Ellen Ripley and Sarah Conner are from 30 years ago and they're universally loved. It's not the fact that you have women in Star Wars, it's that you have shit characters and writing.
This comment needs more likes. So many more likes. It's sad how much of our culture - popular or otherwise - this is true of. We live in an era of illiteracy and mediocrity.
Good point, and on that note, if JJ Abrams is arguing that people (apparently including millions of women that didn't like this movie) are hating The Last Jedi because of a female lead, then why didn't this happen for The Force Awakens? Since Rey was also in that movie. Personally, I would have loved to see Rey developed into a great character. But poor story writing buried her character before it could even get through a single movie.
You're exactly correct, and I guess the idiots at Disney also forgot about this other character from 40 years ago named Princess Leia. Oh, no wait - that was back in the Original Trilogy, and they "must let the past die" - so that didn't count: fuggedaboudit. Nah, they just repacked her as a disposable entity in a horribly stupid scene from an even worse movie.
Yep, me too apparently. I find it utterly offensive that because I don't bow at thier feet and praise thier garbage movie JJ feels it's his place to say that I am threatened by my own sex.
That's great Jar Jar.... Blame the paying audience and not very bad movie making.... "The Emperor has no clothes!!" Jar Jar's response?: "No, the population is wrong and blind for not seeing the beautiful robes the Emperor is wearing. The fault is with the masses."
If ep 9 turns out as bad as I expect it to be, I hope JJ and his crew go bankrupt. Nothing else will teach them. However I think there are too many idiots out there which will love every shit because of the power of familiarity and the big mass of crap Hollywood is spitting at them.
We need to tweet at Disney and let them know that they can choose to make good movies with good writing, plot, and acting or they can get political and lose money. twitter.com/Disney?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Ripley was bad ass. Everyone loved her. JJ would disagree though. He'd say Ripley wasn't a real female role model because she wasn't caked in lipstick/eyeliner/foundation and had to inspire the fans with real struggles that she overcame through strength & grit.
No one was threatened by Sarah Connor either. Both are awesome women. Plus no one was threatened by Lara Croft in the games, the early 2000 movies, and the newest movie version. And no one was threatened by Wonder Woman as well. Some people are stupid.
I think the worst part about this modern Star Wars issue is that... they looked at the fans and started off the modern Star Wars franchise by spitting on the entire legacy and the core fans. It could've all been easily avoided, but it seems that every single action from Disney/Lucas executives lead by Kennedy have been to directly spite the people who maintain the large Star Wars fanbase. Businesses need to learn to treat audiences like CUSTOMERS. It's the same issue going on within Marvel Comics and their SJW writers lashing out and "I'll protect the minorities" talk. It's absurd, unwanted, and inappropriate to give customers a product like The Last Jedi and assume that the CUSTOMERS will be happy with it.
DoctorZack It truly is retarded, they could have doubled their audience. New fans and the old fans, all fans. What takes this to lobotomy level dick-fuckery is the fact RJ and KK forgot that the "old fans" they like to insult so much are the PARENTS of the new fans... good luck getting me to buy _anything_ for my kids or nephews/nieces that has anything to do with TLJ. If they were more respectful I would have continued buying for myself, and also another half dozen to distribute amongst the family. The last time someone did something this dumb, AIDS was invented.
Oh god, I hope they are not as successful as the F&F movies because they keep churning out that CRAP every other year which means they are turning a decent profit.
I think the OP was referring to the fact F&F is seen as garbage by most. It's considered the McDonalds of movie franchises. A stupid but fun movie that you have turn your brain off to enjoy and that you forget about the moment they leave the theater. However even if Star Wars became that kind of series they would not be successful. F&F is successful because they have VERY LOW production costs. Much like romantic comedies they barely have to put any money into special effects.
ㅤ ㅤ not forgot, ignored completely for the sake of an agenda, what should we expect though? KK is the example of riding on others' coat tails to get to the top and conned Lucas into believing she would be respectful with his creation, RJ most successful project, Jurassic World is a sequel nobody asked for and is just a subpar copy of Steven Spielberg ' s work and then there is JJ, his best works are adaptations of other works (Star Trek, Mission Impossible and any fan of those two series would say call it whatever you want but Star Trek and Mission Impossible) so, with a team like that and wanting to push an agenda, it can only fail, sadly, Disney will over saturate the market with it, so, they will make money and those people aren't getting fired anytime soon, worse with KK, if she does get fired, she will probably blame it on sexism.
JJ Abrahms: Fans aren't threatened by these females, we're criticizing your shitty writing. The best thing about TLJ was watching HISHE making a better 7 minute parody of your movie with a $1k budget. Thats right. HISHE made a better star wars movie than disney. Whats next, robot chicken & family guy beating you too?
The Last Jedi Was Almost A Star Wars Movie - We Almost got to see a Lightsaber Duel - Those jokes were Almost funny - There was Almost an exciting chase through space - Somebody Almost sensed a disturbance in the Force - We Almost got dialog that fit the Star Wars universe - That Almost looked and moved like Yoda - Rey Almost got Jedi training - Supreme Leader Snoke Almost foresaw that coming - Finn and Rose Almost found a guy to help them - Two people Almost said "May the Force be with you" to each other - Chewbacca Almost ate a porg - We Almost heard someone say "I have a bad feeling about this" - Poe Almost committed mutiny - We Almost found out that Rey's parents were important - Finn Almost made it to the battering ram laser - Those Almost weren't the Droids we were looking for - It was Almost the Star Wars Holiday Special - It was Almost a script Mark Hamill agreed with - Rian Johnson Almost deserves an Academy award - Let's hope JJ Abrams doesn't Almost make a Star Wars movie with the next one The 'Almost' Was Strong With This One. It was Almost a Star Wars movie, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
Jar Jar Abrams will be forever known as the one who screwed the pooch when it comes to Star Wars. Hack director, hack writer, can't make his own original shit and makes mystery box ripoff/homages to the originals, and a hack of a human being overall.
Should have seen it coming with Star trek into Darkness. That movie was a cluster fuck, and so are the new star wars movies. Good job, JJ. You managed to shit on two iconic franchises back-to-back.
I was worried for Star Wars when they announced Abrams for episode 7. If you liked Star Trek, he butchered that franchise. Abrams ruins everything he touches and Star Wars was not in good health after Disney bought it so his destructive capabilities were magnified.
I have Zero problems with strong leading ladies... I was all ready to get behind Rey as the new hero. Until I saw that all guys in Star Wars are being cast in a horrible light. They couldn't give one guy a positive in these films. Its obvious social propaganda which I am sick of being spoon feed in every movie and show I try to watch. Its a failing brand because the vast majority of die hard fans are guys and the toys are bought by young boys. SJW's are the worst its just not enough to cast women in stronger roles they have to totally bash guys at the same time. After this last movie I could careless for future movies its just insulting. The next movie will be like "oh another guy" lets see how bad he fails this time. We are not threatened by smart strong ladies. We are however insulted by the bashing of all the guys because most of us had amazing fathers.
Yes. Imagine if Rey struggled with her abandonment and she finds out that there was a larger meaning behind it. Real gritty emotional training with Luke. Perhaps she passes a test of letting go, to finally find out a mystery of her parentage. We need her to have some human struggle to connect with her. Nothing came easy for Luke in the OT. I feel the counter balance thing they were going for was contrived quite liberally. I for one would have put Kylo in exile only to return in the third installment. Connecting Rey and Kylo the way they did diminished their value to banality. Snoke needed to have way more sinister plans and flushed out properly to achieve this. It's a complete rewrite.
It's rather insulting to the intelligence of levelheaded folks to get such a disingenuous retort instead of honest effort or at the very least to take constructive criticism. Also, I don't think for one moment that if this were really the case that all these folks they accuse of bigotry would have been into the original trilogy, or a lot of games, manga, anime, cartoons, and comics for that matter. The hyped selling point of diversity is a fallacious one at best when one considers the only thing potentially plaguing Star Wars OT and PT from a 'diversity' standpoint is how few asians were cast by hollywood which is far broader than lucasfilm. Given its very nature on a galactic scale (and then some), the Star Wars story considers diversity on a scale much larger than we can on a planetary scale. No, this is Disney missing the point on purpose. I have an SJW cousin, and frankly she lacks any self awareness she may once have possessed. She's at the denial point where she's starting to see things aren't all great and rosy as she's been told, but she won't admit that shutting out her family is her own doing. She chose this SJW life, she can have it all. Where did all the good men go? They were thrown in the trash in order to make marginal mary-sue characters look better.
MrSnapy1 Not every SJW bashes men; only the extreme among us. I’m technically an SJW, in that I want equality for women and minorities and stick up for their rights, but I hate ultra feminists like Kathleen, and the fact that men are being demonized, while women are being treated as perfect angels.
We’re repeating all the same problems of Ghostbusters 2016: poor communication with the fan base that doesn’t benefit anyone. No one learned the lessons.
Lol JJ, sure. We didn’t hate The Last Jedi because of poor writing and poor character development. We didn’t hate The Last Jedi because you turned an optimistic Luke that risked his life for his friends and turned his murderous Sith Lord father back from the Dark Side into a bitter old man that didn’t want to help his friends and tried to kill his nephew when he sensed just a tiny bit of darkness in him. We didn’t hate the fact that politics were shoved in our faces. We were threatened by the “women”. Lmao, JJ is trying to GUILT us into liking The Last Jedi the same way Hollywood tried to guilt us into liking that terrible Ghostbusters reboot.
Tallif Your right. Funny thing is; TLJ couldn't reach light speed, let alone LUDICROUS SPEED!! I pretty sure Porgs were space herpes, they kept popping up and seemed impossible to get rid of.
The only reason people aren't still crapping on JJ Abrams The Force Awakens is because The Last Jedi was about 10 times worse. The Force Awaken was a weak film, poorly directed, poorly written. Maybe JJ can stick some more lens flares.
wow- my lack of respect for JJ Abrams has reached an all time low...stop dissing iconic characters from before and give us new characters we can get behind (male or female), then you can at least "attempt" to make this argument if people still don't like them...
