Blackbeard, an American operator, gets a special ability to mount a second weapon to his primary. So he gets to shoot more gun per gun. Fucking brilliant.
tbf to Ubisoft the way they talked about the Recruit Rework seems like they are basically gonna be two completely new Operators for Attack and Defense.
I don’t think it will be new ops but just more balancing on recuit since their weapons are currently unchangeable and their gadgets can have nasty combos (emp + hard breach)
I've been saying this for years but, I'd love an operator that has a little puck or a deployable thing that can play a sound selected by the user. Example: you could use it to cause roamers to rotate to a different area of the map by using an explosion or sprint sound effect while you and some roam clear take the desired area. You could use it to play a defusing sound effect to make defenders push you. If you're pinned down, you could toss it and it would roll and play a sprinting sound effect while you hold the angle to cut off any defenders that would push the sound call. It would work similar to deimos' visor where you can select the sound effect before placing or throwing it. Then, when you want to, you can activate it from afar like a fuze charge. The whole point of this would be essentially an auditory Fenrir. Something that makes it so you can't rely on sound unless you have visual confirmation as long as this operator is on the board and it would fuck with coms heavy imo. This paired with a twitch or brava to get cams would go crazy imo.
@@Roz_Clear I meant to say lowkey not okay lmao my phones been glitching, but no I honestly really love this idea I think sound is one of the things seige hasn’t experimented with nearly enough
Blackbeard’s rework is straight up: “How am I gonna stop some mean mother-Hubbard from tearing me a new behind? The answer: use a gun. If that don’t work; use more gun.
Sens being Belgian and using the same German weapon as the French sounds reasonable, until you remember that Belgium has their own huge arm manufacturer in FN Herstal (the made the FAL and other guns)
Afghani here and pretty cool gadget idea but could be kind of hard making him from a CTU (because Afghanistan) and I think there should be probably someway to counter it but its still awesome. Regarding guns to my knowledge most Afghanis use Soviet or US weapons (info from my cousins who live there because I live in the US lmao) but awesome video fr
I think if the op had a really slow deploy time like grim and a little less damage than the other fire ops that could be pretty fair. They'd need an op like valk to help with preventing plants effectively so I don't think them playing below site would be too op
I like your ideas, but I have a few critiques: I think Operator 2 should be given a slower fire rate weapon as to give a drawback to playing overly aggressive. Even not giving them an ar at all, but that seems kind of extreme. I think this will help them fill a similar role to someone like brava, being able to carve holes in the defense, but not being able to capitalize on them fully themselves, requiring teamwork to fully use the gadget, and forcing selfish usage to be risky. Next, I think operator 3 should be given a dmr instead of the 552 commando. Having an op be able to cut off rotations, create new angles, and deny utility, all from a distance, and then giving them one of the best assaukt rifles in the game is overtuned. The defining factor of their gadget is being able to activate simultaneously and at a distance, this is the perfect formula for a dmr since it will encourage a more laid back playstyle, relying on teamates to fill in the gaps which you cannot cover. Giving her a powerfuk ar will just make her an ash replacement, like how wamai was to jager on release. Loving your vids, man, keep it up.
i had an idea for a sound-based op that puts down little doohickeys that let you mimic/create sound ques like plant a small thingamabob near a window or wall and play a wood breaking sound; maybe be able to recreate the sound of planting the defuser/defusing if they're on attack/defense?
Regarding towards the 1st op: The idea is cool, but what's the counter play for the attackers? Right now, there's nothing attackers can do to stop fire. An op like this would break siege and make people not plant anymore. The attacking team needs some way of dealing with the fire or there's going to be issues. The second op: Would an op be really that useful if it's to clear a doorway? I mean, like a simple nade, does most of the job already, and the other option, seems pointless when Ash and Zof already exists. The third op: The concept is cool, for a breaching charge rework, not for an actual new op. The issue here is, time vs value. I feel like a buck bucking from below would be a much better option than this op, since he can do it much faster and can instantly swap to his gun and be ready for a gun fight. This op, doesn't really make much sense existing. The idea is good for a breaching charge rework, but not for an actual new op. And as for the BB rework. I'm having a hard time visualizing what your idea would even look like. My idea for a BB rework would be, just give him a big ass minigun. The minigun would have insane amounts of destructive power, and would be able to turn a soft wall or floor into a Swiss cheese in an instant. And a defender hiding behind a soft wall would be turned into mincemeat, if a BB starts shooting. To make him be more useful, allow the minigun to do damage to reinforced walls. If he shoots a reinforced wall with enough bullets, he could make a hole in a reinforced wall. I'd imagine the reinforced wall to start cracking, similarly like how azami barriers crack. With enough bullets, he could carve a hole in a reinforced wall, but that hole would be small enough to prevent actual entering, but would give attackers a way to make holes into reinforced walls, even if the wall is electrified or mute jammed. That's my idea for a BB rework, we'll see in season 4 what Ubi has cooked up for the rework.
The first op doesn't really have a counter. However, he is very similar to Smoke, who also doesn't have a counter. This operator doesn't have as much overall firepower as Smoke does, and if you're worried about him stopping plants off site then you can always roam clear him like you would with Pulse or Solis. The second op was initially quite limited. You can 100% clear a doorway of any and all traps, whereas Ash and Zofia have to hit something directly, which doesn't always clear everything. As the op was niche, that's why we added the second mode so that the operator can essentially grenade people from below. Your thoughts on operator 3 are fair. My Blackbeard rework is somewhat similar to yours. He attaches a second gun to his current one and his firepower doubles, and you're saying he just gets a better gun for his gadget with more firepower. I will say though, that your minigun idea is quite interesting.
@@Minotaur4005 Actually, there could be a slight counter, although kind of indirect. You said it explodes when it hits hard surfaces, so, if the metal bars count as a hard surface, a good counter to it could be breaking the floor, this would make it explode if it hits anything, still putting you in danger, but preventing it from sealing off areas. Which would be a good tradeoff in my opinion.
If Blackbeard is still strong instead of a gun pod he could dual wield bc that means only 1 hand per gun increasing recoil more + longer reload and no aiming down sights
Honestly I want to see a division agent as an operator. There’s so much potential with their gadgets. From the seeker mine to the hive, to even the explosive sticky bomb.
