No this accompaniment is spot on! Read Ian Bostridge on this very topic. Beautiful how the choice of rhythm mirrors the hesitancyand doubt of the singer
Many a tear from my eyes Fell into the snow; His cold flakes suck Thirsty for the hot pain Thirsty for the hot pain. When the grass wants to sprout Therefore a gentle wind blows, And the ice shatters into pieces And the soft snow melts away, And the soft snow melts away. Snow, you know about my longing, Tell me, where are you going? Just follow my tears, The stream will soon take you up, The stream will soon take you in. You'll go through the city with him, Lively streets in and out; Do you feel my tears glowing, There is my loved one's house, There is my loved one's house.
I agree. Why would Schubert have written dotted quarters against triplets if he wanted them to sound synchronously? Should the dotted notes in the melody also be played as triplets? No! Much of the sense of uneasiness in this song comes precisely from the tension created by the dotted and triplet figures being superimposed
Bad rythm here!! The sixteenth in the piano should be played together with the triplets!!! Look at the manuscript, and essays of Alfred Brendel and Paul Badura-Skoda....
Korean lyrics :
흘-러 내린 눈- -물은
백옥같은 눈- 위에
가-슴 깊이 스-며드는
외-로운 회포-인가- -
쌓-여진-회포- -를
초-목에- - 축여-주며-는
흩-날리-는 꽃-향기
새-하얗-게 쌓- -여-진
흰-눈도- -녹-는다
흰-눈도- -녹-는다
눈-이여 이 외-로움을
어느 곳에 전하려나
흐-르는- 눈물 모두 모아
냇-물에 띄워-보면- -
흐-르는-눈물- -을
냇-물에- -띄워-보며- -는
넘-쳐 내-려 온-땅을
넓-게 흐- -를 것- -이- -니
그-린 님-기다-리는
내-집 앞에도 흐-른다
Thank you for sharing this beautiful song!
No this accompaniment is spot on! Read Ian Bostridge on this very topic. Beautiful how the choice of rhythm mirrors the hesitancyand doubt of the singer
Many a tear from my eyes
Fell into the snow;
His cold flakes suck
Thirsty for the hot pain
Thirsty for the hot pain.
When the grass wants to sprout
Therefore a gentle wind blows,
And the ice shatters into pieces
And the soft snow melts away,
And the soft snow melts away.
Snow, you know about my longing,
Tell me, where are you going?
Just follow my tears,
The stream will soon take you up,
The stream will soon take you in.
You'll go through the city with him,
Lively streets in and out;
Do you feel my tears glowing,
There is my loved one's house,
There is my loved one's house.
내가 중1때인가 음악교과서에서 [홍수]라는 제목의 이 악보를 보았는데...
그 음이 너무 멋있었고 어디선가 들었던 듯 한 선율이더라고...
그리고 음악을 들어봤는데, 우와...! 슈베르트의 작품 전체를 미리 엿본 듯한 느낌이 들었다...
I agree. Why would Schubert have written dotted quarters against triplets if he wanted them to sound synchronously? Should the dotted notes in the melody also be played as triplets? No! Much of the sense of uneasiness in this song comes precisely from the tension created by the dotted and triplet figures being superimposed
Bad rythm here!! The sixteenth in the piano should be played together with the triplets!!! Look at the manuscript, and essays of Alfred Brendel and Paul Badura-Skoda....
totally agree! :)