Comic fan 13 technically he could have a work around with that issue. With Kyle Ranner still having his white lantern ring he could actually bring back Bruce’s parents.
I like the idea of a comic where Joker is forced into the Indigo Lanterns, only for him to be immune to its compassion, its not that the ring isn't working, but his insanity makes him physically incapable of feeling compassion, so instead he uses the ring for a crime/murder spree.
@@dragonkidd1644 yeah I get that, but maybe as a What-if sort of one-shot where the Joker gets to abuse the ring for, like, an afternoon before the ring's defenses kick in and leave him, you know, just for the sake of chaos.
The black lanterns are lawful evil, while the Joker is chaotic evil: the Joker doesn’t “worship” death, he simply has no problems killing people. For this reason, the Joker cannot be a black lantern.
I am by no means a master in regards to the canon on this, but surely the Black Lanterns, given that they follow no set rules beyond bringing about the events of the Blackest Night - an event that is driven by a cosmic force (albeit a negative one), i.e. something more or less beyond morality/reason - wouldn't it be more accurate to say the Black Lanterns are neutral evil? Those like Lex Luthor, Rhaz Al Ghul and Zod would be closer to the definition of Lawful Evil, surely? Joker is definitely Chaotic Evil though, but it could be argued that this is because he is beyond standard Lawful/Good/Chaos/Evil distinctions (at least in some of his interpretations), much in the same way Cthulhu would be labelled as Chaotic Evil as his actions to us can only be deemed as such. We cannot fully comprehend their actions as they make no sense to us, so we label them as chaotic (as they follow no pre-defined rules) and evil (as their actions do not portray any form of morality). I don't know, I'm spitballing here >
@@PhantomBones101 just seen your comment and i got to say how would the joker be a detriment to the rest of the corp, they only live to kill, rape and destroy. even sinestro is being controlled by Umbrax in some ways. i'm sure if Umbrax seen what the joker can do it would make him the new leader of the UV corp.
Joker can be a darkstar. Because he not garnered by any true emotions being he's an agent of chaos. And,has no qualms killing. Makes him suited to being a darkstar.
@@sabin97 chaos doesn't mean you can't function in a cognitive orderly way. It takes planning to burn down the world. I call him a agent of chaos because I call Batman a agent of order. With Gotham in the middle as the scale that balances them. And even tho they're both mortal. As long as Gotham is in existence their battle will always go on in some form or fashion.
@@georgetinker1292 batman isnt an agent of order either, just like the joker isnt an agent of chaos. batman is SOMEWHAT lawful, in the sense that he more or less follows a code(which seems to be quite flexible, like klingon "honor"). i could see the joker being identified as evil, but not really chaotic at all. but rather meticulous and orderly.
@@sabin97A: when has Batman not broken the law?His whole work and identity is outside of the law. Hence vigilante. B:all everything he ever does is try to control the situation. Control means order. C: even tho he can be killed as long as the joker(chaos) is about. He can never die. Because you can't have one without the other. Making them ultimately immortal. Just give it real thought. There tied to each other. Order and chaos. Good and evil. Yin to yang.
to be fair, the indigo lantern ring is actually considered a cosmic punishment forcing people to have great compassion when they had none previously (its why the indigo ring winds up on a lot of monstrous villians in comics..aside from Atom but that was willingly given to him during "Brightest Day")
Sinestro vs Joker: Joker would probably be sneaky instead of pulling a direct fight. Inject him with the Joker Venom. Sinestro would have a tough time dishing out fear when he's laughing uncontrollably until his heart stops. But, here's my much DIFFERENT take: We have the Love, Fear, Will, Avarice, Hope, Rage and Compassion. Then Life and Death. But, I feel like the Corps are missing a key component of the emotional spectrum: Joy. That part of emotion which brings us laughter, and content. However, in Joker's twisted and psychotic mind, killing and torturing, and playing his whimsical game with Batman is what brings him such joy, and is his driving force in everything he does. So, I propose a new Corps, the Joy Corps, which the Joker would most definitely fit in with. I even feel it would make an interesting storyline. The new Joy Corps is constructed, under the belief that Joy itself is happiness, bliss, and so how could that be evil? The requirement, much like compassion, is that even through great hardship, they are able to still find joy and laugh in the face of adversity, and the Joker does exactly this. Rings are sent out, and the Joker finds himself in possession of one. By the way, DC, if you are reading this, I give complete permission for you to use this idea.
I would *LOVE* this as a story, Batman having to deal with a super Joker with nigh unlimited power, and the end where bats defeats him by making him cry (somehow), the ring slipping from his finger with batman holding him in a rare show of support for the joker. The "end credits" scene would be bats visiting joker in Arkham and asking why he gave up so easily, the joker responding with "It's not as funny when you feel pity for me." or "it's not as funny when I'm stronger than you."
@@AceMcCrank I also think Joker overthrowing Sinestro is also somewhat possible and would also be an interesting story Joker's nuts but he's not stupid enough to face Sinestro head on if he were to join the Sinestro Corp Lol I can see him playing along with everything Sinestro tells him to do and waiting for the right moment to kill him Joker would probably even go as far as earning Sinestro's trust and than turning on him when he's got his guard down
Except against the Creeper. His equal in every way, from the maniacal laughter and insanity to the tragic origin story, pretty much identical to him in every way except for how he reacted to his transformation. An eccentric but heroic madman with a chaotic-good moral alignment who gives the joker a taste of his own medicine and often leaves him running with his tail between his legs as a result.
I personally feel Jokers character is more strongly written when he DOESN'T kill people, like in the cartoons. Because then it makes him more menacing due to all his victims have to live through what he's done. Plus death is rarely a good punchline even in black comedy and I think Joker would know that. Plus it makes the few times he did kill someone more impactful, it's why white knights depiction of the Joker is something I really like. So my preferred version of the joker would not be a fit for the black lantern ring at all. But I think him getting both and indigo and a green lantern ring due to technicalities and using both would be just as crazy as him controlling a black lantern ring.
NekoVira I have to agree. I don't know why, I always find it better/funnier when Joker throws a pie in someone's face (like in Christmas with the Joker) than to shoot somebody.
Killing makes a bad punchline, but it can make a good setup for a joke. Killing someone should never be the Joker's goal, but murdering a rich brat's parents in front of their eyes could definitely get a laugh if he did it right...
He wouldn't be in a corp because he can't be trusted none of them would take him cuz he always seem to over come his sane mind and go back to being criminally insane
Indigo would be fine, it would rewrite his mind and turn him "good". Black would be alright as well, but he'd need to get Hand's ring, which he definitely couldnt do.
