It's not strange. The composer is not Indian-American, nor even American, he is South African. Trevor Jones. This music is beautiful, but it has nothing Mayan or Indian about it, rather it is Anglo-Saxon since its composer was educated in the UK.
Сколько слушаю эту мелодию, всегда плачу. С детства зачитывалась Джеком Лондоном, Вальтером Скоттом .Белый клык, Жена короля, Последний из могикан одни из любимых.Индейцы открытые, Свободный, Гордый народ! С любовью из России❤❤❤
بصفتي،مواطن عربي كل مااسمع الموسيقي يقشعر جسمي وتدمع عيني،إنما يدل ان شعوب الهنود الحمر من اعرق،الثقافات،وافتخر اني اكثر من ثلاث سنوات وانا،استمع الي موسيقهم،تحياتي،من بنغازي.
I'm 100% native American I'm from the Sioux tribe been dancing in pow wows my whole life 27 years old part of my relatives live in north Dakota and south Dakota we are we call ourselves Lakotas.
Love the music . Do keep up the traditions and cultures.Love the song and lyrics even I don't understand the language. Very colourful clothing, and good piece of music , lively and peaceful.Even many years ago but the lovely music and song will last forever till today. God bless each one of you.
What do you know of native americans? Depending on which time and tribe they would have enslaved you, scalped you, burned you or cut out your hearth alive! A couple of movie tunes and Kumbayah, peace and happiness LOL. Pathetic!
You don't know what you're saying. On the one hand, these people are not 'Native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their music is 95% from the south, from the Andes. On the other hand, the beautiful people you speak of waged war against each other all their lives, massacring each other before the arrival of the Spanish and English. If they lived in 'harmony' with nature, they did not transfer it to harmony with their neighbors, that story of the 'noble savage' is just that, a story and an insult. Human beings are capable of very good things... and very bad things anywhere.
I am a South African and this music is so beautiful. I love the fact that you still make music on your traditional musical instruments as well as wearing your beautiful clothing what is so colorful. You can all as American Natives be very proud of you culture.
I am part Native American, I saw my grandmother in a picture. She had the braids on each side, and I knew that that’s one grandma that I would never ever fool with and make upset. I’m proud to be Native American!
I am an Indian 🇮🇳 and this is one of the most beautiful thing I have ever heard... It has such a healing power and also like a driving force, encouragement etc.. Brings me back to history... Before America was born
Native Americans are true citizens and should be respected. My grandparents arrived on this shore as immigrants. We are blessed to live in this country. Trump thinks everything is his. Vote Blue🎉
@@maryotradovec9390Why are they stealing The Gael like it’s their culture? The Gael were from Scotland. British/Irish culture. This song is nothing to do with native Americans.
I am Nakoda Stoney, & every time I heard this song it's released my sadness & make's me feel like I was flying soar around, in Nakoda language my name is Wanee-Otha Spirit, it's means a peregrine falcon. God bless you all & my relations Is-shnis
Pero de donde sacaste que esta piesa musical Norteamerican es del peru ????? como siempre ustedes Robando Y Saqueando la Música Folclórica de Otras Culturas y de Otros Paises, ya Ni tienen Vergüenza de seguir Robando.
@@davide051qwer tranquilo brother no alucines que está música es el papá de los pollitos, simplemente la música andina es muy parecida por eso se confundió, pero nosotros los peruanos no tenemos nesecidad de de robar nada .
My Grandmother was a Rojas, Daisy she was half Carib indian. My Grandfather also had Carib indian his mother was half carib and his father was french. ❤the music. 🇹🇹
Told I have a percentage of N. W. American Indian in my blood line, hearing this song stimulated in me a spiritual sensation (awakening) such as never before. Thanks much and God bless all American Indians past, present and future.
Alexandro Querevalu has an excellent version, he's solo. I do love El Dorado as well though, the amazing, dramatic big set, the fusion of traditional and modern is a really wonderful synergy.
Nababii de la Vatican ar trebui stîrpiți, că mult rău au făcut acestor oameni ... Azi, evreii extermină un popor prin atrocități pentru a-i lua pămîntul ... Urît ...
Great performance, keep your traditions. Criminals have tried to extiguish your people and culture, you´re still there, be strong. Respect and admiration from Germany.
The name of this piece of music is 'The Gael' - ie someone who is of Gaelic decent - nothing to do with Native Americans except for the fact that it was used in a movie depicting Native Americans, and has been hi-jacked by Native Americans because of that. Know your history.
@@andrewarnott8799Vous n'avez pas tout à fait tort ni tout à fait raison. Je pense que les Gaëls (irlandais, écossais, etc) et les Indiens ont un point commun : celui d'avoir subi pendant des siècles la domination anglaise. "L'ennemi de mon ami est mon ennemi". C'est un proverbe qui a souvent sa part de vérité. Ensuite, à l'époque des guerres d'indépendance américaines, il y avait une forte proportion d'anglais et d'écossais parmi les colons. Concernant les écossais, des déportés suite à la défaite définitive des rebellions jacobites à Culloden (1746).
