Modesty: Respect of Clergy ~ Fr Ripperger

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 มี.ค. 2018
  • Father gives a talk on how we are to respect the clergy of the Church no matter if they are bad or good along with daily notions that laity may not think about. For more sermons & lectures please visit & remember to do the PenanceWare Fr asks for
    Fr Ripperger's order of exorcists
    The website
    To donate please visit

ความคิดเห็น • 76

  • @MFV77
    @MFV77 2 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I’m almost 60. I was raised to stand when a priest entered a room. How times have changed!

  • @sharonholmes6083
    @sharonholmes6083 6 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Always am praying for all priests, as they carry such a heavy burden.

  • @patriciap.9034
    @patriciap.9034 6 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    Growing up in the 40’s and 50’s, I can see a huge difference in the relationship between Priests and people. It hurts my heart to see and hear the disrespect given to Priests. It hurts to watch the familiarity between them. It’s like the buddy, buddy system. There’s always jokes, and undignified behaviors. Thank you Father for this much needed sermon and God bless you.

    • @kathleenmacellis751
      @kathleenmacellis751 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Patrica Patrylak ... I feel the same way. I was a child in the 60's and there was no " buddy buddy " relationships with the Clergy at our Parish !
      It's really sad to see the lack of respect for our Clergy today.

    • @patriciap.9034
      @patriciap.9034 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Kathleen Macellis don’t you wish we could go back and relive those days when everything was more pure and respectful. I’m in my early 70s and so it hurts a lot. The best thing we can do is pray that God comes and changes us and this world. God bless you and Mary keep you

    • @edwalter6453
      @edwalter6453 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes, I also have great appreciation for the TLM, sad to say, Vatican 2 perhaps damaged our Holy Catholic faith, more than it helped. The few priests that still continue this tradition, need our prayers so much ! A counter reformation seams to be in order. Pray, pray hard !

    • @kathleenmacellis751
      @kathleenmacellis751 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Patrica Patrylak ... I so wish that we could go back to those wonderful days ! It's such a difficult time in which we live ! Things were so safe , simple and pure back then. Our poor grandchildren will never understand how good life can be.

    • @patriciap.9034
      @patriciap.9034 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Kathleen Macellis Never lose Hope! Pray to God that you may enter into His Divine Will and live in Union with Him, through Him, and in Him. Then, you will start to have peace,even in the midst of sorrow. Stay in grace, and confess often, so you will learn quickly how to enter into the Ocean of His Will, there to remain forever. (Luisa Piccaretta, the little daughter of the Divine Will) is where I learned to live in the will of God.Luisa’s cause for beautification is ongoing.It was opened by Pope Benedict.

  • @ariston8855
    @ariston8855 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I agree 100 percent on what Fr. Says in this video. There needs to be Holy space and reverence for priests because they represent Christ period. Consider it mortification of your passions. When treat them as such you will be on the road to perfection.

  • @imnotmelvin3
    @imnotmelvin3 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This talk should be a requirement every year in the mass as a homily before lent in all churches.

  • @nannygirlkc
    @nannygirlkc 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a church secretary, I say yes, yes, yes! Thank you!

  • @MichElle-sd6gj
    @MichElle-sd6gj 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thank you Reverend Father Ripperger. Let us pray an extra Rosary for our dear Priests who are under constant attack from the devil & his demons. It is a fact that the devil attacks those closest to God, especially Priests who bring souls to God. Mother Teresa “Be a good Priest or get out”.

  • @paulbany6603
    @paulbany6603 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thank you so much Father for sharing this life saving video with us, the laity. Praise be to God for giving us the gift of holy priests. Amen!

