Hey Bellular, just wanted to say I'm loving your content. I know you've been around for a while but I just recently subscribed. Keep up the good work man!
I literally just watched your Ranged spec video and went to your page to see if you uploaded the Melee one yet. I refreshed my TH-cam home page and there it was! Thanks Mr. Fella!
I'll still be playing enhancement shaman. Class fantasy is right up there for me and I look forward to the changes that could make the spec even more fun for me.
It clearly needs some work, but it's still fun and the damage is fine. Sure, technically resource capping is a dps loss, but as long as you only cap on maelstrom when you're stormstrike is proc'ing you're not going to be left behind on the meters. The real problem here is when you resource cap when you don't have a stormstrike proc, and that is easily manageable as is.
after 11 years of enhancement, I'm hanging up the hammers. Mainly as I feel enhancement's lack of survivability has bothered me for a while and I'd like to try something else before the spec changes in 8.1
Shrapnel_Sponge , I've never had any real problems with surviving as a enhancment shaman all through legion. Proper use of cool downs, stuns and self healing gets me through most everything. I know stuns aren't really viable on bosses but stopping to heal yourself will net you more dps than if you die.
Love your stuff, you're one of only two uploaders I follow. After playing lolret since BC I finally made the call to switch to frost DK. Hit 110 about a week ago and so far am enjoying it a lot.
yup. once you get geared after hitting 120 its smooth. most ppl just complain because they played on beta and stopped before the june 19 buffs and artifact trait adfditions. they still complain about things that have already been addressed
I like this. :) Have you looked into programming mouse / keyboard buttons so you don't have to mash buttons and simply hold down next ability until casted?
I think there's a difference between simple and boring. They simplified a lot more specs this time around, but they also made them much more fun. Legion Survival vs BFA Survival is a good example: Legion had like 20 different buttons to press, with both a ramp up mechanic, an aoe cooldown revolved around the ramp up, and like 2-3 dots/buffs you had to manage, all of which felt disconnected. BFA is much more simple in that it made that ramp up mechanic a talent choice (Mongoose Bite) removed the aoe cooldown (artifact ability), lowered the dots/buffs we manage (only Serpent Sting), and made the most interesting talent ever with Wildfire Infusion (each bomb changes the flow of the rotation in subtle and nice ways, like pooling resource, spending all your resource, or multi-dotting depending on talents [Hydra's Bite or Butchery affected by different bombs].
Yeah it's nice to have some, but they should reserve those to class with several dps spec so that if someone is playing a class they're not stuck with a boring rotation when don't want one.
I always felt that a rotation should flow well with the content/mechanics your doing. No matter how simple or complex it may be, when it feels good to play I enjoy it.
Great roundup! Arms for me is much more fun than fury because of the big hits and bursty cooldowns. I love getting those huge mortal strikes and executes. Also the talents mix up the rotation so much, you can tweak it to any situation. I’d say arms is on par with DH talent-wise in terms of depth and customization. I like fury also but arms is life. All in all, pretty happy in warrior camp here 😊
I’m sticking with the Warrior because Arms and Fury feel amazing right now. And fun fact about Whirlwind in Fury: it makes the next two casts of ANY of your single target abilities hit the last 4 enemies affected by Whirlwind as opposed to just Bloodthirst and Rampage in Legion.
Curt S not necessarily. A fury warrior who is constantly keeping WW buff up and using his CDs effectively takes a fair amount of reaction and prediction. You can just faceroll and do fine but there is a higher level of play
I do agree with ret pallys having played one most of my game time, most people would probably find it boring but its just so satisfying when you get off a judgement?holypower spender and watching health bars halve
I main Ret, and I don't mind it being predictable. I prefer it over a DPS that deals with something like RNG or advanced mechanics since it frees up my brain for focussing on more about what content I'm experiencing and less on the class I'm using to experience it. My main is like an extension of myself as I experience content and if I can roll through my rotation seamlessly, then I can focus on external game mechanics.
I find Outlaw spec to be quite fun, but not when just thinking of the rotation. I like the theme, the hook and being able to pull a massive amount of mobs only to blade flurry and killing spree everything. It's very satisfying. I dunno, I really like rogue for the themes too, embracing the luxury of feeling like a shadowblade, a scoundrel or an assassin. You go around pickpocketing, sapping people and generally being a nuisance and it's fun like that. While you are talking about raiding and dungeoning etc, I kind of wonder how many people might take the spec rankings as class rankings. Have you done a class ranking yet? I'd love to hear what you think about the classes in general like theming, the benefits, the weaknesses and general fun factor like the zen themes with monk and stealth with rogue etc
I agree with you on pretty much everything aside from rogues. I personally love the rogue specs with subtlety and Outlaw being winners for me. Assassination is maybe not the best but it’s alright.
Enhancement just needs a mechanic that rewards you for hitting the Maelstrom cap so it doesn't feel bad when you hit it. Something like a proc that makes your auto attacks deal a massive amount of nature damage/ cast chain lighting for x seconds but spend 100 Maelstrom.
I was so pleased when I gave survival hunter a try! I couldn't stand it in legion, and BfA feels a lot closer to what I would have thought survival would be when it was announced as going melee in legion. I'm very pleased that they were able to step away from the missteps made in legion and create a good experience for survival.
I have been loving Enhancement, I feel like as a dual wielding dwarf the rotation makes you have to quickly pick between lava lash maelstrom burners to stop cap loss and laying out stormstrike procs that dont spend maelstrom. Its a fun reactive rotation!
yes! finally! someone in the thread who will see reason! yes you gotta use lava lash to burn maelstrom but that is the maelstrom spender with the least priority earthen spike, then SUNDERING!, then (overcharged) lighting bolt all go before dishing out a lava lash if you really wanna put yr maelstrom to good use
Enhancement Shaman was my main in Legion. Really glade Bliz has plans to help it out later down the road. I don't understand why they decreased Maelstrom cap from 150 to 100 to begin with...
because the class builds maelstrom insanely fast compared to legion and SS procs are free. it would be op with a higher cap at the rate it builds it now.
as a shaman player i kinda like how much the pvp talents can add to my stormstrike, it makes it feel really satisfying to smash off like three or four in a row and just melt someone
I agree with pretty much everything in this video. I think feral needs more love. It's a very high skill capped class with it's snapshotting mechanics and even when played near perfection it doesn't perform as well as some of the other classes like fury warriors or any spec of rogue played with mid ranged parses.
I adore Feral and have played it more than any other spec since BC. But I've had enough of being beaten on the meters by folks I know aren't as good as me, in similar gear, no matter how well I play. It's nice now and then when tuning/talents are off or buffed, and 'fotm' switches to Feral for a month or so (even though it's possibly the easiest combo of talents in the entire tool-kit). The haste to bleeds change is long overdue, but tbh I'm sick of being middle of the pack just because I'm a hybrid class. Skill cap should and needs to count for something. Anyway if you can't beat em, join em. Playing Rogue or Warrior in BfA, and look forward to seeing decent numbers from smashing face > keyboard. /rant :P
I agree, I like that the harder talents managing bloodtalons and savage roar is now performing better than sabertooth/clarity faceroll build. But like you said in comparison to other classes in terms of difficulty ferals have it rough. Their single target isn't bad but it's not great either. Their AoE DPS however is terrible and desperately needs looking at.