You are not entirely wrong or entirely right. I think that the Gaels (Irish, Scottish, etc.) and the Indians have one thing in common: that of having suffered for centuries under English domination. “The enemy of my friend is my enemy.” It's a proverb that often has its share of truth. Then, at the time of the American Wars of Independence, there were a high proportion of English and Scottish among the settlers. Concerning the Scots, deported following the definitive defeat of the Jacobite rebellions at Culloden (1746). Traduction automatique Reverso.
Im Polish but i remember like 10 years ago . I was walking in my small Town in Poland called Nowy Sącz and there where native Indians playing this song on The Street. I said to my 5 years old sister daughter. We must sit here and listening to this beautifull Music. She had no chocice, she and me . We were happy to listening this in real. Im missing this ❤
These people are not 'Native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their music is 9% from the south, from the Andes. On the other hand, the beautiful people you speak of waged war against each other all their lives, massacring each other before the arrival of the Spanish and English. If they lived in 'harmony' with nature, they did not transfer it to harmony with their neighbors, that story of the 'noble savage' is just that, a story and an insult. Human beings are capable of very good things... and very bad things anywhere.
@@jayneokane6679 It's because this great Scottish tune was used in the movie "The Last Of The Mohicans." Great movie, great tune, but it's a Scottish tune referring to Gaelic speaking people. It sure made a great soundtrack to Mohicans though.
나는 52세의 한국인 남성입니다. 인생 처음으로 "내 영혼의 한 모습이 아닐까?"라고 느낄정도로 강하게 나의 마음을 두드립니다. 물론 다른 이들이 공연하는 공연을 들어봤지만 이 영상은 정말 인상적입니다. 특히, 여성보컬의 소리는 당연 최고입니다. 젊은 백인여성이 어떻게 샤먼의 감성으로 소리를 낼수있을까? 라고 의문이 들정도로 곡과 너무도 어울리는 보컬입니다.
아메리카 원주민들의 고통과, 억압과 아픔의역사에 대해 함께 고통과 아픔을 느끼며 슬퍼합니다~~모든인류는 창조주 하나님께로 부터 지음받은 한형제 자매입니다!~~인디언들을 나는 사랑합니다, 모든 인류의 고통과 핏빛역사에 대해 심한 고통과 연민과 아픔과 슬픔을 가집니다~~사람들을 사랑합니다~~❤
세속나라의 관광객들에게 고대의 유적지나, 유적들, 즉, 문명의잔재들은 매우 신비함으로 다가온다 그러나 그리스도인들에게는 전혀 신비롭지도, 경이롭지도 않다 오직 창조주 하나님(예수님) 그분의 성경말씀의 원리에따라 심판과, 멸망을 실제로 경험한 문명들에 대해 문명의 잔재들과 유적들만 쓸쓸히남아, 창조주 하나님 그분성경말씀의 원리에 따른 심판과멸망을 경험한 문명에대해 말없이 변증해 주고 있다~~
EL...Energi Lama...masuknya jiwa2 atau energi lama pembersih jiiwa2 yg kotor....ABCDE.5...HINDARI MOMOLIMO 05..utk pembersihan jiwa menuju energi Frekwensi F utk menuju R mjd S mjd T..Roh Tunggal Roh Kudus..maaf nyontek dr temen dr para leluhur 👍🙏
As a person from "the East", who is still attached to his culture, I can undoubtedly say that this is the best fusion of "culture" and "modernization".
But the tune 'The Gael' has nothing to do with Native American culture... other than having been used on the soundtrack to the 1992 Last of the Mohicans film.
American Native people,we love you...when i was a child with Western films i always support you...and i have o union with you,and i cant explain it...I had 🐝 for one in my life Powow dance in Peraus, Greece Ellada,when American Native tribes they had come to Friendship,Stadium, and the later i had seen mane American Native tribes in Greece Ellada i had bought many CDs..from them now i hear many American Native music and i sing it too...turn to innocence,its the best advice also
Music have no limits...It says more meanings than words do. I love native music and cultures. They bring us back to times when life was so simple and nature-bound.
can honestly say no music has ever spoken to me as much as this music and no matter how many times I hear it or how many diffrent artists recreate it it always managers to reach into my soul and touch me brilliant version my friends and may the great spirit bless you and your tribe
Uma canção que desperta os ancestrais de qualquer Nação, Tribo, de qualquer etinia, fala da alma dos ancestrais que lutaram e trabalharam pra nossa existência. Que o Pai Celestial abençoe e nos guie na missão de compreender nossa existência aperfeiçoando nosso caráter. #BrasilAlimentandoOMundo salvando VIDAs. Luiz, Brazil
The Inkas, The Mayas and the The Apaches were betrayed and then massacred by the europeans. Men, women and children, all perished under the superior weaponry and elimination mentality of the europeans. Peru, even thought today is already highly ethnically mixed (natives, whites, asians, africans... ) is the last bastion of the Inka (and mayans and apaches) spirit. You can hear their soul with this song.
This people are not 'Native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their instruments and style is from the south, from the Andes, and the composition is western music (Celtic music) made by a Scotsman, but performed by this group. Can we talk about cultural appropriation here, or what?
