zenyatta would be a good candidate for patience (though he kinda fits all of them) and a lot of the overwatch heros who answered the call could be considered diligent
Damn how I miss these kind of overwatch video. Back when the game was at it's peak, everyone talks and theorize about the lore and the characters through video like these and wholesome fanarts. Thanks for bringing those memories back, great video
Thank you! I couldn't agree more. I think most of the current OW creators have been making content on the game for years and have become burnt out. It's time for some people who still really love the game to step up!
So glad that gluttony isn’t just Roadhog bc “fAt = gLutToNy” Roadhog is very calculated and precise with his actions while literally everything Mauga does is bc he feels like it or to just further his own agenda
@@commandercorgi yeah, I liked his explanation about “lust for life” or whatever but I agree. Choosing the character with a dump truck is low hanging fruit lol. Tbh I can’t think of anyone else tho
Idk about that. What he wants is for humanity to evolve. Sure his methods to achieve this are nuts and you can say they are selfish since he wants it through conflict and war but in the end he wants humanity to grow stronger through conflict
@@gf_player1061 moira is just delusional. there are better ways to help humanity evolve. and other characters and heroes have already proved it, yet she refuses to acknowledge this because by doing so, shes admitting shes wrong.
One thing I've always liked about Overwatch, is that they have a good mix of sympathetic villains (Ramattra and Widow) and villains who are just straight up evil (Junkrat and Moira).
Ehhh i wouldnt call him "straight up evil" junktat might be a little deranged, but he is actually quite sociable and friendly, other than the bomb stuff, and honestly comparing him with moira is just disrespectful. Thats like calling sigma pure evil. He is straight mentally ill if anything
@@TheWatchOverOW Same, it's unfortunate that the story missions got cancelled but hopefully they can take what they had and turn it into an animated series.
Junkrat is like genuinely one of the most compassionate and understanding characters in the game and despite definitely being a criminal he is by no means a villain
I main Ramattra, but not any of these other characters. Ramattra knows humans can be helpful, shown in an interaction with Baptiste where he says a helpful human is a welcome change of pace. I can tell he’s willing to be peaceful if peace is shown in turn, but I can still see why he’s filled with anger because he watches his people get slain. He’s a cool character, and a lot more reasonable than I thought given some of his interactions. He feels like another human (given his interaction with Wrecking Ball). Tangent aside, he’s a neat character.
Ramattra is justified He really tried for peace and being a peaceful persont hat wants to get along But due to human predjaduce and the harsh treatment of his kind, this angered Ramattra Nobody can say Ramattra isn't justifed
@@jmgonzales7701 ramattra fights to protect omnics from genocide because humans see omnics as inferior and omnics get discriminated against Ramattra tried to make peace, but humans wouldnt have it Your saying ramattra is unjust when all he does is fight to protect omnics from genocide
@@jmgonzales7701 i mean, what do you expect when people start slaughtering your kind Theres a line i think fits this situation perfectly "Violence only breeds more violence"
Here are my takes on Overwatch's Heavenly Virtues: Charity: Mercy - Ever since she lost her parents, she devoted her life to helping others in need, developing healing technology to help the wounded. Even after Overwatch's reputation was tainted, she continued to lend aid to people going through crises. She even risked her own life to save Hanan's brother from a collapsing building, shielding him with her own body. Patience: Genji - Despite nearly getting killed by his own brother Hanzo and being turned into a cyborg, he accepted his new state and held no hatred towards Hanzo, forgiving him and hoping for him to take a better path. His gameplay also reflects this, where he's better off ambushing his enemies from the sides rather than going all-in, and his Deflect and Dragonblade are most powerful if he waits for the perfect moment to make use of them. Temperance: Zarya - She gave up her life as an athlete, which would've given her fame and glory, to become a soldier to protect her home from war. She also abandoned a chance to capture Sombra to save Lynx Seventeen's life despite hating omnics, a trait which she would slowly grow out of. Chastity: Tracer - She does have a relationship with Emily but the two don't get too intimate (at least not on screen). She also tries to do what she thinks is just over what is needed (like when she didn't stop an omnic from stealing parts because omnics wouldn't get any parts otherwise) and she has unwavering idealism to a fault. {Probably grasping straws} Kindness: Winston - He is always nice and hopeful even when confronting the bitter truths of the post-Overwatch world. He idolized Overwatch's ideals and worked to bring it back even when all hope seemed lost, inspiring even its most disillusioned associates to pursue heroism again. Diligence: Reinhardt - When fighting for justice, he refuses to back down no matter what; his body may break down but his enthusiasm won't. After witnessing the disbandment of Overwatch, he still donned his armor and fought on as a crusader. When he heard about Overwatch being brought back, he made the decision to answer the call, refusing to stop fighting until his last breath. Humility: Soldier: 76 - Even with his many achievements, he never saw himself as better than his comrades, not even when he was augmented or made famous as the leader of Overwatch. He may have become a ruthless anti-hero, but he saved Alejandra's life from a grenade because it was the right thing to do, denying that his brave action made him a hero.
