Imam Hussein did not just fight for shia Muslims. He fought for all of humanity. He fought for the injustice in our society. This is a man that needs to be recognized as that. Let’s no confine him to just one religion.
Why do you say he fought for shia muslims? There was no shia in his time sister. Only the Holy Quran and our hadjth that that was given to us by Allah(swt) and revieled by our glorious prophet muhamed a.s .
John Thomas read again. I said he didn’t only fight for Shia muslims. That’s not my point. My point is for those who do say only the Shias remember imam hussein during muharam are wrong. I’m trying to point out the fact that imam hussein fought for justice.
Imam Hussain (a.s) was not challenging the Calipha if Yazid. The Master of the youth of Paradise refused to give allegiance to such a human like Yazid and as a result they planned to get rid of the Imam.
@@tazkhan9606 dear brother Iraqi Shia didn't kill imam Hussain. Laanati Umar ibn Saad, who was the son of Saad ibn abi waqqas who was the companion of prophet Muhammad pbuh&his progeny, he himself lead the battle and manage the army of yazeed to commit this crime. They are from the makkah and Madinah area not from the Iraq.
@@saqlain78697 You say this as if you have first hand testimony. Typical. You have mentioned a soul by name and I suppose you know the exact spot in Karbala? Was the first strike on the stomach? Allah u Alam.
@@saqlain78697 Iraq and Iran were full of Persian fire worshippers. The help for Imam Hussein was in Iraq. They said we are with you like shaitaan only to flee. Most were Zoroastrian fire worshippers who embraced Islam who were in fact cowards and hypocrites. They let him down. Yazid was Gaddafi or Sadam of our times. . it was a political war not religious war.
@@tazkhan9606 dear brother yes you are right iranian before they were the worshipers of fire but the Arab were in the darkness (daur e jahiliya) before the prophet and they were used to burried their daughters alive. Janab Salman e farsi from Iran and Iraq became in the ahlal bayt of prophet Muhammad pbuh&his progeny. I think this is enough for to understand the level of belief and faith. And beware they were the Iraqis who took the revenge of the karbala and finished the yazeed laanati and his laanati followers. La elaha illallah.
Umm Salamah has said: "al-Hussain entered on the Prophet (S), while I was sitting at the door, so I saw in the hand of the Prophet (S) something he turned over while (Hussain) sleeping on his stomach. I said: Oh messenger of Allah, I looked and saw you turning something over in your hand when the kid was sleeping on your stomach and your tears were pouring? He said: Gabriel came to me with the sand upon which he (Hussain) will be killed. And he informed me that my nation (umma) will kill him. al-Musannaf, al-Hafidh abu Bakr bin abi Shaibah, v. 12
@@soheil527 And funny part is that most mullas don't talk about the importance of the family of Prophet... They put in the curtains... Look at Muhammad through his family (Ahul Bait), (i.e. if you are no good to his family you are not good to him). Bukhari 3713 In-book: Book 62, Hadith 62 It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said: I saw the Prophet (saw) in a dream when I slept in the middle of the day; (he appeared) dishevelled and dusty, and he had with him a bottle in which there was blood that he was picking up or something that he was putting in it. I said: O Messenger of Allah, what is this? He said: "The blood of al-Husain and his companions; I have been collecting it all day." Ammar said: We remembered that day, and we found out that he had been killed on that day (Ashoura). Musnad Ahmad vol 2, Hadith 2165, 2553 Mishkat 6181 Aisha / Umm Salamah reports that Rasulullah (saw) said to one of them, "An angel came to my house who never came before. He said to me, 'This son of yours, Hussain, will be killed. If you wish, I will show you the sand of the land where he will be killed.' He then took out some red sand (soil). Musnad Ahmad 12421, 26567 Shu'ayb al Arna'ut said, "Hadith is Hassan with its many chains and shahid, and in al Fada'ill 1357. Albani said Sahih. Al Haythami stated vol. 9 pg. 187
Interesting, respect to the Shias, next time there should also be a Shia scholar so we can get both points across. Hussain's sacrifices will never be forgotten until youm al qiyama.
From a non-Muslim looking outside the box, I can tell you that all of this Shia Sunni beef is really ridiculous. I don't see why it is of such extreme importance for Sunnis and Shias to follow successors of Muhammad. Both of you people should just follow the Quran and leave it at that. No wonder your people are in a state of confusion, you don't follow the teachings of your book. Doesn't the Quran teach to avoid sects? Yet that is exactly what you Muslims do. Not all, but many of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
this is a real dilemma of muslim ummah....they donot want to follow and see the message instead thy ll fight on who should be successor..... who Allah wanted prophet successors were already chosen and lived their lives, a good muslim will never curse companions of prophets whom allah gave glad tidings of heaven in the world. even if some of them were at the wrong path it doesnot mean that we are above them or better than them so we can curse....
While you are absolutely right, as a shia I can testify that there are differences in belief. There are reasons for those beliefs. The differences in belief should not act as a divider in religion and as a shia I can say that I have made many arguments on how sunnis and shias are almost the same. The differences are minor but every time I hvae brought this up, I have gotten the same answer, "But you guys pray different" or "You believe in a different successor" etc. Shias dont go around screaming death to sunnis and we definitely dont curse the sahaba @Asad Khan we are actually forbidden from cursing the true sahabas of the Prophet. There are different beliefs about the first three caliphs but we would never go up to a sunni and cure them in their face
@@muhammadzariff7075 read hadith e thakalain, who the Prophet SAWW ordered to follow after him. sahih muslim 2408a. "I am leaving among you two weighty things: the one being the Book of Allah in which there is right guidance and light, so hold fast to the Book of Allah and adhere to it. He exhorted (us) (to hold fast) to the Book of Allah and then said: The second are the members of my household I remind you (of your duties) to the members of my family." If you truely identify as muslim, read the ayat 4:59 again and again. and think of who Allah is asking believers to obey on the same level as Allah and the Prophet SAWW. Allah never command you to obey a person who would enjoin you to sin. So they must be pure. (Read Ayat e Tatheer) and think why Allah purified the Ahlebayt (AS). Also what does our Lord wants?? (Read Ayat Muwaddat) : “Say (O’ Mohammad), I do not ask of you any recompense for it, save love of (my) relatives (near of kin)” It is the command of Allah to love the Ahle Bayt (AS) of the Prophet SAWW, not butcher them to humiliate them.
Why is Ashura unique/distinct? Because 30,000 Muslim soldiers stood with their swords seeking the blood of the beloved grandson of our last Prophet, Mohammed pbuh. They murdered him, massacred his family in the NAME OF ISLAM, and for the love of Allah swt. Imagine!! This ummah was in a great jahl (ignornance) for this calamity to happen. And this was only 50 years after the Prophet pbuh died. What on Earth happened for the ummah of Mohammed to turn against his own flesh and blood and shed the blood of innocents IN THE NAME OF ISLAM so soon? Where is this jahl and fitna from. Simple - they disobeyed the Prophets command to hold onto the TWO WEIGHTY THINGS (see hadith thaqalayn) - Hold onto the Holy Quran and MY AHLULBAYT after I die. The Ahlulbayt are the guardians of the Prophet's sunnah. But the ummah forgot the Prophet's will to them. They killed the ahlulbayt and did it in the name of Islam. Only by Hussain's killing did truth become distilled from the fitna and falsehood that had spread in the Muslim ummah.
We Shias mourn ashura every year so and other people don’t forget the tragedy that took place. If we dont mourn, people will forget just like they forgot the day of ghadir.
Also, we don’t fast on that day. Fasting is a Mubarak thing, we do faka, meaning just don’t eat due to mourning. We don’t have a iftar at the end of the day, we eat plain rice and lentils. We will never forget imam hussain and his sacrifice. The prophet Mohammad PBUH also mournes the brutal massacre of his beloved hussain
Khalid Ulab No because people never forgot who Muhammad was. But people forgot about the al ghadir day. If we didn’t mourn people would forget about imam al hussein and who he really was.
Why don't you mourn the death of hamza ra whose ears nose and liver were cut and Zaid ibn hartiha? Imam Hassan and hussein will not be happy to see ur self harming urself but rather use your bodies for the betterment of other Muslims
The host has been really honest throughout. And this lady was trying to bring together sunni & Shias. Sister,I'm a Shia muslim & I pray for you! You are such a wonderful lady, very kind hearted! May Allah bless you!
No one is better SHIA or SUNNI , black or white, women or men in the sight of Allah but those who do ( Taqwa )_ Do good deeds and get rid of bad deeds ( haram )!!!!!!!!!!! Shia-Sunni don't hav any option rather than love,respect each others & live in harmony.!!
Mustafa Pro now you really shouldn’t speak with such foolishness. Shia do NOT follow the sunn’aah nor the Qur’aan the founder was a Jewish revert and that’s why a lot of their deviances are similar to the jews
+Zakiyah Stop fooling yourself. Everything we do is based on the Quran which the Prophet would do, can you tell we what is it that the Shias do which isn't in the Quran? Our belief in the religion in Islam is similar to the christians and the jews, if you read the Quran. Not just that, whats the person of this man we "follow", the prophet and his family? They're jews now? Tell me, with evidence, if theres no evidence with your talk don't be trying to fool anyone here, we are Muslims we unite to one, we believe in one belief and you believe in another but there must be respect between each other. In fact the Sunni and Shia believe in one thing, "Hold on to the Quran and my Ahlul Bait/the prophets family" in you're 6 books. Shahih Muslim.
@@Halimaalawsy SaHar Ch I just want to say where did the idea of fasting on the 10th of Muharram come from. Correct me if I'm wrong but according to Sunnis the prophet saw Jews fasting on the 10th of Muharram. He asked them why, and was told: "It is an auspicious day; it is the day when God delivered the children of Israel from their enemy (i.e. Pharaoh); and, therefore, Moses fasted on that day." The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "I am worthier of Moses than you are." Thereupon, he fasted on that day and ordered (the Muslims) to fast. So according to what a few Jewish people told the prophet, he began to fast and order all Muslims to fast on this day. Now I want to ask isnt RasoolAllah the messenger of Allah and don't we get our knowledge of Islam and the teachings through him, if so why would a few Jewish people tell the prophet what to do if anyone was to let the prophet know about anything it will be from God and RasoolAllah would let the Muslims know about it, so I don't know where this idea of fasting came from.
Um... Mohamed was a very smart man and he chose his successor. He showed it in front of the whole world but everyone decides to ignore it and just chose the successor themselves.
Muhammad saww was indeed a very smart man but he wasn't a king he couldn't have named anyone his successor but people with backwards thinking just decide to ignore it
The prophet (saw) said something like whoever considers me his friends/master Ali is also your friend/master. The word that he apparently used was ‘mola’ which has many meanings. This isn’t a clear establishment of Ali’s succession. If he wanted him to be khalifah then he would’ve said something like ‘after me Ali will rule over you’ but he didn’t say that. Also there is context behind what he said. Before saying that apparently he was telling everyone to respect the ahlul bait and then said what he said. This doesn’t mean Ali was khalifah. If he was the rightful khalifah then why would Allah let Abu Bakr be khalifah instead. Please brother do more research, watch this TH-cam channel called The Sunni defense. I used to be Shia but alhamdulillah Allah guided me.
Wait...hold up, so you’re saying that he meant friend? After hajj, in your books it says the prophet called people who were ahead him to come back and the people behind him to catch up and meet him at Ghadeer e-Khum. Imagine your there, it’s hot. The prophet tells people to make a stage for him in the scorching heat. And finally after everyone settles down and quiets down the prophet raises Imam Ali’s hand and says “you know.. this Ali... he’s my friend!” OBVIOUSLY NOT! The message was much greater! The prophet already had a lot of friends and companions. So just to say that Imam Ali was his friend he made people build a stage for him in the scorching heat? People already knew that Imam Ali was dear to the prophet. Thus I conclude that the quote “whosoever considers me his mola, Ali is his mola” means whosoever considers me his MASTER, Ali is his MASTER. Eltimas e dua brother
7:36 - Practices associated with remembering Imam Hussain's (as) martyrdom are indeed counted amongst sha'irAllah (signs of Allah). Millions of muslims today commemorate the suffering of Bibi Hajrah (ra) and Hazrat Ismail (as) thousands of years later by running between Safa-Marwa. Similarly, we remember the pain and suffering of the grandchildren of the Holy Prophet (s) through Muharram ceremonies and practices, including majaalis sermons, matam, and noha. “And whosoever honours the symbols of Allah (Sha’ir Allah) then it is truly from the piety of the heart.” (22 32).
Imam Hossein didn't move himself and his family with intention to be massacred, he answered request of kufa people, but when he realized they turned away from him he wanted to leave and go somewhere to be safe from yazid but they stopped him and closed his way out and asked him to his allegiance but he refused and said he will fight and the rest history.
That’s not fully correct yes the kufans sent thousands of letters to Hussein invite him to kufa however the ones loyal to him were massacred by Yazids henchmen or exiled out of kufa also yazid lied to imam hussien (as) telling him they would just have a discussion only to trap him in Karbala also the prophet (saw) had prophecies of imam hussien being massacred in Karbala
@easin haque excuse me! I don't think he said they are above Prophet p.b.u.h. .... he meant all are pious in their place. Obviously prophets come first and then their family (alulbait).
The Holy Prophet (saw as) said, "I leave behind 2 things if you leave one of the you will SURELY be lead astray. The are the book of Allah and my household, so hold fast to the both." This hadeeth in its various forms is recorded in the sunni sahi sitha, Bukhari, Abu Dauood, Thirmidi, ibn Majda and Musnad Ahmed bin Hambal BUT in none of the 6 sunni collections does it say Quraan and Sunnah. The sunni scholars always quote Quran and Sunnah from other traditions. This is because of their allegiance to the enemies of Ahlulbayt (the household (as)). This is also why they do not give importance to Hussein (the chief of the people of paradise) and his martyrdom in Kerbala. They even hide the prophetic sayings of Kerbala from their own books as if the Holy Prophet (saw as) did not know about Kerbala nor the plight of his children on that tragic event when his offspring were butchered, humiliated and imprisoned by so called Muslims. They have invented fabrications instead about the day of Ashura whe n they allege the world was created and will end, many messengers such a Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus (pbut) were born, when the read sea parted etc..etc.. Just to hide what sons of Hind and Abu Sufian did to avenge the victory of Muhammad (saw as). They would rather talk of the merits of accursed Abu Sufian, Hind, Mawiyya and yazeed than that off Hussein (as).
Saleem Ahmed Jazak Allah khair Brother. It’s heart breaking that someone actually doesn’t know the importance of Imam Husseins AS message on this day. You ask your self brothers and sisters if you had to make a choice between going to a loved ones birthday party or a loved ones commemoration what would you choose? Imam Hussein’s AS martyrdom has so much meaning behind it yet one turns away to fast on that day. Imam Hussein AS saved Islam people go read a book please
Imam Ali (AS) is Prophet Mohammed (AS). Son-in-law and Cousin.The flag barrier in war, the one who supported him on day one of his prophethood. While others like Abu Bakir Umer and Uthman were voteing on a new ruler. Imam Ali (AS) instead was washing and burying the Prophet's holy body. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “The carrier of my flag in this life and the Hereafter is Ali (A.S).” Kenz Al-Omal, 6/122; Al-Tabari, 2/201; Al-Khawarizmi, 250; Al-Fadha’il of Ahmad, 253; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 42/200.
Thanks for an informative, honest, and respectful talk on a sensitive topic. We need to be united to defeat our enemies and progress towards a bright future. ❤️🙏
DISCLAIMER:- I dont mean to start an argument here but here are some facts. I'm sorry but i don't find this video correct! if u think u can understand the revolution of Imam Hussain from a 14 min video, from a person who doesnt know much about shia faith or what happened in karbala, then you are very wrong and only to be misled. Mr. Ally himself was reluctant on naming the sins that yazid used to commit, and he claims yazid was "not a good muslim", i would like you people to go and check the sins yazid used to commit and would you even consider him muslim after know what all sins he did? i mean drinking, prostitution, gambling, tyranny, leading prayers while being drunk, are just some of his sins. and another important thing i would like to mention was Imam Hussain was not going to kufa to raise an army to fight yazid, he was going because people had called for him to take his baith and then these people ditched him, there are many rivayats that state that he is not interested in war for caliphate and also asked the yazid forces to give them passage so that he would travel to hindustan (present day : India). I mean you guys only do justice here by answering this simple question :- Would you go to war for caliphate and take your family and children with you? He and his companions were martyred in karbala, the women of his house and his companions were made prisoners all for one reason that is he would go through all this suffering, but not do baith of some piece of shit like yazid. PEACE OUT!
Caprie Angelique wait what? Yazid wasn’t in power while Imam Hassan was alive. His father was in power & they had a written pact, Yazid and Imam Hussain on the other hand did not.
@Khan Majeed what are u saying, bro Shiasm is good and bad! It is good because u pay attention to not just Hussains death but all of the prophets fammilly! where killed, idk what the hell your talking about, cause shiasm is not "islam in disguise" its loving Allah, and the prophets as well as his fammily!!! think straight!!!!!!
MightyZeid well their is slight issue there are 2 things that needs to be addressed which are also the core difference between shia and sunni 1. They believe Quran is not saved with us muslim which was revealed to prophet Muhammad saw ( that is denying the quranic verse directly ) 2. All knowing being : Allah is all knowing and no one else but as per shia faith they have imaams which are also all knowing, mushriq will be in great pain So what do think without faith in Quran And faith in allah and faith in the oneness of allah a person can be called muslim ? Christian also say they believe in oneness of god ( father, son, holy sprit ) !
Nabi Muhammad SAW Imam Ali AS Bibi Fatima al Zahra AS Imam Hasan AS Imam Hussain AS Imam Ali Zaynulabideen AS Imam Muhammad al Baqir AS Imam Ja’far al Sadiq AS Imam Musa al Kadhim AS Imam Ali al Ridha AS Imam Muhammad al Jawad AS Imam Ali al Hadi AS Imam Hasan al Askari AS Imam Muhammad al Mahdi AS MAY ALLAH BLESS THE AHLULBAYT
To all the Sunnis out here. Never ever fell in the trap of the Shias who portray Karbala as a war that has saved Islam. The war of Karbala is a very tragic event but it has nothing to do with Islam. It was just a political war according to the Sunni theology. Islam was completed the day our Prophet Muhammad sal died and any wars fought after that has nothing to do with Islam. The reason why the Shias glorify Hussain is due to the fact that he died due to the treachery their ancestors did to Hussain, that is the people of Kufa (who called themselves as Shia-te-Hussain). The people of Kufa betrayed and abandoned Hussain after inviting him, leaving him and his family members face a gruesome death by Ibn Ziyad’s army. Later the Shias of Kufa felt very guilty and remorseful of their treachery and began to mourn and flagellate themselves. This is what they have been continuing to this date. So the fact is, they mourn and flagellate not because Yazid killed Hussain, they mourn because they betrayed and abandoned Hussain after inviting him. Moreover, contrary to what the Shias say, we Sunnis must believe that Yazid did not order to kill Hussain. He only gave orders to arrest Hussain. It was Ibn Ziyad (the governor of Kufa) who killed Hussain without Yazid’s knowledge. So Sunnis, don’t fell for the fake stories of Karbala you see on TH-cam. Most of them are fabricated by the Shias to suit their narrative. Therefore they give emotional background music to play with your emotions. When Hussain came to knew that the people of Kufa have changed their mind of supporting him, he decided to meet Yazid directly and sort out the differences. That is why Hussain intended to go to Syria to meet Yazid rather than moving towards Kufa. But the Shias of Kufa did not want this to happen because if Yazid comes to know that the people of Kufa have invited Hussain, then he would not spare them. Because, Hussain had all the letters from the people of Kufa with their names in signatures. That is why Hussain was killed on his way to Syria in Karbala, which is north-west of Kufa. The Shias will never tell you these facts because they don’t want the world to know the fact that their ancestors (the people of Kufa) had betrayed and abandoned Hussain. So don’t believe the videos of Karbala you see on the TH-cam. Most of these are fabricated stories by the Shias. I am not trying to defend Yazid, but just stating the fact. Yazid is no match to Hussain. Hussain is the blessed grandson of our Prophet sal and for sure will be in the highest ranks in Jannah, but that does make a reason for us to glorify Hussain to an extent what Shias do.
