VIDEO POST-MORTEM (And soliciting feedback from you!): Thank you for watching! As is my tradition, making these afterthought analyses is a nice way of winding down before the next project, so here goes: GENERAL THOUGHTS: My first priority after considering the comments on my first 'big' essay-length video was to work on the focus and clarity of my points. In this video, I wrote in little "let-me-be-clear" and other such statements to make sure that after I said a general idea, I would then follow-up up with either specifics on what I meant and/or a statement saying what my point ISN'T. This is to avoid the problem of last time where I didn't make it clear enough the central idea of the last video was more about the simple joy in speculating on Warframe's various locked doorways and of DE's improvisation rather than being all about DE having a set plan for those doorways in advance. When I really try to internalize what I'm trying to do with this channel, I feel that my biggest flaw approaching these kind of videos is that I like to think of an interesting central idea and build an entertaining presentation around that, but I can get kind of carried away with that excitement of that idea and leave the supporting points lacking. So, I did my best to improve on that regard with this video. So, I turn to you: how did I do in terms of clarity this time around? I'd like you to judge me on my intended ountline for the video: - Warframe is an old game, which means a lot of people have an general idea/assumption of what it is -- either through playing the game a long time ago, or by passively absorbing it through general media consumption/word of mouth. This is to its benefit and detriment -- as that makes all the weird things Warframe does hit even harder, but also as a general rule people are slow to re-adjust their initial impression, especially it's negative - Impression are a big deal, so to break them, you need a big change to grab people's attention. - Warframes (original) have long since been the face of Warframe, and that means they've had a long time to visually settle in gamer's collective conscious, which means an opportunity to subvert. The longer a status quo has been in effect, the greater the reaction when you upend it (also, while Warframes are awesome in a niche sense, there's a lot about them and about Warframe that isn't clear to someone who's not familiarized with the game, and Proto-frames being more human and able to speak can be more accessible to those players) - Hence, 1999 and its Proto-frames, I feel, can be a big enough change to cause those initial impressions to be reconsidered, and thus cause a large surge of interest in the game to a level I don't we've seen since Plains of Eidolon (which was when Warframe had it's biggest spotlight due to Open Worlds being such a big deal) - Finally, a section to speculate about the companionship system, because I think the execution of its writing and overall quality can heighten/lessen the impact of subverting Warframes into Proto-frames. We can talk about marketing philosophy to death, but at the end of the day, a good game's gotta be a good game for it to matter So, how does this compare with how you understood the video? I appreciate any and all critiques, feedback, and comments you have to offer! PRODUCTION: Oh boy. In my earlier videos (and in those WIP that haven't released yet), I typically write the script, then film the video matching the script. It's far easier that way, but this time it was the reverse. And let me tell you, that was... a challenge, to say the least. Filming an entire video to a nonexistent script is big rough-styles y'all. I think I squeezed just about every single usable clip and every single clip I recorded. That aside, I experimented a bunch of different effects, to a much greater extent than the doorways video, which I hope y'all enjoyed! These weren't simply done because I thought they were fitting for the 1999 aesthetic - expect this kind of thing to be pushed further as I continue and get more comfortable with the workflow process of this channel. With some computer upgrades on the way, some of the technical limitations I've had to deal with are about to be lifted. Exciting times ahead! This concludes this post-mortem! If you have any critiques of this video, know that I welcome and appreciate them, and I'll update this doc if I see any that piques my interest! Thank you for watching, and until next time Tenno!
There's a lot to discuss after this video. It brings up a ton of interesting points, so this comment will be quite long. The main idea of the video is how Warframe has changed a ton over the years, how new players and old have to change what the game means, what it even is, and if it's worth their time. You talk a bit about the new player experience and how these updates can draw new players in (mostly with Plains of Eidolon which I experienced the most outside hype from). You also asked about how this video was in terms of editing, structure, script-clarity and how we compare your goals with our interpretation of the video. What brings in new players to the game, or making them try the game again if they have stopped is, like you said, when something drastic changes, and they are informed about it. When the Plains of Eidolon came out, I clearly remember the headline "WARFRAME goes Open World" and an image of the Plains. Again, like you mentioned, this was during the time when everything was going open world, and it carried some great hype. I think something that made that update very successful was the placement of it in the progression. You could do the, honestly quite bad, quest Awakening and Vor's Prize, then jump straight in to the newest experience. I'm sure this was one of the reasons they also placed Fortuna on Venus, and Deimos next to Mars. All three open worlds are accessible quickly, and they are all good reasons to keep playing. They did the same with Duviri, making it accessible literally the second you start the game (until the put it behind the completion of Vor's Prize and now behind the junction Jupiter > Uranus I believe). To a lesser extent, they did the same with The New War, but instead of making you able to go to it instantly, they spent a lot of time making the path there easier, both with adding plat purchases for Necramechs and Railjacks, and easing their grinds repeatedly (for those who want to see how Railjack was at launch, check out Mr. WarframeGuy's video on it). This made getting to The New War easier. Finally, with the last big story update, Whispers In The Wall, they started to wonder how to make people not have to do about 30 hours of just story to get to the new stuff. This made them consider a story-skip which they quickly abandoned. I'm sure you know all this. The reason I say that is that one point I disagree on is how groundbreaking 1999 is, from an OUTSIDERS perspective. Plains was huge because it was open world, easy to understand and everyone likes open world. Railjack was cool because COOL SHIP. New War wasn't as cool to outsiders, because it's mostly story. No matter how good the story for Warframe is, it's hard to sell someone on an update for a game they have never played if the update is "100 hours of gameplay into the game, cool story happens". Don't get me wrong, to an active player, or some who have dropped off, it's a great incentive. But many will not think much of it. I believe this will be the same for 1999. The story we know is that Albrecht traveled back 1999 to stop the Grey Strain. It's really cool lore. The gameplay looks immaculate, the implications are massive. But to a non-Warframe-player, what's there to get hyped for? Sure, it looks visually cool, but apart from that? It's a city, there are some hot characters, you get a bike. Since it's locked behind Whispers In The Wall and Lotus Eaters, you have a LONG ways to go before you can play it. Another main selling point is the romance-options (which BTW, you are entirely correct on. I would LOVE to have a part of the protoframe squad hunt me down if i break up with them). We have to be a little bit harsh here. Many players of this game play it because it has cool guns, explosions, guns, loot. I have heard a large amount of people saying the game is "becoming gay", or in non-cringe terms, less macho, more catering towards "woke" themes. Personally I haven't heard anyone saying they will straight up BOYCOTT the game due to being able to romance characters, thankfully. As a selling-point, "romancing" isn't nearly as strong as "open world missions, you can steal airplanes and surf on surfboards". Maybe that's why they also added motorcycles. My point is that I don't know how strong 1999 will be in making NEW players start the game, because they don't understand 99% of what makes it cool. I am, however, all for this. I love the new direction Rebecca Ford is taking the game. It has been thriving. Adding a boyband, adding hot men to the game, Albrecht and Loid being hella gay. It's all so good, and I will defend it to my death. As a final point on this section, what you said about characters being more emotive making for better storytelling is something I hadn't thought of before. It's so true that Gauss Primes trailer was unique and great due to the frame being so "human". I imagine DE is making proto-frames for the same reason, to deliver more story in a better way. ______ The post-mortem of the video also asked some questions. A few I've already given my thoughts on, but the others, I wanna touch on too. Your editing is noticeably getting better. The start of the video is a masterpiece, and I would love to see how you did it. Keep this up. It's not often I watch videos for the editing itself, but I look forward to your future videos. The order of filming and making the script from the footage, rather than the script dictating what to film is a VERY common thing to try. I have done the same, so I feel you on that. I even fully edited a video and then wrote a script for it after that, which is the worst thing you can do. It's impossible to know how long it will take to say something naturally, which ends up making you have to rush the speaking or slow it down to match the recording. Script first then recording is always the way to go, if possible.
About the new player experience, you’re absolutely right. It saddens me how much they’re hyping up 1999 (especially for prospective players), and yet only giving this really amazing content after 100 hours. DE has mentioned there’s going to be new player experience changes on 1999’s release (and that’s great!), but, the fact remains - no story at the beginning of the game, means players won’t get invested. The best QoL for new players that they could give, is story. Pulling in so many players with 1999’s story is painful to watch because of this - it’s leading to overhype. I very much hope they do things right and have some story closer to the beginning.
Yep, about 90% of this is from the Tennocon relay! Thankfully, Lotus Eaters gave me the chance to go back to the mall to shoot pick-ups and grab the much-needed remaining 10% of footage to fill in some really awkward gaps I was having trouble with. All in all, there were 287 shots filmed in the Tennocon relay, 38 shots filmed in the Lotus Eaters instance, and 16 captura scene plates (for the multiple zephyrs on the couch bit) for a total of 342 shots filmed to make this video. And this is not including however many official Warframe clips I used in this video. Near the end, I was running out of use-able footage from the Tennocon relay as those filming sessions were done pre-script, so I couldn't do much in the way of planning except try to cover as much of the mall as possible and hope for the best. Best guess, I used about 70% of those shots? Even still, I cut the script from ~4000 words down to it's final count of ~2800--both for the sake of quality/conciseness and to make up for the fact that there simply wasn't enough footage to go around without re-using shots, which I'm loathe to do so.
1. the Indie developers in question has some core members that were developers working on Unreal Tournament back in the day. True veterans. 2. Warframe didnt get a AAA budget, it EARNED it, you can see the evolution throughout the years. i returned after 8 years, sorties were new when i stopped playing, and im dumbfounded by the amount of content thats in the game. its insane.
19:42 Not to dismiss the hype around 1999 but the main reason of big influx of new players is D2 and TFD floping recently and since Warframe was always compared to them people give it a shot.
This is 100% something to consider. After final shape came out so many of my friend group regulars and by extension their circles fell off and moved to other stuff. The group I feel the worst for are the people who played TFD without ever trying warframe so they genuinely don't know what they are missing.
@@MEYH3M I dunno man. After Fortuna the playerbase just got worse and worse. Railjack didn't help either then covid happened delaying the New war and killing every built up for it. The hype was unable to rise up until this september when both the other games went to shit and it's visible in the numbers.