Feral has a high skill cap because there is too much to do. Always having to keep two bleeds and a buff up at all times leaves you with so little time to do anything that seems super impactful.
Agreed with Mike on the Havoc - the gameplay is very different based on your talent composition - not just your picks, but the entire composition thereof. I do think Enhancement isn't as bad as a lot of folks say, but then again, I just like the toon. Anything is better than the start of Legion.
problem with sub rogue from my experience now is that unless your energy bar is full you won't fully utilize shadow dance dps window. you really need to hit shadow strike + eviscerate for the 5 seconds of up time which frankly is 4-5 gcd depending on your haste. kinda small window for burst
346 sub here, play around with your talents a bit more. Shadow focus pretty much gets rid of our energy problems w/ our burst windows. The other part is just gear.
As a 12 year veteran rogue, and a Sub fan since Cata, I agree with your rough assessment of Sub. It feels empty. But I can't figure out what to do to fix it.
I agree with the rankings here in terms of "most fun" spec even as a Ret main. I feel like Blizz should have made all the artifact abilities baseline as it would keep specs from being so hamstrung by their removal and story wise we spent so much time pouring power into them it would make sense we(the character) would have absorbed some of that power. As for ret I feel like having wake baseline would be awesome and maybe spice up our rotation a bit but baring that then Divine Purpose would be a blessing from the heavens. Playing live now with the class leggo ring it feels so....right. Granted if it was made baseline I feel like it would be easily justified to revert it back to not giving a dmg increase on the next spender.
I feel like sub should be a bit higher. It has an awesome gameplay of burst windows where you really feel like a strategist planning your next move. You plan around cooldowns and when it all lines up you hit like a truck.Then its back to set up and regeneration phase
Resubbed to play my Rogue in BFA, haven't played since 7.1. For me, Outlaw felt worse than before, Curse of the Dreadblades was really fun and increased the gameplay speed quite a bit. Assassination is a bit better imo (yes, there is no artifact spell, but Dispatch is back and random procs from Mutilate could make single target fights a bit more interesting). But Sub is actually the reason I came back, it feels way better now with Secret Technique and 30 sec cd on Mark. There is almost always something to press and it requires quite a bit of mental gymnastics to do the rotation correctly. Will grab monk/dk/dh as an alt later on.
i was never really a fan of curse of the dreadblades i mean it sped up my gameplay and increased my damage but at the same time i kinda just enjoy playing outlaw without it now although it would of been nice to see it return as a talent maybe
Havoc DH is actually in a pretty poor spot at the moment. You do piddly damage outside of your burst CDs (meta, eye beam, and fel barrage talent.) The mobility of the spec is in tact with slight nerfs to the GCD for each of them. The main issue is that, at least from a PvP perspective, they're predictable and can easily be shut down. Fel Barrage is our large AoE burst, even amazing on single target, but it can be broken by any form of CC or interupts. Trail of Ruin does more damage in comparison to it, but that's our boss talent meant to build up over time - barrage is our big boom. The other issue is that with Eye Beam being buffed, it is also interuptable. It does MASSIVE damage with the t21 for pre-patch and Azarite traits at 120. The issue is it can also be interrupted. So all people have to do to counter DHs is to watch for these abilities and kite/cc the metamorphosis. As far as PvE goes, Havoc is in a good spot. It can most certainly be complicated, which is a good thing, the talents are VERY balanced this time around. Demon Blades is also getting a pretty big nerf in BfA, which is eh. I don't like how spammy Demon's Bite feels, I dont know any other DH that really does either. Overall, the only change I'd like is for Fel Barrage to be a set-it-and-forget it akin to other class' AoE spells like Blizzard, or Rain of Fire. The main issue is it's too easy to lock down a DH.
I really wished they would remove the One-Handed requirement for Fist of Fury, I would LOVE to be able to use my staff mogs again. Doesn't make much sense to have WW monk rewards give you a staff option under WW spec loot but you can't realistically use it because you have to give up FoF to do it.
Not the best just the one who throws out so much shit no one else can keep up with. Thats all. Almost all of his videos are opinion not facts backed up by numbers.
why would i give them credit. He wouldnt be getting so many sponsors of he didnt create such good content himself. The credit goes 100% to him and whatever team is behind the scenes.
No mention of Enhancement Shaman until the end and even Blizzard says it's not fun? Interesting. I have been trying to figure out which spec I want to create a Zandalari Troll for, and Enhancement is one thing I'm considering. Whichever one I create, it will need to fit the theme of their heritage armor. I'm very tempted to make a Zandalari Druid, but I haven't enjoyed the Druid very much, and the Zandalari Druid forms look absolutely amazing!
Since my cousin and i are thinking of doing double DK for our bg ques, we're looking forward to some frost & unholy teamwork. Although.....I'm definitely sneaking my fury warrior in every once in a while XD
i was going to spec a new class after being Warrior for so many years, well... looks like i'll continue being a Warrior and sure made the right choice. :D (battleground is fun too as Fury)
Sounds like picking blood dk as main wasnt a bad idea... though i've never played frost. will give it a shot :) Thanks for the round up. i assume some tank / healing role videos similar to this will pop up as well?
I don't think enh shaman is in bad spot right now. Yes, there are problems with maelstrom being capped at 100 but its still fun to play spec. One thing that I dislike is gcd triggered by offensive cd's and BL/Hero. It takes too much time to prepare everything and we land far behind in dps at the beginning. What I love is utility like capacitor and wind rush totems on mythics. Also sundering is great with its incapacitate and huge damage. Only things I dislike are very weak defence capability and downtimes when there are no procs. It's a bit more demanding class for aoe due to enh cleave nature but when you used it right it gives great dps in return.
I agree with everything but Outlaw... Its energy regeneration is way more "clean" right now, you can dish a lot more dmg and you have that lvl 100 talent that regen some energy with a 25 sec cd and is reductible by expending combo points. I was main Assassination the whole Legion but now ? Im all in for the "new" Outlaw
Assassin rogue definitely deserves to be in that 2nd tier, sure it doesnt have Kingsbane anymore but it outshines and outplays sub and combat by a long shot. Also loving the Frost Dk and Fury War changes/uprades
I think all Rogue specs deserve higher spots on this list tbh. Assa is still amazing, Sub is insanely good if you're good at it and Outlaw gets great Azerite traits that might make fishing for the right rolls a thing of the past, generally they all play really well and just work (not to mention they got great dps). Also Assa has amazing talents imo (if they manage to balance them you have an insane amount of cool options), Sub talents are also pretty decent, only Outlaw feels like it has nothing but "this does more dmg now" and I still can't get why they didn't just make Loaded Dice a passive to begin with. Still, I think Rogue is an amazing pick for BfA because all three specs feel good to play and they're way less affected by losing tons of fun stuff like DH or the general randomness that is Shaman. Personally I don't get the Fury hype because while it's fast paced, I feel like nothing really matters in that spec. Hit this button, hit that button, hit the other button, repeat...It has very little interaction between the skills other than "this is off cooldown", basically it's just a carpal tunnel syndrome simulator at this point.
