YES! I was in a Flight form and it was about to spawn any moment (still had to wait around 20 or so but the respawn timer was up, anyways..) but fortunately the awesome people who were also waiting warned me in time. Also, the macro is almost essential. I don't know how many people are camping the spawn right now but if you aren't alone basically, you won't have time to target it and click the lasso. I was able to get it the very first time but some weren't so quick. :( (Misjudging the spawn point (or just being unlucky is more than enough)
I love this though. It's much better imo than just farming the same elite for years.. The Lasso drop-rate could be higher from the current low values but they are still regular mobs so I guess it's kinda ok.
loved this guide! I've had the lasso in my bag for 2 months and haven't really tried to get the serpent until today. After watching this i created the macro and joined a farming group. I got the mount within 20min!! Granted I got incredibly lucky with the spawn time in my party. Thank You so much Hazel XOXOX
I have played Wow off and on since launch. I just returned to the game after a three year break, I appreciate finding new content creators for guides every time I return. Your guides have been a great help and more than that, it is always great to find someone so positive. Keep up the great work.
Hey Hazel, just wanted to say thank you for the great info. The macro worked perfectly! I spammed it while reading an article and caught the ivory serpent! Me, an ally, and the horde who caught it slowly flew to the nearest peak, mounted the serpent then cheered and hugged each other. :D
I have a tip that worked wonders for me: It's super fast when it spawns but you can go ahead and position yourself at the gate of the setting sun rooftop (where the world boss spawns), that's where it will despawn but slows down A LOT before that. The coordinates are around 7, 71. That's how I caught it.
You are my good luck charm! I literally was just watching this and had just pasted your macro and the ivory cloud serpent was heading straight for me! You're the best. thanks Hazel!
I subbed because this helped me so very much. I wasn't even paying attention but the macro I got from this saved me from missing out :) Thank you so much
Thanks so much for the tips! I started camping and there was just someone else on the spot. I just finished creating the macro and not more than 3 minutes later, he spawned! I was exactly on his path and saw him, and thanks to that guy camping as well, I manaed to cast the lasso and got it! However, there was no NPCscan or Rarescanner alert so I was caught by surprise. Anyway, super happy I didn't have to actually really camp for hours! :)
It's insane how camping this brings people together so much. I was playing ally, camping with a hordie next to me who I didn't know. He proceeded it lead me to the spawn point with a voice emote (since we couldn't understand each other), then convinced a horde group that tried to gank me to leave me alone. Then when the ivory cloud serpent spawned and I accidentally flew in the wrong direction, he waited without lassoing it, and voice emoted to me again to follow him, only lassoing it once I was next to him so we could both do it. Worth the nearly 2 hour wait!
I went and got mine after watching this. Randomly got the lasso a few weeks ago and just now got the mount. Took an hour of waiting, I got lucky. Good luck to everyone else!!
it's so funny. we sat perfectly still and all three of us got an "out of range" and then the next time we clicked it caught. :D we all had 11 stacks, so crawling back to the temple was a hilarious ride and then we all learned the mount and flew away slowly making the loop she would have made. thank you for this!
Height of his spawn varies. Sometimes its really high, sometimes it's almost tree level. That's why when I hunted it i decided to be below worm slowing range - that extra speed did come in handy. I was able to race to him when he spawned, while others that were higher were simply to slow. Didn't use "stop channeling" in my macro as I knew that i will be racing and simply decided to use "proximity" indicator on toolbar - changed from red to grey, I used it.
I'd also like to confirm that when I got my mount from the spawn, the Cloud Serpent was indeed a bit above tree level, and I nearly missed it because literally EVERYONE says to camp out at around the height of the top of the gate arch.
For anybody still after the mount, follow the tip that Hazel gives at 2:25 in the video. I got mine this way. Thank you to Hazel for yet another fantastic guide :D
I got this last night. It is soooooo fast and near impossible to chase down due to the debuff the other worms give. Best advice I can give is to camp on top of the Gate of the Setting Sun (literally on top). It will circle the zone, eventually coming over the gate. Lot of people camping it, and this is what worked for me. Good luck.
