exactly! it would be so sick compared to the cloak. like thematically it also just fits the theme. its not like we had anything else that could be the focal point of power in MoP, the Legion weapons just make sense.
This makes perfect sense for a Legion remix, hell, maybe even add some new or scrapped weapon appearances for the artifact weapons, i.e. FDK finally getting a proper Frostmourne now that they have access to 2H weapons again
No. Just no. Please god no. Leave it flooded. I don’t need my “vanilla questing” PTSD triggering. Having to hunt down that…. Lovely…. Centaur messenger to get ahold of the plans he is carrying.
Blizzard's commitment to motion gameplay is, in my opinion, one of the most innovative ways to breathe life back into the assets that already exist in the game. I'll never forget using Soar during Dragonflight's pre-patch to fly over Stormwind. Somehow, the city felt different once I was able to fly around it with physics rather than at a static speed.
I was not a fan of dragon flying when I returned and I have to eat my hat on that. I haven't used a flight master in ages. Get to Uldum from OG? Sure no problem let me zoom over there real quick
Dragon riding is nice, but everywhere I look in game I'm reminded this expansion has a lot less work in it. Less new models, the Siren Isle was a left over BfA island, the zone design is often not as well done as older expansions. I bring that up because they have the same boring rider animations when dragon riding, something that lessens the experience for me, and a larger team could have worked on. If we only get one allied race out of this expansion, and that's how it looks like it's going, it will be the lowest value expansion ever. I think the reason we're getting a car instead of a better better land mount experience it that it's 100x easier to animate a car than doing that for all the land mounts. I bet the car experience will suck anywhere outside of Undermine, it will be the only place with roads designed for fast land travel.
For sure. On the one hand, i don’t want to micromanage across all my toons, on the other, i do have head cannon for some of them that I’d enjoy building out a house for them.
I mean, why can't we have both? What I'd like is for there to be tons of home locations to buy and then you can assign your various characters to live in each of them (or multiple characters in one house). That way if I've assigned my human death knight blacksmith to live in the Stormwind house, when I go to visit that house on any other character he could be there, doing some blacksmithing animations or something, maybe even acting as a repair vendor. You could design each house you own for one particular alt, or you could make a big warband house for all of them to hang out in, and anything in between.
Player housing could be so cool, and it could provide room for so much new content and rewards in the game. I just hope Blizzard does it right. I'd like to see: -Tons of house locations all over Azeroth, with all of them being own-able. -Tons of customization options for the houses, their overall architecture/shape as well as exterior and interior design. -These customizations and furniture and decorations should be scattered as rewards through all parts of the game. From questing, achievements, dungeons, raiding, pvp, professions, etc. And many of these rewards should be retroactively tied to already existing achievements, so that we get some cool housing rewards for the things we've already done (like being able to mount Onyxia's head on your wall). -Player housing is the perfect opportunity to introduce a new profession, and to add a lot of stuff to all the existing professions. The profession that comes to mind is obviously woodworking to make furniture. But it could be integrated in with the rest of the game and not just player housing by also making parts for staves, bows, shields, wands, fishing poles, and so on (and I don' t think that needs to remove from other professions. For instance, inscription could still be required to make staves, it's just now that scribes need parts that woodworkers make in order to make a finished product). And honestly I could see woodworking coming with a gathering profession too, like how we had lumberjacking in WoD. -The ability to assign your characters to live in these homes, so that when you visit them you can see them there, doing animations befitting their profession or activities you've chosen (for instance maybe you could select from a list of down-time activities for your characters to perform in their homes, such as gardening or reading or sleeping or hosting parties. These things could just be cosmetic only, or they could accrue small amounts of passive income, like if you set a character to garden then when you log in on that character you get a bundle of herbs). -Multiple characters should be able to be assigned to the same house. That way you have the freedom to design homes for one character each, make a huge warband house where all your characters live, or anything in between.
My worry is that they won't do the obvious thing and integrate professions into it. Each expansion's mats could be used by the professions to make furniture that matches the expansion's theme. It would breathe new life not into just the game in general but also professions. And people who don't care about housing could still make gold off it.
My worry is that it's WoD prefabricated buildings, predetermined spots for placing things on the walls, predetermined places for where your rooms are.. and so on and so forth. I'd like to be able to place every single wall.
This is the type of video I enjoy the most! Even if some things are not 'confirmed' to the dot, it still draws the picture almost completely and we know what's coming and relatively when. I appreciate your work guys! Thanks for the lovely video!
