I find really funny that they tried really hard to hide the velociraptor DNA in the Indominous but literally the moment everyone in the cinema saw it they went "Yeah, that's a big velociraptor, we got it"
I’m so glad to hear that! On the one hand, leaving Blue alone like what Jurassic World did opens up the narrative to explore how the dinosaur would react to suddenly losing her entire support structure but Fallen Kingdom does nothing with that (stay tuned for How to Fix Fallen Kingdom, which should drop within the next two or three weeks). But I felt that if you’re treating this story as the start of a new trilogy, then taking away Blue’s family should not be how it starts, it should be saved for the climax of the middle film (think how Empire Strikes Back ends). So keeping some semblance of normalcy for both Blue and Owen seemed like the natural place to leave the first movie.
@@BryanIra305 sure and fallen kingdom is my favorite of the world trilogy it tries a darker tone which good it opens the idea of dinosaurs in the modern world and being the end of the dinosaur islands with the eruption of Nublar and callbacks to the original trilogy cause it was Jurassic Park’s anniversary at the time it came out and the Indoraptor was cool it’s my favorite hybrid but I do wish we got to see it learn it’s abilities cause it was raised in captivity and not in a natural environment for it’s skills which i think they could’ve done more with it though it’s death was cool I wondered how dangerous it could have been if it lived like military people like black ops or some kind of special forces would want it and the hunt it as it rampaged through cities, towns or even just the woods or somebody’s house and we could explore it seemingly growing a mind of it’s own and not just a killing machine it could question how it looks different from other creatures even raptors like blue heck I even picture an original character named general Maris hunting it down thinking he can be the savior of the human race as he believes the dinosaurs can take over the earth and humans will go extinct but not if they push back with hybrids and I want to look into something like that it be interesting I do make Jurassic Park movies of my own I even made a fan film called “Jurassic World: Indoraptor Return” where somebody made an indoraptor on Sorna and it has a rivalry with the JP3 Spino and an adult version of the baby Rex from the lost world
Hey man, I really dig your channel and appreciate the clear effort you put into your content and the passion that you have for good films, rather than just a blind devotion to everything Jurassic. I've loved Jurassic Park since I was a child too, but it's frustrating to see how many people (and other YT channels) refuse to critically examine any of the films and just automatically worship them no matter what. It just doesn't leave very much room for analysis or discussion, and with so many amazing films being released every year in every genre it just feels hollow to praise mediocre and trash movies just because they have dinosaurs in them. I love watching your "Fixing" videos because you put so much effort into making cohesive themes, developing fleshed out characters, and grounding the stories by omitting cheesy moments and absurd set pieces. You script your videos so well too and keep things tight and well paced, it makes even hour-long videos like this one a breeze to watch! Jurassic World and The Lost World are pretty neck and neck for second place in the Jurassic franchise, but the drop from the first film is still quite large for me. Like if I gave the original a 9/10 I'd say that LW and JW fall around a 6/10. In regards to this fix, I like the adjustments you made to tie it together more and feel more grounded. The focus on characters was one of the original's biggest strengths and I like to see that focus come back here. The other biggest thing I thought was missing from the new trilogy was any sense of tension, danger, or scares. That's the main reason that I hold up the second film a bit- its depiction of true danger and tension with the dinosaurs. Its use of more brutal and gruesome kills within the PG-13 limits made the dinosaurs terrifying and the attack on the merc camp by the rexes is pulse-pounding. The Jurassic World trilogy, I felt, neutered any sense of danger and replaced it with action set pieces void of tension as a result of making all of the characters have impenetrable plot armor. I don't just want mindless action and random background characters being killed offscreen all the time- I appreciate more drawn out scenes where a beloved character gets caught out due to unfortunate circumstances and you actually see panic and fear on their faces as they meet their end. That slightly darker tone in small doses I believe also helps ground the story and makes you feel like the dinosaurs' presence is actually threatening. So this was my long-winded way of saying that I enjoyed your adjustments to Jurassic World, but think that adding in 1 or 2 main or side character dinosaur deaths sprinkled more throughout the movie in more tense situations would be great in my book. I love your videos, appreciate your voice in the Jurassic community, and hope am looking forward to the next "How to Fix" videos!
First of all, thank you so much for this comment! Secondly, I wholeheartedly agree with you on every point. One of the most frustrating things in Hollywood is that the invincible warrior archetype, which can be fun in the right story, is good for *every* action movie, when most of the films in which that type of character appears would be 1000% better if they grounded that same character and made them more human. I also agree about side characters who can remind the audience of the stakes by either dying or getting really close. I actually don’t do a great job of conveying this, but Zara is supposed to be likable despite being a sort of heel for Zach, a stand-in for his mother’s absence. In my head, her death is a really tragic moment, driven home by Hoskins’ own grief and guilt. I imagine to that I could have Hoskins have a type of right-hand man, a comic relief character ala Lowery, who can also tap out at a certain point to really stick it to Hoskins and the audience.
@@BryanIra305 No problem! And agreed, I usually prefer more grounded characterization, and honestly, fewer A-list actors. I'm still astonished at what the Lord of the Rings trilogy was able to accomplish with mostly unknown actors at the time. It made the movies feel really enveloping and allowed the excellent cast to shine through, creating some of the most cherished films for me and many other people. If they drop the JW leads for the next film, I'm curious who they bring in for the new ones. Oh I see now, knowing that, I think that's a good choice! I think the tragedy of likeable characters dying in Jurassic films mixed with more neutral and antagonistic characters really helps make the film feel less like a superhero movie and more akin to a semi-realistic sci-fi adventure horror film where *everyone* is in danger. I also like the addition of a new right-hand man for Hoskins, a character that can still be developed and likeable but could serve to up the stakes when they go. Also makes me wonder about giving perhaps Henry Wu a research assistant. Not sure if you plan on ditching the tangential side plot of him being an "antagonist" of sorts, but I think planting the seeds of a character who works closely with him would allow the audience to actually see Wu more fleshed out as a character and give us more insight into his beliefs, values, and missteps. Could be interesting to see the film's themes played out in two ways- one of course being the collapse of control and the chaos and death that ensues, and the other being a peak-behind-the-curtain of sorts, where we can see the the complex nature of the "controller". What drives them, what they want out of life, and what pitfalls they succumb to that lead to the catastrophe. To be honest, even in the first film & novel I wish that they developed the theme a bit more by tying it in more to some of the characters directly in their personal lives. This view is subjective of course and I would expect many to disagree, but I think that presenting the lofty ideal of "control never works and is a foolish pursuit" and just asserting that as untenable is a bit hard to follow fully. Having the chaotic and bombastic depiction of control falling into chaos via the dinosaur breakouts while also having characters dealing with issues of control and chaos on a person level would have possibly elevated the film to a 9.5 or 10 for me.
I think you’re absolutely dead on target. The Jurassic films are ripe with thematic possibilities the filmmakers seem almost blind to exploring. They kind of settled on every sequel being a cautionary tale about science + corporate greed + PG-13 dinosaur deaths, and failing to explore potentials beyond that.
Obviously making a film isn't a simple task, but I think these few things are an easy ask from us fans: 1.) Make the characters speak like actual people. Turning Jurassic Park into a cynical MCU facsimile betrays the tone and intent of the first three movies. Yes, even JP3, as breezy as it was, let Alan Grant act like Alan Grant. 2.) If you can't shoot/block/light/edit animatronics convincingly, don't use animatronics. 3.) Have a story roadmap and stick to it. Dinosaurs all over the world? Focus on getting to that and then delivering on that premise. No bizarre locust/human clone/weaponized dinosaur digressions. Keep narrative focus. 4.) The PG-13 rating is surprisingly flexible. Use that to your advantage. This is less aimed at Fallen Kingdom, which had at least some fangs, but Dominion was especially child friendly. Like, small child friendly. It's okay to have likable characters bite the dust in violent ways. Kong: Skull Island got away with a shocking amount of graphic violence for a PG-13. 5.) The stakes need to feel tangible. A whole park of people being threatened by dinos? Solid. Dinos being auctioned off across the world to terrible people? Decent. Giant grasshoppers eating all of our wheat? Not so much. All that being said, Gareth Edwards is about as perfect a director choice as any for this new project. David Koepp is writing so the characters will speak like Jurassic Park/TLW characters. The small plot synopsis we have does seem to have somewhat grounded and dire stakes and the new cast is excellent. I really think Rebirth will slam a home run. At least compared to the Trevorrow output, but the above suggestions are what need to be executed on to salvage this franchise from the sad fate of other once great sci-fi IP like Terminator. Dominion was our Terminator: Genisys. That can never happen again.
LET’S GOOO!! Another fix to the franchise🎉 Haven’t been one minute into the video but I know it’s a banger already Thanks for doing God’s work man! More power to this channel!
I love your take on this, and am anxiously waiting your rewrite for the next two movies. Do you plan to completely change the plots or are you sticking as closely to them as you can while just improving them?