Sunni theology is FALSE ! Why wold the beloved grand son of the last messenger of Allah go to fight for political reason ? did his grand father say there are going to be leaders who make the Haram ,halal for yo & make Halal Haram for yo ? didnt Allah say Fight those who do sach ? Brother ,yo Sonnies are LOST in islam , yo need to go back and find the correct path ! IF YO DONT BELIEVE ME AT LEAST BELIEVE IN THE QORAN AND YOR BOOK OF SONNAH ! READ SAHIH MOSLIM S.M.4554 The Prophet (PBU) said: There will be leaders who will not be led by my guidance and who will not adopt my ways? There will be among them men who will have the hearts of devils in the bodies of human beings. THR QURAN;11:13- وَلَا تَرۡكَنُوٓاْ إِلَى ٱلَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ فَتَمَسَّكُمُ ٱلنَّارُ وَمَا لَڪُم مِّن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ مِنۡ أَوۡلِيَآءَ ثُمَّ لَا تُنصَرُونَ 11;13-And incline not to those who do wrong, or the Fire will seize you; and ye have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall ye be helped. DO YO THINK HIS BELOVED GRAND SON DIDNT KNOW ABOT ISLAM & THE QORAN ? DO YO THINK WE SHOLD NOT STAND AP TO A DICTATOR ?
Not all the contemporaries of Arrasul salla Allahu Aleihi wa Alih are good people if you read the Quran w/o preconceived ideas you will find that 14 of them (the very close ones ) attempted to kill the Prophet Muhammad PBBUHHF after the war in Tabook , refer to Sura 9 . ayat 74 > they most probably have finally succeeded and Poisoned him in year 11 of alhijrah, He was Poisoned directly causing his Death PBBUHHF. Those include Abu sufyan Muawiayah Abu musa alashari, and many closer companions to Him. Some companions were the best of the best after Ahl albeit. Why i mentioned the above so we Muslims would not follow the Criminals as GOD ordered us not to. Surah 6 ayah 55.
5 ปีที่แล้ว +16
You can’t love the ahalbayt and their enemies... enough with the ignorance.
Important correction: Shias don't follow the "blood relatives" of the Prophet, rather they follow the Ahlulbayt which the Prophet clearly said that they were Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain. Refer to hadith of the cloak and many other hadith from Sunni books which proof that the wives are not part of the "Ahlulbayt". Also, the Shia respect the righteous companions of the Prophet.
That's totally false. The Shiites support the ahlulbayt which is his family. You mean the mausomeen are the 14 more important ones. We also don't like the companions because the prophet said that Ali was the righteous successor but Sunnis turned against the family
TheSameer dude stop, we love the RIGHTOUS, companions who didn’t turn their backs on the prophets family like “abu thar, salman al pharsi, Muhammed bin Abu bakar and such
Yes, for them everyone is intelligent except for the holy Prophet,they claim that he used to do mistakes and the sahaba used to correct him, astaghfirullah
Jazak Allah Khair. Thank you so much. I am a recent revert and no one would explain this properly to me without being biased or starting arguments. Thank you very much for explaining that historical moment on its own without other surrounding things.
His level of knowledge is soooo low that he still doesn't know that it's makruh for Shia Muslims to fast on the day of Ashura. Rather, they do imsak from eating and drinking until afternoon to express their movasat and love to the family and companions and followers of rasulullah (صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم) who were murdered in Karbala
Kerbala is not about Sunni-Shia, it's about which human beings love Prophet Muhammad (saw) and those that are distant from him for ignoring the oppression of his family.
TA K it is about Sunni/Shia. The oppression of the Shia and with that, Imam Ali and all the Imams after him are a byproduct of not accepting Imam Ali as the first caliph. During that time period, any Muslim who loves the Prophet and Allah with all his heart would have ONLY allowed Ali and the Imams after him to govern the Ummah.
@@rookietastic I don't think you understood my point. It is bigger than that. It is about who is humane and who is inhumane. It is about who loves The Prophet (saw)! Obviously, without love of The Prophet (saw) and his family there is nothing. My comment is a message to the "Sunnah" that you think this is a Sunni-shia difference but denying the rights of the Imams (as) and Ahlulbayt (as) your basically going against The Prophet (saw) himself.
@@rookietastic no probs, perhaps I could have worded clearer, but thanks to you it should be well understood in case others also misconstrue. Jzk thanks
Angela M you are Shia and you fast on Ashura? Really? I would kindly ask you to speak to one of your religious teachers/scholar because I'm certain they would disapprove.
Why don't u tell the truth first caliphate was chosen by 5 people , second choose himself and then the 3rd was chosen by last man standing in the room and the 4th imam Ali was chosen by the people , STOP LIEING
This malvis do noyt want to accept facts of sahabas...1 the incident of bagh e fidak n many..such facts this sahabas were more i terested in their motives n not good to ahlulbayt
They call this democracy, appointing of caliph behind closed doors, with poor representation, among handful of people. Its unislamic, let alone undemocratic.
Did the Prophet (saw) need to learn from the Jews of Makkah that Prophet Ibrahim fasted on 10th Muharram??? Isn't there lots of problems with this assumption?
1. Jews of Madinah. 2. Moses PBUH and his people were saved from Pharaoh. The ones fasting are the Jews all those years later. 3. No mention of Ibrahim PBUH. 4. The only assumption made here is by you. You assumed to have listened to the video content. 5. No Jews in Makkah. Only idol-worshippers.
Don't be confused. Jews in Madina were fasting in remembrance of Hazrath Moosa (A) saving them from Firoun. And Allah's Rasool (S) hearing this said " I am more closer and nearer to Moosa in this matter and so if I live for another year I would fast the 10th followed by 9th of muharram. (9th of muharram was chosen to show the disagreement with Jewism.).
couldnt agree any should shun this self flagellation and doing matam with half cloths on by men..then it would be perfect way to commeratethe martydom of Imam Hussain(as)
Holy Quran 2:30 ------------------ وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً ۖ قَالُوا أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاءَ وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ ۖ قَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ When your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed I am going to set a viceroy on the earth,’ they said, ‘Will You set in it someone who will cause corruption in it and shed blood, while we celebrate Your praise and proclaim Your sanctity?’ He said, ‘Indeed I know what you do not know.’ Holy Quran 2:31 ------------------ وَعَلَّمَ آدَمَ الْأَسْمَاءَ كُلَّهَا ثُمَّ عَرَضَهُمْ عَلَى الْمَلَائِكَةِ فَقَالَ أَنبِئُونِي بِأَسْمَاءِ هَٰؤُلَاءِ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ And He taught Adam the Names, all of them; then presented them to the angels and said, ‘Tell me the names of these, if you are truthful.’ Holy Quran 2:32 ------------------ قَالُوا سُبْحَانَكَ لَا عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلَّا مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ They said, ‘Immaculate are You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed You are the All-knowing, the All-wise.’ My Point is, that there was no such thing as khilafa being passed around like a ball game. Allah Swt chooses who gets the khilafa
The best man on earth, a prophet, a messenger, a man sent by GOD and you mean to tell me he wasn’t smart enough to appoint a successor a leader after him.... but some random guy named Abu Bakr was smart enough to leave one. I guess the people are more smarter than GOD and his messenger
@@mohammedkhan4201 he was not first to accept islam. According to history that honor would belong to Ali ibn talyb and then some others in the prophets family. Abu baker was reportedly one of the first outside the family to accept islam but some sources even put him as far as number 50.
@@aalsaffar6524 ali was the first child to accept islam and abu bakr was the first man to accept it. Please can you tell me the sources regarding him being as far off as 50? All I'm saying abu bakr was with the prophet we shouldn't disrespect him.
The beloved Prophet Muhammad did leave a successor. Why don't everyone know? On the day of Ghadeer, Muhammad announced Ali as the leader, the successor 😭 This is hidden so well by people of evil 😭😭😭
Farwah Batool do you hate good Muslim whom the prophet praised and pinpointed as examples of believers after he left the world. We love ahlul beit and if Yazeed erred it’s him and God. there is no justification to hate/sect or leave the mainstream Muslim creed and foundation. Likewise do you hate and opt for section because Saudi king is betraying the Muslim ummah of this century? That seems shia foundation. It’s just about politics and not religion
it is really sad that Sunnis give almost no importance to the 10th day of Muharram out of respect to Husayn RA. Keep in mind, martyrdom of Husayn is the problem of all muslims, not only shias. if you consider yourself a true muslim, you must shed light on this topic. But, most of you do not care as if martyrdom of Husayn is not important for them, Shame on You. isn't he Beloved grandson of Allah's Messenger. isn't he a member of blessed family of Allah's messenger. is there any bigger sedition than killing of Husayn ? ?? I feel sorry for those of you who don't care about Karbala Massacre. Be sure that it was the greatest Fitna of muslim community, and all muslims must share this pain in their hearts if they are true lovers of Prophet Muhammad S.A.S
Jack Hawk It is really sad that you commemorate dead people like kufaar! learn the sunnah properly and read the qur'an! We don't commemorate martyrs with tears but with joy!
dontlaughtoomuch11 What I stressed in my comment was that Sunnis if they truly love Prophet Muhammad S.A.S should shed some light on the martyrdom of His beloved grandson, and defend his cause. But no way, Most Sunnis are too busy in defending Muaviya's cause. What a Shame, Indeed
Jack Hawk And how is the martyrdom of muslim X more valued then the grandson of the Prophet?! Seriously what's wrong with you shia's! In the Qur'an (if you know what that is?!) you'll read that Allah smiles upon *ALL SHUHADA* my question to you is; why would the martyrdom of the grandson of the Prophet be any more special then the several shuhada who died in battle along the Prophet or innocent muslims killed by invaders because they refused to convert to pageant worship?! You can't come reply on this particular case, I think you know full well you have been refuted you got to accept it!
dontlaughtoomuch11 all Martyrs are valued greatly, but Husayn is special person, since he is member of Ahu-Beyt, beloved grandson of Allah's Messenger S.A.S, he is the leader of youth of Paradise. Seriously, you don't know Prophet's hadiths about Husayn? his martyrdom matters a lot for us, because he is special person. he is the leader of martyrs. Leader is always superior to ordinary people.
Jack Hawk The argument ended, because I used the Qur'an and you used your desires! Again I will not do your homework by quoting the Qur'an, but read what Allah (swt) says about *ALL* martyrs, he doesn't elevate the grandson of the Prophet! Good bye now, I feel like I am talking to a 4 year old! "Leader of martyrs" that's an invented title which you gave to him, not the Umma! Keep your desires to yourself...
The sheikh did his best to analyse and balance the Ashura issues, which I commend him for that. But also it noteworthy to know that, the Shi'a prefer to mourn Hussain on this day because, the prophet (pbuh) did mourn his grandson according to Ahmad ibn hanbal MUSNAD volume 2. And the Shi'a believe that if the prophet (pbuh) were to be with ummah today he will certainly mourn Hussain on this day.
@@nanayaonampuan4295 hurting self and mourning is a different thing. Yeah you must have heard or seen in videos self harming while mourning. But that does not mean that you have to generalize it for all Shias. We do mourn for Prophet's family what they have went through and do not fast out if happiness. And some choose to beat themselves out of being too broken and that's their choice. One thing, let Allah judge on the day of judgement. Who are you to act wise and say something without even knowing the history.
Aal-e-Imran 3:103 وَاعۡتَصِمُوۡا بِحَبۡلِ اللّٰهِ جَمِیۡعًا وَّلَا تَفَرَّقُوۡا ۪ وَاذۡكُرُوۡا نِعۡمَتَ اللّٰهِ عَلَیۡكُمۡ اِذۡ كُنۡتُمۡ اَعۡدَآءً فَاَلَّفَ بَیۡنَ قُلُوۡبِكُمۡ فَاَصۡبَحۡتُمۡ بِنِعۡمَتِهٖۤ اِخۡوَانًا ۚ وَكُنۡتُمۡ عَلٰی شَفَا حُفۡرَةٍ مِّنَ النَّارِ فَاَنۡقَذَكُمۡ مِّنۡهَا ؕ كَذٰلِكَ یُبَیِّنُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمۡ اٰیٰتِهٖ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَهۡتَدُوۡنَ And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.
I'm sorry but we do not fast on the 10th day. And since when does Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) get ideas from Jew's? Does he not have a direct connection to Allah? Does not add up. This brother tried, but failed miserably! If anyone hear learns in depth about the tragedy of Karbala, you will weep and become a real Muslim Inshallah
I am Shia and I really respect this man shabbir Ali he's a true soldier of RasoolAllah saw who defeated hundreds of non Muslims and proven the oneness of Almighty Allah he's also unlike zakir naik and late israr ahmed Dr shabbir I salute you for your devotions and services to islam
When moaviya knowingly appointed his corrupt (fasid) son Yazid as a leader how can we believe that he wasn't fasid himself..?? I think Shia Muslims are right about Ali being the appointed successor.. I
I do not practice any of the guidelines of Islam and in fact was resentful toward Islam. That being said, I truly admire this Gentleman’s knowledge and ability to explain things in simple English for the commoner to understand.
I belong to a Shia sect and I live all Sunnis and Shias and during Muharram I fast for 10 days by not drinking water to remember the sufferings of all the prophets and to remember imam Hussein as well
@@yasirali4355 but the prophet said we must honor and love Ahlulbayt and in fact it’s even a sunnah of the prophet to mourn for imam Husain because in authentic hadith in both Sunni and Shia books the prophet was informed many times by Jebril that imam Husain will be killed in Karbala for Islam and he cried about it in many times
yes but who is Khomeini to take the decision to attack an existing ruler, do you think we can all do that without a Ma'asoom instructing us?? .... offensive jihad with imam almahdi (salawat allah wa salam alaih) is one thing but without him is questionable as a non ma'asoom
amber saif Khomeini did not attack anyone it was a revolution based on moral conviction. My point is our brothers say "why cry when you know Imam Hussain and his family are going too heaven?" the reply would be if it was not for our tears the tragedy and purpose of Karbala would be forgotton.
amber saif so you really believe that if an unjust leader is ruining its haram to,do anything about it. You should just sit there and accept it. I'm surprised people think like this
When I came to view this video lecture I had two questions in mind: 1) What is the status of Imam Husayn (a) in the eyes of Sunni Muslims? & therefore, what is the significance of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a) for Sunni Muslims? 2) How should Sunni Muslims commemorate this event? Both questions remain unanswered after viewing this brief video. I hope Dr Ally has recorded his views about this topic in another video lecture...
Assalamualaikum akhi. I know this is a very late response but hopefully you find it beneficial. 1. Muslims honor Imam Hussayn and we believe him to be a Martyr. We also believe that Mua'wyyia was wrong, but we do not curse anyone. 2. We do not commemorate anything outside of what the Prophet (pbuh) commemorated during his lifetime. To us, this tragedy is viewed as historic and significant as to its impact on the Muslim world. I hope this answers your questions. Wa salam
@@MH-uh7vq wa alaykum as salam brother...thanks for your response ... I had forgotten about this comment and your reply reminded me about it. From your response I gather that even though you consider Imam Husayn (a) to be on haqq and the right path you do not condemn the people who killed him...This might be justified if those people killed a personality like Imam Husayn (a) the grandson of the Prophet (s) in ignorance and repented over their actions afterwards... What would you say if we had hadith from the books of Ahl al-Sunnah telling us about the coming tragedy of Karbala and its religious significance...?
@@adilhaider6693 asalamu alaikum once again akhi. We condemn anyone who raised their swords against any Muslim, especially from the family of the prophet (pbuh). I would be interested in seeing the Hadith for sure if you can provide it. However I must tell you my brother I don't acknowledge any Hadith that does not find support in the Qur'an regardless of its grade. When you have a moment please send it to me so I can take a look and research. May Allah reward you. Wa Salam
@@adilhaider6693 AsalamuAlaykoum, I thought I’d add a point to the beautiful response from @M Hanafi. Although Husain r.a holds a higher status according to All Muslims including Sunnis, we do not see Muawiya r.a responsible for his death. As mentioned in the video, it was Muawiya’s son YAZID. We sunnis condemn YAZID for his actions, however we simply do not curse, we say Allah will deal with him in the way his majesty sees fit. Muawiya r.a may have been wrong for appointing his son who was not a great Muslim, but we still view him as a sahabi and Muslim. Hassan r.a gave bay3a to Muawiya which proves the point that he was viewed as a muslim.
@@m-ib4512 salamun alaykum. According to your reply I gather two points: 1) Muawiya was 'probably' wrong to appoint his son as the caliph; 2) Yazid is to be condemned for killing the grandson of the Prophet (s) and he was not a great Muslim. I guess nobody can and should defend a person who violated the sanctity of the household of the Prophet (s), murdered the grandson of the Prophet and made the women and children prisoners to be paraded from Karbala to Kufa to Damascus...still if one is a Muslim and believe in this religion they will not in their right mind call such a person as a 'great' Muslim who is worthy of being condemned.
Shias don't fast on this fasting is a means of celebration, when we break our fasts. Considering the events of Karbala, anyone can see it's the wrong thing to do.
I also recommend reading Hadith al Kisa (search on TH-cam) or: IT is mentioned in Sahih Muslim, Sahih Tirmidi, and other sources. You should be able to find them on the net. You can check the sunni tafsirs on
The prophet SAW told us to fast on this day. Regardless of what happened, the prophet SAW's word is final. To decide something is wrong based on your feelings is incorrect. Follow the sunnah of the prophet SAW please.