I really hope they put in an absurd amount of effort into making housing decent if not good. I want them to give us at least base level housing eith the promise of frequent updates. Itd bring in such a large audience yall have no idea lol
Yup, people who hate or are indifferent to housing have no idea. There's a lot of players who kept playing for the hope it would one day be a feature (my dad being one of them).
I just hope they announce if they are going to add more reputations to the warband system soon. Haven't seen anything about it, and I'm actually curious if I should continue farming with other alts
They listened the "players" and now it is horrible garbage. Should always only communicate with the top 0.1% only in every scenario but never ask what they want but only how they feel about each thing. Bad players want to be good but good players don't want to be bad. Bad players can't know what felt good/bad becoming good.
The Drifting could be integrated into Rides and quests along the way. It could be used at the Darkmoon fair to integrate some Rides. It could also be used in Titan Machinery or in Bossfights. They could have a Bossfight which is a Racetrack and you'll have to win against the Boss.
I'm hoping that Cars from Undermine comes out of the Zone and into the Old World where ground mounts will be more fun besides just flying mounts. Also hoping that Midnight gives us unique races besides just Elves like Ethereals, Sethrak, and other races.
Midnight is ambitious enough already without having more races added into the mix. It’s a “mini” old world revamp, quite possibly the most important expansion story to get right or they risk damaging The Last Titan. And I mean…. Obviously this is when they are bringing Sylvanas back. It’s Quel’Thalas. There’s a nearly 0% chance they aren’t going to have some sort of important role for her.
Can you imagine Legion Remix and they give us a brand new artifact skin for every spec? I’m pretty sure I would go out of my way to hug every single Blizzard Dev I could that worked on it. God I miss those weapons.
For some regional example math: In the US it works out to about $18/mo, or $216/yr, if you subscribe monthly and buy the base edition of each expansion every 18 months. A 6-month or 12-month subscription gets that down to $16/mo or $192/yr. About the same cost as a Netflix subscription without ads.
I hope it works. Siren Isles has been the most boring patch for me since launch. I've hardly touched WoW. Maybe I've just grown tired of it, but they need to do more than shoving a racing game in to this.
@@therightperspective8690 why are here then man? On a channel that makes content for wow? Its all crap just cause you dont like it. Move on and stop being sad
I hope housing can be done in several zones and not just the capital city of your race/faction. As an Orc i would love a home in SoS, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes or Ferales (i always loved Ferales...)
For Casual gameplay PvE and PvP? Exploration and gameplay in outdoors? I think it's worth. Endgame Tryhard? Nah, long queues in rated pvp and m+ sucks.
TWW is so meh, I would wait at least until the next big patch. Im a very casual player and I still felt this expansion was fairly empty, and somehow like the least serious/immersive world ending event out of all the world ending events lol
I'm personally having a lot of fun. It depends on what you need. Atm we have the Turbulent Timeways event so if you need gear/leveling alts, now is the best time before UndermineD comes out next month
I still want my mounts lol, but yeah doing plunderstorm and remix is good. Unfortunately I could not really play Plunderstorm because of family issues but I loved Remix. Legion Remix will be awesome.
so if we assume they will release the new expansion and new patches around the same as last time, they will be in perfect order and have perfect timing? wasn't expect that
I just hope they rebalance the Horrific Visions properly considering we won’t have either the corrupted powers or the cloak. I have the feeling they’re gonna drop the insanity mechanic, which would be… fine, I guess. They should probably take a look at tinkering with the Alleria fight, too. Thrall was punishing but still fair. If you were melee DPS Alleria was a nightmare.
They brought back the item for the island, they'll bring them back in in another form for their next recycled effort. They are working with a much smaller team so they don't have the resources to make much new.
7:33 - "Feature wise, I would not expect anything as game changing as D.R.I.V.E to come here..." Are you joking? You actually think that is game changing? It's legit just changing the method of getting around which I feel like will be an actual annoyance to most people. Just let me bloody fly on my bloody flying mount with dynamic flying and save your time and resources to make actual meaningful changes to the game where there are issues that need addressing please Blizzard, like actual real PvP!
DRIVE needs to be done to mounts, not as a vehicle system, because as it stands we get one entire 'mount' and nothing from our 1200 or whatever possible mounts we have. And yeh a drifting horse is weird, but let's think outside the box, a faster horse that can run in a straight line quickly and jump higher that also just turns slower, like something out of Zelda. And then you simply apply that logic per mount type (Horse, mechanical, crab etc) to give them all something unique.
they could add them as an allied race whether they fit into the expansion or not. It's a shame they put so much effort into those models and animations but can't give them to the players.
