What a beautiful way to spend a morning out with the herd. Little Khanyisa is really living her best life, she has bonded with so many members of the jabulani family and it's lovely to see their interactions and how they all take care of our little miss Khanyisa 💙💛
Spending my morning with Khanyisa and Kumbura is the best. That chin fuzz is so endearing in the sunlight. Adine, you must be careful on that bike! I ride and a spill where you break your helmet can be serious. Thank you Last for taking care of the precious group.
Adine needs to be careful the herd can't afford to lose her!! The little pink princess is getting older, losing her baby teeth, it's good Last was there to collect it. I know I'll never get over there in this life but its nice to know good people are here working hard to help preserve a little piece of the old world for a few more generations at least
Khaynisa and Kumbura have always had a special bond. Very interesting how Kumbura is changing the dynamics and her place within the HERD. Look at all that blonde truck and chin hair on our sweet little Khaynisa. Just beautiful ❤️. Our little girl is growing up and starting to loose her baby teeth. Adine please take care of yourself. You must have hit your head pretty hard if you broke your helmet. Another great video. Thank you all for loving all the elephants 🐘 in this very special HERD.❤️🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐑🐑❤️
I am SOOOOOO moved that Kambura is becoming part of a special group within the herd. Her story has always touched me, and knowing that she now feels e special belonging makes me so happy for her. 😊❤️❤️❤️
Kumbura is also very special to me and I love the bond that the three orphans have together Kumbura was also protective of Timisa but Timi growing up Kumbura is dedicating most of her time to little miss Sunshine and as Auntie Lundi is the foster mother to our miss Pink Kumbura spends more time with them and mischevious Mambo (Lundi's son) But all this little world are never far away from each other Lundi being best friend of wonderful Matriarch Tokwe Thank you Last and Adine for sharing all these invaluable information about interactions within the Herd
Kumbura has always been my favorite. She has a past which makes her cautious, but she gives her love freely to the herd and the carers. Her obsession with caring for Khanyisa sometimes makes me laugh, but it’s because she can relate. She knows she’s safe. She knows she was saved.
Kumbura’s growing confidence makes me super happy. She’s found this special group while being a close allomother to Khanysa who’s Lundi’s foster mom & mom to Mambo. So glad for her. Thanks Last for these good news & for finding Khanyisa’s 1st tooth in the vast greenery! Adine. please be careful & don’t daydream about this beautiful herd!
I am so glad that I am seeing this video about Kumbura as Khanyisa's new allomother and her new alliance with Lundi. Now, in November 2022, as we all have just witnessed Khanyisa's permanent integration into the herd, it makes perfect sense that the group into which our little girl is placed is with Kumbura. As I said in a previous comment on another video, I only wished that Lundi, Khanyisa's first adoptive mother, could be in the same group but she has her hands full with Mambo, her "rebel"son, who would be too rambunctious for Khanyisa's successful integration. It is so fascinating to me to witness the organic alliances or groupings of the ellies out in the bush and how that translates to their home life in the sanctuary.
I adore Kumbura and am so glad she has chosen a wonderful adoptive mom in Lundi with Mambo as her brother. Perhaps Lundi is reveling in gaining an older “daughter” and close adult friend in Kumbura. A relationship that can benefit both of them.
Wow…a new family dynamic 💥💥💥 Kumbura, Khanyisa, Lundi & Mambo 💛🧡💖💜❤️. Watching the Jabulani Herd is always a joy. The individual interactions are heartwarming & a beautiful way to start our day.
So interesting! We are just a glad to see Kumbura finding her confidence and feet in her new family, taking new steps and growing as an individual with her bond with Khanyisa leading her 💕
Lundi is baby K's mom and Mambo's mother. So they I believe will always be close. Just like Timmi and her mom Tokwe and her two daughter's but I believe all of them are in love with the pretty pink baby. Just as much as we are.
It is so good Kumbura is joining a group, who particularily lookout for Khanyisa . As she gets so nervous if there is any threat to the wee ones. Amazing how she notices which elephants are the most protective. Love them all 💕🏴
Boy, those thorns look sharp and unfriendly yet they all seem to munch away at them constantly! The sun silhouetted them so beautifully, thank you as always for the superb filming of these beauties! Congrats Khanyisa on losing the first molar!! Growing, growing, growing😘🐘🧡
I think Adine must get a TRICYCLE now.Maybe she won't fall off that !?!?! There must be very big tooth fairies down there. Please can we see the tooth ? 💋💋
A small wound on the forearm... a thorn got Adine ! Wrong guess. Is that bicycle safe or is Adine safe? That is the question! 😉The new dynamic explained by Last was so very interesting. Khanyisa is becoming an "almost big" girl so fast. Thank you Adine and Last
I love how much Khanyisa has blossomed with the Jabulani Herd, and all of you Adine and all Carer's. Adine sorry to hear you had another fall off of you bike. I hope you are ok! Love to all at Herd and those amazing Elephants.
