Kösz a videot! Pont Magyar vagyok! Ha nincsenek a Hunok a Romai birodalom ma is fennáll!😉😉😉 Ezt a csatát Attila vezete! Attila isten ostora!! Persze késöbb a Hunok harcmodorátt is kiismerték! De akkor már késö volt!!😍😍😉😉😉
Csak halkan jegyzem meg,a nev helyesen irva Atilla, a jo oreg Maria Terezia kamarillaja kezdte el helytelenul irni/hasznalni a nagykiraly nevet.Az okai egyszeru logikaval megfejthetok..:) Egy dologrol elfeledkeztek,az pedig a ruhadarab neve volt,ami a mai napig megmaradt atillanak...node senki sem tokeletes,mindenki kovethet el aprobb hibakat ugyebar..kamarilla szinten is...:)
i have a good friend. His name is Mick Nagy. He is from Hungary. He is smart, strong, and speaks 3 languages. We have worked together in construction years ago.. Mick escaped Hungary during the iron curtain. He fled on foot with his wit and strength.. i think this man is a true hun.. a very good friend indeed!!!
The Huns were definately the most barbarian and toughest army to go up against. The Huns were brutal and shown the roman empire how tough and fearless these combatants were. you never wanted to go up against the huns. They have my admiration for their fighting skills against the mighty romans.. great video. thanks for this epic battle on you tube. Bravo to all warriors!!
Hunlar barbar bir ordu değildir aslında barbar olan Romadir çünkü Roma'da kölelik vardır Hunlar ise özgür bir halktır onlar ne köle olur ne köleliği kabul eder hatta düşmanını köle yapmaz ya öldürür ya da özgür bırakır çünkü Hunlar Türk'tur
Hunlar barbar değil.Siz avrupalılar Türkler karşısında hep mağlup oldukça Türklere barbar dediniz? Türkler barbar ise roma soyu korkak ozaman? Dediğin bunu kanıtlıyor? Türk askerleri hiçbir zaman sivilleri öldürmez silah çekmedikçe Türk askerlerine Ama romanın torunları günümüzde suriye ırak Afganistan filistin .vs vs bilerek sivilleri bombalıyorlar asıl barbar lık budur! Siz batılılar hazımsızlık çok yapıyorsunuz .eski çağlardan beri askerleriniz ölünce ve istedikleriniz olmayınca sivilleri katlediyorsunuz .afrikalıları avrupalı beyaz adam köle olarak çalıştırıp emeklerini çalıyorsunuz işgence ile öldürüyorsunuz? Ve dahası yer altı zenginliklerini çalmak gibi bir huyunuz hırsızlık gibi çok kötü bir alışkanlığınız da var! Başkalarına ait olan değerli şeyleri çalmak HARAMDIR!
The first freemasons were the Greeks, then the Roman Empire..The freemasons speads propaganda against the Huns , that they are barbaric...but the truth is, the huns unchesters were The Great Sumerians civilization as The Schytians. If Attila and his army were wild barbaric, they should destroyed the whole Roman civilizations! In this way Attila shown that the HUNS are spiritually...not like The Roman - Empire! Something interesting: The HUNS didn't desapiered from that time..! They still live in Hungary - Romania - Serbia - Croatia - Slovenia large part of Ukraine such as large part Of Russia!
Love the way you show how real men fought love it . Unfortunately my ancestors fought many great armies but they prevailed till 1453 great achievement and for great graphics continue the great work 😊👍🍷👏👊🏻
Senin Ataların ilk büyük yenilgiyi 1071 de Malazgirt te margiertte tattı.Ataların Türkler ile karşılaşmadan önce genellikle galip geliyordu .Aslında bu videodan anlaşılıyorki Hun Türkleride mağlup etmişler senin atalarını
The Huns were earlier than the Mongols and were later defeated by the Han Dynasty. The southern Huns surrendered and the northern Huns migrated to Europe and Central Asia.
@@bosai2010 Not sure, because there are no written records of the nomadic tribes in the north, unlike our China, which has a written history from a very early time to connect the history
@@tarkdagl6069 Ozaman sen git avrupa dan gelenlere Atam de ?ATTİLA TÜRKLERIN İLK DEVLETLİ TÜRK KAĞANI Hani sizin bizanslı Atalarınıza kök söktüren Hun Türklerinden ATTİLA BAŞBUĞ! Adamın Adı bile Attila Daha neyin peşindesin?
@@tarkdagl6069 Yahu sen ısmarlama ilber ortaylı Cemal şengör gibi ermeni rum .Bizans torunlarına inanırsan Türk olsanda Bizanslı Doğu romalı müslüman olduğu zannedersin .ilk önce bu gibi Adamların kim olduğunu soyunun ne olduğunu iyi araştır. Sonra gel sohbet tadında tartışırız.
@@ЕламанКарбайулы Рим в степь вроде и не совался.Отбивался наемниками такими же степняками. Персы как то сунулись и это плохо кончилось. Александр Македонский тоже в степи обжегся и повернул. Пехота в степи бессильна против конницы.
@@ЕламанКарбайулы в битве при Каррах римляне были практически полностью уничтожены хотя превосходили парфян 3:1. Просто конные лучники на открытой местности имба, не контрятся.
Друзья у римский империи до этого не был соперник как гунны.Ганнибал тоже воевал очень хорош против рим не хвотал смелость и храбрость и не по плану.Гунны добрались из сибири в европа большая проблем для европейских племен и римский империи.
That animation does not show from my point of view the real Hun tactic. Huns were masters in archery. So they avoided cavalry attacks with close combat fighting. They just approched to the enemy rapidly on horses, then put a rain of arrows on the enemy and turned back. By that way they slowly decimated enemy infantry.
Я рада, что тебе понравилось. У меня 16 ГБ ОЗУ, процессор i9-9900k и GTX 1070. Да, это на максимальных настройках. Да, это на максимальных настройках. Но с этим компьютером сложно играть. Мне нужно много редактировать, чтобы показать такое видео.
The Huns are still the toughest nation in Europe. Whoever wanted to subjugate them disappeared from the table of history.The Hun cavalry and their recoil bow were formidable
Это западная интерпретация битвы. Гуннов было всего около 5-тысяча воинов.они всего лишь осуществляли набеги малыми отрядами .что и подтверждаеться автором. Практически Гунны расстреляли римлян с растояния.
If even the Germanic barbarians lost to the Huns, for the Romans it was only a matter of time, it was the beginning of the central asian nomadic invasions into Europe.