Well you just showed that you have no idea how Assa actually plays. - Lets start with Blindside, an execute ability that can proc just like the Warrior's execute, it changes up your rotation based on procs and enemy hp, that's one button you didn't count. - Subterfuge makes Vanish a dps cooldown and thus includes another button to track, especially if you can multidot. - You either use Vigor which just smooths out the rotation or Deeper Stratagem which is viable esp. in AoE and also changes up how you think about your combo points slightly. - Then you get Toxic Blade, a short cooldown that demands resource pooling and correct usage in order to cram the most envenoms into that window, slightly reminds one of Collossus Smash but I think this version works way better because you can plan around it, yet again one more button in your rotation and something you need to keep track of. Exsanguinate can also be strong esp. on focus targets. - AoE tier has a stacking buff for fan of knives if you wanna use that, so again something to keep track of or Crimson Tempest which is yet another button that you need to know about if you're dealing with AoE situations (poison bomb being very strong but also rather boring). So all in all you have Garrote that you need to keep up, Rupture that should never fall off and you have the Pandemic window to make sure it ticks longer, Mutilate to build combo points, Blindside to build combo points with a proc & execute phase, a longer CD with Vanish that can be used strategically or just as a general dps increase, Toxic Blade which will require you to pool ressources properly and use the best window to make the most out of it, or its counterpart Exsanguinate which is just another short CD that you will want to use properly, AoE requires you to not only multidot properly but either check your fan of knives stacks or use Crimson Tempest properly and finally there's also Vendetta which has a slight energy reg and focus target priority mechanics. Show me any Melee spec other than Feral Druid that has this kind of plate spinning and interesting interactions between skills, and because I'm such a know-it-all let me help you there: Paladin ? - Extremely simple, build 3 holy power, spend 3 holy power, AoE or Single Target only changes the button but other than shiny visuals you have 0 difference there, Consecration is ok interesting but Wake of Ashes is more bursty and actually more interesting so yeh. Other than that your entire rotation is "which builder is off cd ? press it" then spend holy power, you can't really pool HP as such because with sets disappearing you can't get 2 HP finishers and Divine Purpose is so random you can't calculate it really. Also inquisition seems to outperform so that's just a boring buff that has to be active at all times, it doesn't feel great to pump 3 HP into something that just increases dmg imo. The ONLY really interesting interaction is a Divine Purpose proc when you have judgement off CD so you can go for a huge hit. Still the rotation is ridiculously easy and simple overall. Plus with the loss of tons of haste in BfA it feels even slower than it usually does. (plus they basically killed Crusade which was a fun CD) Warrior ? - Fury is as I said just pressing what is off cooldown or rather "what you have rage for", that's it. Arms has a slightly more involved playstyle with buffing up your Mortal Strike with Overpower but it also boils down to "what is off cooldown + a rage spender filler", the proc is fun though and short term burst is great on Arms and plays well. Still I don't think you have much that you need to track or think about with Arms, something glows you hit it, not a bad spec and again has some fun moments but overall I wouldn't say it's insanely complicated or involved. DK ? - Frost is still a pure "shiny - HIT IT" spec that has decent flow but nobody in their right mind would consider that spec complicated. The only really fun interaction is the new Rune pooling for Pillar of Frost and Breath of Sindragosa as a CD but that's about it, the general gameplay of that spec is extremely simple (keep dot up, hit whatever glows). Unholy is actually decent imo and only suffers in target switching, they got some decent cooldowns and between procs and proper usage of builder / spender, they feel good to play, I'd consider them one of the most fun melee specs currently. Monk ? - Some people hate it, some love it, but you can't deny it plays well. The combo strike mastery is amazing and if you get Whirling Dragon Punch you have an amazing amount of buttons and cooldowns that flow together to build one great spec. I've never really managed to get into it but I think you can't go wrong with Monk if you want an interesting spec with tons of mobility and great cooldowns + utility, overall thumbs up imo. Survival ? - Never played it myself but I've heard good things going into BfA. Not gonna comment on it though since Hunter is the one class I have NEVER had at max level at any point in the history of WoW. Shammy ? - Oh boy oh boy oh boy is that spec a jumbled mess. The general idea would be great (keep flametongue buff running, build Maelstrom and spend it on one of two options) but with the ressource changes and the way Stormstrike works now (being free can lead to ressource overflow) it just feels off. Also it's even more random of a spec than Outlaw rogue and that's saying something. Your main dps ability and your main CD are both RNG so that doesn't really create great flow in a spec imo. Demon Hunter ? - Visually stunning, the rotation however often boils down to 2 buttons + cooldowns depending on which build is performing best. I think they have improved slightly with the new options that change Fury generation and the option to have more than 2 buttons in your rotation but it's still never very complicated, silly fun and easy to perform well on but not exactly rocket science. Most people agree that Demon Hunter will never truly be a complex class because that's how Blizz intend for them to play. Last but not least Feral Druid - Between semi-snapshotting talents, 2 dots to keep up, 1 short CD to use properly (Tiger's Fury), 1 slightly longer CD (Berserk) and just generally talents that can change up some things a bit, it's definitely one of the more involved specs currently. However, whenever it underperforms or just generally it feels like Assa's smaller brother that wishes it could one day be like it's sibling. Tbh I don't play Feral much if ever because Druid overall is boring imo but I agree it's not the easiest spec to perform well on and that in of itself makes it a decent spec in my opinion since it's not just spamming 1-2 buttons. Obligatory Tl;dr because this got out of hand: Most melee specs are pretty darn simple and calling Assa a 2 button spec is just plain wrong. Sure every class ultimately has some nuances but overall I really feel like Rogue specs currently are amazing and learning them properly is very rewarding. In these times of ability pruning and often simplified rotations I feel like Assa still stands strong as a fun spec, ofc it lost stuff going into BfA but then again everyone did.
If your point is proven by not being able to read a couple paragraphs your ability of joining any discussion ever goes out the window. I'm not saying Assa is super hard to play but your hyperbole got me riled up because you clearly either just wanted to get a rise out of someone (congrats you made it) or are just plain uninformed. Anyway lets agree to disagree because discussing something on the internet with someone who doesn't want to read is clearly not going to be a fruitful endeavour.
True fury AoE is basically ww - ability - ability - ww...but I still think Fury isn't as amazing as ppl make it out to be..I'm not saying it's bad but the fotm wave got a bit too hype on that one imo. Then again it certainly feels better than before, especially if you like fast playstyle.
The class fantasy and esthetic for enhancement shaman is just too good! I still very much enjoy the spec. Sitting at a capped resource doesn't feel that bad to me. But I'm a filthy casual. STORMSTRIKE! Feels so good.
I've mained a shaman as Resto & Enha since 2006 and, while Resto is still my favourite healing spec, I've never hated Enha until Legion. BfA changes have dulled some of the pains, but honestly they should just scrap maelstrom. You're either starved or capped, there's almost no time when you're managing it, so why have it? Fury atm is actually very similar to pre-Legion Enha so will be playing that until we see the 8.1 changes.
