olagh Jesus didn't go to the cross to help Himself. Jesus went to the cross for the sins of the world. Christ Jesus is not dead. He rose from the grave three days later and is sitting on the throne at the right hand of Father God. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through Him. Whosoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whosoever does not believe is already condemned because He has not believed in the name of God's only begotten Son." John 3: 16-18
I have had tinnitus for 30 years! When I suddenly went deaf after a viral infection., They said it was nerve deafness. My tinnitus started after this. It was so bad it hurt. It has calmed somewhat over the years so it is no longer painful,. but it is my constant nuisance! I would say an 8 or 9. I was uncertain whether this technique would help me but thought what can it hurt to try. It worked!!!!!!!!!!!! I went from an 9 to a 1 on the first try . I am crying and laughing with joy. No kidding thank you !!!! You have saved my sanity. I may be able to sleep at night with out noise from the tv or a loud white noise to drown out the crazy ringing in my ears!!!!
I’ve had the ringing for years- This morning was real bad and I just found this video. I immediately tried this- Instant relief- It’s not completely gone - But I do feel better. Going to keep doing this exercise. Thank you
I have literally had ringing in my ears for decades. I did your technique and today I am free of that annoying ringing in my ears. God Bless You! Thank You so much!!
In the last couple of months my tinnitus worsened to 24/7. I just tried this technique as demonstrated in the video, and I cannot believe I am hearing silence as I write this comment. I plan to continue this procedure as needed. Thank you!!!
I was just doing the same thing!! Praying that the God of what man calls the impossible steps in and gives relief/ healing/ restoration to those who suffer from this.
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water with veggies & protein
here's a few ideas for lessening ringing in ears Make sure you consume plenty of fruit and vegetables. Make sure you have enough vitamin C Use herbs which cleanse the body such as burdock root make use of herbs with infection fighting properties eg myrrh and burdock and others including garlic (I read these and the reasons they work on Dajon Ear Relief site )
There are several suggestions for curing ringing in ears Make sure you eat enough fruit and vegetables. Take vitamin C make use of herbs which cleanse the body including dandelion make use of herbs with infection fighting properties including dandelion root and burdock and others including echinacea (I learned these and the reasons they work from Dajon ear relief website )
here's a few tips for relieving tinnitus naturally Ensure you eat enough fruit and vegetables. Take vitamin C make use of herbs which cleanse the body including burdock root make use of herbs with infection fighting properties such as dandelion root and burdock and others including huang qi (I discovered these and the reasons they work from Dajon ear relief site )
I have had Menier's Disease for over 30 years. I have deafness and roaring in my left ear. I tried your technique and it calmed it down a bit. It will never go away, but thanks for showing me how to get some relief.
Actually it can go away, you're probably just insulin resistant or nearing diabetes. research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water with veggies & protein
This could be what changed my life from wanting to end it, all these years of constant ringing, and this helps so much, thank you so much this video saved a life today.
Some doctor discovered that tinnitus is cause by imfamation of some sort in the brain which certain protein is responsible. As they figured out how to halt it in lab mice but need testing for side effect before human trial as it was in arazonia in amercia i think as i only saw it in the newspaper the other day
I've had tinnitus for over a decade. It got worse recently after having a perforated eardrum. I just tried this and after 2nd time it has almost GONE! I am not even kidding! I don't believe it! Thank you so much Dr Berg. This is truly amazing, I do hope other people can benefit from this as well.
Just did this and it's working👏🏾👏🏾! Going to repeat it every day until completely gone. Been dealing with ringing for most of this year! Very noticable difference after using this technique! Thank you Dr. Berg
@@nelsonburnik3587 Never mind i fixed my problem myself. It was related to neck and back stiff nerves and now my problem is %90 resolved.If you have the same problem try exercises and stretches for back and neck muscles and nerves.Try as well stretches for the whole body, but concentrate mostly on back and neck.Have in mind that your posture must be perfect so always stand straight! Apply these things at least for 2 months and if the problem is similar to mine you will see huge improvement! Thank me later!
I've had problems with this for years having worked for many years as a musician with loud groups. I rated my right ear as a 5 before this experiment. After 4 x 20 reps I could not perceive any difference. However, after 8 x 20 reps the volume of the tinnitus noise in my right ear had diminished somewhat, and the top searing end of the pitch had gone completely, leaving just a softer mid-range white noise. Gives me hope. Thanks for the video!
@@Rising_Pho3nix_23.. I'm talking here about our saviour brandon and not any witchcraft.. HE (YAHUSHA) suffered and died for us.. N the HOLY BIBLE claims that by HIS suffering if one believe one will be healed.. n i dare to believe tis for every one suffering here.. I guess it is time for u to know ur saviour more.. YAHUSHA BLESS U AND COVER U WITH HIS BLOOD.. SHALOM MY BROTHER IN YAHUSHA..
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
This technique has actually worked really well straight away , there’s still still a buzz but it’s 80% les than it was , I’m completely amazed, thank you so much for this video you are the best for sure , 👍😎
Several things can cause ringing to appear as we age. (1) Simple hair growth inside and around the ear and the manicuring of that hair. There are an abundance of nerves that respond to vibration and formulate the connections that create tones, sounds, etc. (2) Internal blood flow changes in the areas responsible for these connections as well. Fatty deposits in neural sound sensitive blood pathways can create static tones. (3) Increased physical exercise or activity resulting in elevated blood flow, blood pressure etc. By the same concept, areas you developed over time that perceive "sound" by biofeedback loops can be altered during changes in breathing, heart rate, etc. (4) Ambient sounds, loud sounds, (like loud music, construction noise, air planes) can saturate the vital neural centers that deal with feedback resulting in your brain "hearing". This is not your ear drum and mechanical parts, this is the neurological chains of cells that receive and transmit energy to the portions of the brain the process signal to "hearing". Then there is the obvious damage to the base eardrum and it's various mechanisms. The ringing that you hear is not external, it is process. External ringing that goes away when you cover your ears is external to you (usually). What this technique is trying to do is stop a loop of internal feedback by turning the attention from the external hearing center to what happens when kinetic energy comes in contact with your head. When kinetic energy (touching, tapping, up to any intensity level) is realized by the brain your normal hearing strategy changes momentarily to assess the threat and react. Take both index fingers and don't touch, just come in close proximity of your ears. What do you hear? why? There is a level of static electricity around your entire body at varying levels depending on several variables. That is sensed by the same area that processes sound vibrations and changes with the air pressure as well. Another factor that you can influence is how much water you are drinking, research and find how much your body needs a day, and drink it. Your cortisol levels can damage these areas, your sugar levels can raise this as well as insulin which can cause inflammation in these areas. Fatty deposits and too much cholesterol can affect these areas. Not enough sleep, neck pain from previous injury or sleeping wrong can create the disorder. The longer it goes untreated the more systemic it shall be unless you investigate, find the best help, and do what you can to improve it.
