Just bought one and set it up. The unit detects night as: night as well as dusk and dawn, or cloudy day or shade. This was confirmed by a call I made to orbit. That means I have to turn this on and off manually every day/night without getting myself sprayed.
I have two. It says it's supposed recognize blowing tree branches and not turn on. Unfortunately, mine go off every minute or so when there is a just a little wind. I cannot see anywhere to adjust the sensitivity. These did not do this when I first purchased them.
Hi Orbit, I have 2 of these on my yard. One just stopped working (with new batteries) and the other just makes the sound as if it was coming on but only for a second. In short, none of them works. Please advise, thanks!
Duracell batteries dropped to about 1.3x volts measured with Inova battery testing meter. Enforcer not working well. Replaced with Duracell batteriere measuring 1.5+ volts. Works like new.
My question is, if this has to be left on basically most of the time to be effective, does it break your hose from water pressure from being constantly on or leak at the fittings and bring up the water bill.
How will the sun effect this unit? Can sensor distance be adjusted? im in Arizona, hard to avoid the sun. Currently my front yard is being used as a liter box. The yard is 60 feet wide and 30 feet to the sidewalk. I had a Hoont device that did this but it kept going off when the sun hit it and when cars went by. It also leaked alot. Waste of water. Could never fine the right setting so i got rid of it.
Just got two of them SAME STORY on one of them. No use trying the second one after reading about this company and its product.. I am sure glad I have Amazon to send them back!
Hi there. Just got mine, pieced it all together and it won't work. Not sure if having a leak where the hose connects to the device would affect the operation. Based in NZ so hose fitting's are different in size. The batteries are definitely charged and working because there is an intermittent clicking noise coming from the piece. Switches are switched on. What could the problem be?
For small animals , attach the sensor to the bottom of the unit. The longer attachment is for larger animals. Either way , the sensors don’t work unless you touch them. Useless
This needs wifi zwave zigbee or anything, my pond is in the front yard and i would love to have it on a schedule so i turn it off lets say 10 am to 5 pm especially when deliveries are inbound, it sucks to have to manually turn it off and on
I just bought one and having an issue with the sensor range. I have a 22 ft garden with the enforcer set at one end. for some reason with the range set at full, it only covers a 12 ft area, not sure if it's the setting or whatever but only haft my garden is covered. I know it's not the water pressure, it sprays out over 25 ft at maximum range, I'm hoping someone can help, I never owned that brand before
The passive infrared sensor does not seem to give a 120 degrees angle.. it is more like 30 degrees unless I am doing something wrong. I am using this for Racoons, and they will certainly figure this out very soon. Further they should give us an idea of what is a small animal and a large animal and which set up to use for the sensor with instructions as they are missing. Bottom line this product needs to be improved.
Completely agree. I'm super disappointed with the sensor. I bought this for rabbits however it definitely won't pick me up, a large human, when I'm walking within the 120 degree range so I'm doubtful it will pick up rabbits. After my first night with it on, I found rabbit droppings all over my lawn so it clearly didn't pick him up. Face palm.
I need to set mine up for small animals but my unit does not have the square bracket so that the sensor can be mounted/slid into that square slot. How can I get that missing part...I'm trying to deter Rabbits and it would be too high to have the sensor up high to detect them
I purchase 2 Yard Enforcers 2 years ago. This year I have had issues. One will not go off when you walk in front of it no matter what range detection setting is set on. The other goes off with no movement in front of it every 10 seconds for about 5 seconds. I have installed new batteries, there are no leaks in my hose. The irrigation button on the side does operate. Any help is appreciated. When they worked they did a good job.
My question is, if this has to be left on basically most of the time to be effective, does it break your hose from water pressure from being constantly on or leak at the fittings and bring up the water bill.
My enforcer when set on night setting is having trouble recognizing that cloudy days are not night and will trigger even in middle of day. Anyone else have this problem and hopefully a solution?
Yes, the sprinkler can be adjusted. Please see this video: th-cam.com/video/EHo8qWmRfm0/w-d-xo.html Keep in mind that 30 feet may or may not be possible depending on your water pressure.
