Things that are donated should be in black bags and tied up tight so the hoarders can’t rummage through them. A lot of clothes didn’t fit her - they should have been suggested to donate first.
I would say, ok, no worries, Bye, and walk out. You can not argue with mental health, especially when she is only going to pile it up with new stuff again.
It should be when clearing these hoarders homes that one of the main rules is that they have to leave the property while these people donate their time to clear out peoples homes and property….i used to watch this on regular tv and people would watch their things being taken and some or almost all of these people would see something and say not to take it away…..I know it’s hard to let stuff go but in reality it is better than to have a mound of crap that you yourself know you will never use…..this is a mental disorder and needs to be dealt with …..I watch these videos as therapy of what not to be as I watched my mother become this and it’s very sad as I know why she did….she is no longer here and has found her path to happiness to be with her father whom she missed so many years ago….i will see her again someday and finally get to meet my grandfather ❤
The hoarding tendency can be very strong. Hats off to those who say goodbye to their hoard, and all those who help them!
This reminds me of Joyce from Lunatics. Similar storyline down to the dead father 😮
Things that are donated should be in black bags and tied up tight so the hoarders can’t rummage through them.
A lot of clothes didn’t fit her - they should have been suggested to donate first.
I would say, ok, no worries, Bye, and walk out. You can not argue with mental health, especially when she is only going to pile it up with new stuff again.
Joy needs to remember that as a shopaholic she likes the search not the result. So donate or sell them all and now you can buy more!
Throw rug by the front door is dangerous for anybody, but a definite no no for someone with MS!
Being a hoarder is no excuse for living like a pig
Een net mens zijn is geen excuus voor reageren als een slang.
It should be when clearing these hoarders homes that one of the main rules is that they have to leave the property while these people donate their time to clear out peoples homes and property….i used to watch this on regular tv and people would watch their things being taken and some or almost all of these people would see something and say not to take it away…..I know it’s hard to let stuff go but in reality it is better than to have a mound of crap that you yourself know you will never use…..this is a mental disorder and needs to be dealt with …..I watch these videos as therapy of what not to be as I watched my mother become this and it’s very sad as I know why she did….she is no longer here and has found her path to happiness to be with her father whom she missed so many years ago….i will see her again someday and finally get to meet my grandfather ❤