I fully agree: the unique voice of Julia has a specific timbre adding incredible value to the song creating - at least for me - a wonderful Native American impression. I am trying to find more info about her but on Internet. I could not yet find info on her interaction with Eldorado Orchestre. In these video’s she should be more in the spotlights and on the front stage: as a women she could also enhance the totality of the group of singers! I love the song very much and can listen to it every day….it brings nice memories to me.
The Inkas, The Mayas and the The Apaches were betrayed and then massacred by the europeans. Men, women and children, all perished under the superior weaponry and elimination mentality of the europeans. Peru, even thought today is already highly ethnically mixed (natives, whites, asians, africans... ) is the last bastion of the Inka (and mayans and apaches) spirit. You can hear their soul with this song.
المجد لكل بناة الحضارة الإنسانية الحقة منذ الازل المجد لاممنا العريقة والاصيلة والابية المسالمة، وبئس النهاية المخزية لاعداء الأمن والسلام والحب والحضارة محمد الرداد امازيغي وموري الاصل❤❤❤❤❤❤
Не стоит идеализировать. Это такие же люди как и мы с вами. Со своими страстями и похотями. Каждое племя в первую очередь думало о своём существовании и выгодах, поэтому индейская раса не смогла обьединиться в один кулак и изгнать захватчиков. Племена враждовали друг с другом и часто взаимно истребляли. Например ирокезы истребили племена эри, петун, саскуэханна, почти поголовно уничтожили гуронов. И многие другие племена поступали так же.
@@ВалерийЦыганов-г9йДа, как россияне и украинцы, как сербы и хорваты... Я всегда считал себя русским украинцем, теперь я презираю и тех и тех, оба хуже! Всё это неизбежно, пока люди не становятся на классовые позиции. Сталина на них нет! Нормального такого грузина Джугашвили, при котором ни один народ не вымер, а все развивались и умножались. Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
@@user-ni2pc5lt4x хороший вопрос. Ехидный. Нет, не вымерли. Полностью не вымерли. И не "благодаря" а вопреки. Впрочем, всем иезуитски хитрым желаю такой судьбы.
I was a bad ass gangster 6 minutes ago and now I’m crying like a baby pp. this song make me feel I’m a child and still learning the truth of this cold and brutal world.
@@ТатьянаТанкович-ш3ж These are not 'native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their instruments and style is from the south, from the Andes but they dress in fantastical clothing never used historically but inspired by tribes close to Canada. And the composition is Western music (Celtic music) made by Scottish artist and composer Dougie MacLean, but performed by this group. Can we talk about cultural appropriation here or what?
Nothing is ever lost from God's country. After HE IS the Great Spirit, our Heavenly Father.. we are all His children for Eternity with HIM forever. Destiny is calling All🎉❤
What "god" I really hope you do not mean the heresy of "christianity". There is only the Creator. It is not your random old man floating around in the sky.
From France🇨🇵, I listen to your magnificent music on repeat, which makes me vibrate ... it's simply magical ! It makes me want to watch the movie "The Last of the Mohicans" again. Thank you for this pure moment of happiness ! 😍🥰❤️
The Inkas, The Mayas and the The Apaches were betrayed and then massacred by the europeans. Men, women and children, all perished under the superior weaponry and elimination mentality of the europeans. Peru, even thought today is already highly ethnically mixed (natives, whites, asians, africans... ) is the last bastion of the Inka (and mayans and apaches) spirit. You can hear their soul with this song.
Me fascina está canción y está versión me hizo erizar la piel, me transmitió paz, armonía y una gran calma. Vi la película cuando tenía 13 años y hoy con mis 41 años no pude sacarme esta bella melodía de la cabeza. Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷
This people are not 'Native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their instruments and style is from the south, from the Andes, and the composition is western music (Celtic music) made by a Scotsman, but performed by this group. Can we talk about cultural appropriation here, or what?
I am an African but this song really touches my Heart like there is a Spritual connection
Ну да , у вас похожие ритмы 🫶
Estamos todos conectados,simple e imposible que así no sea
@@Atento80 beautifully said. :) 🦅🪶🌷🌱
I’m black and Seminole makes me feel proud of my heritage
It's not strange. The composer is not Indian-American, nor even American, he is South African. Trevor Jones. This music is beautiful, but it has nothing Mayan or Indian about it, rather it is Anglo-Saxon since its composer was educated in the UK.
As a Mayan native I’ve always been proud of all our native people, I hope we don’t loose our ways and our memories
It’s so beautiful
With you on that powerful and moving i hope our mayas in belize never give up on their culture
Every culture has wonderful proud people will will ensure that their traditions and culture are never lost. Stay proud Stay safe
So do I. From Australia love your culture
Culture Europa mohicans " Interpretada en musica Andina Peruana"
Do not maya😑😂🤣
Сколько слушаю эту мелодию, всегда плачу. С детства зачитывалась Джеком Лондоном, Вальтером Скоттом .Белый клык, Жена короля, Последний из могикан одни из любимых.Индейцы открытые, Свободный, Гордый народ! С любовью из России❤❤❤
Droga Natalio ! Pozdrawiam z POLSKI !