Thank you so much! As for your question…I’m already quite a few paragraphs into my script for How to Fix FK, and I address that question head-on right out of the gate. For JP3 and JW, I kind of held on to the basic plot from beginning to end. While I haven’t gone too far down the road on Dominion yet, I can say that for FK that will not be the case. I will be taking elements and story points that do work in FK but I won’t be trying to make that whole movie work because, quite frankly, there’s a better story that can be told that deviates heavily from where they decided to go.
I cannot wait! I’m sure you’re going to lean into TRUE horror for FK as opposed to their version of “gothic horror” that ended up giving us a dino smiling at the camera 🙃
Fun fact, I’ve actually thrown my ideas around for my own reimagining of Jurassic World: the theme of mine would center around “ they danced on Hammond’s grave, and now the world is paying for it” and how overly commercialized the park has become to the point where even Grey the biggest dinosaur geek around is feeling it. In my version Owen Grady is an introvert preferring to stay around his animals than people with the exception of close friends (which in my version is actually Hoskins as Barry is cut, Hoskins in this version is less of a mustache swirling villain, and more like a lovable douche bag like Remington in the ghost in the darkness, being his motivations are for saving lives, rather than making money) Claire in my version is more of a anti-villain in that while she does care for her nephews, due to the fact that work takes so much focus in her life, and how she is put under increasingly intense pressure to turn a higher profit from the park, retrieving the two boys is more like filing a report, then an actual epidemic that needs her full attention. Of whom had been thrown under her care after the death of their parents in a car crash. eventually she meets her fate at the jaws of the dinosaurs for so long he is merely viewed as assets leaving Owen as the boys new surrogate guardian. The dinosaurs in my version are more like animals with the exception of being the I-Rex. The dinosaurs are also allowed to breed in order for a healthier population (as that never gets a proper explanation in the world trilogy,) With the exception of Rexy and some salvaged Ingen clones, most of the new dinosaurs are a blend of modern science and the classic Jurassic Park style. (as in no shrink, wrapping or pronated wrists, lips, adjusting the proportions to better reflect modern understandings such as the removal of elephant feet or lengthening the neck of a stegosaur, for example, and for certain species given feathers) The film in my version also includes the unaccounted for wild population of Raptors and the race to stop a pair of juveniles from making it onto the mainland via cargo ship from the novel, making Zack and Gray have more relevance to the plot in their finding of the original visitor center than just useless nostalgia.
The best part of speculating about this franchise is the amount of potential inherent in each film. There are untold avenues you can drive the characters and story down while maintaining the basic structure of the film we got. Your story sounds way more compelling the one we got!
@@thickerconstrictor9037 and why is that? I understand the death of Claire is a bit fanfictiony and to be honest, if I had the reign I'd probably do something different, but I see everything else as within reason
I dig this. I've made the mistake of expecting far too much from a film based on trailers. I expected something similar to the original Dead Island trailer (a sort of ideal vacation turned into a monstrous nightmare type thing). This is a lot more in line with the original film in terms of tone, balance of themes, action, etc. I mulled over how I'd tackle this new trilogy, and as per usual for me, I thought of taking it in a darker direction. I thought of focusing on the "small guys" of the park. Regular Joe's like engineers, drivers, and feed technicians. Incidents start piling up, affecting morale until the big one with the Indominus rips the park a new one. I'd also focus on a family that seemed perfectly normal and fine slowly unravel and all their flaws come out as the chaos traps them in their fine hotels, which become just fine prisons in the ensuing weeks. As you can see, this isn't congruent with the brand. This, on the other hand, certainly is. You expected to get a lot of hate, but none of it's coming from me. This whole thing speaks to a trust in the audience that is frankly missing from especially modern blockbusters. Earned a like and subscribe from me
I can’t thank you enough for this comment, especially on day one. I have been very anxious about this one since I conceived of the series (and How to Fix JP3 got such a big response for a small fry like me), and this sentiment is easing that pit in my stomach, you have no idea. 😅 Also, you and I are certainly on a similar wave length, because one of my original concepts in redoing this, before I ultimately chose to try and follow the basic outline of the original premise, *was* to follow a family who didn’t really understand what was happening, kind of like a Cloverfield vibe! It’s crazy we had the same idea! Thank you so much for your kind words and your sub!
There are lots of attention to detail in these movies but I have one for Jurassic World. In the scene where the Indominous Rex attacked the ACU members it’s slight and a blink and you miss it shot where you can see on her shoulder you can see the wound of where the implant was at
@@BryanIra305The story and plot of your version of Jurassic World is much more understandable and some of the parts you added are closely to some parts of the Jurassic Park novel, which I liked. End the ending is much better than the film’s ending.
I'd go further by suggesting Indominus should have died half way through and not have the entire film revolve around her, with her actions being the catalyst for Jurassic World's eventual collapse and her death being framed as a sad end to an abused animal. Indominus shouldn't have been presented as bloodthirsty killer either, but rather a broken but curious creature with no social awareness or understanding of the outside world, itself a dangerous combination in an animal the size of a T. rex. This habit that Hollywood has of making their creatures "bigger, faster, more intelligent" doesn't make for a better story either, it just makes them unbelievable. I don't have a problem with Indominus being smart, but I do have a problem with her being able to reason and understand on the same level as a human being. I often point to The Martian, which came out the same year, as setting the bar for the human characters as well. In that movie, all the characters are really good at what they do, they all manage the situation like mature professionals and things still go wrong, this is what creates the suspense in that film. In Jurassic World, you get "dumb guy does dumb thing, oh no it went badly" with a lot of the characters. Then there is the way they turned Henry Wu into some kind of James Bond villain. Jurassic World had potential, but it was ruined by poor writing that could have been fixed very easily.
I walked away from Jurassic World thinking it was a comment on Hollywood’s perpetual need to create a spectacle, and therefore, money. The Indominus is your standard Hollywood production as of the 21st century; lots of money goes in with the expectation that it would generate even more money in return. At the end of the day though, no matter how flashy and more exciting the new product is, it’ll never beat the classics, which is why Blue and the T. rex teaming up against the Indominus is so satisfying. However, Jurassic World is also rather ironic. It’s an anti-capitalist story, yet uses nostalgia to increase its box office returns. Furthermore, the film chooses action set pieces over character. Jurassic World therefore becomes the Hollywood spectacle it criticises. This is bolstered by both its critical reception and its box office returns. I feel as though this rewrite lacks the irony inherent to Jurassic World. If you were to capitalise more on that theme, we’d have a really solid rewrite, per your other videos in this series
Man, that is one aspect of Jurassic World that tore me up. I didn’t address it in the video because I really wanted to focus on story rather than commentary-and let’s face it, this behemoth is long enough 😂-but the irony was *such* a good idea, and it was ruined by the heavy handed nature of its *actual* product placement! The commentary is undercut by the very thing it was trying to critique, so it comes off as cynical at best and hypocritical at worst. It is by far the most branded of all the Jurassic movies, and it’s hurting its own thematic message. It might not have been a realistic ask of such a large production, but if they wanted to get the point across more honestly they could have replaced the real brands they promoted with fictional ones. This naturally would have meant those brands wouldn’t have paid to have screen time or be associated with the film, but you can’t make a strong argument against the excesses of capitalist branding while you are in fact guilty of the same charge.
@@BryanIra305 I bought into the meta-commentary that Trevorrow was so proud of in JW because I assumed there was a clear direction the overall story was heading towards and I thought JW was executed at least decently well. FK was unfocused, but left off in a place I felt complemented the themes of JW1. By the time Dominion came out, it was clear to me that all of the bluster Trevorrow was stating about JW being a commentary on corporate greed was actually just cynical Hollywood BS and he actually had no idea what he was talking about. I'd rather JW not have commented on corporate marketing cynicism and nostalgia baiting because now it all comes off as callous hypocrisy and I can't stand that.
Honestly, is refreshing to se a JP fan that criticizes the sequels, but tries to also improve it. In mi case, in don't hate neither TLW or JP3 (I love them actually, or at least enjoy parts of it), but both films were made in the wrong direction, just make more movies in wich a group of character go to an island of dinosaurs, and things go wrong. They don't really continue the story, or go to a new direction, or presents a theme that really resembles the first one. That's why I found so FRUSTRATING that the JW trilogy missed the chances to fix that. Althoug I think they had genuinely good concepts and ideas, they were fleshed out poorly. I'm will wait with enthusiasm your rewrite for Fallen Kingdom and Dominion.❤
I really appreciate this! Thank you! And yes, the JW trilogy as a whole is a huge missed opportunity, and the cast can’t be blamed, the studio gave them plenty of money, and the effects aren’t terrible for the most part. The biggest problem is the stories they chose to tell, and how that really sunk the brand in terms of critical success and impact on the cultural zeitgeist. Largely, the Jurassic World trilogy has a reputation for being really silly, and that breaks my heart.
