Dear content creator! Why did you use knight arours from the Crusader era of the Holy land? The usage these 13th century armours is very anchronostic in the mid 15th century.
Dear Mr. Tamas. Hungary and Hungari are two different words that name two different entities, in this case denoting only one geographical area in Central Europe. As you state, the Kingdom of Hungary was established in the year 1000, and this name was mentioned until 1844, when the Hungarian lords renamed it the Kingdom of Hungary. You incorrectly state that many nationalities grew up in it. Only one nationality grew up, namely the Hungarian nationality. Slovaks, Croats, Romanians were here a long time ago. Even Hungary itself was built on the foundations of Great Moravia. Saint Stephen would never have been recognized as king by the Pope if he had not been baptized and a bishopric had not been created in the center of Great Moravia. This bishopric was founded by the preachers Cyril and Methodius. It is a big mistake and a big ignorance if maps, documents and dictionaries mention "the Kingdom of Hungary", while the word Hungary is also translated as Hungarian and also as Hungary in English documents. It only shows a great ignorance of the history of this part of Europe. Have a nice day.
Hola que tal, soy mecenas de izuru el creador del mod hd para los helenos en el rome 2, actualmente queremos contactarte para darte acceso anticipado al mod en unos días, solo que tu enlace a discord no me abre.
"If you are the sultan, come and lead your armies. If I am the sultan I hereby order you to come and lead my armies." -Mehmed II "the Conqueror" Tbf, he was 12 years old at the time. It's a pretty based power play to recall his dad who tried handing things over just before a crusader coalition force invades. Mehmed knew he wasn't ready to take something that overwhelming on. He needed an experienced commander and Murad was the person who needed to keep things together for a little longer.
It's totally lie. Sultan Mehmed was brave and oppositely he wants to lead the army but Grand Vizier Çandarlı Halil Pasha refuses and makes a coup against Mehmed, recalls the Sultan Murat back. Sultan Murad leads the army and defeat the enemy. But Mehmed never forget that coup. (Buçuktepe rebellion) Because he was dethroned, his pride against military, bureaucracy was humiliated. So he had to do a thing the history never forget, the thing to proove himself to everybody. That's where Conquering the Constantinople idea came from. He started make the plans from dethroned time to his second reign time. He read, calculated (he is the designer of the famous Shahi (Şahi) canons). But Çandarlı knew that. From the idea of conquest plan he resist it. Because he knew Sultan Mehmed didn't forget, if he take the city and of course his reputation, nobody can question his autority... Mehmed knew the responsibilties. If he fails; his autority, his reputation and his reign will be ended. Maybe after the failed siege Byzantine Empire will send Şehzade Orhan to start a rebellion. That's why he resisted for take the city. After 59 days of siege city has fallen. With that Çandarlı knew his time is ended. Now Sultan Mehmed took a name: "Fatih" (The Conqueror) But not just a name... Mehmed took his reputation, pride and authority back...With no question... First thing after Conquest was imprisoning of Çandarlı Halil Pasha. 2 days after conquest June 1, 1453 ; Çandarlı was imprisoned. 40 days in prison and then Mehmed ordered to execute of him. That was the first execution of a Grand Vizier in Ottoman Empire... Now that's the history. You see, Mehmed is hunger to succession. Now, you think he could write that letter? :)
@@thesaygl7020 mehmet savaş olacagın biliyordu bu otoritesi olmayacagını düşünerek Şöyle yazmıştır padişah sizseniz ordunun başına gecin yok padişah ben sem emrediyorum ordunun başına geciniz. bu dogrudur fatih vefat etmemiş olsaydı Romayı fet edecekti fatih vefat ettiginde kiliselerde canlar calındı sevıncten cıglıklar attılar büyük kartal öldü büyük kartal öldü yaşasın büyük kartal öldü fatih sultan mehmet zehirlenilerek öldürüldü
It is estimated that the Ottoman losses were around 8000. Crusader losses are at least around 40000. The death toll alone seems to be enough to reveal errors in your video.
@@ZOV-v9xAccording to Ottoman sources, your army was much larger in this war. According to the research of today's historians, the population of the Crusader army was 55,000 and the population of the Ottoman army was 40,000. Don't get me wrong, but no one would march against the Ottomans with 20,000 soldiers. Anyone who believes this is an idiot.
Until Christians decided they had had enough of the Islamic BS. Once Christians defeated the Ottomans they build the greatest countries in the history of mankind.
Superpower it's u that consider it as...😂superpower....A superpower would easily or at least hardly have conquered all the rest Rome,Genoa,Firenze,till Vienna and Germany at least...This battle made Ottomans a signigicant power,NOT superpower!!!Lets talk bit seriously and without ethnicism!!
@@mizamkoboev6846U are right,it was too tough to conquer Greece with 1/10 of Turkish population!😂.If u see the map its mainly Greece and Egypt that made Turkey considered as an empire...Don't tell me about Baghad,Tiblisi,Algeria etc,cause it was ridiculous for the difference in all numbers not to be BEATEN!😅
As a Fellow Pole I am surprised at two things...Most of the comments doesnt give any credits to The Turks despite as Christian states, we BROKE our oath by breaking the peace agreement in front of God and Men. Secondly, they deserve the highest credit, esspecially Sutan Murad for crushing such a strong crusader army. Salute.Cześć i chwała Bohaterom!
En sevdiğim padişahlardan birisi istanbul un fethinin yolunu 2 haçlı ordusunu Varna ve Kosova’da yok ederek açmıştır. Sözlerini çiğneyen haçlıların kelleside savaş sahasında mızraklara geçirilerek ihanetleri cezalandırılmıştır.
@@HarbdakramKardo Towards the end of the Ottoman Empire, Arab soldiers took part in the Ottoman Empire. There were no mercenaries in the Ottoman Empire. There were volunteer soldiers.
Ni židovi, ni kršćani, neće biti tobom zadovoljni sve dok ne budeš slijedio vjeru njihovu. Reci: "Allahov put je jedini pravi put!" A ako bi se ti poveo za željama njihovim, nakon znanja koje si dobio, od Allaha te niko ne bi mogao zaštititi, niti pomoći.
Some people have made comparisons… The Macedonian Empire ruled for 13 years, while the Ottoman Empire lasted around 623 years. As for the British, if the subject involves Turks and war, they need to think twenty times. Don’t compare it to the colonies they tricked with chocolates. If three or four countries attacked England simultaneously, it couldn’t stand; the entire Europe united to attack the Ottomans several times, and they all got their answer each time. Stop talking nonsense...
We Turks respect every nation that we we fought in time , win or loose or even we made them vassals for centuries but we expect the same equally respect. As a Turk I respect every nation who made their mark in history.. Greetings to all braves from all nations who sacrificed their lives for their existance. Glory to braves.
Jeste, hajde da se setimo vaše slavne bitke " Maricka bitka" kako ste na spavanju ih pobili jer niste imali petlju oci u oci da stanete. Vi ste kukavice. Jer tada braca Mrnjacevicu su bili najaci od srpskih vlastela. Vi niste imali hrabrosti jer ste znali da će da izgubite pa ste na prevaru ih napali.
Can you please share sources you've used? I've never saw there were Arab mercenaries among Ottoman ranks which was rare case because generally local auxiliaries being used, secondly army composition and numbers vary a lot according to different sources. Modern sources indicates closer size.