I got my mount a couple months ago. I made a macro in game and also made a macro to auto spam it with my Razer mouse. I had intended to stay and watch the whole time, but ended up walking away and getting food to come back to just getting the mount and a bunch of people asking if it had spawned. It worked well lol
I wasn't planning on finding this but the lasso randomly dropped for me so I tried it out. As soon as you said you were too low, I looked up and there it was. took me about 5 minutes total.
Last night, I saw a bunch of toons hovering in the"spot." There was just one other Horde and a bunch of Alliance. I waited 2 hours, spamming my macro key every couple of seconds. The Klaxxi were active in the Vale. Suddenly the Vale changed to the Mogu event and I saw the serpent just ahead of me. I hit the macro. The serpent disappeared. I hit the macro again and nothing happened. I opened my bag. The lasso was gone. Wait! OMG! i got it! Thanks for your help in finding this rare spawn and for helping me get it ON MY FIRST TRY,
Nice one. You inspired me to go camp it. I got the lasso by luck doing dailies. I camped it after i saw this for about an hour and got it. But, it was 2:10am, so there wasn't much competition.
I was with a group of other campers, who suddenly decided to go off and see if it was elsewhere. I was getting hit constantly by those worms (which reduce your flight speed). Suddenly I hit my macro, which auto-targetted it, used it, and was the only one in the group that got it, despite the fact I had 11 stacks of 'slow flying' cast on me.
I was browsing videos on the Ivory Cloud Serpent already in the position. about an hour has passed and was getting bored. Found your video. Started watching as i was still spamming my macro. mid video i see it. fly up to it. and spam my laso. CAUGHT IT 2nd TRY! your video was good luck!
Pro Tip: once it spawns just fly to that gate to the east, stand on top and wait for it. Make a macro for targeting it and just keep spamming that and hit your lasso once it locks on. /target ivory cloud serpent Got it first try.
Anyone farming this mount NEEDS to sit on top of the gate Hazel is looking at. I sat there, when it came round smashed my macro and got in two seconds.
I just joined a group, waited like 10-15 minutes and saw it below me. Chased it easy without the flight speed reduction and got it as the only one of 25 people. Some of them waited over 2 hours. I feel so terrible and also good now :,D
If I’m not mistaken if no one gets him while in the air the serpent flies over until it stops a top of the highest part of the wall you can see from the place you camp, that’s where I got the mount
I spent more time reading about the spawn time, places and tips then actually camping the mount.Above the Gate of Setting Sun is a really good spot. I was watching some random Overwatch stream and spamming the macro, took me about 10 - 15 min to get the mount. Adding the Serpent ID to SilverDragon helps too (ID 163042).
I saw someone recommend to camp on top of the gate and wait for it, don't do that. People will be waiting at the spawn for it and you'll be there for 8 hours wondering why you haven't seen it yet. My tip would be to be close enough to see it spawn, and under the wyrms to avoid the debuff, and once you see it spawn cut it off as it flies to the southwest, or if you don't see anyone waiting for it spawn, then you can go to the top of the gate to catch it, you shouldn't have to, but you can.
Going to the right side of the gate (facing it) on top of the tower. just sit on top of it and it'll pat right over top of you. congrats on the mount though!
i recommend using the addon Silverdragon, just search for the id for the ivory cloud serpent and have sound on in the addon options. the sound is so loud that i threw my phone across my room when it spawned so you should be good. dont use maccros though, just have the lass keybinded and you’re ready :)
I got the Pristine Scale and the Lasso off the same looting. Apparently there were a bunch of mogu mobs who died during the Rei-Lun fight. When I got the Ivory serpent I camped slightly above the trees with my camera pointed up while facing the gate. The worms never touched me and I got to him easily. Someone stopped him first but I could have gotten to it.