Thank you for the truth. Just making sense of the matter gives a person an in depth understanding and motivates a need for correction. A little common sense goes a long way. Thank you.
Hey I have to admit I thought your videos were rubbish. I only watched this because the ringing in my ears was driving me nuts. I’ve tried this technique and just now and immediately my left ear has dropped from 8/10 to 2/10 and my right ear has dropped from 9/10 to 6/10. That’s just one small session while I watched this. Amazing. A big thank you 🙏
I just cured a two year ear buzz in my right ear by finding and working out the fascia adhesions on my skull. I don’t know how to get this information out there to people who are suffering from the same thing I was. Of course there are many reason why someone would have ear buzz or ringing, but if it is because of fascial adhesions you can try this. This is what I did after reading Ashley Blacks book about fascia. Take your fingers and press them firmly into your scalp near and around the effected ear, feel around, palpate to see if there are any tender or raised areas. When you find a tender area (mine felt like a squishy bruise) that you would normally be gentle with, don’t be gentle, press into it and wiggle your fingers back and forth. If you have ever had a deep tissue massage, you’ll recognize this technique. When an adhesion is found the practitioner presses on it and then wiggles it to help release it. You can do this yourself. I had instant relief! Then the buzz came back a few days later so I did the same deep tissue poke and wiggle technique again, this time the adhesions had moved further up my scalp. So I worked my whole scalp and I continue to work the fascia in my scalp each day (its almost like an aggressive hair washing) and the buzz has stayed away. I just had to put this information out there for any self curing seekers. Good Luck!
There is a tiny electronic device known as a " White noise generator" which may help you. White noise generators are tuned to emit sound waves at a frequncy that cancels the noise generated in your brain. It can be found on amazon uk.
I am the same. Sometimes the ringing is so loud it wakes me up. I have hearing loss and it seems the more hearing I lose the louder the ringing gets. I am fussed at because I play a radio or turn on the tv - sometimes 24 hours a day. I'm told I am wasting electricity or shorting the life of the tv. I could care less what the noise is. All I do know is that any noise is better than listening to this awful dull never ending noise in my head. I would love to hear the birds singing again or to hear a conversation without trying to patch words together or figure out what someone is saying. I tried this exercise - no help. I'll keep trying for a few days as maybe I'm not doing it right or I'm in the wrong place.
Reta, my name is Brandi Mayberry and I left a comment just now on telling how I cured my ear buzz. I have no idea if this technique will help you, but its worth a shot.
I apologize for those who have been dealing with Tinnitus long term... its only been a couple weeks for me and this technique just kicked the hum right out of my head...
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
I must admit, I didn't believe something so simple could work so effectively. I've been living with tinnitus in my left ear for about fifteen years. I tried this earlier today and it seemed to work a little. I was talking to my wife about the video and while watching, thumped myself several times to show her, and noticed my tinnitus was almost completely gone. Before, I'd say it was an 8, now its a 2. Can't thank you enough Doc.
KETO DIET HAS CHANGED MY LIFE. Ringing went from a 10 to a 4. Sugar causes inflammation and causes brain cells to over fire. I feel like screaming from the rooftops for everyone with ringing to try keto. Life is bearable now and I will never go back to eating carbs and sugar! Good luck everyone!
Hillary Hayman yes also eat probiotics as many strains as you can find also helps protect ears and body from inflammation and infection. Also make sure all vitamins and minerals in your body are not deficient.
When my T started my life was upside down, and I later found out my blood sugar was sky high. I think it played a part in damaging my ears. Diabetics beware.
The only thing that drowns out the terrible tinnitus I have when trying to sleep is TH-cam ambient noise. Star ship ambient sounds and fan ambient sounds. Put in your ear buds and find a close tone sound and go to sleep. Thank God for TH-cam.
@@Confirmed_Normal_Human Also try some 'white noise' for tinnitus relief and other sounds to block yours. I don't know how bad it is and what kind of sound you have..
I've been suffering from it for years on and off but now it's worse and louder than usual . It's been like this for 3weeks and got a horrible pressure headache to with pains in my eardrums to , but got no ear infection ?
@@TheSy182Good morning Simon. Sounds horrible. Maybe something is wrong with your jaw? Fluid can also cause pressure.. I would go see a specialist anyway.
Suffering from a number of symptoms in ear including ringing along with ear plug, hearing loss, and even vertigo at times. Turned out it’s all triggered by a long on going sinusitis affecting tube behind ear drum. For the ear ringing, will definitely try this. Nerves are all related in there. Thanks to Dr. Berg, been following your channels and benefiting from your amazing advice.
@@hanfomo117 I have same issues, first the audiology test then ct scan from all head and face and ears that is how they see the eustacian tube clogged disfunction, I finally got insisions in both ears yet still tinnitus is there i guess because the pressure was so strong for days damaged the nerves ,,,
@Wayne Pan hello. Was wondering how you are doing now? Have any of your ear symptoms gone away or have you found things that help you treat each issue? I have some of your same issues... Thanks ☺️
Chanakya Online Education. My tinnitus is what gives me stress. Ever since an infection, had minor hearing loss in that ear as well. Pretty sure ill be half deaf around 40
I fuckin think i got hiv a few weeks ago smoking dope....im 19 ....dope..! Now i hear ringing and feel like im dying... I quiy it but whats weird is that im only 19 and i got hiv... Idk what to do idk how i can sleep tonight with this
I have been deaf my entire life and started this tapping and now I can hear. My hearing has come back 100% and I tap almost 1,000 times a day. thank you
Had two carpal tunnel release within three weeks and subsequently experienced ringing in both ears. It's been happening now for almost a month. Saw a doctor this week of which was no help whatsoever. Avoid stress, discontinue eating chocolate, caffeinated products; some patients have experienced results by using ginko biloba - basically she said that I must learn to live with it as it is a common problem for many people. She did indicate the first three months are the worst and following that it may or many not get better. If that's the case then months of therapy may help. My heart goes out to those living with this condition. It's horrible!! I turned to what I know best and that's trying to cure myself naturally, and ran into this video however not before I almost spent couple hundred dollars for an acoustic system to help cure me. I followed Dr. Berg's advice and got relief. I could not believe it!! I've been sleep deprived for weeks and I'm sure like many others have questioned continued existence. This is s simple procedure that works. I'm just praying it never comes back. Continue sharing Dr. Berg.. you're truly appreciated.
