Dell sent us the laptop prototype and a CAD file. I built a whole bunch of different camera moves for the director. Meanwhile, I retopo'd parts and textured the laptop. The director built an edit out of my shots, then they programed them into a motion control rig to shoot the real laptop. Then I matched lighting out what they shot and did around 5-7 shots with the cg laptop.
This is sooo good
How did u do that?
Dell sent us the laptop prototype and a CAD file. I built a whole bunch of different camera moves for the director. Meanwhile, I retopo'd parts and textured the laptop. The director built an edit out of my shots, then they programed them into a motion control rig to shoot the real laptop. Then I matched lighting out what they shot and did around 5-7 shots with the cg laptop.
@@scgrimm it's damn good and so smooth!