The funny thing I noticed is that there are so few riders out there anymore. I watched videos of the 80's and there were tons of vehicles. I guess the prices have gotten so high that only the upper class can play. I wonder how much that is causing the anger and rage in this country. Oh an look they only have 111 subs. Showing that it cost way to much for the working class to play.
I personally know the guys that run this channel and they are not upper class whatsoever, just two working class dudes that love to ride. If you work hard and invest in what you like to do, you can afford it.
This is buttercup!!!!!!
What exhaust on your YFZ?
Big gun exhaust on the grey YFZ and Pro circuit on the white one
Hate to burst your bubble but that’s not China wall!
That’s not China wall, look at other videos China wall is twice the size
That’s not China Wall!
With the wide view China wall doesn’t look that big, in reality it’s a steep high hill.
That’s because this is not china wall, this is buttercup dunes
The funny thing I noticed is that there are so few riders out there anymore. I watched videos of the 80's and there were tons of vehicles. I guess the prices have gotten so high that only the upper class can play. I wonder how much that is causing the anger and rage in this country. Oh an look they only have 111 subs. Showing that it cost way to much for the working class to play.
I personally know the guys that run this channel and they are not upper class whatsoever, just two working class dudes that love to ride. If you work hard and invest in what you like to do, you can afford it.
This is a off weekend.. holidays during season fucking nutz...
This don't look like glamis!