I saw a theory on YT saying that in the battle pass quotes Mira asks for a crate of Blackbeard’s TARS (tactical Assault Rifle Shields) and that they think that maybe he will become a shield operator blitz fuse and Monty… this would be pretty much the complete Opposite of what was mentioned in this video and honestly I really think that this rework can go both ways it’s kinda exciting to see these ideas
I think this might be the third time I've heard that name, but I hadn't bothered to actually search up who that is. And damn, those are some big shoes to fill.
1:23 Because an RPG is inherently anti-armor (whole reason why its a heat round) It'd also be unique for it to pierce reinforced walls too, creating some wall denial in a new way for the game. (maybe it doesnt destroy already placed gadgets on the wall, being anti-personel mostly)
"Before you tell bro to never cook again"😭 loved this video, quality content as always, I always find concept art and ideas to be so creative and fascinating, so much so that i have literally 50 different operator ideas in my notes app, its nice to see someone making concept operators. With that i have noticed that alot of concepts ive seen from myself and everyone else is that alot can consist of just combining two different assets like, proximity activated / placable / throwable combined with an effect like smoke or fire or explosions, which is nice but sometimes can seen kind of cheap, pushing the game and making new fundamental concepts, although risky could make it fresh and i think thats the issue ubisoft has, redudancy vs balancing. I sense myself becoming the paragraph guy on this channel now but whatever, ALSO day 2 of asking for a video exploring every possible way to die in the game from most common to least, from bullets to falling to being killed by mira mirrors
Glad to hear you liked it. I wouldn't mind hearing any of your own ideas, as I find this kind of stuff interesting. I will say though, that while combining ideas can be viewed as "cheap" that it's rather difficult to come up with 100% unique and original ideas. Heck, just look at the pathfinders. They launched with the game, and Castle is just barricades but stronger. That's the op. Day 1 of this game and not even all the ops that they made up are original (I'm not a Castle hater I swear). Nothing wrong with being the paragraph guy. If anything, I recognize you specifically on almost all videos on I make (the public subscription makes you stand out regardless, but your pfp is unique and you're always positive). That video suggestion is doable now that I've been reminded of it, but it'll have to wait for a bit.
@@Minotaur4005 of course here's some random ones I made (the naming of the operators is mostly hit or miss) Alot are obv amateur because I'm not a professional but interesting nonetheless, hope you enjoy :) "#15. Proxy: she'd be exactly like nøkk being invisible to observation tools, but instead of observation tools, to motion detection devices, she'd be able to go through Kapkan-EDD'S, Ela Grzmots, Proximity alarms, etc. However devices like Frost's welcome mats would still work since those are mechanical and not electronic" "#5. Galvarino: Based on the real life Native American that had his hands replaced with knives, he'd have a pistol and no primary, but he'd also have those Predator arm blades" "#22. Node, He'd have a system on him that when he is scanned by an observation tool, it instantly fires a laser at it to destroy it." "#50. Akimbo: He'd have two handguns that could be fired simultaneously" (reminiscent of your blackbeard rework) "#45. Weld: Defender He would have a nanobotic device that when attached to a soft or reinforced wall, it would slowly weld or patch any holes made in it, essentially healing the wall segment to an extent" "#43. Decoy: Attacker He would carry a false bomb defuser briefcase, that would act as a decoy, to waste the time of defenders that are counterdefusing. Upon being counterdefused, the decoy defuser would explode, dealing like 50 damage" "#41. Spy-der: Her drone would be able to drive up walls and double jump" "#26. Guardian: defender hed be like castle but would put a set of steel bars on doorways and windows, still able to be shot straight through but they couldn't be blown up, so it'd basically be putting a reinforced wall on a door or window, and he'd have obviously less than castle's 4 barricades" "#11. Bunk: can fire a Mortar round from outside and itll go through the roof like a Bunker buster and explode, if there's multiple floors on its longitude, it'll go through all of them and explode in a series as it passes through each level" "#31. Helios: Attacker he would have a throwable version of a Mortar illumination round, that when thrown, it would act like a flashbang, but one long continuous flash, likely not fully blinding, but definitely would almost blind the enemies for a long time, making him a sort of long duration flashbanger"
You can think of ideas quickly but what about the bit by bit spexifics? Dps, gadget time, ui, weaponry , firerate, voicings, counters, countees, just to name a few
Balance is a bit of a trial and error thing a lot of the time, and I'm not exactly coding any of this. Besides, it might get boring just listening to the specific time a gadget lasts that won't even be entering the game
Operator 1 is a really could concept design for a Tachanka rework instead of its own operator. It would be really nice to consider some of those ideas as an alternative firing mode to tachanka so he can be on par with smoke as plant/area denial
This is pretty epic actually I would like to see a similar video about other changes to operators that you would like, big or small! For example, I think they should lean in to Mozzie's Hacking capability and essentially make him Brava on Defense, allowing his Pest to hack Claymores, Argus Cameras, Air Jabs, and most defender electronic equipment (if hacked by Brava), basically anything that can be hacked using the Kludge Drone. I think that would really expand and enhance the dynamic between Attack and Defense and cause the need for Attackers to watch out for their stuff getting hacked even when Brava isn't on the board.
That's an awesome idea, I think it would be cool if once they're done making completely new operators, to focus on expanding on existing operators, and giving them almost a second gadget. For example, with Ram, we all know right now her gadget is mechanical, making it nullified to Mute, but cannot be controlled once it's going. For her, a potential alternative (you'd be able to choose which gadget type you wanted in your loadout.) would be one that is completely electronic, but more controllable. Not as agile as a drone, but can be turned slowly as it moves. This would make it easier to counter, but it would be better controlled. I think that could be done for most operators, which would be nice.