  • @nataliabenoit4653
    @nataliabenoit4653 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thank you for this Father such a blessing to hear it and i was convicted before conversion i was vile the worst of all but now when i hear "no" i say "in obeidiance i honor ur decision" its my way of giving the deserved respect to the preist plus i know the holy dignity of Jesus is upon the preist and the Lord honors their words and in confession i do my best to obey the advice to get better in obtaining virtues, i dunno its a tip to show the respect cuz the holiness is like a jewel on earth from God. i used to be one of those rude girls i was really bad as a teen but when i fell in love with Jesus Christ it changed everything, i realised we have the greatest gift of all here on earth...the church and the preist without them no true presence in eucharist or absolution therefore its important to fast and pray for them so very important and the rosary for preists is a great way of denying yourself in not praying for yourself or loved ones but offering a rosary solely for them and i cant be a true lover of Jesus if i dont truly love my preists and the pope and clergy.

    • @mottledbrain
      @mottledbrain 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Natalia, you say "... but offering a rosary solely for them ..." That is going to be my challenge. I tend to offer up my Rosaries for so many different people and circumstances that I wonder if I'm loosing my focus. To offer up a Rosary each week for the clergy (especially the local parish priest) would be both a sacrifice and a blessing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here.
      Dominus tecum, Reg.

    • @nataliabenoit4653
      @nataliabenoit4653 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      mottledbrain im sorry but clearly the thanks isnt to be for me but God its Him only im still young and have so much to learn but my teen years were filth until the Lord found me and when He saved me through making a way for me to know Him by not just the Bible (love letters)but the church, constantly going beyond the cross and tomb to bless my life and cleansing me in His mercy i only think ...and what have i given back to you after all you have given me in your love that is so great what have i given back Devine Master whose freed me from a life of slavery? God bless you my sibling in Christ.😘✌👏

  • @larrywethington3175
    @larrywethington3175 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you Father, for your instructive talks.

  • @heidiw2458
    @heidiw2458 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Some of this, thankfully is taught by good parents as manners and then you just extend it to priests as your superiors. Thank you God for my parents. Thank you Fr, God bless

  • @nmatthew7469
    @nmatthew7469 6 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Everyone needs to listen to this to help reduce the burden on the hen pecked priests. I've seen the priests get so flustered, they' really have to give the priests a break sometimes.

  • @agentbflinn1222
    @agentbflinn1222 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for these talk so nice modesty, they are very helpful. This one is particularly helpful, because I have struggled a bit with respecting certain priests, though I had begun praying for them partly from General advice from Michael Voris and folks as well as Dr. Marshall.

  • @IpCrackle
    @IpCrackle 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    thank you for uploading this

  • @nancybrady9781
    @nancybrady9781 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    With respect and agreement that we need to be respectful to our priests, in many ways some of them initiate the disrepect the lay people have for them. We had a priest who deliberately hugged us women, knowing that it made us feel uncomfortable. We have had priests who are disrespectful and controlling about the parish from the moment they arrived in the parish, especially wanting to blow the parish's money. I agree with the rules of how the lay people need to act; however, to lay all of the blame that the lay people and state that they reap what they sow about what they get for a priest is not always the fact.

  • @mattberg916
    @mattberg916 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    We are in a sad situation. V2 has put us into a death spiral of disrespect and irreverence for our clergy and for our Father Himself.

  • @kitt765
    @kitt765 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This must be so difficult for priests as they grow older & lose their stamina💖