Dr Eric Just wanted to say thank you for taking your time to try and help people. I developed something I won’t say it’s tinnitus yet around February and then it got worse right as Shelter in place happened. So no doctors visits. I’m gonna see a ENT May 19th. It’s been a difficult journey. But to point out to everyone the truth is you will learn to deal with it. My started as humming and then it got louder. Then came the ringing. My doctor said in both ears that that’s a good sign. The last two weeks it’s definitely more prominent in my left so not sure why that happened but I’ll take it. Praying it goes away all together and prayers for all of you. I know how distracting it can be. I’m trying this new method right now. Thank you sir for trying to help us all. God Bless.
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
I have been dealing with this for years, living at a #8 and higher. I sleep with the sound of rain to mask the tinnitus sound, nothing has worked. This has helped a lot, I’m at a #1 now. Thank you
I have had this ringing for years. I had decided that it was just something I have to live with. I happened on the link to this video by chance and skeptically tried it. It stopped immediately! I had forgotten what it was like to hear without the ringing. Everything sounds a bit strange. May God Bless you for sharing this.
You know Angie, I never thought to call it a "sizzling sound" but that is actually a very accurate description of what I get, a kind of running faucet sound I always say - but yes, it is sort of like bacon sizzling or something along those lines. My last three days have been pretty bad - this exercise helps a little bit. For anyone who is highly annoyed by Tinnitus as I am, many of us will try anything -
Thank you Dr. BERG. I'm 69 years old and have been suffering do bad with a sound of water running from a faucet in my right ear for over a year. I've not been able to sleep more than 2 hours a night. Last night I tried your method and the ringing stopped. I slept for 9 hours. I can not believe this actually worked. The ringing is down from 100% to approximately 10% . THANK YOU THANK YOU. STEVE
Thank you so much. It really works for me. I've been experiencing this ringing for almost a month but now it's gone. Thank you for the information shared. It helps.
This method didn't work for me but I found a different one that really works well. I grab ahold of the ear that is ringing and pull it out away from the body or give a gentle tug repeatedly until the ringing disappears. It never fails. Exercising this method on both ears once or twice a day will reduce the ringing. Try it, it works wonders.
Dr. Mandela here on you tube showed this technique of pulling on ears & also simultaneously opening your mouth very wide and saying, “ AAhhh”......... it is supposed to help clear the stationary tubes in your ears and your sinuses. It really does work!
Hey I too suffered from tinnitus but over time I have learned how to manage i completely. But it very subjective .what worked for me may work for yours. As there is no perfect cure for tinnitus ,it best to try everything that can help. Like I did. If you need help you can message him
Tinnitus can also be a symptom of Mercury toxicity... when I had my amalgam fillings removed by a biological dentist, my tinnitus went away completely over the next year after removal.
I thought my tinnitus was really bad. I had a test done and I was 16 out of 70. I just can't imagine what a level 70 would be like because sometimes I feel like im going mad its so loud at 16.
You are a great doctor as well as an excellent teacher. Love the white board and the lists you always use. You make things understandable and interesting. Thanks very much.
Dr Eric thank you so much, I was suffering from this nagging sound/buzzing in my right ear, I ignored for about 10+ days as suggested by few friends that it'll settle automatically. After that went to GP, who asked to try inflamation tablets, that didn't help either. After about 2 weeks, the sounds became intense and affected both ears, while walking it was much more intense like sound of motor running inside my head. I landed on this video of yours and I tried it few times, it's worked so far, the sounds/buzzing have lowered significantly. Thank you so much for putting amazing videos as always.
OMG! This worked! I want to cry! My tinnitus was at a 3 and I noticed after doing this only time it went down and then I did it again it went down, now it's just a very faint crackling sound. Thank you! I came across one of your videos a couple of days ago and was so impressed I subscribed. This is the 4th video I have watched. I really appreciate all of the information you provide in the description, it is so helpful. Thanks again, many blessings to you! 😊
Pat Emmons I'm so glad yours is gone,mine has got so much worse it's whooshing and like a radio noise,I've tried the fingers not made any difference but I'll keep trying xs
I've had tinnitus for 17 years. For the first 2 years it caused me an awful lot of distress, but after that I began spending less and less time focusing on it and now I rarely even notice it, even though it's worse now then in those first 2 years (but it didn't keep getting worse as I initially feared) if you've only started having tinnitus recently (and if this technique doesn't work for you) just know that you will adapt and it will become much, much easier to live with it in time, the sooner you stop focusing on it the quicker you will adapt (of course get checked out first to make sure it's just regular old "listened to too much loud music" tinnitus). Thanks to Dr Nick, I've only just recently discovered you and love so many of your videos, not sure if this technique is for me though
Actually if you research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
75% reduction and ring returned to about a 25% reduction. Did another session but fingers got tired so I slapped with fingertips and got a 90% reduction. Amazing. Slapping felt good, as though the area needed massage. I will do it regularly when I need it. Thanks.
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
Kevon forde. The experts do not understand, unless they suffer themselves. I have been viewed as for the last six years in litigation, that you haven’t killed yourself, so it can’t be that bad! You are only telling us it’s bad, and you look okay!!
@@JohnOsCreations Just for a short that day, but I did not continue the process. I can ignore the sound most days, which is a blessing. But on some days, especially when the barometric pressure is high it gets very loud and this was helpful.
@@sbaylesresearch Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water, veggies w/ meat & good fats
I wish I had seen this video years ago. I tried the technique as I was watching and It reduced the hissing from a 10 to a five. I will do daily. Thank you!
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water, veggies meats & good fats. Cut the sugar & booze & processed food products
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water, veggies meats & good fats. Cut the sugar & booze & processed food products
Hey guys Anxiety can def exacerbate Tinnitus especially panic attacks. I know its easier said then done but try and limit stress and anxiety as much as you can. Things that help me are distractions like having a friend that knows and understands you have anxiety that you call when your feeling anxious and just talk about things that will distract you like things you enjoy, for example sports.
I did this on Wednesday and Thursday, the tinnitus decreased from 7 to 1. On Saturday the tinnitus was gone. It was zero all day. I did it 8 times the first day and 5 times the second day. Thank you. ❤
Thanks a lot Dr. Berg. I had this for 3 months and nothing was helping. I followed you procedure for 15 days. After first day, there was very little improvement. I continued for 10 - 12 days and woke up one morning with no ringing. May God bless you for sharing this method.
ive had tinnitus since I was so young that I mostly forget about it and don't even notice it but now and again on some quiet nights I start thinking about it too much and its gets so overwhelming I could have a panic attack :(
Same.. I always remember as a kid thinking that silence wasn't ever actually silent. I guess I'm fortunate enough that I don't hear anything in my normal day-to-day.. but at night, I have to have background sounds like a fan or light music. Otherwise it plays on my mind heavily. Some nights though I can just sleep without thinking about it with no background sound.. those are a rarity. It's like static on an old TV.
