Star Wars fan: Your over confidence is your weakness. Kathleen Kennedy: Your faith in your franchise is yours. Star Wars fan: It's over your highness, I am a Star Wars fan, like my father before me. Kathleen Kennedy: So be it, fan.
Tanner Peatson I’m not the one you should be telling that to. But if you’re going to say you can’t be bigoted against abnormal sex behavior, then what is the explanation for the common reaction against a pedo? Most civilized countries consider that a serious crime, and for good reason. I’m not lumping being gay into a pedo,but i am saying that making a blanket statement to protect and understand sympathetically abnormal sexual behavior, potentially allows for the excuse of something that is definitively morally wrong.
I honestly feel so bad for George Lucas, watching his creation being defiled by SJWs who (according to our friend Rian Johnson) don’t care about the fans (he said that in an interview with Mark Hamill, that his “vision” comes before the fans.)
Lucas sells Star Wars to Disney and advises Bob Iger, “You can profit by this, or be destroyed. The choice is yours, but I warn you not to underestimate the fandom’s power”.
It should be pointed out that if she is refusing to hire qualified men because they're men....well, that's called sexual discrimination and it's illegal.
I'm sorry are you trying to defend KK? Openly saying "we need to hire less white males" is all people need to see how disgusting she is. If she was an ordinary person and wanted to push diversity she would have said we need to hire more of this, that, etc not openly insult a specific race and gender.There's plenty more vile she's spewed out as well. I don't think a single fan would give a shit if the next movie was directed by a woman. Whoever it is male or female all that matters is that they know and care about star wars. Oh and the white male directors she has hired have both shown they're firmly on her racist, insulting, feminist bandwagon. That's why they got the job.
4:15 -------> Kathleen says the films are not for men... -------> Ryan Johnson (The guy who screwed up the entire trilogies in one [stupid] film) says we are not smart enough to get the Last Jedi -------> JJ Abrams says we are intimidated by women Welcome to Star Wars Globalist universe
Heh it like they have only met one another an idiot feminist who think she's intimidating, and a very stupid man who fucked it up and is really scared of Kathleen Kennedy... Hmmm.
Pffff... We just don't like female heroes? That is the oldest and most lazy excuse when someone doesn't like your movie about a woman. I've said it since the beginning of all of this nonsense: Has ANYONE ever met a guy who didn't like at least one of the Alien films? The first was horror, second action, third a bit of both and the fourth some weird semi-psychedelic-mess... All with a female lead.
Love Wonder Woman! Diana will always be one of my favorite heroes! I loved how she looked in the Woman Movie where her armor looked more like what ancient warriors wore. Always had a huge crush on her growing up too while watching Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. I was also a fan of Hawk Girl, Black Canary, Black Cat from Marvel, Storm, Rogue, Jeanne Grey (think that's right) these SJW and Feminist idiots don't even know there are plenty of female heroes, villains and anti heroes that many love.
Disney: You turned Them against me! The fans : You have done that yourself. Disney: You will not take Them from me! The fans: Your social justice and lust for money have already done that.
Rick O'Shay The thing is Lucas has worked with KK before all of this and don't tell me he didn't know what a money grubbing bag of shit Disney is. He doesn't give a fuck that they turned Star Wars into a soapbox for SJW's, feminazis and now it seems pedophiles. Lucas had no more love or talent to continue Star Wars so he sold it to the highest bidder. In this case Darth Eisner!
I have a simpler view: I hated Last Jedi. The faith has been completely broken. I refuse to watch a new SW movie unless they retcon episodes 7+ out of existence, and soon.
xDucow lol. I choose not to suggest that you should get a Pimax 8K when it's available, and just torrent the 3D version when it comes out, if you really want to see the dumpster fire......
You know there's a legends canon that already serves to retcon disney canon, right? Just because they own legal rights to the brand doesn't mean they can dictate what an internet based franchise considers canon to their version of Star Wars.
I've felt a great disturbance in the franchise, as if millions of social justice warriors suddenly cried out in autistic screeching and were suddenly placated. I fear something terrible has happened." - Obi Wan Kenobi, sensing the destruction of the Star Wars franchise.
Yeah, sadly its already too late :( They have already ruined the original characters, and with Carrie Fisher gone, there is no fixing what Disney has done now... It breaks my heart.
Exactly, prevent more damage from being done before any possible future for Star Wars as a fictional universe is no more than space debris. There are still era's like the Old Republic and other untainted stories that can be told. But, if Disney keeps doing what they are doing.... Even something beloved can be tainted beyond saving. If it goes too far to the dark side we know what must be done. At that point there is only one thing left to do.... We will do what we must...
It's THE go-to gimmick that KK frequently relies on. Kill a storied franchise then deflect incessantly by blaming "abject male stupidity" and trying to hyper-sexualize random characters for no coherent reason. It's ironic that SW would be the vehicle that finally makes me hate JJ Abrams. Not the frustrating ambiguity of Lost. Not the myriad issues with Trek. Freakin' STAR WARS.
In 2018, Deadpool has more heroic qualities than Luke Skywalker. Deadpool wouldn't give up on Russel and even faced vastly more powerful threats and put himself in mortal peril for the sake of a child. Luke Skywalker, the hero that once redeemed DARTH VADER, almost murdered his own nephew. He stopped, but the point remains; a guy that wouldn't give up on Vader gave up on Ben Solo. Kathleen Kennedy is hot garbage and must GO.
Disney was the main engine behind my aspirations as an artist, but in recent years, they continually destroy the things i once hold dear.....StarWars...Marvel Animated series...Marvel games.... my only hope right now is the MCU....if they ruin that....i'll have nothing left.
Of course you'll never learn such teachings from a Jeeeeddiii..... Especially the last.... even though, you know, she had like 3 lessons and *totally * aced it...... 😑
Alex Silva "Perhaaaapsss.... we can learn such dark powers together, but first... You must swear to be my apprentice... Good gooood, I name thee Darth Silver... muahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Now we must kill the younglings, through abortion or soying the males into sterility!!!
Calling fans every nasty thing under the sun is not how you make money and Disney loves money so Lucas film needs to be put in it's place if Disney won't fix it then you can bet the fans will.
Because nobody really wants to make sense anymore. People cry and bitch at each other (both sides, the SJWs and anti-SJWs) are both more concerned about screaming at each other than actually making sense or having fun. Take the comments above me for example, they hate SJWs, clearly and it's warranted. But only cold business facts and logic will get Disney and lucasfilm to change their ways. Laying blame like the directors are doing only makes them feel vindicated in their beliefs that we are all just hateful monsters. Yes, I'm (mostly) 'leftist', but the truth is that I don't like this franchise's direction any more than the next guy. This changing established characters BS, trying to shove political agenda down our throats, and generally just mucking up a movie and franchise beloved by many, is going way to far. I'm all for change and the like, but this is hardly going in the right direction.
The tough titty is the tanking of a franchise beloved by millions by a bunch of whining social justice warriors trying to force their agenda down the throats of everyone else. You're losing ground on the daily.
Fans: The Peaceful is Willing To, K the Superior is a bad person! Disney: To me, fans is just bad person! Fans: Friend, you are crazy! (Backstroke of the West version)
I gave it a resounding meh. There was little suspense (Han, Chewie, and Lando have to survive, so they're never in "real" danger), the good characters they introduced were killed off, and a few things were simply included just to call forward to the other movies.
While it certainly wasn't earth-shattering, it was FAR better than TFA or TLJ. I actually enjoyed it rather than feeling like I was watching my childhood get murdered.
I watched Solo at home after it had left theaters. I certainly enjoyed it more than The Last Jedi, but that's not saying much. It was worth seeing, I guess, but if I could undo both Last Jedi and Solo, I would do it, and I wouldn't miss Solo much. Loved the original trilogy. Enjoyed the prequels, but I was frustrated by their flaws. I loved The Force Awakens. And I liked Rogue One. The Last Jedi is far and away the foulest experience I have ever had from a major franchise.
Harley McDaniel yuuzhan vong. . . Coolest evil dudes ever. . . Would of made for a waaaaaaaaaaaay better villainous organization that crybaby ren and his tryhard order
+Levi Roch I agree, although I believe the Yuuzhan Vong would make a better villain for the next trilogy or anthology. For the current anthology, I would have preferred the resurrection of the Emperor ala the Dark Empire series. I highly recommend you look it up. You may disagree, but I see Palpatine's reemergence as a terrific plot twist for any mysterious new paramilitary order that rises from the remains of the old Empire, especially if the villain's identity is deflected via a red herring. Similar to how the prequels reveal of the Chancellor being the Sith Master, granted if the prequels were actually prequels and the audience did not already know who the Emperor was.