I had the most amazing luck when I got this thing the other day. Farming for the lasso I got it on the 3rd mob. I then got myself into the waiting spot and it spawned like 10 seconds later, and I got it. Don't know what all the fuss is about! 😉
Got mine this morning, early. No one else was there. Missed it while watching utube videos could not chase as I had 7 stacks from great worms. Just waited for it to loop around. 😎
i got extremely lucky on this mount. i didnt even know it existed until the lasso dropped for me. i then looked it up to see what it did, decided 2 go for the mount, decided to go on top of the gate at the west of the map as that was on its flight path and the mount literally came past as soon as i arrived on top of the gate. i literally didnt have to wait.. wish i had that luck on raid rolls lol
Got lucky on this mount. The 1st week it was out or something like that i just flew there and 5 people were waiting for it. Seen it soar by and go near a roof and i lassoed it and didn't even need to camp it. Still trying to get Ha-li to drop though.
Pro tips - always camp at spawn point(high) no other places. NPC scan shows that NPC before it spawn. Cords - 26.8, 55.1 Once people tagged him he will despawn and won't circle around. Be ready to camp around 3 hour max.
I want to thank you for this video, I saw it and i followed it to the letter. Also, I felt like i should share how long it took me to get this mount. about 30 mins to farm up the lasso and another 5 mins for the rare to spawn.. I feel incredibly lucky. Thanks again
9/21/2020 7:53 am, in a zoom call for a math class, "oh this will be a mindless thing I can do for a few hours while sitting in my online classes" i thought... LITERALLY 2 MINS LATER THE THING SPAWNS AND I GET IT OMG MY LUCK IS INSANE RIGHT NOW
I got really lucky with this one. I flew to the area in the first week and no one was there and he was just flying around. So I just caught up to him and hit my macro and boom, mount.
My experience was exactly the same. Missed him first go...then sit there for 3 hours to have a second crack. I got him...but bloody hell....I am going t get some champagne and laugh-cry myself to sleep.
lol got this mount on accident second day back from a break. Same with TLPD in wrath. He is smaller than you think and moves ultra quick. Mine was near the ground when I spotted him. I was able to chase him down while flying though.
Wow wait.. when did they lower the Lasso drop rates? I'm 99% sure it was more like 8% from the Baruk mobs. I got it dropped relatively fast. The Zan-Tien folks did drop it a lot less though. I guess they normalized the drop rates of the Baruk to be in line.
You are so cute! i love you voice and your videos, you helped me get the lucid nightmare mount, and now i cant stop watching your videos! Love you and your content :)
i found the cloud serpent real easy to get. must of got lucky getting the lasso in under 10 kills (wasnt even farming for it). then i just went to where everyone was camping for a hr or so till it spawned and mash hit the lasso on it. will prob never use it but as a mount collector im happy with it
Got this a couple months ago, me and my group camped parallel to the gate at 29 53 i think. Easier mount to get than the other ones at least since those are just rng lol
You are absolutely beautiful! Your smile, your voice, the fast way you talk, your makeup, your hair color, your content... Everything is beautiful. Your husband is such a lucky guy. Love from Brazil!
... I had one of those lassos about a week ago and destroyed it as it was taking up space during a dungeon... I didn't even know what it was for at the time. Im so mad
Have you tried item restoration? The cooldown on it as far as I know has been reduced down to 15 days (happened back in Legion pretty sure). I used to use the function almost every 15 days at the start of the expansion and found items literally several weeks later able to be restored.
I took it from a group without knowing apparently. It spawned way above them than they anticipated and I've received death threats for weeks when I made it despawn.
@@trashky2496 why were they so salty anyway xd it's 100% so they can just farm it when its quiet like it will be now anyway. People got salty at me when i got rei lun mount - yet i've farmed it since 8.3.
@@trashky2496 wdym mate i have it? i was saying i got the rajani warserpent recently and people got salty w me because of it yet ive farmed it for months lol.
Also if you are a druid: DON'T BE IN FLIGHT FORM, be on a mount. Instead of using the lasso you will be put in human form.
YES! I was in a Flight form and it was about to spawn any moment (still had to wait around 20 or so but the respawn timer was up, anyways..) but fortunately the awesome people who were also waiting warned me in time.
Also, the macro is almost essential. I don't know how many people are camping the spawn right now but if you aren't alone basically, you won't have time to target it and click the lasso. I was able to get it the very first time but some weren't so quick. :( (Misjudging the spawn point (or just being unlucky is more than enough)
I love this though. It's much better imo than just farming the same elite for years.. The Lasso drop-rate could be higher from the current low values but they are still regular mobs so I guess it's kinda ok.
for all of you who dont want to camp it, right after reset day the ivory cloud serpent will spawn right when the mogu invasion begins.