@@Honk... oh wow that's pretty wild, being able to choose between different gadgets for every operator. I doubt that would happen but something I do think is possible is giving every operator the ability to switch between gadget types on the fly (like Zofia, Capitão, etc). Like instead of your idea, imagine that before you place a drone, the gadget switch button allows you to choose one of the two drone modes you mentioned, but after placement, it changes to the direction the drone will go like in the live build. That, is something I can reasonably see them working on
i came up with a operator idea a while ago. it originally started as a bb rework but i ended up turning it into a full operator as it strayed way to far from how bb was, and it fits for another crossover operator, Nomad from Ghost Recon. 2 unique flying drones that can let out a single emp blast each drones can freely move up and down to a certain height above the ground (say about head height of an operator) when emp blast goes off, the drone that did the emp blast will be disabled for the duration of the emp effect can be destroyed in any way that a regular drone could any counters that normally counter attacker drones would apply (pest, mute, etc) operator would be a 2/2 as for weapons and secondary gadgets, im not that good at balancing them out accordingly with the gadget so you could leave it to your imagination. as well as maybe any other things that could help balance the gadget itself out better
@@Minotaur4005 eh kinda. The drone itself can move in all directions, think of a yokai drone but can freely control its height above the ground to a certain height. Then when you have it where you want it it can release the emp blast which will emp defender gadgets and itself for that emp duration
Tbh, I'd love it if they put Ghost Recon Nomad into R6S. Ghost Recon has had two crossover events with R6, so why not return the favor? Also, the ACR should be his primary.
I think the blackbeard rework is very interesting but i dont know how it could work visually, i was thinking about it and realized at least some models of the bar have a slow and fast fire rate option i think that could work because its still 20 round mags it a big heavy weapon and 30.06 pack a punch both in "damage" and recoil.
The last operator I feel would just be a powercreep onto sledge and buck, and also feels a little too similar to RAM. Interesting concept...but I feel like atleast in the meta now another anti-roamer operator with a non global ability would be an interest think. Good video nonetheless
Love your videos but this one only proves that making a new operator that won't break.the game and is also interesting to play is NOT easy. Good effort.
If you’re gonna do a Finnish op there is a lot of cool things you could do, maybe someone like glaz but with a bit more stealth due to their history of commercial hunting and the winter war
Wouldn't have been a bad idea, but considering my personal vendetta against kali's whole design I decided to keep away from a white death inspired character
blackbeard puts down a little box full of gun shields. the attacking team can pick one up each similar to rook. they don’t protect as much as they do now. but any attacker can grab one
I have an idea for the recruit rework: Basically i saw they used the images of the recruits of r6 mobile and i hope it won't be like in the mobile game in which they can't change the gadgets, but maybe they can use some part of the loadouts of the mobile game for the rework, so my idea is to use r6 mobile so we can have a rough idea of what their loadout is like and look at previous gadgets for older siege games that didn't appear: Recruit ATK: M4 (if we assume that he keeps all his weapons, it's very likely that the l85a2 will be removed leaving the Mk 14 EBR and M249) Sdp 9mm pistol so he might lose the p12 and keeps C75 and super shorty If they do like r6 mobile he will only have Grenade (so no smoke hard breach and impact EMP) as primary and breaching charge as secondary but very likely he will get another secondary it can be: stun grenade, claymore or breaching charge (I hope he get the stun grenades but might be to strong) If he gets an original gadget i was thinking of C4 he gets 2 of them he throws them and blow it up killing everying on the blast and the utility. But it's to much similar to your Finland concept so i have another idea. Snake camera: This will allow recuit to use a small camera he can deploy to peak behind reinforced doors without risking a drone and it's bulletproff and he can use it without exposing himself to much (enemies can see the cam.) if he gets that, the breaching charge are perfect or claymores and with other operators the synergy can be extremely good recuit breach the others throw nades. Recruit DEF: UMP-45 (assuming he keeps all the weapons he has right now, i think it will have an ACOG because the mp5k and m870 are better) 5.7 USG so he will probably lose the p9 and keep the Smg-11 In r6 mobile his primary gadget is impact grenade (so no nitrocell if we can't change his gadget) and in his secondary is barbwire and maybe for the other one a shield or bulletproof camera. If he gets an original gadget i was thinking of an heartbeat sensor BUT not like pulse the one recuit gets is similar to the ones of old rainbow six games (at least the 1st mode) it is attached to his arm and it has 2 modes the 1st one is stand-by and is sound based and will do a bip sound (maybe a small vibration on controlers) and it will be more frequent the closer you are to an enemy but they can't ear it. The 2nd mode is ON this one deplete the battery and have 25-30 seconds of use it increase the range and show a minimap (like the one in cod warzone ) and every 5 seconds a radar wave will be sent to give you a rough estimation of where the enemy is however the enemies can hear the noise your heartbeat sensor make and if you try to switch mode to save battery it will reset the 5 second timer to avoid abuse and if you use all the 25-30 seconds the battery is depleted and the sensor becomes useless so you better stop when it's at 1%. For secondary gadget i don't really know maybe like pulse nitrocell and sheid or barbwire and impact to make it different. Other stuff i would like to see: -Sheild for ATK recuit because it will make the pistol useful and also would be hilarious throwing a grenade from behind a sheild. -Having the orignal recuit as a free legendary skin. -Allowing to play multiple recuit in casual if he doesn't get an original gadget. Stuff i didn't think was good: -I saw there was tear gaz that you cloud use in older siege games but i didn't took the idea because ATK recuit don't wear gaz mask and also it would hurt your allies starting seeing everything in red. -Custom recuit: my older idea was to allow us to chose the weapons recuit was able to use making the recuit of each player unique and to limit that to be to much broken i had an idea of a 15-10 point system to limit everyone to pick broken guns like if you wanted to use ash's R4-C it would cost 5 points and less powerfull 2-3 allowing people to chose to become a swiss army knife or just focus in 1 role
I had an idea for a new "Catcher" defender op while ago: The gadget is sort of a mechanical arm/piston that the op carries in his back (model visible like Sledge's Hammer and Capitão's Crossbow). This gadget is used to position Catching Sentries in surfaces (Floor, Walls and Ceiling if you can climb on something to reach near the ceiling). Those Sentries have motion detector for projectiles like grenades and flashbangs. When it detects one in its radius, it will open its Shell and shoot a Grappling Claw to catch the projectile and bring it back to its Shell, closing it then activates the projectile inside it. It has a longer cooldown than Jäger's ADS to be ready again to catch another projectile. The Sentries are Bullet Proof, but no Explosive Proof, so the way of dealing with these is using Grenades and Explosive Gadgets, like Ash's Breaching Rounds, Zofia's Impacts, Gonne-6, Nomad's Airjab (It will explode by pressure), Ace's Selma, Kali's Lance. The rest of projectiles just gets deleted inside the shell, like Flashbangs, Smokes (It will smoke a little area around it, but the visuals will be like the old smoke from 2015), Capitão's Fire Bolts (It will just make some fire sparks, just visual effect, no damage around it) Gridlock's Trax (It will just break inside the shell, releasing scrap metal) Zero's Cam (Just break it inside) The op should be 1 Speed and have the 417-C with Acog. (Sorry for any misspelling)
These ideas a great, I think it would be cool if once they're done making completely new operators, to focus on expanding on existing operators, and giving them almost a second gadget. For example, with Ram, we all know right now her gadget is mechanical, making it nullified to Mute, but cannot be controlled once it's going. For her, a potential alternative (you'd be able to choose which gadget type you wanted in your loadout.) would be one that is completely electronic, but more controllable. Not as agile as a drone, but can be turned slowly as it moves. This would make it easier to counter, but it would be better controlled. I think that could be done for most operators, which would be nice.
