I did a few shorts and a few disassembly tips video right after this. Installation is just the exactly the reverse order. The longest part was routing and stapling the wires to the new sensors on the ceiling/drywall and through the attic. I didn’t have to make any changes at all. Simply plug and play for the connections, just had to strip the new wires back about an inch with some wire strippers.
A necessary item for any homeowner with a garage. Thanks for this.
@@daveb5229 Agreed.
What changes did you need to make to the connections? Where is the replacement/installation video?
Thank you.
I did a few shorts and a few disassembly tips video right after this. Installation is just the exactly the reverse order. The longest part was routing and stapling the wires to the new sensors on the ceiling/drywall and through the attic.
I didn’t have to make any changes at all. Simply plug and play for the connections, just had to strip the new wires back about an inch with some wire strippers.