When I was a little girl, I used to watch the altar boys proceed up the aisle with the priest at Mass. How I envied them! The priests got to wear such interesting and beautiful vestments while the nuns wore only black. Only boys could serve at the altar; only men could become priests. I remember thinking, God must not like little girls. And this was before I ever read one word of the Bible!
Your parents failed you if thats what you believed. The human who is the most perfect, is Mary. She is a model for men and women on how to live and she's held in the most high regard. Alter servers are boys because they are training in a way to be a priest, who is male. Wouldn't it be cruel to let girls train to be a priest, and then never allow them to be?
@@bradweinberger6907 Leave my parents out of it, please. Unless you think that they ought to have been able to better control what I thought, what my opinions were. Which, if they were still around, they would tell you that they could not because half the time they didn't even know what I was thinking. I know how I felt as a little girl, and yes, I also did not like it even then that women could not be priests. And yes, it was explained to me. I didn't buy into then, I don't buy into it now, and if that's the way the rules are, fine. Your monkey, your circus. Not my monkey, not my circus.
Where's your church? Or what's time is that? In my place girls also can be the altar girl. I see many girl wearing mantila when they are be altar girl and I envy them😅.
@@bradweinberger6907 Go back and read some other books, Brad, beside the Bible. Educate yourself before you comment on Mary being "the most perfect model for men and women on how to live". Mary was invented to help take over Goddess worship, dear.
It's crazy to think about how blatantly women have been devalued in stories of the Bible and even more crazy how often people argue that they don't see any kind of devaluing of women from the language in the Bible. It's so clear when you really look at it.
Remember to read the bible In Hebrew. And in the Bible they describe the worst behavior of human beings, and it's written to not perpetually the same sin. For example what David and other men did to each other. Unfortunately the transition from Hebrew to Greek and to English causes a lot of damage.
So many of us women all share the same pain. This religious belief has damaged human society for thousands of years and it must end. I never understood it and was victimized by it for over 38 years…till I found my second husband. He taught me that there are men who actually valued women for more than baby making. When you are raised to have no self worth, you will put up with a lot. I believe I raised my daughters to break this cycle.
I can't help but see the continued enshrinement of a text that fails to condemn violence against women as morally questionable at best. These stories are not read frequently in church or sunday school because church leaders know they are wrong (or at least, likely to breed dissent among churchgoers.) Doesn't this call into question the whole text?
I would like to propose a different view of the Scripture (we will adhere to Tanakh aka "old" Testament only). G-d did make covenant with the whole of humanity. Yes, he made a covenant with Abraham (circumcision, aka spilling blood from the most sensitive part of male's body) as a daily reminder to males that they are bound by the Law. But it a false statement to say that G-d did not make a covenant with women. Our covenant is made through blood as well and we call it a period. That is a reminded to women that they bound by the Law. So much so that a woman on a period who handles clay (clay is what Adam was made of) pots has to smash the clay pots! So G-d did not exclude women from His covenant. It is a false statement to claim that G-d does not care about women. It is not G-d who hates women (He has no reason to dislike them, quite the contrary- we are part of His creation, equals to the men in His sight)...it is human males who hate women. Let's make this absolutely clear! G-d provides for you and me and every woman on this planet. Or does not He provide air for you to breathe? Does He withhold water and food from you? Does He withhold shelter and clothing from you? Sure He doesn't! So why blame G-d for the actions of men??? It does not make any sense! Women in the biblical times understood that without children there would be nobody to work the land and provide for them when they get old. Times were tough, about 50% of children did not reach adulthood and there weren't billions of people around. No Walmart and no Costco to buy stuff from. No 401k to fall on. Of course, they were yearning for children! Of course it felt like a miracle if they had a number of healthy, happy children. That does not mean that G-d sees women as baby machines. What a wild conclusion is that?! Throughout the book of Genesis God withheld pregnancy/children from Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel. He withheld them from Hannah (Samuel's mother), from Michal (David's wife) and many more women. Not because He hated the women- quite the contrary. It was always for the good. And again, He gave many children to Leah because Jacob did not love her- so G-d gave her children to make her happy. Where do you read in that hatred for women? When Lot offered his daughters to the angry townsmen it wasn't because he did not value his female children. Lot recognized that the visitors were from G-d and that they had to be protected at all costs. Now, he could not offer himself or any male relative because that would be an abomination. He could not offer his wife because that would be a depravity. Who else could he offer but his unwed daughters? The Law of G-d MUST come first every single time. Yes, it is tough sometimes! Yes, it may not be what you would like to see. But the Law MUST come first! So what the Bible actually say: that G-d KNOWS what men are like. G-d KNOWS that Adam pointed the accusatory finger at Eve the first time he had a chance. G-d KNOWS that men are made of dirt- unrefined dust. G-d KNOWS that the hearts of men (males) are full of evil. That's why for a woman to want a man is curse (read your Genesis 3 properly, folks!). And it is a curse for her to ruled over by a man. That's why G-d is listening to the cry of a woman (but can be quite deaf to a man's prayer). G-d is Merciful. He is Great. If you want to blame somebody, blame the human males and their depraved minds- but there is no reason whatsoever to blame G-d!
I am reminded of a discussion that I had with my scripture teacher back in the 70s. He said that God wrote the bible. So I asked, 'so god wrote the bible?' He then said that people inspired by god wrote the bible. I said that the next step was that people wrote the bible and it had nothing to do with god. After all, look how quickly you went from god writing the bible to people inspired by god writing the bible.
That's moreso a bad teacher because the teaching is generally that the Bible is composed of multiple authors divinely inspired by God ever since the Bible existed. The idea God dictated and thus wrote the words of the holy text is a belief in Islam
publishing comes in different ways. when we see the dark clouds, they publish that it is about to rain. When we go to the ants and see how they work without a leader, it excites your thoughts which start generating information and connecting and producing and then you can find yourself writing about the ants and their ways... the process of inspiration can look like that
I'm a baby baby boomer, I had a friend who had been married to a bloke. She had 3 miscarriages, then decided that was it for her, she didn't want to try anymore. Her Husband went and got another Woman pregnant, then left my friend. Until recently in Australia( inherited from English Law), there was the Law of Consortism, which stated in the event of an accident which rendered a Women unable to give her Husband Sexual Services, he could get extra Financial Compensation from the party who caused the Wifes injuries. The Law did not apply in reverse, because it was assumed by the Law a Women did not 'need' her Husband's Sexual Services, but a Man did 'need'his Wife's Sexual Services.
Ok to back to biblical standards where a man isn't legally permitted to do what that man did without being stoned. He's not allowed to deprive her. Of conjugal rights, food or clothing.
Listen to me talk about sex. It's a need for men. But women need to keep their legs closed. It's still a belief that a woman doesn't need sex but a guy can't help but have it. A woman enjoying sex is shamed.
Amy! This is such a powerful explanation. I had the same ah-ha moment when I learned how and by whom the scriptures were recorded. Until I questioned that, I believed these words, this subjugation, was divine. Knowing my role is more than what my womb can provide and actually believing I am more than my uterine identity are two different things. I'm still unpacking the gender expectations in my own life and psyche all these years later 🤦♀️
I would like to propose a different view of the Scripture (we will adhere to Tanakh aka "old" Testament only). G-d did make covenant with the whole of humanity. Yes, he made a covenant with Abraham (circumcision, aka spilling blood from the most sensitive part of male's body) as a daily reminder to males that they are bound by the Law. But it a false statement to say that G-d did not make a covenant with women. Our covenant is made through blood as well and we call it a period. That is a reminded to women that they bound by the Law. So much so that a woman on a period who handles clay (clay is what Adam was made of) pots has to smash the clay pots! So G-d did not exclude women from His covenant. It is a false statement to claim that G-d does not care about women. It is not G-d who hates women (He has no reason to dislike them, quite the contrary- we are part of His creation, equals to the men in His sight)...it is human males who hate women. Let's make this absolutely clear! G-d provides for you and me and every woman on this planet. Or does not He provide air for you to breathe? Does He withhold water and food from you? Does He withhold shelter and clothing from you? Sure He doesn't! So why blame G-d for the actions of men??? It does not make any sense! Women in the biblical times understood that without children there wold be nobody to work the land and provide for them when they get old. Times were tough, about 50% of children did not reach adulthood and there weren't billions of people around. No Walmart and no Costco to buy stuff from. No 401k to fall on. Of course, they were yearning for children! Of course it felt like a miracle if they had a number of healthy, happy children. That does not mean that G-d sees women as baby machines. What a wild conclusion is that?! Throughout the book of Genesis God withheld pregnancy/children from Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel. He withheld them from Hannah (Samuel's mother), from Michal (David's wife) and many more women. Not because He hated the women- quite the contrary. It was always for the good. And again, He gave many children to Leah because Jacob did not love her- so G-d gave her children to make her happy. Where do you read in that hatred for women? When Lot offered his daughters to the angry townsmen it wasn't because he did not value his female children. Lot recognized that the visitors were from G-d and that they had to be protected at all costs. Now, he could not offer himself or any male relative because that would be an abomination. He could not offer his wife because that would be a depravity. Who else could he offer but his unwed daughters? The Law of G-d MUST come first every single time. Yes, it is tough sometimes! Yes, it may not be what you would like to see. But the Law MUST come first! So what the Bible actually say: that G-d KNOWS what men are like. G-d KNOWS that Adam pointed the accusatory finger at Eve the first time he had a chance. G-d KNOWS that men are made of dirt- unrefined dust. G-d KNOWS that the hearts of men (males) are full of evil. That's why for a woman to want a man is curse (read your Genesis 3 properly, folks!). And it is a curse for her to ruled over by a man. That's why G-d is listening to the cry of a woman (but can be quite deaf to a man's prayer). G-d is Merciful. He is Great. If you want to blame somebody, blame the human males and their depraved minds- but there is no reason whatsoever to blame G-d!
My guess is that it serves as an effective form of initiation ritual into adulthood because it's a way of permanently changing your how your body looks. Women tend not to have these rituals in many societies due to more noticeable biological markers of maturity. Men tend to require forms of initiation rituals as a rite of passage, and one common one throughout many cultures is circumcision
I don´t get it either. Where I live, we have many female priests - actually more than male. They dress in medieval men´s clothes and preach the men´s word. I never could wrap my head around it.
“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, self control…” “For G*d did not give us a spirit of doubt, but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind”. “But if I have all these and have not love, I am but a gong and clanging cymbal” “He makes me lie down in green pastures, He restorers my soul. Yay, though I walk through the Valley of death I fear no evil for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff comfort me” “Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds for we know that the testing of your faith faith developed perseverance…” “Father they know not what they do” These verses come to mind. I love the Bible. It contains many different works, and my whole lifetime won’t be enough to fully understand it. In my opinion, there is hope for humanity and the world. Freedom to choose doesn’t seem like part of that. It can be confusing. We can only try to be just and loving like God. People who don’t see a just and loving God may need to heal. I pray they find comfort, safety, and freedom.