@@basedlordprime I feel like TFD is losing steam because its not making content, Skimpier and skimpier outfits on the female cast only causes so much retention. Because while its proven T&A sells, it does not float a game long term.
It's definitely a pretty big factor to consider, but they hype for 1999 was there even before Tennocon, and before TFD and The Final Shape seeing a large exodus. I think the timing definitely works in WF's favor, but I don't think it's the biggest contributor. Either way, more Tenno is good 😂
Warframe 2014-wait we can fly in space? 2015-wait more star chart areas? 2016- wait it has deep lore!? 2017- wait it has open areas? 2018-wait space ships battles now? 2019- wait we have mechs now? 2020-wait we have an Elder Ring? 2021-wait solar system liches? 2022-wait we have a huge war? 2023-wait game changing lore??? 2024-Warframe 1999...!? 20XX....Warframe Sex update when
ONE LAST THING BEFORE SOMEONE GETS AT ME IN THE COMMENTS FOR IT -- Yes, sex appeal is absolutely under the umbrella of broad appeal. SHE'S HOT. HE'S HOT. THEY'RE ALL HOT. BWAAAAAAAAH---- I didn't mention it explicitly in this video because honestly, it just didn't feel like something warranting an in-depth discussion about nor did I feel it would have been particularly interesting to talk about for an extended time, especially in the shadow of the relationship system that 1999 is bringing. They're hot, and that's about the extent of that particular convo IMO
everyone knows sex appeal is part of warframe, the new ember skin stage dances during tennocon is proof. but the way its done in warframe is so different. while we argue who has the the best glutes its essentially skinless and borderlines parody of the sexualization in games. compared to TFD where bunny prime is in an over the top outfit and heels with way to much effort in the jiggle physics. its even prominent in the the advertisement.
I really wish that they tone down the speed in 1999, I want it to feel like dark sector instead of just bullet jumping to oblivion and being able to kill enemies in 0.5 seconds. Edit I just want him to feel like he’s in danger, these are PROTOframes. He should not be moving like the product that is 2 million years into the future. These are genetically modified humans which means they should get tired. (This might seem boring but it makes more sense then a man in his 30’s jumping higher then 20 feet in the air.)
They've already done a lot of that for New War, Veilbreakers and Duviri. And the 1999 demo was a standard Warframe extermination mission, minus Transference and AoE weapons. They might limit our arsenal and builds, but it looks like they'll be sticking to standard Warframe gameplay and movement this time.
You, personally, could do so and I tend to recommend it. But I understand your meaning. We'll wait to see the story; a demo tends to alter perception of intent, at times. More often, it seems, than not.
As much as I love warframe I must admit that similar things were said about The duviri paradox. Warframe will never be overwelmingly popular because of how boring it is to watch, not play, playing it is awesome and addicting. but people will nevever willingly watch it on stream like people watch Tf2, owerwatch and even destiny. that said Warframe is our little lovely microcosm.
killing raids was the mistake, they were fun to watch, people always could fail them right now Warframe is completely risk free game and even if you die it won't matter at all since you can be revived or just resurrect yourself (sometimes even for free like with Wukong or Inaros)
Honestly watching isn’t that boring? Maybe I could be in the minority here. But, it is definitely complex to understand as a viewer - especially if you haven’t played it. Hopefully one day missions could have more interesting things happen in each mission :)
I have to agree with you assessment about the duviri comparison. BUT it can be overwhelming popular. Watching things is nice but if it is fun and addicting to play that's a better metric. I used to play overwatch. And only time I'm watching anything related to it was how it's fallen. But then again I never really cared to watch video games unless it's a game that is associated with playthroughs. Multiplayer games are always boring to watch best played. But I understand I'm in the minority
I dont like how they simplifiqued the melee combos, or remove the just parry. The melee combat could be more engaiging if there are more enemies can block melee
Excellent video! I feel like you hit the nail on the head about the visual appeal of Warframe from an outside perspective. I remember many years ago before I first started the game. I was looking into it and saw the extremely alien and unique character design. At first, I was a little turned off by it, though also intrigued. I don't know if I would have tried the game if not for seeing how positively people talked about it. After playing, my perspective on the artstyle completely shifted, and now I love it! But I can imagine that many gamers have a similar perspective to me before I started the game. I think the Protoframes are a great way to give a face to Warframe in a way that can have a broader appeal without sacrificing what makes Warframe special. Hopefully, 1999 lives up to the hype and can convince more people to try out the game!
This was me. Tried it twice - first time turned off by the art style and at the time lack of new player experience. The second time I tried it I was sucked in and now absolutely love it.
@@warchildsilver For me the art style is what drew me in all those years ago. One of the concept artists, Keith Thompson worked on a lot of it and still does, along with working on destiny and borderlands.
Look listen. Give us Proto-Wisp, Proto-Saryn, Proto-Mesa, Proto-Khora, Proto-Voruna and Proto-Hildryn. And we're GOOD. Warframe playerbase gonna skyrocket with them proto-frames.
Warframe are interesting because they are mysterious faceless alien like beings. I perfer this say more but the casual people only want recognize boring humans. I get it we are humans we like something to relate but come on. Get out of the box and explore something that is not you. That what make games fun But deep down the warframes they are most relatable beings in the world once you learn what they really are, they used to be, they are the most humanity like creatures who is less human.
@@TheDragonfridayThe OG vision for Warframe was a lot better imo. Kinda like second dream release era. I miss those times and the vibe the game had then
I think beside excitement stands worry for this game. This game is massive, and that is both a boon and a bane. For every Duviri and Whispers in the Walls, there is Railjack, Archwing, K-Drive, Nechramech. Systems that have fallen by the wayside, outdated, disconnected, and shallow, only showing a glimpse of what they could be. Introducing what feels like an entire new platform for this game, is absolutely exciting, and allows a greater freedom that DE can use to express and entertain, just shows the cracks that have been forming from the decade of content. The more you play the game, the more you wish for less expansion and more depth. Your video about locked doors really shows this double-edged sword. Will they ever be opened? What if they're not? What if all we keep getting is new shiny hallways, with locked doors? I feel the romance system will be the same. Underbaked, optional content that doesn't influence any gameplay or narrative, because it can't. Because what if they player chooses not to interact with it? They've stated that it's an optional system, and that's understandable. And I know DE works hard, much harder than I believe possible, releasing content and updates much faster and larger than I expect, every time. Asking for more is unfair, I understand that, and they are working towards improving older systems, things that have been on the "to-do" list for years, which is nice, but if this game is going to explode in popularity, what are people going to find? A large lake to dive in, or a hundred shallow puddles to splash around?
yeah man... they neeed to find a way to put every "content-island" and feature togehter to make it a... well a whole. there is so much portential if DE finds a way to connect all of its realy cool features and make them make sense in the great picture.
Railjack just needs to be a spaceship killing mode. Give more ship and weapon types. More mission objectives. The rest of the entire game is geared towards warframes ninja mode. if they just dialed it up to a Freelancer level. Folks would love the hell out of it. Archwings would get a ton more use if they did away with the specific archwing missions and rolled those into rail jack. Run around and get your space captain on, fight fleets. Dont have the big guns? do the capture of the ship..
@@vaddick I like the boarding gameplay too, they could just re-elaborate the missions, for example: •Survival: Control the sector by destroying an endless enemy fleet. •Defense: Defend a boarded Outpost from an enemy fleet in order to steal it for the Tenno Cause, you could use the outpost defenses too (like the death ray). •Spy: Distract the enemy fleet and hack the terminals inside the Mothership/Outpost. •Skirmish: Destroy the enemy fleet and sabotage the enemy outposts. •Conflict: Destroy the enemy Mothership (Boss Fight). Destroy each of these components to gain an advantage against the Mothership: - Turbines: The Mothership won't move. - Bridge: The Mothership will not call for better reinforcements. - Main guns: The Mothership won't use its most powerful weapons. - Turrets: The Mothership will lose its turrets until they are fully repaired. - Shield Generator: Warframes may now board the enemy Mothership. - Ship Core: The quicker way to fully destroy the Mothership (You need to board the ship, just like the way it is now). - Ship Hull: This will fully destroy it (It will take a little longer).
I’m a veteran of this game, and I love this update, I haven’t been this happy with an update in YEARS! To all new players, now is the BEST TIME TO PLAY!
I had a thought along the same lines - what if the gemini skins is a way to gauge whether its worth it for DE to make a similar skin using our drifter? A customizable face we can put on a warframe might be a cool draw as well
My ONLY concern with this strategy is that DE is still falling short on their original promises and their lack of improvements on older game modes (Archwing, Railjack, Solar System) will eventually clog the entrance of their game and will make the whole experience either way too grindy for new players or just too watered down for veterans to care to come back to them. I just hope they can look back into their original works and give it more care while working in 1999, they are at a perfect moment in time (pun intended) to make the necessary changes for everything become more stable, fun and less of a drag overrall.
I agree with you for sure but it's hard to balance that without making the veterans who did slog through all that content feeo cheated, they have significantly reduced the grind required for slot of older content compared to release, railjack grind used to be awful
@@a.garcha199 Honestly, I may have only been playing for two years now, but as someone who did the Fortuna grind before they eased down the rank up debt bonds needed, there are ABSOLUTELY some grinds that a new player should NOT be faced with, especially by getting introduced to Fortuna so early on. This was fine in the days were people needed something to grind for, but in a game with so much content that you need to catch up on it quickly becomes overwhelming for newer players. If anything, I'm happy some grinds are actually getting easier for players because I feel like a lot of new players play catch-up, and there's a LOT of grinding to do (like 50 hours need to be commited before a new player gets to like New War, and that's with someone helping them along). i noticed a LOT of new players complaining about it, and it's good they're reducing grind times. The next steps that I think would be healthy is reducing Necramech and Warframe crafting times like they did with Koumei. At least, the necessary grinds to go through the story, at least. Hell, I played with a veteran who introduced me to the game and when I got to the railjack grind he said ''lmao good luck'' and I just responded with ''done'' and he was DUMBFOUNDED. He wasn't mad, just glad I didn't have to go through that, and I think a lot of veterans would agree some grinds just fucking suck.