I just came back to WoW and got the lasso so I've been trying to do this. When does the invasion begin?
loved this guide! I've had the lasso in my bag for 2 months and haven't really tried to get the serpent until today. After watching this i created the macro and joined a farming group. I got the mount within 20min!! Granted I got incredibly lucky with the spawn time in my party. Thank You so much Hazel XOXOX
I have played Wow off and on since launch. I just returned to the game after a three year break, I appreciate finding new content creators for guides every time I return. Your guides have been a great help and more than that, it is always great to find someone so positive. Keep up the great work.
Hey Hazel, just wanted to say thank you for the great info. The macro worked perfectly! I spammed it while reading an article and caught the ivory serpent! Me, an ally, and the horde who caught it slowly flew to the nearest peak, mounted the serpent then cheered and hugged each other. :D
I have a tip that worked wonders for me: It's super fast when it spawns but you can go ahead and position yourself at the gate of the setting sun rooftop (where the world boss spawns), that's where it will despawn but slows down A LOT before that. The coordinates are around 7, 71. That's how I caught it.
You are my good luck charm! I literally was just watching this and had just pasted your macro and the ivory cloud serpent was heading straight for me! You're the best. thanks Hazel!
Got it on my first try using your guide worked like a champ took about 2 hours after getting the lasso, Thank you!!
I subbed because this helped me so very much. I wasn't even paying attention but the macro I got from this saved me from missing out :) Thank you so much
Thanks for the video. Just got the mount 40 minutes after watching. You're the best Hazel.
This is the first time ever I got a particular mount before you did :D Congratulations!
I was watching this guide as I was camping the mount for the first time and I got it! Thanks!
I stayed below everyone and below the worms. And just flew up to it after with full flight speed lol. 8 others missed out
Exactly what i did. Prior to that I was up higher and had all the slowing stacks and couldn't get in range.
I got this on Wednesday! Got the lasso, went to his spawn location and got him, all within 5-10 mins!! Couldn't believe my luck!!
Where do you get the lasso
Well good for you! Lol took me 3 hours of spamming macro
Abe Quintero you get the lasso from Zan-Tien Mogu
Thanks so much for the tips!
I started camping and there was just someone else on the spot. I just finished creating the macro and not more than 3 minutes later, he spawned! I was exactly on his path and saw him, and thanks to that guy camping as well, I manaed to cast the lasso and got it! However, there was no NPCscan or Rarescanner alert so I was caught by surprise. Anyway, super happy I didn't have to actually really camp for hours! :)
It's insane how camping this brings people together so much. I was playing ally, camping with a hordie next to me who I didn't know. He proceeded it lead me to the spawn point with a voice emote (since we couldn't understand each other), then convinced a horde group that tried to gank me to leave me alone. Then when the ivory cloud serpent spawned and I accidentally flew in the wrong direction, he waited without lassoing it, and voice emoted to me again to follow him, only lassoing it once I was next to him so we could both do it. Worth the nearly 2 hour wait!
I went and got mine after watching this. Randomly got the lasso a few weeks ago and just now got the mount. Took an hour of waiting, I got lucky. Good luck to everyone else!!
it's so funny. we sat perfectly still and all three of us got an "out of range" and then the next time we clicked it caught. :D we all had 11 stacks, so crawling back to the temple was a hilarious ride and then we all learned the mount and flew away slowly making the loop she would have made. thank you for this!
Height of his spawn varies. Sometimes its really high, sometimes it's almost tree level. That's why when I hunted it i decided to be below worm slowing range - that extra speed did come in handy. I was able to race to him when he spawned, while others that were higher were simply to slow.
Didn't use "stop channeling" in my macro as I knew that i will be racing and simply decided to use "proximity" indicator on toolbar - changed from red to grey, I used it.
I'd also like to confirm that when I got my mount from the spawn, the Cloud Serpent was indeed a bit above tree level, and I nearly missed it because literally EVERYONE says to camp out at around the height of the top of the gate arch.