@@tpb2665lol what? you just cherry-picked all the seemingly moral parts of the bible, ignoring all the immoral things, in order to fit ur narrative. there is hope for humanity, we all need to work together to create a better world for ourselves and the creatures around us. to say that we are incapable of achieving this because we won’t all give our lives to YOUR god is ridiculous. we don’t see a moral, all loving god because it hasn’t been demonstrated to exist.
I'm the same and totally agree. The original monotheism I see was from Zarathustra and followed by ancient Persia. Women were treated as equals instead of property of men.
He gave them authority to take charge of their household of seeds of life, since we forget, he gave them a mark that they would look upon and remember to be responsible. The seeds are not be scattered generously in pathways, rocks, thickets. They have to prepare the land and plant seeds for extention of life on earth
@@breakingdownpatriarchyI beamed when I saw the title. I had to screen-shoot it so that I do not lose it. I hope you will also talk about David's wife whose father asked for a dowry of 100 penises and David doubled the number. If I would come to know that as a bride to be, I would refuse. Girls in the palace could make demands to their fathers (King)
I don't think I can let it go that you speak so highly of Bris. Baby boys, not being men, are also targets of patriarchy, and nonmedical circumcision is a violation of bodily autonomy. To call it mutiliation is no exaggeration, nor is it a suggestion that it is equal in negative effect to FGM. If anything, FGM ought to have an even stronger word so that both terms are bumped up in rhetorical intensity. I understand you see this as part of Judaism, but right is right and wrong is wrong, and religions can and should abandon wrong actions and traditions.
Jews would argue the Covenant is an act of love rather than a restriction of so-called bodily autonomy which is only ever cited as a way to undermine religious duty by Atheistic bigots seeking to impose his irreligion on other people.
@@jonathandnicholsonreligious duty my hind end, the story’s promoted in the Canons of the Abrahamic religions are centuries, and in some cases, thousands of years older than the books were “supposedly” written. Look up the Epic of Gilgamesh, the stone tablets of King Hammurabi, etc etc…..old myths and legends passed down thru song for who knows how long, co-opted, plagiarized and repurposed for patriarchal control. Thank the Creator for the internet opening the historical truths up for all to see!
My thoughts: Circumcision was for identity (ID) Abraham agreed to find identity in God and obeyed Him. Probably, Abraham's initial culture was doing more. Transitioning from his culture to God's way, maybe that is why God did not shock him with what he was not used to. He left him with something close to home (sacrificing a piece of skin vs sacrificing the first son) Emasculation. For one to be a Eunuch to serve in the palace, he had to lose his 'manhood' Tattooing for beauty. The laws of Moses prohibited tattoos. I think circumcision was also to remind men to be responsible where they planted the seed of life, they had to be careful with choosing the women for a wife to expand their territories/families to sustain life. Abraham/a man is to take charge of his household (wife, children and others within). He gets guidance from God and he has to be the first teacher of his family. some of the modern day bodily mutilations: ear piercings neck elongation feet tying to have shapely feet Circumcision was for identification and for guarding men not to commit sexual sins which were normal practices of the countries they went to. The lost piece of skin was a tithe of their life (Man &his household) to God when we make friendships we sacrifice something. God made an agreement with Abraham and he obeyed. It is the responsibility of Abraham to explain things to his household.
As human societies have become more humane and accepting of their fellow humans who may be of different genders, races, cultures, etc., we see that religions are forced to adapt and modify their doctrines or die out. Their texts remain the same, but they find ways to twist and turn them this way and that way to make them acceptable to societies evolution of thought. Personally, I find it hilarious that people feel the need to hang on to such ancient mythology as applicable to modern society. But I will nevertheless defend their right to do so if that's what they choose to do. So much suffering and misery has been caused by religious doctrine of the 3 Abrahamic religions that I would hope one day society can find a way to discard them in favor of secular humanism.
While I don’t believe religion will be obsolete within a century…I think if we survive for another century, the belief in deities will certainly diminish
I retired and moved to the high Andes Mountains in Peru.....It's very common to see a 14 year old girl with a baby.....It's clear under this Catholic very Patriarchal culture...women are mothers. Period point blank
I'm in US. It's very common to see a 14 year old girl that's had multiple sex partners, more or less being used like a prostitute and without a father around to keep her from being treated in that way. Catholic beliefs don't correlate with the Bible but rather Papal teachings throughout the centuries.
@@c.d.meloney Yeah..Only in 'Merica is a 12 year old mature enough to bear a child, but needs parental permission to check out an adult theme book from a school library.
According to social practices associated with the OT, a boy becomes a man at 13 and a girl at 12. That is the significance of the bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah. One is responsible to the law, including those to marry and be fruitful (as soon as one is biologically competent to fulfilling God's command.) This religious compliance is observable throughout all of the Abrahamic traditions. The exceptions and deference to a civil construction of the age of legal maturity emerges in first world societies. There is a trend in developing countries to delay pregnancy but 600 million girls globally experience pregnancy in their teens annually. What seems to be clear is this: if these girls had a choice the majority would choose to delay pregnancy.
Interesting sessions, Amy and I have subscribed. Too bad these videos of yours aren't with Spanish subtitles, as half the world of machismo is Spanish speaking. As an old crone and retired midwife I have had lots of time to think about patriarchy. I think that for millions of years people from all cultures and all parts of the world worshipped women as giver of life. She could bleed without dying (thus "the covenant" cutting invented to replace that). She could choose to hold in her blood and form a new human life (even Aristotle and Hippocrates write about this). She could even FEED her newborn from her own body! Because having sex does not necessarily lead to pregnancy, nobody connected that act for millions of years. Once humans realized that a man's ejaculation produced the human - well. She now becomes The Vessel for his Seed. The Chalice. The Holy Grail. Man invented God in his image. He is the protagonist. Thus - they wrote the Bible to codify this new reality. Thoughts from an old lady. Keep up the good work, Amy. Young women (and conscious young men) need you.
Yeah, but most early religions had both male and female gods, so I don’t think religions started out as patriarchal but instead egalitarian. That is what Amy even admits in another video of hers, as well as what Gerda Lerner says in her book. Even Judaism started out as a polytheistic Canaanite religion, since the Jewish people are just an offshoot of the Canaanites who decided to have a monotheistic faith in just the top male Canaanite god (the father El and son Yahweh combined), and got rid of the rest of the pantheon. I believe they did this to unify the tribes who each had their own gods, into one collective group, to strengthen them to fight as one against colonizing empires. My theory, which is bolstered by archeological evidence, is that as competition for resources heightened, men’s strength became more important, and therefore they became more dominant in society, and society’s legal structure was created around that to solidify it. I think most of our cultural traditions were created for purposes of survival, at a time when it was necessary, but now may no longer be necessary. For example, circumcision was practiced to prevent infections which occurred as a result of lack of cleaning beneath the foreskin, which is no longer difficult to do in the modern age with the advent of easily accessible soap and water. I don’t remember if it was Gerda Lerner’s book or another book called God and Gaia that said this, but there is evidence that women had agency in the societies that were being built, even those that ultimately became patriarchal, because women did benefit somewhat from those systems early on. For example, women benefitted from marriage because it provided male protection and males providing for their family which was important since many women died early in childbirth and there weren’t always forms of birth control available. Due to competition over resources, they also had to multiply their population so these traditional societies had strong prohibitions against abortion or homosexuality. Now that the world is overpopulated, we no longer need to rely on these traditions.
@@rtmusicvideos431 completely agree with all your points. In prehistoric (?) times "social order" was created on the basis of brute strength. The physically stronger males hunted the best animals, successfully warded off predators, secured the nicest cave (lol) and killed off competing males. Naturally, men on average being physically stronger than women, men were able to dominate women. In turn women's best chances of survival was being with a man. Otherwise she'd be dead. As we shifted to a more agrarian society, use of barter system and eventually - money - this became the new determinant of social order. It remains so to this day. Physical strength maybe less relevant in day-to-day life however men continue to subjugate women through financial control. This is one of the primary reasons why women have consistently been systemically marginalized from income generating activities. Let's say now that more women are engaged in IGA than ever before (though still not on par with men) and yet, we as women still struggle in moving to the final step of capitalism - wealth creation. As someone with a background in economics i find it fascinating to look at the economy from a feminist perspective. Sorry for the rant 😂
Wow! This video brought me to tears. I grew up in the Baptist church and I have always questioned the treatment of women in the Bible. My friends were ones who told me I was a feminist when I was still a teenager and had never read feminist theories. I have long left the church and I have understood the role of religion in the maintenance of the patriarchy. So this video is not news to me. But I noticed how you also felt emotional and I shared the feeling with you.
I would like a video of how patriarchy is still lived in todays society and how our society system is still based on patriarchy. In conversations it often is discussed and I lack of arguments of how men and women are still affected.
Christianity adopted the patriarchy of the Greco Roman world when they became part of the Roman establishment. What I have a problem with is trying to keep alive a 2000 year old tradition that devalues women.
Another great video. Thank you for making these well explained historical points. The danger is that so many people have been brought up in these faiths that it is difficult to question them. Tom,
I don’t understand why Christian/Jewish women want to change and force fit a religion that was clearly not written to include them. There are plenty of wonderful female deities to choose from. Stockholm syndrome much?
It’s only in the Bible that woman is called the mother of all living as death/ mortality gene is passed on by the male. Science proves genealogy is paternity based and the blood of the mother doesn’t enter child in the womb.
I have a lot of respect for those who chose to stay with their faith despite its flaws and try to reform it. I also have a lot of respect for those who chose to leave, because that also takes a lot of courage. For me, the latter path ultimately proved simpler and more sustainable.
Ah! I understand your perspective and love of Gerda Lerner better now, but you're still WAY BEHIND in regards to historical information, even about Judaism. First of all, the custom of circumcision arose BEFORE Judaism because men wanted to take on women's magic. Women, as you know, can bleed for 3 to 5 days every month and NOT DIE. This magic was seen as women's spiritual/magical power because our ancestors believed women were spiritual warriors FIGHTING to bring new life from Another Realm to This Realm, hence the bleeding. Men sought to take on the protective magic of menstruation by creating penile piercing (in the Western hemisphere) and circumcision (in the Eastern hemisphere), which is why--millennia later--Roman soldiers wore circumcised penises as pendants (aka fascia) for protection in battte, so that, even if they were injured, they would bleed, but not die. Second, there is much about Judaic lore embedded in the Torah that reveals their matriarchal roots, such as that tradition you mention where a woman has to marry her husband's brother. The Book of Ruth is especially revealing because its REAL PURPOSE was to convince the women of Judea that changing the manner of inheritance--from matrilineal to patrilineal--was a good thing, so the book ends with the women praising Ruth for following her mother-in-law's advice and allowing her lands to be inherited through children she has with Boaz. I hope you do take the time to read my book, Pitiless Bronze, since it covers so much more that Lerner left out or outright misunderstood, and builds on what Judith Grahn began with Blood, Bread, and Roses: How Menstruation Created the World, because I reinterpret so much history and the many stories told to propagate the Male Myth in order to make males "transcendent" over females. The best thing about this video is your emphasis on how these biblical stories can be absorbed by women who continue to choose to believe in the patriarchal/Abrahamic religions.