Thank you, Last, for explaining the group’s changing partnerships. Gives a new perspective on delaying Khanyisa’s move to spending nights in the big covered area; you’ll be better able to support her joining her preferred bedtime companions 🥰
Another milestone for little Khanyisa. 🤩🦷 Thank you Last for sharing your insight on the dynamics of the Herd. 🤗 Kumbura really has such a beautiful heart and it's wonderful how dedicated she is to Khanyisa and forming stronger bonds in the Herd. 💞💕💖💞 Adine, please do take special care of yourself or Dr Klaserie will feel the need to give you an even closer examination. 🤗💐
It is so interesting and lovely to see the bond shifting and developing further between Kumbura and Khanyisa. Do elephants have in their development something similar to adolescence? Kumbura is 13, is she like an adolescent? what are the markers of adulthood in elephants? I have so many questions, I never knew I had so much love for elephants in me before😊
I never thought about Khanise losing baby teeth...Considering their diet, I can see why they need 6 sets in a lifetime. Love Kumbura and her relationship, deep bondedness esp'ly to the youngest two, Timisa and Khanyisa. Amazing how they organically fulfill the caregiving duties and other roles. TY for the great videos! 🐘💞
Kumbura waited oh so patient;y to have her loved Khanyisa by her side and now she is what shes wanted more to have khanyisa for herself as much as possible and she is absolutely amazing, her bond with her is very strong now as strong as the other females iam so very proud of Kumbura. she also wants to be a mother i hope someday her dream comes true and she will be the proud mom of a beautiful baby for us to adorealso i think khanyisa wants to see everyone happy so she gives love to all little khanyisa is a VERY special girl she will be a matriarch someday just watch ill be here to see i hope
Adine, I heard you say your helmet is broken and you hit your head on your bike. The eles need you too much for anything to happen to you. Be safe, please ! 🙏 hope you’re ok! And always a joy to see the peanut in a sunrise 😊
Thank you so much for sharing all these news among the Herd it's so fascinating ! every day I wait for watching this dream life !! and a big surprise for Khanyisa !! how long teeth takes for the right size !! !! please !!!💓🇫🇷 thank you !!!
To me, it was so cool when I had first started watching Khanysia and she had needed a lot of rehabilitation and feedings to help her get stronger and she did because she is a touch girl.❤️ But, what I loved was when Jabulani was the first one to meet her and they connected instantly and then sh was brought to everyone else and they all welcomed her with open trunks and such love as if she was apart of their family always.❤️🥰🙏🏻🐘 That is why I totally love Jabulani so much because he is such a loving and gentle giant and the same with Fishon too. He loves Khanysia as much as Jabulani and for me, that warms my heart. Thanks and God bless you all and the elephants too. Sue (Florida, USA)❤️😘🙏🏻🌴👼🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🌸👍🏻❌⭕️❌⭕️
🙏 Bendecida es ésta hermosa mañana con ese espléndido ☀️ y la pequeña Elefantita KHANYISA 🐘 espera su botella con leche,que el señor Cuidador le ofrece luego las elefantes 🐘🐘🐘 están protegiendo a Khanyisa 🐘 junto con el Señor Cuidador y ADINE que no desampara a ninguna de ellas las 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘 y toda la manada de elefantes de JABULANI. Saludo desde La República de Colombia 🇨🇴 en Suramérica para ustedes allá en SurAfrica 🙏
One thing that called my attention is that Last & Adine herd a lion away but the ellies didn’t. Were they munching so hard they didn’t hear him? I sure was expecting trumpeting from the ‘Magnificent 16’. This reminded me of Khanyisa when emitted a lower trumpeting when she spotted the ‘lone rhino’ not long ago?
Oh look at her, she is growing so fast now. Wow where is the time she could not see over the fence only touch with her trunk. Thanx to youre great loving care she is able to reach adulthood and hopefully rase her own one day. The combination human and elephant is the right one to let this little Princess grow. Thank you for the wonderfull video this morning. 🥰 be carefull Adine, keep on your wheels when biking. I hope you are allright .
