It took 6 weeks of researching, organizing 20 pages of notes (hard to do with my squirrel brain) and about 150 rabbit holes for this to happen - and I'm so excited to finally have this video out! Would love to hear your feedback, besties! Also, if you want behind the scenes on what I'm working on and exclusive weekly deepdives in your inbox, signup to for my newsletter!
Thank you! I am so pleased with how it turned out... and I hope it inspires a few 🤯 moments for everyone watching (I had a few in the process of researching it)
I think CEO’s and business owners forget that they are going to be the only ones passionate about their companies and work. The rest of the people just want a paycheck to pay bills and there’s nothing wrong with that.
So much this. I know a lot of people choose companies that have aligned missions and all that - but our investment at work does not have the same rewards it does for the founders and executives.
This. For the average worker bee, which is most people, the job is a way to pay the bills, and the ones who do it correctly do strategic job-hopping to help increase their income significantly, get involved in multiple streams of income, and invest in income-building options.
Companies have discovered that they can still function despite being short staffed. No one wants to be doing the job of two people. People are getting burnt out.
Doing three people's job right now. Basically people at our office are leaving. I and my coworkers and former coworkers have automated as much as we could to stay above. Then we started getting other departments tasks and my boss and VP have no backbone to say no. on top of that we wanted two days from home it was met with a resounding NO! Time to start looking 😢.
Sorry I meant to mention burnout is real. I should not need to do any work from home at night to stay caught up. We need bodies and smart people not do more with less because you can.
@@charleshart5563if i was in your shoes i would've showed im too busy as is. And then complain and take on extra only for the work to take so much longer. There is an art to taking on extra work that most people lack.
I enjoyed working remotely & never realized how much I dreaded going to the office & dealing with others. I enjoyed the work but not the atmosphere. Zoom meetings are far better than in person ones for me. People stay focused & are more willing to express their thoughts & feelings without the pressure of being in a confined office space. Thanks Jenny !
I absolutely thrived working remote. Considering I’m neurodivergent, it’s hard to find a work environment where I can keep myself disciplined. I never imagined it would be in the comfort of my own home. I miss it!
After working in offices since the early 70s I have been working remotely for the last sixteen years in the same field of work. It was a bit strange at first but now I would not have it any other way. I never realised how much I hated commuting and working in an office. It took the pandemic to make it acceptable. When everyone else was getting used to it, all my firm's workers were remote and we were already set up and used to it. We meet up once a year for a Christmas party and it is really nice to meet everyone then.
Because people are choosing their time , their self-respect, dignity & integrity over a job that does not value you and will replace you in a split second! Not wasting our goodness away on a rotten wood that cannot be carved.
The best piece of advice about work came from my grandfather. He said, "you go to work, do a good job, make yourself valuable, and do not speak unless you are spoken to, because no one is going to ask you for advice to problems if you have never dealt with them before. Remember, you are there to WORK, not to tell the other fella how to do his job. If you do yours, and do it well, you will have all you can handle". That bit of advice has served me very well over the years.
It reminds me of a story I read about the Great Depression. 25% unemployment and there were jobs no one would take. And no social programs to blame. They put the question of why to the economist John Kenneth Galbraith. His reply was that people know enough not to work when they aren’t being paid.
@mba2ceo I'm not even in my 40s yet. However you could be right in certain fields but the trade I've chosen primarily wants experience vs inexperienced younger employee's that don't know their worth.
Job security is a thing of the past. Layoffs are rampant and people who have been in positions for 10 plus years are being let go blindly. It’s not that people are just lazy, people are just seeing the writing on all the wall and forging a different path.
I don't know planet you're from but there has never been and will never be anything called "job security" on this planet. You have a job until your masters can find a machine or a person who will do your job cheaper, then it's adios mf'er to you. Your boss will fire you and 20,000 knuckleheads just like you if it will produce 1 extra penny on earning per share so she can get her bonus. The only security you have are the skills you have and those need to be constantly growing. It has ALWAYS been like this and I will never understand why people think this is new.
I believe the younger generations are fed up with the 9-5 working hours + the toxic work environment.. it's insane to spent 40-45 hours per week confined to a chair and laptop (either remotely or in office).. we wish to travel, experience, enjoy life to the fullest because it can end tomorrow for any of us! and no tombstone will have "The Perfect Employee" written on it..
@@laughslapproductions4690even taking public transportation to get to all my gig jobs and running my business is starting to get to me. I can’t go anywhere without getting stared at, screamed at, followed, or worse. I genuinely have turned down extra shifts bc I would have had to take the subway (the worst train line in my city) late at night and I am traumatized 😭 I have survived horrible people out there just bc I spoke up. Or stayed silent. Or got outta there. All by chance I guess. Then there’s the reality of “Uber everywhere” 😭💸
i drive truck long-haul and am in and out of factories and warehouses ALL OVER the usa. during and after covid all i ever motherphuqin' heard were mgmt meeting me at the door whining and shrewing "no one wants to work!" throwing their arms wide. i kept my mouth closed. i could have given them the solution then and there: "no, turd. it's that no one wants to work for YOU". pay and benefit better, treat people better and you'll have a steady-freddy workforce.
It's always the worst jobs that say that shit. Years ago when I worked at a restaurant the managers would say that shit. They all hated their jobs and knew many of us did too. Some people are just jackasses.
I was doing long haul trucking myself not long ago. When I was doing the trucking around the west coast, the account I was on with my company paid pretty well. Was able to pay off a nearly $20,000 travel trailer in one year. Along with still easily paying whatever other expenses I had. At the time my main states I ran were Washington state, Oregon, and California. But I also did Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and occasionally Colorado. I was with the company for almost 3 years. Moved to another state, Texas, and since then the pay I got for otr trucking plummeted so low that if I kept doing that, I wouldn't be able to keep paying my bills long term. I used my savings for a bit, hoping things would get better. But it didn't and I continued to watch my savings slowly waste away to keep up with my bills, and my bills aren't even that bad. Finally I had enough, left my company I was with and went to a different company not long ago. The new company is local, gets me home everyday, with rare occasions that I might be out overnight, but that won't be often. And now that I just got out of training, using a different type of trailer I wasn't familiar with so needed training on that, my pay will increase to make at least as much as I did previously if not more then that. The only downsides is often the day starts ungodly early which is difficult for me but I'm managing. And some days the hours are long. But with what I'll be making, I think it'll be worth it. And I actually get to be home now! I was hardly ever home previously!
...along with the discarding narrating these job descriptions as something akin to some job at NASA. Want good people? Train them. Want people to stay? Give them a reason to, not just fear.
Its not just laziness towards their employers. It affects coworkers when no one is willing to be helpful and always passing the buck onto someone else. The concept of customer service ‘how can I help you?’ Is gone!! People are on there phones at work and no longer friendly. People are rude, scheming, toxic, mean, and selfish and it makes working in person extremely stressful. It makes me want to be a hermit. I’d rather hang with my cats than deal with most people these days.😔
...perhaps nobody is enthusiastic about customer service is because customers, Americans in particular, are all self-entitled a-holes allowed to act the way they do without accountability (especially the women).
Great job on this video. It's the companies that exploit workers these days that does it for me. More work for less or same pay. Not hiring when there's an employee shortage, or posting a job and never filling the role. Dangling the carrot with promises of promotions or pay raise that never comes. I don't have the time nor patience to do this anymore.
It's exhausting, and I think where they gone and effed up is they always dangled the carrot... But now it's dangling far enough away (cost of living, layoffs, etc) that most people know they will not reach it. The thing is I would argue the carrot is easy to get - but most people have been taught all the wrong rules to get it. Such as work hard to get ahead, avoid office politics, don't waste time chatting, etc.. These are all antithetical to what it actually takes to succeed.
Who wants to engage in a totally dishonest relationship with an employer that wants to always squeeze the most work out of you without you finally getting to eat the dangling carrot? Meritocracy is a complete lie. Who wants to play a game that you can't win?
I don’t think anyone in any time period has ever wanted to work, even a sheep herder in biblical times would have needed to have a father (who was already a sheep herder) spend great effort to make sure the son picked up the family business rather than run off to go explore the world. I seriously doubt the people who built the pyramids “wanted” to carry heavy stones all day either. Nobody has ever wanted to work but as a civilization we accept the responsibility of work as long as the work can support our life and lifestyle. These days most forms of work cannot support a person in the ways work did in the past. Even sheep herders owned land thousands of years ago.. How many people who work today own their own land? How about how many proportionally own homes? This used to be the basic reason you went to work…
When you pay people $20 to work in a fast food joint, don't think prices are not going to go up big time! You can't have MORE $$$ and CHEAPER items. Capitalism doesn't work that way.
Other cultures are surprised that many Americans are expected to do work related duties during their lunch breaks. A while ago, my boss and I worked something out so I could take an undisturbed lunch break, and everyone who needed my assistance was freaking out wanting to know where I went to, after I clearly told them I was on lunch.
or have to work multiple jobs paying the same low-hanging fruit as "wages", not honoring labor laws (if any), no time off (unless after a year), no loyalty, no protection....and not just having to work in fast-food, customer service, or monopolitistic corporate department stores.