Fury warrior is the most fun i have had in a while its soo much better than in Legion i can just spam shit with slight priority and have so much fun. I barely feel the gcd changes on it too, apart from popping recklessness (it feels terrible lmao) overall my favorite spec so far definitely maining it in BFA
Any able to say why the fury warriors recklessness looks so much cooler then how it does in live game right now? It looks like there’s two of him fighting at once when he uses his.
I notice most of your reviews are from a dungeon/raid POV. Which is fine but I'm not sure it gives a complete picture. Take WW monk for example, when you have a tank it's awesome because you can just go to town but out in the world solo I find it to be very frustrating because it feels like every pull is a calculated risk. In comparison my ret. pally, fury warrior and havok DH just tear through world content. I live your videos but do wish they could be expanded for world content and maybe even pvp so people watching have a more rounded view of the class. All in all though great content as usual.
Ww is in need of some major numbers tuning. Overall dmg is fine but the source of it is almost entirely from ToD and ToK. ToK should def not be so much of our damage. There's also some energy starvation which I hope gear will fix. If they needed ToK to no longer do damage in pve and instead redesributed that damage to FoF and RSK, the class would improve drastically without any real buffs to it's damage.
Not getting a new level 120 spell made me pretty sad. That was always one of the things I looked forward to in a new expansion. We've had so many spells pruned that a new spell would fit perfectly.
Can you make or direct me to a guide/video of what addons I should use? I havent played WoW in quite awhile and just want to know what I should be using for BFA.
just find a u.i that you like and that's it for most classes for u.i's most people enjoy tukui, elvui or bartender other than that skada is also a good one to have if you're planning on looking back at your gameplay to see what you could improve on or just to see the big numbers you crunch out as an arms warrior
my top 4 mele specs for pve and pvp would be pvp #1. assassin #2. retribution #3. feral #4. outlaw pve #1. feral #2. arms/fury #3. WindW #4. s.hunter/assassin
A lot of people are confusing these rundowns and Bell's purpose for them. He is not ranking these based on damage or potential top tier rankings in the coming raids or M+. These videos seem to be for playability, engagement, enjoyment, and most importantly, fun. Yes, you can argue that some people's enjoyment and fun comes from crashing the meters, but again that's not the intended goal here. At least that is how I take it.
In your opinion, when will 8.1 come around? I'm an ex shaman main, couldn't do it thru the "we'll get to it later". Not for the 4-5th time since I started in vanilla.
what you dont mention about frost dk is that pof has gcd and the mechanic of using runes to increase damage is not new that concept came with gathering storm wich goes well with pof exept for the fact that it also has a gcd on it... luckily tho erw gives us runes to use but that also has a cgd... this makes frost dk feel so bad not to mention we lost our strong deathstrike wich kept people from nuking us.
Bellular can you please reveal your UI setup? I've searched all over the web for your add ons - including your "info" on twitch. The WoW ui / addon aspect of the game is the most frustrating to me.
I've mained a DK since Wrath. I'm just tired of the lack of mobility, this is the expansion to try something new. Great vid but two things missing from this assessment are utility and survivability. Your character isn't too fun if you're dead on the ground or sitting in a quest hub bc you bring nothing to the group. That said rogues bring so much to the group and have the best dcds out of any melee, makes them amazing.
I absolutely hate the Blade Flurry change on Outlaw Rogues. OR rather I hate that they added it AT THE SAME TIME as their changes to the global cooldown and the result is now I open a lot of my fights with 2-4 GCDs that all do zero damage and not only am I missing out on a chunk of my own Prey on the Weak damage bonus but it also just feels like the opposite of a Rogue. Like, okay I'm gonna sneak up on that guy and then leap out of the shadows and uh... ask him to wait a minute while I get ready to attack him.
Survival Talents? Talents is a class now? I'm just kidding, was probably an honest mistake. These videos are fantastic though, really helps set the scene for BFA in helping me decide which classes I want to be playing.
Hey Bellular, just wanted to say I'm loving your content. I know you've been around for a while but I just recently subscribed. Keep up the good work man!
No no why is every Everybody pooping his
I am very confused. What do you mean?
Amazing: Frost DK / Fury Warrior / WW Monk
Very Good: Havoc DH / Unholy DK / Survival Hunter / Feral Druid / Arms Warrior
Pretty OK: All Rogues / Ret Paladin
Below Average: Ench Shaman
Mateusz W For PvE. PvP has a totally different list.
I also dont know why you leave out Mage. Its on the amazing rank for PvP
Chaos D. Emperor bcs this is "MELEE DPS specs ranking"? And this is just final Bellular's conclusion.
Mateusz W ah yh true
You are the hero we need
Mateusz W roge is pretty?? Just? ..
I literally just watched your Ranged spec video and went to your page to see if you uploaded the Melee one yet. I refreshed my TH-cam home page and there it was! Thanks Mr. Fella!
I'll still be playing enhancement shaman. Class fantasy is right up there for me and I look forward to the changes that could make the spec even more fun for me.
It clearly needs some work, but it's still fun and the damage is fine. Sure, technically resource capping is a dps loss, but as long as you only cap on maelstrom when you're stormstrike is proc'ing you're not going to be left behind on the meters. The real problem here is when you resource cap when you don't have a stormstrike proc, and that is easily manageable as is.
I won't be changing either, I love my Enhancement Shaman.
after 11 years of enhancement, I'm hanging up the hammers. Mainly as I feel enhancement's lack of survivability has bothered me for a while and I'd like to try something else before the spec changes in 8.1
Shrapnel_Sponge I bounce between Shaman and Warlock. BFA is Shaman season.
Shrapnel_Sponge , I've never had any real problems with surviving as a enhancment shaman all through legion. Proper use of cool downs, stuns and self healing gets me through most everything. I know stuns aren't really viable on bosses but stopping to heal yourself will net you more dps than if you die.
Love your stuff, you're one of only two uploaders I follow. After playing lolret since BC I finally made the call to switch to frost DK. Hit 110 about a week ago and so far am enjoying it a lot.
Your content over the last month has been amazing. I've finally subscribed to your beautiful grey t-shirt self and look forward to all of your videos!
I know it's kind of messed up at the moment but i am really enjoying enhancement and getting really great numbers on the meters.
yup. once you get geared after hitting 120 its smooth. most ppl just complain because they played on beta and stopped before the june 19 buffs and artifact trait adfditions. they still complain about things that have already been addressed
1:49 jesus christ that orgre literally fisted 2 sharks and used them as weapons- that's the most brutal thing I've ever seen
And he has a mechanic called Sharknado. I kid you not.
Amazing xD
Holy fuck!
Never mind they changed it from the beta... it's now just called Shark Tornado... booo copyright.
Well, that's a typical Game for Kids at the age of 12.
Now be a good lad and collect 12 heads for me.
anotha 1
You are a goddamn machine Bellular keep it up.
I love your work, can't wait for the RDPS version!
Damn dude, you pump out so much content I'm surprised you're not squeezed like a tube of toothpaste after a few months of usage.
Well done sir.
Bell so epic. Much respec.
He already did one
Bellular, I love your choice of music for this video :)
A little off topic but I'm really liking his default/simple UI that he put up a couple days ago.
Do you know what the add-ons are? I would like to copy paste his UI lol
Boring rotation isn't always bad. I like a bit of a boring rotation where I don't have to think too much. Gaming is my relax time.