you're technically right, but using the flag of the republic shows that you don't support the Taliban government. Sure, it's the official flag according to the government, but we shouldn't care how the Taliban want to brand the country they took over.
siege is a tactical game, which is why i doubt theyll add the second operator because it just makes intel ops pretty much useless. you can do this with so many different operators already. 3rd one is just too powerful, you can just rig site and get a free ace or completely halt defuse with little to no effort.
@@Minotaur4005i got a character idea overral usage: soft breach ethnicity: vietnamese gadget: mounted gp-25. basically zofia but mounted on a gun with 3 impact grenades, except they have a larger blast radius making them useful for killing people. the operator will be able to switch to the grenade launcher on their gun as fast as buck can switch to his shotgun main primary: AK-103 (no acog) second primary: M762 (zofias gun, has acog) Secondaries: PMM, PM-63, gonne 6 utility: breach charges and stuns
Operator 1 sounds OK, I just have not put much thought into it now. Operator 2 sounds like a buffed Kali. If Operator 3 is a buffed Ash, it is a problem like a buffed Kali. The rework focuses too much on 'Moar damage' at a time when there are attempts to move away from TDM style play, I would go in a different simpler direction with it myself. I'll end here.
On the TS, I found myself actually enjoying attack more due to the fact that I have decent sights on any operator I want to use, shields are usable, and Deimos' revolver is fun to use. Thing are looking better for attack next season
Blackbeard double DMR idea kinda makes a more effective KALI so not a good idea and simply just doubling the damage output on an operator is boring. Operator that breaches multiple surfaces at once is just called team co-ordination so kinda stale (Also could potentially be used to stack on defuser from underneath to kill) Operator that shoots a 1 shot grenade perpendicular to the floor is also alright but feels like a waste of an operator to choose compared to the other options on the team. Defender that shoots flames through surfaces was an alright idea but not very exciting. . What about an operator that places its device onto the back of a wall, and it emits a field onto the opposite side that deafens anyone who is inside of it?
now i am just nerding out over my autistic 416 obsession, but you could always have the german op have a different 416 configuration other than jaeger’s instead of the G36, so that its a slightly newer gun (i dont know how the stats compare to the G36C)
It isn't that it's hard to make new ops. It's just that there are already so many operators that there is no real need for more operators. Just having revamps for old ops would already be enough.
i can see blackbeard being very exploited by those using recoil scripts on both pc and console. i already see alot of them using the f2 given its fire rate, so it'd be a no-brainer to use him instead.
The Blackbeard rework you come up with is not what I would go with as it could just be duel-wielding guns (probably with the help of arm/pistol braces) and I think what I thought up was better which is basically making his gadget act more like placing a pack of armor plates as rook (as in he will be like rook but on attack and not having as many shields as rook's plates which some tweaks will probably be needed).
@@Minotaur4005 they just shoot a metal at insane velocity to penetrate armor, they dont actually make a fireball, in fact the temperature doesn't even matter it's the velocity of the metal not the heat that gets it through armor
Lmao yea sure. Your a game dev and know hard things are. Cool concepts, but you have no idea what it takes to add new content to a game like siege. It is harder then you make it seem.
I think you misunderstood the title. I'm not saying it's easy to code in new stuff, I'm saying it's easy to come up with new ideas. I specifically pointed out that I believe that they're focusing more on fixing the game this year.
Blackbeard, an American operator, gets a special ability to mount a second weapon to his primary. So he gets to shoot more gun per gun. Fucking brilliant.
tbf to Ubisoft the way they talked about the Recruit Rework seems like they are basically gonna be two completely new Operators for Attack and Defense.
I don’t think it will be new ops but just more balancing on recuit since their weapons are currently unchangeable and their gadgets can have nasty combos (emp + hard breach)
@@Leg1503they did use the word “remaster” so really anythings possible
@@Bub8les5Fully costum loadout 😮
I've been saying this for years but, I'd love an operator that has a little puck or a deployable thing that can play a sound selected by the user. Example: you could use it to cause roamers to rotate to a different area of the map by using an explosion or sprint sound effect while you and some roam clear take the desired area. You could use it to play a defusing sound effect to make defenders push you. If you're pinned down, you could toss it and it would roll and play a sprinting sound effect while you hold the angle to cut off any defenders that would push the sound call. It would work similar to deimos' visor where you can select the sound effect before placing or throwing it. Then, when you want to, you can activate it from afar like a fuze charge. The whole point of this would be essentially an auditory Fenrir. Something that makes it so you can't rely on sound unless you have visual confirmation as long as this operator is on the board and it would fuck with coms heavy imo. This paired with a twitch or brava to get cams would go crazy imo.
This is Okwy one of the best ideas I’ve seen
@@sl8103 I hope that isn't sarcasm bcs I'm really hyped about this idea
@@Roz_Clear I meant to say lowkey not okay lmao my phones been glitching, but no I honestly really love this idea I think sound is one of the things seige hasn’t experimented with nearly enough
Blackbeard’s rework is straight up: “How am I gonna stop some mean mother-Hubbard from tearing me a new behind? The answer: use a gun. If that don’t work; use more gun.
Sens being Belgian and using the same German weapon as the French sounds reasonable, until you remember that Belgium has their own huge arm manufacturer in FN Herstal (the made the FAL and other guns)
His original Loadout was supposed to be the 9mm C1 and the M249.