  • @LP-tv9pr
    @LP-tv9pr 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you father for the valuable teaching.
    I have been respecting with all due reverence, as a priest is the chosen and anointed one. I have been a patient parishioner watching the office and its function in line to the laws of the church and the particular laws/ more particular laws laid down. However, it was bit beyond tolerance when you notice these laws are flaunted time and again by the appointed priest especially, when it comes to parish matters.
    The twice a year parish meet also is where one cannot voice their opinions or discuss. The Parish priest getting to a point to use the homily to pick upon parishioners especially those who don't come along his way. Parish development is never budgeted or discussed only a price tag is told and we are to contribute in humongous proportions. The pomp of life style adapted, pricey memorial/ dedicated masses. The economic crisis in the society is not considered but, development has to be carried out on priority. The unemployment factors of the long faithful is not a matter of importance as newly found rich are always there.
    With all these mounting pressures, even going to the parish Church is often discarded. I believe it's futile to offer a mass without reconciliation with your neighbour even and here its the parish priest.
    No enforcement of maintenance of the church decorum, only thing that matters is tithes, offerings, charity.
    What about equipping, uplifting of the parishioner to be tithed with some development programme, for the faithful.
    The lord fed the hungry mass, taught, blessed and helped them to prosper. Tithe was to be collected by Jesus disciples for the needy, not for his luxury living or for his disciples.
    I never wanted to discuss things in public but, when I only hear the faithful is always to follow the laws first then what examples are they to follow ? I think the first thing that is needed is that the faithful be assured of the church fathers as true examples of suffering, compassion, and love. For instance St. Francis Of Assisi.
    I shall never go against the church or its fathers but, certainly try to point out flaws to be corrected, so that faith may grow stronger and the church fathers shall be the first to ensure that by setting true examples.
    Is it wrong to correct our father when he errs in our families? Not by dragging outside but, within the walls? Should the father not accept , reconcile and correct to set an example?
    I am not sure if I am right or wrong yet but, yes I certainly don't have the courage to go before the lord and partake in the Eucharist with a grudge.
    I am not so well informed but, I do refer to the catechism of the catholic church and the laws of the church and I find its adherence is not done by the church fathers many a times. Yes, the ways of the lord are mysterious and beyond the human minds to decipher. But, here we are seeing the diabolical influence at its best and the church is in a turmoil.
    The ambience of a Church needs to be preserved in all holiness and certainly stringent measures need to come in from the Vatican for church fathers or the hand of God will have to set upon the Church and its being prayed for by many faithful today.
    Particularly the eastern churches today needs all your prayers.
    God bless you father.

    • @kimfleury
      @kimfleury 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      We don't always know where the "extravagance" comes from. I don't know where you are, but in my archdiocese, priests receive an annual salary, out of which they must contribute to their own health care coverage and vehicle insurance, and they pay income taxes on their salary. They do receive gifts from parishioners -- sometimes quite extravagant gifts. Diocesan priests aren't required to take a vow of poverty, but they don't usually live in great wealth, either. If your parish administrator posts a price tag for development, but you can't afford to contribute, then don't donate to it. Give what you're able to the Church, depending on your state in life and circumstances. But give freely out of love, and not with a clenched fist. We don't own wealth, it belongs to God, Who gives it to us for stewardship. If He hasn't given you much, then you're not obligated to contribute beyond what you can. Running a parish isn't a democracy. The parish doesn't belong to the parishioners -- the parishioners belong to God, who tends to us through His bishops and the priests who serve at the bishop's pleasure. The title to the property belongs to the diocese, not to the parishioners. It's not good to carry a grudge to the altar - but it's not good to refuse to tame the grudge, either. There's a nun who said, "It's not easy being Christ's bride, because if there's something wrong in the relationship, I know the problem is with me, not Him." That's good to keep in mind. He stands beside our priests at the altar. He Himself makes them holy, regardless of their personal traits. Having a problem with a priest is to have a problem with Christ. He gives us the priests we deserve. If we ask for holier priests, He gives them to us. But it takes sacrifice and penance, and a great amount of humility.

    • @LP-tv9pr
      @LP-tv9pr 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      KA Fleury
      Thanks for the response. I agree to what has be told.
      In this part of Syro Malankara Catholic Church we have been a division of the orthodox church which got recognised under Vatican. Most of the churches were built on land and money from the parishioners. However, the property is always registered under the diocese bishop's name. But, a elected parish council which runs the parish administration. The salary cokes from the diocese apart from that we have the total tithes divided in a ratio of 1:1:1 the parish, priest and diocese respectively. All other incomes is divided at 1:4 among the diocese and the parish respectively.
      A mandatory membership fee in a classified manner is charged to every parish home.
      Any special mass offered by a parishioner has an additional charge, even annual house blessings are charged. Annual harvest tithes etc are add-on as and when proposed. Almost on average at $ 500-600 equivalent for 300 families or more.
      Two general parish meets give the parishioner the right to elect the council, the annually expenses reports, budget plans etc..
      However, the vicar has a veto yo be exercised only in an emergency. But, when it's a one man show of authority and execution of action without the general parish discussion or approval it's misuse of authority and sometimes gets nasty. A parish majority can also replace the vicar if need be. But, that's rare.
      The fact of the matter is that when it comes to liturgy, decorum, dress codes etc... The vicar has to decide and here its the other way around. This really bothers me in particular when the liturgy is run carelessly and priority is on collections and less on liturgies. There n no of institutions under the church which can employ the faithful but there is laxity and favouritism that prevails. Even charity has a favouritism and injustice prevalent.
      Hence, the confusion and questions.

