Response to @bandsoflove: Bands of love, You Were Not There.
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ม.ค. 2025
- After I watched @RobertTaylor's video tonight ("The exclusion of all publications other than one in the Local Church of Witness Lee"): • The exclusion of all p... , I felt I also need to respond to @bandsoflove, who has accused me of not being concerned about the fallout related to exposing abuse. Are leaders concerned about the "fallout" if works of darkness are exposed, after they have been hidden and enabled by leaders?
I have no heart for innocent parties to be hurt... but abusers hurt them (us) - NOT the whistleblowers. And they can remain anonymous as long as they choose to, even if legal authorities get involved.
In this video, I mainly address these particular words of @bandsoflove in recent comments:
"Ruth, you read the letter. You can talk about what I am referring to or keep bringing up the dump truck load of stuff that is in your heart (for which I can truly sympathize). By your responses, I can see why people give up talking with you. You conclude they don't want to listen or help. When you type something that is longer than a couple sentences in length, think again what you are doing"
"Perhaps I'm assuming too much, but your going public with all these videos says to me you exhausted the in-person meetings and wanted a larger audience. One thing that does bother me, is that you don't seem to care about the fallout. How to deal with abuse of all kinds is complicated. Generally it is not just the actions of the perpetrators. Invariably there are innocent spouses, children, grandchildren, in-laws, etc. You seem to want a public accounting of everything that has happened anywhere in any church. Not everyone does including the actual victims. Especially now that in many cases decades have already passed. If anyone wants to make it a legal or civil matter there are courts that hear those cases. Most of the cases and people you bring up have been dealt with as appropriate by the church leadership. Perhaps not to your timetable or satisfaction, but you weren't the one on the scene, responsible for it. Thus you don't know all. If you want to put your own family out on the internet that is your decision, but I expect even in your own family some are not comfortable with it."
Oh... I just saw this one, and didn't speak to it [yet]:
"Short is better. If your comments were directed to my questions, I can read and process that. You are in same boat with Al since you feel you are clear about the state of the Recovery and all people in it and they are poor and degraded and deserving of condemnation. That is not sober minded. Using your own argument, your problem is with individuals not the movement. Stop condemning it wholesale. Some bad apples don't mean the whole is bad. What church, denomination, school, business, country hasn't had bad actors. Many of them never brought to account for their actions. Now many of the people who caused the problems aren't even alive. What do you really want to be done?"
Posting this response to @bandsoflove, also in my comments to your above message... whew! It's NOT over 3 sentences...
@bandsoflove: If Albert Zehr is not soberminded, I don't know who is. I am honored to be in his company.
If the "individuals" include Watchman Nee - who by the report of multiple victims raped sisters and never repented to the church - and Witness Lee - who repeatedly heard reports of his sons raping and molesting sisters and at the same time gave Philip more and more power and "authority" in the Living Stream AND in the churches, and who defrauded believers of their life savings and then became extremely materially wealthy - a multi-millionaire - through the Living Stream Ministry... and all those who shame "other" Christians who don't follow Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, as being degraded, and lie about and smear brothers who speak the truth, and those who either ARE abusive or who cover up/stay silent about abuse of which they are aware, then, yes, I guess my problem is with individuals.