For anybody still after the mount, follow the tip that Hazel gives at 2:25 in the video. I got mine this way. Thank you to Hazel for yet another fantastic guide :D
had trouble finding a good place to camp til i watched this-- got it within 5 minutes!! thank you so much
Always a pleasure to watch your vids. I really hope you will be doing dungeon and boss guides for shadowlands, since you explain it so well :-)
Just got it 5 mins ago! Thank you for all the help as usual! :)
This is funny ... I was watching this video while camping where you suggested and it flew by and I couldn't catch up to it. /facepalm LOL
Thank you so much for your guide, Hazel! I was able to snag it fairly easily with the macro! :)
Just got mine today! thanks so much Hazel
Holy cow, it's really pinkish. Now i need it!
Also gratz! Nice catch!
I got this last night. It is soooooo fast and near impossible to chase down due to the debuff the other worms give.
Best advice I can give is to camp on top of the Gate of the Setting Sun (literally on top). It will circle the zone, eventually coming over the gate.
Lot of people camping it, and this is what worked for me. Good luck.
Gratz Hazel. Can't believe I missed it on stream.
I got my mount a couple months ago. I made a macro in game and also made a macro to auto spam it with my Razer mouse. I had intended to stay and watch the whole time, but ended up walking away and getting food to come back to just getting the mount and a bunch of people asking if it had spawned. It worked well lol
I wasn't planning on finding this but the lasso randomly dropped for me so I tried it out. As soon as you said you were too low, I looked up and there it was. took me about 5 minutes total.
not gonna lie, i literally caught this mount within 20 mins of watching this video xD
Thanks for the tip. Found the lasso, and 5 min into camping got the mount :D
i had to drop in to say congrats! also, your smile in the thumbnail made me smile, so thanks for that!
Omg I just got this mount the day before she published this guide! Would have loved to of used this haha. Love your content!
You gotta sit at the top of the gate to the west of the map, best place to cut off the serpent and you can see him coming in the distance.
Another brilliant game design choice by Blizztard.
Thanks for this, got my mount this morning!
Just got mine, thanks for the guide Hazel :D
Last night, I saw a bunch of toons hovering in the"spot." There was just one other Horde and a bunch of Alliance. I waited 2 hours, spamming my macro key every couple of seconds. The Klaxxi were active in the Vale. Suddenly the Vale changed to the Mogu event and I saw the serpent just ahead of me. I hit the macro. The serpent disappeared. I hit the macro again and nothing happened. I opened my bag. The lasso was gone. Wait! OMG! i got it! Thanks for your help in finding this rare spawn and for helping me get it ON MY FIRST TRY,
Nice one. You inspired me to go camp it.
I got the lasso by luck doing dailies. I camped it after i saw this for about an hour and got it. But, it was 2:10am, so there wasn't much competition.
I was with a group of other campers, who suddenly decided to go off and see if it was elsewhere. I was getting hit constantly by those worms (which reduce your flight speed). Suddenly I hit my macro, which auto-targetted it, used it, and was the only one in the group that got it, despite the fact I had 11 stacks of 'slow flying' cast on me.
I was browsing videos on the Ivory Cloud Serpent already in the position. about an hour has passed and was getting bored. Found your video. Started watching as i was still spamming my macro. mid video i see it. fly up to it. and spam my laso. CAUGHT IT 2nd TRY! your video was good luck!
Woot! Congrats! I snagged him yesterday...only took six hours between the camping and farming 🤪
YAY!! You got it!! I have a macro for it, I just need to be fast targeting it. I'll try the group thing...thanks for the awesome tips!!
Pro Tip: once it spawns just fly to that gate to the east, stand on top and wait for it. Make a macro for targeting it and just keep spamming that and hit your lasso once it locks on. /target ivory cloud serpent
Got it first try.
Anyone farming this mount NEEDS to sit on top of the gate Hazel is looking at. I sat there, when it came round smashed my macro and got in two seconds.
Yes but if there are people camping it at spawn you will be waiting forever, cuz it will despawn before it even reaches the gate.