Hello, we're sorry to heat this and would be happy to get it resolved. Could you send a private message to one of our social accounts linked in the video description with your contact info? We will get in touch. Thanks.
i need to know if the distance of the water spray can be adjusted. i want to spray dogs who pee and poo on the edge of my yard but i'd rather not spray the dog owner....maybe turn my faucet down half way or less? thanks
Please contact us via our social media channels (linked in our profile) with your contact info. We'll get in touch and send you a replacement for the part in question. This is covered under warranty.
I just received the yard Enforcer and it went together very easily. I hooked it up to the water and the sprinkler is on continuously. I tried pressing the thirty minute sprinkler button to shut it off but that didn't work. I also moved the Day/Night switch to off but it didn't shut down. Why is it staying on?
How do I set up for small animals? the instructions that come with it are not clear and there is a part in here not even identified in the instructions.
Definitely took some time for me to figure it out too. You have to take off the part the sensor came attached to (screw knob) and then screw the small animal attachment on. It will then slide onto the unit. Even so, the product doesn't detect well for me which is a major bummer.
I just got mine and there is a small piece of plastic about 2 in long that looks like it clips on to the front of the controller/battery box but I have no idea what its for. It must be new because I do not see it on any pictures and theres nothing in the instructions.
I just got mine yesterday and I have that same extra piece. The interesting thing is that there was no instructions in the box, which is very odd. I had to search TH-cam to see how it went together. One other thing, and maybe it's the way i have it set up but if I walk within range coming from the side, it will go off. If I walk within range walking head on, it won't work until I reach the side view. Both front and sides angles are well within range. Any ideas?
I need to replace the base of this. This piece is also where the water connects to it. Everything else works perfectly. Orbit does not show this as a part I can buy on their site. Any ideas?
@@lizlegend And on top of that, I'd say that's a stretch. I've been testing mine out and it won't get triggered until say 90 degrees or even less. Imagine a small animal trying to trip it if it has so much trouble with me?
Purchased this a few weeks ago, works, sort of, had problems, comes on repeatedly after sensing motion it cycles 10 or more times over and over. This item is no longer on the Orbit website, a call to customer support had me on hold for over 30 min with no live person.. The build quality is good but not sure at all about the electronics. Also the spray pattern adjustment is lacking. May be returning item. A printed diagram of the infra red pattern would be helpful in the instructions so you can adjust the beam pattern properly. Overall seems lacking in engineering but a fantastic concept.
Had mine a few weeks, I have stray cats causing issues with my house cats. Great idea that is poorly executed. When in night mode, it will still detect movement on cloudy days or when it is in shade. I think the stray cats are watching me and laughing every time I get sprayed by it. I don't think my mail carrier is happy with me either. I've tried adjusting sensitivity so it doesn't detect cars traveling my road and needlessly water my driveway. but I have my doubts that the sensitivity knob does anything. Pretty useless product.
mine just runs and runs.. like the valves are not working also I turn it to off and still just runs what the neck its to protect my truck from a million feral cats help ASAP
Hello, we're sorry to hear that. We do have replacement valves that could be the solutions. Please reach out to our support team and they will get this resolved: www.orbitonline.com/contact-us/
Mine worked for a few weeks, now it won't. The batteries are still good. It keeps making a tick noise every 15 seconds or so but does not do anything. Help!
The sensor does not work unless you wave your hand in front of it and even the it is sporadic. My jack russell terrier walked by it ten times a foot away, 2 feet away... never turned on. I'm not sure how it's supposed to keep the cats out of my yard that keep crapping in it. Junk!
Can you control how far the water spray distance is… from the sprinkler head? I want to keep dogs 💩 off my yard but not spray my neighbors walking on the sidewalk.
Even after many adjustments and moving sprinkler around it does NOT detect peacocks right in front of it within 2 feet. unworthy product and customer support just refers me to the manual
Great product. How many are reported stolen per day. Don’t tell me the animals are birds are taking them. Come on be good you know it is the kids taking them.
Hi , just bought Yard enforcer 62100 . Have a technical issue could you please send me an email address where I can explain these issues. Would be much appreciated, Thanks.
