This one was far more realistic than the V1 and V2 weapons and was considered for satellites in the space race due to how much more efficient this would be in putting something in orbit. The main issue is that this is only good for throwing shells, not fragile satellites
It was not an unreal weapon. In fact the installation was almost finished when it was detected by the allies. The weapon was bombed and destroyed before it could be used
Yes, they invented impractical super heavy weight tanks that just wasted effort. Still the war must have seemed like it would last forever so investing in high tech weapons may have seemed like a good idea.
Man the Germans were absolutely insane Can you imagine how many other crazy projects they had that were destroyed before the allies could capture them?
Сумасшедшие были те кто воевал за своих собственных угнетателей и это не были немцы! Кто сейчас смотрит на этот сумасшедший мир и не может понять почему он такой. Чувак это то что вы, болваны, выиграли для своего хозяина, который благодарит своих рабов новым мировым порядком!
@@dukenukem8381 What about the anti-gravity flying saucers and the time machine? Those were too secret to risk writing down. Yes, I'm joking. I'm afraid there are some who will say similar things without joking.
@@shred1894 When I served in HECU marines we were flown to that base to contain some outbreaks. It was even worse when that time when some know-it-all pushed a shopping cart into resonance cascade.
a canadian guy wanted to run with this concept to make a system for launching satellites cheaper. for funding he helped out saddam hussein with a similar weapon system to this, which gained the ire of mossad. he was killed later on cause of this. would make for a good basis for a james bond story i think.
In Dwarf Fortress this has a name, it's called "Stupid Dwarf Trick". "A stupid dwarf trick is any project that requires a large amount of time and/or effort. They may provide a practical benefit, but are frequently done for the sake of doing them; they exist primarily as a challenge for experienced players."
Like building a 'wish engine' in ADOM: by the time you can do it, you can also do every single ending possible in the game. I didn't know the term 'stupid dwarf trick', which is distinct enough from 'circus stunt' to be worth remembering 🤣
In addition to the 2 guns firing on Luxembourg, they started assembly of an additional 2 elsewhere, but only one was assembled but never fired as the allies approached too fast. The pieces of these 4 guns were found by the allies along with ammunition, and shipped to Aberdeen proving ground for test/evaluation.
Reloading 300 canisters seems completely impractical, but if they were going this route, definitely seems like something you finish building before starting a war.
Let’s not forget, the monster in charge of the fascist Reich was suffering from dementia by this point in time. So rational thinking was notably absent, thankfully.
I already knew about the smaller scale version used to bomb Luxembourg, but I had no idea how grandiose this V weapon project was, it's impressive even by today's standards.
@@eliangomes3162 The original project wasn't that big, Pal. It was reduced to just a fraction of it's size, before construction even started. Even then, only part of that was started. It was a long way from actually launching a projectile. This sitting duck was then pulverised, courtesy of a few earthquake bombs delivered Bomber Command.
Just one mistake in cleaning one of the hundreds of fuel cylinders would be enough to trigger a chain reaction with the explosion of the ammunition. In other words, a single spark would cause the ammunition to explode before the operator could seal the fuel cylinders. I bet the operation of this weapon wouldn't last a week before the entire complex blew up... I LOVE your video
What a fantastic video! Congratulations Mr. David Webb, for the excellent work. And even more: I'm 62 years old and I only just discovered that there was a project called V3.
A simpler design uses multiple breeches and very slow burning powder to keep the pressure up as the sabot moves down the barrel. Gerald Bull investigated many different ways to do the same thing.
As to the 50 degree angle; before ww2, man named Townsend Whelen (and I am sure many others through history) did extensive testing of rifles and other guns, and found the the greatest projectile range was yielded by a bore angle of approximately 45 degrees. The man wrote a good number of books on his findings and experiments, and they are very good information to read. Back to the point - that 50 degree bore angle was very likely the calculated "best angle" to maximize range of the guns.
on one hand it would have been devastatingly horrific if the Nazis built this. on the other it's an engineering marvel that would have been amazing to see.
That's a gross exaggeration. The V2 carried a FAR larger payload - 2,200 lbs vs 55. And this author also exaggerates how quickly this gun could have been fired. It's arguable that this weapon would have been better for the British than the V2.
@ so did you watch the entire video or did you just not listen? The author stated clearly that the Germans over exaggerated the rate of fire. I also wasn’t necessarily specifically talking about the annihilation of Great Britain from this weapon. I more meant that it would be cool to see shot. Not aimed at a city just a big gun that looks fun to shoot. It would’ve been far cheaper to shoot than a V2 rocket and arguably more accurate, assuming loaded with the right amount of propellant. With the V2 depending what sources you use between 25 and 50% of all rockets launched either debated prematurely, didn’t detonate at all, or completely missed its target altogether. By the way, they’re only able to produce 3500 Ish v2s. Exorbitantly expensive and incredibly difficult to produce compared to a few shovels, a giant barrel, a bunch of gunpowder, and a big metal stick. I would recommend watching the entire video before you go into the comments and decide to be a dick. merry Christmas.