@@henber3247xin chào! từ vietnam
tôi thích người da đỏ
بصفتي،مواطن عربي كل مااسمع الموسيقي يقشعر جسمي وتدمع عيني،إنما يدل ان شعوب الهنود الحمر من اعرق،الثقافات،وافتخر اني اكثر من ثلاث سنوات وانا،استمع الي موسيقهم،تحياتي،من بنغازي.
Greetings from Poland buddy❤
من السعوديه قسما 2025 لن تكون هناك تقنيه وصناعه ستزول الحضاره ستتوازى القوى
حينها سنكون فوق رؤسهم سيترحم عليهم الهنود الحمر
I'm 100% native American I'm from the Sioux tribe been dancing in pow wows my whole life 27 years old part of my relatives live in north Dakota and south Dakota we are we call ourselves
Надеюсь вы освободите свои земли от наглых захватчиков
I'm Otomí Mexican pride... 🙌🏻🇲🇽
Mis respetos desde Costa Rica 🇨🇷
Great. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Love the music .
Do keep up the traditions and cultures.Love the song and lyrics even I don't understand the language.
Very colourful clothing, and good piece of music , lively and peaceful.Even many years ago but the lovely music and song will last forever till today.
God bless each one of you.
Native Americans are the most beautiful people out there. In heart, soul and physicality, thank you so much for your spirit.
Oh please, they were bloody conquering warriors like any other ancient peoples.
Very few were peaceful.
What do you know of native americans? Depending on which time and tribe they would have enslaved you, scalped you, burned you or cut out your hearth alive! A couple of movie tunes and Kumbayah, peace and happiness LOL. Pathetic!
You don't know what you're saying. On the one hand, these people are not 'Native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their music is 95% from the south, from the Andes.
On the other hand, the beautiful people you speak of waged war against each other all their lives, massacring each other before the arrival of the Spanish and English. If they lived in 'harmony' with nature, they did not transfer it to harmony with their neighbors, that story of the 'noble savage' is just that, a story and an insult. Human beings are capable of very good things... and very bad things anywhere.
I am a South African and this music is so beautiful. I love the fact that you still make music on your traditional musical instruments as well as wearing your beautiful clothing what is so colorful. You can all as American Natives be very proud of you culture.
This song was written by an Irishman originally played on Irish instruments
I am part Native American, I saw my grandmother in a picture. She had the braids on each side, and I knew that that’s one grandma that I would never ever fool with and make upset. I’m proud to be Native American!
Native Americans , Red Indians you are great , We love you .
thank you very much, subscribe to our channel!
Jste skvělí!!!❤❤❤ Jen ta zpěvačka by měla oblečením více zapadnout mezi vás!!! Jinak má skvělý hlas!!! 👍💓👏👏🌟
This is a British/Irish song. The Gaels were from Scotland. It’s got nothing to do with native Americans.
@@LongSeax88Just like Simon and Garfunkel took a native song from Peru and made it famous, Native Americans have the right to go and sing this song.
Великий Гордый Народ . Да храни ВАС ВСЕВЫШНИЙ.
I am an Indian 🇮🇳 and this is one of the most beautiful thing I have ever heard... It has such a healing power and also like a driving force, encouragement etc.. Brings me back to history... Before America was born
Ni ee😁
Because we are one people in this world.
Ka sawitur min lo sawikhalh anih hi..!hahahaaa
The earth for human so no nation, no ethnic, no cultural, no colour skin, we are one, we are the human.
One time alexandro last of the mohican ko bhi sun lo unka original hai ye song maja aa jayega
Я слушаю и у меня в груди все переворачивается, отклик сильный идет❤
Музыка Всех обьеденяет.Хоть белых ,хоть черных.Мы все равны на этой ПЛАНЕТЕ.дай БОГ всем здоровья.❤❤❤❤❤❤
I am proud of my native American tribe as a Navajo from New Mexico! Both of parents as well
This isn’t your tribe music tho. This is a Scottish song.
I'm proud of Berish Qararatoqay Shindeke from Qazaqstan and my mother's proud is Qerey Balta!
I'm proud of my German parents
Native Americans are true citizens and should be respected. My grandparents arrived on this shore as immigrants. We are blessed to live in this country. Trump thinks everything is his. Vote Blue🎉
@@maryotradovec9390Why are they stealing The Gael like it’s their culture? The Gael were from Scotland. British/Irish culture. This song is nothing to do with native Americans.
When the female vocalist started singing in harmony with the music it gave me chills... absolutely beautiful
What is here name
@@wokiyahoga9938not urs 🤷
Julie Kolovertnykh is her name
I am Nakoda Stoney, & every time I heard this song it's released my sadness & make's me feel like I was flying soar around, in Nakoda language my name is Wanee-Otha Spirit, it's means a peregrine falcon. God bless you all & my relations Is-shnis
The Heritage of native Americans from music ,foods, tradition, culture are unbelievable, Love and regards from Yemen.
Ancient and old world chants resonate beauty and wisdom
I, a 63 year old man, have tears in my eyes.
Same here bro, 71 years old 😎
I am amazed by the many fantastic interpretations of The Gael composed by the Scotsman Dougie MacLean and this one is really special.
Los grupos musicales del Perú realizan por medio de sus melodias un reconocimiento a todas las culturas de América del Norte, Centro y Sur
do you speak qequa or old inca-s language.. did survive?
