократиями и автократиями. Внутри Израиля развернулась аналогичная борьба. Европейское устройство, которое реализовали создатели нашего государства, теперь подвергается атаке и изменению в соответствии с состоянием общества и уровнем развития большинства населения, во многом соответствующего странам третьего мира. В муках и противоречиях формируется свое собственное общественное устройство.
Именно борьба двух цивилизаций ялась основным смыслом избирательных кампаний последних лет. Победил право-религиозный лагерь во главе с Нетаниягу. Если эта победа окончательная и либеральный протест потерпит поражение, то страна пойдет ускоренным темпом к одной из форм автократии. Будут внешние атрибуты современного европейского устройства, а по сути - возврат к примитивной форме демократии, когда в обществе нет противовесов, все решает большинство. Так стоит вопрос о том, какой будет наша страна: отсталой и реакционной, передовой и прогрессивной.
I’m one of those people who think mindfulness practices can heal the world and I don’t care how nuts that sounds.
Thank you for your inspirational talk and making the world a better place, kind sir
I value this content highly you do such awesome Talk thank Ted and stars of Ted
I have compassion towards this man who shared his heart and who is clearly a part of the broken health care system which he speaks of. For some people it takes more than just breathing and saying compassion. This is a wonderful long term strategy once you have compassion and to gain some compassion however this method works much better once you take care of your diet. This guy clearly has some health issues because he is a part of the system which doesn't address the root cause of a lack of compassion - There is a non-pharmaceutical pill that creates compassion. It's called MDMA. The side effects when used properly are less than the side effects of drinking a can of soda. The positive effects are healing ptsd, compassion, love, and gratitude for everything and everyone.
Interesting. But trying what he suggested maybe won't hurt. :-)
amazing thumbs up, saved my life...
I read his book and it was so heart touching
Eastern Philosophy and Medicine has had a thorough and complex understanding of these dynamics for 1,000's of years. We're finally catching up But always cracks me up when I read in the NYTimes a sudden "discovery" that "scientific research" has "revealed"! "Hey .... there might be something to this Hippy Trippy Stuff ..." (at least this guy referenced the Dalia Lama) We can be SO arrogant in the western world always needing scientific "proof".
On the note about not having a single person to go to when someone's in pain: If I didn't have my wonderful boyfriend, I would be one of those people. The only other people I interact with are my coworkers, and they can't listen to a person for more than half a sentence without interrupting or checking out mentally. It's really shown me how most people are terrible listeners and don't care about anything but their OWN problems.
All people do that..we cant say this..all people need to fix them then they can help other's
I just finished his book today. WOW. that is all I can say.
It took this nice gentleman 16 mins to say: *_''Practicing breathing exercises for 15 mins and practicing compassion improves health and happiness'._*
Thank you!
Thanks for compassionately saving us time ;)
Marc Jager haha I thought that too.x
He tells us this because most of us need to hear this because somewhere along the line we have forgotten ...
I live in Maui, Hawaii and we live in a 3rd world country when it comes to healthcare! My prayer would be answered if this man would see me. It is impossible to find a cohesive network of doctors who work together to help people like me find a healthy life.
Wow, Brian Stack has some real range !
He hit it on the head. I suffer from these thoughts that are dangerous to me and everyone else around me. Drugs not more do i need. 18 a day is enough.
... Neurohacking your brain for transcendence! ... biohacking for happiness! ... Thank you Dr. Jim! #VRNeurotechnology
To each there own learning come from compassion
Wise talk !!
I know this guy sitting on the side of the road, always happy ! He doesn't need anything !
...maybe a bottle of wine, sometimes, that's all !!!
You're on the outside looking in. What you don't know is what he's not telling you, or maybe even what he's not admitting to himself.
Set the speed to 1.25x and thank or bash me later.
Thank you.
Setting the speed to 1.75x worked best for me.
Haha perfect👌🏼
I actually thought it was suprise ending of ayahuasca, nope, meditating with compassion..i will try that to, but i will end up partaking of the aya dmt also
thanks to TED. they deed good thing
I’m a very compassionate person, and I’m still feel depressed and lonely 😔
I know. Look for more reasons. Self confidence?
