In the case of somebody like George Zimmerman or Casey Anthony, you have a point. But in OJ Simpson's case, there was just way too much sheer reasonable doubt that OJ had time to do it much less was even physically capable. It didn't help that one of the lead detectives pleaded the fifth at the trial for planting evidence. There was also the fact that Ron's boss was murdered and his body mutilated in identical fashion, even with the same kind of (if not THE same) knife.
@@B00STED.B the DNA came from a drop of blood. Problem was aside from the fact he had no bleeding or bandage on his hand the blood was tainted by edta . Mark fuhrman pleaded the fifth for planting evidence
@@B00STED.B also as crazy as it might sound (just think of the fact that mark fuhrman pleaded the fifth for planting evidence), it was said that after ojs blood was drawn it inexplicably went missing for quite some time.
@@hydrolito He did, but not on manslaughter charges. I think he could put up on something like reckless driving. He also had an army of lawyers and I imagine there was obviously hanky panky going on. If you yourself, without the major resouces the Kennedy family has, had done what he had done, you would be looking at 10 to 20.
Yes he did, he even wrote a book called "if I did it" where he goes into detail about how he would have done it, if he did it. That book is the closest thing to a confession we are gonna get.
He was known as "Daddy J" in prison during that "break-an-enter" stint. He was called that by a group of openly gay inmates called "The Girls". He would talk to his visitors at the prison about men and how good looking they were while playing football and whatnot. After he got out of prison he stopped talking about that stuff. Dude was definitely getting his cheeks busted. Juice was definitely deposited in him. RIP the victims.
Yes and no, the prosecutor botched the case sooooo bad. He literally played into the trap of allowing oj to try on the gloves. The case was pretty much over and there was a high chance he was going to prison, but the glove thing did a complete reversal on the case and the prosecutor lost all momentum.
4 reasons OJ got off: 1. A judge who wanted to be a star 2. An expensive defensive team 3. A sloppy offensive team 4. Payback for the Rodney King verdict (from the perspective of the jury) It was the perfect storm
@@bee6377 how do you mean? Racially motivated as in like letting him go free?/payback for Rodney same thing? Cause it does really feel that way... They really should have held the case somewhere far from L.A., not 5min away. (Simi Valley is literally over a mountain from L.A., it's in the L.A. area as far as anyone living here's concerned. It's technically a different county, but if you call 411, you get L.A. county. Call 911, half the time you might be helped by LAPD/LAFD, depending on where you're at-which actually can cause issues.) It's bizarre that they didn't push the case somewhere deeper into Ventura County if they were gonna even bother putting into this county.
I was a senior in high school when the verdict came down. I’ll never forget my entire classroom crowded around the radio as the verdict was read. When she said “not guilty”, you could clearly hear the divide all over school of the white people gasping in disbelief, and the black people cheering. It was a surreal moment. I’ll never forget it.
There are still people who believe the earth is flat. And there are still people who believe OJ is innocent. If you manage to find someone who believe both of those things....congratulations, you've reached the bottom of the intellectual barrel.
People also refuse to believe that Oswald blew jfk head off, when it was obviously him People always create complicated conspiracy theories about stuff like this
@@bluesyleader8633 I agree the LAPD deserved criticism and even possibly investigation. But, they were only on trail here in the recent events kind of way. Having the trail happen so soon after Rodney King, having the planted evidence, and OJ's celebrity meant everyone knew of him. It's frustrating to see all these things contributing, but we learned and know at least a bit better now on.
@@TheShredworthy i do believe that somebody, possibly a higher power, shouldve looked into them but during a case where a man killed 2 people? its no place for that. especially when theres irrefutable evidence. it genuinely boggles my mind on how he got away with it.
@@bluesyleader8633 The reason the LAPD was essentially put on trial is because the evidence is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT USELESS, unless the conspiracy theory was disporved. You have tapes of Fuhrman pleading the fifth and using the N words saying he would frame an inter-racial couple.
Being a narcissist makes it easy to live with yourself narcissists have a tendency to dissasociate themselves from anything wrong they could have done and makes them able to deny things with absolute confidence Man I've been watching alot of JCS
What’s most interesting is that O.J didn’t considered himself a part of the “black” community due to his connections, narcissistic personality, financial status, and all the privileges he had at the time compared to the average black person and yet he still managed to pull that card and people were immediately sold…
OJ used the black community when it was convenient for him, and the black community at large didn't care about anything but the color of his skin, not the content of his character.
He famously said, "I'm not black, I'm OJ." The truth of the trial is that Johnny Cochran cynically determined he could tell a black jury to find OJ not guilty as revenge for black mistreatment by law enforcement. Obviously, those two things are wholly unconnected, but he correct that it would be a successful "argument", which is incredibly damning for the black community, but that is a third rail conversation topic.
@@patrickhall6627 If the police are racists, it shows they had the time, motive and opportunity to plant evidence = reasonable doubt. Maybe the LAPD should stop employing racists, as after all, racism in governmental services is a violation of the Constitution.
@@hernandayolearyallda Being racist does not inherently grant someone the time, OR opportunity to plant evidence. It would grant a motive only. What a terrible argument, on it's face. How the police had the opportunity to get so much of OJ's blood, as well Ron and Nicole's blood in OJ's house is beyond what anyone has ever been able to explain. But other than that, you have a point~ Not to mention racism in governmental services is not only NOT a violation of the Constitution, it's legal and currently a matter of law. Sexism too. I mean, don't get me wrong, it SHOULD be illegal, it just isn't.
@@SwayPromo no justice for the deceased. I’m sure they didn’t want to be brutally murdered and have their murderer go free for some agenda. It’s not a victory for a murderer to be free because people made it about race and ignored facts.
In addition to that, the moral of the story is that historical injustice can ruin justice in the present. We have to make amends to justice in the past like police brutality and institutional racism to no cloud the judgments of today. If Rodney King never happened and those police officers never did racist things, then Simpson would be in jail.
I remember OJ saying he would not rest till he found the killer. He must have thought that he would find their killer on the golf course. He is as guilty as the day is long.
My theory is that OJ did find the real killer.. but it was an African American man and OJ didn't want to be called a racist if he publicly accused him of the crime.