Hell, there are plenty of other amazing female characters that were made under George Lucas (even if he did not make them himself) like Kreia, Darth Talon, Mara Jade, etc. George allowed for creativity in the other forms of media and to take risks. Disney does not.
Padme and Leia were "strong female characters" (and also, you know, actual characters with limitations) made under George Lucas. But apparently they never existed 0_0
Oh, it's not quite Ghostbuster 2016 yet, but I have no doubt it'll be even worse than that when Ep. 9 comes out. Rey will probably go through a gauntlet unscratched to get to Kylo, then defeat him by stabbing her lightsaber right into his crotch. That, or she'll make him realize how wrong he is, they'll kiss, and then ride off into the sunset, eventually being crowned king and queen of a new, peaceful galactic empire. There are so many ways this can still get so much worse that almost anything you speculate probably won't hold a candle to what actually gets released.
I'm already done with the franchise while I still have my sanity and my memories of GOOD Star Wars. From here on, anyone who throws their money at this master forger posing as a director is just the equivalent of an abused spouse who keeps going back because "they'll change". I love your JJ impression. Subscribed :)
Being a fan of JJ's work I disagree very much. Loved TFA. Loved TLJ. And love that he is back directing the final. Been a fan of JJ since Lost that was so great! Then he did a Trek I loved. And 2 after it so many others hate but I think are the best there are. But to each his own I guess.
Joe Baumann Yeah, some people are just fans of shitty movies and have no ability to detect talent or art. But, it's your right to enjoy what you want. Have fun.
I knew Disney would ruin it (I hate them and to me, they ruin everything they touch). I waited until "Force Awakens" came on satellite and watched it for free and I still felt ripped off.
Is little man having feelings hurt from some one with a different opinion? JJ is great at what he does. Brought back a better Trek and did a great job so far with SW
Now that Last Jedi has ensured more than half of the viewers will stop watching Star Wars, future sales for Solo and IX are going to be much, much lower.
I do know. I dont want to pirate this. Especialy after learning that big bad Snoke presented in FA dies like a little bitch along with Luke. No thanks I rather rewatch Farscape or some else good scifi
Of course it us. Of course we have to blame ourselfes that we think story, character Development and respect for a Franchise and its Fans should Be Part of making a StarWars movie - how could we be so stupid.
I might be roasted for this, but I think Jyn was the least tiring of these characters. At least there was some degree of logic for why she could fight and do all this cool shit. She was raised in a pseudo freedom-fighter/terrorist cell that would teach her some methods of combat and mental toughness.
Abrams is a tool for Lucasfilm and Disney. Him saying this bullshit isn’t a surprise quite frankly. I don’t believe he knows what makes a good strong woman in films. He doesn’t understand why people like Leia Organa, Ripley, Sarah Connor, etc. Padme Amadala kicked ass in the prequels when she had to. Asoka was awesome in The Clone Wars. But one thing is these women weren’t overly powerful. They had weaknesses of some kind, and weren’t perfect. Rey is perfect and has all these abilities with no backstory or explanation. We’re to just accept it. The women I mentioned had an arc and we saw what lead them to being strong female characters we liked. There was a progression. Rey doesn’t have that. Holdo and Rose blow. It’s not about hating women. It’s about not liking shitty characters. And said characters being female doesn’t excuse them from being shitty.
Yes JJ, remember how great female characters like Ellen Ripley, Sarah Conner, and Beatrix Kiddo were criticized because men felt threatened? yeah me neither, probably because they were actually well written
Kayoko Ann Patterson we could add Mara Jade but she’s EU and they couldn’t have the competition of another well written female character who was strong without being perfect. Can’t relate to perfect characters. Breaks the whole hero’s journey. You really nailed it with your examples. Leia was beloved too and she was a total biotch even as these guys were risking death to save her, but it worked because she was WELL WRITTEN. She had experienced loss and terror. Take away all jeopardy, make a Rey who can do everything perfectly the first time and where do you go from there?
The plot for Star Wars 9. An evil force pops out of no where, Rey, all of sudden appears with no further training. Destroys all the evil with even no more training. Then, Princess Leia becomes a God. Does it make sense... doesn't it even matter at this point... The end.
Sucks to be living in the US with all these gender politics crap stuck on your face, Be grateful that Trump won other than that BITCH ass Hillary although Trump is still a worse president!
Completely agree. Read JJ's comments this morning over coffee. Very disappointing. And I basically agree with your translation: looks like they're going to double down on the current approach , whether or not it alienates the core fan base. Although, I think it's funny that they finally decided to target the fan base. Unlike the Ghostbusters backlash when Columbia deliberately went after the fans, telling them how were racist, bigots, sexist, homophobic they were. Took lucasfilm a bit longer to get there, but I suspect J. J. has got his marching orders from K.K. But let's drop the BS: TLJ under performed worldwide substantially. It did not connect with the core fan base, and actually managed to alienate significant parts of it. The powers-that-be have to be aware of that. Cut to the Chase: I don't think THEY CAN DO ANY BETTER. The real sin of the current Trilogy is that it's a rather spectacular failure of imagination. They've cut Lucas out of the creative process, and Rian Johnson turned out to be a dud. And K. K.'s writers room is into the whole SJW thing. Bob Iger has to look at those numbers and, at the very least, say to himself,' what happened? ' You know that the bleep is hitting the fan, because the power people, the suits, won't leave it alone. Yes the fanbase is disappointed, upset, and energetically pissed off. I like your translation of JJ's comments, but it may mean, on another level, that they don't know what to do. Don't know how to go forward without a sticking to the agenda and yet not alienating the fanbase further. From their perspective, It's All About the Benjamins. But in little less than six years they've managed to do significant damage to the Star Wars brand and at some level they honestly do not know how they got here. They're scared.
This entire interview removed whatever miniscule desire I had remaining to see the 9th film or anything after it. I never thought I'd say that about star wars.
Star Wars ended at episode 6. TFA was bad from the start to finish, Finn by the crashed fighter, next clip he is further away, then it blows and he is magically even further away... what!. Then later you see ray rescue BB-8, that sand creature walked like it had it's legs in braces and didn't look remotely like it evovoled to walk in the desert. The film just went on and on with crap like that. I did not bother to see the next abomination.
JJ Abram, Leia Organa was a fan favorite from the 70s to now. In recent years, Ashoka Tano was a fan favorite in the Star Wars: Clone Wars series. Unlike Rey, both of these characters were liked because they we’re relatable and overcame ordeals w/o it feeling rushed or forced. Your “these fans feel threatened by women” argument is invalid.
People give Padme a lot of shit because she was part of the prequels and apparently died of a broken heart. However, she was a better character than any of those in The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi, including Luke, Han and Leia due to the fact that Disney had no idea how to handle them. I'm not criticising Luke, Han and Leia under George Lucas' reign - and personally I think Leia's a bit stronger than her mother but Padme's strong too, despite the way she died - but the new Luke, Han and Leia were either recycled shadows of their old selves or seemed like different characters altogether. At least in Padme's case, the writing for her character was consistent and there's a solid theory that Palpatine subtly influenced Darth Vader while his medical droids were putting him back together, causing Vader to accidentally suck away Padme's remaining life through the Force. That is possible and it would add to the mythos because Force Drain is a legitimate Force power.
Is there anyone that wanted to see a Solo origin movie? I mean, it's not necessarily a bad idea, but as we can see the new Star Wars films equal to a wankstain. It's just gonna butcher up the character
They want a positivity echo chamber, and any of that negative energy is unwanted and INVALID! Ignore it! Lalalalala! If they compliment me, it's true! If they don't compliment me, it's NOT true!
Well, Jar Jar Abrams has now solidified the fact that Star Wars Episode 9 is gonna be a huge disaster. Can't wait for it to fail and make even less money than The Last Jedi/Solo. Wonder if real fans are going to make a spiritual successor to Star Wars.
I’m an original Star Wars kid. Saw the original 14 times that Summer of ‘77. Spent a couple thou on merch over the years, helping make the Dark Lord George rich. Those first three movies were big pivotal events. Cultural moments. Good versus evil, heroes vs. Villains, big over-simplified sloppy science nerdy space-opera. Then, George got mad about Titanic, and James Cameron. Enter the prequels. Meh, take the kids, maybe there’s something.. oh. What’s that smell? Little Rebel filmmaker George had morphed into Darth Jabba, bully billionaire toy-seller. The latest branded product? Pretty much that South Park episode with Lucas & Spielberg raping Indiana Jones, and the audiences of that dreadful UFO+Indy movie. Except now, it’s Jar Jar Abrams, Kennedy, Mickey Mouse, and Johnson taking their turns violating Luke Skywalker, and the audiences of these three beautiful but contemptuous violations of the SW universe & fandom. This is part revenge for GamerGate, and slumping ticket-sales for Hollywood rubbish, and the arrogance of progressives for anything they didn’t make, and which they dislike. Take something good, kill it & skin it, and wear the carcass while demanding respect for the new thing as if it’s still the old thing. Then, mock the fans. Nope. This original Star Wars fan is done.
I was so threatened, that I decided to skip on Episode 9 and the Han Solo movie. Rian, Kathleen and JJ need to stop "defending" the movie. They are supposed to make movies that resonate with the audience.... and disney clearly missed the mark. Insulting the audience wont get them back in the theaters, and it wont help sell any toys.
Yaaaahhhhhhh! Yet another attempt to shame us into liking TLJ! They ignore plotholes, undeveloped new characters, assassinated (including literally) legacy characters, their own new canon, useless parts of the movie, and plot points from the previous movie, but if we don't like it we are racist, sexist, misogynist, neck-beard, fanboys living in our mom's basement (I think I hit all the generalizations that they are saying now). Apparently, not liking bad writing makes you a horrible person. Hey but its ok JJ says they need to make to make the franchise more accessible to women... I have no problem with that. He needs to put his money where his mouth is and let a more qualified woman do Episode IX. It's kind of strange JJ thinks like this when you consider several scenes from the rebooted Star Trek franchise he has done. You know the scenes where he had women stripping to their underwear and it was completely integral to the plot? Do those line up with your Feminist agenda JJ? Oh well, if I'm considered another Nazi by SJWs for hating TLJ I might as well own it. HAIL HYDRA!