Pero de donde sacaste que esta piesa musical Norteamerican es del peru ????? como siempre ustedes Robando Y Saqueando la Música Folclórica de Otras Culturas y de Otros Paises, ya Ni tienen Vergüenza de seguir Robando.
@@davide051qwer the actual track is by a Scotsmen
It’s called the Gael
So stop bitching lols
Не знаю Южная или Северная но то что я до этого слышала было класс , а это отстой🤢
@@davide051qwer tranquilo brother no alucines que está música es el papá de los pollitos, simplemente la música andina es muy parecida por eso se confundió, pero nosotros los peruanos no tenemos nesecidad de de robar nada .
When you thought this soundtrack couldn’t get any more bad ass. This is absolutely stunning.
I'm African and that sound bring my soul out of my flesh each time I listened it
the composer is south african!
My Grandmother was a Rojas, Daisy she was half Carib indian. My Grandfather also had Carib indian his mother was half carib and his father was french. ❤the music. 🇹🇹
Told I have a percentage of N. W. American Indian in my blood line, hearing this song stimulated in me a spiritual sensation (awakening) such as never before. Thanks much and God bless all American Indians past, present and future.
No one performs this piece of music like Orchestra El Dorado. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. ❤️❤️❤️
Agree with u 100%
Alexandro Querevalu has an excellent version, he's solo. I do love El Dorado as well though, the amazing, dramatic big set, the fusion of traditional and modern is a really wonderful synergy.
Everyone in this world is an Indian
انا ابكي على الاباده الجماعيه بحق السكان الاصليين وانا احييك من ارض الرافدين العراق العظيم
لا تنس ذلك انت تاريخ والتاريخ لا يمحى 🇮🇶❤️✌️
Allahu akbarr
Só quem conhece a cultura dos Incas pode intender El último de Los mojicas
Душераздирающая музыка!Истребляли целый народ,культуру.Это плачь народа которые потеряли своих.
உங்களின் வார்த்தைகள் அழகாக உள்ளது.
Nababii de la Vatican ar trebui stîrpiți, că mult rău au făcut acestor oameni ... Azi, evreii extermină un popor prin atrocități pentru a-i lua pămîntul ... Urît ...
Полностью разделяю твою точку зрения...Всегда плачу под нее, чувствую, что она передает боль целого народа
Magnifique,Sublime Merci pour ce merveilleux moment.Dieu vous benisse.
Tout simplement magnifique . Un immense respect au peuple Amérindien , les véritables Américains. Des peuples plein de sagesse et de respect
Not a Native American tune. Composed by a Scotsman & called 'The Gael'!
I’m Māori. This is sooo sooo beautiful it caresses my spirit. Ngā mihi ki a koutou 🙏
나는 한국인 입니다 ~ 지금의 음악은 국경을 떠나 울림을 준다고 생각합니다~/
جميل جدأ ومليئ بالعواطف فعلأ شي يذهل العقل من الاردن 🇯🇴🇯🇴
Great performance, keep your traditions. Criminals have tried to extiguish your people and culture, you´re still there, be strong. Respect and admiration from Germany.
Yea, if what you called Criminals did not conquer that part of North America, they would have killed each other anyway :D
@@mannyechaluce3814 How do you know? That didn´t happen before the europeans arrived, why should that suddenly happen?
The name of this piece of music is 'The Gael' - ie someone who is of Gaelic decent - nothing to do with Native Americans except for the fact that it was used in a movie depicting Native Americans, and has been hi-jacked by Native Americans because of that. Know your history.
@@andrewarnott8799Vous n'avez pas tout à fait tort ni tout à fait raison. Je pense que les Gaëls (irlandais, écossais, etc) et les Indiens ont un point commun : celui d'avoir subi pendant des siècles la domination anglaise. "L'ennemi de mon ami est mon ennemi". C'est un proverbe qui a souvent sa part de vérité.
Ensuite, à l'époque des guerres d'indépendance américaines, il y avait une forte proportion d'anglais et d'écossais parmi les colons. Concernant les écossais, des déportés suite à la défaite définitive des rebellions jacobites à Culloden (1746).
You are not entirely wrong or entirely right.
I think that the Gaels (Irish, Scottish, etc.) and the Indians have one thing in common: that of having suffered for centuries under English domination. “The enemy of my friend is my enemy.” It's a proverb that often has its share of truth.
Then, at the time of the American Wars of Independence, there were a high proportion of English and Scottish among the settlers. Concerning the Scots, deported following the definitive defeat of the Jacobite rebellions at Culloden (1746).
Traduction automatique Reverso.
Im Polish but i remember like 10 years ago . I was walking in my small Town in Poland called Nowy Sącz and there where native Indians playing this song on The Street. I said to my 5 years old sister daughter. We must sit here and listening to this beautifull Music. She had no chocice, she and me . We were happy to listening this in real. Im missing this ❤
@michadryja9802 It's a Scottish tune called the Gael written by Dougie Mc Lean in 1990.
no matter how hard they try they will never kill the spirit of the native peoples and I am one white man who will always stand by their side
@TravisLoneWolfWalsh NOT A BAD TUNE FOR a Native SCOT written by Dougie McLean in 1990 it's called The Gael.