Theoretically, a Han Solo movie could be very promising. Plus, he could be a lot more gray and less heroic... Or you could see how he learned to be a smuggler. But... I just don't want to watch Star Wars anymore. Mostly because of the mediocrity of their new characters. And... because I'm older, and it offends my sensibilities to see Finn, a storm trooper raised from childhood to be a soldier, barely being able to run or use a gun... These writers are brain dead.
Not really. Alot of people where looking forward to a gritty back country Star wars with that Chris Miller style. Instead they gave us another bad film. Awesome CGI, Visuals and sound. But a bad film and a bad movie.
That's EXACTLY how it is for me, I have seen 1 teaser of Solo, haven't googled or searched anything about the episode 9 coming up, and totally lost interest in all coming Star wars stuff. I just simply barely want to talk about it, and if/when I do it's with friends and online and it's only negative, and makes me sad and angry of how much you can ruin several generations childhood Saga/memories this way.
I liked some of the changes done for the originals and Hayden was one of them. Sure we didn't need the prequels but it felt... Welcomed? Like we saw the rise and fall of Vader then we get... Rey?
*When you think, that someone not liking sand and clumsy alien comedic relief are the worst things, that could possibly happen to the Star Wars* Kathleen Kennedy: BOY...
A quote from Lord Vader: This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Skywalker six months ago and soon will see the end of my beloved franchise for 19 Years!
Golden1_1Dragon Problem is the the sequels can't finish properly, because as you pointed out.. they're just reboots. Nothing new, nothing exciting, just with unlikable boring characters. And as far as I know has Disney no interest in a final clone wars season.
Yeah! It should haved ended with Michael Bay's THE FORCE FUCK YEAH! Featuring no story but 2 solid hours of space ship chases, bon stop deathstar explosions (i mean , hundreds) and of course cheesy oneliners from action hero's who are past their prime. Then at least we can all agree : ok its over and it was hilarious.
Well wouldn't really help if the majority of the fan base doesn't appeal to the recent movies and also see a decline in profits. There's a reason why the Marvel Avengers has had great success bc they've catered to the large audience that has always been there since the beginning. If u think ignoring ur consumers and calling them names is successful. You have your head deep within ur own ass becuase that's how businesses fail.
elfcane yep, and the only reason she still got the majority vote is that that's practically dirty talk and verbal foreplay in Cali, so a bunch of people creamed their pants to vote for her...
Prequels actually kept and expanded Star Wars, sure they had plenty of issues but it really helped the EU and kept it living very well. The new films have done nothing but tear down the universe and shrink it. Rip it apart.
I really pity her, she seems like a really sad person, someone who is so unhappy with her own life that she feels compelled to try to make everyone else miserable. If the she can't be happy then no one else can. Like I said, I really pity her.
lol... look at the boys who don't know anything about females commenting on female behavior like they know anything about it. I often wonder if you fellas realize how pathetic and pitiful you make yourselves look. It would probably be best to not comment and leave people wondering if you have any real life experience with women rather than prove right off the bat that you don't. Don't worry, boys, maybe someday something besides your own hand will touch your penis. Or maybe not.
I'm a payroll processor, Bakked. Thanks for showing that you're another male who knows nothing about females. And learn proper English you fucking uneducated moron.
The SciFi Classic Alien proved that how a female character is written/portrayed that made Sigourney Weaver's Ripley iconic as the audience saw a survivor first and then her gender. Women moviegoers don't count the number of female roles are in a film to see it but their quality and if the opposite was true Ghostbusters 3 should of been a smash.
Want to watch a strong and kickass female character? You don't need to see Alien or the Terminator. Just go watch any movies made in the Golden Age of Hollywood with stars like Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Marelene Dietrich, Carole Lombard, Lauren Bacall, Rita Hayworth,,Katharine Hepburn, Clara Bow, Gloria Swanson, Louise Brooks, Greta Garbo, Tallulah Bankhead, Vivien Leigh, Olivia de Havilland, Lilian Gish, the list is endless. Today's SJW and Feminists would like you to believe that only in recent years were there strong women in the movies.
This letter should be available for the masses to sign and sent to Bob Iger. It perfectly represents the pulse and minds of the fan base that has been alienated by Lucas Film's leadership. Great video Jeff, I'm glad you highlighted this letter! Good stuff!
Had Disney bought Star Wars to tell stories either completely outside the arch of the OT, or to fill in the story in between the 2 trilogies, it would have been understandable. What really hurt Star Wars was using the OT characters as plot devices to build new characters that aren't interesting, compelling, or even justifiable.
I am one of the heroes who haven't watched any new Star Wars after The Revenge of the Sith. I feel good,I feel like having integridy. It's a great feeling to be one of the few people who didn't gave money to Disney to keep doing what they do!
I was okay with Force Awakens. Rogue One was okay, with the Darth Vader scenes being totally awesome. Then the Last Jedi came out.... Lets forget about Leia's superman, I could swallow that. The Force is a powerful thing and she is Skywalker, after all. Rose... Totally pointless, but okay. .. The whole thing where the commander doesn't tell Poe what's going on and causes a shitstorm. Okay. Fine. Personal feelings get in the way of proper leadership all the time. I'm just ignoring Phasma's pointlessness and the weird hyperspace attack. ... Then we get to Luke. Now. That's where they pissed me off. I'm 36, I've known about Luke Skywalker ALL. OF. MY. LIFE. He's right up there with Superman when I consider what a hero is. He managed to redeem a man that killed thousands, millions, of people. He never gave up on his father, he never wavered. Only once, when he was totally angry, did he come close. But he still pulled back. ... Cut to Last Jedi. Luke nearly kills his NEPHEW, because he sensed the faint stirrings of the Dark Side in him. Then, when that goes to hell in a hand basket and the galaxy needs him... He goes into hiding. .... What. ... What.... WHAT?! Are we even talking about the same character? This is worse than what Michael Bay did to Optimus Prime.
I didn’t just boycott Star Wars but all of Disney and the entire entertainment industry. 5 years having not sat in a theatre or streamed anything that wasn’t free on TH-cam.
I finally figured out why Nu-Wars pisses me off so much. The movies are basically Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Invincible Girl with quirky, useless friends. "Vampire with a soul" Kylo, Comically evil villain boss etc. They basically copied the formula, and expected it to be a hit with teen girls (it failed).. but this is where "The Force Is Female" stuff comes from... they thought they could steal Whedon's idea and make it about space wizards and they'd have a hit.
That is a common phenomenon. It almost never works, but occasionally it is successful - usually due to a combination of pure biological need for sex combined with disinhibition from alcohol. The problem is that the woman involved will subsequently not be experiencing either. At this point she can’t understand why she slept with a phony loser, and starts grasping for an explanation. You know what can happen next. Yeah, me too.
It's funny that they think all of the feminists are going to become life long fans and out number the actual life long fans and wrestle it from the patriarchy. There is a reason it isn't happening. Most women have zero interest in star wars. It was painfully the case for Ghostbusters 2016 and it's the same here.
After falling in love with Star Wars at the age of 5 and now speaking as an 18 year old, I can confidently say that I feel like throwing up. Kathleen Kennedy is a disease.
You both have me beat by 2 years, but I've been watching star wars since I was around 3 years old. The fact that Disney is ruining a great franchise with their political and sinful ideology is disgusting and bad business.
I'm 16 and have been a fan since 3, I first saw attack of the clones (don't judge me) and fell in love, then I saw the original trilogy and love went even further, I have seen every movie and all clone wars episodes and also read every legends and canon books, i'll admit I was excited to see TFA when it was first announced, but I was incredibly disappointed, then I saw rogue one which was alright with some good action scenes but nothing too special, and I HATED The Last Jedi with a burning passion, the weakest star wars story narrative wise. It pains me to say this but I have fallen out with the franchise that introduced my love for science fiction FOR SHAME LUCASFILM AND KATHLEEN KENNEDY, FOR SHAME!!!.
Patrick Dmuzangi I’m the same age and saw AotC as my first Star Wars film too. Only difference is that I stuck with the franchise I grew up with and still have yet to hop on the “I hate Star Wars” bandwagon. TLJ wasn’t amazing, sure, but Rogue One is my all-time-favorite Star Wars movie. It embodied everything that a Star Wars film should be, and reminded me so much of the original trilogy. When you said that you didn’t like Rogue One but loved the Original Trilogy, that’s when I knew you’re just a pessimist that’ll always find something to complain about with Star Wars. I’m assuming you’re the same way about everything else, aren’t you?
Ha in the recommended video section it says you can rent to watch SW Last Jedi on Google for $2.99. I looked up other movies Sherlock Gnomes is $4.99 as is Avengers Ininfinity War. While movies like TAG and Mr. Rogers are 14.99. People hate Green Lantern and it's $9 99 or $12.99 in HD. The only other movie I looked at that had the same price for rental was Thor Ragnarock. Which is an insult as I don't usually see movies more than once with in a short period of time. But I'd rather watch Thor Ragnarock again and again than the Last Jedi. It was at least fun and funny.