I have a good friend, she is a lesbian, and she really likes Disney stuff in general and also liked all Star Wars Episodes, including the prequels. Up until The Last Jedi. She thought it was bad. But she just feels threatened by women I guess...
"It's not my fault, it's the fans!" "The movie's not bad, the fans are bad!" That is how you know when someone is a bad director/writer. They see fan backlash and instead of asking what they did wrong (or actually learning from it), they blame the FANS. We saw it with the Ghostbusters reboot, and we're seeing it again. So if you think J.J. Abrams, Rian Johnson, or Kathleen Kennedy are going to learn their lesson, you're mistaken. Just save yourself the misery, and don't spend another cent on their garbage.
Rey could have been a really good character like Luke. I had no problem with it. But they just fucked up the whole plot and The Last Jedi was just bad as a movie not just as a Star Wars film and this is what people can't understand. If I say something bad about this film suddenly thousand of people : Stupid SW fanboy ! If this movie would be a normal blockbuster film not a SW film , nobody would give a shit...
I keep telling women, the fact that Rey is the worst character ever has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman. But they just get triggered before I can finish the point
Lets see, the first Star Wars thing i watched was the clone wars and my favorite character was Ahsoka, and I didn't like the Last Jedi. It's because I'm sexist isn't it? Thanks for clearing that up Jar Jar Abrams.
As ticket prices continue to rise they make the decision easy for people not to pay to watch propaganda. JJ Abrams has never been able to finish anything, he's competent at setting up mysteries, he runs away before anyone notices there is nothing there, a flim flam man, and now he's going to take this one home when its obvious there is no way to save the mess he started, but he doesn't care because there are never consequences in his world.
Timothy Zahn managed to revitalise Star Wars mythos and open it up to a whole new world with it's expanded universe. He did it with words on paper. These idiots had millions of dollars and great special effects, yet managed to make Star Wars boring.
I didn't know that my displeasure in the dropped plots, pointless sub plot, messy structure, bad characters and terrible attempts at slapstick humor was a result of me feeling threatened by women.
I was already planning to skip Solo this summer, but I was kind of holding out hope that JJ would come back and course correct in episode 9, but after this it's clear he's a total sell out. I do think JJ will have to retcon Ep8 a little bit because there is literally nothing interesting left to work with in Ep9. A few months ago I was a huge Star Wars fan, and I still love the OT and I appreciate everything that came before The Last Jedi, but now it's clear that Kathleen has her claws out and is ready to push an agenda even if it completely sinks the story. I now look forward to seeing this new toxic Star Wars crumble, again something I never thought I could have said just a few months ago. I know Solo and Ep 9 will make money but I hope they have such a significant drop in ticket sales that Disney can't ignore this problem any longer.
The problem with Episode 9 is that the trilogy was ruined. You don’t screw up 1/3 of your lasagna ingredients and then say, “hey, maybe it’ll come out okay. Nope, the lasagna is ruined. 66% of the right ingredients won’t save it. A trilogy is an integrated story, a whole. ‘Jedi is irredeemably incoherent and ideologically possessed. It’s over. Whatever is done in 9 builds on nothing. 9 could be goddamn art and the trilogy is still ruined, and 9 is tainted by being attached to a body with gangrene. I’m also a huge OT fan. I’m forty. I’ve been to the midnight showing of the last six Star Wars movies. 7 was “okay” but didn’t ruin the lasagna. Rogue One is garbage. ‘Jedi is sterile, lifeless, and incoherent. Kathleen Kennedy did worse than make a bad movie - she made this lifelong fan utterly disinterested and digusted. I won’t be seeing any Star Wars movies until she’s replaced. The franchise is dead. It’s not Star Wars, it’s a corpse being artificially animated by a necrophelic corporation pushing toys and feminist ideology. Thank god I have the unaltered originals on dvd.
C'mon the mess up started with TFA. It's JJ that made the achievements of the OT pointless by going back to the status quo of rebellion vs Empire (with a bigger death star that shoots even like, more lasers!), or by making both Han and Luke deadbeat failures. Plus, he's the one who gave us Marey Sue.
I actually enjoyed Episode 7 to a certain extent, even though it was very similar to A New Hope, I looked at it like a kind of refresher, to show everyone that the vibe of Star Wars was returning to that classic 1970s vibe. Ep 7 set up some very interesting plot points that I wanted to see them build on in Episode 8. I also liked Rogue One because it was set during the OT. The main characters leave something to be desired but the Vader scenes and most of the ending make it for me. None of them were as good as the OT, but I feel that Star Wars was still sustainable until they completely neutered the franchise in The Last Jedi. I also have the original unaltered dvds, I spent a ton of money on them after seeing TLJ, because odds are if Disney ever re-releases the originals they would have political messages edited into them somehow.
I won't be seeing Solo, and I won't be seeing 9. The only thing i'm watching is Rebels, and that's through a third party, so no cash for Disney at all : P
Abrams and Johnson are far worse than Schumacher. At least his Batman was one of many different Batman universes. Abrams and Johnson's abominations are supposed to take place in George Lucas' universe.
We can call bullshit on all these dumb arguments by simply pointing out Leia as a character. Everyone loved Leia in the old movies. But they dislike how Leia has been handled in this new trilogy. What changed? Certainly her sex didn't change. She was a woman then as she is now. She was also a princess and politician in the past, so clearly it wasn't her being an "authoritative figure." She was also very outgoing, cocky and smart. And that's exactly why so many men liked her. So...what changed? Could it be that TFA and TLJ were boring movies that put Leia in bland positions? Nah, it must be that somehow between 1983 and 2015, the entire culture changed to hate strong women. Yeah...that's it. Even though people still like Leia from the old movies, they somehow hate strong women. And there's plenty of non Lucas created female characters who are good. They're just in the books and games that...Disney conveniently no longer recognizes. Whoops, sorry Mara Jade. You were basically what Rey should have been. But you no longer exist. Sorry.
Mara Jade is a good example. Beloved by most of the Star Wars community in the dark years of no films. Luke is represented correctly as a person who worked to save Mara Jade even though she wanted nothing but to kill him. That's the real Luke, not this ridiculous hermi thing. Rian probably thinks he was copying Obi Wan as a hermit, but Obi Wan was on a 20 year mission to protect Luke. He didn't just give up on the Jedi and hide out on Tatooine.
Mara also had to learn the force from two masters and her own mistakes. She didn't just magically learn how to use the force at the exact moment she needed it. Plus Luke saved her twice and then she saved Luke. You know...actual development of character through plot relevant deeds and situations. Something Rey isn't getting. Like I say almost any time the new movies are brought up, they would have done infinitely better just adapting the Thrawn trilogy. Even if they tweaked it to have new characters replacing the classics like Han, Luke and Leia, the core story could have been used. And it would have been better than what we got.
I don't think movies are meant to be just escapist entertainment. Movies used to be art, they warned us of the threats and dangers of the world through metaphores, gave us insight into human psychology through hero's journey and inspired us to be better people, do good and fight against the odds. Modern movies are just pure garbage.
They don't want white American and European men to be strong willed, heroic and have good strong moral beliefs. Why would they want a threat to their globalist agenda to exist ?
It's just stupid garbage they think is all the rage because of the stuffy social environment they wallow in. It's not about anything else. Malevolent stupidity in its purest form.
To make The Last Jedi Ryan Johnson just put The Empire Strikes Back & Return Of The Jedi DVDs in a blender, did a massive shit on them, and the result was The Last Jedi!
It's Disney. Disney has made their fortune from princesses. Of course they want their Star Wars princess. But Princess Leia is an old character who's played by a dead actress. So they need a new Star Wars princess. Which is why I'm sure that at some point in episode IX they will reveal that Rey is a Palpatine somehow. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she started to sing at some point as well. That's always been Disney's M.O. and Abrams is only saying what Kennedy wants him to. It's no different than when people said that Ghostbusters (2016) sucked. Paul Feig said the same thing J.J.'s saying now. I know Ghostbusters wasn't Disney, but the situations are similar. Two shitty movies blaming their faults on woman haters instead of admitting they fucked up.
It's funny that Disney pushes princesses so much, yet Americans openly rejected Kings and queens, to have a president. I feel bad for little girls in America, because when they grow up they learn that princesses are a tool of Disney, that's it.
Kevin Wilt - Probably not in one of the actual "episodes", but in some side story like Solo or Rogue One. I honestly believe they'll make an animated movie with singing Princess Rey and her singing friends. They'll probably be aliens and cute little round droids, instead of animals, but there's no way that doesn't happen some day. She'll probably wear 17 different outfits in it too, so they can sell them for the Barbie dolls... I mean "action figures".
Have you seen JJ Abrams TED talk on Star Wars? The way he sees the whole Star Wars concept is a Mystery Box. There is No character development and a bunch of questions with no answers.
Has Disney even come close to making their 4 billion back? George is a smart man for selling the franchise. Fortunately I have a life so when I saw The Fart Asmellng I decided not to even see The Last Poopi. I have many other things to do than watch any new Fem Wars movies. I also gave up on Star Blech after the 2009 one. So many things incorrect on that one as well. I remember watching Captain Kirk as a child in the 60s and seeing Star Wars in the theater while in college. I just don’t care anymore. Again, I have other things to do and other movies to watch. 🤪
We're not "threatened" by women. We collectively loved Mara Jade, Asajj Ventress, and various other GOOD women characters in this universe. None of them were Mary Sues. Why is this so hard for these people to grasp? George Lucas spent 40-ish years building up a mythology and universe, not to mention a devoted fan base. Then he passed the torch on to Kathleen Kennedy who--like so many feminists who inherited a man's achievement (Playboy, Yahoo, etc.)--ran it into the ground because she didn't have to _earn_ the property she received. Imagine if Luke inherited Anakin's lightsaber in the original film, but used it as a cooking tool instead of the elegant weapon it was meant to be.