Also, is Kumbura looking for a significant responsibility with the herd? From what I've gathered watching The Herd and observing their behavior, it seems each of the adults has a kind of specific job and responsibility. Kumbhura was one of the rescue calves who must have had a very bad experience because she is skittish, or she was. She's better now that she's spending more time with Kenisha. Lovely 😘🤗
Wow... that's a very educating and interesting observation omg...Adine I hope and pray you are well and all good... no damage aye? 🙏🙈Take a slow down.. Not by the hairs on Khanyisias Chinny chin chin... awww they look sooooo soft.. sending love 💌 & good vibes to you
Good question 🤔. It would be interesting to know, however it appears that the individual elephant makes the choice, but I really don't know. Would be interesting to know.
💞🌾🐘There's no time for play, when her milk is imminent. Khanyisa, happily gulps down every last drop. The sunlight casts such perfect views, wherever it touches. Kumbura is attentive and caring as ever. Bonds which are forged and continually strengthening. Thanks Last, for the keen observations and updates. Adine, I hope your're not too worse for wear, after your bike fall. All the best. Thanks for sharing another fab video. 🌿✨
Good morning to you all , what an amazing morning to have a lil of the fun with the herd. She is so precious and glad to be around with the herd. I love the way the care takers are doing with the herd 🐘🐘😄keeps ypur heart warmed up as always. Thanks a lot for sharing another fantastic video. Hugs and Prayers to you all.😄🐘🐘🐘🐘 a beautiful sunrise 😄🐘🐘 they grow so fast. Kambura is a big 13yrs old.
I have to say it...i live in the NW of the USA and it rain's most of the year...but i get to watch a bit of sunshine grow...i love this stuff...just sayin...
These animals are so beautiful and special. Thank you for all your hard work and time. Thank you for sharing it with us as well. Whenever I need a smile I come and watch this incredible family
Everything is good. No problems. Khanyisa is progressing with no issues. Adine, maybe its time to get a nordic track or a treadmill? Be carefull! You're not a spring chicken anymore.🤷♂️
@@herdelephantorphanage Okay. Just sayin. About 10 years ago, I wiped out for the last time on my dirtbike, cracking three ribs. These three same ribs had been cracked two times before. VERY PAINFULL. So I sold the bike, and I bought a quad. No more wipeouts!
Amoung these giants with giant hearts, Kumbura and Bubi are the most sensitive, and love so deeply I will never e forget Kumbura fetching tiny khanysia over a year ago. I can see Lundi leading a group of the Herd into the wild. She is very capable, but she and her BFF Tokwe would probably arrange several meeting places every month or so, as those two are also closely bonded. In the end, this Herd will decide, and due to the bonds they share amoung each other I believe to the wild some will go, but they will meet up and visit each other forever.
So happy to see the calf fitting right in and I love the way one of the adults is always keeping an eye on her what a sweet family they are I really enjoy watching all of your videos thank you
Love to hear about all the elephant friendships! Thank you for sharing!!! God bless Adine, Last and all the Carers, as well as this beautiful Elephant Herd!!! 🙏💜🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘💜🙏🎊🎈🎉
This is the best descriptive comment you have ever written. Thank you!! I'm looking for a flying elephant emoji named Last for Ms. K's Tooth Fairy. Did he leave her a whole sweet potato?🐘
Adine, once is an accident, twice maybe coincidental; please don’t let it be three making a regular pattern! Maybe you could get a pair of those “trainer wheels” for your bike?!? 😂.
How beautifully the dynamics have been explained by you Adine and Last. The roles of the allo mothers, and each of the developing relationships. The babies and the growing up children. Very touched. Thanks also for sharing the information about elephant teeth. So cute
I am a new subscriber. May I ask a few questions, because I don’t understand. Are all of these elephants in your herd of any relatives? Or are they each and every one adopted? Is the area they are in when outside and foraging protected by fencing? So when you hear a lion in the area, are you and the Ellie’s protected from said predators? Or is it an entirely open concept and lions and come in or even other herds of Ellie’s? Can anyone help me? I’m so confused! I know the pink baby albino is an orphan from a poaching trap. But what about the rest? I love this channel 😭
I am just seeing this video now in November 2022 and there are other videos you might like to watch on this HERD channel to learn more about this herd. I can't answer all your questions as I have the same ones but. . . I do know that this herd has 16 elephants some male some female and most formed the herd as they were rescued from situations in other parts of Africa. Some are biologically related like Lundi and Mambo, Lundi's son. If you go back through the channel, there are lists or spread sheets you can download of all the relationships, their ages, where they came from, etc. The entire bush are where they forage is a reserve but I don't know know whether it is entirely closed in. The wild herds and packs have free reign but the homestead and nursery areas are protected by electric fencing for the safety of this Jabulani herd.
