For a moment, I thought this was an Infento build. Even though it is not, it could be built using Infento parts and I might try doing just that on a larger scale when I get the chance. Thanks for sharing! :)
Jesus... This is out of Earth! Huge Respect and Cheers to you and youre Buddy. Now i go play F1 2021 with my PS4 Controller and start thinking about to Build my own Simracer with Fanatec. ;)
First of all, it's a great build. However, I think you have a serious design flaw, as the Z-axis actuators push on free floating Y-axis spindles (side to side movement). These are just free-floating on one end and will take a lot of force when the z-actuators move the upper assembly with a person on them. These rods will bend causing the z-axis to lose definition of the movements through dynamic deformation, and most likely the rods will eventually have plastic deformation or metal fatique over time. I would engineer a sliding support (you need the x-axis front /back sliding) for the end of these rods to prevent them breaking over time.
I can see your concern, but from a material standpoint it should be fine. Those are (look like) 20mm stock steel rods. The maximum unsupported length here looks like maybe a foot or 0.3m. With at least 8 connection points to those rods, this system is over-designed to handle the weight of a person, additional material, parts, steppers, seat, etc. Even in a dynamic situation, if you took all of the weight and put it on one bar (structurally impossible with this setup), it would only deflect by like maybe half a mm. Fatigue at this stress is like 1 million + cycles
Ist eigentlich noch ein Stockwerk darunter wo das ding steht oder ist der Boden direkt auf Grund? Und falls ersteres schon mal ne betrachtung gemacht was da für Kräfte entstehen und ob das der Stabilität der Wohnung zuträglich ist? Insbesondere weil auch noch Rüttelbelastung?
Fährst du dein SimuCube eigentlich mit den vollen 25Nm Drehmoment? Da mir die 8Nm vom Fanatec CSL DD bei 100% Feedback in Game nach etwas zu viel des Guten vorkommen. 😅
Have you documented your fantastic build? Have recorded parts listings, wiring diagrams, material sources. Asking for a friend ;) also, they are good to have in hand for future reference if you need to repair things years down the road when you've forgotten what you did and why you did it..
Where did you buy it. How much did it cost. How long did it take to come in. I need all this answer. Cause I can’t find it no where and it’s kinda frustrating. Thank you
fantastisch! am meisten beeindruckt mich das du es selbst baust.... da wird einem klar das du verrückt bist. also einer von uns (Gamer) könnte man sagen ....hahaha [ABO & Like]
Das ist gar nicht so schwer! Ich bin gerade dabei zu versuchen, den Leuten das bei zu bringen auf TH-cam. Ich bin zwar leider noch sehr mies vor der Kamera, aber ich möchte mein Wissen gerne teilen. Vielleicht kann ich ein paar Leuten damit helfen, in dieses so schöne Hobby einzusteigen. :))
How much did you have to spend in calibrating the rig movement vs building it? This time lapse video makes it appear like building is the bigger task and I'd have expected otherwise.
That is a dope setup... I'd love a setup like this for like MechWarrior and shit... racing too but mostly would want it to work with MechWarrior & like flight sims like Star Wars Squadrons... that would need a LOT more complexity but DAMN this looks sweet. hope it drives as well as it looks like it will.
Die Mechanik sollte unter 10k liegen. Ich bin gerade dabei zu versuchen, den Leuten das bei zu bringen auf TH-cam. Ich bin zwar leider noch sehr mies vor der Kamera, aber ich möchte mein Wissen gerne teilen. Vielleicht kann ich ein paar Leuten damit helfen, in dieses so schöne Hobby einzusteigen. :))
Mich würde mal interessieren was das allein von der Konstruktion bis Seat /Lenkrad/Monitor Ständer und Monitor/TV wohl gekostet hat ohne die Arbeitsstunden einzurechnen,jedenfalls der absolute Hammer deine Leistung 👍👌🏼
@@MatthiasFulczyk Vielen Dank das du geantwortet hast.Ist echt der Wahnsinn was du da vollbracht hast!!!!Leider fehlt das nötige Geld und wenn man dann noch die Arbeitsstunden mitrechnet (ich könnte das selbst mit allem Equipment nicht mal annähernd hinkriegen) dann sind wir bestimmt bei 35,000€-40,000€ und das übersteigt bei weitem meine Möglichkeiten.Habe dich jedenfalls trotzdem abonniert weil mich das einfach fasziniert und toll anzusehen ist.LG und bis dann
Completely self-made 6-DOF with 8 Servos (More Infos about the Motion System here
Thanks a lot for the information, great workmanship.