@@superfluousanxiety3651 I was teaching college computer programming back around year 2000. The people at Burger King at the entrance of the college were making more money than me.Teaching is just a sad business.
I like working i quit my job 6 months ago just got tired of the toxic retail environment after 25 yrs i was done now looking to do something better and 6 months off was great lots of free time to do anything i want to do..
Same here. I quit my retail job after Labor Day and enrolled back into school to restart. Retail doesn't pay enough and I still couldn't afford food. Also my managers and customers were buttholes and made me do all the work and didn't pay me anything. I've been getting way more reading and writing done since I quit work and acing my class in school and learning more than ever. I also feel the best I ever have in years.
I would LOVE a 30 hour work week and leave at 3 mostly because I am exhausted by 2 PM and my job is an hour and a half commute each way and I run a whole household by myself for my two children and my pet and it is a lot of work to the point where I have to do my housework only on the weekends because I get home around 6:30 because I leave at five and I am just too tired to do anything besides have dinner take a shower and rest until bedtime. This 40 hour work week is an absolute nightmare. I’m 40 years old and I have been doing it for the last 22 years. I am so exhausted. And retirement is nowhere near insight. What can we do to change this? I need 40 hours a week of pay but I wish I can only work 25 to 30 hours a week because that’s how much energy I have.
I see a throughline on the number of hours worked (first Industrial Revolution, current times) and the power of the capitalist elites (robber barons, the ridiculous tech bros at the now). There is a movement toward a 4 day workweek, and research backs up its many benefits. But our current social construct is performative productivity. I can't tell you how many people I have talked to that put in 60-70 hours a week, but only actually work 30-40. The rest is at their desk, pretending to be burning the midnight oil, because the norm of not leaving the office before your boss or 'work hard to get ahead.' You're expected to be as dedicated (ie present) as the executives without the getting the rewards. It is exhausting.
@@JenniferBrickI told my boss years ago when I could see this all starting “you don’t demand free food or items when you shop, so don’t demand free labour from me”. They couldn’t get rid of me which was weird but I resigned 2 years later and never looked back. Without our health we are practically dying. No job is worth a shorter life.
Recently I realized not one work environment will be better or even conducive for me. All of them have something toxic going for them even the best once. Am gonna have to do my own work soon. Entrepreneurship baby 🎉
I read someone that the average salary for people who call themselves "entrepreneurs" was about 24K a year. So good luck with that. You can make a decent income as a contractor if you have skills that are in high demand and you're willing to do it but it's hard and its getting progressively worse.
Employer wages have not kept up with inflation. In fact, I've recently seen a trend of employers offer less for new positions that they were paying 2 years ago. No wonder people do not want to work for other. I want to work for ME, and put all my profits IN MY POCKET, not someone elses' pocket.
Gotta look for a different job sorry to say. To get a tangible pay bump i had to leave a job after exactly 10 years, funny they had an anniversary lunch and it was a farewell party at the same time. Not only is there a pay bump, it is a much more mature organization where not a single time anyone has used the word family.
I know i need to job hop to make more money. The last few years with covid BS and my father died and some health issues i stayed their to weather the storm. This is part my fault.
Sorry to hear your father passed away. I can imagine that must be tough to deal with and at times the loss may feel overwhelming. ❤️ If you've been at your job 11 years and your pay has increased just $3 since you started. I truly hope that you find a new better paying job. Don't forget there are people who can help guide you as far as your resume, interviewing skills, and which direction you want to take your career. 🙋♀️
@@rrobles9453 When my father died after being hit by a car on our sidewalk, and not surviving long after the surgery, the project manager said "Everybody has personal problems." This drains the energy more than working too many hours.
We went from beeing slaves who worked for food and a place to sleep... to work for money to be able to rent a place and buy food. So whats the difference, we are slaves.. The only different is that there are people today bragging about beeing slaves and working long hours.
...and now I don't even have a washing machine. I checked all the blocks, but one illness, accident or even a crime committed against one can create a situation nearly impossible to climb out of.
UK has a Right to Sit law. Once again, we are like a third world country. So many workers can't stand for a long time without pain from arthritis or spinal stenosis! It is inhumane to make people stand for no good reason for 8 plus hours straight!
Your closing sentiment about our humanity being at the center of our existence means everything to me. This is what I strive to bring out in others on a daily basis because I feel it matters, even though there are plenty of days where I ask myself, “What’s the point?” I guess I just feel there is so much light and meaning outside of “what we do.”
@@JenniferBrick It’s easier to make all of us part of the crowd, believing we aren’t unique or have anything to offer rather than truly shining a light on the beauty within 🤷♂️
Well I want a paycheck of course, but the demands they have on employees is ridiculous. With all the gossiping the corporate world does I'm surprised they don't demand a copy of your whole browsing history before the interview.
my younger brother had a certain way of dealing with that. the boss came to him one day and said "all your social media accts, passwords, your personal cellphone..." not even a please or any explanation at all. the boss ended up with a split lip and my former marine brother letting the owner know there's such a thing called right to privacy. for some reason the mba mouthpiece and the owner didn't press charges or fire him. ps: "mba" as a degree translates as "master of backstabbing and asskissing". @@JenniferBrick
Thank you for doing a video on this. We have to push back against corporate capitalist propaganda bullshit and remember that there is no middle class- just workers and capitalists exploring workers
This video is 💯 spot on. Of course we want to work, starving is no fun. But what we don't want to do is continue to be taken advantage of with nothing to show for it.
What does your skills and education demand on the market? Could you earn the wage you want currently based on your skills and education? Ask yourself that question everyday before complaining about work. If you dont like the environment you're in..could you change jobs comfortably?
It's not necessarily that no one wants to work, it's that people have different interests, and perhaps people don't want to work as much, because they want more time to pursue their interests. They also don't want to go through all the hoops that corporations put forward to them.
im 30. 5 years of college with a degree in digital marketing. 7 years work experience. a nice tidy sum of cash saved away. i checked out the price of a house in my town of dublin, ireland. 1 bedroom 1 bathrom 200,000 euro. 1/20 of a million. with my current job i am spending a chunk of my pay just to arrive physically with no options to work from home. and people wonder why depression rates are so high. the stupid bar to live a "normal" life acording to boomers has been rised out of reach and they're all having a mighty fine chuckle at our struggle. in the future there'd be flying cars! nahhhhh there'd be inflation so great you will feel like YOU'VE done something wrong.
@trippydanny920 I used to think that once I saved $1 million, I could retire, but now between home prices having increased so much and social security in danger of being cut, in addition to realizing how expensive dental work and other aging medical expenses are, I'm realizing that $1 million is just one milestone on the way to a realistic retirement savings amount of at least $2 million, and ideally more.
It's not the fact that I don't want to work anymore... It's the fact that I feel like I live to work instead of working to live... I would just love to just exist, and have the money to do what I want, when I want. I wish that I could be appreciated for my ideas and be worth more than what my job determines. I wish to live in either an apartment or a small house and express myself in my own living space. I would love to go to more social events and meet people. Is that too much to ask??
Often missed are the massive retirements that have been taking place. Over 11,400 retire daily which is 4.1 million retiring annually through 2027. There is no way society would not feel this impact by removing this many from the workforce. Add that to "Greed-inflation" where companies charge far more for things and refuse to hire workers for a myriad of reasons like trying to save money and making people perform the jobs of two or three people while raking in historic profits, I completely agree with young people today. Companies are the new evil breaking society's back and putting more and more in the poor houses without any care whatsoever so long as you have more kids to keep the rich fat and happy.
40, from NJ and I've lived all over the country. Started in retail and fast food worked my way up to office and entertainment gigs. Between the office, politics, racism, and nonsense it got old fast. I work for necessity, but if I won the lottery or got rich I wouldn't work. I saw what my parents went thru in the 80s and 90s. Lack of promotion and lying employers hurt their careers. My mother (76) was promised promotions back in day and management changes held her back. She wasn't friends with the boss. Promises, promises. 😢
This is why I wanted to have a clear disclaimer, life wasn't easier for all Boomers. Women faced strong and overt misogyny, and without the normalization of changing jobs if you were blocked from a promotion you were stuck. This had ripple effect to upward financial mobility in so many ways as well. If I won $20 million... no one would see me again because 100% I'd retire.
I’m looking for jobs in the medical coding/billing field. Most places want entry level, but also 3 years experience. They want other qualifications too that match everything. The people that are doing the hiring want a unicorn, but won’t find it. I’m not saying lower your standards, I’m saying don’t make them so high that you won’t find anyone to hire
Plus they don't want to train people they want people to come in knowing how to do the job so yeah, you're right employers want a unicorn but aren't going to get it. They won't hire a person because they aren't qaulified or they won't hire because they're over qaulified they won't pay the soon to be employee with experience what they were making at their last job.
I think there's a reason why millennial managers are having a viral moment on TikTok. So many people share these values and perspectives - I'm just stating them out loud. And the more of us that step into positions with power and rise the ranks - the more change we can make.