This can be surmised by analysing the names of Hunnic princes and tribes. The names of the following Hunnic princes are clearly Oghuric Turkic in origin: Mundzuk (Attila’s father, from Turkic Muncˇuq = pearl/jewel; for an in-depth discussion of the Hunnic origin of this name in particular see Schramm (1969), 139-40), Oktar/Uptar (Attila’s uncle, Öktär = brave/powerful), Oebarsius (another of Attila’s paternal uncles, Aïbârs = leopard of the moon), Karaton (Hunnic supreme king before Ruga, Qarâton = black-cloak), Basik (Hunnic noble of royal blood, early fifth century, Bârsig˘ = governor), Kursik (Hunnic noble of royal blood, from either Kürsig˘ , meaning brave or noble, or Quršiq meaning beltbearer). For these etymologies see Bona (1991), 33. Three of Attila’s known sons 40 have probable Turkic names: Ellac, Dengizich, Hernak, and Attila’s princi pal wife, the mother of the ‘crown prince’ Ellac, has the Turkic name Here kan, as does another notable wife named Eskam. See Maenchen-Helfen (1973), 392-415. See also Bona (1991), 33-5, and Pritsak (1956), 414. Most known Hunnic tribal names are also Turkic, Maenchen-Helfen (1973), 427-41, e.g. Ultincur, Akatir etc. The cur suffix in many of these names is a well-known Turkic title and as Beckwith (1987), 209, points out the To-lu or Tardus tribes (Hunnic in origin) of the Western Turkish On Oq were each headed by a Cur (noble). Zieme (2006), 115, speculates that the title cur belongs to a pre-Turkic Tocharian stratum of the Turkic language, which, if true, again highlights the essential heterogeneity of Central Asian peoples and even languages. See also Aalto (1971), 35. In addition to this primary language (Oghuric Turkic), Priscus informs us that Latin and Gothic were also understood by the Hunnic elite. See Priscus, fr. 13.3, Blockley (1983), 289. Mclaughlin, Professors Hyun & Lieu, Rome and China: Points of Contact (Routledge, 2021)
@@paprskomet That is the history that Westerners want to distort and believe. The world believed it as it was. But those who already know that it's not all know that. Before they conquered Europe, the Smoked Empire had already conquered Central Asia, and for many years had subjugated China and its neighboring countries for many years. Among them, one faction moved to Europe during the power struggle and made a swampy field, so those who have suffered would want to erase that history. Their present cousins and brothers are Mongolians, Turks, Central Asians and Koreans.
@@hanbaedal ...jeeez,you are confusing different hunnic groups with those of Attila.Doubting that his real in Europe and east Asia desintegrated soon after his death is beyond absurd.That is not what "westerners want" but simply a history and history is what you have no respect to.World is full of maniacs like you who are only interested in ideology and altranationalistic madness while despising with history in case they dont like it.Such as you exist even in Europe of course.
@@AdituLaudisMMXXI у кочевников никогда не было пехоты , в степи без коня далеко не уйдешь, я это тебе как потомок Гуннов пишу , я из Казахского племени Аргун , в честь нашего племени в россии течет река приток Енисея
@@user-nn9cy1nb3b каких гуннов ты потомок?) Единственные сегодня, кто говорит на языке гуннов - это чуваши в Чувашской Республике России, остальные тюркские языки очень сильно отличаются от гуннско-булгарской группы
Кавалерия номадов господствовала на просторах Евразии с III в. до н.э. вплоть до XVII вв. н.э. Только регулярные европейские армии Нового времени, обладающие пехотой, вооруженной огнестрельным оружием, кавалерией и в сочетании с полевой артиллерией смогли превзойти великолепную кавалерию номадов.
Huns are mongol ancestors and they showed what could happend if mongols come to western europe, moreover mongols were more badass than huns with their ability to siege big cities.
The Turks founded the Hun state. But they dominated other nomadic cavalry peoples. Yes, there were Mongols in the Hun armies. The Huns can be considered the ancestors of the Mongols. But he is directly the ancestor of the Turks.
The 7th emperor of the Han Dynasty of China, Emperor Han Wu, succeeded in defeating the Xiongnu tribes in the north, and the Xiongnu moved west to avoid the Han army and went to war with the Huns. The Huns were defeated by the Xiongnu and moved further west. This led to the fall of the Roman Empire.
Huns used mobility to great advantage. The huns caused serious security troubles for kingdoms in China by hit and run tactics and choosing preferred points and times of attacks. Han Dynasty raised huge calvery forces and took the fights to the huns grasslands home ground until the huns were crushed and pushed out from grasslands surrounding China.
МОЙ ПРЕДКИ ГУННЫ УНИЧТОЖИЛИ китайцев и не раз полностью захватывали китай и китай построил китаискую стену я потомок Гуннов и ШынғысХана мой предки правили китаем Хубиллай правнук ШынғысХана !
@@vnwest010D I don't think so. Every nomadic tribe is different. The same goes for every culture and people's. May have some blood resemblance but that doesn't mean their direct line of Turks or what not.
Sono un grande appassionato di storia anche se la mia cultura non è a livello universitario ho solo un diploma ringrazio chi è interessato come me alla storia
@@А.К-г5х se gli unni erono inviccibbili all'ora i romani cosa erono ? Dato che è stato l'impero più grande del mondo ? Si può perdere una battaglia, ma i romani vincevono sempre la guerra .un grande impero non si giudica da una battaglia ma dalla guerra , gli uni non erono altro che barbari, così come i mongoli , non avevono un senato dove si facevono le leggi e decideva solo uno , non avevono armi come i romani , l'unico vero impero è stato quello Romano.
Good work man! Want to add some: the Huns was acting by quality of warriors and not by quantity and by tumens - 10000 warriors, the tumen consists of hundreds and the hundred consists of tens. Two or three tumens and no more Rome. If you could revealed the Huns warriors in details with all their lamellar armours for men and horses, helmets, composite bows and so on it would be great.
@@dunruden9720 Absolutely!! In lamellar armours as warriors. How it looks you can see in this CGI short film here: th-cam.com/video/I94lQvqFB5M/w-d-xo.html
@@StephCurtisC Bullshit! The mongols is absolute fake and were invented by German and Russian false historians in order to erase real history of the Huns-Scythians-Kazakhs. And the Huns still exist, but now they are called Kazakhs. Like many ancient nations that also changed their names. For example, before the French were called Gauls, the Italians were called Romans etc. Anyone wise enough who sees on the map very big territory of Kazakhstan will immediately understand that these are remains of huge Empire of the Huns. So why are you lying? It seems that you are a lying russian troll and still trying to distort the history of Kazakhs.
Казахи же вроде позже с востока пришли. Вы же себя к монголам Чингиз хана причисляете. А это более позняя волна с востока почти на тысячу лет. Гуннская империя возникла в результате обьединения болгар и алан.
At the beginning of the battle, the Huns went towards the enemy with their horsemen, then they pretended to run and shot back the barrage of arrows, and then attacked again.