I tried this game so any many times throughout its years and it didn’t actually get me until the “Second Dream” quest. Ever since then, I haven’t missed a day in the past 6 months. I lose sleep and watch videos on Warframe at work lol yeah I’m hopelessly addicted to it. Easily one of the best games I’ve ever played in my 34 years of age!
It will finally get you too, I laughed so hard at that, one of my friends asked me if I wanted to buy a founder pack with him when it released, and up until 2 years ago i still did not play it, around 1500 hours in atm😅
I’ve only been playing Warframe for about 125 hours ans really love it because it is niche, I tried so many other shooters the past decade and haven’t stuck with them. It the gameplay, the cosmic horror/sci-fi lore and art style not to mention the amazing community really captured me.
Great video, I think you're on to something about the ability to better characterize the frames with personality being a motivator to bring in a bigger audience. As far as your question to what I think about 1999 and what it could do for Warframe (good and bad) I feel like I boiled it down to these categories: What I fear: A hollow one-and-done mission that has much greater customization and personality than other quests but for whatever reasons because of how "late" in the storyline it is, or the release is bad, people decry it. What I expect: An enjoyable and more 'personable' quest whose release is backed up by an interesting anime/comic, an enjoyable videogame character relationship that doesn't seem too 'fake' and as if I'd read a good short story and a few new customizations in the game. What I dream of: A industry defining success that leads to future updates and more Protoframes, all of whom have 4000000000 pages worth of writing and a relationship with the character that exceeds even the most tender heartbreaks and joys of Baldur's Gate 3 or any critically acclaimed Hollywood movie of the last 100 years, catapulting Warframe and it's community into a glorious future beyond our wildest expectations.
Good video; appreciate the thoughts. I think we still have orher things that will buffer new players or returning players to Warframe in the broader new player experience. I know they are continuing to make changes, and i am intersted in continuing with my second account to see how things have progressed in this manner. For me, the Drfiter was an excellent connection, and something I never saw coming. Connecting to Operator or Drifter is the real "narrative" but as we go forward, Drifter is becoming the true narrative. Curious how it continues but terribly optimistic.
I have a feeling the Drifter will be used for the side hussles while the Operator will be the one carrying the burden of lore, especially since the Drifter still has no voice lines during missions.
Y'know what I'm thinking about though? Being able to become a Protoframe in the future. Pretty much a fusion of Operator/Drifter and Warframe appearance wise, where we can pick a "Batch" or the frame body we have, and then customize their/our face. For example, I can pick a Voruna body with a customizable female face like the Tenno. 👀 (They're separate from the Operator and the Drifter though.) Eternalism go
I feel like the reason why many don't bother is the confusion in starting and then how much stuff there is now. It takes hundreds of hours, if not over 1000 hours, to be fully up to date.
As one of those people with a few times trying and just not being able to penetrate into the greater facets of the game, and then finally getting into it through people who explained things to me, I’ll say that those who love the game are the ones who can influence it’s continual or stagnant growth. There’s lots of people who are like children when it comes to this game and they need experienced people to explain stuff to them.
I really don't care about dating any of these characters. I just wanna engage in whatever action and mission-oriented things that the new update brings.
The biggest issue with warframe is that you have to put in at least 100 hours to get to the good content where the story picks up. That's why it's not as popular as it could be.
Great video editing feels as natural as breathing to the viewer while watching. You, have taken the breath right out of my body. (Your editing is so extremely amazing, and I wanted to express that to you. I understand how difficult it can be, and I can only dream of making videos as good as you)
I started 3 days ago, ive been avoiding the game for years, the weird bug looking character and content of decades i was always sceptical of even installing it but here i am and i guess, "IT GOT ME"! And i am glad it did.
The trick DE has presented itself is to blend stark RPG consequences with hoarding looter-shooter impulses. The first puts meaning to player choices. A no do over world. The second indulges sustained effort. DE has been developing a strategy with this dichotomy in the moral questions asked in various cinematic quests which is represented by the yin-yang symbol of phaser of moon and sun.
I'm just scared of future where DE focuses little too much on Protoframes, and it resulting in less Warframe-y things (like skins) made. We already have Voidshell, Deluxe and Heirloom. Now they are adding Gemini skin to the roster and confirmed that they are working on more Protoframes. It feels too much of multitasking. I'm scared because I just can't care less about human-frames. Don't get me wrong tho. Their role in overall story is VERY interesting. But I don't care about playing as human-frame instead of Warframes. Maybe I'm thinking too much, but people seems to really love Protoframes. Lots of fan arts. Lots of them.
Honestly I feel a bit of shifting is definitely about to happen for a while, but I don't see the possibility DE will leave the core Warframe without updates, Reb has already proven the team under her command can do wonders (with slight hiccups, yes, but nonetheless) so I believe they know how to plan game development and spend their resources right. Let's just have faith in them, maybe correct them from time to time if needed (since they do listen to their audience) and time will tell if we were right or not. Also if I understood the goal of 1999 correctly, Protoframes are only a small (in terms of how big the events of this new Warframe arc will be) point in history we're gonna discover, a simple mean to get to Entrati. We only are hearing about it so loudly because... well... those are human Frames god dammit, the hype couldn't be any lesser 😆
I remember years ago, I was like "duh this is a 3rd shooter sci-fi" well when I first discovered the feeling of bullet jumping in the plain of eidelon with my excalibur, I felt such liberty and fun, it's been 7 years, and I still play the game.
I'm glad warframe is gaining popularity. I just hope they dont go the way of many modern games and spread itself to thing trying to appeal to too wide of an audience.
Warframe 1999 and by extension the gemini frames, in it's own way, turns the warframes from simple suits to Heroes from a Hero Shooter, kind of allowing you a PVE/ single player experience in a pseudo hero shooter that has yet to really been done.
Something that crossed my mind 1999 gonna be endgame content? If I'm not mistaken you need to beat the new war quest to unlock Albert's lab, so all the "new" players getting hype for this are gonna be sorely upset to find out they have to grind out a railjack a necromech and also progress the numerous quest requirements to even reach the wispers in the wall quest. Kinda strange they're promoting it as if everyone can play it when logically it should be behind a grind wall.
Good. The last thing i want is an other Duviri Paradox, a story that doesn't make any sense to both new players and endgame players, because it tries to satisfy both it ended up satisfying none. It didn't answer any of the questions from the new war, it didn't explain the origins of the Drifter, it didn't even explain what the hell the PARADOX even is. It strayed far too far from it's original 2019 vision to cater to new players. And don't even get me started on the open world, if you can even call it that, it's somehow even more of a detached content island then POE and Fortuna, exploring is out of the question because it's all about going in and out of the undercroft and following a set path which becomes tedious, and do a back and forth between the two rinse and repeat until you get to the disappointingly easy boss fight at the end, assuming you are not in a squad and your team destroys it before the cutscene even triggers, a major step down from Eidolons and Profit taker.
@@vesuvios9006 They're really not? The last trailer showed the important spoilers which veterans and mid game players already know of like the Operator waking up, the Drifter falling in Duviri, footage of the Zariman and the Sanctum, the quest is heavily tied to all these things and expects the watcher to know of these things.
@@dragondelsur5156 yea and I've been showing a friend of mine all the cool shit happening and he's thinking of getting into warframe, that's where I'm speaking from; he got it in his head he's gonna have a motorcycle on day one and I can easily tell him no you can't (and have) but shouldn't d.e. have done that? Ensure that new players know for sure who this content is available for day one. Yea we veterans know who the drifter is blah blah blah but to someone who has never even gotten a kubrow, it's a different story all together
It is interesting how you mentioned the appeal. I remember seeing a comment about someone trying to get their wife and friends to play but they had a problem with the Warframe's looking "ugly" and ended up playing The First Descendent I think.
I think a point of contention for why Warframe rarely drives new players to chase the point of interest (The Second Dream) is the stigma of live service games, an example being that a new player might see the prices for weapons and warframes and think they have to pay for them, and even if they do consider starting the game, they might never do because of said stigma. Another point being where and when the starting point for 1999 is, a new player who started exclusively for the update might feel disappointment, frustration or both that a quest they desperately want to play is gated behind chunks of missions, and since Duviri has been locked behind the Uranus junction, there's no kind of alternate mode for them to play besides Conclave (which no one plays lol). Warframe being a niche game is the point of why gamers rarely give it again, again, there's the stigma surrounding it's live service nature, but it's also niche because of how secretive the playerbase is towards the story, what happens and the intricate systems it has, it almost gives Warframe a cult following status where only those who stuck around through it's ups and downs know about what makes it good. The influx of new players and Destiny refugees kind of makes this update the biggest in the game's history, it's a point in history Millenials experienced and it gives the central point of the games faces and character. But this only makes me wonder on a couple things: Will DE be able to deliver on the expectations? Will new players stick around after 1999 is released and played? Will this make Warframe a cultural pilar instead of the weird kid who likes space ninjas and robot booties?
I agree very much on the appeal part of the video, my friend who recommended me the game 8 years ago was actually surprised to see me still play the game w/ much enthusiasm today, because I never played something similar nor displayed strong interest towards the design and aesthetics this game offers. I'm pretty much that girl who likes pretty men in medias she consume and plays otome, anime rpg and farm sim games religiously-- I'm actually quite surprised as well I managed to be absorbed by Warframe's art direction and story telling as well as the hellish grindy gameplay.