I also have to have background noise in order to sleep, or I just keep focusing on the ringing. I have a sound app on my phone that plays peaceful noises so I can concentrate on that than the constant ringing in my brain. Hopefully this technique will help.
I pray for everyone's healing and recovery from tinnitus and other symptoms
That only works if you know HOW to pray.
Thank you so much.❤️
In Jesus name! Amen
@@draffter4055 who said he didn’t?
i suffer from tinnitus. i pray in the name of Jesus christ that everybody here gets healed from this Amen!!!!
Did you get healed by jesus?
olagh Jesus didn't go to the cross to help Himself. Jesus went to the cross for the sins of the world. Christ Jesus is not dead. He rose from the grave three days later and is sitting on the throne at the right hand of Father God. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through Him. Whosoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whosoever does not believe is already condemned because He has not believed in the name of God's only begotten Son." John 3: 16-18
amen lance
this is just flesh and bones, is not important😉😉
Lance George Amen
I have had tinnitus for 30 years! When I suddenly went deaf after a viral infection., They said it was nerve deafness. My tinnitus started after this. It was so bad it hurt. It has calmed somewhat over the years so it is no longer painful,. but it is my constant nuisance! I would say an 8 or 9. I was uncertain whether this technique would help me but thought what can it hurt to try. It worked!!!!!!!!!!!! I went from an 9 to a 1 on the first try . I am crying and laughing with joy. No kidding thank you !!!! You have saved my sanity. I may be able to sleep at night with out noise from the tv or a loud white noise to drown out the crazy ringing in my ears!!!!
I’ve had the ringing for years- This morning was real bad and I just found this video. I immediately tried this- Instant relief- It’s not completely gone - But I do feel better. Going to keep doing this exercise. Thank you
Hi, how are you now?
@@alanrobinson2229 you fool. It worked for me... and I had tinnitus for years.
Didn't work for me
It worked for me! Thank you!
I have literally had ringing in my ears for decades. I did your technique and today I am free of that annoying ringing in my ears. God Bless You! Thank You so much!!
For real? Hope it helps me too
Is it for real?
Dont believe this at all. I tried it and got no where.
@MsFred58 have you diminish the problem at any way?
This is actually so relaxing and so simple to do. The ringing went away for a couple of minutes... keep repeating and see what happens :)
Did this help in long run?
Insulin resistance & tinnitus, research the connection & be shocked. Healthier eating & plenty of daily exercise, good sleep
In the last couple of months my tinnitus worsened to 24/7. I just tried this technique as demonstrated in the video, and I cannot believe I am hearing silence as I write this comment. I plan to continue this procedure as needed. Thank you!!!
Is this true
How many times u did it in a day
I pray for complete healing for everyone in this comment section in Jesus name! Amen!
Thank you 🙏
Thank you so much for your generosity ☺️
Thanks, I appreciate it
I was just doing the same thing!! Praying that the God of what man calls the impossible steps in and gives relief/ healing/ restoration to those who suffer from this.
Well good luck with that one
Had tinnitus for over a decade & found that FASTING helps the most! 🙏
How big of a impact that's been for you?
@gerald does it really 🥺
Demons do that
Fasting gets demons out of you
This really helped me. I was crying it was ringing so bad. Thank you 🙏🏼
You're welcome! Glad it was helpful.
Hi. Did this really work for you? 😭🙏
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water with veggies & protein
Tried this for a week. The sound didn’t decrease but I can now poke a hole in the wall with my pointer finger.
Now I hear thumping in my sleep....
Oh ty I needed that 🤣😂
Oh you made me laugh out loud! And it has been a really bad day. God bless you!
Wow, reduced the ringing a lot. I'm encouraged
I have had ringing in my ears for at least 10 years. I swear I went from a 7 or 8 to a 2 or 3 after doing this routine 3 times! Thank you so much!
How are your symptoms now?
how are you testing 7 or 8? can you assist that thankyou
@@learnwithamanpreetkaur4337 l
dear God!
I have suffered with tinnitus since childhood. I tried this and it worked!!
thank you. You're awesome!!
Don't get your hopes up to much it doesn't work for everybody
here's a few ideas for lessening ringing in ears
Make sure you consume plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Make sure you have enough vitamin C
Use herbs which cleanse the body such as burdock root
make use of herbs with infection fighting properties eg myrrh and burdock and others including garlic
(I read these and the reasons they work on Dajon Ear Relief site )
There are several suggestions for curing ringing in ears
Make sure you eat enough fruit and vegetables.
Take vitamin C
make use of herbs which cleanse the body including dandelion
make use of herbs with infection fighting properties including dandelion root and burdock and others including echinacea
(I learned these and the reasons they work from Dajon ear relief website )
here's a few tips for relieving tinnitus naturally
Ensure you eat enough fruit and vegetables.
Take vitamin C
make use of herbs which cleanse the body including burdock root
make use of herbs with infection fighting properties such as dandelion root and burdock and others including huang qi
(I discovered these and the reasons they work from Dajon ear relief site )
I have had Menier's Disease for over 30 years. I have deafness and roaring in my left ear. I tried your technique and it calmed it down a bit. It will never go away, but thanks for showing me how to get some relief.
Actually it can go away, you're probably just insulin resistant or nearing diabetes. research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water with veggies & protein
I've tried this numerous times..and it always works! Thank you Dr.Berg
I can't believe that actually worked but there is no noise in my ear right now, thanks.
This could be what changed my life from wanting to end it, all these years of constant ringing, and this helps so much, thank you so much this video saved a life today.
Don't lose hope scientist are working on medicine that could restore lost hair cells that could be the cause of tinnitus.
watchblowjo - Right. More ear hair, less ringing.
20+years with it...severe TINNITUS
Hang in there, I've had it at least 12 yrs, drives me crazy! 😰
Some doctor discovered that tinnitus is cause by imfamation of some sort in the brain which certain protein is responsible. As they figured out how to halt it in lab mice but need testing for side effect before human trial as it was in arazonia in amercia i think as i only saw it in the newspaper the other day
Tried it and it didn't work but now I can hear my cat's thoughts. They are not good thoughts. I fear for my safety.
cats cab be so scary!
fish burger....meowsss
Wow! I’ve had tinnitus for many years and did this tonight and it has definitely reduced the severity. Will keep doing it for sure. Thanks Dr Berg.
Happy to help!
@@Drberg how many more times a day
Does it still help?
@@Drbergdoes it still work
I didn't know the skin of my scalp was so taunt until listening to you. I feel better now. Thank you!
I've had tinnitus for over a decade. It got worse recently after having a perforated eardrum. I just tried this and after 2nd time it has almost GONE! I am not even kidding! I don't believe it! Thank you so much
Dr Berg. This is truly amazing, I do hope other people can benefit from this as well.