There are hadiths, where the opposite has been narrated; that is to say, the fasting on the day of ‘Ashura has been forbidden and is one of the prohibited actions. Some other hadiths say it is an act of innovation, and fasting on that day is not a part of the religion. It has been reported in other hadiths that the Holy Prophet never used to fast on that day. The hadiths which have been recorded in Sunni books regarding this issue are also varied. The meaning of many of these hadiths is that it is highly recommended [mustahabb-e mu’akkad] to observe the fast of ‘Ashura. However, another group of hadiths contradict the first, in the sense that they say that the Holy Prophet (S) never used to fast on that day and never at all ordered anyone to fast on that day after the Qur’anic verse enacting the fasting of the month of Ramadan.
since the page is 'Let the Qur'an speak' i'll say to mawlwis like you to state full truth FULLY! God says in surah musa and mohammad that he dislikes not those who disregard Qur'an but also punishes those who see the truth, know the truth but disregard the main part of it for their own desires. Fear god when stating things that are only known to him.
I'm not Shia, but in Shia theology, the Imams are divinely chosen. They have the power to interpret the Quran. Though most Shia groups believe the current Imam is in occultation, one Shia group, the Nizari Ismailis still have their Imam. So the tragedy of Karbala has a theological grief associated with it.
Yazid and his army brutally beheaded the righteousImam Husayn Ali and massacred his followers and enslaved his wife and children.This brutality will never be forgiven ,for it was Inhumane
The question consists of two parts and each part has to be dealt with separately: A) The alleged saying from the Prophet (S) about fasting on Ashura There is not a tradition in Shia’s reliable sources in which Prophet Muhammad (S) may have said that fasting on the day of Ashura is recommended but there are narrations concerning the seerah (lifestyle) of the Prophet (S) in which it is said that he observed fast on this day. For example, it has been reported from Imam Reza (A.S.) that he said: «صَامَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ(ص) يَوْمَ عَاشُورَاء» (The Messenger of Allah (S) observed fast on the Day of Ashura.[1]) Indeed, in some traditions it has been narrated that the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (A.S.) said: “Fast on the ninth and the tenth of Muharram because it is the kaffara (penalty) of the sins (you have committed) in a year.”[2] Nonetheless, it cannot be alleged that there are sayings in Shia’s reliable sources in which the Prophet (S) may have said that fasting on the day of Ashura is recommended. That is because some of the mentioned narrations are weak. In addition to the weakness of the chain of transmission of such narrations, they just make reference to the conduct of the Prophet (S) and there is no mention in his saying as to the desirability of fasting on such a day. Of course, the Sunni sources do contain traditions from the Prophet (S) regarding the desirability of fasting on the day of Ashura.[3] B) Fasting on the Day of Ashura as Viewed by Shia Jurisprudents What is inferred from narrations existing in both Shia and Sunni sources[4] is that Ashura had been revered and regarded as sacred from the time of Prophet Moses (A.S.) until the prophethood of the Messenger of Allah and from the Prophethood until the fast of the month of Ramadhan became obligatory. However, following the event of Ashura, the Banu Umayyad rulers misused the narrations about fasting and commemoration of the day of Ashura. They propagated something which was totally opposed to the religion and the Islamic school. They said that since Hussain bin Ali had been killed on that day and his death and the death of his comrades and kins was a good act, therefore, this day is a blessed day and it is for this reason that Muslims must fast on this day.[5] That was why they fabricated many traditions in a bid to change and misrepresent the event of Ashura and to declare it as a day of festivity and happiness in which they should observe fast out of thankfulness to God. Karajaki (r.a.) one of the fifth century Shia scholars writes in his “Al-Ta’jjob min Aghlat al-‘Ammah fi Mas’alat al-Imamiyah” that some people who claim to have love of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) in their hearts celebrate the day of Ashura saying that this is the day of the repentance of Prophet Adam (A.S.) whereas they do not sympathize with the Holy Prophet (S) who lost his beloved grandson.[6] Therefore, the desirability of fasting on the day of Ashura is a totally misleading and deceptive ruling that has found a place among a group of so-called Muslims. Imam Hussain (A.S.) makes reference to the same point in his Ziarat Ashura in which he says: “This day is a day of rejoicing for the Bani Umayyah.”[7] It is from the same date that the fast of the day of Ashura could be observed for two justifications: 1. The fast of this day has been observed either as a recommended or obligatory fast because this day has been considered among the ‘day of Allah’. 2. The fast of this day has been observed out of thankfulness to Allah for the death of Imam Hussain (A.S.) at the hand of Yazid. It was from this time onward that the infallible Imams (A.S.) combated misleading thought by enlightening people’s mind and forbidding them from fasting on this day. Zurarah narrates from Imam Sadiq and Imam Baqir, peace be upon them, that they said: “Do not fast on the day of Ashura…”[8] In any case, the narrations existing in this regard are different. Some of the narrations indicate the desirability of fasting on this day saying that the fasting on the ninth and the tenth of Muharram is the kaffara (penalty) of the sins (you have committed) in a year. According to the same category of narrations, the Holy Prophet (S) observed fast on the same day. Some other narration imply abominableness or even prohibition of fasting on this day e.g. the narration which says that fasting on this day is a practice of Ziad family and Ibn Marjanah.[9] Now that there are different narrations in this regard, the question is: How is possible to reconcile between these two opposing sets of narrations. This is how to combine between them: 1. Fasting takes place into ways: One, for rejoicing and showing happiness and another for seeking proximity to God. The narrations which forbid fasting on the day of Ashura refer to the first type of fasting and the narrations which consider fasting on this day refer to the second type of fasting. 2. It is likely that the narrations which indicate permissibility of fasting on this day may have been abrogated. This probability is certified and affirmed by some reports according to which fasting on the day of Ashura had been obligatory in the beginning but then it had been repealed. It has been said that fasting on the day of Ashura had been obligatory during the first hegira year and it was abrogated with the coming of the fast of Ramadhan in the second year.[10] For example, Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) has been reported as having said: Muhammad bin Yahya has narrated Ahmad ibn Muhammad and Muhammad ibn al-Hussain both of them from Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Bazi’ who from Mansur ibn Yunus, from Abu Jarud who has said the following: ‘I heard Abu Ja’far (A.S.) say: ‘Allah has commanded people to fulfill five obligations. They have undertaken the responsibility for four of these obligations but they have ignored one.’ The Narrator has said: ‘I asked the Imam (A.S.), ‘May Allah keep my soul in service for your cause, will you please, describe them for me?’ The Imam said: ‘The prayer is one of such obligations. People did not know how to perform the prayer. Jibril descended and said: ‘O Muhammad (S), explain to them the time for the Prayer.’ Then the Command to pay Zakat came. Jabril then said: ‘O Muhammad (S), explain to them how to pay Zakat as you have explained to them about the prayer.’ Then the Command to fast came. The Messenger of Allah would send information to the nearby towns and would ask people to fast on the Day of Ashura and people would fast on that day. Then the (Command to fast during the) month of Ramadhan came between the month of Sha’ban and Shawwal (and fasting on the day of Ashura was abrogated).’[11] 3. The narrations which indicate the significance of fasting on the day of Ashura are treated as narrations implying Taqiyah (precautionary dissimulation).[12] 4. What late Abul Fazl Tehrani has considered probable in Shifaa al-Sodoor by telling that the narrations which imply permissibility of fasting on this day can be taken as narrations indicating partial imsak (restraining from eating and drinking). On the other hand, the narrations which forbid fasting on this day can be taken as narrations which indicate prohibition of complete imsak. Conclusively, fasting on the Day of Ashura amounts to disbelief or is either haram or makrooh (abominable) and there is never any likelihood of the fast being recommended in the religion and Fiqh of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S).[13] It has been said in the explanation of the above passage that if a person observes fast on this day because of a special feature, it is bid’ah and forbidden and if he observes fast on Ashura for tabarruk (blessing), it amounts to disbelief and going out of the religion and if he observes fast because there is virtue in fasting in an absolute way, it is makrooh (undesirable) and deficient in reward because it has a formal resemblance to Umayyad’s practice.[14] Therefore, the catastrophic and tragic aspect of the day of Ashura is more outstanding than its positive aspect considering the fact that the Banu Umayyad dynasty left no stone unturned to wipe out the memory of the event of Ashura. For this reason, contemporary scholars have stated that fasting on the day of Ashura is abominable. Some have said that it is mustahab (recommended) to avoid eating and drinking until midday of Ashura without making any niyat of fasting.[15] As some jurisprudents have said, fasting on the day of Ashura is not permissible, as an obligatory precaution.[16]
[1] - Shaykh Tusi, Al-Istibsar fi-ma Ikhtalafa min-al Akhbar, vol.2, p. 134, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyah, Tehran, 1st edition, 1390 A.H.; Shaykh Hurr Amili, Wasail al-Shi’ah, vol.10, pg. 457, Aalulbayt (A.S.) Institute, Qom, first edition, 1409 A.H.
[3] - Qazvini, Hafiz Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Yazid, Sunan Ibn Majah, reasearched by Abdul Baqi, Muhammad Fu’ad, vol.1, p. 552, Chap. Fasting on the Day of Ashura, Darul Fikr, Beirut, first edition, (date not mentioned); Abdullah bin Abdur Rahman, Sunan al-Darami, vol.2, p. 22, Chap. Al-Bari, Damascus, 1349 A.H.; Qushairi Neishabouri, Muslim bin Hajjaj, Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p. 150, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, (date not mentioned).
[4] -For example, about 30 traditions have been mentioned in Sahih Muslim.
[5] - Vide: Shaykh Tusi, Tahzib al-Ahkaam, researched and edited by Musavi, Hasan, vol.4, p. 301, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyah, Tehran, 4rth edition, 1407 A.H.
[6] -Karajaki, Muhammad bin Ali, “Al-Ta’jjob min Aghlat al-‘Ammah fi Mas’alat al-Imamiyah”, p. 115, Dar al-Ghadir, Qom, first edition, 1421 A.H.
[7] - «و هذا یوم تبرّکت به بنو امیّة».
[8] -Al-Isibsar, vol.2, p. 134; Kulayni, Muhammad bin Ya’qub, researched and edited by Ghaffari, Ali Akbar, Akhundi, Muhammad, vol.4, p. 146, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyah, Tehran, fourth edition, 1407 A.H.
[12] - Tabasi, Najmuddin, Fasting on the Day of Ashura: a prophetic tradition or an Amawid innovation, translated by Dadash Zadeh, Mustafa, p. 43, (date not mentioned), Qom, first edition, 1429 A.H.
[13] - Vide: Tehrani, Mirza Abul Fazl, Shifa al-Sodoor fi Sharh Ziarat al-Ashur, p. 392-393, Murtazavi Publications, Tehran, second edition, 1383 A.H.
[14] - Vide: Thaqafi Tehrani, Hasan, Complete Translation and Annotation of Ziarat Ashura (Summary and a Fresh Opinions and Modification of Shifa al-Sodoor fi Sharh Ziarat Ashura), p. 420, Had Publication, first edition, 1385 (2006).
[15] - Imam Khomeini, Tawzih al-Masail (with annotation), researched and edited by Bani Hashemi Khomeini, Sayyid Muhammad Hussein, vol.1, p. 967, issue 1747, Islamic Publications Office, Qom, eighth edition, 1424 A.H.
[16] - Wahid Khurasani, Hussain, Tawzih al-Masail, p. 334, issue No.1755, Madrasa Imam Baqir (A.S.), Qom, Ninth edition, 1428 A.H.
“We have purified the Ahylul Bayt”. Islam does not give preference too anyone based on blood relations as stated by the speaker therefore the elevation must purely be based on favoured actions as stipulated in the Quran. How can you compare one who stays away from sin too one who does not. Some people fought against those who were on Haq "I am from Ali and Ali is from me" some individuals told secrets that the Prophet said not too reveal and some made fun of the Prophets breath. Those people may be righteous because we all sin however too compare them to the Ahylul Bayt or even include them in the Ahylul Bayt would falsify the verses of the Quran.
Yes , I agree - all muslims goto Surah 66, and see the Suni and Shia Tafsir ..... Its about Allahs (swt) dissapointment with Aisha and hafsa .... Hence verse 33:33 cannot include wives in the last part about Ahlalbyt
I feel like there is a pretty deep meaning inside that. Maybe the lesson there might be because prophet mohammed (SAW) knew that everything would be in good hands and something of a worldly matter such as a successor would be taken care of by Allah. For all we know the muslim world would be even more divided if the prophet had chosen a successor,because whether we like it or not we will have a difference of opinion on even the most core aspects such as prayer. Pointing a successor may have led to corruption in the future. Also it is very note worthy that the prophet was concerned for others but never really concerned for the dunya. He'd liked to detach himself from the world and i feel like that is the very thing we should focus on doing in this day and age. Where others are busy arguing about succession, khilafat and worldy related manners, we should stay away from that and focus on only the good because we only are on this earth for a short period of time. To waste our time on something which would not ultimately matter to god would be a waste of our own time and effort. Whether we like it or not we are going to meet Allah and we should prepare for that rather than arguing about who should have been the successor.
@@rameezmazhar4086 Please read the information in the link. The successor was appointed by the Prophet in his last sermon.
For me there's no Shia or Sunni. If u believe in La ilaha ilallah then ur a Muslim. Show me in the Qur'an or Hadith the word Shia or Sunni. If u can I'll write u a check of $1000
He is not the right person to ask question on Moharram al Haram. Even he don’t know what has happened on the very day. There were no Sunni shia and still we are one it was about True Islam vs false Islam Humanity vs cruelties Good vs Bad The whole month is for sorrow and mourn
Prophet of Islam will not listen to a Jew when to fast and when not to fast and Muslims should not copy another religion, because Islam is perfect already.
@Abubakar Nigerian the future! Knowing the history will help in determining from where you take you ahkam and fiqh, fom the likes of yazeed and muawiyah, or Imam Ali and ahlulbait!
Keep your rafidhi history to yourself. Hussein death isn’t gonna add or take anything from the religion. It’s a historical event many years after the end of the revelations. Yes it was a sad event as many sad events took place in the past. Whoever participated in the death of Hussein, God will punish them accordingly. End of story. God created us to worship him alone not to make innovations in his religion nor to mourn the death of anyone and make it an annual tradition which had no trace in Quran and Sunna.
@@sufian6553 you are an ignorant shitbag Hussein peace be upon is the face of islam and if not for him islam would have vanished he will be remembered and mourned peace be upon him until the end of time we are rafidhi because we rejected people who are ignorant like you
It's very interesting Ghadir didn't happen and Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him did announced his successor and Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him as the last prophet of God who brought the most complete book of God, ask people to follow Jewish people and yet Allah has cursed them in Quran and their own book? Are you serious?
I am Sunni but Saudi Arabia seems very much like Muawaiya? 1. A dynasty to pass on to your own children (MbS) 2. Drinking (in UAE and Bahrain) 3. Gambling (horse riding)
My deepest respect to Dr. Shabir Ally.....May Allah protect and guide you and all of us....Thank you for all that you do for the sake of Islam and Muslims....for the benefit of Muslims and non-Muslims....God Bless you much!!! And Allah send peace and blessings onto Prophet Muhammed and his household (Ahl-Bayt).
As Salam o alaikum. I will recommend to study the act of Khawaja Awais Karni after Ghazva a Ohad, and the response of our Beloved Prophet s.a.w , to those who want to understand flagellation in Islam. Wasalam.
Shah ast Hussain, Badshah ast Hussain🌹 Deen ast Hussain, Deen Panah ast Hussain Sardad na dad dast, dar dast-e-yazeed, Haqaa key binaey La ila ast Hussain🌹
@@louiscarter-adams4226 imam Hasan AS martyrdom is very different to Imam Hussain AS martyrdom. Imam Hussain AS died thirsty on the planes of kerbala, but before he died he saw his best friend Abass SA die after getting both of his arms cut off, he saw Hurr take his last breath while crying, he saw all his friends and companions die and his 3 month old child died in his arm when an accursed soldier shot an arrow though his neck, most narrations say before dying Imam Hussain AS was pierced by 25 arrows and than beheaded with a rusty knife. No person in Islam has been killed so violently so obviously we cry when the grandson of the Prophet and the leader of the youth of jannah dies in such a way. Allah Hu Akbar Laibak ya Hussain May Allah's curse be on Yazid, the butcheres of karbala and especially on the kufans who abandoned him
@@louiscarter-adams4226 because Hussein married a persian dancer who claimed to be a princess. the other point why are the other daughters hated and cursed by shia rafidhis?
@@louiscarter-adams4226 the elder son imam Hassan (as) is our second imam and is never ignored sadly however he was poisoned by his wife then imam Hussain became our third imam .the thing is all of our 11 imams were oppressed and martyred there fore we await the appearance of our last imam ,imam mahdi (as)
Some notes: 1- Shias do not fast on Ashura day and not all sunnis do. 2- Hurting your body is forbidden in Islam(Shia and Sunnis school of thought) and if some Shias do that goes against the correct teachings of Islam and those not representing Shias. 3- He mentioned just being family of prophet does not mean you are all good. Totally agreed and Shias do not claiming that. Shias follow and love those family members who were on the path of Prophet Mohammad(PBUH). If this is true about family of prophet(PBUH) definitely is true about companions and we can not exclude them from this logic.
The reason Sunnis don’t know much about imam hussain and his family is because no one teaches them. How can they be so offended at a thing said about the wives of the prophet but not feel intense pain and sorrow over what happened to his beloved grandchild.
Do you know what happened to imam hussain and his family? What were the names of his children and those who were so brutally killed. Do you know the details of Karbala? Most Sunnis I know have no idea what happened and they don’t really think much of it. They compare it to those previous prophets and people who lost their lives for Allah. The prophet asked one thing from his ummah, he asked us to love his family the Ahlulbauth. The story of the cloak, in your texts tells it all. Why then do Sunnis object to the way we mourn in Moharram? We love the imams and love imam hussain dearly and we will never forget!
@Zahra Q It's difficult to be protective of The Mothers of The Believers if you mean Aisha who waged a war against her own step daughter's (Fatima ع) husband Imam Ali ع. Even so Imam Ali ع did as much as he could to protect her honour and respect but she was on a warpath of wrong . Please analyse the details behind the inner conflicts of the Ummah. They are important because they all eventually lead up to The Martyrdom of Hussein ع ibn Ali ع. The events behind Karbala did not happen in just one day flat . Bias and prejudice over a period of fifty years after The Holy Prophet's demise finally took it's toll and, unfortunately Aisha was a part of it . The Qur'an actually warns The Prophet's wives of certain things, that Aisha had to be reminded of and repent for afterwards. And . Do you think that the families of the people who Ali ع killed in the war she fought against him did not keep a grudge ? Unfortunately it was very difficult even after having converted to Islam to forgive the same Ali غ who killed the Jahil members of certain companion's families in the pre Islamic wars. Look at Mu'awiah the son of Abu Sufyan. Look at Yazid . Did they ever stop fighting Mohammad ص's family ? No. Come to the door of Imam Ali ع, and walk away from the confusion. He was the decider between truth and falsehood on earth. Come to the door of his son, ; Imam Hussein ع, to the entrance of his tent. Give your allegiance to him. And he will welcome you into heaven's gate .
@Zahra Q It's a beautiful sentiment . But Ijtihad / the position of Mujtahid doesn't just go to anybody. Especially, when according to both Sunni and Shi'a a system of either Caliphate or Imamate has been put in place. The decision to wage war against your fourth caliph and my 1st Imam was illigitimate. We must come to terms with this. God may forgive. But had the enemies of Ali ع had any heart or love at all towards his children and the Prophetic legacy, they would have backed off in the same forgiving manner that one may expect of a Muslim who makes the call for unity today.