Just bought one and set it up. The unit detects night as: night as well as dusk and dawn, or cloudy day or shade. This was confirmed by a call I made to orbit. That means I have to turn this on and off manually every day/night without getting myself sprayed.
I love the smile on his face as it goes off - thinking about getting one this year to keep dogs off my new shrubs. GET OFF MY LAWN
I have two. It says it's supposed recognize blowing tree branches and not turn on. Unfortunately, mine go off every minute or so when there is a just a little wind. I cannot see anywhere to adjust the sensitivity. These did not do this when I first purchased them.
Do you know what the difference is between the Yard and Orbit Enforcers are ?
This has run off the racoon from my pond! I have netting but they were tearing it up. If not for this product my fish would be toast! LOVE IT!
Hi Orbit, I have 2 of these on my yard. One just stopped working (with new batteries) and the other just makes the sound as if it was coming on but only for a second. In short, none of them works. Please advise, thanks!
Duracell batteries dropped to about 1.3x volts measured with Inova battery testing meter. Enforcer not working well. Replaced with Duracell batteriere measuring 1.5+ volts. Works like new.
Your Phone number is not working and neither is the chat option. How do I reach you with product questions?
Excellent video
Looking for where the brownish o-ring goes on this unit?
My question is, if this has to be left on basically most of the time to be effective, does it break your hose from water pressure from being constantly on or leak at the fittings and bring up the water bill.
I used this all summer to protect my small garden. Kept the deer away. 🙂
where do I get the valve replacement???
How will the sun effect this unit? Can sensor distance be adjusted? im in Arizona, hard to avoid the sun. Currently my front yard is being used as a liter box. The yard is 60 feet wide and 30 feet to the sidewalk. I had a Hoont device that did this but it kept going off when the sun hit it and when cars went by. It also leaked alot. Waste of water. Could never fine the right setting so i got rid of it.
I bought two of these and both never turn off despite me setting it to the off position.
Just got two of them SAME STORY on one of them. No use trying the second one after reading about this company and its product.. I am sure glad I have Amazon to send them back!
Does rain turn on the motion sensor?
Is there an adjustment for day/night sensitivity?. Mine is set on night but operates like it is set on always.
where do I get a valve replacement?????
Hi there. Just got mine, pieced it all together and it won't work. Not sure if having a leak where the hose connects to the device would affect the operation. Based in NZ so hose fitting's are different in size. The batteries are definitely charged and working because there is an intermittent clicking noise coming from the piece. Switches are switched on. What could the problem be?
Orbit. What is purpose of about 2 inch part not explained in instructions?
For small animals , attach the sensor to the bottom of the unit. The longer attachment is for larger animals. Either way , the sensors don’t work unless you touch them. Useless
This needs wifi zwave zigbee or anything, my pond is in the front yard and i would love to have it on a schedule so i turn it off lets say 10 am to 5 pm especially when deliveries are inbound, it sucks to have to manually turn it off and on
Wait so is the hose just running constantly though? Where is all that water building up?
I just bought one and having an issue with the sensor range. I have a 22 ft garden with the enforcer set at one end. for some reason with the range set at full, it only covers a 12 ft area, not sure if it's the setting or whatever but only haft my garden is covered. I know it's not the water pressure, it sprays out over 25 ft at maximum range, I'm hoping someone can help, I never owned that brand before
The passive infrared sensor does not seem to give a 120 degrees angle.. it is more like 30 degrees unless I am doing something wrong.
I am using this for Racoons, and they will certainly figure this out very soon.
Further they should give us an idea of what is a small animal and a large animal and which set up to use for the sensor with instructions as they are missing.
Bottom line this product needs to be improved.
Completely agree. I'm super disappointed with the sensor. I bought this for rabbits however it definitely won't pick me up, a large human, when I'm walking within the 120 degree range so I'm doubtful it will pick up rabbits. After my first night with it on, I found rabbit droppings all over my lawn so it clearly didn't pick him up. Face palm.