Calm down lil buddy.
These people are not 'Native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their music is 9% from the south, from the Andes.
On the other hand, the beautiful people you speak of waged war against each other all their lives, massacring each other before the arrival of the Spanish and English. If they lived in 'harmony' with nature, they did not transfer it to harmony with their neighbors, that story of the 'noble savage' is just that, a story and an insult. Human beings are capable of very good things... and very bad things anywhere.
This is real american song... Love from Indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Native American
This is not a Native American tune, it was written by Dougie McLean a Scottish composer and it's called th Gael, listen to the original.
Yeah am confused why it’s called a Native American tune
@@jayneokane6679 It's because this great Scottish tune was used in the movie "The Last Of The Mohicans." Great movie, great tune, but it's a Scottish tune referring to Gaelic speaking people. It sure made a great soundtrack to Mohicans though.
나는 52세의 한국인 남성입니다.
인생 처음으로 "내 영혼의 한 모습이 아닐까?"라고 느낄정도로 강하게 나의 마음을 두드립니다.
물론 다른 이들이 공연하는 공연을 들어봤지만 이 영상은 정말 인상적입니다.
특히, 여성보컬의 소리는 당연 최고입니다.
젊은 백인여성이 어떻게 샤먼의 감성으로 소리를 낼수있을까? 라고 의문이 들정도로 곡과 너무도 어울리는 보컬입니다.
Дело не в в цвете кожи вокалистки .суть в том люди или нелюди теперь.
Como se llama la vocalista , es hermosa su cancion
아메리카 원주민들의 고통과, 억압과 아픔의역사에 대해 함께 고통과 아픔을 느끼며 슬퍼합니다~~모든인류는 창조주 하나님께로 부터 지음받은 한형제 자매입니다!~~인디언들을 나는 사랑합니다, 모든 인류의 고통과 핏빛역사에 대해 심한 고통과 연민과 아픔과 슬픔을 가집니다~~사람들을 사랑합니다~~❤
고대의 마야인들, 아즈텍족속, 잉카인들은 숲속깊은 원시림속에 고도의 문명을 이루었다 (천문학, 건축기법에의한 건축학, 수리력등등!~~) 그러나 그문명은 먼지가되어, 허공중에 날아가 사라져서 멸망했다
* 창조주 하나님깨서 그토록이나 혐오스러워 하시는, (우상숭배, 주술, 무당접신, 인신제사!~)등을 대대적으로 행함으로써 하나님께서는 스페인군대와, 전염병을 도구로 그혐오스러운 문명을 싸그리 다! 쓸어버리셨다
세속나라의 관광객들에게 고대의 유적지나, 유적들, 즉, 문명의잔재들은 매우 신비함으로 다가온다 그러나 그리스도인들에게는 전혀 신비롭지도, 경이롭지도 않다 오직 창조주 하나님(예수님) 그분의 성경말씀의 원리에따라 심판과, 멸망을 실제로 경험한 문명들에 대해 문명의 잔재들과 유적들만 쓸쓸히남아, 창조주 하나님 그분성경말씀의 원리에 따른 심판과멸망을 경험한 문명에대해 말없이 변증해 주고 있다~~
සියළු ආත්මයන් සුවපත් වේවා...!
(May all souls be healed ...!)
EL...Energi Lama...masuknya jiwa2 atau energi lama pembersih jiiwa2 yg kotor....ABCDE.5...HINDARI MOMOLIMO 05..utk pembersihan jiwa menuju energi Frekwensi F utk menuju R mjd S mjd T..Roh Tunggal Roh Kudus..maaf nyontek dr temen dr para leluhur 👍🙏
As a person from "the East", who is still attached to his culture, I can undoubtedly say that this is the best fusion of "culture" and "modernization".
But the tune 'The Gael' has nothing to do with Native American culture... other than having been used on the soundtrack to the 1992 Last of the Mohicans film.
American Native people,we love you...when i was a child with Western films i always support you...and i have o union with you,and i cant explain it...I had 🐝 for one in my life Powow dance in Peraus, Greece Ellada,when American Native tribes they had come to Friendship,Stadium, and the later i had seen mane American Native tribes in Greece Ellada i had bought many CDs..from them now i hear many American Native music and i sing it too...turn to innocence,its the best advice also
I love this version, nice mix of some metal into it, and that singer on the drums... wow
That little boy is such.a singer makes costumes ate gorgeous
@@kayemohammadi6775 pretty sure that's a girl isn't it?
@@EngineeredTheMind girl to me
@@kayemohammadi6775 you can clearly see the boobs line one her t-shirt
@@EngineeredTheMind girl or boy the voice is incredible
Music have no limits...It says more meanings than words do. I love native music and cultures. They bring us back to times when life was so simple and nature-bound.
Life was also much more cruel.
Simple times were good times
Это великолепно! Не устаешь даже слушать такую чудесную музыку.
I honor the rich culture and traditions of indigenous people. Your music captures their spirit and wisdom so beautifully.