Hunlar göçebe türk halkıdır,kazak türkleridir kökeni,moğol değildir,moğollar nufus olarak 4-5 milyon.ama türk halkları,oğuz(türkiye,azerbaycan v.s),kazak,kıpçak,kırgızlar,karluklar,saha,tuva,,gagavuz ,başkurd v.s 300 milyonluk türk halkları 2022 yılında mevcuttur.
@@ozgur9836 orta asyadaki büyük hun imparatorluğunun devamında göktürkler devlet kurmuştur,aynı coğrafyada dolayısıyla göktürkler hunların devamıdır,merkezde kazakistan coğrafyasıdır,kanka,göktürklere kadar türkçe konuşan halklara türk denmiyodu göktürklerden sonra türkçe konuşan halklara türk denilmeye başlanmıştır..
Átila infringiu graves derrotas aos Romanos, tendo chegado pelo duas vezes as portas de Roma, mas hoje que povo teve origem nos Unos, e que território atual fazia parte de seu império?
Huns, Turks, are invincible warriors throughout history, we have established 108 states, empires, kingdoms, we defeated empires called invincible throughout history and today war is the art of Turkish
türk tarihini bölmek istiyorsunuz ama bunu başaramazsınız arşivler var bilim var tarihçiler var öyle rasgele işkembeden hunlar ayrı türkler ayrı demekle olmuyor
Huns weren't Turks, first of all. Turks are invincible warriors? Are you sure? I would like to remind you that they were defeated in Lepanto, in Malta twice in Vienna, then in Zenta and in Belgrade. Let's see ..... they were then defeated by the Russians, by the Greeks, again by the Russians, then by the various Balkan states and even by the Italians. Of course you will know that the much vaunted Ottoman Empire disappeared in World War I. Invincible? I wouldn't say so.
This is basically wrong. The Huns were horse-riders from central Asia grass land. They usually did not contact in battle and just shot arrows in long range to annoy the opponents. If the opponents came forward to seek fighting, the Huns would retreat. If the opponents moved back, the Huns would follow. In either case, their arrows would never stop until the opponents were exhausted. Then they would enclose the opponents and slaughter them.
You Chinese misinformed of HUNS, they are Korean from Korean Peninsula to feed their animals and to survive their families after they got hit by unusually cold weather for 5years.
@@kanglee8722 Hun rulers were of Turk origin. All the nomadic horsemen in the steppe belonged to the Hun people. Turks, Mongols, Finns, Hungarians, Koreans and more.The Korean part is somewhat controversial. It would be more accurate to say that it is one of the ethnic groups that make up the Korean people. The Asian Huns, namely the Xiognu, were the first known Turk state. There are also Tabgaçs. But little is known about them.
Nem csak az,fél europát meg hódítottuk,de kárpátok az alapon Magyar terület, Mai napig lebasznám az törököre az atomot ezért a szemétségért,meg mindenkire aki nekünk ártott.
@@nagyadam8813 van történelmi karma(=következmény) is, ami elöbb-utóbb úgyis bekövetkezik. A hazugság az kártyavár, az Igazságot meg elrejteni nem lehet. A török-német ártott nekünk a legtöbbet. Ahogyan egész Európa=akkori Német-Római birodalom jött ellenünk 907-ben, úgy most is sarokba akarnak szorítani a saját hazánkban! Nem fog sikerülni! A Kárpát -medence-› Természet Anyácska aranyos öle! Az egyetlen nép amelyet az angyalok védenek, ott van a címerünkön.
This can be surmised by analysing the names of Hunnic princes and tribes. The names of the following Hunnic princes are clearly Oghuric Turkic in origin: Mundzuk (Attila’s father, from Turkic Muncˇuq = pearl/jewel; for an in-depth discussion of the Hunnic origin of this name in particular see Schramm (1969), 139-40), Oktar/Uptar (Attila’s uncle, Öktär = brave/powerful), Oebarsius (another of Attila’s paternal uncles, Aïbârs = leopard of the moon), Karaton (Hunnic supreme king before Ruga, Qarâton = black-cloak), Basik (Hunnic noble of royal blood, early fifth century, Bârsig˘ = governor), Kursik (Hunnic noble of royal blood, from either Kürsig˘ , meaning brave or noble, or Quršiq meaning beltbearer). For these etymologies see Bona (1991), 33. Three of Attila’s known sons 40 have probable Turkic names: Ellac, Dengizich, Hernak, and Attila’s princi pal wife, the mother of the ‘crown prince’ Ellac, has the Turkic name Here kan, as does another notable wife named Eskam. See Maenchen-Helfen (1973), 392-415. See also Bona (1991), 33-5, and Pritsak (1956), 414. Most known Hunnic tribal names are also Turkic, Maenchen-Helfen (1973), 427-41, e.g. Ultincur, Akatir etc. The cur suffix in many of these names is a well-known Turkic title and as Beckwith (1987), 209, points out the To-lu or Tardus tribes (Hunnic in origin) of the Western Turkish On Oq were each headed by a Cur (noble). Zieme (2006), 115, speculates that the title cur belongs to a pre-Turkic Tocharian stratum of the Turkic language, which, if true, again highlights the essential heterogeneity of Central Asian peoples and even languages. See also Aalto (1971), 35. In addition to this primary language (Oghuric Turkic), Priscus informs us that Latin and Gothic were also understood by the Hunnic elite. See Priscus, fr. 13.3, Blockley (1983), 289. Mclaughlin, Professors Hyun & Lieu, Rome and China: Points of Contact (Routledge, 2021)
Smashed? Where? Perhaps in your fantasy, pal. After all, the Hunnic empire was dead long before the fall of Western Roman Empire. A barbarian bunch of tribes fighting each other a minute after Attila's demise.
These Huns are the Northern Huns who lost war against the Southern Huns and Chinese coalition. They have nothing to do with Turks. On way to Europe, the Northern Huns might be mixed with Kangui, a Iranian people who used to live in Central Asia.
I love how both sides have a backstory and allies in your videos.This is very good and entertaining content!
Don't know how you do it. Each soldier/horseman seems to act independently as if we are watching a live movie. Amazing.
thank you. Glad you enjoyed.
@@AdituLaudisMMXXI Русский
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ลกิติ ที่มี
ต@@AdituLaudisMMXXI ผู้ชายเสื้อ9งบ4
@@olesyaradchenko664 I
Kösz a videot! Pont Magyar vagyok! Ha nincsenek a Hunok a Romai birodalom ma is fennáll!😉😉😉 Ezt a csatát Attila vezete! Attila isten ostora!! Persze késöbb a Hunok harcmodorátt is kiismerték! De akkor már késö volt!!😍😍😉😉😉
üdv a csatornán. Örülök, hogy tetszett a videó.