When I heard about this article from Geeks + Gamers all I could think was "When is WorldClassBullshiters gonna tear this article a new asshole?" and not a day later Papa delivers. No JJ, I'm not afraid of female characters, I'm afraid of badly-written female characters made to push an agenda. The HISHE did a better job!
I've met the boiling point and I do not believe that the brand's leadership will ever accept real criticism and it makes me feel sad thinking about the future of the franchise.
I actually sorta liked The Last Jedi upon first viewing when I was more interested in the action than the plot. Then after a few days when I started to think more about the plot I started to realize just how stupid the entire movie was. It had nothing to do with female cast members for me, I think we need more female lead roles, for me it was just how stupidly everything played out. By far the worst part was the fact that Luke died at the end for literally no reason at all. Also, on a side note I for one loved the prequels and think George Lucas did an amazing job; everyone should have let him continue to make movies and we would never be in this mess we are today.
xvx4848 Same exact experience. I had fun watching TLJ, but my status as a film student caused me to look at it critically for days, and I found that it was crappy.
What’s so bad is it dates the movies to the pc politics of the minority of fans and sticks it to THIS PLACE IN TIME. 2010’s basically. That’s what makes the originals original. They followed the hero’s journey and gave Luke flaws. He got a crap deal really. She was a Princess on an idyllic world and he was on the hot armpit of the galaxy, screwed up, but then had him moment at the end and nailed it. That’s what pulls you in. Also, Leia took so many risks with what she had, so much to LOSE. There is NO JEOPARDY. No risk. Mary I mean Rey is always perfect, all the time. Nothing to gain, nothing to lose. We go to these movies to escape this shitty world.
Andy Butterbaugh 1. He wouldn't dare elaborate on it with any individual thought pattern since he's lacking intelligence and evidence beyond his own echo chamber where they all pat each other on the back for their shall we say, sacrificial offering of soundbytes, but we can easily see within this site alone, from multiple female viewers what they believe of this film and it certainly does not help J.J's argument. 2. Hardcore Star Wars women fans opposing the feel-good optimism they want us to believe of this movie is anathema to be spoken of within the narrative. The real face behind the veil of this is that there is an obvious agenda initiative of lobbies in and out of Hollywood that are working deliberately to create gender bedlam, and more, in the pop culture and the many subcultures intertwined in its diagram. These men and women in their Hollywood bubbles like J.J. Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy are social change agents operating on behalf of visionaries that would like to see their future fulfilled in reality, and so they spur on these ideas and call them revolutionary. This is weaponized media psychology to get *you* to think *their* way. You can spot them all every year pushing their views in front of our faces on the Emmys and Academy awards.
Colleen Brady glad to see that we are in the company of so many who " see through"...... The simple fact, (as I can see by your response, that you fully understand) is that they have purchased one of the greatest pieces of escapist fantasy ever, at a whopping 4 billion dollars, and the only thing they can seem to do with it, is use it to push their personal social agenda. Their attitude is, " It's OUR Star Wars. We bought it, and it belongs to us. NOT the fans. Fall in line with what we are doing, or step aside, and stay out of our way." Well, I'm officially done. I won't give these clowns another penny of my money. I see lots who are angry, but who can't wait to see what's coming next. That sends NO message. As long as the money fills their coffers, they are gonna keep going, and going. Look how many films, including spin offs, they have planned. It's fairly ridiculous......
I suppose you *Could* interpret it that way. I'm threatened by Kathleen Kennedy continuing to be in charge and fucking up Star Wars. Is that what Abrams means?
"You're criticising my work, you're just hateful towards (insert race/sex/sexuality here), checkmate bigots. Now get these people banned, so I don't have to deal with the criticism"
I was so threatened by women that I went gay.
So that's what happened to my dad
Howz Yerfather dead on de-masculinity is getting out of hand. Show me the real woman!
is anyone's mom single
(and hot)
lmao 😄
Professor Oak show me a cougar I'll sock it to her LoL Wayne said that can't talk credit
Roger Klotz
my little Brother calls the Kruegers lmao! (love me some milf action!) 😅
Ellen Ripley and Sarah Conner are from 30 years ago and they're universally loved. It's not the fact that you have women in Star Wars, it's that you have shit characters and writing.
This comment needs more likes. So many more likes. It's sad how much of our culture - popular or otherwise - this is true of. We live in an era of illiteracy and mediocrity.
Good point, and on that note, if JJ Abrams is arguing that people (apparently including millions of women that didn't like this movie) are hating The Last Jedi because of a female lead, then why didn't this happen for The Force Awakens? Since Rey was also in that movie. Personally, I would have loved to see Rey developed into a great character. But poor story writing buried her character before it could even get through a single movie.
Isn't that the truth. Sometimes I wonder if we'll ever have talent or creativity again.
You're exactly correct, and I guess the idiots at Disney also forgot about this other character from 40 years ago named Princess Leia. Oh, no wait - that was back in the Original Trilogy, and they "must let the past die" - so that didn't count: fuggedaboudit. Nah, they just repacked her as a disposable entity in a horribly stupid scene from an even worse movie.
Special EDy JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson are not feminists, they are hack writers who are trying to hide their mediocrity with virtue signaling.
I'm threatened by my own sex, who knew.....
ChildOfTheFlower well, you are obviously a sock account!
Or an Uncle Tom working for the evil gender.
Men aren't threatened by women, they are threaten by men like Abrams that will use women as a political tool with total psychopathy.
Aren't you glad JJ mansplained to you?
Yep, me too apparently. I find it utterly offensive that because I don't bow at thier feet and praise thier garbage movie JJ feels it's his place to say that I am threatened by my own sex.
Star Wars Episode 9: The Mary Sue
Star Wars Episode 9: Return The Mary Sue
Star Wars: The Period's revenge.
That's great Jar Jar.... Blame the paying audience and not very bad movie making....
"The Emperor has no clothes!!"
Jar Jar's response?: "No, the population is wrong and blind for not seeing the beautiful robes the Emperor is wearing. The fault is with the masses."
So true.
Logos Truth Jew Jew Binks can't take criticism and wants episode 9 to be even more shite than 8
JJ has reached a new lvl of beta.
Maybe he is going the mangina of the year 2018 award...
With Justine Trudeau he's got tough competition though.
I’ve heard that in the traditional sense, Jewish men are well known for being super beta. I guess he’s just towing the line
Hes sub-beta bro!
Too bad all that Alpha/Beta Wolf stuff has been proven to be bulls*it...
Please Rewind It was only a matter of time...
Daisy Ridley threatened me at gunpoint once, I had to give her my Lunch money in order to survive.
You poor thing, she can't keep getting away with this
Damn her. Damn her to HELL!!!!
You didn't survive. This isn't real.
C. R. For free?!?!?!?! She asked me for 5 dollar for the same things. I feel cheated.
Man you guys are nerds... u know that right.
So in one article he’s told us that nothing is going to change, So it’s not worth going to see the new one
This Is Ade Brown or Han Solo
Why should I care about anything beyond episode 6 chronologically at this point. It should have been labelled space balls or something.
This Is Ade Brown Who was going to see the new SW anyways after the crap that Kennedy just handed us?
I wasn't interested in watching episode 9 but jar jar abrams accusing everyone sexist? Now I have another reason not to watch it.
If ep 9 turns out as bad as I expect it to be, I hope JJ and his crew go bankrupt. Nothing else will teach them.
However I think there are too many idiots out there which will love every shit because of the power of familiarity and the big mass of crap Hollywood is spitting at them.
Let's all boycott episode 9. No money for people who think we're evil POS.
hear hear
We need to tweet at Disney and let them know that they can choose to make good movies with good writing, plot, and acting or they can get political and lose money. twitter.com/Disney?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Jazen Valencia. Already boycotted 8 after watching number 7 which was such a rubbish film in more ways than one.
I've boycotted since TLJ. Didn't go and see Solo
Well said!
Please, No one was threatened by Ripley from Alien and that came out in 1979!!!
Ripley was bad ass. Everyone loved her. JJ would disagree though. He'd say Ripley wasn't a real female role model because she wasn't caked in lipstick/eyeliner/foundation and had to inspire the fans with real struggles that she overcame through strength & grit.
Prince of Pickles lol 😂
No one was threatened by Sarah Connor either. Both are awesome women.
Plus no one was threatened by Lara Croft in the games, the early 2000 movies, and the newest movie version.
And no one was threatened by Wonder Woman as well.
Some people are stupid.
The alien was threatened.
omg I actually spit out my drink when i read your comment. F-ing hilarious!
Abrams just confirmed that I won't be seeing episode 9. He's a hack and just steals from pop culture.
You don't say...
Kelvin timeline: Star Trek 1 was good, Lost was also good the first few seasons. But yeah. There goes all my hopes for Abrams fixing what Rian broke.
I think the worst part about this modern Star Wars issue is that... they looked at the fans and started off the modern Star Wars franchise by spitting on the entire legacy and the core fans. It could've all been easily avoided, but it seems that every single action from Disney/Lucas executives lead by Kennedy have been to directly spite the people who maintain the large Star Wars fanbase.
Businesses need to learn to treat audiences like CUSTOMERS. It's the same issue going on within Marvel Comics and their SJW writers lashing out and "I'll protect the minorities" talk. It's absurd, unwanted, and inappropriate to give customers a product like The Last Jedi and assume that the CUSTOMERS will be happy with it.
"forget the past, kill it if you have to..." it doesn't get clearer than that what their intentions are.
