Thank you Dr. Arnn, and Hillsdale College. I feel truly blessed to be able to listen in, to this informative, interesting, intelligent, and important study.
One thing I can say about this series, other than "very much appreciated and needed": I can see why IT WAS ALMIGHTY GOD THAT INTENDED, AND ENSURED THAT WE WOULD HAVE THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. I can now see why God will use The Constitution to rule the Earth when Christ Comes Again as the basis of His Government.
I regret to say that my experiences and things I have learned and come to KNOW seem to bring a devastating contradiction to the assertion that the USA remains different from the Soviet Union. That we can be meaningfully HEARD (and represented) and free from fear of retaliation and punishment regarding our criticism and/or contesting of what those in power do or say. ("Contest what they say and they'll shoot you" at 10:05/11:14 and " a fierce battle for public opinion..out in the open in America, all the time" at 10:13/11:14 ) I have what I believe is years of evidence that certain voices are obstructed from being heard, meaningfully IF AT ALL; and that powerful industries including media and those who are part of the legal "system" are players in these corrupt conspiracies against rights and deprivations of same. I have had THREATS conveyed to me about being quiet about what has been done to me...and I know to others as well. (Violations including of 18 USC 241 and 18 USC 242, and USC Amendments 1, 5 and/or 6, 14 section1)
The judicial branch of the federal government goes by the rule of man and not the rule of law. The Constitution is a compromise between the federalist and anti-federalist that gives the federal government jurisdiction over commerce between states, Indian tribes, and foreign states while the states retained sole jurisdiction within the borders of their own state. Some exceptions can be said to exist.
Absolutely love these talks and conversations. I have questions... We elect these politicians to talk the will of the People to Washington DC. Once elected and get to DC, they seem to disregard the People and make their own decisions without input from the People. If we vote for our representatives and congressmen based on what they tell us they want to do. Then once there they do nothing they said they were going to do ie vote with other politicians to do something total against what the people wanted. How and what do the people do? Do we have to wait for years and watch these politicians destroy our Republic? What can we do except take grievances to a government that will have its own way? Has the one crown of the King been broken into 535 pieces so that these politicians believe they are above the People and the Constitution? That the laws we abide by do not apply to them? For example the House is trying to impeach President Trump because they say he incited people to violence. Yet these positions over the years have truly incited violence, told the public to go after people that don’t share their views, yet nothing was done to them. Why is happening? Why are they allowed to make laws in direct conflict with the constitution? So many questions sir. Sorry, but I love this country and what it use to stand for. People need these talks to remember where we came from, how and why our forefather created such a great country, and why we need to hold on to those visions . Thank you for all you do. Looking forward to viewing all the material.
I see that the Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that is abusive and despotic, so we should be uniting and declaring that WE DO NOT CONSENT to how they have governed. In my case, I do not consent for what has been done for decades! There are ways other than voting to get the change we want and need, and we cannot rely on electoral politics - I researched after seeing the cheating in 2016 and 2018, and learned a heckuva lot (although it is not always easy to find), and it looks like we have had RIGGED ELECTIONS for about 50 years! The first thing we hsve to do is REMOVE the voting machines and any use of electronic voting or ballot scanning, but there are many ways the cheating gets done, including ballots discarded, voter rolls purged, etc. Heck, the Democrats DESTROYED BALLOTS AGAINST A JUDGE'S ORDER when Tim Canova brought a lawsuit due to what he saw in his run against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz! And each criminal gang in power owns a voting machine company, whaddaya know....
I bet you would really love this video as well: . It is called "Overview of America" and it compares our Republic to other governments that are NOT limited by a constitution. Excellent.
The PROBLEM is when the Uneducated public doesn't Know Enough about CIVICS! For "There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States. Some States, however, require electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote."
Strength to Listen; To Try. Reach with a Smile; Act with Positive Quest that Raises All to find their way to build upon dreams. One that can Still Question; Willing to Learn and Improve. Relate, Observe, speak TRUTH. Thanks ~- *
This is not how I learned about the Constitution. I knew it was wrong at the time but was not in a position to say anything. There were a couple other students who felt the same as me but in a classroom filled with 30+ kids, most of them are going out in the world thinking that the Constitution is something that should be replaced because it is oppressive rather than impressive.
LOL, the guy is basically shilling for the corrupt oligarchy with those comments, pretending that politicians do not lie, pretending that there is still a Soviet Union, pretending that we have to keep voting in our RIGGED ELECTIONS to try to oust our corrupt oligarchy. ALL of the corrupt establishment wants us more censored and oppressed because they see that we are working to overcome the divisions they have ensured for decades, and that a majority of us want REAL CHANGE, want to end the wars, create a humane system, free Julian Assange and protect whistleblowers who expose the lies and crimes of those in power, etc. The Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that is abusive and despotic - I heard Chris Hedges say that there are 205 laws in 45 states being brought to censor us more, silence and CRIMINALIZE dissent, etc!! This is what the oligarchy has wanted and has been doing more and more, and the lie narratives about the Capitol protests is how they are "justifying" more oppression. It is being tried in the UK, too, but they are having massive protests about it, that our propaganda media does not want to show us.