No gonna lie, I’ve been deconstructing like crazy, on the verge of deconversion actually because of just how women are treated as second-class citizens or less of a human in the Bible and church, in almost every Abrahamic religion and others as well. They’d say things like how men and women are equal but have “different roles” but when you realize that women are barred from nearly every leadership role (pastor, preacher, bishop, priest, deacon, cardinal, etc.), and relegated to a position of subservience/submission to men, I genuinely had to take a step back and think “well, what’s the point in even believing if this religion has men and boys more prized than women?” And that’s not even getting into the Old Testament, where a woman could be stoned for “not being a virgin.” Nevermind that not only is the “proof of virginity” not even remotely reliable (since women don’t always bleed women they lose their hymen, or even lose their hymen at an earlier point), but men weren’t held to the same standard since it was the women who were property. And this was just one out of several things.!
Wholeheartedly agree with this, and what Lot did to his daughters was abhorrent. However, I feel it is important to note that the story with the angels and the men outside isn't about homosexuality. If you read the Hebrew Scripture as a whole there are references back to earlier stories again and again and again, and we see that this is reference to and a reversal of Genesis 6 when the "angels" (Sons of God) took human women for themselves (even "took" harkens back to Even "taking" the fruit... so many references back to earlier stories! Our English translations just miss so much). Here in this story with Lot it is human men taking the "angels" (for the fellow nerds, I know I am simplifying the term angel here, that's not the focus here). It is CLEAR that Lot does not value his daughters, and it is clear that women were treated horribly in this culture and for the purposes of discussing patriarchy, this important not to gloss over. But for the sake of our LGBTQ+ community I feel we need to be careful about fueling the fire that says this story is saying homosexuality is wrong. From a literary standpoint, that's not at all what the original author was intending to say. I know there are many interpretations, but I have found this the most compelling. (the Bible Project has courses, that are completely free, it's called BibleProject Classroom, and deep dives into so much of the literary components, highly recommended for anyone, whether a believer or just a curious person who wants to see the literary view of the Bible!)
Do you really think the story of Lot and the two angels ist about homosexuality? To me it doens't make sense that "all the men" were gay in this town, and they really wantet to have intercourse with the angels because they wantet to have sex with men. To me it is more a story about, as you say, to rule over someone else, to demonstrate power. As it happens in prisons where men rape other men to show their power. This would be a pont, where men really suffer under the patriarchy as well. Always ruling over someone else. The call this a story about homosexuality sounds not right to me. While I am all okay with homosexuality and think those people were treated very bad, for so long and I feel so sorry for them. And stories like this one from Lot were used to blame them.
When this story was written i think the author would have seen homosexuality as a willing act not a biological state. So the author would likely view a mob trying to do gay stuff the same way we would view a mob choosing to hunt a witch.
Not all men were gay in the town. Lot's daughters had men who had promised to marry them. The angels stopped the process of intermarriage. That is why Abraham later sent Eliezar back to his homeland to find a wife from tribes men for Isaac. Look at this ladder 🪜 stair going to heaven. It started from a pillow of stone 🪨 call it a pillar for Jacob. That stone/the foundation is the chief cornerstone on which bricks stand to make walls. there will always be a brick on top of another to have a standing wall heading to heaven. Jacob's spiral ladder from generation to generation is being led by God. Man and God could mean Leader leading you to somewhere. when bridges are broken, the ladder 🪜collapsed and that is wandering in the desert. It is a cycle to follow and to lead
Patriarchy in whatever form has been the deepest wound of my life. Its definitely shaped my sense of purpose/calling. Thank you for bringing out this information! It needs to be exposed. Great work!
It also didn't apply to Ishmael the child of Abraham and Sarah because he wasn't considered to be legitimate. However the story of the covenant with Abraham and Isaac is believed by Muslims to actually be between Abraham and Ishmael. In other words Islam recognised Ishmael as a legitimate son.
Also… Circumcision is genital mutilation. I literally wrote a research paper to understand before I had my kids. Please do your research first if you’re considering this. If it’s not for religious/cultural reasons, do your research!
When people argue about bible points it makes me wonder about the different translations of the bible. You may be reading one translation that others are not. What power that bible translator must have.
It was the attitude toward women in the OT that made me question to begin with. I could not accept that women had an inferior place in the world. There is so much that is just wrong in the Bible. But the foundation of patriarchy, that children come from the man's "seed" is a biological error. Women are seen containers that grow humans. But the reality is the woman's egg is the most important thing.
Stopped watching when you said you went to a circumcision and you had the utmost respect for what child mutilation means to their family. Sorry circumcision is child abuse. It is PTSD for infant boys. You are way too agreeable with patriarchal religions. In general trying so hard not to hurt people’s feelings about their toxic belief systems. Not watching you anymore.
Why don't they let these children grow up and consentingly decide to be circumcized? These babies don't have any consent around having their bodies mutilated. But an adult can willingly make that covenant. Idk many kids have had complications, even unalived due to circumcision and it isn't consent-based. Or medically necessary.
Patriarchy, Machismo and the silencing of mens feelings have disallowed us from questioning male genital "modification" / mutilation. I thought your video would at least mention this as a way baby boys are also physically harmed in the name of the a patriachy.
I was similarly disappointed. I think for a channel that is (fairly and correctly) primarily devoted to how patriarchy harms women, she could have afforded one video to talk about how it affects boys. Apparently not.
Although I agree that genital mutilation/modification should be a choice made by the individual; a dear friend of mine works in urology and the majority of her patients are older men coming in seeking circumcision due to extreme pain and constant infection. Just some food for thought.
First time I read the Bible, I threw it across the room, because of the horrible way they treated and spoke about women. Didn’t raise my kids in any cult. Yes. They are ALL cults to me.
I'm here. I'm here for all of it and I'm a fan of the channel. The arcade "level up" sound to a biblical painting caught me off guard in the best though 🤣✌️
I'm afraid I have to take issue with a comment you posted early in this video calling the brit ceremony a "beautiful" one. You talk about patriarchy and violence against women. Well, how about violence against children? You think that amputating a healthy part of an intimate organ of a defenseless child is "beautiful" because it somehow has meaning within the child's community? I'm sorry, but that is condoning ritualized child abuse. (BTW, routine medical circumcision of boys is quackery not practiced in many civilized countries, I.E. most of Europe to begin with, and people do just fine with their foreskins). The same patriarchal men who wrote the sexist parts of the Bible wrote about the covenant with God that mandates circumcision. I'm glad you're talking about women's rights, but please do not marginalize children's rights in the same breath.
Still not interested in organised religion too many wrongs are done to this day because of it. You can literally die from it. Atheism is for me but I don't have a need to preach it to anyone. Happy New Year to everyone.
Furthermore, Lot & his wife were allowed to flee, as “Righteous” people; *Their Daughters were Not Allowed to, for they had been Sullied by the Night’s events.* _Ponder That!!!_ 😳😣🤨🙄
@@artisticagi You can disprove the christian one btw. You can disprove the gods of any of the fabricated religions. They all could be distracting from the ONLY God there is.
Ummmm, couldn’t the angels in Lot’s story have struck down any man to lay a hand on them? And shouldn’t Lot have known that the angels were under God’s protection? Sounds like Lot was either stupid, without faith, or just hated his daughters.
I’m not religious it I’ve read the books. I’ve always wondered how religious people deal with the passage about Lot’s daughters. I would be interested in how that conversation goes amongst the faithful.
Lots daughters realized that all their men were destroyed and none to carry on their father’s lineage and did an abominable thing of getting their father to impregnate them so as to bring forth his family line.
I went to a Southern Baptist church in high school and was always rubbed the wrong about the gendered expectations and prevention of women in leadership. I decided to read the whole Bible for myself - couldn't make it through but distinctly remember writting "???" in the margins in those passages about the house guests. Never could view the Bible the same after that. Will check iut the recommended reading! I really want to reconcile my relationship with Christianity and find a church community with similar views. Are certain denominations more in line with this way of thinking about the text?
If you think that passage is difficult try reading Genesis 22. Did you think life is a picnic for everyone? '"Who has believed what we have heard? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or comeliness that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not"' (Isaiah 53:1-3). 'Now when Jesus came, He found that Laz′arus had already been in the tomb four days. Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles off, and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to console them concerning their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met Him, while Mary sat in the house. Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. And even now I know that whatever You ask from God, God will give You." Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again." Martha said to Him, "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day." Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live"' (John 11:17-25). Men and women have different roles because men and women are different.
Hi I know you posted this weeks ago but I find that non denominational and Pentacostal churches have a lot of women in leadership. I grew up Pentecostal and I was taught that there is no difference between men and women in terms of personal or spiritual ability and grew under many women pastors/ preachers! They are also typically very empathetic/understanding of divorce as well. I was also taught that the patriarch is old Testament and isn’t applicable to modern times. So I hope this can kind of help you in your journey!!
Which version of bible was the genesis 19 verse from? In the version I read, Lot offered the daughters but did not follow through and they left the city with him. It's important that I read the unvarnished version to know the truth. As an atheist, I'm reading the bible to better understand what I am against and also to better understand biblical references made in classic novels.
She used the story of Lot and the story from Judges. In the judges story the woman wascraped to death then her body was cut up and sent to different places as a reminder/ notice if the sin against hospitality.
And yet I have to respect my sister’s beliefs because they bring her comfort (at the expense of others). But you know, _her dad_ just died, so I have to be respectful! ::cough::
Well of course , the Bible was written by many men for men. Stuff added over the years and stuff deleted over the years, and stuff lost in translation over the years, and, you name it sadly , this stuff has become the opiate of so many people. I just believe in a loving creator of the Universe, ethics and love.
I was a fan of this chanel until she called infant genital mutilation "beautiful." Disgusting. I don't care how old some tradition is, it's barbarism. Unsubscribed.
Considering the Bible is just a translation and they have all been manipulated it’s hard to tell what the truth is but yeah females allowed this while women live the hard life working to change this.
If the woman is just bearer of male seed, then it shouldn't matter what woman in the household he impragnates? The slave girl or the wife? Te cild will jut be a replica of him?