What do they expect? The last Jedi made it obvious that whoever is driving this boat does not care about the original story, character or original fans. The following spending chronology might help the people making these new movies to make better decisions. I watched the original 3 movies multiple times. Over the years I bought the VHS versions, the DVD versions, and the Blu-ray version. I even bought the second set of 3 movies. I bought the actions figures for my kids and posters, camping tents, and so on and so forth. I saw rogue one at an Imax theater with five other friends because of Luke but I did not buy the blue ray because of Luke. I did not any buy merchandise eighter. Because of rogue one, I did not see The last Jedi in theaters. I rented and found it to be all frosting and very little cake (bitter at that). Did not buy it either or any of the merchandise. It was good while it lasted, am done. I have nephews and nieces and a granddaughter. Come Black Friday it's all books and Marvel for them. My suggestion is to think about the fundamentals of entertaining. If you want to make political statements through sci-fi you should have bought Star Treck. Remember, the very premise of star trek is socio ideological in nature. In contrast, the very premise of star wars is the struggle of good v evil. The powerless against the powerful, hope in the face of adversity, and the unfailing inner strength of those who would face evil in the name of freedom. These messages when combined with special effects and good writing make for powerful entertainment experiences that can withstand the passage of time. The first 3 movies proved this at the box office, the VHS store, the Blue Ray sales and at Black Friday merchandise sales. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
The problem with "Solo" failing is that Kennedy will say, "Well, that just means the fans don't want to see movies about the original characters. TFA made buttloads of money so we are going to keep making movies about the new characters instead."
Force awakens was amazing Rouge one was decent Last Jedi was all over the place Not watching Pan Solo Hopefully episode 9 wraps the new trilogy up nicely.. It might be their saving grace.
Adventures by George And when she gets fired, she'll be like, "Well that just proves the fans are bigots, nazis and racist to successful white collar women..." All the way to her car.
Rian Johnson ruined his career. Disney isn't going to give this man a trilogy. Kathleen Kennedy will more than likely resign from her position after episode 9 and Disney will fire Rian. They need to find another Kevin Feige. Kevin understands that you need comic book experts working on comic book adapted films. Like Joe Quesada who is Chief Creative Officer for Marvel Entertainment, Stan Lee, Current President Dan Buckley just to name a few. Star Wars needs Star Wars experts working on their films. People who understand the lore and timelines. One of the main reasons The Lord of the Ring film trilogy was a success is Peter Jackson. Peter is an enormous fan of the novels and was smart to hire LOTR experts to help him with his film(s). One example is Alan Lee and John Howe. The famed illustrators who specialize in Tolkiens work. They helped to design and physically paint the sets for the films. That kind of attention to detail is what Star Wars needs. Disney (IMO) needs to bring aboard a new President someone who will find the right group of people to help him/her create a recognizable, but still fresh approach to Star Wars films. The Star Wars franchise can still be salvageable, Disney just needs to find the right President.
I am very excited to see episode IX. Yes of course it will follow the story done so far why would it not? LOTR was very different it was really 1 eleven hour long movie. That is not something that will happen very often. That would have been really weird way to do a series based on a book. It also has little to do whit the Last Jedi as it takes place almost immediately after The Force Awakens ends. When you watch them back to back they work perfectly together but are still their own movies . What they did is very similar to the Original trilogy the first was directed and written by George Lucas. The Second directed by Irvin Kershner and written by Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan.
I'm old. I saw Star Wars in the movies in 1977. I made my parents buy me a SW poster, i colored it in with my crayolas, and it hung in a place of honor over my bed. Now. . . I don't even recognize one of my favorite stories. I refuse to patronize what they've done to my childhood. It's sad.
I swear to god that my theater had all the seats booked when I went to see it with my dad and we had to sit in a front row. And when I turned around there were only two other people in the theater the whole time. Only 2 days after opening. I feel like they are vastly overstating the viewing numbers honestly
I, for one, am GLAD that more people are openly hating on modern Star Wars because Lucasfilm is openly hating on us, the veteran Star Wars fans~ Modern Lucasfilm is getting just what they deserve: *_The consequences to their actions_* So, I advise to boycott this new Han Solo movie and continue to boycott every single poorly made Lucasfilm-made product until they understand the error of their ways~ And if they don't learn, then so be it!
lucca ferla Trilogy, often means "3". So all of them. And I agree, the Bane trilogy, a trilogy that involves a deep and complex insight to the dark side with new exciting characters would be a good move for the franchise, however, Disney!
Kennedy would step in and make Darth Zahnna the main lead after she walks into the acedemy on Korriban and kills everyone else where with a twitch of her left pinky. She'd then pick up Darth Bane and tell him about how it's the Jedi's toxic masculinity that she has to form the Sith, and how they must bring Feminism to save the galaxy.
And crazy feminists are crying "SEXIST!" at the creators of Deadpool 2. The numbers speak for themselves. The jealousy is real! Most people don't want leftist views forced down their throats that replace a well written story and good characters.
@projectOMA Or maybe, just maybe, its because Deadpool is a new series? I know this is crazy and probably doesn't fit a political narrative, but upon examining trends within the film industry right now, new franchises are out pacing the old ones. While there are a variety of theories for this, the largest one is that children are becoming increasingly important for the film industry. As Deadpool has consistently been a fan favorite for the teen audience, the now largest movie-goer population, it only makes sense that the film does well; however, there is a problem with this argument: Deadpool is not outperforming Solo. Anecdotal evidence aside, when the movies were at the theatres at the same time, Solo sold better by some $100,000,000.
Solo has done 312 million to date and Deadpool has done 650 million. Deadpool is not a family movie and it most certainly is not a household name like Han Solo. So stop making excuses for the Solo movie performance.
Michael Lloyd then you my friend, will never have great sex. If you don't fuck someone with sexual experience then you aren't ever going to learn shit.
Rick O'Shay by fucking a bunch of people and learning through new experiences. You'd be surprised by what a woman who's had some "mileage" might have to reach you.
Actually the original star wars is very SJW and very political the two republic civilian leaders are women, the anti-droid take is a critique on racism, and the depiction of the empire is a critique on fascism and Nazism, BUT these movies have LAZY writing The Force Awakens is basically a recast of ep 4 A New Hope , Droid on desert plant=check, Droid found by orphan check, orphan is unaware of force sensitivity check, orphan is key to saving galaxy check, orphan and Droid escape from desert world on millenium falcon check, there is an old ex general mentor check (substitute solo for Kenobi), mentor dies at had of sith apprentice Vader w/Skywalker bloodline check, he dies as friends look on from afar check, giant death star like weapon destroyed by xwing flying down a trench check, force vision underground check, cantina scene check...I could go's so lazy...and they have managed to squander an opportunity to do something with Ford, Hamil and Fisher that might have been good, she needs to be fired for doing a crappy job.
Nope. It means you have sex with any Adult Human person regardless of what biological sex they are or want to be called. I.E. you fuck gay, bi, trans, fluid(ugh..), hermaphrodites and any other of the thousands of bullshit terms sjws formulate, based purely on the fact that you find them to be attractive and pleasant to be around. Sorry, but if you fuck a child your just a pedo, and if you fuck a toaster your just really stupid. It's basically just Bisexual+
So, I watched it. Honestly: wasn't that bad and it's highlighted its weird by the characters. The film was ok/10. Like not Star Wars 8 bad, but it did feel a bit....directionless. Me and the 14 in the cinema enjoyed but didnt walk out going HOLY FUCK SO COOL.
I will say, the Last Jedi ruined Star Wars for me. The Force Awakens created threads that weren't answered. The Rebels just destroyed Star Killer Base and some how, the First Order came back bigger and Stronger? Instead, the Rebels are fleeing the First Order, mimicking the intro to Empire Strikes Back. To make things worse, it ends with the Rebels Fleeing the First Order. Basically, it's a story where nothing happens. Nothing happens that progresses the story. And they take a big dump on the Luke Skywalker Character in the process.
Oh, I'm afraid the boycott will be quite operational when your friends arrive.
Ty But, can Kathleen repel boycotts of this magnitude?
I find your lack of boycott disturbing.
Ty - 😂 Kathleen Kennedy responds to the letter, “We are quite safe from your pitiful little band”.
Kathleen Kennedy's Overconfidence is her weakness...
Star Wars fan: Your over confidence is your weakness.
Kathleen Kennedy: Your faith in your franchise is yours.
Star Wars fan: It's over your highness, I am a Star Wars fan, like my father before me.