Easily the most fascinating subject you've done. Outstanding work BPP as always. I knew about the V3 but never knew the details. Thank you and Merry(Happy) Christmas to all of you at BPP and all your families.
The JAF in ww2 developed the high tech Igo 1-C Rocket . It was an advanced homing missile created in Japan by TGE built by Mitsubishi in 1944. It homed in on a naval gun firing's shockwave! An even more advanced model was built by the Navy" Funryu "( Dragon raging?)
Excellent Video! I've known about the gun for many years, but have never been able to find many details. Your 3D model, animation and narration are all first rate. Thank you for your for all your hard work
Somehow with my many years of cobbling together random world war II knowledge, I have never once heard of this thing or the operation to destroy it. Very cool to learn something new!!
What a superb video. Everyone who read Paul Brickhill's classic 1950's book ,'The Dam Busters', knows of the existence of the V3 gun, but we have never seen all this quite sinister detail . Gratifying to know its destruction was 'all in a day's work ' for 617 Squadron and Barnes Wallis's 6-ton Tallboy bombs.
A German scientist suggested in 1943 an electrodynamic cannon, able to hit London from France. This project was rejected. This cannon needed so much electric power that a plant with generators was needed to be built near the cannon.
Yes, this concept, the railgun, had been known for ages prior to 1943. Both Russian and French scientists had toyed with the concept in the late 1800’s, in 1903 the Norwegian scientist Kristian Birkeland (today known for discovering how auroras work and a way to make fertilizer from air and limestone using electric plasma) attempted to construct a miniature railgun at Oscarsborg naval fortress in Norway to sink enemy battleships (it failed and they instead installed a torpedo battery which famously sank the battlecruiser _Blücher_ in WW2), and during WW1 a number of scientists attempted to make railguns to destroy enemy trenches. All the experiments failed because of the enormous energy requirements and the huge magnetic forces involved ripping apart any mechanical triggers. Railguns have been realized in the modern period, but only on ships equipped with nuclear reactors for power and computers for managing the firing without moving parts. They will likely never be significant in warfare as you can achieve almost the same efficiency at the fraction of a cost using a missile.
@luxborealis Almost isn't the same. Missiles can be intercepted or diverted with equipment far cheaper than the missiles themselves and their only getting better. Eventually there will come a point where the amount of missiles needed to overwhelm point defense systems costs more than the ship they're sinking. Kinetic projectiles on the other hand can't be intercepted or diverted nearly as easily. As the technology of superconductors and power generation advances railguns will likely surpass missiles as the primary antiship weapon for larger vessels simply because they bipass electronic warfare.
@@simonnachreiner8380i'd thought of that too, kinetic shells are smth else rly. i wonder how you could stop a big fat bullet coming at you at thousands of km/h.
Canadian ballistics engineer Gerald Bull used this very auxiliary charge system for his Super Gun design. His Super Gun had an inside diameter of about 1 m. It was huge, Fortunately, or unfortunately, it was never finished. Component parts of the huge barrel are on display at the Imperial War Museum in Duxford, and at the Royal Armouries, Fort Nelson, Portsmouth, UK.
It's almost ironic for this videos release for me, my dad and I were talking about the V3 just last week. Also, I love your videos here and on yarnhub.
The biggest problem with these guns was how easy they were to destroy from the air. To use them for a long time, you’d need total control of the skies, which Nazi Germany couldn’t achieve against the RAF. Projects like these guns and the V2 rockets ate up a ton of resources that could’ve been better spent on building regular planes, which would’ve been a bigger threat to the Allies. In the end, these weapons didn’t deliver and were easier to take out. Another major issue for the Axis was their fuel supply. If the Allies had focused more on bombing anything tied to fuel production, the war might have ended faster.
@@Hokunin I was thinking about it as trying to end the war fast, but yeah, I get that the goal was to wear both sides down over time. Thanks for the clarification!
That's not true. Many of Germany's top secret weapons facilities were never touched by Allied bombing. They were not discovered by the Allies until after the war ended..
@@alifnaufal This guy: The Nazis were *running out of fuel* for their aircrafts!!! Also this guy: Instead of long range retaliation guns, they should have built more *fuel guzzling* planes!!!
I was just researching about this weapon a couple of days ago because of boredom and nostalgia. Awesome video, boss! Now I can make my own I MEAN understand how it worked in full detail.
What are u talking about? 0:24 it gets it’s name from the same naming convention as the V1 and V2. The V3’s name stands for “Vergeltungswaffe 3” (Vengeance Weapon 3), following the naming convention of the V1 and V2 weapons. Despite, it not being directly related to these missile systems. Not from the city, town or country it was built in?
They meant the Fortress of Mimoyecques, the whole facility/bunker system shown in this video containing the V3 project (and probably the only place containing physical proof/remnants of the project)
There was a V3 weapons range near where I live. Right next to the small town of Zalesie, Poland. 53.90039, 14.43761 Here the weapon was tested on a smaller-scale structure. No one had accelerated missiles to such speeds before. For the first time, the designers encountered the problems of hypersonic speeds. Today, only the concrete foundations in the hillside remain. Allegedly, right after the war, all the metal elements were stolen, thinking it was some kind of pipeline.