Again just some east european nations helped Hunyadis hungarian army, like polish, croatians , romanians. The richer west european countries did not send any help. More than that the seaman of Genova for money transferred the turkish to the back of the christians, like this helping their victory.
One of the neighborhoods in Varna close to where the battle was fought is called Vladislavovo named after the king that lost his life here. There's also a museum dedicated to the battle. This battle is thought in schools and I was always fascinated by it.
Başı kesildi ve yaptığı anlaşmaya ihanet ettiği için bir tarafa yapılan anlaşmanın nüshası karşısına gelecek şekilde kellesi mızraklara geçirildi. Biz türkler sözümüz senettir ihaneti cezasız komayız.
The Ottoman Empire didn't use Arab mercenaries in any of its wars. While there are Turkish horsemen and akinjis units, That's why you're giving people wrong information.
Ottomans lost is between 10,000-15,000, European lost half its troops. Janissary are Europeans who have converted to Islam and most loyal to the Sultan. Janissary was the Sultan's bodyguard, Janissaries were also the ones who put down all rebellions in the Ottoman Empire. Janissaries important part of history of Ottoman Empires. The Bosnian army was also with the battle of Varna although most were not Christians, but was neither good friends with the Vatican but everyone was afraid of this new powerful nation and Europe had to be defended. Crusades against Bosnia were attempted in 1235-1241 which was failed project. Bosnia was invaded in 1384 and resisted the Ottomans until the last city fell in 1592. I'm proud of my people, many died in many wars, always fought bravely
Янычары, в основном были платными войсками, никаких хрестьян там не было, все кто про это пишет это чушь . Хрестьяни тоже могли создать себе такие войска . У турков своих хватало воинов ... .
There wasn’t normally any Arab soldiers in ottoman armies. Ottoman armies consisted of Balkan turks(who had been moved to Balkan from Anatolia), Anatolian cavalry, Kırım Turkish(Tartars) and yenicharies(converted Balkan children). There were from time to time Serbians, and Albanians and Bosnians who fought for ottoman armies. There were very few, if any, Arabs in ottoman armies…
Not by 1444 maybe. But after Ottoman expansion into the Middle East, Arab auxiliaries were very common, especially in wars against the Safavids and later dynasties that ruled Iran. In fact by the 17th century the Ottomans started using Egyptian troops, both ethnic Arabs and Mamluks, in European theaters too and they were remarkably successful.
Ironically, that is a Serbian song, and they did not anticipate this battle and were fighting with this army and almost defeated it back in 1389 at Kosovo battle.
Bulgaristan gecmistede ulke degildi simdide degil. Avrupanin turklere karsi kullandigi tampon bolgedir. Dogru vakti geldiginde 2 gunluk isi vardir. Ayni sekilde yunanistanda oyledir, ermenistanda oyledir. Bunlari sizlerde iyi biliyorsunuz. Turkler ile savasmak yerine arkadas olmaniz daha faydali olacaktir. Unutmayin ki tarih tekrardan ibarettir. Yuzyillar boyunca dilinize ve dininize karismadan turk bayragi altinda yasadiniz. Fakat bizim en gucsuz zamanimizda bizi vurdunuz! Elinize ne gecti? Bugun halen sefil haldesiniz. Biz bunlari unutmayiz ama kafayada takmayiz. Zamani gelir geregi yapilir.
Yet another amazing video as always! I have a few suggestions for future videos, such as the Battle of Kadesh (1274 B.C.E.) and Suppiluliuma vs Tausret (non-historical) for Pharaoh, the Battle of Watling Street (61 C.E.) and Kush vs. Cimmeria (non-historical) for Rome II, and the Battle of Cartagena (461 C.E.) and Langobards vs Anteans (non-historical) for Attila. As usual, keep up the excellent work churning out new videos featuring both historical and non-historical battles👍😁!
I have watched and continue to watch a lot of history videos, but this was the best history video I have ever watched. Greetings to all viewers from the grandchildren of the mighty Turks who won the victory in Varna.
Hvala na lekciji iz istorije. Odličan video. Jedan deo videa prati stara srpska pesma ,, Rosna livada , trava zelena." Srbski despot Djuradj Branković nije učestvovao u ovom ratu želeći da obnovi i ojača svoju državu. Mislim i da ga je neki mirovni ugovor s Osmanlijama obavezivao na to. Ali u Madjarskoj vojsci je sigurno bilo dosta Srba.
If you are the Sultan, come and lead your armies. If ı am the Sultan, ı hereby order you to come and lead your armies" ~From Mehmed the Conqueror Khan to his father Murad II
Great video & history lesson! I will continue to support your channel and videos. I learned a little on the subject but this helped me tremendously. Great quality video and details, I love the narration and political background also. Great work my friend
@@GS-HASTASI1905 1912/13, your ancestors were totally defeated and expelled from the Balkans by the Christian Balkan allies. Glory to our Lord ! My grandfather fought at Chataldja, 20 km from Istanbul, when your Sultan evacuated his Pallaces and numerous concubines and eunuchs from his capital
@danchokonstantinov6735 lol u mean the whole world aganst the Turks 😉 Not even that made u win.. We had traitors in the army disguise as Türk was just a fake Turks That's the only reason u win .. Even today u can't win the Turks Stop looking in the giant mirror boy ..
@@danchokonstantinov6735puuhahhaa I can se u are a Greek 😉 Didn't u was under the Turks for 550 years ? Wasn't the greece the Türks conquered First bcuz u was no match then or today ..😂
I am a Turk but I can never understand how we could have won any battles against the heavily armed European opponents. (At least until guns were used more heavily like in Mohac.) Most Turkish soldiers seem like wearing soft cloth dresses while the opponents are totally covered with armor. Even the armored Turkish soldiers seem very light armor compared to the Europeans. I wish I can get on a time machine and go back in time to observe these battles.
Typically only knights and mercenaries could afford this kind of expensive armour. Most European footsoldiers were not well armoured, and in big battles like this were often led by commanders of varying loyalty and different ethnic origins, all looking for their own glory. Conversely, Ottoman armies were more disciplined, because the Ottoman state organised the military in a much more centralised fashion. This meant that Ottomans often enjoyed more morale and quicker strategic and tactical thinking. Ottomans also typically made use of defensive earthworks, as well as firearms, polearms and defensive formations. In many cases, mounted Turkish archers wearing light armour were able to lure and outrun disorganised knights, pulling European cavalry into suicidal charges against defences that were already prepared for them, and sending their own light horsemen (usually Deli or Akıncı horsemen, ) to flank the enemy and attack their archers, crossbowmen, and baggage trains, and lead charges against enemy soldiers who were already engaged and could not brace their ranks against the quick and skilful deli horsemen. These horsemen were instrumental to other elements of warfare waged by the Ottomans, such as razing crops, harassing enemy armies on the move, performing reconnaissance, and chasing down fleeing, broken enemy formations. Lightly armoured and armed irregular soldiers called Azap were often also used to harass and whittle down European defences, often wielding bows, javelins and slings. They would attempt to disrupt, demoralise and distract the front line of enemy soldiers. But probably the biggest part of Ottoman success was due to their highly disciplined, arquebus-wielding Janissaries. The Janissaries often were high in morale, and were the most firm line in the Ottoman tactics. These firearm wielding-soldiers were employed at Mohacs, and fired in alternating volleys by the fresh Janissaries, and were able to shatter the morale of the disorganised European forces, cutting down knights through their armour. Greetings and good wishes from a Greek 😁
HELLO!This video is based on historical facts and is a great piece of work that is neutrally presented compared to other videos! It's very interesting and intriguing.