I like this. :) Have you looked into programming mouse / keyboard buttons so you don't have to mash buttons and simply hold down next ability until casted?
I think there's a difference between simple and boring. They simplified a lot more specs this time around, but they also made them much more fun.
Legion Survival vs BFA Survival is a good example: Legion had like 20 different buttons to press, with both a ramp up mechanic, an aoe cooldown revolved around the ramp up, and like 2-3 dots/buffs you had to manage, all of which felt disconnected.
BFA is much more simple in that it made that ramp up mechanic a talent choice (Mongoose Bite) removed the aoe cooldown (artifact ability), lowered the dots/buffs we manage (only Serpent Sting), and made the most interesting talent ever with Wildfire Infusion (each bomb changes the flow of the rotation in subtle and nice ways, like pooling resource, spending all your resource, or multi-dotting depending on talents [Hydra's Bite or Butchery affected by different bombs].
Yeah it's nice to have some, but they should reserve those to class with several dps spec so that if someone is playing a class they're not stuck with a boring rotation when don't want one.
I always felt that a rotation should flow well with the content/mechanics your doing. No matter how simple or complex it may be, when it feels good to play I enjoy it.
Casual af
After watching this and your tank/healer video I am even more pleased with my decision to main a monk in BFA.
Great roundup! Arms for me is much more fun than fury because of the big hits and bursty cooldowns. I love getting those huge mortal strikes and executes. Also the talents mix up the rotation so much, you can tweak it to any situation. I’d say arms is on par with DH talent-wise in terms of depth and customization. I like fury also but arms is life. All in all, pretty happy in warrior camp here 😊
I’m sticking with the Warrior because Arms and Fury feel amazing right now. And fun fact about Whirlwind in Fury: it makes the next two casts of ANY of your single target abilities hit the last 4 enemies affected by Whirlwind as opposed to just Bloodthirst and Rampage in Legion.
Fury Warrior is kind of just smash face- That does fit the class fantasy does it not? Absolute blast to play though in my opinion.
Curt S not necessarily. A fury warrior who is constantly keeping WW buff up and using his CDs effectively takes a fair amount of reaction and prediction. You can just faceroll and do fine but there is a higher level of play
I thought the class fantasy was to be very angry
@@NeonKatt101 🤣👿👿
you sir are a BFA video machine. Keep up the good work.
Dude, please don't burn out. We love you too much
I do agree with ret pallys having played one most of my game time, most people would probably find it boring but its just so satisfying when you get off a judgement?holypower spender and watching health bars halve
nice i was waiting this ty
I main Ret, and I don't mind it being predictable. I prefer it over a DPS that deals with something like RNG or advanced mechanics since it frees up my brain for focussing on more about what content I'm experiencing and less on the class I'm using to experience it. My main is like an extension of myself as I experience content and if I can roll through my rotation seamlessly, then I can focus on external game mechanics.
I find Outlaw spec to be quite fun, but not when just thinking of the rotation. I like the theme, the hook and being able to pull a massive amount of mobs only to blade flurry and killing spree everything. It's very satisfying.
I dunno, I really like rogue for the themes too, embracing the luxury of feeling like a shadowblade, a scoundrel or an assassin. You go around pickpocketing, sapping people and generally being a nuisance and it's fun like that.
While you are talking about raiding and dungeoning etc, I kind of wonder how many people might take the spec rankings as class rankings. Have you done a class ranking yet? I'd love to hear what you think about the classes in general like theming, the benefits, the weaknesses and general fun factor like the zen themes with monk and stealth with rogue etc
I agree with you on pretty much everything aside from rogues. I personally love the rogue specs with subtlety and Outlaw being winners for me. Assassination is maybe not the best but it’s alright.
No melee brings as much to a group as a rogue.
Im rocking a fury! I don't care if it's simple, I think it's alot of fun :) Great video as always!
Great video, i’d love timestamps in the description tho but hey. Subbed btw
Enhancement just needs a mechanic that rewards you for hitting the Maelstrom cap so it doesn't feel bad when you hit it. Something like a proc that makes your auto attacks deal a massive amount of nature damage/ cast chain lighting for x seconds but spend 100 Maelstrom.
I was so pleased when I gave survival hunter a try! I couldn't stand it in legion, and BfA feels a lot closer to what I would have thought survival would be when it was announced as going melee in legion. I'm very pleased that they were able to step away from the missteps made in legion and create a good experience for survival.
I have been loving Enhancement, I feel like as a dual wielding dwarf the rotation makes you have to quickly pick between lava lash maelstrom burners to stop cap loss and laying out stormstrike procs that dont spend maelstrom. Its a fun reactive rotation!
yes! finally! someone in the thread who will see reason!
yes you gotta use lava lash to burn maelstrom but that is the maelstrom spender with the least priority
earthen spike, then SUNDERING!, then (overcharged) lighting bolt all go before dishing out a lava lash if you really wanna put yr maelstrom to good use
Enhancement Shaman was my main in Legion. Really glade Bliz has plans to help it out later down the road. I don't understand why they decreased Maelstrom cap from 150 to 100 to begin with...
Dumb move by Blizz. Class played fine in Legion.
100 maelstrom cap is fine, 150 was excessive
Rico Pepin It works with 100 but it felt smoother with 150.
because the class builds maelstrom insanely fast compared to legion and SS procs are free. it would be op with a higher cap at the rate it builds it now.
thanks Bellular! interesting comparing notes with other content creators.
1:08 you and the warrior sure showed that target dummy who's boss
as a shaman player i kinda like how much the pvp talents can add to my stormstrike, it makes it feel really satisfying to smash off like three or four in a row and just melt someone
I agree with pretty much everything in this video. I think feral needs more love. It's a very high skill capped class with it's snapshotting mechanics and even when played near perfection it doesn't perform as well as some of the other classes like fury warriors or any spec of rogue played with mid ranged parses.
I adore Feral and have played it more than any other spec since BC. But I've had enough of being beaten on the meters by folks I know aren't as good as me, in similar gear, no matter how well I play. It's nice now and then when tuning/talents are off or buffed, and 'fotm' switches to Feral for a month or so (even though it's possibly the easiest combo of talents in the entire tool-kit). The haste to bleeds change is long overdue, but tbh I'm sick of being middle of the pack just because I'm a hybrid class. Skill cap should and needs to count for something. Anyway if you can't beat em, join em. Playing Rogue or Warrior in BfA, and look forward to seeing decent numbers from smashing face > keyboard. /rant :P
I agree, I like that the harder talents managing bloodtalons and savage roar is now performing better than sabertooth/clarity faceroll build. But like you said in comparison to other classes in terms of difficulty ferals have it rough. Their single target isn't bad but it's not great either. Their AoE DPS however is terrible and desperately needs looking at.
Yes Mate tuning is not over as of yet so hopefully they get around to balancing appropriately.
Feral has a high skill cap because there is too much to do. Always having to keep two bleeds and a buff up at all times leaves you with so little time to do anything that seems super impactful.
Always mained Fury and the changes just made it even more fun to play. Cleaving an execute if fucking awesome.
Agreed with Mike on the Havoc - the gameplay is very different based on your talent composition - not just your picks, but the entire composition thereof. I do think Enhancement isn't as bad as a lot of folks say, but then again, I just like the toon. Anything is better than the start of Legion.