Kathleen Kennedy: So be it, fan.
Now we need a darth vader (George Lucas) to save us
What a legendary and fitting sentence
"I'm a Star Wars fan, like mu father before me". I like it, it should be on a t-shirt.
Should be in our flag when we make our first attack in Disney empire
so who gets to throw the witch down the chute?
Melvin Gehteuchdochnixan My vote is on Dave Filoni.
Fans: “why tf is lando pansexual?”
Director: (in palpatine voice) “so it’s homophobia then”
ElFerg21 "You are sexist then "
Thankfully “homophobe/racist/sexist” accusations no longer have any meaning.
Tanner Peatson I’m not the one you should be telling that to. But if you’re going to say you can’t be bigoted against abnormal sex behavior, then what is the explanation for the common reaction against a pedo? Most civilized countries consider that a serious crime, and for good reason. I’m not lumping being gay into a pedo,but i am saying that making a blanket statement to protect and understand sympathetically abnormal sexual behavior, potentially allows for the excuse of something that is definitively morally wrong.
Deadpool's Taco Truck just look at Kevin spacey you telling me you support that sick fuck smh
Homosexuality and homophobia aren't the same thing at all, and that's just stupid.
George Lucas: wow I made a mistake with Jar Jar Binks.
Disney: Hold my blue milk
Tadicuslegion78 hahaha
I honestly feel so bad for George Lucas, watching his creation being defiled by SJWs who (according to our friend Rian Johnson) don’t care about the fans (he said that in an interview with Mark Hamill, that his “vision” comes before the fans.)
I really wish Lucas had followed through with JarJar turning out to be a villain/spy instead of caving to pressure and writing him out in ep. 2.
Tadicuslegion78 - Rose is the next Jar Jar.
Yeah. That mistake was not revealing him as a Sith Lord. Darth JarJar, bitches
Fans: Disney, Kathleen Kennedy is evil!!!!!
Disney: From my point of the fanbase is evil!!!!!!!!!!!
Fans: Well then you are lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we have the high ground!
Fans: you were supposed to bring Star Wars back not leave it in darkness!
Disney: I love money!
@@keenfolk01 You were my favourite Disney. I loved you
I move for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Kennedy's leadership...
ComeOnIsSuchAJoy vote now, vote now, vote now!
i argree,i 2nd the motion
I say we put our faith in Dave Filoni and elect him to be the Chancellor of Star Wars. Can I get a motion?
+Joshua Lambert I'll quote the prequels a million times over before I ever quote these shitty Di$ney fanfic movies once. : P
+Taylor Phillips If Lucas himself won't get involved again, I suppose he's the next best choice.
Lucas sells Star Wars to Disney and advises Bob Iger, “You can profit by this, or be destroyed. The choice is yours, but I warn you not to underestimate the fandom’s power”.
A Frustrated Gamer - Priceless 😂😂😂 We need to make and release this modified film.
Absolutely priceless, A Frustrated Gamer!!
killed star wars they did....shame it is
Go you must... to Captain Marvel or Avengers Endgame.
A much better film... will it be.
Ohhhhh how wrong you were on captain marvel 😂 have you seen the hate towards brie larsen?
At least the Mandalorian show will be good
The Fans: It's over Kathleen, we have the high ground!
Kathleen Kennedy: You underestimate my power!
The Fans: Don't try it.
The Fans: Do it. I dare you.
Well done.
Have I tell you story about Darth Katleen, she payed to revive dying francise but only to kill it more...
Mustafah! Love Sith!
It should be pointed out that if she is refusing to hire qualified men because they're men....well, that's called sexual discrimination and it's illegal.
Kris Sisk , very true but I don’t think she cares .
Remind me please which Star Wars movies have been directed by women because she refused to hire a man?
I'm sorry are you trying to defend KK? Openly saying "we need to hire less white males" is all people need to see how disgusting she is. If she was an ordinary person and wanted to push diversity she would have said we need to hire more of this, that, etc not openly insult a specific race and gender.There's plenty more vile she's spewed out as well. I don't think a single fan would give a shit if the next movie was directed by a woman. Whoever it is male or female all that matters is that they know and care about star wars. Oh and the white male directors she has hired have both shown they're firmly on her racist, insulting, feminist bandwagon. That's why they got the job.
And that makes her brand of Feminism hippocracy.
Anything against males doesnt feel illegal in these times Sadly. Men are left to survive on their own.
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good boycott at your side, kid.
Isn't a boycott an ancient weapon?
Andrew Pytko For a more civilised time.
Terry Wilson that's what I'm trying to tell you kid, the artistry is gone. The creativity is not there.
4:15 -------> Kathleen says the films are not for men...
-------> Ryan Johnson (The guy who screwed up the entire trilogies in one [stupid] film) says we are not smart enough to get the Last Jedi
-------> JJ Abrams says we are intimidated by women
Welcome to Star Wars Globalist universe
Heh it like they have only met one another an idiot feminist who think she's intimidating, and a very stupid man who fucked it up and is really scared of Kathleen Kennedy... Hmmm.
Don't worry, let it collapse.
That letter is perfection. Well written, articulate, intelligent and all-encompassing of the issues.
We just don't like female heroes? That is the oldest and most lazy excuse when someone doesn't like your movie about a woman.
I've said it since the beginning of all of this nonsense: Has ANYONE ever met a guy who didn't like at least one of the Alien films? The first was horror, second action, third a bit of both and the fourth some weird semi-psychedelic-mess... All with a female lead.
Tegnet Power rangers is another example
I don't like alien so yea
Love Wonder Woman! Diana will always be one of my favorite heroes! I loved how she looked in the Woman Movie where her armor looked more like what ancient warriors wore. Always had a huge crush on her growing up too while watching Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. I was also a fan of Hawk Girl, Black Canary, Black Cat from Marvel, Storm, Rogue, Jeanne Grey (think that's right) these SJW and Feminist idiots don't even know there are plenty of female heroes, villains and anti heroes that many love.
Tegnet they forget that one of the lead roles in clone wars was a WOMAN, Ahsoka Tano.
Specifically about Disney films with great Female leads. Mulan and Brave. Amazing movies.
Disney: You turned Them against me!
The fans : You have done that yourself.
Disney: You will not take Them from me!
The fans: Your social justice and lust for money have already done that.
They think they have the high ground!
That's genius!
Rick O'Shay The thing is Lucas has worked with KK before all of this and don't tell me he didn't know what a money grubbing bag of shit Disney is. He doesn't give a fuck that they turned Star Wars into a soapbox for SJW's, feminazis and now it seems pedophiles. Lucas had no more love or talent to continue Star Wars so he sold it to the highest bidder. In this case Darth Eisner!
David Cartland nice copy and paste
“Execute Order 66”
we should give the callsign for the boycott "Order 66"
We should call this Order 69 if we are boycotting Disney, they fuck with us? they suck us off.
@@SHabbIZZLEx That's actually a good idea.
Execute Order 66-D... All clones turn on your Disney overlords!
@@elishaschoonover8914 xD fuck yeah!
I have a simpler view: I hated Last Jedi.
The faith has been completely broken.
I refuse to watch a new SW movie unless they retcon episodes 7+ out of existence, and soon.
I continue to go because it it amazing to see how much money it takes to light a dumpster on fire
xDucow Stop giving them your money man...
I refuse to go and watch one at the cinema ever again.
+Leto2ndAtreides Will do 👍
xDucow lol.
I choose not to suggest that you should get a Pimax 8K when it's available, and just torrent the 3D version when it comes out, if you really want to see the dumpster fire......
You know there's a legends canon that already serves to retcon disney canon, right? Just because they own legal rights to the brand doesn't mean they can dictate what an internet based franchise considers canon to their version of Star Wars.
I've felt a great disturbance in the franchise, as if millions of social justice warriors suddenly cried out in autistic screeching and were suddenly placated. I fear something terrible has happened."
- Obi Wan Kenobi, sensing the destruction of the Star Wars franchise.
LOL! Nice
Such an under-rated comment XD
Wait....but that comment would put the SJWs on the good side?
And despite all that.
Qui-Gon: I don't sense anything.
"To quote Owen Hart, 'Enough is enough. It's time for a change' ." - WBS
RIP Owen. (Today is the anniversary of his death. )
Owen for HOF'19
Enough is enough, rip Owen
It’s funny I was just watching Bret Hart vs. Ultimate Warrior back in 93. Owen Hart was there. RIP
Matt McDougle 0/
Oh man, I remember that night... BTW I use that Owen line all the time in my daily activities :P
When Luke Skywalker was killed, I have boycotted Star Wars since..
Same here was so pissed off with how they treated luke.
We need to take this franchise back before it's too late.