Thanks 👍
Very few songs gives me chills, but this is one of them. Love it.
can honestly say no music has ever spoken to me as much as this music and no matter how many times I hear it or how many diffrent artists recreate it it always managers to reach into my soul and touch me brilliant version my friends and may the great spirit bless you and your tribe
Uma canção que desperta os ancestrais de qualquer Nação, Tribo, de qualquer etinia, fala da alma dos ancestrais que lutaram e trabalharam pra nossa existência. Que o Pai Celestial abençoe e nos guie na missão de compreender nossa existência aperfeiçoando nosso caráter.
#BrasilAlimentandoOMundo salvando VIDAs.
Luiz, Brazil
The Inkas, The Mayas and the The Apaches were betrayed and then massacred by the europeans. Men, women and children, all perished under the superior weaponry and elimination mentality of the europeans. Peru, even thought today is already highly ethnically mixed (natives, whites, asians, africans... ) is the last bastion of the Inka (and mayans and apaches) spirit. You can hear their soul with this song.
@@xavovyurigov3896 But the ancestors of the Native Americans came from China, which is a fact recognized by the academic and archaeological circles.
not Native. It is written bt a Scottish songwriter named Dougie MacClean for the movie "The Last of the Mohicans"
Merci beaucoup mes Frères et mes Sœurs Indien , vous êtes les survivants de la nature , magnifique spectacles ,je suis très émue ⭐❤️
I love the native American culture. Please bring more of your culture to the world.
The song's Scottish.
This people are not 'Native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their instruments and style is from the south, from the Andes,
and the composition is western music (Celtic music) made by a Scotsman, but performed by this group. Can we talk about cultural appropriation here, or what?
No words, only tears coming out. I wish we could all be a REAL people as one.
¡Vaya mixtura que hicieron, les salió magnífico, me encanta!
Whoever is singing the main leading chorus with the hairdo is so so good! I could listen to that for an entire song. Wow. So good.
Who is she
@@mceyce I don't know. Wish I did.
julia kolovertnykh is her name
I fully agree: the unique voice of Julia has a specific timbre adding incredible value to the song creating - at least for me - a wonderful Native American impression. I am trying to find more info about her but on Internet. I could not yet find info on her interaction with Eldorado Orchestre. In these video’s she should be more in the spotlights and on the front stage: as a women she could also enhance the totality of the group of singers! I love the song very much and can listen to it every day….it brings nice memories to me.
The Inkas, The Mayas and the The Apaches were betrayed and then massacred by the europeans. Men, women and children, all perished under the superior weaponry and elimination mentality of the europeans. Peru, even thought today is already highly ethnically mixed (natives, whites, asians, africans... ) is the last bastion of the Inka (and mayans and apaches) spirit. You can hear their soul with this song.
I’ve heard, and performed, many arrangements of this and this became one of my favourite versions.
This is not music.. it is something extraordinary...
There are various signs that the earth has bred many times of intelligent civilization...
The female singer is phenomenal.
Who is the female singer? 4:40
And beautiful ❤
@@hazelnut2911she dont want you
Every cover of this song is beautiful. But this is also POWERFUL.
.i am proud of my American Indian brethren...sooooo let me go back to my days in the sun!
No music has ever touch my deep feelings except this one . fell pain behind this music
Best rendition of the "Last of the Mohicans" theme, I have ever heard.
😍😍😍😍😍I'm sooo in love with native American when am hurt I listen this songs and they heal me...somehow
God bless you, girl
Everyone in this world is an Indian.
Absolutely wonderful 👍💕
Then your actually in love with a White man...This song is called The Gael...SMH
Me 2 every time im down I can feel the pain and struggle in this music
روعه روعه روعه الف تحيه لشعب الهنود الحمر المستضعف المسلوب حقه والمغصوبه ارضه فالتاريخ لايرحم
المجد لكل بناة الحضارة الإنسانية الحقة منذ الازل
المجد لاممنا العريقة والاصيلة والابية المسالمة، وبئس النهاية المخزية لاعداء الأمن والسلام والحب والحضارة
محمد الرداد امازيغي وموري الاصل❤❤❤❤❤❤
Как только задумаешься о том что сделали с этой нацией, прям слезы на глазах
Не стоит идеализировать. Это такие же люди как и мы с вами. Со своими страстями и похотями. Каждое племя в первую очередь думало о своём существовании и выгодах, поэтому индейская раса не смогла обьединиться в один кулак и изгнать захватчиков. Племена враждовали друг с другом и часто взаимно истребляли. Например ирокезы истребили племена эри, петун, саскуэханна, почти поголовно уничтожили гуронов. И многие другие племена поступали так же.
@@ВалерийЦыганов-г9йДа, как россияне и украинцы, как сербы и хорваты... Я всегда считал себя русским украинцем, теперь я презираю и тех и тех, оба хуже! Всё это неизбежно, пока люди не становятся на классовые позиции. Сталина на них нет! Нормального такого грузина Джугашвили, при котором ни один народ не вымер, а все развивались и умножались. Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
@@ЦадикМишигин не вымер ни один народ? То есть судьба чеченцев, немцев Поволжья, крымских татар "это другое"?