Zenyatta kind of fits them all because he's essentially robot jesus, but you could probably replace your weakest with him to make your list stronger. Imo, Tracer is your weakest, and Zenyatta being a monk (and a robot) would be a perfect fit for Chastity.
Charity: Mercy is... actually surprisingly bitter, and there's a running theme of the idea that she does what she does at least partially out of ego and a desire for praise. However, we have a better support option: Lucio. While he is a performer, he does so because he loves the joy of others. He puts out his neck for people he doesn't know, who might never appreciate him, purely for the sake of uplifting everyone he can. Patience: Is the virtue of resisting the temptation to anger and resentment even in the face of insult and hardship. This is absolutely Zenyatta. Even when everyone talks crap to him he tries to share his knowledge. Temperance: is about restraint from sensation, of seeking moderation. The ability to go "This is good enough for me" and be content. This goes to yet another Support hero; Ana. She went from the height of a career and fame, to basically being a bum. And she's finr with that. She accepts her hardships and carries on, she doesn't seek to regain her position, only to do the right thing. Chastity: Chastity is not exactly about being virginal or anything. it is also about being fully dedicated to your spouse and family, and also exerting a "mind over matter" sort of discipline in general. And you know what? We get to have a Damage hero for this, you're right; Torbjorn, who's been happily married for who knows how long, and his only interest beyond his wife is Aardvark Pays Off. Kindness: Agreed. Winston's a good pick here. Diligence: While I think Reinhardt qualifies, in terms of the overall story, I think Sojourn's got him beat. Reinhardt accepted being given the boot, and while he didn't stop doing good deeds, he largely did them out of a sense of pride as much as anything. Sojourn though had a job to do and kept doing it even when she didn't have to. When she was told not to. When she faced punishment for keeping it going. Humility: Bastion. Bastion is the hallmark of humility. He has accepted the need to have someone else help him understand the world - even someone as small as a bird (or a very short Swede), he accepts that he has done wrong - even if beyond his control - and must work to fix that, and maybe it'll never be fixed.
Honestly Ram has a good reason to do a militant omnic freedom movement. Try for peace, peace goers get persecuted(I know its after a war but the omnics had no free will), realize peace is hard, make a militant group. People in the past have done this so
I honestly thought Moira would embody the sin of gluttony due to her insatiable pursuit of knowledge that knows no bounds. Call it a silly comparison, but she's kinda similar to Merlin from Nanatsu no Taizai in terms of her "sin".
Yeah I was thinking that Moira and Mauga could def switch sins. Whenever I hear Mauga talk to the other characters, it feels like he is very Prideful. But from his argument, Moira playing God could definitely be seen as prideful too
You could argue that the purpose of the color purple used for Ramattra is not just his association with a god (Rama, the hindu god of preservation) but it represents anger (red) combined with the sagacity to use it well (blue) Humanitys sin toward the omnics is pride
Widow representing lust is backed up by the fact that she could have gotten a similar design to her current one where she had a blank, lifeless scary eyes that never blinked. Instead blizzard just made her purple baguette hot woman. Not that I read something it seems this was a design planned for her Alive Cinematic, not sure about her character in-game tho
Well, based on the comics and lore, her skin is purple/blue due to lack of body heat since her heartrate is extremely low. This is all thanks to talon for kidnapping her and turning her into an ideal assassin. Would go on and on but this is just part of her story.