@@jondoe406 you want examples? an election, which one you decide for yourself because it's said about literally every single one. those guys that got framed by the po-po and served half their lives. corrupt judges. OJ did it. a billion other things. so no, your justice system is a joke
If you’re of the “Go OJ” camp and actually believe that he didn’t do the murders then I’d like to introduce you to Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy
Unfortunate how blind people can be when certain things like race and religion are involved. Injustice done to those two, especially his ex, who even after escaping her abusive partner couldn't live happily.
I just "love" /s how white folks never want to consider race when it comes to these things. Well WE didn't want race to be involved in slavery for thousands of years!
OJ was also a black star who even white people people loved. He was “one of the good ones” even to the eyes of the racist cop. No one, not racist or normal people, wanted the famous sport character or what he represents to be guilty. His character was used by other people to feel good. Also he was rich, he gets rich people justice (which means he had lawyers who would accept nothing else than the law being fully followed to the T)
I mean it's expected. A murderer will go along with any narrative to help their case. Especially a completely cold blooded and deranged yet at the same time narcissistic person such as OJ.
Uproar or a new justice system that doesn’t allow racist cops to get away with brutally beating a young man. Or allow a racist woman to get away with killing a young girl over orange juice
Joshua S. Amazing analysis 👏🏾. Two things what qualifies me as a SJW and how do you know I’m not oppressed? Like what’s your definition of oppression and do you have a concise scientific methodology to determine whether or not a person is oppressed?
@@1kylol media claimed that the lawyers and the investigation team against him made racial comments about him and used n words so ofcourse he had most of the support
James Cameron considered casting OJ Simpson for The Terminator but that didn’t happen and Arnold Schwarzenegger was cast instead as Cameron didn’t think people would believe OJ in the role of an evil and deadly character.
The narrator apparently never watched Chris Rock's first HBO special given his statement at 14:34 in this video. In fact, Rock explicitly pointed out the fact that OJ's courtroom victory was ALL about wealth and fame and noting that if OJ had been a bus driver, he would have been doing hard time. Rock challenged any Black person claiming "we won" with the verdict to name EXACTLY what was won? Rock said he was still going to his mailbox looking for his OJ prize.
Funny how those two letters (O J) turns white people into lawyers! Previous people who can hardly put a sentence together suddenly know with complete certainty the case in such detail, they will argue vehemently that he was guilty with such proclamations as “look at him! He’s guilty! Can’t you see?” And “I don’t care what anyone says, he got off”. They don’t believe in certainty in scientific hypotheses knowing that even science is fallible, but they still believe with all their heads and hearts in OJ’s guilt.
@@carlosvillafernandez8481 Did you hear the odds mentioned in the video that anyone else besides OJ committed the murders? You aren't saying you think he is innocent are you?
꧁ιnѕтιncт꧂ Race had nothing to do with the mistakes made by police in evidence collecting and cross contamination. I watched most of the trial at the time and knew halfway through and even before Furman’s tapes came to light that he would be found not guilty. An all white jury would have found him not guilty as well. The police and prosecutors botched it from the start.
In one documentary I saw it said that OJ was taking tablets for arthritis and he stopped taking them before the trial so that his hands were swollen as well!
Not to mention the evidence was left in a hot car and I remember once when I was young my grandma's gloves that she kept in the car shrunk since it had got so hot
@@DriverDGaming Well consider this. In the interview discussed he talks about riding with someone. Being with someone. If you are convinced it was his son then wouldn't it only make since that he is retelling what he did with his son or perhaps seeing events from his son's point of view while being a witness to it?
@@jondoe406 OJ wasn't convicted because he paid lawyers big sums and the cops involved were scummy and ineffectual. OJ's innocence wasn't debated but how much black people hated the Justice System. They let a man go free from his crimes from their own distaste. Not too difficult to understand.
@naitethagr8 I mean all the evidence is there that supports he either did it or at the least was covering for someone which is still a largely reprehensible offense.
Did you read the book? It’s even worse than a confession. He spends the entirety of the book trying to convince the reader that Nicole was a horrible person that pretty much had it coming. Not only did he do it, he has absolutely no remorse for his actions.
Kato Kaelin said everyday when the jurors walked in, many would wave or give the thumbs up to OJ. The case was lost before it started. Wrong city, wrong place, wrong jury.
Wrong everything. The POS LAPD forgot to investigate the proper culprit: Jason! When OJ was being chased on the phone, OJ mentions twice that his son needs a lawyer. The cops on the phone ignored this. And the entire LAPD ignored it. There is even footage (shown on the documentary) of the news station talking heads saying there will be "two people charged". Next thing you know, only OJ is charged. With the arthritis and all the other health issues, OJ could have not done this alone.
@King Waffi well for starters if he was innocent why'd he lead police in the biggest chase in LA history??? The glove fit tho it was tight?? Testimony of OJ's temper tantrums?? As a kid I thought he was being picked on because he was a star athlete but as an adult its too obvious the guy did it.
@@OfMiceAndMegabytes I'm wondering if you acknowledge all the innocent people getting released from prison now after being set up by police. Spending years in jail.
@@OfMiceAndMegabytes Remember he has arthritis pad and his hands so he didn't take his arthritis medicine which made his knuckles swell and his hands swell bad.
He has been totally slacking off. While he's chasing around trying to get his sports memorabilia back, the killer is out there, probably still killing blondes and waiters!
@@chance2413 every race is whitewashed and racist, it is nothing special. Black people should just make sure they love theirselves and perserve their race without hate.
It’s amazing how so many years later and now several months after he passed away, makes me not only so sure that he did it but certain that no one else did
I remember watching the events of the bronco chase and the following trial, and being completely confused by what was happening, questioning whether or not I believed that OJ was guilty or innocent, but, after watching the FX miniseries "American Crime Story: The people v. OJ Simpson" and rethinking everything that I'd learned back as opposed to now, I'm 100% convinced that OJ committed the crime, and got away with it. I was in my mid-teens at the time.
That's really interesting! OJ had some fantastic attorneys on his side who helped sew the seeds of doubt in the public's mind and the minds of some of the jurors.
@@JD-pp3ml to be honest, the prosecution had an airtight case against oj, and would have had a guilty verdict, if Cochran hadn't of played the race card pretty much right out of the starting gate and turned the whole thing into a media circus to boost his own ego.