It truly is retarded, they could have doubled their audience. New fans and the old fans, all fans. What takes this to lobotomy level dick-fuckery is the fact RJ and KK forgot that the "old fans" they like to insult so much are the PARENTS of the new fans... good luck getting me to buy _anything_ for my kids or nephews/nieces that has anything to do with TLJ. If they were more respectful I would have continued buying for myself, and also another half dozen to distribute amongst the family. The last time someone did something this dumb, AIDS was invented.
Oh god, I hope they are not as successful as the F&F movies because they keep churning out that CRAP every other year which means they are turning a decent profit.
I think the OP was referring to the fact F&F is seen as garbage by most. It's considered the McDonalds of movie franchises. A stupid but fun movie that you have turn your brain off to enjoy and that you forget about the moment they leave the theater.
However even if Star Wars became that kind of series they would not be successful. F&F is successful because they have VERY LOW production costs. Much like romantic comedies they barely have to put any money into special effects.
ㅤ ㅤ not forgot, ignored completely for the sake of an agenda, what should we expect though? KK is the example of riding on others' coat tails to get to the top and conned Lucas into believing she would be respectful with his creation, RJ most successful project, Jurassic World is a sequel nobody asked for and is just a subpar copy of Steven Spielberg ' s work and then there is JJ, his best works are adaptations of other works (Star Trek, Mission Impossible and any fan of those two series would say call it whatever you want but Star Trek and Mission Impossible) so, with a team like that and wanting to push an agenda, it can only fail, sadly, Disney will over saturate the market with it, so, they will make money and those people aren't getting fired anytime soon, worse with KK, if she does get fired, she will probably blame it on sexism.
JJ Abrahms: Fans aren't threatened by these females, we're criticizing your shitty writing. The best thing about TLJ was watching HISHE making a better 7 minute parody of your movie with a $1k budget. Thats right. HISHE made a better star wars movie than disney. Whats next, robot chicken & family guy beating you too?
Dreammirror Brony But they already did tho... Fuck, even Spaceballs did at this point.
Dreammirror Brony
So true :)
Family guy already made a more entertaining Star Wars
TLJ isn't by JJ though.
Sirius He made MaRey Sue.
*me watching SW go down the same dark path as the Ghost Busters reboot*
"You're breaking my heart LucasFilm. You're going down a path I can't follow".
Aryo Taheri You were the dumbass one not the chosen one, it was said you would destroy the bitch. not join them!
"Bring balance to the franchise, not leave it in darkness!"
"In my point of view make a competent story is evil"
Eduardo Souza well then you ARE DISNEY!
Carjos07 lol
How DARE fans go intg the theater with "expectations"???
Porfle Popnecker, and how DARE we criticize new films?!
The Last Jedi Was Almost A Star Wars Movie
- We Almost got to see a Lightsaber Duel
- Those jokes were Almost funny
- There was Almost an exciting chase through space
- Somebody Almost sensed a disturbance in the Force
- We Almost got dialog that fit the Star Wars universe
- That Almost looked and moved like Yoda
- Rey Almost got Jedi training
- Supreme Leader Snoke Almost foresaw that coming
- Finn and Rose Almost found a guy to help them
- Two people Almost said "May the Force be with you" to each other
- Chewbacca Almost ate a porg
- We Almost heard someone say "I have a bad feeling about this"
- Poe Almost committed mutiny
- We Almost found out that Rey's parents were important
- Finn Almost made it to the battering ram laser
- Those Almost weren't the Droids we were looking for
- It was Almost the Star Wars Holiday Special
- It was Almost a script Mark Hamill agreed with
- Rian Johnson Almost deserves an Academy award
- Let's hope JJ Abrams doesn't Almost make a Star Wars movie with the next one
The 'Almost' Was Strong With This One. It was Almost a Star Wars movie, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
I guess I'm a woman threatened by my fellow women then this makes perfect sense
I hope Abrams keeps talking, actually. Push more and more people away from Star Wars and force Disney to give up on these shitty movies.
Jar Jar Abrams will be forever known as the one who screwed the pooch when it comes to Star Wars.
Hack director, hack writer, can't make his own original shit and makes mystery box ripoff/homages to the originals, and a hack of a human being overall.
Should have seen it coming with Star trek into Darkness. That movie was a cluster fuck, and so are the new star wars movies. Good job, JJ. You managed to shit on two iconic franchises back-to-back.
I was worried for Star Wars when they announced Abrams for episode 7. If you liked Star Trek, he butchered that franchise. Abrams ruins everything he touches and Star Wars was not in good health after Disney bought it so his destructive capabilities were magnified.
I'm not even a fan of Star Trek, and I could see that it was a clusterfuck.
Originality is a dead artform to people like him.
I really blame this hack for starting Hollywood's fetish with reboots.
I have Zero problems with strong leading ladies... I was all ready to get behind Rey as the new hero. Until I saw that all guys in Star Wars are being cast in a horrible light. They couldn't give one guy a positive in these films. Its obvious social propaganda which I am sick of being spoon feed in every movie and show I try to watch. Its a failing brand because the vast majority of die hard fans are guys and the toys are bought by young boys.
SJW's are the worst its just not enough to cast women in stronger roles they have to totally bash guys at the same time. After this last movie I could careless for future movies its just insulting. The next movie will be like "oh another guy" lets see how bad he fails this time.
We are not threatened by smart strong ladies. We are however insulted by the bashing of all the guys because most of us had amazing fathers.
Yes. Imagine if Rey struggled with her abandonment and she finds out that there was a larger meaning behind it. Real gritty emotional training with Luke. Perhaps she passes a test of letting go, to finally find out a mystery of her parentage. We need her to have some human struggle to connect with her. Nothing came easy for Luke in the OT. I feel the counter balance thing they were going for was contrived quite liberally. I for one would have put Kylo in exile only to return in the third installment. Connecting Rey and Kylo the way they did diminished their value to banality. Snoke needed to have way more sinister plans and flushed out properly to achieve this. It's a complete rewrite.
It's rather insulting to the intelligence of levelheaded folks to get such a disingenuous retort instead of honest effort or at the very least to take constructive criticism. Also, I don't think for one moment that if this were really the case that all these folks they accuse of bigotry would have been into the original trilogy, or a lot of games, manga, anime, cartoons, and comics for that matter. The hyped selling point of diversity is a fallacious one at best when one considers the only thing potentially plaguing Star Wars OT and PT from a 'diversity' standpoint is how few asians were cast by hollywood which is far broader than lucasfilm. Given its very nature on a galactic scale (and then some), the Star Wars story considers diversity on a scale much larger than we can on a planetary scale. No, this is Disney missing the point on purpose.
I have an SJW cousin, and frankly she lacks any self awareness she may once have possessed. She's at the denial point where she's starting to see things aren't all great and rosy as she's been told, but she won't admit that shutting out her family is her own doing. She chose this SJW life, she can have it all.
Where did all the good men go? They were thrown in the trash in order to make marginal mary-sue characters look better.
I totally agree, MrSnapy1. These damn SJW's are giving us women a bad name and I can't stand them, either!
Game of Thrones is strong female characters done right.
MrSnapy1 Not every SJW bashes men; only the extreme among us. I’m technically an SJW, in that I want equality for women and minorities and stick up for their rights, but I hate ultra feminists like Kathleen, and the fact that men are being demonized, while women are being treated as perfect angels.
We’re repeating all the same problems of Ghostbusters 2016: poor communication with the fan base that doesn’t benefit anyone. No one learned the lessons.
Well that movie was poorly written too and grossly misandristic. How did that help equality?
Lol JJ, sure. We didn’t hate The Last Jedi because of poor writing and poor character development. We didn’t hate The Last Jedi because you turned an optimistic Luke that risked his life for his friends and turned his murderous Sith Lord father back from the Dark Side into a bitter old man that didn’t want to help his friends and tried to kill his nephew when he sensed just a tiny bit of darkness in him. We didn’t hate the fact that politics were shoved in our faces. We were threatened by the “women”.
Lmao, JJ is trying to GUILT us into liking The Last Jedi the same way Hollywood tried to guilt us into liking that terrible Ghostbusters reboot.
watched space balls again for the first time in 20 years... TLJ stole illegally parking from Space Balls for gods sake.
Your right. Funny thing is; TLJ couldn't reach light speed, let alone LUDICROUS SPEED!!
I pretty sure Porgs were space herpes, they kept popping up and seemed impossible to get rid of.
Also TFA ripped off Dark Helmet with Kylo Ren, and Rogue One stole the air shield with the space gate.
Call back to Ice Pirates... awesome.
This series is a lot better if you think of it as a space balls trilogy
And there goes episode 9 he basically admitted he won’t fix the issues created by the last Jedi.
If anything, they're gonna double down.
I think JJ Abrams is feeling threatened by the fact that he is not getting the adoration he was hoping for.
If the disgruntled among us view the upcoming Star Wars films on opening weekend and/or pay full price for a ticket, Disney will have won yet again.
Exactly, so don't go the the movie theater.
JJ was threatened by a woman to say this.
Legendary Niwatori yip Cunthleen Kennedy. JJ is just a beta who does her bidding.
Lol-- excellent!
The only reason people aren't still crapping on JJ Abrams The Force Awakens is because The Last Jedi was about 10 times worse. The Force Awaken was a weak film, poorly directed, poorly written. Maybe JJ can stick some more lens flares.
"Last Jedi wasn't very good" JJ Abrams: "So you're saying you agree with Hitler?"
Bill Westfall Cathy Newman style
Cathy Newmaned: Verb
wow- my lack of respect for JJ Abrams has reached an all time low...stop dissing iconic characters from before and give us new characters we can get behind (male or female), then you can at least "attempt" to make this argument if people still don't like them...
I used to be neutral on JJ and was hoping he might be intent on trying to salvage SW in episode IX. Looks like I was being naive.
Hell, there are plenty of other amazing female characters that were made under George Lucas (even if he did not make them himself) like Kreia, Darth Talon, Mara Jade, etc. George allowed for creativity in the other forms of media and to take risks. Disney does not.