No beer in sight... No wonder it took so long to build🤣🤣🤣 Congrats Sir on getting this, i really want something like this too and im happy for you!
any plans to make the motion rig design public or a future build series? Very much so want to take my 4DOF SFX to this level. Excellent job.
Where is the upcoming video ? The build is great, but does it work ? 6DOF remains to be proofed...
For a moment, I thought this was an Infento build. Even though it is not, it could be built using Infento parts and I might try doing just that on a larger scale when I get the chance. Thanks for sharing! :)
Truly amazing, whether it be DIY or Pre-Purchased. Now I know how you built that god of a machine!
Euuuuuhhhh to be honest I want to know or to Learn how to do it like yours Matthias 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Könnte man eine genaue Anleitung bekommen mit Komponenten usw und wie das gesteuert wird bekommen?
anscheinend ist es dem Bengel nicht wert zu antworten
How many hours did that build take? Such an intense project.
Beim nächsten Simulator aber dran denken! "Für diesen Simulator benötigen Sie das Hauptgebäude: Villa." 😅
Wenn ich mehr platz hätte würden da auch mehrere Simulatoren stehen.
@@MatthiasFulczyk der flex haha
@@MatthiasFulczyk was hat es dir gekostet diese eine im Video?
How you developed that? You did all by your own from CAD to Buildung and Software?
Nice, clean, well edited video straight to the point🤙🏽
Jesus... This is out of Earth! Huge Respect and Cheers to you and youre Buddy. Now i go play F1 2021 with my PS4 Controller and start thinking about to Build my own Simracer with Fanatec. ;)
First of all, it's a great build. However, I think you have a serious design flaw, as the Z-axis actuators push on free floating Y-axis spindles (side to side movement). These are just free-floating on one end and will take a lot of force when the z-actuators move the upper assembly with a person on them. These rods will bend causing the z-axis to lose definition of the movements through dynamic deformation, and most likely the rods will eventually have plastic deformation or metal fatique over time. I would engineer a sliding support (you need the x-axis front /back sliding) for the end of these rods to prevent them breaking over time.
I can see your concern, but from a material standpoint it should be fine. Those are (look like) 20mm stock steel rods. The maximum unsupported length here looks like maybe a foot or 0.3m. With at least 8 connection points to those rods, this system is over-designed to handle the weight of a person, additional material, parts, steppers, seat, etc. Even in a dynamic situation, if you took all of the weight and put it on one bar (structurally impossible with this setup), it would only deflect by like maybe half a mm. Fatigue at this stress is like 1 million + cycles
I'm so disappointed there's no plans here still.
Hallo, könnten Sie mir sagen, welche Art von Lineareinheit Sie in Ihrem Projekt verwenden, wie bei 1 Minute und 33 Sekunden des Videos erwähnt?
i love your double TL design, it will inspire me a lot for my own rig
Mega geiler Stuff !!!! Das Video, jetzt wo slles drin ist kommt mal richtig Geil!!
Ist eigentlich noch ein Stockwerk darunter wo das ding steht oder ist der Boden direkt auf Grund?
Und falls ersteres schon mal ne betrachtung gemacht was da für Kräfte entstehen und ob das der Stabilität der Wohnung zuträglich ist? Insbesondere weil auch noch Rüttelbelastung?