@@EricRodriguez-dm5mc i feel Rammatra’s story is more defined by his anger and hatred than Reaper’s who’s series of events unfolded via disillusion and sorrow more than sheer anger, albeit wrath certainly played a role in his downfall, with Rammatra it was SOLELY his anger towards humanity that defined him as opposed to Reaper who merely had anger as one of several vehicles that lead to his fall from grace
@@Rabbitmancer77 I agree with you. I was thinking about the constant anger and pain Reaper feels caused by Moira's genetic alteration, such a rage that took him to slay Antonio during the archives event if he knew he shouldn't do it. Still your argument is really cool and well done
@@EricRodriguez-dm5mc oh absolutely! Gabriel Reyes became a very bitter man after his bodily altercations via Moira’s experiments, but sheer anger isn’t what drove him mad, instead it was a mixture of wrath, pride and even envy that drove him to betray Overwatch and ultimately gluttony to sustain himself in his current form that drives him to commit such heinous acts, and thanks! :>
i feel like roadhog would have been better for greed because if you read the comics he starts out as a hoarder who collects scrap just to sell it for more hogdrogen. junkrat likes to blow stuff up too but its mainly just fun for him- he doesnt actually appreciate the material gain
@@caden2727i understand youre probably joking but i disagree. roadhog doesnt really symbolize gluttony in any sense, may it be food or anything else. i very much agree with the take on gluttony in this video
I agree with most of the heroes in this list, but one thing I would’ve changed was making reaper lust instead of widowmaker. While lust is hard to associate with any of the cast, as its forefront meaning is strong sexual desire, it can also be defined as a strong desire for anything like you said in the video. Lust also blurs the lines with gluttony however, in the sense that the sin of lust is the craving one has for something, and gluttony is the overindulgence of that specific thing. I think that the main argument for widow embodying the sin of lust is her insatiable bloodlust. Except, someone who is devoid of all emotion like widow doesn’t really desire anything. She’s just a puppet who is controlled by talon. And while she is also motivated by the “thrill” she feels, it’s important to remember that this thrill must be subconscious, as it’s stated in her lore that she is emotionless. However, in the case of reaper, this bloodlust is very real. He enjoys the killing of others, and he lusts for the downfall of overwatch. This, in my opinion, contrasts mauga and reaper really well. With mauga, he indulges in his urges far beyond what many would consider normal. With reaper, he strongly desires to bring down overwatch, and bring harm to people. However, he is more controlled by talon, and he is more disciplined than mauga in his actions. This is why the argument could be made that mauga also embodies lust, as he lusts for the thrill of battle and also overindulges in it as a result of him being unable to control his lust. What I’m trying to say basically is that a gluttonous person is more often than not a lustful person as well, but a lustful person can very well be in most cases not very indulgent in whatever their desires may be; Reaper also embodies lust in a more meaningful way as he is not overindulgent like mauga, but his (blood)lust is also very strong and present within his character. This lust is driven by his emotions towards overwatch and the pleasure he feels in bringing about harm, which widow can’t feel as purely as reaper can because she is basically emotionless as a result of her transformation.
I totally agree with this, widowmaker herself is devoid of emotion and doesn’t actively seek out in lust; she is sexualized by others, not for herself.
Why did this man go so hard with the script of this video??? He's spittin absolute FIRE🙏🏻🙏🏻🔥🔥 You cannot tell me that the line: "When you're angry for good reasons, the line between righteousness and sin start to blur" ISN'T ABSOLUTE GAS🔥
I like how you went into detail about gluttony. It is a popular misconception that gluttony is all about consuming large quantities of food and drink. Gluttony as a whole is simply overindulgence. An insatiable hunger for things that give you pleasure in life.
I don't think Junkrat has any major sinful aspects. All he ever wants is to be accepted, loved, and have a place to belong. But greed specifically? Nah. Even in his animated short, he had to be repeatedly reminded to keep the treasure they stole intact. He didn't care so much about the treasure as he did what it would help him accomplish.
We have heroes who represent the 7 sins. Who would you say best represents the 7 virtues? 1. Humility 2. Kindness 3. Charity 4. Temperance 5. Chastity 6. Diligence 7. Gratitude
Ive gotten into overwatch in season 9, and i wish i could have gotten into it sooner. The lore and story of all these characters have intrigued me so much from both sides, and whilr this isny exactly what the video is about, it has showed me show much about some characters i had no idea liek Ashe, who i main, and now love more due to her story.
Might be a stretch and a long shot but what about a video on what Overwatch characters embody the 7 Heavenly Virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Kindness, Patience and Humility?
ramattra is definitely one of if not the saddest overwatch characters. even ingame you can see it. the voiceline he says when he kills an omnic like zenyatta is "I wish you could've joined me.. brother" or something along those lines. also witnessing his people get suppressed and killed day after day.
I love the selection for Pride. They truly did deserve that spot. I just love how we have villains from a cartoony spectrum like Junkrat and straight up madness from the one in pride.
I thought Sigma couldve fit under Gluttony. Hes on an endless goal to harness the power of gravity and unlocking the secrets of the universe which breaks his sanity
ramattra - a help from human will be a good start (to baptiste) juno - you looks like our rovers (yea, every person dreams for someone talk about him only by his proffesion or health, yea, human will be good with it, of course) widowmaker - cmon, she cant feel an emotions and as you said, her brain was washed - well, sins dont workd here.
Baptiste ran away when he understood they were killing people and doing the same thing that happened to Baptiste when he was younger. He was caught by mauga but he let him go because they were friends.
