That's not how I was taught to pack a bearing, also you are supposed to adjust the wheel bearing with a dial indicator to 1 -2 thousands and torque the locking device to 11nm
It's worth noting that there are different brake configurations on the W211... I changed the front discs and pads on my W211 (E500 with SBC) today and it has four-piston callipers with 19mm screws attaching them directly to the hub assembly (no calliper carrier); it uses the same wheel bearing as this video though.
That's not how you grease a wheel bearing.
Most of that bearing was dry out here installed it the way it was in the vid. Must be a European thing.
انا متابع لكم من العرب...شكرا لجهودكم
Good to have the torque numbers👍
You can find this information in the technical documentation for the repair of your car directly.
At 8:32 is the wheel speed sensor supposed to be worn down like that?
The wheel speed sensor should not wear out.
Thanks for the video now I know I’m going to a mechanic
That's not how I was taught to pack a bearing, also you are supposed to adjust the wheel bearing with a dial indicator to 1 -2 thousands and torque the locking device to 11nm
Yes I would say the same also
Yup that bit was missed
Thank you for the video Teach mi a lot 🙏❤️
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What is he doing at the end with the OBD plug? Thanks.
Think he is reconnecting the SBC unit
@@simenskaret Thanks Simen. Mine is post facelift so it doesn't have SBC
@@planespeaking well, lucky you 🤣
You don’t need to do this. You can just pull the plug off it under the bonnet; probably the easiest way and doesn’t seem to log any codes.
@@adogmcdizzle or just lock the doors and put the key somewhere you cant reach it until brake caliper is installed again
9:11 What is the copper color pray you were using in the video??
Could you please send the link??
Uses copper grease 3970 Liqui Moly
Crazy job and I like this job
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The bearing won't last 100 miles if you grease it like this.
What is he doing in 0.40? I understand he have to do someting with the SBC, but exactly what?
The SBC block is disabled by software. The exact description is indicated in the technical documentation for vehicle maintenance.
Super 👍❤️
Can someone tell me it’s the same also for the 4matic ????
You can find this information in the technical documentation for the repair of your car directly.
12:30 cap sits sqare and he still hit it, could bend and leek fat onto the disk later, but else nice video!
Thank you for sharing your opinion!
I need the hub!
That’s not how you pack a bearing , doesn’t want to get his hands dirty!
The front caliper carrier bolt are 18mm socket. I know I just removed them
Thank you for your comment.
We will double-check this.
It's worth noting that there are different brake configurations on the W211... I changed the front discs and pads on my W211 (E500 with SBC) today and it has four-piston callipers with 19mm screws attaching them directly to the hub assembly (no calliper carrier); it uses the same wheel bearing as this video though.
Dude didn't pack the bearing with a grease packer. They won't last long at all.
Bearing lubrication at 7:05
Разве зазор в подшипниках выставляется "на глаз" ? То это не сервис Мерседеса, а Ровера.
We have already fixed a number of problems in the new videos, we will be glad if you evaluate the new videos.
Thats not how you pack a bearing. Terrible
Works tho?
@@Peter-wo4uo for a while
Why add so much work to do this??? Just take the caliper off as 1 part!!!
This video is for informative purposes only and does not guarantee a specific result.
Hobby mechanic😂
Please go Back to school and learn how to grease the bearings..