I loved Jurassic World when I was younger (it was my first Jurassic movie if I recall), but now that I can look back at it critically I dare say it’s not a very good movie. For 8 year old me it was great, but for current me it’s a very hollow and formulaic blockbuster. The first part of this video explaining why Jurassic World feels so different from the JP trilogy put into words what I’ve been feeling for years. Why it feels so sterile and by the books when compared to its predecessors. I like your proposed changes, but my main criticism of Jurassic World is that I can see a good movie buried under there. That’s what makes it such a frustrating movie to watch. It has ideas, good ideas even, but has zero idea of what to do with them as it fumbles its way through a basic, by the books plot.
@@jurassicswine I absolutely agree. The filmmakers played things so safe that it didn’t feel like there were any surprises to be had. While entertaining, it was still a very basic, rote experience to watch.
You hit the nail on the head when you talked about the lack of realism in these new jurassic world movies. I thought it was interesting how you mentioned the security team could capture a t rex within 5 minutes of its escape. It made me think how cool it would have been to see that in the movie. It would also have added credibility to the security team. More weight to their deaths and also just how much more fierce the Indominus is once it had defeated them. I really love the fix overall however the only thing I would change is I would actually keep the Indominus rex alive at the end of the movie. Love it or hate it the Indominus was such a unique dinosour i always felt it deserved to reappear in the later sequels. GREAT FIX! Looking forward to the next one.
I hate how the Indominus Rex escaped its enclosure. The humans did not know if the beast had escaped, so they elected to send people into the paddock to check where it could be, which only increases the chances of it escaping its enclosure if it is still in there and it gets aggressive with the workers while they are inside. Alternate Options: 1) Check the camera footage to see where she went after she marked up the wall. 2) Tempt her into revealing herself with a slab of fresh meat. 3) Pipe in the distress calls and scent of an herbivore such as parasaurolophus to bait her into investigating it. 4) Fly a drone over the enclosure to see if it can provide a view of her. For heaven's sake.
Right?! There were a million other options before they had to jump to “asset out of containment.” There’s no way in hell it could have gotten out of there with no one seeing it. And the first thing Claire does after discovering it had “escaped” is *depart the safety of the paddock control room to go outside to her car, right near where the Indominus would have escaped from.* Easily the dumbest part of the movie, and that’s saying something lol.
If it escaped there would have been marks and footprints on the other side of the wall as well. If only they had Muldoon still working for them. Silly kids running the park now.
I know you Just started the world Trilogy, but heres some ideas for dominion, it's fine if you reject them: Change the pyroraptor to imperebator. Since It woud make more sense for and actual artic dromeosaur to live in a ICE enviorment Second make grant, massie and Owen incounter either the imperebator or a feathered raptor. So grant Can finally have a resolution and see and actual real dinosaur instead of a monster. Third. Make the dilophosaurus look like their novel versions, as the dilophosauruses in the movie dont change much from juvenile to adult.
Right now I’m just starting to write Fallen Kingdom and while I have plenty of overarching ideas for what the rest of the World trilogy will become, I haven’t considered very main particular details…but I will tell you that the last one you mentioned is a HUGE yes from me. The JP dilo has always been one of my favs but until Dominion, my head cannon was that the one encountered by Nedry was a juvenile. Dominion more or less tanked that idea. So rest assured: imma fix it.
Was not expecting to see this so soon! Loved the cold open and the switch up making Zack Clair's kid. No problem with your reworked Owen. It's kinda hard to get attached or care about such an obvious blank slate, milquetoast, generic John Q everyman. Owen's most defining character trait was being actually just Chris Pratt reading a lukewarm script. Basically, I'm fine with what you're doing. Holy molly, I love what you're doing wit Vic's character. His motivation actually makes sense and also is a subtle jab at how greedy, myopic and short sighted corporations can be in their ever growing need for unlimited profit. Having premium security isn't a liability you chuck-heads, it's an investment. Meanwhile, the banking CEO next door is wondering why they pay for that big vault door when no one's tried to steal from them. Idiots. Good call, jettisoning the romance from this movie. It was the very definition of tacked on and the two had surprisingly little chemistry as you pointed out, making the entire subplot that much more annoying. Gyrosphere stuff is a simple fix but a good one. In a movie with so very many stupid plot and character beats the Gyrospheres bugged me far more than they should've have. Oh, good the Indomutus is no longer bullet proof. That always bugged me. It's so stupid and unnecessary, especially since they had good enough reason why they had to stop firing at it in the movie itself! There's literally no reason why it shouldn't have been injured. Also, yea! Masrani no longer dies pointlessly. Compy's Ha! Of course those little buggers would be running free in the remains of the old park. Also having the kids go to the control room is the obvious choice. I remember when watching the movie one of the few big sparks of interest came from this scene only to die immediately when they went to the garage of all places. It was, like most aspects of this movie a missed opportunity. You could even thrown in a little Easter egg like Grant's old shotgun, the broken glass or (if you want to be somewhat implausible) booting up one of the old computers and getting the old Unix system screen in an attempt to bring the phones back online. Kinda a fun parallel to Lex's, "It's a Unix system, I know this" Gray: What's that? Zack: not a clue. Just a fun bit of levity, in a scene already geared towards nostalgia. Right, Overall I really love what you've created here. Far fewer instances of plot contrivance needed to get the ball rolling and keep in going in the general direction needed. The animals feel like animals, the character's aren't forced to act like idiots on command so the plot can function. Overall, the parks failure feels far more organic, much like Jurassic Park. If this was what we'd received, I think it would've blown everyone out of the water.
That is super high praise! Again, I want to just say how nervous this one made me after the response to JP3, so I was bracing myself for an all-out assault, but these first few comments have very much eased my concerns. I’m especially glad people are responding well to Fowen (fake Owen lol)!! Thank you so much-and I love that you were writing stuff as you watched!!
On the topic of being grounded, I remember fans praising Fallen Kingdom for feeling like an Indiana Jones flick. This annoyed me a lot, because JP is NOT supposed to be Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones himself survives an airplane crash on a raft, a nuclear explosion in a fridge and ludicrous ancient booby traps. It is NOT meant to be grounded. The JW movies really went off the rails in that regard. And yes, I do think JW needs fixing. Would love to see you do a follow up to this iteration of JW.
I have started writing Fallen Kingdom within the last week and I’ll tell you this: you and I are on the same wavelength and I think you’re gonna be really happy with that video.
Alot of JP World's issues first appeared in JP3-specifically Indominous Rex. A bigger badder Boss dino, who was actually a villain not just an antagonist(unlike previous JP films), and acted like a psychopath than an actual animal. World has way more issues than those but being the "face" of World, it's an inescapable to not talk about Indominous. If I had to choose a new "baddie" dino I would use the chameleon dinos from one of the JP arcade game that I think were smaller than t rex but as their nickname suggest could camouflage. So in a head-head fight it would absolutely lose to Rexy or any other t rex but it would use its intelligence and ability to defeat her. Hell make it so it's the humans that save Rexy at the end, as a nice shout-out to the original film where Rexy did the same.
You are breathtakingly close to a portion of my How to Fix Fallen Kingdom script where I dig into why Fallen Kingdom is so boring, and that has to do with the fact that it pillaged its own franchise for all its ideas, and one of the examples I give is the Spinosaurus being bigger and badder than the T-Rex was the blueprint for Indominus’ role in JW. Argh, if I go any further, I’ll be quoting my own script! 😂
Dominion-and Fallen Kingdom-learned the wrong lessons from Jurassic Park 3 and Jurassic World. Not every one of the sequels needs a new bigger/badder dinosaur antagonist to keep things fresh. Yeesh.
Clare's line about "Nobody really cares about dinosaurs anymore" always felt like a more meta joke than anything. Dinosaurs were _huge_ (no pun intended) in the 90's, fuelled by the wave of interest that Jurassic Park sparked back in 1993, but the interest all but seemed to have fizzled out by the 2000's and a "Dinosaur movie" would have been a risky proposal in the late 00's/early 10's. So, when she says "Nobody really cares about dinosaurs anymore", she's not talking about the people visiting the park, she's talking about moviegoing audiences in the theatre watching the movie.
I think I actually address this issue in passing somewhere in the comments in the context of the larger meta commentary Jurassic World was seemingly going for, ie the monetization of everything in our world. The long and short of it was that Jurassic World undercuts its own message by engaging in the same overly commercialized storytelling it sought to critique. It would have worked a lot better had they used fictional brands to tell their story but then Universal wouldn’t have been able to cash all those sponsor checks. Claire’s meta-line about that is clever, I’ll give it that, but the entire trilogy is a self-fulfilling prophecy: “nobody really cares about dinosaurs anymore,” because they failed to give us anything else to care about.
Wow, amazing video Bryan! I'm so glad you talked about this film. The pros and cons. As a huge Chris Pratt fan, wish Owen was the way u presented, more an average everyday man and not an action star. I feel like nothing will ever live up to the OG. I cant wait until you get into Fallen Kingdom and Dominion. They are god awful. Later Nerd.