Great video 👍🏻 The v3 site in France was also the bombmission of Joseph Jr. Kennedys plane. In August 1944, he flew a remote controlled B24, but the plane exploded i mid air before reaching the target, sadly killing Joseph Jr.
This is a really interesting video. By the way, at around 8:44, there's a typo in the subtitles where "with" is spelled "wuth". Just thought you might want to know.
never seen any of your videos, never heard of you and just randomly clicked.. subbed within a minute... great voice, annunciation speed and pattern.. plus ur graphics are on par... im staying to see the progress of the channel great job sir
I've heard the Germans had plans for such a weapon, I didn't realize the scale or the fact they used a smaller example. Sympathies to the thousands who died building it.
@@MadCDeeJay Yep, the Nazi's believe it or not treated their slave labour poorly, starvation and random motivational executions were commonplace. The work-force needed to build a huge complex construction as depicted would be massive, you obviously missed the bit where 10,000-pound Tallboy bombs collapsed tunnels. They were called earthquake bombs for a good reason, one near miss capsized the battleship Tirpitz.
Los miembros del museo le dieron todos los archivos para informarse de las instalaciones ademas de que hoy en dia mucha informacion esta en dominio publico en internet
The absolute best channel with some real hard effort put into those vids. Deserves way more view than those low effort "... react to ..." reaction videos.
@@fedfed96 Germans: get bombed all day every day, encounter boggy terrain Also Germans: make heavier and heavier tanks that are even slower than their predecessors
@@fedfed96 it was a fixed structure so there wasnt really much you could do if it were to be slightly misaligned, and if you take into account how ineffective the other v weapons were id say they probably didnt...
Reminds me of that old joke about a guy going to register a patent. The patent agent was heard commenting "yes Mr. Jones, you've made a better mouse trap, but could you please explain the purpose of the nuclear warhead to me one more time" I've never seen anything matching the cost and complexity verses returns before.
wow never heard of it before until this video! only knew about the v1 and v2. highest respect for this perfect video with maybe the best and complex animations i have ever seen. thank you for that masterpiece of viedo and knowledge!
Thank you for the dubbed version! V3 is a well-known weapon in Japan, but there is little Japanese literature. So it was interesting to learn a lot of facts.
They had a V4 too! Rheinbote, a thin multistage solid fueled rocket with a range of about 100 miles and a small warhead of under 90lbs. About 200 were used in combat but they were terribly inaccurate and made little damage with the small explosions.
this is one piece of a very-well made video material, with amazing standards of historical accuracy and respect for the real place. I highly appreciate it 🙌
6:44 You must have forgotten about the pressure of the lit fuel rod as it filled the empty gun chamber behind the round. As the fuel rods burned, the pressure filled all the empty space. From the first chamber to the 32nd chamber, the auxiliary fuel pressure would need to fill more and more space, thus making the additional propellant less and less effective. Hence, the proposed speed for the projectile would have never reached its imagined goal. If the gun designers had thought about the first fired auxiliary chambers would still be high enough pressure to keep the second auxiliary chamber's initial pressure aimed towards the projectile, they needed to realize the gas compression of the lengthening barrel as the projectile sped further up the barrel disappeared as the lower auxiliary chambers burned their fuel rods.
There's another huge problem behind this design as a modern howitzer barrel burns out after a max of 2500 rounds - if that gun can fire only 200 rounds a day per barrel then it won't even be able to fire for two weeks before they needed to replace those huge barrels. Another issue is that of cleaning the main barrel, although I'm sure they had some insane idea on how to do so.
@@richardjohnson4711 They said that they used howitzer barrels so that is a good rough estimate - maybe barrels back then didn't last as long, but it does give us a rough estimate.
Im sure organization Todt did this facility that being said I had no idea any of it still remains today I thought it had all been destroyed. As usual you hit it out if the park on this one. Merry Christmas and thank you.
Always fascinated by your content. I really can use your blue print dimensions on your projects or point me to a source. If you may, i would appreciate 🤗.Trying to make a cool solidworks portfolio
A sad story to go with the V3 was Joseph Kennedy died in a test bomb aircraft was going to be used in destroying the V3 weapon. What made it a tragedy was he was killed for nothing as the V3 was destroyed.
I've always thought that each section's azimuth would differ by a fraction of degree, so that with different winds they would decide which 'set' to use, since they were all immovable. Great video, as always, so much research and so much detail, a pleasure to watch!
The average person has no idea how many underground fortresses there are all around the world. Even fewer people realize that most of them are connected by underground rails. The complexity of them is almost unbelievable.
