There are a few suggestions for attract a girl take your time go out by yourself - dont just stay in all the time thinking about this (I read about these and more on Shawthing Dating Advice website )
There's a book called Casanova Optimization of Attraction, and it talks from body language and conversaton starters to dark mind tricks and flirting through texts. It's the real deal
Yes, number 10 is correct "Confidence is key". Exercise helps out a lot. It took me almost 40 years to figure this out. Its going to take at least 10 to get in shape. By the time I am ready I will be 70 years old. Having to compete with the youngster; for the first time. Well at least I will have little bit of fun before I die!
50 likes and I'll tell my crush I love her I finally got the girl that I like, thanks so much. I'm really happy with how it turned out this way! Edit: after 9 months she broke up with me :(
A boi in my class said “I like u” to a girl the girl complained to the teacher Sad dude got suspended ;( Edit: he was actually very creepy - he stared at his crush which creeped her out - he used to walk up to her and ask “do you like me?” - he used to follow her which was pretty creepy Update: after 11months I think the girl who rejected him has a crush on me.....
how the hell a kid getting suspended for that lmao??? Girl: AAAAAAAAA he said he likes me then the teacher out here thinking: hmm yes very creepy and wrong to express emotion get S U S P E N D E D
Hey, whoever you are that made this video, this sh@t really worked for me, and I'm not the best looking guy in the world and overweight. I just hooked-up with a hot-ass woman using your info. This sh@t worked for bro. Thanks!
DeadBeast Hai hahaha. People say, oh, that must be so awesome, you're living a dream, but in reality, if you like your life, and you don't want the crazy drama, it's better not to have to deal with all that. It can really get draining. But, maybe you have selection, then, that's a good thing if there's one you want to be with ;)
@Is that yo mans 222 shut the fuck up looks matter women and men can't change it's how our species is build if you're beautiful people are gonna pick you over the ugly.
50 likes and I’ll shoot my shot Update 3 months later: got denied, but sent it w somebody else who’s 10x better and said yes (Very happy) This is the most likes on a comment I’ve ever had. Keep it up mad lads🔥
Summary: 1. Have your own life 2. Have an interesting hobby or passion 3. Have great hygiene 4. Ask her to do things for you - Benjamin Franklin effect 5. Make her laugh 6. Be her friend 7. Break the touch barrier 8. Tell her secrets - open the trust doors 9. Give her all your attention 10. Beep up your confidence game - work out regularly
I've liked a girl for a while and this video might just do it. A lot of the things mentioned I already do, so I just need to do the rest. Thanks Practical Psychology! You might have just made my day.
John Rivera yeah i just cant imgine myself having a gf because she is a responsibility and all i care really is to care of myself and become better in life i feel a gf will a distraction
superguyps3 you'll be surprised. I have a gf and it's really easy. they will end not being a distraction. they will uselly agree with everything and help you alot. (differs on type of girl you like)
Brandon Schears || don't worry, as a girl ( even if i am 95% different then the other girls most part of the time ) that only means to have a hobby or being able to do things on your own
Sensors have noticed an unintentional touch by crush. Max.exe is not responding, Do you want to send an error report to your brain? Click here to restart the system
This guy doesn't get you can't boost a person's like me confidence you just have to be born with it. I have tried some of these and embarrassed myself badly, I even think she hates me cause now she won't even glance at me in the hall
I found the tip about maintaining good hygiene particularly impactful. It’s a simple yet often overlooked aspect that truly makes a difference in personal attraction. I'll definitely be more mindful of it in my daily routine.
I've been a fan of your channel for a while now, and I always appreciate the quality of your content. You do a great job of explaining complex psychological concepts in a way that is both engaging and informative.
every introver should be able to do this. Being an introvert means you can still talk to people (especially people you are comfortable with) for a certein period of time a day and that you need time for yourself to recharge. If you are`nt comfortable enough to talk to a Girl you like, its because your nervous not because your an introvert
+Abboud 99 Not true. You can be introverted and nervous at the same time. Social Nervousness is an integral part of an introverts' personality. You must not be an introvert, because you have no idea what goes on inside our heads. I can't talk to ppl I don't know without getting nervous and clammy EVERY TIME! Extroverted ppl have been proven to be more well off in society, and that is a proven FACT.
i am an introvert it means i cant spend more then a couple hours a day around people and have problems opening up to stranger, I also cant spend long periods of time with people i am comfortable with without geting exhausted. Thats what it means to be an introvert. The advantage that extroverts have is that they can easier socialize which allows them to have more chances to impress people.
+Abboud 99 You can't say I'm not an introvert. If you think that's what that means to be an introvert, well that's your opinion. I am an Introvert and I am completely different from you. Do you even think I am an introvert? If not what do you think I am? Go ahead, label me.
I told my best friend 6 days ago that I love her. She loves me too. I'm 14, we've been friends for 5 years, and I've loved her for 6 years! I love this girl. I'm Ben, she's sam. I love her so much. My advice is to tell her/him how you feel. It changed my life!