I think the more accurate statement is, “no one wants to work for below average pay and dead end jobs anymore.” They’re not lazy - they have higher standards now. They’ve smartened up to the myth about “working hard and getting promoted and higher wages”. The ones who smartened up strategically job hop for huge salary bumps, get multiple streams of income, and invest in income building products and services.
I have unlearned the habit of tying my identity to my job. Though I still work more than 10 hours during crunch times, my quiet quitting has led me to do it less frequently. I agree with the idea that we should not make job or career the center of our existence. The reason behind all the labor should be the primary focus: to express our humanity. Splendid video!
Wonderful essay demonstrating critical thought and critical analysis. Bravo! Also, I'm giving you extra credit for the declaration, "I'm never going to call it 'X' ".
I said this now that I work hybrid that the pandemic was the best thing that ever happened to the workforce; being fully remote was cool. I had more energy to hang out after work. I went to the gym or worked out during my lunch break and I didn’t have to get up super early in the morning just to drive 30 minutes to office. Saved money on gas and clothes. You couldn’t pay me to work 5 days a week in an office again.
I love it personally. I know it's not for everyone. But I think that's why the Future of Work is hybrid and based in enabling people to self-identify the work model that supports their life and their performance.
Nailed it re the retirement options. My company stopped offering pension funding 4 yrs ago, one of the reasons ive remained there. Total slap in the face.
The more I get into it, the more corrosive I think the taking away of pensions was. The obvious impact is on loyalty and hingering the ability of people to retire - but if we examine the timeline this happened concurrently to several other factors (including the skyrocketing cost of university and the rise of predatory student loans, the tech enabled expansion of the work day) that have caused an overall decay in working conditions for the modern professional.
@@JenniferBrick exactly. My company said people stay 5 yrs or less so it's not attracting talent. Perhaps, but it was a slight to the long time people like myself
@yvonnepalmquist8676 there were so many details I had to cut out sadly. Added a lot to my content parking lot. I'll probably start doing more informal break downs on TikTok as I research and put together these deep dives because there's a ton I could include, but also my squirrel brain jumps down rabbit holes I find along the way that would distract from the point but are fascinating.
21:15 felt that big time. When i was in house a group of analysts witked next to me. They were very loud and unprofessional, one in particular always cursing. Theyd work 10 hours a day which made them look good but my team being production based suffered in terms of numbers and accuracy from the disruptive behaviour
I was born on October 6, 1983 so I’m Jennifer’s age and will turn 41 this year. I work part time at Wegmans and work at least 27 hours a week and work very hard for the company and fortunately they mostly treat their employees well.
If I didn't go to college I wouldn't have student loan debt or credit card debt. If I was debt free, I would at least feel like working was semi rewarding. After all debts are paid, I have nothing left of my paycheck. College was worthless. Perhaps even harmed me. I am now either over qualified or under qualified.
First off, thank you for all the work you put into your videos. I appreciate it. I am newer to your channel, and enjoy watching your work. I am a tail-end Gen X'er, so say what you will about that. I know nothing but hard work. I have been working since I was 12. By the time I was 16, I was maintaining as many as nine yards year round. I made more doing that than my first formal job that I started at $4.25/hour in 1994. I have been in corporate America for 30 years. I agree that the social contract has been broken, and I have seen the shift over the course of my career. I was laid off from a job that still had a pension. Just economic downsizing. I am currently working for a small company which has been an eye-opening experience (in a good way). The company was bought out, and there is a lot of uncertainty. I know that was a very long introduction to someone you know nothing about, but ultimately I agree with you. Sure there are lazy people, but that is across all generations. By and large, the majority of people still want to work (sustenance). I will say that for the first time in my adult life I am actually mentally disconnecting from my work. I have pared down my hours. While I do feel betrayed by corporate America, I am also smart enough to realize that nothing is promised. Much like a politician promises anything to get into power, corporate America used to promise whatever to get you into that cubicle and be a good little worker. I believed for so long that working hard would help me to get ahead. I have realized that will never come true. Not on my current trajectory anyway. I do not know that I will be able to retire, so that is not exclusive to Gen Z or Millennials. I am currently in the market for a new job, possibly a career change as well. No real question. Mostly just felt like sharing. Again, thank you for the work you put into your videos. They are enjoyed.
I work remotely for a small, relatively new company (newly created entity from a portion of leadership team from old company). I can't help but worry a little that the company will be bought by a much larger company, and the job quality will go to hell. Just good to be prepared for the possibility. Also a gen X'er and my first job in high school (1992) paid a whopping 3.93/hr.
24:59 is the entirety of the disconnect. We are biological, not mechanical. This has increasingly been seen as a liability by the owners. They feel entitled to humanity as the center of their existence. And since inflation ensures a work force, toil is at the center of our existence.
Great take, I am self employed I have tried working w2 jobs and they dont pay a living wage to buy food, clothes, pay off debt ect. I am working a job now I am quitting next month going back to running my business agian.
You hit the nail on the head: you have to invest. Buying stocks and bonds was something older generations did all the time. One must learn to take command of their finances. No one else will do it.
Interestingly, I read a take that Millennials and Gen Zs are investing differently that prior generations. Boomers invested in stocks, Gen X in Index Funds (so easy!)... but Millennials and Gen Z are both generations with little disposable income. Typically people pay off their student loans, then they buy a home, then they start investing. Student loan is crushing people these days, home prices are bonkers and inaccessible (especially when you have those big monthly student loan repayments again). But they're not fully opted out, they're just betting like they have nothing to lose - because they don't. There's a vibe of rebellion and a big eff you to the approach; stonks, crypto, etc. All that said, I agree, having an investing strategy that is concurrent with things like debt repayment, home purchasing, etc. make sense.
@JenniferBrick the silent generation is waking up. My dad is one (I'm a very late baby, gen y millennial) and he told me that my generation is pretty much screwed along with gen z. He could see clear as day the writing on the wall. I told him remember all the crappy bosses you had? Imagine all the ones out there 3 times worse, with their bosses pressuring them to make record profits at the expense of workers. Apathy is rampant. He had a job in recent years and was disrespected by his "boss" who was a millennial and was under appreciated. He finally got the message. I'm forever thankful he's giving me the house. Boomers will finally get the message when they fully retire and realize their dream end of life vacation isn't sustainable and their children and grand children want nothing to do with their scorn when they sit alone in a nursing or retirement home. I can't tell you how many times I've heard and read young people revenge plan on their family members with nursing homes. Reap what you sow, I guess.
Hmm. Even tho was making decent money i wasnt happy with all the rules and exertion of control by companies on me. The money didnt matter anyways because its not like i was going out to buy crap frequently anyways. I missed freedom. I regained freedom for a while and noticed how the world is setup like a monopoly board. Walk around city and notice EVERYTHING is business. Its a wage cage /plantation world in US.
So, I'm GEN X, but I don't mind saying it...somebody should. I DONT view younger folks these days not wanting to work as them being lazy. The truth is, all incentive to work has been removed at this point. Rent is retardedly too high, and you can hang up buying a house. Infact, if you can afford to eat half decent at all, you might already be at 100 miles and hour. It's all become a tragic waste of your time thanks to the stupid high inflation in America anyway.
We aren't paying more for houses, we're paying for the overpriced land. What we should be doing is moving out of the cities and getting into trade work. Then we can build/plumb/wire our own houses on land that's actually affordable. That would of course involve living simpler lives mostly off grid though, which is never going to happen for most people. Heck, our so called benevolent "leadership" have made it all but impossible to build a structure on your own land if it's not up to "code" (i.e costs at least 500k). Only way to get around it is by living in a vehicle that doesn't fall under the regulations of a permanent residence. Either way there's no good way out of this now, things will get better some time after the civil war, when people realize how little they need to survive/live happily, and that we never needed anyone to tell us how to live or what to live for.
That’s true, but the point of the whole video is that it is dispiriting for people to put in all of these hours and stress while their paychecks haven’t kept up with the cost of living in America. Not to mention, how Americans are overworked and not getting enough time off
I am a high functioning autistic. I have special interests. If I didn't have to work, I would be doing more useful work for society. Like studying cattails, worms, and various math problems.
Great video, I loved that you brought up the violation of the social contract and hope you explore it more. My favorite part was where you mentioned how people lose most of their generational wealth in 2 generations. It will be exciting to see how whether or not the Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, Buffet etc. broods manage to maintain their wealth. I’m hoping for a “the bigger they are the harder they fall” scenario.
Gates has committed to giving most of his away. Zuck and Bezos will have trillion dollar net worths when they pass - that would take effort for their kin to lose. Would love to see them pay taxes tho.
Everyone I've heard that's been unemployed doing purely gigs for 1-2+ years is more eager than ever to work and frankly work harder now to make ends meet. Talents like software engineer of 5-10+ years often left to purely hobby and contract gigs for years now... 1000s of applications mere dust in the AI ATS wind. In-person networking seems to be 99.999% mandatory for getting noticed for middle or above salaried roles today. Actually I might be mistaken, 100% mandatory.