One of the prime battles of the Janissary they were so effective in this campaign thus led by an Ottoman emperor above the average, under circumstances like these you can defeat anybody
If you ever visit Varna, Bulgaria, especially if you are polish, please visit the burial tomb of King Vladislav Varnenchik , beatifully arranged with museum, refreshments, guided tours and locals' respect & gratitude to a brave warrior King and defender of Chritianity !
@@abdelkaderboucheloui8205you do not need to know him, better know Mustafa Kemal Pasha's monumental legacy to establish modern Turkish Republic and to separate Islam from state affairs !
Çantada falan değildi, TAKTİK OLARAK türkler geri çekildi, DAĞILMIŞ görüntüsü verip tuzağa çektiler kralı , ODA YEDİ .SALDIRDI VE SONU GELDİ.olan BUDUR.
If Europe says okay, Turkey will not enter. POLITICS, Turkey, Anatolian lands are very rich, there is no fair sharing, that is why there is a problem in some parts, if there is fair management and distribution, Turkey would be in the top five in economy.
Videoyu anladığından şüpheliyim kardeşim. Her damlasından taraflılık akıyor çünkü. Verilen bilgilerin yüzde ellisi yanlış. Savaşı daha derin araştırmanı öneririm
Nice presentation and for sure overall accurate, however the truth might be much more complex. The Wallachian (Romanian) cavalry probably didn't fully participate since the kings' sons Vlad Dracul (Dracula) and Radu the Handsome were hostages at Ottomans. Mircea Dracul, the commander of Wallachians army at Varna, after few years was buried alive by Transylvanians most probably being accused of treason. Since the crusaders they were actually a mixture of small armies, probably there were individual issues, goals and strategies which opposed to an unitary action needed in a battle. Maybe this is the conclusion of the battle.
Beautiful work ! It's a fun to learn history watching such spectacular video's like this one - not like in my childhood by reading some "dry" book's stories. Thanks for great work done !
@@AdituLaudisMMXXIVarna savaşında Arap askerler yoktur , neden yanlış bilgi veriyorsunuz, böyle bir video yapıyorsanız birçok güvenilir kaynak mevcut ,
@@basntribunu1107 Huniady...Iancu de Hunedoara was Romanian born in Vlahia. He was friend( for a while) with your worst nightmare( Vlad the Impaler) father. He defeted the Turks at Belgrade battle
@@patriotalbanian3205 😂😂..Kastrioti lost the waf with the Ottomans and Albanian not only lisy their countru but most of tge converted to Islam. Where is the brave Shiptar bre? . Only you and some poor Serbo Croat oeadants acceoted Islam. Why? Kastrioti was Christian
I really like Faryia Faraji's music, I'm thinking of using it for some videos I'm going to make, do you know if he makes copy right claims, do you need to buy it? I couldn't find any information on his youtube channel.
@@gyozopHungarians actuelly also a Turkish race .. Huns name hungarian aka hun s .. But they become Christians before Islam came.. And also the war mohac the magnificent Sulaiman win it so easily..
@@KehKah-en1xp Yes we are Huns and Turkic. We like Turcs, but we had to fight the Ottomans they were not invited. Did you learn about the second battle of Mohacs, the final defeat of Turkey in Hungary? It was a long war and even Suleiman himself did not survive his next visit to Hungary.
I remember this battle. One key thing missed is that reportedly the Sultan withdrew after losing the battle to his fortified camp. It also misses that they allegedly sent their janissaries in a 2nd frontal attack, after the inital attacks failed; it revealed that the janisarries (their supposed elite forces) were repelled and were not good enough to defeat the crusader force from the front as he had hoped- prompting Murrad to retreat to his camp and regroup. Maybe he wanted to battle test that the elite weeb Janisaary units could actually beat the Crusaders while they still had equal or better numbers, but it showed that they failed and were inferior quality to the crusaders in that 2nd attack. Perhaps disappointed or morale low, that is when Murrad withdrew. I believe personally he knew the crusaders were higher quality, with less numbers, butMurrad waned to pit the elite janissaries to test them, and of course they lost. It was a clear head to head confrontation where the janissaries even outnumbered slightly. Ottomans lost in morale in this battle even with the overwhelming numbers and the fact they won the battle. The battle was basically won for the crusaders and morale was high after that, but the young king basically defeated himself by funneling his forces into fortified camp defenses and as only he and a few broke through, he was then then beheaded. His whole heavy cavalry force was dispersed. The Sultan learned to do that from previous battles, where he almost died, and saw the importance of making a camp with special fortifications. The attacking king was so stupid that he fought through the gate and was killed by the Sultan's personal guard, thinking he would get a chance to kill the sultan instead, then had his head placed on a pike. Because of his impulsive action,even though the Ottoman force was dealt a blow, the Crusader strategy of not chasing the enemy was ruined and the remaining force had to run away. So it was enough to stop the Ottoman force from pursuing much, but the Crusaders ultimately lost because of the bad action of the king trying to attack the camp. Realizing that once again the Ottomans had defeated them with a feigned retreat which was even planned against, the remaining crusaders had to retreat and fell apart. The ottomans still had most of their force intact and it was indeed an unnecessary withdrawal. The irony is they knew to maintain their defensive position and not fall for retreating, but someone broke the plan, and thus they lost. This particular ottoman force was known for returning back to the battlefield after running away (feigned retreats). It's not known if they trained perhaps even trained to come back to the battlefield after running away or they just had a habit of doing it and realizing that they could regroup, and had won that way many times. They had won previous battles that way, and as that happened, they had a lot more numbers, and usually flanked a force that was already engaged and thought they had already won the battle.
War is a strategy. If you don't have a strategy, being numerous means nothing. Look at the wars that the Turks have won throughout history. You will see that they have a war strategy. Although I partially agree with your comment, it is absurd to try to portray military strategies as habits or coincidences. History does not gain another reality with your comment. History writes the winners as it always does. Because Western historiography is more about lies and deception than truth. I replied so that others do not read your comment and reach the wrong conclusions.
The recent versions of the Total War Engine have gotten much better. If you have the PC horsepower (as Aditu Lauds apparently has) you can make some really cinematographic views. Good job. Subscribed.
As the Sultan said to the Europeans at the gate of Vienna, I swear we did not come to kill you, our cause is not a dry cause of world domination, our cause is to save you from hell, to tell you the truth!
THANKS for this incredibly good material! This date (1444), this battle (with several others of course), contributed to the mentality of my nation (Poland) and is somehow present in our national way of thinking even still TODAY! And even if most of the Poles are well aware the bloody outcome (NOT every nation has a King that died on the battlefield…), they often ignore the details. BIG Thanks again!