@@user-ni2pc5lt4x хороший вопрос. Ехидный. Нет, не вымерли. Полностью не вымерли. И не "благодаря" а вопреки. Впрочем, всем иезуитски хитрым желаю такой судьбы.
Es ist eine wunderschöne Melodie. Sie geht tief in die Seele. ❤❤
The raw power in this music wow. I am beyond blessed to have listened to such a masterpiece
Люблю слушать музыку этого сильного, духовно- богатого и могучего народа. Низкий поклон вам непобедимый народ.
Нельзя победить того который не сдаётся Его можно только убить
Cuál música si estos mayas compraron la música de leo rojas
Am a Nigerianhear this sound of music, i get so much peace ..
So beautiful
I can't understand anything but the spirits in their voices speaks to me in my language
I don't know why it brought tears to my eyes while listening this.. it's very deep
thanks for the kind comment!
Yeah exactly
This song, no matter who does it, always affects me the same way. So much powerful emotion woven into it!
I was a bad ass gangster 6 minutes ago and now I’m crying like a baby pp. this song make me feel I’m a child and still learning the truth of this cold and brutal world.
This music is beautiful. As a native American from 2 tribes I am so proud of these natives that show their talent. Thank you so much
The music is Scottish....nothing to do with the natives
@@alexdelpiero2296 шотландская музыка с волынкой, она совсем другая.
@@ТатьянаТанкович-ш3ж These are not 'native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their instruments and style is from the south, from the Andes but they dress in fantastical clothing never used historically but inspired by tribes close to Canada. And the composition is Western music (Celtic music) made by Scottish artist and composer Dougie MacLean, but performed by this group. Can we talk about cultural appropriation here or what?
Nothing is ever lost from God's country. After HE IS the Great Spirit, our Heavenly Father.. we are all His children for Eternity with HIM forever. Destiny is calling All🎉❤
Thank you!
What "god" I really hope you do not mean the heresy of "christianity".
There is only the Creator. It is not your random old man floating around in the sky.
Very beautiful music could not hold back the tears ❤❤❤😢😢😢😢😢
Excelente música, es música de verdad, que te llega al alma, desde Tapachula, Chiapas, México. :)
Este grupo si su voz es de verdad y tocan sus instrumentos en vivo👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😘😘😘😘🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱 un beso de mi país Chile 😘 🇨🇱
SOS pesuñenta
From France🇨🇵, I listen to your magnificent music on repeat, which makes me vibrate ... it's simply magical ! It makes me want to watch the movie "The Last of the Mohicans" again. Thank you for this pure moment of happiness ! 😍🥰❤️
The Inkas, The Mayas and the The Apaches were betrayed and then massacred by the europeans. Men, women and children, all perished under the superior weaponry and elimination mentality of the europeans. Peru, even thought today is already highly ethnically mixed (natives, whites, asians, africans... ) is the last bastion of the Inka (and mayans and apaches) spirit. You can hear their soul with this song.
Katlettiğiniz ulusların yasını mı tutuyorsunuz?
Fantastic and so very beautiful thank you all xx
Amazing…so beautiful and I love this music. Please share more of your beautiful culture.
Espectacular hermosa musica que nos lleva a muchos sitios en nuestra alma y mente
This hits you right in the soul!
Sometimes TH-cam suggestion are blessings 🙏
We are all Indians
An endless, huge from Greece!
Simply heart touching...Honestly tears had own way to express the feelings... Vocalist class of her own...
My soul is so connected to this music its so peaceful and heart thumping
Шикарное исполнение🔥❤️🤝👌👍👍👍👍👍
I’ve watched this so many times it’s so powerful and emotional brings tears to my eyes 😢
I'm not indian but it's beautiful song 😢
The song is not Indian either - it’s Scottish
This is a great performance. I love this song and I’ve listened to it more than a hundred time 😅
Te amo peru, por difundir la música de nuestros ancestrales los verdaderos
este tema es de la película americana: el ultimo moicano. compositor ingles. de verdadero solo tienen las zampoñas y quenas.
If Gods could sing and we could would sound just like this....
Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure For the music to bring humanity together
DENTRO O NEL "SPIRITO" !!!?!!!?!!!?
GRANDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me fascina está canción y está versión me hizo erizar la piel, me transmitió paz, armonía y una gran calma.
Vi la película cuando tenía 13 años y hoy con mis 41 años no pude sacarme esta bella melodía de la cabeza. Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷
Дух индейцев в каждом справедливом человеке. Великая битва началась.
Listening from INDIA.
It's not a song it's a emotion.similar to indian classical music
Ce son et cette mélodie me prennent les tripes et me sortent des larmes.
So glad you guys are here. We need you. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you
I am an Indian from India. My soul stirred listening to this beautiful rendition. There is a strong affinity.
So beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing this!! I listen to it frequently!! The movie lives in my heart always!! What a masterpiece!! ❤️❤️
As a quarter Cherokee, this brings a tear to the eye
This people are not 'Native Americans' from North America but Peruvians with indigenous ancestors, only part of the iconography is from the region and their instruments and style is from the south, from the Andes,
and the composition is western music (Celtic music) made by a Scotsman, but performed by this group. Can we talk about cultural appropriation here, or what?