I feel like he'd less be inducted into a corp and more steal someone else's power ring and stumble upon its power, "accidentally" making the ring incapable of turning off. In this way, Green or Yellow would be a good fit for him. Honestly, I'm not even sure Indigo would work on Joker, he might be too insane.
eleven months ago, but, i'ma say something... just watched a "because science" where they talk about if he would actually be declared "criminally insane, and the answer was , no,
The thing is, Joker doesn't literally worship death. He kills people because its tragic, it's something society says he's not supposed to do, its ammoral, it hurts people, it may push someone closer to giving up on hope like he did. If anything, he worships chaos and pain as he seems to have taken the philosophy of slapstick comedy to the extreme and he finds pain, someone being the butt of the joke, funny. And the bigger the better, because he's theatrical and loves a spectacle. He can't seem to take a breath without killing someone, but he's also too lively with his motivations to do it and how he does it, if that makes sense. So I really don't think he's a fit for the black lantern corp. Indigo would probably be best for him but tbh if you just follow this guy's stories in the comics you'll find that he is portrayed as being strongly motivated by most of these things. "The Man Who Laughs" He's motivated by rage. (First appearance in modern age canon btw) "Death of the Family" says that according to his pupils, they stay in a perpetual pin-prick state until he sees Batman, then they expand in the way that signifies feeling love "Knightfall" this could be will/fear but he gets a huge dose of fear toxin right in his face, pretends to be scared to get the drop on scarecrow, then laughs it off as he ruthlessly beats scarecrow with a wooden chair while insulting him. And since it's also been explained that he has all these conflicting emotional/psychological states because he has a condition not completely understood by Arkham psychologists, dubbed "Super Sanity" that allows his mind to mold itself to adapt to any given situation, hence why he never seems to break in situations where he's under a lot of stressors (torture, interrogations, looking death in the face, watching his scheme fall apart) According to the comics that subscribe to this (which are modern age canon(not to be confused with New Age or Rebirth canon)) Its is also possibly like ESP so his brain just sort of knows how it needs to be wired on a given day, which explains why some days he'll be more goofy prankster rather than serial killer clown or mastermind crime lord. So I kind of come to the conclusion that Joker's whole deal is more cognitive than emotional, and his inconsistent mental and emotional state wouldn't really qualify him as a candidate for any of the lantern corps. Hell, any rings that would come across him by chance would probably struggle to get a reading on him like he's anomaly or something.
Fuck what everyone talking about. This is a great analysis my guy. "Super Sanity" might be his thing, he's able to break down heroes and villains in a way that makes them uncomfortable in his presence. He doesn't necessarily always prepare his plans, he plays to his victims emotions to situations and sees how they would adapt to it. Prepared for the outcome of what would happen. He has a win/win type of deal. If he kills he wins. If people die, he wins. If he dies, he wins. At the end of the day his character is chaos. However its served that he see fits, he's winning in his eyes.
This video made me realize a perfect future plotline for the Batman Who Laughs. He is so perfect for the Black Lantern core, and since his bat-god-sugar-mama is tied up at the moment, he could ally himself with the Black Lantern core to help him fulfill his goal of destroying everything.
My I suggest... Cyan? He's in a constant state of in-Cyan-ity! And we all know that somewhere between willpower (green) and hope (blue), there's something just *crazy* enough to work!
9:38 I remember in one empisode of The Brave and the Bold, there was a version of Red Hood that was just The Joker but if he held onto enough of his sanity to stay a good guy, and even fight against basically the evil version of every hero despite being disadvantaged. He'd definitely be perfect for either the green or the blue lantern corps.
He'd either work best with yellow or green. Yellow because he can instill fear in EVERYONE in Gotham, not just good guys, but also in other bad guys. The Green Lanterns wouldn't give him one, but most of his plans are brought about by meticulous planning and an overwelming drive to get shit done, aka will power. Joker does love Batman though. Not romantically (though he has joked about it once in awhile) he truly does love Batman and doesn't know what he'd do without his greatest opponent. I can see him being brought back by a black ring and overpowering it's control. In fact, that sounds like an Injustice 3 plot. But the other two I said would suit him better to me.
I feel the joker and Batman have a screwed up kind of love thing going and part of reson why he wants Batman to break his rule to make him a better hero in the end so I belive he has a strong compaction to Batman even if it's fed up also l also feel joker would see the nutral end with the ring and avoid it so agree DEATH
I think the Ultraviolet Corp would be a good fit. I don't know much but from what I can tell it gets the user to accept their primal instincts and desires, that things like "morals" muddle-up and act as limiters to one's potentials. It feeds into his anarchy and chaos, and more importantly his duality with Batman and trying to get him to break, to give in. Also works with his phrase "'All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day." How he wanted to Push Gordon by seeing the horrendous state Barbara was in. Then of course the infamous case with The Dark Knight and Harvey and the stunt with the people on the Boats. Basically showing that things like morals and societal restrictions are the real delusions and if every one reaches that point like he did then that is their true nature, which I think the Ultraviolet Corps encapsulates so well as far as I can tell.
Joker imo is by far the most complicated in the question of which Lantern Corps he could be best suited in. I honestly am undecided because of just how unpredictable and insane he is, but if I had to choose one it would be Death as well (or Ultraviolet). :)
Indigo! All the Indigo members were crazy psychopathic criminals before they had the ring forced on them, then they were "cured" after. It even worked on Black Hand (until he killed himself to go back to Black), so it'd definitely cure Joker for as long as he had the ring.
@@wr5488 I don't know if the Indigo ring would work on the Joker fully since most being godly level and higher had tried to calm his mind down I tried to revert it back to normal only had a limited of time to do it before he broke through their mind control
@@davidspearim5552 apparently it didn't work on Black Hand too well, either, but it would be an interesting storyline, especially if Batman's hand is forced (so a Justice League story featuring the Lantern Corps, maybe?)
He is every lantern Corps, he has extremely strong will power, love that can grant him the soul stone, rage, avarice, hope, compassion (and lack of it), fear, life and death
He could be hope, because although he lost hope for a normal life, he still has immense overwhelming hope that eventually one day he will beat the dark knight and make batman like himself. If he didn’t have hope, he wouldn’t persist, and wouldn’t go for such a big challenge.
You make such good videos! I love them! Whenever I’m wondering something you’ve already made a video about it and it’s awesome! Never stop making them!
Joker does have compassion. He simply uses it as a weapon to drive others insane. He understands what its like to have a terrible day and what his killings do. He just uses it to his advantage. That's why he is such an incredible speaker. He gets you.