Just reload, if it still doesnt work just do the notification duplication glitch, but in the third step of it rather than opening the app, highfive the crush. (Note I only did this once and it worked, so I dont know if it'll work again)
Potato Fazze my crush didn't know I had a crush on them (this is high school or secondary school if you are British like me) until this week: Monday- all of my friends find out Tuesday - my friends tell my crushes best friend and she tells my crush. I have to sit next to her for my next 2 classes and every morning in form. Wednesday - awkward Thursday - new seats for all periods, lucky me, I am sat next to her for every thing But 1 period that she isn't in and then her friends teased me because of this Friday- -I drink bleach but nothing happens- Me and her get shipped, as In mixing the 2names, she can't face it so she calls me over after lesson for me to talk to her and -she asks me out- conversates Maybe In the next month I may get her or at least not have depression
My crush does WAAAY more than that. She looks at me uninterrupted for minutes on end, she begged me to sit next to her, and she also plays with my hoodie for no reason. I was just watching this video to get her more interested.
I have a crush on a girl and then I texted her through instagram and then I got her number and we chatted and she would tell me that her friends would teases her with me whenever I call her and she would laugh. What does this mean?
Hey now, please don't get discouraged. Don't give up yet 💖 You deserve to love and be loved, and it will come your way eventually.~ Also, while I admit that 4 years is a long time and might mean it would be best to let go, I just wanted to say this: As a girl who has done this before, I can assure you that sometimes it actually IS possible to get out of the friendzone! 😊 I have "friendzoned" a guy in the past. He was nice but I honestly didn't find him attractive, at all.. I even felt bad when I realized he liked me 🙈 So, with time we just became good friends. But slowly, the more I got to know and spend time with him, the more I started seeing him differently and feeling more and more attracted to him.. Until one evening, when we were watching our comedy show at his place, I looked into his eyes, my heart skipped a beat and suddenly I realized; I had fallen in love with him.❤️ We shared our first kiss, and that was the moment this guy made it out of the friendzone 😊~ So sorry about the awfully long comment, I got carried away. 😅 But truly, I want you to know that someday, a girl will walk into your life, and she will see just how special you are and everything there is to love about you. She will cherish you above all.💖 I hope this love finds its way to you very soon ✨
Have your own life, have an interesting hobby or passion, have great hygiene, ask her to do something for you, make her laugh, be her friend, break the touch barrier, tell her secrets, give her all of your attention, beef up your confidence game
be like 4/10. you can look a lil ugly and still pick up tons of dudes. You can be awkward af and dudes will be all over you. It's SO EASY for girls to get into relationships, they just play the waiting game while the guys do all this research n shit l0l
1. Be attractive. 2. Don't be unattractive. 3. Be attractive. 4. Don't be unattractive. 5. Be attractive. 6. Don't be unattractive. 7. Be attractive. 8. Don't be unattractive. 9. Be attractive. 10. Don't be unattractive.
Faizan Ali two ways. Be attractive and a bad boy or be unattractive and a nerd. You cannot be attractive and a nerd, when girls wants to sex you and are thinking about marry
Super Rookie ...your name sums it up. You have no idea how most women think. Attraction is a law of nature. She's either sexually attracted to you or she's that could change over time, but not if you become one of her male girlfriends. (There are some girls who claim to be demisexual and can only be sexual after knowing a guy for 6-12 months, but I think it's usually girls who can't control their sexual impulses very well who push this idea in hopes that men won't put any sexual pressure on them, because they don't know how to be assertive or say no very well....that's just been my experience) "Let's be friends" generally means "I like the attention you give me, but I am not attracted enough to you to actually be in a relationship or want to sleep with you". Friendship game is a waste of time kid....she either finds you sexually stimulating, or she doesn't. Now.. if the first time you hang out she specifically tells you she's not going to kiss or sleep with you..then that's a good sign, cause it means she's actually thinking about kissing or sleeping with you....But, if she says anything about just being friends though, well...she's probably not interested in becoming sexual with you....time to move on. If you decide you want to become a girlfriend with a dick to her and listen to her talk about the guys she actually wants to sleep with or is sleeping with...well...that's your choice....sounds like a pretty sad place for any self respecting man to ever put himself though.
Super Rookie ...chump huh? What ever. .. I wasn't talking about not having any female friends. I was talking about guys that allow themselves to be put in the "just friends" zone with women who they actually want to be sexualy active's just not a good strategy, and it's also teetering on being slightly dishonest, sneaky and incongruent, by not straight up stating what you actually want from a woman from the get go. But if you just want to friend them all and then see which ones will let you "stick it in them" over time, then you go ahead and do whatever you want. It's your life.
A girl here We might look like we don’t see u or something, but oh boy do I have to tell u something. She probably be overthinking everything. Two most important things for me: Make her laugh and be urself/confident. That could be enough, even tho we maybe won’t show u and wait for you to make moves (cuz we scared too lol). Also, you can break the touch barrier. If she likes u she will be internally screaming for 3 days. And ofc, be nice and polite :D
I've read that, while not common, oral herpes CAN cause genital herpes. I actually was on one date when almost an hour in, I noticed she had oral herpes! Yikes! Misinformed chick told me she had kissed a guy a lot and had a "kissing disease". As if... As much as I believe in safe sex, I've read that you can contract herpes even with a condom on! Be careful where you dip your stick!