Adine, I have a idea. What do you do with like Khanyisa's baby teeth? If you don't mind giving them up, maybe you could auction it off to help raise money for HERD? I don't know if anyone would be interested but it's worth a try. Teeth don't go bad or rot so it would be a good fun way to raise a little money. Just an idea. Be careful with riding your bike!! No one needs you hurt!! Thank you for another great special video of the babies!! 🐘🐘🐘❤️💝💖
No I don’t think that is a good idea to auction off a piece of Khanyisa for money , elephants tusks are actually their also teeth don’t forget. I don’t think that they would even be allowed to auction or sell her baby teeth. I am glad Last took it home for safe keeping.
@@missclaire4820 I don't see it that way. It's not like they are altering her body to do it. She is like a famous person and if Adine is ok with it, I don't see anything wrong with it. HERD is asking for milk for Khanyisa and I read that it costs $18 per bottle of milk at 6 every 24 hours is $108 for Khanyisa every single day. It's $3240 a month. I think HERD would benefit greatly from it. It all depends on what HERD thinks.
@@KeyAppyMeganpr1 I know how much Khanyisa’s milk costs and there are other ways to raise funds for that and which they are doing well. She is not like a famous person, she is an elephant and it would be wrong to auction off a part of her especially her teeth and as I said before I don’t think legally they could.
What a beautiful way to spend a morning out with the herd. Little Khanyisa is really living her best life, she has bonded with so many members of the jabulani family and it's lovely to see their interactions and how they all take care of our little miss Khanyisa 💙💛
It’s amazing to see her developing so well and winning hearts! Thank you for following her journey 💕💕
Spending my morning with Khanyisa and Kumbura is the best. That chin fuzz is so endearing in the sunlight. Adine, you must be careful on that bike! I ride and a spill where you break your helmet can be serious. Thank you Last for taking care of the precious group.
Thank you for caring! So glad you enjoyed this beautiful morning 🌞
Adine needs to be careful the herd can't afford to lose her!! The little pink princess is getting older, losing her baby teeth, it's good Last was there to collect it. I know I'll never get over there in this life but its nice to know good people are here working hard to help preserve a little piece of the old world for a few more generations at least
I’m so happy that Kumbura has found her place in the world. This is such a meaningful special moment for her. And for Lundi, Mambo and Khanyisa too.
You guys do a tremendous job taking care of these beautiful animals
Thank you always ❤️
Khaynisa and Kumbura have always had a special bond. Very interesting how Kumbura is changing the dynamics and her place within the HERD. Look at all that blonde truck and chin hair on our sweet little Khaynisa. Just beautiful ❤️. Our little girl is growing up and starting to loose her baby teeth. Adine please take care of yourself. You must have hit your head pretty hard if you broke your helmet. Another great video. Thank you all for loving all the elephants 🐘 in this very special HERD.❤️🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐑🐑❤️
Thank you for your love and support always Dorothy! Adine is obviously dreaming of elephants while she’s cycling lately. Hope you’re doing well! 💕
I am SOOOOOO moved that Kambura is becoming part of a special group within the herd. Her story has always touched me, and knowing that she now feels e special belonging makes me so happy for her. 😊❤️❤️❤️
I agree with you wholeheartedly
Anch'io 🥰
Where did Kambura come from?
Love Kumbura!❤️
Kumbura is also very special to me and I love the bond that the three orphans have together Kumbura was also protective of Timisa but Timi growing up Kumbura is dedicating most of her time to little miss Sunshine and as Auntie Lundi is the foster mother to our miss Pink
Kumbura spends more time with them and mischevious Mambo (Lundi's son) But all this little world are never far away from each other Lundi being best friend of wonderful Matriarch Tokwe
Thank you Last and Adine for sharing all these invaluable information about interactions within the Herd
Kumbura has always been my favorite. She has a past which makes her cautious, but she gives her love freely to the herd and the carers. Her obsession with caring for Khanyisa sometimes makes me laugh, but it’s because she can relate. She knows she’s safe. She knows she was saved.
Kumbura’s growing confidence makes me super happy.
She’s found this special group while being a close allomother to Khanysa who’s Lundi’s foster mom & mom to Mambo. So glad for her.
Thanks Last for these good news & for finding Khanyisa’s 1st tooth in the vast greenery!