In the autumn of 1943, internal ballistic tests began on a first shortened test model at the I-Platz in Hillersleben. From various statements by contemporary witnesses and the sparse material that has been passed down, it can be assumed that a test tube about 30 metres long, made up of 6 connecting tubes and a base piece of the 15 cm s.F.H. 18, was installed here. The test variant did not yet have continuous T-beam traverses and side ignition chambers arranged at right angles to the main tube. The base piece of the 15 cm Kanone 18 had a cross-wedge breech with electrical firing. The side chambers were fitted with screw caps. Ranges of up to 8000 metres were achieved with this device. This v-weapon was tested 5km from my hometown. At the “Heeresversuchsstelle Hillersleben”. The weapon also known as “Tausendfüßler” or “Fleißiges Lieschen”. My grandfather learned to be a gunsmith at the firing range from 1939-42 in the artillery workshop there.
Were the Nazi's a bit obsessed with creating innovative but unrealistic, resource heavy weapons?
This one was far more realistic than the V1 and V2 weapons and was considered for satellites in the space race due to how much more efficient this would be in putting something in orbit.
The main issue is that this is only good for throwing shells, not fragile satellites
It was not an unreal weapon. In fact the installation was almost finished when it was detected by the allies. The weapon was bombed and destroyed before it could be used
A bit is an understatement
feels like a manifestion of their ethos
Yes, they invented impractical super heavy weight tanks that just wasted effort. Still the war must have seemed like it would last forever so investing in high tech weapons may have seemed like a good idea.
Man the Germans were absolutely insane
Can you imagine how many other crazy projects they had that were destroyed before the allies could capture them?
Сумасшедшие были те кто воевал за своих собственных угнетателей и это не были немцы! Кто сейчас смотрит на этот сумасшедший мир и не может понять почему он такой. Чувак это то что вы, болваны, выиграли для своего хозяина, который благодарит своих рабов новым мировым порядком!
Not many, germans are very pedantic and recorded everything. So it was impossible to erase something completely
@@dukenukem8381 What about the anti-gravity flying saucers and the time machine? Those were too secret to risk writing down.
Yes, I'm joking. I'm afraid there are some who will say similar things without joking.
I mean we never found their Antarctic bunker where they kept all their coolest stuff.
@@shred1894 When I served in HECU marines we were flown to that base to contain some outbreaks. It was even worse when that time when some know-it-all pushed a shopping cart into resonance cascade.
a canadian guy wanted to run with this concept to make a system for launching satellites cheaper. for funding he helped out saddam hussein with a similar weapon system to this, which gained the ire of mossad. he was killed later on cause of this. would make for a good basis for a james bond story i think.
Yeah. Then they whacked him.
I think that inspired one of the first Splinter Cell novels if I remember correctly
Project Babylon
Gerald Bull.
In Dwarf Fortress this has a name, it's called "Stupid Dwarf Trick".
"A stupid dwarf trick is any project that requires a large amount of time and/or effort. They may provide a practical benefit, but are frequently done for the sake of doing them; they exist primarily as a challenge for experienced players."
Can confirm Adolf Hitler was an inexperienced dwarf XD
And both ended being quite Fun!
This gun had a very personal and specific intent, but I think your quote is magnificent.
Sounds like nonlethal electromagnetic frequency weapons lmao. Nonlethal electromagnetic frequency weapons are stupid dwarf tricks haha.
Like building a 'wish engine' in ADOM: by the time you can do it, you can also do every single ending possible in the game. I didn't know the term 'stupid dwarf trick', which is distinct enough from 'circus stunt' to be worth remembering 🤣
In addition to the 2 guns firing on Luxembourg, they started assembly of an additional 2 elsewhere, but only one was assembled but never fired as the allies approached too fast.
The pieces of these 4 guns were found by the allies along with ammunition, and shipped to Aberdeen proving ground for test/evaluation.
Reloading 300 canisters seems completely impractical, but if they were going this route, definitely seems like something you finish building before starting a war.
Let’s not forget, the monster in charge of the fascist Reich was suffering from dementia by this point in time. So rational thinking was notably absent, thankfully.
Don't forget at cleaning part
Last time I checked, England declared war on Germany.
Like they had any choice, numpty.
So before invading France they should have built a megagun in France pointing at England?
Certainly the most comprehensive breakdown of the V3 I've ever seen, I knew the basics of the project but not in this much detail.
Very good video.
I already knew about the smaller scale version used to bomb Luxembourg, but I had no idea how grandiose this V weapon project was, it's impressive even by today's standards.
Grandiose? It failed.
@sandgrownun66 Thanks for saying it failed, Captain Obvious, I was referring to how big the original project was.
@@eliangomes3162 The original project wasn't that big, Pal. It was reduced to just a fraction of it's size, before construction even started. Even then, only part of that was started. It was a long way from actually launching a projectile. This sitting duck was then pulverised, courtesy of a few earthquake bombs delivered Bomber Command.
@@sandgrownun66if this was an allied project you would be praising it, you just hate it because is German, admit it buddy😂😂😂
@@sandgrownun66 "The original project wasn't that big, Pal." Two massive bunkers with fifty 140-meter-long V guns is "not that big"???
Just one mistake in cleaning one of the hundreds of fuel cylinders would be enough to trigger a chain reaction with the explosion of the ammunition. In other words, a single spark would cause the ammunition to explode before the operator could seal the fuel cylinders. I bet the operation of this weapon wouldn't last a week before the entire complex blew up...