How many times of tapping did you do to get relief? My friend is suffering from this and I am trying to give her suggestions to help her overcome.
Really , I also have the same and the doc said I have a perforated eardrum
Anybody please explain the exact place where the drumming should be done? .....pl demonstrate thank you
He did.
How are you now?
Omg, I'm suffering from tinnitus sice my childhood, and I watch the video, try it and I already see a difference! Thanks!!
wouldn't it be hearing the difference..?
@@slayerdude18 my english is bad lol I didn't think too much about it😂
@@louloulandarchives1832 im just messing with ya man :P
@@slayerdude18 😂😂😂😂😂
Just did this and it's working👏🏾👏🏾! Going to repeat it every day until completely gone. Been dealing with ringing for most of this year! Very noticable difference after using this technique! Thank you Dr. Berg
Can you tell current status
How are you now?
I could honestly cry. This actually helped me. I was just about to lose my mind and start panicking and it actually went away!!! Thank you so much❤️❤️
kelsey mangan for real ? Did it come back ?
It did, but I kept doing it to maintain the peace. Mine was from undiagnosed anemia. Now I just can’t hear as well lol
@@kelsey2864 you became deaf?
@@kelsey2864hey how are you?
Omg...I've been having 24/7 ringing for 3+ years. This lessened the ringing after the 4th round. Going to keep doing it. Thanks 🙏❤️
Are you better now?
@@beslemetothey never answer
Hey can you tell us your current status?
@@nelsonburnik3587 Never mind i fixed my problem myself. It was related to neck and back stiff nerves and now my problem is %90 resolved.If you have the same problem try exercises and stretches for back and neck muscles and nerves.Try as well stretches for the whole body, but concentrate mostly on back and neck.Have in mind that your posture must be perfect so always stand straight! Apply these things at least for 2 months and if the problem is similar to mine you will see huge improvement! Thank me later!
@@beslemeto thanks a lot my man
I've had problems with this for years having worked for many years as a musician with loud groups. I rated my right ear as a 5 before this experiment. After 4 x 20 reps I could not perceive any difference. However, after 8 x 20 reps the volume of the tinnitus noise in my right ear had diminished somewhat, and the top searing end of the pitch had gone completely, leaving just a softer mid-range white noise. Gives me hope. Thanks for the video!
How is your tinnitus today?
Tinnitus & insulin resistance. Research it and be shocked. Healthy lifestyle changes
In the name of YAHUSHA i pray everyone suffering here will be healed of this condition.. By HIS stripes we are healed.. ISAIAH 53:5
Technically anyone who dies won't hear tinnitus. Sooooo you might want to get more specific with your witchcraft, wish master.
@@Rising_Pho3nix_23.. I'm talking here about our saviour brandon and not any witchcraft.. HE (YAHUSHA) suffered and died for us.. N the HOLY BIBLE claims that by HIS suffering if one believe one will be healed.. n i dare to believe tis for every one suffering here..
I guess it is time for u to know ur saviour more.. YAHUSHA BLESS U AND COVER U WITH HIS BLOOD.. SHALOM MY BROTHER IN YAHUSHA..
THIS WORKED! It's still there a bit but it's definitely gone from a 7/8 to 3/4 in a couple of sessions. Thanks doc.
What about know
Randy- how’s you tinnitus now?
Hi wat happened now? Is lt gone completely? Any side effect? Plz tel. Really important!
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
This technique has actually worked really well straight away , there’s still still a buzz but it’s 80% les than it was , I’m completely amazed, thank you so much for this video you are the best for sure , 👍😎
I will tell my sister she’s suffering from tinnitus
Thank you doctor 👨⚕️
Several things can cause ringing to appear as we age. (1) Simple hair growth inside and around the ear and the manicuring of that hair. There are an abundance of nerves that respond to vibration and formulate the connections that create tones, sounds, etc. (2) Internal blood flow changes in the areas responsible for these connections as well. Fatty deposits in neural sound sensitive blood pathways can create static tones. (3) Increased physical exercise or activity resulting in elevated blood flow, blood pressure etc. By the same concept, areas you developed over time that perceive "sound" by biofeedback loops can be altered during changes in breathing, heart rate, etc. (4) Ambient sounds, loud sounds, (like loud music, construction noise, air planes) can saturate the vital neural centers that deal with feedback resulting in your brain "hearing". This is not your ear drum and mechanical parts, this is the neurological chains of cells that receive and transmit energy to the portions of the brain the process signal to "hearing". Then there is the obvious damage to the base eardrum and it's various mechanisms. The ringing that you hear is not external, it is process. External ringing that goes away when you cover your ears is external to you (usually). What this technique is trying to do is stop a loop of internal feedback by turning the attention from the external hearing center to what happens when kinetic energy comes in contact with your head. When kinetic energy (touching, tapping, up to any intensity level) is realized by the brain your normal hearing strategy changes momentarily to assess the threat and react. Take both index fingers and don't touch, just come in close proximity of your ears. What do you hear? why? There is a level of static electricity around your entire body at varying levels depending on several variables. That is sensed by the same area that processes sound vibrations and changes with the air pressure as well. Another factor that you can influence is how much water you are drinking, research and find how much your body needs a day, and drink it. Your
cortisol levels can damage these areas, your sugar levels can raise this as well as insulin which can cause inflammation in these areas. Fatty deposits and too much cholesterol can affect these areas. Not enough sleep, neck pain from previous injury or sleeping wrong can create the disorder. The longer it goes untreated the more systemic it shall be unless you investigate, find the best help, and do what you can to improve it.
Thank you for the truth. Just making sense of the matter gives a person an in depth understanding and motivates a need for correction. A little common sense goes a long way. Thank you.
I have been suffering for two years from this loud ringing noise and after doing this it has almost become negligible. Thank you so much!!
Now how r u .ur cure?
Exactly in which place to do it on head
Hey I have to admit I thought your videos were rubbish. I only watched this because the ringing in my ears was driving me nuts. I’ve tried this technique and just now and immediately my left ear has dropped from 8/10 to 2/10 and my right ear has dropped from 9/10 to 6/10. That’s just one small session while I watched this.
Amazing. A big thank you 🙏
How long does the relief last?
Raider Joe not long as it turns out 😢
Maybe try it everyday, like an excercise.