The joker really fits in the black Corp because hes like a controller of death just like Nekron (leader of the black lantern corp) and is also an outstanding character because example hes a puppet and people think hes being controled by the ventriloquist (batman) but in this cast the joker is a patient villain like he waits for batman to actually do what he'll really thinks he wont to and that is killing the joker because the joker really did want batman to kill him and i think that would've been a great plan to turn batman into like this opposite and become this villain and this may lead him to become maybe a black lantern (if he was not dead) but this is my reason why the joker should really be in the black lantern corps as well
I vaguely thought that one of the limitations of the yellow core was that beings that can't or don't feel fear are unable to wield the rings, which is a reason that some people have argued scarecrow would be a very weak lantern (given that scarecrow's experiments have change his brain chemistry enough to mess with the fear response.)
Very good points about Joker's lantern corp and interesting plots you proposed. But what does the Joker fear? Remembering his old self, being ordinary, the IRS, being killed by nobody important and the Creeper are all that come to my mind. The last three are from the animated series and maybe he fears the Creeper taking his place as the chaos to Batman's order.
To make an argument for the white ring: Despite Joker's lack of all hope whatsoever, he keeps on living. Joker just experiences life and does whatever he wants, so I think it would be a good fit
at 12:54 when Joker shoots Barbara Gordon I always thought it was because he was trying to change Cominsner Gordon by giving him one bad day, I've never read the comic.
I feel like if Batman was made aware of that ring he would literally grab one and tell every other Hero on the planet to come and help him put it on the Joker that would be one story I would love to see
@@DoubleBoost23 but since he has tried to be controlled by gods Martian Manhunter and the spectre I'm thinking that he has enough will to make sure that he stays in control
Personally, I would give him a purple ring, he's completely fixated on Batman, putting on shows for him and does it all *for* Batman. Whenever Batman is possibly dead he usually tries to moves on living a pretty normal life, but still remembers the "good old days"
I think your reading on Avarice was wrong. I think it's PERFECT for him. The Orange Lantern of Avarice would naturally be the only member of it's corps since they're greedy and don't share. Joker doesn't work well with others anyway so a lantern corps where he's the only member fits beautifully. And he's ABSOLUTELY greedy when it comes to Batman, to the point where he'll go out of his way to fuck with other villains who might come close to killing Batman simply because he wants it to himself.
When he mentioned about the black lantern Corp as the the main antagonist for injustice 3 if it's ever made. I just kept thinking about how all those killed by the regime/superman coming back to life with the memories of who killed them. What an amazing story that would be.
Weirdly enough hope can fit, if you look at Joker movie joker, despite being pushed around, beaten down, and even seen as a criminal no matter what, he actually believes that standing up for himself will make a difference, at least for him.
Joker is definitely compassion, not because he has a compassionate heart but because the Compassion core also takes villains And people with a great deal of Compassion, that doesn't mean the Joker has compassion but the ring makes them feel a massive amount of Compassion to the point where they don't want to take the ring off so that they atone for their crimes
Sinestro has moments where he’s not exactly a villain. Occasionally he will over look his hatred of the green lanterns for disavowing him if the situation arises. Hence why he was able to be a white lantern. Keep in mind the main reason he even became a yellow lantern in the first place was his immense fear of losing his family and home and thus used that fear to attempt to protect it in his dictatorship, unwittingly fulfilling the prophecy that inspired him to do just that
He loves Batman, completely fixated on Batman, obsessed even. The thing about the lantern corps is that they don't discuss ethics or reasoning. As long as you have the single condition then you are granted a ring. I think the joker fits into the love corps, no matter how twisted his "love" for Batman may be.
Indigo power ring: **FLYING INTENSIFIES** Details: Following [the Indigo Power Ring's] creation, Abin Sur departed the planet Nok in order to capture his arch-enemy Iroque. He placed the Power Ring on her which transformed her from a psychopathic criminal into a repentant one who regretted her past actions as well as showed remorse over them. Seeing this affect, he began to collect other criminals from across the cosmos and fitted them with Power Rings on Nok where they became known as the Indigo Tribe. Edit: Because technically indigo isn't purple?
I disagree Joker may be insane but he's not stupid enough to just recklessly fight Sinestro there's a reason why Joker never wants to fight Batman head on because in CQC Batman would just embarrass him Lol he's always trying to get the upper hand on an opponent and never plays fair because Joker's only in it when the odds are in his favor so I can definitely see Joker following Sinestro until an opportunity eventually comes where he can overthrow him
Yellow. He’s not angry, he’s not compassionate, he’s greedy but that’s not his defining trait. He has a high willpower but.. come on.. he doesn’t bring hope. He’s incapable of feeling love, at least in the normal sense. He’s not dead, and he doesn’t care about life. Yet he thrives off the fear of the people of Gotham, a lot like scarecrow does, but he uses his mad actions instead of a gas. Scarecrow and Joker would be brothers in the same corps. But I feel joker wouldn’t want to be part of the yellow lantern corps once he realized other people have that power, that he can’t make them afraid because of that power.
Where was Joker during Blackest Night? I mean if Lex had a legion of undead coming after him for his actions, Joker should have his own zombie apocalypse.
Compassion- it’s been mentioned that those rings are either given to people with great compassion or no compassion at all. If joker was given a compassion ring it would actually make sense for him to be a beneficial member of the corps.
The newly formed Ultraviolet Corps. For those unaware, they are formed of the darkest chaotic instincts that inspire people to commit to their evil sides. Joker being the pure incarnation of chaos would fit even more so in.
So I gave this a long thought and thought of this myself. I figured out a story line where Joker would be a Proud Blue Lantern. To explain, he doesn’t start as a blue lantern in this story line. A full gathering of all lanterns gather on earth and Joker is visited by the Lust lanterns. You forgot about another form love and Lust. The joker’s love for insanity. Gaining the love ring, Joker suddenly see’s the world in another light. He’s troubled... he no longer gains the same joy from killing as much as he once knew. He begins the journey to the blue lantern core, starting on the pink ring. He loves his sanity, but trying to be good, he begins to respect the feeling of compassion. The compassion core then greets him and recruits him from love. Joker keeps soul searching on this journey and gets wrapped up in the dimensional hell. He watches all the villainous versions of himself and then it dawns on him what Batman has been saying to him. He can be good if he really wanted too, and he does. In another dimension, however, he’s greeted by a Batman that gave up the hope of turning his Joker good. The Joker realizes that out of the infinite versions of himself, he’s the only one that see’s good is the better way then evil. He realizes as the other Batman abandons his hope for his Joker to be good, The Compassion Joker comes to turns with being Good and realizes he can be the simple of Hope for the goodness that secretly lies in nearly all Jokers. Thus Blue Lantern Joker is born. With this being said, however, I’m now curious. Who would win in a fight. Black lantern Joker VS Blue Lantern Joker
Joker should be in the Black Lantern core since Joker is an agent of chaos who causes nothing but death and misery to anyone who wronged him or not. This is due to the fact about he sees the world as a giant joke and hes the only one who sees the punch line.