  • @CHAZER-sp5cm
    @CHAZER-sp5cm 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The church at 0:24 is st Kevin in Dublin, i was there yesterday! so cool to see

  • @michaelwalker7042
    @michaelwalker7042 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The way some Catholics talk about priests is nothing short of abominable.

  • @almeggs3247
    @almeggs3247 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I wish I could find good people as I’ve read in most of these comments to make as friends
    I live in calif retired and not even my own kids and GC wish to be around me
    I retired here from Virginia hoping I could become closer to my kids but they all have left the catholic faith
    I thought I had found a friend which came with me to a traditional Catholic Church in LA but she got mad at a priest that was
    Running to do confessions he couldn’t stop to hear her question she got upset and said “ You’re not Jesus you know”

    • @nataliabenoit4653
      @nataliabenoit4653 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      al meggs im sorry to hear that if you lived in canada i certainly would visit you in my parish i do the hospital visting but was really hard seeing the man who was 95 call me daughter and for some reason on that day i knew it was my last time seeing him i did the devine mercy with him and kissed him on the forehead to say goodbye when i found out he did die it was hard but hearing your cry of need to have someone visit inspired me to keep going i guess i love others to a fault lol God bless you Al u r in my prayers my arms are too short to reach you but by prayer they will become long to give you a hug

    • @almeggs3247
      @almeggs3247 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Natalia. I can see that you are a true believer in Christ Thru the true Catholic faith
      To be in Canada must be very difficult
      I know a young catholic lady that drove here alone from Canada after her mom died from Cancer
      Its been very hard for her
      My email is

  • @manwithblackhat
    @manwithblackhat 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    At 21:17, the good Father says: "The Lord actually said at one time ..." and then proceeds to attribute certain instructions to (I can only assume) Jesus Christ Himself. Where did the good Father get this?

  • @CynthiaToni
    @CynthiaToni 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Very helpful talk. Thank you. I agree with so much of the talk but there is one part where I am having difficulty. I am wondering what Father means by his statement ' even if he's a bad Priest'. I attend the Ordinary form of the Mass and there is only so much laity can tolerate. A Priest who arrived a year and a half ago to our parish, has been having serious issues with good people at the Parish. I have tried my best to support him but he has made this really hard lately. When he first came to our Parish, we had him over to bless the house and for dinner. He did not have a collar on and the blessing did not look hopeful especially when he wouldn't even bless some objects my teenagers brought back from WYD. Yesterday my daughter went to daily Mass with her 6 week old baby and he did not give the baby a blessing. Early in his posting at our Church he wielded the pulpit to garner sympathy and support from the parishioners and improperly described good people at the parish who were long standing respected contributing parishioners. This really bothered me and things are starting to come to a climax. I have personally had some sad disturbing issues with him. From his negative personality it is clear he has some serious baggage from his past and I seriously pray for him daily even though I can no longer attend Mass there. My husband, who is not Catholic, told me not to go there anymore because he was concerned about how this Priest was treating me. He has been ordained for a good thirty years but this is his first parish because he was a military chaplain up to just a few years ago. We sincerely believe deep down he is maybe a good Priest but should not be running a Parish but instead perhaps should be an associate Pastor. He has been caught lying and doing questionable things with the financial books. Anyways, I am very sad for him and for what is happening at my parish because it is being destroyed financially as well as the spiritual life. Since my conversion a little over ten years ago, I have met many Priests and come to know and love them. This is the first Priest that scares me. I literally, over the past few months, have had two nightmares about him.