Тюрки продеды венгров, у нас некоторые слова похоже,
@@tor9488 don't be silly Turkish
Csak halkan jegyzem meg,a nev helyesen irva Atilla, a jo oreg Maria Terezia kamarillaja kezdte el helytelenul irni/hasznalni a nagykiraly nevet.Az okai egyszeru logikaval megfejthetok..:) Egy dologrol elfeledkeztek,az pedig a ruhadarab neve volt,ami a mai napig megmaradt atillanak...node senki sem tokeletes,mindenki kovethet el aprobb hibakat ugyebar..kamarilla szinten is...:)
Ну ты и сказанул, если бы не гунны. Да любая империя рано или поздно распадается.
Really Your Work ⚔️👌
Thanks 🔥
these videos are captivating and show the brutality of ancient war!! incredible footage!! thanks a bunch.
Thank you Robert! I'm glad you enjoyed
Oh really did you mean the modern war is more nice the civilians dying more than soldiers
Its not footage lol
Its not real
@@samdaniel2585 many deaths of innocent civilians in all wars is the tragic consquence of war. no. killing women and children is never ." nice"
Atalarimiza selam olsun,biz Türkler kiyamete dek onlarin yolunda gitmeye kararliyiz,Sanli tarihimizi kimse karalayamaz....
Solo que Atila no era turco
This is just epic. Outstanding in every way !
Alle Battle sind sehr gut und spannend produziert ich bin ein richtiger Fan ihres Kanals geworden er ist so faszinierend😍👍🙏🇩🇪💐
Danke. Ich freue mich, dass dir mein Kanal gefällt. willkommen.
I'm sure there will be millions of views on your videos very soon
Thank you! I appreciate it
Remember Attila the Hun and how he disciplined the Romans.
Actues world say other wise
C'est l'inverse...
Yeah... no.. he didnt discipline anyone.
@Joe Roscoe
Go read about Atilla the Hun.
It is just that simple !
when the homeland of the Huns and the Gokturks get occupied by the Han Chineses, they flee to Europe to survive,
i have a good friend. His name is Mick Nagy. He is from Hungary. He is smart, strong, and speaks 3 languages. We have worked together in construction years ago.. Mick escaped Hungary during the iron curtain. He fled on foot with his wit and strength.. i think this man is a true hun.. a very good friend indeed!!!
The Huns were definately the most barbarian and toughest army to go up against. The Huns were brutal and shown the roman empire how tough and fearless these combatants were. you never wanted to go up against the huns. They have my admiration for their fighting skills against the mighty romans.. great video. thanks for this epic battle on you tube. Bravo to all warriors!!
thanks for the comment!
Hunlar barbar bir ordu değildir aslında barbar olan Romadir çünkü Roma'da kölelik vardır Hunlar ise özgür bir halktır onlar ne köle olur ne köleliği kabul eder hatta düşmanını köle yapmaz ya öldürür ya da özgür bırakır çünkü Hunlar Türk'tur
Hunlar barbar değil.Siz avrupalılar Türkler karşısında hep mağlup oldukça Türklere barbar dediniz? Türkler barbar ise roma soyu korkak ozaman? Dediğin bunu kanıtlıyor? Türk askerleri hiçbir zaman sivilleri öldürmez silah çekmedikçe Türk askerlerine Ama romanın torunları günümüzde suriye ırak Afganistan filistin .vs vs bilerek sivilleri bombalıyorlar asıl barbar lık budur! Siz batılılar hazımsızlık çok yapıyorsunuz .eski çağlardan beri askerleriniz ölünce ve istedikleriniz olmayınca sivilleri katlediyorsunuz .afrikalıları avrupalı beyaz adam köle olarak çalıştırıp emeklerini çalıyorsunuz işgence ile öldürüyorsunuz? Ve dahası yer altı zenginliklerini çalmak gibi bir huyunuz hırsızlık gibi çok kötü bir alışkanlığınız da var! Başkalarına ait olan değerli şeyleri çalmak HARAMDIR!
The first freemasons were the Greeks, then the Roman Empire..The freemasons speads propaganda against the Huns , that they are barbaric...but the truth is, the huns unchesters were The Great Sumerians civilization as The Schytians. If Attila and his army were wild barbaric, they should destroyed the whole Roman civilizations!
In this way Attila shown that the HUNS are spiritually...not like The Roman - Empire! Something interesting: The HUNS didn't desapiered from that time..! They still live in Hungary - Romania - Serbia - Croatia - Slovenia large part of Ukraine such as large part Of Russia!
Hunlar Türk
Кун (Гун, Хун)-Империя Сонце Тюрков!
Что в переводе с монгольского означает человек.
@@белаягвардия-л5м Moğollar ve Türkler Amca çocuklarıdır.
Amazing bro
Thank you so much 😀
@@AdituLaudisMMXXI is there any chance you speak Latin?
I don't but I wish I could!
@@AdituLaudisMMXXI it a plane it's a birds nope is a mighty Huns
Nice love it 👍🍻
Thank you! Cheers!
Love the way you show how real men fought love it . Unfortunately my ancestors fought many great armies but they prevailed till 1453 great achievement and for great graphics continue the great work 😊👍🍷👏👊🏻
Senin Ataların ilk büyük yenilgiyi 1071 de Malazgirt te margiertte tattı.Ataların Türkler ile karşılaşmadan önce genellikle galip geliyordu .Aslında bu videodan anlaşılıyorki Hun Türkleride mağlup etmişler senin atalarını
1071 😅.
Bir TÜRK olarak atalarım HUNLULARLA gurur duyuyorum dünyada eşsiz bir tarihe sahibiz
@user-hv3eb6ck8d Baideng War ☺️
@@ichliebelh Battle of Mobei
@@hwasiaqhan8923 Ahahahah 100000 vs 450000.
While the Huns lost 9 thousand in that war, the Hans (Chinese) lost 110,000. 😁
your ancestors were not the Huns your ancestors were Greeks and Hittites.
@@ichliebelh Turkish propagandas, go back to Mongolia
Good work pal.
Thanks 👍
Gratulacje za pomysł i wykonanie
Szintén. In hun language ene tis. Po wiengersku én is.
Very well done !
Many thanks!
The Huns were earlier than the Mongols and were later defeated by the Han Dynasty. The southern Huns surrendered and the northern Huns migrated to Europe and Central Asia.
Северные Гунны нынешние Казахи
The turks
@@bosai2010 Not sure, because there are no written records of the nomadic tribes in the north, unlike our China, which has a written history from a very early time to connect the history
Asyanin bozkurtlari huntürkleri
@enver pashaOur history has only been written, the Northern Huns continued to move westward, and no one knows exactly where they migrated.
Great work.
The Big Hun Empire in Asia by METEHAN. A Turkish Kağan.