@@frankboff1260 Hey, are you still doing this exercise? Did it help?
realy helpful
I just cured a two year ear buzz in my right ear by finding and working out the fascia adhesions on my skull. I don’t know how to get this information out there to people who are suffering from the same thing I was. Of course there are many reason why someone would have ear buzz or ringing, but if it is because of fascial adhesions you can try this. This is what I did after reading Ashley Blacks book about fascia. Take your fingers and press them firmly into your scalp near and around the effected ear, feel around, palpate to see if there are any tender or raised areas. When you find a tender area (mine felt like a squishy bruise) that you would normally be gentle with, don’t be gentle, press into it and wiggle your fingers back and forth. If you have ever had a deep tissue massage, you’ll recognize this technique. When an adhesion is found the practitioner presses on it and then wiggles it to help release it. You can do this yourself. I had instant relief! Then the buzz came back a few days later so I did the same deep tissue poke and wiggle technique again, this time the adhesions had moved further up my scalp. So I worked my whole scalp and I continue to work the fascia in my scalp each day (its almost like an aggressive hair washing) and the buzz has stayed away. I just had to put this information out there for any self curing seekers. Good Luck!
This method is so easy to do and I've been tinnitus free for over 12 hours just hope it lasts longer I am very grateful thank you for sharing method
Ive had tinnitus all my life every single day 24 hrs a day..this did nothing.. my one dream is to know what silence is
There is a tiny electronic device known as a " White noise generator" which may help you. White noise generators are tuned to emit sound waves at a frequncy that cancels the noise generated in your brain. It can be found on amazon uk.
I know the feeling. I have had constant ringing for over 8 years now and nothing even comes close to helping.
I am the same. Sometimes the ringing is so loud it wakes me up. I have hearing loss and it seems the more hearing I lose the louder the ringing gets. I am fussed at because I play a radio or turn on the tv - sometimes 24 hours a day. I'm told I am wasting electricity or shorting the life of the tv. I could care less what the noise is. All I do know is that any noise is better than listening to this awful dull never ending noise in my head. I would love to hear the birds singing again or to hear a conversation without trying to patch words together or figure out what someone is saying. I tried this exercise - no help. I'll keep trying for a few days as maybe I'm not doing it right or I'm in the wrong place.
Reta, my name is Brandi Mayberry and I left a comment just now on telling how I cured my ear buzz. I have no idea if this technique will help you, but its worth a shot.
@@brandimayberry5049 hi, can you share your info with me too? 🙏
I apologize for those who have been dealing with Tinnitus long term... its only been a couple weeks for me and this technique just kicked the hum right out of my head...
WOW, amazing to hear...
It helped right away!
Why are you apologizing? You didn't cause it.
Me too
I really like this as a quick, short term relief of tinnitus when the ringing in the ears gets unbearable. Thank you!
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
It's pretty wild how much that simple thing worked. Definitely gonna keep doing that
This actually lowered the intensity. Amazing!
I must admit, I didn't believe something so simple could work so effectively. I've been living with tinnitus in my left ear for about fifteen years. I tried this earlier today and it seemed to work a little. I was talking to my wife about the video and while watching, thumped myself several times to show her, and noticed my tinnitus was almost completely gone. Before, I'd say it was an 8, now its a 2. Can't thank you enough Doc.
Greg Farley so is it temporary or an actual cure
KETO DIET HAS CHANGED MY LIFE. Ringing went from a 10 to a 4. Sugar causes inflammation and causes brain cells to over fire. I feel like screaming from the rooftops for everyone with ringing to try keto. Life is bearable now and I will never go back to eating carbs and sugar!
Good luck everyone!
I think about starting the keto diet. You might be on to something
Hillary Hayman yes also eat probiotics as many strains as you can find also helps protect ears and body from inflammation and infection. Also make sure all vitamins and minerals in your body are not deficient.
When my T started my life was upside down, and I later found out my blood sugar was sky high. I think it played a part in damaging my ears. Diabetics beware.
Thanks for info. I agree!
I'm trying that. Have only just started it do hopefully it will help. Thanks
Stopped ringing after the first time. Excellent technique. Thank you Dr. Berg.
Now how r u
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Dr. Berg's Support Team
The only thing that drowns out the terrible tinnitus I have when trying to sleep is TH-cam ambient noise. Star ship ambient sounds and fan ambient sounds. Put in your ear buds and find a close tone sound and go to sleep. Thank God for TH-cam.
Thats exactly what I have to do, my ears are roaring right now. Sometimes it feel more sensory overload....! Take care.
The nature sounds work for me. God bless you
Im suffering from it from so many years... its killing ...I pray to God
that some cure for this will be there soon..
@@robin8179 I've had this for three weeks and I don't think I want to live all that much and I'm only 13 does that thing work
@@Confirmed_Normal_Human Also try some 'white noise' for tinnitus relief and other sounds to block yours. I don't know how bad it is and what kind of sound you have..
@@robin8179 it's just a ton of ringing in my head I'm trying to talk to as many people as I can because it is hard to deal with this
I've been suffering from it for years on and off but now it's worse and louder than usual . It's been like this for 3weeks and got a horrible pressure headache to with pains in my eardrums to , but got no ear infection ?
@@TheSy182Good morning Simon. Sounds horrible. Maybe something is wrong with your jaw? Fluid can also cause pressure..
I would go see a specialist anyway.
Suffering from a number of symptoms in ear including ringing along with ear plug, hearing loss, and even vertigo at times. Turned out it’s all triggered by a long on going sinusitis affecting tube behind ear drum. For the ear ringing, will definitely try this. Nerves are all related in there. Thanks to Dr. Berg, been following your channels and benefiting from your amazing advice.
I have the same issues for years. How did you find out that it was the sinusitis? and how to treat it
@@hanfomo117 I have same issues, first the audiology test then ct scan from all head and face and ears that is how they see the eustacian tube clogged disfunction, I finally got insisions in both ears yet still tinnitus is there i guess because the pressure was so strong for days damaged the nerves ,,,
Sameeeeeeeeee here same issue
@Wayne Pan hello. Was wondering how you are doing now? Have any of your ear symptoms gone away or have you found things that help you treat each issue? I have some of your same issues... Thanks ☺️
The tapping procedure helped a lot!! I will continue each day. Thank you!
Almost had an anxiety attack when I heard the actual sound of silence
I was suffering from from anxiety disorder and stress it's caused tinnitus
How long did it take you dog?
Aiden Law how long did it take you dawg?
Chanakya Online Education. My tinnitus is what gives me stress. Ever since an infection, had minor hearing loss in that ear as well. Pretty sure ill be half deaf around 40
I fuckin think i got hiv a few weeks ago smoking dope....im 19 ....dope..! Now i hear ringing and feel like im dying... I quiy it but whats weird is that im only 19 and i got hiv... Idk what to do idk how i can sleep tonight with this
This actually worked for me! Mine was only at a 1 or 2 but it went to 0
Thank you!!
I have been deaf my entire life and started this tapping and now I can hear. My hearing has come back 100% and I tap almost 1,000 times a day. thank you
Wow it's true?