I think OJ orchestrated the crime but had his son (who already had a history of knife violence) commit the murders in OJ’s place. This would explain why the gloves didn’t fit OJ and why the killer’s blood sample wasn’t an exact match for OJ’s sample. OJ then went on the Bronco chase to allow his son time to flee while OJ drove away from the crime scene with a lot of the evidence
You guys should do one on Casey Anthony. I remember that one on tv. I definitely remember thinking she 100% did it and was really surprised she was let off.
How he was found not guilty was one of the biggest failures of our justice system. He IS obviously guilty on both charges. The race issue got him off. Not Innocence
Funny how quick you’ll be in these comments screaming about failures in the justice system but wont do the same for the failures of the justice system on actual innocent black people
An officer in the case he was found innocent of Admitted to both tampering with and planting evidence. The only thing O.J. was guilty of was being the greatest running back in the 70s. You owe it to yourself to see his highlights one more time.
@Habitual Line Crosser It was payback. The cut finger. His shoe print in blood. His wife calling the shelter days before. His beating her before. His choking his first wife in the hospital after his daughter drowned in her care. His not turning himself in. His lateness for his limo pick up. They found a knife after demolition. A retailer sold OJ a knife. Furman racist, yes. OJ killer, no? OJ killer, you liar or blind by revenge.
well in this case it was the black people on the jury... when they say they won't convict no matter what due to rodney king... those people need to face justice as well. You cannot lie on a jury saying you are not prejudice to the case.
It actually made me sad, when this all broke out in '94. OJ was the only football player that I had a poster of as a kid. He was my favorite player. I was skeptical of his guilt UNTIL the trial for his Vegas memorabilia. They had an audio recording of OJ acting all 'alpha male' and I knew immediately that he killed his ex and Ron.
Doesn't mean a foreshadow or anything lol. It's like saying tom holland was suppose to play iron man but they can't see a short kid be a character that is supposedly taller and older than he is right now lol.
There's a Netflix documentary series about this. In the last episode toward the end, Simpson's former agent was helping him pack his house as he had to auction it to make back some money. Simpson asked his agent "So do you think I did it?" The agent says, "Yes, but I don't think you're the evil monster you were made out to be" or something along those lines. Simpson then sighed and said, "If Nicole hadn't answered the door with the knife, she'd still be alive today."
That jurry should be in jail. “Payback for Rodney king.” Smh, yes it was absolutely horrible what happened to him, but 2 wrongs don’t make a right Jesus
How do you like watching these episodes which are a bit longer and more in depth? Tell me what you think...
Like it, but dont like the 5 ads interrupting it every few min or so.
love it more pls!!
Can we have a free Mason explanation episode?
I love the videos, could you do the Chris benoit murders, I really want to hear your opinion on it!
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Yes, he did.
Really long answer: this vid
Short answer : yes
Long answer : Yes.
But he was black! you and the 135 people that gave a thumbs up are all clearly racist...
A lawyer once told me. “Not Guilty doesn’t mean innocent”. This would be a prime example
In the case of somebody like George Zimmerman or Casey Anthony, you have a point. But in OJ Simpson's case, there was just way too much sheer reasonable doubt that OJ had time to do it much less was even physically capable. It didn't help that one of the lead detectives pleaded the fifth at the trial for planting evidence. There was also the fact that Ron's boss was murdered and his body mutilated in identical fashion, even with the same kind of (if not THE same) knife.
@@B00STED.B the DNA came from a drop of blood. Problem was aside from the fact he had no bleeding or bandage on his hand the blood was tainted by edta . Mark fuhrman pleaded the fifth for planting evidence
@@B00STED.B also as crazy as it might sound (just think of the fact that mark fuhrman pleaded the fifth for planting evidence), it was said that after ojs blood was drawn it inexplicably went missing for quite some time.
Nobody is ever truly innocent.
And a guilty verdict don't mean much either a lotta innocent people been locked up
Did OJ do it?
69: Even I don’t need to snitch on that one
Classic !!!
Best 69 joke😂
So is 69 a bag of Skittles or something?
Silent Donkey they were definitely gonna open him up like a bag of skittles
TH-cam is savage for recommending me this at the very moment☠
I just had the same thought. 😂
He's living a quiet life in Vegas as a retiree 💀💀💀
Same here 🤦🏾♂️
It’s called algorithm. Not savage
He's late right?
His blood was at the crime scene. Her blood was in his Bronco, and in his house. Of course he did it.
Not guilty
No. The police tampered with the evidence.
John Smith verdict. Not guilty 😃
@@jrsmith1998 he confessed
Peach agreed. The cops done it and tried to blame him
"The rich have an entirely different set of rules in a court room." Wayne Dyer
That explains why he went to jail after he went broke
Ted Kennedy didn't even go to court.
@@hydrolito He did, but not on manslaughter charges.
I think he could put up on something like reckless driving.
He also had an army of lawyers and I imagine there was obviously hanky panky going on.
If you yourself, without the major resouces the Kennedy family has, had done what he had done, you would be looking at 10 to 20.
I agree with that statement.
@@samkeller3325 Thanks
Yes he did, he even wrote a book called "if I did it" where he goes into detail about how he would have done it, if he did it. That book is the closest thing to a confession we are gonna get.
have you read it?
WRONG... he did an interview where he told how it played out , even with killing GOLDMAN !
@@theofulk5636 the court proceedings kinda did that work for us
Fact his daughter suggested he wrote a book about said murders.
The book wasnt written by him but his wifes family
So messy 🤣
He was known as "Daddy J" in prison during that "break-an-enter" stint. He was called that by a group of openly gay inmates called "The Girls". He would talk to his visitors at the prison about men and how good looking they were while playing football and whatnot. After he got out of prison he stopped talking about that stuff. Dude was definitely getting his cheeks busted. Juice was definitely deposited in him.
RIP the victims.
So would his coffin ⚰️ be the juice box
@@Alex-dc5mx JUICE BOX 🤣💀
Back when the trial was ongoing, the IT joke was, 'Did you hear about OJ's new website? It's slash, slash, backslash, escape.'
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 best comment
These days it's, 'This computer just crashed harder than Kobe'
@@davidmoak1219 Too soon.
@@davidmoak1219 🤣🤣🤣
If the Rodney King thing didn't happen OJ would of gone to prison and we would never hear of the Kardashians, crazy domino effect.