While I find the examination of the origins of patriarchy really valuable, I am thrown by what seems to me a lot of cognitive dissonance. There is no reason to believe that there really was a god who created the world and who chose these people, who we now know as the Jews, for a special covenant. Religion is a human creation. Men dominated these societies, and in their attempts to understand the world around them they projected a male figure onto nature. That just as it felt 'natural' to them that they dominate, there was another greater male in whose image they were created, who created and dominated the world. It leaves a situation where human need for identity means we have to live in a false consciousness. Jews, like the female rabbi, want Judaism to continue. So it's like we are expected to have an understanding about what the real cause of these belief systems is, but at the same time engage in a willing suspension of disbelief, pretending that people act 'as if' it really has a god as its source. Because this belief is a centre around which an identity was formed. Judaism, like the religions that are based on it, Christianity and Islam, is an expression of a patriarchal urge to see the world as created for men to dominate and shape their communities with laws that are the manifestation of that domination. And their having a divine licence to do so. Yet at the same time we seem to be asked to pretend that we need to 'respect' these ideas just because they're someone's traditions. At the beginning of the video the creator talks about how the bris is a 'beautiful' Jewish ceremony. Would she wax so lyrical if she were asked to attend the circumcision of a young girl in the horn of Africa? Or instead would we be treated to attempts to delineate one, the circumcision of the boy, as more justifiable because the Jewish scriptures clearly call for it, while circumcision of girls has no such real authority in the Quran? Or would the special pleading be on the basis of how the circumcision of the girl is out of bounds because it is more likely to cause her lifelong pain? I don't see what this video's purpose is. Is it something along the lines of; we all know that these ideas are just products of human minds, but we need to all simultaneously collude and act 'as if' they aren't? I'm not surprised that conventionally religious people find this kind of liberal thinking so disingenuous, and frankly, bizarre.
That opening statement already disqualifies you from being taken seriously in any way on topics of gender equality. You don’t just condone, but actively glorify male genital mutilation - a practice that has been rightfully outlawed when committed against women in all civilisations around the globe. But then again, I’m not surprised - feminism has never been about equality, after all, and statements like these prove it time and again. Now you’re gonna sit here and tell me circumcision is a form of privilege 🙄. Victim blaming, much?
I'm going to be the annoying commenter. Sorry ahead of time. The background music is very distracting for many of your neurodiverse audience. I'm trying to hear and process your words, but instead I'm hearing the music. Just FYI bc I don't have time to literally watch for the closed captioning. And I really enjoy your content. ❤
I usually like your videos and content, but to hear you call genital mutilation "beautiful" has shocked me. It's barbaric and should be outlawed just like fgm, even if it's less severe. I can only hope you worded it like you did to avoid saying anything negative about jewish costume, which i could understand, given the current political climate.
In 2nd grade I adkwd my male su day school teacher about all the "he" pronouns. He said it meant male and female. Right. Written by men for men. Even the homosexual references are male focused.
Also… Circumcision is genital mutilation. I literally wrote a research paper to understand before I had my kids. Please do your research first if you’re considering this. It’s torturous for a brand new baby who just came into this world. And there’s absolutely no valid medical reason for it.
After learning about these passages in the Bible it's so shocking to know that much of the Indian society is also like that except that primitive Western societies evolved out of all this.
It’s hard to comprehend the damage that this fairytale has inflicted upon the world over the millennia!! Imagine a world where there’s no heaven or hell,nothing to kill or die for 🤔
Never read the bible or any of such religious texts and I feel perfectly unburdened by these layers of partriarchal stuff. Good and interesting videos though.
I personally feel this may be some dangerous thinking as it challenges the marital structure that that is clearly defined amongst many other things, including the structure of the church. I applaud your sensitivity towards the subject and recognizing how others feel. However, did Lot offer his daughters to avoid the occurrence of homosexuality or the mistreatment of God’s angels. Given that a man was struck down for touching the Holy Grail to prevent it from falling into the mud I am thinking it is probably the latter. From what I have been taught, people judge and rank acts differently but God sees all sin evenly. I do think it is important to differentiate in the Bible what actions were performed by humans and are recorded as history vs what God desires of us. Jesus also stopped the men from stoning the adulteress by saying “let the man who has never sinned cast the first stone”. Sure, they were trying to trap Jesus, but he did not condemn her himself, and it displays how all sin may be viewed as equal. Remember, Jesus also preferred Marry Mandolin to sit with everyone and listen to him rather than cook for them, as Martha requested. One small example in comparison, but still!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Please continue to watch and interact. There is a lot to unpack and learn about patriarchy and the way it harms our societies, not only in religious contexts, but secular as well.
There are huge differences of old and New Testament. Additionally the story of lot she should continue and say the daughters then grape their father to have a child. The story is the fathers mind was corrupted by association bc how could a father do such a thing and thus the city influences him more than home influenced a city, it was all about business and money for him.
Thank you for this. Today how often do we hear that Jews are “people of the book”? Often it is said proudly. A guestion: in Jewish discussions is there identification of the bride price and the get as modern slavery? You identify women as breeders but in fact when money changes hands before a marriage can be considered valid and must be repaid before the marriage is over it creates a slave position for any woman trapped in such a situation. Within her community she has no rights over her body. If this is not under discussion and in active conversion worldwide perhaps it is time it should be. New to channel, subscribed.
If god is perfect, why did he make males with foreskins that have to be cut off? One of the many, many questions I have about Bible stories. Christians get really angry when I dare to politely ask my questions.
This is because the "BIBLE IS FOR MEN" and Not women. Some of the customs that they did back then, is just because they did them didn't mean it was accepted by Jehovah.
i wish people would start to also see that the bible was written by and for a particular people with aparticular culture that belongs to them, and by copying this book and basing a culture and society around it is sooooo foolish. its to me, an equivilent o someone cosplaying their favorite characters. were not cannaanites from 5000+ yars ago - so why should these rituals, way of life and spiritual outlook have any impact on our lives today? especially given its stance on women in general.
It's characteristic for people to project what the bible says into something that isn't true. What's "legal" in our culture-or any world culture-doesn't necessarily apply to the bible.
People are disturbed about circumcision , you should see what God says about the heathens. This is about black people and their God. Leave it alone heathens!
I think you mean women in the Tanakh, or 'Hebrew Scriptures' if you prefer - which is probably why you include Jewish women feminists in the post; not wanting to be liable of the anti-etc. charge. The content therefore is ultimately directed at Jews, whether you like that or not. The title is thus a misnomer, and should read 'Patriarchy in the Hebrew Bible'. Good luck with that. Perhaps you might deal with the tradition of herem next; 'Xenophobia In the Hebrew Scriptures', equally contentious, and arguably even more relevant given the 'state' of Israel and the pogroms in In Gaza. Why, Bibi himself has used these sacred depositions in his quest to annihilate Palestinians, having repeatedly referred to the said ethnicity as 'Amalek'.
Uhmm that's not the first instance of it? It dosn't start there it starts w Abraham and is renewed and brodend if you don't want to see it as a promise at his decendens at different times? It's just that specific renewal would be
For Lot the best interpretation I'd have is that moral corruption from the city had set in them too, so the doughters wear offering it (bc they thoght that it is was wrong but like normal for them) and there father agreed because he thoght that was normal bc somhow that was normal by the morals/rules of those cities and they're just still good bc even tho morally currupt like any and all humans they're still trying to do good (save the engels)?
For Eve I would argue that it's describtive not perscribtive. Describes what would happen because a bit like an AI when you learn to make even one distinction (one, zero) a lot follows as you build up your actions/belive system as a species
In typological terms, circumcision is the parting of the first veil--and breaking the hymen is the parting of the second veil. The meaning behind the symbolism involved with these elements vis-a-vis the Abrahamic Covenant is sacred beyond words--and originates from beyond this world.
Thats not how hymens work. They are not barriers. They are just a lining that is not broken during penetration. If hymens were barriers that are supposed to be broken then how would periods flow.
When I was a little girl, I used to watch the altar boys proceed up the aisle with the priest at Mass. How I envied them! The priests got to wear such interesting and beautiful vestments while the nuns wore only black. Only boys could serve at the altar; only men could become priests. I remember thinking, God must not like little girls. And this was before I ever read one word of the Bible!
Yes! The optics are so important!
Your parents failed you if thats what you believed. The human who is the most perfect, is Mary. She is a model for men and women on how to live and she's held in the most high regard. Alter servers are boys because they are training in a way to be a priest, who is male. Wouldn't it be cruel to let girls train to be a priest, and then never allow them to be?
@@bradweinberger6907 Leave my parents out of it, please. Unless you think that they ought to have been able to better control what I thought, what my opinions were. Which, if they were still around, they would tell you that they could not because half the time they didn't even know what I was thinking. I know how I felt as a little girl, and yes, I also did not like it even then that women could not be priests. And yes, it was explained to me. I didn't buy into then, I don't buy into it now, and if that's the way the rules are, fine. Your monkey, your circus. Not my monkey, not my circus.
Where's your church? Or what's time is that? In my place girls also can be the altar girl. I see many girl wearing mantila when they are be altar girl and I envy them😅.
@@bradweinberger6907 Go back and read some other books, Brad, beside the Bible. Educate yourself before you comment on Mary being "the most perfect model for men and women on how to live". Mary was invented to help take over Goddess worship, dear.
Childless cat lady here, and I’m so happy!
LOL! Same! I prefer “child-free dog mom”. (Either way, Vance & Trump can suck it.) 😝
That made my day! Thank you and may you stay forever happy! :)
Saaammmeee lol
Me, too.
I’m with you, sister!
“By men. Through men. For men” - Rabbi Goldstein.
Thank you, Amy. 💋
It's crazy to think about how blatantly women have been devalued in stories of the Bible and even more crazy how often people argue that they don't see any kind of devaluing of women from the language in the Bible. It's so clear when you really look at it.
Claiming that women aren’t devalued in the bible, especially the Old Testament, is a perfect example of gaslighting.
@@deniseferron3397Thank you. I had just been trying to explain “gaslighting” to my husband. I love that as an example.
could it not just be that a person has a different perspective? I think it's pretty easy to argue women aren't devalued in the old testament.
Remember to read the bible In Hebrew. And in
the Bible they describe the worst behavior of human beings, and it's written to not perpetually the same sin. For example what David and other men did to each other. Unfortunately the transition from Hebrew to Greek and to English causes a lot of damage.
Its crazy to me that women continue to act as second class subservient ribs.
So many of us women all share the same pain. This religious belief has damaged human society for thousands of years and it must end. I never understood it and was victimized by it for over 38 years…till I found my second husband. He taught me that there are men who actually valued women for more than baby making. When you are raised to have no self worth, you will put up with a lot. I believe I raised my daughters to break this cycle.
I can't help but see the continued enshrinement of a text that fails to condemn violence against women as morally questionable at best. These stories are not read frequently in church or sunday school because church leaders know they are wrong (or at least, likely to breed dissent among churchgoers.) Doesn't this call into question the whole text?
Exactly, there seems to be a lot of cognitive dissonance and codependency in bible religions.
Sure does.