I have literally done all this and believe me she is still not interested in me it surely helped me in my personal growth but the ultimate truth I tell you is if you have looks money fame she is yours there is no place for true love in this world anymore 🙂
Agreed: 1. Break the touch barrier 2. Make eye contact when speaking and remember what she says and bring it up later will have her feel special to you Lesson: 1. Express passions 2. Hygiene smell good - shower and calogne 3. Ask her to do something for you - but don't do it too much 4. Be humorous 5. Tell her a secret (something embarrassing but not so bad in case she spills the beans) so that she will in turn trust you more 6. Workout regularly - 3 times a week minimum
Good advice about friend zone. I have many women friends and a steady girlfriend. If we part company it would be very easy to date or progress to intimacy any of them. They are effectively on a back burner should the need arise. That's when the 'friend zone' is very effective. They already know I have sexual interest 😊😊😊
Yeah this tips are retarded, it's basically "Be PERFECT and play by the RULES" Fuck off, ain't nobody got time for that. No time to impress fake Women.
@suga kookies yeah u say that stuff on comments i know what happens in reailty. If hes ugly af and works at mcdonalds or some shit like that then even if u dated him u will break him after a few days with the ( u r too nice ) yeah personality matters ofc but there is no way in bloody hell u will choose a poor ugly dude with a good personality over a rich handsome guy.
i’m not the greatest at all of these things but i make her laugh all the time n she touches me a lottttttttttttttt like hugs n everything even while i’m talking 2 my friends lol
Ayaw pagtoo anang estorya nila nga bad smell. hag as! kada adlaw ko maligo. dili ko kahimutang sa isa ka adlaw kong dili ko makaligo. maligo jud ko. estorya rana nila. I LOBE YOU!!!
U know u hit rock bottom when u start watching these videos.
Kimroy Christie for real tho
+Keanu Alaniz lol
+Prodigy then u definitely know u hit Rock bottom bruh
Kimroy Christie yea definitely
true bru
"If she seems disgusted or scared, don't touch her anymore"
There are a few suggestions for attract a girl
take your time
go out by yourself - dont just stay in all the time thinking about this
(I read about these and more on Shawthing Dating Advice website )
Jacob Wakefield Lol I should have that printed on a shirt
i read this at 3am and laughed so hard i woke everybody up
that moment when youtube finds out you're lonely so they put this in your recommended
David Rofl #truestory
David #truestory
David #truwstory
David lol
Then stop trying to look for porn on TH-cam
There's a book called Casanova Optimization of Attraction, and it talks from body language and conversaton starters to dark mind tricks and flirting through texts. It's the real deal
"If she seems disgusted or scared, don't touch her anymore" good advice lol
Yeah no contact touchy touchy she smacks you then bites you
Yea but it IS true
The fact that for some men this is considered wild information is concerning
I made her my armrest
- "can you pass Me the remote?"
- "Its right next to you"
- "I LIKE YOU, OK! "
Funniest shit I’ve read all day
boner gang
Milk Gang
Milk gang
tip nr 69 : tell her you like unitys particle system
I broke touch barrier
Update: just got out of jail
@divine intervention of beanos ikr
@@username-ge7xe how did you know that? Oh, that's just your name..
Hahaha i actually thought it was to me too lolol then i noticed its his name . Well its true thought its like im not meant to be in this world
Yes, number 10 is correct "Confidence is key". Exercise helps out a lot. It took me almost 40 years to figure this out. Its going to take at least 10 to get in shape. By the time I am ready I will be 70 years old. Having to compete with the youngster; for the first time. Well at least I will have little bit of fun before I die!
8. Tell her secrets many people don’t know
Me: I pooped my pants
My crush: ..........
Can we get a rip in the chat for this guy..
Thank you.
Exactly when I found this comment, that came out
Bodhi Perz rip
50 likes and I'll tell my crush I love her
I finally got the girl that I like, thanks so much. I'm really happy with how it turned out this way!
Edit: after 9 months she broke up with me :(
Butter u got 50 😂
U got past 50
Record ur confession and if she rejects u dont cry
How’d it go 😂
TheBlackNinja r/foundthemobileuser
I didn’t get the girl I wanted
I did learn how to play guitar
Itz_Zuleth positive thinking lol
Because of the fortnite profile picture
See I fix problems
Itz_Zuleth hey that’s a lifetime talent
Nice content. The truth is, money is worthless until you put it to work. Successful people look for business to invest on and make more money.
Investing in today is priceless because tomorrow isn't promised, trading bitcoin, gold, silver or any other crypto to secure a better tomorrow.
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it." - Henry David Thoreau
@@meredithpoor1042 You're Right💯👍
I do see it that forex and crypto trading is one of the profitable money exchange services that elevates investors and their financial status.
With all this all going on in the world we have no option than to invest in bitcoin
I tried this but the legend 27 keeps kicking my ass
JoshMylamb Mylamb who's the legend27 ?
Cristian Rodriguez z
+Cristian Rodriguez it's a meme from an ad
JoshMylamb Mylamb 💀
A boi in my class said “I like u” to a girl the girl complained to the teacher
Sad dude got suspended ;(
Edit: he was actually very creepy
- he stared at his crush which creeped her out
- he used to walk up to her and ask “do you like me?”
- he used to follow her which was pretty creepy
Update: after 11months I think the girl who rejected him has a crush on me.....
ravens beast I bet no one liked the girl ever again after that
how the hell a kid getting suspended for that lmao???