I would love to see them do player housing kinda like a cross between FF14 and The Garrison maybe connected to guilds so you can be in a little town with your guild mates.
People rag on siren isles. But I actually enjoyed the release. Was fun…. For the night. Having to go back to see if I can get different gems seems like a chore. But the initial quest lines were cool
@BellularGaming Agree with You 101% regarding the Blizzard'S road map for WoW;IF they manage their own ,,Internal stuffs", as I imagine they surely would have them since they have gotten a new bosses around the house(Microsoft), this could be a sign of WoW's revitalization and could be, at least, mark of the beginning of New Era for WoW... Things on side(like those in-game shop aggressive campaigns and offers), glitches, bugs and here or there some stuffs gone wild (whine and moan about M+ or cryover over PvP systems), I really want them to success! Thanks Mickey!
If the devs were smart, they would take a look at Project Ascension and Conquest of Azeroth and steal their ideas. Some of it is SOOOOOO good and would be even better if it were incorporated into retail.
To each their own. I tried vanilla in beta and didn't come back till the next expansion with Draenei. There is probably a version of the game that could be made with the best parts of both versions.
Whenever a TV show has a "best of the series" as its final episode I normally skip. It's usually very disappointing. If it wasn't for the fomo I'd probably have skipped the season 4
Why do I worry that player housing will be built on the WoD system, with fixed buildings, fixed sizes, and what not? "Slots" to place items in, rather than freely doing so. I hope we won't end up with another anti-social expansion, and the house not being in a fixed location in the middle of nowhere - and preferably not in Stormwind or Orgrimmar either. Just in general.. I think I could live without ever seeing SW or OG ever again. I hope we'll be able to match the 'culture' of our races... cause I'm really fed up with human architecture.
I did not make a Druid until just after Legion. It was the one class I did not play at the time. I am sincerely hoping that Legion remix will let me get my glowy cat skins.
I hope we get a new skin of that even if its not the original ones. That said if each class gets a new appearance and you can't farm it on one char like MoP it might be annoying.
I admire you, the game is literally dead at this point (again) just a bunch of chores to do, season is way over and yet you manage to keep pulling videos out of tin air, cheer to your writers because man, you gotta eat.
A new tansmog or a new mount is not exciting because we already have hundreds of each. Even if I change my mount and transmog on a daily basis a year is not long enough to use all the mounts and transmogs I already have - getting even more of that simply isn't interesting.
I guess I am the minority here but I absolutely hated plunderstorm and I hate that the stupid fomo system is back and they literally fixed nothing , practice mode isn’t the issue .. idk 2025 looks like the same rinse and repeat shit I am so sick of and I am so fking tired of seasonal system shit, driving doesn’t interest me but if it leads to dynamic faster ground mounting later then sure but other then that don’t care .
as a MM hunter I would like to give the "love" they invested into ruining this specc to the classes that actually want/need f*cked up uhm I mean want changes.
Does everyone really hate Siren Isles? Haven’t played in a couple months but Bellular was hyping it up so much I thought it was going to be a great little piece of content. Did it really turn out to be a dud?
Your video confused me the hell. I did not hear "with today's sponser" I was like wait.... something is off here.....?? I even tried scrolling back to find today's sponser hahaha
I'd say no, this expansion is the least value for your money. I'd see if they improve that next expansion, if not it's likely never going to get better. If they want to give us half the value charge half the price.
I’m feeling a bit disappointed as story wise TWW feels like it’s barely started.. like we’re in the prelude. Yet I’m not seeing much story advancement from here through the final patch. It’s like.. okay we got the 10% intro story. Where’s the other 90% of TWW story. Or is story still a far back seat to formulaic seasonal MAU farming content.
I don t like this stupid car O_o I want to play a fantasy MMO and no fast&furious nonsense..+sigh+ Hopefully some new classes will be low APM and they do not ruin Housing!
arathi empiore on the dark side of azeroth is a dumb idea. id rather stay in kalimdor and ek and renew old zones over and over for new stories than having new zones forever.
And here i was Hopeful that a Tinker Class would come out for Undermine dang. Though i was more Hopeful for the Tinker Venomancer Necromancer oh and Reaper lol ok the Whole Ascension classes as added.