Well only a handful sees the world the way he does and so does Harley since she is aware that everything is fake and she's in a comic book so why does she care that the Joker mistreats her when she knows she's fake and he's fake
The Comedian (Watchmen) also saw the world as a joke with a punchline only he can see, or at least he thinks he does. When faced with the truth (which just so happens to go against everything he knows), he descends into near insanity.
The Joker would be indeed perfect fit for Black Lantern Corp for Injustice 3. I would imagine since after the ending of MK 11, the new heroes/boss villain would be the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor since they control time. They could bring in the Joker from another timeline as Sinestro Corp and John Doe Joker as a Blue Lantern Corp member from the Telltale Enemy WIthin.
Fun fact: When you were talking about the Hope section of the Joker I recall a moment where heroes lead by the Martian Manhunter were going through the Joker's mind which is as chaotic as you would imagine it to be but there is one small part of it where there seemed to be a normal looking joker with his wife living a normal life. The Martian Manhunter provided this as proof that the Joker had a shred of humanity still left in him. As small as it might be there might still be hope inside the Joker after all.
a + for the will power. In a crossover with "The Mask" the Joker wear the mask (from the comics/Jim Carrey movie) and only the one who wear the mask can remove it. But in the comics the more you wear the mask and more it has power over you. The Joker maneged to take back control and remove the mask and even have his hear pop up from the Masked Joker neck and tell him he's not funny.
+ Bruce Wayne from another world get a ring and became a psychopatic killer and killed all the other member of the GL corps. So maybe the joker with his will could kill all the green lanthern and unlock the dark power of the ring (See Batman Metal)
I think joker needs love,as he has some fucked up love toward Batman,and does this only for Batman,there was a storyline where Batman dies and he becomes a trainwreck
If joker became a black lantern and control a zombie army, imagine if Batman had to fight HIS OWN PARENTS!
Comic fan 13 technically he could have a work around with that issue. With Kyle Ranner still having his white lantern ring he could actually bring back Bruce’s parents.
That fu/):)/ AWESOME
Dun, dun, duuuuun!
I love necromancers
Thats not how Black Lanterns work. Black lanterns are dead people that are controlled by the Ring.
When talking about the will ring, ya forgot to mention scarecrow used his gas on joker once and then joker proceeded to beat him with a chair
Isn't that just because joker is physically immune to most poisons
@@orangeinkius7257 actually yes, but also that joker also only fears 1 thing
@@michaellatner975 spiderman
@@BigheadK1ng hell naw, he fears a world without the bat
@@michaellatner975 and the IRS
I like the idea of a comic where Joker is forced into the Indigo Lanterns, only for him to be immune to its compassion, its not that the ring isn't working, but his insanity makes him physically incapable of feeling compassion, so instead he uses the ring for a crime/murder spree.
That’s not exactly how the ring works it FORCES them to and if it can’t it will just leave
@@dragonkidd1644 yeah I get that, but maybe as a What-if sort of one-shot where the Joker gets to abuse the ring for, like, an afternoon before the ring's defenses kick in and leave him, you know, just for the sake of chaos.
@@dragonkidd1644 yeah but the Joker has also been called super- sane
@@matthiascerebri3315Super-insane, you mean? Sane means that you are mentally/emotionally fine, which is very much not the Joker.
@@Gemini-Lion no supersane
The black lanterns are lawful evil, while the Joker is chaotic evil: the Joker doesn’t “worship” death, he simply has no problems killing people. For this reason, the Joker cannot be a black lantern.
I am by no means a master in regards to the canon on this, but surely the Black Lanterns, given that they follow no set rules beyond bringing about the events of the Blackest Night - an event that is driven by a cosmic force (albeit a negative one), i.e. something more or less beyond morality/reason - wouldn't it be more accurate to say the Black Lanterns are neutral evil?
Those like Lex Luthor, Rhaz Al Ghul and Zod would be closer to the definition of Lawful Evil, surely?
Joker is definitely Chaotic Evil though, but it could be argued that this is because he is beyond standard Lawful/Good/Chaos/Evil distinctions (at least in some of his interpretations), much in the same way Cthulhu would be labelled as Chaotic Evil as his actions to us can only be deemed as such. We cannot fully comprehend their actions as they make no sense to us, so we label them as chaotic (as they follow no pre-defined rules) and evil (as their actions do not portray any form of morality).
I don't know, I'm spitballing here >
@@mrgilgamesh4252 today i learned: the joker is an avatar of nyarlathotep
@Ricardo Santos Really also depends on which joker they vary wildly in motivation. chaotic good in the dark knight vs chaotic evil in the killing joke
P Fabuloustuesday joker is lawfully evil if you consider that all of his actions are in the name of his one bad day philosophy
I thought Ultraviolet’s emotion was shame.
ultraviolet is the only one that makes sense. considering they thrive in chaos and anarchy, the joker would be a god among their ranks.
trey tucker I would agree but when you think about it he doesn’t work well with others. He would probably be a detriment to the rest of the Corp.
@@PhantomBones101 Well,Ultraviolet controls it's users except Sinestro,so...
@@PhantomBones101 just seen your comment and i got to say how would the joker be a detriment to the rest of the corp, they only live to kill, rape and destroy. even sinestro is being controlled by Umbrax in some ways. i'm sure if Umbrax seen what the joker can do it would make him the new leader of the UV corp.
Anarchy isnt destruction it means no government
So joker wouldn't be good at Death or Fear because his whole thing is killing with joker gas
Unpopular opinion- Joker should be in the green lantern core of willpower. He has a will of iron that is matched only by Batman.
But the only thing stopping that is that the same thing for senestro would happen thats all but i would agree
He has more will them Batman. He fooled Batman 🦇👱
it just the rule set that dont work with him
the dude in the video literally explained that he has a lot of will but would never be in the green lantern corp did you watch the video?
@@lukefloor I'm saying in the comics he should be. Yes I did watch the video lmao
Joker can be a darkstar. Because he not garnered by any true emotions being he's an agent of chaos. And,has no qualms killing. Makes him suited to being a darkstar.
Darkstar isn't a Lantern Corps
he's a bit crazy, but he's no agent of chaos. his plans are quite orderly. nothing chaotic about him.
@@sabin97 chaos doesn't mean you can't function in a cognitive orderly way. It takes planning to burn down the world. I call him a agent of chaos because I call Batman a agent of order. With Gotham in the middle as the scale that balances them. And even tho they're both mortal. As long as Gotham is in existence their battle will always go on in some form or fashion.
batman isnt an agent of order either, just like the joker isnt an agent of chaos.
batman is SOMEWHAT lawful, in the sense that he more or less follows a code(which seems to be quite flexible, like klingon "honor").
i could see the joker being identified as evil, but not really chaotic at all. but rather meticulous and orderly.