The average house cost about $2950 in 1941. When inflation is used to convert to 2023 dollars, the cost should be $64,000 now. But of course, the average house cost $411,000. I was born before the Baby Boomers arrived. Their policies screwed the following genrrations. It is time for socialism. The answer is not just increasing taxes on the wealthy; no one should be allowed to wealthy in the fist place. By the way when I went to the University of California in 1962 - 1966, there was no tuition, only a $250 fee each year. My rent was $75 per month.
There is about to be a trillionaire class. It's beyond. I think a lot of people of the Boomer era don't realize exactly how much the was rigged for them, and they certainly won't admit to how they have continued to rig the system for themselves. The ultimiate joke I see coming (not joke, it's awful), is how the cost of elder care is designed to siphon wealth. Most elders will pay for their care by selling their homes, so it's nice housing prices are up. But the cost of these facilities is astronomical. $5k up to $20k/mo. How many will run out of money? And that's not even considering the cost of medical care (medicare is not that good). There is an expectation that Boomers will pass their wealth to their children... but there mightn't be much left. (a personal rabbit hole I fell down as we navigated health insurance, medicare + medicaide, and supported living facilitaties for an immediate family member - I cannot tell you the number of rants my husband and I had).
"no one should be allowed to wealthy in the fist place" this is a very extreme, bizarre opinion, and literally can not work for a multitude of reasons.
They are lying about inflation and changed the rules to not count things like food and oil so it's much higher than they say! The government thru the feds low interest rates till last couple years have been propping up the stock markets and housing markets creating these bubbles as well! Now we are in a recession that was denied thru a new rule last year, don't believe your lying eyes, stagflation, layoffs and unemployment with the US still spending trillions out of thin air making the hyperinflation worse! Afraid it will become like Germany before WWII!
This is a big red flag. Often when I see there they're is an issue with hiring or onboarding (participating training and expectation setting). I'd also look to make sure the expectations vs reality match - I know do many professionals have been bait and switched in the last few years.
This wasn't as much a issue back before 2019. I hate to say it but with all drama of the past few years you've accidentally created a new kinda worker. This is as much companies fault as it is the workers.
When counting job openings they need to eliminate job openings for jobs nobody should want. The revolving door companies should be taken off the survey.
There's a philosophy: you make what you measure. The concept is that you incentize creates the desired output - but it's missing something. Because the bonuses and backpats go to the higher ups and NOT the people producing the results. The compensation structure is based on you meeting expectations, while the practical expectation is exceeding. The panic executives are having about quiet quitting and lazy girl jobs is misdirected - they should be getting the right incentive structures in place to reward results equitably.
@@JenniferBrick An example is how JIRA is used these days. The story point system is set up to reward busy idiots who are peripherally connected to software production. It creates a culture that is hostile to those who are sticklers for quality. Push back against the idiocy, irrespective of the consequences. Getting fired in defense of your principles isn't painful. It's something to be proud of.
I stopped working over 40 hours per week 25 years ago. My health improved and my productivity improved. Funny I was less productive working 50+ hours per week whilst not being paid extra. I keep seeing people being promoted although they’ve been the under-performers! I’m tired of it all and do the minimum. I even try to use the toilet at work more often. Then we see government increase our retirement age, reduce wages and cut health benefits we pay for (this is in Australia). I told my parents that their pension which they received at a younger age pays a lot more than someone on minimum wage these days. Also their home cost so little that within 10 years of purchasing it, their salaries were greater than the value of their home. Of course older generations are wondering why no one wants to work! They don’t understand the plight of youngsters and many refuse to acknowledge that. It’s sick and I’m tired trying to explain the facts. Until we all rise up and say “$&&@ you”, nothing will change.
I went to a state university in the 1980s. Attended Universities in Texas and California. I was able to pay my tuition as I went with my income from restaurant work. Not always easy but doable. Now forget about it.
In a way it's moot, because most people can't retire at 65 (financially speaking). Interesting side note: the retirement age in France was raised from 62 to 64 recently, and the response was a full out riot in the streets of Paris.
One problem is you shouldn't be sending your kids to be raised and indoctrinated at a daycare...naturally you should be at home with your kids...we've seen nothing but a dramatic change in society since abandoning natural processes for a family for a situation where everybody works and you pay someone to raise your child
Hello. Enjoy the content and making this half way through. Forcing mom into the workplace has made everyone compete for themselves for pensions. Both parents work, but makr half as much. This what appears to have largely happebedsince the 70s
It’s slavery and not natural for us to work 8-12 a day our ancestors worked a few hours of the day and have the rest of themselves people back then had more freedom.
I have a lot of energy in the a.m. And I like that I get a lot of exercise at work. I wind down in late afternoon a bit. I can't and don't want to be lazy and am the cause of being stuck. I love your videos so much! I need your how to be lazy video!!
There's a few. With productivity and output being moralized, there is so much resistence to relaxing - but it's crucial for your health (and ironically enough, your productivity)
Stop going to 4-year colleges to find out college is NOT for you = start at a Community College and do the basic core curriculum courses for cheap! Think of going into the trades like plumbing or HVAC....
It took 6 weeks of researching, organizing 20 pages of notes (hard to do with my squirrel brain) and about 150 rabbit holes for this to happen - and I'm so excited to finally have this video out! Would love to hear your feedback, besties! Also, if you want behind the scenes on what I'm working on and exclusive weekly deepdives in your inbox, signup to for my newsletter!
You hit a home run with this video. Way to go! Thanks
Thank you! I am so pleased with how it turned out... and I hope it inspires a few 🤯 moments for everyone watching (I had a few in the process of researching it)
GREAT Journalism 🎶🥰💖💖💖🌀
@@TheFifthWorld22 thank you!
You are beautiful by the way!!
I think CEO’s and business owners forget that they are going to be the only ones passionate about their companies and work. The rest of the people just want a paycheck to pay bills and there’s nothing wrong with that.
So much this. I know a lot of people choose companies that have aligned missions and all that - but our investment at work does not have the same rewards it does for the founders and executives.
This. For the average worker bee, which is most people, the job is a way to pay the bills, and the ones who do it correctly do strategic job-hopping to help increase their income significantly, get involved in multiple streams of income, and invest in income-building options.
theyd be passionate if they were getting the cut of their paycheck thats being stolen
So what you’re saying is: they live to work?
@@timtanhueco1990 CEO’s: yes
Companies have discovered that they can still function despite being short staffed. No one wants to be doing the job of two people. People are getting burnt out.
Same in France
Doing three people's job right now. Basically people at our office are leaving. I and my coworkers and former coworkers have automated as much as we could to stay above. Then we started getting other departments tasks and my boss and VP have no backbone to say no. on top of that we wanted two days from home it was met with a resounding NO! Time to start looking 😢.
Sorry I meant to mention burnout is real. I should not need to do any work from home at night to stay caught up. We need bodies and smart people not do more with less because you can.
@@charleshart5563if i was in your shoes i would've showed im too busy as is. And then complain and take on extra only for the work to take so much longer. There is an art to taking on extra work that most people lack.
I enjoyed working remotely & never realized how much I dreaded going to the office & dealing with others. I enjoyed the work but not the atmosphere. Zoom meetings are far better than in person ones for me. People stay focused & are more willing to express their thoughts & feelings without the pressure of being in a confined office space. Thanks Jenny !
I saw the IG Post 📫 !
I prefer remote too. I do my best work when I get to determine where it's done.
Remote is a god send. Love work but hate office politics.
I absolutely thrived working remote. Considering I’m neurodivergent, it’s hard to find a work environment where I can keep myself disciplined. I never imagined it would be in the comfort of my own home. I miss it!
After working in offices since the early 70s I have been working remotely for the last sixteen years in the same field of work. It was a bit strange at first but now I would not have it any other way. I never realised how much I hated commuting and working in an office. It took the pandemic to make it acceptable. When everyone else was getting used to it, all my firm's workers were remote and we were already set up and used to it. We meet up once a year for a Christmas party and it is really nice to meet everyone then.
Because people are choosing their time , their self-respect, dignity & integrity over a job that does not value you and will replace you in a split second! Not wasting our goodness away on a rotten wood that cannot be carved.
True not only that a job is very bad on our mental health. It could be very toxic.
"Not wasting our goodness away on a rotten wood that cannot be carved." - Poetic copy. Nice!
Very nice dead on words
The best piece of advice about work came from my grandfather. He said, "you go to work, do a good job, make yourself valuable, and do not speak unless you are spoken to, because no one is going to ask you for advice to problems if you have never dealt with them before. Remember, you are there to WORK, not to tell the other fella how to do his job. If you do yours, and do it well, you will have all you can handle". That bit of advice has served me very well over the years.
No one wants to work because jobs are toxic energy draining vampires I have two days off that I can’t enjoy because I’m exhausted
My weekends i sleep
😢 In the morning, the child in me is shining and then my soul is sucked out by the time I'm off 😢
@@hbookreviews poetic and true
You have days off?