Yes and no, the prosecutor botched the case sooooo bad. He literally played into the trap of allowing oj to try on the gloves. The case was pretty much over and there was a high chance he was going to prison, but the glove thing did a complete reversal on the case and the prosecutor lost all momentum.
@@rickiex do you think he did it?
Yeah, no Kadashians = world would be so much better place than it is.
@@martinpiekarski1512 what did the kardashians ever do to you 😂😂
I'd really prefer that alternate reality over the one we got
Between his book “if I DID IT” and the interview where he explains how he did it, I can’t believe people are still skeptical about this
If i did what oj did me being white with an all white jury. I would be gone boy real quick.
The book was a sales technique
@MUFC IDGAF. Why are you babbling about the popularity of f**king soccer on a video about OJ Simpson?
@@jaygrey609 he did do it tho it’s obvious
@Killua Zoldyck victim mentality. Money has 100000x the power 👋🏻 take the chains off
4 reasons OJ got off:
1. A judge who wanted to be a star
2. An expensive defensive team
3. A sloppy offensive team
4. Payback for the Rodney King verdict (from the perspective of the jury)
It was the perfect storm
Those jurors have blood on their hands, as surely as if they killed those two people themselves.
the defense picked the most birdbrained jury possible. just watch them in their interviews... so confident and talking such empty words.
Yup. Exactly
@@saberiandream316 😂😂😂
Forgot the part that the jurors heard thr corrupt cop under oath plead the 5th when asked if he planted any evidence.
Moral of the story: Treat celebrities like any other criminal.
And the police please
Can’t forget about the cops 🚓
and politicians... and just rich people in general.
This was super racially motivated, fearing another race riot in LA. Payback for Rodney King right?
@@bee6377 how do you mean? Racially motivated as in like letting him go free?/payback for Rodney same thing? Cause it does really feel that way...
They really should have held the case somewhere far from L.A., not 5min away. (Simi Valley is literally over a mountain from L.A., it's in the L.A. area as far as anyone living here's concerned. It's technically a different county, but if you call 411, you get L.A. county. Call 911, half the time you might be helped by LAPD/LAFD, depending on where you're at-which actually can cause issues.) It's bizarre that they didn't push the case somewhere deeper into Ventura County if they were gonna even bother putting into this county.
Innocent people don’t casually release books titled “If I Did It”
@naitethagr8 still tho
@@thebigquack6945 for money you would tho
@@bluedoe8086 still not innocent
@naitethagr8 Not being guilty and not being convicted are 2 separate things.
Why they have OJ looking like an Ethiopian distance runner.
Dat wot I'm thinking
Why you lookin like Tuco from breaking bad
MetalizedButt i’m dead hahahah
I’m ethiopian (:
He was in roots lol
Who's here after he's dead?
Uh yes rest in peace… wait, what’s the opposite of peace? Rest in that.
video should have been called "How OJ got away..."
Marc Duncan Only 399
He didn't do it
@@yd945 hE dIdN't Do It
So one of OJ's kids drowned, huh? I'd like to know more about this accident.
I think both of his 2 kids drowned
@@st4vr331 Seems his ex-wife refused to drown :D
Could have been an accident
Who knew drowning could cause decapitation 🤔
His youngest son drowned in the family accident. I think he may have been a normal man before this incident 🤷🏾♀️
I’m just waiting to hear OJ say “i got away with it suckas” on his death bed!
Rooster Dro
The Devil: I’m very impressed with your work. You’re a hero around here.
OJ: oh cool. That means I’ll be treated nicely?
The Devil: 👹....
He can say it anytime he wants. Double Jeopardy prevents him from being charged again. He could say he enjoyed killing them and it wouldn’t matter.
He already admitted he did it
DelaCruz Studios you can be charged for a million things though
OJ can finally rest in peace, knowing the man who killed his wife is dead.
Infographic show: It was 1973
Picture has a flatscreen:🤔
Time stamp please
I think it's supposed to be a big hanging picture of OJ on the wall. Not a TV
@@100percentNotaBot while you are technically correct you might add that the flat screens of that era where enormous CRT TVs.
I was a senior in high school when the verdict came down. I’ll never forget my entire classroom crowded around the radio as the verdict was read. When she said “not guilty”, you could clearly hear the divide all over school of the white people gasping in disbelief, and the black people cheering. It was a surreal moment. I’ll never forget it.
Why were they cheering oj is a murderer
@@H2O_7 that was the racial divide with that case.
@@H2O_7 why did the officers who beat Rodney king get off?
I was a junior staring at my boi teachers face as it read over the loudspeaker... Sadly I'll remember it over 9/11
@@chaosticalz the OJ verdict, 9/11, and the challenger explosión are definitely the 3 biggest moments our generation witnessed. All on live tv
There are still people who believe the earth is flat. And there are still people who believe OJ is innocent. If you manage to find someone who believe both of those things....congratulations, you've reached the bottom of the intellectual barrel.
its more common than you think... and these people vote...
That explains, pause…. Mcghee
People also refuse to believe that Oswald blew jfk head off, when it was obviously him
People always create complicated conspiracy theories about stuff like this
@@stevencoardvenice nope. Wasn't Oswald dude. Not even close.
@@MICHAEL_MAY_8 it was
"The LAPD was on trial, not OJ".
basically yeah...
@Mike O'Lynn i hope that was sarcasm at its finest.
@@bluesyleader8633 I agree the LAPD deserved criticism and even possibly investigation. But, they were only on trail here in the recent events kind of way. Having the trail happen so soon after Rodney King, having the planted evidence, and OJ's celebrity meant everyone knew of him. It's frustrating to see all these things contributing, but we learned and know at least a bit better now on.
@@TheShredworthy i do believe that somebody, possibly a higher power, shouldve looked into them but during a case where a man killed 2 people? its no place for that. especially when theres irrefutable evidence. it genuinely boggles my mind on how he got away with it.
@@bluesyleader8633 The reason the LAPD was essentially put on trial is because the evidence is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT USELESS, unless the conspiracy theory was disporved. You have tapes of Fuhrman pleading the fifth and using the N words saying he would frame an inter-racial couple.