Yeah, sadly its already too late :( They have already ruined the original characters, and with Carrie Fisher gone, there is no fixing what Disney has done now... It breaks my heart.
Its already too late
Its over, they blew it up like Alderaan. All thats left is rubble
we need to kill it so it stops suffering....
Exactly, prevent more damage from being done before any possible future for Star Wars as a fictional universe is no more than space debris. There are still era's like the Old Republic and other untainted stories that can be told. But, if Disney keeps doing what they are doing.... Even something beloved can be tainted beyond saving. If it goes too far to the dark side we know what must be done. At that point there is only one thing left to do.... We will do what we must...
I'm waiting for them to screw with Darth Vader and Sidious, saying they were actually lovers of some sort:(
Please don't give them ideas.
CasinoWhale That's why Vader was always gasping for air, Sidious was force massaging Vader's tonsils with his huge Sith force cock.
CasinoWhale Puts the whole Darth Sidious “Good, Goood!” statements into a whole different perspective.🤮🤣
Not Palpatine and Anakin? Think about it... a young man and his dark worldly mentor?
It's THE go-to gimmick that KK frequently relies on.
Kill a storied franchise then deflect incessantly by blaming "abject male stupidity" and trying to hyper-sexualize random characters for no coherent reason.
It's ironic that SW would be the vehicle that finally makes me hate JJ Abrams. Not the frustrating ambiguity of Lost. Not the myriad issues with Trek.
Freakin' STAR WARS.
Yep. Vote with your money.
SANITYISFORTHEWEAK only glipglops can say that
Absolutely. Once they see they're losing money they will listen.
Cancel episode 9, just forget it
Dew it
I hope that Kathleen Kennedy gets fired for this.
In 2018, Deadpool has more heroic qualities than Luke Skywalker.
Deadpool wouldn't give up on Russel and even faced vastly more powerful threats and put himself in mortal peril for the sake of a child.
Luke Skywalker, the hero that once redeemed DARTH VADER, almost murdered his own nephew. He stopped, but the point remains; a guy that wouldn't give up on Vader gave up on Ben Solo.
Kathleen Kennedy is hot garbage and must GO.
she clearly doesnt understand the original trilogy they need to clean house if they want the money they care so much about
This deal is getting worse all the time!
I have altered the deal. Pray i do not alter it further -kathleen kennedy
I have altered the gender, pray I do not alter it any further.
I have altered the narrative, pray I don't alter it any further...
This is the beginning of the end Disney. Your reign ends here. Our children will once again be happy
Order 66 is in full effect send out the Inquisitors.
Disney was the main engine behind my aspirations as an artist, but in recent years, they continually destroy the things i once hold dear.....StarWars...Marvel Animated series...Marvel games....
my only hope right now is the MCU....if they ruin that....i'll have nothing left.
@@SHabbIZZLEx two words. Brie Larsen
2 years on and mulan is a total flop...
she took 1 of the biggest franchises in the world and completely destroyed it,now that takes a special talent
Ironic, she could save The Last Jedi from criticism, but not herself.
Albedo xDDDDDD 👍👍
Of course you'll never learn such teachings from a Jeeeeddiii..... Especially the last.... even though, you know, she had like 3 lessons and *totally * aced it...... 😑
Is it possible to learn such feminism?
Alex Silva "Perhaaaapsss.... we can learn such dark powers together, but first... You must swear to be my apprentice... Good gooood, I name thee Darth Silver... muahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Now we must kill the younglings, through abortion or soying the males into sterility!!!
Calling fans every nasty thing under the sun is not how you make money and Disney loves money so Lucas film needs to be put in it's place if Disney won't fix it then you can bet the fans will.
#RestoreTheTrueCanon #DownWithDisneyWars #DownWithKathleenKennedyWars :)
Geoff Shaw lol yes they are
Shes too dangerous to be kept alive!
Patrik Uosukainen God I love the prequels
@@babykangaroo199 me too
_echo_airsoft I love the prequels
Patrik Uosukainen lmao
Contact Boba he is our only hope!
The Force is rejecting Kathleen Kennedy
Darth Kennedy
Yeah because its sexist!...Oh wait, The Force is female!
Well its because of whire male patriarchy socializing the force with unconscious misogyny!
"Ironically her head's in the RIGHT place, up her own ass"
LOL! That was GOLD Jeff!
Make a change: Boycott Episode IX.
Luke Skywalker Episode IX is doa.
Shouldn't be hard, Ep VIII was hot garbage
Kathleen Kennedy looks like Darth Plagueis... no disrespect intended to the wise one.
Well honestly Plagueis is not as evil as this moron.
Not for men hey Kathleen? That's fine, I'll go see Deadpool instead.
What happened to "tell a damn story and have fun?"
Because making a normal movie isn't gonna sell and SJW are gonna get pissed on you
Because nobody really wants to make sense anymore. People cry and bitch at each other (both sides, the SJWs and anti-SJWs) are both more concerned about screaming at each other than actually making sense or having fun. Take the comments above me for example, they hate SJWs, clearly and it's warranted. But only cold business facts and logic will get Disney and lucasfilm to change their ways. Laying blame like the directors are doing only makes them feel vindicated in their beliefs that we are all just hateful monsters.
Yes, I'm (mostly) 'leftist', but the truth is that I don't like this franchise's direction any more than the next guy. This changing established characters BS, trying to shove political agenda down our throats, and generally just mucking up a movie and franchise beloved by many, is going way to far. I'm all for change and the like, but this is hardly going in the right direction.
Very well said Christian, totally agree.
The tough titty is the tanking of a franchise beloved by millions by a bunch of whining social justice warriors trying to force their agenda down the throats of everyone else. You're losing ground on the daily.
Fans: Disney, Kathleen Kennedy is evil!
Disney: From my point of view, the fans are evil!
Fans: Well then you are lost!
Fans: The Peaceful is Willing To, K the Superior is a bad person!
Disney: To me, fans is just bad person!
Fans: Friend, you are crazy!
(Backstroke of the West version)
And what part, exactly, of changing an established characters sexuality, is done to make children happy?
sexy gorillanips they aren’t even making children happy. unless you count the smug pc culture lovers who smell their own farts
I actually never saw "SOLO". I really would have, but I was too pissed off about Episode 8 to go, for all the reasons mentioned.
I gave it a resounding meh. There was little suspense (Han, Chewie, and Lando have to survive, so they're never in "real" danger), the good characters they introduced were killed off, and a few things were simply included just to call forward to the other movies.
While it certainly wasn't earth-shattering, it was FAR better than TFA or TLJ. I actually enjoyed it rather than feeling like I was watching my childhood get murdered.
Agreed Cain
I watched Solo at home after it had left theaters. I certainly enjoyed it more than The Last Jedi, but that's not saying much. It was worth seeing, I guess, but if I could undo both Last Jedi and Solo, I would do it, and I wouldn't miss Solo much.
Loved the original trilogy.
Enjoyed the prequels, but I was frustrated by their flaws.
I loved The Force Awakens.
And I liked Rogue One.
The Last Jedi is far and away the foulest experience I have ever had from a major franchise.
I'll just stick to my "not canon" expanded universe. It's far better in every way than the Disney trash
Harley McDaniel yuuzhan vong. . . Coolest evil dudes ever. . . Would of made for a waaaaaaaaaaaay better villainous organization that crybaby ren and his tryhard order
It's too bad we won't get any more EU content now that Disney is in control. EU had so many great stories it's a shame there won't be more
I agree with you 100%
So many great storylines could have come from EU. I wish Lucas had sold star wars to universal or anybody else.
+Levi Roch
I agree, although I believe the Yuuzhan Vong would make a better villain for the next trilogy or anthology. For the current anthology, I would have preferred the resurrection of the Emperor ala the Dark Empire series. I highly recommend you look it up. You may disagree, but I see Palpatine's reemergence as a terrific plot twist for any mysterious new paramilitary order that rises from the remains of the old Empire, especially if the villain's identity is deflected via a red herring. Similar to how the prequels reveal of the Chancellor being the Sith Master, granted if the prequels were actually prequels and the audience did not already know who the Emperor was.
Does it even count as a boycott when people didn't feel like seeing it in the first place?
Super Cosmic Mutant Honey Candle Squid kinda, yea...or indifference....its either boycotting or star wars fatigue
Theoretically, a Han Solo movie could be very promising.
Plus, he could be a lot more gray and less heroic... Or you could see how he learned to be a smuggler.
But... I just don't want to watch Star Wars anymore. Mostly because of the mediocrity of their new characters.
And... because I'm older, and it offends my sensibilities to see Finn, a storm trooper raised from childhood to be a soldier, barely being able to run or use a gun... These writers are brain dead.