Additionally on the romance bit, as a dating sim enjoyer myself, I really hope the relationship dynamics are very broad and intricate (and I hope I can romance multiple at once bcs I'm greedy lmfao)
I completely agree in what this video talks about, 1999 is definitely something that the broader audience will be more receptive towards if they weren’t into the concept of warframe to begin with. But I’ve always been on the opinion that much can agree on in that they ought to fix the ng exp along with this. Better direction with small story progression leading up to second dream, better boss fights, more tutorials along with better quest structure (seriously sayas vigil and heart of Deimos in the first few hours? Shouldn’t be a thing) I would love for them to but some breaks to new content for a while and look backwards and if they told me they need more money for it I will buy plat full price to help out to fix that early game for newer players
Believe it or not, I was thinking about this exact factor when rewatching Tennocon (over and over). The idea that Warframes, while often appealing and interesting as playable characters, don't really express story or emotion the way more human characters do, and as a result, people outside that circle may not be able to connect with the game on that crucial emotional level. I will say that, I doubt that the 1999 romance system will be as huge and deep as you're suggesting here. Most likely, it'll be tied to some type of rep/progression system for the Hex like we do with the Cavia and Holdfasts and other syndicates. I do think it'd be awesome if there was reaching effects and benefits outside that, though, like if the computer in our Orbiters or the Pom-2 in the Sanctum gets functionality that could be used to communicate with our love interest, and/or if we get them as a summon like a specter, that'd be really cool. Doubt any of them will feel jilted and hunt us, though that would add some interesting interactions. BUT...Rebecca and/or Megan did make statements on some post-Tennocon interviews that apparently the romance system is decently sized and they put a lot work into it, so...I can't wait to play with it.
I do remember when I started playing, I walked on Cetus and saw other player's operator walking around, I just thought "how can I remove the mask out of my character?", it was more confusing when I completed The Second Dream, continued on Neptune and my new question was why can't my operator just walk around the ship.
40sec,this video convience me, it's a freaking good one ♥ Warframe is the best exemple how a game can grow with a supportive community and a crazy team developpers
As ive played for well over 3 years with a lost account aswell as a new one, we hope new tenno will be well introduced into the game and i hope they stay
That demo was amazing. I can't tell you how disappointed I was after completing it and finding out that it's just an expansion story coming next month and not a new game coming out bringing the gameplay into a different universe. I'd absolutely abandon Warframe in its current state to to play Warframe 1999 and have the same gameplay in a more realistic universe.
1 thing I know im alone in, because many have not played...and of those who did....most of their memories have forgotten. that 1 thing is: The t.v's all over the place. with that eye symbol in the center....reminds me of the tv's that were on the call of duty black ops zombies map: ascension during the easter egg. It gave me that same feeling. Im alone in this I know.
This is why I think they released the demo, so they could tweak some of the moment to moment elements of the gameplay of 1999. Though I am enormously curious how things will play out. I'm not holding any expectations simply because waframe has managed to throw me a curve ball with every update. In hindsight you can see how some systems in each update build on past ones but hindsight is always 20/20. It was the failures of Empyrean which lead to a shakeup of how updates were released and deployed at DE. The doldrums of 2020-2022 was all in reaction to the Plague. But also caution being taken to workshop things more internally. Honestly the fact that there is a romance system of sorts in the game was a pleasant surprise. But its also one which is going to be controversial for some. Quiet a few people don't like the existence of the drifter, or the operator at all, amazing I know. Myself? I've enjoyed the game as a whole. And have been playing it since 2014 rather frequently.
i just want there to be more lore shed on the orokin era. duviri is a nice sample but its based off the emotional trauma and memories of an unrialable narrator in the drifter. the entradi family has been in isolation on deimos for venturies so even helping them regain their memories feel hollow since theyve been infested for millenia
Aye man, great video. Im amongst the old timers of the game, and what I would like to believe is WF is currently experiencing some sort of renaissance period. Not only is D2 not releasing major updates so the D2 fanboys are finally transitioning, but also we cant forget about games like the first descendant that garnered a decent fanbase that those players are trying out WF since theres a lot of comparisons between the two games. That said warframe is far from a perfect game. Bugframe is a meme in the community, and DE has a reputation of sometimes being DElayed on new content. Personally, I think WF is slowly turning heads, and more judgmental eyes are watching from afar. Regardless I dont think this update will be the one to officially put WF on the map of being a GOAT in the eyes of the gaming community. Sure they were inspired by cyberpunk atmosphere and baldurs gate, however DE has been inspired by other games over the years, not too long ago we got duviri which is WF’s try at a souls-like game. Naturally, we will see what happens, and I’m hyped regardless. Again great video, I always enjoy essay-like videos like this. Especially when it has to do with one of my fav games of all time lol
6:19 I recognize that dev texture You little cheater, you. You're...early. 15:30 I just want the Valentines Day Persona 5 scene to happen in Warframe. Is that so much to ask?
ive 70 hours with warframe over the years. the chitin bug aesthetic is what has kept me away. Warframe 1999 is appealing because its relatable. I dont enjoy being a bug ninja.
I mean, I would also love it as a fun bit. I wasn't serious though not because I thought it would be bad to implement, but rather I didn't want to set an expectation or pressure for an unrealistic ask so close to the release date. In the unlikely case something like this does end up appearing in the update, I'll be pleasantly surprised!
ngl I'm halfway through the video and we still didn't get to the beef of it... it feels like you got an assignment of 1000 words and you've been expanding ever since you hit 100. Can't watch the rest of it
On a semi-related note I hope they use the work on proto-frames to improve operator and drifter customization. Maybe it’s just me but I feel like the hair and facial hair options for the game’s human characters, aside from being sparse, kinda just look bad. I’d like to try bearded with long braided hair or smth on my drifter but the beards look kinda terrible and there are only 4 of them, so I always just end up doing no hair (buzz cut) or masked somehow or other.
I played WF during open beta for quite a while. I think my Steam account shows around 500 hours played. For me the issue is as a returning player the experience is completely horrible. Two of the 4 times I've tried to return so far I literally sat in my ship going 'uuuhhhhh' for upwards of 30 minutes trying to remember what to do and where to go and just not remembering and having no guidance. I tried during the first open world area launch and got similarly lost with it's opening puzzle quests, though in that case it was not finding whatever the investigation thing was trying to get me to find and just rage quitting after trying for several hours on the same step. I tried to return again in Duvari, but I guess because even though my gear was maxed when I left, when I returned it was garbage, because the open world area bad guys were effectively 3-4 shotting me and I had no clue why. Again after several hours of that I left by rage quit. I'm hoping 1999 will be a much more gentle and logical re-entry and when I do get to the point of doing the older/regular content I'm not completely lost with where to go or what to do. No game should requite players to go to youtube to look up all the videos on new content and how to interact with it, or be required to have an in game person guide them through everything.
I feel you on this, as I've been a returning player myself on two occasions. The new player experience has gotten a lot of improvements, and that's great and all! But I do feel that sometimes the returning player experience is a little left-out of the conversation. In the future, I'd like to do some discussion about the lack of re-entry points in Warframe, so I hope I can do right by players like you in conveying some of those frustrations! If you'd be so kind as to help me out, I'd appreciate hearing what other specific troubles you faced as a returning player?
@ Haven’t tried since Duvari, but the only way I can think to describe it is by comparing to the First Descendant. In FD if you want a thing you look it up in a directory and it tells you all the places that thing drops from. So, if you want, say, Ajax, you click his listing, it shows the, I think, 5 parts, how much you have of each, and if you click the part exactly how you can get it. From what I recall of WF last time I tried, even if I knew what I’d want to look for there was no listing on where that comes from, how to get it, etc. I’d have to leave the game to look all of that up. I think I even had to look up how to start Duvari. I don’t recall there being a pop up with a new quest line or anything. DE said they were going to work on the returning player experience, but I haven’t seen it yet.
I know so many people that played Warframe. But almost everyone dropped the game before they made it to the Second Dream. Usually because they thought the game was too grindy
VIDEO POST-MORTEM (And soliciting feedback from you!):
Thank you for watching! As is my tradition, making these afterthought analyses is a nice way of winding down before the next project, so here goes:
My first priority after considering the comments on my first 'big' essay-length video was to work on the focus and clarity of my points. In this video, I wrote in little "let-me-be-clear" and other such statements to make sure that after I said a general idea, I would then follow-up up with either specifics on what I meant and/or a statement saying what my point ISN'T. This is to avoid the problem of last time where I didn't make it clear enough the central idea of the last video was more about the simple joy in speculating on Warframe's various locked doorways and of DE's improvisation rather than being all about DE having a set plan for those doorways in advance.
When I really try to internalize what I'm trying to do with this channel, I feel that my biggest flaw approaching these kind of videos is that I like to think of an interesting central idea and build an entertaining presentation around that, but I can get kind of carried away with that excitement of that idea and leave the supporting points lacking. So, I did my best to improve on that regard with this video.
So, I turn to you: how did I do in terms of clarity this time around? I'd like you to judge me on my intended ountline for the video:
- Warframe is an old game, which means a lot of people have an general idea/assumption of what it is -- either through playing the game a long time ago, or by passively absorbing it through general media consumption/word of mouth. This is to its benefit and detriment -- as that makes all the weird things Warframe does hit even harder, but also as a general rule people are slow to re-adjust their initial impression, especially it's negative
- Impression are a big deal, so to break them, you need a big change to grab people's attention.
- Warframes (original) have long since been the face of Warframe, and that means they've had a long time to visually settle in gamer's collective conscious, which means an opportunity to subvert. The longer a status quo has been in effect, the greater the reaction when you upend it (also, while Warframes are awesome in a niche sense, there's a lot about them and about Warframe that isn't clear to someone who's not familiarized with the game, and Proto-frames being more human and able to speak can be more accessible to those players)
- Hence, 1999 and its Proto-frames, I feel, can be a big enough change to cause those initial impressions to be reconsidered, and thus cause a large surge of interest in the game to a level I don't we've seen since Plains of Eidolon (which was when Warframe had it's biggest spotlight due to Open Worlds being such a big deal)
- Finally, a section to speculate about the companionship system, because I think the execution of its writing and overall quality can heighten/lessen the impact of subverting Warframes into Proto-frames. We can talk about marketing philosophy to death, but at the end of the day, a good game's gotta be a good game for it to matter
So, how does this compare with how you understood the video? I appreciate any and all critiques, feedback, and comments you have to offer!
Oh boy. In my earlier videos (and in those WIP that haven't released yet), I typically write the script, then film the video matching the script. It's far easier that way, but this time it was the reverse. And let me tell you, that was... a challenge, to say the least. Filming an entire video to a nonexistent script is big rough-styles y'all. I think I squeezed just about every single usable clip and every single clip I recorded.