@@sabin97A: when has Batman not broken the law?His whole work and identity is outside of the law. Hence vigilante. B:all everything he ever does is try to control the situation. Control means order. C: even tho he can be killed as long as the joker(chaos) is about. He can never die. Because you can't have one without the other. Making them ultimately immortal. Just give it real thought. There tied to each other. Order and chaos. Good and evil. Yin to yang.
to be fair, the indigo lantern ring is actually considered a cosmic punishment forcing people to have great compassion when they had none previously (its why the indigo ring winds up on a lot of monstrous villians in comics..aside from Atom but that was willingly given to him during "Brightest Day")
Sinestro vs Joker: Joker would probably be sneaky instead of pulling a direct fight. Inject him with the Joker Venom. Sinestro would have a tough time dishing out fear when he's laughing uncontrollably until his heart stops. But, here's my much DIFFERENT take:
We have the Love, Fear, Will, Avarice, Hope, Rage and Compassion. Then Life and Death. But, I feel like the Corps are missing a key component of the emotional spectrum: Joy. That part of emotion which brings us laughter, and content. However, in Joker's twisted and psychotic mind, killing and torturing, and playing his whimsical game with Batman is what brings him such joy, and is his driving force in everything he does. So, I propose a new Corps, the Joy Corps, which the Joker would most definitely fit in with. I even feel it would make an interesting storyline. The new Joy Corps is constructed, under the belief that Joy itself is happiness, bliss, and so how could that be evil? The requirement, much like compassion, is that even through great hardship, they are able to still find joy and laugh in the face of adversity, and the Joker does exactly this. Rings are sent out, and the Joker finds himself in possession of one.
By the way, DC, if you are reading this, I give complete permission for you to use this idea.
I would *LOVE* this as a story, Batman having to deal with a super Joker with nigh unlimited power, and the end where bats defeats him by making him cry (somehow), the ring slipping from his finger with batman holding him in a rare show of support for the joker.
The "end credits" scene would be bats visiting joker in Arkham and asking why he gave up so easily, the joker responding with "It's not as funny when you feel pity for me." or "it's not as funny when I'm stronger than you."
What would be the color of this new corp?
@@joshmilman6039 'Comedy' Gold?
@@AceMcCrank That actually sounds good, I wouldn't of thought of that. It would look similar to the sinestro corps, but comedy gold is perfect
@@AceMcCrank I also think Joker overthrowing Sinestro is also somewhat possible and would also be an interesting story Joker's nuts but he's not stupid enough to face Sinestro head on if he were to join the Sinestro Corp Lol I can see him playing along with everything Sinestro tells him to do and waiting for the right moment to kill him Joker would probably even go as far as earning Sinestro's trust and than turning on him when he's got his guard down
Joker would 100% be choosen by the compassion core.
@Xavier Thomas where he has not killed the person doing it, No it has never happened
*Corps, but yeah.
Exactly. For the leader of the Indigo Tribe, a qualifying aspect is that the person is a criminal.
Joker works through fear but he never acts out of fear. He in fact is hardly every portrayed as scared in any way
batman defeated joker in the Arkham knight video game by taking advantage of his fear: his fear of being forgotten
Except against the Creeper. His equal in every way, from the maniacal laughter and insanity to the tragic origin story, pretty much identical to him in every way except for how he reacted to his transformation. An eccentric but heroic madman with a chaotic-good moral alignment who gives the joker a taste of his own medicine and often leaves him running with his tail between his legs as a result.
Also with Joker overcoming fear, I'm pretty sure he's admitted to huffing or injecting Scarecrow's fear toxin just for kicks.
Actually, it was Harley who admitted that, bit it makes sense for Joker to do it too.
I personally feel Jokers character is more strongly written when he DOESN'T kill people, like in the cartoons. Because then it makes him more menacing due to all his victims have to live through what he's done. Plus death is rarely a good punchline even in black comedy and I think Joker would know that. Plus it makes the few times he did kill someone more impactful, it's why white knights depiction of the Joker is something I really like. So my preferred version of the joker would not be a fit for the black lantern ring at all. But I think him getting both and indigo and a green lantern ring due to technicalities and using both would be just as crazy as him controlling a black lantern ring.
NekoVira I have to agree. I don't know why, I always find it better/funnier when Joker throws a pie in someone's face (like in Christmas with the Joker) than to shoot somebody.
Killing makes a bad punchline, but it can make a good setup for a joke. Killing someone should never be the Joker's goal, but murdering a rich brat's parents in front of their eyes could definitely get a laugh if he did it right...
@@clark5317 joker not killing is just lame and kind of goes against the very things he stands for
The Joker doesn't worship death. He has no respect for life. Two different things.
He wouldn't be in a corp because he can't be trusted none of them would take him cuz he always seem to over come his sane mind and go back to being criminally insane
The Black would accept that.
Indigo would be fine, it would rewrite his mind and turn him "good". Black would be alright as well, but he'd need to get Hand's ring, which he definitely couldnt do.
I feel like he'd less be inducted into a corp and more steal someone else's power ring and stumble upon its power, "accidentally" making the ring incapable of turning off. In this way, Green or Yellow would be a good fit for him. Honestly, I'm not even sure Indigo would work on Joker, he might be too insane.
The Joker would be considered Super Sane. He is aware of being a fictitious character.
eleven months ago, but, i'ma say something... just watched a "because science" where they talk about if he would actually be declared "criminally insane, and the answer was , no,
When I hear him say the most powerful weapons are rings,
The One Ring To Rule Them All
The thing is, Joker doesn't literally worship death. He kills people because its tragic, it's something society says he's not supposed to do, its ammoral, it hurts people, it may push someone closer to giving up on hope like he did. If anything, he worships chaos and pain as he seems to have taken the philosophy of slapstick comedy to the extreme and he finds pain, someone being the butt of the joke, funny. And the bigger the better, because he's theatrical and loves a spectacle. He can't seem to take a breath without killing someone, but he's also too lively with his motivations to do it and how he does it, if that makes sense. So I really don't think he's a fit for the black lantern corp.
Indigo would probably be best for him but tbh if you just follow this guy's stories in the comics you'll find that he is portrayed as being strongly motivated by most of these things.
"The Man Who Laughs" He's motivated by rage. (First appearance in modern age canon btw)
"Death of the Family" says that according to his pupils, they stay in a perpetual pin-prick state until he sees Batman, then they expand in the way that signifies feeling love
"Knightfall" this could be will/fear but he gets a huge dose of fear toxin right in his face, pretends to be scared to get the drop on scarecrow, then laughs it off as he ruthlessly beats scarecrow with a wooden chair while insulting him.