Not really. Alot of people where looking forward to a gritty back country Star wars with that Chris Miller style. Instead they gave us another bad film. Awesome CGI, Visuals and sound. But a bad film and a bad movie.
That's EXACTLY how it is for me, I have seen 1 teaser of Solo, haven't googled or searched anything about the episode 9 coming up, and totally lost interest in all coming Star wars stuff. I just simply barely want to talk about it, and if/when I do it's with friends and online and it's only negative, and makes me sad and angry of how much you can ruin several generations childhood Saga/memories this way.
Bruh, rabid fans are spurred by content, they don't get fatigued by it unless the content is poor.
Very well written letter. Not going to see solo. Just don't give a shit. Hayden Christensen as Anakin/Vader is looking pretty good right now.
Robert Johnson the longer Disney has it's fangs in star wars, the less the prequels look bad.
Eh Christensen can't do much with the dialogue they had handed him and he acted passably
I liked some of the changes done for the originals and Hayden was one of them. Sure we didn't need the prequels but it felt... Welcomed? Like we saw the rise and fall of Vader then we get... Rey?
*When you think, that someone not liking sand and clumsy alien comedic relief are the worst things, that could possibly happen to the Star Wars*
Kathleen Kennedy: BOY...
Fabian Suckfuell just for you man I'll make it for you
yep, screw episode 9. there is nothing left.
I am boycotting Solo.
Then you shall live long and prosper.
#metoo ... wait. No. But yes :-D
Joseph Doyen same
Joseph Doyen I’m not
Hunter Padgett fine keep watching degrading garbage. Don’t complain when none of the cast are men or straight
Kathleen Kennedy: “I’m not afraid”
Star Wars fandom: “You will will be”
txmoney she thinks she's untouchable. The harder the fall...
Second Coming of Anakin Skywalker will chuck her worthless ass into a fusion core
A quote from Lord Vader: This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Skywalker six months ago and soon will see the end of my beloved franchise for 19 Years!
Star Wars had to end somehow.
I'm just sad that it happened this way...
The fan film makers make better Star Wars movies now. Time to make a 2 hour fam film! I will be there!
SquirrelKnight reboot sequel n clone wars finishing properly will likely bring back the fans and respect
Golden1_1Dragon Problem is the the sequels can't finish properly, because as you pointed out.. they're just reboots. Nothing new, nothing exciting, just with unlikable boring characters.
And as far as I know has Disney no interest in a final clone wars season.
Yeah! It should haved ended with Michael Bay's THE FORCE FUCK YEAH! Featuring no story but 2 solid hours of space ship chases, bon stop deathstar explosions (i mean , hundreds) and of course cheesy oneliners from action hero's who are past their prime. Then at least we can all agree : ok its over and it was hilarious.
Why end it? Why not continue in a way it makes people happy instead?
I agree with Kathleen Kennedy, treat customers like idiots, call them racists, sexists and bigots. That is the best way to grow your customer base.
Well wouldn't really help if the majority of the fan base doesn't appeal to the recent movies and also see a decline in profits. There's a reason why the Marvel Avengers has had great success bc they've catered to the large audience that has always been there since the beginning. If u think ignoring ur consumers and calling them names is successful. You have your head deep within ur own ass becuase that's how businesses fail.
Wouldn't it be funny though, if that was the base of the Star Wars fandom?
You know Idiots, Bigots, sexists & racists. That would be hilarious
Didn't Hillary try this? 😂
elfcane yep, and the only reason she still got the majority vote is that that's practically dirty talk and verbal foreplay in Cali, so a bunch of people creamed their pants to vote for her...
Lucas, "Man, looks like my prequels might have destroyed star wars."
Disney, "Hold my beer."
RocketSurgeon more like “hold my soda”
RocketSurgeon you forgot the salt... It's lots Soy AND Salt XD
Prequels actually kept and expanded Star Wars, sure they had plenty of issues but it really helped the EU and kept it living very well.
The new films have done nothing but tear down the universe and shrink it. Rip it apart.
bandito bala merchant
Hold my seat in the Senate...
I really pity her, she seems like a really sad person, someone who is so unhappy with her own life that she feels compelled to try to make everyone else miserable. If the she can't be happy then no one else can. Like I said, I really pity her.
You just described the feminists.
ironically feminism is the main cause of womens unhappiness these days. everyone was happier before feminism except a few outliers.
lol... look at the boys who don't know anything about females commenting on female behavior like they know anything about it. I often wonder if you fellas realize how pathetic and pitiful you make yourselves look. It would probably be best to not comment and leave people wondering if you have any real life experience with women rather than prove right off the bat that you don't. Don't worry, boys, maybe someday something besides your own hand will touch your penis. Or maybe not.
@@MajesticalHonky the thing that you will touch are only catnip as you're ended up as sad depressed welfare-depended lonely crazy cat lady.
I'm a payroll processor, Bakked. Thanks for showing that you're another male who knows nothing about females. And learn proper English you fucking uneducated moron.
Disney Star Wars is SJW fan fiction.
And this is why we can rebuild after the SJW dipshits are gone. (Oh believe me this will happen)
Perfectly stated.
I wouldn't call it "fan fiction" coming from them. More like Fraud Fiction.
*erotic fan fiction
It's kind of disturbing to think that in "The Empire Strikes Back", when Lando said, "What have we here?", he may have been talking about R2.
I wish that letter was a petition so I could sign it.
Agreed, me too
The SciFi Classic Alien proved that how a female character is written/portrayed that made Sigourney Weaver's Ripley iconic as the audience saw a survivor first and then her gender. Women moviegoers don't count the number of female roles are in a film to see it but their quality and if the opposite was true Ghostbusters 3 should of been a smash.
Want to watch a strong and kickass female character? You don't need to see Alien or the Terminator. Just go watch any movies made in the Golden Age of Hollywood with stars like Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Marelene Dietrich, Carole Lombard, Lauren Bacall, Rita Hayworth,,Katharine Hepburn, Clara Bow, Gloria Swanson, Louise Brooks, Greta Garbo, Tallulah Bankhead, Vivien Leigh, Olivia de Havilland, Lilian Gish, the list is endless. Today's SJW and Feminists would like you to believe that only in recent years were there strong women in the movies.
And Ripley isn't even the main character until the end of the movie. She's equal to everyone on that ship.
Terminator bombed and is forgotten because the main character was a woman....wait, what?
This letter should be available for the masses to sign and sent to Bob Iger. It perfectly represents the pulse and minds of the fan base that has been alienated by Lucas Film's leadership. Great video Jeff, I'm glad you highlighted this letter! Good stuff!
Had Disney bought Star Wars to tell stories either completely outside the arch of the OT, or to fill in the story in between the 2 trilogies, it would have been understandable. What really hurt Star Wars was using the OT characters as plot devices to build new characters that aren't interesting, compelling, or even justifiable.
Apparently according to J.J Abrams all male star wars fans are incels......
In poor taste I know.... but it just came to me.
He said what?
He said something to that effect lol
Jim Knight
J.J. can go crawl back into the arsehole he was shat from.
i've never heard the word incel until 2018.. the fuck is an incel ???
I am one of the heroes who haven't watched any new Star Wars after The Revenge of the Sith. I feel good,I feel like having integridy. It's a great feeling to be one of the few people who didn't gave money to Disney to keep doing what they do!
I was okay with Force Awakens. Rogue One was okay, with the Darth Vader scenes being totally awesome. Then the Last Jedi came out.... Lets forget about Leia's superman, I could swallow that. The Force is a powerful thing and she is Skywalker, after all. Rose... Totally pointless, but okay. .. The whole thing where the commander doesn't tell Poe what's going on and causes a shitstorm. Okay. Fine. Personal feelings get in the way of proper leadership all the time. I'm just ignoring Phasma's pointlessness and the weird hyperspace attack.
... Then we get to Luke. Now. That's where they pissed me off. I'm 36, I've known about Luke Skywalker ALL. OF. MY. LIFE. He's right up there with Superman when I consider what a hero is. He managed to redeem a man that killed thousands, millions, of people. He never gave up on his father, he never wavered. Only once, when he was totally angry, did he come close. But he still pulled back. ... Cut to Last Jedi. Luke nearly kills his NEPHEW, because he sensed the faint stirrings of the Dark Side in him. Then, when that goes to hell in a hand basket and the galaxy needs him... He goes into hiding. .... What. ... What.... WHAT?! Are we even talking about the same character?
This is worse than what Michael Bay did to Optimus Prime.
AcerbusUmbra couldn’t have said it better myself friend
Well said!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
So much truth to this
Lord Fairplay Dude, you need to relax.