Murad 2 qui était à varna est également mort dans une bataille Qu il a gagner, (Kosovo) il donna de l'eau à un ennemi blesser qui la poignardé , Bajazed est capture puis mort après la bataille d Ankara1402, contre tamerlan tu te trompe beaucoup de souverain sont mort sur le champ de bataille
@@oguz74000 Je n'ai pas dit que ça n'existait pas, juste que ce n'était pas fréquent. Je connais d'autres exemples, mais pas de dizaines (pour prendre l'exemple de la France : je connais un roi de France fait prisonnier - Jean II à Poitiers - mais comme ça, de tête, je ne vois pas d'exemple de roi de France mort en bataille, mais je ne connais pas tout, je ne connaissais pas l'histoire de Murad II, c'est terrible d'aider un ennemi et de se faire poignarder !!!).
...совсем скоро опять мир преклониться перед доблестными тюрками , армией Аллаха .....когда Аллах гневается на безч нствующих он отправляет свою армию наказывать обезумевшие народы пустившиеся в порок и скверну..
It is called the Crusader army and the Crusader army, but it was actually the army of Hungary, which was joined by the vassals' troops and there were also mercenaries. In addition, about 500 Polish knights took part in the battle, they were II. Ulaszló's bodyguard. But it is frivolous to call this army a crusader army, neither Western Europe nor the papacy provided substantial help to Hungary in the fight against the Turks.
@FreeMan-ev3jh ქართველმა მეფემ დავით აღმაშენებელმა 1121 წელს სისხლში აბანავა 46 ათასიანი ჯარით 400 000 თურქ სელჯუკები ეს ბრძოლა იყო დიდგორის ომად ცნობილი ასევე თამარ მეფემ დაამარცხა ბასიანში
The battle was winnable, or would have ended in a stalemate if command had depended only on Hunyadi. Turkish expansion could have been halted. Constantinople could have survived a little longer, and the personal union of the Hungarian and Polish kingdoms could have been strengthened. Unfortunately, the bravado of the young king ended in disaster. The Jagiellonian dynasty didn't bring fortune to Hungary.
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Dear content creator! Why did you use knight arours from the Crusader era of the Holy land? The usage these 13th century armours is very anchronostic in the mid 15th century.
Dear Mr. Tamas. Hungary and Hungari are two different words that name two different entities, in this case denoting only one geographical area in Central Europe. As you state, the Kingdom of Hungary was established in the year 1000, and this name was mentioned until 1844, when the Hungarian lords renamed it the Kingdom of Hungary. You incorrectly state that many nationalities grew up in it. Only one nationality grew up, namely the Hungarian nationality. Slovaks, Croats, Romanians were here a long time ago. Even Hungary itself was built on the foundations of Great Moravia. Saint Stephen would never have been recognized as king by the Pope if he had not been baptized and a bishopric had not been created in the center of Great Moravia. This bishopric was founded by the preachers Cyril and Methodius. It is a big mistake and a big ignorance if maps, documents and dictionaries mention "the Kingdom of Hungary", while the word Hungary is also translated as Hungarian and also as Hungary in English documents. It only shows a great ignorance of the history of this part of Europe. Have a nice day.
Hola que tal, soy mecenas de izuru el creador del mod hd para los helenos en el rome 2, actualmente queremos contactarte para darte acceso anticipado al mod en unos días, solo que tu enlace a discord no me abre.
@@stefansvelka7219 This is what a comment looks like from someone, who learned history from a "romanian" history book !😵💫
Hi can you tell me which version of Total War you are using please and your PC set up (GPU, CPU, RAM etc) thanks 👍
"If you are the sultan, come and lead your armies. If I am the sultan I hereby order you to come and lead my armies." -Mehmed II "the Conqueror"
Tbf, he was 12 years old at the time. It's a pretty based power play to recall his dad who tried handing things over just before a crusader coalition force invades. Mehmed knew he wasn't ready to take something that overwhelming on. He needed an experienced commander and Murad was the person who needed to keep things together for a little longer.
It's totally lie. Sultan Mehmed was brave and oppositely he wants to lead the army but Grand Vizier Çandarlı Halil Pasha refuses and makes a coup against Mehmed, recalls the Sultan Murat back. Sultan Murad leads the army and defeat the enemy. But Mehmed never forget that coup. (Buçuktepe rebellion) Because he was dethroned, his pride against military, bureaucracy was humiliated. So he had to do a thing the history never forget, the thing to proove himself to everybody. That's where Conquering the Constantinople idea came from. He started make the plans from dethroned time to his second reign time. He read, calculated (he is the designer of the famous Shahi (Şahi) canons).
But Çandarlı knew that. From the idea of conquest plan he resist it. Because he knew Sultan Mehmed didn't forget, if he take the city and of course his reputation, nobody can question his autority...
Mehmed knew the responsibilties. If he fails; his autority, his reputation and his reign will be ended. Maybe after the failed siege Byzantine Empire will send Şehzade Orhan to start a rebellion. That's why he resisted for take the city.
After 59 days of siege city has fallen. With that Çandarlı knew his time is ended. Now Sultan Mehmed took a name: "Fatih" (The Conqueror) But not just a name... Mehmed took his reputation, pride and authority back...With no question...
First thing after Conquest was imprisoning of Çandarlı Halil Pasha. 2 days after conquest June 1, 1453 ; Çandarlı was imprisoned. 40 days in prison and then Mehmed ordered to execute of him. That was the first execution of a Grand Vizier in Ottoman Empire...
Now that's the history. You see, Mehmed is hunger to succession. Now, you think he could write that letter? :)
Even Turkish historians say that this is lie. They say that Mehmed II wanted to go to war at the lead the armies
@@AugustusIV Quite brave for 12 year old😅.
@@thesaygl7020 mehmet savaş olacagın biliyordu bu otoritesi olmayacagını düşünerek
Şöyle yazmıştır padişah sizseniz ordunun başına gecin yok padişah ben sem emrediyorum ordunun başına geciniz. bu dogrudur fatih vefat etmemiş olsaydı Romayı fet edecekti fatih vefat ettiginde kiliselerde canlar calındı sevıncten cıglıklar attılar büyük kartal öldü büyük kartal öldü yaşasın büyük kartal öldü fatih sultan mehmet zehirlenilerek öldürüldü
Bu yaygın bir dedikodu ama bunu destekleyecek elimizde hiçbir tarihi kanıt yok
Watching the video about the Battle of Varna, from Varna, truly fascinating.
awesome. I hope you enjoyed it!
Varna beatiful City now for holiday 😂
Is it possible to visit the battlefield?
It is estimated that the Ottoman losses were around 8000. Crusader losses are at least around 40000. The death toll alone seems to be enough to reveal errors in your video.
Но это скорее всего неправда.
А что сученый жопв жжет😅
@@ZOV-v9xAccording to Ottoman sources, your army was much larger in this war. According to the research of today's historians, the population of the Crusader army was 55,000 and the population of the Ottoman army was 40,000. Don't get me wrong, but no one would march against the Ottomans with 20,000 soldiers. Anyone who believes this is an idiot.
Western video, they'll always make Ottomans look like they lost 10x more 😂
@qnB27 10x was an expression of exaggeration... "stop snigging glue" you must have alot of friends....
This battle made Ottoman Empire the superpower for next 3 centuries Varna 1444
Until Christians decided they had had enough of the Islamic BS. Once Christians defeated the Ottomans they build the greatest countries in the history of mankind.
На 4,5 века , до 1922года .
Vienna battle the disaster.
Superpower it's u that consider it as...😂superpower....A superpower would easily or at least hardly have conquered all the rest Rome,Genoa,Firenze,till Vienna and Germany at least...This battle made Ottomans a signigicant power,NOT superpower!!!Lets talk bit seriously and without ethnicism!!