Padme and Leia were "strong female characters" (and also, you know, actual characters with limitations) made under George Lucas. But apparently they never existed 0_0
My favorite is Lumiya who's like a female Vader.
DarksaberForce I loved Lumiya, also. But still, Moff Leonia Tavira is the owner of my heart. :)
Davis Joseph Pereira Umaña Oh yeah the teenage Moff. I love her too. And Empress Ysanne Isard.
DarksaberForce don't forget about Mirax, Corran Horn's wife and rival to Leonia, also.
I look forward to Episode 9 not even making it to China.
Fractal Shell China might just ban all Star Wars movies after [Ranger] Solo. I don't blame them honestly.
If there was EVER any doubt that these Star Wars films had been "Ghostbusters 2016'd", THIS IS IT RIGHT HERE.
Oh, it's not quite Ghostbuster 2016 yet, but I have no doubt it'll be even worse than that when Ep. 9 comes out.
Rey will probably go through a gauntlet unscratched to get to Kylo, then defeat him by stabbing her lightsaber right into his crotch. That, or she'll make him realize how wrong he is, they'll kiss, and then ride off into the sunset, eventually being crowned king and queen of a new, peaceful galactic empire.
There are so many ways this can still get so much worse that almost anything you speculate probably won't hold a candle to what actually gets released.
Star Wars The Force Awakens
Star Wars The Last Jedi
Star Wars The End
Rian wants to make another trilogy.... and more than likely they will let him
Do it... sadly
I'm already done with the franchise while I still have my sanity and my memories of GOOD Star Wars. From here on, anyone who throws their money at this master forger posing as a director is just the equivalent of an abused spouse who keeps going back because "they'll change".
I love your JJ impression. Subscribed :)
Being a fan of JJ's work I disagree very much. Loved TFA. Loved TLJ. And love that he is back directing the final. Been a fan of JJ since Lost that was so great! Then he did a Trek I loved. And 2 after it so many others hate but I think are the best there are. But to each his own I guess.
Joe Baumann Totally, sir. If he's your cup of tea, go for it. He's just not mine. His polarizing statements of late are unforunate.
Joe Baumann Yeah, some people are just fans of shitty movies and have no ability to detect talent or art. But, it's your right to enjoy what you want. Have fun.
I haven't seen any of the new Star Wars hahahaha. I don't need to be taught an agenda.
I knew Disney would ruin it (I hate them and to me, they ruin everything they touch). I waited until "Force Awakens" came on satellite and watched it for free and I still felt ripped off.
dear Kathleen Kenedy,
make me a sammich, wamen.
kind regards,
Is little man having feelings hurt from some one with a different opinion? JJ is great at what he does. Brought back a better Trek and did a great job so far with SW
Now that Last Jedi has ensured more than half of the viewers will stop watching Star Wars, future sales for Solo and IX are going to be much, much lower.
Gallifreyan Buccaneer see Black Panther instead
See Deadpool 2, Infinity War, or that new Jurassic World movie.
Gallifreyan Buccaneer I'm imagining Jon Pertwee's voice reading that.
Ray Vankman Why I’m most grateful, my dear fellow.
You know they really fucked up when you actually don't know if you want to even pirate the new Star Wars films. Well done guys
I do know. I dont want to pirate this. Especialy after learning that big bad Snoke presented in FA dies like a little bitch along with Luke. No thanks I rather rewatch Farscape or some else good scifi
Right. So it's me and not them. Glad he cleared that up for me. It was keeping me up at night.
Of course it us. Of course we have to blame ourselfes that we think story, character Development and respect for a Franchise and its Fans should Be Part of making a StarWars movie - how could we be so stupid.
Han Solo he is probably scared of losing his job. Kennedy probably has a knife to his throat
Creates an uninteresting female character with no personality.
Calls everyone that points that out sexist.
I think you might be projecting, JJ.
I might be roasted for this, but I think Jyn was the least tiring of these characters. At least there was some degree of logic for why she could fight and do all this cool shit. She was raised in a pseudo freedom-fighter/terrorist cell that would teach her some methods of combat and mental toughness.
Abrams is a tool for Lucasfilm and Disney. Him saying this bullshit isn’t a surprise quite frankly. I don’t believe he knows what makes a good strong woman in films. He doesn’t understand why people like Leia Organa, Ripley, Sarah Connor, etc. Padme Amadala kicked ass in the prequels when she had to. Asoka was awesome in The Clone Wars. But one thing is these women weren’t overly powerful. They had weaknesses of some kind, and weren’t perfect. Rey is perfect and has all these abilities with no backstory or explanation. We’re to just accept it. The women I mentioned had an arc and we saw what lead them to being strong female characters we liked. There was a progression. Rey doesn’t have that. Holdo and Rose blow. It’s not about hating women. It’s about not liking shitty characters. And said characters being female doesn’t excuse them from being shitty.
very well said, completely agree
The characters aren't so much of a problem as the general writing of the film. You can't write that bad unless you have below average abilities.
Yes JJ, remember how great female characters like Ellen Ripley, Sarah Conner, and Beatrix Kiddo were criticized because men felt threatened?
yeah me neither, probably because they were actually well written
Kayoko Ann Patterson Sarah Connor in T2 was my favorite. She was as bad ass as Arnie!
Ripley is probably the most iconic one, but for me the bride is special cause she had that pain of losing a child transformed to hope.
Kayoko Ann Patterson we could add Mara Jade but she’s EU and they couldn’t have the competition of another well written female character who was strong without being perfect. Can’t relate to perfect characters. Breaks the whole hero’s journey. You really nailed it with your examples. Leia was beloved too and she was a total biotch even as these guys were risking death to save her, but it worked because she was WELL WRITTEN. She had experienced loss and terror. Take away all jeopardy, make a Rey who can do everything perfectly the first time and where do you go from there?
The plot for Star Wars 9. An evil force pops out of no where, Rey, all of sudden appears with no further training. Destroys all the evil with even no more training. Then, Princess Leia becomes a God. Does it make sense... doesn't it even matter at this point... The end.
I think JarJar Abrams got stuffed in a locker in junior high a few too many times.
When's the wedding date for JJ and Trudeau?
even alien tits are welcome haha
Joshua Forschen please don't insult gay people by comparing them with these people
Congrats on winning the best comment award on this video.
Sucks to be living in the US with all these gender politics crap stuck on your face, Be grateful that Trump won other than that BITCH ass Hillary although Trump is still a worse president!
joshua-lol nice
Completely agree. Read JJ's comments this morning over coffee. Very disappointing. And I basically agree with your translation: looks like they're going to double down on the current approach , whether or not it alienates the core fan base. Although, I think it's funny that they finally decided to target the fan base. Unlike the Ghostbusters backlash when Columbia deliberately went after the fans, telling them how were racist, bigots, sexist, homophobic they were. Took lucasfilm a bit longer to get there, but I suspect J. J. has got his marching orders from K.K.
But let's drop the BS: TLJ under performed worldwide substantially. It did not connect with the core fan base, and actually managed to alienate significant parts of it. The powers-that-be have to be aware of that. Cut to the Chase: I don't think THEY CAN DO ANY BETTER. The real sin of the current Trilogy is that it's a rather spectacular failure of imagination. They've cut Lucas out of the creative process, and Rian Johnson turned out to be a dud. And K. K.'s writers room is into the whole SJW thing.
Bob Iger has to look at those numbers and, at the very least, say to himself,' what happened? ' You know that the bleep is hitting the fan, because the power people, the suits, won't leave it alone. Yes the fanbase is disappointed, upset, and energetically pissed off. I like your translation of JJ's comments, but it may mean, on another level, that they don't know what to do. Don't know how to go forward without a sticking to the agenda and yet not alienating the fanbase further. From their perspective, It's All About the Benjamins. But in little less than six years they've managed to do significant damage to the Star Wars brand and at some level they honestly do not know how they got here. They're scared.
Yep. Feels like our "The Last Hope" for Star Wars to be veered off from it's current trajectory seems to be Bob Iger.
This entire interview removed whatever miniscule desire I had remaining to see the 9th film or anything after it. I never thought I'd say that about star wars.
LordSquirrelShow: same. I won't be watching another SW anything until Disney steps in and stops this crap.
Star Wars ended at episode 6. TFA was bad from the start to finish, Finn by the crashed fighter, next clip he is further away, then it blows and he is magically even further away... what!. Then later you see ray rescue BB-8, that sand creature walked like it had it's legs in braces and didn't look remotely like it evovoled to walk in the desert. The film just went on and on with crap like that. I did not bother to see the next abomination.
JJ Abram, Leia Organa was a fan favorite from the 70s to now. In recent years, Ashoka Tano was a fan favorite in the Star Wars: Clone Wars series. Unlike Rey, both of these characters were liked because they we’re relatable and overcame ordeals w/o it feeling rushed or forced. Your “these fans feel threatened by women” argument is invalid.
People give Padme a lot of shit because she was part of the prequels and apparently died of a broken heart. However, she was a better character than any of those in The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi, including Luke, Han and Leia due to the fact that Disney had no idea how to handle them. I'm not criticising Luke, Han and Leia under George Lucas' reign - and personally I think Leia's a bit stronger than her mother but Padme's strong too, despite the way she died - but the new Luke, Han and Leia were either recycled shadows of their old selves or seemed like different characters altogether. At least in Padme's case, the writing for her character was consistent and there's a solid theory that Palpatine subtly influenced Darth Vader while his medical droids were putting him back together, causing Vader to accidentally suck away Padme's remaining life through the Force. That is possible and it would add to the mythos because Force Drain is a legitimate Force power.
I just tossed episode 9 over my shoulder like an old lightsaber. Thanks JJ!
Nick Wright You said it bro. I'm out.
Is there anyone that wanted to see a Solo origin movie? I mean, it's not necessarily a bad idea, but as we can see the new Star Wars films equal to a wankstain. It's just gonna butcher up the character
Also the fact the trailer was released FOUR months before its released.