Jurassic World Directed by: Peter Jackson Screenplay by: Peter Jackson, and David Koepp Written by: David Koepp Produced by: Kathleen Kennedy, and Gerald R. Molen Executive Producer: Steven Spielberg Creative Consultant by: Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg Visual effects by: ILM Creature effects by: Jim Henson's Creature Shop Cinematography: Jess Hall Score Composed by: Hans Zimmer Edited by: Jeffrey Ford and Maryann Brandon Starring: Chris Pratt as Owen Grady Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing Nick Robinson as Zach Mitchell Ty Simpkins as Gray Mitchell Irrfan Khan as Simon Masrani Vincent D'Onofrio as Vic Hoskins Omar Sy as Barry Sembene BD Wong as Henry Wu Jake Johnson as Lowery Cruthers Katie McGrath as Zara Young Dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus Rex (Rexy) Velociraptor (Charlie, Echo, Blue and Delta) Indominus Rex Nasutoceratops Parasaurolophus Corythosaurus Lambeosaurus Stegosaurus Ankylosaurus Gallimimus Apatosaurus Triceratops Otodus Chubutensis (Replacement of the Mosasaurus) Styracosaurus Dilophosaurus Carcharodontosaurus (Appears as a hologram)
I would like the indom to encounter more dinosaurs like the baryonix or some of the other dinosaurs in the sequel. This could show that they dont come outve nowhere and show the irex ferosity and intellect some more.
if jurassic world would have been its own movie without the jurassic park relation that would have been my second favorite movie along side Jp1 they tried to separate it and be slick by calling it world instead of park but that wasn’t enough
I agree! I think they would have found it difficult to get around trademarks and copyright but the Jurassic Park branding is a little misleading since the tone is so different from the OT.
I think I’ve heard that theory floating around too. Considering what the Indominus seemed to be capable of intellectually, that’s certainly a possibility.
This depresses me... cause it actually sounds pretty good character wise... the 2015 movie is absolute garbage and so ugly. They need to stop this hero and villain... trained dinosaur lunacy.
I’ve come to accept the Indominus as the entire point of Jurassic World was the inability to maintain control when you mess with forces beyond your understanding, and that was represented by the I.Rex. Fallen Kingdom learned the wrong lesson from that, which I will be discussing in the next How to Fix.
The jurassic world movies ruined my vision of the series and nearly my love for it. I hope the brand starts to drop jurassic world and embrace the original ip more
The way I see it, there are three timelines that I’ve lumped everything into to help me cope with the lackluster nature of the sequels. There is the timeline in which only Jurassic Park exists, the timeline that includes the original Jurassic Park trilogy, and then finally the last, crazy timeline that includes all the movies and Camp Cretaceous.
honestly... whilst there were aspect of this alternate idea i liked... there were aspects i felt the official film did better. no offence meant of course, just stating my opinion.
I found Jurassic World to be watchable. It was just fine. I left the theater after this movie just kind of going "alright then, ya done ok". That being said this is where the series should have ended, because the 2 that came after were awful.
I really wish we hadn’t gotten Fallen Kingdom and Dominion as they are. They weren’t just bad, they hugely missed big narrative opportunities, and that’s way worse.
@@BryanIra305 I didn't entirely hate the first half of Fallen Kingdom, it had the potential to be a decent entry into the franchise. However once we as an audience left the island and ended up in that mansion, with a dinosaur auction, it crapped the bed. Dominion just made me angry minutes into its opening.
You are not wrong, though I would argue Fallen Kingdom loses its thread earlier than that. I don’t want to get in too deep because this is something I’m going to be discussing in my How to Fix FK video.
The Indominus is actually a really deep character when you look into. She kills her sibling not out of blood lust but out of love and mercy, Wu made them secretly as weapons for Vic Hoskins and tested on them from when they hatched onward. These test were likely extremely brutal as another one of the Indominus Rex's abilities is controlling it's metabolism allowing it to have an accelerated healing factor, so it could heal from deep wounds very quickly which consequently means you could run more experiments on it faster. We know from concept art and sit downs talks that she didn't kill her sibling as soon as possible but instead when they were around a year old so they were being experimented on for this entire time and Indy made the decision to kill her sibling to spare them from anymore experiments. This however makes her hate humanity and because she never saw anything outside, she assumes that all the other dinosaurs are suffering like she had so she mercifully kills other dinosaurs or frees those who would help her like the carnotaurus. While living alone in her containment unit, she would continue growing more and more requiring them to occasionally sedate her while they open up her big door to bring heavy equipment inside to build up the walls which is how she notes who is able to open the door. She also noted that the security couldn't see her because the camera screens were insight of her windows, and since the security guy never payed attention, he would never notice her standing just outside the window behind him testing and learning about her abilities and this is also possibly why she hit the window as he might have noticed she was there but she wanted to make them think she was just blindly aggressive. Eventually, she puts her plan 2 years in the making into action, scratching the wall to make it looked like she climbed out before retreating into the trees, using her camouflage and waiting. She doesn’t act when just one man is out there but when her security officer comes in knowing he can open the door before she stands in the way of the smaller doors and kills one man to put enough fear into the other 2 men so that they would open the big door. Once outside she simply mercy kills all the dinosaurs she can find by snapping their necks as quickly as possible or freeing those who would help her and commanding them to go in a direction before going back to her mission to kill all the humans she could find as to her, none were innocent. Before you do a video on fallen kingdom, know that the Indoraptor or Ripper was also tortured as he has the same healing abilities as Indy along with most of her other abilities and some of his own. However he also sees humans as the worst and sees blue as a possible mate which is why he doesn't kill her when she attacks him.
I’m not sure where this information came from as I have never heard this explanation for the I.Rex’s actions nor can I find anything about it online. It’s an interesting theory about the prospective motivations of the Indominus that cast it in a more sympathetic light. I’m not certain if this is a legitimate explanation from some source I’ve never read, your head cannon, or a theory posited by another fan, but I would argue that even if this was, in fact, the case, the film itself does nothing to paint the Indominus as anything but a monster. Even aspects that might have made us sympathize, such as its isolation and the way it is fed, is countered by the explanations as to why these measures were necessary in the first place: it not only killed its sibling, it ate the sibling too, and the traditional methods of feeding it had resulted in the injury of park employees. The movie wants us to think it’s a psychopath and nothing more deep than that. The vast majority of the audience isn’t going to dig any further than what the film presents, so even if these motivations had appeared in a comic or novelization or leaked script or behind the scenes featurette, Jurassic World itself doesn’t even hint at it. Regardless of that, I kept the Indominus a killing machine because my primary theme is about control, and the I.rex as a sympathetic character would not jive with that theme. As for the Indoraptor, I wouldn’t worry about that too much…😅
@@BryanIra305 It is from a deep dive into her actions in the movie and the show based on her actions, concept art, earlier scripts where we would have seen more of her, and interviews with the writing and special effects but as you put it, she is still a monster even if she has reasons, she deemed humans as a whole and even actively hunts children. Her mercy is only for dinosaurs, so her character was meant to be a sympathetic serial killer seeing herself as the hero of the story as she wiped out entire herds.
I find really funny that they tried really hard to hide the velociraptor DNA in the Indominous but literally the moment everyone in the cinema saw it they went "Yeah, that's a big velociraptor, we got it"
I don't think they tried that hard more like they believed that they were smarter than the audience. Haha!
So true
59:03 I do like this version and I really like the ending with blue still having siblings left and Owen getting connect with his raptors
I’m so glad to hear that! On the one hand, leaving Blue alone like what Jurassic World did opens up the narrative to explore how the dinosaur would react to suddenly losing her entire support structure but Fallen Kingdom does nothing with that (stay tuned for How to Fix Fallen Kingdom, which should drop within the next two or three weeks). But I felt that if you’re treating this story as the start of a new trilogy, then taking away Blue’s family should not be how it starts, it should be saved for the climax of the middle film (think how Empire Strikes Back ends). So keeping some semblance of normalcy for both Blue and Owen seemed like the natural place to leave the first movie.