I LOVE your video
they would have highly skilled people, meaning that wouldnt happen, they created and designed obsurd wepons, but they wernt stupid
Your assumptions with a hindsight-coned vision can’t really represent what would happen at the time
@@blocoes2757 Erros humanso acontecem, e essa obra abre MUITA margem pra erro, até por fadiga do operador.
@nuclearbombardment3863 iria acontecer, humanos tem fadiga, isso é um desasastre pronto pra acontecer.
@@paulof2028 true, but the chances is that if there if fatigue, there would be spair men to reploace said fatigued men, but u got a point
Damn as a German I didn't even know we had a sequel to the V2
This video quality is phenomenal. It’s crazy to me how we can just watch things like this for free.
Stop watching it bro . I want you to pay for it
Don't give them idea please, I'm to poor for it
30 secondes adds on every video of youtube isn't exactly what i would call "free" lmao
@@Cyborg-mt5lrUse Revanced
S impin for this shows your thirst
So interesting. I had heard of the V-3 weapon but never understood exactly how it worked until now. Excellent presentation and research. Well done!
What a fantastic video! Congratulations Mr. David Webb, for the excellent work. And even more: I'm 62 years old and I only just discovered that there was a project called V3.
Have you checked out the V-4?
But, Merry Christmas for you and family.
Been to this site . This is the best reconstruction and description of the weapons system I have seen .
Can it still be entered?
Seems like that would be a really cool exploration
Oh nevermind just saw the ending, what a shame
This is the most detail I have ever heard, concerning the V3 project. Thank you for compiling the information, and presenting it to the world.
A simpler design uses multiple breeches and very slow burning powder to keep the pressure up as the sabot moves down the barrel. Gerald Bull investigated many different ways to do the same thing.
could run into flame out situation in actual combat, imagine having a round jammed in this long barrel.
@humorss if this gun ever saw combat, it would have much bigger problems.
@@humorss if one barrel is blocked just take it out and install a new one, or stop using the one thats broken.
@@S4SK__1 Yeah that would be a nightmare to do.
Yeah, and look what happened to him.
As to the 50 degree angle; before ww2, man named Townsend Whelen (and I am sure many others through history) did extensive testing of rifles and other guns, and found the the greatest projectile range was yielded by a bore angle of approximately 45 degrees. The man wrote a good number of books on his findings and experiments, and they are very good information to read.
Back to the point - that 50 degree bore angle was very likely the calculated "best angle" to maximize range of the guns.
on one hand it would have been devastatingly horrific if the Nazis built this. on the other it's an engineering marvel that would have been amazing to see.
That's a gross exaggeration. The V2 carried a FAR larger payload - 2,200 lbs vs 55. And this author also exaggerates how quickly this gun could have been fired. It's arguable that this weapon would have been better for the British than the V2.
@ so did you watch the entire video or did you just not listen? The author stated clearly that the Germans over exaggerated the rate of fire. I also wasn’t necessarily specifically talking about the annihilation of Great Britain from this weapon. I more meant that it would be cool to see shot. Not aimed at a city just a big gun that looks fun to shoot. It would’ve been far cheaper to shoot than a V2 rocket and arguably more accurate, assuming loaded with the right amount of propellant. With the V2 depending what sources you use between 25 and 50% of all rockets launched either debated prematurely, didn’t detonate at all, or completely missed its target altogether. By the way, they’re only able to produce 3500 Ish v2s. Exorbitantly expensive and incredibly difficult to produce compared to a few shovels, a giant barrel, a bunch of gunpowder, and a big metal stick. I would recommend watching the entire video before you go into the comments and decide to be a dick. merry Christmas.
Amazing is a hard word to agree with. Engineering marvel for sure but the devastation it could have caused would have been horrific
Nah, this thing would have been a waste of time and resources if built.
God only knows why they would use APFSDS in an artillery capacity.
Because hitler was always more interested in terror than winning wars.
A big thanx for this video :!!
As a French man from the North, I have never heard of this and I have now a new place to visit :)
Easily the most fascinating subject you've done. Outstanding work BPP as always. I knew about the V3 but never knew the details. Thank you and Merry(Happy) Christmas to all of you at BPP and all your families.
The JAF in ww2 developed the high tech Igo 1-C Rocket . It was an advanced homing missile created in Japan by TGE built by Mitsubishi in 1944. It homed in on a naval gun firing's shockwave! An even more advanced model was built by the Navy" Funryu "( Dragon raging?)
@@johngibson2884 へぇ~
Excellent Video!
I've known about the gun for many years, but have never been able to find many details. Your 3D model, animation and narration are all first rate.
Thank you for your for all your hard work
Somehow with my many years of cobbling together random world war II knowledge, I have never once heard of this thing or the operation to destroy it. Very cool to learn something new!!