Can soooooo relate - its not a sustainable way to have to work.
why would anyone want to work at all? who dreams of labor? specially when jobs don't pay livable wages!
This 💯
Exactly. Working is almost like being a slave nowadays for many people because the salaries are so low.
No-one wants to be wage slave.
One day our "jobs" may be to take back power from those who became greedy and devalued the dollar.
It reminds me of a story I read about the Great Depression. 25% unemployment and there were jobs no one would take. And no social programs to blame. They put the question of why to the economist John Kenneth Galbraith. His reply was that people know enough not to work when they aren’t being paid.
For the past 3 years i never called in and showed up to my scheduled shifts working 60+ hrs a week. All of a sudden without warning I was layed off.
Sadly you are incredibly unalone in this.
@mba2ceo I'm not even in my 40s yet. However you could be right in certain fields but the trade I've chosen primarily wants experience vs inexperienced younger employee's that don't know their worth.
Welcome to America my friend.
Your first mistake was working more than the paid 40h. Sometimes i only work like 35-37.
@@asadb1990 I was compensated for all overtime I worked. I'd be a lazy pos if I only worked 37 - 38 hrs per week.
Job security is a thing of the past. Layoffs are rampant and people who have been in positions for 10 plus years are being let go blindly. It’s not that people are just lazy, people are just seeing the writing on all the wall and forging a different path.
Job security is always having a plan b lined up, a 6-12 months of financial rate, and a personal brand that keeps opportunities coming to your DMs
I don't know planet you're from but there has never been and will never be anything called "job security" on this planet. You have a job until your masters can find a machine or a person who will do your job cheaper, then it's adios mf'er to you. Your boss will fire you and 20,000 knuckleheads just like you if it will produce 1 extra penny on earning per share so she can get her bonus. The only security you have are the skills you have and those need to be constantly growing. It has ALWAYS been like this and I will never understand why people think this is new.
Job Security has NEVER been a thing.
there was never job security
Having a hard time getting hired thanks to AI.
I feel like a complete failure in my field, even w 16 years experience.
I believe the younger generations are fed up with the 9-5 working hours + the toxic work environment.. it's insane to spent 40-45 hours per week confined to a chair and laptop (either remotely or in office).. we wish to travel, experience, enjoy life to the fullest because it can end tomorrow for any of us! and no tombstone will have "The Perfect Employee" written on it..
Remote work is a vacation compared to long commutes full time in
@@laughslapproductions4690even taking public transportation to get to all my gig jobs and running my business is starting to get to me.
I can’t go anywhere without getting stared at, screamed at, followed, or worse. I genuinely have turned down extra shifts bc I would have had to take the subway (the worst train line in my city) late at night and I am traumatized 😭 I have survived horrible people out there just bc I spoke up. Or stayed silent. Or got outta there. All by chance I guess.
Then there’s the reality of “Uber everywhere” 😭💸
Great quote
i drive truck long-haul and am in and out of factories and warehouses ALL OVER the usa. during and after covid all i ever motherphuqin' heard were mgmt meeting me at the door whining and shrewing "no one wants to work!" throwing their arms wide. i kept my mouth closed. i could have given them the solution then and there: "no, turd. it's that no one wants to work for YOU".
pay and benefit better, treat people better and you'll have a steady-freddy workforce.
There's literally no such thing as a lack of willing workers.... What there is, is a lack of good managers and good wages.
It's always the worst jobs that say that shit. Years ago when I worked at a restaurant the managers would say that shit. They all hated their jobs and knew many of us did too. Some people are just jackasses.
Exactly, people need incentives.
I was doing long haul trucking myself not long ago. When I was doing the trucking around the west coast, the account I was on with my company paid pretty well. Was able to pay off a nearly $20,000 travel trailer in one year. Along with still easily paying whatever other expenses I had. At the time my main states I ran were Washington state, Oregon, and California. But I also did Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and occasionally Colorado. I was with the company for almost 3 years.
Moved to another state, Texas, and since then the pay I got for otr trucking plummeted so low that if I kept doing that, I wouldn't be able to keep paying my bills long term. I used my savings for a bit, hoping things would get better. But it didn't and I continued to watch my savings slowly waste away to keep up with my bills, and my bills aren't even that bad. Finally I had enough, left my company I was with and went to a different company not long ago.
The new company is local, gets me home everyday, with rare occasions that I might be out overnight, but that won't be often. And now that I just got out of training, using a different type of trailer I wasn't familiar with so needed training on that, my pay will increase to make at least as much as I did previously if not more then that.
The only downsides is often the day starts ungodly early which is difficult for me but I'm managing. And some days the hours are long. But with what I'll be making, I think it'll be worth it. And I actually get to be home now! I was hardly ever home previously!
...along with the discarding narrating these job descriptions as something akin to some job at NASA. Want good people? Train them. Want people to stay? Give them a reason to, not just fear.
Its not just laziness towards their employers. It affects coworkers when no one is willing to be helpful and always passing the buck onto someone else. The concept of customer service ‘how can I help you?’ Is gone!! People are on there phones at work and no longer friendly. People are rude, scheming, toxic, mean, and selfish and it makes working in person extremely stressful. It makes me want to be a hermit. I’d rather hang with my cats than deal with most people these days.😔
...perhaps nobody is enthusiastic about customer service is because customers, Americans in particular, are all self-entitled a-holes allowed to act the way they do without accountability (especially the women).
Great job on this video. It's the companies that exploit workers these days that does it for me. More work for less or same pay. Not hiring when there's an employee shortage, or posting a job and never filling the role. Dangling the carrot with promises of promotions or pay raise that never comes. I don't have the time nor patience to do this anymore.
It's exhausting, and I think where they gone and effed up is they always dangled the carrot... But now it's dangling far enough away (cost of living, layoffs, etc) that most people know they will not reach it.
The thing is I would argue the carrot is easy to get - but most people have been taught all the wrong rules to get it. Such as work hard to get ahead, avoid office politics, don't waste time chatting, etc.. These are all antithetical to what it actually takes to succeed.
Who wants to engage in a totally dishonest relationship with an employer that wants to always squeeze the most work out of you without you finally getting to eat the dangling carrot? Meritocracy is a complete lie. Who wants to play a game that you can't win?
Exactly 😎👍
Well said!!!
I rarely if ever comment these days, but this video is disturbingly, regretfully, unbelievably accurate. Well done...
I don’t think anyone in any time period has ever wanted to work, even a sheep herder in biblical times would have needed to have a father (who was already a sheep herder) spend great effort to make sure the son picked up the family business rather than run off to go explore the world.
I seriously doubt the people who built the pyramids “wanted” to carry heavy stones all day either.
Nobody has ever wanted to work but as a civilization we accept the responsibility of work as long as the work can support our life and lifestyle. These days most forms of work cannot support a person in the ways work did in the past. Even sheep herders owned land thousands of years ago..
How many people who work today own their own land? How about how many proportionally own homes?
This used to be the basic reason you went to work…
You will own nothing and be happy.
When you pay people $20 to work in a fast food joint, don't think prices are not going to go up big time! You can't have MORE $$$ and CHEAPER items. Capitalism doesn't work that way.
At least it was easier to focus on work before there was internet.
Other cultures are surprised that many Americans are expected to do work related duties during their lunch breaks. A while ago, my boss and I worked something out so I could take an undisturbed lunch break, and everyone who needed my assistance was freaking out wanting to know where I went to, after I clearly told them I was on lunch.
or have to work multiple jobs paying the same low-hanging fruit as "wages", not honoring labor laws (if any), no time off (unless after a year), no loyalty, no protection....and not just having to work in fast-food, customer service, or monopolitistic corporate department stores.
@@superfluousanxiety3651 I was teaching college computer programming back around year 2000. The people at Burger King at the entrance of the college were making more money than me.Teaching is just a sad business.
I like working i quit my job 6 months ago just got tired of the toxic retail environment after 25 yrs i was done now looking to do something better and 6 months off was great lots of free time to do anything i want to do..
I'm glad you got time to restore!
Same here. I quit my retail job after Labor Day and enrolled back into school to restart. Retail doesn't pay enough and I still couldn't afford food. Also my managers and customers were buttholes and made me do all the work and didn't pay me anything. I've been getting way more reading and writing done since I quit work and acing my class in school and learning more than ever. I also feel the best I ever have in years.
I would LOVE a 30 hour work week and leave at 3 mostly because I am exhausted by 2 PM and my job is an hour and a half commute each way and I run a whole household by myself for my two children and my pet and it is a lot of work to the point where I have to do my housework only on the weekends because I get home around 6:30 because I leave at five and I am just too tired to do anything besides have dinner take a shower and rest until bedtime. This 40 hour work week is an absolute nightmare. I’m 40 years old and I have been doing it for the last 22 years. I am so exhausted. And retirement is nowhere near insight. What can we do to change this? I need 40 hours a week of pay but I wish I can only work 25 to 30 hours a week because that’s how much energy I have.
I see a throughline on the number of hours worked (first Industrial Revolution, current times) and the power of the capitalist elites (robber barons, the ridiculous tech bros at the now).