I tried this technique, it did not work for me but I am happy for those it did help. I wouldn't wish this on anybody!
My co-worker who has tinnitus tried this. He said it mostly worked for 3 seconds, and returned to full volume after 3 minutes.
Had two carpal tunnel release within three weeks and subsequently experienced ringing in both ears. It's been happening now for almost a month. Saw a doctor this week of which was no help whatsoever. Avoid stress, discontinue eating chocolate, caffeinated products; some patients have experienced results by using ginko biloba - basically she said that I must learn to live with it as it is a common problem for many people. She did indicate the first three months are the worst and following that it may or many not get better. If that's the case then months of therapy may help. My heart goes out to those living with this condition. It's horrible!! I turned to what I know best and that's trying to cure myself naturally, and ran into this video however not before I almost spent couple hundred dollars for an acoustic system to help cure me. I followed Dr. Berg's advice and got relief. I could not believe it!! I've been sleep deprived for weeks and I'm sure like many others have questioned continued existence. This is s simple procedure that works. I'm just praying it never comes back. Continue sharing Dr. Berg.. you're truly appreciated.
did it come back?
It works! Not completely yet but am pleased so far!
The drumming worked for me, very happy now
Dr Eric
Just wanted to say thank you for taking your time to try and help people. I developed something I won’t say it’s tinnitus yet around February and then it got worse right as Shelter in place happened. So no doctors visits. I’m gonna see a ENT May 19th. It’s been a difficult journey. But to point out to everyone the truth is you will learn to deal with it. My started as humming and then it got louder. Then came the ringing. My doctor said in both ears that that’s a good sign. The last two weeks it’s definitely more prominent in my left so not sure why that happened but I’ll take it. Praying it goes away all together and prayers for all of you. I know how distracting it can be. I’m trying this new method right now. Thank you sir for trying to help us all. God Bless.
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
I have been dealing with this for years, living at a #8 and higher. I sleep with the sound of rain to mask the tinnitus sound, nothing has worked. This has helped a lot, I’m at a #1 now. Thank you
Are you serious?.
Really worked?
@@christiandeluxer2926 yes it does!
Does it still help you?
I have had this ringing for years. I had decided that it was just something I have to live with. I happened on the link to this video by chance and skeptically tried it. It stopped immediately! I had forgotten what it was like to hear without the ringing. Everything sounds a bit strange. May God Bless you for sharing this.
how many times you did this in a day?
Greg 8
Nothing work when you have tinnitus
This Worked, ringing level went down from 7 to 2, Thank you so much 🙏
OMG!!!!, I’ve had this ringing for so long, this really works, my voice sounds so clear when I talk, the sizzling sound is gone, I hear everything!!!
how is it now?
is it stil gone
You know Angie, I never thought to call it a "sizzling sound" but that is actually a very accurate description of what I get, a kind of running faucet sound I always say - but yes, it is sort of like bacon sizzling or something along those lines. My last three days have been pretty bad - this exercise helps a little bit. For anyone who is highly annoyed by Tinnitus as I am, many of us will try anything -
Holy crap it's working!
God bless my friend 🙏
Thank you Dr. BERG. I'm 69 years old and have been suffering do bad with a sound of water running from a faucet in my right ear for over a year. I've not been able to sleep more than 2 hours a night.
Last night I tried your method and the ringing stopped. I slept for 9 hours. I can not believe this actually worked. The ringing is down from 100% to approximately 10% .
OK! That worked! Damn! I have a Masters degree in Chinese Medicine, and work in Allopathic Medicine. And this just blow me away! Wow.
Lol, this info has HELPED YOU, to be OPEN to NEW unconventional therapies❤️......... Learning new Knowledge is a gift........no shame.....
My ears were ringing earlier this evening. Tried some earthing and the ringing left almost immediately. I’m now a believer.
what is earthing pls ?
@@aymenelbach9180 walking barefoot on grass or lawn. It removes any negative electric charge in the body.
Thank you so much. It really works for me. I've been experiencing this ringing for almost a month but now it's gone. Thank you for the information shared. It helps.
@@punithkumarv9502 try other videos on you tube if this didn't work..
That was INCREDIBLE!!!! 20x and it’s completely gone!!!!!! Ty!
This method didn't work for me but I found a different one that really works well. I grab ahold of the ear that is ringing and pull it out away from the body or give a gentle tug repeatedly until the ringing disappears. It never fails. Exercising this method on both ears once or twice a day will reduce the ringing. Try it, it works wonders.
Can you please tell me more? How long did you do it?
Shew. This method worked for me. Thx
Dr. Mandela here on you tube showed this technique of pulling on ears & also simultaneously opening your mouth very wide and saying, “ AAhhh”......... it is supposed to help clear the stationary tubes in your ears and your sinuses. It really does work!
Thank you for sharing this. I have tried this. It appears to have lessened but not gone away entirely. I'll take lessening anytime.
Is it gone now?
i do appreciate that Doc says "if it does not work right away" it is likely not going to work. thanks
Hey I too suffered from tinnitus but over time I have learned how to manage i completely. But it very subjective .what worked for me may work for yours. As there is no perfect cure for tinnitus ,it best to try everything that can help. Like I did. If you need help you can message him
WhatsApp for help +234/ 901/ 187/ 6087
hey this worked, I actually saw an immediate reduction!
OMG. Thank You. It's quiet. So quiet. At least for now. I Love You! This is so flippin' AWESOME!! ❤😊
Omg, it worked for me! It quieted down the ringing. I will continue to do this therapy. Thanks for this video.
My ear just start it ringing. Dose this really work. My start , ringing 4 days ago
Its gone or not???
Tinnitus can also be a symptom of Mercury toxicity... when I had my amalgam fillings removed by a biological dentist, my tinnitus went away completely over the next year after removal.
Kayla Chandler I've still got two Mercury fillings,I have fibromyalgia to it makes you wonder I'm sick of I'll health xx😊😊
bullshit. studies show you would need every tooth filled and 40+ years of exposure to feel any toxic effects.
Sara Connor is your brain dead already
guy britton careful Dude! She might send a T-1000 after you 😬
Don't how tinnitus is associated with fillings when it's actually in your ears and the little little hairs inside your ears have been destroyed ,
I’m pleased it has works for some people but no change for me.
I thought my tinnitus was really bad. I had a test done and I was 16 out of 70. I just can't imagine what a level 70 would be like because sometimes I feel like im going mad its so loud at 16.
At times it can hurt
You are a great doctor as well as an excellent teacher. Love the white board and the lists you always use. You make things understandable and interesting. Thanks very much.