Adine. please be careful & don’t daydream about this beautiful herd!
I am so glad that I am seeing this video about Kumbura as Khanyisa's new allomother and her new alliance with Lundi. Now, in November 2022, as we all have just witnessed Khanyisa's permanent integration into the herd, it makes perfect sense that the group into which our little girl is placed is with Kumbura. As I said in a previous comment on another video, I only wished that Lundi, Khanyisa's first adoptive mother, could be in the same group but she has her hands full with Mambo, her "rebel"son, who would be too rambunctious for Khanyisa's successful integration. It is so fascinating to me to witness the organic alliances or groupings of the ellies out in the bush and how that translates to their home life in the sanctuary.
How big her eyes get when waiting on her milk😆 One day I'll get there to visit you sunshine🥰❤🐘🍼
I adore Kumbura and am so glad she has chosen a wonderful adoptive mom in Lundi with Mambo as her brother. Perhaps Lundi is reveling in gaining an older “daughter” and close adult friend in Kumbura. A relationship that can benefit both of them.
Wow…a new family dynamic 💥💥💥
Kumbura, Khanyisa, Lundi & Mambo
💛🧡💖💜❤️. Watching the Jabulani Herd is always a joy. The individual interactions are heartwarming & a beautiful way to start our day.
So interesting! We are just a glad to see Kumbura finding her confidence and feet in her new family, taking new steps and growing as an individual with her bond with Khanyisa leading her 💕
Lundi is baby K's mom and Mambo's mother. So they I believe will always be close. Just like Timmi and her mom Tokwe and her two daughter's but I believe all of them are in love with the pretty pink baby. Just as much as we are.
It is so good Kumbura is joining a group, who particularily lookout for Khanyisa . As she gets so nervous if there is any threat to the wee ones. Amazing how she notices which elephants are the most protective. Love them all 💕🏴
Boy, those thorns look sharp and unfriendly yet they all seem to munch away at them constantly! The sun silhouetted them so beautifully, thank you as always for the superb filming of these beauties! Congrats Khanyisa on losing the first molar!! Growing, growing, growing😘🐘🧡
I think Adine must get a TRICYCLE now.Maybe she won't fall off that !?!?! There must be very big tooth fairies down there. Please can we see the tooth ? 💋💋
A small wound on the forearm... a thorn got Adine ! Wrong guess. Is that bicycle safe or is Adine safe? That is the question! 😉The new dynamic explained by Last was so very interesting. Khanyisa is becoming an "almost big" girl so fast. Thank you Adine and Last
Thank you for watching! Adine is having a bit of a clumsy period 😂😂 she is safe but is covered in grazes. Part of the fun of cycling we guess 🤷🏻♀️
@@herdelephantorphanage 😂
I love how much Khanyisa has blossomed with the Jabulani Herd, and all of you Adine and all Carer's. Adine sorry to hear you had another fall off of you bike. I hope you are ok! Love to all at Herd and those amazing Elephants.
Thank you, Last, for explaining the group’s changing partnerships. Gives a new perspective on delaying Khanyisa’s move to spending nights in the big covered area; you’ll be better able to support her joining her preferred bedtime companions 🥰
Another milestone for little Khanyisa. 🤩🦷
Thank you Last for sharing your insight on the dynamics of the Herd. 🤗
Kumbura really has such a beautiful heart and it's wonderful how dedicated she is to Khanyisa and forming stronger bonds in the Herd. 💞💕💖💞
Adine, please do take special care of yourself or Dr Klaserie will feel the need to give you an even closer examination. 🤗💐
It is so interesting and lovely to see the bond shifting and developing further between Kumbura and Khanyisa. Do elephants have in their development something similar to adolescence? Kumbura is 13, is she like an adolescent? what are the markers of adulthood in elephants? I have so many questions, I never knew I had so much love for elephants in me before😊
I never thought about Khanise losing baby teeth...Considering their diet, I can see why they need 6 sets in a lifetime.
Love Kumbura and her relationship, deep bondedness esp'ly to the youngest two, Timisa and Khanyisa. Amazing how they organically fulfill the caregiving duties and other roles. TY for the great videos! 🐘💞
Hope they always stay a happy family, and not have to be confronted with the evils of this world.