Girl: AAAAAAAAA he said he likes me
then the teacher out here thinking: hmm yes very creepy and wrong to express emotion get S U S P E N D E D
Respect +5000000
Then everyone clapped
idk idk bro what school are do you go to? No way he actually got suspended for that. No way his parents didn’t complain to the school after that.
i do all of these things and i have been friendzoned since i can remember
Well then she obviously likes you, but not in the way you want. I know it's so hard dude but I think it's time to move on.
That's life for you 😅😅😅
Damn u should ask her out
Keep trying, i belive in u
Hey tucci pucci what is the girls name
Hey, whoever you are that made this video, this sh@t really worked for me, and I'm not the best looking guy in the world and overweight. I just hooked-up with a hot-ass woman using your info. This sh@t worked for bro. Thanks!
Me gets exited to watch video.
Hears " Have a life "
Me, well i am going do die single.
xd TheGreat 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
xd TheGreat yup
xd TheGreat haha same
Same lol
Me too lol😅
6. Men use friendship to start love, women use friendship to END love.
I've rejected a ton of girls into friends only. I say it's not related to gender
Compiler Revolt :(
DeadBeast Hai hahaha. People say, oh, that must be so awesome, you're living a dream, but in reality, if you like your life, and you don't want the crazy drama, it's better not to have to deal with all that. It can really get draining. But, maybe you have selection, then, that's a good thing if there's one you want to be with ;)
Compiler Revolt ?
If she seems disgusted or scared. Don't touch her anymore. Pro tip everyone forgot to tell you
Good tip.
Just the tip
That feeling when your ugly so you cant get a girl and your wallet didnt have food for a whole week now
@Is that yo mans 222 shut the fuck up looks matter women and men can't change it's how our species is build if you're beautiful people are gonna pick you over the ugly.
Wolf SKULL good man
Thank you she actually said yes. Your awesome dude keep up the good work
50 likes and I’ll shoot my shot
Update 3 months later: got denied, but sent it w somebody else who’s 10x better and said yes
(Very happy)
This is the most likes on a comment I’ve ever had. Keep it up mad lads🔥
LiM_ _ I’m number 10
Lucas 10dj aight I’ll do it next Friday
LiM_ _ today is the day
Boy do it already lol.
Can i have prayers im going to tell my crush i like her ._.
how it go
Goodluck...god bless
Scopez In damn what happen tho
Oh hey guys it actually turned out great she actually somehow liked me back
Scopez In damn this nigga hit
1. Have your own life
2. Have an interesting hobby or passion
3. Have great hygiene
4. Ask her to do things for you - Benjamin Franklin effect
5. Make her laugh
6. Be her friend
7. Break the touch barrier
8. Tell her secrets - open the trust doors
9. Give her all your attention
10. Beep up your confidence game - work out regularly
all the things a typical person watching this doesn't have
based and purpilled
Thank you
Um you guys may have to contact the dev team because this list was patched or it’s a error in the software
Summary: Work ur ass off and do the hardest shits in ur life to get 1 girlfriend
I've liked a girl for a while and this video might just do it. A lot of the things mentioned I already do, so I just need to do the rest. Thanks Practical Psychology! You might have just made my day.
me: i can do it, just watch the video-
me: I GiVe uP
Dont give up in here lol warning my laugh sounds like a dying hyena 😂 *snorts*
I would die for you.
Psychological Trick #11: Try your hardest to not be stupid and ugly.
The best advice is
You walk up to her
Put your hand on her shoulder
And be like
vengezz oh I love that Spider-Man reference
How YOU doin. Friends... anybody???
U see how bad that went for spider man, not a good idea
GuAnDa : Hi :|
what a great video , i needed this for a girl in my college class :)
So I smiled at this girl and she smiled back. The question is how do I lure her into the trunk of my car?
Mr. Blank lmaoo thanks bro it worked
The don Hq offer free wifi
"If she seems disgusted or scared, don't touch her anymore" 😂
There are things that are more disgusted to do her that she feels good
More like dont ever talk to her again cause your lined up for rejection
if you are interested in me dm me on WHATSAPP 👉 +1 (832) 548-0490👈😋
things that make me nervous
2.people with in my area
3people within seeing distance
John Rivera yeah i just cant imgine myself having a gf because she is a responsibility and all i care really is to care of myself and become better in life i feel a gf will a distraction
superguyps3 you'll be surprised. I have a gf and it's really easy. they will end not being a distraction. they will uselly agree with everything and help you alot. (differs on type of girl you like)
John Rivera 4 talking about people
John Rivera 4 ITS A FEMALE!!!
Uri Gella ITS A PERSON!!! *screams inside*
thx so much for this. U literally changed my life. I owe u a huge one
so you gettin some yet?
"#1, Have your own life"
Well I'm fucked.
Brandon Schears || don't worry, as a girl ( even if i am 95% different then the other girls most part of the time ) that only means to have a hobby or being able to do things on your own
Brandon Schears All you have to do is be different, be an exception
(And for once, I ACTUALLY laughed aloud
Michael Hardy I'm more than fucked
Brandon Schears right
There was this girl I really like but she hated my guts. Now she's my wife with 6 kids.
The King Of Waffles Fucker
The King Of Waffles what did I say? You cant just rape somebody you like.