The sooner we're over and done with Xal'Atath, the better. The last thing I want to see is more Void story slop getting in the way of actual worldly experiences.
Boring as hell, give me more old fantasy, blood and thunder, orca va humans, not goblins and robots and tinkers and shit, who fucking cares, most people who want this are already playing other mmos that have tinkers and they want wow to be the same shit their crappy game is
i really want them to develop the game more like a live service which it is, if they try something on m+ and it doesnt work just change it. I think they need to put more resources in the live team
For Legion Remix the artifact weapons should be the overpowered part of remix, it would be fun to make lore-accurate weapons
exactly! it would be so sick compared to the cloak. like thematically it also just fits the theme. its not like we had anything else that could be the focal point of power in MoP, the Legion weapons just make sense.
This makes perfect sense for a Legion remix, hell, maybe even add some new or scrapped weapon appearances for the artifact weapons, i.e. FDK finally getting a proper Frostmourne now that they have access to 2H weapons again
DRIVE being a thing is the best argument i could see for a full world revamp just to bring racing back to the shimmering flats.
They need to drain the water in Thousand needles and bring back the good old zone to it's former glory once again.
@@HawkknightXC88 Big crack in the ground there now as well, so i could see a new underground/cave area being added.
I'd love to see a series of side quests themed around doing silly driving adventures with a group of NPCs themed after Grand Tour.
@@Felanthropy thats the best idea ive ever seen
No. Just no. Please god no. Leave it flooded.
I don’t need my “vanilla questing” PTSD triggering.
Having to hunt down that…. Lovely…. Centaur messenger to get ahold of the plans he is carrying.
I wanna be able to park that car in front of my custom WoW house
"Custom"..... sure, sure.
Imagine player housing shared with warband, with your offline chars being interactable
Blizzard's commitment to motion gameplay is, in my opinion, one of the most innovative ways to breathe life back into the assets that already exist in the game.
I'll never forget using Soar during Dragonflight's pre-patch to fly over Stormwind. Somehow, the city felt different once I was able to fly around it with physics rather than at a static speed.
I was not a fan of dragon flying when I returned and I have to eat my hat on that. I haven't used a flight master in ages. Get to Uldum from OG? Sure no problem let me zoom over there real quick
Dragon riding is nice, but everywhere I look in game I'm reminded this expansion has a lot less work in it. Less new models, the Siren Isle was a left over BfA island, the zone design is often not as well done as older expansions. I bring that up because they have the same boring rider animations when dragon riding, something that lessens the experience for me, and a larger team could have worked on. If we only get one allied race out of this expansion, and that's how it looks like it's going, it will be the lowest value expansion ever. I think the reason we're getting a car instead of a better better land mount experience it that it's 100x easier to animate a car than doing that for all the land mounts. I bet the car experience will suck anywhere outside of Undermine, it will be the only place with roads designed for fast land travel.
Can't wait for DRIVE to disconnect you every single time you hit a bump; that'll be fun.
I think drive will be a joke anyway given how small undermine is.
Im sure you can drive anywhere else @@TookyG
I've been waiting for ethereals to be playable for like 12 years, fingys, crossed boys.
I've had player housing since Vanilla wow, It's a nice home on the lake near Southshore
Not sure if I want all my alts contributing to the same house, or to each have their own... I guess I'll have to wait and see
For sure. On the one hand, i don’t want to micromanage across all my toons, on the other, i do have head cannon for some of them that I’d enjoy building out a house for them.
I mean, why can't we have both? What I'd like is for there to be tons of home locations to buy and then you can assign your various characters to live in each of them (or multiple characters in one house). That way if I've assigned my human death knight blacksmith to live in the Stormwind house, when I go to visit that house on any other character he could be there, doing some blacksmithing animations or something, maybe even acting as a repair vendor. You could design each house you own for one particular alt, or you could make a big warband house for all of them to hang out in, and anything in between.
Player housing could be so cool, and it could provide room for so much new content and rewards in the game. I just hope Blizzard does it right.
I'd like to see:
-Tons of house locations all over Azeroth, with all of them being own-able.
-Tons of customization options for the houses, their overall architecture/shape as well as exterior and interior design.
-These customizations and furniture and decorations should be scattered as rewards through all parts of the game. From questing, achievements, dungeons, raiding, pvp, professions, etc. And many of these rewards should be retroactively tied to already existing achievements, so that we get some cool housing rewards for the things we've already done (like being able to mount Onyxia's head on your wall).