Amazing work! Wait what? No instructions manual?!? You guys are pros!
Ich find es echt cool das du sowas daraus gemacht hast. Wahr bestimmt viel Arbeit. Hut ab👍👍👍👍👍
Hi sir, can you share for me this drawing?
Dang that rig is unreal I could never imagine me trying to build it
German Basics
For the buttkicker that shows up @2:38, what mount did you use?
good morning friend, are there any instructions or plans to try to make one like this?
Fährst du dein SimuCube eigentlich mit den vollen 25Nm Drehmoment?
Da mir die 8Nm vom Fanatec CSL DD bei 100% Feedback in Game nach etwas zu viel des Guten vorkommen. 😅
Have you documented your fantastic build? Have recorded parts listings, wiring diagrams, material sources. Asking for a friend ;) also, they are good to have in hand for future reference if you need to repair things years down the road when you've forgotten what you did and why you did it..
Nice 👍👍👍
New support ☝
Not an assembly manual in sight. Someone knows how to do electrics. Thanks for the video.
@Bhante i would send the world to their graves if i wired that
Здравствуйте, где можно купить такой?
Awesome work, keep it up! 😊👍
Great job!
Was just watching one of your vids and was wondering about your setup, super rad dude!
How much power does your sim rig draw (excluding the pc/monitor)
Great work of enginieering!
Max. 400w
Какая стоимость всего симулятора?
около 16к, он под одним видео ответил
holy crap m8. that is scary! congratulations. what a rig.
would you consider selling a build manual for this setup?
wtf, that was too much work :D
now i understand how nice feeling it can give that movement :)
Wow great work. I feel so lucky for you. Have fun! Sry for my bad english :D
Where did you buy it. How much did it cost. How long did it take to come in. I need all this answer. Cause I can’t find it no where and it’s kinda frustrating. Thank you
This is so cool ! Can't wait to see your next videos !
Genuis man. So impressed
Is this profil from ITEM or Bosch Rexroth?
fantastisch! am meisten beeindruckt mich das du es selbst baust.... da wird einem klar das du verrückt bist. also einer von uns (Gamer) könnte man sagen ....hahaha [ABO & Like]
Das ist gar nicht so schwer! Ich bin gerade dabei zu versuchen, den Leuten das bei zu bringen auf TH-cam. Ich bin zwar leider noch sehr mies vor der Kamera, aber ich möchte mein Wissen gerne teilen. Vielleicht kann ich ein paar Leuten damit helfen, in dieses so schöne Hobby einzusteigen. :))
Great project!!! Just a pity that I was out of MDMA to fully enjoy the dizzy music. w
Классно водишь, как долго водишь, и что ты делал что бы добиться такого мастерства?
Awesome sim! Will you please post a link to, or a bill of materials and all software that you use?
where did you buy the extrusion aluminum from?
So impressed with your work! What interval do you have between the photos?
How did you design this? Did you first model it 100% in CAD by yourself and then ordered ready made parts to match the design?
Great job! May I ask you where did you buyed those wheel leverages that allows you to move the rig and if possible, how they work?
Amazing setup
is it possible to still build de sfx-100? I heard they are not taking members anymore unless you have some sort of sponsor
great content!
This platform can handle 2 passengers?200kg if yes , Can I build it with 2 seat ?
The input is from steering wheel?
I can't tell by this video, but have you thought about including vibration?
the aluminum structure itself is very expensive but is very good... congratulations
How much did you have to spend in calibrating the rig movement vs building it? This time lapse video makes it appear like building is the bigger task and I'd have expected otherwise.
This is amazing build !
Why did you choose monitor over vr?
Super gebaut!
Great simulator ! How much does it cost and is there a link to the product ?
@Matthias Fulczyk - sind das item Profile?
Ja sind es. Typ I
nice work !!👌🏼
Hu, how do you program the actuators ?