@@BryanIra305 sure and fallen kingdom is my favorite of the world trilogy it tries a darker tone which good it opens the idea of dinosaurs in the modern world and being the end of the dinosaur islands with the eruption of Nublar and callbacks to the original trilogy cause it was Jurassic Park’s anniversary at the time it came out and the Indoraptor was cool it’s my favorite hybrid but I do wish we got to see it learn it’s abilities cause it was raised in captivity and not in a natural environment for it’s skills which i think they could’ve done more with it though it’s death was cool I wondered how dangerous it could have been if it lived like military people like black ops or some kind of special forces would want it and the hunt it as it rampaged through cities, towns or even just the woods or somebody’s house and we could explore it seemingly growing a mind of it’s own and not just a killing machine it could question how it looks different from other creatures even raptors like blue heck I even picture an original character named general Maris hunting it down thinking he can be the savior of the human race as he believes the dinosaurs can take over the earth and humans will go extinct but not if they push back with hybrids and I want to look into something like that it be interesting I do make Jurassic Park movies of my own I even made a fan film called “Jurassic World: Indoraptor Return” where somebody made an indoraptor on Sorna and it has a rivalry with the JP3 Spino and an adult version of the baby Rex from the lost world
Hey man, I really dig your channel and appreciate the clear effort you put into your content and the passion that you have for good films, rather than just a blind devotion to everything Jurassic. I've loved Jurassic Park since I was a child too, but it's frustrating to see how many people (and other YT channels) refuse to critically examine any of the films and just automatically worship them no matter what. It just doesn't leave very much room for analysis or discussion, and with so many amazing films being released every year in every genre it just feels hollow to praise mediocre and trash movies just because they have dinosaurs in them. I love watching your "Fixing" videos because you put so much effort into making cohesive themes, developing fleshed out characters, and grounding the stories by omitting cheesy moments and absurd set pieces. You script your videos so well too and keep things tight and well paced, it makes even hour-long videos like this one a breeze to watch! Jurassic World and The Lost World are pretty neck and neck for second place in the Jurassic franchise, but the drop from the first film is still quite large for me. Like if I gave the original a 9/10 I'd say that LW and JW fall around a 6/10.
In regards to this fix, I like the adjustments you made to tie it together more and feel more grounded. The focus on characters was one of the original's biggest strengths and I like to see that focus come back here. The other biggest thing I thought was missing from the new trilogy was any sense of tension, danger, or scares. That's the main reason that I hold up the second film a bit- its depiction of true danger and tension with the dinosaurs. Its use of more brutal and gruesome kills within the PG-13 limits made the dinosaurs terrifying and the attack on the merc camp by the rexes is pulse-pounding. The Jurassic World trilogy, I felt, neutered any sense of danger and replaced it with action set pieces void of tension as a result of making all of the characters have impenetrable plot armor. I don't just want mindless action and random background characters being killed offscreen all the time- I appreciate more drawn out scenes where a beloved character gets caught out due to unfortunate circumstances and you actually see panic and fear on their faces as they meet their end. That slightly darker tone in small doses I believe also helps ground the story and makes you feel like the dinosaurs' presence is actually threatening. So this was my long-winded way of saying that I enjoyed your adjustments to Jurassic World, but think that adding in 1 or 2 main or side character dinosaur deaths sprinkled more throughout the movie in more tense situations would be great in my book.
I love your videos, appreciate your voice in the Jurassic community, and hope am looking forward to the next "How to Fix" videos!
First of all, thank you so much for this comment! Secondly, I wholeheartedly agree with you on every point. One of the most frustrating things in Hollywood is that the invincible warrior archetype, which can be fun in the right story, is good for *every* action movie, when most of the films in which that type of character appears would be 1000% better if they grounded that same character and made them more human.
I also agree about side characters who can remind the audience of the stakes by either dying or getting really close. I actually don’t do a great job of conveying this, but Zara is supposed to be likable despite being a sort of heel for Zach, a stand-in for his mother’s absence. In my head, her death is a really tragic moment, driven home by Hoskins’ own grief and guilt. I imagine to that I could have Hoskins have a type of right-hand man, a comic relief character ala Lowery, who can also tap out at a certain point to really stick it to Hoskins and the audience.
@@BryanIra305 No problem! And agreed, I usually prefer more grounded characterization, and honestly, fewer A-list actors. I'm still astonished at what the Lord of the Rings trilogy was able to accomplish with mostly unknown actors at the time. It made the movies feel really enveloping and allowed the excellent cast to shine through, creating some of the most cherished films for me and many other people. If they drop the JW leads for the next film, I'm curious who they bring in for the new ones.
Oh I see now, knowing that, I think that's a good choice! I think the tragedy of likeable characters dying in Jurassic films mixed with more neutral and antagonistic characters really helps make the film feel less like a superhero movie and more akin to a semi-realistic sci-fi adventure horror film where *everyone* is in danger. I also like the addition of a new right-hand man for Hoskins, a character that can still be developed and likeable but could serve to up the stakes when they go.
Also makes me wonder about giving perhaps Henry Wu a research assistant. Not sure if you plan on ditching the tangential side plot of him being an "antagonist" of sorts, but I think planting the seeds of a character who works closely with him would allow the audience to actually see Wu more fleshed out as a character and give us more insight into his beliefs, values, and missteps. Could be interesting to see the film's themes played out in two ways- one of course being the collapse of control and the chaos and death that ensues, and the other being a peak-behind-the-curtain of sorts, where we can see the the complex nature of the "controller". What drives them, what they want out of life, and what pitfalls they succumb to that lead to the catastrophe. To be honest, even in the first film & novel I wish that they developed the theme a bit more by tying it in more to some of the characters directly in their personal lives. This view is subjective of course and I would expect many to disagree, but I think that presenting the lofty ideal of "control never works and is a foolish pursuit" and just asserting that as untenable is a bit hard to follow fully. Having the chaotic and bombastic depiction of control falling into chaos via the dinosaur breakouts while also having characters dealing with issues of control and chaos on a person level would have possibly elevated the film to a 9.5 or 10 for me.
I think you’re absolutely dead on target. The Jurassic films are ripe with thematic possibilities the filmmakers seem almost blind to exploring. They kind of settled on every sequel being a cautionary tale about science + corporate greed + PG-13 dinosaur deaths, and failing to explore potentials beyond that.
I might be late for the party, but this version of Jurassic world is so much better. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much! Im working on Fallen Kingdom as we speak :)
@@BryanIra305 YES! LETS GO
To me personally, Jurassic world feels like an empty husk of what made Jurassic park so good and memorable
Jurassic World is hollow. An expensive facsimile that forgot to add personality, depth and tension.
Obviously making a film isn't a simple task, but I think these few things are an easy ask from us fans:
1.) Make the characters speak like actual people. Turning Jurassic Park into a cynical MCU facsimile betrays the tone and intent of the first three movies. Yes, even JP3, as breezy as it was, let Alan Grant act like Alan Grant.
2.) If you can't shoot/block/light/edit animatronics convincingly, don't use animatronics.
3.) Have a story roadmap and stick to it. Dinosaurs all over the world? Focus on getting to that and then delivering on that premise. No bizarre locust/human clone/weaponized dinosaur digressions. Keep narrative focus.
4.) The PG-13 rating is surprisingly flexible. Use that to your advantage. This is less aimed at Fallen Kingdom, which had at least some fangs, but Dominion was especially child friendly. Like, small child friendly. It's okay to have likable characters bite the dust in violent ways. Kong: Skull Island got away with a shocking amount of graphic violence for a PG-13.
5.) The stakes need to feel tangible. A whole park of people being threatened by dinos? Solid. Dinos being auctioned off across the world to terrible people? Decent. Giant grasshoppers eating all of our wheat? Not so much.
All that being said, Gareth Edwards is about as perfect a director choice as any for this new project. David Koepp is writing so the characters will speak like Jurassic Park/TLW characters. The small plot synopsis we have does seem to have somewhat grounded and dire stakes and the new cast is excellent. I really think Rebirth will slam a home run. At least compared to the Trevorrow output, but the above suggestions are what need to be executed on to salvage this franchise from the sad fate of other once great sci-fi IP like Terminator. Dominion was our Terminator: Genisys. That can never happen again.
LET’S GOOO!! Another fix to the franchise🎉
Haven’t been one minute into the video but I know it’s a banger already
Thanks for doing God’s work man! More power to this channel!
Thank you! Hopefully you enjoyed it!!
I love your take on this, and am anxiously waiting your rewrite for the next two movies.
Do you plan to completely change the plots or are you sticking as closely to them as you can while just improving them?
Thank you so much! As for your question…I’m already quite a few paragraphs into my script for How to Fix FK, and I address that question head-on right out of the gate. For JP3 and JW, I kind of held on to the basic plot from beginning to end. While I haven’t gone too far down the road on Dominion yet, I can say that for FK that will not be the case. I will be taking elements and story points that do work in FK but I won’t be trying to make that whole movie work because, quite frankly, there’s a better story that can be told that deviates heavily from where they decided to go.
I cannot wait! I’m sure you’re going to lean into TRUE horror for FK as opposed to their version of “gothic horror” that ended up giving us a dino smiling at the camera 🙃
Universal, hire this man. This is everything I wanted out of JW
Oh my gosh, thank you!
Great video! Great reimagining of the film and fixing. Looking forward to the “how to fix” the disaster that was fallen kingdom
Thank you so much!
Fun fact, I’ve actually thrown my ideas around for my own reimagining of Jurassic World: the theme of mine would center around “ they danced on Hammond’s grave, and now the world is paying for it” and how overly commercialized the park has become to the point where even Grey the biggest dinosaur geek around is feeling it.