The King Of Waffles and how the hell did it happen
Told him
*You need to get an own life*
Me: *Searches on yt after "how to get a life" videos*
Good video, BEING KIND AND POLITE is very crucial.
*my crush touches me*
Albert.exe Has stopped working
That happend ro me a few days ago 😆😆😆
Sensors have noticed an unintentional touch by crush. Max.exe is not responding, Do you want to send an error report to your brain? Click here to restart the system
Boi u lucky
A girl sat on me on the bus to school
You know your love life is going down the drain when you're watching this video for tips
Nerdvana'sDomain I've never has one sooo...
I just love watching these videos
I'm in a relationship, I'm just looking for less manipulative ways to attract a girl so i feel less guilty about the cheating aspect of it.
+Thee Adjudicator ha-ha you dirty dog!
This guy doesn't get you can't boost a person's like me confidence you just have to be born with it. I have tried some of these and embarrassed myself badly, I even think she hates me cause now she won't even glance at me in the hall
8: Tell her secrets
Me: i like you
Oh shit
@Qxzz FN ಠ_ಠ tf
Staap I am dying.
I found the tip about maintaining good hygiene particularly impactful. It’s a simple yet often overlooked aspect that truly makes a difference in personal attraction. I'll definitely be more mindful of it in my daily routine.
The girl I like says I'm like a brother to her R.I.P. Me
Edit: Thanks for the support
A golden Nugget there if your from Alabama that means you can smash
@Nas Gaming basically this guy's done... friend zone here you go
Just go up and kiss her
Out side
Me too buddy. Me too.
I've done all these and i still cant get her to cheat on her boyfriend, what am i doing wrong???
The Moon King dumbass, you are the one that is in the wrong side
The Moon King wait your turn dude. If you can get her to cheat on her current boyfriend, someone can get her to cheat on you.
The Moon King you're stupid af
You need more booze.
Ppsy pS
How the fuck did I get here from watching star wars theories
Kalel Pruitt hahaha
The power of youtube
Kalel Pruitt same XD
Kalel Pruitt because you were looking at star wars theories
Christopher Duran so what brought you here actually looking for tips on a TH-cam video about girls
I've been a fan of your channel for a while now, and I always appreciate the quality of your content. You do a great job of explaining complex psychological concepts in a way that is both engaging and informative.
"If you want her, pay attention to her" - that was a strong message, great advice.
if you are interested in me dm me on WHATSAPP 👉 +1 (832) 548-0490👈
So true, I'm a gay girl and this is very accurate. This video isn't though lol. Thanks for the advise!
@@crystalnethery2696 you mean Lesbian ?
“A soul mate shouldn’t complete you, they should inspire you to complete yourself.”
Well said i agree with you
What a poet
*Takes in all information* | *Immediately forgets everything when confronted*
My soulmate right there :D
Ok cool 😞😞😞😞
Jaze Uchiha how did you write in black
Lucario It’s always black. If you mean bold, just put * on the beginning and end of a sentence. *Tada*
*I feel ya*
You deserve my subscription. You just saved me man
**Hey friend I got my relationship fixed back with the help of a man who brought my partner back in 48 hours after many years of seperation.❤️❤️**
Introverts and quiet people are at a disadvantage in society.
every introver should be able to do this. Being an introvert means you can still talk to people (especially people you are comfortable with) for a certein period of time a day and that you need time for yourself to recharge. If you are`nt comfortable enough to talk to a Girl you like, its because your nervous not because your an introvert
+Abboud 99 Not true. You can be introverted and nervous at the same time. Social Nervousness is an integral part of an introverts' personality. You must not be an introvert, because you have no idea what goes on inside our heads. I can't talk to ppl I don't know without getting nervous and clammy EVERY TIME! Extroverted ppl have been proven to be more well off in society, and that is a proven FACT.
i am an introvert it means i cant spend more then a couple hours a day around people and have problems opening up to stranger, I also cant spend long periods of time with people i am comfortable with without geting exhausted. Thats what it means to be an introvert. The advantage that extroverts have is that they can easier socialize which allows them to have more chances to impress people.
THEN MAN THE F UP ******* :D
+Abboud 99 You can't say I'm not an introvert. If you think that's what that means to be an introvert, well that's your opinion. I am an Introvert and I am completely different from you. Do you even think I am an introvert? If not what do you think I am? Go ahead, label me.
I asked my crush on a date, but she didn't friend zone me
She stopped talking to me🥴🥴🥴
Lol same
Same maybe.. idk
You've been 👻👻
@Marlee LeBlanc why would she reject him if she likes him?
That doesnt sound logical
error 404: girl not found
TheDailyGamer error 404: dick not found... oh wait there it is
TheDailyGamer 😂😂😂😂 bro
TheDailyGamer XD
I have a way to get any girl you like. With this technique I got a lot of girls and im going to share it a secret
Nick M
I told my best friend 6 days ago that I love her. She loves me too. I'm 14, we've been friends for 5 years, and I've loved her for 6 years!
I love this girl. I'm Ben, she's sam. I love her so much. My advice is to tell her/him how you feel. It changed my life!
