A bit of a rant video, so sorry for the bit of rambling. For some context, I use to work a trimming service as a groundmen, so I know that this isn't standard professional service. They've left even more in the backyard, but I'll see if they come back to do anything else.
Thanks for sharing. Really just don't get how this company gets away with leaving a mess. Have larger limbs in the backyard. You'd think they would at least be worried about some liability.
A bit of a rant video, so sorry for the bit of rambling. For some context, I use to work a trimming service as a groundmen, so I know that this isn't standard professional service. They've left even more in the backyard, but I'll see if they come back to do anything else.
So these guys are trimming trees in back for the utility company and left the big mess? Looks like they had enough help to at least tidy up a little.
Yep and this isn't even all of it. I wanted to wait and see if they would come back to pick up everything else in the backyard.
They’re in Iowa too. Trash company, especially when hired by a major utility.
Thanks for sharing. Really just don't get how this company gets away with leaving a mess. Have larger limbs in the backyard. You'd think they would at least be worried about some liability.
Yeah the company sucks. Doesnt clean up and their professional service is nothing more than amateur chainsaw work.