In my version Owen Grady is an introvert preferring to stay around his animals than people with the exception of close friends (which in my version is actually Hoskins as Barry is cut, Hoskins in this version is less of a mustache swirling villain, and more like a lovable douche bag like Remington in the ghost in the darkness, being his motivations are for saving lives, rather than making money)
Claire in my version is more of a anti-villain in that while she does care for her nephews, due to the fact that work takes so much focus in her life, and how she is put under increasingly intense pressure to turn a higher profit from the park, retrieving the two boys is more like filing a report, then an actual epidemic that needs her full attention. Of whom had been thrown under her care after the death of their parents in a car crash. eventually she meets her fate at the jaws of the dinosaurs for so long he is merely viewed as assets leaving Owen as the boys new surrogate guardian.
The dinosaurs in my version are more like animals with the exception of being the I-Rex. The dinosaurs are also allowed to breed in order for a healthier population (as that never gets a proper explanation in the world trilogy,)
With the exception of Rexy and some salvaged Ingen clones, most of the new dinosaurs are a blend of modern science and the classic Jurassic Park style. (as in no shrink, wrapping or pronated wrists, lips, adjusting the proportions to better reflect modern understandings such as the removal of elephant feet or lengthening the neck of a stegosaur, for example, and for certain species given feathers)
The film in my version also includes the unaccounted for wild population of Raptors and the race to stop a pair of juveniles from making it onto the mainland via cargo ship from the novel, making Zack and Gray have more relevance to the plot in their finding of the original visitor center than just useless nostalgia.
The best part of speculating about this franchise is the amount of potential inherent in each film. There are untold avenues you can drive the characters and story down while maintaining the basic structure of the film we got. Your story sounds way more compelling the one we got!
3/10. Glad you weren't in charge of JW
@@thickerconstrictor9037 and why is that? I understand the death of Claire is a bit fanfictiony and to be honest, if I had the reign I'd probably do something different, but I see everything else as within reason
@@TrexTamer your version is impossibly better. That guy is just flat out wrong.
I dig this. I've made the mistake of expecting far too much from a film based on trailers. I expected something similar to the original Dead Island trailer (a sort of ideal vacation turned into a monstrous nightmare type thing). This is a lot more in line with the original film in terms of tone, balance of themes, action, etc. I mulled over how I'd tackle this new trilogy, and as per usual for me, I thought of taking it in a darker direction. I thought of focusing on the "small guys" of the park. Regular Joe's like engineers, drivers, and feed technicians. Incidents start piling up, affecting morale until the big one with the Indominus rips the park a new one. I'd also focus on a family that seemed perfectly normal and fine slowly unravel and all their flaws come out as the chaos traps them in their fine hotels, which become just fine prisons in the ensuing weeks. As you can see, this isn't congruent with the brand. This, on the other hand, certainly is.
You expected to get a lot of hate, but none of it's coming from me. This whole thing speaks to a trust in the audience that is frankly missing from especially modern blockbusters. Earned a like and subscribe from me
I can’t thank you enough for this comment, especially on day one. I have been very anxious about this one since I conceived of the series (and How to Fix JP3 got such a big response for a small fry like me), and this sentiment is easing that pit in my stomach, you have no idea. 😅
Also, you and I are certainly on a similar wave length, because one of my original concepts in redoing this, before I ultimately chose to try and follow the basic outline of the original premise, *was* to follow a family who didn’t really understand what was happening, kind of like a Cloverfield vibe! It’s crazy we had the same idea! Thank you so much for your kind words and your sub!
There are lots of attention to detail in these movies but I have one for Jurassic World. In the scene where the Indominous Rex attacked the ACU members it’s slight and a blink and you miss it shot where you can see on her shoulder you can see the wound of where the implant was at
There is. It’s a shame the visual effects artists were paying more attention than the storytellers.
The rewrite of Jurassic World… Is an absolute masterpiece. I’m giving it a solid 5/5.
Dude thank you!!
@@BryanIra305The story and plot of your version of Jurassic World is much more understandable and some of the parts you added are closely to some parts of the Jurassic Park novel, which I liked. End the ending is much better than the film’s ending.
I'd go further by suggesting Indominus should have died half way through and not have the entire film revolve around her, with her actions being the catalyst for Jurassic World's eventual collapse and her death being framed as a sad end to an abused animal.
Indominus shouldn't have been presented as bloodthirsty killer either, but rather a broken but curious creature with no social awareness or understanding of the outside world, itself a dangerous combination in an animal the size of a T. rex. This habit that Hollywood has of making their creatures "bigger, faster, more intelligent" doesn't make for a better story either, it just makes them unbelievable. I don't have a problem with Indominus being smart, but I do have a problem with her being able to reason and understand on the same level as a human being.
I often point to The Martian, which came out the same year, as setting the bar for the human characters as well. In that movie, all the characters are really good at what they do, they all manage the situation like mature professionals and things still go wrong, this is what creates the suspense in that film. In Jurassic World, you get "dumb guy does dumb thing, oh no it went badly" with a lot of the characters.
Then there is the way they turned Henry Wu into some kind of James Bond villain. Jurassic World had potential, but it was ruined by poor writing that could have been fixed very easily.
I walked away from Jurassic World thinking it was a comment on Hollywood’s perpetual need to create a spectacle, and therefore, money. The Indominus is your standard Hollywood production as of the 21st century; lots of money goes in with the expectation that it would generate even more money in return. At the end of the day though, no matter how flashy and more exciting the new product is, it’ll never beat the classics, which is why Blue and the T. rex teaming up against the Indominus is so satisfying. However, Jurassic World is also rather ironic. It’s an anti-capitalist story, yet uses nostalgia to increase its box office returns. Furthermore, the film chooses action set pieces over character. Jurassic World therefore becomes the Hollywood spectacle it criticises. This is bolstered by both its critical reception and its box office returns. I feel as though this rewrite lacks the irony inherent to Jurassic World. If you were to capitalise more on that theme, we’d have a really solid rewrite, per your other videos in this series
Man, that is one aspect of Jurassic World that tore me up. I didn’t address it in the video because I really wanted to focus on story rather than commentary-and let’s face it, this behemoth is long enough 😂-but the irony was *such* a good idea, and it was ruined by the heavy handed nature of its *actual* product placement! The commentary is undercut by the very thing it was trying to critique, so it comes off as cynical at best and hypocritical at worst. It is by far the most branded of all the Jurassic movies, and it’s hurting its own thematic message. It might not have been a realistic ask of such a large production, but if they wanted to get the point across more honestly they could have replaced the real brands they promoted with fictional ones. This naturally would have meant those brands wouldn’t have paid to have screen time or be associated with the film, but you can’t make a strong argument against the excesses of capitalist branding while you are in fact guilty of the same charge.
@@BryanIra305 Well said man
@@BryanIra305 I bought into the meta-commentary that Trevorrow was so proud of in JW because I assumed there was a clear direction the overall story was heading towards and I thought JW was executed at least decently well. FK was unfocused, but left off in a place I felt complemented the themes of JW1. By the time Dominion came out, it was clear to me that all of the bluster Trevorrow was stating about JW being a commentary on corporate greed was actually just cynical Hollywood BS and he actually had no idea what he was talking about. I'd rather JW not have commented on corporate marketing cynicism and nostalgia baiting because now it all comes off as callous hypocrisy and I can't stand that.
Honestly, is refreshing to se a JP fan that criticizes the sequels, but tries to also improve it. In mi case, in don't hate neither TLW or JP3 (I love them actually, or at least enjoy parts of it), but both films were made in the wrong direction, just make more movies in wich a group of character go to an island of dinosaurs, and things go wrong. They don't really continue the story, or go to a new direction, or presents a theme that really resembles the first one.
That's why I found so FRUSTRATING that the JW trilogy missed the chances to fix that. Althoug I think they had genuinely good concepts and ideas, they were fleshed out poorly.
I'm will wait with enthusiasm your rewrite for Fallen Kingdom and Dominion.❤
I really appreciate this! Thank you! And yes, the JW trilogy as a whole is a huge missed opportunity, and the cast can’t be blamed, the studio gave them plenty of money, and the effects aren’t terrible for the most part. The biggest problem is the stories they chose to tell, and how that really sunk the brand in terms of critical success and impact on the cultural zeitgeist. Largely, the Jurassic World trilogy has a reputation for being really silly, and that breaks my heart.
I loved Jurassic World when I was younger (it was my first Jurassic movie if I recall), but now that I can look back at it critically I dare say it’s not a very good movie.
For 8 year old me it was great, but for current me it’s a very hollow and formulaic blockbuster. The first part of this video explaining why Jurassic World feels so different from the JP trilogy put into words what I’ve been feeling for years. Why it feels so sterile and by the books when compared to its predecessors.
I like your proposed changes, but my main criticism of Jurassic World is that I can see a good movie buried under there. That’s what makes it such a frustrating movie to watch. It has ideas, good ideas even, but has zero idea of what to do with them as it fumbles its way through a basic, by the books plot.
@@jurassicswine I absolutely agree. The filmmakers played things so safe that it didn’t feel like there were any surprises to be had. While entertaining, it was still a very basic, rote experience to watch.
You hit the nail on the head when you talked about the lack of realism in these new jurassic world movies.