I need to set mine up for small animals but my unit does not have the square bracket so that the sensor can be mounted/slid into that square slot. How can I get that missing part...I'm trying to deter Rabbits and it would be too high to have the sensor up high to detect them
My yard enforcer doesn't have night and day and always it just says off and on. Do I have options for night only?? Thanks
Can I hook this up to a rain barrel and still have the same effect?
I don’t think there is any pressure from your rain barrel so it won’t work from that
I purchase 2 Yard Enforcers 2 years ago. This year I have had issues. One will not go off when you walk in front of it no matter what range detection setting is set on. The other goes off with no movement in front of it every 10 seconds for about 5 seconds. I have installed new batteries, there are no leaks in my hose. The irrigation button on the side does operate. Any help is appreciated. When they worked they did a good job.
My question is, if this has to be left on basically most of the time to be effective, does it break your hose from water pressure from being constantly on or leak at the fittings and bring up the water bill.
Same problem here. An answer from the company would have been great
What is the minimum detection range for this product?
My enforcer when set on night setting is having trouble recognizing that cloudy days are not night and will trigger even in middle of day. Anyone else have this problem and hopefully a solution?
Get a water timer, then you can set the time of day you want it to operate. You can find them at any hardware store for about $25.
Can the distance the water sprays be adjusted? Mine sprays about 20 ft but I need it to spray further about 30ft or so.
Yes, the sprinkler can be adjusted. Please see this video: th-cam.com/video/EHo8qWmRfm0/w-d-xo.html
Keep in mind that 30 feet may or may not be possible depending on your water pressure.
I'm having issue with the battery box getting moisture inside and causing the batteries to become corroded. Any remedy to fix this issue?
Hello, we're sorry to heat this and would be happy to get it resolved. Could you send a private message to one of our social accounts linked in the video description with your contact info? We will get in touch. Thanks.
i need to know if the distance of the water spray can be adjusted. i want to spray dogs who pee and poo on the edge of my yard but i'd rather not spray the dog owner....maybe turn my faucet down half way or less? thanks
You can adjust the angle of spray on the Enforcer which in turn affects spray distance. Also adjust you pressure at the valve.
Sounds great; i can't wait!
I hooked it up, but there's a leak at the step spike. What type of hose fitting do you suggest, please?
Please contact us via our social media channels (linked in our profile) with your contact info. We'll get in touch and send you a replacement for the part in question. This is covered under warranty.
Mine only sprays in a circle which i don't know how to adjust.is it possible?
I just bought does not work at all .
I just received the yard Enforcer and it went together very easily. I hooked it up to the water and the sprinkler is on continuously. I tried pressing the thirty minute sprinkler button to shut it off but that didn't work. I also moved the Day/Night switch to off but it didn't shut down. Why is it staying on?
SAME HERE! 8 13 2023
Same here, 9- 2024
How do I set up for small animals? the instructions that come with it are not clear and there is a part in here not even identified in the instructions.
That small part is to hook the sensor to a lower level for smaller animals. No instructions. Took me some times to figure this out.
Definitely took some time for me to figure it out too. You have to take off the part the sensor came attached to (screw knob) and then screw the small animal attachment on. It will then slide onto the unit. Even so, the product doesn't detect well for me which is a major bummer.
I just got mine and there is a small piece of plastic about 2 in long that looks like it clips on to the front of the controller/battery box but I have no idea what its for. It must be new because I do not see it on any pictures and theres nothing in the instructions.
I just got mine yesterday and I have that same extra piece. The interesting thing is that there was no instructions in the box, which is very odd. I had to search TH-cam to see how it went together. One other thing, and maybe it's the way i have it set up but if I walk within range coming from the side, it will go off. If I walk within range walking head on, it won't work until I reach the side view. Both front and sides angles are well within range. Any ideas?
Bob Oliver It fits the front of the valve, so I suspect it's for mounting on the top of a round post.
Extra piece. Got it. No installation instructions. Hmm.
I need to replace the base of this. This piece is also where the water connects to it. Everything else works perfectly. Orbit does not show this as a part I can buy on their site. Any ideas?
Hello, please send us your contact info via social media and we'll get in touch to get you the right part.