The Europa Hun Empire in Europe by ATILLA THE GREAT. another Turkish KAĞAN.
Tabi tabi çok doğru söylediklerinde doğruluk payı var.
Atilla Türk mü? Yakın akraba soy vs denilse tamam da, Orta Asya'dan gelen herkese Türk demek doğru değil.
@@tarkdagl6069 Ozaman sen git avrupa dan gelenlere Atam de ?ATTİLA TÜRKLERIN İLK DEVLETLİ TÜRK KAĞANI Hani sizin bizanslı Atalarınıza kök söktüren Hun Türklerinden ATTİLA BAŞBUĞ! Adamın Adı bile Attila Daha neyin peşindesin?
@@tarkdagl6069 Yahu sen ısmarlama ilber ortaylı Cemal şengör gibi ermeni rum .Bizans torunlarına inanırsan Türk olsanda Bizanslı Doğu romalı müslüman olduğu zannedersin .ilk önce bu gibi Adamların kim olduğunu soyunun ne olduğunu iyi araştır. Sonra gel sohbet tadında tartışırız.
Timucin.Anyádat gyökér török,halál rád meg a fajodra !!!
8:58 "hey."
"Wait, when did you arrive here? Youre supposed to be fighting the huns in the left wing-"
"Shut up."
I am proud to be a Turk. My ancestors Huns were big and tough people of the steppe.
As a HUNgarian am prouder.
@@magyarahun8982 🇹🇷🇰🇿🇺🇿🇰🇬🇦🇿🇹🇲❤️🇭🇺
:) 👍
Thx brother
@@magyarahun8982 we are brothers, we must not forget ourselves yes 6 turkish states muslim Hungary christian but we are all turkish
@@umutcanmenket2384 Not religion but the blood is the important 👍
Superb presentation. Thanks.
Glad you liked it!
I didn't see the wolf trap tactic, but it's nice
Great just great thanks
J adore tes vidéos en plus tu met la traduction chose rare dans ce genre de vidéo merci
J'apprécie ton commentaire! Merci beaucoup!
Bu işi gerçekten güzel yapıyorsunuz
Una"ricostruzione" storica magnifica 🔥... complimenti 👏
Thank you! Grazie
Kanalı görünce sanki define buldum süper kanal tebrikler
Thank you! Glad you're enjoying my content
Epic. nice one
Одно было правдой
Конницу никогда не могли победить
Тем более тогда изобретены были стремена
И тугие луки
Поэтому и Рим пал
Там больше экономические проблемы были, Рим прекрасно до этого кочевниками справлялся
@@ЕламанКарбайулы Рим в степь вроде и не совался.Отбивался наемниками такими же степняками. Персы как то сунулись и это плохо кончилось. Александр Македонский тоже в степи обжегся и повернул. Пехота в степи бессильна против конницы.
@@ЕламанКарбайулы в битве при Каррах римляне были практически полностью уничтожены хотя превосходили парфян 3:1. Просто конные лучники на открытой местности имба, не контрятся.
Друзья у римский империи до этого не был соперник как гунны.Ганнибал тоже воевал очень хорош против рим не хвотал смелость и храбрость и не по плану.Гунны добрались из сибири в европа большая проблем для европейских племен и римский империи.
@@КазбекМырзахметов парфяне сасаниды даки германские племена галы армяне
Amaizing! Tears in my Eyies... Wowwwww Yupiter was real God in the past.
That animation does not show from my point of view the real Hun tactic. Huns were masters in archery. So they avoided cavalry attacks with close combat fighting. They just approched to the enemy rapidly on horses, then put a rain of arrows on the enemy and turned back. By that way they slowly decimated enemy infantry.
Haklı gibisin lakin Türkler de savaş taktiği bitmez!!! Bazen öyle bir savaş yaparki Türkler aklın şaşar taktik maktik yokk bam bam bam !!!
Very cool
Huns are ancestor of Mongols. Now present try listen The Hu band. Hu means Hunnu!( Huns). Also Hun is Mongolian word which is mean human
Giọng Đức Phúc đỉnh quá đi mất. Nó kiểu mộc mạc, ko màu mè và nghe rất chân thành ấy ❤❤❤❤❤ Mong 1 ngày sẽ được ngồi ở trời Đà Lạt và nghe Phúc hát 🎵
Отличное видео, вспомнил детство как играл в эту замечательную игру) какие у тебя системные требования компьютера? Настройки игры на максимуме?
Я рада, что тебе понравилось. У меня 16 ГБ ОЗУ, процессор i9-9900k и GTX 1070. Да, это на максимальных настройках. Да, это на максимальных настройках. Но с этим компьютером сложно играть. Мне нужно много редактировать, чтобы показать такое видео.
@@AdituLaudisMMXXI а ты девушка что ли? Привет)
Eres el mejor, felicidades.
You are the best, congratulations.
Victoria Semper
thank you
The Huns are still the toughest nation in Europe. Whoever wanted to subjugate them disappeared from the table of history.The Hun cavalry and their recoil bow were formidable
Это западная интерпретация битвы.
Гуннов было всего около 5-тысяча воинов.они всего лишь осуществляли набеги малыми отрядами .что и подтверждаеться автором.
Практически Гунны расстреляли римлян с растояния.
очень возможно. Не воспринимайте эту битву как точное представление истории.
Hunlar az kişiydi ama hızlılardı. Hunlar Türklerin atasıdır.
The legions carried alot of baggage when marching.Didn't see this here.But it was a good marching scene.
They didn't have food to eat, but they slaughtered each other savagely.
That's why Chinese built the Great wall to defend the Huns. It's difficult to defeat Huns were riding in open area.
La muraille de Chine a été construite contre les Göktürk
Easy to defend, but will never win in a chase
If even the Germanic barbarians lost to the Huns, for the Romans it was only a matter of time, it was the beginning of the central asian nomadic invasions into Europe.
300 C.E
Western Civilization: What a Tough time to live
1200's: Hello again
Dzięki za film.
glad you enjoyed it!