Guys it doesn’t work anymore they patched it Edit: ayo thanks guys for all the likes it means alot❤️
Gio lmao 😂
Damit cheers bro
Gio only some things work here a tip don’t look her in her eyes they like when you. Give her a hand shake and touch shoulders
Just reload, if it still doesnt work just do the notification duplication glitch, but in the third step of it rather than opening the app, highfive the crush. (Note I only did this once and it worked, so I dont know if it'll work again)
if ur single like this😂
I’m tryna get with my gf’s sister.
@@T0M_X 🤔
Meme Vault BOI
Im single and ready to mingle lol
I'm only watching this because it won't fucking get out of my recommendations
Rubly Same lol
Rubly you could also just click "not interested"...
ExtonGraphics I've done that and it somehow kept appearing
i feel you m8
Sure you are...
Confidence is EVERYTHING, at least that's what my WIVES say
8. Tell her secrets
Me: I got a secret to tell you
Crush: Really, what is it?
Me: I have a crush on you
And she never talked to me again
Potato Fazze my crush didn't know I had a crush on them (this is high school or secondary school if you are British like me) until this week: Monday- all of my friends find out Tuesday - my friends tell my crushes best friend and she tells my crush. I have to sit next to her for my next 2 classes and every morning in form. Wednesday - awkward Thursday - new seats for all periods, lucky me, I am sat next to her for every thing But 1 period that she isn't in and then her friends teased me because of this Friday- -I drink bleach but nothing happens-
Me and her get shipped, as In mixing the 2names, she can't face it so she calls me over after lesson for me to talk to her and -she asks me out- conversates
Maybe In the next month I may get her or at least not have depression
Potato Fazze I have a secret, I kill people and Bury them in the alley behind mcdonalds
im ugly as crap im trying to change my look but I just cant
SpriGGan t0taLLY That's rough bruh
Potato Fazze hehe I told my crush
Cough we're great friends
"tell her secrets"
me: I have a crush on you
It is true tho🤣
Welp u gotta do wut u gotta do man
Worked for me. Sometimes wingin it is the only way
avoid the secret step . trust me. just keep least 60percent
But... Wait I... Did that
Step one: get a girl to acknowledge your existence.
W....W...Wh...What?? Th..Tha... IMPOSSIBLE
Me reading this
Ok so for me step one is: die
The hard part
Wtf That's a myth that's not real hehe *sad noises*
My crush does WAAAY more than that. She looks at me uninterrupted for minutes on end, she begged me to sit next to her, and she also plays with my hoodie for no reason. I was just watching this video to get her more interested.
I like how no one said if it accually worked
Works great, now I'm dating Angelina Jolie
Jakub I fell bad
stacy`s mom thing !
I didnt got the girl i was talking to .....
I got her hot af sister
My nigga
I mean..... it's still a win right?
Ayy my boi😂😂😅😅😇😇
My favorite technique is to use chloroform as a cologne, works 100% of time
BFFs Engineer I tried that out myself once. I passed out before I ever even left my house... fml
*Hands tissue to crush*
"Does this smell like chloroform to you?"
The .Guyzer haha....good one
BFFs Engineer who told you my secret 😡
That's how you make People fall for you
How to get a girl: look good and be genuine. Having female friends is a bonus.
You Right it's really high value bonus having female friends..they was with me at hard Time and helped me to stand-up again
@@turbeaudzl3422 yeah u don’t have a lot of female friends
I have a crush on a girl and then I texted her through instagram and then I got her number and we chatted and she would tell me that her friends would teases her with me whenever I call her and she would laugh. What does this mean?
*sees thumbnail*
"Am I really that desperate?"
"No, I'm not that desperate"
*scrolls down*
*scrolls back up again*
*clicks on video*
We're all sad cunts on this section bro, all..
step 1: make your audience think that you are an expert with women.
Step 2: Eat chips.
Step 3. Get soda
Step 4: Vote Trump
ThYoSu ツ 5. Be respectful to wamhen
step 6: keep it calm
We did it boys , looks like we are all getting girlfriends
Oh wait it is just my imagination cuz I have been in the friend zone for 4 years now
if you are interested in me dm me on WHATSAPP 👉 +1 (832) 548-0490👈
@Hainam Haleem same tbh I thought I wouldn't be alone my whole life then I remembered it was me I'm thinking about
Hey now, please don't get discouraged. Don't give up yet 💖 You deserve to love and be loved, and it will come your way eventually.~
Also, while I admit that 4 years is a long time and might mean it would be best to let go, I just wanted to say this:
As a girl who has done this before, I can assure you that sometimes it actually IS possible to get out of the friendzone! 😊 I have "friendzoned" a guy in the past. He was nice but I honestly didn't find him attractive, at all.. I even felt bad when I realized he liked me 🙈 So, with time we just became good friends. But slowly, the more I got to know and spend time with him, the more I started seeing him differently and feeling more and more attracted to him.. Until one evening, when we were watching our comedy show at his place, I looked into his eyes, my heart skipped a beat and suddenly I realized; I had fallen in love with him.❤️ We shared our first kiss, and that was the moment this guy made it out of the friendzone 😊~
So sorry about the awfully long comment, I got carried away. 😅 But truly, I want you to know that someday, a girl will walk into your life, and she will see just how special you are and everything there is to love about you. She will cherish you above all.💖 I hope this love finds its way to you very soon ✨
@@strawberry14 bois how long you guys think this guy took time to write this whole thing!!
plot twist the girl watches this video and sees this !