That aside, I experimented a bunch of different effects, to a much greater extent than the doorways video, which I hope y'all enjoyed! These weren't simply done because I thought they were fitting for the 1999 aesthetic - expect this kind of thing to be pushed further as I continue and get more comfortable with the workflow process of this channel. With some computer upgrades on the way, some of the technical limitations I've had to deal with are about to be lifted. Exciting times ahead!
This concludes this post-mortem! If you have any critiques of this video, know that I welcome and appreciate them, and I'll update this doc if I see any that piques my interest! Thank you for watching, and until next time Tenno!
There's a lot to discuss after this video. It brings up a ton of interesting points, so this comment will be quite long.
The main idea of the video is how Warframe has changed a ton over the years, how new players and old have to change what the game means, what it even is, and if it's worth their time. You talk a bit about the new player experience and how these updates can draw new players in (mostly with Plains of Eidolon which I experienced the most outside hype from). You also asked about how this video was in terms of editing, structure, script-clarity and how we compare your goals with our interpretation of the video.
What brings in new players to the game, or making them try the game again if they have stopped is, like you said, when something drastic changes, and they are informed about it. When the Plains of Eidolon came out, I clearly remember the headline "WARFRAME goes Open World" and an image of the Plains. Again, like you mentioned, this was during the time when everything was going open world, and it carried some great hype. I think something that made that update very successful was the placement of it in the progression. You could do the, honestly quite bad, quest Awakening and Vor's Prize, then jump straight in to the newest experience. I'm sure this was one of the reasons they also placed Fortuna on Venus, and Deimos next to Mars. All three open worlds are accessible quickly, and they are all good reasons to keep playing. They did the same with Duviri, making it accessible literally the second you start the game (until the put it behind the completion of Vor's Prize and now behind the junction Jupiter > Uranus I believe). To a lesser extent, they did the same with The New War, but instead of making you able to go to it instantly, they spent a lot of time making the path there easier, both with adding plat purchases for Necramechs and Railjacks, and easing their grinds repeatedly (for those who want to see how Railjack was at launch, check out Mr. WarframeGuy's video on it). This made getting to The New War easier. Finally, with the last big story update, Whispers In The Wall, they started to wonder how to make people not have to do about 30 hours of just story to get to the new stuff. This made them consider a story-skip which they quickly abandoned. I'm sure you know all this.
The reason I say that is that one point I disagree on is how groundbreaking 1999 is, from an OUTSIDERS perspective. Plains was huge because it was open world, easy to understand and everyone likes open world. Railjack was cool because COOL SHIP. New War wasn't as cool to outsiders, because it's mostly story. No matter how good the story for Warframe is, it's hard to sell someone on an update for a game they have never played if the update is "100 hours of gameplay into the game, cool story happens". Don't get me wrong, to an active player, or some who have dropped off, it's a great incentive. But many will not think much of it. I believe this will be the same for 1999.
The story we know is that Albrecht traveled back 1999 to stop the Grey Strain. It's really cool lore. The gameplay looks immaculate, the implications are massive. But to a non-Warframe-player, what's there to get hyped for? Sure, it looks visually cool, but apart from that? It's a city, there are some hot characters, you get a bike. Since it's locked behind Whispers In The Wall and Lotus Eaters, you have a LONG ways to go before you can play it. Another main selling point is the romance-options (which BTW, you are entirely correct on. I would LOVE to have a part of the protoframe squad hunt me down if i break up with them). We have to be a little bit harsh here. Many players of this game play it because it has cool guns, explosions, guns, loot. I have heard a large amount of people saying the game is "becoming gay", or in non-cringe terms, less macho, more catering towards "woke" themes. Personally I haven't heard anyone saying they will straight up BOYCOTT the game due to being able to romance characters, thankfully. As a selling-point, "romancing" isn't nearly as strong as "open world missions, you can steal airplanes and surf on surfboards". Maybe that's why they also added motorcycles. My point is that I don't know how strong 1999 will be in making NEW players start the game, because they don't understand 99% of what makes it cool. I am, however, all for this. I love the new direction Rebecca Ford is taking the game. It has been thriving. Adding a boyband, adding hot men to the game, Albrecht and Loid being hella gay. It's all so good, and I will defend it to my death.
As a final point on this section, what you said about characters being more emotive making for better storytelling is something I hadn't thought of before. It's so true that Gauss Primes trailer was unique and great due to the frame being so "human". I imagine DE is making proto-frames for the same reason, to deliver more story in a better way.
The post-mortem of the video also asked some questions. A few I've already given my thoughts on, but the others, I wanna touch on too.
Your editing is noticeably getting better. The start of the video is a masterpiece, and I would love to see how you did it. Keep this up. It's not often I watch videos for the editing itself, but I look forward to your future videos.
The order of filming and making the script from the footage, rather than the script dictating what to film is a VERY common thing to try. I have done the same, so I feel you on that. I even fully edited a video and then wrote a script for it after that, which is the worst thing you can do. It's impossible to know how long it will take to say something naturally, which ends up making you have to rush the speaking or slow it down to match the recording. Script first then recording is always the way to go, if possible.
About the new player experience, you’re absolutely right. It saddens me how much they’re hyping up 1999 (especially for prospective players), and yet only giving this really amazing content after 100 hours.
DE has mentioned there’s going to be new player experience changes on 1999’s release (and that’s great!), but, the fact remains - no story at the beginning of the game, means players won’t get invested.
The best QoL for new players that they could give, is story. Pulling in so many players with 1999’s story is painful to watch because of this - it’s leading to overhype. I very much hope they do things right and have some story closer to the beginning.
A really great video. I loved the composition, style, editing, all of it. Subscribed!
Did you record all this footage when the mall was still up?
Yep, about 90% of this is from the Tennocon relay! Thankfully, Lotus Eaters gave me the chance to go back to the mall to shoot pick-ups and grab the much-needed remaining 10% of footage to fill in some really awkward gaps I was having trouble with. All in all, there were 287 shots filmed in the Tennocon relay, 38 shots filmed in the Lotus Eaters instance, and 16 captura scene plates (for the multiple zephyrs on the couch bit) for a total of 342 shots filmed to make this video. And this is not including however many official Warframe clips I used in this video.
Near the end, I was running out of use-able footage from the Tennocon relay as those filming sessions were done pre-script, so I couldn't do much in the way of planning except try to cover as much of the mall as possible and hope for the best. Best guess, I used about 70% of those shots? Even still, I cut the script from ~4000 words down to it's final count of ~2800--both for the sake of quality/conciseness and to make up for the fact that there simply wasn't enough footage to go around without re-using shots, which I'm loathe to do so.
warframe in my opinion is like when an indie developer gets aaa budget and I'm a proud warframe player with 1005.4 hours in
1. the Indie developers in question has some core members that were developers working on Unreal Tournament back in the day. True veterans. 2. Warframe didnt get a AAA budget, it EARNED it, you can see the evolution throughout the years. i returned after 8 years, sorties were new when i stopped playing, and im dumbfounded by the amount of content thats in the game. its insane.
@desgyulabalogh3429 well I meant that it earned the budget but sorry for the typo from my part
Played since 2013, 4000+ hours, this game has never failed to amaze me, and I love it wild story dearly
19:42 Not to dismiss the hype around 1999 but the main reason of big influx of new players is D2 and TFD floping recently and since Warframe was always compared to them people give it a shot.
This is 100% something to consider. After final shape came out so many of my friend group regulars and by extension their circles fell off and moved to other stuff. The group I feel the worst for are the people who played TFD without ever trying warframe so they genuinely don't know what they are missing.
That's just one of the factors, but it's not the main reason.
@@MEYH3M I dunno man. After Fortuna the playerbase just got worse and worse. Railjack didn't help either then covid happened delaying the New war and killing every built up for it. The hype was unable to rise up until this september when both the other games went to shit and it's visible in the numbers.
@@basedlordprime I feel like TFD is losing steam because its not making content, Skimpier and skimpier outfits on the female cast only causes so much retention. Because while its proven T&A sells, it does not float a game long term.
It's definitely a pretty big factor to consider, but they hype for 1999 was there even before Tennocon, and before TFD and The Final Shape seeing a large exodus. I think the timing definitely works in WF's favor, but I don't think it's the biggest contributor.
Either way, more Tenno is good 😂
As an 11 year veteran of the game I support this message ❤
🤝 Hello, fellow Elder Tenno.
I've been playing for 6 years, and DE supports the fan base, unlike other games, which is why I keep playing.
As 6 years old Tenno, thank you for your service 🖤
I'll second that.
@@Moose_jhe been playing for 7, and have enjoyed playing the game solely for fun since then, and all i can say is that you're completely right.
2014-wait we can fly in space?
2015-wait more star chart areas?
2016- wait it has deep lore!?
2017- wait it has open areas?
2018-wait space ships battles now?
2019- wait we have mechs now?
2020-wait we have an Elder Ring?
2021-wait solar system liches?
2022-wait we have a huge war?
2023-wait game changing lore???
2024-Warframe 1999...!?
20XX....Warframe Sex update when
2024- warframe seggs already given with jade lol
2024 already happened, We got pregnant-frame already
Hot Kuva Mod
@@Rage-_-Quithehe... I get that reference
2032, when game is officially 18+ :D
ONE LAST THING BEFORE SOMEONE GETS AT ME IN THE COMMENTS FOR IT -- Yes, sex appeal is absolutely under the umbrella of broad appeal. SHE'S HOT. HE'S HOT. THEY'RE ALL HOT. BWAAAAAAAAH----
I didn't mention it explicitly in this video because honestly, it just didn't feel like something warranting an in-depth discussion about nor did I feel it would have been particularly interesting to talk about for an extended time, especially in the shadow of the relationship system that 1999 is bringing. They're hot, and that's about the extent of that particular convo IMO
everyone knows sex appeal is part of warframe, the new ember skin stage dances during tennocon is proof. but the way its done in warframe is so different. while we argue who has the the best glutes its essentially skinless and borderlines parody of the sexualization in games. compared to TFD where bunny prime is in an over the top outfit and heels with way to much effort in the jiggle physics. its even prominent in the the advertisement.
I really wish that they tone down the speed in 1999, I want it to feel like dark sector instead of just bullet jumping to oblivion and being able to kill enemies in 0.5 seconds.