Dr Eric thank you so much, I was suffering from this nagging sound/buzzing in my right ear, I ignored for about 10+ days as suggested by few friends that it'll settle automatically. After that went to GP, who asked to try inflamation tablets, that didn't help either. After about 2 weeks, the sounds became intense and affected both ears, while walking it was much more intense like sound of motor running inside my head. I landed on this video of yours and I tried it few times, it's worked so far, the sounds/buzzing have lowered significantly. Thank you so much for putting amazing videos as always.
OMG! This worked! I want to cry! My tinnitus was at a 3 and I noticed after doing this only time it went down and then I did it again it went down, now it's just a very faint crackling sound. Thank you!
I came across one of your videos a couple of days ago and was so impressed I subscribed. This is the 4th video I have watched. I really appreciate all of the information you provide in the description, it is so helpful. Thanks again, many blessings to you! 😊
20 years with Tinnitus and 10 minutes of thumbing it is is gone. Now what am I going to tell my wife I didn't hear her. :)
Pat Emmons :)
I don't think I would call it a fix, but it does relieve the ringing for a period of time.
Pat Emmons I'm so glad yours is gone,mine has got so much worse it's whooshing and like a radio noise,I've tried the fingers not made any difference but I'll keep trying xs
Pat Emmons
Pat Emmons
This technique really did bring down the ringing. Thank you!
Seriously amazing!. My right ear... ringing gone. My left is substantial reduced.
Thank you 🙏!
Glad to help!
Immediately lessened the ringing in my ears! Immediately! 👏🏻👏🏻🤝🤝
I've had tinnitus for 17 years. For the first 2 years it caused me an awful lot of distress, but after that I began spending less and less time focusing on it and now I rarely even notice it, even though it's worse now then in those first 2 years (but it didn't keep getting worse as I initially feared) if you've only started having tinnitus recently (and if this technique doesn't work for you) just know that you will adapt and it will become much, much easier to live with it in time, the sooner you stop focusing on it the quicker you will adapt (of course get checked out first to make sure it's just regular old "listened to too much loud music" tinnitus). Thanks to Dr Nick, I've only just recently discovered you and love so many of your videos, not sure if this technique is for me though
Actually if you research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
75% reduction and ring returned to about a 25% reduction. Did another session but fingers got tired so I slapped with fingertips and got a 90% reduction. Amazing. Slapping felt good, as though the area needed massage. I will do it regularly when I need it. Thanks.
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water
thank you so much, havent experienced quiet and peace for 10 years
BananasArentBlue Kermit is good stuff.
Incredible, it actually works!
Very glad it helps!
People dont know what's it like to deal with this only those who have it .I had this for like 6 years been through so much with this
Kevon forde. The experts do not understand, unless they suffer themselves. I have been viewed as for the last six years in litigation, that you haven’t killed yourself, so it can’t be that bad! You are only telling us it’s bad, and you look okay!!
This helps a lot. I always have ringing - sometimes loud sometimes low. It was particularly loud this morning and this toned it down. Amazing.
Hey brother, check out some positive Tinnitus videos like Julian Cowen Hill. He has helped me alot in dealing with This.
How long did it calm it down for?
@@JohnOsCreations Just for a short that day, but I did not continue the process. I can ignore the sound most days, which is a blessing. But on some days, especially when the barometric pressure is high it gets very loud and this was helpful.
@@sbaylesresearch Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water, veggies w/ meat & good fats
It WORKED! I'm am in shock. I've had level 10 tinnitus for 15 years. Just amazed. That's all I can say.
did this really work for you?
fall back It hasn't been a permanent fix, but when it gets really loud, it definitely calms it down. I've had it so long it is just a party of me now.
+JensJots oh ok....how did you get it?
fall back Sadly, from listening to very loud music.
Same here jen.
I didn't believe it at first, but I just tried this and it seems to have reduced the ringing noise considerably. You're a savior, thx Dr. Berg !
I wish I had seen this video years ago. I tried the technique as I was watching and It reduced the hissing from a 10 to a five. I will do daily. Thank you!
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water, veggies meats & good fats. Cut the sugar & booze & processed food products
research Tinnitus & Insulin Resistance, you'll be blown away. Too much insulin in the blood (prediabetes) is causing all kinds of metabolic disorders. Get a fasting insulin test, under 10 is healthy. If higher than that, exercise a lot more and cut out the sugars, booze & processed foods. Water water water, veggies meats & good fats. Cut the sugar & booze & processed food products
Hey guys Anxiety can def exacerbate Tinnitus especially panic attacks. I know its easier said then done but try and limit stress and anxiety as much as you can. Things that help me are distractions like having a friend that knows and understands you have anxiety that you call when your feeling anxious and just talk about things that will distract you like things you enjoy, for example sports.
Wow, I can’t believe it but it did reduce mine - I’ll keep trying it.
Pls help how many times we have to do
I think I'm thumping the wrong place??
Is it still working?
@@tylerx8848 it went away and didn't come back
@@ESemonian1 how long did you have to keep doing it?
I did this on Wednesday and Thursday, the tinnitus decreased from 7 to 1. On Saturday the tinnitus was gone. It was zero all day. I did it 8 times the first day and 5 times the second day. Thank you. ❤
Thanks a lot Dr. Berg. I had this for 3 months and nothing was helping. I followed you procedure for 15 days. After first day, there was very little improvement. I continued for 10 - 12 days and woke up one morning with no ringing. May God bless you for sharing this method.
Bro are you cure?
Yes, it worked and is not back yet.
ive had tinnitus since I was so young that I mostly forget about it and don't even notice it but now and again on some quiet nights I start thinking about it too much and its gets so overwhelming I could have a panic attack :(
Kaneki Ken It’s hell when you actually think about it...Most nights I have to go to bed high to fall asleep.
Kaneki Ken oh I'm so sorry. That's terrible, I hope you get better. I'll pray for you dude.
Same.. I always remember as a kid thinking that silence wasn't ever actually silent. I guess I'm fortunate enough that I don't hear anything in my normal day-to-day.. but at night, I have to have background sounds like a fan or light music. Otherwise it plays on my mind heavily.
Some nights though I can just sleep without thinking about it with no background sound.. those are a rarity. It's like static on an old TV.
I also have to have background noise in order to sleep, or I just keep focusing on the ringing. I have a sound app on my phone that plays peaceful noises so I can concentrate on that than the constant ringing in my brain.
Hopefully this technique will help.
same here. i need to have some backgground music to help me sleep. am listening to piano covers... and its really soothing.
I heard you suppose to cover your ears as well. It gives a deeper sound in the skull. Worked for me
Oliver. It did not work for me until I covered my ears and tapped. so weird. ...No ringing.... everything is quiet. Thank you.
Thank you Oliver - it didn't work until I covered my ears. Thank you so much.
Thank you guys
Sadly this done nothing for me but hope it helps some people because this wonderful doctor is doing his best to help others.