I thought it was interesting how you mentioned the security team could capture a t rex within 5 minutes of its escape. It made me think how cool it would have been to see that in the movie. It would also have added credibility to the security team. More weight to their deaths and also just how much more fierce the Indominus is once it had defeated them.
I really love the fix overall however the only thing I would change is I would actually keep the Indominus rex alive at the end of the movie. Love it or hate it the Indominus was such a unique dinosour i always felt it deserved to reappear in the later sequels.
GREAT FIX! Looking forward to the next one.
Well thanks, man!! And yeah, the Indominus is actually pretty cool. I think you’ll like what I’m doing for Fallen Kingdom ;)
This was very good
Thank you!
I hate how the Indominus Rex escaped its enclosure.
The humans did not know if the beast had escaped, so they elected to send people into the paddock to check where it could be, which only increases the chances of it escaping its enclosure if it is still in there and it gets aggressive with the workers while they are inside.
Alternate Options:
1) Check the camera footage to see where she went after she marked up the wall.
2) Tempt her into revealing herself with a slab of fresh meat.
3) Pipe in the distress calls and scent of an herbivore such as parasaurolophus to bait her into investigating it.
4) Fly a drone over the enclosure to see if it can provide a view of her.
For heaven's sake.
Right?! There were a million other options before they had to jump to “asset out of containment.” There’s no way in hell it could have gotten out of there with no one seeing it. And the first thing Claire does after discovering it had “escaped” is *depart the safety of the paddock control room to go outside to her car, right near where the Indominus would have escaped from.* Easily the dumbest part of the movie, and that’s saying something lol.
If it escaped there would have been marks and footprints on the other side of the wall as well. If only they had Muldoon still working for them. Silly kids running the park now.
Or, even better, use the tracker that SHE HAD THE WHOLE TIME.
I know you Just started the world Trilogy, but heres some ideas for dominion, it's fine if you reject them:
Change the pyroraptor to imperebator. Since It woud make more sense for and actual artic dromeosaur to live in a ICE enviorment
Second make grant, massie and Owen incounter either the imperebator or a feathered raptor. So grant Can finally have a resolution and see and actual real dinosaur instead of a monster.
Third. Make the dilophosaurus look like their novel versions, as the dilophosauruses in the movie dont change much from juvenile to adult.
Right now I’m just starting to write Fallen Kingdom and while I have plenty of overarching ideas for what the rest of the World trilogy will become, I haven’t considered very main particular details…but I will tell you that the last one you mentioned is a HUGE yes from me. The JP dilo has always been one of my favs but until Dominion, my head cannon was that the one encountered by Nedry was a juvenile. Dominion more or less tanked that idea. So rest assured: imma fix it.
After the whole tlw fiasco I had, I'm enjoying these versions of the films, great work
Was not expecting to see this so soon!
Loved the cold open and the switch up making Zack Clair's kid.
No problem with your reworked Owen. It's kinda hard to get attached or care about such an obvious blank slate, milquetoast, generic John Q everyman. Owen's most defining character trait was being actually just Chris Pratt reading a lukewarm script.
Basically, I'm fine with what you're doing.
Holy molly, I love what you're doing wit Vic's character. His motivation actually makes sense and also is a subtle jab at how greedy, myopic and short sighted corporations can be in their ever growing need for unlimited profit.
Having premium security isn't a liability you chuck-heads, it's an investment. Meanwhile, the banking CEO next door is wondering why they pay for that big vault door when no one's tried to steal from them. Idiots.
Good call, jettisoning the romance from this movie. It was the very definition of tacked on and the two had surprisingly little chemistry as you pointed out, making the entire subplot that much more annoying.
Gyrosphere stuff is a simple fix but a good one. In a movie with so very many stupid plot and character beats the Gyrospheres bugged me far more than they should've have.
Oh, good the Indomutus is no longer bullet proof. That always bugged me. It's so stupid and unnecessary, especially since they had good enough reason why they had to stop firing at it in the movie itself! There's literally no reason why it shouldn't have been injured.
Also, yea! Masrani no longer dies pointlessly.
Compy's Ha! Of course those little buggers would be running free in the remains of the old park. Also having the kids go to the control room is the obvious choice. I remember when watching the movie one of the few big sparks of interest came from this scene only to die immediately when they went to the garage of all places. It was, like most aspects of this movie a missed opportunity.
You could even thrown in a little Easter egg like Grant's old shotgun, the broken glass or (if you want to be somewhat implausible) booting up one of the old computers and getting the old Unix system screen in an attempt to bring the phones back online.
Kinda a fun parallel to Lex's, "It's a Unix system, I know this"
Gray: What's that?
Zack: not a clue.
Just a fun bit of levity, in a scene already geared towards nostalgia.
Right, Overall I really love what you've created here. Far fewer instances of plot contrivance needed to get the ball rolling and keep in going in the general direction needed. The animals feel like animals, the character's aren't forced to act like idiots on command so the plot can function. Overall, the parks failure feels far more organic, much like Jurassic Park. If this was what we'd received, I think it would've blown everyone out of the water.
That is super high praise! Again, I want to just say how nervous this one made me after the response to JP3, so I was bracing myself for an all-out assault, but these first few comments have very much eased my concerns. I’m especially glad people are responding well to Fowen (fake Owen lol)!! Thank you so much-and I love that you were writing stuff as you watched!!
On the topic of being grounded, I remember fans praising Fallen Kingdom for feeling like an Indiana Jones flick. This annoyed me a lot, because JP is NOT supposed to be Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones himself survives an airplane crash on a raft, a nuclear explosion in a fridge and ludicrous ancient booby traps. It is NOT meant to be grounded. The JW movies really went off the rails in that regard. And yes, I do think JW needs fixing. Would love to see you do a follow up to this iteration of JW.
I have started writing Fallen Kingdom within the last week and I’ll tell you this: you and I are on the same wavelength and I think you’re gonna be really happy with that video.
Alot of JP World's issues first appeared in JP3-specifically Indominous Rex. A bigger badder Boss dino, who was actually a villain not just an antagonist(unlike previous JP films), and acted like a psychopath than an actual animal. World has way more issues than those but being the "face" of World, it's an inescapable to not talk about Indominous. If I had to choose a new "baddie" dino I would use the chameleon dinos from one of the JP arcade game that I think were smaller than t rex but as their nickname suggest could camouflage. So in a head-head fight it would absolutely lose to Rexy or any other t rex but it would use its intelligence and ability to defeat her. Hell make it so it's the humans that save Rexy at the end, as a nice shout-out to the original film where Rexy did the same.
You are breathtakingly close to a portion of my How to Fix Fallen Kingdom script where I dig into why Fallen Kingdom is so boring, and that has to do with the fact that it pillaged its own franchise for all its ideas, and one of the examples I give is the Spinosaurus being bigger and badder than the T-Rex was the blueprint for Indominus’ role in JW. Argh, if I go any further, I’ll be quoting my own script! 😂
Good news, somebody put your video into TV Tropes.
Wait wat
@@BryanIra305 Yeah it's in a site for Television/Movie tropes.
@@BryanIra305 It means someone make a TV Tropes page for what you did.
@@AncientBeast65 that’s exceptionally flattering. Thank you to whoever did that!
I cried at the opening theme.
My advice for rewriting Dominion: Get rid of the Giganotosaurus
Dominion-and Fallen Kingdom-learned the wrong lessons from Jurassic Park 3 and Jurassic World. Not every one of the sequels needs a new bigger/badder dinosaur antagonist to keep things fresh. Yeesh.
I like your changes, it feels closer to the spirit of the original movie and book.
I didn't care for JW when it came out.
Thank you!
@@BryanIra305 you're welcome. Thanx for the video.
Clare's line about "Nobody really cares about dinosaurs anymore" always felt like a more meta joke than anything. Dinosaurs were _huge_ (no pun intended) in the 90's, fuelled by the wave of interest that Jurassic Park sparked back in 1993, but the interest all but seemed to have fizzled out by the 2000's and a "Dinosaur movie" would have been a risky proposal in the late 00's/early 10's.
So, when she says "Nobody really cares about dinosaurs anymore", she's not talking about the people visiting the park, she's talking about moviegoing audiences in the theatre watching the movie.
I think I actually address this issue in passing somewhere in the comments in the context of the larger meta commentary Jurassic World was seemingly going for, ie the monetization of everything in our world. The long and short of it was that Jurassic World undercuts its own message by engaging in the same overly commercialized storytelling it sought to critique. It would have worked a lot better had they used fictional brands to tell their story but then Universal wouldn’t have been able to cash all those sponsor checks. Claire’s meta-line about that is clever, I’ll give it that, but the entire trilogy is a self-fulfilling prophecy: “nobody really cares about dinosaurs anymore,” because they failed to give us anything else to care about.
Other Issues I have with Dominion is I was hoping to see dinosaurs teased in the original and rehashing scenes from the lost world and jurassic park 3
Wow, amazing video Bryan! I'm so glad you talked about this film. The pros and cons. As a huge Chris Pratt fan, wish Owen was the way u presented, more an average everyday man and not an action star. I feel like nothing will ever live up to the OG. I cant wait until you get into Fallen Kingdom and Dominion. They are god awful. Later Nerd.