Kumbura waited oh so patient;y to have her loved Khanyisa by her side and now she is what shes wanted more to have khanyisa for herself as much as possible and she is absolutely amazing, her bond with her is very strong now as strong as the other females
iam so very proud of Kumbura. she also wants to be a mother i hope someday her dream comes true and she will be the proud mom of a beautiful baby for us to adorealso i think khanyisa wants to see everyone happy so she gives love to all little khanyisa is a VERY special girl she will be a matriarch someday just watch ill be here to see i hope
Khanyisa looks like she is enjoying those leaves.
Adine, I heard you say your helmet is broken and you hit your head on your bike. The eles need you too much for anything to happen to you. Be safe, please ! 🙏 hope you’re ok! And always a joy to see the peanut in a sunrise 😊
Thank you so much for sharing all these news among the Herd it's so fascinating ! every day I wait for watching this dream life !! and a big surprise for Khanyisa !! how long teeth takes for the right size !! !! please !!!💓🇫🇷 thank you !!!
I hope the tooth fairy leaves her a giant bowl of sweet potatoes in exchange for her baby tooth 😁
To me, it was so cool when I had first started watching Khanysia and she had needed a lot of rehabilitation and feedings to help her get stronger and she did because she is a touch girl.❤️ But, what I loved was when Jabulani was the first one to meet her and they connected instantly and then sh was brought to everyone else and they all welcomed her with open trunks and such love as if she was apart of their family always.❤️🥰🙏🏻🐘 That is why I totally love Jabulani so much because he is such a loving and gentle giant and the same with Fishon too. He loves Khanysia as much as Jabulani and for me, that warms my heart. Thanks and God bless you all and the elephants too. Sue (Florida, USA)❤️😘🙏🏻🌴👼🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🌸👍🏻❌⭕️❌⭕️
I'm grateful for Kumbura. Last, thanks for sharing your keen observations.
Did you give kyhansia' wee tooth to the tooth fairy 🧚♀️ 😊
Wow, she's a big girl now! Growing so fast!
🙏 Bendecida es ésta hermosa mañana con ese espléndido ☀️ y la pequeña Elefantita KHANYISA 🐘 espera su botella con leche,que el señor Cuidador le ofrece luego las elefantes 🐘🐘🐘 están protegiendo a Khanyisa 🐘 junto con el Señor Cuidador y ADINE que no desampara a ninguna de ellas las 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘 y toda la manada de elefantes de JABULANI. Saludo desde La República de Colombia 🇨🇴 en Suramérica para ustedes allá en SurAfrica 🙏
Thank you for the captions so I can enjoy this update with everyone. It’s so beautiful to spend time with our beautiful herd. ❤️❤️❤️🇨🇦
One thing that called my attention is that Last & Adine herd a lion away but the ellies didn’t.
Were they munching so hard they didn’t hear him? I sure was expecting trumpeting from the
‘Magnificent 16’.
This reminded me of Khanyisa when emitted a lower trumpeting when she spotted the ‘lone rhino’ not long ago?
Oh look at her, she is growing so fast now. Wow where is the time she could not see over the fence only touch with her trunk. Thanx to youre great loving care she is able to reach adulthood and hopefully rase her own one day. The combination human and elephant is the right one to let this little Princess grow. Thank you for the wonderfull video this morning. 🥰 be carefull Adine, keep on your wheels when biking. I hope you are allright .
Hi khanyisa ❤️ hi all of you 🍀 🍀 🍀 so happy to see them so well with your help and care. Thank you. 🍀 🍀 🍀
Also, is Kumbura looking for a significant responsibility with the herd? From what I've gathered watching The Herd and observing their behavior, it seems each of the adults has a kind of specific job and responsibility. Kumbhura was one of the rescue calves who must have had a very bad experience because she is skittish, or she was. She's better now that she's spending more time with Kenisha. Lovely 😘🤗
How special to be able to be in such close proximity with these gorgeous giants, I must say that I'm Soo envious
Oh my gosh the picture is beautiful today. New camera? Nice. Thank you for the narrative, too!
Wow... that's a very educating and interesting observation omg...Adine I hope and pray you are well and all good... no damage aye? 🙏🙈Take a slow down..
Not by the hairs on Khanyisias Chinny chin chin... awww they look sooooo soft.. sending love 💌 & good vibes to you
Well now...i hope you saved her tooth for the tooth fairy...she might have gotten a BIG OLE SWEET POTATO under her little hay bed...lol...
Beautiful video 💖 thank you Last for the explanation about how Kumbura is choosing her new life partners❣️
In my next life’s. I want to be an elephant, because I know I will be cared for. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sorry to hear , you fell off your bike again. Be careful with yourself👍❤️Sunshine really puts the milk away now pretty quick😁growing growing❤️
Be careful Adine, we need you to stay well!