There is a movement toward a 4 day workweek, and research backs up its many benefits. But our current social construct is performative productivity. I can't tell you how many people I have talked to that put in 60-70 hours a week, but only actually work 30-40. The rest is at their desk, pretending to be burning the midnight oil, because the norm of not leaving the office before your boss or 'work hard to get ahead.'
You're expected to be as dedicated (ie present) as the executives without the getting the rewards. It is exhausting.
@@JenniferBrickI told my boss years ago when I could see this all starting “you don’t demand free food or items when you shop, so don’t demand free labour from me”. They couldn’t get rid of me which was weird but I resigned 2 years later and never looked back.
Without our health we are practically dying. No job is worth a shorter life.
Recently I realized not one work environment will be better or even conducive for me. All of them have something toxic going for them even the best once. Am gonna have to do my own work soon. Entrepreneurship baby 🎉
I read someone that the average salary for people who call themselves "entrepreneurs" was about 24K a year. So good luck with that. You can make a decent income as a contractor if you have skills that are in high demand and you're willing to do it but it's hard and its getting progressively worse.
Then your employees will say you're toxic and the cycle continues. 😂 I dont think people truly get it about being a business owner
Realized this too. There really are more toxic jobs than healthy ones. Managers just have far too much power across our society and they know it.
Instead of 1 boss, all your customers/clients will now become your bosses. Good luck with that.
@@tutnod2449 You can fire clients.
Employer wages have not kept up with inflation. In fact, I've recently seen a trend of employers offer less for new positions that they were paying 2 years ago. No wonder people do not want to work for other. I want to work for ME, and put all my profits IN MY POCKET, not someone elses' pocket.
They do not want to pay. I have been in the same job for 11 years and only make $3.00 hr. more from when i started.
Gotta look for a different job sorry to say. To get a tangible pay bump i had to leave a job after exactly 10 years, funny they had an anniversary lunch and it was a farewell party at the same time. Not only is there a pay bump, it is a much more mature organization where not a single time anyone has used the word family.
why are you at the same job
I know i need to job hop to make more money. The last few years with covid BS and my father died and some health issues i stayed their to weather the storm. This is part my fault.
Sorry to hear your father passed away. I can imagine that must be tough to deal with and at times the loss may feel overwhelming. ❤️ If you've been at your job 11 years and your pay has increased just $3 since you started. I truly hope that you find a new better paying job. Don't forget there are people who can help guide you as far as your resume, interviewing skills, and which direction you want to take your career. 🙋♀️
@@rrobles9453 When my father died after being hit by a car on our sidewalk, and not surviving long after the surgery, the project manager said "Everybody has personal problems." This drains the energy more than working too many hours.
Because we're tired of corporate lies and propaganda
Thank you so much for such a clear concise video!! 😊
Thank you for the super thanks! It directly supports my channel and I appreciate it so much!
We went from beeing slaves who worked for food and a place to sleep... to work for money to be able to rent a place and buy food. So whats the difference, we are slaves.. The only different is that there are people today bragging about beeing slaves and working long hours.
...and now I don't even have a washing machine. I checked all the blocks, but one illness, accident or even a crime committed against one can create a situation nearly impossible to climb out of.
I'm pretty sure management started complaining that "nobody wants to work anymore" 3000 years ago amid the construction of the Pyramids.
But they'll get a pizza party on completion 😄
I'll be happy just to have a desk job. Being on your feet for 8 hours is very tiring.
UK has a Right to Sit law. Once again, we are like a third world country. So many workers can't stand for a long time without pain from arthritis or spinal stenosis! It is inhumane to make people stand for no good reason for 8 plus hours straight!
Your closing sentiment about our humanity being at the center of our existence means everything to me. This is what I strive to bring out in others on a daily basis because I feel it matters, even though there are plenty of days where I ask myself, “What’s the point?”
I guess I just feel there is so much light and meaning outside of “what we do.”
So much. We've centered work, but why?
@@JenniferBrick It’s easier to make all of us part of the crowd, believing we aren’t unique or have anything to offer rather than truly shining a light on the beauty within 🤷♂️
Well I want a paycheck of course, but the demands they have on employees is ridiculous. With all the gossiping the corporate world does I'm surprised they don't demand a copy of your whole browsing history before the interview.
They'll get it once you start and register your device. Digital espinoage, I mean 'employee productivity' software, has reached new heights.
my younger brother had a certain way of dealing with that. the boss came to him one day and said "all your social media accts, passwords, your personal cellphone..." not even a please or any explanation at all. the boss ended up with a split lip and my former marine brother letting the owner know there's such a thing called right to privacy. for some reason the mba mouthpiece and the owner didn't press charges or fire him.
ps: "mba" as a degree translates as "master of backstabbing and asskissing". @@JenniferBrick
Thank you for doing a video on this. We have to push back against corporate capitalist propaganda bullshit and remember that there is no middle class- just workers and capitalists exploring workers
This video is 💯 spot on. Of course we want to work, starving is no fun. But what we don't want to do is continue to be taken advantage of with nothing to show for it.
What does your skills and education demand on the market? Could you earn the wage you want currently based on your skills and education? Ask yourself that question everyday before complaining about work. If you dont like the environment you're in..could you change jobs comfortably?
It's not necessarily that no one wants to work, it's that people have different interests, and perhaps people don't want to work as much, because they want more time to pursue their interests. They also don't want to go through all the hoops that corporations put forward to them.
There are very few hoops, the misperception is that there are.
Well fair enough@@JenniferBrick
Yep @@JenniferBrick
@@JenniferBrick depends on the job
im 30.
5 years of college with a degree in digital marketing. 7 years work experience.
a nice tidy sum of cash saved away.
i checked out the price of a house in my town of dublin, ireland.
1 bedroom 1 bathrom 200,000 euro. 1/20 of a million.
with my current job i am spending a chunk of my pay just to arrive physically with no options to work from home.
and people wonder why depression rates are so high. the stupid bar to live a "normal" life acording to boomers has been rised out of reach and they're all having a mighty fine chuckle at our struggle.
in the future there'd be flying cars! nahhhhh there'd be inflation so great you will feel like YOU'VE done something wrong.
Nobody wants to work because they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore. Work till 65 only to die before that. F that!!!
We probably wont even get social security income if we even make it to 65
@trippydanny920 I used to think that once I saved $1 million, I could retire, but now between home prices having increased so much and social security in danger of being cut, in addition to realizing how expensive dental work and other aging medical expenses are, I'm realizing that $1 million is just one milestone on the way to a realistic retirement savings amount of at least $2 million, and ideally more.
It's not the fact that I don't want to work anymore... It's the fact that I feel like I live to work instead of working to live...
I would just love to just exist, and have the money to do what I want, when I want. I wish that I could be appreciated for my ideas and be worth more than what my job determines. I wish to live in either an apartment or a small house and express myself in my own living space. I would love to go to more social events and meet people.
Is that too much to ask??
Girrrrrrrl!You out did yourself on this one!!Awesome stuff.
You are so kind! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Often missed are the massive retirements that have been taking place. Over 11,400 retire daily which is 4.1 million retiring annually through 2027. There is no way society would not feel this impact by removing this many from the workforce. Add that to "Greed-inflation" where companies charge far more for things and refuse to hire workers for a myriad of reasons like trying to save money and making people perform the jobs of two or three people while raking in historic profits, I completely agree with young people today. Companies are the new evil breaking society's back and putting more and more in the poor houses without any care whatsoever so long as you have more kids to keep the rich fat and happy.
This video is excellent!!! Never even thought to connect some of these dots until you pointed them out.
40, from NJ and I've lived all over the country. Started in retail and fast food worked my way up to office and entertainment gigs. Between the office, politics, racism, and nonsense it got old fast. I work for necessity, but if I won the lottery or got rich I wouldn't work. I saw what my parents went thru in the 80s and 90s. Lack of promotion and lying employers hurt their careers. My mother (76) was promised promotions back in day and management changes held her back. She wasn't friends with the boss. Promises, promises. 😢
This is why I wanted to have a clear disclaimer, life wasn't easier for all Boomers. Women faced strong and overt misogyny, and without the normalization of changing jobs if you were blocked from a promotion you were stuck. This had ripple effect to upward financial mobility in so many ways as well.
If I won $20 million... no one would see me again because 100% I'd retire.
@@JenniferBrickAll the best. I very much enjoy your channel. Learning a lot.
I’m looking for jobs in the medical coding/billing field. Most places want entry level, but also 3 years experience. They want other qualifications too that match everything. The people that are doing the hiring want a unicorn, but won’t find it. I’m not saying lower your standards, I’m saying don’t make them so high that you won’t find anyone to hire
Plus they don't want to train people they want people to come in knowing how to do the job so yeah, you're right employers want a unicorn but aren't going to get it. They won't hire a person because they aren't qaulified or they won't hire because they're over qaulified they won't pay the soon to be employee with experience what they were making at their last job.