I would like to propose a different view of the Scripture (we will adhere to Tanakh aka "old" Testament only). G-d did make covenant with the whole of humanity. Yes, he made a covenant with Abraham (circumcision, aka spilling blood from the most sensitive part of male's body) as a daily reminder to males that they are bound by the Law. But it a false statement to say that G-d did not make a covenant with women. Our covenant is made through blood as well and we call it a period. That is a reminded to women that they bound by the Law. So much so that a woman on a period who handles clay (clay is what Adam was made of) pots has to smash the clay pots! So G-d did not exclude women from His covenant.
It is a false statement to claim that G-d does not care about women. It is not G-d who hates women (He has no reason to dislike them, quite the contrary- we are part of His creation, equals to the men in His sight)...it is human males who hate women. Let's make this absolutely clear! G-d provides for you and me and every woman on this planet. Or does not He provide air for you to breathe? Does He withhold water and food from you? Does He withhold shelter and clothing from you? Sure He doesn't! So why blame G-d for the actions of men??? It does not make any sense!
Women in the biblical times understood that without children there would be nobody to work the land and provide for them when they get old. Times were tough, about 50% of children did not reach adulthood and there weren't billions of people around. No Walmart and no Costco to buy stuff from. No 401k to fall on. Of course, they were yearning for children! Of course it felt like a miracle if they had a number of healthy, happy children. That does not mean that G-d sees women as baby machines. What a wild conclusion is that?! Throughout the book of Genesis God withheld pregnancy/children from Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel. He withheld them from Hannah (Samuel's mother), from Michal (David's wife) and many more women. Not because He hated the women- quite the contrary. It was always for the good. And again, He gave many children to Leah because Jacob did not love her- so G-d gave her children to make her happy. Where do you read in that hatred for women?
When Lot offered his daughters to the angry townsmen it wasn't because he did not value his female children. Lot recognized that the visitors were from G-d and that they had to be protected at all costs. Now, he could not offer himself or any male relative because that would be an abomination. He could not offer his wife because that would be a depravity. Who else could he offer but his unwed daughters? The Law of G-d MUST come first every single time. Yes, it is tough sometimes! Yes, it may not be what you would like to see. But the Law MUST come first!
So what the Bible actually say: that G-d KNOWS what men are like. G-d KNOWS that Adam pointed the accusatory finger at Eve the first time he had a chance. G-d KNOWS that men are made of dirt- unrefined dust. G-d KNOWS that the hearts of men (males) are full of evil. That's why for a woman to want a man is curse (read your Genesis 3 properly, folks!). And it is a curse for her to ruled over by a man. That's why G-d is listening to the cry of a woman (but can be quite deaf to a man's prayer). G-d is Merciful. He is Great. If you want to blame somebody, blame the human males and their depraved minds- but there is no reason whatsoever to blame G-d!
@@jvnd2785the mental gymnastics it took for you to write this is astonishing. Your brainwashing and indoctrination is top tier!
I am reminded of a discussion that I had with my scripture teacher back in the 70s. He said that God wrote the bible. So I asked, 'so god wrote the bible?' He then said that people inspired by god wrote the bible. I said that the next step was that people wrote the bible and it had nothing to do with god. After all, look how quickly you went from god writing the bible to people inspired by god writing the bible.
😁 Doctrine Origin Phallus 😂
That's moreso a bad teacher because the teaching is generally that the Bible is composed of multiple authors divinely inspired by God ever since the Bible existed. The idea God dictated and thus wrote the words of the holy text is a belief in Islam
publishing comes in different ways. when we see the dark clouds, they publish that it is about to rain. When we go to the ants and see how they work without a leader, it excites your thoughts which start generating information and connecting and producing and then you can find yourself writing about the ants and their ways... the process of inspiration can look like that
People inspired by hallucinations in the desert and outback Australia
This discussion is so important!
I'm a baby baby boomer, I had a friend who had been married to a bloke. She had 3 miscarriages, then decided that was it for her, she didn't want to try anymore. Her Husband went and got another Woman pregnant, then left my friend. Until recently in Australia( inherited from English Law), there was the Law of Consortism, which stated in the event of an accident which rendered a Women unable to give her Husband Sexual Services, he could get extra Financial Compensation from the party who caused the Wifes injuries. The Law did not apply in reverse, because it was assumed by the Law a Women did not 'need' her Husband's Sexual Services, but a Man did 'need'his Wife's Sexual Services.
Ok to back to biblical standards where a man isn't legally permitted to do what that man did without being stoned. He's not allowed to deprive her. Of conjugal rights, food or clothing.
Omg! My head just exploded!
Listen to me talk about sex. It's a need for men. But women need to keep their legs closed. It's still a belief that a woman doesn't need sex but a guy can't help but have it. A woman enjoying sex is shamed.
Super creepy.
Amy! This is such a powerful explanation. I had the same ah-ha moment when I learned how and by whom the scriptures were recorded. Until I questioned that, I believed these words, this subjugation, was divine. Knowing my role is more than what my womb can provide and actually believing I am more than my uterine identity are two different things. I'm still unpacking the gender expectations in my own life and psyche all these years later 🤦♀️
Thank you! Yes, the unpacking of these expectations can take a long time and requires a lot of emotional effort.
I’m rereading the bible currently and the story of Lot is just stunningly crazy and inhuman. Unfortunately it’s not the only part like that.
Lifehack... listen to the audiobook instead.
Reading is a lost art.
You have to be cruel to be kind.
@@tracyleighbasham I can't just sit around like that. ;D
I would like to propose a different view of the Scripture (we will adhere to Tanakh aka "old" Testament only). G-d did make covenant with the whole of humanity. Yes, he made a covenant with Abraham (circumcision, aka spilling blood from the most sensitive part of male's body) as a daily reminder to males that they are bound by the Law. But it a false statement to say that G-d did not make a covenant with women. Our covenant is made through blood as well and we call it a period. That is a reminded to women that they bound by the Law. So much so that a woman on a period who handles clay (clay is what Adam was made of) pots has to smash the clay pots! So G-d did not exclude women from His covenant.
It is a false statement to claim that G-d does not care about women. It is not G-d who hates women (He has no reason to dislike them, quite the contrary- we are part of His creation, equals to the men in His sight)...it is human males who hate women. Let's make this absolutely clear! G-d provides for you and me and every woman on this planet. Or does not He provide air for you to breathe? Does He withhold water and food from you? Does He withhold shelter and clothing from you? Sure He doesn't! So why blame G-d for the actions of men??? It does not make any sense!
Women in the biblical times understood that without children there wold be nobody to work the land and provide for them when they get old. Times were tough, about 50% of children did not reach adulthood and there weren't billions of people around. No Walmart and no Costco to buy stuff from. No 401k to fall on. Of course, they were yearning for children! Of course it felt like a miracle if they had a number of healthy, happy children. That does not mean that G-d sees women as baby machines. What a wild conclusion is that?! Throughout the book of Genesis God withheld pregnancy/children from Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel. He withheld them from Hannah (Samuel's mother), from Michal (David's wife) and many more women. Not because He hated the women- quite the contrary. It was always for the good. And again, He gave many children to Leah because Jacob did not love her- so G-d gave her children to make her happy. Where do you read in that hatred for women?
When Lot offered his daughters to the angry townsmen it wasn't because he did not value his female children. Lot recognized that the visitors were from G-d and that they had to be protected at all costs. Now, he could not offer himself or any male relative because that would be an abomination. He could not offer his wife because that would be a depravity. Who else could he offer but his unwed daughters? The Law of G-d MUST come first every single time. Yes, it is tough sometimes! Yes, it may not be what you would like to see. But the Law MUST come first!
So what the Bible actually say: that G-d KNOWS what men are like. G-d KNOWS that Adam pointed the accusatory finger at Eve the first time he had a chance. G-d KNOWS that men are made of dirt- unrefined dust. G-d KNOWS that the hearts of men (males) are full of evil. That's why for a woman to want a man is curse (read your Genesis 3 properly, folks!). And it is a curse for her to ruled over by a man. That's why G-d is listening to the cry of a woman (but can be quite deaf to a man's prayer). G-d is Merciful. He is Great. If you want to blame somebody, blame the human males and their depraved minds- but there is no reason whatsoever to blame G-d!
This channel is absolutely golden. ❤ I love the work you guys are doing exposing and analysing history and how its affecting us still.
Have to wonder how the circumcision idea came about. "Honey can you bring me a knife and some paper towels, I just had an idea"
That's what I've always said! 👀😮💨
It seems they were already practicing circumcision before they created the story of Abraham and Isaac.
My guess is that it serves as an effective form of initiation ritual into adulthood because it's a way of permanently changing your how your body looks. Women tend not to have these rituals in many societies due to more noticeable biological markers of maturity. Men tend to require forms of initiation rituals as a rite of passage, and one common one throughout many cultures is circumcision
God said to Abraham.
It blows my mind when women defend the Bible. It is front to back hate speech.
I agree
I don´t get it either. Where I live, we have many female priests - actually more than male. They dress in medieval men´s clothes and preach the men´s word. I never could wrap my head around it.
“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, self control…”
“For G*d did not give us a spirit of doubt, but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind”.
“But if I have all these and have not love, I am but a gong and clanging cymbal”
“He makes me lie down in green pastures, He restorers my soul. Yay, though I walk through the Valley of death I fear no evil for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff comfort me”
“Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds for we know that the testing of your faith faith developed perseverance…”
“Father they know not what they do”
These verses come to mind. I love the Bible. It contains many different works, and my whole lifetime won’t be enough to fully understand it.
In my opinion, there is hope for humanity and the world. Freedom to choose doesn’t seem like part of that. It can be confusing. We can only try to be just and loving like God. People who don’t see a just and loving God may need to heal. I pray they find comfort, safety, and freedom.
@@tpb2665lol what? you just cherry-picked all the seemingly moral parts of the bible, ignoring all the immoral things, in order to fit ur narrative. there is hope for humanity, we all need to work together to create a better world for ourselves and the creatures around us. to say that we are incapable of achieving this because we won’t all give our lives to YOUR god is ridiculous. we don’t see a moral, all loving god because it hasn’t been demonstrated to exist.
I'm the same and totally agree. The original monotheism I see was from Zarathustra and followed by ancient Persia. Women were treated as equals instead of property of men.
I wonder if GOD saw the terrible things men were going to do with their sacred penis
The LORD God is omniscient, so why would He not have seen that?
He gave them authority to take charge of their household of seeds of life, since we forget, he gave them a mark that they would look upon and remember to be responsible. The seeds are not be scattered generously in pathways, rocks, thickets. They have to prepare the land and plant seeds for extention of life on earth
@@MsGratefulgalThey belived men just had a certain amount of seed, that had to last a lifetime
Pagan religions used the p'nis in worship. Sacred poles and pillars in the Bible, that's what they were. Phallic shaped poles of immense height.