Thank you so much, Nick!!
Overall, I liked this rework but you really had me from the moment you changed up Owen and Barry.
I was really concerned I was shooting my self in the foot with that rework but so far most people who have commented seem to like it!
Jurassic World
Directed by: Peter Jackson
Screenplay by: Peter Jackson, and David Koepp
Written by: David Koepp
Produced by: Kathleen Kennedy, and Gerald R. Molen
Executive Producer: Steven Spielberg
Creative Consultant by: Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg
Visual effects by: ILM
Creature effects by: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
Cinematography: Jess Hall
Score Composed by: Hans Zimmer
Edited by: Jeffrey Ford and Maryann Brandon
Chris Pratt as Owen Grady
Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing
Nick Robinson as Zach Mitchell
Ty Simpkins as Gray Mitchell
Irrfan Khan as Simon Masrani
Vincent D'Onofrio as Vic Hoskins
Omar Sy as Barry Sembene
BD Wong as Henry Wu
Jake Johnson as Lowery Cruthers
Katie McGrath as Zara Young
Tyrannosaurus Rex (Rexy)
Velociraptor (Charlie, Echo, Blue and Delta)
Indominus Rex
Otodus Chubutensis (Replacement of the Mosasaurus)
Carcharodontosaurus (Appears as a hologram)
I would like the indom to encounter more dinosaurs like the baryonix or some of the other dinosaurs in the sequel.
This could show that they dont come outve nowhere and show the irex ferosity and intellect some more.
I think you’re gonna enjoy my Fallen Kingdom rewrite…
@@BryanIra305 i enjoyed this too u did very well.
I did not enjoy fallen kingdom and dumbinion lol ill look farward to it.
meh... i actually preferred the idea of the rex and raptor having a temporary truce.
and then peacefully going their separate ways
if jurassic world would have been its own movie without the jurassic park relation that would have been my second favorite movie along side Jp1 they tried to separate it and be slick by calling it world instead of park but that wasn’t enough
I agree! I think they would have found it difficult to get around trademarks and copyright but the Jurassic Park branding is a little misleading since the tone is so different from the OT.
I always thought there was some human DNA in there also.
I think I’ve heard that theory floating around too. Considering what the Indominus seemed to be capable of intellectually, that’s certainly a possibility.
Jurassic world was actually really good compared to fallen kingdom and dominion🤷♂️
Oh yes. Put up against those two, Jurassic World is Oscar worthy.
@@BryanIra305 I would even go to say fallen kingdom was still miles better than dominion
59:07 *cough cough* The lost world *cough cough*
As someone that did enjoy JW but felt it could’ve been better, you made a much better movie and now I’m upset
😅 whoops!!
Step one: never make it.
You are not wrong. That’s the sentiment I had when it was first announced lol
@@BryanIra305 yeah, they tried their hardest to make the new trilogy as bad as they could.
It definitely could have been way better, narratively. Your version would have been much preferred.
Thank you! 😊
People hear me out Camoflauging Metriacanthosaurus and Toxic Segisaurus
Heard it
Hated it
This depresses me... cause it actually sounds pretty good character wise... the 2015 movie is absolute garbage and so ugly. They need to stop this hero and villain... trained dinosaur lunacy.
Everything is fine though the final battle was over the top.
I don’t like Jurassic World in all honesty and Therizinosaurus or Giganotosaurus instead of the Indominus would be a better change
I’ve come to accept the Indominus as the entire point of Jurassic World was the inability to maintain control when you mess with forces beyond your understanding, and that was represented by the I.Rex. Fallen Kingdom learned the wrong lesson from that, which I will be discussing in the next How to Fix.
Isn’t that the point of Jurassic Park 1
@Levinewak it's stronger with Jurassic World. Also I highly disagree, Theri or Giga would not be a better change.
The jurassic world movies ruined my vision of the series and nearly my love for it. I hope the brand starts to drop jurassic world and embrace the original ip more
The way I see it, there are three timelines that I’ve lumped everything into to help me cope with the lackluster nature of the sequels. There is the timeline in which only Jurassic Park exists, the timeline that includes the original Jurassic Park trilogy, and then finally the last, crazy timeline that includes all the movies and Camp Cretaceous.
honestly... whilst there were aspect of this alternate idea i liked... there were aspects i felt the official film did better.
no offence meant of course, just stating my opinion.
No offense taken!
Stop making them?
I found Jurassic World to be watchable. It was just fine. I left the theater after this movie just kind of going "alright then, ya done ok". That being said this is where the series should have ended, because the 2 that came after were awful.
I really wish we hadn’t gotten Fallen Kingdom and Dominion as they are. They weren’t just bad, they hugely missed big narrative opportunities, and that’s way worse.
@@BryanIra305 I didn't entirely hate the first half of Fallen Kingdom, it had the potential to be a decent entry into the franchise. However once we as an audience left the island and ended up in that mansion, with a dinosaur auction, it crapped the bed. Dominion just made me angry minutes into its opening.
You are not wrong, though I would argue Fallen Kingdom loses its thread earlier than that. I don’t want to get in too deep because this is something I’m going to be discussing in my How to Fix FK video.
@@BryanIra305 I'll watch it when you're done.
The Indominus is actually a really deep character when you look into. She kills her sibling not out of blood lust but out of love and mercy, Wu made them secretly as weapons for Vic Hoskins and tested on them from when they hatched onward. These test were likely extremely brutal as another one of the Indominus Rex's abilities is controlling it's metabolism allowing it to have an accelerated healing factor, so it could heal from deep wounds very quickly which consequently means you could run more experiments on it faster. We know from concept art and sit downs talks that she didn't kill her sibling as soon as possible but instead when they were around a year old so they were being experimented on for this entire time and Indy made the decision to kill her sibling to spare them from anymore experiments.
This however makes her hate humanity and because she never saw anything outside, she assumes that all the other dinosaurs are suffering like she had so she mercifully kills other dinosaurs or frees those who would help her like the carnotaurus. While living alone in her containment unit, she would continue growing more and more requiring them to occasionally sedate her while they open up her big door to bring heavy equipment inside to build up the walls which is how she notes who is able to open the door. She also noted that the security couldn't see her because the camera screens were insight of her windows, and since the security guy never payed attention, he would never notice her standing just outside the window behind him testing and learning about her abilities and this is also possibly why she hit the window as he might have noticed she was there but she wanted to make them think she was just blindly aggressive.
Eventually, she puts her plan 2 years in the making into action, scratching the wall to make it looked like she climbed out before retreating into the trees, using her camouflage and waiting. She doesn’t act when just one man is out there but when her security officer comes in knowing he can open the door before she stands in the way of the smaller doors and kills one man to put enough fear into the other 2 men so that they would open the big door. Once outside she simply mercy kills all the dinosaurs she can find by snapping their necks as quickly as possible or freeing those who would help her and commanding them to go in a direction before going back to her mission to kill all the humans she could find as to her, none were innocent.
Before you do a video on fallen kingdom, know that the Indoraptor or Ripper was also tortured as he has the same healing abilities as Indy along with most of her other abilities and some of his own. However he also sees humans as the worst and sees blue as a possible mate which is why he doesn't kill her when she attacks him.
I’m not sure where this information came from as I have never heard this explanation for the I.Rex’s actions nor can I find anything about it online. It’s an interesting theory about the prospective motivations of the Indominus that cast it in a more sympathetic light. I’m not certain if this is a legitimate explanation from some source I’ve never read, your head cannon, or a theory posited by another fan, but I would argue that even if this was, in fact, the case, the film itself does nothing to paint the Indominus as anything but a monster. Even aspects that might have made us sympathize, such as its isolation and the way it is fed, is countered by the explanations as to why these measures were necessary in the first place: it not only killed its sibling, it ate the sibling too, and the traditional methods of feeding it had resulted in the injury of park employees. The movie wants us to think it’s a psychopath and nothing more deep than that. The vast majority of the audience isn’t going to dig any further than what the film presents, so even if these motivations had appeared in a comic or novelization or leaked script or behind the scenes featurette, Jurassic World itself doesn’t even hint at it. Regardless of that, I kept the Indominus a killing machine because my primary theme is about control, and the I.rex as a sympathetic character would not jive with that theme. As for the Indoraptor, I wouldn’t worry about that too much…😅
@@BryanIra305 It is from a deep dive into her actions in the movie and the show based on her actions, concept art, earlier scripts where we would have seen more of her, and interviews with the writing and special effects but as you put it, she is still a monster even if she has reasons, she deemed humans as a whole and even actively hunts children. Her mercy is only for dinosaurs, so her character was meant to be a sympathetic serial killer seeing herself as the hero of the story as she wiped out entire herds.
Sooo you change like 80% of the movie to make it decent instead of mostly stupid. Got it. Jurassic World is really poorly written.
hated jurassic world