Real, Moira while having zero care for morality, isn't all that boastful or prideful about how she sees herself, meanwhile half of Zarya's character is basically "I am strong"
Sometimes you kinda have to feel bad for Widow because there's an interaction between her and Ana where Widow does still show emotion and maybe even a hint of regret for what she did to her husband. The brainwashing and emotional numbing definitely wasn't complete or done right
Roadhog should be greed because he was complicit in all the heists junkrat was involved in and junkrat mainly cares about the thrill of explosives. Roadhog mainly cares just about the money and most of his interactions are about wealth or material stuff. Like how roadhog says “you look rich” to Hanzo and on the circuit royal map he says he wants a car after seeing the fancy cars on the map. Pretty much all his motivations is driven by greed, even his diet is clearly driven by greed
If this was done for the heavenly virtues, I think Reinhardt would be a good candidate for humility. His need to serve others, to the point of feeling as if he does not do so that there is nothing left of him, nothing of importance (despite all of his deeds over a long career of service) seems incredibly humble to me (even if he likes to boast, but that may be to keep up appearances)
@@TheWatchOverOW i really like the content u made, u have a great future on the platform. Btw, some dude say a great idea for a video, ov characters like virtues, i think it has potential!!! good luck little fella!
I feel like sombra should've been titled for greed. Her obsession for hacking is why no one know's about her. The only reason she's part of Talon is for her OWN benefit. Being able to create mayhem for the team is just a bonus to why she's really there for
honestly i thought widow would be lust just bc she only feels "alive" when killing so in a way, she only wants one thing, regardless of what happens after shes done
Now we need the 7 Heavenly Virtues as Heroes
zenyatta would be a good candidate for patience (though he kinda fits all of them)
and a lot of the overwatch heros who answered the call could be considered diligent
You will have to look in TF2 for that.
Doomfist as temperance
It’s none of them
He really is robot Jesus @@lofkii
Worst part is that I main all of them
Ur pfp tells all
@@bunty3278 I just changed it after 10 years not even 30 min ago
@@Bluemansonicwhat was it originally 😭
@@menchacism5327 it was a picture of me next to a wall with the word Courage that I kept from over 10 years ago as my pfp
Bro is Yaldabaoth (iykyk)
Damn how I miss these kind of overwatch video. Back when the game was at it's peak, everyone talks and theorize about the lore and the characters through video like these and wholesome fanarts. Thanks for bringing those memories back, great video
Thank you! I couldn't agree more. I think most of the current OW creators have been making content on the game for years and have become burnt out. It's time for some people who still really love the game to step up!
Bro couldn't just say "mauga gluttony cus big life steal"
So glad that gluttony isn’t just Roadhog bc “fAt = gLutToNy”
Roadhog is very calculated and precise with his actions while literally everything Mauga does is bc he feels like it or to just further his own agenda
You say that but that’s exactly what he did with widow and lust
@@commandercorgi yeah, I liked his explanation about “lust for life” or whatever but I agree. Choosing the character with a dump truck is low hanging fruit lol. Tbh I can’t think of anyone else tho
Skill issue
being fat is gross and wrong though.
@@bigbadwolf3199 I’m sure you have a perfect figure anonymous commenter on the internet 🙄
Not gonna lie, but I thought Doomfist would’ve been a good fit for PRIDE.
Idk about that. What he wants is for humanity to evolve. Sure his methods to achieve this are nuts and you can say they are selfish since he wants it through conflict and war but in the end he wants humanity to grow stronger through conflict
Isnt moira doing the same thing? "Humanity is shackled, I will find the key" @n3x0n35
I thought about Doom for pride but reading more into his lore, it really seems like his goals are less selfish.
@@gf_player1061that’s why she’s in talon with doomsfist
@@gf_player1061 moira is just delusional. there are better ways to help humanity evolve. and other characters and heroes have already proved it, yet she refuses to acknowledge this because by doing so, shes admitting shes wrong.
The problem with doing the opposite (7 virtues) is that all of them would go to zenyatta
One thing I've always liked about Overwatch, is that they have a good mix of sympathetic villains (Ramattra and Widow) and villains who are just straight up evil (Junkrat and Moira).
Ehhh i wouldnt call him "straight up evil" junktat might be a little deranged, but he is actually quite sociable and friendly, other than the bomb stuff, and honestly comparing him with moira is just disrespectful. Thats like calling sigma pure evil. He is straight mentally ill if anything
The lore is so good! I really hope we get a show or movie or something some day
@@mr.incognito8088 junkrat isnt pure evil
@@TheWatchOverOW Same, it's unfortunate that the story missions got cancelled but hopefully they can take what they had and turn it into an animated series.
Junkrat is like genuinely one of the most compassionate and understanding characters in the game and despite definitely being a criminal he is by no means a villain
I main Ramattra, but not any of these other characters. Ramattra knows humans can be helpful, shown in an interaction with Baptiste where he says a helpful human is a welcome change of pace. I can tell he’s willing to be peaceful if peace is shown in turn, but I can still see why he’s filled with anger because he watches his people get slain. He’s a cool character, and a lot more reasonable than I thought given some of his interactions. He feels like another human (given his interaction with Wrecking Ball).
Tangent aside, he’s a neat character.