Sure, makes perfect sense that allomothering Khanyisa also bonds Kumbura with Lundi and Mambo. Good for Kumbura.
Thank-you Mr. Last for explaining about how the bonding occurs. Thank-you Adine and All the people who do this most important work.
Such a peaceful and beautiful morning~
Khanyisa eats and grows sooo well~💞
Thank you for sharing this video~🤗
Does Lundi make a decision about allowing Kumbura into her group or is it automatic because Kumbura is part of the herd?
Good question 🤔. It would be interesting to know, however it appears that the individual elephant makes the choice, but I really don't know. Would be interesting to know.
💞🌾🐘There's no time for play, when her milk is imminent. Khanyisa, happily gulps down every last drop. The sunlight casts such perfect views, wherever it touches.
Kumbura is attentive and caring as ever. Bonds which are forged and continually strengthening.
Thanks Last, for the keen observations and updates.
Adine, I hope your're not too worse for wear, after your bike fall.
All the best. Thanks for sharing another fab video. 🌿✨
Good morning to you all , what an amazing morning to have a lil of the fun with the herd. She is so precious and glad to be around with the herd. I love the way the care takers are doing with the herd 🐘🐘😄keeps ypur heart warmed up as always. Thanks a lot for sharing another fantastic video. Hugs and Prayers to you all.😄🐘🐘🐘🐘 a beautiful sunrise 😄🐘🐘 they grow so fast. Kambura is a big 13yrs old.
Adine be careful on that 🚲❤️🐘❤️💛🇺🇦💙
I have to say it...i live in the NW of the USA and it rain's most of the year...but i get to watch a bit of sunshine grow...i love this stuff...just sayin...
Adine take care of yourself 💕🙏please the Elephants need you healthy 🙏 ❤
These animals are so beautiful and special. Thank you for all your hard work and time. Thank you for sharing it with us as well. Whenever I need a smile I come and watch this incredible family
She s such a lil character🥰🥰🥰so lovely half a ton full of love😘
She is so adorable 🐘🥰🥰
So so lovely this lill girl is. :)
Elephant 🐘 get 6 sets!!!!
While we have to take care of only one adult set obsessively!
Talk about Lucky! 😂
Everything is good.
No problems.
Khanyisa is progressing with no issues.
Adine, maybe its time to get a nordic track or a treadmill?
Be carefull!
You're not a spring chicken anymore.🤷♂️
Haha, the springs are still very much in this chicken! 😂
Just sayin.
About 10 years ago, I wiped out for the last time on my dirtbike, cracking three ribs.
These three same ribs had been cracked two times before.
So I sold the bike, and I bought a quad.
No more wipeouts!
@@herdelephantorphanage well let's hope the shock absorbers are also functioning well. 😉
Khanyisa is so BEAUTIFUL. 🤩 Adine, please take care ❤️🩹 of yourself. We all need you. 💜🐘
I send my love to my African elephant friend khanysia and my sweet goat friends lamie and nungu.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🌏
Amoung these giants with giant hearts, Kumbura and Bubi are the most sensitive, and love so deeply I will never e forget Kumbura fetching tiny khanysia over a year ago. I can see Lundi leading a group of the Herd into the wild. She is very capable, but she and her BFF Tokwe would probably arrange several meeting places every month or so, as those two are also closely bonded. In the end, this Herd will decide, and due to the bonds they share amoung each other I believe to the wild some will go, but they will meet up and visit each other forever.
Smart, caring animals-amazing!
Kumbura has been so great with Khanyisa since the beginning 😍
Gonna have to start calling you Adine Knievel if you keep on wrecking your bicycle! lol
So happy to see the calf fitting right in and I love the way one of the adults is always keeping an eye on her what a sweet family they are I really enjoy watching all of your videos thank you
Love to hear about all the elephant friendships! Thank you for sharing!!! God bless Adine, Last and all the Carers, as well as this beautiful Elephant Herd!!!
adorable Kumbura she always an eye on Khanysisa ! always she arrive first in case of stress or problem ! I love her very much !! sweet Kumbura ❤
Would you just look at the cute little nubby tusks on Khanyisa! And the hairs on her chinny chin chin. What a lovely video, thank you.
Lovely videos of these magical creatures. Adine, quit having bicycle accidents!
The sun beyond them at 5:26 and them in the foreground is so... Africa!