Zahra Q Mashallah. May Allah bless your words and your intentions. For peace. The Prophet Mohammad ص declared "I am the city of Knowledge and Ali ع is it's gate . To enter the city you must do so by the gate ". The Prophet ص also said " Ali ع is to me as Haroon was to Musa ع, except that there will be no Prophet after me ". It is not the Shi'a belief that each and every companion of The Prophet was blessed with the same knowledge that Ali ع was blessed with, & that each and every companion was like a star, that anyone of them could be followed. The Qur'an states that " there is a guide for every nation ". Mohammad ص was the guide for his nation, which encompassed the whole of humanity. For Ali ع the title was given "Imam of Jinn and Men". In other words , he became a guide to whomsoever Mohammad ص was a guide to (The whole of humanity). This was verified by the Prophet himself when he said "Of Whomsoever I am leader, Ali ع is also leader ". In short . The belief of the Shi'a is that during the present existence of either a Prophet or an Infallible Imam, ijtihad is impermissible. As The Qur'an itself states that you are to obey Allah, The Prophet and The Authority amongst you. And. The Authority is The Guide of The Nation. And Ali ع was that Guide. History must be analysed. If Allah has warned and criticised The Wives of The Prophet in the Qur'an whilst using the examples of the Wives of The Prophet Nuh and Lut, then we must refer again to The Qur'an to make sense of what His Sunna is. Please don't misunderstand me. It is a sin to insult another person's loved one's or leaders in our belief. But we must understand at the same time that not everybody is beyond criticism, & this is clear by way of how Allah Himself speaks within The Qur'an about His nation. Imam Hussein ع is The King of Martyrs. Imam Hassan ع is his brother. Ali ع is their father. The lessons within Islam of Compassion , Forgiveness and Mercy are exemplified, even on The Battlefield, by these personalities When The Prophet Mohammad ص himself spoke of The Shi'a of Ali ع then it was with the awareness that his daughter Fatima ع , and his two Grandchildren all came under that Umbrella. They were without a doubt the Penultimate Shi'a of Ali ع and , it is their school of thought that sets the standard for Revolution, Justice and Humanity on earth , prior to any of the four Sunni Madhhaahib ever even coming about . I myself converted from Sunni to Shi'a Islam, after having researched the personality of Mu'awiah and his link to Yazid as his father and Abu Sufyan as his son. When I discovered all three personalities followed in each others footsteps, of waging war against Mohammad ص and then his family, I realised that this was more than just a coincidence. There vas a deliberate agenda. If indeed the Sunni path is about loving the people that The Messenger himself loved, the eternal question mark will rise as to why these people fought his beloved family , instead of loving them as The Qur'an orders. May Allah guide us to The Path of Those whom He has favoured Not of those who have gone astray Nor of those who have incurred His Wrath. Wassalaam.
Shi'ite is too shyt meanwhile. Disappearing of so-called Imams, claim al-Qur'an's 2/3 is hidden, bearing revenge of thousand years people who been dead. Solve your Imam amount first, is it 5 ? 7? 12? Sunni's just accept this as dark history among Sahabah and Tabi'in. We do not crying or self-slapping for two sides that been dead for thousand years. Yazid ibn Muawiyah is bad muslim, enough.
this is really sad to see how different the stories are told by sunnies and shiias apperantly. Imam Hussain was not challenging yazids army. Yazid asked him for alliancing but Imam Hussain knew how bad yazid was. I mean Keep in mind that yazid was chosen by his fater mu'awya who had a battle with imam Ali. This allready shows how bad mu'awya was! Arguing with the son in law of our prophet who was told in front of everyone that he is the right person to follow after his death! How can you accept someone as a leader who battled our imam Ali? this is nonsence. Isnt that the main reason why there are Sunnies and Shiias ? maybe a sunnie can tell me exactly in what and why they believe. I really am interessted to know more about this. Also Mohammed did fast before the incedent of karbarla but that wont mean he would have done it after this horrible incedent
Correction: Mu'awiyah had TWO battles with Imam Ali (AS), not one. And in the Battle of Siffin, his soldiers killed Ammar ibn Yasir (RA). The Holy Prophet said in a SAHIH Hadith that Ammar would be killed by rebels that would be cast into the hell-fire. If Mu'awiyah's soldiers are considered cursed rebels, bound for hell, then imagine Mu'awiyah's punishment!!
🕋🕌Asalamalikum, Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin nabiyyil ummi wa Ala alihi wa ashabihi wa barik wa sallim. Best hour to make dua is: Friday@Asr prayer. Ameen.🤲🏼
You can also watch the movies about the karbala and the third imam Hussein on TH-cam and in the internet. It is very bloody and brutal, but maybe it will touch your heart. It touched my heart.
I made friends with an Iranian Shia and this is so interesting. I've done so much reading and can see both sides of the argument. My opinion is that being a descendant of a righteous man does not necessarily make you an imam. Only God decides that and he can call a leader from anywhere he wants.....the bible and the new testament is full of such examples. But Mohammed being a righteous man was probably under divine inspiration to call on Ali
You're right it doesn't as The Prophets Uncle (Abu Lahab) was himself an opposer. But time and time again there were many indications that the Prophet had always appointed Ali as his successor. Read up the Hadith's on the battle of Khyber and the event of Ghadeer.
This guy couldn't be any wrong. Hazrat Ali a s. Was appointed as the next khalifah at ghadeer e khum by Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Abu bakr, Usman, omer were the first three to congratulate him. Muawiya was not a companion of the prophet pbuh, the prophet on one occasion said that muwaiya ur blood smells of disbelief. As for hitting or cutting one self on 10th muharram is frowned upon please tell me why hazrat yacob crying until blood tears came out and he went blind isn't frowned upon? A prophet doing it to himself and the ayat u refer to doesn't apply to him? How about when the man from yemen knocked all of his teeth out of his mouth when he heard the prophet lost his tooth in a war. How come that's not frowned upon? The truth is people are jealous of ahle bayt....this 3 were jealous and their followers are jealous too today. Many signs point to the right the path but very few get to see it. Imam Husayns sacrifice and his knowing of his sacrifice doesn't need people like him to be validated. Imam has already been validated by Allah....ameen.
@@FunkyF121 you cant speak for all sunnis my friend..a large portion sunnis glorify his father too muawiya who raised yazeed.. and like his sons he has proven bad and hypocritical reputation..
but he was not. end of story. if allah wanted him to be caliph at that time , he would be even if whole world was against him but he was not, so why fight now? he cant come back and be a caliph again. it would be much more useful to stick to holy quran and be a good practicing muslim. why curse other caliphs based on words from sources u dont even know.
may Allah swt punish the munafiq mouvian and his son yazidh for spilling the blood of an inoccent poius and the leader of youth in janna beloved grand child of prophet mohemmed (saw)...and yes iam not shia and iam not sunni iam not ahle hadees iam not taqblek..iam a muslim alhemdullilah
Many of the facts mentioned by this guy in the video are misleading. You can not sufficiently explain an important history in a 14 min video by just getting 1 man's (who is Sunni) perspective
salaam. listen brother its just a rumour... Hajj is compulsory on us. but going to karbala the shrine of Alhussain who was the grandson of prophet muhammed swwt is showing respect to him. showing that humanity is alive
The way “Dr.” Shabbir Ali talks about the prophet, is disgraceful. The prophet (saww) sounds by his words, like a man who did not know what he was doing, and was very naïve. Astaghfirullah.
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Wa Alaihi Wasallam has declared Hazrat Ali as the successor MAN KUNTO MAULA FA HAZA ALI-YUN MAULA meaning those who consider me as Maula, Ali is his Maula too. And the meaning of Maula is the teacher, master, guider,leader and a friend as well. In many authentic Hadeeths it is clearly mentioned that at the time of Ghadeer e khumb after performing Hajj our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Wa Alaihi Wasallam gathered all his s.w.w's companions and announced or declared it.
Can someone please recommend the correct video to watch that will explain it in full and also explaining about faka. I m not one who believes in casts but I do believe in learning the truth. I highly appreciate the way Shia explain and get in to information. I find that when learning and the speaker is always saying 'er' or 'erm' or even mumbling. I'm sorry but even they do not know 100%.
3:12 prophet pbuh did appoint his successor in ghadir and 100,000 came to imam ali and pledged their allegiance to him, but greed got replaced with haq and imam had to wait in agony and pain for the next 25 years for which was his rightful place and maqam among muslims. It's already happened and i don't want to spread hate amongst muslims but never say that the prophet pbuh didn't appoint his successor.
Zafar Ali Punjani amazing isnt it, the one that Allah sent as a saviour to mankind and the greatest of all creation did not appoint a successor but abu bakar was much wise and therefore he did(wat a joke)
Let me start by saying that I have a huge respect for Dr. Shabir and appreciate the amazing work you both father and daughter have been doing. Good analysis as usual. However, I'd say there's a need for more hedging and highlighting the different interpretations amongst Sunnis and Shias especially as this episode is about both views. Sofia was doing a good job of bringing the attention to such things. For example, rather than saying that the prophet didn't choose a successor, we could say that Sunni Muslims believe he didn't while Shias believe that the prophet s.a.s designated Imam Ali as his successor. The Shias would use ghadir khumm, dawat zil asheera, Hadith thaqalayn, and many other events/ahadith to make this point. Also, there's a huge diversity among the Shias themselves and they have multiple practices in memory of Ashura such as donating blood, helping the poor, fasting, running different organizations and awareness sessions about the sacrifice/messages Imam Hussain left for us etc. Obviously Dr. Shabir has his views but I just think it's good to differentiate between your opinions and what the different Muslim groups believe/practice. Peace ✌️
Asalam alykom brothers and sisters. Imam hussein did not challenge yazid, yazid wanted imam hussein to give allegiance to him, imam hussein refused. People of Kufah sent countless letters to imam hussein asking him to come and lead their people. By the time imam hussein reached karbala, majority of the people of Kufah turned against our imam in fears for their lives. Imam hussein was surrounded by more than 30,000 soldiers. Imam hussein, his brothers, sons and friends were killed and decapitated and their heads were put on display for the world to see, the women that were with imam hussein were taken as war prisoners and taken from city to city and put to shame. Shias do not fast on this day. 10th of muharram is a day that all the prophets know about. Everyone needs to understand imam hussein did not make this movement for Shias only but for all humanity. Every year followers of imam hussein grow but I truly feel sorry because till this day people still neglect how important this day is.
This is a good conversation! But I have to make a point here about fasting on the 10th of Muharram! The Shias do not really fast on the Ashura / 10th day of Muharram.
Quran specifically says to worship one God, to pray, to give zakat, fast,and Hajj. To maintain the 5 pillars of Islam. Allah has sent our Prophet as a messenger. There is nothing written about his grandchildren or Ali RA. But as Muslims we respect his households and all his wives and companions. Allah has taken away his sons because Allah knows that if the Prophet had a son then people would worship his son like what some do for his grandchildren. We must pray and send duas for the Ahlyul Bayt but we should.not make a ritual and give more importance to them than our Prophet. In some.sects their leaders claim to be the descendents of our Prophets and people respect and bow their heads and kissed their feet.They even do sajda to them.. Astagfirla. If everyone follows the Quran and what our Prophet did in his lifetime then all will be fine. We should not follow anything that was done after the Prophet passed away. We should respect his children and grandchildren by sending duas for them. Islam is a simple religion..have faith, pray five times, fast, give zakat and perform hajj if one can afford. People are.making this religion complicated. Just be kind, humble and down to earth. Allah does not like arrogant people.
Hd Maulana who do majlis often over exgsgetate the events of Karbala which Happened on the 10th of Muharram and create a dramatic accounts, get people emotional and ñ Yet majlis Starts from 1st Muharram and going to Ashura, in some areas this goes on for 40 days of mourning after Ashura and in some for 100 days of mourning and self hurt. Why? My guess is these majlis is a way for such Maulana to get paid and due to the commerical lure they continue to exploit the inmocent people and emotionally. This is not a tradition that is grounding in core Islamic faith and needs to stop dear brothers and sisters.. Let's us all unite on commons grounds and not be emotionally exploited by those who value the duniya over the hereafter.
Imam Hussein did not just fight for shia Muslims. He fought for all of humanity. He fought for the injustice in our society. This is a man that needs to be recognized as that. Let’s no confine him to just one religion.
Dima Dib SubhanAllah show some love for RasulAllah (SAWS) and the one he loved as family
Why do you say he fought for shia muslims? There was no shia in his time sister. Only the Holy Quran and our hadjth that that was given to us by Allah(swt) and revieled by our glorious prophet muhamed a.s .
@SUFI-4- LIFE! That is correct
John Thomas read again. I said he didn’t only fight for Shia muslims. That’s not my point. My point is for those who do say only the Shias remember imam hussein during muharam are wrong. I’m trying to point out the fact that imam hussein fought for justice.
Imam Hussain (a.s) was not challenging the Calipha if Yazid. The Master of the youth of Paradise refused to give allegiance to such a human like Yazid and as a result they planned to get rid of the Imam.
So the Iraqi Shia killed him
@@tazkhan9606 dear brother Iraqi Shia didn't kill imam Hussain. Laanati Umar ibn Saad, who was the son of Saad ibn abi waqqas who was the companion of prophet Muhammad pbuh&his progeny, he himself lead the battle and manage the army of yazeed to commit this crime. They are from the makkah and Madinah area not from the Iraq.
@@saqlain78697 You say this as if you have first hand testimony. Typical. You have mentioned a soul by name and I suppose you know the exact spot in Karbala? Was the first strike on the stomach? Allah u Alam.
@@saqlain78697 Iraq and Iran were full of Persian fire worshippers. The help for Imam Hussein was in Iraq. They said we are with you like shaitaan only to flee. Most were Zoroastrian fire worshippers who embraced Islam who were in fact cowards and hypocrites. They let him down. Yazid was Gaddafi or Sadam of our times. . it was a political war not religious war.
@@tazkhan9606 dear brother yes you are right iranian before they were the worshipers of fire but the Arab were in the darkness (daur e jahiliya) before the prophet and they were used to burried their daughters alive. Janab Salman e farsi from Iran and Iraq became in the ahlal bayt of prophet Muhammad pbuh&his progeny. I think this is enough for to understand the level of belief and faith. And beware they were the Iraqis who took the revenge of the karbala and finished the yazeed laanati and his laanati followers. La elaha illallah.
Umm Salamah has said: "al-Hussain entered on the Prophet (S), while I was sitting at the door, so I saw in the hand of the Prophet (S) something he turned over while (Hussain) sleeping on his stomach. I said: Oh messenger of Allah, I looked and saw you turning something over in your hand when the kid was sleeping on your stomach and your tears were pouring? He said: Gabriel came to me with the sand upon which he (Hussain) will be killed. And he informed me that my nation (umma) will kill him.
al-Musannaf, al-Hafidh abu Bakr bin abi Shaibah, v. 12
Slamu'llah ala alhussien
funny part, in the first two centuries, not mention of karbala is found.
And funny part is that most mullas don't talk about the importance of the family of Prophet... They put in the curtains...
Look at Muhammad through his family (Ahul Bait), (i.e. if you are no good to his family you are not good to him).
Bukhari 3713
In-book: Book 62, Hadith 62
It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said: I saw the Prophet (saw) in a dream when I slept in the middle of the day; (he appeared) dishevelled and dusty, and he had with him a bottle in which there was blood that he was picking up or something that he was putting in it. I said: O Messenger of Allah, what is this? He said: "The blood of al-Husain and his companions; I have been collecting it all day." Ammar said: We remembered that day, and we found out that he had been killed on that day (Ashoura).
Musnad Ahmad vol 2, Hadith 2165, 2553
Mishkat 6181
Aisha / Umm Salamah reports that Rasulullah (saw) said to one of them, "An angel came to my house who never came before. He said to me, 'This son of yours, Hussain, will be killed. If you wish, I will show you the sand of the land where he will be killed.' He then took out some red sand (soil).
Musnad Ahmad 12421, 26567
Shu'ayb al Arna'ut said, "Hadith is Hassan with its many chains and shahid, and in al Fada'ill 1357. Albani said Sahih.
Al Haythami stated vol. 9 pg. 187
الحسن والحسين سيدا أهل الجنة
Interesting, respect to the Shias, next time there should also be a Shia scholar so we can get both points across.
Hussain's sacrifices will never be forgotten until youm al qiyama.
Yeah! A Shia scholar should be invited and let them talk as well
Labbaik ya Imam Hussein (A.S) 🌹❤️
Shia join the crusaders & mongols and now they join Russia to end Sunni from Syria .. history didn’t lie
ALI RAZA RIVI (UK) may be the best person to answer
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
From a non-Muslim looking outside the box, I can tell you that all of this Shia Sunni beef is really ridiculous. I don't see why it is of such extreme importance for Sunnis and Shias to follow successors of Muhammad. Both of you people should just follow the Quran and leave it at that. No wonder your people are in a state of confusion, you don't follow the teachings of your book. Doesn't the Quran teach to avoid sects? Yet that is exactly what you Muslims do. Not all, but many of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
this is a real dilemma of muslim ummah....they donot want to follow and see the message instead thy ll fight on who should be successor..... who Allah wanted prophet successors were already chosen and lived their lives, a good muslim will never curse companions of prophets whom allah gave glad tidings of heaven in the world. even if some of them were at the wrong path it doesnot mean that we are above them or better than them so we can curse....
Exactly! and that is why i just identify myself as a Muslim who follows the teachings of the Al Quran and the prophet Muhammad SAW.
While you are absolutely right, as a shia I can testify that there are differences in belief. There are reasons for those beliefs. The differences in belief should not act as a divider in religion and as a shia I can say that I have made many arguments on how sunnis and shias are almost the same. The differences are minor but every time I hvae brought this up, I have gotten the same answer, "But you guys pray different" or "You believe in a different successor" etc. Shias dont go around screaming death to sunnis and we definitely dont curse the sahaba @Asad Khan we are actually forbidden from cursing the true sahabas of the Prophet. There are different beliefs about the first three caliphs but we would never go up to a sunni and cure them in their face
@@muhammadzariff7075 read hadith e thakalain, who the Prophet SAWW ordered to follow after him. sahih muslim 2408a.
"I am leaving among you two weighty things: the one being the Book of Allah in which there is right guidance and light, so hold fast to the Book of Allah and adhere to it. He exhorted (us) (to hold fast) to the Book of Allah and then said: The second are the members of my household I remind you (of your duties) to the members of my family."
If you truely identify as muslim, read the ayat 4:59 again and again. and think of who Allah is asking believers to obey on the same level as Allah and the Prophet SAWW. Allah never command you to obey a person who would enjoin you to sin. So they must be pure. (Read Ayat e Tatheer) and think why Allah purified the Ahlebayt (AS).
Also what does our Lord wants?? (Read Ayat Muwaddat) : “Say (O’ Mohammad), I do not ask of you any recompense for it, save love of (my) relatives (near of kin)”
It is the command of Allah to love the Ahle Bayt (AS) of the Prophet SAWW, not butcher them to humiliate them.