What are your addons for that blue bar, and also all of the name plates and target portraits?
problem with sub rogue from my experience now is that unless your energy bar is full you won't fully utilize shadow dance dps window. you really need to hit shadow strike + eviscerate for the 5 seconds of up time which frankly is 4-5 gcd depending on your haste. kinda small window for burst
346 sub here, play around with your talents a bit more. Shadow focus pretty much gets rid of our energy problems w/ our burst windows. The other part is just gear.
I agree, fury warrior is so much fun this days. I use it even for pvp even if is not probably optimal, but I can't give up on that :)
Another great review. Godspeed!
DH Havoc (heart)!!!!!
Everyone hates Ret, but I really like it. I went RV, FoJ, WoA, and DP. Makes it feel fast paced with just enough procs to keep you on your toes.
I personally enjoy ww, unholy and then all 3 rogue specs, gonna be sub or assa in BFA, really enjoy it
As a 12 year veteran rogue, and a Sub fan since Cata, I agree with your rough assessment of Sub. It feels empty. But I can't figure out what to do to fix it.
Played Arms all through Legion, alt Survival. Loved it....not so much now. Fury in BFA for me, absolute blast
Have not watched the video yet, but official prediction is that Bellular will compare something using marmite
I agree with the rankings here in terms of "most fun" spec even as a Ret main. I feel like Blizz should have made all the artifact abilities baseline as it would keep specs from being so hamstrung by their removal and story wise we spent so much time pouring power into them it would make sense we(the character) would have absorbed some of that power. As for ret I feel like having wake baseline would be awesome and maybe spice up our rotation a bit but baring that then Divine Purpose would be a blessing from the heavens. Playing live now with the class leggo ring it feels so....right. Granted if it was made baseline I feel like it would be easily justified to revert it back to not giving a dmg increase on the next spender.
I've leveled up my velf so I can main Sub Rogue in BFA! I'll always have my WW Monk and DPS Warrior (I like fury and arms) at the top, too.
I feel like sub should be a bit higher. It has an awesome gameplay of burst windows where you really feel like a strategist planning your next move. You plan around cooldowns and when it all lines up you hit like a truck.Then its back to set up and regeneration phase
Resubbed to play my Rogue in BFA, haven't played since 7.1.
For me, Outlaw felt worse than before, Curse of the Dreadblades was really fun and increased the gameplay speed quite a bit.
Assassination is a bit better imo (yes, there is no artifact spell, but Dispatch is back and random procs from Mutilate could make single target fights a bit more interesting).
But Sub is actually the reason I came back, it feels way better now with Secret Technique and 30 sec cd on Mark. There is almost always something to press and it requires quite a bit of mental gymnastics to do the rotation correctly.
Will grab monk/dk/dh as an alt later on.
i was never really a fan of curse of the dreadblades i mean it sped up my gameplay and increased my damage but at the same time i kinda just enjoy playing outlaw without it now although it would of been nice to see it return as a talent maybe
I agree with Havoc, Demon Blades really bogs down the rotation but is a pretty much necessary pick in single target fights
Havoc DH is actually in a pretty poor spot at the moment. You do piddly damage outside of your burst CDs (meta, eye beam, and fel barrage talent.) The mobility of the spec is in tact with slight nerfs to the GCD for each of them. The main issue is that, at least from a PvP perspective, they're predictable and can easily be shut down. Fel Barrage is our large AoE burst, even amazing on single target, but it can be broken by any form of CC or interupts. Trail of Ruin does more damage in comparison to it, but that's our boss talent meant to build up over time - barrage is our big boom.
The other issue is that with Eye Beam being buffed, it is also interuptable. It does MASSIVE damage with the t21 for pre-patch and Azarite traits at 120. The issue is it can also be interrupted. So all people have to do to counter DHs is to watch for these abilities and kite/cc the metamorphosis.
As far as PvE goes, Havoc is in a good spot. It can most certainly be complicated, which is a good thing, the talents are VERY balanced this time around.
Demon Blades is also getting a pretty big nerf in BfA, which is eh. I don't like how spammy Demon's Bite feels, I dont know any other DH that really does either.
Overall, the only change I'd like is for Fel Barrage to be a set-it-and-forget it akin to other class' AoE spells like Blizzard, or Rain of Fire. The main issue is it's too easy to lock down a DH.
I really wished they would remove the One-Handed requirement for Fist of Fury, I would LOVE to be able to use my staff mogs again. Doesn't make much sense to have WW monk rewards give you a staff option under WW spec loot but you can't realistically use it because you have to give up FoF to do it.
Thanks, great video
I think it is confirmed that you are the best wow content creator. These past few weeks speak for themselves.
Not the best just the one who throws out so much shit no one else can keep up with. Thats all. Almost all of his videos are opinion not facts backed up by numbers.
Gotta give credit to the editor
Gamer41 I´ve never seen anyone else complaining about not being able too keep up with than you. So you're probably the only one. What a shame
Give credit to the sponsors. They give him money to do a lot of vids.
why would i give them credit. He wouldnt be getting so many sponsors of he didnt create such good content himself. The credit goes 100% to him and whatever team is behind the scenes.
No mention of Enhancement Shaman until the end and even Blizzard says it's not fun? Interesting. I have been trying to figure out which spec I want to create a Zandalari Troll for, and Enhancement is one thing I'm considering. Whichever one I create, it will need to fit the theme of their heritage armor.
I'm very tempted to make a Zandalari Druid, but I haven't enjoyed the Druid very much, and the Zandalari Druid forms look absolutely amazing!
You'r ui looks soo clean dude
What is your UI? Been smashing my head trying to find it
Since my cousin and i are thinking of doing double DK for our bg ques, we're looking forward to some frost & unholy teamwork. Although.....I'm definitely sneaking my fury warrior in every once in a while XD
Phaze frost dk is not good for bg or even arenas
I think I'ma start a new frost DK coming from a fury main for the last 5 years, looks fun.
i was going to spec a new class after being Warrior for so many years, well... looks like i'll continue being a Warrior and sure made the right choice. :D (battleground is fun too as Fury)
Sounds like picking blood dk as main wasnt a bad idea... though i've never played frost. will give it a shot :) Thanks for the round up. i assume some tank / healing role videos similar to this will pop up as well?
I love the new Survival so far, having everything ranged or melee is awesome (except flanking strike which has a longish cd).
I love the current enh shaman. I feel a lot less squishy and like I’m churning out more dps. Plus totems!
Now im excited for the tanks video
Sub has been my favorite since MoP. So glad Find Weakness is back just in time for white damage buffs :)
Nice video! Which addons are you using??
I don't think enh shaman is in bad spot right now. Yes, there are problems with maelstrom being capped at 100 but its still fun to play spec. One thing that I dislike is gcd triggered by offensive cd's and BL/Hero.
It takes too much time to prepare everything and we land far behind in dps at the beginning. What I love is utility like capacitor and wind rush totems on mythics. Also sundering is great with its incapacitate and huge damage.
Only things I dislike are very weak defence capability and downtimes when there are no procs. It's a bit more demanding class for aoe due to enh cleave nature but when you used it right it gives great dps in return.