And since it's also been explained that he has all these conflicting emotional/psychological states because he has a condition not completely understood by Arkham psychologists, dubbed "Super Sanity" that allows his mind to mold itself to adapt to any given situation, hence why he never seems to break in situations where he's under a lot of stressors (torture, interrogations, looking death in the face, watching his scheme fall apart) According to the comics that subscribe to this (which are modern age canon(not to be confused with New Age or Rebirth canon)) Its is also possibly like ESP so his brain just sort of knows how it needs to be wired on a given day, which explains why some days he'll be more goofy prankster rather than serial killer clown or mastermind crime lord.
So I kind of come to the conclusion that Joker's whole deal is more cognitive than emotional, and his inconsistent mental and emotional state wouldn't really qualify him as a candidate for any of the lantern corps. Hell, any rings that would come across him by chance would probably struggle to get a reading on him like he's anomaly or something.
Rick J-420 damn i don’t understand guess I need some more iq
Most definitely. You do need to have a very high IQ to understand picture books about men in tights saving the day.
Great breakdown on the Joker
great reasoning
Fuck what everyone talking about. This is a great analysis my guy. "Super Sanity" might be his thing, he's able to break down heroes and villains in a way that makes them uncomfortable in his presence. He doesn't necessarily always prepare his plans, he plays to his victims emotions to situations and sees how they would adapt to it. Prepared for the outcome of what would happen. He has a win/win type of deal. If he kills he wins. If people die, he wins. If he dies, he wins. At the end of the day his character is chaos. However its served that he see fits, he's winning in his eyes.
Joker 2019 might be more like Rage at least the Joker at the end.
Kumu Noir I was thinking this too
how about another joke murray ?
What no just no
Green because it would go good with his hair
But purple would go with his clothes, and he LOVES what he does.
That sounds like something The Joker would say if someone asked him that question.
But his willpower for Batman is so strong
This video made me realize a perfect future plotline for the Batman Who Laughs.
He is so perfect for the Black Lantern core, and since his bat-god-sugar-mama is tied up at the moment, he could ally himself with the Black Lantern core to help him fulfill his goal of destroying everything.
Black Hand went completely insane after Hal Jordan as The Spectre disintegrated Black Hand's hand at the beginning of Green Lantern Re-Birth (2004-5)
Didn't plack hand touch the source wall and turn to stone
@@peterpumkineater5636 Yes he did DC probably putting him on ice for now
My I suggest... Cyan?
He's in a constant state of in-Cyan-ity! And we all know that somewhere between willpower (green) and hope (blue), there's something just *crazy* enough to work!
You can see yourself out
@@alextelson4416 neeeeeeeever!!!
Joker roles alone, or MAY suffer tag-alongs, but he ain't gonna be part of no corps.
I remember in one empisode of The Brave and the Bold, there was a version of Red Hood that was just The Joker but if he held onto enough of his sanity to stay a good guy, and even fight against basically the evil version of every hero despite being disadvantaged. He'd definitely be perfect for either the green or the blue lantern corps.
So if there was a lantern Corp for the crazy then he would be a god
The insanity corps
I mean I don't think insanity lanterns would be organized enough to form a corp.
Indigo! But you get "cured" and become "good" once you put the ring on. But all of he Indigos were crazy psychopaths like Joker.
Except the Joker isn't insane, he's super sane. Kinda like deadpool.
So a mix of red and orange?
18:57 "Little game of Bat and Mouse" AAHHH I SEES YOU
See what
He'd either work best with yellow or green. Yellow because he can instill fear in EVERYONE in Gotham, not just good guys, but also in other bad guys. The Green Lanterns wouldn't give him one, but most of his plans are brought about by meticulous planning and an overwelming drive to get shit done, aka will power.
Joker does love Batman though. Not romantically (though he has joked about it once in awhile) he truly does love Batman and doesn't know what he'd do without his greatest opponent.
I can see him being brought back by a black ring and overpowering it's control. In fact, that sounds like an Injustice 3 plot. But the other two I said would suit him better to me.
I feel the joker and Batman have a screwed up kind of love thing going and part of reson why he wants Batman to break his rule to make him a better hero in the end so I belive he has a strong compaction to Batman even if it's fed up also l also feel joker would see the nutral end with the ring and avoid it so agree DEATH
I think the Ultraviolet Corp would be a good fit. I don't know much but from what I can tell it gets the user to accept their primal instincts and desires, that things like "morals" muddle-up and act as limiters to one's potentials. It feeds into his anarchy and chaos, and more importantly his duality with Batman and trying to get him to break, to give in. Also works with his phrase "'All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day." How he wanted to Push Gordon by seeing the horrendous state Barbara was in.
Then of course the infamous case with The Dark Knight and Harvey and the stunt with the people on the Boats.
Basically showing that things like morals and societal restrictions are the real delusions and if every one reaches that point like he did then that is their true nature, which I think the Ultraviolet Corps encapsulates so well as far as I can tell.
Joker’s relationship with batman was described at it’s best in the Arkham games
Joker imo is by far the most complicated in the question of which Lantern Corps he could be best suited in. I honestly am undecided because of just how unpredictable and insane he is, but if I had to choose one it would be Death as well (or Ultraviolet). :)
One of the dark gods death herself he would literally fall in love with her
Indigo! All the Indigo members were crazy psychopathic criminals before they had the ring forced on them, then they were "cured" after. It even worked on Black Hand (until he killed himself to go back to Black), so it'd definitely cure Joker for as long as he had the ring.
@@wr5488 I don't know if the Indigo ring would work on the Joker fully since most being godly level and higher had tried to calm his mind down I tried to revert it back to normal only had a limited of time to do it before he broke through their mind control
@@davidspearim5552 apparently it didn't work on Black Hand too well, either, but it would be an interesting storyline, especially if Batman's hand is forced (so a Justice League story featuring the Lantern Corps, maybe?)
Try doing:
"Which lantern corps is thanos in?"
death obviously
Marvel Universe
Comics or MCU?
He is every lantern Corps, he has extremely strong will power, love that can grant him the soul stone, rage, avarice, hope, compassion (and lack of it), fear, life and death
Jackal Reviews Death!
What about the green arrow which lantern core would he be in
ThriftyChaft 789 i could see him in blue and pink
Or Green cuz he has an amazing amount of will power but then again all the hero's without powers seem to cuz they push through it and over come
ThriftyChaft 789 That would be one interesting video!!! :)
smartassedness i believe
ThriftyChaft 789 will or fear for the cw green arrow. I'd considered rage considering he is pretty angry every time he tortures someone
He could be hope, because although he lost hope for a normal life, he still has immense overwhelming hope that eventually one day he will beat the dark knight and make batman like himself. If he didn’t have hope, he wouldn’t persist, and wouldn’t go for such a big challenge.
Could also be interpreted as will which is what i want him to be
You make such good videos! I love them! Whenever I’m wondering something you’ve already made a video about it and it’s awesome! Never stop making them!