Afghani here and pretty cool gadget idea but could be kind of hard making him from a CTU (because Afghanistan) and I think there should be probably someway to counter it but its still awesome. Regarding guns to my knowledge most Afghanis use Soviet or US weapons (info from my cousins who live there because I live in the US lmao) but awesome video fr
I think if the op had a really slow deploy time like grim and a little less damage than the other fire ops that could be pretty fair. They'd need an op like valk to help with preventing plants effectively so I don't think them playing below site would be too op
I like your ideas, but I have a few critiques:
I think Operator 2 should be given a slower fire rate weapon as to give a drawback to playing overly aggressive. Even not giving them an ar at all, but that seems kind of extreme. I think this will help them fill a similar role to someone like brava, being able to carve holes in the defense, but not being able to capitalize on them fully themselves, requiring teamwork to fully use the gadget, and forcing selfish usage to be risky.
Next, I think operator 3 should be given a dmr instead of the 552 commando. Having an op be able to cut off rotations, create new angles, and deny utility, all from a distance, and then giving them one of the best assaukt rifles in the game is overtuned. The defining factor of their gadget is being able to activate simultaneously and at a distance, this is the perfect formula for a dmr since it will encourage a more laid back playstyle, relying on teamates to fill in the gaps which you cannot cover. Giving her a powerfuk ar will just make her an ash replacement, like how wamai was to jager on release.
Loving your vids, man, keep it up.
Good points, I agree
love your videos man they are nice and chill keep posting
i had an idea for a sound-based op that puts down little doohickeys that let you mimic/create sound ques
like plant a small thingamabob near a window or wall and play a wood breaking sound; maybe be able to recreate the sound of planting the defuser/defusing if they're on attack/defense?
bro that would be absolutely nasty lol, I love it. The possibilities for that are crazy
Great video, I agree with absolutely everything you said here. GGs from Mew, Ryan, Simplicity, Scythe and Tinker
Regarding towards the 1st op:
The idea is cool, but what's the counter play for the attackers? Right now, there's nothing attackers can do to stop fire. An op like this would break siege and make people not plant anymore. The attacking team needs some way of dealing with the fire or there's going to be issues.
The second op:
Would an op be really that useful if it's to clear a doorway? I mean, like a simple nade, does most of the job already, and the other option, seems pointless when Ash and Zof already exists.
The third op:
The concept is cool, for a breaching charge rework, not for an actual new op. The issue here is, time vs value. I feel like a buck bucking from below would be a much better option than this op, since he can do it much faster and can instantly swap to his gun and be ready for a gun fight. This op, doesn't really make much sense existing. The idea is good for a breaching charge rework, but not for an actual new op.
And as for the BB rework. I'm having a hard time visualizing what your idea would even look like. My idea for a BB rework would be, just give him a big ass minigun. The minigun would have insane amounts of destructive power, and would be able to turn a soft wall or floor into a Swiss cheese in an instant. And a defender hiding behind a soft wall would be turned into mincemeat, if a BB starts shooting. To make him be more useful, allow the minigun to do damage to reinforced walls. If he shoots a reinforced wall with enough bullets, he could make a hole in a reinforced wall.
I'd imagine the reinforced wall to start cracking, similarly like how azami barriers crack. With enough bullets, he could carve a hole in a reinforced wall, but that hole would be small enough to prevent actual entering, but would give attackers a way to make holes into reinforced walls, even if the wall is electrified or mute jammed. That's my idea for a BB rework, we'll see in season 4 what Ubi has cooked up for the rework.
The first op doesn't really have a counter. However, he is very similar to Smoke, who also doesn't have a counter. This operator doesn't have as much overall firepower as Smoke does, and if you're worried about him stopping plants off site then you can always roam clear him like you would with Pulse or Solis.
The second op was initially quite limited. You can 100% clear a doorway of any and all traps, whereas Ash and Zofia have to hit something directly, which doesn't always clear everything. As the op was niche, that's why we added the second mode so that the operator can essentially grenade people from below.
Your thoughts on operator 3 are fair.
My Blackbeard rework is somewhat similar to yours. He attaches a second gun to his current one and his firepower doubles, and you're saying he just gets a better gun for his gadget with more firepower. I will say though, that your minigun idea is quite interesting.
@@Minotaur4005 Good points. Your ideas are fine, just more tweaks would be needed to really make them work in siege. Good video regardless.
@@Minotaur4005 Actually, there could be a slight counter, although kind of indirect. You said it explodes when it hits hard surfaces, so, if the metal bars count as a hard surface, a good counter to it could be breaking the floor, this would make it explode if it hits anything, still putting you in danger, but preventing it from sealing off areas. Which would be a good tradeoff in my opinion.
Minigun would be op.
I like how you chose Finland!
If Blackbeard is still strong instead of a gun pod he could dual wield bc that means only 1 hand per gun increasing recoil more + longer reload and no aiming down sights
Honestly I want to see a division agent as an operator. There’s so much potential with their gadgets. From the seeker mine to the hive, to even the explosive sticky bomb.
I saw a theory on YT saying that in the battle pass quotes Mira asks for a crate of Blackbeard’s TARS (tactical Assault Rifle Shields) and that they think that maybe he will become a shield operator blitz fuse and Monty… this would be pretty much the complete Opposite of what was mentioned in this video and honestly I really think that this rework can go both ways it’s kinda exciting to see these ideas
I like how low tech everything is, bringing it back to the roots.
Love the vids man keep it up ❤
love to see a new channel more or less taking over the style of video @reaper_en left off a few years ago. especially with the setup videos.
I think this might be the third time I've heard that name, but I hadn't bothered to actually search up who that is.
And damn, those are some big shoes to fill.
1:23 Because an RPG is inherently anti-armor (whole reason why its a heat round) It'd also be unique for it to pierce reinforced walls too, creating some wall denial in a new way for the game. (maybe it doesnt destroy already placed gadgets on the wall, being anti-personel mostly)
"Before you tell bro to never cook again"😭 loved this video, quality content as always, I always find concept art and ideas to be so creative and fascinating, so much so that i have literally 50 different operator ideas in my notes app, its nice to see someone making concept operators.
With that i have noticed that alot of concepts ive seen from myself and everyone else is that alot can consist of just combining two different assets like, proximity activated / placable / throwable combined with an effect like smoke or fire or explosions, which is nice but sometimes can seen kind of cheap, pushing the game and making new fundamental concepts, although risky could make it fresh and i think thats the issue ubisoft has, redudancy vs balancing.