I appreciate the segment talking about Factions within the government and turning to Article 10 to clarify what was meant by the term. “By Faction I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights or the citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community. Reminds me of comedian, George Carlin’s description of the faction running todays government and the perception of choice we have acclimated to.
Legalman with 30 yrs as a lawyer, listen to the Quash podcast, says “consent” was not explained at law just Barnum statements. He is right Hillsdale. Is he right or wrong???
If, as in our situation in our country where, in most elections, more than half of eligible voters actually withhold their vote couldn't the case be made that anyone claiming victory and the authority of the electorate under such conditions is usurping that authority and not within the right to govern?
Yes, and the CIA tries to get their paid disruptors to push for boycotting elections in countries the US interferes in, trying to take them over in order to do the corruption and plundering they do here, and control the "money levers" of so many other countries. So we should see that refusing to participate in elections can cause a government to crumble and be ousted! Additionally, the Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that is abusive and despotic, so we should be rallying around this, and declare that WE DO NOT CONSENT to what Congress has been doing. My view is that we have had 2 criminal gangs in power, doing fake fighting to dupe us while they both get rich via corruption scams, etc. So I say remove Congress and replace them all - voting in our RIGGED ELECTIONS is not the way forward. And ALL of the corrupt establishment wants us more censored and oppressed because they see that we are working to overcome the divisions they have ensured for decades, and that a majority of us want REAL CHANGE, want to end the wars, create a humane system, free Julian Assange and protect whistleblowers who expose the lies and crimes of those in power, etc. I heard Chris Hedges say that there are 205 laws in 45 states being brought to censor us more, silence and CRIMINALIZE dissent, etc!! This is what the oligarchy has wanted and has been doing more and more, and the lie narratives about the Capitol protests is how they are "justifying" more oppression. (It is being tried in the UK, too, but they are having massive protests about it, that our propaganda media does not want to show us.)
Yeah, kind of shilling for us to try to keep voting in our RIGGED ELECTIONS. Well, the Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that is abusive and despotic, and we definitely have a very long list of their abuses for decades! I am not partisan, I say we have 2 criminal gangs that pretend to fight, which is just theater to dupe all of us. We must declare that WE DO NOT CONSENT to be governed by them, to the wars they lie us into for their profits, to the corruption scams they have been doing to get constant streams of federal money, to their prosecution and jailing of whistleblowers who EXPOSE corruption, lies and crimes of our government, etc.
I would hope instructional videos such as this would "can" the background music, or make it much softer. For me it takes away from the message. Imagine having a conversation with someone and there is a radio behind them playing music that's just about as loud as the person you're listening and speaking to. Annoying? For me, yes.
Sovereignty means no one is above, so the Lord is the only true sovereign. Have your kids read the 14th amendment where they are "subjects" and explain the difference between "the People" vs a US citizen. And if this amendment can be taken to mean the bill of rights doesnt apply to US citizens and if it could be used to "subjugate " the citizens. Then explain why alcohol was made illegal via an amendment, but now everything is illegal, like some drugs, though there is no amendment. It is my belief and understanding that the 14th has stripped the People of their identity and therefore they no longer have standing. Love Hillsdale, but the constitution was the stepping stone to usurp the power of the People.
This guy has either been hopelessly brainwashed or is just out to purposefully mislead people down a path of total ignorance. And 4:50 what kind of nonsensical word salad babble is this?
Leveling up baby 🤫🧏♂
"Every human exercise of power must be restrained by reason." Beautiful. This sounds like the soul of "separation of powers."
Very informative!
Consent ➡️ Representation ➡️ Separation of sovereignty and government
Thank you Dr. Arnn, and Hillsdale College. I feel truly blessed to be able to listen in, to this informative, interesting, intelligent, and important study.
Should be taught to everyone. Kids especially-!
Thank you for all you do for Patriots, how I wish I were a young man
One thing I can say about this series, other than "very much appreciated and needed": I can see why IT WAS ALMIGHTY GOD THAT INTENDED, AND ENSURED THAT WE WOULD HAVE THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.
I can now see why God will use The Constitution to rule the Earth when Christ Comes Again as the basis of His Government.