Ramattra is justified
He really tried for peace and being a peaceful persont hat wants to get along
But due to human predjaduce and the harsh treatment of his kind, this angered Ramattra
Nobody can say Ramattra isn't justifed
Lol who tried to kill humans again? @@ChristianKirboDaPoyo
@@jmgonzales7701 ramattra fights to protect omnics from genocide because humans see omnics as inferior and omnics get discriminated against
Ramattra tried to make peace, but humans wouldnt have it
Your saying ramattra is unjust when all he does is fight to protect omnics from genocide
@@ChristianKirboDaPoyo omnics tried to genocide humanity as well. feeling is mutual its kill or be killed.
@@jmgonzales7701 i mean, what do you expect when people start slaughtering your kind
Theres a line i think fits this situation perfectly
"Violence only breeds more violence"
Here are my takes on Overwatch's Heavenly Virtues:
Charity: Mercy - Ever since she lost her parents, she devoted her life to helping others in need, developing healing technology to help the wounded. Even after Overwatch's reputation was tainted, she continued to lend aid to people going through crises. She even risked her own life to save Hanan's brother from a collapsing building, shielding him with her own body.
Patience: Genji - Despite nearly getting killed by his own brother Hanzo and being turned into a cyborg, he accepted his new state and held no hatred towards Hanzo, forgiving him and hoping for him to take a better path. His gameplay also reflects this, where he's better off ambushing his enemies from the sides rather than going all-in, and his Deflect and Dragonblade are most powerful if he waits for the perfect moment to make use of them.
Temperance: Zarya - She gave up her life as an athlete, which would've given her fame and glory, to become a soldier to protect her home from war. She also abandoned a chance to capture Sombra to save Lynx Seventeen's life despite hating omnics, a trait which she would slowly grow out of.
Chastity: Tracer - She does have a relationship with Emily but the two don't get too intimate (at least not on screen). She also tries to do what she thinks is just over what is needed (like when she didn't stop an omnic from stealing parts because omnics wouldn't get any parts otherwise) and she has unwavering idealism to a fault. {Probably grasping straws}
Kindness: Winston - He is always nice and hopeful even when confronting the bitter truths of the post-Overwatch world. He idolized Overwatch's ideals and worked to bring it back even when all hope seemed lost, inspiring even its most disillusioned associates to pursue heroism again.
Diligence: Reinhardt - When fighting for justice, he refuses to back down no matter what; his body may break down but his enthusiasm won't. After witnessing the disbandment of Overwatch, he still donned his armor and fought on as a crusader. When he heard about Overwatch being brought back, he made the decision to answer the call, refusing to stop fighting until his last breath.
Humility: Soldier: 76 - Even with his many achievements, he never saw himself as better than his comrades, not even when he was augmented or made famous as the leader of Overwatch. He may have become a ruthless anti-hero, but he saved Alejandra's life from a grenade because it was the right thing to do, denying that his brave action made him a hero.
Zenyatta kind of fits them all because he's essentially robot jesus, but you could probably replace your weakest with him to make your list stronger. Imo, Tracer is your weakest, and Zenyatta being a monk (and a robot) would be a perfect fit for Chastity.
Charity: Mercy is... actually surprisingly bitter, and there's a running theme of the idea that she does what she does at least partially out of ego and a desire for praise. However, we have a better support option: Lucio. While he is a performer, he does so because he loves the joy of others. He puts out his neck for people he doesn't know, who might never appreciate him, purely for the sake of uplifting everyone he can.
Patience: Is the virtue of resisting the temptation to anger and resentment even in the face of insult and hardship. This is absolutely Zenyatta. Even when everyone talks crap to him he tries to share his knowledge.
Temperance: is about restraint from sensation, of seeking moderation. The ability to go "This is good enough for me" and be content. This goes to yet another Support hero; Ana. She went from the height of a career and fame, to basically being a bum. And she's finr with that. She accepts her hardships and carries on, she doesn't seek to regain her position, only to do the right thing.
Chastity: Chastity is not exactly about being virginal or anything. it is also about being fully dedicated to your spouse and family, and also exerting a "mind over matter" sort of discipline in general. And you know what? We get to have a Damage hero for this, you're right; Torbjorn, who's been happily married for who knows how long, and his only interest beyond his wife is Aardvark Pays Off.
Kindness: Agreed. Winston's a good pick here.
Diligence: While I think Reinhardt qualifies, in terms of the overall story, I think Sojourn's got him beat. Reinhardt accepted being given the boot, and while he didn't stop doing good deeds, he largely did them out of a sense of pride as much as anything. Sojourn though had a job to do and kept doing it even when she didn't have to. When she was told not to. When she faced punishment for keeping it going.
Humility: Bastion. Bastion is the hallmark of humility. He has accepted the need to have someone else help him understand the world - even someone as small as a bird (or a very short Swede), he accepts that he has done wrong - even if beyond his control - and must work to fix that, and maybe it'll never be fixed.