Joker does have compassion. He simply uses it as a weapon to drive others insane. He understands what its like to have a terrible day and what his killings do. He just uses it to his advantage. That's why he is such an incredible speaker. He gets you.
The music and his voice just work
(I’m talking about needlemouse)
Paranoid Gamer What is the music may I ask?
@@americanartist3134 the music is his own. There is a link to it in the description. Its the very last link
Are u saying it's good or bad?
Injustice 3. Black ring joker. "Revives" super man's friends kills them again. Repeat.
The joker really fits in the black Corp because hes like a controller of death just like Nekron (leader of the black lantern corp) and is also an outstanding character because example hes a puppet and people think hes being controled by the ventriloquist (batman) but in this cast the joker is a patient villain like he waits for batman to actually do what he'll really thinks he wont to and that is killing the joker because the joker really did want batman to kill him and i think that would've been a great plan to turn batman into like this opposite and become this villain and this may lead him to become maybe a black lantern (if he was not dead) but this is my reason why the joker should really be in the black lantern corps as well
He has the equity put on three different rings
Indigo. His love of the bat is without limit or reason.
Do you mean indigo or pink? I actually agree with pink
Indigo is Compassion, Love is Violet/Pink.
@@malcomalexander9437 my bad lol, pink all Da way
I vaguely thought that one of the limitations of the yellow core was that beings that can't or don't feel fear are unable to wield the rings, which is a reason that some people have argued scarecrow would be a very weak lantern (given that scarecrow's experiments have change his brain chemistry enough to mess with the fear response.)
Very good points about Joker's lantern corp and interesting plots you proposed. But what does the Joker fear? Remembering his old self, being ordinary, the IRS, being killed by nobody important and the Creeper are all that come to my mind. The last three are from the animated series and maybe he fears the Creeper taking his place as the chaos to Batman's order.
To make an argument for the white ring:
Despite Joker's lack of all hope whatsoever, he keeps on living.
Joker just experiences life and does whatever he wants, so I think it would be a good fit
The alternate universe of a Blue Lantern Joker must be a very fun one.
6:36 “white power ring”
at 12:54 when Joker shoots Barbara Gordon I always thought it was because he was trying to change Cominsner Gordon by giving him one bad day, I've never read the comic.
What if Joker was forced to wear a ring of compassion? 😶😶😶
He would cut off his finger lmao
No,he'd be mind-controlled by the Ring.
Insanity would be of no help to him.
He'd probably become Indigo -1.
I feel like if Batman was made aware of that ring he would literally grab one and tell every other Hero on the planet to come and help him put it on the Joker that would be one story I would love to see
@@DoubleBoost23 but since he has tried to be controlled by gods Martian Manhunter and the spectre I'm thinking that he has enough will to make sure that he stays in control
Gerry McWilliam it wouldn't work he's stronger than the ring
Personally, I would give him a purple ring, he's completely fixated on Batman, putting on shows for him and does it all *for* Batman.
Whenever Batman is possibly dead he usually tries to moves on living a pretty normal life, but still remembers the "good old days"
Compassion. I'm calling it before watching
You may be right my friend
Agreed. I've suggested a while ago that perhaps the reason the Joker never dies is because Nekron likes his work too much and doesn't want him to die.
What core would Damien Wayne be in?
Rage because he has the lack of vengeance and its hard for him to control but easy for a opponent to actually piss him off
He was in a video
Jacob Ramon there isn’t a Core for whiny little bitches
The Indigo Corps. Lack of compassion. Damien doesn't fight crime for the sake of anyone else, he just opposes crime.
You know I was thinking d.c. should think about creating an alternate universe where the Joker did get a compassion power ring
I think your reading on Avarice was wrong. I think it's PERFECT for him.
The Orange Lantern of Avarice would naturally be the only member of it's corps since they're greedy and don't share. Joker doesn't work well with others anyway so a lantern corps where he's the only member fits beautifully. And he's ABSOLUTELY greedy when it comes to Batman, to the point where he'll go out of his way to fuck with other villains who might come close to killing Batman simply because he wants it to himself.
Plot twist, Joker is the best support for the Rage Corp, he will annoy everyone else until they hate him with great anger
Yellow for Joker. Thaal Sinestro better look out!
When he mentioned about the black lantern Corp as the the main antagonist for injustice 3 if it's ever made. I just kept thinking about how all those killed by the regime/superman coming back to life with the memories of who killed them. What an amazing story that would be.
Lmao I was just dreaming about this yesterday
Weirdly enough hope can fit, if you look at Joker movie joker, despite being pushed around, beaten down, and even seen as a criminal no matter what, he actually believes that standing up for himself will make a difference, at least for him.
I think the joker should be in the insanity corp
Joker's isn't insane, but a psychopath. Insane people would be Victor Zsasz, Mad Hatter and Professor Pyg.
Sure it was just a joke I was trying to be funny but that is correct replier
Damn when you said “he just wants to watch the world burn” with that accent of yours it gave me such a nostalgic feeling
I didn't realise how dope a white Batman would look. Makes me look even more forward to a Moon Knight movie, if they ever decide to make one.
Joker is definitely compassion, not because he has a compassionate heart but because the Compassion core also takes villains And people with a great deal of Compassion, that doesn't mean the Joker has compassion but the ring makes them feel a massive amount of Compassion to the point where they don't want to take the ring off so that they atone for their crimes
Joker should be in the yellow lantern corp
Fiona Henare If you mean the Sinestro Corps, I agree.
Rgoid yeah sinestro corps
Fiona Henare no he's not driven by fear
@@karlhyetravelerofworlds but he inspires great fear.
I do agree, but he is actually kinda cool seeing him as a sinestro corp.
He has no fear, only give out fear, this making the Ring Accept him.
Sinestro has moments where he’s not exactly a villain. Occasionally he will over look his hatred of the green lanterns for disavowing him if the situation arises. Hence why he was able to be a white lantern. Keep in mind the main reason he even became a yellow lantern in the first place was his immense fear of losing his family and home and thus used that fear to attempt to protect it in his dictatorship, unwittingly fulfilling the prophecy that inspired him to do just that
He loves Batman, completely fixated on Batman, obsessed even. The thing about the lantern corps is that they don't discuss ethics or reasoning. As long as you have the single condition then you are granted a ring. I think the joker fits into the love corps, no matter how twisted his "love" for Batman may be.
Yellow Lantern Joker vs Blue Lantern Superman. That would be a beautiful fight to watch.
Indigo power ring: **FLYING INTENSIFIES**
Details: Following [the Indigo Power Ring's] creation, Abin Sur departed the planet Nok in order to capture his arch-enemy Iroque. He placed the Power Ring on her which transformed her from a psychopathic criminal into a repentant one who regretted her past actions as well as showed remorse over them. Seeing this affect, he began to collect other criminals from across the cosmos and fitted them with Power Rings on Nok where they became known as the Indigo Tribe.