The way you teach us makes me so confident love you mate ❤️
Roses are red
Violets are red
Trees are red
Grasses are red
Oh fuck, My garden is on fire!
Tushar Maurya 😂😂😂😂
Tushar Maurya 😂
funnest youtube comment ive ever heard
Tushar Maurya that made my day! Thank you! 😂😂😂
I don't understand why people think voting for trump is fucked up
I could've used another candidate, just did it to make some laugh, and others comment... psychological aspect to increase engagement :)
Practical Psychology well saying it that way makes me fell like a dumbass right now . Oh wait I an a dumbass 😄😄
And this is why emotionally smart and aware people become rich lol
Sebastian Anovski t
becuz its fucked up
1. Have your own life
9. Give her all of your attention
I hope you're joking xd
Girls like to be noticed
Have your own life as in don’t do what everyone else does just because everyone is doing it
@@nervoussystem4738 like ur friends that want u to play Apex and u do it bc they do it
Thanks very much for publishing this video
Have your own life, have an interesting hobby or passion, have great hygiene, ask her to do something for you, make her laugh, be her friend, break the touch barrier, tell her secrets, give her all of your attention, beef up your confidence game
kinda hard to be confident when your hearts been destroyed.
rc truck stuff doesnt mean all of us our lousy bitches. Trust me, you'll find your person.
iiLonelyFox Emo thanks but ill surely die alone.
be strong buddy
Francisco Monge thanks man.
rc truck stuff SAME
for the ladies.. how to get a guy to like you:
Tip 1: say hi to him.
Jay Bee *be at least a 6/10 to most people
be like 4/10. you can look a lil ugly and still pick up tons of dudes. You can be awkward af and dudes will be all over you. It's SO EASY for girls to get into relationships, they just play the waiting game while the guys do all this research n shit l0l
Gabeothasicomono yes it works girls😂
Cunning Chaos
Gabeothasicomono its so goddman easy for girls all they need is a lot of makeup....
I need the corona version of this video.
Its 1am and iam learning to impress my crush lol.I think i should sleep now.
romarssi everything!! That’s what I’m doing 😂
Same bro!!😳😳
How did you know
That’s not even a joke that’s my situation right now
romarssi everything!! shit its 12:53 am now
1. Be attractive.
2. Don't be unattractive.
3. Be attractive.
4. Don't be unattractive.
5. Be attractive.
6. Don't be unattractive.
7. Be attractive.
8. Don't be unattractive.
9. Be attractive.
10. Don't be unattractive.
+YeshPlz spicy fresh memes 😂
YeshPlz Do you grow the memes, or make them in a factory?
Make sure you understand what attractiveness actually means before you say shit like that.
Faizan Ali two ways. Be attractive and a bad boy or be unattractive and a nerd. You cannot be attractive and a nerd, when girls wants to sex you and are thinking about marry
Purposely going into the friend zone is the worst fucking idea I have ever heard
Henry Feighery Nope. You have to get used to how woman think
Super Rookie ...your name sums it up.
You have no idea how most women think. Attraction is a law of nature. She's either sexually attracted to you or she's that could change over time, but not if you become one of her male girlfriends.
(There are some girls who claim to be demisexual and can only be sexual after knowing a guy for 6-12 months, but I think it's usually girls who can't control their sexual impulses very well who push this idea in hopes that men won't put any sexual pressure on them, because they don't know how to be assertive or say no very well....that's just been my experience)
"Let's be friends" generally means "I like the attention you give me, but I am not attracted enough to you to actually be in a relationship or want to sleep with you".
Friendship game is a waste of time kid....she either finds you sexually stimulating, or she doesn't.
Now.. if the first time you hang out she specifically tells you she's not going to kiss or sleep with you..then that's a good sign, cause it means she's actually thinking about kissing or sleeping with you....But, if she says anything about just being friends though, well...she's probably not interested in becoming sexual with you....time to move on.
If you decide you want to become a girlfriend with a dick to her and listen to her talk about the guys she actually wants to sleep with or is sleeping with...well...that's your choice....sounds like a pretty sad place for any self respecting man to ever put himself though.
Super Rookie ...chump huh? What ever. ..
I wasn't talking about not having any female friends. I was talking about guys that allow themselves to be put in the "just friends" zone with women who they actually want to be sexualy active's just not a good strategy, and it's also teetering on being slightly dishonest, sneaky and incongruent, by not straight up stating what you actually want from a woman from the get go. But if you just want to friend them all and then see which ones will let you "stick it in them" over time, then you go ahead and do whatever you want. It's your life.
Henry Feighery fuck off clarence!
6 years... How r u now?
A girl here
We might look like we don’t see u or something, but oh boy do I have to tell u something. She probably be overthinking everything. Two most important things for me: Make her laugh and be urself/confident. That could be enough, even tho we maybe won’t show u and wait for you to make moves (cuz we scared too lol). Also, you can break the touch barrier. If she likes u she will be internally screaming for 3 days. And ofc, be nice and polite :D
Why this dude sound like he about to tell Mr Stark he don't feel so well 🤣
Edit* thanks for the likes never had this many 😂
The best comment on TH-cam
WTF AT 0:10 why does the light bulb look like that and what the hell is ractical sychology
Exactly! That's him!