    • @kimfleury
      @kimfleury 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Fr. Ripperger noted that God gives people the priests they deserve, not necessarily you in particular (especially since you showed respect to his office by defending him), but those who maybe haven't supported previous priests in the parish, or maybe henpecked them. Fr. Ripperger mentioned offering Holy Communion for priests on Thursdays, so if you're able to do that, God might have made you responsible for the mission of praying for this particular priest. Another way to pray for him is to offer the Holy Rosary for priests on Thursdays (regardless of whether you pray the Traditional Rosary, or the added Luminous Mysteries, which I am drawn to because they are especially focused on the priesthood). Another is a devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus, disfigured for the transgressions of His priests. Before every Mass, make this offering:
      "Eternal Father, I offer You the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, through the chaste and loving hearts of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph her spouse, together with my two wedding gifts for your beloved Son, our Lord, Jesus: all my love and my free will, united to the merits of His Holy Face, in reparation for the sins and sacrilege of tempted priests. I trust that You will pour out graces for their conversion and repentance, making them ardent and fervent in faith, hope, and love, and will use them to draw more souls to Yourself. I thank You for the gift of the priesthood, for through Your priests, You heal us. I adore you, O Lord." [Spend 15 minutes in silent adoration before the Tabernacle before Mass, and 15 minutes in thanksgiving following Mass.]

    • @CynthiaToni
      @CynthiaToni 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      KA Fleury Wow! Thank you for the beautiful prayer and your direction. I have been praying very seriously for him and will continue to do so. This prayer will really help I'm sure. My son in law said the same thing. My daughter was at a parish council meeting and they were discussing whether or not they should include the word 'Catholic' on the new sign for the Church. Thanks be to God they put the word 'Catholic ' on it but my son-in-law believes just the fact that they had the discussion was gravely offensive to God so He sent this Parish the Priest they deserve. Praying this is only a temporary punishment because they did do the right thing on the end. Please pray for me. It is a white martyrdom attending the Ordinary form of the Mass. For many reasons it is not possible for me to switch to a traditional Mass.

    • @AveCorMariam
      @AveCorMariam 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cynthia-( firmly believe religion in different countries is drastically different), many
      problems in Churches can be a gap in American culture..........

    • @CynthiaToni
      @CynthiaToni 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cassie Miller Thank you Cassie. I feel very badly for this Priest. God is good and has provided me with some very Holy Priests nearby. The Parish is suffering more than myself and I can go elsewhere for now until the issue is resolved. I will keep those ideas in mind.

  • @mottledbrain
    @mottledbrain 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'll repeat a question (from "Rikkert") from a few hours back as it is on my mind too:
    "From what source is the quote of Jesus [that] Father uses around 22:10 and on? I love it."

  • @Johannes3006
    @Johannes3006 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does this mean that what Michael Voris does in the Vortex is evil? When he calls bad Priests certain names? Like "wicked prelates"?

    • @inahandbasket288
      @inahandbasket288 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Are the prelates? Are they wicked? Well then…

  • @modestMouseism
    @modestMouseism 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    7:14 Please can somebody tell me what order that is? I've seen that exact habit so many times but I cannot tell...

    • @sue-by7sh
      @sue-by7sh 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think our Oratorians wear those - Oratory of St. Philip Neri.

    • @modestMouseism
      @modestMouseism 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks for your answer! While you were close, because they do look a bit like Oratorians, I finally came upon the answer accidentally: it's the monks of Papa Stronsay of Orkney.

  • @VO_JayRedding
    @VO_JayRedding 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Traditional Deacons are probably all Transitional Deacons? Are there Permanent Transitional Deacons?

  • @jasmin2795
    @jasmin2795 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is Frater Ripperger from fssp ?

  • @MrJking1962
    @MrJking1962 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is a hard teaching in our time because of the sex abuse and the general lack of trust of authority. I am guilty of this. The “lording over” appears to be the norm and humble leadership seems rare. Think about a recent TSA experience. At the same time I am rethinking my devotion to muck raking Catholic apostolates.