Edit: Because technically indigo isn't purple?
I so agree with the fact that once you take Batman out of the equation Jokers world will be completely gone so that's as far as will goes
Are you ever going to consider the ultraviolet lanterns?
He loves Batman, hates Batman, and is obsessed with batman
Do which Lantern Corps the Suicide Squad should be in
That was a really good argument for the fear lanterns not being a perfect fit.
I disagree Joker may be insane but he's not stupid enough to just recklessly fight Sinestro there's a reason why Joker never wants to fight Batman head on because in CQC Batman would just embarrass him Lol he's always trying to get the upper hand on an opponent and never plays fair because Joker's only in it when the odds are in his favor so I can definitely see Joker following Sinestro until an opportunity eventually comes where he can overthrow him
In the LEGO DC games, he does actually love Harley, but I know that’s not what we are talking about.
Yellow. He’s not angry, he’s not compassionate, he’s greedy but that’s not his defining trait. He has a high willpower but.. come on.. he doesn’t bring hope. He’s incapable of feeling love, at least in the normal sense. He’s not dead, and he doesn’t care about life. Yet he thrives off the fear of the people of Gotham, a lot like scarecrow does, but he uses his mad actions instead of a gas. Scarecrow and Joker would be brothers in the same corps. But I feel joker wouldn’t want to be part of the yellow lantern corps once he realized other people have that power, that he can’t make them afraid because of that power.
Where was Joker during Blackest Night? I mean if Lex had a legion of undead coming after him for his actions, Joker should have his own zombie apocalypse.
considering Batman was dead/missing during that, Joker was probably either busy being sane or in mourning.
Compassion- it’s been mentioned that those rings are either given to people with great compassion or no compassion at all. If joker was given a compassion ring it would actually make sense for him to be a beneficial member of the corps.
He should be in the GAMER CORPS Gamers Rise Up
Give him an indigo ring and you basically make him Santa Claus.
A cool comic idea is if the Joker had 1 of each ring and and fought green lantern we can call him
: Joker Lantern
No, bad idea, we have an original good story about the joker with super powers
The newly formed Ultraviolet Corps. For those unaware, they are formed of the darkest chaotic instincts that inspire people to commit to their evil sides. Joker being the pure incarnation of chaos would fit even more so in.
So I gave this a long thought and thought of this myself. I figured out a story line where Joker would be a Proud Blue Lantern. To explain, he doesn’t start as a blue lantern in this story line.
A full gathering of all lanterns gather on earth and Joker is visited by the Lust lanterns. You forgot about another form love and Lust. The joker’s love for insanity. Gaining the love ring, Joker suddenly see’s the world in another light. He’s troubled... he no longer gains the same joy from killing as much as he once knew. He begins the journey to the blue lantern core, starting on the pink ring. He loves his sanity, but trying to be good, he begins to respect the feeling of compassion. The compassion core then greets him and recruits him from love. Joker keeps soul searching on this journey and gets wrapped up in the dimensional hell.
He watches all the villainous versions of himself and then it dawns on him what Batman has been saying to him. He can be good if he really wanted too, and he does. In another dimension, however, he’s greeted by a Batman that gave up the hope of turning his Joker good. The Joker realizes that out of the infinite versions of himself, he’s the only one that see’s good is the better way then evil. He realizes as the other Batman abandons his hope for his Joker to be good, The Compassion Joker comes to turns with being Good and realizes he can be the simple of Hope for the goodness that secretly lies in nearly all Jokers. Thus Blue Lantern Joker is born. With this being said, however, I’m now curious. Who would win in a fight. Black lantern Joker VS Blue Lantern Joker
Has no one ever thought of giving joker the death penalty so Batman won't have to kill him?
Harley Quinn Thicc in BatMan TAS
Harley quinn injustice comic t h I c c
@@gxashxg299 oh yea definitely
@@gxashxg299 you mean the Injustice Harley Quinn is a paedophile than yes
@@davidspearim5552 I know what I said
If there was a Chaos Corp, that's where Joker would go, he's chaos incarnate
Needlemouse productions mislabeled injustice gods amount us with Batman the killing joke
1:08 well said
Best "Because he is Batman" quote 😉😉😉
Do witch lantern corps the Flash family should be in.
12:25 you had to make me cry
Joker should be in the Black Lantern core since Joker is an agent of chaos who causes nothing but death and misery to anyone who wronged him or not. This is due to the fact about he sees the world as a giant joke and hes the only one who sees the punch line.
Well only a handful sees the world the way he does and so does Harley since she is aware that everything is fake and she's in a comic book so why does she care that the Joker mistreats her when she knows she's fake and he's fake
The Comedian (Watchmen) also saw the world as a joke with a punchline only he can see, or at least he thinks he does. When faced with the truth (which just so happens to go against everything he knows), he descends into near insanity.
keep up the good work man
Cant wait for joker movie
"The joker is a total wild card" 😅 no pun intended
Fear?? “100%”?? What in the hell qualifies him for fear? You did not explain.
:-))))) hi
The Joker would be indeed perfect fit for Black Lantern Corp for Injustice 3. I would imagine since after the ending of MK 11, the new heroes/boss villain would be the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor since they control time. They could bring in the Joker from another timeline as Sinestro Corp and John Doe Joker as a Blue Lantern Corp member from the Telltale Enemy WIthin.
He shouldn't. He is an unworthy heir for any of the Rings.
Infinite Sheldon incorrect
A blackest knight storyline helmed by the joker would be SO COOL
Fear simple
Fear is extremely orderly and controlled. Joker is too chaotic.
Fun fact: When you were talking about the Hope section of the Joker I recall a moment where heroes lead by the Martian Manhunter were going through the Joker's mind which is as chaotic as you would imagine it to be but there is one small part of it where there seemed to be a normal looking joker with his wife living a normal life. The Martian Manhunter provided this as proof that the Joker had a shred of humanity still left in him. As small as it might be there might still be hope inside the Joker after all.
a + for the will power.
In a crossover with "The Mask" the Joker wear the mask (from the comics/Jim Carrey movie) and only the one who wear the mask can remove it. But in the comics the more you wear the mask and more it has power over you. The Joker maneged to take back control and remove the mask and even have his hear pop up from the Masked Joker neck and tell him he's not funny.
+ Bruce Wayne from another world get a ring and became a psychopatic killer and killed all the other member of the GL corps. So maybe the joker with his will could kill all the green lanthern and unlock the dark power of the ring (See Batman Metal)
I think joker needs love,as he has some fucked up love toward Batman,and does this only for Batman,there was a storyline where Batman dies and he becomes a trainwreck