Bence G Poor Ron Howard is giving it his all.
Enzo 1965 Just look at the actor who is playing Solo for God's sake!
if they use "hater" unironically, don't listen to them
They want a positivity echo chamber, and any of that negative energy is unwanted and INVALID! Ignore it! Lalalalala! If they compliment me, it's true! If they don't compliment me, it's NOT true!
Well, Jar Jar Abrams has now solidified the fact that Star Wars Episode 9 is gonna be a huge disaster. Can't wait for it to fail and make even less money than The Last Jedi/Solo. Wonder if real fans are going to make a spiritual successor to Star Wars.
Copyright shit won't allow it
themrmustazz I think an homage will be legal. Similar to what The Orville is to Star Trek.
Jar Jar Abrams... Ha! Good one!
JJ is a freaking goof bomb turkey! 🍗
I’m an original Star Wars kid. Saw the original 14 times that Summer of ‘77. Spent a couple thou on merch over the years, helping make the Dark Lord George rich. Those first three movies were big pivotal events. Cultural moments. Good versus evil, heroes vs. Villains, big over-simplified sloppy science nerdy space-opera.
Then, George got mad about Titanic, and James Cameron. Enter the prequels. Meh, take the kids, maybe there’s something.. oh. What’s that smell? Little Rebel filmmaker George had morphed into Darth Jabba, bully billionaire toy-seller.
The latest branded product? Pretty much that South Park episode with Lucas & Spielberg raping Indiana Jones, and the audiences of that dreadful UFO+Indy movie. Except now, it’s Jar Jar Abrams, Kennedy, Mickey Mouse, and Johnson taking their turns violating Luke Skywalker, and the audiences of these three beautiful but contemptuous violations of the SW universe & fandom.
This is part revenge for GamerGate, and slumping ticket-sales for Hollywood rubbish, and the arrogance of progressives for anything they didn’t make, and which they dislike. Take something good, kill it & skin it, and wear the carcass while demanding respect for the new thing as if it’s still the old thing. Then, mock the fans.
Nope. This original Star Wars fan is done.
I was so threatened, that I decided to skip on Episode 9 and the Han Solo movie.
Rian, Kathleen and JJ need to stop "defending" the movie. They are supposed to make movies that resonate with the audience.... and disney clearly missed the mark. Insulting the audience wont get them back in the theaters, and it wont help sell any toys.
It's because of Last Jedi sucked that I am not buying anymore Star Wars toys....unless they are Pre-Disney
I swear, I don't even want to see episode 9 after all this BS.
Yaaaahhhhhhh! Yet another attempt to shame us into liking TLJ! They ignore plotholes, undeveloped new characters, assassinated (including literally) legacy characters, their own new canon, useless parts of the movie, and plot points from the previous movie, but if we don't like it we are racist, sexist, misogynist, neck-beard, fanboys living in our mom's basement (I think I hit all the generalizations that they are saying now). Apparently, not liking bad writing makes you a horrible person.
Hey but its ok JJ says they need to make to make the franchise more accessible to women... I have no problem with that. He needs to put his money where his mouth is and let a more qualified woman do Episode IX.
It's kind of strange JJ thinks like this when you consider several scenes from the rebooted Star Trek franchise he has done. You know the scenes where he had women stripping to their underwear and it was completely integral to the plot? Do those line up with your Feminist agenda JJ?
Oh well, if I'm considered another Nazi by SJWs for hating TLJ I might as well own it.
I have a good friend, she is a lesbian, and she really likes Disney stuff in general and also liked all Star Wars Episodes, including the prequels. Up until The Last Jedi. She thought it was bad.
But she just feels threatened by women I guess...
Ghostluster Internalized misogyny 😜
What ruined SW TLJ was the forced humor and the stupid scenes that made no sense.
& feminism putting men down like they are idiotic!!
It makes me so incredibly sad that I'm actually looking forward to watching Star Wars franchise collapse
Me too. Never thought this day would come but here we are.
Me too
Star Wars is truly dead...
1977-2012 it shall be missed
1977-1983 ;)
Jodi Lester, boi no the Clones Wars was lit
The only Star Wars movie I'm looking forward to now is Spaceballs 3: The Search for Spaceballs 2.
"It's not my fault, it's the fans!" "The movie's not bad, the fans are bad!"
That is how you know when someone is a bad director/writer. They see fan backlash and instead of asking what they did wrong (or actually learning from it), they blame the FANS. We saw it with the Ghostbusters reboot, and we're seeing it again. So if you think J.J. Abrams, Rian Johnson, or Kathleen Kennedy are going to learn their lesson, you're mistaken. Just save yourself the misery, and don't spend another cent on their garbage.
Rey could have been a really good character like Luke. I had no problem with it. But they just fucked up the whole plot and The Last Jedi was just bad as a movie not just as a Star Wars film and this is what people can't understand. If I say something bad about this film suddenly thousand of people : Stupid SW fanboy ! If this movie would be a normal blockbuster film not a SW film , nobody would give a shit...
Nerulon Skyven the actor who plays Rey is just a really bad actor.
Well yeah not the best but with a better plot she would be better. I mean she's not that bad :D for me at least.
I keep telling women, the fact that Rey is the worst character ever has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman. But they just get triggered before I can finish the point
Lets see, the first Star Wars thing i watched was the clone wars and my favorite character was Ahsoka, and I didn't like the Last Jedi. It's because I'm sexist isn't it? Thanks for clearing that up Jar Jar Abrams.
I lost my shit at "K-Mart Yoda"
Well, I was going to see Episode 9 just to see the end of this train wreck, but fuck you J.J., I'm keeping my money.
They’re going to come out as “identifying” as female and South Asian.
Don't. Just boycott the movie.
Everyone needs to boycott this next film. Even the Solo movie looks good till I saw a trailer where he's acting all beta. So I'll skip that to.
Sucks go u
As ticket prices continue to rise they make the decision easy for people not to pay to watch propaganda. JJ Abrams has never been able to finish anything, he's competent at setting up mysteries, he runs away before anyone notices there is nothing there, a flim flam man, and now he's going to take this one home when its obvious there is no way to save the mess he started, but he doesn't care because there are never consequences in his world.
Timothy Zahn managed to revitalise Star Wars mythos and open it up to a whole new world with it's expanded universe. He did it with words on paper. These idiots had millions of dollars and great special effects, yet managed to make Star Wars boring.
I didn't know that my displeasure in the dropped plots, pointless sub plot, messy structure, bad characters and terrible attempts at slapstick humor was a result of me feeling threatened by women.
I don't know why this made me laugh so hard
I'm imagining it being said by a mouth-less Funko Pop
I was already planning to skip Solo this summer, but I was kind of holding out hope that JJ would come back and course correct in episode 9, but after this it's clear he's a total sell out. I do think JJ will have to retcon Ep8 a little bit because there is literally nothing interesting left to work with in Ep9. A few months ago I was a huge Star Wars fan, and I still love the OT and I appreciate everything that came before The Last Jedi, but now it's clear that Kathleen has her claws out and is ready to push an agenda even if it completely sinks the story. I now look forward to seeing this new toxic Star Wars crumble, again something I never thought I could have said just a few months ago. I know Solo and Ep 9 will make money but I hope they have such a significant drop in ticket sales that Disney can't ignore this problem any longer.
The problem with Episode 9 is that the trilogy was ruined. You don’t screw up 1/3 of your lasagna ingredients and then say, “hey, maybe it’ll come out okay. Nope, the lasagna is ruined. 66% of the right ingredients won’t save it. A trilogy is an integrated story, a whole. ‘Jedi is irredeemably incoherent and ideologically possessed. It’s over. Whatever is done in 9 builds on nothing. 9 could be goddamn art and the trilogy is still ruined, and 9 is tainted by being attached to a body with gangrene.
I’m also a huge OT fan. I’m forty. I’ve been to the midnight showing of the last six Star Wars movies. 7 was “okay” but didn’t ruin the lasagna. Rogue One is garbage. ‘Jedi is sterile, lifeless, and incoherent. Kathleen Kennedy did worse than make a bad movie - she made this lifelong fan utterly disinterested and digusted. I won’t be seeing any Star Wars movies until she’s replaced. The franchise is dead. It’s not Star Wars, it’s a corpse being artificially animated by a necrophelic corporation pushing toys and feminist ideology. Thank god I have the unaltered originals on dvd.
C'mon the mess up started with TFA. It's JJ that made the achievements of the OT pointless by going back to the status quo of rebellion vs Empire (with a bigger death star that shoots even like, more lasers!), or by making both Han and Luke deadbeat failures. Plus, he's the one who gave us Marey Sue.
Well, I can't imagine why you haven't gotten a clue about JJ IDIOT Abrams long ago. I mean, you are just now figuring it out????
I actually enjoyed Episode 7 to a certain extent, even though it was very similar to A New Hope, I looked at it like a kind of refresher, to show everyone that the vibe of Star Wars was returning to that classic 1970s vibe. Ep 7 set up some very interesting plot points that I wanted to see them build on in Episode 8. I also liked Rogue One because it was set during the OT. The main characters leave something to be desired but the Vader scenes and most of the ending make it for me. None of them were as good as the OT, but I feel that Star Wars was still sustainable until they completely neutered the franchise in The Last Jedi. I also have the original unaltered dvds, I spent a ton of money on them after seeing TLJ, because odds are if Disney ever re-releases the originals they would have political messages edited into them somehow.
I won't be seeing Solo, and I won't be seeing 9. The only thing i'm watching is Rebels, and that's through a third party, so no cash for Disney at all : P
I highly doubt third party bootleg sites are giving cash to Disney
Disney's only defense as to why their movies SUCK is to accuse their viewers of heinous crimes.
JJ Abrams & Ryan Johnson did to Star Wars what Joel Schumacher did to Batman.
Abrams and Johnson are far worse than Schumacher. At least his Batman was one of many different Batman universes. Abrams and Johnson's abominations are supposed to take place in George Lucas' universe.