@@lunarjellyfish5538 True. Then again I don't think Omnics can become intimate anyways.
Honestly Ram has a good reason to do a militant omnic freedom movement. Try for peace, peace goers get persecuted(I know its after a war but the omnics had no free will), realize peace is hard, make a militant group. People in the past have done this so
i am really excited to see a "virtues" version of this video
Man, I adore Moira so much
I honestly thought Moira would embody the sin of gluttony due to her insatiable pursuit of knowledge that knows no bounds.
Call it a silly comparison, but she's kinda similar to Merlin from Nanatsu no Taizai in terms of her "sin".
Yeah I was thinking that Moira and Mauga could def switch sins. Whenever I hear Mauga talk to the other characters, it feels like he is very Prideful. But from his argument, Moira playing God could definitely be seen as prideful too
You could argue that the purpose of the color purple used for Ramattra is not just his association with a god (Rama, the hindu god of preservation) but it represents anger (red) combined with the sagacity to use it well (blue)
Humanitys sin toward the omnics is pride
I like you point of view!
1:50 was such a good transition
Gluttony = Mauga
Also mauga : "Not the Pizza!"
Who doesn’t like a good pizza
Widow representing lust is backed up by the fact that she could have gotten a similar design to her current one where she had a blank, lifeless scary eyes that never blinked. Instead blizzard just made her purple baguette hot woman.
Not that I read something it seems this was a design planned for her Alive Cinematic, not sure about her character in-game tho
Well, based on the comics and lore, her skin is purple/blue due to lack of body heat since her heartrate is extremely low. This is all thanks to talon for kidnapping her and turning her into an ideal assassin. Would go on and on but this is just part of her story.
Baptiste and Life Weaver literally flirt with everybody 💀
I feel like reaper would fit better with envy since his whole story is him being jealous of soldier 76 leadership of overwatch
Ashe is a really good one too though. I think you could use both. His weakest comparison was definitely lust
pretty sure that at first when reyes was the head of overwatch he was happy to step down though.. ah whatever lets have fun with our points
I'm pretty sure Reaper's lore fits more well with wrath but Ram's ok
Ram probably hides his pain and anger better since he's supposed to be the supreme leader of an army and keep control
@@EricRodriguez-dm5mc i feel Rammatra’s story is more defined by his anger and hatred than Reaper’s who’s series of events unfolded via disillusion and sorrow more than sheer anger, albeit wrath certainly played a role in his downfall, with Rammatra it was SOLELY his anger towards humanity that defined him as opposed to Reaper who merely had anger as one of several vehicles that lead to his fall from grace
@@Rabbitmancer77 I agree with you. I was thinking about the constant anger and pain Reaper feels caused by Moira's genetic alteration, such a rage that took him to slay Antonio during the archives event if he knew he shouldn't do it. Still your argument is really cool and well done
@@EricRodriguez-dm5mc oh absolutely! Gabriel Reyes became a very bitter man after his bodily altercations via Moira’s experiments, but sheer anger isn’t what drove him mad, instead it was a mixture of wrath, pride and even envy that drove him to betray Overwatch and ultimately gluttony to sustain himself in his current form that drives him to commit such heinous acts, and thanks! :>
Reaper would fit more with envy imo, he was always jealous of soldier back when they were younger
I thought Roadhog would get gluttony ngl...
Me too💀
I'd think Rein would be pride. It is all shown in his animated short.
He WAS prideful in his youth, over time he became more humble
Extremely wrong take
Rein is boastful and headstrong, but he's matured. Mauga has not
That was his past tho, he humble now
No what
Rammatra did nothing wrong
Yeah just murder nothing much
@@addanashraf bros entire species has been murdered and abused..no different than slaves..
@@addanashraf his species was getting abused and murdered.
Ramattra is the hitler of overwatch lore
@nobody1336 he literally made an organisation for killing humans its not just self defense
i feel like roadhog would have been better for greed because if you read the comics he starts out as a hoarder who collects scrap just to sell it for more hogdrogen. junkrat likes to blow stuff up too but its mainly just fun for him- he doesnt actually appreciate the material gain
Or gluttony 😭
@@caden2727i understand youre probably joking but i disagree. roadhog doesnt really symbolize gluttony in any sense, may it be food or anything else. i very much agree with the take on gluttony in this video
@@phantasm4352 look at his belly
now do all the seven heavenly virtues PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU
agony is grape flavored
I haven’t finished but this video is great. Keep it up.
Thank you! We will!