Stevie Wonder was like “yeah I saw him do it”
He did it but the crazy thing is he can still live with himself
Being a narcissist makes it easy to live with yourself narcissists have a tendency to dissasociate themselves from anything wrong they could have done and makes them able to deny things with absolute confidence
Man I've been watching alot of JCS
And OJ wound up still looking for the murderers in the mirror.
He's innocent
@@iwillsurvive1335 Sorry, I i dont think anyone is going to fall for your trolling.
@@andrewsparadise I'm trolling because my opinion is different from yours SMH. gotcha 😒
What’s most interesting is that O.J didn’t considered himself a part of the “black” community due to his connections, narcissistic personality, financial status, and all the privileges he had at the time compared to the average black person and yet he still managed to pull that card and people were immediately sold…
Makes sense to me, he acted the way a typical white person was, OJ really was a white man I guess.
OJ used the black community when it was convenient for him, and the black community at large didn't care about anything but the color of his skin, not the content of his character.
He famously said, "I'm not black, I'm OJ."
The truth of the trial is that Johnny Cochran cynically determined he could tell a black jury to find OJ not guilty as revenge for black mistreatment by law enforcement. Obviously, those two things are wholly unconnected, but he correct that it would be a successful "argument", which is incredibly damning for the black community, but that is a third rail conversation topic.
@@patrickhall6627 If the police are racists, it shows they had the time, motive and opportunity to plant evidence = reasonable doubt. Maybe the LAPD should stop employing racists, as after all, racism in governmental services is a violation of the Constitution.
@@hernandayolearyallda Being racist does not inherently grant someone the time, OR opportunity to plant evidence. It would grant a motive only. What a terrible argument, on it's face. How the police had the opportunity to get so much of OJ's blood, as well Ron and Nicole's blood in OJ's house is beyond what anyone has ever been able to explain. But other than that, you have a point~
Not to mention racism in governmental services is not only NOT a violation of the Constitution, it's legal and currently a matter of law. Sexism too. I mean, don't get me wrong, it SHOULD be illegal, it just isn't.
"id never find Oj guilty"
"its payback for Rodney King"
real good job screening the jury guys totally impartial
@@SwayPromo oh yeah great idea let a man who murdered two innocent people go free to stick it to 4 cops great logic
@@SwayPromo no justice for the deceased. I’m sure they didn’t want to be brutally murdered and have their murderer go free for some agenda. It’s not a victory for a murderer to be free because people made it about race and ignored facts.
@@SwayPromo rightfully so? So a murderer gets to be free. The family doesn’t get closure? Your statement is horrible
@@SwayPromo rightfully?
@@marrsikitten4076 sounds like exactly what has happened to POC for years and years and years… 🤷🏻 exactly what you just described.
The moral of the story....$ rules the world.
Also, yes...he did it.
1 color in
In addition to that, the moral of the story is that historical injustice can ruin justice in the present. We have to make amends to justice in the past like police brutality and institutional racism to no cloud the judgments of today. If Rodney King never happened and those police officers never did racist things, then Simpson would be in jail.
No he didn't
well money diddnt play as big of a role as did public opinion and not understanding that blood soaked leather shrinks.
What does money have to do with this. Several of his lawyers worked pro bono.
I remember OJ saying he would not rest till he found the killer. He must have thought that he would find their killer on the golf course. He is as guilty as the day is long.
My theory is that OJ did find the real killer.. but it was an African American man and OJ didn't want to be called a racist if he publicly accused him of the crime.
He was hot on their trail until he let the 4some play through.
OJ finds the killer every morning when he looks in the mirror.
@@niles6159 OJ was black too, though.
Maybe he suspected Tiger Woods? 🤔
RIP, OJ. He can finally rest knowing his wife’s killer is dead 💀
So funny and original bro!
He is looking up at us.
Stop with the unoriginal comments. clout chasing like this is honestly embarrassing.
Where did you get that comment? From brad williams?
So funny, original and factual
i'll save you 16min.
short answer: yes.
Long answer: yes, sir.
Gamestop anyone?
Jose Luis Varon yes sir
@@scarlettlaura4624 hi Karen how yo doing
The fact that this man is walking freely right now is messed up.
not a man, men don't do that
@@spongmongler6760 he is a man, he ran 2000 yards in a 14 game season. That's enough proof that he is a man
@@jesvinmathew5103 no, that makes him a deer
Why wouldn't he be free? You don't believe in the justice system?
@@jondoe406 you want examples? an election, which one you decide for yourself because it's said about literally every single one.
those guys that got framed by the po-po and served half their lives.
corrupt judges.
OJ did it.
a billion other things.
so no, your justice system is a joke
You know what's messed up : Nicole actually said to one of her friends that she's afraid one day he'll k.ll her and get away with it ... she knew
If you’re of the “Go OJ” camp and actually believe that he didn’t do the murders then I’d like to introduce you to Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy
What did they do to their wives?
Awesome halfback. Averaged 143 yards once
Face it and get over it he didn't do it.
@@inmyopinion9305he absolutely did do it. Go play video games
@@jameswillard1 yeah, and don’t forget the greatest president ever… tRump!
Unfortunate how blind people can be when certain things like race and religion are involved. Injustice done to those two, especially his ex, who even after escaping her abusive partner couldn't live happily.
I just "love" /s how white folks never want to consider race when it comes to these things. Well WE didn't want race to be involved in slavery for thousands of years!
In America, demographics always get involved often against rationality
OJ was also a black star who even white people people loved. He was “one of the good ones” even to the eyes of the racist cop. No one, not racist or normal people, wanted the famous sport character or what he represents to be guilty. His character was used by other people to feel good. Also he was rich, he gets rich people justice (which means he had lawyers who would accept nothing else than the law being fully followed to the T)
This was an I. O. U one verdict, due to the Rodney King verdict.
Ironic how someone who claims that he "doesn't care about race" becomes championed by race.
The Netflix documentary suggests it was his defense team pushing that narrative
That IS ironic
Duuude even your pic goes perfect with that truthful statement lol
I mean it's expected. A murderer will go along with any narrative to help their case. Especially a completely cold blooded and deranged yet at the same time narcissistic person such as OJ.
Just like Michael jackson. Has a song about "it doesn't matter if you're black or white", yet tries his best to look white
If the jury is saying it's payback for Rodney King then you need a new jury.