Thank you, very informative! Imma wait on that bugger to spawn now
You are always lucky !!!! , really impressive
One of the best Stream Moment, almost though you not gonna get it. Gratz
I just joined a group, waited like 10-15 minutes and saw it below me. Chased it easy without the flight speed reduction and got it as the only one of 25 people. Some of them waited over 2 hours. I feel so terrible and also good now :,D
Thanks! I deleted that lasso a few days ago cuz I thought it was useless but I managed to item restore it and get the mount
Just got the mount, waited about 7 minutes and boy was it fast.
gratz, that was actually the first mount from the invasions I got. I camped above the worms when I got him.
My first mount from Invasion was Ha-Li. Literally the first kill.
If I’m not mistaken if no one gets him while in the air the serpent flies over until it stops a top of the highest part of the wall you can see from the place you camp, that’s where I got the mount
I spent more time reading about the spawn time, places and tips then actually camping the mount.Above the Gate of Setting Sun is a really good spot. I was watching some random Overwatch stream and spamming the macro, took me about 10 - 15 min to get the mount. Adding the Serpent ID to SilverDragon helps too (ID 163042).
OMG perfect timing! I have the lasso now and the vids I've watched haven't been very helpful!
I saw someone recommend to camp on top of the gate and wait for it, don't do that. People will be waiting at the spawn for it and you'll be there for 8 hours wondering why you haven't seen it yet. My tip would be to be close enough to see it spawn, and under the wyrms to avoid the debuff, and once you see it spawn cut it off as it flies to the southwest, or if you don't see anyone waiting for it spawn, then you can go to the top of the gate to catch it, you shouldn't have to, but you can.
Going to the right side of the gate (facing it) on top of the tower. just sit on top of it and it'll pat right over top of you. congrats on the mount though!
I got it on the first Mogu assault. Very few people knew about it, so I got to chase the dragon undisputed for quite a few minutes.
I got mine this morning. It was flying south east of the 'spawn point' near the mountains. It has insane speed.
Got it in about an hour using Hazel's macro and adding the npc's id to the custom list in npcscan
i recommend using the addon Silverdragon, just search for the id for the ivory cloud serpent and have sound on in the addon options. the sound is so loud that i threw my phone across my room when it spawned so you should be good. dont use maccros though, just have the lass keybinded and you’re ready :)
I was on that TLPD when it zipped past us on 1:14 :(
Was pulling for you to get it that day!
I got the Pristine Scale and the Lasso off the same looting. Apparently there were a bunch of mogu mobs who died during the Rei-Lun fight.
When I got the Ivory serpent I camped slightly above the trees with my camera pointed up while facing the gate. The worms never touched me and I got to him easily. Someone stopped him first but I could have gotten to it.
I had the most amazing luck when I got this thing the other day. Farming for the lasso I got it on the 3rd mob. I then got myself into the waiting spot and it spawned like 10 seconds later, and I got it.
Don't know what all the fuss is about! 😉
Got mine this morning, early. No one else was there. Missed it while watching utube videos could not chase as I had 7 stacks from great worms. Just waited for it to loop around. 😎
i got extremely lucky on this mount. i didnt even know it existed until the lasso dropped for me. i then looked it up to see what it did, decided 2 go for the mount, decided to go on top of the gate at the west of the map as that was on its flight path and the mount literally came past as soon as i arrived on top of the gate. i literally didnt have to wait.. wish i had that luck on raid rolls lol
I got it from camping that mountain by the Horde temple once you see him channel that laso.
Gosh I didn't even know what this thing was when it dropped and then the spawn was so lucky. Hoping everyone watching this gets it!
Got lucky on this mount. The 1st week it was out or something like that i just flew there and 5 people were waiting for it. Seen it soar by and go near a roof and i lassoed it and didn't even need to camp it. Still trying to get Ha-li to drop though.
I got mine a month or two back. That guy is a slippery devil. Still working on the Rajani war serpent.
Pro tips - always camp at spawn point(high) no other places. NPC scan shows that NPC before it spawn.
Cords - 26.8, 55.1
Once people tagged him he will despawn and won't circle around.
Be ready to camp around 3 hour max.