"You cant help those who wont help themselves" my schoolbus driver told me that. "You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink" my gramma told me that. I remember getting my "Sensei" status at my martial arts school. Then came everybodys secret problems. I quit for a month because i couldnt handle getting that heavy stuff dumped on me. Watching them fail after I taught them the way out killed me. (No its not physically fighting out) is this something you can relate too?
In other words. You can pour your heart into feeling for them. Tou can pur your heart into helping them. But if they come up with the same results or dont get better, you think you failed them.
Its just not reciprocated, or even seemingly heard by them.
Sometimes, I feel this too. I think I absorb too much negative emotions when I listen to others, but I listen anyway. :-)
Keep a pet and care for it like your child.
Thankfully I heard this namaste
The ovation at the end caught me by surprise. Home crowd?
Thnkyou sir.
By YouSum Live
00:01:39 Embracing life's meaning, purpose, and connection.
00:02:30 Epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression in affluent societies.
00:04:32 Evolutionary baggage hindering modern happiness.
00:05:22 Healthcare system focused on illness, not wellness.
00:10:50 Chronic stress response impeding creativity and productivity.
00:12:50 Compassion's profound impact on health and well-being.
00:13:48 Cultivating compassion for physiological and mental benefits.
00:14:08 Harnessing compassion to unlock full human potential.
00:15:14 Silence and compassion as keys to brain "hacking" happiness.
By YouSum Live
Brilliant ❤️
The only way I could listen to this talk is by speeding up playback to 1.5x
I had it at 1.75x.
Excelent video
Lovely analysis
Every Ted talk on how to beat depression: meditate
compasion ,, or empathy ,, empathy ,makes us human
Nowadays alot if distracting to our minds, we need to focus on our missions
This man gives a good message. I’m concerned though, that he is breathing heavily. Maybe has a heart condition & could benefit from dropping a few pounds… Best to you! 🙏❤️
He’s a doctor
Me gustaría pedirle me diga en donde puedo escuchar sus conferencias en español. Empecé a leer su libro la tienda de Magia y me gustaría saber más en sus conferencias. Gracias
Subtitle Thai language,please..
I'm not good at English 😥
I'm from Thailand and I'm fan into the magic shop book.
Television adverts in the usa are: cars adverts & pharma adverts. get your new car to drive to the chemist to get the latest drugs to keep you going to pay for your new car...! Go figure...
THIS WAS B4 COVID!!! Wonder what he thinks abt ALL the unnecessary FEAR/ ANXIETY being generated on this VIRUS!? ..........smh....🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️Pray for our a World , so many suffering depression, Anxiety & Loneliness........🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️🌿
I need that pill
the answer is at the end! MEDITATION 15.05
Okay, I started focusing on those heavy exhalations right away, and by 3:32 I couldn't take it anymore.
Focus on the message not the messenger
me to I came here to see if anyone else felt the same way. I couldnt even listen to anymore than 2 mins
@@cakeinup yes. I watched at 2x. And got to 1:14 bc they are still audible. OMFG 😣😥
he needs to lose some weight
cynthia freivogel - winter
Hacking your brain
omg 4 months ago?!! how on earth did you know??
kelpiin oppa oh my god
MintyJellyBean they hinted it in their mama performance last december 😄
Happiness is not normal. Anxiousness, depression, and many other unpleasant mood states evolved as survival mechanisms. In nature it is much more important to be aware of danger and bad things that have happened than good things. 10.000 years ago remembering story time around the campfire would not have been as important for survival as remembering the time hyenas ate your brother. If you are too relaxed one of those hyenas just might sneak up on you. Often people who have everything are not happy, but this is because the brain is simply not wired for too much happiness. Modern psychology should teach people that anxiety and depression are normal human states. Medication should only be used as a last resort.
+RagweedFarmer How's depression a survival mechanism when it can lead to suicide?
+RagweedFarmer Also, I don't think you've listened to the whole speech. Nowhere does he mention relaxation. It's the compassion that is the subject here.