Uproar or a new justice system that doesn’t allow racist cops to get away with brutally beating a young man. Or allow a racist woman to get away with killing a young girl over orange juice
@@JeoJetsonmusic get over yourself SJW. You're not oppressed. Move on
Joshua S. Amazing analysis 👏🏾. Two things what qualifies me as a SJW and how do you know I’m not oppressed? Like what’s your definition of oppression and do you have a concise scientific methodology to determine whether or not a person is oppressed?
@@JeoJetsonmusic bringing up something from 30 years ago doesn't make you oppressed
Joshua S. Yea I never said the OJ Simpson trial was evidence of modern day oppression
Great. Now I’m craving orange juice
Short answer: Yes
Long answer:
The glove didn't fit though.
@@drethethinker6418 leather shrinks when it gets wet
@Jon Pierre Lane because he knew that the race soldiers was trying to frame him like the central park 5 and millions of other African Americans!!!
@@charlesvitanza8867 And over a rubber glove.
Andre, High King of the Summer Sea have you ever worn something that hasn’t fit?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.
He didn’t do it tho
He definitely did do it though
He also had a race card though
@@MAN-xs2lq wtf has this got to do with race are you weird or sum?
@@1kylol media claimed that the lawyers and the investigation team against him made racial comments about him and used n words so ofcourse he had most of the support
James Cameron considered casting OJ Simpson for The Terminator but that didn’t happen and Arnold Schwarzenegger was cast instead as Cameron didn’t think people would believe OJ in the role of an evil and deadly character.
Smart choice.
That's ironic
He found the killer, hence, why resting and playing golf
sure, so he picked Arnold, who was easy to see being a murdering machine. James Cameron is full of shot.
Not entirely accurate. *The studio* wanted OJ, but Cameron didn't find him believable as a killer.
The narrator apparently never watched Chris Rock's first HBO special given his statement at 14:34 in this video. In fact, Rock explicitly pointed out the fact that OJ's courtroom victory was ALL about wealth and fame and noting that if OJ had been a bus driver, he would have been doing hard time. Rock challenged any Black person claiming "we won" with the verdict to name EXACTLY what was won? Rock said he was still going to his mailbox looking for his OJ prize.
its actually kinda sick how people were stilll on his side simply because he was black.
To say it was simply because he was black is incomplete. It was because he was black + the cop was racist, and the police had a history of racism.
Funny how those two letters (O J) turns white people into lawyers! Previous people who can hardly put a sentence together suddenly know with complete certainty the case in such detail, they will argue vehemently that he was guilty with such proclamations as “look at him! He’s guilty! Can’t you see?” And “I don’t care what anyone says, he got off”. They don’t believe in certainty in scientific hypotheses knowing that even science is fallible, but they still believe with all their heads and hearts in OJ’s guilt.
@@themarbleking Lol did we just watch the same video?
@@themarbleking Your racism is showing mate...
We can say the same for most white people who are in denial when there kid cause mass shootings, and etc.
*OJ commited those murders...*
Or DID he?
_* Vsauce music plays *_
I miss Vsauce :(
don't really care...
꧁ιnѕтιncт꧂ lol tampered evidence 😂😂
@@carlosvillafernandez8481 Did you hear the odds mentioned in the video that anyone else besides OJ committed the murders? You aren't saying you think he is innocent are you?
Race had nothing to do with the mistakes made by police in evidence collecting and cross contamination. I watched most of the trial at the time and knew halfway through and even before Furman’s tapes came to light that he would be found not guilty. An all white jury would have found him not guilty as well. The police and prosecutors botched it from the start.
*Next video* : what happens if you go on tropical vacation for a month
_I came here to save you once again_
I hope that he does this one, because he deserves a vacation
They better send the same writer though
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) How do u make cursiv in ur sentence???
The timing of this showing up in my recommended today is just something else…
The glove didn't fit because it was soaked in blood. When leather gets wet it shrinks
In one documentary I saw it said that OJ was taking tablets for arthritis and he stopped taking them before the trial so that his hands were swollen as well!
Not to mention the evidence was left in a hot car and I remember once when I was young my grandma's gloves that she kept in the car shrunk since it had got so hot
Mike O'Lynn A jacket is big though, and not skintight, but a small skintight glove getting shrunk even a little will make it not fit
Try pulling a tight fitting leather glove over a latex glove.
@Mike O'Lynn These are custom fit gloves not off the shelf stuff most of us buy and fit very close.
“An adoring mother and a drag queen father.”
Wait, what....
Almost 30 years later, I'm still......huh? Really?
Skipped right passed that didn’t he 😂 I didn’t know that about OJ until this video
i missed this while watching rupaul’s drag race omf
That explains a lot...plis the rickets plus the bla and the bla...he was almost MEANT to do something shady at least.
Are you single boo boo
I’d say it’s pretty much public knowledge at this point that he did it.
Except that he didn't do it, which is why he wasn't convicted
No sir 100% convinced it was actually his son that did it
@@DriverDGaming Well consider this. In the interview discussed he talks about riding with someone. Being with someone. If you are convinced it was his son then wouldn't it only make since that he is retelling what he did with his son or perhaps seeing events from his son's point of view while being a witness to it?
@@jondoe406 OJ wasn't convicted because he paid lawyers big sums and the cops involved were scummy and ineffectual. OJ's innocence wasn't debated but how much black people hated the Justice System. They let a man go free from his crimes from their own distaste. Not too difficult to understand.
@@jondoe406 I agree man the whole media was against him and he still got off... He did not do it
Who’s here now that OJ died?
Lol yup
My guy even made a BOOK A WHOLE BOOK with the hypothetical “what if I did do it”... simple answer yes, he did it.
@naitethagr8 I mean all the evidence is there that supports he either did it or at the least was covering for someone which is still a largely reprehensible offense.
Did you read the book? It’s even worse than a confession. He spends the entirety of the book trying to convince the reader that Nicole was a horrible person that pretty much had it coming. Not only did he do it, he has absolutely no remorse for his actions.
Not guilty
@@jaygrey609 your opinion I just see him as at the very least being involved
Its like OJs way of relief...
Yall should talk about the Caylee Anthony case next.
Jordan Conerly Casey *
@@69Monsterman69 the daughter was named Caylee. She was right the first time
@@DANIxDANGER how u know it's a she.....
dogmeat jesus 100% agree but I still feel that It would be interesting
Dave Chapelle: This murderer rushed for 2000 yards
.....and he was aquitted!