Read dambusters by Paul brickhill
What a superb video. Everyone who read Paul Brickhill's classic 1950's book ,'The Dam Busters', knows of the existence of the V3 gun, but we have never seen all this quite sinister detail . Gratifying to know its destruction was 'all in a day's work ' for 617 Squadron and Barnes Wallis's 6-ton Tallboy bombs.
these 3d animations explaining engineering are amazing. so much work in it
A German scientist suggested in 1943 an electrodynamic cannon, able to hit London from France.
This project was rejected. This cannon needed so much electric power that a plant with generators was needed to be built near the cannon.
there was me watching this thinking theres simularitys here to how the american electromagnetic gun they have been testing for years works
Yes, this concept, the railgun, had been known for ages prior to 1943. Both Russian and French scientists had toyed with the concept in the late 1800’s, in 1903 the Norwegian scientist Kristian Birkeland (today known for discovering how auroras work and a way to make fertilizer from air and limestone using electric plasma) attempted to construct a miniature railgun at Oscarsborg naval fortress in Norway to sink enemy battleships (it failed and they instead installed a torpedo battery which famously sank the battlecruiser _Blücher_ in WW2), and during WW1 a number of scientists attempted to make railguns to destroy enemy trenches. All the experiments failed because of the enormous energy requirements and the huge magnetic forces involved ripping apart any mechanical triggers. Railguns have been realized in the modern period, but only on ships equipped with nuclear reactors for power and computers for managing the firing without moving parts. They will likely never be significant in warfare as you can achieve almost the same efficiency at the fraction of a cost using a missile.
@@luxborealis - Very interesting !
Almost isn't the same. Missiles can be intercepted or diverted with equipment far cheaper than the missiles themselves and their only getting better. Eventually there will come a point where the amount of missiles needed to overwhelm point defense systems costs more than the ship they're sinking.
Kinetic projectiles on the other hand can't be intercepted or diverted nearly as easily. As the technology of superconductors and power generation advances railguns will likely surpass missiles as the primary antiship weapon for larger vessels simply because they bipass electronic warfare.
@@simonnachreiner8380i'd thought of that too, kinetic shells are smth else rly. i wonder how you could stop a big fat bullet coming at you at thousands of km/h.
Canadian ballistics engineer Gerald Bull used this very auxiliary charge system for his Super Gun design. His Super Gun had an inside diameter of about 1 m. It was huge, Fortunately, or unfortunately, it was never finished. Component parts of the huge barrel are on display at the Imperial War Museum in Duxford, and at the Royal Armouries, Fort Nelson, Portsmouth, UK.
This is exemplary for its detail, clarity, conciseness and good use of CGI. Instantly subscribing.
Very impressive work on the video! I appreciate the 20 minutes of animated and rendered video.
It's almost ironic for this videos release for me, my dad and I were talking about the V3 just last week. Also, I love your videos here and on yarnhub.
The biggest problem with these guns was how easy they were to destroy from the air. To use them for a long time, you’d need total control of the skies, which Nazi Germany couldn’t achieve against the RAF. Projects like these guns and the V2 rockets ate up a ton of resources that could’ve been better spent on building regular planes, which would’ve been a bigger threat to the Allies. In the end, these weapons didn’t deliver and were easier to take out.
Another major issue for the Axis was their fuel supply. If the Allies had focused more on bombing anything tied to fuel production, the war might have ended faster.
the plan was to weaken germany and ussr in the long attrition war with each other, not to end it faster.
@@Hokunin I was thinking about it as trying to end the war fast, but yeah, I get that the goal was to wear both sides down over time. Thanks for the clarification!
That's not true. Many of Germany's top secret weapons facilities were never touched by Allied bombing. They were not discovered by the Allies until after the war ended..
@@alifnaufal This guy: The Nazis were *running out of fuel* for their aircrafts!!!
Also this guy: Instead of long range retaliation guns, they should have built more *fuel guzzling* planes!!!
Had it been there for the blitz it could've been extremely destructive, but it had no hope of being there in time.
I was just researching about this weapon a couple of days ago because of boredom and nostalgia.
Awesome video, boss! Now I can make my own I MEAN understand how it worked in full detail.
Amazing how many tunnels in underground structures the Germans built in such a short period of time
They should have just pooled their resources and built the Chunnel, a half century early for a land assault like *_THE UNDERMINER!_*
What are u talking about? 0:24 it gets it’s name from the same naming convention as the V1 and V2. The V3’s name stands for “Vergeltungswaffe 3” (Vengeance Weapon 3), following the naming convention of the V1 and V2 weapons. Despite, it not being directly related to these missile systems. Not from the city, town or country it was built in?
They meant the Fortress of Mimoyecques, the whole facility/bunker system shown in this video containing the V3 project (and probably the only place containing physical proof/remnants of the project)
V1 and V2 also weren't related, had different design teams and technical names. The V1/V2/V3 naming convention was just for propaganda purposes.
There was a V3 weapons range near where I live. Right next to the small town of Zalesie, Poland. 53.90039, 14.43761 Here the weapon was tested on a smaller-scale structure. No one had accelerated missiles to such speeds before. For the first time, the designers encountered the problems of hypersonic speeds. Today, only the concrete foundations in the hillside remain. Allegedly, right after the war, all the metal elements were stolen, thinking it was some kind of pipeline.