This can be surmised by analysing the names of Hunnic princes and tribes. The names of the following Hunnic princes are clearly Oghuric Turkic in origin: Mundzuk (Attila’s father, from Turkic Muncˇuq = pearl/jewel; for an in-depth discussion of the Hunnic origin of this name in particular see Schramm (1969), 139-40), Oktar/Uptar (Attila’s uncle, Öktär = brave/powerful), Oebarsius (another of Attila’s paternal uncles, Aïbârs = leopard of the moon), Karaton (Hunnic supreme king before Ruga, Qarâton = black-cloak), Basik (Hunnic noble of royal blood, early fifth century, Bârsig˘ = governor), Kursik (Hunnic noble of royal blood, from either Kürsig˘ , meaning brave or noble, or Quršiq meaning beltbearer). For these etymologies see Bona (1991), 33. Three of Attila’s known sons 40 have probable Turkic names: Ellac, Dengizich, Hernak, and Attila’s princi pal wife, the mother of the ‘crown prince’ Ellac, has the Turkic name Here kan, as does another notable wife named Eskam. See Maenchen-Helfen (1973), 392-415. See also Bona (1991), 33-5, and Pritsak (1956), 414. Most known Hunnic tribal names are also Turkic, Maenchen-Helfen (1973), 427-41, e.g. Ultincur, Akatir etc. The cur suffix in many of these names is a well-known Turkic title and as Beckwith (1987), 209, points out the To-lu or Tardus tribes (Hunnic in origin) of the Western Turkish On Oq were each headed by a Cur (noble). Zieme (2006), 115, speculates that the title cur belongs to a pre-Turkic Tocharian stratum of the Turkic language, which, if true, again highlights the essential heterogeneity of Central Asian peoples and even languages. See also Aalto (1971), 35. In addition to this primary language (Oghuric Turkic), Priscus informs us that Latin and Gothic were also understood by the Hunnic elite. See Priscus, fr. 13.3, Blockley (1983), 289.
Mclaughlin, Professors Hyun & Lieu, Rome and China: Points of Contact (Routledge, 2021)
similar to the Parthians at the Battle of Carrhae. Romans beaten by a highly mobile cavalry-based foe!
The Huns were one very tough foe to conquer and fight!!
very true
Tarihin her devrinde. söz konusu savaş ise Türklerle düşman olmayı kimse istemedi,istemez
@@gokturk126 Hunlar Macar
@@kurdenxwendekar4087 igy igaz Magyarország=Hungary, Attila a hunok királya.Árpád vezér vezete a hunokat a Kárpát medencébe, több mint 1000-éve.
@@ernohanyi1040 Turks claim that Huns and Hungarians are Turks
It's not the Roman Empire versus the Huns, it's the Roman Empire versus the Huns Empire.
Roman empire lated over several centuries.Hun realm of Attila just few decades and desintegrated pretty quickly after his death.
@@paprskomet That is the history that Westerners want to distort and believe. The world believed it as it was. But those who already know that it's not all know that. Before they conquered Europe, the Smoked Empire had already conquered Central Asia, and for many years had subjugated China and its neighboring countries for many years. Among them, one faction moved to Europe during the power struggle and made a swampy field, so those who have suffered would want to erase that history. Their present cousins and brothers are Mongolians, Turks, Central Asians and Koreans.
@@hanbaedal ...jeeez,you are confusing different hunnic groups with those of Attila.Doubting that his real in Europe and east Asia desintegrated soon after his death is beyond absurd.That is not what "westerners want" but simply a history and history is what you have no respect to.World is full of maniacs like you who are only interested in ideology and altranationalistic madness while despising with history in case they dont like it.Such as you exist even in Europe of course.
@@hanbaedal What about the Iranian Scythians, my friend? They used to live in western Mongolia, but they looked like Iranians
nice vid
Thanks Cyrus!
У гуннов не было пехоты. Что с Азий пешком пришли?
у них может быть пехота. я не уверен
@@AdituLaudisMMXXI у кочевников никогда не было пехоты , в степи без коня далеко не уйдешь, я это тебе как потомок Гуннов пишу , я из Казахского племени Аргун , в честь нашего племени в россии течет река приток Енисея
@@user-nn9cy1nb3b каких гуннов ты потомок?) Единственные сегодня, кто говорит на языке гуннов - это чуваши в Чувашской Республике России, остальные тюркские языки очень сильно отличаются от гуннско-булгарской группы
Но у них была пехота.Покоренные германские народы.Титул Аттилы - король гуннов, мидян, датчан, готов.Кнут божий, молот мира
@@mrobocop1666 Венгров забыл,Хунгария, они постоянно приезжают в ЦА,вспоминая что родом из Азий,я сам потомок Уйсуна,но это уже другая история
Hunlar islamiyetten önceki Türk devletlerinden biriydi 2 parçaydılar asya hun devleti avrupa hun devleti
akhun'da var
Кавалерия номадов господствовала на просторах Евразии с III в. до н.э. вплоть до XVII вв. н.э. Только регулярные европейские армии Нового времени, обладающие пехотой, вооруженной огнестрельным оружием, кавалерией и в сочетании с полевой артиллерией смогли превзойти великолепную кавалерию номадов.
Huns are mongol ancestors and they showed what could happend if mongols come to western europe, moreover mongols were more badass than huns with their ability to siege big cities.
Қазақтарғой інішек
Hunlar turkic people no Mongol
@@gokhunturkhan2788 Magarország=Hungary a Magyarok a hunok leszármazotjai, de több törzs volt és a portyázások során szétváltak.
@@gokhunturkhan2788 прототюрки но родствены в те времена предкам монгол
The Turks founded the Hun state. But they dominated other nomadic cavalry peoples. Yes, there were Mongols in the Hun armies. The Huns can be considered the ancestors of the Mongols. But he is directly the ancestor of the Turks.
Those darn mounted archers!!
The 7th emperor of the Han Dynasty of China, Emperor Han Wu, succeeded in defeating the Xiongnu tribes in the north, and the Xiongnu moved west to avoid the Han army and went to war with the Huns. The Huns were defeated by the Xiongnu and moved further west. This led to the fall of the Roman Empire.
Ар-гунны казахский род.
Wait, Huns were Mongols? Why are their features depicted as Asian?
@@junomoon6530 Huns and Xiongnu are different peoples..
@@김김이-x8t So, who were the Huns?
@@junomoon6530 People who lived in Central Asia around the 3rd century
Huns used mobility to great advantage. The huns caused serious security troubles for kingdoms in China by hit and run tactics and choosing preferred points and times of attacks. Han Dynasty raised huge calvery forces and took the fights to the huns grasslands home ground until the huns were crushed and pushed out from grasslands surrounding China.
МОЙ ПРЕДКИ ГУННЫ УНИЧТОЖИЛИ китайцев и не раз полностью захватывали китай и китай построил китаискую стену я потомок Гуннов и ШынғысХана мой предки правили китаем Хубиллай правнук ШынғысХана !
huns are turks😎💪
JESUS CHRIST will come very soon! Repent!
@@vnwest010D I don't think so.
Every nomadic tribe is different. The same goes for every culture and people's.
May have some blood resemblance but that doesn't mean their direct line of Turks or what not.