@@mizamkoboev6846U are right,it was too tough to conquer Greece with 1/10 of Turkish population!😂.If u see the map its mainly Greece and Egypt that made Turkey considered as an empire...Don't tell me about Baghad,Tiblisi,Algeria etc,cause it was ridiculous for the difference in all numbers not to be BEATEN!😅
What an amazing work you’ve done. The video itself, good story telling and historical facts are all 👌🏼
Thanks a ton!
thats all lie...
No so much truth here
Really enjoyed this!!
Very well presented in every way.
Thanks a ton!
As a Fellow Pole I am surprised at two things...Most of the comments doesnt give any credits to The Turks despite as Christian states, we BROKE our oath by breaking the peace agreement in front of God and Men. Secondly, they deserve the highest credit, esspecially Sutan Murad for crushing such a strong crusader army. Salute.Cześć i chwała Bohaterom!
i am respect for this comments
I thank you without prejudice and honesty comment 👍
🇹🇷 teşekkürler polonyalı dostum
En sevdiğim padişahlardan birisi istanbul un fethinin yolunu 2 haçlı ordusunu Varna ve Kosova’da yok ederek açmıştır. Sözlerini çiğneyen haçlıların kelleside savaş sahasında mızraklara geçirilerek ihanetleri cezalandırılmıştır.
I guess because it has more to do with the Hungarian king being a complete retard.
There were no Arab mercenaries in the Ottoman army. Where did you get this source ?
@@thegoddamnsun5657 varna savaşında Arap askerler yoktur , bunu tarih yazmaz çünkü yoktur
@@kursatbozkurt4460 arabs were always in ottoman army
@@HarbdakramKardo not true, the Main Conscripts were always anatolian
@@HarbdakramKardo Towards the end of the Ottoman Empire, Arab soldiers took part in the Ottoman Empire. There were no mercenaries in the Ottoman Empire. There were volunteer soldiers.
Ni židovi, ni kršćani, neće biti tobom zadovoljni sve dok ne budeš slijedio vjeru njihovu. Reci: "Allahov put je jedini pravi put!" A ako bi se ti poveo za željama njihovim, nakon znanja koje si dobio, od Allaha te niko ne bi mogao zaštititi, niti pomoći.
Some people have made comparisons… The Macedonian Empire ruled for 13 years, while the Ottoman Empire lasted around 623 years. As for the British, if the subject involves Turks and war, they need to think twenty times. Don’t compare it to the colonies they tricked with chocolates. If three or four countries attacked England simultaneously, it couldn’t stand; the entire Europe united to attack the Ottomans several times, and they all got their answer each time. Stop talking nonsense...
Wow, what a majestic history video! I enjoy your historical video as a history lover.
Many thanks!
Really enjoyed the video, thank you.
Браво! Страхотно е направено! Респект!
We Turks respect every nation that we we fought in time , win or loose or even we made them vassals for centuries but we expect the same equally respect. As a Turk I respect every nation who made their mark in history.. Greetings to all braves from all nations who sacrificed their lives for their existance. Glory to braves.
a dead man talking
та пошел ты... мой прадед бил вам та не добил
@@panos96pap Turks did exist far before every nation on earth, Turks will exist after all nations are lost and replaced by others.
Jeste, hajde da se setimo vaše slavne bitke " Maricka bitka" kako ste na spavanju ih pobili jer niste imali petlju oci u oci da stanete. Vi ste kukavice. Jer tada braca Mrnjacevicu su bili najaci od srpskih vlastela. Vi niste imali hrabrosti jer ste znali da će da izgubite pa ste na prevaru ih napali.
Can you please share sources you've used? I've never saw there were Arab mercenaries among Ottoman ranks which was rare case because generally local auxiliaries being used, secondly army composition and numbers vary a lot according to different sources. Modern sources indicates closer size.
Arabs do not know how to fight. There are no Arabs. The Ottoman army is a professional army. Not a dry crowd of peasants.
Yoktu zaten anlatıcı türkler yalnız değildi demeye çalışıyor. Ama avrupanın yarısına karşı tek başınaydık ve ginede kazandık.
اتمنا ان تنشأ فيديو عن الفاتح خالد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه
its important to note that Vladislaw of Varna was also a Polish King and most of his army were Polish feudal knights.
most of cavalry*
The son of King Jogaila from Lithuania
Yes indeed, he was a Polish king as well. Yes, Hunyadi's army included some Polish elements, mainly the kings bodyguards, namely 500 Polish knights.
Again just some east european nations helped Hunyadis hungarian army, like polish, croatians , romanians. The richer west european countries did not send any help. More than that the seaman of Genova for money transferred the turkish to the back of the christians, like this helping their victory.
@@istvancsizmadia5975 True :(
Nicely done... Very clever use of Unreal Engine and game footage... How you constructed this is brilliant... 🙂
Thank you so much 😀
@sabirekalabic like what
thanks for the video and work
You're welcome!
Tisztelet a hősöknek! ♥️🤍💚
One of the neighborhoods in Varna close to where the battle was fought is called Vladislavovo named after the king that lost his life here. There's also a museum dedicated to the battle. This battle is thought in schools and I was always fascinated by it.
Başı kesildi ve yaptığı anlaşmaya ihanet ettiği için bir tarafa yapılan anlaşmanın nüshası karşısına gelecek şekilde kellesi mızraklara geçirildi. Biz türkler sözümüz senettir ihaneti cezasız komayız.
The Ottoman Empire didn't use Arab mercenaries in any of its wars. While there are Turkish horsemen and akinjis units, That's why you're giving people wrong information.
Arabs . Islamic arabs never beed merceneries for any one they were muslims Jihadist for the true religion ,
True, Araps where considered as not suitable as Soldiers
video extremely instructive! congratulations!
Glad you liked it!
Ottomans lost is between 10,000-15,000, European lost half its troops. Janissary are Europeans who have converted to Islam and most loyal to the Sultan. Janissary was the Sultan's bodyguard, Janissaries were also the ones who put down all rebellions in the Ottoman Empire. Janissaries important part of history of Ottoman Empires. The Bosnian army was also with the battle of Varna although most were not Christians, but was neither good friends with the Vatican but everyone was afraid of this new powerful nation and Europe had to be defended. Crusades against Bosnia were attempted in 1235-1241 which was failed project. Bosnia was invaded in 1384 and resisted the Ottomans until the last city fell in 1592. I'm proud of my people, many died in many wars, always fought bravely
Янычары, в основном были платными войсками, никаких хрестьян там не было, все кто про это пишет это чушь . Хрестьяни тоже могли создать себе такие войска . У турков своих хватало воинов ... .
In this war the Turks lost more than 20 thousand soldiers. The crusader army escaped with about 4,000 Yanosh. Almost all of them were killed.
Great Respect for your brave anchestors!
I'm addicted to your videos, Blessed Be.
There wasn’t normally any Arab soldiers in ottoman armies. Ottoman armies consisted of Balkan turks(who had been moved to Balkan from Anatolia), Anatolian cavalry, Kırım Turkish(Tartars) and yenicharies(converted Balkan children). There were from time to time Serbians, and Albanians and Bosnians who fought for ottoman armies. There were very few, if any, Arabs in ottoman armies…
Not by 1444 maybe. But after Ottoman expansion into the Middle East, Arab auxiliaries were very common, especially in wars against the Safavids and later dynasties that ruled Iran.