Great video 👍🏻 The v3 site in France was also the bombmission of Joseph Jr. Kennedys plane. In August 1944, he flew a remote controlled B24, but the plane exploded i mid air before reaching the target, sadly killing Joseph Jr.
Due to the general lack of ammunition alone, this was a resource-consuming mad project
This is a really interesting video. By the way, at around 8:44, there's a typo in the subtitles where "with" is spelled "wuth". Just thought you might want to know.
never seen any of your videos, never heard of you and just randomly clicked.. subbed within a minute... great voice, annunciation speed and pattern.. plus ur graphics are on par... im staying to see the progress of the channel
great job sir
you did not disappoint
I've heard the Germans had plans for such a weapon, I didn't realize the scale or the fact they used a smaller example. Sympathies to the thousands who died building it.
thousands? are you sure its not 6 billion
@@MadCDeeJay Yep, the Nazi's believe it or not treated their slave labour poorly, starvation and random motivational executions were commonplace. The work-force needed to build a huge complex construction as depicted would be massive, you obviously missed the bit where 10,000-pound Tallboy bombs collapsed tunnels. They were called earthquake bombs for a good reason, one near miss capsized the battleship Tirpitz.
What do you mean by '6 billion'?
@BernhardtBauer Numbers are like spells. Works in finance too. All tricks and illusions. Rabbinical magic..
@@MadCDeeJayYakube's most stealthy tricknologist
I'm just astonished watching this video, how did you know every single little detail about this gun? Wow, just amazing detail 👏
Los miembros del museo le dieron todos los archivos para informarse de las instalaciones ademas de que hoy en dia mucha informacion esta en dominio publico en internet
These animations are really, really well done. Tells a story as opposed to just presenting information
my first thought regarding the v3 was how do you clean it after firing?
I mean the amount of gun powder is enormous and residues are guaranteed...
That and reloading it! It's definitely going to be a dirty beast, but a very impressive dirty beast.
yeah would be a pain to clean, if even possible.
everything about this is so insanely impractical.
The absolute best channel with some real hard effort put into those vids. Deserves way more view than those low effort "... react to ..." reaction videos.
we should have won just to get rid of this stupid imperial meassuring..
I feel that if built, even a near bomb miss would have cause the structure to be misaligned enough that it would be off by miles.
you really think germans didn't think of that?
@@fedfed96 With most of the things they thought up of sometimes it feels like they weren't thinking at all.
@@fedfed96 Germans: get bombed all day every day, encounter boggy terrain
Also Germans: make heavier and heavier tanks that are even slower than their predecessors
@@only-mint big gaun too railz dont think how work! >:(
@@fedfed96 it was a fixed structure so there wasnt really much you could do if it were to be slightly misaligned, and if you take into account how ineffective the other v weapons were id say they probably didnt...
Imagine if the designers saw modern MLRS systems today. Self propelled with laser accurate targeting and whatnot.
Germans had mobile rocket launchers rocket launchers just guidance was not there.Nebelwerfer is one of them , half truck version was Panzerwerfer 42.
Reminds me of that old joke about a guy going to register a patent. The patent agent was heard commenting "yes Mr. Jones, you've made a better mouse trap, but could you please explain the purpose of the nuclear warhead to me one more time" I've never seen anything matching the cost and complexity verses returns before.
wow never heard of it before until this video! only knew about the v1 and v2. highest respect for this perfect video with maybe the best and complex animations i have ever seen.
thank you for that masterpiece of viedo and knowledge!
WOW.. glad I found this channel.. fantastic quality of production.
Imagine how long it would have taken to reload all those chambers in actual practice.
Wow. I am speechless. Amazing Christmas video. Thank you for this channel.
I really enjoyed your show. The animations are great and I like your voice, randomly. Found you. I will look at more of your stuff. Thanks
Thank you for the dubbed version!
V3 is a well-known weapon in Japan, but there is little Japanese literature.
So it was interesting to learn a lot of facts.
Danm never even knew there was a v3
Edit: ok I realise the v3 wasn’t made stop nagging me about it😭
Yeah, this one was fairly bad due to the inability to aim.
I heard about a V3 project but never knew anything about it. What a wild idea
They had a V4 too! Rheinbote, a thin multistage solid fueled rocket with a range of about 100 miles and a small warhead of under 90lbs. About 200 were used in combat but they were terribly inaccurate and made little damage with the small explosions.
@@octowuss1888 huh you learn 2 new things every day!
@@nickforgie4290wouldn’t they just calculate where it would hit and then I build it where it needed to be?
whoooooohoooo lets gooooooooo a new Blue Paw print video ❤❤🤩
i cant belive this man a legend is able to manage 2 high quality animation chanells and still uploud😮😮😮
I thought he wqs gonna say in minecraft 0:48
Same, kinda threw me off lol
Delete cringe
classic answer tbh 😂
Stay off the bs video games this is history not modern gaming
Holy cow the quality is insane. You have gained a sub.