Avrupa hun imparatorluğu Atilla🇹🇷🇭🇺
Roma sempre invincibile un grande filmato
Sono un grande appassionato di storia anche se la mia cultura non è a livello universitario ho solo un diploma ringrazio chi è interessato come me alla storia
Не в этот раз и конечно не против гуннов это они не победимы
@@А.К-г5х se gli unni erono inviccibbili all'ora i romani cosa erono ? Dato che è stato l'impero più grande del mondo ? Si può perdere una battaglia, ma i romani vincevono sempre la guerra .un grande impero non si giudica da una battaglia ma dalla guerra , gli uni non erono altro che barbari, così come i mongoli , non avevono un senato dove si facevono le leggi e decideva solo uno , non avevono armi come i romani , l'unico vero impero è stato quello Romano.
Good work man! Want to add some: the Huns was acting by quality of warriors and not by quantity and by tumens - 10000 warriors, the tumen consists of hundreds and the hundred consists of tens. Two or three tumens and no more Rome. If you could revealed the Huns warriors in details with all their lamellar armours for men and horses, helmets, composite bows and so on it would be great.
not a bad idea. I'll work on how to integrate that into the videos.
Armoured houses??
@@dunruden9720 Absolutely!! In lamellar armours as warriors. How it looks you can see in this CGI short film here:
The Huns didn’t use tumens. The Mongols developed the system about 750 years after the Huns disappeared as a political/tribal entity.
@@StephCurtisC Bullshit! The mongols is absolute fake and were invented by German and Russian false historians in order to erase real history of the Huns-Scythians-Kazakhs. And the Huns still exist, but now they are called Kazakhs. Like many ancient nations that also changed their names. For example, before the French were called Gauls, the Italians were called Romans etc.
Anyone wise enough who sees on the map very big territory of Kazakhstan will immediately understand that these are remains of huge Empire of the Huns.
So why are you lying? It seems that you are a lying russian troll and still trying to distort the history of Kazakhs.
Excellent my friend! Do you plan to retreat the battle of the catalaunian camps? The Romans and Visigoths against the Huns and the Ostrogoths
thank you!
Гунны прадеды казахов и я горд за своих прадедов. Самая лучшая конница было у кочевников.
Гунны это конференция разных народов европейцев азиат
@@ЕламанКарбайулы европейцев там небыло
@@nurikkz8665 были там присоединялись все кому не лень)
Казахи же вроде позже с востока пришли. Вы же себя к монголам Чингиз хана причисляете. А это более позняя волна с востока почти на тысячу лет. Гуннская империя возникла в результате обьединения болгар и алан.
@@nurikkz8665 Нурик были европейских племен готы были союзниками гуннов
Thanks 🤗
At the beginning of the battle, the Huns went towards the enemy with their horsemen, then they pretended to run and shot back the barrage of arrows, and then attacked again.
Turan taktik
Great graphics....
Made in HUNGARI. это Гунни из Deshti Kipcnaka ALTAY. 🌹👍
Hunlar göçebe türk halkıdır,kazak türkleridir kökeni,moğol değildir,moğollar nufus olarak 4-5 milyon.ama türk halkları,oğuz(türkiye,azerbaycan v.s),kazak,kıpçak,kırgızlar,karluklar,saha,tuva,,gagavuz ,başkurd v.s 300 milyonluk türk halkları 2022 yılında mevcuttur.
Hunlar kazakmıydı kanka bugün tarihçiler bile tam türktü diyemezke sen daha derine inmişsin
@@ozgur9836 orta asyadaki büyük hun imparatorluğunun devamında göktürkler devlet kurmuştur,aynı coğrafyada dolayısıyla göktürkler hunların devamıdır,merkezde kazakistan coğrafyasıdır,kanka,göktürklere kadar türkçe konuşan halklara türk denmiyodu göktürklerden sonra türkçe konuşan halklara türk denilmeye başlanmıştır..
@@bayxman2 göktürklerin merkezi kazakistanmıydı az salla göktürklerin merkezi moğolistandı ve tek bir boydan oluşmuyodu konfederasyon şeklindeydi
@@ozgur9836 göktürkler yıkılınca anadoluya göç ettiler yani türkiyede ve azerbaycanda çoğunluk göktürkler
@@bayxman2 sen şimdi hunlar moğol değildir kazaktır falan diyon da zaten moğol ordusu tatar ve kıpçak türkleridir. Yani ataları hun oluyor.
Átila infringiu graves derrotas aos Romanos, tendo chegado pelo duas vezes as portas de Roma, mas hoje que povo teve origem nos Unos, e que território atual fazia parte de seu império?
Atilla Türk tür. Türklerin içinden bir hakan. Çocukları bugün Avrupa'nın ucunda Macaristan da.
@@gokturk126 obrigado
Хуны это Центральная Азия Казахстан качевои народ
@@gokturk126 кума кумасаи кок тюрк евразия
Turkic hungary
все в безрукавках под снегопадом, да они бы до гуннов не дошли живыми
I'm hunn, I'm bulgar. I'm proud of Atilla Tuki. He was from Ashly(Kazan, Tatarstan) Great Bulgaria.
Тюркоязычные народы это лучшие воины всех времен это сильные великие империи всех времен
@@nord4018 англичане
Igen a Bulgàrok is a Hunok maradèka ,de elvesztettèk a nyelvüket.A Magyarok megtartottàk õsi nyelvet.A Hunok szèt estek 13-nèppè.
@@sandorrozsas7665 what language it was written? I suppose it's hungarian...but no idea
Attila is turk...
You can create a battle animation. The Queens of Tomiris against the Persian King Kira? In that battle, Queen Tomiris defeated the Persian army.
Huns, Turks, are invincible warriors throughout history, we have established 108 states, empires, kingdoms, we defeated empires called invincible throughout history and today war is the art of Turkish
Hunlar başka türkler başka bir ırktır
türk tarihini bölmek istiyorsunuz ama bunu başaramazsınız arşivler var bilim var tarihçiler var öyle rasgele işkembeden hunlar ayrı türkler ayrı demekle olmuyor
Aynen 👑
@@farukgenc4387 güzel laf soktun içimi rahat latın
Huns weren't Turks, first of all. Turks are invincible warriors? Are you sure? I would like to remind you that they were defeated in Lepanto, in Malta twice in Vienna, then in Zenta and in Belgrade. Let's see ..... they were then defeated by the Russians, by the Greeks, again by the Russians, then by the various Balkan states and even by the Italians. Of course you will know that the much vaunted Ottoman Empire disappeared in World War I. Invincible? I wouldn't say so.
A hunokról mára kiderült, hogy a magyarok. Büszke vagyok az őseimre❤❤❤❤🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺
Hunlar türktür. Macarların türk olduğu sonradan ortaya çıktı. HUNLAR VE MACARLAR TÜRK.
Maghiarii nu se înrudește cu hunii !
There is no connection between the current Hungarians and the Huns. The current Hungarians are Slavs.
Funny 🤣😂🤣
Do you normally play at that unit size scale??? How is your cpu doing???
it's not as fun to play tbh, I do al lot of editing and remove shots that lag or don't look great.