If only the bosses were like you all of us would rush to work each day and never leave. 🙂
I think there's a reason why millennial managers are having a viral moment on TikTok. So many people share these values and perspectives - I'm just stating them out loud.
And the more of us that step into positions with power and rise the ranks - the more change we can make.
"There is no greater disaster than greed."
- Lao Tzu
My desire to work barely exceeds my desire to avoid homelessness.
lol You can always sell your plasma for some extra money.
You can make good money selling plasma
I figure people are just plain tired of getting fucked over by their employers. I'm 43 and I hate working for a living too I just don't have a choice.
I’m 40 going on 41 and definitely agree with you 100%
I think the more accurate statement is, “no one wants to work for below average pay and dead end jobs anymore.” They’re not lazy - they have higher standards now. They’ve smartened up to the myth about “working hard and getting promoted and higher wages”. The ones who smartened up strategically job hop for huge salary bumps, get multiple streams of income, and invest in income building products and services.
I have unlearned the habit of tying my identity to my job. Though I still work more than 10 hours during crunch times, my quiet quitting has led me to do it less frequently. I agree with the idea that we should not make job or career the center of our existence. The reason behind all the labor should be the primary focus: to express our humanity. Splendid video!
Wonderful essay demonstrating critical thought and critical analysis. Bravo! Also, I'm giving you extra credit for the declaration, "I'm never going to call it 'X' ".
Thank you! And I gladly accept extra credit 😂
@@JenniferBrick you bet👍
It’s not that we don’t want to work, not a lot of places are hiring!.!.
I said this now that I work hybrid that the pandemic was the best thing that ever happened to the workforce; being fully remote was cool. I had more energy to hang out after work. I went to the gym or worked out during my lunch break and I didn’t have to get up super early in the morning just to drive 30 minutes to office. Saved money on gas and clothes. You couldn’t pay me to work 5 days a week in an office again.
I love it personally. I know it's not for everyone. But I think that's why the Future of Work is hybrid and based in enabling people to self-identify the work model that supports their life and their performance.
Nailed it re the retirement options. My company stopped offering pension funding 4 yrs ago, one of the reasons ive remained there. Total slap in the face.
The more I get into it, the more corrosive I think the taking away of pensions was. The obvious impact is on loyalty and hingering the ability of people to retire - but if we examine the timeline this happened concurrently to several other factors (including the skyrocketing cost of university and the rise of predatory student loans, the tech enabled expansion of the work day) that have caused an overall decay in working conditions for the modern professional.
@@JenniferBrick exactly. My company said people stay 5 yrs or less so it's not attracting talent. Perhaps, but it was a slight to the long time people like myself
The one part I didn't hear in your video, along with the risks of having a 401K v. a pension, is the taxation on it once we take it.@@JenniferBrick
@yvonnepalmquist8676 there were so many details I had to cut out sadly. Added a lot to my content parking lot. I'll probably start doing more informal break downs on TikTok as I research and put together these deep dives because there's a ton I could include, but also my squirrel brain jumps down rabbit holes I find along the way that would distract from the point but are fascinating.
It was definitely a lot of good information.@@JenniferBrick
If a boss tells me I have to answer his calls or emails in my free time, as an European I would call him insane!!!!
Nobody ever wanted to work in the first place. People want MONEY.
21:15 felt that big time. When i was in house a group of analysts witked next to me. They were very loud and unprofessional, one in particular always cursing. Theyd work 10 hours a day which made them look good but my team being production based suffered in terms of numbers and accuracy from the disruptive behaviour
I was born on October 6, 1983 so I’m Jennifer’s age and will turn 41 this year. I work part time at Wegmans and work at least 27 hours a week and work very hard for the company and fortunately they mostly treat their employees well.
Wegmans is my favorite grocery store, kudos to all employees!
@@henson2k thanks for your reply and the time you took to respond
If I didn't go to college I wouldn't have student loan debt or credit card debt. If I was debt free, I would at least feel like working was semi rewarding. After all debts are paid, I have nothing left of my paycheck. College was worthless. Perhaps even harmed me. I am now either over qualified or under qualified.
I've heard so many people say the same thing 🥺
Going to college is my biggest regret. I’d be much better off without wasting so much time and money
First off, thank you for all the work you put into your videos. I appreciate it. I am newer to your channel, and enjoy watching your work. I am a tail-end Gen X'er, so say what you will about that. I know nothing but hard work. I have been working since I was 12. By the time I was 16, I was maintaining as many as nine yards year round. I made more doing that than my first formal job that I started at $4.25/hour in 1994. I have been in corporate America for 30 years. I agree that the social contract has been broken, and I have seen the shift over the course of my career. I was laid off from a job that still had a pension. Just economic downsizing.
I am currently working for a small company which has been an eye-opening experience (in a good way). The company was bought out, and there is a lot of uncertainty. I know that was a very long introduction to someone you know nothing about, but ultimately I agree with you. Sure there are lazy people, but that is across all generations. By and large, the majority of people still want to work (sustenance). I will say that for the first time in my adult life I am actually mentally disconnecting from my work. I have pared down my hours. While I do feel betrayed by corporate America, I am also smart enough to realize that nothing is promised. Much like a politician promises anything to get into power, corporate America used to promise whatever to get you into that cubicle and be a good little worker. I believed for so long that working hard would help me to get ahead. I have realized that will never come true. Not on my current trajectory anyway.
I do not know that I will be able to retire, so that is not exclusive to Gen Z or Millennials. I am currently in the market for a new job, possibly a career change as well. No real question. Mostly just felt like sharing. Again, thank you for the work you put into your videos. They are enjoyed.
I work remotely for a small, relatively new company (newly created entity from a portion of leadership team from old company). I can't help but worry a little that the company will be bought by a much larger company, and the job quality will go to hell. Just good to be prepared for the possibility. Also a gen X'er and my first job in high school (1992) paid a whopping 3.93/hr.
24:59 is the entirety of the disconnect. We are biological, not mechanical. This has increasingly been seen as a liability by the owners. They feel entitled to humanity as the center of their existence. And since inflation ensures a work force, toil is at the center of our existence.
Well said!
Great take, I am self employed I have tried working w2 jobs and they dont pay a living wage to buy food, clothes, pay off debt ect. I am working a job now I am quitting next month going back to running my business agian.
You hit the nail on the head: you have to invest. Buying stocks and bonds was something older generations did all the time. One must learn to take command of their finances. No one else will do it.
Interestingly, I read a take that Millennials and Gen Zs are investing differently that prior generations. Boomers invested in stocks, Gen X in Index Funds (so easy!)... but Millennials and Gen Z are both generations with little disposable income. Typically people pay off their student loans, then they buy a home, then they start investing. Student loan is crushing people these days, home prices are bonkers and inaccessible (especially when you have those big monthly student loan repayments again). But they're not fully opted out, they're just betting like they have nothing to lose - because they don't. There's a vibe of rebellion and a big eff you to the approach; stonks, crypto, etc.
All that said, I agree, having an investing strategy that is concurrent with things like debt repayment, home purchasing, etc. make sense.
I definitely would rather be a stay at home mom. I don’t find work fulfilling and I have a good job 😩 I’m also only 29 years old 🤦🏻♀️
As a Gen Z who trying to survive. Thank you for making a video on this my Mum who 60 years old never understands me. 😊😊😊😊😊😢😢🥰🥰🥰🥰
I don't think the older generations realize how much the system has broken down in the last 50 years. 🥺
@JenniferBrick the silent generation is waking up. My dad is one (I'm a very late baby, gen y millennial) and he told me that my generation is pretty much screwed along with gen z.
He could see clear as day the writing on the wall. I told him remember all the crappy bosses you had? Imagine all the ones out there 3 times worse, with their bosses pressuring them to make record profits at the expense of workers. Apathy is rampant. He had a job in recent years and was disrespected by his "boss" who was a millennial and was under appreciated. He finally got the message. I'm forever thankful he's giving me the house.
Boomers will finally get the message when they fully retire and realize their dream end of life vacation isn't sustainable and their children and grand children want nothing to do with their scorn when they sit alone in a nursing or retirement home. I can't tell you how many times I've heard and read young people revenge plan on their family members with nursing homes. Reap what you sow, I guess.
Hmm. Even tho was making decent money i wasnt happy with all the rules and exertion of control by companies on me. The money didnt matter anyways because its not like i was going out to buy crap frequently anyways. I missed freedom. I regained freedom for a while and noticed how the world is setup like a monopoly board. Walk around city and notice EVERYTHING is business. Its a wage cage /plantation world in US.
So, I'm GEN X, but I don't mind saying it...somebody should. I DONT view younger folks these days not wanting to work as them being lazy. The truth is, all incentive to work has been removed at this point. Rent is retardedly too high, and you can hang up buying a house. Infact, if you can afford to eat half decent at all, you might already be at 100 miles and hour. It's all become a tragic waste of your time thanks to the stupid high inflation in America anyway.
We aren't paying more for houses, we're paying for the overpriced land.
What we should be doing is moving out of the cities and getting into trade work. Then we can build/plumb/wire our own houses on land that's actually affordable.