I sense myself becoming the paragraph guy on this channel now but whatever, ALSO day 2 of asking for a video exploring every possible way to die in the game from most common to least, from bullets to falling to being killed by mira mirrors
Glad to hear you liked it.
I wouldn't mind hearing any of your own ideas, as I find this kind of stuff interesting. I will say though, that while combining ideas can be viewed as "cheap" that it's rather difficult to come up with 100% unique and original ideas. Heck, just look at the pathfinders. They launched with the game, and Castle is just barricades but stronger. That's the op. Day 1 of this game and not even all the ops that they made up are original (I'm not a Castle hater I swear).
Nothing wrong with being the paragraph guy. If anything, I recognize you specifically on almost all videos on I make (the public subscription makes you stand out regardless, but your pfp is unique and you're always positive). That video suggestion is doable now that I've been reminded of it, but it'll have to wait for a bit.
@@Minotaur4005 of course here's some random ones I made (the naming of the operators is mostly hit or miss) Alot are obv amateur because I'm not a professional but interesting nonetheless, hope you enjoy :)
"#15. Proxy: she'd be exactly like nøkk being invisible to observation tools, but instead of observation tools, to motion detection devices, she'd be able to go through Kapkan-EDD'S, Ela Grzmots, Proximity alarms, etc. However devices like Frost's welcome mats would still work since those are mechanical and not electronic"
"#5. Galvarino: Based on the real life Native American that had his hands replaced with knives, he'd have a pistol and no primary, but he'd also have those Predator arm blades"
"#22. Node, He'd have a system on him that when he is scanned by an observation tool, it instantly fires a laser at it to destroy it."
"#50. Akimbo: He'd have two handguns that could be fired simultaneously" (reminiscent of your blackbeard rework)
"#45. Weld: Defender
He would have a nanobotic device that when attached to a soft or reinforced wall, it would slowly weld or patch any holes made in it, essentially healing the wall segment to an extent"
"#43. Decoy: Attacker
He would carry a false bomb defuser briefcase, that would act as a decoy, to waste the time of defenders that are counterdefusing. Upon being counterdefused, the decoy defuser would explode, dealing like 50 damage"
"#41. Spy-der: Her drone would be able to drive up walls and double jump"
"#26. Guardian: defender
hed be like castle but would put a set of steel bars on doorways and windows, still able to be shot straight through but they couldn't be blown up, so it'd basically be putting a reinforced wall on a door or window, and he'd have obviously less than castle's 4 barricades"
"#11. Bunk: can fire a Mortar round from outside and itll go through the roof like a Bunker buster and explode, if there's multiple floors on its longitude, it'll go through all of them and explode in a series as it passes through each level"
"#31. Helios: Attacker
he would have a throwable version of a Mortar illumination round, that when thrown, it would act like a flashbang, but one long continuous flash, likely not fully blinding, but definitely would almost blind the enemies for a long time, making him a sort of long duration flashbanger"
I am desperate for more attackers that can break floors from below, so throwable soft-breach similar to c4 would be very nice.
You can think of ideas quickly but what about the bit by bit spexifics? Dps, gadget time, ui, weaponry , firerate, voicings, counters, countees, just to name a few
Balance is a bit of a trial and error thing a lot of the time, and I'm not exactly coding any of this. Besides, it might get boring just listening to the specific time a gadget lasts that won't even be entering the game
Nice video! Greetings from Finland🇫🇮
Operator 1 is a really could concept design for a Tachanka rework instead of its own operator. It would be really nice to consider some of those ideas as an alternative firing mode to tachanka so he can be on par with smoke as plant/area denial
This is pretty epic actually I would like to see a similar video about other changes to operators that you would like, big or small!
For example, I think they should lean in to Mozzie's Hacking capability and essentially make him Brava on Defense, allowing his Pest to hack Claymores, Argus Cameras, Air Jabs, and most defender electronic equipment (if hacked by Brava), basically anything that can be hacked using the Kludge Drone. I think that would really expand and enhance the dynamic between Attack and Defense and cause the need for Attackers to watch out for their stuff getting hacked even when Brava isn't on the board.
That's an awesome idea, I think it would be cool if once they're done making completely new operators, to focus on expanding on existing operators, and giving them almost a second gadget.
For example, with Ram, we all know right now her gadget is mechanical, making it nullified to Mute, but cannot be controlled once it's going. For her, a potential alternative (you'd be able to choose which gadget type you wanted in your loadout.) would be one that is completely electronic, but more controllable. Not as agile as a drone, but can be turned slowly as it moves. This would make it easier to counter, but it would be better controlled. I think that could be done for most operators, which would be nice.
@@Honk... oh wow that's pretty wild, being able to choose between different gadgets for every operator. I doubt that would happen but something I do think is possible is giving every operator the ability to switch between gadget types on the fly (like Zofia, Capitão, etc).
Like instead of your idea, imagine that before you place a drone, the gadget switch button allows you to choose one of the two drone modes you mentioned, but after placement, it changes to the direction the drone will go like in the live build. That, is something I can reasonably see them working on
i came up with a operator idea a while ago. it originally started as a bb rework but i ended up turning it into a full operator as it strayed way to far from how bb was, and it fits for another crossover operator, Nomad from Ghost Recon.
2 unique flying drones that can let out a single emp blast each
drones can freely move up and down to a certain height above the ground (say about head height of an operator)
when emp blast goes off, the drone that did the emp blast will be disabled for the duration of the emp effect
can be destroyed in any way that a regular drone could
any counters that normally counter attacker drones would apply (pest, mute, etc)
operator would be a 2/2
as for weapons and secondary gadgets, im not that good at balancing them out accordingly with the gadget so you could leave it to your imagination. as well as maybe any other things that could help balance the gadget itself out better
So like a sort of moving EMP? I'm having trouble understanding
@@Minotaur4005 eh kinda. The drone itself can move in all directions, think of a yokai drone but can freely control its height above the ground to a certain height. Then when you have it where you want it it can release the emp blast which will emp defender gadgets and itself for that emp duration
@@screendoor_ oh ok, so kinda like a flores thatcher combo, where you drive the emp somewhere and detonate it, and isn't limited to the floor
Tbh, I'd love it if they put Ghost Recon Nomad into R6S. Ghost Recon has had two crossover events with R6, so why not return the favor?