In fact by the 17th century the Ottomans started using Egyptian troops, both ethnic Arabs and Mamluks, in European theaters too and they were remarkably successful.
Arab mercenaries
@@hectortroy8671 With the 1834 military reforms, Arabs started to be recruited into the imperial armies.
Ottomans vs everyone in the region
Ottomans and serbs 😂
Ottoman v crusaders.
@@djocharablaikan8601to je jedno te isto
Turks has the largest army and populations at the time also so everywhere they rule on there might
@@Salchooq You know nothing. Look at all Turkish history
The amount of efforts you put in to action to make such wonderful videos with the graphics and music sounds is absolutely incredible.
Great video 🔥
Glad you enjoyed
جميل رغم أن هناك بعض الإشكالات لاكنه عمل ممتاز وجعلت اللعبة حقيقة كأنها صورت في وقتها
لا رأيت أيا مشاكل
So many died; so much pain and suffering.
Why do we continue to have to endure such misery.
Will we never learn?
I don’t think we ever will.
When "Rosna Livada, Trava Zelena" kicked in, I was stunned!
Где ?
Ironically, that is a Serbian song, and they did not anticipate this battle and were fighting with this army and almost defeated it back in 1389 at Kosovo battle.
@@GoranObrenovicfs6fz kada turci krenu u napad...tragedija kako je promašena muzika
Should have said more about the Bulgarian troops in the crusader army ,led by Konstantine and Fruzin. Amaizing video. Greetings from Bulgaria❤
lots of fake in this video
Bulgaristan gecmistede ulke degildi simdide degil. Avrupanin turklere karsi kullandigi tampon bolgedir. Dogru vakti geldiginde 2 gunluk isi vardir. Ayni sekilde yunanistanda oyledir, ermenistanda oyledir. Bunlari sizlerde iyi biliyorsunuz. Turkler ile savasmak yerine arkadas olmaniz daha faydali olacaktir. Unutmayin ki tarih tekrardan ibarettir. Yuzyillar boyunca dilinize ve dininize karismadan turk bayragi altinda yasadiniz. Fakat bizim en gucsuz zamanimizda bizi vurdunuz! Elinize ne gecti? Bugun halen sefil haldesiniz. Biz bunlari unutmayiz ama kafayada takmayiz. Zamani gelir geregi yapilir.
very good edit bro. i like that❤❤
you welcome bro
Yet another amazing video as always! I have a few suggestions for future videos, such as the Battle of Kadesh (1274 B.C.E.) and Suppiluliuma vs Tausret (non-historical) for Pharaoh, the Battle of Watling Street (61 C.E.) and Kush vs. Cimmeria (non-historical) for Rome II, and the Battle of Cartagena (461 C.E.) and Langobards vs Anteans (non-historical) for Attila. As usual, keep up the excellent work churning out new videos featuring both historical and non-historical battles👍😁!
I didn't understand your comment.
In your opinion, is the Battle of Varna non-historical?
Muito bom o vídeo. Ficou excelente!
Thank you
Great video, thanks!
Glad you enjoyed!
I have watched and continue to watch a lot of history videos, but this was the best history video I have ever watched.
Greetings to all viewers from the grandchildren of the mighty Turks who won the victory in Varna.
Epic History TV ve Kings and Generals gibi kanallar varken izlediğin en iyi tarih videosu nasıl bu olabilir ki
@@aliosman0 onlarıda izliyorum ama bu anlatım hoşuma gitti, hatta şuan HITRUE diye 955 aboneli bir kanalın Niğbolu savaşını izliyorum :D
Thank you very much!
Hvala na lekciji iz istorije. Odličan video. Jedan deo videa prati stara srpska pesma ,, Rosna livada , trava zelena." Srbski despot Djuradj Branković nije učestvovao u ovom ratu želeći da obnovi i ojača svoju državu. Mislim i da ga je neki mirovni ugovor s Osmanlijama obavezivao na to. Ali u Madjarskoj vojsci je sigurno bilo dosta Srba.
If you are the Sultan, come and lead your armies. If ı am the Sultan, ı hereby order you to come and lead your armies"
~From Mehmed the Conqueror Khan to his father Murad II
بصراحة كل عصور الخلافات الإسلامية كانت منتصرة على أعدائها نصرآ منقطع النظير هنيئآ لمن عاش هذة الأنتصارات الإسلامية
Great video & history lesson! I will continue to support your channel and videos. I learned a little on the subject but this helped me tremendously. Great quality video and details, I love the narration and political background also. Great work my friend
is not how he was he made up , check the battle of varna
20:32 Как называется эта песня которая началась?
Toquz Oyuz Epic Turkic Music
Dedelerimiz OSMANLILAR dünyanın harika gücüydüler . ELHAMDÜLİLLAH
Yarabbi Şükür
@@GS-HASTASI1905 1912/13, your ancestors were totally defeated and expelled from the Balkans by the Christian Balkan allies. Glory to our Lord ! My grandfather fought at Chataldja, 20 km from Istanbul, when your Sultan evacuated his Pallaces and numerous concubines and eunuchs from his capital
@danchokonstantinov6735 lol u mean the whole world aganst the Turks 😉
Not even that made u win..
We had traitors in the army disguise as Türk was just a fake Turks
That's the only reason u win ..
Even today u can't win the Turks
Stop looking in the giant mirror boy ..
@@danchokonstantinov6735puuhahhaa I can se u are a Greek 😉
Didn't u was under the Turks for 550 years ?
Wasn't the greece the Türks conquered First bcuz u was no match then or today ..😂
@@danchokonstantinov6735and my grandfather Molla mahmud fought aganst greeks
And beat them
Not only that bring a orfan greek girl from the war ..
Milyen dal szól 15:40 körül? Update. Látom: Faryia Faraji - Rosna Livada
We are Ottomans! Greetings from İstanbul :)) Peace ☘️
no,you are just a mongol
Excellent video and commentary.
Thank you kindly!
I am a Turk but I can never understand how we could have won any battles against the heavily armed European opponents. (At least until guns were used more heavily like in Mohac.) Most Turkish soldiers seem like wearing soft cloth dresses while the opponents are totally covered with armor. Even the armored Turkish soldiers seem very light armor compared to the Europeans.
I wish I can get on a time machine and go back in time to observe these battles.
قوة الله عزوجل الله يمود المسلمين بنصر دايمن
Typically only knights and mercenaries could afford this kind of expensive armour. Most European footsoldiers were not well armoured, and in big battles like this were often led by commanders of varying loyalty and different ethnic origins, all looking for their own glory. Conversely, Ottoman armies were more disciplined, because the Ottoman state organised the military in a much more centralised fashion. This meant that Ottomans often enjoyed more morale and quicker strategic and tactical thinking. Ottomans also typically made use of defensive earthworks, as well as firearms, polearms and defensive formations. In many cases, mounted Turkish archers wearing light armour were able to lure and outrun disorganised knights, pulling European cavalry into suicidal charges against defences that were already prepared for them, and sending their own light horsemen (usually Deli or Akıncı horsemen, ) to flank the enemy and attack their archers, crossbowmen, and baggage trains, and lead charges against enemy soldiers who were already engaged and could not brace their ranks against the quick and skilful deli horsemen. These horsemen were instrumental to other elements of warfare waged by the Ottomans, such as razing crops, harassing enemy armies on the move, performing reconnaissance, and chasing down fleeing, broken enemy formations. Lightly armoured and armed irregular soldiers called Azap were often also used to harass and whittle down European defences, often wielding bows, javelins and slings. They would attempt to disrupt, demoralise and distract the front line of enemy soldiers. But probably the biggest part of Ottoman success was due to their highly disciplined, arquebus-wielding Janissaries. The Janissaries often were high in morale, and were the most firm line in the Ottoman tactics. These firearm wielding-soldiers were employed at Mohacs, and fired in alternating volleys by the fresh Janissaries, and were able to shatter the morale of the disorganised European forces, cutting down knights through their armour.