I agree with most of the heroes in this list, but one thing I would’ve changed was making reaper lust instead of widowmaker. While lust is hard to associate with any of the cast, as its forefront meaning is strong sexual desire, it can also be defined as a strong desire for anything like you said in the video. Lust also blurs the lines with gluttony however, in the sense that the sin of lust is the craving one has for something, and gluttony is the overindulgence of that specific thing. I think that the main argument for widow embodying the sin of lust is her insatiable bloodlust. Except, someone who is devoid of all emotion like widow doesn’t really desire anything. She’s just a puppet who is controlled by talon. And while she is also motivated by the “thrill” she feels, it’s important to remember that this thrill must be subconscious, as it’s stated in her lore that she is emotionless. However, in the case of reaper, this bloodlust is very real. He enjoys the killing of others, and he lusts for the downfall of overwatch. This, in my opinion, contrasts mauga and reaper really well. With mauga, he indulges in his urges far beyond what many would consider normal. With reaper, he strongly desires to bring down overwatch, and bring harm to people. However, he is more controlled by talon, and he is more disciplined than mauga in his actions. This is why the argument could be made that mauga also embodies lust, as he lusts for the thrill of battle and also overindulges in it as a result of him being unable to control his lust. What I’m trying to say basically is that a gluttonous person is more often than not a lustful person as well, but a lustful person can very well be in most cases not very indulgent in whatever their desires may be; Reaper also embodies lust in a more meaningful way as he is not overindulgent like mauga, but his (blood)lust is also very strong and present within his character. This lust is driven by his emotions towards overwatch and the pleasure he feels in bringing about harm, which widow can’t feel as purely as reaper can because she is basically emotionless as a result of her transformation.
I totally agree with this, widowmaker herself is devoid of emotion and doesn’t actively seek out in lust; she is sexualized by others, not for herself.
Any char: hates Moira
Sigma: Has a chill conversation with her.
Why did this man go so hard with the script of this video??? He's spittin absolute FIRE🙏🏻🙏🏻🔥🔥 You cannot tell me that the line: "When you're angry for good reasons, the line between righteousness and sin start to blur" ISN'T ABSOLUTE GAS🔥
I don’t think Ramattra is evil. He just wanted to protect his people.
Through the destruction of another group of people. Evil actions can easily have good intentions
Roadhog is hot
lifeweaver is hot for me
Hope you continue the good content.
Thank you! I hope the content we make continues to be good too lol
I really appreciate that you actually thought these through and didn’t just do a: roadhog is gluttony, he fat and eat a lot
Thanks! I'm glad that the effort put in paid off
His makes me hungry for more overwatch lore. Keep it up. Please do the virtues!
Please do a vid on “which hero’s would be the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse”!! I would love to see your opinion on it!!
I like how you went into detail about gluttony. It is a popular misconception that gluttony is all about consuming large quantities of food and drink. Gluttony as a whole is simply overindulgence. An insatiable hunger for things that give you pleasure in life.
I don't think Junkrat has any major sinful aspects. All he ever wants is to be accepted, loved, and have a place to belong. But greed specifically? Nah. Even in his animated short, he had to be repeatedly reminded to keep the treasure they stole intact. He didn't care so much about the treasure as he did what it would help him accomplish.
I feel like Reinhardt fits pride more, it cost him everything in his past.
thank you
Yeah in his past not no more
Torbjorn should be lust. Man couldn't pull out of a driveway
We have heroes who represent the 7 sins. Who would you say best represents the 7 virtues?
1. Humility
2. Kindness
3. Charity
4. Temperance
5. Chastity
6. Diligence
7. Gratitude
A really well put together video! Enjoyed every minute of it's runtime :D
Ive gotten into overwatch in season 9, and i wish i could have gotten into it sooner. The lore and story of all these characters have intrigued me so much from both sides, and whilr this isny exactly what the video is about, it has showed me show much about some characters i had no idea liek Ashe, who i main, and now love more due to her story.
Might be a stretch and a long shot but what about a video on what Overwatch characters embody the 7 Heavenly Virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Kindness, Patience and Humility?
This is such a good analysis the best one is sloth , this video is so underrated
ramattra is definitely one of if not the saddest overwatch characters. even ingame you can see it. the voiceline he says when he kills an omnic like zenyatta is "I wish you could've joined me.. brother" or something along those lines. also witnessing his people get suppressed and killed day after day.
W vid honestly we all were expired road hog to be gluttony but sloth makes ten times more sense for him
I like that you didn't go the easy way out with your reasoning.
“I have to heal my teammates? Who decided that?”
So incredibly real to not just put Roadhog as gluttony because fat, Mauga is really the perfect pick
Mauga gets his own sin named "The Big Funny"
Something you could've mentioned about Pride, Moira is literally playing god with her experiments, the very thing that lucifer did when he rebelled.
0:13 and yet again you get banned for saying the f word to your teammates for bullying you as tank
You should totally do a mirror video where you do which heroes best represent the heavenly virtues
Junkrat and Roadhog on the same video is perfect
I love the selection for Pride. They truly did deserve that spot. I just love how we have villains from a cartoony spectrum like Junkrat and straight up madness from the one in pride.