I regret to say that my experiences and things I have learned and come to KNOW seem to bring a devastating contradiction to the assertion that the USA remains different from the Soviet Union. That we can be meaningfully HEARD (and represented) and free from fear of retaliation and punishment regarding our criticism and/or contesting of what those in power do or say. ("Contest what they say and they'll shoot you" at 10:05/11:14 and " a fierce battle for public opinion..out in the open in America, all the time" at 10:13/11:14 ) I have what I believe is years of evidence that certain voices are obstructed from being heard, meaningfully IF AT ALL; and that powerful industries including media and those who are part of the legal "system" are players in these corrupt conspiracies against rights and deprivations of same. I have had THREATS conveyed to me about being quiet about what has been done to me...and I know to others as well. (Violations including of 18 USC 241 and 18 USC 242, and USC Amendments 1, 5 and/or 6, 14 section1)
The judicial branch of the federal government goes by the rule of man and not the rule of law. The Constitution is a compromise between the federalist and anti-federalist that gives the federal government jurisdiction over commerce between states, Indian tribes, and foreign states while the states retained sole jurisdiction within the borders of their own state. Some exceptions can be said to exist.
We are about to put this lesson to the test. Either we rise to the Constitution or we lose the Republic and the Constitution, and the Union.
We must stay United. Uphold the Constitution and its meanings. Keep idiots out of office: BO, HRC etc and elect God-Fearing men and women.
Absolutely love these talks and conversations. I have questions...
We elect these politicians to talk the will of the People to Washington DC. Once elected and get to DC, they seem to disregard the People and make their own decisions without input from the People. If we vote for our representatives and congressmen based on what they tell us they want to do. Then once there they do nothing they said they were going to do ie vote with other politicians to do something total against what the people wanted. How and what do the people do? Do we have to wait for years and watch these politicians destroy our Republic? What can we do except take grievances to a government that will have its own way? Has the one crown of the King been broken into 535 pieces so that these politicians believe they are above the People and the Constitution? That the laws we abide by do not apply to them? For example the House is trying to impeach President Trump because they say he incited people to violence. Yet these positions over the years have truly incited violence, told the public to go after people that don’t share their views, yet nothing was done to them. Why is happening? Why are they allowed to make laws in direct conflict with the constitution? So many questions sir. Sorry, but I love this country and what it use to stand for. People need these talks to remember where we came from, how and why our forefather created such a great country, and why we need to hold on to those visions . Thank you for all you do. Looking forward to viewing all the material.
I see that the Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that is abusive and despotic, so we should be uniting and declaring that WE DO NOT CONSENT to how they have governed. In my case, I do not consent for what has been done for decades! There are ways other than voting to get the change we want and need, and we cannot rely on electoral politics - I researched after seeing the cheating in 2016 and 2018, and learned a heckuva lot (although it is not always easy to find), and it looks like we have had RIGGED ELECTIONS for about 50 years! The first thing we hsve to do is REMOVE the voting machines and any use of electronic voting or ballot scanning, but there are many ways the cheating gets done, including ballots discarded, voter rolls purged, etc. Heck, the Democrats DESTROYED BALLOTS AGAINST A JUDGE'S ORDER when Tim Canova brought a lawsuit due to what he saw in his run against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz! And each criminal gang in power owns a voting machine company, whaddaya know....
Here is a good place to start to get your questions answered:
I like your comment God bless you and God bless the United States of America 🇺🇸 🙏 ❤
Having a hard time with the consent part. Have there been any cases when some was able to meaningfully opt out or withdraw their consent?
I'm really loving this 😍
I bet you would really love this video as well: . It is called "Overview of America" and it compares our Republic to other governments that are NOT limited by a constitution. Excellent.
The PROBLEM is when the Uneducated public doesn't Know Enough about CIVICS! For "There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States. Some States, however, require electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote."
Thank you!
We're losing our rights people. Get good people elected who stand for freedom and oust the idiots who don't. Simple.
Strength to Listen; To Try. Reach with a Smile; Act with Positive Quest that Raises All to find their way to build upon dreams.
One that can Still Question; Willing to Learn and Improve. Relate, Observe, speak TRUTH. Thanks ~- *
This is not how I learned about the Constitution. I knew it was wrong at the time but was not in a position to say anything. There were a couple other students who felt the same as me but in a classroom filled with 30+ kids, most of them are going out in the world thinking that the Constitution is something that should be replaced because it is oppressive rather than impressive.
And that right there, is a huge reason why this country is in the hot mess it is in.
Sad that academics today seem to feel compelled they must destroy the Founding Fathers.
What's the explanation of, "we must consent"?
9:59 Sure is getting there. Just look at Facebook, Twitter & Instagram censorship.
And Google and Apple and Amazon and right here on TH-cam which should now be called "themtube"
LOL, the guy is basically shilling for the corrupt oligarchy with those comments, pretending that politicians do not lie, pretending that there is still a Soviet Union, pretending that we have to keep voting in our RIGGED ELECTIONS to try to oust our corrupt oligarchy. ALL of the corrupt establishment wants us more censored and oppressed because they see that we are working to overcome the divisions they have ensured for decades, and that a majority of us want REAL CHANGE, want to end the wars, create a humane system, free Julian Assange and protect whistleblowers who expose the lies and crimes of those in power, etc.
The Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that is abusive and despotic - I heard Chris Hedges say that there are 205 laws in 45 states being brought to censor us more, silence and CRIMINALIZE dissent, etc!! This is what the oligarchy has wanted and has been doing more and more, and the lie narratives about the Capitol protests is how they are "justifying" more oppression. It is being tried in the UK, too, but they are having massive protests about it, that our propaganda media does not want to show us.
I appreciate the segment talking about Factions within the government and turning to Article 10 to clarify what was meant by the term.
“By Faction I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights or the citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.
Reminds me of comedian, George Carlin’s description of the faction running todays government and the perception of choice we have acclimated to.
It is! (The soul of separation of powers!)
I wonder why I never get notifications from your channel here , Hillsdale college, EVEN THOUGH I'M SUBBED AND HIT THE BELL FOR NEW VIDEOS ? 🤔
Legalman with 30 yrs as a lawyer, listen to the Quash podcast, says “consent” was not explained at law just Barnum statements. He is right Hillsdale. Is he right or wrong???
Did the reclamation act of 1873(87?) Overrule the constitution ?
If, as in our situation in our country where, in most elections, more than half of eligible voters actually withhold their vote couldn't the case be made that anyone claiming victory and the authority of the electorate under such conditions is usurping that authority and not within the right to govern?
Yes, and the CIA tries to get their paid disruptors to push for boycotting elections in countries the US interferes in, trying to take them over in order to do the corruption and plundering they do here, and control the "money levers" of so many other countries. So we should see that refusing to participate in elections can cause a government to crumble and be ousted!
Additionally, the Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that is abusive and despotic, so we should be rallying around this, and declare that WE DO NOT CONSENT to what Congress has been doing. My view is that we have had 2 criminal gangs in power, doing fake fighting to dupe us while they both get rich via corruption scams, etc. So I say remove Congress and replace them all -
voting in our RIGGED ELECTIONS is not the way forward.
And ALL of the corrupt establishment wants us more censored and oppressed because they see that we are working to overcome the divisions they have ensured for decades, and that a majority of us want REAL CHANGE, want to end the wars, create a humane system, free Julian Assange and protect whistleblowers who expose the lies and crimes of those in power, etc. I heard Chris Hedges say that there are 205 laws in 45 states being brought to censor us more, silence and CRIMINALIZE dissent, etc!! This is what the oligarchy has wanted and has been doing more and more, and the lie narratives about the Capitol protests is how they are "justifying" more oppression. (It is being tried in the UK, too, but they are having massive protests about it, that our propaganda media does not want to show us.)
"It takes six years to change the government." Look at the pattern today.
Yeah, kind of shilling for us to try to keep voting in our RIGGED ELECTIONS. Well, the Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that is abusive and despotic, and we definitely have a very long list of their abuses for decades! I am not partisan, I say we have 2 criminal gangs that pretend to fight, which is just theater to dupe all of us. We must declare that WE DO NOT CONSENT to be governed by them, to the wars they lie us into for their profits, to the corruption scams they have been doing to get constant streams of federal money, to their prosecution and jailing of whistleblowers who EXPOSE corruption, lies and crimes of our government, etc.
Now I understand the 2 yrs and 4 yrs for elections
Sovereignty where does it lie
We're almost like the Soviet Union , sad
I hate to agree but it's more and more like it but for me hope springs eternal God bless the United States of America 🇺🇸 🙏 ♥️
I would hope instructional videos such as this would "can" the background music, or make it much softer. For me it takes away from the message. Imagine having a conversation with someone and there is a radio behind them playing music that's just about as loud as the person you're listening and speaking to. Annoying? For me, yes.
ok, the questioning of students are wasting my time...
Sovereignty means no one is above, so the Lord is the only true sovereign. Have your kids read the 14th amendment where they are "subjects" and explain the difference between "the People" vs a US citizen. And if this amendment can be taken to mean the bill of rights doesnt apply to US citizens and if it could be used to "subjugate " the citizens. Then explain why alcohol was made illegal via an amendment, but now everything is illegal, like some drugs, though there is no amendment. It is my belief and understanding that the 14th has stripped the People of their identity and therefore they no longer have standing. Love Hillsdale, but the constitution was the stepping stone to usurp the power of the People.
Interesting position. You are a Libertarian I take it?
This guy has either been hopelessly brainwashed or is just out to purposefully mislead people down a path of total ignorance. And 4:50 what kind of nonsensical word salad babble is this?
I'm sorry, this one falls flat, and is a poor interpretation of the reference quotation.
Thompson Mark Walker Timothy Thomas Steven