Finally Star Wars becomes a war with the "real" Rebel Alliance (The Fans) vs the "real" Evil Empire (Disney)
Ghosts of Hawaii Hosted By Obake Hunter and in the end we the fans will win if we continue to think with our money
Kathleen Kennedy is basically Emperor Palpatine
Finnaly someone else said it other than me for the rebellion and my the force with us all
Thystaff Thywill Well said!
GreenJedi5 Agreed!
Felt the email accurately put across how we're all feeling....absolutely agree with it
I didn’t just boycott Star Wars but all of Disney and the entire entertainment industry. 5 years having not sat in a theatre or streamed anything that wasn’t free on TH-cam.
I'm not paying for Star Wars! KK turned it into garbage!
SJW Lucasfilms looked at Lando and was like, "execute order 69."
Oooh i guess you're punsexual :P
Archibald Whitwerr lolol
That letter is a masterpiece.
OG Dweeb ;-)
Soo... basically Lando became Quagmire ?
Glando Calegmire
antoqc hahahaha
No, Because Quagmire doesn't fuck men. Well most of the time
I finally figured out why Nu-Wars pisses me off so much. The movies are basically Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Invincible Girl with quirky, useless friends. "Vampire with a soul" Kylo, Comically evil villain boss etc.
They basically copied the formula, and expected it to be a hit with teen girls (it failed).. but this is where "The Force Is Female" stuff comes from... they thought they could steal Whedon's idea and make it about space wizards and they'd have a hit.
Episode 9 is gonna be Twilight in Space.
Buffy was actually good, and had character development - you know, that thing, that Rey "bypassed".
Sweenigami - that's an astute observation! Great comment! :)
Buffy the vampire slayer had character development, and it was _fun_ to watch.
It's almost as if they hate Star Wars...
"They hate Star Wars..."
I fixed your comment.
Anyone get the feeling Kennedy might have been banging one or two of the studio big guys back in the 80s? Does this explain her Hollywood career?
THEremiXFACTOR She had an affair with Speilberg and got the job
ChildOfTheFlower Threeway with Lucas?
Secretary is code for affair.
She does look like she sucked her way into the industry.
Steven Speilberg
TJL was terrible. Solo was terrible. SW9 will be terrible. I'll spend my money elsewhere, thanks
To me solo was not all terrible, Woody Harrelson was great but I hated droid rights, Lando and droid attraction
Jon Kasdan looks like one of those guys who says he's a feminist in an attempt to get laid by feminists
Shawn Carson I'd just as soon kiss a Wookie.
Thats exactly what he is. So pathetic!
Most male feminists proclaim themselves as feminists do what you just described.
Yup. Might as well start the timer on the sexual assault allegations.
That is a common phenomenon. It almost never works, but occasionally it is successful - usually due to a combination of pure biological need for sex combined with disinhibition from alcohol. The problem is that the woman involved will subsequently not be experiencing either. At this point she can’t understand why she slept with a phony loser, and starts grasping for an explanation. You know what can happen next. Yeah, me too.
Continue the boycott people
Ayrton Sy lol I’m not boycotting lol I honest don’t want to watch...
Yeah after they made luke suck green tit milk from an animal like a pathetic loser I'm done with them. They knew what they were doing.
Then said he tried to murder his nephew in his sleep because he had a bad feeling
It's funny that they think all of the feminists are going to become life long fans and out number the actual life long fans and wrestle it from the patriarchy. There is a reason it isn't happening. Most women have zero interest in star wars. It was painfully the case for Ghostbusters 2016 and it's the same here.
God that movie was a train wreck and you can tell Kathleen didn't learn from history.
So true! Sexual ideas should definitely NOT be in a kid's movie.
That's Di$ney.
When you write a movie for females. But the females also hate it.
My wife hates the Last Jedi and has no desire to see Solo as a result. Han Solo was her favorite character
I finished the fate of the Jedi book series a month ago and it had all the elements this new Trilogy is trying to push but well written
Unrelatable characters. If they want women to relate they need to stop shoehorning social justice and hire good writers
The funny thing is if they would read the books they would realize they had all the writers they needed
After falling in love with Star Wars at the age of 5 and now speaking as an 18 year old, I can confidently say that I feel like throwing up. Kathleen Kennedy is a disease.
Nojatha same age; same story. I’m the biggest sw fan I know in my life, and it’d be an understatement to call this appalling.
You both have me beat by 2 years, but I've been watching star wars since I was around 3 years old. The fact that Disney is ruining a great franchise with their political and sinful ideology is disgusting and bad business.
I'm 16 and have been a fan since 3, I first saw attack of the clones (don't judge me) and fell in love, then I saw the original trilogy and love went even further, I have seen every movie and all clone wars episodes and also read every legends and canon books, i'll admit I was excited to see TFA when it was first announced, but I was
incredibly disappointed, then I saw rogue one which was alright with some good action scenes but nothing too special, and I HATED The Last Jedi with a burning passion, the weakest star wars story narrative wise.
It pains me to say this but I have fallen out with the franchise that introduced my love for science fiction FOR SHAME LUCASFILM AND KATHLEEN KENNEDY, FOR SHAME!!!.
Patrick Dmuzangi I’m the same age and saw AotC as my first Star Wars film too.
Only difference is that I stuck with the franchise I grew up with and still have yet to hop on the “I hate Star Wars” bandwagon.
TLJ wasn’t amazing, sure, but Rogue One is my all-time-favorite Star Wars movie. It embodied everything that a Star Wars film should be, and reminded me so much of the original trilogy.
When you said that you didn’t like Rogue One but loved the Original Trilogy, that’s when I knew you’re just a pessimist that’ll always find something to complain about with Star Wars. I’m assuming you’re the same way about everything else, aren’t you?
I watched the first star wars when I was a kid and it blew my mind... I'm 52 now and the whole franchise now suks
If the Force is Female, does that mean that we have to ask the Force for consent before we use it?
Ha in the recommended video section it says you can rent to watch SW Last Jedi on Google for $2.99. I looked up other movies Sherlock Gnomes is $4.99 as is Avengers Ininfinity War. While movies like TAG and Mr. Rogers are 14.99. People hate Green Lantern and it's $9 99 or $12.99 in HD. The only other movie I looked at that had the same price for rental was Thor Ragnarock. Which is an insult as I don't usually see movies more than once with in a short period of time. But I'd rather watch Thor Ragnarock again and again than the Last Jedi. It was at least fun and funny.
Completely forgot Solo even came out. That's how hyped I was about it.
The movie is out?
It's not out yet
As you can see. This is how much I've been paying attention to it xD
& from looks of the pre booked tickets sales a lot of ppl Forgot lol.
What do they expect? The last Jedi made it obvious that whoever is driving this boat does not care about the original story, character or original fans.
The following spending chronology might help the people making these new movies to make better decisions.
I watched the original 3 movies multiple times. Over the years I bought the VHS versions, the DVD versions, and the Blu-ray version. I even bought the second set of 3 movies. I bought the actions figures for my kids and posters, camping tents, and so on and so forth.
I saw rogue one at an Imax theater with five other friends because of Luke but I did not buy the blue ray because of Luke. I did not any buy merchandise eighter.
Because of rogue one, I did not see The last Jedi in theaters. I rented and found it to be all frosting and very little cake (bitter at that). Did not buy it either or any of the merchandise.
It was good while it lasted, am done. I have nephews and nieces and a granddaughter. Come Black Friday it's all books and Marvel for them.
My suggestion is to think about the fundamentals of entertaining. If you want to make political statements through sci-fi you should have bought Star Treck. Remember, the very premise of star trek is socio ideological in nature. In contrast, the very premise of star wars is the struggle of good v evil. The powerless against the powerful, hope in the face of adversity, and the unfailing inner strength of those who would face evil in the name of freedom. These messages when combined with special effects and good writing make for powerful entertainment experiences that can withstand the passage of time. The first 3 movies proved this at the box office, the VHS store, the Blue Ray sales and at Black Friday merchandise sales. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
That woman needs to get fired period.
Man... for being a galaxy far far away, there sure seems to be a lot of Earth social justice out there.
Kathleen Kennedy will be that match,that will light the match,that will burn Star Wars to the ground
KK is a woman dosed in petrol, surrounded by kegs of TNT, in a slightly dim room trying to strike a match to make it easy for others to see her.
Diquan Spikes I’m confused. Whaaaaaaah
Luke Skywalker if you seen The Last Jedi you would understand
Diquan Spikes no ,it will burn Disney to the ground
what do you mean #will burn
The problem with "Solo" failing is that Kennedy will say, "Well, that just means the fans don't want to see movies about the original characters. TFA made buttloads of money so we are going to keep making movies about the new characters instead."
TFA made money, but many people didn't like it, myself included. I won't be going to any more Star Wars movies, ever. It's over.
Rogue One did well. I liked it a lot.
That is the point of boycotting episode 9 as well.