@@MsGratefulgalYet they aren't doing those things. Women are working while we are pregnant. We are carrying both curses.
Such good and underrated quality informational content❤🎉
Thank you! That's so good to hear!
@@breakingdownpatriarchyI beamed when I saw the title. I had to screen-shoot it so that I do not lose it. I hope you will also talk about David's wife whose father asked for a dowry of 100 penises and David doubled the number. If I would come to know that as a bride to be, I would refuse. Girls in the palace could make demands to their fathers (King)
I really liked this channel but circumcision is child abuse. Not cool.
Thank you. Agree 1000%.
Rape is a dominance issue, not one of sexual desire (straight-gay).
Very informative, thank you!
Thank you for watching!
You just believe everything people say don't you?
I don't think I can let it go that you speak so highly of Bris. Baby boys, not being men, are also targets of patriarchy, and nonmedical circumcision is a violation of bodily autonomy. To call it mutiliation is no exaggeration, nor is it a suggestion that it is equal in negative effect to FGM. If anything, FGM ought to have an even stronger word so that both terms are bumped up in rhetorical intensity.
I understand you see this as part of Judaism, but right is right and wrong is wrong, and religions can and should abandon wrong actions and traditions.
I agree. I'm new to this channel, and re-thinking my recent subscription.
It was a hygienic practice in the desert, and it barely affects male sexual function, unlike FGM
Jews would argue the Covenant is an act of love rather than a restriction of so-called bodily autonomy which is only ever cited as a way to undermine religious duty by Atheistic bigots seeking to impose his irreligion on other people.
@@jonathandnicholsonreligious duty my hind end, the story’s promoted in the Canons of the Abrahamic religions are centuries, and in some cases, thousands of years older than the books were “supposedly” written. Look up the Epic of Gilgamesh, the stone tablets of King Hammurabi, etc etc…..old myths and legends passed down thru song for who knows how long, co-opted, plagiarized and repurposed for patriarchal control. Thank the Creator for the internet opening the historical truths up for all to see!
My thoughts: Circumcision was for identity (ID)
Abraham agreed to find identity in God and obeyed Him.
Probably, Abraham's initial culture was doing more. Transitioning from his culture to God's way, maybe that is why God did not shock him with what he was not used to. He left him with something close to home (sacrificing a piece of skin vs sacrificing the first son)
Emasculation. For one to be a Eunuch to serve in the palace, he had to lose his 'manhood'
Tattooing for beauty. The laws of Moses prohibited tattoos.
I think circumcision was also to remind men to be responsible where they planted the seed of life, they had to be careful with choosing the women for a wife to expand their territories/families to sustain life. Abraham/a man is to take charge of his household (wife, children and others within). He gets guidance from God and he has to be the first teacher of his family.
some of the modern day bodily mutilations:
ear piercings
neck elongation
feet tying to have shapely feet
Circumcision was for identification and for guarding men not to commit sexual sins which were normal practices of the countries they went to. The lost piece of skin was a tithe of their life (Man &his household) to God
when we make friendships we sacrifice something. God made an agreement with Abraham and he obeyed. It is the responsibility of Abraham to explain things to his household.
As human societies have become more humane and accepting of their fellow humans who may be of different genders, races, cultures, etc., we see that religions are forced to adapt and modify their doctrines or die out. Their texts remain the same, but they find ways to twist and turn them this way and that way to make them acceptable to societies evolution of thought. Personally, I find it hilarious that people feel the need to hang on to such ancient mythology as applicable to modern society. But I will nevertheless defend their right to do so if that's what they choose to do. So much suffering and misery has been caused by religious doctrine of the 3 Abrahamic religions that I would hope one day society can find a way to discard them in favor of secular humanism.
While I don’t believe religion will be obsolete within a century…I think if we survive for another century, the belief in deities will certainly diminish
@rhondah1587 Agree 👍🏻 👏🏻
I retired and moved to the high Andes Mountains in Peru.....It's very common to see a 14 year old girl with a baby.....It's clear under this Catholic very Patriarchal culture...women are mothers. Period point blank
Only women can be mothers, so stating 'women are mothers' is not very new.
I'm in US. It's very common to see a 14 year old girl that's had multiple sex partners, more or less being used like a prostitute and without a father around to keep her from being treated in that way. Catholic beliefs don't correlate with the Bible but rather Papal teachings throughout the centuries.
That particular mindset is alive and well in red States of America
@@c.d.meloney Yeah..Only in 'Merica is a 12 year old mature enough to bear a child, but needs parental permission to check out an adult theme book from a school library.
According to social practices associated with the OT, a boy becomes a man at 13 and a girl at 12. That is the significance of the bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah. One is responsible to the law, including those to marry and be fruitful (as soon as one is biologically competent to fulfilling God's command.) This religious compliance is observable throughout all of the Abrahamic traditions. The exceptions and deference to a civil construction of the age of legal maturity emerges in first world societies. There is a trend in developing countries to delay pregnancy but 600 million girls globally experience pregnancy in their teens annually. What seems to be clear is this: if these girls had a choice the majority would choose to delay pregnancy.
Interesting sessions, Amy and I have subscribed. Too bad these videos of yours aren't with Spanish subtitles, as half the world of machismo is Spanish speaking. As an old crone and retired midwife I have had lots of time to think about patriarchy. I think that for millions of years people from all cultures and all parts of the world worshipped women as giver of life. She could bleed without dying (thus "the covenant" cutting invented to replace that). She could choose to hold in her blood and form a new human life (even Aristotle and Hippocrates write about this). She could even FEED her newborn from her own body! Because having sex does not necessarily lead to pregnancy, nobody connected that act for millions of years. Once humans realized that a man's ejaculation produced the human - well. She now becomes The Vessel for his Seed. The Chalice. The Holy Grail. Man invented God in his image. He is the protagonist. Thus - they wrote the Bible to codify this new reality. Thoughts from an old lady. Keep up the good work, Amy. Young women (and conscious young men) need you.
Yeah, but most early religions had both male and female gods, so I don’t think religions started out as patriarchal but instead egalitarian. That is what Amy even admits in another video of hers, as well as what Gerda Lerner says in her book. Even Judaism started out as a polytheistic Canaanite religion, since the Jewish people are just an offshoot of the Canaanites who decided to have a monotheistic faith in just the top male Canaanite god (the father El and son Yahweh combined), and got rid of the rest of the pantheon. I believe they did this to unify the tribes who each had their own gods, into one collective group, to strengthen them to fight as one against colonizing empires.
My theory, which is bolstered by archeological evidence, is that as competition for resources heightened, men’s strength became more important, and therefore they became more dominant in society, and society’s legal structure was created around that to solidify it. I think most of our cultural traditions were created for purposes of survival, at a time when it was necessary, but now may no longer be necessary. For example, circumcision was practiced to prevent infections which occurred as a result of lack of cleaning beneath the foreskin, which is no longer difficult to do in the modern age with the advent of easily accessible soap and water.
I don’t remember if it was Gerda Lerner’s book or another book called God and Gaia that said this, but there is evidence that women had agency in the societies that were being built, even those that ultimately became patriarchal, because women did benefit somewhat from those systems early on. For example, women benefitted from marriage because it provided male protection and males providing for their family which was important since many women died early in childbirth and there weren’t always forms of birth control available. Due to competition over resources, they also had to multiply their population so these traditional societies had strong prohibitions against abortion or homosexuality. Now that the world is overpopulated, we no longer need to rely on these traditions.
A very accurate breakdown of how notions of paternity, property & power transfer evolved.
@@rtmusicvideos431 completely agree with all your points. In prehistoric (?) times "social order" was created on the basis of brute strength. The physically stronger males hunted the best animals, successfully warded off predators, secured the nicest cave (lol) and killed off competing males. Naturally, men on average being physically stronger than women, men were able to dominate women. In turn women's best chances of survival was being with a man. Otherwise she'd be dead.
As we shifted to a more agrarian society, use of barter system and eventually - money - this became the new determinant of social order.
It remains so to this day. Physical strength maybe less relevant in day-to-day life however men continue to subjugate women through financial control.
This is one of the primary reasons why women have consistently been systemically marginalized from income generating activities. Let's say now that more women are engaged in IGA than ever before (though still not on par with men) and yet, we as women still struggle in moving to the final step of capitalism - wealth creation.
As someone with a background in economics i find it fascinating to look at the economy from a feminist perspective. Sorry for the rant 😂
Wow! This video brought me to tears. I grew up in the Baptist church and I have always questioned the treatment of women in the Bible. My friends were ones who told me I was a feminist when I was still a teenager and had never read feminist theories. I have long left the church and I have understood the role of religion in the maintenance of the patriarchy. So this video is not news to me. But I noticed how you also felt emotional and I shared the feeling with you.
I would like a video of how patriarchy is still lived in todays society and how our society system is still based on patriarchy. In conversations it often is discussed and I lack of arguments of how men and women are still affected.
Thank you for this suggestion! Yes, we do plan to have content focusing on patriarchy today coming soon!
Been preached at my whole life to shut up, cover up, and submit. I was always taught God loves women out of having pity.
My ancestor Mary Barnes was hanged as a witch in 1662 for having opinions
Christianity adopted the patriarchy of the Greco Roman world when they became part of the Roman establishment. What I have a problem with is trying to keep alive a 2000 year old tradition that devalues women.
Agree 👍🏻
Another great video. Thank you for making these well explained historical points. The danger is that so many people have been brought up in these faiths that it is difficult to question them.
I don’t understand why Christian/Jewish women want to change and force fit a religion that was clearly not written to include them. There are plenty of wonderful female deities to choose from. Stockholm syndrome much?
It’s only in the Bible that woman is called the mother of all living as death/ mortality gene is passed on by the male. Science proves genealogy is paternity based and the blood of the mother doesn’t enter child in the womb.
I have a lot of respect for those who chose to stay with their faith despite its flaws and try to reform it. I also have a lot of respect for those who chose to leave, because that also takes a lot of courage.
For me, the latter path ultimately proved simpler and more sustainable.
Ah! I understand your perspective and love of Gerda Lerner better now, but you're still WAY BEHIND in regards to historical information, even about Judaism. First of all, the custom of circumcision arose BEFORE Judaism because men wanted to take on women's magic. Women, as you know, can bleed for 3 to 5 days every month and NOT DIE. This magic was seen as women's spiritual/magical power because our ancestors believed women were spiritual warriors FIGHTING to bring new life from Another Realm to This Realm, hence the bleeding. Men sought to take on the protective magic of menstruation by creating penile piercing (in the Western hemisphere) and circumcision (in the Eastern hemisphere), which is why--millennia later--Roman soldiers wore circumcised penises as pendants (aka fascia) for protection in battte, so that, even if they were injured, they would bleed, but not die. Second, there is much about Judaic lore embedded in the Torah that reveals their matriarchal roots, such as that tradition you mention where a woman has to marry her husband's brother. The Book of Ruth is especially revealing because its REAL PURPOSE was to convince the women of Judea that changing the manner of inheritance--from matrilineal to patrilineal--was a good thing, so the book ends with the women praising Ruth for following her mother-in-law's advice and allowing her lands to be inherited through children she has with Boaz. I hope you do take the time to read my book, Pitiless Bronze, since it covers so much more that Lerner left out or outright misunderstood, and builds on what Judith Grahn began with Blood, Bread, and Roses: How Menstruation Created the World, because I reinterpret so much history and the many stories told to propagate the Male Myth in order to make males "transcendent" over females. The best thing about this video is your emphasis on how these biblical stories can be absorbed by women who continue to choose to believe in the patriarchal/Abrahamic religions.