Kiero B if the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit
Kato Kaelin said everyday when the jurors walked in, many would wave or give the thumbs up to OJ. The case was lost before it started. Wrong city, wrong place, wrong jury.
Wrong everything. The POS LAPD forgot to investigate the proper culprit: Jason! When OJ was being chased on the phone, OJ mentions twice that his son needs a lawyer. The cops on the phone ignored this. And the entire LAPD ignored it. There is even footage (shown on the documentary) of the news station talking heads saying there will be "two people charged". Next thing you know, only OJ is charged. With the arthritis and all the other health issues, OJ could have not done this alone.
He tried to publish a book a while back called, " if I DID IT, this is how i would have done it. There, he pretty much confessed.
The book was published, the goldman family has the rights to it
he protected his son data who did it
It was a great read I suggest it 😊
How do you like watching these episodes which are a bit longer and more in depth? Tell me what you think...
@diggs19 What about it?
This video should be exactly one second long containing one word: *Yes.*
He's as guilty as a day is long.
@King Waffi well for starters if he was innocent why'd he lead police in the biggest chase in LA history??? The glove fit tho it was tight?? Testimony of OJ's temper tantrums?? As a kid I thought he was being picked on because he was a star athlete but as an adult its too obvious the guy did it.
@@OfMiceAndMegabytes I'm wondering if you acknowledge all the innocent people getting released from prison now after being set up by police. Spending years in jail.
@@OfMiceAndMegabytes Remember he has arthritis pad and his hands so he didn't take his arthritis medicine which made his knuckles swell and his hands swell bad.
The evidence actually points to his son Jason.
I came to this one specifically for the comments 😂
Sean Whaley sameee
same and was not dissapointed
Same just casually letting white people hold this L and still mad over this 20years
I’m glad they mentioned OJ broke 2k yards in 14 games. Thats so incredibly dominant. No team had an answer for him that season
i like how cheerfully he said oj's kid drowned like we just gonna glaze over that
Fr. I thought it would get touched on a bit.
Just like how he glazed over OJ’s drag queen father. But i guess they had to just for the sake of time. This video isn’t supposed to be a biography.
Oj never gave it a second thought, why should we?
@@Chrisman77 hey now careful there
OJ: I'm gonna find the real killer's.
Next day goes & plays golf, never to speak of the crime again.
He found the killer in the mirror later that day and decided the case was closed .
I found the killer, he looks & acts like Simpson, OH, Simpson did it!
He has been totally slacking off. While he's chasing around trying to get his sports memorabilia back, the killer is out there, probably still killing blondes and waiters!
Infographics show:And a drag queen father!
If only Oj also put his energy into being fabulous instead of murderous.
Right we just gonna act like that ain't happen
Welp...there’s and explanation
It was a throwaway comment. Not sure why that's the thing you're fixated on about the video
@@stiggystone79 it's humour amidst a dark situation.
Part of me was hoping for a 5 second video.
*intro music*
Did he?
*Outro music*
Man y'all put out so much content. It's awesome.
Where you from boi?
you* not y’all
Thanks! 🙏
@@TheInfographicsShow 🙌
Indiana Jones fr
12:04 It's actually "If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit"
Mujtaba Rehmam I actually came here to comment this lol
Tyler Suarez you came form where? The video or TH-cam? How would you have know what it said??
Hudman Games lol
The glove was not his it was the other person didn’t he say he didn’t do it alone
Millenial who made the video would not have known that
Short answer: yes
Long answer: yess
Wdvsjsu Gshsys no it’s Y e s
What i learned is that money is truly color blind.
He killed them got away,never gave any money to Goldman's got away
This case is just sad,two people were killed so brutally and he got away
geetgotbooksy Because of money
ciaran devaney he wasn’t Jewish
@@chance2413 every race is whitewashed and racist, it is nothing special. Black people should just make sure they love theirselves and perserve their race without hate.
They were killed by drug dealers. Do your research.
@@slade1446 LOL at your idea of "research"
He totally got away with it.
like all rich people do
Not anymore.
He totally did it
He didn’t do it
The cop who flattered OJ to get him out of the car is brilliant!
It’s amazing how so many years later and now several months after he passed away, makes me not only so sure that he did it but certain that no one else did
I remember watching the events of the bronco chase and the following trial, and being completely confused by what was happening, questioning whether or not I believed that OJ was guilty or innocent, but, after watching the FX miniseries "American Crime Story: The people v. OJ Simpson" and rethinking everything that I'd learned back as opposed to now, I'm 100% convinced that OJ committed the crime, and got away with it. I was in my mid-teens at the time.
That's really interesting! OJ had some fantastic attorneys on his side who helped sew the seeds of doubt in the public's mind and the minds of some of the jurors.
@@JD-pp3ml to be honest, the prosecution had an airtight case against oj, and would have had a guilty verdict, if Cochran hadn't of played the race card pretty much right out of the starting gate and turned the whole thing into a media circus to boost his own ego.
I think OJ orchestrated the crime but had his son (who already had a history of knife violence) commit the murders in OJ’s place.
This would explain why the gloves didn’t fit OJ and why the killer’s blood sample wasn’t an exact match for OJ’s sample.
OJ then went on the Bronco chase to allow his son time to flee while OJ drove away from the crime scene with a lot of the evidence
OJ: "Im still searching for the REAL KILLER !!! ... unfortunately I broke all the MIRRORS in my house..."
Mad TV had Orlando Jones play OJ in a skit. When "OJ" says this he just busts up laughing. Classic
OJ doesn't go to LA because the person who did it could be right next to him
You guys should do one on Casey Anthony. I remember that one on tv. I definitely remember thinking she 100% did it and was really surprised she was let off.
MAP1086 what?
MAP1086 still would be an interesting video for those who don’t know about it.
Can you tell me how her daughter died with definitive proof if not that you don't have much of an argument of her guilt
Who's here after O.J Simpsons death?
I am.
I am
Why don't you NPC people try to be more original?
not me
Infographics at 9 pm: hey did oj commit those murders?