Greetings and good wishes from a Greek 😁
the power of imaan is enough
@@amaanwarsiii I’m Muslim but Turks ruled many empires before becoming Muslims
Sipahi cavalry were almost as heavily armoured as Europeans knights , ad to that better tactics , more discipline and more unity of command
as usual you were and still are creative well done my friend i am the same one who asked you aboutthe timurids vs crusaders friend
Cool, thanks
Turks/ottomans the best army of the world.. strategie its special for ever
Sesini kes.HUNYADI gelijör.😂
Nope the British Empire was the biggest Empire
@@mano6706 :) çanakkale (dardanel) :) come to...
anyway now time frend
@@cuneytmatur.areuready8279 sorry i don't understand....
@@mano6706 Britain only colonized uncivilized and weak lands, and Ottomans overthrew powerful empires
HELLO!This video is based on historical facts and is a great piece of work that is neutrally presented compared to other videos!
It's very interesting and intriguing.
Your vids are getting better and better enjoyed alot .👍👍👍
Thanks 👍
Glad you enjoyed it
One of the prime battles of the Janissary they were so effective in this campaign thus led by an Ottoman emperor above the average, under circumstances like these you can defeat anybody
worst is, they were brainwashed christians too.... ottomans were savages.
Seni neden heryerde goruyorum bro
Janissaries have won also the Battle of Nicopolis, in 1396, where the Crusaders made a similar mistake.
Sultan* not emperor
Well documented. Battlefield map visuals helped understand the battle evolution.
This was incredibly sick and informative, thanks for this historical piece of art!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Bela retratação de uma época em que tudo era resolvido pela espada. Época de grandes soldados.
Even your dreams cannot reach where our power has reached (Sultan Mehmet)🇹🇷🇹🇷
excellent explanation
If you ever visit Varna, Bulgaria, especially if you are polish, please visit the burial tomb of King Vladislav Varnenchik , beatifully arranged with museum, refreshments, guided tours and locals' respect & gratitude to a brave warrior King and defender of Chritianity !
Never heard of him
@@abdelkaderboucheloui8205you do not need to know him, better know Mustafa Kemal Pasha's monumental legacy to establish modern Turkish Republic and to separate Islam from state affairs !
@@danchokonstantinov6735так это в прошлом, вы же отказались от его наследия😂
@@ValentinN-nz4xj What kind of stupid comment is this? Never heard anybody denounced their past? What are you talking about?
Dziękujemy z Lechistanu!
great video
Glad you enjoyed it
I cant even count the number of times that hot headed actions my the Crusader armies have caused them to lose battles that were already in the bag.
Çantada falan değildi, TAKTİK OLARAK türkler geri çekildi, DAĞILMIŞ görüntüsü verip tuzağa çektiler kralı , ODA YEDİ .SALDIRDI VE SONU GELDİ.olan BUDUR.
Vă mulțumesc!
Isso explica o porque da resistência dos europeus à Turquia entrar na União Européia!
If Europe says okay, Turkey will not enter. POLITICS, Turkey, Anatolian lands are very rich, there is no fair sharing, that is why there is a problem in some parts, if there is fair management and distribution, Turkey would be in the top five in economy.
your work is so underrated 😢
Thanks for the support! I’m counting on you :)
@@AdituLaudisMMXXI keep making such informative videos
great job
Allah devlete millete zeval vermesin amin
In Varna nowdays where the battle took place is a residential area called Vladislavovo with about 48000 populationabout the size of both armies.
Excellent graphics along with the script make this a well-told tale.
Glad you enjoyed it
Thank you for your hard work.
Bir TÜRK olarak tarafsız anlatımınız hoşuma gitti
bu tarafsız anlatımsa taraflısı nasıl olurdu acaba adam nerdeyse😂🤣 şansla kazandı turkler diyecek
Hilal taktiği yemişler haberleri yok😊
😂😂 Adam baştan sona saçmalamış, yesinler böyle tarafsız anlatımı
Tarehin bilmediğin ne kadar belli.
Videoyu anladığından şüpheliyim kardeşim. Her damlasından taraflılık akıyor çünkü. Verilen bilgilerin yüzde ellisi yanlış. Savaşı daha derin araştırmanı öneririm
Great video.
Glad you enjoyed it
Battle of Belgdare (1456) next?
Nice presentation and for sure overall accurate, however the truth might be much more complex. The Wallachian (Romanian) cavalry probably didn't fully participate since the kings' sons Vlad Dracul (Dracula) and Radu the Handsome were hostages at Ottomans. Mircea Dracul, the commander of Wallachians army at Varna, after few years was buried alive by Transylvanians most probably being accused of treason. Since the crusaders they were actually a mixture of small armies, probably there were individual issues, goals and strategies which opposed to an unitary action needed in a battle. Maybe this is the conclusion of the battle.
Beautiful work ! It's a fun to learn history watching such spectacular video's like this one - not like in my childhood by reading some "dry" book's stories.
Thanks for great work done !
Glad you enjoyed it!
@@AdituLaudisMMXXIVarna savaşında Arap askerler yoktur , neden yanlış bilgi veriyorsunuz, böyle bir video yapıyorsanız birçok güvenilir kaynak mevcut ,
Bom CG, até pensei que fosse um (Guerra dos clones) medieval!
with which games or tools do you create this very good looking video?
the game and mod is in the video description
Hunyadi was one of the best warlords at this time.
Together with Skenderbeg ( Gjergj Kastrioti )
Hunyadi is also from aisa. From Hun Turks. From Attila.
Yes but not strong like Albanian kastrioti huniady lost many battles while skanderbeu lost none
Huniady...Iancu de Hunedoara was Romanian born in Vlahia. He was friend( for a while) with your worst nightmare( Vlad the Impaler) father.
He defeted the Turks at Belgrade battle
😂😂..Kastrioti lost the waf with the Ottomans and Albanian not only lisy their countru but most of tge converted to Islam. Where is the brave Shiptar bre? . Only you and some poor Serbo Croat oeadants acceoted Islam. Why? Kastrioti was Christian
New subscriber from 🇨🇦
Awesome! Thank you!
2:30 Is that Ceddin Didden cover from Civ 6?
you're good. yes
I really like Faryia Faraji's music, I'm thinking of using it for some videos I'm going to make, do you know if he makes copy right claims, do you need to buy it? I couldn't find any information on his youtube channel.
''Lillahi Takbir Illahi Takbir, Allah-Hu-Akbar.''☝️
War Victory is only granted by Almighty Allah.
Fuk allah
Thank you
اشكرك جزيل الشكر. فيديو رائع وتعليق اروع. الى الأمام.