Why is Ashura unique/distinct?
Because 30,000 Muslim soldiers stood with their swords seeking the blood of the beloved grandson of our last Prophet, Mohammed pbuh.
They murdered him, massacred his family in the NAME OF ISLAM, and for the love of Allah swt. Imagine!!
This ummah was in a great jahl (ignornance) for this calamity to happen. And this was only 50 years after the Prophet pbuh died.
What on Earth happened for the ummah of Mohammed to turn against his own flesh and blood and shed the blood of innocents IN THE NAME OF ISLAM so soon? Where is this jahl and fitna from.
Simple - they disobeyed the Prophets command to hold onto the TWO WEIGHTY THINGS (see hadith thaqalayn) - Hold onto the Holy Quran and MY AHLULBAYT after I die.
The Ahlulbayt are the guardians of the Prophet's sunnah.
But the ummah forgot the Prophet's will to them. They killed the ahlulbayt and did it in the name of Islam.
Only by Hussain's killing did truth become distilled from the fitna and falsehood that had spread in the Muslim ummah.
Masha Allah
SUFI-4- LIFE! Why are you so incensed by this? Your comments wreak of salafi ideology yet you parade yourself as some suffi 🤔
SUFI-4- LIFE! Why are the Muslims that complain about the martyrdom faithless yet you are not?
SUFI-4- LIFE! So you don’t know or there is no truth to it, I see!
visit for complete expose of shias
We Shias mourn ashura every year so and other people don’t forget the tragedy that took place. If we dont mourn, people will forget just like they forgot the day of ghadir.
If that's your stand, I think its more better to mourn the death of nabi Muhammad S.A.W
@@khalidulab393 we do that too, obviously!
Also, we don’t fast on that day. Fasting is a Mubarak thing, we do faka, meaning just don’t eat due to mourning. We don’t have a iftar at the end of the day, we eat plain rice and lentils. We will never forget imam hussain and his sacrifice. The prophet Mohammad PBUH also mournes the brutal massacre of his beloved hussain
Khalid Ulab
No because people never forgot who Muhammad was. But people forgot about the al ghadir day. If we didn’t mourn people would forget about imam al hussein and who he really was.
Why don't you mourn the death of hamza ra whose ears nose and liver were cut and Zaid ibn hartiha? Imam Hassan and hussein will not be happy to see ur self harming urself but rather use your bodies for the betterment of other Muslims
The host has been really honest throughout.
And this lady was trying to bring together sunni & Shias.
Sister,I'm a Shia muslim & I pray for you! You are such a wonderful lady, very kind hearted!
May Allah bless you!
Assalamu Alaikum brother , do you know they are father & daughter ? 😊
No one is better SHIA or SUNNI , black or white, women or men in the sight of Allah
but those who do ( Taqwa )_ Do good deeds and get rid of bad deeds ( haram )!!!!!!!!!!!
Shia-Sunni don't hav any option rather than love,respect each others & live in harmony.!!
3USTA7A MashahAllah respect brother
Mustafa Pro thats what I call a real Muslim bro respect
Mustafa Pro now you really shouldn’t speak with such foolishness. Shia do NOT follow the sunn’aah nor the Qur’aan the founder was a Jewish revert and that’s why a lot of their deviances are similar to the jews
Stop fooling yourself.
Everything we do is based on the Quran which the Prophet would do, can you tell we what is it that the Shias do which isn't in the Quran?
Our belief in the religion in Islam is similar to the christians and the jews, if you read the Quran.
Not just that, whats the person of this man we "follow", the prophet and his family? They're jews now?
Tell me, with evidence, if theres no evidence with your talk don't be trying to fool anyone here, we are Muslims we unite to one, we believe in one belief and you believe in another but there must be respect between each other.
In fact the Sunni and Shia believe in one thing, "Hold on to the Quran and my Ahlul Bait/the prophets family" in you're 6 books. Shahih Muslim.
We shias don't fast on 10th muharrah. Instead we give free food to others
Why don't you do sunnah nd do bidah?
Then you are doing it against the teachings of the grandfather of hussein ra that is Prophet Muhammad( saw)
Because your deen is opposite of Islam. You ppl like to do whatever is not included in Islam.
@@Halimaalawsy SaHar Ch
I just want to say where did the idea of fasting on the 10th of Muharram come from. Correct me if I'm wrong but according to Sunnis the prophet saw Jews fasting on the 10th of Muharram. He asked them why, and was told: "It is an auspicious day; it is the day when God delivered the children of Israel from their enemy (i.e. Pharaoh); and, therefore, Moses fasted on that day." The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "I am worthier of Moses than you are." Thereupon, he fasted on that day and ordered (the Muslims) to fast.
So according to what a few Jewish people told the prophet, he began to fast and order all Muslims to fast on this day. Now I want to ask isnt RasoolAllah the messenger of Allah and don't we get our knowledge of Islam and the teachings through him, if so why would a few Jewish people tell the prophet what to do if anyone was to let the prophet know about anything it will be from God and RasoolAllah would let the Muslims know about it, so I don't know where this idea of fasting came from.
@Mahmood munna 3
Um... Mohamed was a very smart man and he chose his successor. He showed it in front of the whole world but everyone decides to ignore it and just chose the successor themselves.
So true So obvious. But people are so blind
Muhammad saww was indeed a very smart man but he wasn't a king he couldn't have named anyone his successor
but people with backwards thinking just decide to ignore it
The prophet (saw) said something like whoever considers me his friends/master Ali is also your friend/master.
The word that he apparently used was ‘mola’ which has many meanings.
This isn’t a clear establishment of Ali’s succession. If he wanted him to be khalifah then he would’ve said something like ‘after me Ali will rule over you’ but he didn’t say that.
Also there is context behind what he said.
Before saying that apparently he was telling everyone to respect the ahlul bait and then said what he said. This doesn’t mean Ali was khalifah.
If he was the rightful khalifah then why would Allah let Abu Bakr be khalifah instead. Please brother do more research, watch this TH-cam channel called The Sunni defense. I used to be Shia but alhamdulillah Allah guided me.
@@fattestmanintheworld5081 also moula Ali a.s gave bait to Abu bakr a.s
Wait...hold up, so you’re saying that he meant friend? After hajj, in your books it says the prophet called people who were ahead him to come back and the people behind him to catch up and meet him at Ghadeer e-Khum. Imagine your there, it’s hot. The prophet tells people to make a stage for him in the scorching heat. And finally after everyone settles down and quiets down the prophet raises Imam Ali’s hand and says “you know.. this Ali... he’s my friend!” OBVIOUSLY NOT! The message was much greater! The prophet already had a lot of friends and companions. So just to say that Imam Ali was his friend he made people build a stage for him in the scorching heat? People already knew that Imam Ali was dear to the prophet. Thus I conclude that the quote “whosoever considers me his mola, Ali is his mola” means whosoever considers me his MASTER, Ali is his MASTER.
Eltimas e dua brother
7:36 - Practices associated with remembering Imam Hussain's (as) martyrdom are indeed counted amongst sha'irAllah (signs of Allah). Millions of muslims today commemorate the suffering of Bibi Hajrah (ra) and Hazrat Ismail (as) thousands of years later by running between Safa-Marwa. Similarly, we remember the pain and suffering of the grandchildren of the Holy Prophet (s) through Muharram ceremonies and practices, including majaalis sermons, matam, and noha. “And whosoever honours the symbols of Allah (Sha’ir Allah) then it is truly from the piety of the heart.” (22 32).
You're making up things about Islam according to your own whims and desires. This is bid'ah (innovation) and completely forbidden and haraam.
Do you also support how they hurt themselves by hitting their back with blades.
@@moinuddinkhan593 brother, in what manner do you commemorate or observe the martyrdom of Imam Hussain(as)?
@@SardarBhaiForever lol animals.
This is a beautiful insight, thank you @SardarBhaiForever .
Imam Hossein didn't move himself and his family with intention to be massacred, he answered request of kufa people, but when he realized they turned away from him he wanted to leave and go somewhere to be safe from yazid but they stopped him and closed his way out and asked him to his allegiance but he refused and said he will fight and the rest history.
That’s not fully correct yes the kufans sent thousands of letters to Hussein invite him to kufa however the ones loyal to him were massacred by Yazids henchmen or exiled out of kufa also yazid lied to imam hussien (as) telling him they would just have a discussion only to trap him in Karbala also the prophet (saw) had prophecies of imam hussien being massacred in Karbala
No one on earth can compare them selves to imam hassan and hussain, never mind there status and piousness, as they are leaders of the youth of jannah.
Mohammed en Isa can .. Ibrahim can Adam can
Mussa can..
@easin haque shia are fool
@easin haque excuse me! I don't think he said they are above Prophet p.b.u.h. .... he meant all are pious in their place. Obviously prophets come first and then their family (alulbait).
@@oreorebus only Allah knows who are fools. No one can judge other than Allah.
The Holy Prophet (saw as) said, "I leave behind 2 things if you leave one of the you will SURELY be lead astray. The are the book of Allah and my household, so hold fast to the both." This hadeeth in its various forms is recorded in the sunni sahi sitha, Bukhari, Abu Dauood, Thirmidi, ibn Majda and Musnad Ahmed bin Hambal BUT in none of the 6 sunni collections does it say Quraan and Sunnah. The sunni scholars always quote Quran and Sunnah from other traditions. This is because of their allegiance to the enemies of Ahlulbayt (the household (as)). This is also why they do not give importance to Hussein (the chief of the people of paradise) and his martyrdom in Kerbala. They even hide the prophetic sayings of Kerbala from their own books as if the Holy Prophet (saw as) did not know about Kerbala nor the plight of his children on that tragic event when his offspring were butchered, humiliated and imprisoned by so called Muslims. They have invented fabrications instead about the day of Ashura whe n they allege the world was created and will end, many messengers such a Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus (pbut) were born, when the read sea parted etc..etc..
Just to hide what sons of Hind and Abu Sufian did to avenge the victory of Muhammad (saw as). They would rather talk of the merits of accursed Abu Sufian, Hind, Mawiyya and yazeed than that off Hussein (as).
but Prophet's household is not only Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein.
Caprie Angelique read the Hadith of the cloak. Prophet Mohammad(as), gathered them under his cloak,and called them Ahl al-bayt
U clearly know nothing about sunnis so better keep ur fake information to yourself
Caprie Angelique then hadees e kisa was a lie?
Saleem Ahmed Jazak Allah khair Brother. It’s heart breaking that someone actually doesn’t know the importance of Imam Husseins AS message on this day. You ask your self brothers and sisters if you had to make a choice between going to a loved ones birthday party or a loved ones commemoration what would you choose? Imam Hussein’s AS martyrdom has so much meaning behind it yet one turns away to fast on that day. Imam Hussein AS saved Islam people go read a book please
Shia does not fast on the day of Ashura; one reason is because bani-umayah fasted on that day to show what they had to imam Hussein was actually good
Sir prophet fasted two days.
Imam Ali (AS) is Prophet Mohammed (AS). Son-in-law and Cousin.The flag barrier in war, the one who supported him on day one of his prophethood. While others like Abu Bakir Umer and Uthman were voteing on a new ruler. Imam Ali (AS) instead was washing and burying the Prophet's holy body. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “The carrier of my flag in this life and the Hereafter is Ali (A.S).” Kenz Al-Omal, 6/122; Al-Tabari, 2/201; Al-Khawarizmi, 250; Al-Fadha’il of Ahmad, 253; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 42/200.
abu bakr and them lot are all kelbs please know what u r talking about before writing in this comment section.
لبيك يا حسين
can i ask you something? why did you put (AS) on saiyyidina ali RA name? i dont understand it why?
Follow the faith and path you are put on it is very hard but your job is to complete your duty for your family and Allah is your judge someone else
What's your point Moe
@Truthfears Guilty fact of the matter is that you are a donkey.
Thanks for an informative, honest, and respectful talk on a sensitive topic. We need to be united to defeat our enemies and progress towards a bright future. ❤️🙏
DISCLAIMER:- I dont mean to start an argument here but here are some facts.
I'm sorry but i don't find this video correct! if u think u can understand the revolution of Imam Hussain from a 14 min video, from a person who doesnt know much about shia faith or what happened in karbala, then you are very wrong and only to be misled.
Mr. Ally himself was reluctant on naming the sins that yazid used to commit, and he claims yazid was "not a good muslim", i would like you people to go and check the sins yazid used to commit and would you even consider him muslim after know what all sins he did? i mean drinking, prostitution, gambling, tyranny, leading prayers while being drunk, are just some of his sins.
and another important thing i would like to mention was Imam Hussain was not going to kufa to raise an army to fight yazid, he was going because people had called for him to take his baith and then these people ditched him, there are many rivayats that state that he is not interested in war for caliphate and also asked the yazid forces to give them passage so that he would travel to hindustan (present day : India). I mean you guys only do justice here by answering this simple question :- Would you go to war for caliphate and take your family and children with you?
He and his companions were martyred in karbala, the women of his house and his companions were made prisoners all for one reason that is he would go through all this suffering, but not do baith of some piece of shit like yazid.
Answer this question: Why Yazid didn't fight Hassan, why Yazid only fought Hussein?
Caprie Angelique wait what? Yazid wasn’t in power while Imam Hassan was alive. His father was in power & they had a written pact, Yazid and Imam Hussain on the other hand did not.
@Khan Majeed what are u saying, bro Shiasm is good and bad! It is good because u pay attention to not just Hussains death but all of the prophets fammilly! where killed, idk what the hell your talking about, cause shiasm is not "islam in disguise" its loving Allah, and the prophets as well as his fammily!!! think straight!!!!!!
Khan Majeed My friend, please delete your comment. Shiaism is not a new religion🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ It is part of Islam.
MightyZeid well their is slight issue there are 2 things that needs to be addressed which are also the core difference between shia and sunni
1. They believe Quran is not saved with us muslim which was revealed to prophet Muhammad saw
( that is denying the quranic verse directly )
2. All knowing being :
Allah is all knowing and no one else but as per shia faith they have imaams which are also all knowing, mushriq will be in great pain
So what do think without faith in Quran And faith in allah and faith in the oneness of allah a person can be called muslim ?
Christian also say they believe in oneness of god ( father, son, holy sprit ) !
Nabi Muhammad SAW
Imam Ali AS
Bibi Fatima al Zahra AS
Imam Hasan AS
Imam Hussain AS
Imam Ali Zaynulabideen AS
Imam Muhammad al Baqir AS
Imam Ja’far al Sadiq AS
Imam Musa al Kadhim AS
Imam Ali al Ridha AS
Imam Muhammad al Jawad AS
Imam Ali al Hadi AS
Imam Hasan al Askari AS
Imam Muhammad al Mahdi AS
To all the Sunnis out here. Never ever fell in the trap of the Shias who portray Karbala as a war that has saved Islam. The war of Karbala is a very tragic event but it has nothing to do with Islam. It was just a political war according to the Sunni theology. Islam was completed the day our Prophet Muhammad sal died and any wars fought after that has nothing to do with Islam.
The reason why the Shias glorify Hussain is due to the fact that he died due to the treachery their ancestors did to Hussain, that is the people of Kufa (who called themselves as Shia-te-Hussain). The people of Kufa betrayed and abandoned Hussain after inviting him, leaving him and his family members face a gruesome death by Ibn Ziyad’s army.
Later the Shias of Kufa felt very guilty and remorseful of their treachery and began to mourn and flagellate themselves. This is what they have been continuing to this date. So the fact is, they mourn and flagellate not because Yazid killed Hussain, they mourn because they betrayed and abandoned Hussain after inviting him.
Moreover, contrary to what the Shias say, we Sunnis must believe that Yazid did not order to kill Hussain. He only gave orders to arrest Hussain. It was Ibn Ziyad (the governor of Kufa) who killed Hussain without Yazid’s knowledge.
So Sunnis, don’t fell for the fake stories of Karbala you see on TH-cam. Most of them are fabricated by the Shias to suit their narrative. Therefore they give emotional background music to play with your emotions.
When Hussain came to knew that the people of Kufa have changed their mind of supporting him, he decided to meet Yazid directly and sort out the differences. That is why Hussain intended to go to Syria to meet Yazid rather than moving towards Kufa. But the Shias of Kufa did not want this to happen because if Yazid comes to know that the people of Kufa have invited Hussain, then he would not spare them. Because, Hussain had all the letters from the people of Kufa with their names in signatures. That is why Hussain was killed on his way to Syria in Karbala, which is north-west of Kufa. The Shias will never tell you these facts because they don’t want the world to know the fact that their ancestors (the people of Kufa) had betrayed and abandoned Hussain. So don’t believe the videos of Karbala you see on the TH-cam. Most of these are fabricated stories by the Shias.
I am not trying to defend Yazid, but just stating the fact. Yazid is no match to Hussain. Hussain is the blessed grandson of our Prophet sal and for sure will be in the highest ranks in Jannah, but that does make a reason for us to glorify Hussain to an extent what Shias do.
Sunni theology is FALSE !
Why wold the beloved grand son of the last messenger of Allah go to fight for political reason ?
did his grand father say there are going to be leaders who make the Haram ,halal for yo & make Halal Haram for yo ? didnt Allah say Fight those who do sach ?
Brother ,yo Sonnies are LOST in islam , yo need to go back and find the correct path !
The Prophet (PBU) said: There will be leaders who will not be led by my guidance and who will not adopt my ways? There will be among them men who will have the hearts of devils in the bodies of human beings.
THR QURAN;11:13- وَلَا تَرۡكَنُوٓاْ إِلَى ٱلَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ فَتَمَسَّكُمُ ٱلنَّارُ وَمَا لَڪُم مِّن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ مِنۡ أَوۡلِيَآءَ ثُمَّ لَا تُنصَرُونَ
11;13-And incline not to those who do wrong, or the Fire will seize you; and ye have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall ye be helped.
Shias don't fast this day but it's forbidden to fast in this day.
I love Ahlul Bayt and Sahabah!
Elahai Ameen
"Patria Fathanputra.👍🏽😲I love you to😯😗Brother😙😃😁🙂😉😎👍🏽."
Not all the contemporaries of Arrasul salla Allahu Aleihi wa Alih are good people if you read the Quran w/o preconceived ideas you will find that 14 of them (the very close ones ) attempted to kill the Prophet Muhammad PBBUHHF after the war in Tabook , refer to Sura 9 . ayat 74 > they most probably have finally succeeded and Poisoned him in year 11 of alhijrah, He was Poisoned directly causing his Death PBBUHHF.
Those include Abu sufyan Muawiayah Abu musa alashari, and many closer companions to Him.
Some companions were the best of the best after Ahl albeit.
Why i mentioned the above so we Muslims would not follow the Criminals as GOD ordered us not to.
Surah 6 ayah 55.
You can’t love the ahalbayt and their enemies... enough with the ignorance.
Abubakar left a successor but prophet Muhammad can't. Ya iLahi!