Is he fucking serious? The problem is that they're terribly written characters, not that they're women characters.
We can call bullshit on all these dumb arguments by simply pointing out Leia as a character. Everyone loved Leia in the old movies. But they dislike how Leia has been handled in this new trilogy. What changed? Certainly her sex didn't change. She was a woman then as she is now. She was also a princess and politician in the past, so clearly it wasn't her being an "authoritative figure." She was also very outgoing, cocky and smart. And that's exactly why so many men liked her. So...what changed? Could it be that TFA and TLJ were boring movies that put Leia in bland positions? Nah, it must be that somehow between 1983 and 2015, the entire culture changed to hate strong women. Yeah...that's it. Even though people still like Leia from the old movies, they somehow hate strong women.
And there's plenty of non Lucas created female characters who are good. They're just in the books and games that...Disney conveniently no longer recognizes. Whoops, sorry Mara Jade. You were basically what Rey should have been. But you no longer exist. Sorry.
maxis2k Bingo!
Mara Jade is a good example. Beloved by most of the Star Wars community in the dark years of no films. Luke is represented correctly as a person who worked to save Mara Jade even though she wanted nothing but to kill him. That's the real Luke, not this ridiculous hermi thing. Rian probably thinks he was copying Obi Wan as a hermit, but Obi Wan was on a 20 year mission to protect Luke. He didn't just give up on the Jedi and hide out on Tatooine.
Mara also had to learn the force from two masters and her own mistakes. She didn't just magically learn how to use the force at the exact moment she needed it. Plus Luke saved her twice and then she saved Luke. You know...actual development of character through plot relevant deeds and situations. Something Rey isn't getting. Like I say almost any time the new movies are brought up, they would have done infinitely better just adapting the Thrawn trilogy. Even if they tweaked it to have new characters replacing the classics like Han, Luke and Leia, the core story could have been used. And it would have been better than what we got.
Welcome to the boycott list jar jar Abrams.
I don't think movies are meant to be just escapist entertainment. Movies used to be art, they warned us of the threats and dangers of the world through metaphores, gave us insight into human psychology through hero's journey and inspired us to be better people, do good and fight against the odds. Modern movies are just pure garbage.
They don't want white American and European men to be strong willed, heroic and have good strong moral beliefs. Why would they want a threat to their globalist agenda to exist ?
It's just stupid garbage they think is all the rage because of the stuffy social environment they wallow in. It's not about anything else. Malevolent stupidity in its purest form.
To make The Last Jedi Ryan Johnson just put The Empire Strikes Back & Return Of The Jedi DVDs in a blender, did a massive shit on them, and the result was The Last Jedi!
It's Disney. Disney has made their fortune from princesses. Of course they want their Star Wars princess. But Princess Leia is an old character who's played by a dead actress. So they need a new Star Wars princess. Which is why I'm sure that at some point in episode IX they will reveal that Rey is a Palpatine somehow. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she started to sing at some point as well.
That's always been Disney's M.O. and Abrams is only saying what Kennedy wants him to. It's no different than when people said that Ghostbusters (2016) sucked. Paul Feig said the same thing J.J.'s saying now. I know Ghostbusters wasn't Disney, but the situations are similar. Two shitty movies blaming their faults on woman haters instead of admitting they fucked up.
It's funny that Disney pushes princesses so much, yet Americans openly rejected Kings and queens, to have a president. I feel bad for little girls in America, because when they grow up they learn that princesses are a tool of Disney, that's it.
Kevin Wilt - Probably not in one of the actual "episodes", but in some side story like Solo or Rogue One. I honestly believe they'll make an animated movie with singing Princess Rey and her singing friends. They'll probably be aliens and cute little round droids, instead of animals, but there's no way that doesn't happen some day. She'll probably wear 17 different outfits in it too, so they can sell them for the Barbie dolls... I mean "action figures".
Have you seen JJ Abrams TED talk on Star Wars? The way he sees the whole Star Wars concept is a Mystery Box. There is No character development and a bunch of questions with no answers.
And that's why I hate Disney Star Wars.
Has Disney even come close to making their 4 billion back? George is a smart man for selling the franchise. Fortunately I have a life so when I saw The Fart Asmellng I decided not to even see The Last Poopi. I have many other things to do than watch any new Fem Wars movies. I also gave up on Star Blech after the 2009 one. So many things incorrect on that one as well. I remember watching Captain Kirk as a child in the 60s and seeing Star Wars in the theater while in college. I just don’t care anymore. Again, I have other things to do and other movies to watch. 🤪
We're not "threatened" by women. We collectively loved Mara Jade, Asajj Ventress, and various other GOOD women characters in this universe. None of them were Mary Sues. Why is this so hard for these people to grasp?
George Lucas spent 40-ish years building up a mythology and universe, not to mention a devoted fan base. Then he passed the torch on to Kathleen Kennedy who--like so many feminists who inherited a man's achievement (Playboy, Yahoo, etc.)--ran it into the ground because she didn't have to _earn_ the property she received. Imagine if Luke inherited Anakin's lightsaber in the original film, but used it as a cooking tool instead of the elegant weapon it was meant to be.
When I heard about this article from Geeks + Gamers all I could think was "When is WorldClassBullshiters gonna tear this article a new asshole?" and not a day later Papa delivers. No JJ, I'm not afraid of female characters, I'm afraid of badly-written female characters made to push an agenda. The HISHE did a better job!
I've met the boiling point and I do not believe that the brand's leadership will ever accept real criticism and it makes me feel sad thinking about the future of the franchise.
I actually sorta liked The Last Jedi upon first viewing when I was more interested in the action than the plot. Then after a few days when I started to think more about the plot I started to realize just how stupid the entire movie was. It had nothing to do with female cast members for me, I think we need more female lead roles, for me it was just how stupidly everything played out. By far the worst part was the fact that Luke died at the end for literally no reason at all.
Also, on a side note I for one loved the prequels and think George Lucas did an amazing job; everyone should have let him continue to make movies and we would never be in this mess we are today.
xvx4848 Same exact experience. I had fun watching TLJ, but my status as a film student caused me to look at it critically for days, and I found that it was crappy.
If you want female leads in Star Wars, look no further than in BATTLEFRONT 2. Even a video game did it better.
Now that I have kicked the Star Wars habit, I have more money to spend on bills.
“Hater” is just a term used by people threatened by truth tellers.
Remember when Star Wars was a space fantasy, soap opera about good vs evil and NOT about sexism and “Strong, female characters”?
It makes me wonder if JJ is being "threatened" by Kathleen Kennedy.
No. Trust me. JJ is all to willing to vomit up SJW cant. He'll do it all day long for free.
Chase Osborn That's some underrated comment right there!
That censor sound before straight-up saying "fucker" broke my girlfriend.
What’s so bad is it dates the movies to the pc politics of the minority of fans and sticks it to THIS PLACE IN TIME. 2010’s basically. That’s what makes the originals original. They followed the hero’s journey and gave Luke flaws. He got a crap deal really. She was a Princess on an idyllic world and he was on the hot armpit of the galaxy, screwed up, but then had him moment at the end and nailed it. That’s what pulls you in. Also, Leia took so many risks with what she had, so much to LOSE. There is NO JEOPARDY. No risk. Mary I mean Rey is always perfect, all the time. Nothing to gain, nothing to lose. We go to these movies to escape this shitty world.
How does J.J. explain all of the women who hated the film? Lots of hardcore female fans think it fucking sucks as much as male hardcore fans.
Andy Butterbaugh
1. He wouldn't dare elaborate on it with any individual thought pattern since he's lacking intelligence and evidence beyond his own echo chamber where they all pat each other on the back for their shall we say, sacrificial offering of soundbytes, but we can easily see within this site alone, from multiple female viewers what they believe of this film and it certainly does not help J.J's argument.
2. Hardcore Star Wars women fans opposing the feel-good optimism they want us to believe of this movie is anathema to be spoken of within the narrative. The real face behind the veil of this is that there is an obvious agenda initiative of lobbies in and out of Hollywood that are working deliberately to create gender bedlam, and more, in the pop culture and the many subcultures intertwined in its diagram.
These men and women in their Hollywood bubbles like J.J. Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy are social change agents operating on behalf of visionaries that would like to see their future fulfilled in reality, and so they spur on these ideas and call them revolutionary. This is weaponized media psychology to get *you* to think *their* way.
You can spot them all every year pushing their views in front of our faces on the Emmys and Academy awards.
Colleen Brady glad to see that we are in the company of so many who " see through"...... The simple fact, (as I can see by your response, that you fully understand) is that they have purchased one of the greatest pieces of escapist fantasy ever, at a whopping 4 billion dollars, and the only thing they can seem to do with it, is use it to push their personal social agenda. Their attitude is, " It's OUR Star Wars. We bought it, and it belongs to us. NOT the fans. Fall in line with what we are doing, or step aside, and stay out of our way." Well, I'm officially done. I won't give these clowns another penny of my money. I see lots who are angry, but who can't wait to see what's coming next. That sends NO message. As long as the money fills their coffers, they are gonna keep going, and going. Look how many films, including spin offs, they have planned. It's fairly ridiculous......
Colleen Brady PS. I love Han Solo, Chewbacca, and the Millennium Falcon. There is NO WAY, I'm going to see this " Solo" movie.
I suppose you *Could* interpret it that way. I'm threatened by Kathleen Kennedy continuing to be in charge and fucking up Star Wars. Is that what Abrams means?
J.J. might have some serious brain damage if he thinks that
It's an attempt to salvage the money train. Pick a side with hopefully the most potential viewers.
Jar Jar Abraham says whatever mommy Kennedy tells him to say.
"You're criticising my work, you're just hateful towards (insert race/sex/sexuality here), checkmate bigots. Now get these people banned, so I don't have to deal with the criticism"
3:29 "You lose! Good day, sir."
That clip tickles me every time I see it.