Edit I just want him to feel like he’s in danger, these are PROTOframes. He should not be moving like the product that is 2 million years into the future. These are genetically modified humans which means they should get tired. (This might seem boring but it makes more sense then a man in his 30’s jumping higher then 20 feet in the air.)
We will be playing as our frames (and the Drifter) in 1999, so it's not likely they would turn off our movement
The Demo is feel like this
They've already done a lot of that for New War, Veilbreakers and Duviri. And the 1999 demo was a standard Warframe extermination mission, minus Transference and AoE weapons.
They might limit our arsenal and builds, but it looks like they'll be sticking to standard Warframe gameplay and movement this time.
@@HA-ot6ufthat would be perfect honestly
You, personally, could do so and I tend to recommend it. But I understand your meaning. We'll wait to see the story; a demo tends to alter perception of intent, at times. More often, it seems, than not.
As much as I love warframe I must admit that similar things were said about The duviri paradox. Warframe will never be overwelmingly popular because of how boring it is to watch, not play, playing it is awesome and addicting. but people will nevever willingly watch it on stream like people watch Tf2, owerwatch and even destiny. that said Warframe is our little lovely microcosm.
killing raids was the mistake, they were fun to watch, people always could fail them right now Warframe is completely risk free game and even if you die it won't matter at all since you can be revived or just resurrect yourself (sometimes even for free like with Wukong or Inaros)
Honestly watching isn’t that boring? Maybe I could be in the minority here.
But, it is definitely complex to understand as a viewer - especially if you haven’t played it.
Hopefully one day missions could have more interesting things happen in each mission :)
This is extremely true. Like deep rock galactic, another pve game, is pretty fun to watch imo. But warframe not so much
I have to agree with you assessment about the duviri comparison. BUT it can be overwhelming popular. Watching things is nice but if it is fun and addicting to play that's a better metric. I used to play overwatch. And only time I'm watching anything related to it was how it's fallen. But then again I never really cared to watch video games unless it's a game that is associated with playthroughs. Multiplayer games are always boring to watch best played. But I understand I'm in the minority
I dont like how they simplifiqued the melee combos, or remove the just parry. The melee combat could be more engaiging if there are more enemies can block melee
People are highly overexaggerating how much this update will change the future of Warframe.
Excellent video! I feel like you hit the nail on the head about the visual appeal of Warframe from an outside perspective. I remember many years ago before I first started the game. I was looking into it and saw the extremely alien and unique character design. At first, I was a little turned off by it, though also intrigued. I don't know if I would have tried the game if not for seeing how positively people talked about it. After playing, my perspective on the artstyle completely shifted, and now I love it! But I can imagine that many gamers have a similar perspective to me before I started the game.
I think the Protoframes are a great way to give a face to Warframe in a way that can have a broader appeal without sacrificing what makes Warframe special. Hopefully, 1999 lives up to the hype and can convince more people to try out the game!
This was me. Tried it twice - first time turned off by the art style and at the time lack of new player experience. The second time I tried it I was sucked in and now absolutely love it.
@@warchildsilver For me the art style is what drew me in all those years ago. One of the concept artists, Keith Thompson worked on a lot of it and still does, along with working on destiny and borderlands.
Look listen.
Give us Proto-Wisp, Proto-Saryn, Proto-Mesa, Proto-Khora, Proto-Voruna and Proto-Hildryn.
And we're GOOD.
Warframe playerbase gonna skyrocket with them proto-frames.
You can’t just do my girl Ember Heirloom dirty like that T.T
DE 10000% saw how The First Descendents is making insane bank, I wouldn't mind more of them.
@@mayhemivory5730I need GYATT heirloom on a bike my nucleus accumbens demands it
And Proto-Nezha
Is Aoi not good enough for you people 😭
Here is hoping to another 10 great years!
I think by that point it will be in maintenance mode.
I like that warframes are not just humans because normal people even with powers are less "me" and more just a character.
they are essentially weaponized Flood zombies.
Warframe are interesting because they are mysterious faceless alien like beings. I perfer this say more but the casual people only want recognize boring humans. I get it we are humans we like something to relate but come on. Get out of the box and explore something that is not you. That what make games fun
But deep down the warframes they are most relatable beings in the world once you learn what they really are, they used to be, they are the most humanity like creatures who is less human.
@@TheDragonfridayThe OG vision for Warframe was a lot better imo. Kinda like second dream release era. I miss those times and the vibe the game had then
@@TheDragonfridayat the same time, we can realte to more than just humans, but also for what is alien or animal.
I think beside excitement stands worry for this game. This game is massive, and that is both a boon and a bane. For every Duviri and Whispers in the Walls, there is Railjack, Archwing, K-Drive, Nechramech. Systems that have fallen by the wayside, outdated, disconnected, and shallow, only showing a glimpse of what they could be. Introducing what feels like an entire new platform for this game, is absolutely exciting, and allows a greater freedom that DE can use to express and entertain, just shows the cracks that have been forming from the decade of content. The more you play the game, the more you wish for less expansion and more depth.
Your video about locked doors really shows this double-edged sword. Will they ever be opened? What if they're not? What if all we keep getting is new shiny hallways, with locked doors? I feel the romance system will be the same. Underbaked, optional content that doesn't influence any gameplay or narrative, because it can't. Because what if they player chooses not to interact with it? They've stated that it's an optional system, and that's understandable. And I know DE works hard, much harder than I believe possible, releasing content and updates much faster and larger than I expect, every time. Asking for more is unfair, I understand that, and they are working towards improving older systems, things that have been on the "to-do" list for years, which is nice, but if this game is going to explode in popularity, what are people going to find? A large lake to dive in, or a hundred shallow puddles to splash around?
smart comment.
yeah man... they neeed to find a way to put every "content-island" and feature togehter to make it a... well a whole. there is so much portential if DE finds a way to connect all of its realy cool features and make them make sense in the great picture.
Railjack just needs to be a spaceship killing mode. Give more ship and weapon types. More mission objectives. The rest of the entire game is geared towards warframes ninja mode. if they just dialed it up to a Freelancer level. Folks would love the hell out of it. Archwings would get a ton more use if they did away with the specific archwing missions and rolled those into rail jack. Run around and get your space captain on, fight fleets. Dont have the big guns? do the capture of the ship..
it's astonishing to me to see people cite duviri as a success
@@vaddick I like the boarding gameplay too, they could just re-elaborate the missions, for example:
•Survival: Control the sector by destroying an endless enemy fleet.
•Defense: Defend a boarded Outpost from an enemy fleet in order to steal it for the Tenno Cause, you could use the outpost defenses too (like the death ray).
•Spy: Distract the enemy fleet and hack the terminals inside the Mothership/Outpost.
•Skirmish: Destroy the enemy fleet and sabotage the enemy outposts.
•Conflict: Destroy the enemy Mothership (Boss Fight). Destroy each of these components to gain an advantage against the Mothership:
- Turbines: The Mothership won't move.
- Bridge: The Mothership will not call for better reinforcements.
- Main guns: The Mothership won't use its most powerful weapons.
- Turrets: The Mothership will lose its turrets until they are fully repaired.
- Shield Generator: Warframes may now board the enemy Mothership.
- Ship Core: The quicker way to fully destroy the Mothership (You need to board the ship, just like the way it is now).
- Ship Hull: This will fully destroy it (It will take a little longer).
I’m a veteran of this game, and I love this update, I haven’t been this happy with an update in YEARS! To all new players, now is the BEST TIME TO PLAY!
I agree! I think it's because they've kept the classic gamemodes but put a fun new variation on them yk
I had a thought along the same lines - what if the gemini skins is a way to gauge whether its worth it for DE to make a similar skin using our drifter? A customizable face we can put on a warframe might be a cool draw as well
I would give a lot of money to be able to make my own ‘sonas for my favorite Warframe.
My ONLY concern with this strategy is that DE is still falling short on their original promises and their lack of improvements on older game modes (Archwing, Railjack, Solar System) will eventually clog the entrance of their game and will make the whole experience either way too grindy for new players or just too watered down for veterans to care to come back to them.
I just hope they can look back into their original works and give it more care while working in 1999, they are at a perfect moment in time (pun intended) to make the necessary changes for everything become more stable, fun and less of a drag overrall.
I agree with you for sure but it's hard to balance that without making the veterans who did slog through all that content feeo cheated, they have significantly reduced the grind required for slot of older content compared to release, railjack grind used to be awful
@@a.garcha199 Honestly, I may have only been playing for two years now, but as someone who did the Fortuna grind before they eased down the rank up debt bonds needed, there are ABSOLUTELY some grinds that a new player should NOT be faced with, especially by getting introduced to Fortuna so early on. This was fine in the days were people needed something to grind for, but in a game with so much content that you need to catch up on it quickly becomes overwhelming for newer players.
If anything, I'm happy some grinds are actually getting easier for players because I feel like a lot of new players play catch-up, and there's a LOT of grinding to do (like 50 hours need to be commited before a new player gets to like New War, and that's with someone helping them along). i noticed a LOT of new players complaining about it, and it's good they're reducing grind times. The next steps that I think would be healthy is reducing Necramech and Warframe crafting times like they did with Koumei. At least, the necessary grinds to go through the story, at least.
Hell, I played with a veteran who introduced me to the game and when I got to the railjack grind he said ''lmao good luck'' and I just responded with ''done'' and he was DUMBFOUNDED. He wasn't mad, just glad I didn't have to go through that, and I think a lot of veterans would agree some grinds just fucking suck.
I tried this game so any many times throughout its years and it didn’t actually get me until the “Second Dream” quest. Ever since then, I haven’t missed a day in the past 6 months. I lose sleep and watch videos on Warframe at work lol yeah I’m hopelessly addicted to it. Easily one of the best games I’ve ever played in my 34 years of age!
Great video. Amazing editing and script, keep it up!
The way you got so many of these shots are astonishing, I'd love to know and see how you did it
This production quality is amazing man
It will finally get you too,
I laughed so hard at that, one of my friends asked me if I wanted to buy a founder pack with him when it released, and up until 2 years ago i still did not play it, around 1500 hours in atm😅
Awesome video bro. Very well done and eloquently narrated. Thanks.
Hype WF 1999!!