Important correction: Shias don't follow the "blood relatives" of the Prophet, rather they follow the Ahlulbayt which the Prophet clearly said that they were Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain. Refer to hadith of the cloak and many other hadith from Sunni books which proof that the wives are not part of the "Ahlulbayt". Also, the Shia respect the righteous companions of the Prophet.
That's totally false. The Shiites support the ahlulbayt which is his family. You mean the mausomeen are the 14 more important ones. We also don't like the companions because the prophet said that Ali was the righteous successor but Sunnis turned against the family
totally true. :-)
than uthman (ra) will also be an ahlul bayt
TheSameer dude stop, we love the RIGHTOUS, companions who didn’t turn their backs on the prophets family like “abu thar, salman al pharsi, Muhammed bin Abu bakar and such
So Abu Bakar chose Umar to be the next leader and yet Rasulullah didn’t prepare his successor? Lol
Yes, for them everyone is intelligent except for the holy Prophet,they claim that he used to do mistakes and the sahaba used to correct him, astaghfirullah
Exactly, fake hadiths have mislead a lot of Muslims.... billions.....
Jazak Allah Khair. Thank you so much. I am a recent revert and no one would explain this properly to me without being biased or starting arguments. Thank you very much for explaining that historical moment on its own without other surrounding things.
Salaam.Could you please tell me about your reversion?Are you revert from non muslim to muslum?Wassalam
funny you think this isnt biased and "explained properly" - if you want the truth READ the books of history instead of listening to this clown.
His level of knowledge is soooo low that he still doesn't know that it's makruh for Shia Muslims to fast on the day of Ashura.
Rather, they do imsak from eating and drinking until afternoon to express their movasat and love to the family and companions and followers of rasulullah (صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم) who were murdered in Karbala
Kerbala is not about Sunni-Shia, it's about which human beings love Prophet Muhammad (saw) and those that are distant from him for ignoring the oppression of his family.
TA K it is about Sunni/Shia. The oppression of the Shia and with that, Imam Ali and all the Imams after him are a byproduct of not accepting Imam Ali as the first caliph. During that time period, any Muslim who loves the Prophet and Allah with all his heart would have ONLY allowed Ali and the Imams after him to govern the Ummah.
@@rookietastic I don't think you understood my point. It is bigger than that. It is about who is humane and who is inhumane. It is about who loves The Prophet (saw)! Obviously, without love of The Prophet (saw) and his family there is nothing. My comment is a message to the "Sunnah" that you think this is a Sunni-shia difference but denying the rights of the Imams (as) and Ahlulbayt (as) your basically going against The Prophet (saw) himself.
TA K ah my bad I misunderstood sorry
@@rookietastic no probs, perhaps I could have worded clearer, but thanks to you it should be well understood in case others also misconstrue. Jzk thanks
This woman should really do her research. Shias do not fast on ashura. They are strictly against it!
some do but for mourning. And if they dont,it is not mandatory. Ashura itself was abrogated by Ramadan but made optional
No they don't. They are 100% against fasting on Ashura. Fasting is not for mourning! lol
A Teez so wrong man I'm a Shia and I fast.
Angela M you are Shia and you fast on Ashura? Really? I would kindly ask you to speak to one of your religious teachers/scholar because I'm certain they would disapprove.
Angela M I'm new to the Muslim faith, can you tell me why you fast? do you still fast during Ramadan or is that only sunnis?
hwllo, i do not really know how run your programmes, but try to aslo bring in shia scholars to also espress their believe
Best thing saif
They fear to do this. Cause they know that the truth will be opened.
@afza Ali, YES EXACTLY
Why don't u tell the truth first caliphate was chosen by 5 people , second choose himself and then the 3rd was chosen by last man standing in the room and the 4th imam Ali was chosen by the people , STOP LIEING
Brother, please don't be rude, go ahead and teach, if not keep quiet.
This malvis do noyt want to accept facts of sahabas...1 the incident of bagh e fidak n many..such facts this sahabas were more i terested in their motives n not good to ahlulbayt
They call this democracy, appointing of caliph behind closed doors, with poor representation, among handful of people.
Its unislamic, let alone undemocratic.
Did the Prophet (saw) need to learn from the Jews of Makkah that Prophet Ibrahim fasted on 10th Muharram???
Isn't there lots of problems with this assumption?
Yeah. There is. There are some Sunni Muslims it seems who have still not found a purpose for their own belief in the family of Mohammad ص .
AL-Bukhari3397 , Muslim1162b and 1134b
1. Jews of Madinah.
2. Moses PBUH and his people were saved from Pharaoh. The ones fasting are the Jews all those years later.
3. No mention of Ibrahim PBUH.
4. The only assumption made here is by you. You assumed to have listened to the video content.
5. No Jews in Makkah. Only idol-worshippers.
Don't be confused. Jews in Madina were fasting in remembrance of Hazrath Moosa (A) saving them from Firoun. And Allah's Rasool (S) hearing this said " I am more closer and nearer to Moosa in this matter and so if I live for another year I would fast the 10th followed by 9th of muharram. (9th of muharram was chosen to show the disagreement with Jewism.).
He was copying and pasting from other religions
flagellation is haram , women crowding around half naked men on roads in jaloos is Haram , but mourning imam is our grace and duty .
@SUFI-4- LIFE! Shut up ,ignorant man
couldnt agree any should shun this self flagellation and doing matam with half cloths on by men..then it would be perfect way to commeratethe martydom of Imam Hussain(as)
True Sufi
We Muslims are all blinded by our faiths
@@mahiraza2107 well said Raza
Holy Quran 2:30
وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً ۖ قَالُوا أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاءَ وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ ۖ قَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ
When your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed I am going to set a viceroy on the earth,’ they said, ‘Will You set in it someone who will cause corruption in it and shed blood, while we celebrate Your praise and proclaim Your sanctity?’ He said, ‘Indeed I know what you do not know.’
Holy Quran 2:31
وَعَلَّمَ آدَمَ الْأَسْمَاءَ كُلَّهَا ثُمَّ عَرَضَهُمْ عَلَى الْمَلَائِكَةِ فَقَالَ أَنبِئُونِي بِأَسْمَاءِ هَٰؤُلَاءِ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ
And He taught Adam the Names, all of them; then presented them to the angels and said, ‘Tell me the names of these, if you are truthful.’
Holy Quran 2:32
قَالُوا سُبْحَانَكَ لَا عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلَّا مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ
They said, ‘Immaculate are You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed You are the All-knowing, the All-wise.’
My Point is, that there was no such thing as khilafa being passed around like a ball game.
Allah Swt chooses who gets the khilafa
Very misinformative video. Very recognisable from people who are well read in their history.
@rod of discipline Bush and Cheney the Neo-Crusaders would agree with your twisted logic.
The best man on earth, a prophet, a messenger, a man sent by GOD and you mean to tell me he wasn’t smart enough to appoint a successor a leader after him.... but some random guy named Abu Bakr was smart enough to leave one. I guess the people are more smarter than GOD and his messenger
Hows abu bakr random he was the first to accept islam and he is also praised in the quran.
@@mohammedkhan4201 he was not first to accept islam. According to history that honor would belong to Ali ibn talyb and then some others in the prophets family. Abu baker was reportedly one of the first outside the family to accept islam but some sources even put him as far as number 50.
@@aalsaffar6524 ali was the first child to accept islam and abu bakr was the first man to accept it. Please can you tell me the sources regarding him being as far off as 50? All I'm saying abu bakr was with the prophet we shouldn't disrespect him.
The beloved Prophet Muhammad did leave a successor. Why don't everyone know? On the day of Ghadeer, Muhammad announced Ali as the leader, the successor 😭 This is hidden so well by people of evil 😭😭😭
Farwah Batool do you hate good Muslim whom the prophet praised and pinpointed as examples of believers after he left the world. We love ahlul beit and if Yazeed erred it’s him and God. there is no justification to hate/sect or leave the mainstream Muslim creed and foundation. Likewise do you hate and opt for section because Saudi king is betraying the Muslim ummah of this century? That seems shia foundation. It’s just about politics and not religion
it is really sad that Sunnis give almost no importance to the 10th day of Muharram out of respect to Husayn RA. Keep in mind, martyrdom of Husayn is the problem of all muslims, not only shias. if you consider yourself a true muslim, you must shed light on this topic. But, most of you do not care as if martyrdom of Husayn is not important for them, Shame on You. isn't he Beloved grandson of Allah's Messenger. isn't he a member of blessed family of Allah's messenger. is there any bigger sedition than killing of Husayn ? ?? I feel sorry for those of you who don't care about Karbala Massacre. Be sure that it was the greatest Fitna of muslim community, and all muslims must share this pain in their hearts if they are true lovers of Prophet Muhammad S.A.S
Jack Hawk It is really sad that you commemorate dead people like kufaar! learn the sunnah properly and read the qur'an! We don't commemorate martyrs with tears but with joy!
dontlaughtoomuch11 What I stressed in my comment was that Sunnis if they truly love Prophet Muhammad S.A.S should shed some light on the martyrdom of His beloved grandson, and defend his cause. But no way, Most Sunnis are too busy in defending Muaviya's cause. What a Shame, Indeed
Jack Hawk And how is the martyrdom of muslim X more valued then the grandson of the Prophet?!
Seriously what's wrong with you shia's! In the Qur'an (if you know what that is?!) you'll read that Allah smiles upon *ALL SHUHADA* my question to you is; why would the martyrdom of the grandson of the Prophet be any more special then the several shuhada who died in battle along the Prophet or innocent muslims killed by invaders because they refused to convert to pageant worship?!
You can't come reply on this particular case, I think you know full well you have been refuted you got to accept it!
dontlaughtoomuch11 all Martyrs are valued greatly, but Husayn is special person, since he is member of Ahu-Beyt, beloved grandson of Allah's Messenger S.A.S, he is the leader of youth of Paradise. Seriously, you don't know Prophet's hadiths about Husayn?
his martyrdom matters a lot for us, because he is special person. he is the leader of martyrs. Leader is always superior to ordinary people.
Jack Hawk The argument ended, because I used the Qur'an and you used your desires!
Again I will not do your homework by quoting the Qur'an, but read what Allah (swt) says about *ALL* martyrs, he doesn't elevate the grandson of the Prophet! Good bye now, I feel like I am talking to a 4 year old!
"Leader of martyrs" that's an invented title which you gave to him, not the Umma! Keep your desires to yourself...
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing this(from a Shia)
Akif ajja whats wring with you!
Fasting in muharam is not recommended. Do your research
Labbaik ya Hussain (A.S) 🌹❤️
U are not shia akifa ajja. U are confused
The sheikh did his best to analyse and balance the Ashura issues, which I commend him for that. But also it noteworthy to know that, the Shi'a prefer to mourn Hussain on this day because, the prophet (pbuh) did mourn his grandson according to Ahmad ibn hanbal MUSNAD volume 2. And the Shi'a believe that if the prophet (pbuh) were to be with ummah today he will certainly mourn Hussain on this day.
You do not need to mourn a Martyr (guaranteed paradise) for 1400 years. Learn from it and let it go, it's with allah now.
Do u think rasulullah will also hurt himself with knives in mourning?
@@nanayaonampuan4295 hurting self and mourning is a different thing. Yeah you must have heard or seen in videos self harming while mourning. But that does not mean that you have to generalize it for all Shias. We do mourn for Prophet's family what they have went through and do not fast out if happiness. And some choose to beat themselves out of being too broken and that's their choice. One thing, let Allah judge on the day of judgement. Who are you to act wise and say something without even knowing the history.
Aal-e-Imran 3:103
وَاعۡتَصِمُوۡا بِحَبۡلِ اللّٰهِ جَمِیۡعًا وَّلَا تَفَرَّقُوۡا ۪ وَاذۡكُرُوۡا نِعۡمَتَ اللّٰهِ عَلَیۡكُمۡ اِذۡ كُنۡتُمۡ اَعۡدَآءً فَاَلَّفَ بَیۡنَ قُلُوۡبِكُمۡ فَاَصۡبَحۡتُمۡ بِنِعۡمَتِهٖۤ اِخۡوَانًا ۚ وَكُنۡتُمۡ عَلٰی شَفَا حُفۡرَةٍ مِّنَ النَّارِ فَاَنۡقَذَكُمۡ مِّنۡهَا ؕ كَذٰلِكَ یُبَیِّنُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمۡ اٰیٰتِهٖ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَهۡتَدُوۡنَ
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.
I'm sorry but we do not fast on the 10th day. And since when does Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) get ideas from Jew's? Does he not have a direct connection to Allah? Does not add up. This brother tried, but failed miserably! If anyone hear learns in depth about the tragedy of Karbala, you will weep and become a real Muslim Inshallah
Shias fast on the 10th of Muharram?
Thats not true
Oni Akuma
I think its more of a half fast
I came to say that
We fast till asir time which is dusk it is mentioned in all the shia hadeeth book especially mafateeh aljinan
It's called 'Faka'.
Hussain Was Imam for all muslims, and Syeda Shabab Ahl al Jannah. Why and who puts them in that position!
This isn't the complete history and story, i recommend you watch what the shias has to say about it.
visit for complete expose of shias
Expose of shia Habibi go to a shia website or a karbala website and see the full exposure of omar and abu bakr l3natollah3layhom
I am Shia and I really respect this man shabbir Ali he's a true soldier of RasoolAllah saw who defeated hundreds of non Muslims and proven the oneness of Almighty Allah he's also unlike zakir naik and late israr ahmed Dr shabbir I salute you for your devotions and services to islam
Capt Jawad Ali Naqvi sunni have been doing dawa for 1400 years ... and shai are doing taqqiya ....
you are delusional mate... id rather salute to andrew tate
When moaviya knowingly appointed his corrupt (fasid) son Yazid as a leader how can we believe that he wasn't fasid himself..??
I think Shia Muslims are right about Ali being the appointed successor..
I do not practice any of the guidelines of Islam and in fact was resentful toward Islam. That being said, I truly admire this Gentleman’s knowledge and ability to explain things in simple English for the commoner to understand.
Imam Hussain a.s ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Shia join the crusaders & mongols and now they join Russia to end Sunni from Syria .. history didn’t lie
And we know how is the enemy of islam
Yazeed a.s ♥♥♥♥♥♥
I belong to a Shia sect and I live all Sunnis and Shias and during Muharram I fast for 10 days by not drinking water to remember the sufferings of all the prophets and to remember imam Hussein as well
Fasting is a means of happiness so are u happy in moharram or grive sicken?
Hello Hello we just remembering imam Husain and the family of Muhammad we’re not going crazy screaming and cry like so other people do
But no one said u have to do that
@@yasirali4355 but the prophet said we must honor and love Ahlulbayt and in fact it’s even a sunnah of the prophet to mourn for imam Husain because in authentic hadith in both Sunni and Shia books the prophet was informed many times by Jebril that imam Husain will be killed in Karbala for Islam and he cried about it in many times
When do you break fast?
With these tears we overthrew an entire dictatorship "Imam Khomeini"
yes but who is Khomeini to take the decision to attack an existing ruler, do you think we can all do that without a Ma'asoom instructing us?? .... offensive jihad with imam almahdi (salawat allah wa salam alaih) is one thing but without him is questionable as a non ma'asoom
amber saif Khomeini did not attack anyone it was a revolution based on moral conviction. My point is our brothers say "why cry when you know Imam Hussain and his family are going too heaven?" the reply would be if it was not for our tears the tragedy and purpose of Karbala would be forgotton.
amber saif so you really believe that if an unjust leader is ruining its haram to,do anything about it. You should just sit there and accept it. I'm surprised people think like this
When I came to view this video lecture I had two questions in mind:
1) What is the status of Imam Husayn (a) in the eyes of Sunni Muslims? & therefore, what is the significance of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a) for Sunni Muslims?
2) How should Sunni Muslims commemorate this event?
Both questions remain unanswered after viewing this brief video. I hope Dr Ally has recorded his views about this topic in another video lecture...
Assalamualaikum akhi. I know this is a very late response but hopefully you find it beneficial.
1. Muslims honor Imam Hussayn and we believe him to be a Martyr. We also believe that Mua'wyyia was wrong, but we do not curse anyone.
2. We do not commemorate anything outside of what the Prophet (pbuh) commemorated during his lifetime. To us, this tragedy is viewed as historic and significant as to its impact on the Muslim world.
I hope this answers your questions.
Wa salam
@@MH-uh7vq wa alaykum as salam brother...thanks for your response ... I had forgotten about this comment and your reply reminded me about it.
From your response I gather that even though you consider Imam Husayn (a) to be on haqq and the right path you do not condemn the people who killed him...This might be justified if those people killed a personality like Imam Husayn (a) the grandson of the Prophet (s) in ignorance and repented over their actions afterwards... What would you say if we had hadith from the books of Ahl al-Sunnah telling us about the coming tragedy of Karbala and its religious significance...?
@@adilhaider6693 asalamu alaikum once again akhi. We condemn anyone who raised their swords against any Muslim, especially from the family of the prophet (pbuh). I would be interested in seeing the Hadith for sure if you can provide it. However I must tell you my brother I don't acknowledge any Hadith that does not find support in the Qur'an regardless of its grade. When you have a moment please send it to me so I can take a look and research. May Allah reward you. Wa Salam
@@adilhaider6693 AsalamuAlaykoum, I thought I’d add a point to the beautiful response from @M Hanafi. Although Husain r.a holds a higher status according to All Muslims including Sunnis, we do not see Muawiya r.a responsible for his death. As mentioned in the video, it was Muawiya’s son YAZID. We sunnis condemn YAZID for his actions, however we simply do not curse, we say Allah will deal with him in the way his majesty sees fit.
Muawiya r.a may have been wrong for appointing his son who was not a great Muslim, but we still view him as a sahabi and Muslim. Hassan r.a gave bay3a to Muawiya which proves the point that he was viewed as a muslim.
salamun alaykum.
According to your reply I gather two points:
1) Muawiya was 'probably' wrong to appoint his son as the caliph;
2) Yazid is to be condemned for killing the grandson of the Prophet (s) and he was not a great Muslim.
I guess nobody can and should defend a person who violated the sanctity of the household of the Prophet (s), murdered the grandson of the Prophet and made the women and children prisoners to be paraded from Karbala to Kufa to Damascus...still if one is a Muslim and believe in this religion they will not in their right mind call such a person as a 'great' Muslim who is worthy of being condemned.
Shias don't fast on this fasting is a means of celebration, when we break our fasts. Considering the events of Karbala, anyone can see it's the wrong thing to do.
I also recommend reading Hadith al Kisa (search on TH-cam) or:
IT is mentioned in Sahih Muslim, Sahih Tirmidi, and other sources. You should be able to find them on the net.
You can check the sunni tafsirs on
You can also checkout 'Ghadir Khum'. This event is referenced in Sahih al Bukhari:
The prophet SAW told us to fast on this day. Regardless of what happened, the prophet SAW's word is final. To decide something is wrong based on your feelings is incorrect. Follow the sunnah of the prophet SAW please.
There are hadiths, where the opposite has been narrated; that is to say, the fasting on the day of ‘Ashura has been forbidden and is one of the prohibited actions. Some other hadiths say it is an act of innovation, and fasting on that day is not a part of the religion.