I want to thank you for this video, I saw it and i followed it to the letter. Also, I felt like i should share how long it took me to get this mount. about 30 mins to farm up the lasso and another 5 mins for the rare to spawn.. I feel incredibly lucky. Thanks again
9/21/2020 7:53 am, in a zoom call for a math class, "oh this will be a mindless thing I can do for a few hours while sitting in my online classes" i thought... LITERALLY 2 MINS LATER THE THING SPAWNS AND I GET IT OMG MY LUCK IS INSANE RIGHT NOW
The lasso dropped for me yesterday and I just joined a bunch of chaps camping the spot for one hour. Guess I got lucky.
I got really lucky with this one. I flew to the area in the first week and no one was there and he was just flying around. So I just caught up to him and hit my macro and boom, mount.
My experience was exactly the same. Missed him first go...then sit there for 3 hours to have a second crack. I got him...but bloody hell....I am going t get some champagne and laugh-cry myself to sleep.
lol got this mount on accident second day back from a break. Same with TLPD in wrath. He is smaller than you think and moves ultra quick. Mine was near the ground when I spotted him. I was able to chase him down while flying though.
Wow wait.. when did they lower the Lasso drop rates? I'm 99% sure it was more like 8% from the Baruk mobs. I got it dropped relatively fast. The Zan-Tien folks did drop it a lot less though. I guess they normalized the drop rates of the Baruk to be in line.
You are so cute! i love you voice and your videos, you helped me get the lucid nightmare mount, and now i cant stop watching your videos! Love you and your content :)
You have to wait in the roof at 5/60. The serpent will fly direct towards you and there is much more time to target it. Took me 10 minutes to get it..
The problem with being that high is you get nailed by the Great Worms for a massive loss of flying speed.
Start to finish guide on getting this mount plz... like lasso? What lasso?
I got this on the second week of the patch. I had no idea it needed grinding.
i found the cloud serpent real easy to get. must of got lucky getting the lasso in under 10 kills (wasnt even farming for it). then i just went to where everyone was camping for a hr or so till it spawned and mash hit the lasso on it. will prob never use it but as a mount collector im happy with it
Got this a couple months ago, me and my group camped parallel to the gate at 29 53 i think. Easier mount to get than the other ones at least since those are just rng lol
I lucked out big time getting mine. Got my lasso and literally 15 minutes later the mount spawned right above me and got it lol
I waited for it to spawn for four hours. I had the right assault up and everything, it never showed 😭 trying again next time
You are absolutely beautiful! Your smile, your voice, the fast way you talk, your makeup, your hair color, your content... Everything is beautiful. Your husband is such a lucky guy. Love from Brazil!
I got mine yesterday!
I got this first try last month lmao
everyone else camping was PISSED
... I had one of those lassos about a week ago and destroyed it as it was taking up space during a dungeon... I didn't even know what it was for at the time. Im so mad
Have you tried item restoration? The cooldown on it as far as I know has been reduced down to 15 days (happened back in Legion pretty sure). I used to use the function almost every 15 days at the start of the expansion and found items literally several weeks later able to be restored.
First time i got back to bfa (2months ago) i got the lasso from first mob on vale and in the same day the mount :)
I spent I think 3 hours waiting on my spawn time, and I managed to catch it with the macro but didn't even SEE where it was lol, I was so lucky.
I got the lasso and mount in 10 min. Lol farmed the lasso it dropped in like 6 mins and flew over to the arch and it was flying by and got it. 🙃
That hair color and lipstick go together so well :o NICE !
I took it from a group without knowing apparently. It spawned way above them than they anticipated and I've received death threats for weeks when I made it despawn.
Imagine getting deathtreats just because you got a mount and they didnt
@@trashky2496 why were they so salty anyway xd it's 100% so they can just farm it when its quiet like it will be now anyway. People got salty at me when i got rei lun mount - yet i've farmed it since 8.3.
If you are literally getting death threats, you should report those people.
@@craigboone2332it's really easy, if you're not at the right spot for the serpent to catch it, you won't get it.
@@trashky2496 wdym mate i have it? i was saying i got the rajani warserpent recently and people got salty w me because of it yet ive farmed it for months lol.