I agree with everything but Outlaw... Its energy regeneration is way more "clean" right now, you can dish a lot more dmg and you have that lvl 100 talent that regen some energy with a 25 sec cd and is reductible by expending combo points.
I was main Assassination the whole Legion but now ? Im all in for the "new" Outlaw
Tulio Andrade Seems like most people in here disagree about his Rogue opinions. 😋
Assassin rogue definitely deserves to be in that 2nd tier, sure it doesnt have Kingsbane anymore but it outshines and outplays sub and combat by a long shot. Also loving the Frost Dk and Fury War changes/uprades
I think all Rogue specs deserve higher spots on this list tbh. Assa is still amazing, Sub is insanely good if you're good at it and Outlaw gets great Azerite traits that might make fishing for the right rolls a thing of the past, generally they all play really well and just work (not to mention they got great dps).
Also Assa has amazing talents imo (if they manage to balance them you have an insane amount of cool options), Sub talents are also pretty decent, only Outlaw feels like it has nothing but "this does more dmg now" and I still can't get why they didn't just make Loaded Dice a passive to begin with. Still, I think Rogue is an amazing pick for BfA because all three specs feel good to play and they're way less affected by losing tons of fun stuff like DH or the general randomness that is Shaman.
Personally I don't get the Fury hype because while it's fast paced, I feel like nothing really matters in that spec. Hit this button, hit that button, hit the other button, repeat...It has very little interaction between the skills other than "this is off cooldown", basically it's just a carpal tunnel syndrome simulator at this point.
Well you just showed that you have no idea how Assa actually plays.
- Lets start with Blindside, an execute ability that can proc just like the Warrior's execute, it changes up your rotation based on procs and enemy hp, that's one button you didn't count.
- Subterfuge makes Vanish a dps cooldown and thus includes another button to track, especially if you can multidot.
- You either use Vigor which just smooths out the rotation or Deeper Stratagem which is viable esp. in AoE and also changes up how you think about your combo points slightly.
- Then you get Toxic Blade, a short cooldown that demands resource pooling and correct usage in order to cram the most envenoms into that window, slightly reminds one of Collossus Smash but I think this version works way better because you can plan around it, yet again one more button in your rotation and something you need to keep track of. Exsanguinate can also be strong esp. on focus targets.
- AoE tier has a stacking buff for fan of knives if you wanna use that, so again something to keep track of or Crimson Tempest which is yet another button that you need to know about if you're dealing with AoE situations (poison bomb being very strong but also rather boring).
So all in all you have Garrote that you need to keep up, Rupture that should never fall off and you have the Pandemic window to make sure it ticks longer, Mutilate to build combo points, Blindside to build combo points with a proc & execute phase, a longer CD with Vanish that can be used strategically or just as a general dps increase, Toxic Blade which will require you to pool ressources properly and use the best window to make the most out of it, or its counterpart Exsanguinate which is just another short CD that you will want to use properly, AoE requires you to not only multidot properly but either check your fan of knives stacks or use Crimson Tempest properly and finally there's also Vendetta which has a slight energy reg and focus target priority mechanics.
Show me any Melee spec other than Feral Druid that has this kind of plate spinning and interesting interactions between skills, and because I'm such a know-it-all let me help you there:
Paladin ? - Extremely simple, build 3 holy power, spend 3 holy power, AoE or Single Target only changes the button but other than shiny visuals you have 0 difference there, Consecration is ok interesting but Wake of Ashes is more bursty and actually more interesting so yeh. Other than that your entire rotation is "which builder is off cd ? press it" then spend holy power, you can't really pool HP as such because with sets disappearing you can't get 2 HP finishers and Divine Purpose is so random you can't calculate it really. Also inquisition seems to outperform so that's just a boring buff that has to be active at all times, it doesn't feel great to pump 3 HP into something that just increases dmg imo. The ONLY really interesting interaction is a Divine Purpose proc when you have judgement off CD so you can go for a huge hit. Still the rotation is ridiculously easy and simple overall. Plus with the loss of tons of haste in BfA it feels even slower than it usually does. (plus they basically killed Crusade which was a fun CD)
Warrior ? - Fury is as I said just pressing what is off cooldown or rather "what you have rage for", that's it. Arms has a slightly more involved playstyle with buffing up your Mortal Strike with Overpower but it also boils down to "what is off cooldown + a rage spender filler", the proc is fun though and short term burst is great on Arms and plays well. Still I don't think you have much that you need to track or think about with Arms, something glows you hit it, not a bad spec and again has some fun moments but overall I wouldn't say it's insanely complicated or involved.
DK ? - Frost is still a pure "shiny - HIT IT" spec that has decent flow but nobody in their right mind would consider that spec complicated. The only really fun interaction is the new Rune pooling for Pillar of Frost and Breath of Sindragosa as a CD but that's about it, the general gameplay of that spec is extremely simple (keep dot up, hit whatever glows).
Unholy is actually decent imo and only suffers in target switching, they got some decent cooldowns and between procs and proper usage of builder / spender, they feel good to play, I'd consider them one of the most fun melee specs currently.
Monk ? - Some people hate it, some love it, but you can't deny it plays well. The combo strike mastery is amazing and if you get Whirling Dragon Punch you have an amazing amount of buttons and cooldowns that flow together to build one great spec. I've never really managed to get into it but I think you can't go wrong with Monk if you want an interesting spec with tons of mobility and great cooldowns + utility, overall thumbs up imo.
Survival ? - Never played it myself but I've heard good things going into BfA. Not gonna comment on it though since Hunter is the one class I have NEVER had at max level at any point in the history of WoW.
Shammy ? - Oh boy oh boy oh boy is that spec a jumbled mess. The general idea would be great (keep flametongue buff running, build Maelstrom and spend it on one of two options) but with the ressource changes and the way Stormstrike works now (being free can lead to ressource overflow) it just feels off. Also it's even more random of a spec than Outlaw rogue and that's saying something. Your main dps ability and your main CD are both RNG so that doesn't really create great flow in a spec imo.
Demon Hunter ? - Visually stunning, the rotation however often boils down to 2 buttons + cooldowns depending on which build is performing best. I think they have improved slightly with the new options that change Fury generation and the option to have more than 2 buttons in your rotation but it's still never very complicated, silly fun and easy to perform well on but not exactly rocket science. Most people agree that Demon Hunter will never truly be a complex class because that's how Blizz intend for them to play.
Last but not least Feral Druid - Between semi-snapshotting talents, 2 dots to keep up, 1 short CD to use properly (Tiger's Fury), 1 slightly longer CD (Berserk) and just generally talents that can change up some things a bit, it's definitely one of the more involved specs currently. However, whenever it underperforms or just generally it feels like Assa's smaller brother that wishes it could one day be like it's sibling. Tbh I don't play Feral much if ever because Druid overall is boring imo but I agree it's not the easiest spec to perform well on and that in of itself makes it a decent spec in my opinion since it's not just spamming 1-2 buttons.