It has been reported in other hadiths that the Holy Prophet never used to fast on that day.
The hadiths which have been recorded in Sunni books regarding this issue are also varied. The meaning of many of these hadiths is that it is highly recommended [mustahabb-e mu’akkad] to observe the fast of ‘Ashura.
However, another group of hadiths contradict the first, in the sense that they say that the Holy Prophet (S) never used to fast on that day and never at all ordered anyone to fast on that day after the Qur’anic verse enacting the fasting of the month of Ramadan.
@@mhallo9277 hadith number plz
Masyaallah. Shaykh spoke fluently with crystal eloquence.
since the page is 'Let the Qur'an speak' i'll say to mawlwis like you to state full truth FULLY! God says in surah musa and mohammad that he dislikes not those who disregard Qur'an but also punishes those who see the truth, know the truth but disregard the main part of it for their own desires. Fear god when stating things that are only known to him.
I'm not Shia, but in Shia theology, the Imams are divinely chosen. They have the power to interpret the Quran. Though most Shia groups believe the current Imam is in occultation, one Shia group, the Nizari Ismailis still have their Imam. So the tragedy of Karbala has a theological grief associated with it.
Yazid and his army brutally beheaded the righteousImam Husayn Ali and massacred his followers and enslaved his wife and children.This brutality will never be forgiven ,for it was Inhumane
Are you a Hindu bro?
@@azhar5034 Even if he is, he spoke the truth .
The question consists of two parts and each part has to be dealt with separately:
A) The alleged saying from the Prophet (S) about fasting on Ashura
There is not a tradition in Shia’s reliable sources in which Prophet Muhammad (S) may have said that fasting on the day of Ashura is recommended but there are narrations concerning the seerah (lifestyle) of the Prophet (S) in which it is said that he observed fast on this day. For example, it has been reported from Imam Reza (A.S.) that he said: «صَامَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ(ص) يَوْمَ عَاشُورَاء» (The Messenger of Allah (S) observed fast on the Day of Ashura.[1])
Indeed, in some traditions it has been narrated that the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (A.S.) said: “Fast on the ninth and the tenth of Muharram because it is the kaffara (penalty) of the sins (you have committed) in a year.”[2]
Nonetheless, it cannot be alleged that there are sayings in Shia’s reliable sources in which the Prophet (S) may have said that fasting on the day of Ashura is recommended. That is because some of the mentioned narrations are weak. In addition to the weakness of the chain of transmission of such narrations, they just make reference to the conduct of the Prophet (S) and there is no mention in his saying as to the desirability of fasting on such a day. Of course, the Sunni sources do contain traditions from the Prophet (S) regarding the desirability of fasting on the day of Ashura.[3]
B) Fasting on the Day of Ashura as Viewed by Shia Jurisprudents
What is inferred from narrations existing in both Shia and Sunni sources[4] is that Ashura had been revered and regarded as sacred from the time of Prophet Moses (A.S.) until the prophethood of the Messenger of Allah and from the Prophethood until the fast of the month of Ramadhan became obligatory.
However, following the event of Ashura, the Banu Umayyad rulers misused the narrations about fasting and commemoration of the day of Ashura. They propagated something which was totally opposed to the religion and the Islamic school. They said that since Hussain bin Ali had been killed on that day and his death and the death of his comrades and kins was a good act, therefore, this day is a blessed day and it is for this reason that Muslims must fast on this day.[5] That was why they fabricated many traditions in a bid to change and misrepresent the event of Ashura and to declare it as a day of festivity and happiness in which they should observe fast out of thankfulness to God.
Karajaki (r.a.) one of the fifth century Shia scholars writes in his “Al-Ta’jjob min Aghlat al-‘Ammah fi Mas’alat al-Imamiyah” that some people who claim to have love of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) in their hearts celebrate the day of Ashura saying that this is the day of the repentance of Prophet Adam (A.S.) whereas they do not sympathize with the Holy Prophet (S) who lost his beloved grandson.[6]
Therefore, the desirability of fasting on the day of Ashura is a totally misleading and deceptive ruling that has found a place among a group of so-called Muslims. Imam Hussain (A.S.) makes reference to the same point in his Ziarat Ashura in which he says: “This day is a day of rejoicing for the Bani Umayyah.”[7]
It is from the same date that the fast of the day of Ashura could be observed for two justifications:
1. The fast of this day has been observed either as a recommended or obligatory fast because this day has been considered among the ‘day of Allah’.
2. The fast of this day has been observed out of thankfulness to Allah for the death of Imam Hussain (A.S.) at the hand of Yazid. It was from this time onward that the infallible Imams (A.S.) combated misleading thought by enlightening people’s mind and forbidding them from fasting on this day. Zurarah narrates from Imam Sadiq and Imam Baqir, peace be upon them, that they said: “Do not fast on the day of Ashura…”[8]
In any case, the narrations existing in this regard are different. Some of the narrations indicate the desirability of fasting on this day saying that the fasting on the ninth and the tenth of Muharram is the kaffara (penalty) of the sins (you have committed) in a year. According to the same category of narrations, the Holy Prophet (S) observed fast on the same day. Some other narration imply abominableness or even prohibition of fasting on this day e.g. the narration which says that fasting on this day is a practice of Ziad family and Ibn Marjanah.[9]
Now that there are different narrations in this regard, the question is: How is possible to reconcile between these two opposing sets of narrations. This is how to combine between them:
1. Fasting takes place into ways: One, for rejoicing and showing happiness and another for seeking proximity to God. The narrations which forbid fasting on the day of Ashura refer to the first type of fasting and the narrations which consider fasting on this day refer to the second type of fasting.
2. It is likely that the narrations which indicate permissibility of fasting on this day may have been abrogated. This probability is certified and affirmed by some reports according to which fasting on the day of Ashura had been obligatory in the beginning but then it had been repealed. It has been said that fasting on the day of Ashura had been obligatory during the first hegira year and it was abrogated with the coming of the fast of Ramadhan in the second year.[10] For example, Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) has been reported as having said:
Muhammad bin Yahya has narrated Ahmad ibn Muhammad and Muhammad ibn al-Hussain both of them from Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Bazi’ who from Mansur ibn Yunus, from Abu Jarud who has said the following: ‘I heard Abu Ja’far (A.S.) say: ‘Allah has commanded people to fulfill five obligations. They have undertaken the responsibility for four of these obligations but they have ignored one.’
The Narrator has said: ‘I asked the Imam (A.S.), ‘May Allah keep my soul in service for your cause, will you please, describe them for me?’
The Imam said: ‘The prayer is one of such obligations. People did not know how to perform the prayer. Jibril descended and said: ‘O Muhammad (S), explain to them the time for the Prayer.’ Then the Command to pay Zakat came. Jabril then said: ‘O Muhammad (S), explain to them how to pay Zakat as you have explained to them about the prayer.’ Then the Command to fast came. The Messenger of Allah would send information to the nearby towns and would ask people to fast on the Day of Ashura and people would fast on that day.
Then the (Command to fast during the) month of Ramadhan came between the month of Sha’ban and Shawwal (and fasting on the day of Ashura was abrogated).’[11]
3. The narrations which indicate the significance of fasting on the day of Ashura are treated as narrations implying Taqiyah (precautionary dissimulation).[12]
4. What late Abul Fazl Tehrani has considered probable in Shifaa al-Sodoor by telling that the narrations which imply permissibility of fasting on this day can be taken as narrations indicating partial imsak (restraining from eating and drinking). On the other hand, the narrations which forbid fasting on this day can be taken as narrations which indicate prohibition of complete imsak. Conclusively, fasting on the Day of Ashura amounts to disbelief or is either haram or makrooh (abominable) and there is never any likelihood of the fast being recommended in the religion and Fiqh of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S).[13]
It has been said in the explanation of the above passage that if a person observes fast on this day because of a special feature, it is bid’ah and forbidden and if he observes fast on Ashura for tabarruk (blessing), it amounts to disbelief and going out of the religion and if he observes fast because there is virtue in fasting in an absolute way, it is makrooh (undesirable) and deficient in reward because it has a formal resemblance to Umayyad’s practice.[14]
Therefore, the catastrophic and tragic aspect of the day of Ashura is more outstanding than its positive aspect considering the fact that the Banu Umayyad dynasty left no stone unturned to wipe out the memory of the event of Ashura. For this reason, contemporary scholars have stated that fasting on the day of Ashura is abominable. Some have said that it is mustahab (recommended) to avoid eating and drinking until midday of Ashura without making any niyat of fasting.[15] As some jurisprudents have said, fasting on the day of Ashura is not permissible, as an obligatory precaution.[16]
[1] - Shaykh Tusi, Al-Istibsar fi-ma Ikhtalafa min-al Akhbar, vol.2, p. 134, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyah, Tehran, 1st edition, 1390 A.H.; Shaykh Hurr Amili, Wasail al-Shi’ah, vol.10, pg. 457, Aalulbayt (A.S.) Institute, Qom, first edition, 1409 A.H.
[2] - Al-Istibsar, vol.2, pg. 134:
: «عَلِيُّ بْنُ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ فَضَّالٍ عَنْ هَارُونَ بْنِ مُسْلِمٍ عَنْ مَسْعَدَةَ بْنِ صَدَقَةَ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ(ع) عَنْ أَبِيهِ أَنَّ عَلِيّاً ع قَالَ: "صُومُوا الْعَاشُورَاءَ التَّاسِعَ وَ الْعَاشِرَ فَإِنَّهُ يُكَفِّرُ ذُنُوبَ سَنَةٍ».
[3] - Qazvini, Hafiz Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Yazid, Sunan Ibn Majah, reasearched by Abdul Baqi, Muhammad Fu’ad, vol.1, p. 552, Chap. Fasting on the Day of Ashura, Darul Fikr, Beirut, first edition, (date not mentioned); Abdullah bin Abdur Rahman, Sunan al-Darami, vol.2, p. 22, Chap. Al-Bari, Damascus, 1349 A.H.; Qushairi Neishabouri, Muslim bin Hajjaj, Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p. 150, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, (date not mentioned).
[4] -For example, about 30 traditions have been mentioned in Sahih Muslim.
[5] - Vide: Shaykh Tusi, Tahzib al-Ahkaam, researched and edited by Musavi, Hasan, vol.4, p. 301, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyah, Tehran, 4rth edition, 1407 A.H.
[6] -Karajaki, Muhammad bin Ali, “Al-Ta’jjob min Aghlat al-‘Ammah fi Mas’alat al-Imamiyah”, p. 115, Dar al-Ghadir, Qom, first edition, 1421 A.H.
[7] - «و هذا یوم تبرّکت به بنو امیّة».
[8] -Al-Isibsar, vol.2, p. 134; Kulayni, Muhammad bin Ya’qub, researched and edited by Ghaffari, Ali Akbar, Akhundi, Muhammad, vol.4, p. 146, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyah, Tehran, fourth edition, 1407 A.H.
[9] - Tahzib al-Ahkaam, vol.4, pg. 301 and 302.
[10] - See: Al-Kafi, vol.4, p. 146.
[11] - Al-Kafi, vol.1, p. 290:
«مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ الْحُسَيْنِ جَمِيعاً عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ إِسْمَاعِيلَ بْنِ بَزِيعٍ عَنْ مَنْصُورِ بْنِ يُونُسَ عَنْ أَبِي الْجَارُودِ عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ (ع) قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا جَعْفَرٍ (ع) يَقُولُ فَرَضَ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ عَلَى الْعِبَادِ خَمْساً أَخَذُوا أَرْبَعاً وَ تَرَكُوا وَاحِداً قُلْتُ أَ تُسَمِّيهِنَّ لِي جُعِلْتُ فِدَاكَ فَقَالَ الصَّلَاةُ وَ كَانَ النَّاسُ لَا يَدْرُونَ كَيْفَ يُصَلُّونَ فَنَزَلَ جَبْرَئِيلُ ع فَقَالَ يَا مُحَمَّدُ أَخْبِرْهُمْ بِمَوَاقِيتِ صَلَاتِهِمْ ثُمَّ نَزَلَتِ الزَّكَاةُ فَقَالَ يَا مُحَمَّدُ أَخْبِرْهُمْ مِنْ زَكَاتِهِمْ مَا أَخْبَرْتَهُمْ مِنْ صَلَاتِهِمْ ثُمَّ نَزَلَ الصَّوْمُ فَكَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص إِذَا كَانَ يَوْمُ عَاشُورَاءَ بَعَثَ إِلَى مَا حَوْلَهُ مِنَ الْقُرَى فَصَامُوا ذَلِكَ الْيَوْمَ فَنَزَلَ شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ بَيْنَ شَعْبَانَ وَ شَوَّال...»؛
Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir, Mir’at al-Uqool fi Sharh Akhbar Aal al-Rasool, researched and edited by Rasuli Mahallati, Hashim, vol.3, p. 259, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyah, Tehran, second edition, 1404 A.H.
[12] - Tabasi, Najmuddin, Fasting on the Day of Ashura: a prophetic tradition or an Amawid innovation, translated by Dadash Zadeh, Mustafa, p. 43, (date not mentioned), Qom, first edition, 1429 A.H.
[13] - Vide: Tehrani, Mirza Abul Fazl, Shifa al-Sodoor fi Sharh Ziarat al-Ashur, p. 392-393, Murtazavi Publications, Tehran, second edition, 1383 A.H.
[14] - Vide: Thaqafi Tehrani, Hasan, Complete Translation and Annotation of Ziarat Ashura (Summary and a Fresh Opinions and Modification of Shifa al-Sodoor fi Sharh Ziarat Ashura), p. 420, Had Publication, first edition, 1385 (2006).
[15] - Imam Khomeini, Tawzih al-Masail (with annotation), researched and edited by Bani Hashemi Khomeini, Sayyid Muhammad Hussein, vol.1, p. 967, issue 1747, Islamic Publications Office, Qom, eighth edition, 1424 A.H.
[16] - Wahid Khurasani, Hussain, Tawzih al-Masail, p. 334, issue No.1755, Madrasa Imam Baqir (A.S.), Qom, Ninth edition, 1428 A.H.
Thanks a lot for your detailed information. May Allah bless
U should write Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) rather Prophet (s)
“We have purified the Ahylul Bayt”. Islam does not give preference too anyone based on blood relations as stated by the speaker therefore the elevation must purely be based on favoured actions as stipulated in the Quran. How can you compare one who stays away from sin too one who does not. Some people fought against those who were on Haq "I am from Ali and Ali is from me" some individuals told secrets that the Prophet said not too reveal and some made fun of the Prophets breath.
Those people may be righteous because we all sin however too compare them to the Ahylul Bayt or even include them in the Ahylul Bayt would falsify the verses of the Quran.
Yes , I agree - all muslims goto Surah 66, and see the Suni and Shia Tafsir ..... Its about Allahs (swt) dissapointment with Aisha and hafsa .... Hence verse 33:33 cannot include wives in the last part about Ahlalbyt
Literally all Abraham's descendants who were prophets!
Every one chose their successor but not prophet Mohammed that is very odd.
I feel like there is a pretty deep meaning inside that. Maybe the lesson there might be because prophet mohammed (SAW) knew that everything would be in good hands and something of a worldly matter such as a successor would be taken care of by Allah. For all we know the muslim world would be even more divided if the prophet had chosen a successor,because whether we like it or not we will have a difference of opinion on even the most core aspects such as prayer. Pointing a successor may have led to corruption in the future. Also it is very note worthy that the prophet was concerned for others but never really concerned for the dunya. He'd liked to detach himself from the world and i feel like that is the very thing we should focus on doing in this day and age. Where others are busy arguing about succession, khilafat and worldy related manners, we should stay away from that and focus on only the good because we only are on this earth for a short period of time. To waste our time on something which would not ultimately matter to god would be a waste of our own time and effort. Whether we like it or not we are going to meet Allah and we should prepare for that rather than arguing about who should have been the successor.
@@rameezmazhar4086 Please read the information in the link. The successor was appointed by the Prophet in his last sermon.
For me there's no Shia or Sunni. If u believe in La ilaha ilallah then ur a Muslim. Show me in the Qur'an or Hadith the word Shia or Sunni. If u can I'll write u a check of $1000
He is not the right person to ask question on Moharram al Haram.
Even he don’t know what has happened on the very day.
There were no Sunni shia and still we are one it was about True Islam vs false Islam
Humanity vs cruelties
Good vs Bad
The whole month is for sorrow and mourn
Wow! This is such an excellent and educational channel. Alhamdulillah.
10th of muharram is for prophet SAW and his family first .
Prophet of Islam will not listen to a Jew when to fast and when not to fast and Muslims should not copy another religion, because Islam is perfect already.
keep hiding history
@Abubakar Nigerian the future! Knowing the history will help in determining from where you take you ahkam and fiqh, fom the likes of yazeed and muawiyah, or Imam Ali and ahlulbait!
Keep your rafidhi history to yourself. Hussein death isn’t gonna add or take anything from the religion. It’s a historical event many years after the end of the revelations. Yes it was a sad event as many sad events took place in the past. Whoever participated in the death of Hussein, God will punish them accordingly. End of story.
God created us to worship him alone not to make innovations in his religion nor to mourn the death of anyone and make it an annual tradition which had no trace in Quran and Sunna.
@@sufian6553 you are an ignorant shitbag Hussein peace be upon is the face of islam and if not for him islam would have vanished he will be remembered and mourned peace be upon him until the end of time we are rafidhi because we rejected people who are ignorant like you
Hussin Habeb you’re a true rafidhi who has no manner and know nothing but to insult.
@@sufian6553 sure but first Ali was the Mawla (:
It's very interesting Ghadir didn't happen and Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him did announced his successor and Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him as the last prophet of God who brought the most complete book of God, ask people to follow Jewish people and yet Allah has cursed them in Quran and their own book?
Are you serious?
I am Sunni but Saudi Arabia seems very much like Muawaiya?
1. A dynasty to pass on to your own children (MbS)
2. Drinking (in UAE and Bahrain)
3. Gambling (horse riding)
@Wazza dan who doesn't these day?
My deepest respect to Dr. Shabir Ally.....May Allah protect and guide you and all of us....Thank you for all that you do for the sake of Islam and Muslims....for the benefit of Muslims and non-Muslims....God Bless you much!!! And Allah send peace and blessings onto Prophet Muhammed and his household (Ahl-Bayt).
Just by the mere tone of your comment you are confrontational. May Allah guide you and all of us. Salam.
Mohamad Bazzi Ameen
As Salam o alaikum. I will recommend to study the act of Khawaja Awais Karni after Ghazva a Ohad, and the response of our Beloved Prophet s.a.w , to those who want to understand flagellation in Islam. Wasalam.
Shah ast Hussain, Badshah ast Hussain🌹
Deen ast Hussain, Deen Panah ast Hussain
Sardad na dad dast, dar dast-e-yazeed,
Haqaa key binaey La ila ast Hussain🌹
But why is Hassan RA, the older brother, and his family tree ignored? Are they not also Ahlul Bayt?