Tell her secret okay I am on it
Me - hi I like your friend too
Her - 🤛
Lol that what I did 😂😂 for real man and i think it went well
@@ΓιάννηςΜπρέγκου-λ4ζ are you greek?
rofl :) :) :)
8. Tell her a secret.
Guy: "I have herpes."
Girl: "Oh..."
Any future chances with her are now ruined. Lol
90% of the ppl or more have it ...
danail iliev Lol! It's still a turnoff.
danail iliev good god really no more sex...
Only 1 in 13 people have herrpes, and its the benign kind that make mouth sores, not the STD kind. So, yeah, its still a HUGE turn off.
I've read that, while not common, oral herpes CAN cause genital herpes.
I actually was on one date when almost an hour in, I noticed she had oral herpes! Yikes!
Misinformed chick told me she had kissed a guy a lot and had a "kissing disease". As if...
As much as I believe in safe sex, I've read that you can contract herpes even with a condom on!
Be careful where you dip your stick!
This really help bro thxs
Instructions unclear. Married to a toaster.
Instructions unclear humped the ground
'don't touch her anymore' lmaaooooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Team Natsu lol😂😂
I wished TH-cam would stop recommending us bullshit. Just came here to write this. Move on.
I have literally done all this and believe me she is still not interested in me it surely helped me in my personal growth but the ultimate truth I tell you is if you have looks money fame she is yours there is no place for true love in this world anymore 🙂
step one : be rich
step two : do step one
Mohammed being rich never works with most girls....
Darshan Vicknesh Ruban no im professional in these stuffs
+Darshan Vicknesh Ruban It works with virtually all girls. What are you talking about?
Mohammed gold diggers😂😂😂😂
@@darshanvickneshruban8477 aw crap.
1. Break the touch barrier
2. Make eye contact when speaking and remember what she says and bring it up later will have her feel special to you
1. Express passions
2. Hygiene smell good - shower and calogne
3. Ask her to do something for you - but don't do it too much
4. Be humorous
5. Tell her a secret (something embarrassing but not so bad in case she spills the beans) so that she will in turn trust you more
6. Workout regularly - 3 times a week minimum
Thx u Explained it in 15 second slit faster than vid
@@MoonZz123 😁 np buddy
I like how you say just smell good as if you don't do that anyway
Malik Jones lol 3 times a week? I do 5 because you need 2 days off look it Up so yeah
My crush called me cute then we got into the conversation of what electives we’re in and I said I was in band and she deducted “cute points”
The FuCk.....she got problems then
But band kids are cute as hell though? Maybe I’m just biased because I’m in band haha
_ Mel _ The band kids at my school are the worst kind of people. I know that because I’m in band at my school, but I’m also leaving.
Good advice about friend zone. I have many women friends and a steady girlfriend. If we part company it would be very easy to date or progress to intimacy any of them. They are effectively on a back burner should the need arise. That's when the 'friend zone' is very effective. They already know I have sexual interest 😊😊😊
well lets try this...
*1. have a life*
Fads3 L
haha man
Yeah this tips are retarded, it's basically "Be PERFECT and play by the RULES" Fuck off, ain't nobody got time for that. No time to impress fake Women.
Fads3 Lmao, that was my same thought 😂😂
as a girl i can confirm that when a guy smells good, is funny, breaks the touch barrier, and does the benjamin franklin effect work.
It does?
Hell yeah.
U forgot the good looking or got ton of money part. If a guy doesnt have one of those then he will be like a brother to u lets be honest.
@@stentaha9530 lol no i definitely don't care about money but like i think a ton of people are cute so...
@suga kookies yeah u say that stuff on comments i know what happens in reailty. If hes ugly af and works at mcdonalds or some shit like that then even if u dated him u will break him after a few days with the ( u r too nice ) yeah personality matters ofc but there is no way in bloody hell u will choose a poor ugly dude with a good personality over a rich handsome guy.
Sten Taha dude you’re so right
11 year old listens to number 7 " heavily breathing "
Jelly. TV Why lol
Jelly. TV
My humble channel can take advantage of it a lot, enter and watch the first video
#boysonly in my school also I'm 11 😂😂
Jelly. TV ahahaaahhhahah lol like in home alone?? XD
i’m not the greatest at all of these things but i make her laugh all the time n she touches me a lottttttttttttttt like hugs n everything even while i’m talking 2 my friends lol
She likes you
"Good hygiene is #1" so why is it #3?
daniel gunner deadass
Ayaw pagtoo anang estorya nila nga bad smell. hag as! kada adlaw ko maligo.
dili ko kahimutang sa isa ka adlaw kong dili ko makaligo. maligo jud ko. estorya rana nila.
dili ka nila ma klaruhan
mga yawa mo baho ug ilok di mga ligo
“Make her laugh.”
Thanks boss. That helps.
“While it is pleasant to meet girl in park, it may be more pleasurable to park meat in girl.”
Damn boy you sick
Damn boy she thicc
You son of a *****!you're still alive?!
@@prathamshah3305 You Should Have Gone for the Head
Confucius part had me dead 😂💀
Thanks! Awesome video!
If you really want to take a total control over your crush or your relationship, you can use the help of a spell caster
He's based in Lakeland Floridaa
+ 1 8 6 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 6