Force awakens was amazing
Rouge one was decent
Last Jedi was all over the place
Not watching Pan Solo
Hopefully episode 9 wraps the new trilogy up nicely.. It might be their saving grace.
Adventures by George And when she gets fired, she'll be like, "Well that just proves the fans are bigots, nazis and racist to successful white collar women..." All the way to her car.
Rian Johnson ruined his career. Disney isn't going to give this man a trilogy. Kathleen Kennedy will more than likely resign from her position after episode 9 and Disney will fire Rian. They need to find another Kevin Feige. Kevin understands that you need comic book experts working on comic book adapted films. Like Joe Quesada who is Chief Creative Officer for Marvel Entertainment, Stan Lee, Current President Dan Buckley just to name a few. Star Wars needs Star Wars experts working on their films. People who understand the lore and timelines. One of the main reasons The Lord of the Ring film trilogy was a success is Peter Jackson. Peter is an enormous fan of the novels and was smart to hire LOTR experts to help him with his film(s). One example is Alan Lee and John Howe. The famed illustrators who specialize in Tolkiens work. They helped to design and physically paint the sets for the films. That kind of attention to detail is what Star Wars needs. Disney (IMO) needs to bring aboard a new President someone who will find the right group of people to help him/her create a recognizable, but still fresh approach to Star Wars films. The Star Wars franchise can still be salvageable, Disney just needs to find the right President.
LOL. Yes his 600 million domestic and 1.3 billion overall critically adored movie it certainly career ending. LOL
I am very excited to see episode IX. Yes of course it will follow the story done so far why would it not? LOTR was very different it was really 1 eleven hour long movie. That is not something that will happen very often. That would have been really weird way to do a series based on a book. It also has little to do whit the Last Jedi as it takes place almost immediately after The Force Awakens ends. When you watch them back to back they work perfectly together but are still their own movies . What they did is very similar to the Original trilogy the first was directed and written by George Lucas. The Second directed by Irvin Kershner and written by Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan.
Hey i would watch any movie Quesada works on. Say what you want, but like his work.
This is a travesty to all of the Star Wars franchise.
Not as much a travesty as the Star Wars Christmas Special.
Oh wait, guess you don't remember that...typical.
I'm old. I saw Star Wars in the movies in 1977. I made my parents buy me a SW poster, i colored it in with my crayolas, and it hung in a place of honor over my bed. Now. . . I don't even recognize one of my favorite stories. I refuse to patronize what they've done to my childhood. It's sad.
If the force is female in this new Disney Star Wars universe, then Kathleen Kennedy is the last Jedi indeed.
MrGabrielJude Woohoooohoo I love this comment section, and for me, yours wins the cake.
She is Sith, her mentality is either with us or against us.
You know, The force has no gender but remember "only a sith deals in absolutes".
Fuck the bitch she's stupid and I'm tired of the bitch ruining starwars
raynaldo arlen k.eman Yeah. It’s just “ THE”
I swear to god that my theater had all the seats booked when I went to see it with my dad and we had to sit in a front row. And when I turned around there were only two other people in the theater the whole time. Only 2 days after opening. I feel like they are vastly overstating the viewing numbers honestly
I, for one, am GLAD that more people are openly hating on modern Star Wars because Lucasfilm is openly hating on us, the veteran Star Wars fans~
Modern Lucasfilm is getting just what they deserve: *_The consequences to their actions_*
So, I advise to boycott this new Han Solo movie and continue to boycott every single poorly made Lucasfilm-made product until they understand the error of their ways~
And if they don't learn, then so be it!
The Force is female? I never thought of it as gender specific, and I guarantee no one else did either
Why can’t they just use a Star Wars novel. They are 10 times better.
We should ask Dave Filoni to do an animated series on the Darth Bane Trilogy
Which one?
lucca ferla Trilogy, often means "3". So all of them. And I agree, the Bane trilogy, a trilogy that involves a deep and complex insight to the dark side with new exciting characters would be a good move for the franchise, however, Disney!
BobFromThePub still might happen, though different enough for them to lock the original author out 😁
Kennedy would step in and make Darth Zahnna the main lead after she walks into the acedemy on Korriban and kills everyone else where with a twitch of her left pinky. She'd then pick up Darth Bane and tell him about how it's the Jedi's toxic masculinity that she has to form the Sith, and how they must bring Feminism to save the galaxy.
I took my son to see Solo on Memorial Day and there were 10 people in the theater. On the other hand, Dead Pool 2 had a full house.
Cliffton Coffey Deadpool was AWESOME. Refreshing to see something offensive for once!
And crazy feminists are crying "SEXIST!" at the creators of Deadpool 2. The numbers speak for themselves. The jealousy is real! Most people don't want leftist views forced down their throats that replace a well written story and good characters.
Fun fact, Deadpool is a pansexual too.
@projectOMA Or maybe, just maybe, its because Deadpool is a new series? I know this is crazy and probably doesn't fit a political narrative, but upon examining trends within the film industry right now, new franchises are out pacing the old ones. While there are a variety of theories for this, the largest one is that children are becoming increasingly important for the film industry. As Deadpool has consistently been a fan favorite for the teen audience, the now largest movie-goer population, it only makes sense that the film does well; however, there is a problem with this argument: Deadpool is not outperforming Solo. Anecdotal evidence aside, when the movies were at the theatres at the same time, Solo sold better by some $100,000,000.
Solo has done 312 million to date and Deadpool has done 650 million. Deadpool is not a family movie and it most certainly is not a household name like Han Solo.
So stop making excuses for the Solo movie performance.
"It's not what's between your legs, it's what's between your ears". True words, my friend.
Captain Rednek exception for prostitutes.
tbh im not into sloppy seconds, and most of these SJW's brains are already fucked...
that's why I said tight ;P
Michael Lloyd then you my friend, will never have great sex. If you don't fuck someone with sexual experience then you aren't ever going to learn shit.
Rick O'Shay by fucking a bunch of people and learning through new experiences. You'd be surprised by what a woman who's had some "mileage" might have to reach you.
I totaly agree... it's time for the franchise to end
Remember when Star Wars was awesome and didn't push a SJW pan sexual agenda?
Pepperidge Farm remembers
star wars was ruined for me since the last jedi
Recht_voor_zijn_raap thank you I feel everyone needed this
What does it have to be an agenda tf?
Actually the original star wars is very SJW and very political the two republic civilian leaders are women, the anti-droid take is a critique on racism, and the depiction of the empire is a critique on fascism and Nazism, BUT these movies have LAZY writing The Force Awakens is basically a recast of ep 4 A New Hope , Droid on desert plant=check, Droid found by orphan check, orphan is unaware of force sensitivity check, orphan is key to saving galaxy check, orphan and Droid escape from desert world on millenium falcon check, there is an old ex general mentor check (substitute solo for Kenobi), mentor dies at had of sith apprentice Vader w/Skywalker bloodline check, he dies as friends look on from afar check, giant death star like weapon destroyed by xwing flying down a trench check, force vision underground check, cantina scene check...I could go's so lazy...and they have managed to squander an opportunity to do something with Ford, Hamil and Fisher that might have been good, she needs to be fired for doing a crappy job.
After I learn about Lando being pansexual I don't intend to watch this movie at the cinema!
it means you have sex with anything that moves
Nope. It means you have sex with any Adult Human person regardless of what biological sex they are or want to be called. I.E. you fuck gay, bi, trans, fluid(ugh..), hermaphrodites and any other of the thousands of bullshit terms sjws formulate, based purely on the fact that you find them to be attractive and pleasant to be around. Sorry, but if you fuck a child your just a pedo, and if you fuck a toaster your just really stupid. It's basically just Bisexual+
Cliff O'Malley(deadman on campus) is Pansexual and he was funny to see on screen.
So, I watched it. Honestly: wasn't that bad and it's highlighted its weird by the characters. The film was ok/10. Like not Star Wars 8 bad, but it did feel a bit....directionless. Me and the 14 in the cinema enjoyed but didnt walk out going HOLY FUCK SO COOL.
pansexual is about love, you cant get aroused if you don't love your partner. We don't care about gender just love,
I will say, the Last Jedi ruined Star Wars for me. The Force Awakens created threads that weren't answered. The Rebels just destroyed Star Killer Base and some how, the First Order came back bigger and Stronger? Instead, the Rebels are fleeing the First Order, mimicking the intro to Empire Strikes Back. To make things worse, it ends with the Rebels Fleeing the First Order. Basically, it's a story where nothing happens. Nothing happens that progresses the story. And they take a big dump on the Luke Skywalker Character in the process.
Know Your Video Games And i will say, last jedi destroyed a part of my eternal soul.
"now I'm afraid Lando might be f***king a toaster or something" hahahahahaha