Also, the ACR should be his primary.
First op is just tubarao but he damages you instead of freezing and his gadget cant be shot
That second op sounds pretty cool I like that concept. There’s new maps coming this year right? Just ops
There don't seem to be any new maps coming this year
I think the blackbeard rework is very interesting but i dont know how it could work visually, i was thinking about it and realized at least some models of the bar have a slow and fast fire rate option i think that could work because its still 20 round mags it a big heavy weapon and 30.06 pack a punch both in "damage" and recoil.
The last operator I feel would just be a powercreep onto sledge and buck, and also feels a little too similar to RAM. Interesting concept...but I feel like atleast in the meta now another anti-roamer operator with a non global ability would be an interest think. Good video nonetheless
Love your videos but this one only proves that making a new operator that won't break.the game and is also interesting to play is NOT easy. Good effort.
If you’re gonna do a Finnish op there is a lot of cool things you could do, maybe someone like glaz but with a bit more stealth due to their history of commercial hunting and the winter war
Wouldn't have been a bad idea, but considering my personal vendetta against kali's whole design I decided to keep away from a white death inspired character
blackbeard puts down a little box full of gun shields. the attacking team can pick one up each similar to rook. they don’t protect as much as they do now. but any attacker can grab one
None of this is original, interesting or changing the meta in a better direction so I guess you proved that it is in fact hard.
I have an idea for the recruit rework:
Basically i saw they used the images of the recruits of r6 mobile and i hope it won't be like in the mobile game in which they can't change the gadgets, but maybe they can use some part of the loadouts of the mobile game for the rework, so my idea is to use r6 mobile so we can have a rough idea of what their loadout is like and look at previous gadgets for older siege games that didn't appear:
Recruit ATK:
M4 (if we assume that he keeps all his weapons, it's very likely that the l85a2 will be removed leaving the Mk 14 EBR and
Sdp 9mm pistol so he might lose the p12 and keeps C75 and super shorty
If they do like r6 mobile he will only have Grenade (so no smoke hard breach and impact EMP) as primary and breaching charge as secondary but very likely he will get another secondary it can be: stun grenade, claymore or breaching charge (I hope he get the stun grenades but might be to strong)
If he gets an original gadget i was thinking of C4 he gets 2 of them he throws them and blow it up killing everying on the blast and the utility. But it's to much similar to your Finland concept so i have another idea.
Snake camera: This will allow recuit to use a small camera he can deploy to peak behind reinforced doors without risking a drone and it's bulletproff and he can use it without exposing himself to much (enemies can see the cam.) if he gets that, the breaching charge are perfect or claymores and with other operators the synergy can be extremely good recuit breach the others throw nades.
Recruit DEF:
UMP-45 (assuming he keeps all the weapons he has right now, i think it will have an ACOG because the mp5k and m870 are better)
5.7 USG so he will probably lose the p9 and keep the Smg-11
In r6 mobile his primary gadget is impact grenade (so no nitrocell if we can't change his gadget) and in his secondary is barbwire and maybe for the other one a shield or bulletproof camera.
If he gets an original gadget i was thinking of an heartbeat sensor BUT not like pulse the one recuit gets is similar to the ones of old rainbow six games (at least the 1st mode) it is attached to his arm and it has 2 modes the 1st one is stand-by and is sound based and will do a bip sound (maybe a small vibration on controlers) and it will be more frequent the closer you are to an enemy but they can't ear it. The 2nd mode is ON this one deplete the battery and have 25-30 seconds of use it increase the range and show a minimap (like the one in cod warzone ) and every 5 seconds a radar wave will be sent to give you a rough estimation of where the enemy is however the enemies can hear the noise your heartbeat sensor make and if you try to switch mode to save battery it will reset the 5 second timer to avoid abuse and if you use all the 25-30 seconds the battery is depleted and the sensor becomes useless so you better stop when it's at 1%. For secondary gadget i don't really know maybe like pulse nitrocell and sheid or barbwire and impact to make it different.
Other stuff i would like to see:
-Sheild for ATK recuit because it will make the pistol useful and also would be hilarious throwing a grenade from behind a sheild.
-Having the orignal recuit as a free legendary skin.
-Allowing to play multiple recuit in casual if he doesn't get an original gadget.
Stuff i didn't think was good:
-I saw there was tear gaz that you cloud use in older siege games but i didn't took the idea because ATK recuit don't wear gaz mask and also it would hurt your allies starting seeing everything in red.
-Custom recuit: my older idea was to allow us to chose the weapons recuit was able to use making the recuit of each player unique and to limit that to be to much broken i had an idea of a 15-10 point system to limit everyone to pick broken guns like if you wanted to use ash's R4-C it would cost 5 points and less powerfull 2-3 allowing people to chose to become a swiss army knife or just focus in 1 role
4:35 so close yet so far, maybe next time turks...
Ubisoft: “noted”
And then….
There is no and then
I had an idea for a new "Catcher" defender op while ago:
The gadget is sort of a mechanical arm/piston that the op carries in his back (model visible like Sledge's Hammer and Capitão's Crossbow).
This gadget is used to position Catching Sentries in surfaces (Floor, Walls and Ceiling if you can climb on something to reach near the ceiling).
Those Sentries have motion detector for projectiles like grenades and flashbangs. When it detects one in its radius, it will open its Shell and shoot a Grappling Claw to catch the projectile and bring it back to its Shell, closing it then activates the projectile inside it. It has a longer cooldown than Jäger's ADS to be ready again to catch another projectile.
The Sentries are Bullet Proof, but no Explosive Proof, so the way of dealing with these is using Grenades and Explosive Gadgets, like Ash's Breaching Rounds, Zofia's Impacts, Gonne-6, Nomad's Airjab (It will explode by pressure), Ace's Selma, Kali's Lance.
The rest of projectiles just gets deleted inside the shell, like Flashbangs, Smokes (It will smoke a little area around it, but the visuals will be like the old smoke from 2015), Capitão's Fire Bolts (It will just make some fire sparks, just visual effect, no damage around it) Gridlock's Trax (It will just break inside the shell, releasing scrap metal) Zero's Cam (Just break it inside)
The op should be 1 Speed and have the 417-C with Acog. (Sorry for any misspelling)
So, is this like a personal Wamai almost? He's got that ghost buster backpack and sucks up everything bad around him.