No gonna lie, I’ve been deconstructing like crazy, on the verge of deconversion actually because of just how women are treated as second-class citizens or less of a human in the Bible and church, in almost every Abrahamic religion and others as well.
They’d say things like how men and women are equal but have “different roles” but when you realize that women are barred from nearly every leadership role (pastor, preacher, bishop, priest, deacon, cardinal, etc.), and relegated to a position of subservience/submission to men, I genuinely had to take a step back and think “well, what’s the point in even believing if this religion has men and boys more prized than women?”
And that’s not even getting into the Old Testament, where a woman could be stoned for “not being a virgin.” Nevermind that not only is the “proof of virginity” not even remotely reliable (since women don’t always bleed women they lose their hymen, or even lose their hymen at an earlier point), but men weren’t held to the same standard since it was the women who were property. And this was just one out of several things.!
Wholeheartedly agree with this, and what Lot did to his daughters was abhorrent. However, I feel it is important to note that the story with the angels and the men outside isn't about homosexuality. If you read the Hebrew Scripture as a whole there are references back to earlier stories again and again and again, and we see that this is reference to and a reversal of Genesis 6 when the "angels" (Sons of God) took human women for themselves (even "took" harkens back to Even "taking" the fruit... so many references back to earlier stories! Our English translations just miss so much). Here in this story with Lot it is human men taking the "angels" (for the fellow nerds, I know I am simplifying the term angel here, that's not the focus here). It is CLEAR that Lot does not value his daughters, and it is clear that women were treated horribly in this culture and for the purposes of discussing patriarchy, this important not to gloss over. But for the sake of our LGBTQ+ community I feel we need to be careful about fueling the fire that says this story is saying homosexuality is wrong. From a literary standpoint, that's not at all what the original author was intending to say. I know there are many interpretations, but I have found this the most compelling. (the Bible Project has courses, that are completely free, it's called BibleProject Classroom, and deep dives into so much of the literary components, highly recommended for anyone, whether a believer or just a curious person who wants to see the literary view of the Bible!)
Consent is everything!!!
Do you really think the story of Lot and the two angels ist about homosexuality? To me it doens't make sense that "all the men" were gay in this town, and they really wantet to have intercourse with the angels because they wantet to have sex with men. To me it is more a story about, as you say, to rule over someone else, to demonstrate power. As it happens in prisons where men rape other men to show their power. This would be a pont, where men really suffer under the patriarchy as well. Always ruling over someone else. The call this a story about homosexuality sounds not right to me.
While I am all okay with homosexuality and think those people were treated very bad, for so long and I feel so sorry for them. And stories like this one from Lot were used to blame them.
BUT i really love what you do, I love the videos and love to learn more about all these stories, thank you very much for sharing!!
When this story was written i think the author would have seen homosexuality as a willing act not a biological state. So the author would likely view a mob trying to do gay stuff the same way we would view a mob choosing to hunt a witch.
I don't think it had to do with homosexuality at all. It was the people of the town wanting to know who had come in and were they dangerous or not
The men wanted anyone. Anyway, we all serve someone.
Not all men were gay in the town. Lot's daughters had men who had promised to marry them. The angels stopped the process of intermarriage. That is why Abraham later sent Eliezar back to his homeland to find a wife from tribes men for Isaac.
Look at this ladder 🪜 stair going to heaven. It started from a pillow of stone 🪨 call it a pillar for Jacob. That stone/the foundation is the chief cornerstone on which bricks stand to make walls. there will always be a brick on top of another to have a standing wall heading to heaven. Jacob's spiral ladder from generation to generation is being led by God. Man and God could mean Leader leading you to somewhere.
when bridges are broken, the ladder 🪜collapsed and that is wandering in the desert. It is a cycle to follow and to lead
Patriarchy in whatever form has been the deepest wound of my life. Its definitely shaped my sense of purpose/calling. Thank you for bringing out this information! It needs to be exposed. Great work!
It also didn't apply to Ishmael the child of Abraham and Sarah because he wasn't considered to be legitimate. However the story of the covenant with Abraham and Isaac is believed by Muslims to actually be between Abraham and Ishmael. In other words Islam recognised Ishmael as a legitimate son.
Also… Circumcision is genital mutilation. I literally wrote a research paper to understand before I had my kids. Please do your research first if you’re considering this. If it’s not for religious/cultural reasons, do your research!
, cutting off the flesh is a sign to renounce depending on the SELF, instead of trusting our Creator.
Allow your sons to make an informed decision when they are over 18 years 🤷🏼♀️
Recently watched all 5 seasons of The Handmaid's Tale. Late to the game. Waiting for season 6. Crazy for sure.
When people argue about bible points it makes me wonder about the different translations of the bible. You may be reading one translation that others are not. What power that bible translator must have.
Watch out for the King James Version. It's changes the word maiden into hooker sometimes.
Thank you Rabbi Goldstein!!! Beautifully and powerfully said :) Respect and gratitude ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎
It was the attitude toward women in the OT that made me question to begin with. I could not accept that women had an inferior place in the world.
There is so much that is just wrong in the Bible. But the foundation of patriarchy, that children come from the man's "seed" is a biological error. Women are seen containers that grow humans. But the reality is the woman's egg is the most important thing.
Stopped watching when you said you went to a circumcision and you had the utmost respect for what child mutilation means to their family. Sorry circumcision is child abuse. It is PTSD for infant boys. You are way too agreeable with patriarchal religions. In general trying so hard not to hurt people’s feelings about their toxic belief systems. Not watching you anymore.
Why don't they let these children grow up and consentingly decide to be circumcized? These babies don't have any consent around having their bodies mutilated. But an adult can willingly make that covenant. Idk many kids have had complications, even unalived due to circumcision and it isn't consent-based. Or medically necessary.
Patriarchy, Machismo and the silencing of mens feelings have disallowed us from questioning male genital "modification" / mutilation.
I thought your video would at least mention this as a way baby boys are also physically harmed in the name of the a patriachy.
I was similarly disappointed. I think for a channel that is (fairly and correctly) primarily devoted to how patriarchy harms women, she could have afforded one video to talk about how it affects boys.
Apparently not.
Very disappointing, indeed. Infant circumcision is a human rights violation that harms not just the child, but also the mother.
Although I agree that genital mutilation/modification should be a choice made by the individual; a dear friend of mine works in urology and the majority of her patients are older men coming in seeking circumcision due to extreme pain and constant infection.
Just some food for thought.
@@2Mushytell us more pls why infection
First time I read the Bible, I threw it across the room, because of the horrible way they treated and spoke about women. Didn’t raise my kids in any cult. Yes. They are ALL cults to me.
Judges chapter 19 is a perfect example of misogyny.
I'm here. I'm here for all of it and I'm a fan of the channel.
The arcade "level up" sound to a biblical painting caught me off guard in the best though 🤣✌️
I'm afraid I have to take issue with a comment you posted early in this video calling the brit ceremony a "beautiful" one. You talk about patriarchy and violence against women. Well, how about violence against children? You think that amputating a healthy part of an intimate organ of a defenseless child is "beautiful" because it somehow has meaning within the child's community? I'm sorry, but that is condoning ritualized child abuse. (BTW, routine medical circumcision of boys is quackery not practiced in many civilized countries, I.E. most of Europe to begin with, and people do just fine with their foreskins). The same patriarchal men who wrote the sexist parts of the Bible wrote about the covenant with God that mandates circumcision. I'm glad you're talking about women's rights, but please do not marginalize children's rights in the same breath.
And yet there is still belief in the book that demands male authority?
Still not interested in organised religion too many wrongs are done to this day because of it. You can literally die from it. Atheism is for me but I don't have a need to preach it to anyone. Happy New Year to everyone.
Furthermore, Lot & his wife were allowed to flee, as “Righteous” people; *Their Daughters were Not Allowed to, for they had been Sullied by the Night’s events.* _Ponder That!!!_ 😳😣🤨🙄
She managed to wipe out the misogyny, but didn't have the intellectual honesty to wipe out the imaginary god
You can’t prove or disprove god so have some respect. We are 99% empty space and energy.
@@artisticagi You can disprove the christian one btw. You can disprove the gods of any of the fabricated religions. They all could be distracting from the ONLY God there is.
Ummmm, couldn’t the angels in Lot’s story have struck down any man to lay a hand on them? And shouldn’t Lot have known that the angels were under God’s protection? Sounds like Lot was either stupid, without faith, or just hated his daughters.
He was smart because he knew his daughters were safe as the men didn’t desire them. He “offered” them to buy time to get everyone to safety
I’m not religious it I’ve read the books. I’ve always wondered how religious people deal with the passage about Lot’s daughters. I would be interested in how that conversation goes amongst the faithful.
Lots daughters realized that all their men were destroyed and none to carry on their father’s lineage and did an abominable thing of getting their father to impregnate them so as to bring forth his family line.
I went to a Southern Baptist church in high school and was always rubbed the wrong about the gendered expectations and prevention of women in leadership. I decided to read the whole Bible for myself - couldn't make it through but distinctly remember writting "???" in the margins in those passages about the house guests. Never could view the Bible the same after that.
Will check iut the recommended reading! I really want to reconcile my relationship with Christianity and find a church community with similar views. Are certain denominations more in line with this way of thinking about the text?
If you think that passage is difficult try reading Genesis 22. Did you think life is a picnic for everyone?
'"Who has believed what we have heard?
And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
For he grew up before him like a young plant,
and like a root out of dry ground;
he had no form or comeliness that we should look at him,
and no beauty that we should desire him.
He was despised and rejected by men;
a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief;
and as one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not"' (Isaiah 53:1-3).
'Now when Jesus came, He found that Laz′arus had already been in the tomb four days. Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles off, and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to console them concerning their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met Him, while Mary sat in the house. Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. And even now I know that whatever You ask from God, God will give You." Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again." Martha said to Him, "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day." Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live"' (John 11:17-25).
Men and women have different roles because men and women are different.