This is the best descriptive comment you have ever written. Thank you!! I'm looking for a flying elephant emoji named Last for Ms. K's Tooth Fairy. Did he leave her a whole sweet potato?🐘
Adine, once is an accident, twice maybe coincidental; please don’t let it be three making a regular pattern! Maybe you could get a pair of those “trainer wheels” for your bike?!? 😂.
We call them fairy wheels 🛞 and we have definitely advised Adine to try them 😍🙈 her mind is on the elephants when she’s riding
i found the writing today especially touching. it takes a village to make a home.
How beautifully the dynamics have been explained by you Adine and Last. The roles of the allo mothers, and each of the developing relationships. The babies and the growing up children. Very touched.
Thanks also for sharing the information about elephant teeth. So cute
I always love elephants since my childhood years. 😊
Compliments to the caretakers that keep that baby in a pristine stall
Good morning dear ones.
I found your description of the dynamics in the herd very informative today Adine 👏👏
Thank you. The videos are so mesmerizing to watch and I love all the information.💗🐘
Heaven 💜💜💜💜
God bless you all, I love the way you all take care of the elephants, and other animals. 🇨🇦
Adine Sorry to hear that you fell again from your bike 😩 hope your knees and arms are not too sore ….
I wonder if they ever get jealous of one another like human Aunties over who is the most popular with the calf?
Definitely, depending on the elephant’s personality. It’s only really Bubi, Limpopo and Pisa who show jealous streaks for now
Pisa non ama Khanyisa è tantissimo tempo che me ne sono accorta....,
Khanyisa Sunshine glad she is in good shape and walk with the herd in bush Kumbura always look out for Khanyisa
I am a new subscriber. May I ask a few questions, because I don’t understand. Are all of these elephants in your herd of any relatives? Or are they each and every one adopted? Is the area they are in when outside and foraging protected by fencing? So when you hear a lion in the area, are you and the Ellie’s protected from said predators? Or is it an entirely open concept and lions and come in or even other herds of Ellie’s? Can anyone help me? I’m so confused! I know the pink baby albino is an orphan from a poaching trap. But what about the rest?
I love this channel 😭
I am just seeing this video now in November 2022 and there are other videos you might like to watch on this HERD channel to learn more about this herd. I can't answer all your questions as I have the same ones but. . . I do know that this herd has 16 elephants some male some female and most formed the herd as they were rescued from situations in other parts of Africa. Some are biologically related like Lundi and Mambo, Lundi's son. If you go back through the channel, there are lists or spread sheets you can download of all the relationships, their ages, where they came from, etc. The entire bush are where they forage is a reserve but I don't know know whether it is entirely closed in. The wild herds and packs have free reign but the homestead and nursery areas are protected by electric fencing for the safety of this Jabulani herd.
Last, Thank you so much for explaining to us the dynamics that are changing within the herd❣️🐘🐘🐘❤️💞
i fret when Khanyisa eats so close to those thorns. Adine maybe you should give up the bicycle.....
Adine, I have a idea. What do you do with like Khanyisa's baby teeth? If you don't mind giving them up, maybe you could auction it off to help raise money for HERD? I don't know if anyone would be interested but it's worth a try. Teeth don't go bad or rot so it would be a good fun way to raise a little money. Just an idea. Be careful with riding your bike!! No one needs you hurt!! Thank you for another great special video of the babies!! 🐘🐘🐘❤️💝💖
Great idea!
No I don’t think that is a good idea to auction off a piece of Khanyisa for money , elephants tusks are actually their also teeth don’t forget. I don’t think that they would even be allowed to auction or sell her baby teeth. I am glad Last took it home for safe keeping.
@@missclaire4820 I don't see it that way. It's not like they are altering her body to do it. She is like a famous person and if Adine is ok with it, I don't see anything wrong with it. HERD is asking for milk for Khanyisa and I read that it costs $18 per bottle of milk at 6 every 24 hours is $108 for Khanyisa every single day. It's $3240 a month. I think HERD would benefit greatly from it. It all depends on what HERD thinks.
@@KeyAppyMeganpr1 I know how much Khanyisa’s milk costs and there are other ways to raise funds for that and which they are doing well. She is not like a famous person, she is an elephant and it would be wrong to auction off a part of her especially her teeth and as I said before I don’t think legally they could.
8:33 into video and she is sayin more please you know how to pick that good stuff...
So nice to see Baby Khanyisa keeping well ❤️
OMG those eyes.🐘🐘❤️
I could hear the lion too. Did you know the roar of a lion can be heard up to 5 miles away.
Adine is turning into a dare devil mountain biker. 😉
Khanyisa has such Big eyes.