Brutal tío, me encanta tu cockpit
Like 👍
Saludos amigo 💪👍😊💯🚗💨💨💨🔥🔥💪💯
Was hat das alles zusammen gekostet?
fu*king awesome. great work
1:55 the BEST moment
Holy shit, that's just unreal...!
That moment when you realize your love for t-slotted aluminum may no longer be healthy.
Could you do like a really tight fast paced race that the average person does in like 1st gear example is Argentina maps ?
Hi. Wie viel kostet dieses Gerät? :)
The owner said 30k€
haha, love it! :) keep up.
Wow nice I wish I had a set up like that
What is your wheel setting for dirt rallye 2.0 ?
I'm not a motion sim guy, but what a cool simulator.
Good job 🥰👏👏👏💪
That is a dope setup... I'd love a setup like this for like MechWarrior and shit... racing too but mostly would want it to work with MechWarrior & like flight sims like Star Wars Squadrons... that would need a LOT more complexity but DAMN this looks sweet. hope it drives as well as it looks like it will.
Clan Jade Falcon for ever !
This video made me want to become an engineer more, I'd love to build things like this in the future.
What about pineapple on your pizza?
@@hard2borrow428 NO!!!
Do you already unswered about a VR?
1:56 OMG! is it pinaple?
Where can I buy this I’m desperate
absolute legends
I'm thinking of using heavy duty drawer rails, instead of linear rails. Maybe more compact and quiet?
Not sure if they would last and be as precise as liner rails
Mindblowing! Amazing job!
Great video.. amazing 🔥
Pure insamity....Race of Thrones?
Boah das sieht so geil aus, aber wird im bereich zwischen 20 und 30 k liegen? 😀 die gleiche mehrfachsteckdose hab ich auch xD
Die Mechanik sollte unter 10k liegen. Ich bin gerade dabei zu versuchen, den Leuten das bei zu bringen auf TH-cam. Ich bin zwar leider noch sehr mies vor der Kamera, aber ich möchte mein Wissen gerne teilen. Vielleicht kann ich ein paar Leuten damit helfen, in dieses so schöne Hobby einzusteigen. :))
Mich würde mal interessieren was das allein von der Konstruktion bis Seat /Lenkrad/Monitor Ständer und Monitor/TV wohl gekostet hat ohne die Arbeitsstunden einzurechnen,jedenfalls der absolute Hammer deine Leistung 👍👌🏼
Ca 30000 Euro ohne Arbeitszeit
@@MatthiasFulczyk Vielen Dank das du geantwortet hast.Ist echt der Wahnsinn was du da vollbracht hast!!!!Leider fehlt das nötige Geld und wenn man dann noch die Arbeitsstunden mitrechnet (ich könnte das selbst mit allem Equipment nicht mal annähernd hinkriegen) dann sind wir bestimmt bei 35,000€-40,000€ und das übersteigt bei weitem meine Möglichkeiten.Habe dich jedenfalls trotzdem abonniert weil mich das einfach fasziniert und toll anzusehen ist.LG und bis dann
How much did this cost in total? I want one!
Ich bin verliebt 😍😍😍😍
всё круто! вопрос- а надо вот эта тряска? всё равно как по настоящему не будет))) и рестарт есть и геймовер)
❤️ I don't know who are you
But I'm happy for you sir ❤️ ☺️
fettes Teil man, kann man fragen was du dafür gelatzt hast? 😁 echt mega sick, für sowas hätte ich noch ne menge platzt in meiner wohnung 🤔🤣
This is now nr 2 ever built of this design? Really like the design of it, good job!
yes nr. 2
Where is the nr1?
uff... Richtig gute Arbeit, sehr Schön. Ohne Preisliche Vorstellung, Schätze ich das so um die Knapp 10.000€ ?
That is massive.
Even this has a day and night Simulation 😂
Holy shit! Thats really amazing! I dont know anything about this stuff.. how much cost something like this? :o Great work!
GENIOS saludos desde Argentina