@@orbitsprinklers hi my sprinkler just keeps going. It’s set to night, 30 min is off, but it just keeps going
@@orbitsprinklers I got mine today and it already is giving me issues... it goes off consistently... I've tried everything... 😪
I understand that the sensor sees 180 degrees; but how wide water shoots? Is it possible to adjust water range, so I wouldn't sprinkle my neighbors?
120 degrees.
@@lizlegend And on top of that, I'd say that's a stretch. I've been testing mine out and it won't get triggered until say 90 degrees or even less. Imagine a small animal trying to trip it if it has so much trouble with me?
From the sensor I get about 40 degree coverage at best. Totally let down.
Thank you!
Would this be effective against bears? Strange question, i know. Bears keep trashing my wife's pond.
Mine just keep going to the right does anyone knows the reason?
this is so cool if had animals in the yard i would buy this
I just bought 2 and the motion sensor doesn’t switch on unless I literally touch it. Wasted 160 bucks 🤬
Would it work with gravity fed water
Very likely not. The pressure wouldn't be nearly enough.
Use a sump pump with water in a bucket. Mine works perfect. Think more like the kids would.
Purchased this a few weeks ago, works, sort of, had problems, comes on repeatedly after sensing motion it cycles 10 or more times over and over. This item is no longer on the Orbit website, a call to customer support had me on hold for over 30 min with no live person.. The build quality is good but not sure at all about the electronics. Also the spray pattern adjustment is lacking. May be returning item. A printed diagram of the infra red pattern would be helpful in the instructions so you can adjust the beam pattern properly. Overall seems lacking in engineering but a fantastic concept.
Had mine a few weeks, I have stray cats causing issues with my house cats. Great idea that is poorly executed. When in night mode, it will still detect movement on cloudy days or when it is in shade. I think the stray cats are watching me and laughing every time I get sprayed by it. I don't think my mail carrier is happy with me either. I've tried adjusting sensitivity so it doesn't detect cars traveling my road and needlessly water my driveway. but I have my doubts that the sensitivity knob does anything. Pretty useless product.
mine just runs and runs.. like the valves are not working also I turn it to off and still just runs what the neck its to protect my truck from a million feral cats help ASAP
Hello, we're sorry to hear that. We do have replacement valves that could be the solutions. Please reach out to our support team and they will get this resolved: www.orbitonline.com/contact-us/
Mine worked for a few weeks, now it won't. The batteries are still good. It keeps making a tick noise every 15 seconds or so but does not do anything. Help!
I had the same issue and found that the water wasn't turned on!!
The sensor does not work unless you wave your hand in front of it and even the it is sporadic. My jack russell terrier walked by it ten times a foot away, 2 feet away... never turned on. I'm not sure how it's supposed to keep the cats out of my yard that keep crapping in it. Junk!
My enforcer never shuts off I have submitted to the orbit customer care. I will send back to Amazon if I don't hear back quickly
Problem is the water hose brake a LOT
Can you control how far the water spray distance is… from the sprinkler head? I want to keep dogs 💩 off my yard but not spray my neighbors walking on the sidewalk.
Does it work for tyrannosaurus?
Hi Riju. I have 3 set up in my garden and I can confirm that I haven’t had a single t-Rex come in the garden since. 🤣
@@benmilne11 🤣
I’m here for a funny video of this brilliant product. Help
Innova 3320. Batter load test.
Mine only worked for a few months. Changed batteries, still nothing. This is a lot of money to spend for a few months.
Even after many adjustments and moving sprinkler around it does NOT detect peacocks right in front of it within 2 feet. unworthy product and customer support just refers me to the manual
Inspired by turnah81
Can't help but notice Orbit have been very disappointing in responding to questions here on their video.
No way does this have 40ft range. It only works when waving your hand in front of it just like the comment below. Sent the rubbish back.
Great product. How many are reported stolen per day. Don’t tell me the animals are birds are taking them. Come on be good you know it is the kids taking them.
Just set mine up batteries new batteries it will not even turn on ...not a happy camper
What about for small animals. The instructions are terrible!!!
Hi , just bought Yard enforcer 62100 . Have a technical issue could you please send me an email address where I can explain these issues. Would be much appreciated, Thanks.