-Player housing is the perfect opportunity to introduce a new profession, and to add a lot of stuff to all the existing professions. The profession that comes to mind is obviously woodworking to make furniture. But it could be integrated in with the rest of the game and not just player housing by also making parts for staves, bows, shields, wands, fishing poles, and so on (and I don' t think that needs to remove from other professions. For instance, inscription could still be required to make staves, it's just now that scribes need parts that woodworkers make in order to make a finished product). And honestly I could see woodworking coming with a gathering profession too, like how we had lumberjacking in WoD.
-The ability to assign your characters to live in these homes, so that when you visit them you can see them there, doing animations befitting their profession or activities you've chosen (for instance maybe you could select from a list of down-time activities for your characters to perform in their homes, such as gardening or reading or sleeping or hosting parties. These things could just be cosmetic only, or they could accrue small amounts of passive income, like if you set a character to garden then when you log in on that character you get a bundle of herbs).
-Multiple characters should be able to be assigned to the same house. That way you have the freedom to design homes for one character each, make a huge warband house where all your characters live, or anything in between.
My worry is that they won't do the obvious thing and integrate professions into it. Each expansion's mats could be used by the professions to make furniture that matches the expansion's theme. It would breathe new life not into just the game in general but also professions. And people who don't care about housing could still make gold off it.
My worry is that it's WoD prefabricated buildings, predetermined spots for placing things on the walls, predetermined places for where your rooms are.. and so on and so forth.
I'd like to be able to place every single wall.
This is the type of video I enjoy the most!
Even if some things are not 'confirmed' to the dot, it still draws the picture almost completely and we know what's coming and relatively when.
I appreciate your work guys! Thanks for the lovely video!
I really hope they put in an absurd amount of effort into making housing decent if not good.
I want them to give us at least base level housing eith the promise of frequent updates.
Itd bring in such a large audience yall have no idea lol
I believe Ion said in an interview that there is a team JUST working on housing which is great. Theyre not dipping toes in from other teams
All they need to do is just copy SWTOR
Yup, people who hate or are indifferent to housing have no idea. There's a lot of players who kept playing for the hope it would one day be a feature (my dad being one of them).
I just hope they announce if they are going to add more reputations to the warband system soon. Haven't seen anything about it, and I'm actually curious if I should continue farming with other alts
This!! They need to give us updates on this.
I just want m+ to not suck
Never gonna happen
easy, remove it
Well that’s too damn bad!!! You keep grinding!
They listened the "players" and now it is horrible garbage.
Should always only communicate with the top 0.1% only in every scenario but never ask what they want but only how they feel about each thing.
Bad players want to be good but good players don't want to be bad. Bad players can't know what felt good/bad becoming good.
I just want people to not suck in m+
The Drifting could be integrated into Rides and quests along the way. It could be used at the Darkmoon fair to integrate some Rides. It could also be used in Titan Machinery or in Bossfights. They could have a Bossfight which is a Racetrack and you'll have to win against the Boss.
I'm hoping that Cars from Undermine comes out of the Zone and into the Old World where ground mounts will be more fun besides just flying mounts. Also hoping that Midnight gives us unique races besides just Elves like Ethereals, Sethrak, and other races.
Omg, I've wanted a Sethrak since BfA 😭
Midnight is ambitious enough already without having more races added into the mix. It’s a “mini” old world revamp, quite possibly the most important expansion story to get right or they risk damaging The Last Titan.
And I mean…. Obviously this is when they are bringing Sylvanas back. It’s Quel’Thalas. There’s a nearly 0% chance they aren’t going to have some sort of important role for her.
Is there still no words on Archeology
Last update for the profession I believe was DF in some patch. Forget when, didn't really care much about the update nor played it.
What’s archeology 😂
I remember it being a side quest in WotLK
Yeah, dead profession, stop wasting your time.
@Utilitymonk That wasn't anythign to do with the profession, that was just an archaeology-inspired world event
I feel like Undermine could have been a Plunderstorm version; Missed opportunity.
Maybe next plunderstorm.
Can you imagine Legion Remix and they give us a brand new artifact skin for every spec? I’m pretty sure I would go out of my way to hug every single Blizzard Dev I could that worked on it. God I miss those weapons.
Sure, another re-colored skins that's all you can get.
I'm just tired of Brann. I really wanted a new delve buddy.