Phenomenal video. I actually learned quite a bit and never knew such an idea like that was ever implemented in WWII...
17:17 what a shame
Costs of operating this would have been insane
Insane job here, as a French guy, i really appreciate this video!! Well done and thanks
An extremely well done documentary.
Am looking forward to see what else you have on the channel.
Jason Bourne my man, your work is incredible, thanks for these videos!
Great Christmas video
POV: you didn’t search for this
Pov: it was just there.
At all lol
this is one piece of a very-well made video material, with amazing standards of historical accuracy and respect for the real place. I highly appreciate it 🙌
Guess this one can befriend with the Gustav Gun.
Human's ingenuity is magnificently brilliant when it comes to things to blow up others.
Hiram Maxim agrees.
6:44 You must have forgotten about the pressure of the lit fuel rod as it filled the empty gun chamber behind the round. As the fuel rods burned, the pressure filled all the empty space. From the first chamber to the 32nd chamber, the auxiliary fuel pressure would need to fill more and more space, thus making the additional propellant less and less effective. Hence, the proposed speed for the projectile would have never reached its imagined goal.
If the gun designers had thought about the first fired auxiliary chambers would still be high enough pressure to keep the second auxiliary chamber's initial pressure aimed towards the projectile, they needed to realize the gas compression of the lengthening barrel as the projectile sped further up the barrel disappeared as the lower auxiliary chambers burned their fuel rods.
TY for all your hard work and content contributions…just appreciating
Excelente vídeo! A melhor e mais detalhada descrição dessa arma que conheço. Parabéns ao canal!
this is peak content man
Please make a video on the inside of the V1 flying bomb or the V2 rocket.
There's another huge problem behind this design as a modern howitzer barrel burns out after a max of 2500 rounds - if that gun can fire only 200 rounds a day per barrel then it won't even be able to fire for two weeks before they needed to replace those huge barrels.
Another issue is that of cleaning the main barrel, although I'm sure they had some insane idea on how to do so.
What makes you think the barrel is the same size?
@@richardjohnson4711 They said that they used howitzer barrels so that is a good rough estimate - maybe barrels back then didn't last as long, but it does give us a rough estimate.
Amigo ! Gran trabajo ! 🤝🏻 Necesitamos el Spitfire, Tempest, SeaFury
Im sure organization Todt did this facility that being said I had no idea any of it still remains today I thought it had all been destroyed.
As usual you hit it out if the park on this one.
Merry Christmas and thank you.
Always fascinated by your content. I really can use your blue print dimensions on your projects or point me to a source. If you may, i would appreciate 🤗.Trying to make a cool solidworks portfolio
Remarkable. I was ignorant about this weapon. Thank you.
I grew up next to the fortress of Mimoyecques, the place is now a museum. You can visit it.
If school/college lectures were this demonstrative... Phenomenal production👌
This is museum level demonstration
Do you really think engineers capable of this would use wooden doors?
Follow your leader
Felices fiestas navideñas 🎄 exelente vídeo y el plus de imágenes del lugar es magnífico gracias
The animation is too good
A sad story to go with the V3 was Joseph Kennedy died in a test bomb aircraft was going to be used in destroying the V3 weapon. What made it a tragedy was he was killed for nothing as the V3 was destroyed.
So this thing exists but game devs nowadays are more concerned about giving us diverse characters than making a game were we can take this thing out?
is there gonna be a yarnhub storie about this?
It was.. never used. They only made a small scale version for testing
Always wanted to know more about this weapon
I've always thought that each section's azimuth would differ by a fraction of degree, so that with different winds they would decide which 'set' to use, since they were all immovable. Great video, as always, so much research and so much detail, a pleasure to watch!
The amount of construction is insane!!
Didn't know about this. Great video
strategic value of this massive weapon complex is questionable at best. I don't know how german higher ups could authorize it
Because Hitler. Simple as that. He never listened to good advice. Much like trump.
The average person has no idea how many underground fortresses there are all around the world. Even fewer people realize that most of them are connected by underground rails. The complexity of them is almost unbelievable.
In the autumn of 1943, internal ballistic tests began on a first shortened test model at the I-Platz in Hillersleben. From various statements by contemporary witnesses and the sparse material that has been passed down, it can be assumed that a test tube about 30 metres long, made up of 6 connecting tubes and a base piece of the 15 cm s.F.H. 18, was installed here. The test variant did not yet have continuous T-beam traverses and side ignition chambers arranged at right angles to the main tube. The base piece of the 15 cm Kanone 18 had a cross-wedge breech with electrical firing. The side chambers were fitted with screw caps. Ranges of up to 8000 metres were achieved with this device.
This v-weapon was tested 5km from my hometown. At the “Heeresversuchsstelle Hillersleben”. The weapon also known as “Tausendfüßler” or “Fleißiges Lieschen”.
My grandfather learned to be a gunsmith at the firing range from 1939-42 in the artillery workshop there.
The most impressive thing to me is that it was bombed from the outside twice, from the inside, and still stands.
enjoying every video of you, great work! Thank you!
Oh let's go!! New video baby 🤙🤙