Very Rare yeah
Here in the time is 7:18 am
Here is 6:18
East coast 💯😉
How he was found not guilty was one of the biggest failures of our justice system. He IS obviously guilty on both charges. The race issue got him off. Not Innocence
Yes amen bro
Also that cop that forged some evidence, if it wasn’t for him it would’ve been an open and shut case
Funny how quick you’ll be in these comments screaming about failures in the justice system but wont do the same for the failures of the justice system on actual innocent black people
Fatal Temper Gaming I’m saying bro 🤦🏾♂️
But you could say the same about bill cobsy just different results so what you said don’t apply
“What OJ failed to realise, was that he was guilty.”
An officer in the case he was found innocent of Admitted to both tampering with and planting evidence. The only thing O.J. was guilty of was being the greatest running back in the 70s. You owe it to yourself to see his highlights one more time.
@Habitual Line Crosser
It was payback.
The cut finger.
His shoe print in blood.
His wife calling the shelter days before.
His beating her before.
His choking his first wife in the hospital after his daughter drowned in her care.
His not turning himself in.
His lateness for his limo pick up.
They found a knife after demolition.
A retailer sold OJ a knife.
Furman racist, yes. OJ killer, no?
OJ killer, you liar or blind by revenge.
I can't see myself respecting you enough to lie to you.
Realize not realise.
Kevin Keller It’s the British spelling, I apologise for not spelling the way you wish.
Watching this from Aberdeen!
0:00 seconds in
Me - "YES.. YES HE DID!"
He innocent
mr mario Stop cappin
Josh Mulqueen because you saw his skin colour
Josh Mulqueen sad you’re so obsessed with colour you forgot to study biology
@@fastpaste8255 wouldn't I need ethnic studies ? You're such and sjw try hard
I'm black (in case you can't tell), and I happen to believe the only color that truly matters is green.
Tf is green
@@Sallyam It’s all about money.
@@Sallyam plants dum**
I hope all race sees this. And understands. People should fight the right battles
well in this case it was the black people on the jury... when they say they won't convict no matter what due to rodney king... those people need to face justice as well. You cannot lie on a jury saying you are not prejudice to the case.
The worst part is the sheer amount of people who still believe he's innocent after so much evidence against him
Cuz he is by fact and by law lol
@@paperroute5366 by law not by fact. They actually proved with modern technology he was without a doubt guilty. But double jeopardy
@@websterthomas2012 conspiracy theories lol
@@paperroute5366 memebers of the jury even stated in interviews they knew he was guilty but wanted revenge...the trial was a sham
@@websterthomas2012 conspiracy theories
aint no way this popped up in my recommended the day he died 😂
Before the video: Yes, he did it.
After the video: Yes, he did it.
Thanks TH-cam judge
It actually made me sad, when this all broke out in '94. OJ was the only football player that I had a poster of as a kid. He was my favorite player. I was skeptical of his guilt UNTIL the trial for his Vegas memorabilia. They had an audio recording of OJ acting all 'alpha male' and I knew immediately that he killed his ex and Ron.
Dam didn't know going alpha male makes u a murderer
The evidence and the trial didn't do, it? The way he spoke to someone?
Sometimes we need a little convincing.
It was easy to see long before that
Class privilege. The only color that matters is green.
No red yellow blue matters
Is that true if mark fuhrman was one of the biggest influences in the case
Great comment
Underrated comment. You nailed it.
Yep! Always comes down to money
I think this video is about to get hammered 💀
Fun fact, apparently OJ was intended the role of Terminator. The producers didn't think he could a cold hearted serial killer.
shame, he would have been a natural in that role
Get to the choppppperrr
@@mistawibedywob9544 ?
Doesn't mean a foreshadow or anything lol.
It's like saying tom holland was suppose to play iron man but they can't see a short kid be a character that is supposedly taller and older than he is right now lol.
@@mistawibedywob9544 wrong movie
This is why I hate celebrity culture; when you deify a person, they believe they can do anything.
They can shoot someone on third avenue and fans still vote to make them president.
RaxuRangerking same system created a reality show president
Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and get away with it. He hasn't dared test that though!
Oj absolutely did it and the jury should be ashamed of themselves
Race obsessed jury. Didn’t matter what the evidence was
No guilty doesn't mean innocent
They only said not guilty because they where scared for more protests
@@Justin_Time1985 that’s exactly what if means dunce
Love how I get this recommended this after four years for "some reason."
OJ like:I’m not black I’m OJ
Jay z
That’s a cool song
Jay z
Random guy "So i found this book from the trash"
Oj "Hey thats my book, I did it"
Random guy "dont you mean IF i did it?"
OJ "Sure"
Ota Olut 😂
Ota Olut snl fan i see😂
Absolute miscarriage of justice. My heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones to this obviously guilty slob.
Not guilty cry more
@@ramslife7295 cringe
@@collisw8302 whatever who cares what you think lol
@@ramslife7295 why would you defend a cold blooded killer you spastic
@@kaldunaaa 🤡🤡 same as you then way you even here lol
There's a Netflix documentary series about this. In the last episode toward the end, Simpson's former agent was helping him pack his house as he had to auction it to make back some money. Simpson asked his agent "So do you think I did it?" The agent says, "Yes, but I don't think you're the evil monster you were made out to be" or something along those lines. Simpson then sighed and said, "If Nicole hadn't answered the door with the knife, she'd still be alive today."
That jurry should be in jail. “Payback for Rodney king.” Smh, yes it was absolutely horrible what happened to him, but 2 wrongs don’t make a right Jesus
@Joe Smo ikr i dont know how he wouldn't have done it
@naitethagr8 he definitely did lol
No the prosecutors should be. They failed
If you could jail a jury for delivering the wrong verdict, you would never get anyone into the jury box.
If that's payback with have centuries to go
He literally confessed basically in a interview
People have been using, "I didn't even do anything" and I was set up ever since. Didn't even do nothing, despite overwhelming evidence.
Literally basically?
@@B77548 alluded to but not actually stated to the point it was a concrete confession.
Obviously he did it. I'm shocked that such a clearly biased jury was allowed.
The only thing OJ was guilty of was being black and successful.
All juries are biased. They sound good on paper but we shouldn't leave conviction to a jury
The jury was motivated by race. All black jury. Black juries usually find black defendants innocent due to racial bias/racism
Read my comment
@@zarindrake all judges are biased as well. But at least with juries both sides get to dismiss jurors.
Miami had the Oranges 🍊, but Buffalo had the Juice 🧃