Or just the option the run alone would be nice lol, I hate him so much
I would like them to drop their price on subscriptions ! $249 a year is a bloody joke !
Are you counting expansion prices in there? because even in Canadian dollars it's not that much :D
@@phyzix101 It's a a big chunk for some people, especially if you live in Australia.
For some regional example math: In the US it works out to about $18/mo, or $216/yr, if you subscribe monthly and buy the base edition of each expansion every 18 months. A 6-month or 12-month subscription gets that down to $16/mo or $192/yr. About the same cost as a Netflix subscription without ads.
I hope it works. Siren Isles has been the most boring patch for me since launch. I've hardly touched WoW. Maybe I've just grown tired of it, but they need to do more than shoving a racing game in to this.
nah, the siren isle was boring, its not you. But i like the visions of nzoth, and I hope whatever the visions revisited in the roadmap is, is good.
This guy's a shill. It's always the same ole crap with a new coat of paint.
@@therightperspective8690 why are here then man? On a channel that makes content for wow? Its all crap just cause you dont like it. Move on and stop being sad
There is so little effort put into it as well. It's a barren rock with a barren sea and I think 0 new creature models.
Who needs mario carts in wow anyway
I can see them adding player housing to the pre order of Midnight as well
I hope housing can be done in several zones and not just the capital city of your race/faction. As an Orc i would love a home in SoS, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes or Ferales (i always loved Ferales...)
just waiting for the announcement for the next wow xpac to be 100% AI generated.
Unless they announce the removal of key depletion please stop using "Huge Changes" in your titles because nothing else really matters.
That home banner in early winter could mean housing coming in 12.0 prepatch
What happened to the live streams?
Is it worth coming back? What do you guys think? Been wanting to get back into the game but it’s been a while.
For Casual gameplay PvE and PvP? Exploration and gameplay in outdoors?
I think it's worth.
Endgame Tryhard?
Nah, long queues in rated pvp and m+ sucks.
I've been having a lot of fun
TWW is so meh, I would wait at least until the next big patch. Im a very casual player and I still felt this expansion was fairly empty, and somehow like the least serious/immersive world ending event out of all the world ending events lol
I'm personally having a lot of fun. It depends on what you need. Atm we have the Turbulent Timeways event so if you need gear/leveling alts, now is the best time before UndermineD comes out next month
The actual expansion content is worth playing but it's not worth sticking around afterword
I still want my mounts lol, but yeah doing plunderstorm and remix is good. Unfortunately I could not really play Plunderstorm because of family issues but I loved Remix. Legion Remix will be awesome.
so if we assume they will release the new expansion and new patches around the same as last time, they will be in perfect order and have perfect timing? wasn't expect that
I just hope they rebalance the Horrific Visions properly considering we won’t have either the corrupted powers or the cloak.
I have the feeling they’re gonna drop the insanity mechanic, which would be… fine, I guess.
They should probably take a look at tinkering with the Alleria fight, too. Thrall was punishing but still fair. If you were melee DPS Alleria was a nightmare.
They brought back the item for the island, they'll bring them back in in another form for their next recycled effort. They are working with a much smaller team so they don't have the resources to make much new.
7:33 - "Feature wise, I would not expect anything as game changing as D.R.I.V.E to come here..."
Are you joking? You actually think that is game changing? It's legit just changing the method of getting around which I feel like will be an actual annoyance to most people. Just let me bloody fly on my bloody flying mount with dynamic flying and save your time and resources to make actual meaningful changes to the game where there are issues that need addressing please Blizzard, like actual real PvP!
All these long term predictions don’t mean much we need things fixed in the game right now!
I can see the DRIVE system being like Black Desert horse riding tbh... which is a good thing, engaging fun riding...ability to race/drift and such
DRIVE needs to be done to mounts, not as a vehicle system, because as it stands we get one entire 'mount' and nothing from our 1200 or whatever possible mounts we have.
And yeh a drifting horse is weird, but let's think outside the box, a faster horse that can run in a straight line quickly and jump higher that also just turns slower, like something out of Zelda.
And then you simply apply that logic per mount type (Horse, mechanical, crab etc) to give them all something unique.
undermined seems dumb af but the rest seems pretty decent
I loved horrific visions last time, got all the masks and achievements too. Am hoping its just as good this time around :D
Where is the Feb 11th release date for the next patch coming from? Given past experience the patch is looking more like Feb 25th
Getting exhausting always looking ahead, TWW already feels like a write off while we wait for Midnight
It’s crazy to think the game will be different in Midnight (besides player housing)
Then stop looking ahead and enjoy the game...this playerbase is so miserable
Speak for yourself. Maybe you don't like the game anymore and that's totally fine
Last time my disability stopped me playing Plunderstorm - I suspect it will be off the menu for me again this time.