Man your videos are super high in production value
How in the world do you not have more subscribers? I’m blown away by the quality of this video. Bless the YT algorithm for recommending your channel
I’ve only been playing Warframe for about 125 hours ans really love it because it is niche, I tried so many other shooters the past decade and haven’t stuck with them. It the gameplay, the cosmic horror/sci-fi lore and art style not to mention the amazing community really captured me.
Great video, I think you're on to something about the ability to better characterize the frames with personality being a motivator to bring in a bigger audience. As far as your question to what I think about 1999 and what it could do for Warframe (good and bad) I feel like I boiled it down to these categories:
What I fear: A hollow one-and-done mission that has much greater customization and personality than other quests but for whatever reasons because of how "late" in the storyline it is, or the release is bad, people decry it.
What I expect: An enjoyable and more 'personable' quest whose release is backed up by an interesting anime/comic, an enjoyable videogame character relationship that doesn't seem too 'fake' and as if I'd read a good short story and a few new customizations in the game.
What I dream of: A industry defining success that leads to future updates and more Protoframes, all of whom have 4000000000 pages worth of writing and a relationship with the character that exceeds even the most tender heartbreaks and joys of Baldur's Gate 3 or any critically acclaimed Hollywood movie of the last 100 years, catapulting Warframe and it's community into a glorious future beyond our wildest expectations.
I sooo love your edit! It's incredible!! Great job!
The Sex Update
Now that's gonna be something of intrest but I wonder how that'll work
@@wolfgang6442 Nothing r18 because children play warframe , as Rebecca said , we will get a New Years kiss.
Fitting name for degenerate behavior.
Good video; appreciate the thoughts. I think we still have orher things that will buffer new players or returning players to Warframe in the broader new player experience. I know they are continuing to make changes, and i am intersted in continuing with my second account to see how things have progressed in this manner. For me, the Drfiter was an excellent connection, and something I never saw coming. Connecting to Operator or Drifter is the real "narrative" but as we go forward, Drifter is becoming the true narrative. Curious how it continues but terribly optimistic.
I have a feeling the Drifter will be used for the side hussles while the Operator will be the one carrying the burden of lore, especially since the Drifter still has no voice lines during missions.
Y'know what I'm thinking about though? Being able to become a Protoframe in the future. Pretty much a fusion of Operator/Drifter and Warframe appearance wise, where we can pick a "Batch" or the frame body we have, and then customize their/our face. For example, I can pick a Voruna body with a customizable female face like the Tenno. 👀 (They're separate from the Operator and the Drifter though.)
Eternalism go
Multivers+Timetravel really opened the floodgates
@@proxy90909 *Schrodinger's Multiverse + Timetravel 😆
9 year’s of my life playing this game I don’t regret a single moment this game has indeed helped me live, and I’ll never forget it
I feel like the reason why many don't bother is the confusion in starting and then how much stuff there is now. It takes hundreds of hours, if not over 1000 hours, to be fully up to date.
600-700 for me
As one of those people with a few times trying and just not being able to penetrate into the greater facets of the game, and then finally getting into it through people who explained things to me, I’ll say that those who love the game are the ones who can influence it’s continual or stagnant growth. There’s lots of people who are like children when it comes to this game and they need experienced people to explain stuff to them.
Great video. Very well put together.
Interesting thoughts good footage timing and splicing in.
I really don't care about dating any of these characters. I just wanna engage in whatever action and mission-oriented things that the new update brings.
Production quality is very high, especially for a small channel.
Awesome quality. Top tier video.
The biggest issue with warframe is that you have to put in at least 100 hours to get to the good content where the story picks up. That's why it's not as popular as it could be.
Great video editing feels as natural as breathing to the viewer while watching. You, have taken the breath right out of my body. (Your editing is so extremely amazing, and I wanted to express that to you. I understand how difficult it can be, and I can only dream of making videos as good as you)
I really wonder if the romance thing will be limited to only 1999 or if it’ll have an effect outside it and if it’ll have any benefits
Exactly! I wonder about the bigger picture too.
God this editing is top notch
Amazing video and creative creation!
I started 3 days ago, ive been avoiding the game for years, the weird bug looking character and content of decades i was always sceptical of even installing it but here i am and i guess, "IT GOT ME"! And i am glad it did.
Swahz Dolah, Outsider!
Very nice vid well presented ❤
The trick DE has presented itself is to blend stark RPG consequences with hoarding looter-shooter impulses. The first puts meaning to player choices. A no do over world. The second indulges sustained effort.
DE has been developing a strategy with this dichotomy in the moral questions asked in various cinematic quests which is represented by the yin-yang symbol of phaser of moon and sun.
I'm just scared of future where DE focuses little too much on Protoframes, and it resulting in less Warframe-y things (like skins) made. We already have Voidshell, Deluxe and Heirloom. Now they are adding Gemini skin to the roster and confirmed that they are working on more Protoframes. It feels too much of multitasking.
I'm scared because I just can't care less about human-frames. Don't get me wrong tho. Their role in overall story is VERY interesting. But I don't care about playing as human-frame instead of Warframes.
Maybe I'm thinking too much, but people seems to really love Protoframes. Lots of fan arts. Lots of them.
Honestly I feel a bit of shifting is definitely about to happen for a while, but I don't see the possibility DE will leave the core Warframe without updates, Reb has already proven the team under her command can do wonders (with slight hiccups, yes, but nonetheless) so I believe they know how to plan game development and spend their resources right. Let's just have faith in them, maybe correct them from time to time if needed (since they do listen to their audience) and time will tell if we were right or not.
Also if I understood the goal of 1999 correctly, Protoframes are only a small (in terms of how big the events of this new Warframe arc will be) point in history we're gonna discover, a simple mean to get to Entrati. We only are hearing about it so loudly because... well... those are human Frames god dammit, the hype couldn't be any lesser 😆
Great video! I hope you get more views you deserve it
I remember years ago, I was like "duh this is a 3rd shooter sci-fi" well when I first discovered the feeling of bullet jumping in the plain of eidelon with my excalibur, I felt such liberty and fun, it's been 7 years, and I still play the game.
I'm glad warframe is gaining popularity. I just hope they dont go the way of many modern games and spread itself to thing trying to appeal to too wide of an audience.
how does this guy have only 1.6k subscribers??
amazing video
This was masterful and i loved this video. This deserves yo be watched by anyone familiar with warframe
Warframe 1999 and by extension the gemini frames, in it's own way, turns the warframes from simple suits to Heroes from a Hero Shooter, kind of allowing you a PVE/ single player experience in a pseudo hero shooter that has yet to really been done.
Something that crossed my mind 1999 gonna be endgame content? If I'm not mistaken you need to beat the new war quest to unlock Albert's lab, so all the "new" players getting hype for this are gonna be sorely upset to find out they have to grind out a railjack a necromech and also progress the numerous quest requirements to even reach the wispers in the wall quest. Kinda strange they're promoting it as if everyone can play it when logically it should be behind a grind wall.
The quest is obviously aimed at people who already finished Whispers in the Walls.
@dragondelsur5156 but they're promoting as if anyone can play as soon as they log in. That was my whole point, obviously.
Good. The last thing i want is an other Duviri Paradox, a story that doesn't make any sense to both new players and endgame players, because it tries to satisfy both it ended up satisfying none.
It didn't answer any of the questions from the new war, it didn't explain the origins of the Drifter, it didn't even explain what the hell the PARADOX even is. It strayed far too far from it's original 2019 vision to cater to new players.
And don't even get me started on the open world, if you can even call it that, it's somehow even more of a detached content island then POE and Fortuna, exploring is out of the question because it's all about going in and out of the undercroft and following a set path which becomes tedious, and do a back and forth between the two rinse and repeat until you get to the disappointingly easy boss fight at the end, assuming you are not in a squad and your team destroys it before the cutscene even triggers, a major step down from Eidolons and Profit taker.
@@vesuvios9006 They're really not? The last trailer showed the important spoilers which veterans and mid game players already know of like the Operator waking up, the Drifter falling in Duviri, footage of the Zariman and the Sanctum, the quest is heavily tied to all these things and expects the watcher to know of these things.
@@dragondelsur5156 yea and I've been showing a friend of mine all the cool shit happening and he's thinking of getting into warframe, that's where I'm speaking from; he got it in his head he's gonna have a motorcycle on day one and I can easily tell him no you can't (and have) but shouldn't d.e. have done that? Ensure that new players know for sure who this content is available for day one. Yea we veterans know who the drifter is blah blah blah but to someone who has never even gotten a kubrow, it's a different story all together
It is interesting how you mentioned the appeal. I remember seeing a comment about someone trying to get their wife and friends to play but they had a problem with the Warframe's looking "ugly" and ended up playing The First Descendent I think.
It’s got me I haven’t played anything else in 2 months. The trade system alone beats ever other looter
1999 expansion appears to be heavily influenced by Cyberpunk 2077. which is really cool !
I think a point of contention for why Warframe rarely drives new players to chase the point of interest (The Second Dream) is the stigma of live service games, an example being that a new player might see the prices for weapons and warframes and think they have to pay for them, and even if they do consider starting the game, they might never do because of said stigma. Another point being where and when the starting point for 1999 is, a new player who started exclusively for the update might feel disappointment, frustration or both that a quest they desperately want to play is gated behind chunks of missions, and since Duviri has been locked behind the Uranus junction, there's no kind of alternate mode for them to play besides Conclave (which no one plays lol). Warframe being a niche game is the point of why gamers rarely give it again, again, there's the stigma surrounding it's live service nature, but it's also niche because of how secretive the playerbase is towards the story, what happens and the intricate systems it has, it almost gives Warframe a cult following status where only those who stuck around through it's ups and downs know about what makes it good.
The influx of new players and Destiny refugees kind of makes this update the biggest in the game's history, it's a point in history Millenials experienced and it gives the central point of the games faces and character. But this only makes me wonder on a couple things: Will DE be able to deliver on the expectations? Will new players stick around after 1999 is released and played? Will this make Warframe a cultural pilar instead of the weird kid who likes space ninjas and robot booties?