Hi I know you posted this weeks ago but I find that non denominational and Pentacostal churches have a lot of women in leadership. I grew up Pentecostal and I was taught that there is no difference between men and women in terms of personal or spiritual ability and grew under many women pastors/ preachers! They are also typically very empathetic/understanding of divorce as well. I was also taught that the patriarch is old Testament and isn’t applicable to modern times. So I hope this can kind of help you in your journey!!
@jaykayyay812 thank you for your comment!
Which version of bible was the genesis 19 verse from? In the version I read, Lot offered the daughters but did not follow through and they left the city with him. It's important that I read the unvarnished version to know the truth. As an atheist, I'm reading the bible to better understand what I am against and also to better understand biblical references made in classic novels.
She used the story of Lot and the story from Judges. In the judges story the woman wascraped to death then her body was cut up and sent to different places as a reminder/ notice if the sin against hospitality.
And yet I have to respect my sister’s beliefs because they bring her comfort (at the expense of others). But you know, _her dad_ just died, so I have to be respectful! ::cough::
Well of course , the Bible was written by many men for men. Stuff added over the years and stuff deleted over the years, and stuff lost in translation over the years, and, you name it sadly , this stuff has become the opiate of so many people. I just believe in a loving creator of the Universe, ethics and love.
I was a fan of this chanel until she called infant genital mutilation "beautiful." Disgusting. I don't care how old some tradition is, it's barbarism. Unsubscribed.
God isn't able to create something perfect since he needs to update the human later. I think circumcision is pure bs.
, cutting off the flesh is a sign to renounce depending on the SELF, instead of trusting our Creator.
Considering the Bible is just a translation and they have all been manipulated it’s hard to tell what the truth is but yeah females allowed this while women live the hard life working to change this.
So glad my 3 boys are UNcircumcised.
If the woman is just bearer of male seed, then it shouldn't matter what woman in the household he impragnates? The slave girl or the wife? Te cild will jut be a replica of him?
Fascinating how churches sorta gloss over these bits real quick so we don’t think about them too much.
While I find the examination of the origins of patriarchy really valuable, I am thrown by what seems to me a lot of cognitive dissonance.
There is no reason to believe that there really was a god who created the world and who chose these people, who we now know as the Jews, for a special covenant.
Religion is a human creation. Men dominated these societies, and in their attempts to understand the world around them they projected a male figure onto nature. That just as it felt 'natural' to them that they dominate, there was another greater male in whose image they were created, who created and dominated the world.
It leaves a situation where human need for identity means we have to live in a false consciousness. Jews, like the female rabbi, want Judaism to continue. So it's like we are expected to have an understanding about what the real cause of these belief systems is, but at the same time engage in a willing suspension of disbelief, pretending that people act 'as if' it really has a god as its source. Because this belief is a centre around which an identity was formed.
Judaism, like the religions that are based on it, Christianity and Islam, is an expression of a patriarchal urge to see the world as created for men to dominate and shape their communities with laws that are the manifestation of that domination. And their having a divine licence to do so.
Yet at the same time we seem to be asked to pretend that we need to 'respect' these ideas just because they're someone's traditions.
At the beginning of the video the creator talks about how the bris is a 'beautiful' Jewish ceremony. Would she wax so lyrical if she were asked to attend the circumcision of a young girl in the horn of Africa?
Or instead would we be treated to attempts to delineate one, the circumcision of the boy, as more justifiable because the Jewish scriptures clearly call for it, while circumcision of girls has no such real authority in the Quran? Or would the special pleading be on the basis of how the circumcision of the girl is out of bounds because it is more likely to cause her lifelong pain?
I don't see what this video's purpose is. Is it something along the lines of; we all know that these ideas are just products of human minds, but we need to all simultaneously collude and act 'as if' they aren't?
I'm not surprised that conventionally religious people find this kind of liberal thinking so disingenuous, and frankly, bizarre.
That opening statement already disqualifies you from being taken seriously in any way on topics of gender equality. You don’t just condone, but actively glorify male genital mutilation - a practice that has been rightfully outlawed when committed against women in all civilisations around the globe. But then again, I’m not surprised - feminism has never been about equality, after all, and statements like these prove it time and again. Now you’re gonna sit here and tell me circumcision is a form of privilege 🙄. Victim blaming, much?
I'm going to be the annoying commenter. Sorry ahead of time. The background music is very distracting for many of your neurodiverse audience. I'm trying to hear and process your words, but instead I'm hearing the music. Just FYI bc I don't have time to literally watch for the closed captioning. And I really enjoy your content. ❤
I usually like your videos and content, but to hear you call genital mutilation "beautiful" has shocked me. It's barbaric and should be outlawed just like fgm, even if it's less severe. I can only hope you worded it like you did to avoid saying anything negative about jewish costume, which i could understand, given the current political climate.
In 2nd grade I adkwd my male su day school teacher about all the "he" pronouns. He said it meant male and female. Right. Written by men for men. Even the homosexual references are male focused.
Also… Circumcision is genital mutilation. I literally wrote a research paper to understand before I had my kids. Please do your research first if you’re considering this. It’s torturous for a brand new baby who just came into this world. And there’s absolutely no valid medical reason for it.
After learning about these passages in the Bible it's so shocking to know that much of the Indian society is also like that except that primitive Western societies evolved out of all this.
Also, the punishment for Eve was invalid, because it was a case of entrapment. Think about it as if you were a lawyer defending her.
@@blaqueknightshe didn’t have the knowledge of good and evil.
It’s hard to comprehend the damage that this fairytale has inflicted upon the world over the millennia!! Imagine a world where there’s no heaven or hell,nothing to kill or die for 🤔
Never read the bible or any of such religious texts and I feel perfectly unburdened by these layers of partriarchal stuff. Good and interesting videos though.
Watching thismakes me think (if true) this god is in bad need of a psychiatrist.
Thank you.
I personally feel this may be some dangerous thinking as it challenges the marital structure that that is clearly defined amongst many other things, including the structure of the church. I applaud your sensitivity towards the subject and recognizing how others feel. However, did Lot offer his daughters to avoid the occurrence of homosexuality or the mistreatment of God’s angels. Given that a man was struck down for touching the Holy Grail to prevent it from falling into the mud I am thinking it is probably the latter. From what I have been taught, people judge and rank acts differently but God sees all sin evenly. I do think it is important to differentiate in the Bible what actions were performed by humans and are recorded as history vs what God desires of us. Jesus also stopped the men from stoning the adulteress by saying “let the man who has never sinned cast the first stone”. Sure, they were trying to trap Jesus, but he did not condemn her himself, and it displays how all sin may be viewed as equal.
Remember, Jesus also preferred Marry Mandolin to sit with everyone and listen to him rather than cook for them, as Martha requested. One small example in comparison, but still!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Please continue to watch and interact. There is a lot to unpack and learn about patriarchy and the way it harms our societies, not only in religious contexts, but secular as well.
Why did Lot not offer himself, then?
There are huge differences of old and New Testament. Additionally the story of lot she should continue and say the daughters then grape their father to have a child. The story is the fathers mind was corrupted by association bc how could a father do such a thing and thus the city influences him more than home influenced a city, it was all about business and money for him.
@@Prometheus720excellent idea! He must have been a mean and pathetic coward
You should check out Dr. Francesca Stavrakopoulou. She's a very interesting and knowledgeable bible scholar. Great upload! Thank!
Sounds. Interesting.
Thank you for this. Today how often do we hear that Jews are “people of the book”? Often it is said proudly. A guestion: in Jewish discussions is there identification of the bride price and the get as modern slavery? You identify women as breeders but in fact when money changes hands before a marriage can be considered valid and must be repaid before the marriage is over it creates a slave position for any woman trapped in such a situation. Within her community she has no rights over her body. If this is not under discussion and in active conversion worldwide perhaps it is time it should be. New to channel, subscribed.
Rabbi Goldstein asks some profound questions.
No men, no gods, no problems.
If god is perfect, why did he make males with foreskins that have to be cut off? One of the many, many questions I have about Bible stories. Christians get really angry when I dare to politely ask my questions.
Disgraceful. What kind of religion and God is this?
The origin myth villainizes women and knowledge in one fail swoop.
This is because the "BIBLE IS FOR MEN" and Not women. Some of the customs that they did back then, is just because they did them didn't mean it was accepted by Jehovah.
i wish people would start to also see that the bible was written by and for a particular people with aparticular culture that belongs to them, and by copying this book and basing a culture and society around it is sooooo foolish. its to me, an equivilent o someone cosplaying their favorite characters. were not cannaanites from 5000+ yars ago - so why should these rituals, way of life and spiritual outlook have any impact on our lives today? especially given its stance on women in general.
It's characteristic for people to project what the bible says into something that isn't true. What's "legal" in our culture-or any world culture-doesn't necessarily apply to the bible.
People are disturbed about circumcision , you should see what God says about the heathens. This is about black people and their God. Leave it alone heathens!
love your wives,
just as Christ loved the church
and gave Himself up for her
Ephesians 5:25
I think you mean women in the Tanakh, or 'Hebrew Scriptures' if you prefer - which is probably why you include Jewish women feminists in the post; not wanting to be liable of the anti-etc. charge. The content therefore is ultimately directed at Jews, whether you like that or not. The title is thus a misnomer, and should read 'Patriarchy in the Hebrew Bible'. Good luck with that. Perhaps you might deal with the tradition of herem next; 'Xenophobia In the Hebrew Scriptures', equally contentious, and arguably even more relevant given the 'state' of Israel and the pogroms in In Gaza. Why, Bibi himself has used these sacred depositions in his quest to annihilate Palestinians, having repeatedly referred to the said ethnicity as 'Amalek'.
Uhmm that's not the first instance of it? It dosn't start there it starts w Abraham and is renewed and brodend if you don't want to see it as a promise at his decendens at different times? It's just that specific renewal would be
For Lot the best interpretation I'd have is that moral corruption from the city had set in them too, so the doughters wear offering it (bc they thoght that it is was wrong but like normal for them) and there father agreed because he thoght that was normal bc somhow that was normal by the morals/rules of those cities and they're just still good bc even tho morally currupt like any and all humans they're still trying to do good (save the engels)?
For Eve I would argue that it's describtive not perscribtive. Describes what would happen because a bit like an AI when you learn to make even one distinction (one, zero) a lot follows as you build up your actions/belive system as a species
The OT and the epistles is men mansplaining God to us. Full stop. The Gospels, however, is God explainig God to us. At least the Words in red
The OT Is Jesus hidden in all pages . It’s God speaking to His people all the time
In typological terms, circumcision is the parting of the first veil--and breaking the hymen is the parting of the second veil. The meaning behind the symbolism involved with these elements vis-a-vis the Abrahamic Covenant is sacred beyond words--and originates from beyond this world.
According to.....?
Thats not how hymens work. They are not barriers.
They are just a lining that is not broken during penetration.
If hymens were barriers that are supposed to be broken then how would periods flow.
And think about how most Arab women are treated today...is it much different?
Do you also study Islam where this is not the same understanding.