@@Minotaur4005 Like Wamai, but only countered by explosives
Or he could have an option to fire the projectiles back, which takes 40 seconds to be able to shoot one again
@@F35-B He places the sentries with the mechanical gadget, like Maestro's Evil Eyes, but they are smaller
These ideas a great, I think it would be cool if once they're done making completely new operators, to focus on expanding on existing operators, and giving them almost a second gadget.
For example, with Ram, we all know right now her gadget is mechanical, making it nullified to Mute, but cannot be controlled once it's going. For her, a potential alternative (you'd be able to choose which gadget type you wanted in your loadout.) would be one that is completely electronic, but more controllable. Not as agile as a drone, but can be turned slowly as it moves. This would make it easier to counter, but it would be better controlled. I think that could be done for most operators, which would be nice.
Should have given the first a spas 12
instead of an launcher you could give him the same ak nomad has but witht the soviet underbarrel grenade launcher
i think im being spied by fbi...i met u in a standard yesterday and now i see your yt channel in my gettin scared...(btw nice video)
lmao thanks, GG
they better not ruin recruit my beloved
I just hope we can use him outside casual
Wrong flag for Afghanistan but other than that 1 minor thing GREAT video and some really good ideas which Ubisoft could definitely add. Nice thinking
you're technically right, but using the flag of the republic shows that you don't support the Taliban government. Sure, it's the official flag according to the government, but we shouldn't care how the Taliban want to brand the country they took over.
Maybe the second operator would make more sense to have a bouncing bettie?
The ideas behind the operators are very interesting. If you ever feel the need to give them any operator icons, let me know.
siege is a tactical game, which is why i doubt theyll add the second operator because it just makes intel ops pretty much useless. you can do this with so many different operators already. 3rd one is just too powerful, you can just rig site and get a free ace or completely halt defuse with little to no effort.
why is operator 2 a mobile fuze charge?
idk just how it turned out
@@Minotaur4005i got a character idea
overral usage: soft breach
ethnicity: vietnamese
gadget: mounted gp-25. basically zofia but mounted on a gun with 3 impact grenades, except they have a larger blast radius making them useful for killing people. the operator will be able to switch to the grenade launcher on their gun as fast as buck can switch to his shotgun
main primary: AK-103 (no acog)
second primary: M762 (zofias gun, has acog)
Secondaries: PMM, PM-63, gonne 6
utility: breach charges and stuns
Finland mentioned raaahhh🦅🦅🦅🇫🇮🇫🇮
At this point we reallly need an Algerian Op
Operator 1 sounds OK, I just have not put much thought into it now.
Operator 2 sounds like a buffed Kali.
If Operator 3 is a buffed Ash, it is a problem like a buffed Kali.
The rework focuses too much on 'Moar damage' at a time when there are attempts to move away from TDM style play, I would go in a different simpler direction with it myself.
I'll end here.
Op 2 would get too many complaints. It would literally just be a better ash for ash mains (because they don’t use her current gadget)
can design a meta that isn’t run and gun and both sides both feel fun to play cause right now i want to kill myself every time on attack
On the TS, I found myself actually enjoying attack more due to the fact that I have decent sights on any operator I want to use, shields are usable, and Deimos' revolver is fun to use. Thing are looking better for attack next season
@@Minotaur4005can’t wait to play then also i think operator 1 might be a future operator that idea is really good.
We need a finnish operator perkele
Why not a new op from the UK ? Maybe from the SBS or SRS
For the first one, i think a normal rpg would work
the first operator is just tachanka
Blackbeard double DMR idea kinda makes a more effective KALI so not a good idea and simply just doubling the damage output on an operator is boring.
Operator that breaches multiple surfaces at once is just called team co-ordination so kinda stale (Also could potentially be used to stack on defuser from underneath to kill)
Operator that shoots a 1 shot grenade perpendicular to the floor is also alright but feels like a waste of an operator to choose compared to the other options on the team.
Defender that shoots flames through surfaces was an alright idea but not very exciting.
What about an operator that places its device onto the back of a wall, and it emits a field onto the opposite side that deafens anyone who is inside of it?
now i am just nerding out over my autistic 416 obsession, but you could always have the german op have a different 416 configuration other than jaeger’s instead of the G36, so that its a slightly newer gun
(i dont know how the stats compare to the G36C)
It isn't that it's hard to make new ops. It's just that there are already so many operators that there is no real need for more operators. Just having revamps for old ops would already be enough.
i can see blackbeard being very exploited by those using recoil scripts on both pc and console. i already see alot of them using the f2 given its fire rate, so it'd be a no-brainer to use him instead.
wow we really need another plant denial op
op 2 is just kali
finnish op slaps though nice job
bb rework is the coolest rework idea I've seen for him yet
There is a full cycle here from not liking the early ideas to liking to late ones lol
My brother in christ, that is not what an RPG does AT ALL
The Blackbeard rework you come up with is not what I would go with as it could just be duel-wielding guns (probably with the help of arm/pistol braces) and I think what I thought up was better which is basically making his gadget act more like placing a pack of armor plates as rook (as in he will be like rook but on attack and not having as many shields as rook's plates which some tweaks will probably be needed).
Sam Harris of Rainbow Six
What if blackbeard could have two primaries and a pistol because he's American and more gun
Blackbeard doesnt need a rework.
FINALLY! daddy is vewwy happy 🥰🥰😍😍🥰🥰😍😍🥰🥰😍😍
That’s not what a heat warhead does
Yeah it is actually
@@Minotaur4005 they just shoot a metal at insane velocity to penetrate armor, they dont actually make a fireball, in fact the temperature doesn't even matter it's the velocity of the metal not the heat that gets it through armor
i can tell the rework is almost as much of a joke as the zipline rework teaser
i dont believe you
imo most of these ops seem kinda unbalanced
Lmao yea sure. Your a game dev and know hard things are. Cool concepts, but you have no idea what it takes to add new content to a game like siege. It is harder then you make it seem.
I think you misunderstood the title. I'm not saying it's easy to code in new stuff, I'm saying it's easy to come up with new ideas. I specifically pointed out that I believe that they're focusing more on fixing the game this year.
What? He's just coming up with ideas for new ops not saying that Ubi has to add them or is slacking for not adding them. Weird AF comment dude.
With the blackbeard thing, i think of the gilboa rifle, lol