I feel like the symbol of kindness/joy would be bastion
I feel like junk crack fits more with gluttony than greed
But Malcolm makes sense to you
bro are you okay?
As a lore nut I find this video 👌👌 well done. I think also Sombra could fit with Gluttony
will you do virtues too?? i think it would be so interesting!!
I thought Sigma couldve fit under Gluttony. Hes on an endless goal to harness the power of gravity and unlocking the secrets of the universe which breaks his sanity
This was an amazing video and I love it. I realy hope their will be a counterpart video with heros who kinda represent the 10 commandments.
Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words
I was expecting to see hanzo in here.
7 Deadly Sins as 7 Deadly Sins videos 😭
Is no one gonna talk about what happened at 10:44
Right bro 😭🙏🙏
ramattra - a help from human will be a good start (to baptiste)
juno - you looks like our rovers (yea, every person dreams for someone talk about him only by his proffesion or health, yea, human will be good with it, of course)
widowmaker - cmon, she cant feel an emotions and as you said, her brain was washed - well, sins dont workd here.
This is how I find out mauga and baltise are in Talon
Baptiste ran away when he understood they were killing people and doing the same thing that happened to Baptiste when he was younger. He was caught by mauga but he let him go because they were friends.
You gonna do virtues next?
I know that it isnt a deadly sin but i think that melancholy fit roadhog better than sloth
I main mauga and I felt called out😂😂
This video was for you and only you
@TheWatchOverOW oh well...I love the violence and chaos. 😂
Fun fact: Junkrat used to be a professor before he went insane
Nice video. Really enjoyed it
This video is a smart take on the recent trend!
Try and do 7 heavenly virtues next
I would think Zarya or Pharah would go well with Pride. Zarya talks about her muscles often and Pharah usually boasts about her skills
Real, Moira while having zero care for morality, isn't all that boastful or prideful about how she sees herself, meanwhile half of Zarya's character is basically "I am strong"
Well good thing I only Main Ram from them, I am hoping that my other main, Reinhardt, can counter weight him. Please rein be one of the virtues!
Bad part is that I main is ram, junk rat & mauga 😭
You are a sinful Overwatch player lol you must repent
Not putting Reinhardt in pride is the newly added eigth deadly sin😂
please give me the arrow pink crosshair that you always show in your gameplay and thanks
Overwathc could have been so much. The lore is great, and the characters amazing, but greed is a common trait in all corporations
There's one scary thing I always play all of these characters
Sometimes you kinda have to feel bad for Widow because there's an interaction between her and Ana where Widow does still show emotion and maybe even a hint of regret for what she did to her husband. The brainwashing and emotional numbing definitely wasn't complete or done right
Junkrat being 6'5 is odd I guess standing next to hog all the time makes him look shorter
He has the posture of a twitch streamer, and a limp because of his peg leg, he almost never stands up straight.
Yeah every time people are reminded of his height they're a little shocked.
even the players will atleast owning one of those sins
Roadhog should be greed because he was complicit in all the heists junkrat was involved in and junkrat mainly cares about the thrill of explosives. Roadhog mainly cares just about the money and most of his interactions are about wealth or material stuff. Like how roadhog says “you look rich” to Hanzo and on the circuit royal map he says he wants a car after seeing the fancy cars on the map. Pretty much all his motivations is driven by greed, even his diet is clearly driven by greed
I would put doomfist for wrath, but i understand rammatra
Good video👍
If this was done for the heavenly virtues, I think Reinhardt would be a good candidate for humility. His need to serve others, to the point of feeling as if he does not do so that there is nothing left of him, nothing of importance (despite all of his deeds over a long career of service) seems incredibly humble to me (even if he likes to boast, but that may be to keep up appearances)
Damn this is a good video!
Thanks! Good comment
Roadhog should of been greed. He literally says he wants a nebula to himself😭
Now this is a video i needed to see but just didnt know it!
We need skins for these characters based on the seven sins. That would be awesome
This videos is just AMAZING
Wow thank you so much!
@@TheWatchOverOW i really like the content u made, u have a great future on the platform. Btw, some dude say a great idea for a video, ov characters like virtues, i think it has potential!!!
good luck little fella!
I did not expect this
I feel like sombra should've been titled for greed. Her obsession for hacking is why no one know's about her. The only reason she's part of Talon is for her OWN benefit. Being able to create mayhem for the team is just a bonus to why she's really there for
7:50 whats the name of that song pls
All songs are linked in the description of the video
I'd love to see which heroes embody the different virtues as well. I wanna predict Mercy to be kindness
Ashe is my favourite character and I resonate with her really well ❤️🩹
I thought the King Jamison skin was based off douchetubers
Well guess I’m greedy and envious according to this lol
honestly i thought widow would be lust just bc she only feels "alive" when killing so in a way, she only wants one thing, regardless of what happens after shes done