Let's just hope they've found a way to remove cheaters from Pluderstorm this time around.
Think the Sethrak will appear in Midnight at all?
Hope so along with Ethereals.
I really don't see why they would but would like them to
they could add them as an allied race whether they fit into the expansion or not. It's a shame they put so much effort into those models and animations but can't give them to the players.
I would love to see them do player housing kinda like a cross between FF14 and The Garrison maybe connected to guilds so you can be in a little town with your guild mates.
Find someone who loves you as much as Michael loves Horric Visions
Every time i load or enter a vehicle my actions bars move.
Every time i log im always wearing my herb gear.
Auto loot messes up all the time.
Xal'atath's next move will involve killing Turalyon as punishment for what Alleria did to the dark heart.
Player housing won’t make it feel like home again..
People rag on siren isles. But I actually enjoyed the release. Was fun…. For the night. Having to go back to see if I can get different gems seems like a chore. But the initial quest lines were cool
been telling this to my guildies that blizz should do this a long time ago...finally, after losing too many
times, they did it right.
what do they mean with Season Rewards Refresh in 11.2 ? nobody so far i watched videos about has talked about this
@BellularGaming Agree with You 101% regarding the Blizzard'S road map for WoW;IF they manage their own ,,Internal stuffs", as I imagine they surely would have them since they have gotten a new bosses around the house(Microsoft), this could be a sign of WoW's revitalization and could be, at least, mark of the beginning of New Era for WoW... Things on side(like those in-game shop aggressive campaigns and offers), glitches, bugs and here or there some stuffs gone wild (whine and moan about M+ or cryover over PvP systems), I really want them to success!
Thanks Mickey!
Waiting untill April is insane lol.
Not for people with jobs and family
@ I work aswell, it currently nothing to do in retail wow atm
I hope they redesign BM so much potential
Demon Hunter and Rogues had a whole lot more than my beloved brewmaster :(
I wouldnt necessarily call it a lot of love for enhancement shaman, some love, some questionable decisions, some stinky
Yall aint ready for titan killers yet. But your kids are gonna love em.
.7 patches are the new content drought
If the devs were smart, they would take a look at Project Ascension and Conquest of Azeroth and steal their ideas. Some of it is SOOOOOO good and would be even better if it were incorporated into retail.
S1 feels like it’s been going on for too long. Literally nothing to do.
It feels longer because the .5 was garbage anniversary event stuff and the .7 was the siren isle. It’s as long as any other season.
die hard vanilla player here: wtf is this game now
To each their own. I tried vanilla in beta and didn't come back till the next expansion with Draenei. There is probably a version of the game that could be made with the best parts of both versions.
Season 4 was insanely fun. People just didn’t like because there wasn’t a new raid to prog
Whenever a TV show has a "best of the series" as its final episode I normally skip. It's usually very disappointing. If it wasn't for the fomo I'd probably have skipped the season 4
What you mean it was fun to do visions? I HATED THAT 10k FARM HOLY SHIT
Same, I don't get how people enjoyed visions so much. It was boring.
Why do I worry that player housing will be built on the WoD system, with fixed buildings, fixed sizes, and what not? "Slots" to place items in, rather than freely doing so.
I hope we won't end up with another anti-social expansion, and the house not being in a fixed location in the middle of nowhere - and preferably not in Stormwind or Orgrimmar either. Just in general.. I think I could live without ever seeing SW or OG ever again.
I hope we'll be able to match the 'culture' of our races... cause I'm really fed up with human architecture.
I did not make a Druid until just after Legion. It was the one class I did not play at the time. I am sincerely hoping that Legion remix will let me get my glowy cat skins.
I sadly missed the forms due to my very long hiatus between WoD and and TWW lol
I hope we get a new skin of that even if its not the original ones. That said if each class gets a new appearance and you can't farm it on one char like MoP it might be annoying.
I admire you, the game is literally dead at this point (again) just a bunch of chores to do, season is way over and yet you manage to keep pulling videos out of tin air, cheer to your writers because man, you gotta eat.
the only thing that would make me happy with wow is reacquiring mage tower artifact weapons
Absolutely despise the MM changes but looking forward to everything else
If you are bitching ask your self why you are still playing. If you aren't playing and are still bitching then it might be time to touch some grass.