That would of course involve living simpler lives mostly off grid though, which is never going to happen for most people.
Heck, our so called benevolent "leadership" have made it all but impossible to build a structure on your own land if it's not up to "code" (i.e costs at least 500k).
Only way to get around it is by living in a vehicle that doesn't fall under the regulations of a permanent residence.
Either way there's no good way out of this now, things will get better some time after the civil war, when people realize how little they need to survive/live happily, and that we never needed anyone to tell us how to live or what to live for.
Well, realistically, nobody wants to work. What everyone wants is what you get from working.
That’s true, but the point of the whole video is that it is dispiriting for people to put in all of these hours and stress while their paychecks haven’t kept up with the cost of living in America. Not to mention, how Americans are overworked and not getting enough time off
I am a high functioning autistic. I have special interests. If I didn't have to work, I would be doing more useful work for society. Like studying cattails, worms, and various math problems.
I just love you! Keep up the great videos! Gorgeous AND extremely intelligent!
No one wants to play a game that they cannot win. "Help Wanted" signs are now read ad "Minions Wanted."
I can't understand how people don't want to work anymore.....I have had to work in order for me to create my path to create my personal dreams..
Great video, I loved that you brought up the violation of the social contract and hope you explore it more. My favorite part was where you mentioned how people lose most of their generational wealth in 2 generations. It will be exciting to see how whether or not the Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, Buffet etc. broods manage to maintain their wealth. I’m hoping for a “the bigger they are the harder they fall” scenario.
Gates has committed to giving most of his away. Zuck and Bezos will have trillion dollar net worths when they pass - that would take effort for their kin to lose.
Would love to see them pay taxes tho.
Everyone I've heard that's been unemployed doing purely gigs for 1-2+ years is more eager than ever to work and frankly work harder now to make ends meet.
Talents like software engineer of 5-10+ years often left to purely hobby and contract gigs for years now... 1000s of applications mere dust in the AI ATS wind.
In-person networking seems to be 99.999% mandatory for getting noticed for middle or above salaried roles today.
Actually I might be mistaken, 100% mandatory.
You were spittin' the Truth that I often speak about. 👊👊✊✊👏👏👏
The average house cost about $2950 in 1941. When inflation is used to convert to 2023 dollars, the cost should be $64,000 now. But of course, the average house cost $411,000. I was born before the Baby Boomers arrived. Their policies screwed the following genrrations. It is time for socialism. The answer is not just increasing taxes on the wealthy; no one should be allowed to wealthy in the fist place. By the way when I went to the University of California in 1962 - 1966, there was no tuition, only a $250 fee each year. My rent was $75 per month.
There is about to be a trillionaire class. It's beyond. I think a lot of people of the Boomer era don't realize exactly how much the was rigged for them, and they certainly won't admit to how they have continued to rig the system for themselves. The ultimiate joke I see coming (not joke, it's awful), is how the cost of elder care is designed to siphon wealth. Most elders will pay for their care by selling their homes, so it's nice housing prices are up. But the cost of these facilities is astronomical. $5k up to $20k/mo. How many will run out of money? And that's not even considering the cost of medical care (medicare is not that good). There is an expectation that Boomers will pass their wealth to their children... but there mightn't be much left. (a personal rabbit hole I fell down as we navigated health insurance, medicare + medicaide, and supported living facilitaties for an immediate family member - I cannot tell you the number of rants my husband and I had).
"no one should be allowed to wealthy in the fist place" this is a very extreme, bizarre opinion, and literally can not work for a multitude of reasons.
@dbased : So you're okay with there being billionaires and trillionaires? Do you wish to be one of them one day?
They are lying about inflation and changed the rules to not count things like food and oil so it's much higher than they say! The government thru the feds low interest rates till last couple years have been propping up the stock markets and housing markets creating these bubbles as well! Now we are in a recession that was denied thru a new rule last year, don't believe your lying eyes, stagflation, layoffs and unemployment with the US still spending trillions out of thin air making the hyperinflation worse! Afraid it will become like Germany before WWII!
The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money..
All the new hires in my department don’t want to work or show up.
This is a big red flag. Often when I see there they're is an issue with hiring or onboarding (participating training and expectation setting). I'd also look to make sure the expectations vs reality match - I know do many professionals have been bait and switched in the last few years.
Ugh. This happened to me recently. Bait and switch during their interviews and after they got hired. Now, we have to “deal” with it. 😢
That is so frustrating 🥺
This wasn't as much a issue back before 2019. I hate to say it but with all drama of the past few years you've accidentally created a new kinda worker. This is as much companies fault as it is the workers.
Thank you Jennifer this is an excellent video, I really enjoyed it.
I'm so glad to hear that!
Good to see you back Jennifer
It's so good to be back!
I like the little comedy inserts so much that I subscribed after hearing about Brad shouting into the microphone. 🤣
When counting job openings they need to eliminate job openings for jobs nobody should want. The revolving door companies should be taken off the survey.
As a 53 year old I have joined the 😢minimal work crowd and still out work my coworkers. But now I just work a couple of percent more.
There's a philosophy: you make what you measure. The concept is that you incentize creates the desired output - but it's missing something. Because the bonuses and backpats go to the higher ups and NOT the people producing the results. The compensation structure is based on you meeting expectations, while the practical expectation is exceeding. The panic executives are having about quiet quitting and lazy girl jobs is misdirected - they should be getting the right incentive structures in place to reward results equitably.
@@JenniferBrick An example is how JIRA is used these days. The story point system is set up to reward busy idiots who are peripherally connected to software production. It creates a culture that is hostile to those who are sticklers for quality. Push back against the idiocy, irrespective of the consequences. Getting fired in defense of your principles isn't painful. It's something to be proud of.
I stopped working over 40 hours per week 25 years ago. My health improved and my productivity improved. Funny I was less productive working 50+ hours per week whilst not being paid extra.
I keep seeing people being promoted although they’ve been the under-performers! I’m tired of it all and do the minimum. I even try to use the toilet at work more often.
Then we see government increase our retirement age, reduce wages and cut health benefits we pay for (this is in Australia).
I told my parents that their pension which they received at a younger age pays a lot more than someone on minimum wage these days. Also their home cost so little that within 10 years of purchasing it, their salaries were greater than the value of their home.
Of course older generations are wondering why no one wants to work! They don’t understand the plight of youngsters and many refuse to acknowledge that. It’s sick and I’m tired trying to explain the facts.
Until we all rise up and say “$&&@ you”, nothing will change.
Because of "High Taxes"
8-5p is 40h plus 5h lunch. With me its usually i sit down for 1h and don't do jack.
It costs more to rent a place to sleep, eat and get to work than they pay us. Working people are living in cars and tents in America.
I went to a state university in the 1980s. Attended Universities in Texas and California. I was able to pay my tuition as I went with my income from restaurant work. Not always easy but doable. Now forget about it.
I’m a late end Gen X and I’m dreading them extending the retirement age to 70.
In a way it's moot, because most people can't retire at 65 (financially speaking). Interesting side note: the retirement age in France was raised from 62 to 64 recently, and the response was a full out riot in the streets of Paris.
@@JenniferBrick It makes me wonder why Americans are just taking it on the chin.
One problem is you shouldn't be sending your kids to be raised and indoctrinated at a daycare...naturally you should be at home with your kids...we've seen nothing but a dramatic change in society since abandoning natural processes for a family for a situation where everybody works and you pay someone to raise your child
No one wants to work for a wage that doesn't pay enough to keep a roof over your head and food on the table
I am sick of being connected and being paid 90’s income
Do the bare minimum 😂😂 these corporations don't care About you
Here's the thing though - the bare minimum is meeting expectations. Literally that is what we're supposed to do. Yet CEOs are freaking out about it.
Your hair looks lovely ❤
If you're lucky enough to build a house, be very careful choosing a contractor. If you buy a house, get a thorough inspection.
Hello. Enjoy the content and making this half way through. Forcing mom into the workplace has made everyone compete for themselves for pensions. Both parents work, but makr half as much. This what appears to have largely happebedsince the 70s
It’s slavery and not natural for us to work 8-12 a day our ancestors worked a few hours of the day and have the rest of themselves people back then had more freedom.
This is one of the best videos you've made @JenniferBrick. I love the new decoration of your set as well. Keep moving forward.
Thank you! This is the one I'm proudest of to date, so much went into it - including a revision of my background. I appreciate you noticing :)
We are at the end of the monopoly game. Where the 1% owns everything and the rest are bankrupt.
I have a lot of energy in the a.m. And I like that I get a lot of exercise at work. I wind down in late afternoon a bit. I can't and don't want to be lazy and am the cause of being stuck. I love your videos so much! I need your how to be lazy video!!
There's a few. With productivity and output being moralized, there is so much resistence to relaxing - but it's crucial for your health (and ironically enough, your productivity)
Stop going to 4-year colleges to find out college is NOT for you = start at a Community College and do the basic core curriculum courses for cheap! Think of going into the trades like plumbing or HVAC....