Obligatory Tl;dr because this got out of hand: Most melee specs are pretty darn simple and calling Assa a 2 button spec is just plain wrong. Sure every class ultimately has some nuances but overall I really feel like Rogue specs currently are amazing and learning them properly is very rewarding. In these times of ability pruning and often simplified rotations I feel like Assa still stands strong as a fun spec, ofc it lost stuff going into BfA but then again everyone did.
If your point is proven by not being able to read a couple paragraphs your ability of joining any discussion ever goes out the window.
I'm not saying Assa is super hard to play but your hyperbole got me riled up because you clearly either just wanted to get a rise out of someone (congrats you made it) or are just plain uninformed. Anyway lets agree to disagree because discussing something on the internet with someone who doesn't want to read is clearly not going to be a fruitful endeavour.
BestWurstinTown fury aoe isn't as smash face since u can't spam whirlwind
True fury AoE is basically ww - ability - ability - ww...but I still think Fury isn't as amazing as ppl make it out to be..I'm not saying it's bad but the fotm wave got a bit too hype on that one imo. Then again it certainly feels better than before, especially if you like fast playstyle.
Bellular is a beast. Surprised he still has his voice.
The class fantasy and esthetic for enhancement shaman is just too good! I still very much enjoy the spec. Sitting at a capped resource doesn't feel that bad to me. But I'm a filthy casual. STORMSTRIKE! Feels so good.
Fury is an absolute blast now, I think it is the most fun I have ever had with the spec.
I've mained a shaman as Resto & Enha since 2006 and, while Resto is still my favourite healing spec, I've never hated Enha until Legion. BfA changes have dulled some of the pains, but honestly they should just scrap maelstrom. You're either starved or capped, there's almost no time when you're managing it, so why have it? Fury atm is actually very similar to pre-Legion Enha so will be playing that until we see the 8.1 changes.
Frost DK here, I made the right choice :) thank you for confirm that, Bellular ♡
im happy i stuck with him during legion and raided with him
Another Frost Dk here I happy with it but we need to duel wield 2 two hand weapons a high damage cleave(excluding frost scythe I love that move).
i like frost but I feel like its lacking just in damage
95% of people in game tell me that Frost got destroyed this pre-patch and is ruined now for high end PvP.
@@Ren3gade yeah they told me the same thing :((( idk who to belive
Fury warrior is the most fun i have had in a while its soo much better than in Legion i can just spam shit with slight priority and have so much fun. I barely feel the gcd changes on it too, apart from popping recklessness (it feels terrible lmao) overall my favorite spec so far definitely maining it in BFA
Ex-sang-gwin-ate. 😉
Great vid as always. You're putting out so much great content.
Any able to say why the fury warriors recklessness looks so much cooler then how it does in live game right now? It looks like there’s two of him fighting at once when he uses his.
This guy is on fire
Do you have a mod list for your UI? Also, how is the damage output for Arms in comparison to others?
I notice most of your reviews are from a dungeon/raid POV. Which is fine but I'm not sure it gives a complete picture.
Take WW monk for example, when you have a tank it's awesome because you can just go to town but out in the world solo I find it to be very frustrating because it feels like every pull is a calculated risk.
In comparison my ret. pally, fury warrior and havok DH just tear through world content.
I live your videos but do wish they could be expanded for world content and maybe even pvp so people watching have a more rounded view of the class.
All in all though great content as usual.
Ww is in need of some major numbers tuning. Overall dmg is fine but the source of it is almost entirely from ToD and ToK. ToK should def not be so much of our damage.
There's also some energy starvation which I hope gear will fix.
If they needed ToK to no longer do damage in pve and instead redesributed that damage to FoF and RSK, the class would improve drastically without any real buffs to it's damage.
Not getting a new level 120 spell made me pretty sad. That was always one of the things I looked forward to in a new expansion. We've had so many spells pruned that a new spell would fit perfectly.
it's not like they added new talents in the other trees. balance is a key issue the xpack is fun without it
Can you make or direct me to a guide/video of what addons I should use? I havent played WoW in quite awhile and just want to know what I should be using for BFA.
just find a u.i that you like and that's it for most classes
for u.i's most people enjoy tukui, elvui or bartender
other than that skada is also a good one to have if you're planning on looking back at your gameplay to see what you could improve on or just to see the big numbers you crunch out as an arms warrior
my top 4 mele specs for pve and pvp would be
pvp #1. assassin #2. retribution #3. feral #4. outlaw
pve #1. feral #2. arms/fury #3. WindW #4. s.hunter/assassin
Despite enhancement getting a lot of shit i still find it to be very fun and will likely be my primary alt (i main resto druid)
Enhance actually feels really good... tuning a couple things may help but enhance itself feels great just lacking a little on some power
good vids. helped alot
How bout a video on ranking up mele class with best pursuing abilities. As a healer in BG's I find warriors to be the most difficult to evade.
Just wondering what UI/AddOns you are using? Thanks!
Frost Death Knight! Unholy Death Knight! Retribution Paladin! Fury Warrior! Arms Warrior! SURVIVAL TALENTS!
A lot of people are confusing these rundowns and Bell's purpose for them. He is not ranking these based on damage or potential top tier rankings in the coming raids or M+. These videos seem to be for playability, engagement, enjoyment, and most importantly, fun. Yes, you can argue that some people's enjoyment and fun comes from crashing the meters, but again that's not the intended goal here. At least that is how I take it.
In your opinion, when will 8.1 come around? I'm an ex shaman main, couldn't do it thru the "we'll get to it later". Not for the 4-5th time since I started in vanilla.
what you dont mention about frost dk is that pof has gcd and the mechanic of using runes to increase damage is not new that concept came with gathering storm wich goes well with pof exept for the fact that it also has a gcd on it... luckily tho erw gives us runes to use but that also has a cgd... this makes frost dk feel so bad not to mention we lost our strong deathstrike wich kept people from nuking us.
Bellular can you please reveal your UI setup? I've searched all over the web for your add ons - including your "info" on twitch. The WoW ui / addon aspect of the game is the most frustrating to me.
Bellular you're such a legend! - IT'S NEARLY HEEEEEERE WHO'S PSYCHED?
I've mained a DK since Wrath. I'm just tired of the lack of mobility, this is the expansion to try something new. Great vid but two things missing from this assessment are utility and survivability. Your character isn't too fun if you're dead on the ground or sitting in a quest hub bc you bring nothing to the group. That said rogues bring so much to the group and have the best dcds out of any melee, makes them amazing.
I love my Survival hunter. Fun to do and I am beating warriors.
I absolutely hate the Blade Flurry change on Outlaw Rogues. OR rather I hate that they added it AT THE SAME TIME as their changes to the global cooldown and the result is now I open a lot of my fights with 2-4 GCDs that all do zero damage and not only am I missing out on a chunk of my own Prey on the Weak damage bonus but it also just feels like the opposite of a Rogue. Like, okay I'm gonna sneak up on that guy and then leap out of the shadows and uh... ask him to wait a minute while I get ready to attack him.
Survival Talents? Talents is a class now? I'm just kidding, was probably an honest mistake. These videos are fantastic though, really helps set the scene for BFA in helping me decide which classes I want to be playing.
Enh sham is very underrated, I've been playing it since MoP and honestly its always felt so god damn good! personal opinion I guess though.
So my 2 mains Frost and BM are both fun and good specs *hype intensifies*