Thank you
What total war games that you use?
Que batalha!!.. Os efeitos em 3D ficaram muito bons!...
Parabéns pelo trabalho!!..
Thank you!
that king of hungary probably regretted fighting with the ottomans, great video btw!
No he did not. Eastern Europe was under attack and they fought Turkey for the next several hundred years until they they left most of these countries.
@@gyozopHungarians actuelly also a Turkish race ..
Huns name hungarian aka hun s ..
But they become Christians before Islam came..
And also the war mohac the magnificent Sulaiman win it so easily..
@@KehKah-en1xp Yes we are Huns and Turkic. We like Turcs, but we had to fight the Ottomans they were not invited. Did you learn about the second battle of Mohacs, the final defeat of Turkey in Hungary? It was a long war and even Suleiman himself did not survive his next visit to Hungary.
@@gyozop its a war ..
İn war none get invited..
If u didnt want war theb u should act a war ..
Dont be a cry babe now bcux u lost..
Ok bra ???.????
@@KehKah-en1xp Exactly. Don.'t cry that YOU lost.
I remember this battle. One key thing missed is that reportedly the Sultan withdrew after losing the battle to his fortified camp. It also misses that they allegedly sent their janissaries in a 2nd frontal attack, after the inital attacks failed; it revealed that the janisarries (their supposed elite forces) were repelled and were not good enough to defeat the crusader force from the front as he had hoped- prompting Murrad to retreat to his camp and regroup. Maybe he wanted to battle test that the elite weeb Janisaary units could actually beat the Crusaders while they still had equal or better numbers, but it showed that they failed and were inferior quality to the crusaders in that 2nd attack. Perhaps disappointed or morale low, that is when Murrad withdrew. I believe personally he knew the crusaders were higher quality, with less numbers, butMurrad waned to pit the elite janissaries to test them, and of course they lost. It was a clear head to head confrontation where the janissaries even outnumbered slightly. Ottomans lost in morale in this battle even with the overwhelming numbers and the fact they won the battle. The battle was basically won for the crusaders and morale was high after that, but the young king basically defeated himself by funneling his forces into fortified camp defenses and as only he and a few broke through, he was then then beheaded. His whole heavy cavalry force was dispersed. The Sultan learned to do that from previous battles, where he almost died, and saw the importance of making a camp with special fortifications.
The attacking king was so stupid that he fought through the gate and was killed by the Sultan's personal guard, thinking he would get a chance to kill the sultan instead, then had his head placed on a pike.
Because of his impulsive action,even though the Ottoman force was dealt a blow, the Crusader strategy of not chasing the enemy was ruined and the remaining force had to run away. So it was enough to stop the Ottoman force from pursuing much, but the Crusaders ultimately lost because of the bad action of the king trying to attack the camp. Realizing that once again the Ottomans had defeated them with a feigned retreat which was even planned against, the remaining crusaders had to retreat and fell apart. The ottomans still had most of their force intact and it was indeed an unnecessary withdrawal.
The irony is they knew to maintain their defensive position and not fall for retreating, but someone broke the plan, and thus they lost.
This particular ottoman force was known for returning back to the battlefield after running away (feigned retreats). It's not known if they trained perhaps even trained to come back to the battlefield after running away or they just had a habit of doing it and realizing that they could regroup, and had won that way many times. They had won previous battles that way, and as that happened, they had a lot more numbers, and usually flanked a force that was already engaged and thought they had already won the battle.
War is a strategy. If you don't have a strategy, being numerous means nothing. Look at the wars that the Turks have won throughout history. You will see that they have a war strategy. Although I partially agree with your comment, it is absurd to try to portray military strategies as habits or coincidences. History does not gain another reality with your comment. History writes the winners as it always does. Because Western historiography is more about lies and deception than truth. I replied so that others do not read your comment and reach the wrong conclusions.
The recent versions of the Total War Engine have gotten much better. If you have the PC horsepower (as Aditu Lauds apparently has) you can make some really cinematographic views. Good job. Subscribed.
First folks music very nice. Can I know your name
Big like from a Wallachian.
Thank you! Cheers!
Please make a video about the conquest of India by Nader Shah, thank you
Реальная битва, она была. Хорошая подача материала. Класс!
ah Music, Medieval2 ;) yesss... and the video material?? looks like a mediaval mod for newer total war games?
As the Sultan said to the Europeans at the gate of Vienna, I swear we did not come to kill you, our cause is not a dry cause of world domination, our cause is to save you from hell, to tell you the truth!
THANKS for this incredibly good material!
This date (1444), this battle (with several others of course), contributed to the mentality of my nation (Poland) and is somehow present in our national way of thinking even still TODAY!
And even if most of the Poles are well aware the bloody outcome (NOT every nation has a King that died on the battlefield…), they often ignore the details.
BIG Thanks again!
Murad 2 qui était à varna est également mort dans une bataille Qu il a gagner, (Kosovo) il donna de l'eau à un ennemi blesser qui la poignardé , Bajazed est capture puis mort après la bataille d Ankara1402, contre tamerlan tu te trompe beaucoup de souverain sont mort sur le champ de bataille
@@oguz74000 Je n'ai pas dit que ça n'existait pas, juste que ce n'était pas fréquent. Je connais d'autres exemples, mais pas de dizaines (pour prendre l'exemple de la France : je connais un roi de France fait prisonnier - Jean II à Poitiers - mais comme ça, de tête, je ne vois pas d'exemple de roi de France mort en bataille, mais je ne connais pas tout, je ne connaissais pas l'histoire de Murad II, c'est terrible d'aider un ennemi et de se faire poignarder !!!).
@@GazalAlShaqab Murad I. Hüdavendigar * his stabber also a national symbol in Serbia , just like Sobieski of Poland who attacked Turks from behind
found something to be proud of, this is probably one of the stupidest actions in history
...совсем скоро опять мир преклониться перед доблестными тюрками , армией Аллаха .....когда Аллах гневается на безч нствующих он отправляет свою армию наказывать обезумевшие народы пустившиеся в порок и скверну..
It is called the Crusader army and the Crusader army, but it was actually the army of Hungary, which was joined by the vassals' troops and there were also mercenaries. In addition, about 500 Polish knights took part in the battle, they were II. Ulaszló's bodyguard. But it is frivolous to call this army a crusader army, neither Western Europe nor the papacy provided substantial help to Hungary in the fight against the Turks.
@FreeMan-ev3jh ქართველმა მეფემ დავით აღმაშენებელმა 1121 წელს სისხლში აბანავა 46 ათასიანი ჯარით 400 000 თურქ სელჯუკები ეს ბრძოლა იყო დიდგორის ომად ცნობილი ასევე თამარ მეფემ დაამარცხა ბასიანში
The battle was winnable, or would have ended in a stalemate if command had depended only on Hunyadi. Turkish expansion could have been halted. Constantinople could have survived a little longer, and the personal union of the Hungarian and Polish kingdoms could have been strengthened. Unfortunately, the bravado of the young king ended in disaster. The Jagiellonian dynasty didn't bring fortune to Hungary.
@FreeMan-ev3jhnos émirat iş beliquat beylik
@FreeMan-ev3jhavec des" Si"
@@cetus4449 I think you are jealous
Gutes video über geschichte
And in 2023 everybody makes holidays in modern Turkey. That's probably the best outcome so far for everybody.