  • @kitt765
    @kitt765 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oh the burden the priest carries trying to keep the peace when he could be doing so much more IMPORTANT stuff to do with SALVATION🕇

  • @CatholicMailman
    @CatholicMailman ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What about the victims of clerical abuse? It’s going to be really hard for the victims to show respect to their abusers, nor even refrain from saying bad things about these abusers.

  • @careybowden4864
    @careybowden4864 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Of course, we should not cease to pray for these men!
    But the quote about "do not speak any bad thing about a priest, even if it is true" troubles me. I have known an unfortunate case where a priest was arrested for actual criminal activity. Would the judge or witnesses be wrong to say honestly what they know to be true? What about when the judge sentences him to jail time?
    There is also the (more modern) case of clergy who mislead by teaching against church teaching, which is especially troubling with high-profile persons on social media. It seems we should respectfully say that those statements are wrong; faithful Catholics are being scandalized and misled, non-catholics are confused by this as well. It seems we should at least be able to say privately to our friends and family: "what that priest said is wrong, that is not what the church teaches." But this is also a case of speaking a negative (but true) things against a priest. Though I personally do not think it's good to spend much time on social media. ☺️
    Pray for ALL priests!

  • @ChicagoIL50
    @ChicagoIL50 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Omg who would a call a priest by his first name?!??🤔

    • @smedhanie1219
      @smedhanie1219 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      in my parish many of them do. it is very sad. and extremely uncomfortable to witness it.

    • @mikelao8434
      @mikelao8434 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      How darest thou take the Lords name in vain.

  • @alexandrak3241
    @alexandrak3241 ปีที่แล้ว

    We do pray for the priest. He's so indignant and down right mean that literally half the church has departed for elsewhere. They still pray for him; just don't go to his church.

  • @laurie2822
    @laurie2822 ปีที่แล้ว

    What about when you email a new priest who came from an FSSP parish where your child was baptized, to warmly welcome him and he so rudely doesn't answer? Are you still supposed to hold him in high esteem, seriously?

  • @CN-yf3lr
    @CN-yf3lr 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wonder where it falls the modesty of a priest when he acts like paranoid or gives faces when blessing water bc the tiny medicine bottle. I never thought that no no hugging a priest but is ugly when they wrongly react on one like What does she wants?...hmmm🤔🤨... Ridiculous, now I'm just totally dry face, just the necessary, a hello and that's it

  • @papi3d
    @papi3d 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hmmm... don't know how I feel about this one...It felt aggressive and proud...

    • @mrsc5053
      @mrsc5053 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      How so?

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      If you listen to enough of fr. Ripperger your will know that the devil has access to feelings. That is why you don't feel humility?

    • @hmfogptditf
      @hmfogptditf ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Aggressive and proud, I didn’t detect that anywhere. And I’m hyper sensitive. Could it possibly possibly be that your emotions contain reactions to associations in your previous emotions more than any objective analysis of the stimulus you’ve been presented with? Or do you not know how you feel about neuroscience either?

  • @dokkendave2750
    @dokkendave2750 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    A manifest heretic has no position of authority at all, even if he's a validly ordained priest or validly consecrated bishop. Almost everyone here agrees that there are numerous manifestly heretical priests today. These heretics cannot be given the type of respect that should be given to legitimate Catholic priests. A bad or selfish or immoral Catholic priest is one thing; a manifestly *heretical* priest is another. Again, there are tons of priests out there who are not just erring, but are so obviously formally heretical on even basic dogmas. These guys should not get one penny of support, nor one iota of respect (other than maybe a basic respect for his humanity). This sermon, while not entirely wrong, seems more concerned with order and polity than with combatting heresy and standing up for the truth. You tend to blame the sins of the clergy on the laity.... but perhaps the laity are confused or engaged in bad practices because of the sins of the "clergy". You say never address a priest by his first name, but "Pope" Francis says "call me Frank!" Further, there is a lack of respect given to priests in general, because thousands of children, adolescents, and adults have been raped and sodomized by "priests". ***The bottom line is: any priest who shows himself to be an obstinate heretic, especially in extreme forms, will get ZERO respect from me on the spiritual level. Yes, I will respect his humanity and hope he converts, but his level of authority over me or any Catholic is zero***