Play as a Time-traveling-space-ghost-ninja
I agree very much on the appeal part of the video, my friend who recommended me the game 8 years ago was actually surprised to see me still play the game w/ much enthusiasm today, because I never played something similar nor displayed strong interest towards the design and aesthetics this game offers. I'm pretty much that girl who likes pretty men in medias she consume and plays otome, anime rpg and farm sim games religiously--
I'm actually quite surprised as well I managed to be absorbed by Warframe's art direction and story telling as well as the hellish grindy gameplay.
Additionally on the romance bit, as a dating sim enjoyer myself, I really hope the relationship dynamics are very broad and intricate (and I hope I can romance multiple at once bcs I'm greedy lmfao)
Great intro
I completely agree in what this video talks about, 1999 is definitely something that the broader audience will be more receptive towards if they weren’t into the concept of warframe to begin with.
But I’ve always been on the opinion that much can agree on in that they ought to fix the ng exp along with this.
Better direction with small story progression leading up to second dream, better boss fights, more tutorials along with better quest structure (seriously sayas vigil and heart of Deimos in the first few hours? Shouldn’t be a thing)
I would love for them to but some breaks to new content for a while and look backwards and if they told me they need more money for it I will buy plat full price to help out to fix that early game for newer players
"warframe is primed" absolute cinema
My number one question right now is: How the hell did you manage to get your Warframe into the Höllvania Mall so long after the 2 week event ended??
Believe it or not, I was thinking about this exact factor when rewatching Tennocon (over and over). The idea that Warframes, while often appealing and interesting as playable characters, don't really express story or emotion the way more human characters do, and as a result, people outside that circle may not be able to connect with the game on that crucial emotional level.
I will say that, I doubt that the 1999 romance system will be as huge and deep as you're suggesting here. Most likely, it'll be tied to some type of rep/progression system for the Hex like we do with the Cavia and Holdfasts and other syndicates. I do think it'd be awesome if there was reaching effects and benefits outside that, though, like if the computer in our Orbiters or the Pom-2 in the Sanctum gets functionality that could be used to communicate with our love interest, and/or if we get them as a summon like a specter, that'd be really cool. Doubt any of them will feel jilted and hunt us, though that would add some interesting interactions. BUT...Rebecca and/or Megan did make statements on some post-Tennocon interviews that apparently the romance system is decently sized and they put a lot work into it, so...I can't wait to play with it.
I do remember when I started playing, I walked on Cetus and saw other player's operator walking around, I just thought "how can I remove the mask out of my character?", it was more confusing when I completed The Second Dream, continued on Neptune and my new question was why can't my operator just walk around the ship.
As absurd as I thought it sounded at first, Warframe sex update does seem to be the most logical next step.
With my hot fashion frame.. I'll be fighting off the thirsty proto-frames .
Giggidy giggidy
I would agree with your Hypothesis. So much so I have been saying almost all the same things to my group in warframe.
40sec,this video convience me, it's a freaking good one ♥
Warframe is the best exemple how a game can grow with a supportive community and a crazy team developpers
I'm glad that WF stay true to being a f2p game, not locking any content after a paywall, even the battlepass is free
2/27/2015 When i began Warframe and im very proud of what it became!
The editing on this video didn't need to go thia hard...
DE! Give me a sexy Hildryn proto frame, and my life is yours
As ive played for well over 3 years with a lost account aswell as a new one, we hope new tenno will be well introduced into the game and i hope they stay
I hope this will not be another content island but instead a full expansion and integrated into the original star chart.
That demo was amazing. I can't tell you how disappointed I was after completing it and finding out that it's just an expansion story coming next month and not a new game coming out bringing the gameplay into a different universe. I'd absolutely abandon Warframe in its current state to to play Warframe 1999 and have the same gameplay in a more realistic universe.
I like war frame and still play it often but this is one of the most impressive pretentious word salads I've ever heard
warframe has been adapting and evolving through out the years one of the best games I've played, pls give me proto ember
When I saw the trailer for 1999 I really hoped it was a stand alone, new game...
I'm not gonna play all of Warframe to get to this...
1 thing I know im alone in, because many have not played...and of those who did....most of their memories have forgotten.
that 1 thing is: The t.v's all over the place. with that eye symbol in the center....reminds me of the tv's that were on the call of duty black ops zombies map: ascension during the easter egg.
It gave me that same feeling.
Im alone in this I know.
This is why I think they released the demo, so they could tweak some of the moment to moment elements of the gameplay of 1999. Though I am enormously curious how things will play out. I'm not holding any expectations simply because waframe has managed to throw me a curve ball with every update. In hindsight you can see how some systems in each update build on past ones but hindsight is always 20/20. It was the failures of Empyrean which lead to a shakeup of how updates were released and deployed at DE. The doldrums of 2020-2022 was all in reaction to the Plague. But also caution being taken to workshop things more internally. Honestly the fact that there is a romance system of sorts in the game was a pleasant surprise. But its also one which is going to be controversial for some. Quiet a few people don't like the existence of the drifter, or the operator at all, amazing I know.
Myself? I've enjoyed the game as a whole. And have been playing it since 2014 rather frequently.
i just want there to be more lore shed on the orokin era. duviri is a nice sample but its based off the emotional trauma and memories of an unrialable narrator in the drifter. the entradi family has been in isolation on deimos for venturies so even helping them regain their memories feel hollow since theyve been infested for millenia
Aye man, great video. Im amongst the old timers of the game, and what I would like to believe is WF is currently experiencing some sort of renaissance period. Not only is D2 not releasing major updates so the D2 fanboys are finally transitioning, but also we cant forget about games like the first descendant that garnered a decent fanbase that those players are trying out WF since theres a lot of comparisons between the two games.
That said warframe is far from a perfect game. Bugframe is a meme in the community, and DE has a reputation of sometimes being DElayed on new content. Personally, I think WF is slowly turning heads, and more judgmental eyes are watching from afar.
Regardless I dont think this update will be the one to officially put WF on the map of being a GOAT in the eyes of the gaming community. Sure they were inspired by cyberpunk atmosphere and baldurs gate, however DE has been inspired by other games over the years, not too long ago we got duviri which is WF’s try at a souls-like game. Naturally, we will see what happens, and I’m hyped regardless.
Again great video, I always enjoy essay-like videos like this. Especially when it has to do with one of my fav games of all time lol
6:19 I recognize that dev texture
You little cheater, you. You're...early.
15:30 I just want the Valentines Day Persona 5 scene to happen in Warframe. Is that so much to ask?
Good editing, format video. You did miss Clem though 😢
Narrator: Even if you haven’t played it, I know you’ve been exposed to it, again and again
Joker: Why so SERIOUS???
11:44 is all the story you need to know
ive 70 hours with warframe over the years. the chitin bug aesthetic is what has kept me away. Warframe 1999 is appealing because its relatable. I dont enjoy being a bug ninja.
it surely got me this year, and all it took was that ember heirloom cake
15:11 You weren't serious?? I would actually love this!
I mean, I would also love it as a fun bit. I wasn't serious though not because I thought it would be bad to implement, but rather I didn't want to set an expectation or pressure for an unrealistic ask so close to the release date. In the unlikely case something like this does end up appearing in the update, I'll be pleasantly surprised!
i want to see every Frame as Protovariant... imagine all the FACES and characters behind those o__O Dude NIce Video btw keep doing what you do
Warframe is a game I always come back to in between other games.
This guy makes some pretty good warframe videos guys
ngl I'm halfway through the video and we still didn't get to the beef of it... it feels like you got an assignment of 1000 words and you've been expanding ever since you hit 100. Can't watch the rest of it
14:17 strategic rizzing moment
On a semi-related note I hope they use the work on proto-frames to improve operator and drifter customization. Maybe it’s just me but I feel like the hair and facial hair options for the game’s human characters, aside from being sparse, kinda just look bad. I’d like to try bearded with long braided hair or smth on my drifter but the beards look kinda terrible and there are only 4 of them, so I always just end up doing no hair (buzz cut) or masked somehow or other.
I played WF during open beta for quite a while. I think my Steam account shows around 500 hours played. For me the issue is as a returning player the experience is completely horrible. Two of the 4 times I've tried to return so far I literally sat in my ship going 'uuuhhhhh' for upwards of 30 minutes trying to remember what to do and where to go and just not remembering and having no guidance. I tried during the first open world area launch and got similarly lost with it's opening puzzle quests, though in that case it was not finding whatever the investigation thing was trying to get me to find and just rage quitting after trying for several hours on the same step. I tried to return again in Duvari, but I guess because even though my gear was maxed when I left, when I returned it was garbage, because the open world area bad guys were effectively 3-4 shotting me and I had no clue why. Again after several hours of that I left by rage quit.
I'm hoping 1999 will be a much more gentle and logical re-entry and when I do get to the point of doing the older/regular content I'm not completely lost with where to go or what to do. No game should requite players to go to youtube to look up all the videos on new content and how to interact with it, or be required to have an in game person guide them through everything.
I feel you on this, as I've been a returning player myself on two occasions. The new player experience has gotten a lot of improvements, and that's great and all! But I do feel that sometimes the returning player experience is a little left-out of the conversation. In the future, I'd like to do some discussion about the lack of re-entry points in Warframe, so I hope I can do right by players like you in conveying some of those frustrations! If you'd be so kind as to help me out, I'd appreciate hearing what other specific troubles you faced as a returning player?
@ Haven’t tried since Duvari, but the only way I can think to describe it is by comparing to the First Descendant. In FD if you want a thing you look it up in a directory and it tells you all the places that thing drops from. So, if you want, say, Ajax, you click his listing, it shows the, I think, 5 parts, how much you have of each, and if you click the part exactly how you can get it.
From what I recall of WF last time I tried, even if I knew what I’d want to look for there was no listing on where that comes from, how to get it, etc. I’d have to leave the game to look all of that up. I think I even had to look up how to start Duvari. I don’t recall there being a pop up with a new quest line or anything.
DE said they were going to work on the returning player experience, but I haven’t seen it yet.
I know so many people that played Warframe. But almost everyone dropped the game before they made it to the Second Dream. Usually because they thought the game was too grindy
Warframe is LIFE or a virus and I love it.
I still don't get the change, but I'm here for it.