Figures, I can definitely see the hardwork you put out in your content especially using it with a attila total war game and the editing part 👍
This is basically wrong. The Huns were horse-riders from central Asia grass land. They usually did not contact in battle and just shot arrows in long range to annoy the opponents. If the opponents came forward to seek fighting, the Huns would retreat. If the opponents moved back, the Huns would follow. In either case, their arrows would never stop until the opponents were exhausted. Then they would enclose the opponents and slaughter them.
You Chinese misinformed of HUNS, they are Korean from Korean Peninsula to feed their animals and to survive their families after they got hit by unusually cold weather for 5years.
then start to migrated toward west and migration took almost two centuries reach Europe.
Not at all.
Huns conquered the Romans, those little insects speaking slavery.
@@kanglee8722 Hun rulers were of Turk origin. All the nomadic horsemen in the steppe belonged to the Hun people. Turks, Mongols, Finns, Hungarians, Koreans and more.The Korean part is somewhat controversial. It would be more accurate to say that it is one of the ethnic groups that make up the Korean people. The Asian Huns, namely the Xiognu, were the first known Turk state. There are also Tabgaçs. But little is known about them.
@@Рускиязик do not insult those little insects as you call them had the greatest and longest empire that ever existed Ave AETERNA Victrix 👊🏻🗡
The Carpathian Valley has been always Hun territory!
Nem csak az,fél europát meg hódítottuk,de kárpátok az alapon Magyar terület, Mai napig lebasznám az törököre az atomot ezért a szemétségért,meg mindenkire aki nekünk ártott.
@@nagyadam8813 van történelmi karma(=következmény) is, ami elöbb-utóbb úgyis bekövetkezik. A hazugság az kártyavár, az Igazságot meg elrejteni nem lehet.
A török-német ártott nekünk a legtöbbet. Ahogyan egész Európa=akkori Német-Római birodalom jött ellenünk 907-ben, úgy most is sarokba akarnak szorítani a saját hazánkban! Nem fog sikerülni!
A Kárpát -medence-› Természet Anyácska aranyos öle! Az egyetlen nép amelyet az angyalok védenek, ott van a címerünkön.
Wow simplemente impresionante!! SALUDOS 🇲🇽✌️
@@AdituLaudisMMXXI denada ✌️
1000 years after his death,in 1453;his grandgrandson ended the romans.
The historian Jordan wrote in real times :
"The hunnic madness came out of Bulgarian lands ".
Romans were smashed ,they were a piece of cake +
This can be surmised by analysing the names of Hunnic princes and tribes. The names of the following Hunnic princes are clearly Oghuric Turkic in origin: Mundzuk (Attila’s father, from Turkic Muncˇuq = pearl/jewel; for an in-depth discussion of the Hunnic origin of this name in particular see Schramm (1969), 139-40), Oktar/Uptar (Attila’s uncle, Öktär = brave/powerful), Oebarsius (another of Attila’s paternal uncles, Aïbârs = leopard of the moon), Karaton (Hunnic supreme king before Ruga, Qarâton = black-cloak), Basik (Hunnic noble of royal blood, early fifth century, Bârsig˘ = governor), Kursik (Hunnic noble of royal blood, from either Kürsig˘ , meaning brave or noble, or Quršiq meaning beltbearer). For these etymologies see Bona (1991), 33. Three of Attila’s known sons 40 have probable Turkic names: Ellac, Dengizich, Hernak, and Attila’s princi pal wife, the mother of the ‘crown prince’ Ellac, has the Turkic name Here kan, as does another notable wife named Eskam. See Maenchen-Helfen (1973), 392-415. See also Bona (1991), 33-5, and Pritsak (1956), 414. Most known Hunnic tribal names are also Turkic, Maenchen-Helfen (1973), 427-41, e.g. Ultincur, Akatir etc. The cur suffix in many of these names is a well-known Turkic title and as Beckwith (1987), 209, points out the To-lu or Tardus tribes (Hunnic in origin) of the Western Turkish On Oq were each headed by a Cur (noble). Zieme (2006), 115, speculates that the title cur belongs to a pre-Turkic Tocharian stratum of the Turkic language, which, if true, again highlights the essential heterogeneity of Central Asian peoples and even languages. See also Aalto (1971), 35. In addition to this primary language (Oghuric Turkic), Priscus informs us that Latin and Gothic were also understood by the Hunnic elite. See Priscus, fr. 13.3, Blockley (1983), 289.
Mclaughlin, Professors Hyun & Lieu, Rome and China: Points of Contact (Routledge, 2021)
Smashed? Where? Perhaps in your fantasy, pal.
After all, the Hunnic empire was dead long before the fall of Western Roman Empire. A barbarian bunch of tribes fighting each other a minute after Attila's demise.
@@massimilianomencacci2510 🤣🤣🤦🤦🤦🤦
@@massimilianomencacci2510 6 c ERE gets wiped out again by Bolgars 🤣🤣
@@massimilianomencacci2510 the only barberians were the Romans that were taking bath in urine 🤣🤣🤣
Amazing forward action! Let us all move forward and face the Death through fearless action! It is just beautiful...!
HUN 🐺🇦🇿🇹🇷🇰🇿🇺🇿🇰🇬🇹🇲
@Walter White let's all be nice to each other please!
Juste super
Attila the Hun
السلام عليكم هل يمكننك القيام بفيديو عن معركة دأرا
شكرا لكم. سأحاول في المستقبل
Горловое пение вот она даёт энергию гуннам, а страх врагам
Türkiyeden selâmlar
Alemde ŞeRr OĞUZHAN illerinde Er tükenmez! Bak aslında biz böyle deriz .Alemde şer Oğuzda Er Tükenmez!!!!
@@metehanbasbug4441 alaykum assalam 🔥
@@user-the-kg EyvAllah kardeşim
Не горловое пение, а голос Великой степи, что звучит в крови гуннов.
Animasyon super 👍👏
thank you
I run a history channel, and I get a lot of inspiration.
Thank you.
Thank you, this means a lot
I liked it
Increíble casi 7 años antes de que el emperador Valente de oriente muriera en adrianopolis por los visigodos de fritigerno.
Interesting for a while, then one moves on.
Hunn 🦅🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🦅
Sir how to make this videos which app you are using ..?
These Huns are the Northern Huns who lost war against the Southern Huns and Chinese coalition. They have nothing to do with Turks. On way to Europe, the Northern Huns might be mixed with Kangui, a Iranian people who used to live in Central Asia.
@@dorjbayar1286 wad?
And today, these battles would be worthless against the machines of today.
Atilla the hun number one in world
Ricostruzione storica fatta molto bene direi anche che è bella la cavalleria romana, sono per la Roma complimenti