+thedobosh I did watch the entire video, though I'm not about to watch it over again now. In fact I have watched a great many similar videos and researched this to more extent than most people. I am not an expert by any means, but I thought what I had to offer was valuable as an addition to the video. I was just trying to contribute to the discussion on the subject matter and not contradict the video. Anxiety is the opposite of relaxation, and also not exactly a happy state of mind, but our Paleolithic ancestors faced danger every day so being anxious kept them alert and alive. Modern society has sold people on the notion that they are supposed to be happy, when physiologically that just isn't true. No, someone should not be chronically or clinically depressed, but it can help people that deal with depression to know that depression and anxiety are normal states of mind, and that dwelling on negative thoughts is a survival mechanism. If a woman is raped she will never forget it and it can lead to serious PTSD. PTSD serves a purpose, it is a survival mechanism that keeps people away from danger.The best advice I can offer those who dwell on negative thoughts would be to deliberately get a song stuck in their head. It's hard to focus on negative thoughts when your favorite band is playing in your head. Anxiety, depression, all that garbage, every time those negative thoughts come in start playing a song. It really does work folks.
MeadowFarmer 4
@@thedobosh Depression is not a survival mechanism.
Then why are do so many nurses,doctors and healthcare professionals suffer from depression and anxiety?
What's the name of the pill?
When it comes to Jim Doty I think a good consideration to keep in mind is:"How you are speaks so loudly I can hardly hear what you say." Having said that, it is still a good thing that someone of his disposition could be attempting a course correction by considering personal development. His authority on the topic, however, is academic at best, as he does not truly embody the ideals or growth of the individuals/examples he is apt to cite. When you see a disconnect of this kind between embodiement and advertisement, you may be observing a form of virtue signaling or "development by proclaimed association." It is hard to gauge whether this is his attempt at redeeming sociopathic tendencies or leveraging them in old game of false "propheteering."
This is amazing
the medication..meditation?
ph bad.. compassion.. good... some ph is good. -MP
I wish he could speak faster, and I'm a person of patience.
+Richard Velazquez I feel your pain - solution: crank up the speed to 1.5
yeh right?! Waay to long and boring a talker....
16 minutes to say. 'Practicing breathing exercises for 15 mins and practicing compassion improves health and happiness'.
I agree. That's why I hit the settings button below the screen and set the speed to 1.5X. Much better. This helps with many of the presentations. Enjoy!!
Yall are too.kind.i had to take it up to 2x.
I could tell he had a breathing problem. Plus he is not Tony Stark. Give him a break. He had to lay a foundation.
Perhaps just skip to the last 3 min to get the actual message/solution...
The rest is like intro/describing the problem
Can anyone else hear him breathing on the mic.
I think, It is because he is nervous ;-)
@@lizielita mmm
does anybody else hear the breathing in the background????
The white in the ted ex needs to be gold.
I have a hardtime breathing just listening to him speak
4:37 Not something you should say outright.
+Gergely Szabados why?
+Augustus Lu
I think because you have no real data to base such a statement on.
As far as I know, we have no idea what the DNA of a human looked like 200.000 years ago.
Oh ok. I see.
What im trying to say is that gene pool is too big, and subgroups of the human species are in different environments - so smaller general mutations did occour definitely, but that the ones we can say are general genes in humans probably really didn't change.
And i agree with bluebird. But we do have ~some~ samples, dont we?
Have you wondered if Dr. Doty and Trump had a 10 minute chat?
new theory for bts music?
Right on track! Detective Armys
3.9 million subs .... And it's hard to listen to people talk if they're terrible at public speaking
248 veiws 2.5 million sub's. seems legit
+The Dingo why do you think that is?
+ParaGeorge Spoon over uploading
you are dumb , not every follower watch every videos daily you idiot.
why do you care?
jazmx considering this comment is half a year old. I'd ask you the same question
I knew this when I was 7. But Hunter S Thompson lifestyle was more my speed 👊🏻
I truly hope the PILL is a metaphor and not another marketing like David Lynch TM ploy when these teaching should be available to all to change the world instead of
ahh yes... transcendental meditation