A new tansmog or a new mount is not exciting because we already have hundreds of each.
Even if I change my mount and transmog on a daily basis a year is not long enough to use all the mounts and transmogs I already have - getting even more of that simply isn't interesting.
why is 11.2 coming midsummer? i hope it gets delayed to autumn.
I guess I am the minority here but I absolutely hated plunderstorm and I hate that the stupid fomo system is back and they literally fixed nothing , practice mode isn’t the issue .. idk 2025 looks like the same rinse and repeat shit I am so sick of and I am so fking tired of seasonal system shit, driving doesn’t interest me but if it leads to dynamic faster ground mounting later then sure but other then that don’t care .
Different? No Doubt. Better? probably not.
as a MM hunter I would like to give the "love" they invested into ruining this specc to the classes that actually want/need f*cked up uhm I mean want changes.
I think the felcycle would look good with drive 😊
Does everyone really hate Siren Isles? Haven’t played in a couple months but Bellular was hyping it up so much I thought it was going to be a great little piece of content. Did it really turn out to be a dud?
Your video confused me the hell. I did not hear "with today's sponser" I was like wait.... something is off here.....?? I even tried scrolling back to find today's sponser hahaha
I loved fourth seasons the most, dunno why everyone hates it
The driving does look like a great new feature and I love the look of the raid but I just don't give a shit about Goblins
same. I hate them all
Your loss, goblins are the greatest race in wow
@@Chloraflora Agree. Goblins are the most awesome race within the horde.
I cant wait for another 8 mage overhauls
I hope that Corrupted Gear makes a return along with Horrific Visions, I really liked that mechanic.
i'm excited for wow driving and player housing.
Heh, some people on my server are stuck in a pocket dimension in the new dalaran quest with kalekgos. Wonder how many ppl stuck on that, not me, 🤣
i want my player housing to be a ship that i can sail to any port on azeroth.
I'd say no, this expansion is the least value for your money. I'd see if they improve that next expansion, if not it's likely never going to get better. If they want to give us half the value charge half the price.
I’m feeling a bit disappointed as story wise TWW feels like it’s barely started.. like we’re in the prelude. Yet I’m not seeing much story advancement from here through the final patch. It’s like.. okay we got the 10% intro story. Where’s the other 90% of TWW story. Or is story still a far back seat to formulaic seasonal MAU farming content.
When you say content isnt resonating with people who did you ask? Who is saying that besides you?
I reallh really hope they gave Metzen room to cook. The story twam in general needa a massiclve kick up the ass given the slop they shipped in DF.
lol so blizzard just straight up taking gw2s mount system entirely now😂
I don t like this stupid car O_o
I want to play a fantasy MMO and no fast&furious nonsense..+sigh+
Hopefully some new classes will be low APM and they do not ruin Housing!
arathi empiore on the dark side of azeroth is a dumb idea. id rather stay in kalimdor and ek and renew old zones over and over for new stories than having new zones forever.
And here i was Hopeful that a Tinker Class would come out for Undermine dang. Though i was more Hopeful for the Tinker Venomancer Necromancer oh and Reaper lol ok the Whole Ascension classes as added.
That would never release a Class part way through an expansion 😂
@godlygamer911 lol yeah I know silly Hopes that's all
That doesn't feel like warcraft at all. Maybe Midnight will be better.
The sooner we're over and done with Xal'Atath, the better. The last thing I want to see is more Void story slop getting in the way of actual worldly experiences.
Im still waiting for them to say TINKER.....blizzard...cmon!
get engineering
Tinker sounds so boring to me as a class concept ngl
@@gloameyedprince mechs, guns, explosions, random annihilating toys of wonder? Whats not to like?
Boring as hell, give me more old fantasy, blood and thunder, orca va humans, not goblins and robots and tinkers and shit, who fucking cares, most people who want this are already playing other mmos that have tinkers and they want wow to be the same shit their crappy game is
@@Takeonwilds because as a WoW class its not going to be as exciting as you see it in your head.
hunter getting 4th rework since DF while warrior plays all the same since bfa
Bro those class surveys were obviously fake lol
i really want them to develop the game more like a live service which it is, if they try something on m+ and it doesnt work just change it. I think they need to put more resources in the live team
Thank you for the wow news :)
Don't fool yourself... it will still be all about mythic+ epeens