@@louiscarter-adams4226 imam Hasan AS martyrdom is very different to Imam Hussain AS martyrdom. Imam Hussain AS died thirsty on the planes of kerbala, but before he died he saw his best friend Abass SA die after getting both of his arms cut off, he saw Hurr take his last breath while crying, he saw all his friends and companions die and his 3 month old child died in his arm when an accursed soldier shot an arrow though his neck, most narrations say before dying Imam Hussain AS was pierced by 25 arrows and than beheaded with a rusty knife. No person in Islam has been killed so violently so obviously we cry when the grandson of the Prophet and the leader of the youth of jannah dies in such a way.
Allah Hu Akbar
Laibak ya Hussain
May Allah's curse be on Yazid, the butcheres of karbala and especially on the kufans who abandoned him
@@louiscarter-adams4226 because Hussein married a persian dancer who claimed to be a princess. the other point why are the other daughters hated and cursed by shia rafidhis?
@@louiscarter-adams4226 the elder son imam Hassan (as) is our second imam and is never ignored sadly however he was poisoned by his wife then imam Hussain became our third imam .the thing is all of our 11 imams were oppressed and martyred there fore we await the appearance of our last imam ,imam mahdi (as)
Some notes:
1- Shias do not fast on Ashura day and not all sunnis do.
2- Hurting your body is forbidden in Islam(Shia and Sunnis school of thought) and if some Shias do that goes against the correct teachings of Islam and those not representing Shias.
3- He mentioned just being family of prophet does not mean you are all good. Totally agreed and Shias do not claiming that. Shias follow and love those family members who were on the path of Prophet Mohammad(PBUH). If this is true about family of prophet(PBUH) definitely is true about companions and we can not exclude them from this logic.
If you are part of the mausomeen then you are pure and cannot commit sin
@@thesameer1707 14 ma'soums are special.
The reason Sunnis don’t know much about imam hussain and his family is because no one teaches them. How can they be so offended at a thing said about the wives of the prophet but not feel intense pain and sorrow over what happened to his beloved grandchild.
Do you know what happened to imam hussain and his family? What were the names of his children and those who were so brutally killed. Do you know the details of Karbala? Most Sunnis I know have no idea what happened and they don’t really think much of it. They compare it to those previous prophets and people who lost their lives for Allah. The prophet asked one thing from his ummah, he asked us to love his family the Ahlulbauth. The story of the cloak, in your texts tells it all. Why then do Sunnis object to the way we mourn in Moharram? We love the imams and love imam hussain dearly and we will never forget!
@Zahra Q It's difficult to be protective of The Mothers of The Believers if you mean Aisha who waged a war against her own step daughter's (Fatima ع) husband Imam Ali ع. Even so Imam Ali ع did as much as he could to protect her honour and respect but she was on a warpath of wrong . Please analyse the details behind the inner conflicts of the Ummah. They are important because they all eventually lead up to The Martyrdom of Hussein ع ibn Ali ع. The events behind Karbala did not happen in just one day flat . Bias and prejudice over a period of fifty years after The Holy Prophet's demise finally took it's toll and, unfortunately Aisha was a part of it . The Qur'an actually warns The Prophet's wives of certain things, that Aisha had to be reminded of and repent for afterwards. And . Do you think that the families of the people who Ali ع killed in the war she fought against him did not keep a grudge ? Unfortunately it was very difficult even after having converted to Islam to forgive the same Ali غ who killed the Jahil members of certain companion's families in the pre Islamic wars. Look at Mu'awiah the son of Abu Sufyan. Look at Yazid . Did they ever stop fighting Mohammad ص's family ? No. Come to the door of Imam Ali ع, and walk away from the confusion. He was the decider between truth and falsehood on earth. Come to the door of his son, ; Imam Hussein ع, to the entrance of his tent. Give your allegiance to him. And he will welcome you into heaven's gate .
@Zahra Q It's a beautiful sentiment . But Ijtihad / the position of Mujtahid doesn't just go to anybody. Especially, when according to both Sunni and Shi'a a system of either Caliphate or Imamate has been put in place. The decision to wage war against your fourth caliph and my 1st Imam was illigitimate. We must come to terms with this. God may forgive. But had the enemies of Ali ع had any heart or love at all towards his children and the Prophetic legacy, they would have backed off in the same forgiving manner that one may expect of a Muslim who makes the call for unity today.
Zahra Q
Mashallah. May Allah bless your words and your intentions. For peace.
The Prophet Mohammad ص declared "I am the city of Knowledge and Ali ع is it's gate . To enter the city you must do so by the gate ". The Prophet ص also said " Ali ع is to me as Haroon was to Musa ع, except that there will be no Prophet after me ".
It is not the Shi'a belief that each and every companion of The Prophet was blessed with the same knowledge that Ali ع was blessed with, & that each and every companion was like a star, that anyone of them could be followed.
The Qur'an states that " there is a guide for every nation ". Mohammad ص was the guide for his nation, which encompassed the whole of humanity.
For Ali ع the title was given "Imam of Jinn and Men". In other words , he became a guide to whomsoever Mohammad ص was a guide to (The whole of humanity).
This was verified by the Prophet himself when he said "Of Whomsoever I am leader, Ali ع is also leader ".
In short . The belief of the Shi'a is that during the present existence of either a Prophet or an Infallible Imam, ijtihad is impermissible. As The Qur'an itself states that you are to obey Allah, The Prophet and The Authority amongst you.
And. The Authority is The Guide of The Nation. And Ali ع was that Guide.
History must be analysed. If Allah has warned and criticised The Wives of The Prophet in the Qur'an whilst using the examples of the Wives of The Prophet Nuh and Lut, then we must refer again to The Qur'an to make sense of what His Sunna is.
Please don't misunderstand me. It is a sin to insult another person's loved one's or leaders in our belief. But we must understand at the same time that not everybody is beyond criticism, & this is clear by way of how Allah Himself speaks within The Qur'an about His nation.
Imam Hussein ع is The King of Martyrs. Imam Hassan ع is his brother. Ali ع is their father. The lessons within Islam of Compassion , Forgiveness and Mercy are exemplified, even on The Battlefield, by these personalities
When The Prophet Mohammad ص himself spoke of The Shi'a of Ali ع then it was with the awareness that his daughter Fatima ع , and his two Grandchildren all came under that Umbrella. They were without a doubt the Penultimate Shi'a of Ali ع and , it is their school of thought that sets the standard for Revolution, Justice and Humanity on earth , prior to any of the four Sunni Madhhaahib ever even coming about .
I myself converted from Sunni to Shi'a Islam, after having researched the personality of Mu'awiah and his link to Yazid as his father and Abu Sufyan as his son. When I discovered all three personalities followed in each others footsteps, of waging war against Mohammad ص and then his family, I realised that this was more than just a coincidence. There vas a deliberate agenda.
If indeed the Sunni path is about loving the people that The Messenger himself loved, the eternal question mark will rise as to why these people fought his beloved family , instead of loving them as The Qur'an orders.
May Allah guide us to The Path of Those whom He has favoured
Not of those who have gone astray
Nor of those who have incurred His Wrath.
Shi'ite is too shyt meanwhile. Disappearing of so-called Imams, claim al-Qur'an's 2/3 is hidden, bearing revenge of thousand years people who been dead. Solve your Imam amount first, is it 5 ? 7? 12?
Sunni's just accept this as dark history among Sahabah and Tabi'in. We do not crying or self-slapping for two sides that been dead for thousand years.
Yazid ibn Muawiyah is bad muslim, enough.
this is really sad to see how different the stories are told by sunnies and shiias apperantly. Imam Hussain was not challenging yazids army. Yazid asked him for alliancing but Imam Hussain knew how bad yazid was. I mean Keep in mind that yazid was chosen by his fater mu'awya who had a battle with imam Ali. This allready shows how bad mu'awya was! Arguing with the son in law of our prophet who was told in front of everyone that he is the right person to follow after his death! How can you accept someone as a leader who battled our imam Ali? this is nonsence. Isnt that the main reason why there are Sunnies and Shiias ? maybe a sunnie can tell me exactly in what and why they believe. I really am interessted to know more about this. Also Mohammed did fast before the incedent of karbarla but that wont mean he would have done it after this horrible incedent
Correction: Mu'awiyah had TWO battles with Imam Ali (AS), not one. And in the Battle of Siffin, his soldiers killed Ammar ibn Yasir (RA). The Holy Prophet said in a SAHIH Hadith that Ammar would be killed by rebels that would be cast into the hell-fire. If Mu'awiyah's soldiers are considered cursed rebels, bound for hell, then imagine Mu'awiyah's punishment!!
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin nabiyyil ummi wa Ala alihi wa ashabihi wa barik wa sallim. Best hour to make dua is: Friday@Asr prayer. Ameen.🤲🏼
You can also watch the movies about the karbala and the third imam Hussein on TH-cam and in the internet. It is very bloody and brutal, but maybe it will touch your heart. It touched my heart.
I made friends with an Iranian Shia and this is so interesting. I've done so much reading and can see both sides of the argument. My opinion is that being a descendant of a righteous man does not necessarily make you an imam. Only God decides that and he can call a leader from anywhere he wants.....the bible and the new testament is full of such examples. But Mohammed being a righteous man was probably under divine inspiration to call on Ali
You're right it doesn't as The Prophets Uncle (Abu Lahab) was himself an opposer. But time and time again there were many indications that the Prophet had always appointed Ali as his successor. Read up the Hadith's on the battle of Khyber and the event of Ghadeer.
Uncle is not descendant!
This guy couldn't be any wrong. Hazrat Ali a s. Was appointed as the next khalifah at ghadeer e khum by Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Abu bakr, Usman, omer were the first three to congratulate him. Muawiya was not a companion of the prophet pbuh, the prophet on one occasion said that muwaiya ur blood smells of disbelief. As for hitting or cutting one self on 10th muharram is frowned upon please tell me why hazrat yacob crying until blood tears came out and he went blind isn't frowned upon? A prophet doing it to himself and the ayat u refer to doesn't apply to him? How about when the man from yemen knocked all of his teeth out of his mouth when he heard the prophet lost his tooth in a war. How come that's not frowned upon? The truth is people are jealous of ahle bayt....this 3 were jealous and their followers are jealous too today. Many signs point to the right the path but very few get to see it. Imam Husayns sacrifice and his knowing of his sacrifice doesn't need people like him to be validated. Imam has already been validated by Allah....ameen.
Where in the quran did our prophet self harm like the shia do? Follow the teachings as was you guys make up as you go along
Shia join the crusaders & mongols and now they join Russia to end Sunni from Syria .. history didn’t lie
I always asked myself what does Sunnis think about Abu Sufyan, Muawiya and Yazid. I don’t want to start any war in the comments so write friendly ✌️
Alot glorify them.. which is plain tragic
Ashkan must be a troll. Absolutely NO Sunni or Shi’a glorify them - we all despise Yazid!
@@FunkyF121 you cant speak for all sunnis my friend..a large portion sunnis glorify his father too muawiya who raised yazeed.. and like his sons he has proven bad and hypocritical reputation..
@@FunkyF121 but you do glorify muawiya, and i just want to ask why? he clearly opposed imam ali and imam hassan, yet you praise him
Very composite remarks. For both the knowledge-able and knowledge seeker.
You forgot Fadak?
Ali (as) was supposed to be the first caliph. I am sure we can all agree on this.
but he was not. end of story. if allah wanted him to be caliph at that time , he would be even if whole world was against him but he was not, so why fight now? he cant come back and be a caliph again. it would be much more useful to stick to holy quran and be a good practicing muslim. why curse other caliphs based on words from sources u dont even know.
Asad Khan
Sources are from Bukari and Muslim. I don't know the hadiths but check some shia websites they will point it out.
may Allah swt punish the munafiq mouvian and his son yazidh for spilling the blood of an inoccent poius and the leader of youth in janna beloved grand child of prophet mohemmed (saw)...and yes iam not shia and iam not sunni iam not ahle hadees iam not taqblek..iam a muslim alhemdullilah
Many of the facts mentioned by this guy in the video are misleading. You can not sufficiently explain an important history in a 14 min video by just getting 1 man's (who is Sunni) perspective
M G how are facts “misleading”? Am confused...
It kind of annoys me that Shia seem to value pilgrimage to Karbala more than Hajj to Mecca.
They don't it is popular tho to go to Karbala but most Shia pilgrimajes are to Mecca amd Medina
salaam. listen brother its just a rumour... Hajj is compulsory on us. but going to karbala the shrine of Alhussain who was the grandson of prophet muhammed swwt is showing respect to him. showing that humanity is alive
Although prophet Mumhammed says ''Hussain o minni wa ana minal hussain''which means rasul is frm hussain and hussain is from prophet..
listen. we perform hajj.......On other hand we also gove high priority to mourn imamhussain by performing matam and visiting his grave.
because of imamhussain islam is left kabba is left. because Yazid the son of muaviyah tried to put kaaba on fire cursed be upon him
The way “Dr.” Shabbir Ali talks about the prophet, is disgraceful. The prophet (saww) sounds by his words, like a man who did not know what he was doing, and was very naïve. Astaghfirullah.
it is yourr nafs who is telling you this assumption.
Syedul Arif nafs? Or logic? Lol
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Wa Alaihi Wasallam has declared Hazrat Ali as the successor MAN KUNTO MAULA FA HAZA ALI-YUN MAULA meaning those who consider me as Maula, Ali is his Maula too. And the meaning of Maula is the teacher, master, guider,leader and a friend as well. In many authentic Hadeeths it is clearly mentioned that at the time of Ghadeer e khumb after performing Hajj our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Wa Alaihi Wasallam gathered all his s.w.w's companions and announced or declared it.
Today I became a Shia and love IMAM ALI a.s
umar qurashi you don't have to be Shia to love Ali. We love all the prophets and family if the prophet.
He did not appoint a successor.
This is the stupidist thing I've ever heard in my life.
The prophet of Islam. Not choosing a successor????
Can someone please recommend the correct video to watch that will explain it in full and also explaining about faka. I m not one who believes in casts but I do believe in learning the truth. I highly appreciate the way Shia explain and get in to information. I find that when learning and the speaker is always saying 'er' or 'erm' or even mumbling. I'm sorry but even they do not know 100%.
Salam alaikum
There are tons of lectures on the topic. What language do you know?
@@Mary14114 in English.
Search for the speeches by:
Sayyad Ammar Nakshawani
sayed mahdi modarresi
@@Mary14114 thank you very much for this.
3:12 prophet pbuh did appoint his successor in ghadir and 100,000 came to imam ali and pledged their allegiance to him, but greed got replaced with haq and imam had to wait in agony and pain for the next 25 years for which was his rightful place and maqam among muslims.
It's already happened and i don't want to spread hate amongst muslims but never say that the prophet pbuh didn't appoint his successor.
3:13 of this video, he didn't appoint a successor. Really? Maybe I could refer you to the event of Ghadeer e Khum?
Zafar Ali Punjani
amazing isnt it, the one that Allah sent as a saviour to mankind and the greatest of all creation did not appoint a successor but abu bakar was much wise and therefore he did(wat a joke)
Let me start by saying that I have a huge respect for Dr. Shabir and appreciate the amazing work you both father and daughter have been doing. Good analysis as usual. However, I'd say there's a need for more hedging and highlighting the different interpretations amongst Sunnis and Shias especially as this episode is about both views. Sofia was doing a good job of bringing the attention to such things. For example, rather than saying that the prophet didn't choose a successor, we could say that Sunni Muslims believe he didn't while Shias believe that the prophet s.a.s designated Imam Ali as his successor. The Shias would use ghadir khumm, dawat zil asheera, Hadith thaqalayn, and many other events/ahadith to make this point. Also, there's a huge diversity among the Shias themselves and they have multiple practices in memory of Ashura such as donating blood, helping the poor, fasting, running different organizations and awareness sessions about the sacrifice/messages Imam Hussain left for us etc. Obviously Dr. Shabir has his views but I just think it's good to differentiate between your opinions and what the different Muslim groups believe/practice.
Peace ✌️
No matter how hard these Riyal funded molvis speak against Imam Hussain RA ......his name and lovers will be there till the day of qayamat:
Asalam alykom brothers and sisters. Imam hussein did not challenge yazid, yazid wanted imam hussein to give allegiance to him, imam hussein refused. People of Kufah sent countless letters to imam hussein asking him to come and lead their people. By the time imam hussein reached karbala, majority of the people of Kufah turned against our imam in fears for their lives. Imam hussein was surrounded by more than 30,000 soldiers. Imam hussein, his brothers, sons and friends were killed and decapitated and their heads were put on display for the world to see, the women that were with imam hussein were taken as war prisoners and taken from city to city and put to shame. Shias do not fast on this day. 10th of muharram is a day that all the prophets know about. Everyone needs to understand imam hussein did not make this movement for Shias only but for all humanity. Every year followers of imam hussein grow but I truly feel sorry because till this day people still neglect how important this day is.
Il mourn fr imam hussain instead of celebrating new year if it falls on same day...pls speak truth
He isnt telling the truth theres lots of wrong things among his speech
bruh, im pissed off while listening to him
This is a good conversation! But I have to make a point here about fasting on the 10th of Muharram!
The Shias do not really fast on the Ashura / 10th day of Muharram.
Yes they dont do anything thats commanded by Prophet Muhammad SAW
@@Kay-tk1db That's the biggest bs I've ever Heard
Mahdi Kassem You rafidha are really ignorant. Hussein himself was fasting.
@SUFI-4- LIFE! Ali radiallah 'ahnu was black or dark skinned. Adam shadudud aladma.
@SUFI-4- LIFE! what does the colour of one's skin have to do with anything? how does it affect who you are?
Quran specifically says to worship one God, to pray, to give zakat, fast,and Hajj. To maintain the 5 pillars of Islam. Allah has sent our Prophet as a messenger. There is nothing written about his grandchildren or Ali RA. But as Muslims we respect his households and all his wives and companions. Allah has taken away his sons because Allah knows that if the Prophet had a son then people would worship his son like what some do for his grandchildren. We must pray and send duas for the Ahlyul Bayt but we should.not make a ritual and give more importance to them than our Prophet. In some.sects their leaders claim to be the descendents of our Prophets and people respect and bow their heads and kissed their feet.They even do sajda to them.. Astagfirla. If everyone follows the Quran and what our Prophet did in his lifetime then all will be fine. We should not follow anything that was done after the Prophet passed away. We should respect his children and grandchildren by sending duas for them. Islam is a simple religion..have faith, pray five times, fast, give zakat and perform hajj if one can afford. People are.making this religion complicated. Just be kind, humble and down to earth. Allah does not like arrogant people.
Hd Maulana who do majlis often over exgsgetate the events of Karbala which Happened on the 10th of Muharram and create a dramatic accounts, get people emotional and ñ
Yet majlis Starts from 1st Muharram and going to Ashura, in some areas this goes on for 40 days of mourning after Ashura and in some for 100 days of mourning and self hurt.
Why? My guess is these majlis is a way for such Maulana to get paid and due to the commerical lure they continue to exploit the inmocent people and emotionally.
This is not a tradition that is grounding in core Islamic faith and needs to stop dear brothers and sisters..
Let's us all unite on commons grounds and not be emotionally exploited by those who value the duniya over the hereafter.